Reports from the Novorossiya militia are a Pandora's box. (alarming) urgent reports in an hour. chronicle of the escalation of the conflict. "SP": - What are its reasons?

07/22/2017 | News, everything that happened in the DPR and LPR over the last hour. (Updated). Thank you for following the events in Novorossiya and worrying the whole world !

Message from the militia.

"At 21:55 the fighting continues. Donetsk: rifle battles along the entire front line of the city, Airport-Spartak-YBP small arms, 82 and 120mm mortars, armored vehicles. Arrivals in the YBP area. Dokuchaevsk, battle on the outskirts, tanks and mortars, several shells flew into the building. Gorlovka. Zaitsevo and Golma hear mine explosions. South. Sakhanka and Kointernovo are under mortar attack all evening. LPR. Bakhmutka and Kalinovo: LNG, 82 mm."

Message from the militia.

“The Ukrainian Armed Forces have been firing all evening at the village of Zaitsevo in the north of Gorlovka, the Avdiivka industrial zone, the village of Spartak, the area of ​​​​the Donetsk airport, the villages of Staromikhailovka and Trudovskiye in the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, Dokuchaevsk, the villages of Kominternovo and Sakhanka in the south of the DPR. DPR reconnaissance revealed the location of up to a company of Ukrainian Armed Forces tanks north of Artemovsk, as well as to a tank company in the Krasnohorivka area, 3 km west of Donetsk." Video from military officers: “War correspondent Patrick Lancaster visited the front-line settlement of Aleksandrovka, on the outskirts of Donetsk, which recently came under massive shelling from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Once at the scene, the military correspondent recorded the destruction caused by the Ukrainian army and talked with local residents who spoke about their difficulties.”

Report from military correspondent A. Tyunikov.

“Hot Avdiivka is the most dangerous point of the industrial zone: military operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are at a distance of 200 meters. Even though the entire industrial zone of Avdiivka is considered a hot spot, and the battles that break out here in the evenings are heard by the whole of Donetsk, there are places here that are considered more dangerous than the rest.

Correspondents from NA "Kharkov" visited the most dangerous position in the Avdeevka industrial zone: it is pushed forward more than the others, is semi-surrounded and access to it is possible only in the morning and practically crawling. Despite this, the militias continue to serve there and defend Donbass even in such difficult conditions. Here the distance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine is minimal - no more than 200 m. “We are at the forefront of our unit. Here we have firing points. She is considered one of the “hottest” in the entire industry. Here, before the truce, a tank regularly came out to work,” we hear a loud sound of an explosion, we duck down. - “By the way, dill are blowing up trenches. It looks like engineering work is being carried out. Why is the position so strange? Well, they dug it when there was an opportunity. Here she is at the forefront. Here the enemy is 200 meters away. And their positions are over there, in the depths of the landing,” the soldiers tell us.

By sticking your camera over the parapet of the trench you can photograph what is happening around you. But no one here can vouch for the safety of themselves and their equipment. IN last week The shelling had subsided a little, but the branches on the bushes on the way to the position were completely cut off by machine-gun bursts that had sounded the night before and had not subsided all night. Many firing points are targeted in such a way that the soldiers do not even allow us to approach the embrasures, fearing for our lives. At the same time, they say that you can even talk to the enemy here.

I ask: “How do you communicate with the enemy, via radio?” “No, if we pick up frequencies on walkie-talkies, we listen quietly, so that we don’t have to look for them again later. But here you can easily finish shouting,” says one of the fighters. The life of the Donbass militias “on the front line,” or How the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently conducting hostilities. The second one points towards a forest plantation located a little further, three to four hundred meters away: “Here in this area they shout at each other, play music, sometimes the Ukrainian anthem, and sometimes even Nazi marches , some funny music and the machine gunner starts working from there. We listen to German songs often. Deutschland is sold out, I don’t know how to proceed... They shout: “Russians surrender.” And before the truce, everything worked in this position - 152nd, 120th, in general, like pie, every day.”

Further, the platoon commander shares the peculiarities of the life of “Boat”, as the position is called: “We answer to the best of our ingenuity, and, well, vocabulary,” the guys laugh and light a cigarette at the entrance to the dugout. Just recently, it was impossible to raise your head from the shrapnel here, and this situation can return at any moment, but the fighters do not lose their presence of mind and are ready to meet the enemy not only with a “kind word”, but also with a wall of fire that will stop any attempts to attack."

Message from Eduard Basruin.

“The SBU is extracting confessions of “separatism” from kidnapped residents of Donbass, demanding ransom for fabricated cases. It is no secret that people are systematically disappearing in the territory of Donbass “liberated” by Ukraine. According to DPR data, which was reported by Antifascist, in areas west of Donetsk behind Lately 40 people disappeared.

It was known that people were being kidnapped by militants of nationalist battalions, however, nothing was known about the whereabouts of the disappeared. Today, at a briefing in Donetsk, the speaker of the DPR Ministry of Defense shared new information related to the abductions of Donbass citizens.

They are taken to the “secret prison” of the SBU in Marinka, where they are forced to testify about “separatism.” After fabricating criminal cases, they demand a ransom from the relatives of the victims, Basurin said.

“We previously announced abductions civilians Ukrainian special services. According to current data, more than 40 people have gone missing in areas west of Donetsk.

Our intelligence has established that in Marinka, in the building of a pharmacy on Druzhby Avenue, there is a counterintelligence unit of the SBU, engaged in extracting confessions of “separatism” from kidnapped citizens.

People whose relatives are able to pay the amount established by the SBU officers are released and fabricated criminal cases are closed.

Less wealthy citizens who are unable to provide the bandits in uniform with the prescribed ransom are forced to cooperate with the SBU, threatening criminal prosecution,” said Colonel Basurin, quoted by the official portal of the Republic DNR online.

Reports from the militia of New Russia February 27, 2018 18:47 News summary: DPR, LPR, Syria, world / 02/27/2018. 16:00 Situation on the contact line for the day from February 26 to February 27, 2018 - People's police. 15:59 Marochko: The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the territory of the LPR, there is destruction. 15:58 The DPR command spoke about the situation on the contact line. 15:47 The air defense delegation brought aid to Donbass. 15:00 The DPR Prosecutor General's Office opened a criminal case into the shelling of an ambulance by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 14:00 DPR Armed Forces fighter “Steam Locomotive”: from railway workers to defenders of Donbass. 13:51 Armed Forces officers were blown up in their own minefield: report from the Donbass fronts (VIDEO). 13:47 Yuri Apukhtin about the first militias in Donbass. 10:02 A captured Ukrainian Armed Forces fighter and residents of Donetsk and Spartak that he shelled. Yesterday 22:45 Captured VSUshnik and residents of Spartak. Yesterday 20:04 OSCE leaves Gorlovka with things. News summary: DPR, LPR, Syria, world / 02/27/2018 To contents | Source: on the contact line during the day from February 26 to 27, 2018 - People's Militia To contents | Source: The Ukrainian Armed Forces shelled the territory of the LPR, there is destruction To contents | Source: DPR command spoke about the situation on the contact line To contents | Source: Air defense delegation brought aid to Donbass At the end of last week, an air defense delegation arrived in Donbass. This time we brought various aids for the residents of the DPR. Head of Kirovsky regional office Valery Aleksandrovich Belyaev and his fellow countrymen raised funds for the children of the DPR. It was decided not to transport goods from Russia, but to bring funds and purchase everything necessary locally. At the same time, increasing the turnover of Donetsk stores. And so they did. Purchased medicines, hygiene items, children's clothing and food, etc. were transferred to the Republican Specialized Children's Home in Makeyevka and boarding school No. 1. In addition, one of the supporters of the Great Fatherland Party, Vladimir Averyanov, brought several hundred aircraft modeling kits to Donbass. After which our colleague personally conducted several master classes for children on how to better and better assemble and glue beautiful airplanes! Donetsk media actively reported on the visit of the air defense delegation. Source: Humanitarian aid was delivered from Russia to the children of Donbass. Humanitarian aid collected by concerned residents of Russia was delivered to Donetsk boarding school No. 1. “We will continue to try to help you with all our might and ask all caring people in Russia for this,” said publicist Nikolai Starikov at the aid transfer ceremony, which took place on Defender of the Fatherland Day. He expressed hope for the coming of peace in Donbass. “I hope that much earlier than you grow up, your other qualities will need to be used for the good of the Motherland. The homeland will need to be defended in the workplace: at the factory, while driving a car, in general through creative work, and everything must be done to make it prosper,” Starikov said. The director of the boarding school, Olga Volkova, thanked the guests from Russia. “I want to thank you again on behalf of the children and say that today our main task is to study well in order to gain knowledge and master a profession that will benefit our Motherland. I think several years will pass, and you will see us in those institutions that are doing everything possible to make our Donetsk People’s Republic even stronger. Thank you very much,” Volkova said. Author: Alexander Gusar To contents | Source: The Prosecutor General's Office of the DPR opened a criminal case into the shelling of an ambulance by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. On February 22, an ambulance that was evacuating a wounded serviceman was fired upon by the Armed Forces of Ukraine near the city of Dokuchaevsk. During the shelling, a medical instructor, a driver-medic, as well as a wounded serviceman of the Republic were killed. The Investigative Department of the General Prosecutor's Office of the DPR opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under paragraph “b” of Part 3 of Art. 229 of the Criminal Code of the DPR (terrorist act resulting in the intentional death of a person) against the commander of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine V.N. Klochkov, who gave a criminal order to his subordinate military personnel to carry out shelling. Read also: A war may start in the Donbass in the near future, - opinion To contents | Source: rusvesna.suDPR Armed Forces fighter “Steam Locomotive”: from railway workers to defenders of Donbass To contents | Source: officers were blown up in their own minefield: report from the fronts of Donbass (VIDEO) “Russian Spring” publishes a complete summary of the military situation in the DPR over the past 24 hours following the results of today’s briefing by the deputy commander of the operational command of the Republic, Eduard Basurin. Over the past 24 hours, the enemy has maintained fire activity in all directions, while actively using heavy weapons, in violation of the Minsk agreements. The use of 152 and 122 mm artillery, as well as mortars of various calibers, by the Ukrainian occupiers was noted. In the Donetsk direction in the areas of the settlements Staromikhailovka, Dokuchaevsk, Lozovoye, Novolaspa, Styla, Zhabichevo, as well as the Petrovsky district of Donetsk, the village of the mine named after. Abakumov and the vicinity of the airport, the enemy fired two artillery shells with a caliber of 152 mm and two with a caliber of 122 mm, 54 mines with a caliber of 120 and 82 mm. In addition, infantry fighting vehicle weapons, various types of grenade launchers and small arms were used. The Ukrainian occupiers again focused their efforts on the destruction of civilian objects. War criminals from the 93rd separate mechanized brigade under the command of Klochkov have been shelling the city of Dokuchaevsk for days in a row, during daylight hours, without fear of being noticed by OSCE observers. Yesterday, the occupiers targeted a civilian car of the Gazelle brand, which belonged to the Dokuchaevsky bakery. The driver, who was delivering bread to the civilians of the city, was saved from death only by the fact that at the time of the shelling he was absent on business. Ukrainian war criminals from the 93rd brigade hit a bread truck twice in order, as they say, to certainly destroy a civilian vehicle. The practiced scenario of shelling an ambulance on February 22 was repeated. After this, the enemy covered a residential area of ​​the city with 120 mm mines. Read also: The Ukrainian Armed Forces again struck at Dokuchaevsk. As a result of the shelling of Dokuchaevsk, 7 buildings were damaged at the address: st. Pionerskaya, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and st. Engelsa, 3, as well as three apartments in two multi-storey buildings on Lenin Street. By luck, this time there were no civilian casualties. In the Mariupol direction, the enemy fired 18 mines with a caliber of 82 mm; during the shelling, infantry fighting vehicle weapons, various types of grenade launchers and small arms were also intensively used in the area settlement Kominternovo. In the Gorlovka direction, in the areas of the settlements of Verkhnetoretskoye, Nizhney and Dolomitnoye, the enemy fired 24 mines of 120 and 82 mm caliber. The fire also came from various types grenade launchers and small arms. Read also: Urgent message from the operational command of the DPR In total, over the past 24 hours, 16 ceasefire violations were recorded by the Ukrainian occupiers. The enemy's offensive force continues to build up. In particular, in the Donetsk direction, the arrival of a group of military personnel from the 56th separate motorized infantry brigade was noted to carry out preparatory measures and ensure the deployment of the main units of the formation intended to strengthen the 57th separate motorized infantry brigade north-west of Donetsk. Yesterday, a reconnaissance group, which included officers from the ATO headquarters and the 56th separate motorized infantry brigade, drove in a column into the minefields of the 57th brigade not far from the village. Peski village. As a result of the explosion, one piece of equipment was destroyed and two were damaged, at least three servicemen were killed and there were wounded. Read also: A war may start in the Donbass in the near future, - opinion To contents |

In order to justify its own crimes in the Donbass, Kyiv accuses the LPR and DPR military personnel of allegedly planned provocations. The official representative of the People's Militia of the LPR, Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Marochko, announced this today at a briefing at the LuganskInformCenter.
Earlier, the headquarters of the so-called “ATO” stated that the LPR and DPR military personnel allegedly “plan to resort to serious fire provocations both against units of the Ukrainian armed forces and against the civilian population,” in particular, they allegedly “are going to simultaneously fire at the positions of the Ukrainian military and settlements located in the occupied territory."
“All such statements are made with only one purpose - to justify their own criminal actions and provocations,” Marochko said.
“Kiev is not able to control the processes that are taking place in the so-called “ATO” zone. General drunkenness and drug addiction are producing their results. Uncontrollable Ukrainian troops are sorting things out among themselves with the help of weapons, additionally earning bonuses for the so-called “combat”, - he noted.
“Unfortunately, civilians are suffering from this. First of all, we need to ask the question who does not benefit from the truce, where all the facts clearly indicate that it is not beneficial for Ukraine,” the lieutenant colonel added.

Kiev is preparing to transfer groups of fans of the Ukrainian football club "Zarya" Ultras Black and White" to the territory of the LPR in order to destabilize the situation in the Republic. This was reported by the Center for Public Relations (CPR) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR.
"On hotline The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR received a message from a resident of the city of Shchastya. As part of the ministerial program to pay for information about the crimes of Ukrainian punitive forces, the man said that in mid-February, a group of people, according to the applicant, representatives of the special services, were stationed on the territory of the former vocational police school No. 54,” the report says.
“Everything is extremely secret: they don’t go anywhere, don’t drink, don’t fight. And then, it seems on the 24th (February), a tented truck with boxes in the back arrived there. One thing is for sure a “figure” (camouflage uniform, used by the People’s Militia of the LPR ), and in the other there are LPR chevrons,” the man said.
“During the inspection by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the LPR, it was established that from February 16 to February 28, two groups of civilians, 20 people each, from among the “ultra” football fans, arrived from the city of Kharkov to the settlements of Shchastya and Stanitsa Luganskaya. located exactly on the territory of the former vocational school No. 54 in the city of Shchastya,” the Ministry of Internal Affairs informed.
"The purpose of the arrival of these persons is to destabilize public stop on the territory of the LPR," the department added.

03/08/18. Official reports from the ILO DPR (Eduard Basurin) and the NM LPR (Andrey Marochko).

DPR Ministry of Defense: “After a short relative calm, the Ukrainian occupiers again violated the agreements, once again threatening the establishment of peace in Donbass.
In the Donetsk direction, in the areas of the settlements STAROMIKHAILOVKA and YASINOVATAYA, the enemy fired FOUR mines of 120 mm caliber, and grenade launchers and small arms were also used.
Yesterday, Ukrainian militants again committed an act of aggression against civilian targets. A civilian truck belonging to the public utility company “Water of Donbass” was transporting property through the town of Yasinovataya towards the Donetsk filtration station. At 11.40 the car was targeted with small arms fire from the positions of Ukrainian militants. The body of the truck was damaged as a result of the shelling. Fortunately, the driver was not injured. As has happened more than once, the Ukrainian terrorists saw what they wanted to see, and instead of a civilian truck, they again imagined a car with ammunition.
In total, over the past 24 hours, TWO ceasefire violations were recorded by the Ukrainian occupiers.
As we have repeatedly noted, the unconstitutional law “On the reintegration of Donbass” has completely given Ukrainian militants a free hand. We constantly receive information from residents of the territories occupied by Kiev about crimes against civilians. Lately their number has only been growing.
In the settlements of Bogdanovka, Krasnohorivka, Verkhnee Zaitsevo, Gladosovo and Travnevoe, Ukrainian occupiers are actively dismantling houses abandoned by residents and using the stolen goods to improve their living conditions in dugouts as firewood and building materials.
And now about the pleasant things. On behalf of the command of the Armed Forces of the Donetsk People's Republic, I would like to congratulate all the women of Donbass on International Women's Day! Especially female military personnel, who stood up to defend their land in difficult times. Dear women! I wish you more smiles, always feeling loved, happy, most needed and inspiring us to do great things. And raise children under a peaceful sky!

NM LPR: “Militants of the nationalist battalion “Right Sector” captured and plundered the “Dubrava” tourist camp in Stanitsa Luganskaya. This was announced by the official representative of the People's Militia of the LPR, Lieutenant Colonel Andrei Marochko.
He noted an increase in the number of offenses by “armed gangs of Ukraine” in the Donbass.
“So, we learned that on March 5, militants from the DUK “Right Sector” forcibly occupied the tourist base “Dubrava” on the banks of the Seversky Donets River near the village of Stanitsa Luganskaya,” the lieutenant colonel said.
“At the same time, Kyiv nationalists beat two guards at the base and took away valuables,” said a representative of the People’s Militia.
“Such facts are far from isolated cases and are carefully hidden by the command of the so-called ATO,” he emphasized.”

03/08/18. Message from military correspondents NewsFront. Captured VSUshnik: if they didn’t pay money, no one would be here.

“Prisoned VSUshnik: if they didn’t pay money, no one would be here.
A Ukrainian prisoner of war who was captured told the truth about the war in Donbass
“I am soldier Zhemelinsky Vasil Leonidovich. I live in the Kirovograd region, Dalinsky district, Marfivka village. Unmarried, living with my parents. Parents live there at their place of registration.
He served in the information and telecommunications unit and the 57th separate motorized infantry brigade, and was also assigned to the 35th brigade of the 2nd battalion of the 2nd company. I entered military service in 2016. On March 14th I was drafted, on the 15th I already signed a contract. On March 15th it will be two years since I military service in the Ukrainian Armed Forces,” the prisoner said about himself.

Mainly I went for the money; I didn’t have enough money in civilian life, so I went to serve as a contract worker. He underwent training in Lvov, at the Yavorovsky training ground. From February 16th to 17th of this year, the commander set the task for our group to move towards the enemy and find out their positions. The group consisted of eight people. We moved out and began to approach closer to the enemy, they discovered us and started shooting. The battle began and our group was defeated. Two were wounded, two died, and I was captured. The rest essentially ran away. They abandoned me, they simply abandoned me. Although they could help.
When asked whether Ukraine is violating the ceasefire, he answered:
- Yes, they do. At least the commanders don’t let us know. We are trying to monitor the situation from the media, television, and the Internet. There are violations every day from the rifle range. And of the large 120s (120 mm mortar), well. From the large-caliber headquarters, the order is given, mainly by the company commander. 120th mortars, guns, LNG, BRDM from this also give the order to open fire.
- Have you seen foreign instructors in the places of deployment of the Ukrainian army?
» Yes, at the training center at the Yavorovsky training ground. There are Americans and Poles there, groups of them. They built a nice city where they live. Their houses are very good, with all the conditions, better than ours. We live in tents, they live, one might say, in mansions. They have their own technology. They train Ukrainian military personnel. Ukrainian military. Not long ago a group of Americans and Poles came to our positions. They examined the positions and asked how they served. We went to the Sand area and inspected the territory.”
- Are any commissions coming to check the combat positions of Ukrainian units?
- Yes, just recently. From the ATO headquarters, there were generals, colonels, and foreigners were with them. Two groups. It turns out they were in two cars, Americans and Poles. We also inspected the positions, everything completely. They checked the readiness of the positions and whether they were ready to attack and go into battle at any moment if there was an order.
- If your battalion was given the order to go on the offensive, many would carry it out?

I think the order would have been carried out, an order is an order. They would do it, but there would be no point. There are few people, people are tired of this war. People are not allowed to go on vacation.
- What is your personal attitude to everything that is happening?
- My personal attitude is that this war should end as soon as possible and just return home.
- What is the morale of Ukrainian military personnel on the front line?
- Most people want to quit after a rotation, which probably won’t happen. Most of those who have been serving since the 14th are already tired of all this, fed up with it. Yes, and families are dripping on the brain. No father or son at home. Those who have recently joined the service will serve. They serve mainly for money. If you now remove the ATO salary, 10 thousand UAH. They pay (approx. 20 thousand rubles) many would quit, this is 100%.
- What can you say about the fact that you were declared a deserter?
- This is just an attitude towards soldiers, this can be said about any soldier who is on the front line. Send him to his death, and this is not just now, this is for all time. They just sent soldiers to their deaths. They can all say this about all of them: “they went AWOL, now they don’t know where, they are traitors to Ukraine and the like.” They don’t think about how parents will live with the fact that their son will be considered a traitor. You are on the front line, performing a combat mission. And then they will say that you went to SOCH. We soldiers are treated like creatures. SOCH is the unauthorized abandonment of a part. I want to tell my mom and dad that I’m alive and well. Hello. Don’t worry everything will be fine.”

03/08/18. Article from journalists. If tomorrow there is war.

“If there is war tomorrow.
In Ukraine, everyone wants power: the current administration wants to keep it, the opposition wants to come to power as a result of elections, and radicals and nationalists want to seize it, taking advantage of the confusion. The thirst for power can lead the participants in the game to the extreme - a real war with Russia. Saturday's dispersal of Mikhail Maidan laid out a clear front line in Ukrainian politics between the government and the opposition. And the anti-Polish torchlight procession of radicals and Nazis that took place in Lviv the next day, Sunday, March 4, is between the authorities and the radicals. But this is not only about this. In three last days it became clear that the Ukrainian government had finally decided on its actions not only inside, but also outside the borders, for example, with Russia. So far, however, on the gas and financial front, but it is possible that, pushed by the West and the United States, Ukraine will be ready to take the next step - an attempt to take over Donbass by force, which will inevitably cause a response from both the Donbass militias and Russia.

A small war (not a world war or even a European one, but a local one between Ukraine and Russia) is quite real in the current circumstances. And it is unlikely that it will use the latest nuclear weapons. And who wins is also not important (for the West). The main thing is that on the “Ukrainian front” the West will try to test the strength of Russian power with Ukrainian hands (or rather, with their lives).
And the start of this conflict is quite real in the foreseeable future. Although it all started with a banal anti-corruption story on Ukrainian TV.

Reincarnation of a fugitive whistleblower
Late in the evening of March 2, the Ukrainian opposition TV channel NewsOne aired a previously recorded interview with fugitive Verkhovna Rada deputy and Ukrainian gas tycoon Alexander Onishchenko with another batch of revelations. Onishchenko, who doesn’t remember, was the former “decider” of President Petro Poroshenko - he distributed, in his own words, bribes that, on Poroshenko’s instructions, he gave to Ukrainian parliamentarians for the “correct” vote on certain issues important to the head of state. So, for example, 2 million dollars were paid for voting on the appointment of Yuriy Lutsenko to the post of Prosecutor General, and a little less for the appointment of the head of the SBU Vasyl Gritsak...
This time, giving an interview to an opposition television channel, Onishchenko spoke about the corruption schemes that Poroshenko uses to establish control over Ukrainian politics and business, as well as how the president, according to Onishchenko, extorts money from large Ukrainian entrepreneurs. According to Onishchenko, he is ready to confirm his revelations with secretly made audio recordings.
Of course, this is not the first time Onishchenko has made such accusations (the first time was in 2016). But now they fit especially well during the election campaign - in a year on Ukraine will host presidential election campaign, in which Poroshenko plans to take part. And therefore, the reincarnation of the “whistleblower Onishchenko” in this situation is especially fraught with trouble for Poroshenko. Especially in the West, which has become very skeptical about the figure of the current president of Ukraine.

In general, the critical trail from this interview should have been interrupted by something more impressive. And so, a few hours after this interview appeared on the air, two thousand Ukrainian police officers in the pre-dawn Kyiv twilight marched in formation on MihoMaidan.
In the footsteps of Saakashvili
The police who went out on the morning of March 3 to disperse MihoMaidan, of course, could have seen the evening story on NewsOne, in which their president was called a corrupt official and a criminal. But it is unlikely that they directly connected the plot with the command to violently disperse MikhoMaidan, which gathered here four months ago on the initiative of Mikheil Saakashvili.
As a journalist who has visited MikhoMaidan several times, I can testify that the protesters (as was the case, for example, in November 2013-February 2014) at MikhoMaidan had neither the will to win nor the fighting spirit aimed at seizing power. And above all, the organizers themselves did not have it - the same Saakashvili and Semyon Semenchenko.

Once I saw how Saakashvili, melancholy walking with his retinue along MikhoMaidan, stubbornly did not notice how, a few meters away from him, the police and the National Guard were illegally holding a group of several hundred protesters from entering the camp. As soon as Saakashvili gave a signal, the protesters would then break through the police cordon on both sides. But Saakashvili chose not to interfere.
Now that the authorities have sent Saakashvili abroad, his passion for protests here has completely disappeared. Saakashvili's supporters from the New Forces Movement left the camp immediately after their leader was deported. In fact, on Saturday, March 3, several dozen protesters remained in the camp - mostly fighters from the former Donbass volunteer battalion of Semyon Semenchenko.
The police made them kneel in the snow, and then they were all taken to the regional departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to draw up reports, after which they were released. While protocols were being drawn up, the camp was destroyed and the tents were taken away. And now in Ukraine they are discussing not how Poroshenko distributed bribes (that is, not Onishchenko’s revelations), but how Interior Minister Arsen Avakov dispersed the protesters.
The authorities agreed to unity
The reason why MihoMaidan was not dispersed earlier is also well known. The decision on this crackdown was slowed down by the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, who was playing, although not publicly, against Petro Poroshenko. And no matter how Poroshenko called, Avakov did not disperse.
But here, too, changes have occurred. According to Ukrainian media, between the Petro Poroshenko Bloc and Popular Front There were long bargaining sessions over how to distribute power among themselves (the president, the government, Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman) after presidential elections and how to go to the parliamentary elections in the fall of 2019 - together, as a single bloc or separately? And then, when they win, how to distribute the seats.

And now, it seems, we have agreed. The visible result of reaching consensus was the timely dispersal of MihoMaidan for Poroshenko. And then, on March 4, radicals and nationalists from the “National Corps”, “National Squads” (both structures are led by People’s Deputy Andrei Biletsky) and some others took to the anti-Polish torchlight march in Lviv.
Previously, these groups were, albeit implicitly, supervised by the same Minister Avakov. But this time they clearly came out without his consent. Because they marched with anti-Polish slogans, thereby actually declaring war on the power of Petro Poroshenko.
Gas and radicals in one package
On the last day of February, the International Stockholm Arbitration made a decision obliging Russia to pay Ukraine almost $2.5 billion. In response, Gazprom, refusing to pay Naftogaz, announced that it was terminating the contract with the Ukrainian company and refusing to supply gas to Ukraine from March 1. An energy crisis immediately arose in Ukraine. The authorities immediately, on March 2, turned to European countries for help and received a response - Slovakia, Hungary and Poland began supplying gas to Ukraine. Each of these countries, of course, has its own interest - first of all, they will receive money that significantly exceeds what they themselves pay for gas to Gazprom (and they sell Russian gas).
But the political effect is more important here. This is a response to Russia from Eastern European states supporting their ally, Ukraine. And at that moment, when Poland began to supply gas to Ukraine, radicals with anti-Polish slogans marched through Lviv... Radicals also have their own interest in this story - they are intensively building up their electoral muscles - without mixing with the opposition, they also oppose the authorities.
And if another turmoil begins in Ukraine, the radicals and Nazis will try to break through to power not through the procedure of legitimate elections (there is nothing for them here), but by blackmailing both the authorities and the opposition. Or, as a last resort, they will decide to seize power during a period of unrest...
And the West listens and eats
There is another side to this whole story that is clearly interested in the conflict flaring up in Ukraine and around it. This is the West.
For the West, having received a clear signal from the Kremlin that Russia will continue to strive for its special geopolitical position in the world, one of the main means of suppressing growing Russian ambitions remains - organizing a small war, albeit victorious for Russia, in which there will be hundreds and thousands of casualties at both sides. Because any sacrifice is a huge and unhealed wound, a stain on power.

And the decision of the Stockholm Arbitration on the mutual claims of Ukraine and Russia fits well into this alarmist logic. By playing along with Ukraine, the arbitration has so strained relations between the two countries that the next step in this escalation of tension may well be a complete severance of relations between the two states. And maybe even war.
We presented this whole scenario, as extremely provocative, as a “mind game,” so to speak. And we would like all this to remain a “game”.
But if this is just a “game”, why are there so many strange chronological coincidences?

03/08/18. Report from military correspondents NewsFront. Pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Donetsk: I don’t understand how you can kill just for money, we are the same Ukrainians.

“Pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Donetsk: I don’t understand how you can kill just for money, we are the same Ukrainians.
A resident of the Kyiv region, permanently residing in Donetsk, told what he had to endure since 2014.
“I haven’t gone anywhere, I haven’t received a pension since 2014, I don’t understand how you can stupidly kill just for money. My wife died last year and couldn’t stand such a life: they bomb and bomb, especially here near the Airport,” said a resident of the DPR.
“The issue of peace in Donbass must be resolved through round table in negotiations,” the pensioner noted.”

03/08/18. A note about journalists. Alexander Shchipkov: Patriarch Kirill directly stated the betrayal of our common history by the Bulgarian elite.

“Alexander Shchipkov: Patriarch Kirill directly stated the betrayal of our common history by the Bulgarian elite.
Advisor to the Chairman State Duma, member of the Public Chamber, Doctor of Political Sciences, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Alexander Shchipkov commented on the words of Patriarch Kirill, spoken at a meeting with the President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev.
I am proud of the Russian Patriarch. He directly declared to the whole world about the betrayal of our common history by the Bulgarian elite. The Russians liberated Bulgaria from the Turks. Blood was shed. They didn't ask for anything or take anything in return. We defended our common faith. We defended the name of Christ from desecration. Bulgaria betrayed us twice: in 1941 and in 1991.

“Bulgaria was liberated by Russia. Not Poland, not Lithuania, not other countries - Russia. Frankly, it was difficult for me to hear references to the participation of other countries. Neither the Polish Sejm nor the Lithuanian Sejm made a decision to start a war with Ottoman Turkey,” the Patriarch said to the face of the confused President of Bulgaria Rumen Radev.
The Patriarch spoke firmly and confidently. He spoke from a position of truth and strength. He spoke on behalf of the Russians. He spoke as a person who is aware of the historical responsibility for his words and actions in the position that the Lord assigned to him.
The act of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' evokes a surge of pride in Russian people for their Fatherland. This is not the name of the Motherland taped over on sports bags. This is an open fight.

I believe that many of our compatriots saw the Patriarch today with completely different eyes. He silently does his job, he floats like an icebreaker, pushing the time of history apart. And someday, much later, it will be possible to tell about everything that Kirill did for the Mother Church and the Russian people.
The patriarch restores history, connects the gaps of history. He feels the fabric of history. He makes history. He is the Russian Patriarch."

03/08/18. Message from journalists. In Odessa, migrants injured three police officers.

“In Odessa, migrants injured three police officers.
On Wednesday, March 7, in Odessa, near the Privoz market, police officers used weapons while detaining illegal foreigners. This is reported by regional administration National Police.
It is noted that during the activities as part of the operational and preventive training of Migrant, the police noticed four suspicious men who were sitting in a car. Deciding to check their documents, the police approached them. When asked to get out of the car, the men tried to escape and ran over the police.
As a result, three law enforcement officers were injured. They were taken to the hospital for medical treatment.
To stop the car, police officers used traumatic weapons. The offenders - a 29-year-old Odessa resident and three foreigners aged from 37 to 51 - were detained and taken to the Primorsky police department.
“The issue of entering information into the Unified Register of Pre-trial Investigations under Part 2 of Article 345 (threat or violence against a law enforcement officer) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine is being resolved now,” the police noted.”

03/08/18. Videos from local residents and a review of current and combat information from military correspondent “John Hughes”.

Video from local residents: “Local residents of Bryanka filmed a video with unidentified flashes on the horizon, which were quite close to the shooting location. Residents of Donbass will understand that when flashes are visible, it does not bode well. We are trying to figure out what it was. Although the sad experience of past years suggests that these outbreaks do not mean anything good.”

Review: “Donbass today: Kyiv is building up its strike force, the Ukrainian Armed Forces are falsifying shelling. Another breakdown of the truce in the LPR. Donetsk fears provocations by Ukrainian special forces against foreign journalists. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are falsifying shelling. Last news Novorossiya - in the review of the Federal News Agency.

"Absolute" truce in action
The Lugansk People's Republic announced another breakdown of the truce due to the fault of the Ukrainian armed forces. The day before, at 16:00, servicemen of the Ukrainian Armed Forces opened fire on the positions of the LPR army in the area of ​​the village of Lozovoye. During the attack, Ukrainian security forces used heavy machine guns and automatic mounted grenade launchers.

The DPR fears provocations
According to the press service of the armed forces of the Donetsk People's Republic, film crews of foreign journalists are working southwest of the capital of the DPR, as well as in the area controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces Avdeevka (north of Donetsk). Among the represented media there are also correspondents from the American television channel NBC News. In addition, the command of the Kyiv army previously transferred to the above areas reconnaissance groups from the Special Operations Forces of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. These units are used by the Ukrainian authorities, as a rule, to perform specific tasks: carrying out terrorist attacks, sabotage, murder, and operations to incite military hysteria. In this case, the operational command of the DPR assumes possible provocations on the part of these forces, aimed at accusing the authorities and military of the DPR of disrupting the truce.

Kyiv is building up its strike force
Local residents under control Ukrainian army districts of the Luhansk region report the concentration of heavy equipment in the area of ​​the village of Makarovo (area of ​​responsibility of the 80th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine). Moreover, the ATO command deployed several tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and landing vehicles with personnel to the area of ​​the village of Valuyskoye. In the Stanichno-Lugansk district of the Lugansk region, on the territory of a psychoneurological dispensary in the village of Teploye, LPR reconnaissance spotted several infantry fighting vehicles and discovered a fuel and lubricants warehouse. The premises of the medical institution itself are used for quartering the personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Frauds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: part one
According to the intelligence of the army of Novorossiya, sabotage and reconnaissance groups of Ukrainian security forces operate in all key operational directions. Their work is aimed at disrupting the truce. At the same time, the Ukrainian media, with reference to the ATO headquarters, blamed the people's militia of the republic for the planned disengagement of forces and assets near Stanitsa Luganskaya, north of the LPR capital. Let us remind you that the disengagement of forces was supposed to take place on March 5, but it was disrupted due to shelling. The absurdity of the Ukrainian side’s accusations is confirmed by data from the reports of the OSCE international mission. Thus, the latest published report (dated March 6) states that patrol officers heard explosions and shots within the area. At the same time, mission staff indicate that the sounds of war were coming from the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Frauds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine: part two
Last Tuesday, the Ukrainian “mass media,” with reference to the headquarters of the security operation, announced that “LPR militants” had shelled the village of Luhanskoye, where Ukrainian military personnel are stationed.
To refute this “information,” the LPR representative office at the Ceasefire Control and Coordination Center provided data recorded by an officer of the Center in the specified area. So, at about 12.30 the Ukrainian Armed Forces fired at a settlement under their control, thereby simulating an attack by the LPR military and filming the incident on video. The defense department of the republic and the LPR representative office in the Center urgently brought these facts to the OSCE SMM team. The republic expresses hope for objective recording and reflection of information by an international organization.”

03/07/18. A note from journalists. The DPR appreciated the visit of the head of the CIA to Donbass: Ukraine is preparing a provocation before the Russian presidential elections.

“The DPR appreciated the visit of the head of the CIA to Donbass: Ukraine is preparing a provocation before the Russian presidential elections. CIA Director Mike Pompeo recently visited Donbass. And he didn’t come just like that. The DPR believes that the US puppet Ukraine is preparing to carry out a provocation in the Donbass before the Russian presidential elections.
Official representative of the DPR Ministry of Defense Eduard Basurin stated this on the air of the “Time will tell” program.
He noted that, of course, it is difficult to name the direct purpose of the visit of the head of the CIA to Donbass, however, it is known that he was accompanied by representatives of related US special forces.
“They monitored the situation on the demarcation line and gave certain instructions to the forces special operations Ukraine that in the period from March 10 it is necessary to carry out a major provocation on the contact line,” said Eduard Basurin.
Its goal is to discredit the people's republics and Russian Federation as participants in the “Normandy format”, as well as the creation of a negative information field before the upcoming Russian presidential elections.
Eduard Basurin noted that, warning about the impending provocation from Ukraine, the DPR and LPR make it clear that they are ready for any action, both from a military and information point of view.
“It is possible that in this case the enemy may change his actions towards us. We did this many times when we announced planned operations in certain areas, and Ukraine abandoned its plans. Thus, we saved more than a dozen lives not only of our military personnel, but also of Ukrainian ones,” explained Eduard Basurin.
Let us recall that earlier Russian political scientist Sergei Markov warned that a war could break out in Donbass in the coming days in order to prevent Putin from being re-elected for another term.”

03/07/18. A note from journalists. The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry snapped at Hungary: No autonomy for Transcarpathia

“The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry snapped at Hungary: No autonomy for Transcarpathia! The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry categorically rejects the idea of ​​​​granting autonomy to the Hungarians of Transcarpathia, as well as introducing amendments to the education law required by Budapest to respect the rights of the Hungarian minority. This is stated in a statement by Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Vasyl Bodnar, published on his Facebook page.
The Kiev official, without hiding his irritation, reacted to the words of the Hungarian Ambassador to Ukraine Erno Keshken, who spoke in support of autonomy for the Hungarians of Transcarpathia.
“Unfortunately, Mr. Ambassador does not understand clear, consistent and extremely official explanations that by definition there can be no autonomy in Transcarpathia. Our constructive proposals regarding the language of education remain unanswered. Parallel reality...", wrote Bodnar.
The day before, the Hungarian ambassador sharply criticized new law on education, approved by the nationalist majority in the Verkhovna Rada.
“In the opinion of the Hungarian national minority, the adopted version of Article 7 contradicts Article 53 of the Constitution of Ukraine, which provides for national minorities the opportunity to study in native language, as well as Article 22, which clearly states that the content and scope of existing rights cannot be narrowed by the adoption of new laws; all bilateral agreements, including the main agreement between our countries, adopted in 1991, the bilateral declaration on the rights of national minorities of 1991, which states that they have the right to study all disciplines in their native language at all levels of education. By the way, the discrimination mentioned in the conclusions of the Venice Commission is also a significant violation,” Keshken said in an interview with the Ukrainian News agency.
He added that Budapest sees nothing wrong with autonomy for the Hungarians of Transcarpathia. “We believe that there is nothing wrong with autonomy. There are a lot of practical examples in the European Union,” the diplomat said.
The ambassador confirmed that Hungary intends to continue to block the meeting of the Ukraine-NATO commission due to Kyiv’s refusal to adjust its humanitarian policy.
“Our position is: until Ukraine changes this, we cannot support Ukraine’s international aspirations,” Keshken said.
As PolitNavigator reported, earlier the Transcarpathian Regional Council supported the implementation of the results of the 1991 referendum on granting autonomy to the region. In response, Kiev-appointed governor Gennady Moskal stated that the results of the referendum would be overturned in court as illegal.”

03/07/18. Report by NewsFront military correspondent Ekaterina Katina. Exclusive report on the visit of a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the DPR.

“Exclusive report on the visit of a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation to the DPR. Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Alexey Zhuravlev visited Donbass on a working visit.
Zhuravlev regularly visits the Donbass republics. He calls for solving the real problems of the residents of this region and protecting the rights of the Russian-speaking population abroad.
In Donetsk, Alexey Zhuravlev spoke on Kometa radio, commenting on the law on the reintegration of Donbass
“I come here regularly, we have a humanitarian mission here, and many events are happening before my eyes, so the directions that will develop are very important for us, the Russian Federation will never leave Donbass,” he said live Zhuravlev.
On March 5, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Rodina party, Alexei Zhuravlev, brought humanitarian aid to the legendary Pyatnashka detachment from a special forces regiment. A guest from Russia looked at the life of the fighters and gave medicines to the medical unit.
The State Duma deputy asked the commander to see how the truce is being observed and to communicate directly with the fighters, to find out about the situation on the contact line, because I heard about the statements of the Ukrainian Armed Forces regarding the upcoming assault.
Moving to the forefront, during the “truce” period, the delegation of Russian State Duma deputy Alexei Zhuravlev and a group of News Front journalists came under mortar fire from the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The group was heading to the front edge of the demarcation line near Avdiivka.
News Front correspondent Ekaterina Katina told the details of the shelling. According to her, today they have become “witnesses of another “absolute” truce.”
It is noted that fire was fired at deputy Zhuravlev and those accompanying him from 82-mm mortars and small arms while the group was heading to the front edge of the demarcation line near Avdiivka.
The delegation that came under fire included the head of the information and political department of the executive committee of the Rodina party, Fyodor Biryukov, a member of the presidium bureau, the head of the executive committee of the Congress of Russian Communities, Alexey Ryleev, and the head of working group“Motherland” in Donbass Evgeniy Ivlev.
On March 6, members of the Bureau of the Presidium of the RODINA party Fyodor Biryukov and Alexey Ryleev, together with the deputy commander of the First Army Corps of the DPR for work with personnel Eduard Basurin, visited the State Preschool in Donetsk educational institution“Donetsk orphanage No. 1 “Teremok”.
Party members brought humanitarian aid to the Specialized Children and Youth School of the Olympic Reserve No. 3 for artistic and rhythmic gymnastics in the city of Donetsk. “The school is supported by the Pyatnashka brigade,” noted Zhuravlev.
Chairman of the “RODINA” party, State Duma deputy Alexei Zhuravlev met with Chairman of the People’s Council of the DPR Denis Pushilin.
We discussed issues of humanitarian cooperation between the Russian Federation and the DPR, as well as the development of the republic,” Zhuravlev said.
“The republic is developing, it’s a fact that it happened. All state institutions are working, and we understand perfectly well that this causes irritation for many in Ukraine. In fact, we are talking about the full-fledged creation of a state machine that will have to be reckoned with, whether they want it or not. The simplest thing was to enter into direct negotiations between the leadership of Ukraine and the DPR. Today the Republic is developing, the plans are quite specific, and the prospects are quite clear, the people should live much better here,” Zhuravlev emphasized.
During the working visit of the “RODINA” party to the Donetsk People’s Republic, the delegation was accompanied by the legendary “Pyatnashka” detachment.

03/07/18. Notes on current issues.

“Zakharova compared Sobchak’s request for a trip to Crimea with a request to go to the toilet. Russian Foreign Ministry official Maria Zakharova compared Ksenia Sobchak's intention to ask Kiev for permission to visit Crimea with the story when US President George W. Bush asked Condoleezza Rice to go to the toilet during a UN Security Council meeting.
“I then worked in New York at the Russian Permanent Mission to the UN, and there was a Security Council with the participation of heads of state. On behalf of the American side, the President of the United States took part in it; at that time it was George W. Bush. It was very funny story. He sat at the table in the Security Council chamber and, during the meeting, scrupulously wrote something down on a piece of paper. As it turned out later, a photojournalist from one of the Western agencies aimed his lens, then the photo with this note ended up on the Internet. So, in this note, US President George W. Bush asked permission from his adviser Condoleezza Rice if he could go to the toilet. Therefore, everyone asks permission for an issue that they consider relevant,” said Zakharova.
Let us remind you that yesterday, March 6, Sobchak applied to the Ukrainian Embassy for permission to visit Crimea.
Today, the Ukrainian Embassy in Moscow did not confirm Sobchak’s request to visit Crimea.
At the same time, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Klimkin called Sobchak’s intention to visit Crimea political schizophrenia.
Today it became known that Sobchak had previously visited Crimea outside the territory of mainland Ukraine.
As a result, she was entered into the database of the Ukrainian terrorist website “Peacemaker” due to her “illegal” visit to Crimea.”

- “Poroshenko: Ukraine will receive every penny from Gazprom. Ukrainian President Poroshenko expressed confidence that Naftogaz will be able to receive “every penny” of payments from Gazprom regarding the dispute in the Stockholm arbitration.
“I am convinced that Ukraine will get every penny,” Poroshenko said in an interview with Ukrainian television channels, which was broadcast by the 112 Ukraine TV channel.
Poroshenko reproached Gazprom for weakness and said that Ukrainian lawyers are working on the issue of seizure of property from Gazprom in the event of failure to comply with the decision of the Stockholm arbitration.
Earlier today, Prime Minister of Ukraine Groysman called on the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine to take a tough position in collecting from Gazprom the fine awarded by the Stockholm arbitration.
Earlier, Gazprom sent Naftogaz an official notice of the start of the procedure for terminating contracts for the supply and transit of gas and proposed a date for the meeting of the parties required for this.
Let us remind you that on March 1, due to an unagreed additional agreement to the contract, Gazprom stopped supplying gas to Naftogaz.
Ukrainian President Poroshenko called on the country's citizens to lower the temperature in their homes in order to “destroy the Russian scenario.”
Events began to unfold after the Stockholm Arbitration Court ordered Gazprom to pay compensation in the amount of $2.56 billion for the short supply of gas volumes agreed for transit to Naftogaz on February 28.”

“The condition of the old man hit by Poroshenko’s motorcade has worsened. The condition of an 87-year-old man, who was hit the day before in Kyiv by a car from Ukrainian President Poroshenko’s motorcade, has worsened and he was transferred to intensive care. TSN reports this with reference to the victim’s son.
It is noted that the pensioner is still in intensive care and is being prepared for surgery on his leg.
Let us remind you that yesterday at about 11:45 in the center of Kyiv, the motorcade of Ukrainian President Poroshenko hit an elderly man.
Later, a video of an accident in which an elderly man was injured appeared online.
Today, the pensioner who was hit by a car from Poroshenko’s motorcade pleaded guilty to the accident.”

- “Sobchak was included in the “Peacemaker” database. Russian presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak was included in the database of the Ukrainian terrorist website “Peacemaker” due to an “illegal” visit to Crimea. This was reported on the “peacemaker” Facebook page.
“Deliberate violation of the State Border of Ukraine with the aim of entering Russian-occupied Crimea in April 2014 and July 2014. Manipulation of socially significant information in order to obtain political dividends. In 2014, she justified the Russian occupation,” says Sobchak’s “account” on “Peacemaker.”

- “Putin: The reunification of the Russian people is more important than Western sanctions. The return of millions of people to Russia is more important than any Western sanctions. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in the film “World Order 2018” released today.
The Russian president admitted that the West provoked Moscow’s decisive actions in Crimea.
“Sometimes it seems to me that someone deliberately brought us to a point where we had to act the way we acted. Few, of course, expected that we would act so quickly, so decisively, if not boldly,” Putin said.
At the same time, the Russian leader emphasized that he perfectly understood that the annexation of Crimea would be followed by Western sanctions.
“But when we put the fate of millions of people who want to return to Russia and the difficulties in relations with other countries on the same scale, the first is incomparably more important,” Putin said.
“Our opponents have developed very correct tactics and, to a certain extent, are achieving their goals in tactical terms. But I think that in the long run we will still win,” the president stated.”

A captured Ukrainian soldier spoke about plans to seize a village in the LPR

Ukrainian security forces planned to occupy the village of Frunze in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic during an operation in the area of ​​this settlement, says captured Ukrainian Armed Forces serviceman Roman Fursov in a video distributed by the press service of the LPR People's Militia.

Earlier in Lugansk they said that on November 23, three soldiers of the Ukrainian armed forces were killed and two were wounded while trying to reach the LPR positions near the contact line in Donbass near the village of Frunze. Later, another wounded Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier was found in the area of ​​the incident and sent to the LPR hospital. On November 25, the bodies of three servicemen were handed over to Ukrainian volunteers.

“After the capture of positions is completed, we need to deploy weapons: DShK (mounted heavy machine gun - ed.) and SPG (mounted anti-tank grenade launcher - ed.) for further advance to the village of Frunze,” Fursov spoke about the task set by the command.

According to him, the Armed Forces of Ukraine were supposed to take control of the positions of the LPR People's Militia in this area near the contact line.

“We discussed that in order to take this “separate” position (LPR People's Militia - ed.) on the Bakhmut highway. The company commander said that there was weak security there... that we could capture it without any effort,” the prisoner of war clarified the details of the planned operation.

A project on responsibility for non-recognition of the Holodomor was registered in the Rada

Non-faction deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine have registered a bill in parliament that should introduce criminal liability for non-recognition of the Holodomor; the corresponding draft is registered on the official website of the parliament.

The initiators were deputies from the nationalist party “Svoboda” Andrei Ilyenko, Yuri Levchenko, Mikhail Golovko and Oleg Osukhovsky. The text of the document is not yet available on the Rada website.

Earlier, President Petro Poroshenko said that it was time for Ukraine to adopt a law on liability for non-recognition of the Holodomor and the Holocaust.

Having declared the Holodomor a genocide and an act of “totalitarian terror” against Ukrainians, the Ukrainian authorities are seeking recognition of the same from the world community. In Russia, Kyiv’s actions are perceived as an attempt to “politicize history”, to introduce “mistrust and hostility into the relations of the two countries, to quarrel the peoples of Ukraine and Russia.”

The famine of 1932-1933 affected all the main grain-producing regions of the USSR - Ukraine, North Caucasus, Lower and Middle Volga region, a significant part of the Central Black Earth region, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, Southern Urals. Then, according to various estimates, from 7 to 8 million people died, of which 3-3.5 million in Ukraine, 2 million in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, 2-2.5 million in the RSFSR.

Omelyan announced economic losses in Ukraine due to the Kerch Bridge

The head of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Vladimir Omelyan, said that Russia constantly violates the fundamental principles of international maritime law.

Russia’s construction of the Kerch Bridge urgently needs to be stopped, but this is only possible under pressure from Ukraine’s international partners and additional sanctions against Russia, said Ukrainian Infrastructure Minister Vladimir Omelyan.

According to him, the annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation placed special emphasis on strengthening the maritime component of national security and defense, which directly affects the transport infrastructure and economy of Ukraine.

“Today, there is a decrease in the number of ship calls and cargo turnover in the seaports of Mariupol and Berdyansk, which negatively affects economic indicators enterprises. Russia constantly violates the fundamental principles of international maritime law by conducting active economic, fishery activities, construction and engineering work in the exclusive maritime economic zone and territorial waters of Ukraine, and also continues to commit illegal actions in relation to Ukraine, which over time become more systematic character,” the press service of the Ministry of Infrastructure quotes Omelyan.

Due to the construction of the Kerch Bridge, the Russian Federation has established restrictions on the parameters for the passage of ships traveling from the Black Sea to the Azov Sea and back. According to the minister’s estimates, this restriction entails losses in the export of Ukrainian metal to the United States alone at the level of 1 million tons annually.

The Ministry of Infrastructure believes that it is necessary to put pressure both on Russia itself and on companies and individuals involved in the construction of the bridge.

Earlier, President Petro Poroshenko gave instructions to file a lawsuit against the Russian Federation over the construction of the Kerch Bridge in Crimea.

Nationalists stopped Shakhtar's bus and issued an ultimatum

The video shows that nationalists are making claims against the players of the Donetsk club and accusing them of “boorish attitude towards Ukrainians.” They demanded that such behavior stop.

Representatives of the “National Corps”, including representatives of the Kharkiv City Patriots and the Donetsk The Club, stopped a bus with football players from the Donetsk club “Shakhtar” and started a verbal altercation with accusations.

Last week, the Shakhtar football club banned children of ATO participants from entering the field wearing T-shirts with the inscription “My dad is a hero.”

“The guys charged the team for strange actions and a vague position regarding the war in the east,” says the Troublemakers & Ultras Action Facebook page.

The video, which is posted on Kirill Yakovlev’s Facebook page, shows that nationalists are making claims against the football players and accusing them of “boorish attitude towards Ukrainians.”

“You are in Ukraine, but if you follow your Donetsk audience, you will play in Donetsk,” said one of the protesters.

“If you do not wear these T-shirts tomorrow or continue this behavior, then we will take responsibility for resolving the situation with you,” he emphasized.

Three-minute news report from Donbass for November 29, 2017.

Latest videos of Anatoly Shariy for November 29, 2017.