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Sweet corn has fibers around the cob called corn silk. They have healing properties and contraindications. This remedy is used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases, especially liver diseases. Before using it, you need to find out about all the medicinal properties of this product, its contraindications and draw a conclusion whether it can be used or not.

What are the benefits of corn silk?

Corn silk is a medicine that nature gave us. They contain vitamins, hormones, tannins and minerals, essential oils, acids, glycosides, tannins, saponins and other valuable components. Selenium is needed by the body for metabolic processes, it improves immunity and neutralizes harmful compounds, inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

With regular use blood sugar levels decrease, the functioning of the liver and pancreas improves, metabolism is normalized. They have choleretic and diuretic properties, reduce appetite, and calm the nervous system. The product expels stones from the kidneys and is used for prevention of diabetes mellitus. Removes cholesterol, protects the walls of blood vessels from blockages and plaques, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis.

Improves the functioning of the hematopoietic system, are a hemostatic agent, cleanse the blood. It is useful to take a decoction of corn silk during heavy periods. Helps remove extra pounds when losing weight.

Corn silk - beneficial properties and contraindications

Corn silk is used in the form of infusions, decoctions, alcohol tinctures, mixtures with the addition of other herbs, and as a simple herbal tea. They increase bile secretion, help with hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis and cirrhosis. They have a diuretic and hemostatic effect; it is useful to take for kidney stone disease. They treat atherosclerosis, reduce appetite and are used for weight loss.

Decoctions from corn silk apply for arthrosis and tuberculosis, kidney and liver diseases, diabetes. They have a positive effect on the nervous system, calm, relieve irritability, and improve sleep.

But they have contraindications and not all people can use them. In case of individual intolerance they cause allergies, their contraindicated for use during pregnancy. It is not recommended for use by people who have increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis or varicose veins. Corn silk products have the following properties:

  • choleretic;
  • calming;
  • improve the functioning of the pancreas and liver;
  • reduce appetite;
  • regulate blood sugar;
  • stop bleeding, accelerate blood clotting;
  • break down fats;
  • improve blood composition and metabolism;
  • relieve spasms.

Treatment with decoctions and tinctures of corn silk is recommended for the following diseases:

It is forbidden to use in the absence of appetite, they reduce it. Regular and long-term use reduces the amount of magnesium and potassium in the body due to its diuretic effect; this should be taken into account when using it.

Decoction and infusion of corn silk

Corn fibers are prepared for the treatment of many diseases; they are taken in certain doses several times a day. It is forbidden to treat yourself; you must consult with your doctor. Corn silk has contraindications. How to prepare decoctions and infusions.

Treatment with corn silk

Corn contains vitamins and minerals. The valuable part of the plant is the cob and fibers (corn silk). Decoctions and infusions are used to treat cirrhosis of the liver, atherosclerosis, the drug is used for diuretic and hemostatic effects, to reduce appetite, to reduce body weight.

How to drink corn silk

Treatment of biliary dyskinesia, chronic hepatitis and cholecystitis, edema syndrome associated with liver diseases, small excrements in the kidneys, bleeding, metabolic disorders must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. The decoction is used in complex treatment for obesity.

With regular consumption of corn silk, blood clotting accelerates, bile secretion increases, viscosity decreases, appetite decreases, metabolic processes accelerate, water-salt balance improves, and blood sugar levels decrease.

To prepare an infusion for the night, you need to take three tablespoons of the dry product and pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse in a thermos overnight, strain in the morning and take 50 mg half an hour before meals six times a day.

Corn silk is a useful medicine that alleviates the disease and in some cases helps get rid of it. But along with this remedy, you need to take other medications prescribed by your doctor to enhance the effect.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Corn silk has been used to treat inflammation, kidney disease and other diseases since time immemorial. Today, this herbal medicine is used in traditional medicine as a diuretic, choleretic, hemostatic and antispasm agent. The article contains medicinal properties and contraindications of corn silk.

Corn is processed and grown everywhere. The stigmas, which are popularly called the hair of the plant, are used for medicinal purposes. Corn silks are fibers located around the cob. Their collection begins after the corn acquires a milky color.

Corn fibers are collected manually and then dried in a dark place or using a special apparatus. The attic of the house is best suited for drying. The raw materials are laid out on a sheet of paper and periodically turned over so that the stigmas do not rot. Dried corn hair is stored in a dry, dark place for no more than three years.

Corn silk: instructions for use

Medicines prepared from corn silk are taken according to doctor's indications. The duration of treatment is determined by the type and severity of the disease, so the duration of treatment is determined individually, taking into account all the features.

Before taking the medicine, shake lightly and warm up. The dosage is determined by the patient's age:

  • Children 3-7 years old – 1 teaspoon;
  • Children 7-10 years old – 1 dessert spoon;
  • Children 10-14 years old – 1 tablespoon;
  • Adults – 1-3 tablespoons every 3-4 hours.

For the treatment of children over 14 years of age, the adult norm is used.

Medicinal properties of corn silk

Corn silk is used in folk medicine to combat various diseases. They owe their medicinal properties to substances present in plant fibers. These include organic acids, essential oils, important microelements, proteins, carbohydrates and a number of vitamins.

Corn fiber contains selenium, which improves metabolic processes, accelerates the breakdown of fats and increases the body's defenses. This substance also neutralizes the effects of harmful compounds that enter the body with food. Selenium inhibits the formation and growth of malignant formations. Therefore, corn fibers are used in oncology.

Systematic consumption of fiber improves mood, eliminates insomnia, and makes the patient calm and balanced. A very effective remedy for weight loss, as it accelerates metabolism and has a diuretic effect.

Daily use of tincture or decoction of corn silk lowers blood sugar and restores the balance of important substances. If stones have formed in the kidneys, the medicine helps clear the urinary tract.

The fibers contain phosphatides, which accelerate the breakdown of cholesterol. This remedy thins bile, increases blood clotting, and reduces bilirubin levels. Corn silk is also effective for bleeding. They help women who have heavy and painful periods.

Benefits for women

Diseases in gynecology often worry women. Most often the genitourinary system is affected. Often, drug therapy is accompanied by the use of drugs based on corn silk, which enhance the effect.

Corn fiber has been proven effective in treating infertility, painful discharge during menstruation, disorders of the reproductive system and in the prevention of malignant tumors.

Corn silk helps women normalize sleep, eliminate irritability and headache. The product shows itself well in the fight against excess weight. And the benefits don't end there.

  • Fibers are used during pregnancy . During this period many medications are prohibited, and corn silk is considered a worthy alternative. In the first trimester, they help cope with toxicosis, normalize urination and saturate the body with important elements.
  • Also effective for swelling . First make an infusion. Ten grams of raw materials are brewed in a glass of water, left for half an hour and filtered. Then a glass of liquid is mixed with 2 teaspoons of honey and taken 2 spoons before meals. The product strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of the body, and solves the problem of excess fluid.

During pregnancy, it is prohibited to use alcohol-based corn silk medications.

Everyone knows about the dangers of alcohol for the fetus.

Benefits for men

Many men who have reached the age of forty are faced with the problem of decreased potency. This is all due to pathologies in the genitourinary system. In this case, traditional medicine comes to the rescue, enhanced by taking decoctions and infusions of corn silk. The use of traditional medicines helps normalize urination, eliminate inflammation, and improve function. reproductive organ, increase potency.

  1. Prostatitis. 60 grams of raw material are brewed in 400 ml of boiling water, left to cool and filtered. Take 175 ml daily before meals. The duration of treatment is two weeks.
  2. Impotence. 250 g of fibers are poured into 150 g of 70 percent alcohol, kept in the refrigerator for at least two weeks, and filtered. Take 30 drops daily on an empty stomach for two weeks, after which they take a short break.

Traditional recipes help improve urination, shrink the prostate gland, normalize kidney function, strengthen the body and improve metabolism.

Benefits for children and newborns

Corn silk is incredibly useful for children. They are indispensable for acne, wounds and burns. They are prescribed to children for intestinal diseases. Just remember, when treating children with corn fiber, the dose is half as much.

Important! It is not recommended to give such medications to infants and children under 3 years of age.

Contraindications and harm of corn silk

Therapy using corn fibers has several contraindications. Wrong dosage when using drugs often results in harm to the body.

If the patient has poor appetite or low body weight, it is not recommended to use stigmas. They are also contraindicated for people suffering from thrombophlebitis, thrombosis or varicose veins.

The list of common problems caused by the use of corn silk: an allergic reaction due to individual intolerance. Before using corn hair to fight diabetes, treat kidney disease or other diseases, consult your doctor.

How to drink and brew corn silk

Usually, to combat one or another ailment, an infusion, decoction or tea is made from corn silk. The duration of the course of treatment does not exceed two weeks, after which a break is required for a month.

There is no universal brewing technology, since each individual case requires a composition of a certain concentration. Additional plant components are often used. The prescription is determined by the characteristics of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body. Only a doctor can choose the right recipe.

For weight loss - 2 recipes

Corn is not on the list of dietary products, but corn silk is often found in teas and infusions for weight loss. Knowing the rules for taking these medications, you can achieve results in the fight against excess weight.

The product reduces appetite, which reduces the number of calories consumed per day. If you feel hungry, treats that involve the use of corn silk come to the rescue. Additionally, corn silk reduces cravings for sweets, so the diet is easier to tolerate, and the result is immediate. Let's consider two step by step recipe for weight loss.

  • A small spoon of dry raw material is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, covered with a lid and sent to a dark place for one hour. Next, the broth is filtered, divided into three portions and drunk throughout the day. This weight loss remedy is prepared for the day. It is unsuitable for storage as it loses its properties.
  • Four spoons of stigmas are poured into a glass of boiling water and kept in a dark place for three hours. After straining, consume a tablespoon before meals. The product differs from the first option in that it can be stored in the refrigerator for one week.

The described decoctions provide a weight loss effect if consumed for a month. After a two-week break, the course is repeated.

During pregnancy

Practice shows that during pregnancy it is allowed to use medicine from corn silk only in the form of a decoction. The extract is prohibited because it contains ethanol– alcohol, which, once in the fetus’s body along with the mother’s blood, can cause enormous harm to the baby’s developing liver. Consuming the extract with alcohol is fraught with miscarriage or congenital pathologies in the baby.

If a pregnant woman suffers from cystitis, the use of corn silk provides an anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect. The decoction speeds up recovery and alleviates symptoms. A pregnant woman is allowed to drink a glass of decoction a day. And although the dose is small, it is recommended to start using the decoction after the doctor’s approval.

The duration of treatment of cystitis with a decoction does not exceed 10 days. The last dose is taken 5 hours before bedtime, otherwise a frequent urge to go to the toilet will interfere with sleep. In addition to the decoction for cystitis, it is recommended to use cranberry juice or juice.

Decoction and infusion for the liver

The liver is a vital organ. Even a slight dysfunction of the liver is fraught with fatal. This is due to the multifunctionality of the organ. It produces enzymes and hormones, stores vitamins, neutralizes toxic substances, stores reserve blood, and secretes bile, which is involved in digestion.

Scientists have repeatedly proven the benefits of corn silk for liver problems. They lower bilirubin levels and normalize bile viscosity. Corn silk improves the secretion of bile, cleanses the bile ducts from small stones, provide a diuretic and choleretic effect. And they are used in the form of a decoction or infusion.

  1. To prepare the decoction, a teaspoon of raw materials is placed in an enamel pan, poured with a glass of hot water and kept in a water bath for 30 minutes. After cooling, filter the broth and take 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals, shaking.
  2. The infusion is also easy to prepare. Pour two tablespoons of the product into a glass of boiling water, wait half an hour and pass through gauze folded in three. Drink 0.33 glasses three times a day before meals.

Home remedies are good and safe, but considering the role of the liver in the body's functioning, consulting a doctor will not hurt.

For the gallbladder

A common gallbladder problem is the formation of stones. Gallstone disease develops for many reasons, including impaired cholesterol metabolism, when bile stagnates in the bladder and ducts. The list of causes of the disease includes poor nutrition, hypertension, excess weight, overeating and hereditary factors.

To the formation of stones in gallbladder leads to silicon deficiency. This substance removes salts, casein glue, cholesterol and viruses from the body.

Corn silk will eliminate pain in the hypochondrium, relieve nausea and heaviness, and eliminate bile stagnation. The infusion is useful for hepatitis, cholangitis and cholecystitis.

  • Preparing the infusion is elementary. Pour a spoonful of dry herbs into a thermos, add a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour and filter. Drink the medicine three times a day, 0.25 cups, half an hour before meals.
  • Hello, friends. Today I’m writing again in the most useful section, and I want to tell you about corn silks, their medicinal properties and contraindications for use. The name of this useful medicinal raw material is not entirely clear to the average city dweller: what kind of stigmas are they, where are they in corn, and what are they eaten with?

    Corn silks, photo and description

    Remember, in childhood, all the little girls made dolls out of heads of corn, and they chose the cobs according to the color and length of the “hair”? This was the most exciting game for the village children: the girls laid out the heads of cabbage and selected corn Mash and Dash for themselves, evaluating the dolls according to the usual parameters - the longer and lighter the head of “hair”, the better. “Blondes” were especially valued - it was not easy to find such a head of cabbage, and such a doll was in great demand.

    So, these same “hairs” are nothing more than corn silks, photos of which I suggest you look at:

    In principle, the color of corn hair does not matter - they are all healing, but sometimes herbalists advise treatment with dark stigmas, as they have more pronounced medicinal properties. During the season you can use fresh raw materials, at other times - dried. Drying corn “hair” is simple - spread it on paper and leave it in the shade (in the attic, at the very top of kitchen cabinets, etc.). Stigmas are stored in paper bags or linen bags made of natural fabric.

    Medicinal properties of corn silk and contraindications

    I became acquainted with this wonderful natural medicine about eight years ago, when my seemingly cured cystitis again made itself felt, and in a completely uncharacteristic way. There was no aching pain or pressure in the lower abdomen, but just a frequent urge to urinate with dull pressure in the urinary area. The urologist performed all the tests, but did not find any signs of inflammation of the bladder or kidneys and sent me home. According to the card, I was completely healthy, but in reality, I was completely sick, because I felt worse and worse.

    On Sunday I went to my trusted herbalist Aunt Galya, who sells medicinal plants a long time ago, and told her about my problem. A wise woman advised me to drink corn silk, the medicinal properties of which are very great, and there are very few contraindications. And she herself gave me a diagnosis that did not sound entirely clear - cystalgia (cervical cystitis or cystopathy).

    It turned out that one of the indications for the use of corn silk is diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system. Healing “hair” relieves spasms and pain in the bladder, alleviates the condition of an irresistible urge to urinate (irritable urinary syndrome), treats inflammation of the urethra and is used in preparations to cleanse the kidneys.

    I was cured in a few days cystalgia in this simple way:

    pour a small bunch (about 2 heaped tablespoons) of dried corn silk with two glasses of hot water, boil over low heat for 10-20 minutes, then remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave until warm. I drank it with honey as tea 3 times a day.

    This is how it is treated cystitis, as well as various inflammations of the genitourinary system.


    In addition to its medicinal properties, corn silk also has contraindications. First of all, they are harmful for people with thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, increased blood clotting and acute inflammation of the kidneys. People who are exhausted, have poor appetite, or after serious illnesses, when the body needs microelements (corn silks, on the contrary, will wash away beneficial compounds due to their diuretic effect) should not consume silk.

    Corn hair, indications for use and how to brew for treatment

    Now let’s list the main indications for the use of corn silk:

    as a strong choleretic agent:

    • hepatitis, cholecystitis, cholangitis;
    • cholelithiasis;
    • gallbladder disease;

    as a hemostatic agent:

    • uterine bleeding of various origins;
    • hemorrhagic diathesis;

    as a diuretic:

    • cystitis, urethritis, inflammation of the genitourinary system;
    • kidney disease, kidney stones;
    • edema and obesity.

    Despite the fact that this raw material is often recommended to drink instead of tea, you still need to know how to brew corn silk for various diseases - this guarantees best effect and quick healing. So, a selection of recipes.

    Diseases of the genitourinary system

    Gallbladder and ducts

    Liver diseases

    Other diseases

    Corn pillars for weight loss, how to take

    I read about the ability of corn silk to reduce weight in a medical journal. It indicated that they themselves do not burn calories, but help reduce appetite, and the diuretic effect allows you to speed up weight loss significantly. I tried this method on myself and I can say with confidence that there is a result.

    At work, I had periods of relative calm, when reports were submitted, management did not bother me and I could slowly carry out my duties. On such days, our entire small team often had tea parties with various sweets. The result was not long in coming - for a short time I gained an extra 5 kg. At that time, I was very cold, and my bladder reacted instantly: the familiar pain in the lower abdomen began. Corn silk has already helped me out in a similar situation, so I decided to be treated with an infusion of healing “hair”.

    As a result, I quickly returned to normal, but continued taking the infusion for another 10 days to consolidate the effect. At the end of the course, I was surprised to find that I could “fit” into my favorite jeans freely, and the sweater didn’t even seem big enough. Weighing myself on a home scale showed that I had lost 2 kg in 2 weeks. It is undesirable to take corn silk for more than three weeks, so at the end of this period I stopped drinking the infusion and lost a total of 2 kg 500 g.

    How to take corn silk for weight loss:

    For 1 liter of boiling water take 3 tbsp. spoons with a heap of dry raw materials and leave overnight under the lid. Take a glass half an hour before meals. The infusion must be drunk the day before. The course is no longer than three weeks. You can take a ten-day break and repeat the dose, but repeat the next course no earlier than a month later.

    Of course, it is difficult to become Thumbelina only by taking corn silk, but as an additional means of losing weight, the infusion will be just right. In addition, its taste is very pleasant, reminiscent of the taste of corn on the cob, and the infusion is easy to drink.


    I am always amazed by the wisdom of nature - it has given people everything they need for a healthy and active life. All parts of plants are medicinal, even corn silk has enormous medicinal properties, and there are not many contraindications. If you are completely unfamiliar with such amazing medicinal raw materials, then in this article I decided to write a lot: indications for the use of corn silk and how to brew them for various diseases.

    Be healthy!

    With love, Irina Lirnetskaya

    The herbal preparation Corn silk is widely used in clinical practice as an effective choleretic, hemostatic, diuretic and antispasmodic agent.

    The use of corn silk in folk medicine began a very long time ago. For medicinal purposes, well-developed and mature columns with stigmas are used, which are collected during the period of milky-waxy maturity of the corn cob. Corn silks, ready for harvest, have a reddish or yellow tint and a pleasant, faint aroma.

    In corn silks large quantities contains such useful substances as pantothenic and ascorbic acids, tannins, vitamins B, K, essential oils, resins and sugary substances, bitter glycosides, saponins, alkaloids, sitosterol, etc.

    The use of corn silk has proven to be an excellent sedative. A decoction of stigmas improves mood, promotes sound healthy sleep, improves cerebral circulation, and relieves irritability. Corn silk is also widely used for weight loss, as an effective remedy that can reduce appetite, stabilize blood sugar levels, significantly improve metabolic processes in the body and restore optimal salt balance.

    At the pharmacy you can buy various forms of drugs prepared on the basis of corn silk - crushed dry corn silk, tablets, extracts, teas, powders.

    The use of corn silk helps to increase the secretion of bile, reduce its viscosity, reduce the level of bilirubin, accelerate blood clotting, and increase the level of prothrombin.

    Numerous reviews of corn silk confirm that preparations based on them have proven themselves to be effective means, promoting the active dissolution of stones in the kidneys, bladder, ureters and their gentle removal from the urinary tract.

    Indications and contraindications

    The finished extract of corn silk is used to treat cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, and cholangitis.

    The use of corn silk is indicated for edema syndrome, nephrourolithiasis, as well as against the background of bleeding, which is associated with a reduced level of prothrombin in the blood.

    A decoction and other preparations from corn silks are used in complex therapy for obesity, diabetes, muscle weakness, helminthic infestations, uterine bleeding of various etiologies, as well as for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.

    Corn silk is contraindicated for people with increased individual sensitivity to the herbal preparation, patients with thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, varicose veins and increased blood clotting.

    Also, dosage forms based on corn silk are not prescribed for poor appetite, since taking them can further aggravate this problem; corn silk is not prescribed for weight loss for women during menstruation. If you have chronic diseases of the urinary tract and bile ducts, you should consult your doctor before taking the drug.

    Corn silk is contraindicated for people with potassium and magnesium deficiency, since the pronounced diuretic effect of taking this drug contributes to the very rapid removal of these elements from the body.

    Reviews of corn silk from experts confirm that preparations based on this plant can be used in combination with other medicines.

    Instructions for use

    Corn silk is recommended to be taken orally in the form of decoction, infusion, extract, powder, tablets and tea.

    A decoction of corn silk is prescribed at a dose of 10-45 mg every 3-4 hours, strictly 20 minutes before meals.

    To prepare the decoction, you need to take a tablespoon. raw materials (10 mg) and place in a container, preferably enameled, pour 200 ml of hot water over the dry raw materials and close with a lid. The container with the resulting mixture should be heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, and then cooled at room temperature for 10 minutes.

    The resulting decoction, after cooling and squeezing, is brought to a volume of 200 ml by adding boiled water.

    Ready-made corn silk extract for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system and gall bladder is taken 30-40 drops 20-30 minutes before meals two to three times a day. The drug can be added to warm tea, herbal cocktails, compotes, and fruit juices. To achieve a quick effect, corn silk extract is used 5 drops sublingually.

    Corn silk for weight loss is prescribed to be taken in the form of a decoction or infusion, which is prepared as follows:

    • Decoction - 1 tsp. dry raw materials are poured with a glass of hot water and brought to a boil, the broth should boil for no more than a minute, then the mixture should be allowed to brew. This decoction should be taken 20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.
    • Infusion - ½ cup of dry raw materials, brew 500 ml of boiling water, leave for two hours. Take 100 ml infusion 20 minutes before meals.

    The decoction helps remove excess fluid from the body, reduce the appearance of cellulite and eliminate swelling. It helps to maintain a diet, suppressing cravings for sweets, and replenishes the body’s need for B vitamins.

    For the treatment of biliary dyskinesia, children over 6 years old are given a decoction or infusion of corn silk three times a day, a dessert spoon or a teaspoon, 15-20 minutes before meals.

    Positive reviews about corn silk, which were used as a prophylactic agent in the fight against atherosclerosis. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, sitostearins and phosphatites, which the plant is rich in, effectively remove bad cholesterol from the body, clearing blood vessels of its accumulations.

    3.45 out of 5 (28 Votes)

    Corn is one of the oldest human foods, but people did not immediately realize that in addition to its nutritional value, the plant is endowed with healing effects. At first I noticed that corn silk has medicinal properties, then I learned about some contraindications for use. You have all seen thin columns of corn with fibers - strings, this is a valuable healing agent in the treatment of many diseases. Let's talk in more detail about all the advantages of nature's wonderful gift.

    Corn silk - medicinal properties and contraindications

    Medicinal drugs based on raw materials from cobs have a diuretic, strengthening, blood-stopping, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycemic, and antitumor effect. In the absence of contraindications, the medicinal qualities of corn silk are used:

    1. For many kidney diseases, since they are endowed with mild diuretic properties. Effective therapy for cystitis, urolithiasis, nephritis; decoctions of stigmas easily remove small pebbles and sand.
    2. Fibers remove fluid from the body, relieving swelling.
    3. Diseases of the liver and biliary tract. The plant promotes the flow of bile. Cholangitis, cholecystitis, and hepatitis can be cured.
    4. Treats and prevents atherosclerosis, reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol.
    5. It stops blood well and helps with severe blood loss of various etymologies.
    6. Has a beneficial effect on the health of people with diabetes. Reduces blood sugar levels.
    7. Participates in the treatment of tuberculosis.
    8. Sleep improves, gets in order nervous system– irritability and excessive excitability are reduced.
    9. Many women use corn fiber for weight loss and to treat diseases of the female reproductive system.
    10. Positively affect metabolic processes.
    11. Removes toxic substances that adversely affect human health.

    Chemical composition

    Nature has endowed the valuable fibers of stigmas with natural essential oils, fatty oils, bitter substances, phytosrerin, sitosterol, glycosides, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, inosine, starchy substances, tocopherol.

    They have a similar medicinal composition, the healing qualities of which can be read in another article. I recommend.

    Stigmas are rich in vitamins B, D, E, K, ascorbic acid, gum, includes many trace elements. Among them, selenium is the most valuable. Corn is one of the few vegetables out of a huge number that can boast such a high level of content. important health substances. Selenium is involved in carbohydrate and protein metabolic processes. Stimulates lipid metabolism, strengthens the immune system. Removes toxic substances naturally. Scientific research It has been proven that selenium is capable of inhibiting cancer cells and inhibiting their growth.

    For the liver, for pancreatitis

    Conducted clinical researches have proven the effectiveness of corn silk in the treatment of liver disease. In particular, with pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholestasis, cholecystitis. True, only as an additional means of treatment. In folk medicine, these medicinal decoctions and infusions have been used for several centuries, confirming the effectiveness of healing fibers.

    Elixirs based on corn fibers reduce the viscosity of bile and it does not stagnate in the bile ducts and liver. The level of bilirubin in the blood decreases. Read the instructions for use and recipes below.

    Benefits and harms for women

    Treatment with products containing corn silk and corn silk perfectly complements drug therapy for gynecological diseases. The indication becomes:

    • Uterine bleeding.
    • Inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.
    • Adhesions in the tubes, female infertility.
    • Pain during periods.
    • In addition, women are recommended to use stigmas on difficult days - during PMS, during menopause. Helps get rid of headaches, causeless irritability, sleep problems and excess weight.

    Use of stigmas during pregnancy

    Important! Women expecting a baby can use corn silk, but only in the form of aqueous decoctions and infusions. Alcohol medications can harm the baby.

    For example, for edema and cystitis in pregnant women, a decoction of 35 grams is made. raw materials per 320 ml. water. Take 150 ml. per day.

    Healing properties for men

    IN mature age men complain of decreased potency due to prostate diseases and other pathological changes in the genitourinary system. Help the body by supplementing drug treatment.

    1. For prostatitis, make a decoction of 60 g. fibers and 1.5 cups of boiled water. Let stand until the infusion has cooled, and drink 175 ml before meals.
    2. Alcohol tincture: you will need 150 ml. 70% alcohol and 250 gr. stigma. Refrigerate for two weeks, strain and take on an empty stomach. Dose – 35 drops. After completing the course for 2 weeks, take a break.

    Another problem that worsens the quality of life of men is baldness. Pour 4 tbsp. spoons of corn fiber with a liter of hot (not boiling) water. After cooling, warm, rinse your hair while washing. This decoction is useful for eliminating dandruff and itchy skin.

    For children

    There are no contraindications to the use of medicinal products for children, but from a certain age. It is not advisable to treat children under 3 years of age. Older children are allowed to drink decoctions and infusions. The only thing that herbalists warn about is that the dosage must be reduced by half.

    • Up to 6 years – a teaspoon.
    • From 6 and above – dessert.

    Indications for use include treatment of acne, stomach and intestinal diseases.

    There is an opinion that corn silk helps with jaundice in newborns. I know that some pediatricians recommend taking 3 drops of the decoction every 4 hours, brewing according to the instructions on the package. Not everyone agrees with this opinion, so the mother must decide for herself whether to follow the advice.

    Contraindications for use

    Any herbal remedy, in addition to its medicinal properties, is also endowed with harmful qualities. Carefully read the contraindications for medicinal use of corn silk.

    • The use of products with stigmas is strictly prohibited if you have an individual intolerance to corn.
    • Stigma-based products are contraindicated for people with blood clotting problems. If you are prone to blood clots and varicose veins, abstain.
    • Should not be used by people with low body weight or decreased appetite.
    Attention! Long-term use of products with stigmas leads to the leaching of potassium and magnesium from the body, since corn has a diuretic property.

    Corn silk - instructions for use

    Traditional healers use several forms of using herbal remedies. These are teas, decoctions, healing waters and alcohol tinctures and infusions, extracts. Fresh and dried corn raw materials are a frequent participant in various medicinal preparations.

    Diabetes treatment

    Sick diabetes mellitus A liquid extract of corn silk is usually prescribed. It is available and sold in pharmacies. The product has an effective preventive and therapeutic effect. There is not a sharp, but a gradual decrease in sugar. Patients note a significant improvement in their general condition.

    To use, the extract must be diluted with lukewarm water, adding 15 drops to a glass. Treatment is carried out in a course lasting a month. After 2 weeks, the course can be repeated.

    Homemade extract recipe:

    • Brew 25 g in 0.5 liters of water. finely chopped fresh corn fibers, slightly drying them. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes and let it brew. Drink a spoon after your meal.

    With stagnation of bile

    • For better outflow of secretions, brew 15 grams in a glass of boiled water. raw materials. Leave for several hours and drink a spoon up to 4 times a day. Course – 2 weeks.
    • Treatment of hepatitis, dyskinesia, cholecystitis. Add 40 gr. fibers in 300 ml. boiling water cook over low heat for a third of an hour. Take 15 ml of strained decoction. within 14 days.

    For puffiness

    Use an infusion of 10 g for half an hour. raw materials in a glass of water, adding a spoonful of honey. Herbalists advise drinking half an hour before meals. At the same time, the infusion strengthens the immune system.

    Do you like corn? In my articles, I have repeatedly introduced recipes for preparing healthy vegetables:

    How to brew corn silk

    Water infusion of stigmas

    Intended for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver, but is more often used to improve the outflow of bile.

    Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of raw materials and keep covered for about an hour. After straining, drink warm, in a course of two weeks, using a large spoon 3-4 times a day.

    Stigma-based decoction

    Indicated for hepatitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis. The decoction is considered the most powerful remedy in the treatment of these diseases.

    The medicine is made in a water bath. Pour hot water over 2 large spoons of stigmas and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Leave to cool in the pan. Some of the liquid will evaporate - add boiling water to fill the glass. It is advisable to carry out the treatment in a course of two weeks, then take a break for 2-3 months and repeat again if necessary. The decoction is drunk warm, according to Art. spoon after every meal.

    Healing tea

    Stigmas work well in the composition herbal infusions. Make a mix of medicinal herbs, turning on the product, and brew it like tea. Drink half a glass as desired. You can add mint, blackcurrant leaves, a little thyme, yarrow and agrimony to the collection.

    Corn silk for weight loss

    Those who have already lost weight using fiber recognize its effectiveness in weight loss. The product stimulates metabolic processes, promotes the breakdown of fats and removes excess fluid. But the most important thing is that your appetite disappears. Decoctions, infusions or just tea are suitable for treatment.

    All of them help achieve the cherished goal of losing weight. True, it would be naive to rely only on anti-obesity treatments. Tea and other drinks help make the diet easier, reducing cravings for sweets and eliminating the constant desire to snack. Combine Applications medicine with diet and fitness.

    Photo of corn silk

    Preparation of medicinal raw materials

    Columns and stigmas are prepared as raw materials. Healers recommend collecting milky-wax ripeness from the cobs. Next, the raw materials are dried in the shade and stored in a dry place. Shelf life – 1 year.

    I suggest watching a video about the medicinal properties and contraindications of corn cobs and stigmas. I hope you find it useful.