The best inexpensive tanks world of tanks. Tips for beginners: which tank is better in World of tanks, and how to buy it. And now about the levels

Despite the constant balance changes, in World of tanks there are still tanks that are more fun to play, and which allow you to more influence the outcome of the battle or even fight for victory, left alone against several enemies.

The best tanks in world of tanks by levels in 2018

Today's article provides examples of the best tanks in World of tanks at different levels, according to the author. You may notice that your favorite tank has been undeservedly forgotten, you can write about it in the comments.

Overview of the best tanks in WoT

  1. good tool
  • With high precision
  • With huge damage
  • Reliable protection
    • Strong circular armor
    • Thick frontal armor
    • ricochet silhouette
  • Good mobility
    • High top speed
    • Fast acceleration
    • Excellent maneuverability
  • low visibility
    • good disguise
    • Excellent review

    Of course, fulfilling all the conditions at the same time is impossible, the tank may be, but have too weak weapons, which will not allow it to become the best. However, the presence of several positive qualities will indicate that we have a worthy combat vehicle.

    So, let's start the review of the best tanks in WoT.

    The best first level tanks in World of tanks

    It is difficult to single out favorites among Tier 1 tanks, but at high ranks one can distinguish excellent vehicles such as the IS-3, T-54, T-29 and others, but first things first.

    Among the players in the battles of the first levels, players on vehicles with upgraded crews can stand out, who have been playing on tanks of the first level for a long time, for example, there are quite a few such players on a Soviet tank MS-1.

    The best tanks of the second level in World of tanks

    At the second level, anti-tank and artillery self-propelled guns, and among them there are cars that differ from others for the better. This American tank destroyer T-18 with a well-protected forehead, which most tanks of the second level are not able to penetrate, in addition, the T-18 has good mobility and a good top gun.

    SAU T-18

    • ✔ High precision gun
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    Best tier 3 tanks in Wot

    Among the tanks of the third level, it is worth noting the Soviet premium T-127. This tank is well protected from the front, with sloping armor, a good gun, and good mobility. Excellent armor allows you to fight alone against several enemies.

    American Tank destroyer T82- an excellent combat vehicle of the third level, it boasts high one-time damage, good dynamics and maneuverability, excellent visibility.

    The best tanks of the fourth level in World of tanks

    At the fourth level there are several cars that you will always be glad to see in your team.

    British tank Matilda

    This combat vehicle is better protected than heavy tanks of the fourth level. Being at the top Matilda able to decide the outcome of the battle, remaining even against several enemies. Of course, you have to pay for good armor with poor mobility. Getting into battles with opponents of the fifth and sixth level, Matilda is not so good, but can still be useful due to a good top gun.

    Anti-tank self-propelled gun Hetzer

    The German tank destroyer is the nightmare of many tier 4 tanks, because they cannot penetrate this vehicle head-on, while the Hetzer can easily destroy them with one or two shots. Playing against higher level opponents for armor ACS Hetzer you can’t count on it, but this machine will still be able to hit enemies, acting from ambushes.

    The best tanks of the fifth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the fifth level, one can distinguish Soviet heavy tank KV-1. Which at competent game remains impenetrable for many same-level rivals. The poor mobility of the KV-1 tank requires a careful choice of the direction of attack, because it is impossible to return through the floor of the map in order to break the capture. Among the advantages of the KV-1 tank, one can note the availability of several good guns - the rapid-fire project 413, the universal F-30 85mm, and the high-explosive U-11 122mm.

    American tank destroyer T49

    Anti-tank self-propelled gun with a turret that allows this vehicle to be used as a medium or light tank. The T49 self-propelled gun is equipped with an excellent top gun. This good mobility Tank destroyer T49 sometimes misused by players, you should not go alone to the enemy base, where the T49 will be quickly destroyed.

    M-24 Chaffee

    American tank Chaffee- an excellent firefly, which can also attack enemies from a good, quick-firing weapon. After the introduction of new light tanks, the top gun was taken away from Chaffee, now this one is not so good, but it doesn’t even get to the tenth levels now.

    The best tanks of the sixth level in World of tanks

    At the sixth level, the KV-1S tank stood out with an excellent D2-5T gun, but it was divided into two combat vehicles - the KV-1 of the fifth level, and the KV-85 of the sixth level, which have less impressive characteristics. .

    Hellcat in World of tanks

    American Tank destroyer Hellcat has excellent dynamics and speed. Its top gun is capable of dealing 240 damage, penetrating 160mm. Armor on the Helket is practically absent, it is worth noting only a well-protected gun mantlet, which, together with good vertical aiming angles and a mobile turret, allows you to shoot from behind hills and shelters without fear of a return hit.

    FV304 - new generation self-propelled guns

    On the sixth level, there is also a favorite by many players self-propelled art. installation FV304, with high mobility and a quick-firing gun, this machine shows good results.

    T 34-85 in WoT

    According to our readers, the T 34-85 should be included in the list of the best tanks in World of tanks in 2016. Indeed, we have undeservedly ignored this combat vehicle. T 34-85 is a universal fighter, without pronounced weak characteristics and with skillful use it is able to turn the outcome of the battle.

    Best Tier 7 Tanks in Wot

    There are quite a few good combat vehicles on the seventh level, but the American T-29 and the German tank destroyer E-25 deserve special mention.

    T-29 - play from the tower

    Tank T-29 when used correctly, it can be considered the best heavy tank of its level. A powerful top gun, good vertical aiming angles and a thick forehead of the tower - that's the best sides American TT to be used.

    American heavy tank T-29

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    The main thing when playing on the T-29 is to hide a weakly protected hull, showing the enemy only a tower. The T-29 performs well in hilly terrain, when shooting from cover, and can compete with Soviet vehicles (which are good in cities) in battles in urban areas. .

    Inaccessible E-25

    Premium Tank Destroyer E-25 has a bonus when balancing teams - it does not get to the tanks of the ninth level. This makes the game more comfortable on it, but it cannot be said that it is unbalanced. The only problem is that the E-25 was removed from the sale.

    The best tanks of the eighth level in World of tanks

    At the eighth level, one of the most dangerous opponents is German tank destroyer Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger. The low silhouette and excellent top and stock guns make this vehicle one of the best in the game. It should be noted that for a good game on Rhm. Borsig is desirable to give her under the control of an experienced crew with good visibility and camouflage, in addition, you need to choose the right position, because weak armor will not leave you a chance in case of detection. If you think that the main thing in a combat vehicle is a weapon, then Rhm. Borsig is for you.

    Armored KV-4 World of tanks

    Our readers consider the KV-4 one of the best tier eight tanks. good armor and a penetrating top gun are excellent qualities for entering the top of the best tanks in WoT.

    Pike nose - IS-3

    Soviet IS-3 may not have any outstanding data, but due to the combination of characteristics, he deserves to be noted in this list. Good armor, powerful gun, good mobility. What else do you need for a good tank? The IS-3 has it all.

    Heavy tank IS-3

    The best tanks of the ninth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the ninth level, one can distinguish Soviet medium tank T-54, characterized by a low ricochet silhouette, good mobility and a good gun. Particularly dangerous are the T-54 tanks in a group, so find yourself an assistant in a random battle or play the T-54 in a platoon.

    Medium tank T-54

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette
    • ✔ Good mobility

    Object 704 - carrier BL-10

    In addition, I would single out the Soviet Tank Destroyer Object 704, equipped with the famous BL-10 gun in the game (a few years ago, this gun was the most powerful among its counterparts on tank destroyers and tanks). Also, the Object 704 is well protected from the front, its armor plates are located at rational angles, which gives hope for a ricochet or non-penetration. The combination of these characteristics will let you act on the second line of attack, being in the thick of things.

    Tank ST-1 at the ninth level

    In 2016, our readers consider the Soviet ST-1 one of the best at the ninth level. This tank can be equipped with a weapon that is used in WoT on the IS-4. At the ninth level, it is very strong, and allows CT-1 to break into the ranks of the best.

    There are quite a few good vehicles of the tenth level, these are the American T57 Heavy and T110E5, the Soviet T-62A and Object 263, the German JagdPanzer E100 and Waffentrager E-100, the French Bat Chatillon 25t, the British FV215B. The style of play on these tanks is different and it is difficult to single out the best vehicle.

    The best tanks in WoT in 2017 - the opinion of the players

    Many WoT fans have named their favorites in the comments. Let's see which tanks we underestimated. Among the best tanks in 2017, players most often named: medium T-34-85 and T-34, heavy ST1, KV2, KV4.

    The marked tanks are really very good, the T-34 and T-34-85 are universal fighters that have good mobility, a lethal weapon for the ST. They are able to provide worthy resistance to any enemy, and in capable hands they become machines for destruction. These Soviet STs have long been valued by the players, in 2017 the situation has not changed.

    The Soviet KV-2 has a 152 mm gun, unique for a Tier 6 TT, which makes it a very strong opponent, but only when fired skillfully from a large-caliber cannon.

    KV-4 and ST-1 are distinguished by good armor and good armament, which allows them to be included among the best.

    We have considered many tanks, many contenders for getting into the list of the best have been proposed by our readers, but not all vehicles in WoT are good, there are others that we have identified in .

    We continue our parade of the best tanks in their damage and their class, and in the last, fifth part,

    We continue our parade of the best tanks in their damage and in their class, and in the last, fifth part, we will look at light tanks. Let's start the review, of course, from level 1, and finish, respectively, with the 8th.

    Who could doubt the first level? Sometime before the change in the KB format, it was indispensable, because almost the outcome of the battle depended on it. These were the eyes of the team, and in some cases a great invader, and his crushing machine gun could deliver good damage to the nineties, hundredths and borschts by modules, and even death. Yes, yes, and yes again, this is a T1 Cunningham, no MS-1s, no British mediums or French Renaults. Only T1, only hardcore. A machine gun in skillful hands is capable of destroying even some 2nd levels. The dynamics, though not the best, but for the first level it is enough to the throat. We will calmly postpone the reservation to gather dust on a high shelf and not even a word about it, since it would be ridiculous to talk about armor at level 1. We will not bombard you with a long praise of this charm and simply summing up, let's say that the tank is universal, playable, and in capable hands it is still crushing and bending.

    - Magnificent 20mm machine gun
    - Acceptable dynamics
    - The rear location of the tower, which allows us to leave the corner and cause damage
    - High rate of fire inside the drum

    - Long drum reload (about 10 sec)
    - Front engine

    They talk about this tank ... Yes, they don’t say anything. It takes place in 2-3 battles and is forgotten as an uninteresting dream. But in vain, since the tank is very interesting and can be a pleasure to play on it. Pazik is quite versatile, having dynamics acceptable for the 2nd level and a very good weapon. 37 mm with 42 mm penetration, about 2.5 sec reload. and mixing in 1.7 seconds, very good performance. Armor only repels some weak machine guns, and occasionally guns with a penetration of 25 mm or more. A 220-horsepower engine accelerates our 11 tons, so we dare not complain about the maximum speed. Finally, let's say that the tank is very interesting and we advise everyone to play it while passing the branch, or just at their leisure.

    - Good maneuverability and dynamics
    - Frontal armor for level 2 takes a hit
    - Decent visibility (290 m)
    - Fast gun aiming (1.7 sec)

    - Long turret turn
    - Boards and stern are pretty cardboards

    Imba level 3, you can’t say otherwise. An 8mm machine gun can incinerate tanks 1 level higher than us. Booking for level 3 is rather weak, but looking at the maximum speed, we can boldly say that booking is not the main thing for him, because the maximum speed is 79 km / h. Not every enemy will be able to hit us, but if he hits, that is, 20-30 percent, which will be followed by a rebound or non-penetration. But it's all a matter of chance and it's up to you to decide how the battle ends, but in the end we'll say that the tank will bring a lot of fun and fun during its passage.

    - Excellent maximum speed (79 km/h)
    - Crushing machine gun
    - Small and compact dimensions
    - good review

    - Average armor
    - Low armor penetration

    Surely you thought that the Chinese would bypass us, but that was not the case. Fast, fast-firing, with excellent visibility and just a great tank. The M5A1 only causes trouble when it is upgraded to the top state, and then we simply and without sudden movements move to the next tank. The gun has acceptable indicators for level 4: 81 mm of penetration, which is quite good at our level, damage of 70 units with a reload time of 2.5 sec. Stabilization, of course, is rather poor, but in close combat, the tank copes with the enemy quite briskly. Reservations with us, as always, are in the taste of a light tank, that is, none. Sometimes we can still get a ricochet due to our 45 degrees of armor, but this happens quite rarely. And so we get a very playable and frisky tank, which puts it in first place among the LT 4 levels.

    - Good dynamics
    - Good UGN
    - Compact size
    - Acceptable view at 330 m

    - Frequent engine crits
    - Weak booking boards and stern

    Baby Chaffee deserves the honorary title of the best TL 5. It is good, of course, because of its visibility of 390 m and good maneuverability. The gun doesn't let us down either, because the CD of 2.5 seconds and the damage of 110 with a penetration of 96 mm is like a bee sting that bites weakly, but often. The parameters of cross-country ability and dynamics in general are impressive, since we feel free on different soils. Based on the excellent dynamics and visibility, we get an excellent tank for light and in some situations to support allies. The passage of the tank will not cause you problems and waste of nerve cells.

    - Excellent dynamics
    - Best Review at the level
    - Excellent stabilization
    - The best maximum speed (77 km/h)

    - Lack of armor as such in all projections
    - Weak armor penetration

    Newcomer, but already well established. The tank does its job very well, namely, the work of a firefly. Yes, and he can also shoot, thanks to a gun with a penetration of 150 and a damage of 115 units. The reload is around 3 seconds, and the stabilization is at an acceptable level. The maximum speed of the tank is 66 km/h, which is very good for a light tank. The review did not let us down either - 385 m, so it will not be difficult for us to highlight the enemy while being in the bushes, and she is rushing around the entire battlefield.

    - Remarkable speed and maneuverability
    - Rapid fire cannon
    - Good review

    - Poor armor performance
    - Very mediocre body size

    A tank that is incredibly popular, a tank that torments its enemies with its drum, a tank that brings a lot of fun and fun. Yes, this is our crazy stool - T71. A magnificent drum for 6 shells of 150 damage and penetration of 175. An unsurpassed maximum speed of 64 km / h with a mass of 18 tons. for it is necessary to fight on with 8, 9 and 10 levels. The tank is very interesting and will bring you pleasure during its passage.

    - The presence of a drum for 6 shells
    - High top speed and agility
    - Small size
    - Great overview

    - Poor gun stabilization
    - The lowest safety factor on the level

    This choice will cause quite a lot of controversy, because at level 8 almost every LT can take first place, but still neither ninety, nor T49, nor anything else, namely the unsurpassed RUSHka with its excellent maximum speed of 80 km / h, acceptable and versatile gun, low silhouette and excellent UGN. And now some numbers: penetration 190 mm, damage 240 units, reduction 2.1 sec, spread 0.36, and cooldown about 6 seconds. Pretty average figures, but they are quite enough. We have the following dynamic indicators: 80 km / h maximum speed, agility of 38 deg / s, and accelerating ability at the highest level. Reservation in the light tank genre: 25 mm on the front of the hull and 20 mm around the turret, that is, everyone who hits us breaks through us. But our business, of course, is not tanking, but illuminating opponents and helping allies. The tank is quite pleasant during its passage, but still requires the ability to play on the LT, otherwise you will simply merge on it, without revealing the potential of this tank in battle.

    - Universal tool
    - Excellent top speed
    - Visibility 400 m
    - Low profile

    - Quite captious to soils chassis
    - Long projectile flight (unlike single-level LTs)

    As a result of this article, I would like to say that you should not forget about the main purpose of a light tank, and do not fly at the beginning of the battle to the center of the map for an instant drain. Tactics on the LT is much more difficult than on other classes, because you not only shine, but also help your allies by holding the rink or distracting the enemy. A light tank should always bring the team information about the location of the enemy, otherwise the team will simply stand idle at the base or, leaving in one direction, will lose by capturing their base. Be vigilant when playing on LT and good luck in your fights!

    On this moment More than 290 military vehicles of the past are available in World of Tanks. Each tank has its own strengths and weaknesses, however, there are vehicles that are extremely comfortable to play on, these tanks really bend over. We have selected for you the best tanks at each level, so that you know what to buy in order to have the greatest impact on the outcome of the battle. In general, if you want to bend over - read the material!

    Before we start, let me tell you about how the tanks for the material were selected. Server-wide statistics for each tank were taken as a basis. was taken into account highest percentage victories. However, some changes were made, because there were situations when the vehicle was new and only experienced players upgraded it, which is why the percentage of victories on the tank is much higher without any reason. In addition, such vehicles as, for example, the KV-220 did not get into the material, the statistics on which are very high, but the tank is now impossible to get.

    Several levels housed several tanks, because it was very difficult to choose the best one.

    First level - MS-1 (49.08% of victories on the server)

    The undisputed leader comes from the USSR - MS-1. Thanks to its set of characteristics, Pug mercilessly oppresses newcomers and pedobears who have just entered the game with tens of thousands of battles behind them.

    The MS-1 has no armor (at the first level, no one has it), amazing dynamics or accuracy ... But a 45mm gun can deprive the enemy of 47 HP, which is quite a lot. In addition, the tank has a small size, which reduces the likelihood of hitting it.

    Watch video about MS-1

    Second tier - PzKpfw 38H735 (f) (56.53% of victories across the server)

    Although I promised not to include tanks that are impossible to get in the article, I simply cannot but tell about the Minimaus, since this unusually protected tank can simply bend random battles with its chic armor.

    Pay attention to the server win percentage - 56.53% is very, very high. And all due to the fact that the PzKpfw 38H735 (f) has a completely amazing circular armor with a thickness of 40mm. Classmates in terms of level pierce Minimaus with great difficulty, and first-level machines may not even try to do it (unless the same MS-1 can try and it is unlikely that he will succeed).

    In addition, these 40mm of armor are located not only in the forehead and sides, but also, attention, in the stern. Among the shortcomings of the PzKpfw 38H735 (f) should be noted low speed and not very high penetration. However, these shortcomings are easily compensated by the chic advantages of the car.

    But stop choking on saliva, let's move on to cars that you can buy and on which you can bend down no worse than on the PzKpfw 38H735 (f).

    Open video

    T18 (50.43% of server wins)

    Want to bend down on the second level? Please, this is not difficult, for this you will need straight arms and a small accessory in the form of an American T18 tank destroyer. What makes the T18 better than its classmates? It's simple - thanks to the huge one-time damage, tank destroyers can literally one-shot enemies, and thanks to their excellent speed, you can quickly respond to the situation on the battlefield, which changes at lightning speed in the sandbox. It is also worth mentioning the good 51mm tank destroyer armor, which can save you from being shot at Hard time.

    Of course, it was not without drawbacks. You should always remember that you are a tank destroyer, not a tank - the T18 does not have a turret, so an enemy that has climbed into the rear can cause you a lot of problems. Yes, and the enemy can get used to the board, which is also not very pleasant.

    And one more thing - to guarantee high damage, carry a Serbogold with you, if, of course, you have enough silver.

    Watch about T18

    T2 Light Tank (53.95% of server wins)

    If the T18 is designed for those who like to one-shot the enemy, then the T2 Light Tank will appeal to players who love fast rides. This is one of the most fast tanks in the game, so you can always hope that the tank engine will help you out in difficult times. For example, when the base is captured, you can quickly return and break the capture.

    In addition, in addition to speed, the T2 Light Tank boasts an unusual armament - a machine gun that takes down 12 HP units to the enemy in one hit. If you know how to use these weapons correctly, you can work real miracles.

    The tank also has disadvantages, for example, the complete absence of armor and not very high maneuverability, which will play a trick on you more than once.

    T2 Light Tank in all its glory, watch the video

    As you can see, on the second level you can choose between two tanks. Consider what style of play you like.

    Third level - FCM36 Pak40 (59.02%)

    Phenomenally high win rate on this French FCM36 Pak40 tank destroyer! It is not surprising - the most powerful weapons and good armor (machine guns are not terrible) allow you to work real miracles.

    In addition, the PT-shka boasts phenomenal visibility at its level - as much as 400 meters! You see the enemy when the enemy does not even suspect that he glows like Christmas tree. Properly using the view and the power of the FCM36 Pak40 cannon can pull the most mundane battles. And don't be put off by the fact that FCM36 Pak40 costs real money, the price is not very high, only 850 gold coins. Believe me, this is a small price to pay for bending over.

    Of the minuses, one should single out low speed and not very large horizontal pickup angles. Not very significant disadvantages, pluses overlap them several times.

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    Tier 4 - Hetzer (49.45% of server wins)

    At the fourth level, it was rather difficult to choose the most bending tank, since almost all vehicles are rather average in terms of their characteristics. However, an interesting tank destroyer at this level also has its name "Hetzer". True, for a comfortable and spectacular bend, you will need a lot of silver. Thick frontal armor and an excellent land mine, capable of depriving the enemy of 350 HP, make Hetzer a real monster. Of course, for a comfortable game, you need to shoot with a Serbogold in order to maximize your chances of dealing those same 350 damage.

    The car is rather peculiar and in inept hands Hetzer will infuriate the tanker with its low speed.

    Video clip under the spoiler

    Fifth level

    KV-1 (49.1% of victories)

    Do not look at the fact that KV-1 has such a low percentage of victories on the server. This is due to the fact that the tank is extremely popular, and the statistics on it correspond to the concept of "balance" as much as possible. Gorgeous protection at its level, excellent weapons, but poor mobility and visibility - these are the key features of this tank. Getting into the TOP, KV-1 drags the battle and is the main combat unit of the team.

    Watch about KV-1

    S-35 CA (52.21% wins across the server)

    The second machine for bending at the fifth level is the S-35 CA, which has completely lethal weapons - a 105mm gun can upset the enemy by as much as 300 hit points, which is a record among classmates. Huge number! If the evil VBR throws you at the top of the list, then you can be punished mercilessly.

    The disadvantages of the car are standard - lack of armor, low speed and low strength. But believe me, these shortcomings are compensated by frenzied damage. And the review of the S-35 CA is excellent - we can see as much as 400 meters. If you put in an enlightenment and a pipe ... Soviet blind tanks will suffer, suffer a lot;).

    open spoiler

    AT 2 (52.23% wins)

    This tank destroyer is only for those players who love the sounds of projectiles bouncing off them. Thanks to the record thickness of the armor, AT 2 survives where the rest of the team would have already merged. Just imagine, at the fifth level, as much as 203mm of frontal armor is available to us! It's so damn cool that you can't even ask for better.

    The stern and sides, of course, are less armored, but 101mm also helps a lot.

    What characteristics of the AT 2 were sacrificed to the Serb? Armament and speed. We move at the speed of a turtle and bite the enemy with the strength of a mosquito. Which, however, does not prevent this tank destroyer from brutally bending down, especially on city maps, where there are many narrow passages.

    Playing AT 2 has become even more comfortable after update 0.8.6, as the evil imba SU-26 has been nerfed. Feel free to buy if you like armored tanks. A lot of emotions are provided.

    Open video

    Sixth level

    KV-1S (49.06%)

    Recognized imba in World of Tanks. The most severe one-time damage of 390 units, enemy tanks burst with two shots. In addition to an excellent gun, Kvass has good mobility, which is quite unexpected for a tank that deals such wild damage.

    The advantages are compensated by not very good armor (but there are ricochets, and quite often) and a high probability of fire (perks will help you).

    The most popular tank in the game - it's not for nothing that the "quaskaktank" meme is alive and well. "Quaskaktank, is he holding a punch?"


    M18 Hellcat (51.31% wins)

    The highest speed and excellent weapons are a deadly combination, especially in the realities of the World of Tanks. The Cat from Hell M18 can not only drag battles, but also give the tanker completely new emotions, because it is in this tank destroyer that you will find speed and a good gun. A weak penetration is not a problem.

    M18 Hellcat is a chic alternative to Kvas.

    Open video

    Tier 7 - PzKpfw VI Tiger (P) (50.19% wins)

    The seventh level, like the fourth, is also difficult to choose the bending technique. Many, of course, will prefer the Soviet IS, but I choose the German PzKpfw VI Tiger (P), which I advise you to do too, because with correct application this wonderful machine you will enjoy every fight.

    Excellent armor penetration, good 200mm armor make the tank really interesting. Of course, one should take into account low mobility and low one-time damage. But even despite these drawbacks, the PzKpfw VI Tiger (P) can bend over. And if you put the tank in a rhombus, enemy shells will regularly bounce off the car.

    Watch video

    Level 8 - IS-3 (48.69%)

    And again we have an undisputed leader at our level. Quite a rare occurrence, but it is the IS-3 at the eighth level that is the best tank. He has everything - a chic gun, good armor, mobility ... The disadvantages are very insignificant - poor visibility and long mixing are easily offset by advantages.

    Feel free to buy if you are looking for the most bending tank at the eighth level. The IS-3 especially changes after buying the 122 mm BL-9 gun, which increases armor penetration to 225 mm.


    Ninth level

    T54E1 (51.83% wins)

    Despite its weak armor, the T54E1 is still able to dodge randomly using its loader drum, capable of delivering 1560 damage. In addition, the T54E1 also has good dynamics, allowing you to quickly respond to changing situations on the battlefield.

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    T-54 (49.32% of victories)

    Armament, armor, speed - the T-54 has no flaws, only advantages. An extremely pleasant tank in World of Tanks, which is able to bend over not only in straight arms.


    T57 Heavy Tank (51.66% wins)

    And again we have a relatively new guest american tank with loading drum. Powerful weapons, good dynamics and very fast reloading of the drum are offset by weak armor and a small margin of safety.

    However, if you do not expose yourself to enemy shots, you can score record numbers in the "damage" column. One of the most enjoyable tanks at the moment.

    Open spoiler with video

    AMX 50 Foch (155) (53.54% wins)

    How can we do without Foch, who became especially popular after patch 0.8.6 due to the almost complete absence of artillery in battles. It has chic armor, a three-round loading drum and excellent dynamics. The AMX 50 Foch (155) is the perfect example of how the biggest pluses can be in one car.

    The disadvantages are insignificant - the lack of armor in the stern and sides, as well as the low margin of safety practically does not play any role in random battles. Foch 155 now bends like never before.

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    Well, my friends, that's all for me. Of course, not everyone will agree with this list of tanks, however, I tried to collect vehicles based on all factors - the percentage of wins on the server, player votes, as well as personal feelings and observations. But in the end I will say one thing - even the most disgusting tank can bend over. It all depends on your hands, the characteristics of the car are in the background, they only complement your skill.

    Good luck in battles and fast pumping to you!

    Today, one of the most popular computer games in the world is World of Tanks (WoT), which gathers about one million people on average in front of computer monitors, and this is only the Russian-speaking part of the Internet. Each player wants to “bow down” the enemy by shooting the most frags and doing the most damage, and this can only be done on the best tanks in the game. We meet the ten best tanks of the World of Tanks, just pay attention, the information is relevant for patch 8.11. Yes, half of the tanks are designed for people with straight arms thinking their heads, and not climbing forward headlong.

    In tenth place we have the British FV215b tank destroyer (183), which inflicts simply terrifying, for the enemy, 1750 XP damage from one shot, which, in a fortunate combination of circumstances, can destroy almost any tank of the ninth level and cripple a dozen. That's one thing is bad, this device is designed for rich pinocchio, ready to scatter gold left and right. To give out maximum damage, you will have to shoot with gold mines, which cause damage in any case. It is desirable to have smooth handles, the tank is rather oblique and reloads for a very long time.

    The French art boasts a four-round drum, good accuracy (as for art, of course), fast mixing and high speed. The rotating turret allows you to follow the enemy with virtually no loss of information. People with straight arms on the Bat Chatillon 155 can quite well fend off light and medium tanks. Don't forget, this unit has fairly average damage among classmates, so first we choose medium-armored targets with "soft" roofs, and occupy non-standard places, since speed allows.

    8. T-62A

    In eighth place we got the top Soviet medium tank, with a cardboard hull that is pierced by all and sundry, a machine gun instead of a cannon and an impenetrable cast-iron turret. We hide along the ditch, substituting only the tower, or at speed we try to spin the enemy, as an option, we can pretend to be a PT for the first half of the battle.

    7. KV-1

    The Soviet armored monster KV-1 is probably one of the best tanks of the fifth level of the world of tanks, which many classmates simply cannot penetrate, and for lower-level tanks it is just a monster on caterpillars that brings death. Slowly we go forward, along the way, shooting everything from everything that moves. If we meet tanks on the 6th or 7th, we try not to run into trouble, driving far ahead alone.

    6. Object 268

    The sixth place in the top of the best tanks in the World of Tanks was taken by the Object 268 tank, for which Comrade Stalin personally developed the stealth system and nano-armor, which received a 152mm gun. We get up in a secluded corner behind the bushes and start weighing down the splashes of 750 hp, while on this device you remain almost invisible. When the enemies finally notice the object, the armor comes into play, which repels almost everything that flies into the PT. So that it was not boring at all, the device also drives well.

    Jet baby, flying at the speed of sound, with a good weapon. The main tactic of this PT is to quickly take a comfortable position and bring the enemy to a white heat, preventing him from moving. The rotating tower adds even more joy and fun to the opponents. Having pumped up a disguise, put a camouflage net and a Hellcat pipe, become a real ninja terrifying on those around you.

    4. Waffenträger auf E 100

    A deadly German waffle, driving at the speed of a formula one car with a six-shot plasma gun capable of turning any tank in the game into ashes with one volley, the tenth level too. An incredibly accurate weapon with almost instantaneous mixing, which also rotates, delivers special joy and fun to the enemy. But only people with hands can handle the Waffenträger auf E 100 correctly, due to the excessive cottoniness of the Ptshka and the size of a two-story house that cannot be hidden.

    Another paper drum project T57 Heavy Tank climbed to third place. It would seem that it is made of paper with a thickness of 127 mm armor, which, in theory, can be pierced with a stick, in practice it perfectly beats off shells. A gun with four shells in a drum with a good aiming time, where each shot deals an average of 400 damage, simply pleases the enemy inexpressibly.

    The French anti-tank gun has a practically impenetrable cast-iron forehead and a three-shot machine gun instead of a cannon, which produces a one-time damage of 750xp, piercing through 293 mm of armor with conventional shells. On this device, even handless invalids can do 2000 damage per battle, just getting out into the crowd of enemies and firing off the drum, and thinking players just burn everything around. The main thing here is not to substitute cotton sides and shoot at long and medium distances, so that the adversaries cannot aim the paper turret from above.

    1. KV-1S

    The most fun and concurrently the best tank in World of Tanks is the KV-1S, aka “kvass”, which allows you to arrange genocide for everything that moves, even for an average player. Here the car has everything you need for a happy life. Good mobility allows you to rush from flank to flank to quickly find yourself in the right place. Excellent armor, which does not always turn out to be tough for classmates thanks to the rational slopes of the armor, which the developers for some reason call cardboard. Just a fantastic gun, giving out 390 damage at level 6, from which tanks of the fifth and lower levels burst from one shot, and classmates crawl away with one-shot invalids. We crawl out from around the corner, aim well and delight the opponents with wild damage.

    The main thing in the game is, obviously, tanks. Historical, that existed and fought on different continents of the world, authentic paper models and grains of projects that have already been completed and thought out by the developers, each individual vehicle in the World of Tanks has its own, special and unique story. And, as they say, there is a merchant for every product, so in our game for every tank there is someone who can call him the most beloved!

    Well, I think it’s clear here that each player decides for himself which is the best in the game for him, but we will try to tell you which are the most attractive, which are very pleasant to play, and bending is easier / more accessible.

    As you know, in our game X-th levels of technology and each level stands out / stand out their heroes. In parallel with how bendy tanks will be covered, it will also be told about the vehicles most popular on the World of Tanks servers. At each level, we will highlight 3 cars (there will be exceptions) that stand out the most + the bonus that seems to be the most fun, as the players call it.
    Although there are 10 levels in the game, let's start the review with tanks of the 5th level, since up to this level there are still frivolous vehicles, a sandbox, as most players like to call levels up to the 5th.

    5th level

    At the V-level, there are several contenders for the title of the best tank, and they are all Soviet.
    First, let's note the most popular for the game, not counting the first levels - this is the Soviet power of the KV-1. All-round armor, diverse guns, and of course, the historical component, made this tank such a reputation! Every player, especially a generation older, considers it their duty to pump out this car.

    Secondly, this is the T-34 - with no less rich history than the KV-1, one of the best tanks of the war, which changed its course. What makes it so popular? Its hole punching guns are 57 mm ZiS-4, with high penetration, but penny damage. The two most popular branches in the game are the Soviet ST and TT, and through them two great tanks are located at 5 levels: T-34 and KV-1.

    And the third, only for the selected KV-220. It has excellent all-round armor, which is extremely difficult for tier 5 guns to take on, and even some sixes feel a problem with penetrating this vehicle, plus its preferential combat level! All this makes this tank a real imboy, but it is very difficult to get.

    The bonus on 5's is the T67, an American tank destroyer that doesn't feel like a tank destroyer. Excellent speed, stealth, high penetration and low silhouette allow you to bend down your classmates, and in battles at the bottom of the list, with the help of gold, you do not feel suffering!

    6th level

    At Tier VI, all three MTs are in the trio of tanks - one Soviet and two British.
    Let's start with a legend that everyone knows, young and old, in almost every city there is a monument to this significant tank T-34-85.
    The average USSR is a versatile fighter on the battlefield, its excellent gun with good AP penetration and comfortable gold for combat against 8-k, accuracy and mobility make this tank popular. Of course, we should not forget that this tank is pumped because of its huge combat history, and the fact that it comes next after the T-34, but this does not make it any less excellent.

    The second is the British Cromwell, a technique for real extras. Unlike the 34-85, the Cromwell has no armor, but at the same time, its maximum speed and cannon, coupled with stealth, allow you to make excellent results that make even the driver himself surprised.

    And the third, a newcomer to World of Tanks - Sherman Firefly. One of the most successful models of British tank building, with the legendary OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII, where you can fight without gold and at the bottom of the list, even against 8 levels.
    The bonus on 6s is the legend of broads - KV-2. It is both for bending and for fun. His duda 152 mm M-10 with a 900-point alpha bomb allows you to fight even with X-levels (!!!), where one shot at the Waffenträger auf E 100, or other cardboard vehicles, can deprive half of HP.

    7th level

    The 7th level, according to the players, is the most balanced, therefore it is very difficult to choose the top three here.
    The first, or rather the first, is the IS / IS-2 / IS-2. It is impossible to single out one of these machines, because they are almost identical, so we will add all three units to this list. IP - famous tank, is one of the top 10 popular World of Tanks tanks. Its advantages are D-25T with alpha from 390, mobility, turret armor. In the TOP, these machines make a fight, distributing “Soviet guards”, and at the bottom of the list we play PT, imagining that you are a SU-122-44, which also fights with 9 levels with the same gun.

    The second unit is the German Tiger I. The German TT, which fought in World War II and has a rich history, is perfectly implemented in the game. 1500 HP, gun 8.8 cm Kw.K. 43 L/71 with 203mm penetration, 240 alpha and DPM of 2000 points per minute, which is comfortable, pleasant and interesting to play. At the top of the list, the Tiger is a thunderstorm of enemies, breaking through everyone, dismantling anyone by DPM, and at the bottom of the list we play PT, alternating BB with gold.

    The third car is the American heavy T29. If 29 came from a mound, then even the 9th level will not be able to break through it the first time. The tank has strengths, but also has pain points. Its balance and use on the battlefield make it a great car to play over and over again.

    The bonus is the unit hated by everyone - a flea, a bug, a mosquito, a Gatling machine gun - this is the German tank destroyer E-25. An inconspicuous cart that causes a lot of problems for opponents, especially blind ones like Soviet TTs. Mosquito bites of 150 points in 3 seconds take out anyone who gets on the front sight of this machine. Well, if you get on a platoon of E-shek, if you are in a field without shelter and they are aiming at you - expect trouble. The huge popularity of the car contributed to the fact that it was taken out of sale, but there were no fewer of them in battles.

    The 7th level is so diverse that I would like to mention at least five more vehicles - these are the T-34-1, T71, M41 Walker Bulldog, LTTB and Spähpanzer SP I C. We will not talk about them, we just note that they are also worthy be on this list.

    8th level

    We're getting to the top. Level VIII is no longer a sandbox. At these levels and global map, and fortified areas and company battles.
    The first tank at level 8 will be the IS-3. A car that fits all of the above battles, and also fills the random. The frontal armor of the hull and turret, the presence of bulwarks, a good gun, mobility and a low silhouette are the key to the success of the vehicle.

    The second is the FCM 50t. The car is not for everyone, because the huge hull and lack of armor make the tank game very difficult for beginners, but experienced players show great results on the tank, setting damage records again and again. Tanks with a preferential combat level and an excellent 212-piercing gun, so suffering on this vehicle is out of the question. An analogue of this car can be offered by another Frenchman - AMX Chasseur de chars. An even less armored vehicle that bursts from land mines and does not have a preferential level, but has a high concealment coefficient and the highest maximum speed at Tier VII among STs due to the Maybach HL 295 F engine of 1200 horsepower.

    The third one is another Frenchman, also a frequent visitor in the fortifications, companies and on the Civil Code - AMX 50100. A car that can pick up any classmate for one drum and quickly disappear from the crime scene - that's his feature. The high penetration and 300 alpha of each bullet is what sets the drum against all its enemies. But the most difficult thing is to change the CD of the drum in 50 seconds, when it becomes defenseless meat for the enemy. Another weakness- lack of armor, but this is typical for all cars from the French branch.

    Bonus for VIII, we note two vehicles - British tank destroyers Charioteer and Japanese medium STA 1. Both tanks are secretive samurai, who fight from the shadows, supporting butting allies. The high penetration of STA and the magnificent Chariotir 105 mm AT Gun L7 with 268mm are the swords of these tanks, with which they pierce their opponents, even playing at the bottom of the list.
    Another contender is the IS-6. Tanks that have become one of the most popular premium tanks in the game, having the same D-25T dren, armor and preferential combat level.

    9th level

    A level 9 imboy is considered an uprooted VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B, or alpha sneaker, which was brought back to life by the last couple of patches back, by raising the thickness of the armor. Now VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B tanks even X-tier tank destroyers, sometimes even their gold shells. To press the direction, or to hold it back, to be the first on the cutting edge of the attack - this is the real vocation for this tank! Of course, he still has weak sides and enemy art, but these are small minuses compared to his advantage. Plus, the sneaker is also mobile, as for its weight.

    The second copy is the average German E 50. Another versatile fighter who can both tank at the right moment and go to another part of the map. Having on board a cannon with German accuracy and high penetration, playing the Epis, as it is called, turns into a pleasure. E 50 can go both with allied CTs, and be a tank of the second line, moving with allied TTs. Whom to be in battle is the choice only for the player, but the name has a huge potential, as on the E 50, you definitely won’t have to suffer.

    Third machine M103. All American TTs are famous for their turret foreheads, and the 103 is no exception. Tank even TOP guns with huge penetration? Very easy too! The American can keep a hold even against multiple allies, or play cat and mouse with other opponents if the card allows. It is perfectly balanced, so you won't have to suffer on the M103.

    The bonus for IX is the Soviet ST T-54. No matter how its turret was not nerfed, how the hull armor was not changed, the 54 remains an excellent ST, one of the most popular at its level. Speed, mobility, a low silhouette, and the fact that the tank can be forgiving due to reduced armor all make the vehicle so popular.

    10th level

    X-th level is the crown of each branch, the result of each nation. Each tank at this level has its own chips, its own directions. Everyone has good performance. Of course, there are imbs like Waffenträger auf E 100, which will soon be replaced, or ART SPG, which does not allow you to relax normally in battle, as well as the presence of PT 10 with huge broads.
    10s is the level of extremes. There are also drum TTs, there are also slow cast-iron walls like Maus-a and E-100, there are also diverse STs. Therefore, each player must choose for himself which tanks he is interested in and it would not be correct to single out one of the few, at least.

    So, dear friends. It was only the opinion of one person, not the crowd, because, as mentioned earlier - to taste and for color. But, of course, those provided in this list can bend, can become the best, but only in the hands of the right player.
    And that is all! Enter World of Tanks and choose your own, the best in the game, and prove that it is really the best! Good luck on the battlefields of World of Tanks!