Juice pulp. Pastila from cake: review of the best recipes for making homemade pastila from cake. Lenten carrot cookies


It is best to make it from vegetable pulp puree soups. Fill the cake with a small amount of water so that it is saturated with moisture. Then put this paste on the fire and cook until done. You can add boiled meat, eggs or mushrooms to taste. And then put it in a blender and beat. Season with salt and pepper. Your soup is ready!

For regular soups You can also use cake, but it will not look very impressive.


It is best to use pumpkin pulp. Take millet or rice and add water or milk. Shortly before the cereal is ready, add the cake and cook a little more.

The porridge is ready. Add honey, nuts, dried fruits, butter. And you can serve it.

Pancakes and cutlets

Cake can be used to make excellent vegetable pancakes or cutlets. They are prepared according to the usual recipe. Before use, we recommend keeping the cake in water for a while so that it is saturated with moisture. This is especially true if you have very dry cake.


If you're cooking vegetable casserole, add eggs, semolina, sour cream, salt, and spices to the cake.

Fruit pulp will also come in handy. It is good to use for regular cottage cheese casserole.


Carrot and beet pulp make excellent salads. Simmer the pulp a little in a frying pan along with the onion. Remove from heat. Transfer to a salad bowl. Add boiled eggs, grated cheese, finely chopped bell pepper. Season with your favorite sauce and you're done!


Use a small amount of cake to make cookies, muffins and even bread. Just add it to the dough and stir. If there are large particles of vegetables or fruits in the cake, first grind them in a blender.

Dry crackers

We take any cake or a mix of several and add seeds, nuts, dried fruits, seasonings, spices, sugar or honey. What the soul asks for and in the quantity that you personally like.

Mix the mixture in a blender until smooth. Cover a baking tray with baking paper and spread the mixture there in a thin layer (2-3 mm). We exhibit minimum temperature, put the baking sheet in the oven and dry... In 8-12 hours you will have crackers ready, which are stored for a long time, have a pleasant crunch and are great as a healthy snack.


If you get very dry cake, try making candy from it. Mix fruit pulp with thick honey, chopped nuts and dried fruits. Then manually form round sweets from the mixture and decorate them with a whole nut on top. Place in the refrigerator for several hours.

The same can be done with vegetable cake, only replace the honey with thick sour cream. Decorate the ball with a leaf of parsley or cilantro. Children will be interested in eating such healthy candies instead of boring salad.


Add vegetable cake, chopped onion, vegetable oil, herbs and spices to boiled rice. Simmer the mixture a little.

This filling is universal. It can be eaten separately, or put into pies, dumplings, manti, or stuffed into pancakes. Or just wrap it in thin Armenian lavash and eat it like that.

Make pie filling from fruit pulp. Prepare it the same way you always do. If necessary, pre-soak the cake with water.


Is it possible to make a drink from a mass in which there is not a drop of liquid left? Certainly! For example, a smoothie. Mix the pulp in a blender along with juicy berries, fruits or vegetables. Pour some herbal tea or mineral water. Depending on the type of smoothie (fruit or vegetable), add spices, sugar, honey.

And some craftsmen make moonshine and chacha from apple or grape pomace.

HEALTHY PRODUCTS FROM JUICE EXTRACTER 1. Fiber. 2. Baking powder. 3. Additives to tea. 4. Tea substitute I think that many owners of gardens and vegetable gardens, like me, were wondering what to do with a rich harvest of fruits, berries and vegetables. It happens that what is grown with love cannot be eaten, processed, stored for the winter, or distributed. And if you have a juicer, then there’s an added headache: where to put the pulp remaining after extracting the juice? So much cake in the form of pancakes, baked goods, salads, etc. I just can't handle it. But this is the most valuable product - fiber. Fiber is dietary fiber containing hemicellulose, pectins and non-carbohydrate compounds. It plays a huge role in human nutrition: it accelerates digestive processes, removes harmful substances from the body, promotes weight loss, as well as the prevention and treatment of a number of dangerous diseases. Every day a person should eat up to 35 grams with food. fiber. Most of us do not consume even half of this amount. One fine day I was grinding tea leaves in a meat grinder and admiring the resulting granules. And then I thought, why not grind the pulp remaining in the juicer in a meat grinder* and dry it in a regular dryer? The product obtained in this way will be nothing more than granulated fiber, similar to which many people buy as a dietary supplement. To make sure my thoughts were correct, I armed myself with the Internet. First of all, I learned a lot interesting information about fiber, its content in certain plants, methods of consumption, etc. Secondly, I managed to find information about how it is produced on an industrial scale. Here I will only briefly note that fiber is produced mainly from the pomace (cake) obtained after squeezing the juice. The cake is granulated by passing through dies and dried to a moisture content of 5–8%. Temperature during drying depends on the purpose of the cake and the type of drying equipment. If the cake is used to produce fiber as food additives, then it is recommended to dry the granules at a temperature of 35 * - 40 * (to preserve the vitamin complex) and not higher than 95 * (so as not to destroy the pectins). In the production of fruit and vegetable powders for the baking industry, higher temperatures are used (120 - 150 *). Having summarized the information received and realizing that such conditions can be provided at home, I got down to business. The apples were still unripe, but that didn’t stop me. I was interested in the fact itself - what would come of it. And everything turned out great! I prepared the following products from the cake: 1. Granulated and powdered fiber. 2. Baking powder. 3. Additives to tea. 4. Tea substitute. 1. FIBER. 1.1. Granulated fiber. I picked apples. Washed it. I cut it. I put it through a juicer. The juice from unripe apples surprisingly turned out very tasty. The cake was passed through a meat grinder. I was unable to get good granules through a fine grid, but through a large grid I got excellent granules. If desired, you can get denser granules by turning the cake in a meat grinder twice. Next, I dried the granules in an electric dryer at 65* until crisp (it took me 4 hours to dry). Drying time depends on the degree of juice extraction. The drier the pulp comes out of the juicer, the faster the granules dry. I tried it! It turned out to be so delicious! They pop like seeds. After such an excellent result, I wanted to experiment with the composition. On the website of a famous Russian fiber manufacturer, I studied the composition of the products. It is very diverse. In addition to fruits, berries and vegetables, bran, herbs, nuts and seeds are added to it different plants. Therefore, I decided to prepare a version of granulated fiber by adding oatmeal to the apple pulp. I took the cake (900 g). Then I ground oatmeal (150 g), poured it onto the cake and mixed it. The result was excellent worm pellets. True, laying them out on baking sheets and pallets is not very convenient - they always tend to stick together. I dried them the same way as last time, at 65*. I really liked the result. The taste is soft and balanced. 1.2. Powdered fiber. Why powder? Firstly, it is more convenient to add it to food. Secondly, in powder form, fiber works better in the body. I came across the following information: “The finely dispersed (fine) structure and large surface of the powders allows you to neutralize and remove metabolic products, toxins, bacteria and heavy metals. But, most importantly, the human body can extract 2 - 4 times more biologically active substances from powders compared to consumption fresh vegetables and fruits." Making the powder is simple. I ground the granules in a coffee grinder. Look how perfect the powder turned out! And I also decided to experiment with this fiber. I took 30 g. apple fiber, 40 gr. oatmeal , dried red rowan berries (25 gr.) and lingonberries (5 gr.). Each ingredient was ground in a coffee grinder. And I just mixed it. I loved this option so much! Dried berries added not only excellent taste and aroma to this fiber, but also benefits corresponding to their composition. In this way, you can create an endless number of fiber options by adding to it ground in a coffee grinder: - bran and cereals; - various dried berries; - nuts, seeds; - sprouted and dried grains; - dried herbs... CONSUMPTION OF FIBER. Fiber should be introduced into the diet gradually, starting with 1 tsp. and increasing to 3 - 6 tbsp. in a day. It is recommended to take fiber 30 minutes before meals with a glass of water. And you can add it to kefir, yogurt, porridge, soup, cottage cheese, casseroles, baked goods, etc., i.e. into a thick product. This way the fiber is more evenly distributed throughout the entire dish. Fiber harmoniously complements the taste of a familiar dish, making it healthier and less caloric. I like to add fiber to yogurt or fermented baked milk. I add 1 - 2 tsp. per glass. I stir, wait about 5 minutes for the fiber to swell and eat it with pleasure. It turns out very tasty! And, of course, useful! 2. BAKING POWDER. Currently, fruit, berry and vegetable powders are widely used in baking. Adding powders to the dough improves the condition of the crumb, color, taste, porosity, quality of baked goods, reduces calorie content, and also enriches them with dietary fiber, minerals and vitamins. Such products do not go stale for a long time. It has been established that bakery products containing from 5 to 10% powder by weight of flour have the best organoleptic characteristics. In the production of bakery products, it is proposed to use a wide range of powders: - fruit and berry powders: apple, pear, currant, strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry, plum, cherry, lingonberry, rowan, blueberry, blueberry, cranberry, sea buckthorn, etc. - vegetables: carrots, pumpkin, beets, tomatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, zucchini, onions, bell peppers, white cabbage, broccoli, radish, etc. If you wish, you can purchase the powder, but having your own garden, it seemed illogical to me to buy it. I tried to grind apple chips in a coffee grinder before, but I wasn’t very good at it - you can’t put a lot of them in a coffee grinder, and there were a lot of pieces left over. But the granules were ground perfectly! I baked 2 versions of bread with powder - apple and raspberry. For the apple powder for baking, I dried the granules in the oven on parchment lined baking sheets. Started drying at 120*. After 20 minutes, I lowered the temperature to 80* and dried until crisp. Periodically stirred the granules for uniform drying. By the way, these granules turned out tastier, apparently due to light frying. 3. FRUIT AND BERRY ADDITIVES IN TEA. For such additives, cake from any fruit and berries is suitable: apples, pears, plums, apricots, peaches, grapes, strawberries, currants, raspberries, blueberries, etc. You can, of course, add simply dried berries and fruits to tea. But, firstly, we remember that we need to attach the pulp from the juicer. And, secondly, tea with such granulated additives is brewed better. The fact is that flavoring and aromatic substances from pieces of fruit and berries enter the tea infusion longer than from tea, so they do not have time to fully express themselves. And granular additives are brewed simultaneously with tea and give it a wonderful taste and aroma. I brewed fermented fireweed tea with the same amount of dried apples and granulated and dried cake. Both teas were brewed for the same time – 10 minutes. Tea with granulated additives has a pronounced apple aroma and taste, while in tea with apple chips they are slightly noticeable. This means that the pulp from the juicer plays its role perfectly here too. 4. TEA SUBSTITUTE. While researching information about fermented teas, I came across the brochure “Making Sugar and Tea at Home,” which recommends preparing tea substitutes from various fruits, berries and vegetables. To obtain tasty drinks, it is recommended not just to dry them, but to fry them: “Dried fruits (berries), such as raspberries, currants, strawberries, etc., do not require further processing. Only for individual cases, a small amount of berries is lightly fried and used in this form to make the mixture. But apples, hawthorn and rowan must be fried. Almost always, waste from extraction plants (squeeze of berries and fruits) should also be roasted, which again helps to improve their tea qualities. Vegetables - carrots and pumpkin - are fried until dark brown. In this way, roasted fruits, vegetables and berries greatly change their taste properties and become an excellent material for preparing independent drinks. No sooner said than done. I fried the granules in the oven at 150*. You need to do this carefully, because there is a risk of burning the granules. I brewed tea in the usual way. The result was a very tasty drink, sour and refreshing. And what a color! !! Real tea! Of course, it didn’t taste like tea, but it didn’t taste like compote either. I highly recommend it to anyone who loves teas with fruit and berry additives! You can drink it as a stand-alone drink, or you can add a couple of teaspoons of granules to any tea. STORAGE OF FIBER, BAKING POWDER, TEA ADDITIVES AND TEA SUBSTITUTE. Since all these products are very hygroscopic, they must be stored in a dry, warm and dark place, hermetically sealed. A LITTLE MATH. I had 3 kg. chopped apples (clean weight, no waste). After the juicer I got 930 g. cake. After drying, it turned out to be only 85 grams. granules One teaspoon fits 5 grams. granules Those. I got these five grams from about 3 apples (without the weight of waste). I eat 2 tsp a day. its fiber, which is equal to six apples! I don’t know if anyone manages to eat that many apples every day? But I can easily cope with two teaspoons. This photo shows how much fiber came out of 3 apples. In general, the experiment was more than a success! I am very pleased! I can say that enough time has passed since the preparation of the first fiber for me to be convinced of its beneficial effect on the body. Now I make juice, even if I don’t really need it, fortunately, there is enough material. I now need fiber, baking powder and tea additives. I plan to prepare fiber from carrots, pumpkin, and beets in the near future. And next year - from berries. I will definitely make various supplements from bran, nuts, seeds, herbs, sprouted grains, etc. author unknown

After buying a juicer, I started looking on the Internet for recipes that could be made from the pulp left over from squeezing the juice. And that's what I

At first adviсe
for cooking
from carrot pulp

1. With proper spin the cake remains quite dry(of course, if, as my grandmother did, you do not grate carrots and squeeze the juice by hand, but use a modern juicer) and this should always be taken into account when combining carrot cake with juicier products in dishes. In general, from the “correct”, juicy carrots, the cake turns out to be more juicy and, accordingly, it is better to cook from it. If the cake is completely dry, it is only suitable for preparing first courses and stewing.

2. If you have a lot of pulp left after squeezing the juice, do not try to use it right away. Add the cake to the dish strictly according to the recipe, and unused - freeze in portions(if you freeze the whole thing at once, then it will be very problematic to “pick out” the required amount of cake from a large piece without defrosting it).

3. Sometimes they remain in the cake small pieces of ungrated carrots. Select them immediately and freeze them separately - these are full-fledged juicy carrots and should be used for their intended purpose in other dishes.

4. Carrot pulp basically You can replace carrots in almost all dishes, where grated carrots are usually used (if you have carrots themselves juicy).

Don't forget about our little brothers. Fiber is also good for them. For example, when preparing food for a dog, it is very good add carrot pulp(carrots are included in all premium food)

And now recipes for carrot cake dishes:

1. Variation on the theme “Japanese carrot soup”

Why the variation? Because the original uses carrots, but the soup is also very tasty with carrot cake.


Broth 1l. Whatever you have (I use what’s left after cooking chicken fillet, which I need for salads), vegetable oil - 1 tbsp, onion - 1 large head (chopped), carrot cake - (400 g), processed cheese (not a cheese product) - 100 g, greens (which you like), Salt, pepper - to taste


Lightly fry the onion in hot oil, add carrot pulp (if frozen, defrost during frying). Add 1 glass of our broth and simmer for 5 minutes under the lid

Add grated processed cheese to a saucepan with slightly boiling broth and as soon as it “dissolves” in the broth, add our onions and carrots, which have already become friends. Stir, bring to a boil, add spices, remove from heat. Let it cool a little and brew (10-15 minutes) and beat with a blender.

Pour into plates and garnish with herbs.

2. Carrot casserole

Ingredients :

Carrot pulp 300g. 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of semolina, vegetable oil for greasing the mold, salt to taste.


Separate the white from one egg and reserve it for pouring into the casserole. Mix all the other ingredients and place them in a form greased with vegetable oil, brush with whipped egg white and lightly sprinkle with semolina. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes (until browned). Serve with sour cream.

3. Carrot-curd casserole (my favorite cake dish)


Cottage cheese 1 kg, carrot cake 0.5 kg, semolina 4 tbsp. spoons, eggs 4 pcs., sugar 1 cup, raisins 1 cup, zest of 1 lemon (you can “shape it very well” using a vegetable or potato peeler).


Mix all ingredients except one egg thoroughly and place in a frying pan or baking dish greased with vegetable oil. Brush the top with the egg we left, after beating it, sprinkle with breadcrumbs or semolina. Bake the casserole in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. Delicious! Serve as a dessert with anything: sour cream, cream, jam.

4. Gingerbread from carrot cake (lenten dish)


Cake 2 cups, vegetable oil 1.5 cups, water 0.5 cups, salt on the tip of a knife, sugar 1 cup, flour 1.5-2 cups (add while kneading the dough and make sure it is elastic, soft and not sticky to the hands)


Knead the dough, roll out a layer 1.5-2 cm thick, cut out gingerbread cookies of any shape, place them on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake for 10 minutes.

5. Carrot pulp pancakes.


Carrot pulp 1 cup, eggs 2 pcs., flour 1.5 cups, kefir 1 cup, soda 0.5 teaspoon, salt on the tip of a knife, sugar to taste (can be without sugar), vanilla sugar, vegetable oil 1 tablespoon (into the dough).


Knead the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream (if it’s liquid, add flour). Lightly grease the frying pan with vegetable oil (for the first portion, and then fry without oil, we have it in the dough) and bake the pancakes.

6. Carrot cake.


For the dough: 2/3 cup carrot cake (if you mix fresh with 1 tablespoon of sour cream, and if you don’t need to add defrosted sour cream, it will be wet), 3 eggs, 0.5-1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, baking powder 1.5 teaspoons (or quench the same amount of soda with vinegar),

For cream: 500g. sour cream, 1 lemon, 1 glass of sugar.


Beat the sugar and eggs with a mixer until foamy, add carrot cake, flour, baking powder or soda dissolved in vinegar. Beat everything again with a mixer. Grease the baking dish with vegetable oil and pour our dough into it (the consistency of thick sour cream). Place our mold with dough in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Use a wooden stick to check readiness.

While the pie is baking, prepare the cream: Place the lemon in a small saucepan, pour boiling water (water should cover the lemon) and cook for 5 minutes (if the lemon is large or with thick skin, cook for 10-15 minutes). Remove from heat, cool and grind in a meat grinder. Using a mixer, beat the sour cream with sugar, add the twisted lemon and beat again.

Cut the finished pie into two layers and coat thoroughly with cream. Let's soak.

I have tried all these recipes, but I will still be looking for something new and interesting. So, subscribe to site updates and you will be one of the first to know about them.

Or maybe you already know the original recipe for carrot cake? I will be very grateful if you share it in the comments. I will definitely cook your dish.

I love starting my morning with freshly squeezed juice! It is also said to have health benefits. The only thing that has always bothered me about this diet is the cakes. It's a shame to throw it away. After all, pure fiber! The most useful product! So I started experimenting.

The first thing the cakes were good for was vegetable puree soups. Pour the vegetable cakes with water and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, they absorb moisture from the water that was lost when squeezing the juice. This must be done in order to understand whether more water needs to be added. Next, bring the resulting slurry to a boil and, stirring, cook for another 3 minutes. Add salt to taste. I sometimes add chopped garlic and herbs (dill, parsley) to this soup. Serve with sour cream! For this soup, cakes of any roots are suitable: carrots, beets, potatoes, celery.

The next dish that I mastered when I started drinking freshly squeezed juices daily was vegetable casseroles. For this purpose, again, cakes of any vegetables (carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage) are suitable. For 250 grams of cake (remains after squeezing the juice from about 4-5 medium-sized root vegetables), add 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 1 tablespoon of semolina, salt to taste. This whole mass is laid out on a baking sheet, previously greased (I most often use vegetable oil). Baked in the oven for about 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Anyone can use this casserole sour cream sauce, as well as tkemali sauce made from green plums.

Prepare in a similar way vegetable cake pancakes. To do this, for 250 grams of cake, take 2 eggs, about 150 grams of flour, baking powder or soda slaked with kefir, salt and spices to taste. Knead the dough to the consistency of thick sour cream. And the pancakes are fried in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil. Also good with sour cream or any other sweet and sour sauce.

My next discovery was the use of sweet cakes (from fruits) for mousses. The cakes of any fruit (apples, peaches, apricots, strawberries, grapes) are suitable. Grind some other fruit in a blender (preferably a juicier one, for example, kiwi, strawberries or grapes; currants or gooseberries are also good). To this crushed mass add the fruit cakes from which the juice was squeezed. Everything is whipped again. Let it sit for a while so that the pulp is filled with new juice. And Bon Appetit!

Well, today I baked a wonderful one cake made from cakes(carrots, beets and apples). To do this, I took 175 grams of butter. I ground 200 grams of sugar in it until a white homogeneous mass was formed. I added 2 large (selected) eggs to it. If the eggs are small, then 3 pieces will be needed. All this needs to be beaten. I quenched the soda in apple cider vinegar - it went there. I poured flour (300 grams) with vanilla sugar into the resulting mass and then added all the cake remaining from squeezing the juice (about 250 grams). Placed in a pan greased with vegetable oil and baked in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. It turned out so delicious! Especially with cold milk!

Very easy to prepare fresh vitamin porridge made from cakes. I love making mashed porridge from different vegetables and fruits! One day I didn’t have any fruits available, so I decided to make just a vegetable mixture.

Take several leaves of Chinese cabbage and grind in a blender until a porridge forms. Cabbage gives a lot of juice. Therefore, I add carrot and beet pulp to the resulting mixture in such an amount that the cake absorbs the juice released from the cabbage. Sometimes I add another spoonful of sour cream or a little kefir (thick) and beat it again in the same blender. The resulting porridge can be seasoned with salt (then it will become a side dish) or honey (and then it will be a wonderful dessert).

You can also add cabbage or cabbage pulp if you are making juices from them. In this case, the porridge turns out to be quite spicy. It can be used as caviar, spread on black bread, or as a sauce for some dish.

Looks smart vegetable pulp roll. The roll is traditionally made with minced meat. And I'm in Lately I rarely eat meat, so I decided to try cooking it with minced pulp! It turned out great. That's why I'm sharing the recipe!

For minced meat we use cakes and (you can also use other vegetables: cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, potatoes - I just make juices from these vegetables less often). Add 1 egg and 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream to them so that the cakes soften slightly. Salt and pepper the minced meat, you can add cumin or other seasoning that you like.

For the base (dough) of the roll, you need to cook a thick porridge of rice flakes (you can use regular rice, but then there will be more fuss) in water and cool. Add salt and egg to the porridge, beat the mixture. If you use rice, then you need to cook the porridge soggy, and then pass it through a sieve or mash it so that the grains of rice disintegrate and become one continuous mass. This is our dough. We flatten it. Place minced meat in the middle. And roll it up so that all the minced meat is inside.

Place the roll on a baking sheet greased with oil. It is better to coat the resulting “sausage” with beaten egg on top. Then the roll will brown and retain its shape better.

Place in a preheated oven. After 30-40 minutes, the roll is ready. Remove from the oven and cut into portions. Pour sauce on top. The best for this roll would be herb sauce.

Grind a small bunch of cilantro in a blender. Add salt, squeeze 1-2 heads of garlic there and pour thick kefir in a 1:1 ratio. Let this sauce sit for 1-2 hours in the refrigerator!

You can prepare it in the same way sweet roll. Then rice porridge It's better to cook it in milk. And when preparing the base, instead of salt, add sugar to it. We also flavor the cakes not with seasonings, salt and pepper, but with honey or jam and raisins (it goes well with carrots and beets). In this case, it’s also good to add nuts to the minced meat!

Another recipe - semolina porridge with cakes. Ordinary semolina porridge is cooked in milk (5-6 teaspoons of semolina per glass of milk) with sugar. The porridge is medium thick. Fresh carrot, apple or beet pulp is added to the hot porridge. Cover the porridge with a lid and let the cakes brew (10 minutes). The porridge will thicken during this time. Then add sugar and a little butter. And beat with a mixer into foam. The result is a very tasty, fortified and beautiful (vegetable cakes color the white milk porridge) mousse. Children will like it more than usual!


Today, every second family has a juicer, and for every owner of this wonderful device, the question of what can be prepared from the cake remaining after squeezing the juice from vegetables, berries and fruits is relevant. Today we will talk about how to use cake.

Throwing away the pulp remaining after squeezing juice from vegetables, fruits and berries is not advisable for a number of reasons. Firstly, what we sometimes unknowingly consider waste is actually a lot of useful substances - vitamins, minerals, fiber, pectin, etc., secondly, from such “waste” you can prepare a lot of tasty and delicious dishes. It becomes obvious that you shouldn’t throw away the cake; it’s better to take an interest and find out what can be prepared from it?

There are actually quite a few dishes for which cake can be used as a basis: soups, cookies, candies, pies, pancakes, porridges, sweet and savory rolls, mousses, muffins, casseroles!

Recipes for cooking dishes from cake

First of all, the type of dish that can be prepared is determined by the type of cake you have available: for example, from vegetable cakes you can prepare excellent soups, casseroles, rolls with minced meat, and the optimal solution for fruit and berry cakes is to prepare sweet cupcakes, pies, rolls, etc. Let’s not beat around the bush for too long and get straight to the recipes.

Recipes for dishes made from vegetable pulp

If you have cake from celery, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, beets, etc., first of all, you can prepare a delicious casserole.

Vegetable pulp casserole recipe

You will need: 250g vegetable cake, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1 tbsp. semolina, salt.

How to cook vegetable casserole from pulp. Lightly beat the egg, mix with the cake, adding salt, semolina and sour cream, knead until smooth, put the mixture in a greased form, level, bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 20 minutes until ready, you can sprinkle this casserole with cheese.

If the cheese that you sprinkle on the casserole is mixed with breadcrumbs, it will turn out with a crispy crust.

Another type of dish that can be prepared using pulp from the same vegetables is pureed soups.

Recipe for vegetable pulp soups

You will need: cake, water, salt, herbs, garlic, sour cream for serving.

How to make puree soup from pulp. Pour the cake with a small amount of water and leave for 15 minutes so that it absorbs the liquid, based on the resulting consistency, add or not add more water, put the pan on the stove. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for 5-10 minutes, add salt to taste. Before serving, the cake soup can be seasoned with garlic, herbs and sour cream.

These soups are a great option for a light dinner.

In addition, the cake is perfect for making pancakes.

Recipe for making cake pancakes

You will need: 250g of cake, 150g of flour, 2 eggs, slaked soda or baking powder with kefir, spices to taste, salt.

How to make pancakes from cake. Knead the dough, the consistency of which is similar to thick sour cream, spoon the pancakes into a frying pan with hot oil and fry the golden brown pancakes on both sides.

In the same way, you can prepare sweet pancakes from fruit cake - pear, apple, citrus, etc.

And the next dish may well become part of the festive table.

Recipe for meatloaf with vegetable pulp

You will need: pulp from beets/cabbage, cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, etc., 1 egg, 1-2 tbsp. sour cream, minced meat, pepper, salt, spices to taste, “dough” - rice flakes, 1 egg, salt.

How to cook meatloaf from vegetables. Lightly beat the egg, mix it with the cake and sour cream, leave for 10 minutes, then pepper and salt, add spices to taste (basil, cumin, etc.), mix. Cook thick porridge from rice flakes in water, let cool, beat in an egg, add salt, beat the mixture, flatten it onto cling film or foil so that you get a small rectangle, put a mixture of minced meat and vegetables on it, roll the roll with the minced meat inward. Place the roll on a greased baking sheet, brush the egg on top, bake in an oven preheated to medium temperature for 30-40 minutes, and before serving, cut the roll into portions.

Another dish that can be prepared with both sweet and vegetable cakes is semolina porridge: just cook regular porridge in milk, then add the cakes and let the porridge brew for a few minutes: during this time the porridge will thicken and acquire a beautiful color (for this it is better use carrot, beet or apple pulp).

Recipes for cooking dishes from sweet cake

Cupcakes, pies and pies, sweet rolls, casseroles - you can also make a lot of dishes from berry and fruit pulp.

In exactly the same way as unsweetened meatloaf with vegetable cake, you can make a sweet roll, just boil the rice in milk instead of water and add sugar to it, not salt; instead of seasonings, you can use honey, raisins, jam, and nuts.

From carrot pulp you can make delicious candies with coconut flakes and dates, the same thing from apple pulp, however, you can make cookies, not candies.

Recipe for sweet cookies or cake candies

You will need: 1 kg of apples, 100 g of dates, 50 g of almonds and walnuts.

How to make sweet candies or cookies from cake. Pour water over the dates and leave for 2 hours, squeeze the juice out of the apples using a juicer, rinse the nuts and, if you have time, soak them in water for several hours, then dry and chop. Add dates to the nuts and grind everything with a blender or food processor until a homogeneous grainy mass; you can also use a meat grinder for this. Mix all ingredients until smooth, form cookies no more than 5 mm thick from the mixture, placing them on a baking sheet covered with parchment. Bake the cookies in the oven at the lowest temperature until they dry out.

If desired, you can form balls from the prepared dough and bread them in ground nuts or coconut flakes, also dry them (optional) and you will get candies.

Another delicious dessert for which we need cake is a pie.

Oilcake pie recipe

You will need: 200g cake, 150g sugar, 150g vegetable oil, 1 cup flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp. baking powder, zest of 1 lemon, 1 tsp. grated ginger, if desired - nuts, coconut flakes, raisins.

How to cook sweet pie from cake. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with sugar, pour in the vegetable oil in a thin stream, continuing to beat for another 4-5 minutes, then gradually, while kneading the dough, add flour and baking powder, add the cake, ginger, grated lemon zest, nuts, knead the dough. Line the mold with parchment, pour the prepared mass into it, bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes, preheating it to 190 degrees. When the pie has cooled, cut it into 2-3 layers, spread with jam or any cream to taste, and you can decorate it like a cake.

You can also use the cake to make sweet mini-cupcakes or one large cupcake.

Recipe for cakes from cakes

You will need: 300g flour, 250g cake, 200g sugar, 175g butter, 2 large eggs, slaked soda with vinegar (a little - up to 0.5 tsp), vanilla sugar to taste.

How to make cakes from pulp. Grind the sugar with softened butter until a homogeneous whitish mass, beat in the eggs, beat, add slaked soda, gradually adding flour mixed with vanilla sugar, knead the dough, add the cake and mix well. Grease the molds or one large cake pan with vegetable oil, lay out the dough, bake the muffins in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

As you can see, cake is not a waste of “production” at all, but a completely complete product that can become the basis for the preparation of many delicious dishes, both main and dessert. And your family will also praise you for such yummy and practicality. Good luck in mastering new heights of culinary skill - waste-free cooking!