What provides the daily routine in part. The daily routine in the military units of the Russian army. Accommodation of military personnel, time allocation and daily routine

The army teaches soldiers discipline and order, and therefore it is not surprising that there is a clear daily routine here. The daily routine in the army is determined by the unit commander. Such a regime is approved for the entire squad, and the need to comply with it is the direct responsibility of each of the soldiers. The daily routine may differ significantly for military personnel serving on conscription and under contract. For the officers in this case, they sign their own special regime.

Following a certain daily routine is one of the basic principles of army service. This is one of the main factors of military discipline, the observance of which is very important. In case of violations of the regime of the day, the soldier may expect various sanctions in the form of disciplinary sanctions.

The daily routine in the army may differ depending on the following factors:

  • specifics of task performance;
  • type of army.

By call

Military education is compulsory

For conscripted soldiers, a specific plan is established, which involves the conduct and implementation of a number of activities. Part of the time is devoted to study and personal needs of the serviceman.

Routine in weekdays and weekends may be slightly different.

Consider the approximate daily routine for conscript soldiers:

  1. 06:00-07:50. At this time, the soldiers wake up, do their morning exercises, make their beds. Military personnel are examined, breakfast and preparation for classes are carried out.
  2. 08:00-08:45. Listening to radio broadcasts. Commanders inform personnel and conduct training. After that, the soldiers are sent to informative classes.
  3. 09:00-13:50. Lesson time. Usually there are 5 lessons, lasting for an hour. Between them there are 10-minute breaks. At the end of training, the soldiers are given 10 minutes to clean their shoes.
  4. 14:00-14:30. Lunch time.
  5. 14:30-16:00. Half an hour is allotted for personal time, when the soldiers can go about their business. Then another hour of self-preparation classes.
  6. 16:00-18:00. Maintenance of military equipment and weapons is carried out. After that, the servicemen change their clothes and clean their shoes. After that, the results of the day are summed up.
  7. 18:00-19:00. Given time allocated for educational and sports activities.
  8. 19:00-21:00. Hygiene.
  9. 21:00-22:00. Watching television broadcasts of an informational nature, after which 20 minutes are allotted for an evening check.
  10. 22:00. Hang up.

For good service, a soldier may receive a leave of absence for a certain time.

As mentioned above, the schedule may change depending on the day of the week and the need for additional activities. For example, on Mondays before classes, a general divorce is held on the parade ground. The purpose of the event is the announcement by the commander of the results of the past week. He also sets certain tasks and goals for the next week.

Friday is often referred to as "park day" because it involves the cleaning and maintenance of military equipment. Of course, a certain time is allotted for such actions in the general daily routine.

Saturday also has some differences. There are no regular activities on this day. Instead, the soldiers clean the premises of the units and the territory adjacent to them. These events are held within the framework of the park-economic day or PCB.

Sunday is the favorite day of most military personnel. The fact is that the rise on this day is carried out an hour later than usual, thanks to which the soldiers have the opportunity to sleep well.

If the soldier does not have any violations, the commander can let him go on dismissal. This allows the soldier to leave the territory of the unit. Otherwise, the soldier spends his free time without going beyond the perimeter.

Bathing days are also held, which involve the allocation of a certain time for washing personnel. Most often they are held twice a week. However, an unscheduled shower after chores is possible.

Bath days got their name for the reason that earlier soldiers really washed in baths. At the same time, special shower rooms have been installed on the territory of the unit for hygiene procedures.

Daily routine for contract servicemen

The mode of service of a contract soldier is different from the service of a conscript soldier

Contract service is work that involves the presence of a soldier in the unit only at a certain time, established by the regulations. Such soldiers spend the night outside the unit, for which an apartment or hostel can be used.

The daily routine of a contract soldier is planned in such a way as to maximize his involvement in performing combat and service training tasks within the 40 hours a week allotted for service by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If a serviceman is involved in service in excess of the weekly norm described above, then the commander is obliged to provide him with a certain time for rest.

Consider some of the features of contract service:

  1. The regulation provides for the allocation of time to the soldier for physical training, lunch and training.
  2. In special cases, round-the-clock duty is possible, but they are carried out only with the appropriate order of the senior command.
  3. When a soldier is called to the service on the day of his rest, he automatically receives the right to time off.
  4. By law, a contract soldier is entitled to two days off a week. If this is not possible, then processing is paid or replaced by time off.

Thus, the daily routine of a contract soldier has the following differences from the regime of a conscript soldier:

  1. Arrival at the unit is carried out daily, from Monday to Friday, at 08:45.
  2. At 5:45 pm, the contractor's working day ends.
  3. On Tuesdays and Thursdays there are physical training classes from 15:00 to 17:00.
  4. Lunch time is an hour - from 14:00 to 15:00. Soldiers serving under contract have breakfast and dinner at home.

Officers' daily routine

Throughout the day, the officer keeps order and is responsible for each soldier

The officer's daily routine is not much different from the routine of an ordinary soldier. However, in this case, the officer controls his subordinates, and, if necessary, organizes additional events.

The officer must arrive at the unit 10-15 minutes before the general rise. After lifting the personnel, a half-hour charge is carried out. When the soldiers are busy with their personal toilet, the officer is given about an hour to plan the day, keep appropriate journals, etc. Part of this time can be used to hold meetings with unit commanders.

After that, the officer accompanies the personnel for breakfast. Then the soldiers line up, they are told the plans for the day or some other important information.

While the personnel is in the classroom, the officer is engaged in official business, namely:

  • work with documents;
  • organization of the functioning of the internal outfit;
  • training with personnel;
  • examination internal order etc.

When the personnel return from training, the officer is obliged to take the soldiers to lunch. After that, he continues to monitor compliance with the daily routine until the evening check, carried out 20 minutes before lights out. Thus, after 22:00 the officer can be free until the next day.

The general daily routine of the soldiers

Thus, the daily routine of various military personnel is largely similar and involves the following steps:

  1. Morning. Classes are held in the morning and last until lunch.
  2. Day. Lunch, personal time and maintenance of military equipment.
  3. Evening. Sports and educational activities, hygiene, recreation.

Daily routine in the classroom

The term of study in the "training" is up to six months

Some soldiers, after being called up, are distributed not to combat units, but to training ones. Military personnel come here to acquire certain skills and knowledge. The training period is 3-6 months, after which the young soldiers are distributed to various units.

The approval of the daily routine in the training unit is carried out by the commander. Here, more time is devoted to training personnel in some special skills. Other aspects of the life of soldiers practically do not differ from those that are characteristic of combat units.

After a soldier completes his training, he can receive one of the following specialties:

  1. Operator-gunner, including any related specialties.
  2. Military equipment driver.
  3. Truck crane operator, operator of heavy installations and machines.
  4. Specialties related to radio engineering, airborne and engineering troops.

Often, successful training in the training unit allows a soldier to receive the rank of junior sergeant. To do this, he additionally learns the basics of unit management, organization of work with subordinates and receives basic commanding skills.

Daily routine at military school

In this case, the regime of the day differs little from that which is present in military units. Wake up at 6 am, hang up at 22:00. Many future students of military universities do not even imagine the full extent of the difficulties that they will have to face in the course of their studies. The fact is that in military educational institutions discipline plays no less a role than in an ordinary military unit.

Therefore, during the first weeks, it is especially difficult for students to get used to their new life, because only a few adhere to such a routine under normal conditions. However, to get an officer's rank and make a career in the army, you have to sacrifice something.

On April 1, Russian citizens will be divided into two categories: for some it will be a day of jokes and pranks, and for others it will be the beginning of the spring conscription. For obvious reasons, for the latter, the date is much more relevant and important, because many of them will soon have an army. We suggest that potential servicemen do not suffer and lose heart, but instead prepare themselves morally, physically and mentally.

Disgusting men continue the cycle of soldiers' articles from our reader, who in this moment passes military service in the ranks Russian army. Before that, he had already talked about the living and inexhaustible. This time he decided to cover one of the most burning and important topics for a fighter. We will talk about the daily routine of a soldier in the domestic armed forces.

Soldier's daily routine: morning and afternoon

  • 6:00-6:30 (on Sundays and public holidays at 7:30) - getting up, exercising, morning toilet, putting things in order.
  • 7:00-7:30 – morning inspection appearance(shaved, cut, length of nails, cleanliness of uniforms and shoes) and the contents of pockets and bedside tables.
  • 8:00 a.m. - building on the parade ground, breakfast.

After breakfast and until lunch comes or "puffs" ( drill, maintenance of transport attached to the company) or “rassos” (lectures, free time). What exactly will happen on a given day largely depends on the imagination of the responsible officer assigned to the daily duty to control the soldiers.

Soldier's Daily Routine: Lunch and Afternoon

  • 14:00 - lunch.
  • 14:30 - building in front of the barracks, bringing a new daily outfit.
  • 15:00 - 19:00 - stormy work activity or its equally stormy image.
  • 19:00 - dinner.
  • 19:30-20:45 - "free time" (shower, exercise in the sports corner, reading).
  • 21:00-performance of military rituals: evening walk (in any weather, marching, bawling songs), evening verification (roll call), physical examination and thermometry.
  • 21:30 - lights out.

Such a monolithic daily routine has a huge number of advantages: from feeling cheerful and ready to work in the morning, to increasing the length of daylight hours. But there is also a giant minus: constancy is deadly annoying. In such monotony, just a couple of months later, I already felt like Ivan Denisovich from Solzhenitsyn's story, or, well, the hero of Tom Cruise from Edges of Tomorrow. Only the slogan "Live. Die. Repeat" distorted into "Rise. Hang up. Repeat".

Days of the week

But at the same time, the Russian army, as every soldier knows, will never really let you get bored, and the days of the week are still different from each other.


"Commander's Day", which means that all the officers in the collection and "jerk off" the personnel gives them special pleasure. For example, crowds of commanders come running to hang-up with the game of "three squeaks".


RHBZ Day (radio-chemical-biologist of protection), when the entire soldier is required to wear a gas mask and OZK (general protective suit). The senior officers, in turn, sometimes fall into a special mood and conduct training on the normative putting on of all this junk.


Friday is "park day", which means cleaning and maintenance of vehicles and military equipment that are assigned to the unit.


Saturday time is called PCD, that is, a park and economic day (it is also a “completely crappy day” in a soldier’s transcript). On this day, before lunch, everyone is engaged in a major cleaning of the barracks, the adjacent territory and the territory of the unit with a truly army scale. Any surfaces are wiped with bleach, the floors are washed with soap and foam, and all the furniture is taken out into the street, where, at the whim of the commanders, it can be completely repainted in "statutory" colors.


Sunday is a long-awaited day off: the soldier is expected to wake up an hour later and have free time throughout the day (as far as it is generally possible in the army, of course).

At this pace, week after week flies by, slowly bringing the longed-for demobilization closer. Therefore, I dare to give advice to everyone who will soon be called up: learn to live according to the regime now, start doing morning exercises or running. This will save you a surprisingly long time, which takes to adapt the body to a sharp change in your lifestyle.

Violation of the day and night regimen leads to a general decrease in productivity:

  • You are less productive during the hours you normally sleep.
  • If you go to bed later than usual, then the next day's performance will be lower.
  • When you break the routine, you spend more time falling asleep and waking up.

So if you want to be more successful:

  • Make sleep your first priority: sleep is more important than work. Get enough sleep (6-8 hours depending on individual needs).
  • Go to bed and get up at the same time, both on weekdays and on weekends.
  • If you have to go to bed later, try to wake up at your usual time the next day to restore your normal sleep-wake cycle.
  • Sleep at night. Light directly affects the daily rhythm of a person - both the quality of sleep and energy during the day.
  • If you wind up many times in the morning, be realistic about when you will actually wake up and set your alarm for that time.
  • If you do not get enough sleep in 8 hours, it may be due to poor sleep quality, for example, due to snoring that constantly wakes you up - start fighting the causes of poor sleep.


Performance during the day is affected by the meal schedule and the corresponding rhythm of energy intake in the body.

Given the time constraints, it is recommended to have three full meals per day (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and an additional 2-3 snacks. You need to have breakfast within one hour after waking up; breakfast should be heavy enough to meet the needs of the body in the morning. Dinner should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

Avoid high-calorie foods before bed, as the energy boost can make it difficult for you to fall asleep.

Exercise stress

After waking up and before breakfast, it is worth doing exercises. Charging is especially needed for people of mental labor who do not exercise regularly, since for them this is the only type of regular physical activity.

However, remember that charging is not strength training. Its result should be a surge of strength, and not fatigue from heavy physical exertion. So start with a short program for 5-10 minutes of a few basic exercises (warm-up, a few push-ups, a few ab exercises, a few squats).

Training during the day should be carried out 2-2.5 hours after eating. After training, you should not eat for 30-40 minutes. Best time for training - the second half of the day.

Significant physical activity should be avoided just before bedtime, as this will cause arousal that will prevent you from falling asleep.

daily cycles

There is a point of view that during the day a person goes through short cycles of increase and decrease in activity, therefore it is recommended to divide the working day into 1.5-hour periods of time to work with short breaks in between.

In the afternoon, there is a natural period of sleepiness, perhaps at this time it is worth taking a nap for 10-30 minutes.

The distribution of time in a military unit during the day, and according to some provisions even during the week, is carried out by the daily routine and regulations of official time.

The length of service time for conscripted military personnel is determined by the daily routine of the military unit.

The daily routine of the military unit determines the timing of the implementation of the main activities of daily activities, study and life of the personnel of the units and the headquarters of the military unit.

In addition to the daily routine, the duty time regulations for military personnel serving under a contract establish the terms and duration of the performance of daily activities by these military personnel arising from duties. military service.

The daily routine and duty time regulations are established by the commander of a military unit or formation, taking into account the type and type of troops Armed Forces, tasks facing the military unit, season, local and climatic conditions.

The daily routine of a military unit should provide for the time for morning physical exercises, morning and evening dressing, morning inspection, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (working) clothes, cleaning shoes and washing hands before eating, eating, caring for weapons and military equipment, educational, cultural, leisure and sports work, informing personnel, listening to radio and watching television, receiving patients at a medical center, as well as time for the personal needs of military personnel (at least 2 hours), evening walks, evening verification and at least 8 hours for sleep.

The intervals between meals should not exceed 7 hours. After lunch, there should be no study or work for at least 30 minutes (see the section "Additional materials").

Every week, usually on Saturday, the regiment holds a park and maintenance day to maintain weapons, military equipment and other military property, equip and improve parks and facilities of the training and material base, put military camps in order and carry out other work. On the same day, a general cleaning of all premises is usually carried out, as well as a bath for personnel.

In addition, in order to maintain weapons and military equipment in constant combat readiness, park weeks and park days are held in the regiment with the involvement of all personnel.

Sundays and holidays are days of rest for all personnel, except for those on combat duty (combat service) and serving in daily and garrison outfits. On these days, as well as in their free time, cultural and leisure work, sports competitions and games are held with the personnel.

On the eve of rest days, performances, films and other events for conscripted military personnel are allowed to end 1 hour later than usual.

On rest days, it is allowed to rise later than usual; at the hour set by the commander of the military unit, morning physical exercises are not carried out.

To organize the leisure and recreation of military personnel, there are clubs of military units, whose activities include:

  • demonstrations of feature films on weekends and weekends (holidays);
  • work of libraries of military units;
  • classes in club amateur associations, circles in various genres of amateur art and applied art, circles and schools of aesthetic education;
  • literary and artistic themed evenings, literary and musical compositions, question and answer evenings, thematic film screenings, film festivals, film evenings, film lecture evenings, mass plot games, portrait evenings, reader and audience conferences, lectures and consultations;
  • meetings with veterans Patriotic War and the Armed Forces, figures of science, literature and art;
  • evenings honoring the best specialists, lectures in military and legal knowledge, exhibitions technical creativity, evenings of military commonwealth, events related to the reception of young replenishment and the dismissal of military personnel from the ranks of the Armed Forces.

On weekends and holidays, the corresponding plans of military units provide for visits by military personnel to theaters, libraries, museums, concert halls, stadiums and other cultural, entertainment and sports facilities.


  1. The distribution of time in a military unit is carried out in such a way as to ensure its constant combat readiness.
  2. The distribution of time in a military unit during the day is carried out by the daily routine, which determines the implementation of the main activities.
  3. Every week, the regiment holds a park and maintenance day to put military camps and military equipment in order.


  1. How does the distribution of time in the military unit help to maintain a constant combat readiness personnel? Justify your answer.
  2. What is the daily routine for conscripted military personnel?
  3. Think about how the security of everyday military service depends on the state of internal order in the military collective. Justify your answer.


  1. Prepare a message on the topic "Distribution of time in a military unit during the week."
  2. If you have a friend who has recently been demobilized from the ranks of the Armed Forces Russian Federation, ask him about the distribution of time and daily routine in the military unit where he served. Based on his story, prepare a message on this topic.

Thanks to popular series and TV programs, service in the Russian army today attracts young people more than five to ten years ago. The guys dream of trying on a new uniform and shooting from modern weapons. In addition, the armed forces still make men out of young men, tempering the will and character. This is helped by a well-thought-out and well-established daily routine in the army. Life according to the schedule teaches composure and rational use of every minute.

The daily routine in the army was created in order to maintain constant combat readiness. If this schedule is observed, then the soldiers are always ready for battle, because they have slept and fed. Even if the order comes at night, the personnel will have a physical margin of safety. This resource has been helping to develop a daily routine in the army for months.

Wake-up and bedtime in each military unit is set in accordance with the tasks performed and climatic zone. The main requirement is that at least eight hours must elapse between the “Hang up” and “Rise” commands. Therefore, the daily routine in the army, as a rule, begins at six in the morning and ends at ten in the evening.

In 2013, the regime of the day in the army changed. The soldiers were allowed to sleep for half an hour more. The end is still at ten in the evening, and the rise at half past six in the morning. In addition, the afternoon rest is increased to one hour. So that the soldiers do not have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, after lunch, work, drill and combat training should not be carried out for an hour.

In the daily routine, each person is given from four to eight hours to rest. Rest during the day is distributed so that the soldiers have the opportunity to recover from physical exertion and put their uniforms in order.

The charter regulates the so-called "days of rest". These are weekends and holidays. In 2013, the army began to provide two days off.

On the eve of weekends and holidays, going to bed is an hour later than usual. The next day, one more hour of sleep is allowed, and in some parts there is no exercise.

Soldiers and officers are provided with three meals a day. The daily routine in the army provides for intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner no more than seven hours.

A typical army day starts with the "Rise" command. Then it is carried out in the army - this is running in formation, warm-up and strength exercises.

After charging, the servicemen make their beds, wash and line up for the morning inspection. During the inspection, compliance with hygiene standards and the condition of the uniform are checked. After the morning inspection, the unit sets off for breakfast.

The most ambitious construction of the day is the morning divorce. During the divorce, the commander of the military unit or his deputy accept reports on the availability of personnel and set tasks for the commanders.

After a divorce, combat training usually takes place. Officers, sergeants and foremen explain to the soldiers the provisions of the charter, teach them to use and maintain weapons and equipment. Combat training continues until lunch.

After lunch, the military rest for an hour, then line up for a divorce. This formation can be local (by battalions and companies). At the divorce, the commanders check if everything is in place and set tasks for the second half of the day.

The second half of the day in the army is usually devoted to maintenance of equipment, cleaning of weapons, sports activities and self-training.

After dinner, the soldiers are given an hour of personal time. This is necessary in order to put the uniform in order.

Mandatory activities before going to bed - watching the release of television news, and checking. An evening walk is held in formation, with the obligatory performance of songs. Military psychologists believe that this also contributes to raising the mood.

At the time, the commanders check if everything is in place. If someone is not in the ranks for no good reason, this is already an emergency.

The daily routine of the army, which is impeccably carried out every day, accustoms soldiers to discipline, without which no army in the world can operate.