Tarot cards major arcana and numerology. How to find out your Tarot card by date of birth: practical tips and tricks. Deciphering the tarot arcana by date of birth

Using the date of your birth, you can find out your Tarot card, or rather, the lasso, which also characterizes your personality traits. By developing the qualities of his lasso in himself, a person quickly finds himself, his place in society and comes to an understanding of the meaning of his existence. Having learned your Tarot lasso from the horoscope, you can also learn about the difficulties prepared by fate.

How to find out your tarot lasso

In order to determine your lasso, you need to add up all the numbers of the date of birth. If the resulting number is greater than 22, then 22 must be subtracted from it to get the desired lasso. If less than 22, then the lasso is equal to this number.

Example one: 04/20/1981 = 2+0+0+4+1+9+8+1= 25. The number is greater than 22, which means we subtract 22 from it. We get: 25-22 = 3. In this example, the lasso is 3.

Second example: 1/1/1970 = 1+0+1+1+9+7+0 = 19. In this case, the lasso will be 19.

Interpretation of the arcana according to the Tarot horoscope

  1. Mag. People of this lasso are distinguished by great vitality and energy. They know what they want. In this world, they represent a kind of channel through which the necessary energy passes for the existence of all life in this world. These are active people with healthy ambitions. Nothing is impossible for a Magician. As soon as he wants, his desires are fulfilled. To achieve his goals, he just needs to concentrate his energy on the realization of desires. His willpower and self-confidence makes it possible to do and achieve what others only dream of.
  2. Priestess. This lasso says that all events in life are a reflection of internal phenomena. People of this lasso can attract whatever they want into their lives. But for this they need to work on their worldview. If their thoughts are positive and good, it means that life around them becomes good and positive. And vice versa. It is important for people of this lasso according to the Tarot horoscope to learn to trust their intuition.
  3. Empress. This lasso brings love, joy, care and tenderness. It is very important for people of this lasso to feel their need in life. They need to constantly feel loved and love themselves. These are creative people. Often guided by impulses and their inner feelings. Outwardly, as a rule, they are very attractive.
  4. Emperor. Symbolizes power, authority. The people of this lasso are endowed with all the qualities that help them manage, instruct, suppress and influence. It is very important for them to have a strong connection with their parents, since its absence (conflicts with relatives) leads to problems in life.
  5. Hierophant. People of this lasso need to be closer to traditions, norms of morality and law. It can be said that they themselves are the carriers of information and the dissemination of vital wisdom and the foundations of the society in which they exist. Their task is to be a mentor and custodian of traditions and wisdom.
  6. Lovers. According to the Tarot horoscope, the people of this lasso are destined to know throughout their lives true love. Until the representatives of this lasso feel what it means to love and how love should be manifested, they will not find themselves. It is important for them to remember the source of love - about themselves. Love lives inside a person, so it is not necessary to look for it in someone else. People of this lasso need to learn patience, full dedication and equality in relationships.
  7. Chariot. The main weapon of the people of this lasso is awareness. All conscious actions, devoid of illusions of decisions and actions, will lead them to success. They need to learn to find compromises and accept people for who they are.
  8. Force. This is the embodiment of confidence and energy. It is the spiritual force that drives these people. It can manifest itself in different ways in life. The main task of the representatives of this lasso is to learn to believe in themselves and show their strength with love and patience.
  9. Hermit. Symbol of spirituality, departure from the material world. People of this lasso need to be able to manage their emotions. If they want to find themselves and achieve personal happiness, then they need to work on their worldview - get rid of the need for approval from others, be able to be calm and find balance in everything.
  10. Wheel of Fortune. People of this lasso are connected with their past life. Their real life often depends on their karma. According to the Tarot horoscope, it is important for them to understand what is rock and destiny. It is important that they live in the “right” direction, fulfilling the tasks of their karma.
  11. Justice. People are destined to live according to the laws of justice. They appear most often in the life of representatives of this lasso. As you sow, so shall you reap - that's the whole essence of their life. It is important to understand the patterns in your life and to catch the cause-and-effect relationships of the events taking place.
  12. Hanged. These people are given to look at the world from a different angle. It is important for them to understand that difficulties in life are given not just like that, but for the sake of achieving something. They are encouraged to freely accept into their lives everything that fate gives them. It is important to love life and thank it for everything that it brings you, then everything will turn out well.
  13. Death. This lasso symbolizes the transition from one stage to another. According to the Tarot horoscope, it is important for people of this lasso to realize that in order to receive something in their life, you must first make room for this.
  14. Moderation. This tarot lasso means harmony, tranquility, balance. It is important for people of this lasso to do what causes them positive emotions. Do not show your ego and pride.
  15. Devil. People of this lasso are very attractive. They possess internal energy which makes them special. Arkan gives glory, recognition and respect. However, there is also back side medals - people of this lasso may be under the power of any bonds, dependencies. Tower. It is important for people of this lasso to realize their past mistakes and objectively evaluate all their actions and decisions. They should reconsider their views on problems - after all, nothing is given just like that. Having dealt with the source of the problem, you can get rid of it forever.
  16. Star. Arcana of talent and giftedness. People of this lasso often become famous, among them there are many people from the world of art and creativity. It is important for them to understand that their abilities are just a gift given to them for a while, and they cannot appropriate it for themselves.
  17. Moon. The people of this lasso are destined to know many temptations and changes in their lives. Their life is a dark path illuminated by the ever-changing moon. It is important to find your purpose in life as early as possible, otherwise the lunar path will lead you to the wrong place.
  18. Sun. People of this lasso are called to give positive, joy, warmth and love. It is important for them to understand that they already have everything they need for real happiness. The Tarot horoscope does not encourage them to appreciate every moment of their lives and enjoy the present.
  19. Court. A lasso directed at the inner, not at the outer. It is important to be able to let go, forgive, forget, in order to live a full and joyful life. People of this lasso need to set clear goals for themselves and not be afraid of change.
  20. World. It is important for people of this lasso to feel completeness, satisfaction with their own lives, so they go towards their goal confidently and quickly. It is important to constantly learn, gain experience and develop.
  21. Jester. The people of this lasso are like children. That is why everything is subject to them. True, they themselves do not always know about their strength. However, there is a downside to the coin - this lasso tends to succumb to the influence of society. It is important not to lose yourself.

From the very beginning, Tarot cards were not intended for divination. They were played in the most ordinary card game, very reminiscent of a modern bridge.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of Tarot cards.

Arcana Tarot by date of birth

Is it possible to "calculate" a person's character using a Tarot deck? It’s easier than ever, especially since the cards themselves are not even needed, the simplest mathematical calculations and knowledge of the meaning of the arcana will suffice.

Add, subtract, analyze

There are 22 Major Arcana in the deck. For those who were born from the 1st to the 22nd, everything is simple - the date of birth exactly corresponds to a specific card. But what if the passport says, say, May 25 or January 29? Elementary: we subtract 22 from this figure, and analyze the result obtained (25 - 22 \u003d 3; 29 - 22 \u003d 7, - therefore, it is these Tarot arcana by date of birth that will turn out to be significant).

You can learn more about a person with the help of another, additional lasso. We have already decided on the first one. The second is calculated by adding all the numbers included in the date of birth. May 25, 2001 - 2 + 5 + 5 + 2 + 1 \u003d 15. Here it is, the coveted card, the value of which will affect fate, it is no longer just encrypted information about a person’s character, but his secret “program” that determines the ups and falls throughout life.

In some cases, the final figure will come out more than the existing number of high cards - then we act as in paragraph No. 1, that is, we subtract the number 22 from the result, and evaluate the resulting difference. Fate can also be clarified with the help of the third lasso, but this will already be a “control shot”.

What do Tarot cards promise a person?

Common features are the canvas on which fate is written. Each type has two paths - high and low. For example, the HERMIT (lasso No. 9) is a philosopher, sage, teacher and scientist, a solid person, capable of great deeds and self-denial. Best case scenario! But the one who chooses the "low path" turns into an extremely unpleasant type. In his character there are complexes and fears, gloom, viciousness and even suicidal tendencies.

Interpretations are quite complex, two phrases are definitely not enough. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the interaction of arcana. If you still try to evaluate the Tarot by date of birth in short, you get a very schematic picture:

  1. MAG- creator or businessman, successful, strong. Huge potential, excellent inclinations. But! Can be aggressive, selfish and selfish.
  2. PRIESTESS- intuition in the first place, the ability to mentor, psychology, esotericism. Excellent energy vampires, but also donors. Mind, cunning, good adaptability.
  3. EMPRESS- the desire for comfort, a successful climb up the career ladder, the potential of a strong family man.
  4. EMPEROR- leader, authority, dictatorial habits. Intolerance to other people's opinions, sometimes greedy. Shows mercy, but only when appropriate.
  5. PRIEST- talkative and sociable. Creative personality, can be strongly religious. A lover of giving advice, boring and talkative.
  6. LOVERS- sexy and charming. Talented in almost all areas - business, art, science. Good organizer.
  7. CHARIOT- constantly internally collected and organized. Ready to act without thinking about the consequences. Fragile mental organization, often has a talent for creativity. Workable.
  8. JUSTICE- Charming and disciplined personality. Possess good health, often long-livers. Good people in any profession.
  9. HERMIT- a professional in his field. He is used to hiding his shortcomings from others. Starts dating poorly, but is not a hermit. Likes to test feelings.
  10. WHEEL OF FORTUNE- authority and leader, often an adventurous person. Fatalist and player with destiny. Often gets into ridiculous situations because of his curiosity.
  11. FORCE- changeable nature, living periods of rest and activity. Strongly developed intuition, character contact and energetic.
  12. HANGED- Differs in diligence. Characteristic professions are doctors, educators, teachers. Treats life like a struggle. Differs in the desire to gain coziness, comfort and stability. Pedant. Sometimes they are stingy, but not out of greed.
  13. DEATH- characterized by ease of breaking with the past. Strive for new events and deeds. Similar in character to the "Empress". They may suffer from kleptomania. Suicidal.
  14. MODERATION- prone to monotonous and routine work, quite patient and assiduous. Often principled, decent, love the truth. Good bosses of average rank.
  15. DEVIL- lovers of a good life: they appreciate aesthetics, beautiful little things. Sanguine. They love to travel. They can be good speakers, often feel a strong passion for the mysterious and unknown.
  16. TOWER- the character is similar to the people of the "Chariot", but differ from them in emotionality. They often become engineers, choosing professions related to electronics and computers. They can become talented actors. They often suffer from mental illness.
  17. STAR - characteristic features is optimism and romanticism. They often get into adventures because of their curiosity. Unlike the "Devil", people are bunglers, simple-minded.
  18. MOON- dreamy personalities with a deep inner world. Outside - strong and confident, inside - soft and kind. There is caution in relationships. Creative individuals, but not geniuses.
  19. SUN- Open and noble people. Magnanimous and generous to the weak. However, they are capricious and touchy. They want to be above everyone in any business.
  20. COURT- serious and responsible people, prone to constancy. It is impossible to argue with them, they often become informal leaders in the team - because. have the ability to promote other people up the career ladder.
  21. WORLD- are drawn to new knowledge, have curiosity and erudition. Congenital artists like to make new experiments, in connection with which they often find themselves misunderstood by others and go on the defensive.
  22. SHUT- frivolous and adventurous nature. They often get into ridiculous situations, they can “disappear” where others will calmly pass by without even stumbling.

Knowing such peculiarities, it is worth picking up the reins of fate and betting on the bestowed advantages. Also, thanks to the Tarot, you can determine your

The Major Arcana of the Tarot are the cards of the deck, each of which has its own mysterious and hidden meaning. Their meanings are very deep and versatile, let's briefly consider each.

4th lasso -

Symbol of power. This is a person who can earn authority in any environment. He can rule, dominate, manage and manipulate people. It is very important to establish a good relationship with parents and close relatives, otherwise problems cannot be avoided

5th lasso

Card tip: study the traditions of your family, culture, society. Learn to strictly follow the norms of law and morality. Then you will become a source of wisdom, knowledge, you will be able to bring good to the masses.


The meaning of this Arcana Tarot is very favorable - you are doomed to meet your other half. But you must first learn to love, appreciate and respect yourself in order to open your heart for true and unconditional love for another person.


The fundamental meaning of this card is awareness. This is the ability to make decisions based on reason. Such a person is able to control emotions and abstract from them in a difficult situation.


This card represents true self-confidence and incredible vitality. If a person is able to believe in himself, he can achieve tremendous success and become truly happy.


This card represents spirituality, freedom from everything material. But it is important to be able to abstract from emotions and not let them rule your life. Only then will it be possible to become happy and “invite” harmony into relationships.


This senior lasso of the Tarot has the following meaning: you are dependent on the past, which significantly spoils your karma. It is necessary to clearly realize that the present is the consequences of past actions and thoughts.


To fulfill the task of this card, one must act fairly and honestly in any situation. Otherwise, you run the risk of making huge troubles and getting into a bunch of problems.


People under the influence of this card are able to look at extraordinary the world. Creative and out-of-the-box thinking can lead to misunderstandings from others. But if a person can learn to perceive this peculiarity as a gift of fate, he will find happiness.


This card, despite its ominous name, is a symbol of liberation from the burden of the past, which leads to a transition to a new, better life stage. It is important to understand that new and happy events will not come into your life until you get rid of the burden of past problems.


A symbol of calmness, harmony and balance. It is very important to learn to enjoy life, to find your calling, and not to do only what you are forced to do. You also need to be able to curb pride at the right time.


This card personifies people who are very attractive, attractive and energetic. They always have a lot of fans, often this famous people, which many dream to meet

But the weak side of such people is the tendency to become dependent: on vices, people, things and habits.


This lasso symbolizes activity, the ability to easily perceive changes. This is a person subject to mood, sensitive, rather touchy. You can not choose professions associated with risk and danger.


Symbol of spirituality and awareness. A person has creative abilities, he is talented and able to succeed. It is important to recognize this talent and implement it, otherwise you can become unhappy.

Watch a video about the meaning and interpretation of the Major Arcana Tarot:

18th lasso:

This lasso symbolizes intuition, even the ability to extrasensory perception. Most often, talent is directed to the acting and vocal sphere. If you do not realize your abilities, there is a risk of amassing a bunch of fears and phobias, falling into addiction.

19th lasso:

These are people who have a great need to be the center of attention. Communication with people is like air that gives vital energy. Comfort, aesthetics are also needed, a person surrounds himself with beautiful things, there is a dependence on brands.

20th lasso:

The meaning of this Major Arcana Tarot is wisdom, awareness, spirituality. Weak quality - self-doubt due to lack of authority in society. It is very important to learn how to interact with people.

21st lasso:

Represents stability and regularity. People with such a card are very lucky, they have a strong guardian angel. It is important to always understand that you are under his protection, be grateful for it and live in accordance with moral principles.

22nd lasso:

This lasso symbolizes strength and power. There is a clear ability to discover something new. Such people are excellent scientists, researchers, travelers and creators. Weak character traits - imbalance, egocentrism.

Each arcana of the Tarot has its own meaning and interpretation. It is important to understand the needs and weak spots your card to correct the events taking place in life.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Find out which tarot card by date of birth applies to you! The calculation of a personal Tarot card that has an impact on life will be useful for those who want to know all their weaknesses and strengths. Compatibility analysis by date of birth and Tarot cards will show the future of the relationship.

In the article:

Tarot card by date of birth - how to calculate it

In order to find out the Tarot cards corresponding to you by date of birth, you should make simple calculations. and numerology are closely related. Numerology by date of birth is considered accurate, because it is known that information about past lives and the fate of a person that awaits him in this incarnation is embedded in the date of birth.

The easiest way to understand the calculations of the Tarot arcana by date of birth is with an example. Suppose fortune-telling is carried out for a person who was born on July 25, 1996. There will be three numbers in total and, accordingly, three cards that affect it.

First number is the birth number. If it is less than 22, you won’t have to do any manipulations with it, because it already corresponds to one of the arcana, which, as you know, is also 22. In our example, a person was born on the 25th, so the number of arcana should be subtracted from him:

The first tarot card by date of birth for this example is the third lasso, or the Empress.

Second lasso by date of birth is calculated by adding all the numbers of the date of birth - day, month and year. In our example, the calculations will look like this:


As a result of calculating the second number, it almost always turns out a number greater than the number of major arcana Tarot. Therefore, you should subtract 22 from it until you get a sum less than this value:


The second personal Tarot card by date of birth in our example is the seventeenth lasso, or the Star.

Not all tarologists also calculate third tarot card- lasso by date of birth. However, it also has an impact on a person's life and his destiny, so it is by no means superfluous. Quite often the third number is the same as the second. This means that you have not three, but two personal cards. In order to find out the third card, you need to bring the date, month and year of birth into line with the arcana, but this time separately. In our example, it looks like this:

1+9+9+6=25; 25-22=3

After that, the resulting three numbers must be summed up:


The third card in our example is the thirteenth lasso, or Death.

After calculating three or two cards that correspond to the direction of your entire life path, you can begin to decipher the Tarot arcana by date of birth. Each of them carries its own meaning and in its own way affects different aspects of life.

Arcana Tarot by date of birth - transcript

Tarot numerology by date of birth suggests the presence of two or three cards that have different meaning. So, the first personal lasso is the most important. Its influence is most easily seen in a person's character. It is this lasso that has the greatest impact on the behavior of the fortuneteller. This is his mask, social role, the way others see you. The first lasso can also indicate the abilities and talents of a person given at birth.

The influence of the second lasso is difficult to notice, especially for unfamiliar people. Perhaps a person does not want to demonstrate this side of his nature to anyone at all. Its influence on fate is more significant than that of the first lasso. The second lasso represents the path of a person, his purpose and the meaning of life. Its meaning will indicate the mission that you must complete in your current incarnation.

The third lasso is considered to complement the meanings of the previous two. It cannot be interpreted separately from other arcana. The influence of this lasso is manifested least of all, and it practically does not manifest itself, but there is still an impact.

What do the tarot arcana mean by date of birth

Each tarot card has two sides of meaning. - light and dark. It depends only on the person which way he decides to go. Both sides can appear, or only one.

  1. Magician - sociability, a penchant for creativity, a craftsman with golden hands. There are magical powers. Most often, he chooses the position of a manager or administrator, organizes the workflow. The dark side of the Magician is cunning, fraud, fraud, the desire to live at the expense of others. In this case, there are no magical abilities, but he can engage in charlatanism.
  2. Priestess - sensitivity, willingness to help, chastity, a good psychologist, teacher or medium. The dark side of the Priestess is black magic, tearfulness, likes to complain about life. She is unpredictable, but not too smart.
  3. The Empress is a good mother and wife (or father and husband), a realist, good income, sexuality and fertility. Dark Empress - despotism, childlessness, unwillingness to start a family, excesses, open relationship the inability to control oneself.
  4. Emperor - discipline and order, activity and vigor. Most likely, he occupies a high position, a leader or a politician. Dark Emperor - stubbornness, aggression, despotism, tediousness and pedantry, excess energy.
  5. Hierophant - knows how to listen and give advice. Maybe a clergyman, a teacher, a psychologist - there is all the data for this. The Dark Hierophant is a bad adviser and a liar who cannot find his way. He is unspiritual or uses spiritual ideals to cover up the true motives of his actions.
  6. Lovers - sociability, charm, kindness and sexuality. He has many friends, but there are problems with his personal life - love triangles, inability to start a family. Dark Lovers - tightness, complexes, especially related to relationships. Uncertainty and indecision, the need to constantly make choices.
  7. Chariot - courage, confidence, activity. Constantly in motion, travels a lot, frequent changes in life. The Dark Chariot is either laziness, cowardice and stagnation, or excessive activity and restlessness.
  8. Justice - coldness, poise, decency, a clear mind. Often associated with law enforcement, law enforcement, jurisprudence. Dark Justice - bias, low morality, own laws, heavy karma.
  9. Hermit - wisdom, love of solitude, calmness, prudence, the desire for knowledge and spiritual search. There are magical and clairvoyant abilities, as well as the makings of a psychologist. Dark Hermit - notoriety, selfishness, anger and gloom. There are mental and communication problems.
  10. - a lucky optimist, a lot of trips and travels, an active lifestyle. The Dark Wheel of Fortune is a lazy and fatalist, a passive person who is afraid of his future, but does not want to change it.
  11. Strength - energy, determination, confidence, sexuality, love of sports, competitions, power. Dark Force - or spinelessness, or aggressiveness, instability and problems in sexual life.
  12. Hanged Man - wisdom, slowness, love of creativity. The beginning of life is usually difficult, but with age everything normalizes. Dark Hanged Man - illusions, laziness, despondency, disability is possible.
  13. Death is a strong personality with magical abilities, a career is most likely a military one. Many injuries, dangers and trials are possible, especially in youth. Dark Death is either self-destruction, or the goal of causing harm to others. Alcoholism or drug addiction, mental problems, involvement in crime.
  14. Moderation - love for animals, calmness, gentleness and kindness. Dark Moderation - either passivity, or imbalance and a tendency to go to extremes.
  15. The devil is a good psychologist, financier, seducer, leader. Has magical powers. Often chooses a career as a bank employee, manager, psychologist. The Dark Devil is either a manipulator, a cunning and treacherous person with clear strategist abilities, or a person addicted to anything, for example, a gamer, an alcoholic, a drug addict.
  16. Tower - activity, activity, love of change, frequent mood swings, touchiness and sensitivity. Often gets injured. Dark Tower - aggression and crime, mental problems and dangers are possible. The bearer of the Dark Tower had better not choose risky professions, it's too dangerous.
  17. Star - spirituality, sophistication, Creative skills. With a high probability we are talking about a writer or a poet. Dark Star - laziness, earthiness, rudeness, dislike for art.
  18. Luna is a creative talent, most likely vocal or acting. There are very strong psychic inclinations. Can become a good psychologist. Dark Moon - illusion, fears and phobias, impracticality, addiction to alcohol and drugs.
  19. The sun - the desire to be in the spotlight, enjoying comfort. The work is most likely related to creativity, fame, perhaps show business. The Dark Sun is either selfishness, or uncertainty, complexes and fearfulness.
  20. Judgment is spirituality and wisdom. In youth, they can suffer because of insecurity, but with age this passes when they receive recognition from others. Cardinal changes are possible, moving to another country. Dark Judgment - laziness, false ideals, bad karma, changeable life, instability.
  21. The world is a stable and measured course of life, pure karma, a strong guardian angel, in general, she is one of the most successful cards by date of birth. Dark World - uncertainty, flight from problems, laziness, such a person misses all the chances given to him.
  22. Jester is an old soul with vast psychic powers. An innovator, a pioneer, a man with an unusual destiny. Propensity to travel, creative abilities. Dark Jester - eccentricity, nervousness, stupidity, lack of purpose, mental problems.

Compatibility by date of birth - Tarot for predicting relationships

In order to find out compatibility by date of birth and Tarot, you will need the dates of birth of two people. This method of predicting relationships is one of the most accurate, because it includes both a numerological aspect and the use of an ancient divination system, respected by the most eminent magicians of modern times and the Middle Ages.

Like the previous ones, we propose to analyze these calculations using an example. Suppose they are held for people who were born 25.07.1996 And 16.09.1995 . Divination for compatibility by Tarot cards and date of birth begins with a calculation second personal arcana according to the method described above:

2+5+7+1+9+9+6=39; 39-22=17
1+6+9+1+9+9+5=40; 40-22=18

To predict relationships using numerology and Tarot cards, four numbers should be obtained. First number will give general characteristics relations, as well as the atmosphere that will prevail in this union. To do this, it is necessary to sum up the personal arcana of partners. In our example, the calculations will be as follows:

17+18=35; 35-22=13, the first lasso for calculating compatibility is Death.

Second map tells what the first partner will get from this relationship. To do this, the first lasso is added to his personal, obtained above:

13+17=30; 30-22=8, the second lasso is Strength.

Third card says what the second partner will receive from the union. It is calculated similarly to the second card:

13+18=31; 31-22=9 , the third lasso is the Hermit.

Fourth card shows the result of the relationship. In order to get it, you need to add all three numbers obtained earlier:

13+8+9=30; 30-22=8 , fourth lasso - Strength.

Tarot card interpretations that will reflect your union can indicate what your relationship is like and what your future together will be.

Compatibility by Tarot cards and date of birth - the meaning of the arcana

  1. The magician is a favorable union, provided that one of the partners learns to yield to the other. The struggle for leadership, quarrels and scandals, finding out who is the head of the family. Selfishness can lead to a breakup.
  2. Priestess - coldness, closeness and detachment. Unfavorable union, loneliness together.
  3. Empress - warmth, love, support, care. Favorable prognosis, in general, affection, passion and desire to start a family.
  4. Emperor - on the one hand, a stable relationship with a man in the role of head of the family, and on the other - boredom, formalism and lack of emotional warmth.
  5. Hierophant - common interests and topics for conversation. A union of like-minded people, spiritual closeness, age difference, but passion may be absent.
  6. Lovers - emotional, stormy and passionate relationship. However, there is a high probability of the appearance of an opponent, lack of stability and superficiality.
  7. Chariot - instability, frivolity, unwillingness to live together. If the rest of the cards are favorable, a strong relationship is possible, and instability is reflected in one of the periods of the relationship.
  8. Strength is the struggle between partners for supremacy. Both dominate and try to subdue the partner, have a strong character and ambition. There is passion and interest in each other. This card is neutral, a compromise will lead to a favorable outcome, its absence will lead to a break.
  9. Hermit - lack of understanding and common topics for conversation, these people are not interested together. The lack of relationships as such unrequited love, divorce some time after the wedding.
  10. Wheel of Fortune - financial situation plays a big role, perhaps we are talking about a marriage of convenience. The union may be unstable, but there are chances of starting a family.
  11. Justice is a calculation, but not always material, for example, choosing a partner according to his qualities without the influence of feelings and emotions. Possible marriage by obligation, common duty, good contact between partners, but without much emotion.
  12. Hanged Man - the relationship is at an impasse. There are two options - reaching a new level through the efforts of both partners or a break, the desire to find something completely different.
  13. Death - in an unfavorable environment, instability, which will lead to separation. In the favorable - temporary difficulties that can be dealt with.
  14. Moderation is family happiness without much passion and vivid emotions. Calm, even relations, stability, understanding, comfort, common goals and respect.
  15. Devil - complicated relationship when it’s bad together, and it’s impossible to be separately. Common obligations without relationships are possible - common children after a divorce, for example, or unwillingness to divorce because of the stability of the financial situation in marriage. Often the Devil indicates a relationship without obligations with heavy attachment to each other, a desire to possess a person.
  16. The tower is a union of completely different people. There are no points of contact, but there are quarrels, disagreements, misunderstandings. Most likely, these relationships will not work out.
  17. Star - friendship and warmth, but there is no close emotional connection. Perhaps this is a union of people who are married to other partners, or maybe a relationship at a distance.
  18. Moon - betrayal and temptation, lies, misunderstanding, understatement. These relationships can bring a lot of mental suffering.
  19. Sun - both partners are satisfied with the union. Honesty, understanding, friendship. Often a fleeting marriage, almost immediately after they met, as well as the appearance of children shortly after the wedding.
  20. Court - karmic relationships that force partners to learn a certain life lesson. Relationships will inevitably become ballast and end in a breakup, there is tension and problems in general.
  21. Peace - happiness, harmony, love. An extremely favorable union.
  22. Jester - instability and frivolity, the desire for freedom and independence. Relations without commitment, carelessness, lack of responsibility.

In general, the cards corresponding to the dates of birth can tell a lot about both the character of people and their fate and destiny. With the help of numerology and the Tarot divination system, you can also find out how compatible you are with your partner and what the future holds for your relationship.

Arcana TARO and Number of Destiny, new numerology

I have been doing numerology for a long time and discovered a very interesting connection between numbers and the major arcana of the Tarot. According to classical numerology, by adding up all the numbers of the date of birth, you can thus obtain the NUMBER OF DESTINY, which will characterize the fate and main direction of the life of its owner. And then I thought, why not connect this number with one of the major arcana of the Tarot.

But the question arose, how to do the calculations? For several years I have tested this method on friends and clients, I have gained a decent base, and I can draw some conclusions. These are just my observations, they, of course, would not hurt to check them. Therefore, I will explain the technique itself to you, and you will test yourself and your friends. And then I will be very glad to receive feedback from you. You can write to the soap or to the forum.
So, by date of birth, you can determine several important arcana that will affect a person’s whole life. If you are new to tarot cards, then you first need to understand the meaning of the 22 arcana fairly well. Otherwise, you will get confused in the interpretations. At the end of the article I will give a brief description based on my own experience, but the more you understand and feel the arcana, the deeper you can understand the fate and life path of a person.

1) The first lasso is calculated very simply. This is the date of birth (we do not take the month and year). If the number is up to 22, then everything is clear. A person was born on the 8th of any month - his lasso - LAW. Born 18 - MOON. If the number is greater than 22, then you need to SUBTRACT 22. This rule applies to all further calculations! For example, someone born on 27, 27-22=5 is his PAPA lasso. And so on.

This is one of the most important indicators. Firstly, it is very easy to calculate, and secondly, it is usually strongly manifested in the character and behavior of a person. We can say that this is a mask, a social role. The way others see us. This lasso can tell about the abilities and talents of a person. It is best used when calculating compatibility. Fast and convenient.

2) The second lasso of birth is calculated as follows. It is necessary to write down in a row all the numbers of the date of birth (without zeros) and add them up. If the final number is greater than 22, subtract 22 to get the lasso. For example, 17.3.1983 - 1+7+3+1+9+8+3 = 32-22=10 - THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE. I hope you understand.

This lasso is less noticeable at first sight in a person, but it has a more noticeable effect on fate. This is the path that a person walks on. This is his highest destiny, his true self. Be especially attentive to the interpretation of this lasso. Try to understand how it affects you, what it gives, what is your mission on this earth.

3) The third lasso is additional, sometimes it can be counted, sometimes it will be equal to the second lasso. To find the third lasso, you need to separately bring the day, month and year of birth to some of their 22 lasso, and then add all three, and if in the end the number is more than 22, then subtract 22. I explain with an example. Someone was born on 24.2.1976. 24 (day) -22=2 - PRIESTESS. 2 (month) - PRIESTESS, 1976 (year) =23-22=1 - MAG. As a result, we get - PRIESTESS (2) + PRIESTESS (2) + MAG (1) = 5 PAPA. This is the third lasso.

It is similar in meaning to the second lasso of birth, but less pronounced, gives some additions. It cannot be considered separately from the first two arcana.

Here I will give you some additional information, whoever wants to will continue to experiment and check. The lasso of the day is also our physical body, health, sex life. The lasso of the month is our emotions, personal life. Arcana of the year - social life, work, career, mental abilities.

Now a few words about interpretation. If you have been practicing Tarot for a long time, then you should not have any problems. Practice first on acquaintances and close people whom you know well and see how the arcana of birth affects their lives. And then move on to experiments with unfamiliar people. The more you train, the better.

If you are a beginner and just starting to comprehend the wisdom of tarot cards, then read more books. The book by Hayo Banzhaf “TARO Key Concepts” is best suited for interpreting the arcana of birth, I highly recommend it to all beginners. Well, with experience you will do everything automatically. And always trust your intuition.

In calculations, I always give FOOL number 22, JUSTICE - 8, and STRENGTH -11. Sometimes in different systems there is confusion with this.

I will write brief characteristics arcana, in relation to birth codes. They were formed on the basis of my many years of experience. Feel free to add your own. In general, there is no place for conventions and dogmas. This path will be a continuous creativity.

And yet, it is IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND, any card has two paths, light and dark. You can never tell in advance which way a person will go. Even if his birth card is DEATH or TOWER, this is far from a sentence (I have come across many happy and successful people with these birth arcana in practice). Even negative cards have a light path, this is important to understand, especially if you do not yet have practice in interpretation. No need to scare a person with a DEVIL card, he can be an excellent psychologist or financier. But some WORLD - can be lazy and selfish. Think, reflect, experiment. In the interpretation of the bright path (+), the dark path (-)

1 - MAG

(+) Creator, skillful, sociable, very interesting person. Skillful fingers. Magic abilities. Good manager and administrator.

(-) Cunning, swindler, schemer, liar and swindler. Lives at someone else's expense. Charlatan (all his magical abilities are just a good hoax).


(+) Subtle, sensitive nature, always ready to help, virgin archetype, mediumistic abilities, good psychologist, teacher.

(-) Unpredictability, escape from reality, tearfulness, stupidity, energy vampire. Constantly complaining, crying. Black magician.


(+) The mother archetype, caring, for such a person in the first place - family and children, prolific, sexy, can make very good money. Very down to earth, realist.

(-) It is difficult to control oneself, there are many excesses (alcohol, food, drugs, sex), the character is sometimes despotic, especially with domestic ones, a spender, not attuned to the family. Childless.


(+) Head, active, energetic, often holds a prominent post. good politician, director. Appreciates discipline and order in everything, especially in the family and at work.

(-) Stubborn, despotic, aggressive person. A pedant and a bore. Fighter. A lot of energy, but nowhere to put it, so he is furious!

5 - PAPA

(+) A spiritual person, knows how to listen, a good psychologist, maybe a teacher, a good adviser.

(-) Spiritless, or spirituality and ideals only for cover, a liar, a bad adviser, a person who cannot find his way in any way!


(+) Sensual, kind, gentle and very sexy person. The soul of the company, loves to communicate and make new acquaintances. In life it is difficult to make a choice, often 2 marriages, love triangles.

(-) Squeezed, indecisive person. A bunch of complexes, especially in sex and love. Constantly fluctuates, life constantly puts before a choice.


(+) Bold, confident. Constantly in motion, rushing somewhere, something he needs to do. Travels a lot, tourism. Lots of life changes.

(-) Either complete stagnation in life, lazy, coward. Or, on the contrary, too active, twitchy, nervous.


(+) A decent, balanced person. Often associated with jurisprudence, law, police. A clear mind can sometimes seem very cold.

(-) Biased, lives by his own law, low moral principles, no inner core. An indicator of great karma (many sins).


(+) Wise, loves solitude. Calm and thoughtful. Constantly in spiritual search or self-knowledge. Psychologist, magician, clairvoyant.

(-) A gloomy and embittered person, many complexes, obsession only with himself, selfishness. mental problems and social adaptation.


(+) Very positive personality, active, many trips. Lucky, optimistic.

(-) Fatalist, fear of the future, lazy, waiting for fate itself to bring everything on a silver platter.


(+) Very energetic, self-confident, clearly knows what he wants. Leader. Athlete, wrestler. Sexual.

(-) Either weak and spineless, or overly active, aggressive, unstable nervous system. Problems in the sexual sphere.


(+) Wise, unhurried. At the beginning of life, often, there are many trials, then everything returns to normal. Not of this world, creator, creativity.

(-) He sees everything upside down, many illusions, illnesses, disability (as a punishment for sins), laziness, despondency and eternal whining.

13 - DEATH

(+) A very strong personality, which, passing through great difficulties, tempers its character. Many trials in life, danger to life, trauma, accidents, especially at the beginning of life. THIS IS AN OPTION!!! DO NOT FEAR THIS CARD! Magic abilities. Military (or espionage) career.

(-) Either destroys himself, or those around him, or both. Mental problems, especially at the end of life. Alcoholism, drug addiction, crime.


(+) Calm, moderate and creative person. Soft and kind. Love to the animals.

(-) Either complete passivity in life, constantly misses chances, or imbalance, rushes from one extreme to another.


(+) A born psychologist, feels people very well. Magic abilities. Working with money, banks. Excellent manager and organizer. Seducer, Don Juan.

(-) Powerful manipulator, cunning and cunning strategist (typical SCORPIO). Either a banal alcoholic or a drug addict. The devil gives any form of addiction.

16 - TOWER

(+) Sharp, unpredictable, very active and active. Frequently changes activities. Mood changes. Emotional, very touchy and sensitive. Injuries.

(-) Big mental problems, aggression, crime. Danger to life, especially car crashes(tested in practice), with such a birth card, drive very carefully not to choose risky sports.

17 - STAR

(+) Spiritual, creative, sensitive person. Refined nature. Often writing ability, poetry.

(-) Lazy man, he puts everything off until tomorrow. Very down to earth and rough, lacking the ability to feel "beautiful".

18 - MOON

(+) Medium. Of all the cards, in my experience, these people have the strongest psychic abilities. Psychologist. Creative talent, actor, singer.

(-) Illusions, fears, phobias, big mental problems, alcoholism, drug addiction. Impracticality.

19 - SUN

(+) Bright, noticeable personality. Creativity, show business. The desire to constantly be in the center of attention, to shine. Living in comfort and luxury.

(-) Or big egoists, they think only about themselves. Or clogged and insecure people, fears and complexes.

20 - COURT

(+) Spirituality, very deep and wise people. Often insecure in youth, but then achieve respect and recognition. Cardinal changes in life. Emigration.

(-) Lazy people, strive for false ideas, life is very changeable, everything has to be experienced in one's own skin, a lot of karmic sins.

21 - WORLD

(+) One of best cards birth. Life is very stable, measured, strong guardian angel. This is an indicator that the soul has not sinned much and in this life there is a solid buzz.

(-) Self-doubt, flight from life, missing chances, many delusions. Laziness!

22 - JOKE

(+) Most strong card birth. An indicator of an old soul, huge psychic abilities, originality, creativity, an unusual life path. Pioneers, travelers, innovators.

(-) Eccentricity, nervousness, mental problems, lack of purpose in life, can be a very hard fall. Elementary STUPIDITY!

I researched many dates famous people, you can write a book. For fun, see how this technique works.

Vladimir Putin (7.10.1952)

1 - Chariot 2 - Empress 3 - Hanged Man

Boris Berezovsky (23.1.1946)

1 - Mage 2 - Emperor 3 - Jester (especially read the characteristics of the dark path)

Leonid Brezhnev (12/19/1906)

1 - Sun 2 - Chariot 3 - Empress

Yuri Gagarin (03/09/1934)

1 - Hermit 2 - Chariot (Just a very accurate description of fate)

Boris Yeltsin (1.2.1931)

1 - Mage 2 - Star (dark path again)

Iosif Kobzon (11.9.1937)

1 - Strength 2 - Hermit 3 - Moon (creativity)

Lev Leshchenko (1.2.1942)

1 - Mage 2 - Sun

And this list can be continued indefinitely. Just look and feel how the arcana describe the life and destiny of a person. By the way, there is no lasso of celebrity or fame !!! A person can become famous both on the TOWER and on the SUN. If something is not clear write, ask. I will wait for your feedback!