Video lesson “Main and secondary homogeneous members of a sentence. Topic: Homogeneous secondary members of the sentence Outline of the lesson in Russian (Grade 4) on the topic Come up with a sentence with homogeneous secondary members of the sentence

1. Homogeneous members are members of a sentence that usually answer the same question and are associated with the same word in the sentence.

Homogeneous Members- these are the same members of the sentence, united with each other by a coordinating connection.

Homogeneous members can be both main and minor members of the proposal.

For example: Forest humus and moss absorb this rain slowly, thoroughly(Paustovsky). This sentence has two rows of homogeneous members: homogeneous subjects humus And moss correlate with one predicate - absorb; homogeneous circumstances of the course of action slowly, thoroughly depend on the predicate ( absorb(How?) slowly, thoroughly).

2. Homogeneous members are usually expressed by the same part of speech.

Wed: humus And moss- nouns in the nominative case.

But homogeneous members may also be morphologically heterogeneous:

A young man entered twenty five years old, sparkling with health, . In this sentence, among homogeneous definitions, the first is expressed by a nominal phrase in genitive case (twenty five years old ), the second - participial turnover ( sparkling with health ), the third - a combination of three nouns in the instrumental case with the preposition with with a dependent participle ( with laughing cheeks, lips and eyes ).

Note. Sometimes a coordinative connection can also connect dissimilar members of a sentence, for example: It is not known who and how spread the news of the death of the old Sokzhoy across the taiga.(Fedoseev). The allied words in the subordinate clause are different members of the sentence (subject Who and circumstance of action How, but they are connected by a coordinating union and).


Are not homogeneous members of the proposal:

1) repetitive words used to emphasize a variety of objects, the duration of an action, its repetition, etc.

We were definitely floating in the air and spinning, spinning, spinning; White fragrant daisies run under his feet back, back(Kuprin).

Such combinations of words are considered as a single member of the sentence;

2) repeating identical shapes connected by a particle not, so: believe it or not, try not try, write like this write, work like this work;

3) combinations of two verbs, of which the first is lexically incomplete: I'll take it and tell you, I took it and complained, I'll go and see and so on.;

4) stable combinations with double unions, between which a comma is not placed (!):

neither back nor forth, for nothing, neither fish nor meat, neither sleep nor spirit, and laughter and sin, and this and that and etc.

3. Homogeneous members are connected by intonation (union-free connection) and composing unions or only intonation. If homogeneous members are separated by a comma, then commas are placed only between them. Commas are not put before the first homogeneous member, after the last homogeneous member (!).

Punctuation marks with homogeneous members

A) unionless connection- comma between homogeneous members put.

For example: He wept and stomped feet(M. Gorky); Somewhere along the road comes across a gloomy willow or young birch (L. Tolstoy).

Note. Conjunctions and, yes, yes, and can have an attached meaning (meaning "and moreover"). These unions introduce not homogeneous, but connecting members of the sentence. In this case, a comma is placed before the union. Wed: People laughed at him, and rightly(Panova). - People laughed at him, and rightly so; What can you order a sculptor to do, and even a bad one(Turgenev). - What can you order a sculptor to do, and a bad one at that?

C) Repeating connecting unions(and... and; neither... neither) and repeated separating unions (or or; or either; then ... then; not that... not that put.

and O, and O; neither O nor O; then oh then oh

For example: No more land, no trees, no sky; But Vasily Lvovich either did not hear her words, or did not attach real significance to them.(Kuprin).


1) If unions are repeated, then punctuation marks are placed in the same way as with an allied connection, that is, between homogeneous members (there is no comma before the first homogeneous member and after the last homogeneous member!).

Wed: No more land, no trees, no sky. - The earth, trees, sky were no longer visible.

2) A comma is placed between all homogeneous members also in the case when only a part of them is connected by repeated unions, and the rest are connected by an unionless part.

Wed: He is blind, stubborn, impatient, and frivolous, and puffy(Pushkin). - He is blind, stubborn, impatient, frivolous, arrogant.

3) If the union connects homogeneous members in pairs, then a comma is placed only before paired groups.

I'm happy and strong, free and young(Bryusov).

Pair unions can be connected by a repeating union and.

Mines exploded both close and far, both to the right and to the left.

4) With two homogeneous members with a repeating union, a comma may not be placed if the homogeneous members form a close semantic unity (such homogeneous members do not have explanatory words):

and brothers and sisters, and parents and children, and body and soul, and poetry and prose, and days and nights, and knives and forks and etc.

Most often, such unities form antonymic pairs:

and glory and shame, and love and hate, and joy and sorrow and etc.

5) The comma is not placed inside whole phraseological phrases with two repeating unions and or neither:

and day and night, and laughter and sorrow, and old and young, and this way and that, and here and there, no more, no less, neither back nor forth, neither alive nor dead, neither yes nor no, neither day nor night, no end, no edge, no fluff, no feather, no fish, no meat, neither one nor the other, neither add nor subtract and etc.

6) If the union is repeated in the sentence not with homogeneous members, then a comma is not placed between them.

At home and at work, he searched and did not find peace(the first union and connects the circumstances of the place: at home and at work; the second union and connects homogeneous predicates: searched and did not find).

D) Opposing alliances(a, but, but, yes = but, however = but) - a comma between homogeneous members put.

Oh, a Oh; Oh but Oh; Oh, but Oh; Oh but Oh

For example: At a glance, he is good, yes green(Krylov); Now the sea shone not entirely, but only in several places (Kataev); Our shelter is small, but calm(Lermontov).


1) After the last homogeneous member connected by an adversative union, a comma is not put.

Not a clan, but I will put the mind in governors(Pushkin).

2) The union however should be distinguished from the introductory word however: the union however can be replaced by the synonymous union but. If however is a union, then a comma is placed just before it.

Wed: The task was not difficult, but laborious. - The task was not difficult, but time-consuming.

If, however, is an introductory word, then commas are placed on both sides.

He, however, remained calm.

D) Double and double unions (if not... then; if not..., so; though... but also; as ..., and; not only but; not so much ... as; as much ... as far as; not that ... but; not that ... but) - comma between homogeneous members put.

For example: The glow spread not only over the city center, but also far around(Fadeev); I have an order both from the judge and from all our acquaintances to reconcile you with your friend(Gogol); For Alevtina Vasilievna, although familiar, the power of Yerofey Kuzmich was heavy(Bubenkov).


1) Homogeneous members with double and pair unions are separated by only one comma, which is placed before the second part of the union. Neither before the first homogeneous member nor after the last homogeneous member is a comma placed. In order not to make a mistake in punctuation marks, omit the double union: a comma is placed between homogeneous members, as in an unionless connection.

Wed: The glow spread not only above the city center, but also far around. - The glow has spread above the city center, far around ; I have an order both from the judge and from all our acquaintances to reconcile you with your friend. - I have an order from the judge, from all our acquaintances, to reconcile you with your friend; For Alevtina Vasilievna, although familiar, the power of Yerofei Kuzmich was heavy. - For Alevtina Vasilievna, the power of Yerofei Kuzmich was habitual, heavy.

2) Parts of some double and pair unions have homonyms - subordinating unions used in subordinate clauses: if, though, how, what, to. subordinate clauses(with these and other unions), if they are inside the main sentence, are separated by commas on both sides.

Wed: Then I, in order to calm down a little, took up the book; Then I though my thoughts were in the laboratory, took up the book.

Therefore, when arranging punctuation marks, be sure to pay attention to what these forms are (a subordinating conjunction or part of a double and pair union) and what they connect (homogeneous members or a main clause with a subordinate clause).

Note. Unions and also, and even can have an associated meaning (meaning "and moreover"). Please note that after the second homogeneous member of a sentence with such a union, a comma is not placed. For example: Happens difficult and even impossible deal with the situation immediately.

4. Homogeneous members can be combined with a generalizing word. generalizing word is the same member of the sentence as other homogeneous members, answers the same question, but has a generalizing meaning:

    a generalizing word denotes a whole, and homogeneous members denote parts of this whole:

    Behind the village from the hill was visible city: block squares, brick buildings , flood gardens , spiers of churches(Sholokhov);

    generalizing word means generic ( general concept), and homogeneous members are species (more particular concepts):

    screamed piercingly bird: roosters, geese, turkeys(Fadeev).

Generalizing words are expressed by different parts of speech, but most often by pronouns and pronominal adverbs and nouns:

Punctuation marks for homogeneous members with generalizing words

Punctuation marks for homogeneous members with generalizing words depend on the position of the generalizing word in relation to homogeneous members and on the position of homogeneous members together with the generalizing word in the sentence as a whole.

A) If the generalizing word is in front of homogeneous members, then the first homogeneous term is preceded by colon. : above your head, under your feet and next to you - lives, rumbles, celebrating his victories, iron (M. Gorky).

For example: But no fences, no houses - nothing hasn't changed like people(Chekhov).


If after the homogeneous members before the generalizing word there is an introductory word ( in a word, in a word, in short etc.), then a dash is placed before the introductory word, and a comma is placed after the introductory word.

He sings about the scythe, about the arable land, about the harvest, about the sweat of labor - in a word, about everything that we, decent people, are used to looking down on(Saltykov-Shchedrin).

Parsing Plan for Homogeneous Members

  1. Indicate which members of the sentence are homogeneous members and what grammatical forms they are expressed.
  2. Indicate how homogeneous members are interconnected (unionless connection, allied connection - a type of union or unions).
  3. If there is a generalizing word, indicate its position in relation to homogeneous members (before or after homogeneous members).
  4. Punctuation marks with homogeneous members.

Sample parsing

Everywhere: above your head, under your feet and next to you - lives, rumbles, celebrating its victories, iron(M. Gorky).

This sentence is complicated by homogeneous circumstances of place, expressed by nouns in the oblique case with a preposition ( overhead, underfoot) and adverb ( near). The first two circumstances are connected by an allied relationship, therefore they are separated by a comma ( overhead, underfoot). The second and third circumstances are connected by a single connecting union and, therefore, a comma is not separated ( under your feet and next to). Homogeneous members carry a generalizing word ( everywhere) expressed by pronominal adverbs. The generalizing word is in front of homogeneous members, so a colon is placed after it. Since the sentence does not end with homogeneous members, a dash is placed after them.

Basic general education

Line UMK M. M. Razumovskaya. Russian language (5-9)

Russian language

Homogeneous members of a sentence

Homogeneous members are widely used in sentences in oral and written speech. What are homogeneous members, how to find them in a sentence and what features of punctuation must be observed when using them - in detail in our article.

What are homogeneous members of a sentence?

1. Homogeneous (OC) are the main or secondary members of the sentence that perform the same syntactic role in the sentence, refer to the same member of the sentence and answer the same question.

    Sold in the store vegetables And fruits.

    (Sold - what?) Vegetables and fruits are homogeneous subjects.

    At the beginning of the lesson we remembered material covered, and then started to a new topic.

    (We - what did we do?) remembered and started - homogeneous predicates.

    The guests were sitting on chairs, on armchairs And on the benches.

    (We sat - on what?) On chairs, on armchairs, on benches - homogeneous circumstances.

All SP sentences refer to the same sentence member and answer the same question.

2. Homogeneous members are usually expressed by the same part of speech:

    We took everything we needed for the trip: a tent, a bowler hat, tin utensils and provisions.

    (They took - what?) A tent, a bowler hat, tin utensils and provisions are homogeneous nouns in the accusative case.

However, morphologically heterogeneous members of a sentence can also be homogeneous:

  • A young girl entered twenty eight years old, sparkling with health, with lively bright brown eyes.

Homogeneous definitions in a sentence:

  • twenty-eight years old - a nominal phrase in R. pad .;
  • sparkling with health - participial turnover;
  • with lively bright brown eyes- noun in TV. pad. with a preposition + adjectives.

What members of a sentence can be homogeneous?

Any members of a sentence can be homogeneous.

Let us give examples of the use of different members of the sentence as homogeneous.

Member of the proposal

Examples of using OC in a sentence


Kate, Zhenya And Vitya went to the cinema.


In a home economics lesson, we sew, we knit And cooking.


I made a bunch of red, yellow And whites colors.


In his drawing, Vasya depicted road, trees And Sun.


It was on the street it's hot, it's cold.

There are also cases of using different parts speeches as homogeneous within one sentence:

Lena spoke slowly, clearly, thinking everything over in advance.

The manual is intended to prepare students of the 5th grade of educational organizations for the All-Russian verification work(VPR) in the Russian language. The collection contains 15 training variants of the VLOOKUP, allowing you to evaluate individual achievements students in the subject. Each option includes tasks for checking spelling, pronunciation, punctuation and language literacy, the ability to work with text. At the end of the book answers to all tasks and criteria for evaluating their performance are given.

Which members of the sentence are not homogeneous?

If the members of a sentence refer to the same member of the sentence, but answer different questions, they are not homogeneous:

    I will come to Moscow day after tomorrow.

    (I will arrive - where? - when?) to Moscow, the day after tomorrow - circumstances related to the predicate I'll come, but answering different questions. They are not homogeneous.

Homogeneous members of the proposal are NOT:

    Repeating words, in the sentence they act as a single member of the sentence:

    We were definitely floating in the air and spinning, spinning, spinning.

    Repeating identical shapes connected by a particle NOT, SO:

    like it or not, hurry, don't hurry, sing like that, sing like that, walk like that.

    Combinations of two verbs, of which the first is lexically incomplete:

    I’ll take it and sing it, I took it and shouted, I’ll go and call, etc.

    Stable combinations with double unions without a comma between them:

    neither back nor forth, for nothing, neither fish nor meat, neither sleep nor spirit, and laughter and sin, and this and that, etc.

    Specifying members of a sentence ( they can be determined by asking an additional question: where exactly? how exactly? Who exactly? The clarifying members of the sentence are pronounced with the intonation of isolation (in contrast to the intonation of enumeration in homogeneous ones), most often they are isolated, most often the circumstances of time and place act in their role:

    • I dream to visit on Red Square, in Moscow.

      (To visit - where?) on Red Square, in Moscow- Circumstances are not homogeneous. In Moscow- a clarifying circumstance explaining exactly where Red Square is located.

      In Istanbul, you can see the ancient water systems of Constantinople, or aqueducts.

      (See - what?) Systems, aqueducts - are not homogeneous members of the proposal. The word "aqueducts" is another name for plumbing systems, clarifies.

How to find homogeneous members of a sentence?

In order to find the OC in a sentence, you need:

  1. Determine the main and secondary members of the sentence.
  2. Determine which members of the sentence refer to the same word and answer the same question.
  3. Determine what connection they are connected with (coordinating or non-union).

Example: I collected a bouquet from red, yellow And whites colors.

(Flowers - what?) Red, yellow and white are homogeneous definitions, since they answer one question (what?), refer to one word (colors) and are connected by a coordinating connection (composing union and).

The proposal may have several OCs at once:

Pasha and Tanya sang a lot, danced and had fun.

OC: Pasha and Tanya (homogeneous subjects); sang, danced and had fun (homogeneous predicates).

Punctuation marks between homogeneous members of a sentence

For the correct use of SP, you need to know the rules for punctuation between them in a sentence.

A comma is placed:

    If there are repeated connecting (and ... and; neither ... nor) or divisive unions (or ... or; ​​either ... either; then ... then; not that ... not that):

    Kuzma again becomes uneasy, he rises in him not anger, not timidity(V. Rasputin).

    If there are two or more EPs without unions:

    It was on the street chilly, windy, slippery.

    If EPs are connected by opposing conjunctions a, but, although, yes (in the sense of but):

    Mal spool, yes dear.

The comma is NOT put:

    If there is an alliance between two SPs:

    Of all the things in the world, I love the most read and dance.

    In stable expressions (neither this nor that, here and there, neither light nor dawn, etc.):

    His deeds went neither shaky nor wobbly.

    If SP groups are paired:

    At the fair, we bought everything necessary for the school: a briefcase and a uniform, notebooks and a diary, a pencil case and pens.

In sentences with OC, there may be other signs: colon and dash.

A dash is placed:

    The generalizing word is after the OC:

    Sparrows, tits, crows - all peacefully walked around the site in anticipation of seeds.

    The generalizing word comes before the OC, but after them the sentence continues:

    Everywhere: on trees, roofs of houses, cars - there were huge snow caps.

The colon is placed:

the generalizing word comes before the OC:

Petya was exemplary all day long: he made the bed, washed the dishes, swept the floor.

The textbook will help you repeat the topic about homogeneous members.

Topic: Homogeneous secondary members of a sentence

Description of work: this development is intended for conducting a lesson in the Russian language in the 4th grade according to the educational and methodological complex "Planet of Knowledge".

Topic: Homogeneous secondary members of the sentence.

Goals and objectives of the lesson.

Education: teach children to find and distinguish between homogeneous main and homogeneous secondary members of a sentence

Developing: develop logical thinking, memory, attention, speech, language flair, interest in the subject of the Russian language among students, creative abilities.

Educational: to cultivate accuracy, discipline, positive personality traits.

Equipment: textbook, notebooks, cards, PC, multimedia projector, screen.

During the classes.

1. Organizational moment.

The lesson starts

He will go to the guys for the future,

Try to understand everything

Learn to unlock secrets

To get a job

Only a rating of "five"!

2. Individual work by cards.

To the east ... uh ... the half-bright sky of snows ... g ... ra was blowing up. Another ... tormenting dark forest rose at its foot. In some places, on the tops of .. d ... reviev, a long line of pale fog was still neighing. The day was slowly advancing into the depths of the l ... sleepy h ... cabbage soup. And the toothed comb of the g...ry bathed in ... the waves of the ... l ... of that son ... ntz.

Answer. In the east went up under blue sky snow mountain. A dense dark forest rose at its foot. Here and there a long line of pale mist still lingered on top of the trees. The day slowly moved into the depths of the forest thicket. And the jagged crest of the mountain bathed in the waves of the golden sun.

3. A minute of calligraphy.

Words with missing letters are written on the board.


Find something common in these words?

(Nouns. Each word has the spelling "Unchecked unstressed vowel")

If you find something superfluous among these words and name the sign with which you found it, you will recognize the topic of calligraphy. (“Superfluous” word CAR.

In the words SCHAFER, STATION STATION, the non-verifiable unstressed vowel O, and in the word VAGON, the non-verifiable unstressed vowel A.)

So, we will write the letter A in calligraphy.

We will write the vowel A with the letters that occur in the last two
words. (wa, ag, al)

4. Vocabulary and spelling minute.

Add as many letters as you need to these words to make m words. Write down these words.

Bgzh, vsm, drvn, zvtrk, krndsh, class, mgzn, psszhr, rsskz, trmvy.

(Luggage, eight, village, breakfast, pencil, class, shop, passenger, story, tram)


5. Determining the topic of the lesson.

Listen to the poem and think what is the topic of our lesson?

The hostess once came from the market,

The hostess brought home from the market

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Y. Tuwim

Are there words here that we pronounce with an enumeration intonation?

What are the names of the members of the sentence that we pronounce with the intonation of enumeration? (homogeneous members of the sentence)

Try to formulate the topic of our lesson?

Homogeneous members of the proposal can be both main and secondary members of the proposal. And the goal of our lesson today is to learn how to identify homogeneous secondary members of a sentence and highlight them in a sentence.

6. Work on a new theme.

Read the sentences.

Fields, forests, meadows come to life. (Nominative case)

The sun illuminated the fields, forests, meadows. (Accusative)

What words sound the same?

In what case are the words in the 1st sentence, in the 2nd sentence?

Sort the proposals by members. What mistake can be made when parsing a sentence? (same form of the word)

On what grounds are the secondary members of the sentence determined? (answer questions of indirect cases)

Which of these suggestions is not common? Common?

Observe which member of the sentence can still be homogeneous members? (minor)

Draw a diagram of the second sentence.

Make a conclusion.

Compare your output with the output in the textbook?

Have you correctly concluded about the homogeneous members of the sentence?

Read the output in the textbook on p.108.

7. Physical education minute.

8. Consolidation of the studied material.

Using the rule, let's do exercise 245 on p.109 with commentary.

9. Independent work by slide.

Guys, Dunno made mistakes while writing. Let's help him.

Write off. Find homogeneous terms. Emphasize. How are they related? Find bugs.

In October birches and hazels turned golden.

Fallen leaves swirl and fall to the ground.

Aspen leaves do not turn yellow but redden.

Snow covered meadows, fields, forests.

(1 person explains orally at the blackboard)

10. Bottom line.

What new did you learn about the homogeneous members of the sentence?

With what new knowledge do you leave the lesson?

What did you know before this lesson? What do you know now?

11. Evaluation.

12. Homework.

The secondary members of the sentence, forming a composed series of word forms, necessarily turn out to be subordinate, since they show the same syntactic dependence on the same member of the sentence (main or secondary) or the entire sentence as a whole, if they occupy the position of the determinant. For example, dependence on the verb-predicate: So we quietly and peacefully walked out of the theater(Sol.); dependence on the predicative basis in general: In the remote taiga, in the cold tundra, in the loose sands of hot deserts and among the rocky mountains, thousands of builders began to appear, cities arose.(Closed).

Homogeneous additions refer to the same word, are in the same relationship to it and have the form of the same case: That evening, Alexander Blok noted in his diary this smoke, these colors(Nab.); There was almost nowhere to hide from the rain and wind(Sim.).

Homogeneous additions can also be expressed by the infinitive: It was ordered to come to the exam on time and report to the group.

Homogeneous circumstances , revealing the same syntactic dependence, as a rule, are combined by the same meaning (time, place, cause, mode of action, etc.): It must have been from this foreign air, from the dead streets and dampness of the rain that I felt completely alone.(Paust.) - three circumstances of the cause; His speech flowed heavily, but freely.(M. G.) - two circumstances of the mode of action; Between the windows and along the walls hung about a dozen tiny wooden cages...(T.) - two circumstances of the place. However, it is sometimes possible to combine dissimilar circumstances, provided that the meaning of the combined words is generalized: Somewhere, once I heard these words, Why and why do I need to be here? In this case, they are not homogeneous, although they show a coordinating connection.

Circumstances can produce a rather complex semantic association: In the quietest winter, on some scarlet dawn in the evening you foresee the spring of light(Prishv.).

Homogeneous circumstances can be both morphologized and designed in different ways: My heart started beating hard And fast (Paust.); The leaves on the trees trembled from this laugh or because that the wind kept rushing through the garden(M. G.); ... The lady explained in a quiet voice And without looking up (M. G.); Makar during And without much effort ripped open the door(Shol.).

Homogeneous definitions equally depend on the same defined word and are directly connected with it, i.e., they enter into a parallel syntactic relationship with each other with enumeration relations. Homogeneous definitions can be consistent and inconsistent. Both of them can be combined in one composed row. Examples: The visitor threw back his hood, revealing a completely wet head with hair stuck to the forehead (Bulg.); ...Earthy faces covered patches of blush, irritation and anger (Seraph.); Ahead was the commandant, an old man kind and tall (P.);