Didactic (verbal) games for the development of speech. "Word didactic games for the development of children's speech Word didactic games for children 6 years old

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution № 95

Rostochek, Volzhsky, Volgograd Region


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The main functions of the verbal didactic game.

The game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a game method of teaching preschool children, and a form of learning, and an independent game activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality. Games without a toy and without a picture, games with a word have long been known in pedagogy, both in folk and classical. Everyone knows folk games - nursery rhymes "Ladushki", "Magpie - a thief", "Goat horned", etc. They are the first and favorite "lessons" of young children in their native word. For older people, folk pedagogy has created other games, more difficult, such as: “Loaf”, “Geese - geese”, “Paints”, “Fants”, in which children, playing with the word, practice pronunciation of words, in their correct use. At first, in the practice of kindergartens, verbal didactic games were borrowed from the treasury of folk pedagogy: “At the bear in the forest”, “Paints”, “The sea is worried”, “Gardener”

Didactic game as game method learning is considered in two types: games - classes and didactic games.

With the help of games - classes, the educator not only transfers certain knowledge, forms ideas, but also teaches children to play. The basis for children's games is formulated ideas about the construction of a game plot, about a variety of game actions with objects. It is important that then conditions are created for transferring this knowledge and ideas into independent, creative games.

Didactic game as an independent game activity is based on the awareness of this process. Independent play activity is carried out only if the children show interest in the game, its rules and actions, if they have learned its rules. How long can a child be interested in a game if its rules and content are well known to him? Children love games that are well known, play them with pleasure. This can be confirmed by folk games, the rules of which are known to children: "Paints", "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show", "On the contrary", etc. Each such game has an interest in game actions. For example, in the game "Paints" you need to choose a color. Children usually choose fabulous and favorite colors: gold, silver. Having chosen a color, the child approaches the leader and whispers the name of the paint in his ear. “Jump along the track on one leg,” the driver says to the one who named the paint, which is not among the players. So many fun activities for kids here! Therefore, children always play such games.

Verbal didactic games play a significant role in the enrichment and development of the vocabulary. It is in the didactic game that the child gets the opportunity to improve, enrich, consolidate, activate the dictionary. They also form auditory attention, the ability to repeat sound combinations and words. The importance of speech games for the development of children cannot be overestimated. During the conduct of such games, important tasks are solved: education of sound formation of speech enrichment of vocabulary development of coherent speech

Holding didactic games in groups of younger and middle age

In the younger and middle groups, the games are aimed at developing speech, educating the correct sound pronunciation, clarifying, consolidating and activating the vocabulary, developing the correct orientation in space. At the senior preschool age, logical thinking actively begins to form in children and games are selected in order to form mental activity, independence in solving problems. There are such tasks in games for younger groups, but they are still more often used in preparing children for school: children must quickly find the right answer, form their thoughts accurately and clearly, and apply knowledge in accordance with the task. With the help of word games, children are brought up with a desire to engage in mental work.

The development of speech in children of younger preschool age is especially fast: vocabulary is replenished quickly, like at no other age, the sound design of words improves, and phrases become more detailed. At this age stage, it is necessary, first of all, to teach kids to pronounce clearly and correctly, as well as to hear and distinguish sounds in words. The voice is also unstable younger preschoolers: some of them speak very quietly, barely audibly (especially if you are not sure of the correct pronunciation), others - loudly. The teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that words can be pronounced with different loudness (whisper, softly, moderately, loudly), teaches children to distinguish by ear how others speak loudly and themselves. It is necessary to use games to develop children's auditory attention, correct speech perception, teach kids to correlate a sounding word with a picture or object, clearly pronounce one-, two-, and also three-, four-syllable words, answer questions; loudly and quietly reproduce onomatopoeia.

"Guess what it sounds like." "Great bag." "Shop". "Tell me how I am."

Purpose: to teach children to speak loudly, quietly, in a whisper, and also to develop auditory perception (to distinguish between the degree of loudness of spoken words).

Verbal and didactic game "Compare different animals"

Didactic task: to teach children to compare different animals from fairy tales, highlighting opposite signs.

Verbal and didactic game "Kids and the wolf".

Didactic task: To teach children to come up with a new ending to a familiar fairy tale. Verbal and didactic game "Ryabushka Hen" based on the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen"

Didactic task: To develop speech activity in children, work out interrogative intonation with them, exercise them in the correct sound pronunciation. “Guess the toy”, “Name as many objects as possible”, “Tell me which one?”, “Who more action call?" and etc.

IN middle group the teacher conducts word games based on the children's ideas about the environment. At first, the teacher can use word games that are already familiar to children in the younger group, the purpose of which was to develop speech, mental and motor activity, and then proceed to games with a more complex task. This section offers a number of such games, many of them folk, known to educators since childhood, such as “Geese-geese”, “Where we were, we won’t say ...”, etc. Games are held both with the whole group and with small groups of players. The teacher encourages independent word games of children.

In the fifth year of life, there are noticeable changes in the development of methods. The child plays with words, enjoying it, noticing the variety of forms, therefore such word games are necessary. Games for mastering the categories of gender, number, case of nouns, aspect and mood of verbs: “Find out by description”, “What is Misha missing to go for a walk?”, “Cafeteria”, “Atelier”, “Petrushka’s teams”, “You want to? - We want", "Hide and seek", "The postman brought postcards", etc. Word-building games: " scary beast”, “What kind of animal?”, “Dishes store”, “Whose, whose? My!" and others. Games to develop an understanding of the semantic side of the word: “What did we do”, “Who are you?”, “Who is playing with Tanya?”, “What is Pinocchio doing?”, “Find a leg”, “Who has such an object”, “It happens - it doesn’t happen”, “What, what, what?” and etc.

The teacher must clearly understand the purpose of the game, its course, his role in a particular game. The choice of the game is determined both by the level of mental development of the children of the group, and by the tasks of education. When choosing a game, you should always remember that it should not be too difficult or too easy, only in this case the game will bring benefits and joy to children. General methodological advice on conducting verbal didactic games

At the beginning of each game, you need to create a game mood. First of all, the educator himself tunes in to the game mood. "Children, do you want to play?" or: "Guys, let's play!" he suggests. If it is necessary to divide the players into two groups, two are chosen according to the counter. The counting machine is also used in the distribution of roles (the announcer in the game "Radio", the seller in the game "Shop", etc.). The rhyme introduces children to the game, brings up endurance, auditory attention, helps to observe justice.

Dear teachers, do not turn kindergarten into a school lesson. Preschoolers should receive knowledge about the world around them only in a playful way. Rejoice in the success of each child and help overcome learning difficulties.

I want to offer you a number of games that can be used in various regime moments during the day. So, morning. There are several guys in the group who always arrive earlier than others.

The game "Traveling around the room (group)"

Purpose: To teach a child to find objects that have a given sound in their name.

Adult. We have an unusual game. We will walk around the room and find objects that have the sound C (or any other sound) in the name. To remember who found what items, you put a chip (each child has several chips of the same color) on the item you found. Went.

Game "Chain of words"

Purpose: To teach a child to highlight the last sound in a word and select words with this sound. Learn to remember the rules of the game and not break them.

1st option. There are pictures on the tray. An adult takes a picture, puts it on the table, calls it, highlighting the last sound with his voice: BOW. The child finds a picture whose name begins with the sound K, and puts it next to the first picture, calling it: CAT, highlighting the last sound with his voice. The game ends when all the pictures have been sorted by the players.

2nd option. The rules are the same, but without pictures.

Adult. I will name the word, and you remember the last sound in the word and name the word that will begin with this sound. CANCER.

Child. Goat

For example: cancer - goat - pineapple - owl - bus - plane.

It must be remembered that it is better not to use words whose spelling differs from pronunciation in such games (for example, you cannot take words at the end of which a voiced paired letter is written: tooth, frost, etc.

Good-bad game

The world is not bad and not good -

I will explain and you will understand.

Purpose: introducing children to the contradictions of the world around them, developing coherent speech, imagination and dexterity.

Game progress. Children sit in a circle. The facilitator sets the topic for discussion. Children, passing the ball in a circle, tell what, in their opinion, is good or bad in natural phenomena. Teacher: Rain. Children: Rain is good: it washes away dust from houses and trees, it is good for the earth and the future harvest, but it’s bad - it wets us, it can be cold. Teacher: City. Children: It's good that I live in the city: you can ride the subway, by bus, there are many good shops, it's bad - you won't see a live cow, a rooster, it's stuffy, dusty.

Option "Like not like" (about the seasons). Teacher: Winter. Children: I like winter. You can go sledding, it's very beautiful, you can make a snowman. Winter is fun. I do not like that it is cold in winter, strong wind blows.

The games “Name only funny (wet, cold) words”, “Guess the object by the name of the parts”, “Yes-no” will also be interesting for children.

One of the main tasks of the mental education of preschool children is the development of thinking and speech. These two inextricably linked mental processes are formed and developed when a child cognizes the world around him.

The kindergarten teacher in his work should pay as much attention as possible to the development of the mental activity of children, accustoming them to independent thinking, to using the knowledge they have received in various conditions in accordance with the task assigned to them. “The most important thing for the development of thinking is to be able to use knowledge. This means - to select from your mental baggage in each case the knowledge that is needed to solve the problem at hand.

To do this, the child must master the method mental work: the ability to think, analyze and synthesize correctly ”(Lublinskaya A.A. Conversations with a teacher about the development of a child. M., 1962, p. 252-253.)

To teach a child to think, to accustom him to mental work is not an easy task facing the teacher. K. D. Ushinsky wrote: “Dreaming is easy and pleasant, but it is difficult to think. Not only in children, but also in adults, we most often encounter laziness of thought. The boy is more ready to work physically all day or sit without thinking over the same page for several hours and memorize it mechanically than to think seriously for several minutes. Moreover, serious mental labor tires an unaccustomed person faster than the strongest physical labor ... But if it is not necessary to strain a person’s strength in mental work, then it is necessary not to let them fall asleep, it is necessary to accustom them to this work. (Ushinsky K.D. Selected Ped. Op. M., 1968, p.301-302.)

To accustom a child to mental work, it is necessary to make it interesting, entertaining. The entertaining mental work is achieved by various methods, among which a verbal didactic game occupies a special place, which contains great opportunities for the development of children's mental activity, for the development of independence and activity of their thinking. In the form of a game, the process of thinking itself proceeds faster, more actively, since the game is an activity inherent in this age. In the game, the child overcomes the difficulties of mental work easily, not noticing that he is being taught. Depending on the educational task the educator can vary the conditions of the game.

In a verbal didactic game, children learn to think about the things they are in given time are not directly perceived. This game teaches to rely on the idea of ​​previously perceived objects in solving a problem, and “an idea is the same as a generalized memory. This transition to thinking in general conceptions is the first separation of the child from purely visual thinking. (Vygotsky L.S. Selected psychological studies. M., 1956, p. 431). Word game requires the use of previously acquired knowledge in new connections, in new circumstances. In these games, the child must independently solve various mental tasks: describe objects, guess from the description, according to signs of similarity and difference, group objects according to different properties, signs, find illogicalities in judgments, invent stories with the inclusion of fables, etc.

Games without a toy and without a picture, games with a word have long been known in pedagogy, both in folk and classical. Everyone knows the folk games-amusements "Ladushki", "Magpie-Crow", "Horned Goat", etc. They are the first and favorite "lessons" of young children in their native word. For older people, folk pedagogy has created other games, more difficult, such as "Loaf", "Geese-geese", "Paints", "Fants", in which children, playing with the word, practice pronunciation of words, in their correct use.

The best teachers attached great importance to the use of word games in order to develop the thinking of children. different countries peace. The German educator B. Bazedov wrote that children take great pleasure in games in which they unite generic concepts with generic ones and match generic concepts with generic ones. “What a pleasure it is for children to compete in such a game! What an opportunity for children's friends to combine the knowledge of things with the knowledge of words, and to exercise their favorites in comparing and distinguishing objects, which is half the work of developing the mind. Children's friends! Ask good teachers of philosophy whether it is true that in the future these exercises will be of great benefit to children in the formation of concepts ”(Tumim-Almedingen N.A. History of preschool pedagogy (reader). L., 1940, p. 240).

Emphasizing the importance of games in the development of the mental abilities of children, the Italian teacher D. A. Colozza wrote: “The judgments and conclusions made by the child with a correctly chosen and correctly guided game are of extremely great educational value precisely because they follow - this must be constantly repeated - from his own experience. During the game, the child is active in all respects - in actions, as well as judgments and conclusions about what he is doing, and his thoughts have a source precisely of his own, free activity. This can be said about almost all games. Further, there are special games that are amazingly conducive to the refinement of the mind and the development of judgments; such are games with comparisons, games with questions “why?” ... a game with interrupted sentences, etc. Nothing can be more harmful than giving a child judgments and conclusions, even simple ones, ready-made; nothing contradicts the laws of sound pedagogy to a greater extent than attaching the main value to the number of mechanically repeated judgments, and not the ability and skill to make judgments independently ”(Colozza D.A. Children's games, their psychological and pedagogical significance. Translated from Italian. M ., 1911, pp. 235-236).

In Soviet preschool pedagogy, N. K. Krupskaya acted as a passionate advocate of play as a form of teaching preschool children. She repeatedly spoke about the importance of the game as the most important means of comprehensive education of preschool children: “... the game for them is study, the game for them is work, the game for them is a serious form of education” (Krupskaya N.K. On preschool education. M., 1973, p. 207.). Thoughts about the great role of word play are found on many pages of her pedagogical writings. Naming folk games, N. K. Krupskaya noted them great importance in the education of a number of qualities in children: resourcefulness, discipline, observation, a sense of humor. “There are many old games that teach you to control yourself,” wrote Nadezhda Konstantinovna. - There were games that taught to refrain from laughter, from the use of forbidden words. For example, there was a game: “The lady sent a hundred rubles, buy whatever you want, don’t say yes and no, don’t buy white and black,” - how much fun, laughter there was about these games.

N. K. Krupskaya recommended, while maintaining the pedagogical orientation of folk games, to change their names, come up with new words for them, bring their content closer to the present: “We must, studying the surrounding life, find those forms that would throw a bridge between this life and the game ".

At first, in the practice of kindergartens, verbal didactic games were borrowed from the treasury of folk pedagogy: “At the bear in the forest”, “Do not call black and white, do not say yes and no”, “The sea is worried”, “Shine, shine clearly” , "Paints", etc. Then word games appear in various collections of didactic games created for kindergarten teachers.

Word games for children of primary and secondary preschool age are mainly aimed at developing speech, clarifying and consolidating vocabulary, educating correct pronunciation, the ability to count, and navigate in space. Only a small part of the games is aimed at developing the mental ability of children.

At the older preschool age, when verbal-logical thinking begins to form in children,

it is necessary to use more word games precisely for the purpose of developing independence of thinking, the formation of mental activity. “There are optimal, i.e., the most favorable terms for any training,” wrote the Soviet psychologist L. S. Vygotsky. - Departure from them up and down, that is, too early and too late terms of training always turn out to be harmful from the point of view of development, adversely affecting the course of the child's mental development ... Too late training, which has already passed the maturation period, loses the ability to influence on these not yet mature processes, loses the opportunity to organize them, correct them in a certain way, etc.” (Vygotsky L.S. Selected psychological studies, p. 430).

The independence of thinking is inherent in the very nature of thinking, since a person is born with a ready-made orienting-exploratory reflex, called by I.P. Pavlov “what is a reflex?”, That is, with the desire to learn, to be surprised. Small children ask endless questions to an adult: “What is this? Where? How?" etc. This innate side of independent thinking requires adult support and attention. The development of the second side of this quality of thinking, namely the ability to find the answer to the question yourself, depends entirely on the guidance of an adult, on his ability and skill to direct the thinking of a child. An adult wants to immediately answer a child’s question, show, tell. Often this is done in a very exciting, interesting way, but this is not the best way to develop the activity and independence of children's thinking.

To give the child the opportunity to find the answer himself, remember, guess, make the right conclusion, using his previous experience, knowledge - this is the main direction in solving this problem. “Why are there icicles hanging here, but not on the other side?” the child asks. One teacher will begin to explain where the shady side is, where the sunny side is. Another teacher will do otherwise. He will say: “Guess for yourself why it happened. See which side the sun is shining from, and you will answer your own question!” In the work of an educator there are a lot of such cases when it is possible to lead the child to independently resolve the issue, and in his practice he should use these moments more often.

Independence of thinking to a large extent depends on a person's life experience, on the wealth of accumulated knowledge, therefore, the teacher, taking care of the development of the independence of thinking of the child, must help him acquire a variety of knowledge and use them in accordance with the tasks set.

Independence and active thinking of children is brought up from the very beginning. early age, from the moment the process of thinking itself begins to develop, “The educator must from the very beginning provide the pet with as much independence as possible in the matter of his mental acquisitions,” K. D. Ushinsky argued. Speaking about the "education of the mind", he repeatedly emphasized that the educator should "with favorable attention and approval treat those products of the child's thinking that, however imperfect they may be, nevertheless express the child's independent activity." Simultaneously with this statement, K. D. Ushinsky also proposed methods for developing independence of thinking; “The subjects of the natural sciences are already half familiar to the child if he has looked at them; make him look more attentively, introduce him with questions into the essential details of the subject, and all you have to do is say a few words, express one thought already stirring in the student’s head, and you will give a solid foundation to his knowledge of the subject and raise the pupil’s thinking one step higher. With this method of teaching, that independent work the head of the student, which is the only solid foundation for any fruitful teaching ”(Ushinsky K.D. Sobr. Soch., v.10. M. - L., 1950).

The ideas of educating children for independence and activity found their embodiment and development in the pedagogical views of the outstanding Soviet teacher V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

All of it pedagogical activity, his system of education and upbringing of six-year-old children was aimed at developing their creative, independent thinking. To accomplish this task, he offered a wide variety of methods of work: both conducting excursions into nature, and independently inventing stories, fairy tales by children, and exercises that awaken internal energy the brain, stimulating the play of forces of “mental muscles” (Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give my heart to children. K., 1972).

“It is very important,” V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote, “that the way of thinking of students is based on research, searches, so that the understanding of scientific truth is preceded by the accumulation, analysis, comparison and comparison of facts ... Experience has confirmed that the thinking of children reading “the book of nature ", has a remarkable feature: in terms of abstract concepts, the child mentally refers to those ideas, images and pictures on the basis of which these concepts were formed" (Sukhomlinsky V.A. I give my heart to children. K., 1972).

Recognizing the world, the beauty of nature is the stimulus for the thinking and speech of children, V. A. Sukhomlinsky believed that it would be a mistake to say that the world around him will teach the child to think. Without a kind of "exploratory" thinking, things will still be an impenetrable wall hidden from children. Nature becomes a school of mental labor only on the condition that the child is distracted from the things around him, abstracts.

Particularly serious attention should be paid to the education of independence and active thinking of children in older groups. kindergarten. The educators working in these groups are faced with the following tasks: to teach children to see an object from all sides (its shape, color, location in space, etc.); highlight in it the most characteristic signs of similarity and difference with other objects, that is, compare them; develop the ability to classify objects; to teach to reason, to draw the right conclusions, conclusions, to make independent judgments; accustom to apply knowledge in accordance with the circumstances; develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, the ability to find different ways solving the same problem. To accomplish these tasks, a variety of techniques and methods are used, one of which is a word game.

The verbal didactic game, as we have already said, is accessible, useful, effective method education of independent thinking in children. It does not require special material, certain conditions, but only requires the educator to know the game itself. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the proposed games will contribute to the development of independent thinking only if they are carried out in a certain system using the necessary methodology.


In this manual, the games are arranged by age groups. The purpose of each game, its course and methodology are indicated. In many cases, options are given that complicate the game tasks.

We offer general methodological advice necessary for the games:

1. The teacher must clearly understand the purpose of the game, its course, his role in it. The choice of the game is determined both by the level of mental development of the children of the group, and by the tasks of education.

When choosing a game, you should always remember that it should not be too difficult or too easy. Only in this case the game will bring benefit and joy to children.

2. At the beginning of each game, you need to create a game mood. First of all, the educator himself tunes in to the game mood. If it is necessary to divide the players into two groups, two leaders are chosen according to the rhyme.

The rhyme is also used in the distribution of roles (the announcer in the game "Radio", the seller in the game "Shop", etc.); she introduces children to the game, brings up endurance, auditory attention, helps to observe justice.

Sometimes during the game you need to collude: the players meet in pairs and agree among themselves what to call them. One says, for example: "I will be a thread," and the other: "I will be a needle." Children come up with not only individual words, but sometimes rhyming phrases, for example: “I am a weed-ant”, “And I am a golden pin”. Or: “What do you take: an apple in the garden or a fish in the pond?” Already in collusion itself there are favorable conditions for the development of ingenuity and resourcefulness. Children rejoice at the chosen word.

In many games there is a condition: whoever does not follow the rules, makes a mistake, he pays a forfeit. Phantom - any thing that is given to the driver by the child, and then "redeemed". The very act of forfeits - fun game. Children love and wait for her, so the teacher should leave some time for this or spend playing forfeits on a walk.

When playing phantoms, children offer different tasks: say a tongue twister several times, sing like a cock, jump like a hare, sit on the floor and get up from the floor without the help of hands, etc. Favorite tasks are: “Turn into a grandfather”, “Become a bee ". The game of "transformation" is especially liked by children. The teacher supports the jokes of children, encourages the shy.

If the game has elements of competition (who is faster, who is more), you can enter an icon for the winner: an asterisk, a flag. Sometimes it is enough to encourage a teacher who says: "Vova won, he named the most mushrooms."

3. It is necessary to make games entertaining, to preserve what would distinguish the game from classes and didactic exercises. Amusement should consist both in the rules that make the child think, "puzzle", and in the wide use of game elements, which were mentioned above: counting rhymes, collusion, competitions, playing forfeits, etc.

4. It is necessary to create conditions for the mental activity of all children. Games should be designed in such a way that it does not happen that two are busy, and the rest are waiting for their turn. All the players are preparing to answer, and the choice falls on one person, in this case they use a thrown ball, a rhyme, a passed object. Almost all folk word games are built on this principle. So, in the game "What is this bird?" children, describing the characteristic features of a bird, show how it walks, imitate flight, running. It is not the one who wants to guess, but the one whom the driver points to. It is very good when mental activity is combined with motor activity. This is especially important for the development of young and middle-aged children. If the game uses a poem, then it is accompanied by movements in the rhythm of the poem.

5. Variants with increasing complexity of tasks should be introduced into each game so that children, having mastered one or another method of solving, could apply it with different content, in different conditions. IN this collection many game options are offered. However, the educator, knowing what ideas and skills the children have formed, can himself come up with various options.

6. The choice of a word game is determined by the tasks of educational work with children of this group, so it can take a different place in the pedagogical process. You can use games during class hours (“It looks like it doesn’t look like”, “Where was Petya?”, “Who is screaming like that?”), Some can be used as part of the lesson. For example, the teacher introduced the children to the means of transportation of people. After the conversation “What do people ride?” The "What if" game works well. Or: having told the children about vegetables, the teacher ends the conversation with the game “Tops-roots”. All children participate in these games. But it is more expedient to carry out word games with a small group of children, so that a large load falls on each player and he has a greater opportunity to practice solving game problems. Such groups should combine active children with less active ones. The latter try to imitate their comrades and cope with tasks more successfully.

You can also use word games during entertainment hours, such as competition games “Who is faster?”, “Hunter”, “Answer quickly”, etc.

Word games should be among the favorite independent games for children.

7. The role of the educator in the process of word games varies depending on the age characteristics of the children. If with the kids the educator acts as an initiator, leader, teaching game actions and finishing the game, then with older children he is more of an adviser, assistant, fair judge.

8. When conducting verbal didactic games, special attention should be paid to the rules.

Any didactic game is built according to certain rules that guide the game and organize the behavior of children. Educator introducing children to new game, talks about its rules. It should be remembered that the stricter the rules, the more intense and interesting the game.

Explaining the rules is the first step in teaching children through didactic play. Its success depends on how clearly the rules are explained. At the beginning of the game, the teacher observes how the children have learned the rules and reminds that if they are not followed, the game will be interrupted.

The explanation of the rules in different age groups is carried out in different ways.

children junior group the teacher explains the rules during the game itself. For example, in the game "Horned Goat", after examining a picture of a goat with the children, he says: "I will be a goat, and you will be little guys." After reading the poem, after the words “gore,” he suggests: “Run away quickly, otherwise the goat will gore you!” The kids run away.

Children of the middle group can remember the rules if the teacher explains them before the game. For example, having offered the children the game “Sparrows and a car”, he explains in advance what signal they should do (jump, run away, sit in nests). The teacher makes sure everyone follows the rules.

In senior and preparatory groups for school, the rules become more complex: do not look in the direction of the described object, do not repeat what has been said, name only the essential features of the object, combine several objects with one word, etc. In games intended for children of older groups, the number of rules also increases . The educator in these groups at first monitors their implementation. For example, in the game "Guess" it is necessary to describe only those objects that are in the room. The child described the object that he saw on the site. The teacher notes that the subject is well described, but not all the rules of the game are fulfilled. Turning to the children, he clarifies these rules and asks: “Which rule of the game did Vova not follow?” The children answer: "Vova described an object that is not in the group room." After the teacher is convinced that all the children have learned the rules of the game, he can invite them to play on their own.

Methodological advice that are relevant only to a certain age group of children are placed in the appropriate sections of this book.

"What is the subject?"

Purpose: to learn to name an object and describe it.

Move. The child takes out wonderful bag an object, a toy, calls it (this is a ball). At first, the teacher describes the toy: “It is round, blue, with a yellow stripe, etc.”

"Guess the toy"

Purpose: to form in children the ability to find an object, focusing on its main features, description.

Move. 3-4 familiar toys are put on display. The teacher reports: he will outline the toy, and the task of the players is to listen and name this object.

Note: 1-2 signs are indicated first. If children find it difficult 3-4.

"Who will see and name more"

Purpose: to teach to designate by word and action parts and signs appearance toys.

Move. Educator: Olya doll is our guest. Olya loves to be praised, pay attention to her clothes. We will give the doll pleasure, describe her dress, shoes, socks.


Purpose: to correlate the verb with the action that it denotes and with the subject who performed this action.

Material: needles, glasses, soap, bell, brush, iron. Brush, broom, toy - bird Magpie.

Move. Educator: While you were at home, a magpie flew into the kindergarten and collected various things in her bag. Let's see what she got

(The teacher lays out the objects)


magpie, magpie
Give us soap


I won't give, I won't give
I'll take your soap
I'll give my shirt to wash.


magpie, magpie
Give us a needle!


I won't give, I won't give.
I'll take a needle
I will sew a shirt for my shirt.


magpie, magpie,
Give us glasses


I won't give, I won't give.
I'm without glasses
I can't read a shirt of poems.


Forty, forty.
Give us a call.


I won't give, I won't give.
I'll take the call.
I'll give you a shirt - call me, my son.


You, forty, do not rush
You ask the kids.
They will all understand you.
Everything that needs to be served.


What do you want to do, magpie? (Clean, iron, paint...)


Children, what does a magpie need for this?

(Children call and bring all the items) Magpie thanks and flies away.

Purpose: to train children in a clear pronunciation of words.

Move. The teacher invites the children to look around themselves and name as many objects that surround them as possible (name only those that are in their field of vision). The teacher makes sure that the children pronounce the words correctly and clearly, do not repeat. When the kids can no longer name anything themselves, the teacher can ask them leading questions: “What is hanging on the wall?” etc.

Olya's helpers

Purpose: to form a plural form. Numbers of verbs.

Material: Olya doll.

Move. - Olya doll came to us with her assistants. I'll show them to you, and you can guess who these assistants are and what they help Olya to do.

The doll is walking on the table. The teacher points to her feet.

- What is this? (These are legs)

- They are Olya's helpers. What are they doing? (Walk, jump, dance, etc.)

"Multicolored box"

Purpose: to teach children, when agreeing on nouns of the middle (feminine) gender with a pronoun, to focus on the end of the word.

Material: box, subject pictures according to the number of children.

Move. Educator:

I put pictures

In a multi-colored box.

Come on, Ira, take a look,

Take out the picture, name it.

Children take out a picture and name what is shown on it.

"Tell me which one?"

Purpose: To teach children to highlight the signs of an object.

Move. The teacher (or child) takes out objects from the box, names them, and the children point to any sign of this object.

If the children find it difficult, the teacher helps: “This is a cube. What is he?

"Magic Cube"

Game material: cubes with pictures on each side.

Rules of the game. The child rolls the dice. Then he must depict what is drawn on the upper face and pronounce the corresponding sound.

Move. The child, together with the teacher, says: “Twist, spin, lie down on your side,” and rolls the dice. On the top face - for example, an airplane. The teacher asks: "What is it?" and asks to imitate the rumble of an airplane. Other faces of the cube are played similarly.

"Unusual Song"

Rules of the game. The child sings vowel sounds to the motive of any melody familiar to him.

Move. Educator. One day, beetles, butterflies and grasshoppers argued who would sing a song best of all. Big, fat beetles came out first. They sang importantly: O-O-O. (Children sing a melody to the sound O). Then the butterflies fluttered out. They sang a song loudly and cheerfully. (Children perform the same melody, but to the sound A). Grasshopper musicians were the last to come out, they played violins - E-I-I. (Children sing the same melody to the sound I). Then everyone came out into the clearing and began to chant with words. And immediately all the beetles, butterflies, grasshoppers realized that our girls and boys sing best of all.


Rules of the game. The teacher loudly pronounces any vowel sound, and the child repeats it, but quietly.

Move. The teacher says loudly: A-A-A. the echo child quietly answers: ahhh. And so on. You can also use a combination of vowel sounds: ay, wah, ea, etc.

"Gardener and Flowers"

Purpose: to consolidate children's knowledge about flowers (wild berries, fruits, etc.)

Move. Five or six players sit on chairs arranged in a circle. This is flowers. They all have a name (you can have the players choose a flower picture; you can’t show it to the host). The leading gardener says: “I haven’t seen a wonderful white flower with a yellow eye that looks like a small sun for so long, I haven’t seen a chamomile.” Chamomile stands up and takes a step forward. Chamomile, bowing to the gardener, says: “Thank you, dear gardener. I'm glad you wanted to take a look at me." Chamomile sits on another chair. The game continues until the gardener has listed all the flowers.

"Who will name more actions"

Purpose: to actively use verbs in speech, forming various verb forms.

Material. Pictures: clothes, plane, doll, dog, sun, rain, snow.

Move. Neumeyka comes and brings pictures. The task of children is to pick up words that denote actions related to objects or phenomena depicted in the pictures.

For example:

— What can you say about the plane? (flies, buzzes, rises)

What can you do with clothes? (wash, iron, sew)

What can you say about the rain? (goes, drips, pours, drizzles, knocks on the roof)


"Kids and the Wolf"

Target. End the story at its beginning.

Material. Flannelgraph and attributes for the fairy tale "Goat with kids", bunny

Move. The teacher tells the beginning of the tale, showing the figures of the characters.

Educator: the bunny says ....

Children: do not be afraid of me, it's me - a little bunny.

Educator: The goats treated him ....

Children: carrots, cabbage ...

Educator: Then they became ...


"Wake up the cat"

Target. Activate the name of animal cubs in the speech of children.

Material. Animal costume elements (hat)

Move. One of the children gets the role of a cat. He sits down, closing his eyes (as if sleeping), on a chair in the center of the circle, and the rest, choosing the role of any animal cub at will, form a circle. The one whom the teacher points out with a gesture gives a voice (makes an onomatopoeia corresponding to the character).

The task of the cat: to name who woke him up (cockerel, frog, etc.). If the character is named correctly, the performers switch places and the game continues.


Target. Development of phonemic hearing.

Move. Children stand in a circle. The teacher makes different sounds. If you hear a sound such as y, raise your arms and circle slowly.

Sounds are pronounced y, and, a, o, y, and, y, a. Children, having heard the sound y, make the appropriate movements.

"Pinocchio Traveler"

Target. Focus on the meaning of verbs.

Material. Pinocchio doll.

Move. Pinocchio is a traveler. He travels to many kindergartens. He will tell about his travels, and you will guess which rooms of the kindergarten or on the street he visited.

- I went into the room where the children roll up their sleeves, soap their hands, dry themselves.

- They yawn, rest, sleep ...

- They dance, they sing, they spin ...

Pinocchio was in kindergarten when the children:

- they come, say hello ... (When does this happen?)

- have lunch, thank you ...

- dress up, say goodbye ...

- sculpt a snowman, go sledding

"Hide and Seek"

Target. Formation of the morphological aspect of speech. Bring children to the understanding of prepositions and adverbs that have a spatial meaning (in, on, behind, under, near, between, next to, left, right)

Material. Small toys.

Move. The teacher hides the toys made in advance in different places of the group room, and then, having gathered children around him. He informs them: “I was informed that uninvited guests settled in our group. The tracker who was watching them writes that someone hid in the upper right drawer of the desk. Who will go looking? Fine. Found? Well done! And someone hid in the corner of the toys, behind the closet (Search). Someone under the doll's bed; someone on the table; that stands to my right"

THAT. the children look for all the uninvited guests, hide them in a box and agree that they will play hide and seek again with their help.

The postman brought a postcard

Target. To teach children to form verb forms in the present tense (draws, dances, runs, jumps, laps, waters, meows, barks, strokes, drums, etc.)

Material. Postcards depicting people and animals performing various activities.

Move. The game is played with a small subgroup.

Someone knocks on the door.

Educator: Guys, the postman brought us postcards. Now we will consider them together. Who is on this postcard? That's right, Mishka. What is he doing? Yes, drumming. This postcard is addressed to Olya. Olya, remember your postcard. This postcard is addressed to Pasha. Who is pictured here? What does he do? And, you, Petya, remember your postcard.

THAT. 4-5 pieces are considered. And those to whom they are addressed must correctly name the actions of the character and remember the image.

Educator: Now I will check if you remember your postcards? Snowmen are dancing. Whose postcard is this? Etc.

"Finish the sentence"(use of complex sentences)

- Mom put the bread ... where? (to the breadbasket)

- Brother poured sugar ... where? (to the sugar bowl)

- Grandma made delicious salad and put it... where? (in a salad bowl)

- Dad brought sweets and put them ... where? (in candy box)

- Marina did not go to school today because ... (fell ill)

- We turned on the heaters because ... (it got cold)

- I don't want to sleep because... (it's still early)

- We will go to the forest tomorrow, if ... (will good weather)

- Mom went to the market to ... (buy groceries)

- The cat climbed a tree to ... (to escape from the dog)

"Daily regime"

8-10 plot or schematic pictures about the daily routine. Offer to consider, and then arrange in a certain sequence and explain.

"Who's a treat?"(use of difficult forms of nouns)

The teacher says that there are gifts for animals in the basket, but he is afraid to confuse someone with what. Asks for help. Pictures depicting a bear, birds - geese, chickens, swans, horses, wolves, foxes, lynxes, monkeys, kangaroos, giraffes, elephants are offered. Who wants honey? Who is the grain for? Who needs meat? Who wants fruit?

"Say three words"(activation of the dictionary)

The children line up. Each participant is asked a question in turn. It is necessary, taking three steps forward, to give three words-answers with each step, without slowing down the pace of walking.

— What can you buy? (dress, suit, trousers)

"Who wants to be who?"

(use of difficult forms of the verb)

Children are offered plot pictures depicting labor actions. What are the boys doing? (The boys want to make a mock-up airplane) What do they want to be? (They want to become pilots). Children are invited to come up with a sentence with the word want or want.

"Zoo"(development of coherent speech).

Children sit in a circle, receiving a picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe their animal, without naming it, according to this plan:

  1. Appearance;
  2. What does it eat.

The "game clock" is used for the game. Turn the arrow first. Whom she points to, he begins the story. Then, by rotating the arrows, it is determined who should guess the described animal.

"Compare Items"(for the development of observation, clarification of the dictionary due to the names of parts and parts of objects, their qualities).

In the game, you can use both things and toys that are the same in name, but differ in some features or details, as well as paired subject pictures. For example, two buckets, two aprons, two shirts, two spoons, etc.

An adult reports that a package has been sent to the kindergarten. What is this? Gets things. “Now we will take a closer look at them. I will talk about one thing, and one of you about another. Let's take turns talking."

For example: Adult: "I have a smart apron."

Child: "I have a work apron."

Adult: He white color in red polka dots.

Child: "And mine is dark blue."

Adult: "Mine is adorned with lace frills."

Child: "And mine - with a red ribbon."

Adult: "This apron has two pockets on the sides."

Child: "And this one has one big one on his chest."

Adult: "These pockets have a pattern of flowers."

Child: “And this has tools on it.”

Adult: "They set the table in this apron."

Child: "And this one is dressed for work in the workshop."

"Who was who or what was what"

(activation of the dictionary and expansion of knowledge about the environment).

Who or what before was a chicken (an egg), a horse (a foal), a frog (a tadpole), a butterfly (a caterpillar), boots (leather), a shirt (cloth), a fish (egg), a cupboard (board), bread (flour), bicycle (iron), sweater (wool), etc.?

"Name as many items as you can"

(activation of the dictionary, development of attention).

Children stand in a row, they are invited to take turns naming the objects that surround them. Named the word - takes a step forward. The winner is the one who correctly and clearly pronounces the words and named more objects without repeating, and thus was ahead of everyone.

"Choose a rhyme"(develops phonemic awareness).

The teacher explains that all words sound different, but among them there are those that sound a little similar. Offers help to find a word.

There was a bug on the way
He sang the song in the grass ... (cricket).

You can use any verses or individual rhymes.

"Name the parts of the object"

(enrichment of the dictionary, development of the ability to correlate the subject and its parts).

The teacher shows pictures of a house, a truck, a tree, a bird, etc.

Option I: children take turns calling parts of objects.

Option II: each child receives a drawing and names all the parts himself.

Lily Star
Card file of word games for children 5–6 years old

Card file of word games for children 5 - 6 years old (senior group)


Purpose: To teach children to describe an object without looking at it, to highlight essential features; recognize an item from a description.

Rules: It is necessary to talk about the subject in such a way that the children do not immediately guess about it, so you can not look at the subject. In this game, you only need to talk about those items that are in the room. name three things

Purpose: To exercise children in the classification of objects.

Rules: Name three things as one common word. Whoever makes a mistake pays a fant. (Furniture - table, chair, bed, etc.)

A toy shop

Purpose: To teach children to describe an object, to find its essential features; recognize an object by its description.

Rules: The seller sells the toy if the buyer spoke well about it (without looking at it).

Where was Petya?

Purpose: To activate the processes of thinking, recall, attention, speech of children; cultivate respect for working people.

Rules: You only need to talk about what is in the building, on the site of the kindergarten or outside it, that is, what is provided for by the rule of the game.


Purpose: To develop the ability to be observant, to activate the speech of children.

Rules: Talk about the most characteristic features in the behavior, clothing of the children of their group. Which of the speakers so incompletely described that the children did not know who they were talking about, the forfeit pays, which is redeemed at the end of the game.

Birds (Beasts, fish)

Purpose: To consolidate the ability of children to classify and name animals, birds, fish.

Rules: You can name a bird (fish, animal) only after you get the ball, you must answer quickly, you cannot repeat what was said.

Children pass the ball to each other with the words: “Here is a bird. What kind of bird? ”, And the receiver answers.

Who needs what?

Purpose: To exercise children in the classification of objects, the ability to name objects, people need a certain profession.

Rules: Name the profession and items necessary for people of this profession, pass the ball. Do not repeat what has already been said.


folk game

Purpose: to exercise children in the correct selection of words, in the ability to logically pose a question, quickly and correctly answer, avoiding the use of forbidden words. Rules: The host goes around all the players, stops in front of one of them and says:

Grandmother sent a hundred rubles:

Buy whatever you want

Don't take black and white

"Yes" and "no" do not say!

Broken phone

Purpose: To develop auditory attention in children.

Rules: It is necessary to convey the word so that the children sitting next to them do not hear. Whoever mistranslated the word, that is, ruined the phone, is transplanted to the last chair.

Flying - not flying

Purpose: To develop auditory attention in children, to cultivate endurance.

Rules: Raise your hand only if a flying object is named.

Where we were we won't say

folk game

Purpose: To develop in children resourcefulness, ingenuity, the ability to transform.

Rules: Imitate the actions of people of different professions so that children recognize and name the profession. One group of children shows with the words: "Where we were, we will not say, but what we did, we will show."

Complete the offer

Purpose: To develop children's speech activity, speed of thinking.

Rules: You need to find and say such a word to make a complete sentence. You only need to add one word.

Vice versa

Purpose: To develop in children quick wits, quick thinking.

Rule: Name words that are only opposite in meaning.

find a rhyme

Purpose: To teach children to choose rhyming words.

Rules: Choose rhyming words, answer at will.

Say the word with the right sound

Purpose: To develop in children phonemic hearing, speed of thinking.

Rules: Anyone who cannot quickly and correctly name a word for a given sound and throw the ball pays a forfeit.

Purpose: To consolidate in children the ability to correctly name the numbers of the natural series within 10 in direct and reverse order, starting from any number; develop speed of thinking, auditory attention.

Who is this? What is this?

Purpose: To learn to explain in detail the meaning of words.

Rules: Invite the child to write a short descriptive story about an object, a person, without naming him.

(For example: this is a mechanism with arrows and numbers, they show the time. There are desktop, manual).

Find yourself a mate

Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing, learn to find words similar in sound, listen to the sound of words.

Rules: Everyone must find a mate according to the rule: one child must say a word, and someone must respond with a similar word (joke - duck - bear).

Let's remember different words

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to listen to the sound of words, develop phonetic hearing, exercise in a clear pronunciation of sound.

Rules: Children stand in a circle and pick up words on the topic (flowers, professions, etc.).

Children select words for a certain sound, with a certain sound in the word.

Who will get the ball

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to find long and short words.

Rules: Children stand in 2 lines facing each other. Those standing first hold the ball. In one line, the children pronounce short words, in the other - long ones and pass the ball to the person standing next to them. If the word is called incorrectly, then the team loses a point.

What sound is lost

Purpose: To consolidate the idea that words are made up of sounds. Learn to recognize

words that lack the first or last sound.

Rules: The teacher slowly reads the poetic text. In some words, it misses the sound. Children mark these words, pronounce them correctly, indicating which sound is lost.

wand stop

Purpose: To develop phonemic hearing, enrich the vocabulary of children.

Rules: Children name the words - the characteristics of the object and simultaneously pass the wand. The participants in the game agree in advance who will be discussed. If an already spoken word is called, the child leaves the circle.

What does the doll need

Purpose: To consolidate the ability to hear individual sounds within a word.

Material: pictures (soap dish, soap, towel, toothpaste, brush, plate, kettle, cup, spoon, fork).

Game progress: 1. The teacher puts pictures on the stand, asks to name each item, say what it is for, what sounds are heard in its name.

2. The teacher offers to select pictures with items for washing.

First with the sound L, then with the sound T.

First with the sound L, then with the sounds K, Ch.

Prompt sound

Purpose: To consolidate the idea that words are made up of sounds. Learn to recognize words that lack the last sound.

Game progress: The teacher reads the words, but in some the last sound is lost.

For example:

A black-eared kitten was basking in the sun ...

A white-pawed puppy was looking at him ...

The hunters bred a bone in the forest ...

The student held a pencil in his hand ...

The kid asked his mother to buy a sha ...

A hare ran into a forest clearing ...

In the zoo lived: slo., hippo., crocodile ...

A motley child knocked on the trunk ...

The squirrel hid the nuts in the hollow ...

Pets, chickens, ducklings wandered around the yard ...

Remember the magic words

1. Remember the song of the kolobok.

2. What words called Sivka-Burka.

3. How to turn the hut of Baba Yaga.

4. Remember where Koshchei's death is hidden.

5. Show off as a Hare-Boast.

6. With what words did the animals come running to Teremka.

Name what fairy tale

1. girl, brother, swan geese,

baba yaga, mouse.

2. old woman, old man, gingerbread man, hare, wolf, bear, fox.

3. man, goryukha fly, squeaker mosquito, gnaw mouse, frog frog, bunny, fox, wolf, bear, mitten.

4. goat, kids, wolf.

fabulous workout

1. Sivka…Burka

2. Zayushkina ... hut

3. Ugly ... duckling

4. Geese ... swans

5. Scarlet ... flower

6. Princess ... frog

8. Grandfather ... Aibolit

9. Koschey…immortal

10. Brother ... Ivanushka

11. Sister ... Alyonushka

12. Hen ... Ryaba

fabulous workout

1. What was the name of the dog in the family, which included: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter? (Bug)

2. Who loved to brag and paid with his life? (Kolobok)

3. What was the name of the girl who went for a walk, got lost, went into a strange house where bears lived? (Masha)

4. Who had an ice hut, and in what fairy tale? (Fox)

5. What animal found the house in the forest? (Mouse-norushka)

Which hero is superfluous

1. "Geese-Swans" - a girl, Baba Yaga, a bear.

2. "Teremok" - a hare, a wild boar, a wolf.

3. "Wolf and seven kids" - goat, kids, wolf, bear.

4. "Zayushkina's hut" - a dog, a hare, a wolf, a rooster, a mouse.

Verbal didactic games in work with preschoolers

1. The value of verbal didactic games in the mental development of children

Word didactic games are a comprehensive method of teaching preschoolers, which includes a self-built gaming activity, and learning the basics of a role-playing game.

Since the game is the leading activity of a preschool child, the choice this method for the development of the child is more than justified. Verbal didactic games are divided into lesson games and autodidactic games. The essence of the first type is that when using this method the main role belongs to the teacher, he directs children to find solutions to cognitive problems, uses a variety of techniques and methods, increasing children's interest in the lesson, creates a game situation with a problem, a way out of which preschoolers themselves find. In a similar way, the educator not only conveys certain knowledge to the child, but also teaches children the game.

One of the tasks of the teacher is to create conditions for children to transfer the knowledge gained in the classroom into independent games. Didactic games as a form of teaching children

Word didactic games used as a form of teaching children include two components: cognitive and entertaining. During the lesson, the teacher is both a mentor and a full-fledged participant in the game; he, like the children, is included in the game process. To deepen and consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers, the teacher asks leading questions, makes riddles, stimulates the cognitive activity of children, directs children to find a way out of the created situation.

Verbal didactic games for the development of speech are used in their classes by both educators and speech therapists. With their help, the child's vocabulary is activated, cognitive skills, abilities to compare and analyze are developed. The result of the work is that children are able to independently arrange sequential pictures in order, understanding causal relationships, compose a story based on plot pictures, retell events from their lives using complex-subordinate sentences.

Word didactic games:

Games - travel (they are designed to enhance the impression, give cognitive content, draw the attention of children to what exists nearby, but they do not notice it)

Games - assignments (“Collect cubes of such and such a color in a basket”, “Get round objects from the bag” Encourage children to comprehend the next action, which requires the ability to compare knowledge with circumstances or proposed conditions, establish causal relationships, active work of the imagination.

Games - riddles (develop the ability to analyze)

Games - conversations (the basis is the communication of the educator with the children, the children among themselves, which appears as a game learning and game activity).

Didactic games should develop curiosity, the ability to independently solve mental problems, contribute to the creation of stable gaming teams united by common interests, mutual sympathy, and comradely relationships.

2. Methodology for conducting verbal didactic games

The didactic game has its own structure, which includes several components. Consider these components:

1. The learning task is the main element of the didactic game, to which all the others are subordinate. For children, the learning task is formulated as a game. Thus, in the game task, the “program” of game actions is revealed. In addition, with its help, the desire to fulfill them is stimulated. The game task is often included in the name of the game: “Guess by the description”, “Say the other way around”, etc.

2. Game actions are ways of showing the activity of the child for game purposes: put your hand into the “wonderful bag”, find the toy, describe it; see and name the changes that have occurred with the toys placed on the table; pick up outfits and household items decorated with a geometric pattern for the doll. Game actions vary depending on the age and level of development of children. But there is one pedagogical rule that the teacher must always follow when organizing a didactic game: its developing effect directly depends on how varied and meaningful the game actions performed by the child are. If the teacher, conducting a didactic game, acts himself, and the children only observe and sometimes say something, its educational value disappears.

3. Rules - provide the implementation of the game content. They make the game democratic: all participants in the game obey them. Even within the same didactic game, the rules differ. Some direct the behavior and cognitive activity of children. They determine the nature and conditions for performing game actions, establish their sequence, sometimes the order, and regulate relations between the players. Other rules limit the measure of the child's motor activity, let it go in a different direction, thereby complicating the solution of the learning task. Some games have rules that prohibit certain actions and provide for punishment. Forbidding rules strengthen the child's control over their behavior, which increases the latter's arbitrariness.

There is a close relationship between the learning task, game actions and rules. The learning task determines the game actions, and the rules help to carry out the game actions and solve the problem.

If, after the game, the knowledge, skills and abilities of students do not grow, this means that the game is not effective and the results of its implementation are negative, then you need to look for the causes of negative consequences. there may be two:

1) the quality of the game itself is low and does not meet the requirements.

2) the method of conducting the game is wrong.

In the process of didactic games, children learn in practice to independently apply the knowledge gained in the classroom about the environment in new, game conditions.

With children of primary preschool age, the game “find out who lives in the house” is selected and played for the lesson on acquaintance with pets. This game can be played on the day of class (in the afternoon) or the next day. It depends on the availability of time and the development of the children. The didactic task of this game is to fix the names of animals, and later the task can be complicated - to offer to recognize not only the animal, but also the cubs of this animal. The game action is built in such a way that children can recognize the animal by the sounds of its voice.

In the middle group, you can conduct a lesson with the task of "teaching children to describe the subject according to the main features." In the second part of the lesson, it is advisable to conduct a didactic game "wonderful bag". The content of the game is familiarity with objects. The didactic task in this game is to consolidate the ideas of the children about the material from which this or that toy is made.

Simultaneously with the fulfillment of the main didactic task, children develop touch, attention, the ability to apply the knowledge that they received during this lesson in the game. Such a game contributes to the development of speech and thinking. The game action is to take the toy out of the beautiful “wonderful bag” by touch. The rules of the game - the child should take out only one toy that he liked to the touch, taking out to name it, say what it is made of, and tell what he knows about it. The same game can be played again, but with more difficulty. So, for example, take out a rubber or plastic toy from the bag, and then, when all the toys are taken out, the children group them according to the material from which the toys are made, play with them. With children of older preschool age, word games are widely used, requiring great attention and mental stress. In the classroom, the teacher introduces the children to where and how collective farmers grow wheat, oats and other crops. In the second part of the lesson, d / and “make no mistake” can be held. The game can also use the knowledge acquired by children earlier, when getting acquainted with the garden and the garden. Children sit in a circle. The teacher throws a ball to one of them and says: "garden". The person who catches the ball must name a vegetable that grows in the garden. This d / and set several tasks: consolidating and clarifying knowledge of where and what grows, cultivating attention, restraint, quick mental reaction to the word.

IN preparatory group after direct presentation to children, knowledge in the classroom about vegetables and fruits, bakery products, school supplies, etc. a “store” or “self-service store” may be planned and carried out with the didactic task of fixing the names of school supplies or vegetables and fruits, as well as other items sold in a particular store. At the same time, in this game, children consolidate knowledge in counting, they develop speech, thinking, and comradeship. The preschool period of speech development is characterized by practical methods: the imitation method, the conversation (conversation) method, the retelling method, the storytelling (composition) method. The methods by which the simulation method is implemented can be:

Observation of a real object while getting acquainted with the environment

Games, in the process of games, the child's speech is enriched not only with new vocabulary, but also with new word forms for him.

Reliance on a verbal pattern: children repeat the phrase uttered by the teacher.

A more complex (for a child) method of teaching speech is the method of conversation (questions and answers), the method of conversation. The method of conversation is that the teacher asks and the teacher answers.

Reception of reliance on real objects or on pictures can be organized if there is an appropriate handout: each child should receive a set of pictures.

The method of conversation is difficult to carry out with the same methods as the method of imitation (the method of observing real objects, relying on a picture, on a verbal sample), as well as methods of setting various questions - tasks.

Retelling method. The methodology has developed several methods of retelling used when introducing children to fiction, for example, playing favorite characters, staging fairy tales, stories, etc.

Writing methods (storytelling)

This method provides preschoolers with speech independence.

3. Pick up and describe a number of word games from teaching aids

"Come up with a riddle"

Didactic games for children 4-6 years old - "Come up with a riddle"

The purpose of the game: the development of speech and communication skills of a preschool child.

Tasks: develop memory, attention; improve coherent speech; activate dictionary.

Game inventory: cards with images of objects.

Game progress:

The game is very exciting. 3-10 people can take part in it. You can come up with riddles at home, together with one kid.

Children sit on a rug, sofa or chairs. The first of them approaches an adult and receives a card. The kid should not show it to anyone. He stands in front of other players and describes the object depicted on the card. However, he does not have to name it.

For example:

doll - toy, beautiful, with a bow, in a dress, for girls, etc.;

ball - round, rubber, played on the street, and so on;

wolf - predatory, angry, gray, lives in a forest or a zoo.

Children must guess and name the described object.


Purpose of the game: vocabulary activation.

Tasks: develop logical thinking; improve coherent speech; activate dictionary.

Game inventory: Ball, skittle, flag, soft toy to choose from.

Game progress:

If there are two participants (an adult and a child), they stand opposite each other. If there are more of them, they become in a circle. The first participant holds a soft toy in his hands (ball, flag, pin, etc.). He passes it to a neighbor and calls the word. The neighbor must name another that is in some way related to the previous one. And so on.

For example:

autumn - rain - overcast - cold - wet;

game - fun - dolls - cars - friends;

kindergarten - educator - nanny - quiet time - walk.

Game "Seasons"

An adult reads a text about the seasons of the year. The child guesses which one is being discussed.

Purpose: to activate the dictionary

Tasks: develop memory, attention; expand vocabulary, form interest in games.

"Guess from the description"

An adult has six different items on the table. Then he describes one of them. The child determines from the description which object the adult described. Repeat the game until the adult describes all the items.

Tasks: develop attention, memory; activate the child's vocabulary; to form interest in the verbal didactic game.

Guess what

Purpose: vocabulary activation

Tasks: to develop the ability of children to guess riddles, to correlate the verbal image with the image in the picture; clarify children's knowledge about berries.

Materials: pictures for each child with the image of berries. Book of riddles.

Game progress: on the table in front of each child are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle, the children look for and raise a guessing picture.

Edible - inedible.

Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms.

Tasks: develop memory, attention; Expand words knowledge; to form an interest in the word game.

Materials: basket, subject pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms.

Game progress: on the table in front of each child are pictures of the answer. The teacher makes a riddle about mushrooms, the children look for and put a guessing picture edible mushroom into baskets.


Verbal didactic games are a kind of didactic games aimed at developing children's speech, as well as mental education. In such games, both words and all kinds of actions are used. Toddlers learn to describe various objects, recognize them by descriptions, determine common and distinctive characteristics.

Didactic word games have the following goals:

    Consolidation of knowledge;

    Refinement and expansion of information about the world;

    Formation of cognitive interests;

    Development of mental processes;

    Effective development of thinking and observation in children.


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    Berlova, A. Games with fairy tales. I listen and discuss. For children of middle and senior preschool age. In 2 books. Book 1 /. - M.: Ventana-Graf, 2016. - 2292 p.

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