The development of visual memory in children of senior preschool age in didactic games. What's on the poster? Rights and obligations of the Service Administration

Joshua Foer, winner of the USA Memory Championship, talks about how he trained his memory for a whole year. His book is good not only because it outlines many popular mnemonic techniques - from associative links to. It explains how our brains work and the findings of cutting-edge technologies in an accessible, engaging way. scientific research. In addition, there are many interesting historical references.

2. Think Like a Mathematician: How to Solve Any Problem Faster and More Efficiently by Barbara Oakley

Although this book is primarily about mathematics and the peculiarities of mathematical thinking, from it you will learn many secrets of effective learning. The essence of the methodology offered by Oakley is that you need to come to an understanding of the subject. If you have managed to understand something, then it will not be difficult for you to remember it. With this book, you will teach your brain to master new, even the most complex areas of knowledge.

3. “Fast mind. How to forget the unnecessary and remember the right, Christine Loberg, Mike Beister

The exercises in this book are aimed at training ingenuity and attentiveness, the ability to make quick decisions and make a good impression on others. Good is a nice addition to this list. An excellent guide for working on yourself and developing mental abilities.

4. “Food for the brain. An Effective Step-by-Step Technique for Improving Brain Efficiency and Strengthening Memory by Neil Barnard

Barnard offers a technique to use your brain effectively and avoid memory problems in old age. It includes three components:

  1. so that the brain receives all the necessary nutrients.
  2. Mind exercises to strengthen neural connections.
  3. Elimination of potential physical threats (sleep disorders, diseases, certain medications that may have a negative impact).

5. “Memory does not change. Tasks and puzzles for the development of intelligence and memory, Angels Navarro

Psychologist Angels Navarro has collected exercises that improve concentration and attentiveness, teach you to think more creatively. In addition, all exercises are divided into levels so that you can gradually move from simple puzzles to the most difficult ones. Presenting in a playful way does not get bored and involves the imagination.

6. “Development of memory. The Classic Guide to Improving Memory, Harry Lorraine, Jerry Lucas

The main method for the development of memory, which the authors recommend, is associations. The rest of the techniques are related to them in one way or another. They will teach you to memorize everything: long words and abstract concepts, to-do and shopping lists, speeches and lecture texts, names and faces of people, phone numbers, dates, multi-digit numbers.

7. “Remember everything. A practical guide to the development of memory, Artur Dumchev

Artur Dumchev, the author of this book, remembers Pi up to 22,528 decimal places. In his book, he shares memory development techniques that he uses to quickly memorize large amounts of information, solve complex problems in his mind, and memorize long strings of numbers.

This edition focuses on practical work with the reader. Specific techniques are offered with clear examples, algorithms for execution and explanations.

8. “Development of the brain. How to Read Faster, Remember Better, and Achieve Bigger Goals by Roger Sipe

The book by coach and self-development consultant Roger Sipe is devoted to a wide range of issues related to accelerated learning: the development of memory and intelligence, and energy management, prioritization and time management.

9. “Neurobics. Exercises for training the brain, Lawrence Katz, Manning Rubin

Psychologists Katz and Rubin have proven that doing the same type of boring tasks day after day leads to memory deterioration and a decrease in mental abilities. The solution to the problem is simple and obvious: you need to add variety to your usual routine.

You have to learn how to perform ordinary actions in an unusual way: do everything with your eyes closed, control with your left hand instead of your right, get new routes. These fun experiences help keep brain cells alive.

10. “Flexible consciousness. A New Perspective on Developmental Psychology in Adults and Children by Carol Dweck

At the heart of the book is a simple idea - you can make mistakes, and that's okay. The flexible approach that Dweck advocates is a growth mindset: by systematically working on yourself, you can develop any of your qualities. Including memory.

Dweck's book is a boost of motivation that will help you get better and come to the understanding that any weakness can be turned into your strength.


The development of visual memory should be given attention from the youngest preschool age. The features of the development of visual memory of preschool children were studied by many psychologists and teachers: K. D. Ushinsky, L. S. Vygotsky, P.P. Blonsky, P. I. Zinchenko, Z. M. Istomina, A. N. Leontiev. They believed that the emergence of visual memory in a child is a qualitatively new stage in the development of memory, which is characterized by a transition from involuntary to voluntary visual memory.

In the period of preschool childhood, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of the child's visual memory, since it is it that underlies training and education, the acquisition of knowledge, personal experience, the formation of skills. Memory occupies a special place in the system of cognitive processes, combining perception, imagination and thinking in single system aimed at understanding the surrounding reality. Memory is a set of processes of remembering, preserving or forgetting it, as well as subsequent restoration.

In psychological and pedagogical science, diagnostics have been developed that make it possible to identify the level of development of visual memory. Diagnostic methods of Uruntaeva, Nemov and Kamenskaya can be carried out individually with each child in specially created conditions.

For the organization of work, the following pedagogical conditions must be taken into account:

1) didactic: methodological techniques the development of visual memory, the introduction of didactic games according to the principle of gradual complication from simple to complex;

2) psychological: taking into account the individual characteristics of each child and the emotional mood of children to participate in didactic games.

To implement practical tasks, it is first necessary to determine the level of development of visual memory of children of senior preschool age. For the development of visual memory in children of senior preschool age, didactic games proposed by L.M. Zhitnikova, Z. M. Boguslavskaya, E. O. Smirnova, A. K. Bondarenko, L. V. Fomina. In didactic games, children need to be given tasks that will require concentration, attention, mental effort, the ability to comprehend the rules, the sequence of actions, and overcome difficulties. They contribute to the development of sensations and perceptions in children, the formation of ideas, the assimilation of knowledge. A.V. Zaporozhets assessed the role of the didactic game as follows: “We need to ensure that the didactic game is not only a form of mastering individual knowledge and skills, but also contributes to the overall development of the child, serves to form his abilities” Psychology and pedagogy of the game of a preschooler. Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets and A.P. Usova. M., 1966, p.347..


1. Artemova, L.V. The world in didactic games for preschoolers L.V. Artemova -M., Enlightenment, 1992

2. Badalyan, L.P. Memory and neuropsychic development /L. P. Badalyan Preschool education -1976- No. 4.

3. Blonsky, P.P. Memory and thinking. Psychological analysis of recall / P. P. Blonsky - M .: Education, 1964.

4. Blonsky, P.P. Memory and thinking. Selected pedagogical and psychological works. Vol. 2 /P.P. Blonsky - M., 1979, S. 118-341.

5. Blonsky, P.P. Memory. Remembrance. Selected pedagogical and psychological works. Vol. 2 /P.P. Blonsky - M., 1979. S.341-366.

6. Boguslavskaya, 3. M. Educational games for children of primary preschool age: A book for a kindergarten teacher / Z.M. Boguslavskaya, E.O. Smirnova - M., Enlightenment, 1991.

7. Boguslavskaya, Z.M. Psychological features cognitive activity preschool children in a didactic game /Z.M. Boguslavskaya - M., Enlightenment, 1986, pp. 267-268.

8. Bondarenko, A.K. Didactic game in kindergarten: A book for a kindergarten teacher - 2nd ed., revised, M: Enlightenment, 1991.

9. Wenger, L.A. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities of preschool children / L.A. Wenger, O.M. Dyachenko, R.I. Govorova, L.I. Tsekhanskaya - M., Enlightenment, 1989.

10. Raising and educating children of the fifth year of life: A book for a kindergarten teacher / Edited by V.V. Kholmovskaya. - M., Education, 1986.

11. Vygotsky, L. S. Development of higher mental functions /L. S. Vygotsky - M .: Education, 1960.

12. Vygotsky, L.S. Issues of child psychology /L.S. Vygotsky - St. Petersburg, Soyuz, St. Petersburg, 1997.

13. Vygotsky, L.S. Memory and its development in childhood. Psychology of memory / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova: Reader in psychology. -M., "Chero", 2002, p.617.

14. Vygotsky, L.S. Eidetika. Psychology of memory / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova: Reader in psychology. -M., "Chero", 2002, p.179.

15. Gordon, E. V. Features of the development of memory processes in children /E. V.Gordon //Preschool education. -1953-No. 9.

16. James, W. Memory. Psychology of memory. / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova - M., "CheRo", 2002

17. Zhitnikova, L. M. Improving memory at any age /L. M. Zhitnikova-M.: Enlightenment, 1972.

18. Zhitnikova L.M. Teach children to remember /L.M. Zhitnikova - M., Education, 1985.

19. Zaporozhets, A. V. Psychology of preschool children / A. V. Zaporozhets, E. I. Elkonin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1964.

20. Zinchenko, P.I. The problem of involuntary and voluntary memorization in psychology / P.I. Zinchenko - M., 1961.

21. Ipolitov, F. V. Memory and education / F, V. Ipolitov, 3, M. Istomina, E. S. Makhlakh, V. I. Samokhvalova - M .: Knowledge, 1971.

22. Istomina, Z.M. Memory development. Teaching aid/Z.M. Istomina - M., 1978.

23. Istomina, Z.M. The dependence of memorization on the nature of the activity Z.M. Istomina - M., 1981, C 62-86.

24. Istomina, Z.M. The development of arbitrary memorization in preschoolers. Psychology of memory / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova: Reader in psychology. - M., "CheRo", 2002.

25. Lavrentieva, T. V. Psychologist in children's preschool: Guidelines in kindergarten / T. V. Lavrentyeva, O. M. Dyachenko, A. I. Bulycheva - M .: New school, 1996.

26. Lap, G. The art of remembering and forgetting / G. Lap - St. Petersburg, Peter, 1995.

27. Lap, G. Improving the memory of children /G. Lap - M.: Mir, 1993.

28. Lebedeva, S.O. On the possibility of developing figurative memory / S.O. Lebedeva Preschool education. - 1985. - No. 8, S. 52-54.

29. Leontiev, A.N. The development of higher forms of memorization. Psychology of Memory Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova: Reader in psychology. -M., "Chero", 2002, p.435.

30. Luria, A.R. Neuropsychology of memory /A.R. Luria -M.: Pedagogy.

31. Lyublinskaya, A. A. Child psychology /A. A. Lublinskaya - M., Enlightenment, 1971.

32. Lyapidevsky, S.S. Neuropathology / S.S. Lyapidevsky - M.: Vlados, 2000.

33. Laudis, V.Ya. Memory in the process of development / V.Ya. Laudis - M., 1976.

34. Matyugin, I. Yu. Eidika school: Development of memory, figurative thinking, imagination / I. Yu. Matyugin, E. I. Chakabaria, I. K. Rybnikova - M.: Eidos, 1995.

35. Mendzheritskaya D.V. To the teacher about the children's game: A manual for the kindergarten teacher / Edited by Makarova T.A. - M., Education, 1982.

36. Nemov R.S. Psychology. In 3 books.-Book 1: General foundations of psychology.-688 p.

37. Nikitin, B.P. Steps of creativity or Educational games /B.P. Nikitin - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

38. Norman, D. How do we learn? How do we remember? Psychology of memory / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova - M., "CheRo", 2002, p.235.

39. Petrovsky, A. V. Psychology / A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky - M.: Academy, 2001.

40. Petrovsky, A.V. Popular conversations about psychology / A. V. Petrovsky - M .: Education, 1997.

41. Psychology of preschool children / Under the editorship of A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonina -M., Enlightenment, 1964.

42. Psychology and pedagogy of the game of a preschooler. Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets and A.P. Usova. M., 1966, p.347.

43. The role of the game in kindergarten /Ed. A.P. Usovoi - M., 1961.

44. Roshka, G. What and why does a child remember / G. Roshka // Preschool education. - 1986. - No. 3, pp. 30-33.

45. Rubinshtein, S.L. Memory. Psychology of memory / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova: Reader in psychology. - M., "Chero", 2002.

46. ​​Sechenov, I.P. Selected philosophical psychological works / I. P. Sechenov - M .: Education, 1947.

47. Smirnov, A.A. Age and individual differences in memory / A.A. Smirnov - M .: Education, 1967.

48. Smirnov, A.A. Selected psychological works / A.A. Smirnov - M.: Pedagogy, 1987.

49. Smirnov, A.A. Problems of the psychology of memory / A.A. Smirnov - M.: Enlightenment, 1966.

50. Smirnov, A.A. Voluntary and involuntary memory. Psychology of memory / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova: Reader in psychology. - M., "CheRo", 2002.

51. Tikhomirova L.F. Development of cognitive abilities. A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1996.

52. Usova, A.P. The role of play in the upbringing of children. /Under the editorship of A.V. Zaporozhets - M., Enlightenment, 1976.

53. Florence, C. Memory. Psychology of memory / Ed. Yu.B. Gippenreiter, V.Ya. Romanova: Reader in psychology. - M., "CheRo", 2002.

54. Fomina, L.V. Sensory development: a program for children aged (4)5-6 years. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2001.-80 p.

55. Elkonin, D.B. Psychology of the game / D.B. Elkonin - M, Education, 1972.

10 best books on the development of memory

1. Natalia Grace. "How to Help Yourself (CPSU). Techniques for the development of memory, attention and speech"

Do you want to be heard?!

Do you want to be successful in business and in your personal life?!

Do you want the wings of success to grow behind your back?!

Then consider that you have already begun to move towards the goal, as you are holding this unique book in your hands. This is not a classic textbook, but still a textbook, and not boring at all. The methods outlined in it are effective and simple. Having studied them, you will not only enjoy, but also learn how to manage your speech, and therefore life and people. And your wings will grow, and you will go through life easily, and everyone around will smile and say about you: "Charisma!!!"

This book will become your golden key to the world of success.

And you know that this is a very laborious process. You want to pick up a luxurious photo book made just for you, examine it in detail, peering into every little thing on pictures dear to your heart, and show it to others. Such is the human essence - we love beautiful, high-quality things.

2. Yuri Pugach. "Development of memory. System of receptions"

This book will teach you how to quickly and accurately process incoming information and navigate the situation, take into account unexpected factors that affect decision making.

3. Tony Buzan. "Guide to the development of memory and intelligence"

4. Harry Lorraine. "Development of memory and ability to concentrate"

As you know, most people use only 8-10 percent of their brain resources. Harry Lorraine has developed a system for developing mental abilities that allows you to use the other 90 percent. Having mastered it, you will fully include logic, rationalism, observation, attention, concentration, memory, creativity, imagination in your work...

As a result, you can send your organizer to the wastebasket - as unnecessary. You do not have to take notes to memorize facts, numbers and names, you will easily keep in mind to-do lists, texts of speeches and even phone numbers, learn how to manage time effectively, organize information and plan current activities.

The author of this original system is sure that only one thing will help you avoid chaos in business, personal relationships and in any other area - organization, and if you organize your mind, you will be able to put your life in order - and this book that you are holding serves this purpose. in hand.

5. John Bogosian Arden. "Memory Development for Dummies"

So, you want to improve your memory. There is no universal method for improving memory. With an increase in the number of studied and proven methods used to facilitate memorization, the properties of your memory will also improve. The work to improve memory is bearing fruit for people of all ages, from university students preparing for exams to carefree retirees doing it for the first time. Almost everyone can improve memory, regardless of where he works and what he does. The methods used to improve memory are discussed in this book.

6. I. Yu. Matyugin, E. I. Chakaberia, I. K. Rybnikova, T. B. Slonenko, T. N. Mazina "School of eidetics. Development of memory, imaginative thinking, imagination"

Volume 1. Memorization of numbers, telephones, historical dates.

The book will help you learn to remember phone numbers, historical dates, car numbers; to see animals and birds, vegetables and fruits in abstract figures; find comparison with people. According to the methodology outlined in this book, Vika Rybnikova, a winner of international competitions in memory development (Japan, 1993), was engaged. The book contains a large appendix. Kids and adults will love the way to remember phones with fables and songs.

Volume 2. Visual, tactile, olfactory memory.

"Visual memory" contains games that can be given from the age of five. A large application to the games will allow you to conduct classes throughout the year. "Tactile memory" is the ability to remember sensations from touching various objects. Games will teach you to determine the "roughness" of the voice, to remember the things that you touched during the day. "Olfactory memory" will teach you to choose which person, which smell is more suitable, to master the ancient magical technique of controlling mood with the help of smells.

Addressed to practical psychologists, teachers, parents, children.

7. Ryuta Kawashima. "Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory. Program" 60 days "

Achieving and maintaining a healthy, young, perfectly functioning brain is an extremely difficult task, and yet it is much easier than it seems. Here is a special 60-day program of the outstanding Japanese neurologist, Professor Ryuta Kawashima, which already trains more than 2,000,000 people. Now she can help you too!

8. Nikolai Khoroshevsky. "Modern methods of development of memory and thinking"

Memory - Great and Insidious. Great because its true essence and reserves are unknown, and Insidious because it fails, resists and even sabotages its work if a person does not know how to handle it correctly. Cunning and capricious, she knows her worth very well and, before she offers services, she will demand to pay this price. However, he who puts perseverance, labor and time into the knowledge of the laws and mastery of her methods, will earn her favor.

But in order to achieve serious success, you need to be able to use the abundance of information, to make the “little gray cells” of the brain work well.

In the book by N.I. Khoroshevsky "Modern Methods for the Development of Memory and Thinking", the features of the development of memory and thinking are considered and modern methods for increasing their effectiveness are presented.

9. Oleg Andreev. "Memory Development Technique. Tutorial"

Many people are aware of any methods of memorizing this or that information. However, in general, these techniques help a person to perceive only a small amount of information without developing his memory.

The book presents memory training sessions that will allow you to perfectly develop those mechanisms of your brain that are responsible for remembering and storing information.

You will forget what it means to forget!

10. Alan Baddeley. "Your memory. Training and development guide"

A guide to the country of memory, which describes both its general landscape, as well as individual, most striking sights and even inaccessible, little-studied exotic corners. In this book, written by the world's most famous expert, you will find the latest scientific data, practical tests and professional advice to improve and develop memory. For students and teachers, all interested in the problems of human psychology.

Joshua Foer, winner of the USA Memory Championship, talks about how he trained his memory for a whole year. His book is good not only because it outlines many popular mnemonic techniques - from associative links to. It explains the principles of our brain and the findings of cutting-edge scientific research in an accessible, entertaining way. In addition, there are many interesting historical references.

2. Think Like a Mathematician: How to Solve Any Problem Faster and More Efficiently by Barbara Oakley

Although this book is primarily about mathematics and the peculiarities of mathematical thinking, from it you will learn many secrets of effective learning. The essence of the methodology offered by Oakley is that you need to come to an understanding of the subject. If you have managed to understand something, then it will not be difficult for you to remember it. With this book, you will teach your brain to master new, even the most complex areas of knowledge.

3. “Fast mind. How to forget the unnecessary and remember the right, Christine Loberg, Mike Beister

The exercises in this book are aimed at training ingenuity and attentiveness, the ability to make quick decisions and make a good impression on others. Good is a nice addition to this list. An excellent guide for working on yourself and developing mental abilities.

4. “Food for the brain. An Effective Step-by-Step Technique for Improving Brain Efficiency and Strengthening Memory by Neil Barnard

Barnard offers a technique to use your brain effectively and avoid memory problems in old age. It includes three components:

  1. so that the brain receives all the necessary nutrients.
  2. Mind exercises to strengthen neural connections.
  3. Elimination of potential physical threats (sleep disorders, diseases, certain medications that may have a negative impact).

5. “Memory does not change. Tasks and puzzles for the development of intelligence and memory, Angels Navarro

Psychologist Angels Navarro has collected exercises that improve concentration and attentiveness, teach you to think more creatively. In addition, all exercises are divided into levels so that you can gradually move from simple puzzles to the most difficult ones. Presenting in a playful way does not get bored and involves the imagination.

6. “Development of memory. The Classic Guide to Improving Memory, Harry Lorraine, Jerry Lucas

The main method for the development of memory, which the authors recommend, is associations. The rest of the techniques are related to them in one way or another. They will teach you to memorize everything: long words and abstract concepts, to-do and shopping lists, speeches and lecture texts, names and faces of people, phone numbers, dates, multi-digit numbers.

7. “Remember everything. A practical guide to the development of memory, Artur Dumchev

Artur Dumchev, the author of this book, remembers Pi up to 22,528 decimal places. In his book, he shares memory development techniques that he uses to quickly memorize large amounts of information, solve complex problems in his mind, and memorize long strings of numbers.

This edition focuses on practical work with the reader. Specific techniques are offered with clear examples, algorithms for execution and explanations.

8. “Development of the brain. How to Read Faster, Remember Better, and Achieve Bigger Goals by Roger Sipe

The book by coach and self-development consultant Roger Sipe is devoted to a wide range of issues related to accelerated learning: the development of memory and intelligence, and energy management, prioritization and time management.

9. “Neurobics. Exercises for training the brain, Lawrence Katz, Manning Rubin

Psychologists Katz and Rubin have proven that doing the same type of boring tasks day after day leads to memory deterioration and a decrease in mental abilities. The solution to the problem is simple and obvious: you need to add variety to your usual routine.

You have to learn how to perform ordinary actions in an unusual way: do everything with your eyes closed, control with your left hand instead of your right, get new routes. These fun experiences help keep brain cells alive.

10. “Flexible consciousness. A New Perspective on Developmental Psychology in Adults and Children by Carol Dweck

At the heart of the book is a simple idea - you can make mistakes, and that's okay. The flexible approach that Dweck advocates is a growth mindset: by systematically working on yourself, you can develop any of your qualities. Including memory.

Dweck's book is a boost of motivation that will help you get better and come to the understanding that any weakness can be turned into your strength.

Main literature:

    Atkinson R. Human memory and learning process. M., 1980.

    Vygotsky L.S. Development of higher mental functions. M., 1960.

    Zinchenko T.I. Memory in experimental and cognitive psychology. M., 2002.

    Zeigarnik B.V. Pathopsychology. M., 2002.

    Lindsay P., Norman D. Information processing in humans. M., 1974.

    Luria A.R. Neuropsychology of memory. - M.: Pedagogy, 1974.

    Luria A.R. Attention and memory. - M., 1975.

    Klacki R. Human memory. Structure and processes. - M., 1978.

    Lyaudis V.Ya. Memory in the process of development. - M.: MGU, 1976.

    Rubinshtein S.L. Basics general psychology. M., 2002.

    Smirnov A.A. Problems of the psychology of memory. M., 1966.

    Solso R. Cognitive psychology. M., 1996.

    Fress P., Piaget J. experimental psychology, issue 4. Learning and memory. - M.: Progress, 1973.

    Reader in general psychology. Psychology of memory. M., 1979.

Additional literature.

    Wayne A.M., Kamenetskaya B.I. Human memory. - M., 1973.

    Zinchenko P.I. Involuntary memory. M., 1996.

    Zinchenko V.P. Living knowledge. Samara, 1998.

    Korsakov S.S. Painful memory disorders and their diagnosis. M., 1980.

    Luria A.R. A small book about a big memory. - M., Moscow State University, 1968.

    Rogovin M.S. Problems of the theory of memory. - M.: Higher school, 1977

    Sokolov E.N. memory mechanisms. - Moscow State University, 1969.

    Freud Z. Psychopathology of everyday life. M., 1926.

    Hoffman I. Memory activity. - M.: Progress, 1986.

    Ebbinghaus G. Fundamentals of psychology. SPb., 1912.

Questions for independent repetition on the topic:

1. Psychology of memory: basic approaches, facts, patterns.

2. General characteristics of the memory system.

3. Definition of memory. Basic functions, processes, contents and connections of memory.

4. Phenomenon and concept of association. Laws, conditions and types of associations.

5. The problem of memory in the cultural-historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky. Experimental study of mediated memorization.

6. The idea of ​​memory in behaviorism.

7. Cognitive approach to the study of memory: basic concepts and provisions.

8. Types, levels and types of memory.

9. Characteristics, tasks and settings of arbitrary memorization. The concept and sources of mnemonic orientation.

10. Characterization and research of involuntary memorization.

11. Short-term memory: basic methods and research results.

12. Structure of long-term memory. Phenomenal memory. Amnesia.

Workshop on the topic

Topic: "Investigation of the regularities of the memory process»

Exercise 1.

Purpose of the assignment. The study of the rate of formation and the nature of emerging associations by presenting a series of words.

Necessary material and equipment. Stopwatch, word list.

Job progress. In the first part of the task, the experimenter reads the words to the subject. The subject must answer each presented word with any other that came to his mind. The recorder, having a list of suggested words on the form and using a stopwatch, records the time spent on the response and the response of the subject. The subject is presented with 20-25 words.

In the second part of the task, the subject is offered other words, to which he must answer not arbitrarily, but subject to certain conditions. For example, you can offer to answer with an antonym or synonym, or a word related to the stimulus as a part to the whole, as a cause to an effect, etc.

The average association formation time is calculated. When processing the results of the first part of the task, the resulting associations are classified. The following types of links (characters of associations) can be obtained:

view-genus (table - furniture);

part-whole (stern - boat);

association from the same category (table - chair);

predicative (poisonous snake, severe winter);

by contrast (black and white);

according to the elementary definition of the stimulus word (singing is good);

by definition of the function of the object (ax - to chop);

by negation (generous - not generous);

by adequacy (cave - shelter);

motor speech, i.e. response-stamp (deception - vision);

by consonance (axe - motor);

to establish a causal relationship (pain - tears; cutting - it hurts).

When processing results In the second part of the task, the nature of associations is not analyzed, since it is given in advance, and the main attention is paid to studying the relationship between the rate of formation of associations and their complexity.

Task 2.

Purpose of the assignment. The study of involuntary memorization of words that have an emotional coloring and neutral words.

Required material. A number of words: darkness, melody, crowded, sadness, fear, creativity, rhythm, anxiety, anger, delight, cry, game, pain, envy, dull, style, castle, wool, button, hairstyle, plane, glass, coat, birch , coast, sand, scarf, spot.

Job progress. The subject divides a blank sheet of paper into 2 parts vertically. Then he listens to the words and writes them down as follows: on the left he writes words that, in his opinion, have an emotional connotation, on the right - those that do not have an emotional connotation. The written piece of paper is put aside.

After that on clean slate, dividing it into 2 parts, the subject reproduces the words, adhering to his division into emotional and non-emotional.

The recorded number of words on the first and second sheets is counted (emotional and non-emotional words are counted separately). Then a ratio is compiled (for each group of words separately) between the number of correctly reproduced words and the total number of words in each group. Usually, the fraction for emotional words should be larger than for neutral ones.

Task 3.

Purpose of the assignment. The study of mediated memorization by the method of free graphic association.

Required material. Words and phrases: a coward boy, an angry teacher, hard work, development, mistake, holiday, home, mind, city, blind musician, science, rise, movement, street, peace.

Job progress. A) The experimenter invites the subject to listen and remember a few words and phrases and slowly reads them. The subject must, simultaneously with listening, give a graphic image of what he heard. After finishing reading, under each pictogram (the pictogram is a sample of picture writing), starting from the first, the subject writes down the word that he had to remember when making this image. B) the subject is asked to listen and memorize 15 words and combinations.

Data processing of the completed job: The number of correctly reproduced words in the first and second series is counted. The output should contain a definition of the value of mediated storage on the process of subsequent reproduction.

Task 11

Purpose of the assignment. Identification of the type of memory by the method of reproducing differently perceived words.

Required material. Four rows of words written on separate cards.

Job progress. The experimenter reads aloud to the subject the first series of words (the interval between words is five seconds). After a 10-second break, the subject writes down the memorized words and rests for 10 minutes. Then the experimenter shows the subject the words of the second row, which he must write down from memory. After a 10-minute rest, the experimenter reads the words of the third row aloud, and the subject repeats each of them in a whisper and “writes it down” in the air, after which he writes down the memorized words of the third row on a piece of paper. After 10 minutes, the experimenter shows the subject the words of the IV row, reads them aloud. The subject repeats each word in a whisper, “writing down” in the air, then writes down the memorized words of the fourth row on a piece of paper.

Data processing of the completed job. After the experiment, a table is filled in and a conclusion is made about the effectiveness of different types of memory:

Task 4.

Purpose of the assignment. The study of logical and mechanical memory by memorizing two rows of words.

Required material. Two rows of words. In the first row there are semantic connections between words, in the second row they are absent.

The progress of the task. The experimenter reads to the subject 15 pairs of words of the first row (the interval between the pair is 5 seconds). After a 10-second break, the left words of the series are read (with an interval of 10 seconds), and the subject writes down the memorized words of the right half of the series.

Similar work is carried out with the words of the second row.

Data processing of the completed job. The results of the experiment are recorded in a table.

Task 5.

Goal of the work: learn some rational memorization techniques.

Required material: set of words to remember.

1. To experience 1.- cupboard, village, notebook, car, saber, glass, pen, hare, milk, letter, noise, lion, lamp, melon.

To experience 2- fish, car, swing, chair, sky, shoes, thermometer, textbook, fox, brush, sea, desk.

To experience 4- smoke - a hole, iron - an acorn, a pencil - a horse, a table-hay, a root-bell, a teapot - ink, a hare - a mirror, a magnifying glass - a slogan, soap - a mill, a hole - zero, a cucumber - glasses, water - wind.

To experience 5- oak - tree, moon - planet, thick - thin, explosion - destruction., calf - cow, pencil-notebook, slave owner - slave, materialism - idealism, clouds - rain, student - teacher, winter - summer, sweet - bitter .

To experience 6- stadium, competition, shot, start, edge, opponent, detour, snatch, finish, applause,

To experience 7- love, scholarship, victory, twist, test, bride, dean, call, betrayal, holiday, snake, goal.

2. A set of cards depicting objects and numbers. There are 12 cards in total, on each of which an object is depicted large in the center, and a two-digit number is small in the left corner: a cup, 12; dove, 44; skis, 79; vase, 16; soccer ball, 47; dog, 72; plate,18; barbell, 38; bear, 76; spoon, 81; car, 53; tree, 27.

3. Tables with a schematic representation of gymnastic exercises.

4. Stopwatch.

5 . Summary protocol of experiments.

Job progress. Group and demonstration experiments, independent analysis by students of experimental data obtained in the classroom.

Long-term and accurate preservation and reproduction of the studied material require rationally organized memorization. It involves: 1) the correct formulation of the goal and the creation of a setting for memorization; 2) deep comprehension; 3) expediently constructed repetition.

Accordingly, three series of experiments are conducted in the lesson.

In series I, two experiments are carried out: experiment 1, in which the goal of remembering is not set, and experiment 2, in which the goal of remembering is determined.

Experience 1 - group. Before the start of the experiment, the experimenter says: "Attention!" - and after 5 sec. dictates the first word. In this experiment (and in all subsequent ones), words (or numbers) are read out in a monotonous voice, at intervals of 5 seconds. After 5 sec . after pronouncing the last, twelfth, word (or number), the command is given: "Write." 1 minute is given for playback.

Instruction:“The words will now be read to you. Listen carefully and try to remember the neuter words. When it is said: "Write," take pencils and write down in any order the words of the middle gender.

Students are asked to write down all the words they read and cross out the middle words. The remaining words are taken as an indicator of involuntary memorization. Each student enters the results of the experiment in the column "Experience 1, individual data". The average indicators of the group are calculated and entered in the appropriate column of the summary protocol.

Experience 2 - group.

Instruction:“Now the words will be read to you. Listen carefully and try to remember. When it is said: "Write," take pencils and write down the words that you can remember, in any order.

Students count individual data, calculate averages for the group, enter them into the appropriate columns of the summary protocol, compare and explain the results obtained in experiments 1 and 2, get acquainted with the data of psychological studies by A.A. Smirnova and L.V. Zankov's formulation of goals for the effectiveness of memorization.

IIa series of experiments aims to demonstrate the importance of comprehension for the productivity of memorization (experiments 3,4,5,6,), as well as the influence of emotions on memorization (experiment 7).

Experience 3. Study of the productivity of involuntary memorization included in active mental activity. Demonstration experience. For it, 12 cards are used, on which various objects are depicted in the center, and numbers in the right corner. The subjects (two students) leave the audience for a while; the rest are explained the essence of the experience. Then one of the students is invited to the audience and 12 cards are opened in front of him.

Instruction for the first student: “Before you are cards with the image of various objects. Group the cards according to the features you define.

After that, the student is asked to list the objects and numbers (which were in the corner of each card). Count the number of correctly reproduced objects and numbers. The data is entered in the appropriate column of the protocol.

ANDinstructionsecond student: “There are cards in front of you, in the right corner of each there are numbers. Sort the cards by number, from highest to lowest. After completing the task, the student is asked to reproduce the numbers and objects shown in the pictures. The number of correctly reproduced numbers and objects is counted. The data is entered in the appropriate column of the protocol.

Students compare and explain the results obtained in experiments 3,1,2.

In experiments 4 and 5, the memorization of words is studied depending on the nature of the connections between them.

Experience 4 - group. It uses words that have an external resemblance.

Experience 5 - group. It uses words that have meaningful connections.

Instructions for experiments 4And5 : "Now you will be read pairs of words, try to remember the first word of the pair, using the second auxiliary to remember the first." During playback, the experimenter reads out the auxiliary word, and the students write down the first word of the pair.

Then students count individual data, calculate group averages and enter the results in the appropriate columns of the protocols.

Experience 6. Logical memorization of dictated words, which make it possible, having mentally drawn up a preliminary plan, to write a story consisting of these words. The instruction is the same as in experiment 2.

Students calculate individual data, display the average data for the group. Then they compare and explain the results of 5, 6 and get acquainted with the studies (A. A. Smirnova, V. A. Petrovsky) of the importance of drawing up a plan when memorizing the material .

Experience 7. Memorization of emotionally colored material.

Instruction the same as in experiment 2, set of words for experiment 7. Students calculate individual indicators, derive group averages and explain the results of the experiment.

The third series of experiments aims to familiarize students with the rules for repeating the material. Experiments 8 and 9 illustrate one of the repetition rules. The exposure in these experiments lasts 45 seconds, and 90 seconds are given for recognition and reproduction.

Experience 8. Recognition research

Instruction:“Now you will be shown a table on which gymnastic exercises are schematically depicted. Try to remember them, so that later in another table you can find these exercises and write down the numbers with which they are indicated.

Individual and group averages are calculated.

Experience 9. Reproduction research.

Instruction: now you will be shown a table that schematically depicts gymnastic exercises. Try to remember them so that you can draw or describe them later.

Students calculate individual and group averages.

Repetition rules.

1. Repeat the material in a timely manner, while it is not yet forgotten. Forgetting occurs intensively in the first days after memorization, therefore repetition is of particular importance precisely in the first days.

The data of M.N. Shardakov on the course of forgetting educational material by schoolchildren are interesting:

Time slots

No repetition

After repeat

On the first day after 3-4 days.

In a month.... In 2 months. . . In 6 months. .

After 3-4 months

A month later

2 months later

In 6 months

    It is necessary to repeat the material in a variety of ways - to make changes to the process of repetition itself: to slightly change the content of what is being repeated, to attract new, additional information; change the ways of repetition, for which use the material when performing new tasks that require new mental operations.

    Actively reproduce the material in the process of memorization and consciously check what is being reproduced - eliminate gaps in the memorized.

    Correctly distribute the repetition in time. It is necessary to distinguish between two types of repetitions: concentrated (repetitions follow one after another until the material is completely memorized) non-concentrated (repetitions are separated by certain intervals of time). Non-concentrated repetitions are more productive than concentrated ones (see table).