An actress who was killed by her son. The tragedy of the Zavyalov family. Neighbors about actress Alexandra Zavyalova

On February 7, Peter confessed to the murder of his mother. © Shot from the film "Shadows Disappear at Noon"

On February 4, the body of actress Alexandra Zavyalova was found in the apartment of house No. 6 on Gavrskaya Street in St. Petersburg. Actor Stanislav Sadalsky was the first to report her tragic death on his LiveJournal, but his post on February 6 went unnoticed.

“Two days before the anniversary, Alexandra Zavyalova passed away. Found dead in her apartment - what is it? I know she's wonderful loving family, a beautiful daughter, son, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, a husband with whom, although she broke up a long time ago, she was friends all her life, ”Sadalsky wrote, heading his message with the phrase “Why are the media silent?”

Two days later, the information about the death of the Honored Artist of Russia was confirmed by the press service of the Main Investigative Committee of the RF Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg. The department also noted that the suspect in the murder was detained. According to investigators, the performer of the role of Pistimea from the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon” was stabbed to death by her own son.

“According to the investigation, Pyotr Zavyalov, on the night of February 3, 2016, while intoxicated, in one of the apartments of house 6 on Gavrskaya Street, on the basis of a sudden personal hostile relationship, stabbed his mother, Alexandra Zavyalova, born in 1936, Honored Artist of Russia who died at the scene. As a result of investigative actions and operational-search measures, the accused was detained," the GSU said.

Zavyalov was charged under Part 1 of Article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (murder). The maximum sanction is 15 years in prison. The court arrested the suspect.

— Did you hear? - with such a phrase, residents of a high-rise building on Gavrskaya Street meet each other at the entrance. Nothing reminds us of the tragedy that happened last week. The door to the apartment where Alexandra Zavyalova lived with Peter was not sealed. True, the mailbox is empty - perhaps relatives are still picking up mail. Some of the neighbors did not even know what had happened until that day.

- I did not see the investigators, perhaps they interviewed the nearest neighbors, and that's it. Horror is simple, - said Anatoly, who lives in the same entrance as the Zavyalov family, to a Rosbalt correspondent. According to him, the deceased suffered from various diseases, and her son was a "half drunkard." However, not all neighbors agree with this.

“I can’t say anything bad about Peter. I'm really sorry that this happened. I turned to him several times - "Petya, come help," he always responded, - said the woman living on the third floor.

Alexander Vasilievich noted that his neighbor once entered the role and did not leave it until the last days: “It happens that you go to the door, she opens it and closes it right in front of you! I have been living here for 11 years and paid attention to her, because she is different from everyone else. Here it is felt that a person walks with dignity ... "

Little is known about how Peter lived with Alexandra Semyonovna. Sometimes they were visited by relatives. The neighbors did not confirm the reports that the Zavyalovs were in poverty - they say, "they lived like everyone else." The Honored Artist of Russia kept her distance from other people - according to neighbors, the woman fell into depression due to oblivion.

“I told her “hello”, she said nothing to me,” one of the acquaintances of the actress recalled.

- No, it was impossible to communicate with her in principle. But they lived together with Peter. My heart hurts for him - how could this even happen? After all, he was not violent, did not rowdy, did not suit scandals. In general, he was a very kind person. There are also aggressive people, but he was not like that, - said Maria.

Moreover, some neighbors reported that Peter had “been patient” with his mother for so many years. But no one noticed serious scandals, let alone fights between them. Those who knew Zavyalova also deny that Peter allegedly suffered from alcoholism.

- I have known him since birth, since 1975, and I can’t say anything bad about him. And I don't understand how this situation could have happened. It doesn't fit in my head!

- She never went with bruises, he never raised his hand to her. But she did not greet us - she recognized, but did not greet. And I saw Petya that week - they say in vain that he drank. Normally dressed, said hello. And he is already 40 years old, I didn’t even believe it, so I said: “Petya, are you already such an adult?”

Nevertheless, according to the Investigative Committee, on February 7, Peter confessed. Investigators have yet to figure out what happened and prove his guilt.

The Honored Artist of Russia was buried at the Serafimovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg.

Ilya Davlyatchin

Alexandra Zavyalova was born on February 4, 1936 in the village of Titovka, Sosnovsky District. Tambov region. In 1958 she graduated from the Leningrad Theater Institute named after Ostrovsky, after which she was sent to the Brest Drama Theater by distribution. At first, she categorically refused invitations to filming, because she considered herself a theater actress. But one day she was given a personal invitation from film director Alexander Zarkhi. He offered her a role in the film "People on the Bridge." She couldn't refuse. Alexandra Zavyalova never returned back to Brest. Later there were roles in the films "Song of Koltsov", "Aleshkin's Love", "Wait for Letters", "Weekdays and Holidays", "Fro", "Hippocratic Oath". But perhaps the most famous Zavyalova brought the role of Serafima Klychkova (Pistimea Morozova) in the film "Shadows Disappear at Noon." After this picture, the actress was not filmed for more than 20 years. Many years later, in 1994, Zavyalova was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia. By that time, the children had already become adults: daughter Tatyana became an artist-designer, and son Peter, having served in the army, took up construction.

She was idolized by Rasul Gamzatov and Yulian Semyonov. Yuri Lyubimov and Arkady Raikin looked after her. Bella Akhmadulina admired her. One of the most tragic fates in the history of Soviet cinema, one of the most beautiful domestic actresses.

The public learned about this on February 6, although the very fact of death was recorded by doctors on February 2!

On February 4, 2016, on the day of her 80th birthday, Alexandra Zavyalova, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, once a brilliant movie star of the USSR, was found dead in her St. Petersburg apartment - a country that gave her everything, and then took it away. The examination showed that the actress died on February 2. However, Russian media and television ignored the death of the famous Russian actress.

As a child, I remembered the demonic beauty of Pistimeya Morozova in the cult Soviet serial film "Shadows Disappear at Noon". The role of the richest heiress of the Siberian manufacturers, who lost everything after the revolution, but swore to fight the Soviet government from the inside, became the pinnacle of Zavyalova's acting skills.

At the beginning of the picture, the heroine Zavyalova appeared before the viewer as a 17-year-old girl, and at the end she was already over 70. Of course, this is not the first role of the actress, but rather the sunset of her career.

In 1960, Alexandra Zavyalova starred in leading role in the famous Soviet lyrical comedy "Alyoshkina Love", where her partner was the most talented idol of millions, Leonid Bykov. The audience also fell in love with Zavyalova. The picture was a success. In the same 1960, she again expects success after playing the main female role in the film "People on the Bridge", shot by the legendary Alexander Zarkhi. But, of course, the calling card of the actress was Pistimeya Morozov / Serafima Klychkova (in the film, the heroine of Seraphim becomes Pistimea after she stole other people's documents). Who would have thought that this role, in fact, would be the last for the Honored Artist of Russia.

Her truly demonic beauty stood out even among the first beauties of Soviet cinema. The grandmother of the actress was Greek. Apparently, Alexandra inherited such an atypical, bright appearance from her.

Her face graced the cover of American Life magazine. Zavyalova, still a rising star, was photographed by fashion photographer Philip Halsman. Representing the Soviet delegation abroad, the actress won the love of the public. On the plane, the actress met Otello Ceresolli, a retired American admiral in the US Navy, who owned a steamship company. They fell in love with each other. By that time, the actress was married to the artist Dmitry Buchkin, they had a daughter, Tanya.

From the very beginning, the state security authorities followed the actress and Othello. Throughsolli was declared persona non grata and he was forced to sail on his own ship to the United States. The actress told her husband that she fell in love with another, and they broke up. And in 1963, the image of Pistimea entered her life. Filming went on for 3 years. This role has become a test for the actress, happiness and a curse.

(It should be added that after parting with the American, the actress fell in love again, and again it was a foreigner - Yugoslav Moma Kosic. He beautifully looked after, cared for and helped the actress during the hardest filming of the series. The couple decided to get married, but ex-husband did not give Alexandra permission to travel abroad with her daughter Tatyana. Traveling without a daughter was out of the question.)

It is difficult to say why oblivion came, probably the directors saw in her only the image of a demonic woman, while realizing that all the attention in the picture would go to the actress for her unique appearance.

The actress went into depression. She ended up in a psychiatric hospital. Shortly before that, she gave birth to a second child - a son. She was then 40 years old. Once again in a psychiatric hospital, already with her son, Alexandra, under pressure, wrote an application for disability. Daughter Tatyana during the illness of the actress was taken by her father - former spouse actresses. Zavyalova could not fully recover from such a serious illness. At times she felt very well. I talked with people, gave interviews, but the disease returned.

The last time Alexandra Semyonovna appeared on the screen was in 2000 in Oksana Pushkina's program "Women's Stories", where she sincerely spoke about her life and fate.

May her memory be blessed. Peace and rest to her bright soul.

Official data appeared that the actress was killed by her own son

The management of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg confirmed the information that the charge of murdering the Honored Artist of Russia Alexandra Zavyalova was brought against her son, 40-year-old Pyotr Zavyalov. It is reported that he was arrested and has already confessed.

According to investigators, on the night of February 3, while in a state of intoxication, in the apartment of house number 6 on Gavrskaya Street, "on the basis of a sudden personal hostile relationship," Pyotr Zavyalov stabbed his mother with a knife. She died on the spot. Honored Artist of Russia Alexandra Zavyalova did not live just a few days before her 80th birthday.

As a result of investigative actions and operational-search measures, the accused was detained, reports regional management RF SC. Petr Zavyalov was chosen as a measure of restraint in the form of detention. The criminal investigation is ongoing.

// Photo: Frame of the TV series "Shadows Disappear" at noon

In early February, Honored Artist of Russia Alexandra Zavyalova passed away. The details of the unexpected death of the actress were not covered in any way, and recently the details of her death became known. According to media reports, Alexander Zavyalova was killed by his own son. Many noted that last days Honored Artist of Russia spent in poverty and shared an apartment with her son. Neighbors claimed that the man quite often drank alcohol and quarreled with his mother, and sometimes it came to assault.

Peter's father is an American businessman whom the actress met after breaking up with her husband Dmitry Buchkin.

However, Peter himself does not remember the details of what happened - which made him stab his own mother with a knife. The suspect did not stay at any workplace for a long time and Lately lived with Zavyalova on her pension. The daughter of the actress Tatyana brought them food. After the tragedy, Peter called his sister and told about what he had done.

Recently, the actress did not want to communicate with fans and journalists. Some noted that Zavyalova did not like being recognized on the street, and even more so asked to take photographs together. According to the recollections of one of the eyewitnesses, Valeria, she tried not to contact strangers.

“I was once also persuaded to go to her house and wait for her to come out in order to at least ask for an autograph,” says Valery. Her home phone didn't work. After several hours of waiting, we ventured to call the apartment, the bell did not work either. And one of us knocked on the door. The knock was opened by the drunken son of Zavyalova. When he realized what we needed, he called his mother, but she refused to come up. He took her photographs from us, took them to her, then brought them out signed. I told a Muscovite friend from TV about this, and she said that she somehow agreed with Zavyalova for a short interview. Three people arrived from Moscow, and when they had already installed a camera and a light in the apartment, Zavyalova suddenly announced to them that she had changed her mind, and they had to turn around and leave.

For the past twenty years, the Honored Artist of Russia has not been filmed anywhere. In 1994, she played in the film Born Again, but since then no one has offered Zavyalova roles. Two years before the release of this picture, she took part in the filming of the series "White Clothes". This film was the first after more than 20 years of oblivion. Having played main character in the Soviet TV series Shadows Disappear at Noon, she gained immense popularity. They say that after such success, she no longer wanted to take secondary roles, which is why she disappeared from the screens.

Complete oblivion broke the psyche of the actress - she spent some time in a psychiatric hospital.

On February 4, Alexandra Zavyalova would have turned 80 years old. She died in her apartment in St. Petersburg. According to LifeNews, her son Peter confessed to the crime.

Alexandra Zavyalova, Honored Artist of the RSFSR. She played in the TV movie "Shadows Disappear at Noon" and in many others.

The name of Alexandra Zavyalova is known to many people, not only to connoisseurs of Soviet cinema. She shone in the sixties, many compared her with Greta Garbo. But, of course, she had her own inimitable beauty and creative pace. Alexandra Zavyalova was born in February 1936. Parents had nothing to do with art and were simple workers, so many were surprised where she got such a noble aristocratic appearance.

Photo by Alexander Zavyalov

Little is known about her childhood, but she had no doubt that she would become an actress and withstood a very serious competition at the Ostrovsky Leningrad Theater Institute, which she successfully completed in 1958.

First steps in art

Many say that Alexandra Zavyalova considered herself not a cinema actress, but a purely theatrical one. She worked for some time at the Brest Drama Theater, honed her skills. Her attractive appearance, strong-willed features attracted directors, they saw in her a talent that would look great on the screen. For a long time she refused offers, but Alexander Zakhri managed to persuade her to star in his film "People on the Bridge".

Photo: Alexandra Zavyalova in her youth

This was the debut of the actress, after which the directors were able to see for themselves that her talent, colorful appearance are ideal for cinema. Offers began to pour in one after another, and the actress smoothly but organically moved to the cinema.

This was followed by the film "The Song of Koltsov", where she got the main role, with which she coped perfectly. "The Song of Koltsov" is a difficult film that tells about the fate of the poet, who was forced to engage in entrepreneurship and merchant life all his life in order to follow in his father's footsteps. But the only outlet for his life is poetry and love for a simple peasant girl. The poet was never allowed to be happy, he died at the age of 33. Alexandra Zavyalova played the main role in the film and did it so masterfully that they started talking about her seriously, and the public began to recognize her, to show more attention to creativity.

glory peak

Further in the filmography followed the films "Alyoshkina Love", "Wait for Letters", "Bread and Roses", "Weekdays and Holidays" and many others. These films came out one after another, and the directors relied on the beautiful appearance of a woman, her magical look, which seems to hypnotize the audience.

Undoubtedly, Alexandra Zavyalova is a real cinema actress, although, as she initially thought, she was a purely theatrical actress. Life has put everything in its place. The peak of its popularity falls on the mid-sixties.

In the melodrama "Alyoshkina Love", she played a charming and mischievous girl who worked as a simple switchman, but skillfully fell in love with men. We can say that this is a psychological drama that is in tune with many ordinary people countries. The actress got used to the role so meticulously that the wife, who played the main male role, was very jealous and always found a reason to be present on the set.

The most important film

One of the most iconic films in her filmography is Shadows Disappear at Noon. This is a very complex painting that requires great skill and dedication. Perhaps this work affected the psyche of the actress, because it is known that she repeatedly stayed in a psychiatric clinic in the early 70s of the last century. In this film, she played a beautiful heiress of a wealthy family, but very insidious, smart. The actress reincarnated in different age categories: she appeared as a young special and a woman at a respectable age. She was very convincing on screen.

Photo: Alexandra Zavyalova in the film "Shadows Disappear at Noon"

Unfortunately, in many ways this image also left its mark, as they say now, on the image of the actress. In addition, the Committee state security recognized her unreliability, and soon all opportunities to act in films were blocked. So, if you look at the filmography of the actress, then the picture "Shadows Disappear at Noon", filmed in 1971, became the penultimate filmography. After that, the actress disappeared from the screens for almost 20 years, she appeared only in 1992 in the film "White Clothes", which was the last in her filmography. This movie was made after the collapse Soviet Union when the grip of the KGB and state control over creativity weakened.


Unfortunately, the actress was included in the list of unreliable, and this happened because of her affair with an American citizen. The actress was considered the hallmark of the USSR, she was well received in many circles, attended various events organized by the Soviet embassy.

As a result, an affair broke out with an American businessman, a major entrepreneur who was so fascinated by the actress that he was even ready to leave his wife in the United States. Of course, the Soviet special services could not allow this, he was immediately expelled from the country. And Alexandra Zavyalova received the stigma of being unreliable. This also affected her subsequent professional path, which is noticeable in her filmography.

Personal life

Officially, Alexandra Zavyalova has only one marriage. She married the artist Dmitry Buchkin, and in this marriage a daughter, Tatyana, was born. They lived together until the early 60s, and then there was this stormy meeting and romance with an American citizen.

Photo: Alexandra Zavyalova and her husband

It is known that the actress also had a son, Peter, but who is his real father is unknown, and the artist herself carefully concealed this secret. However, relations with her first husband Dmitry were good, and when she subsequently began to have problems with her career, with the KGB, she was in a psychiatric hospital, her first husband adopted Peter.

In 1975 she got into psychiatric clinic She was not allowed to see her children. This was a huge blow to her. It is not known for certain what caused such a breakdown, but one can guess that the actress is tired of constant pressure, surveillance and the stigma of being unreliable. This hospitalization was not the only one.

tragic death

IN last years the talented performer led a secluded life. Perhaps she was just tired of increased attention, maybe it's time to rethink her fate, her biography. Her daughter Tatyana began to work as a graphic designer, she followed in the footsteps of her father. But the son Peter did not show Creative skills, he worked at ordinary jobs related to construction. It is known that due to the problems of the actress with the authorities, for some time Peter was brought up in an orphanage. Perhaps the tragic biography of Alexandra Zavyalova also affected his psyche. It is believed that her son was somewhat strange, aloof, he abused alcohol. In recent years, a woman looked after him, they lived together. Of course, she understood that it would be hard for him in life and, perhaps, he would never recover, recover and get rid of bad habits. Of course, she was worried about this.

Photo: the grave of Alexandra Zavyalova

It is difficult to say what kind of relationship she had with her son, but in 2016 a tragedy occurred. Alexandra Zavyalova was killed, and, as the investigation showed, it was the work of her son. The investigation lasted a long time, many people could not believe the reality of what had happened. But, one way or another, the court found Peter guilty of this act and sentenced him to 8 years in prison.

The actress died at the age of 79, she was buried in the city of St. Petersburg at the Smolensk cemetery. Until now, interest in her creative biography, personal life and this tragedy has not subsided. Articles periodically appear, memoir films are released, and the film “Shadows Disappear at Noon” is perhaps one of the best that was filmed during the existence of the USSR.

You can consider the amazing work of Alexandra Zavyalova, in particular, in this film, as tutorial for novice artists, because this is a real aerobatics in art, a role model.

Selected filmography

  • 1959 - People on the bridge
  • 1960 - Aleshka love
  • 1961 - Weekdays and holidays
  • 1964 - Loneliness
  • 1964 - Fro
  • 1965 - The Hippocratic Oath
  • 1969 - Meeting at the old mosque
  • 1992 - White clothes

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Alexandra Zavyalova - talented Soviet actress, the owner of an extensive list of fans. This woman of magical beauty with a bright and unusual appearance has earned recognition not only in her country, but also abroad. No one could imagine that fate famous actress will be difficult and end so tragically.


Zavyalova Alexandra Semyonovna - Soviet theater and film actress, since 1994 Honored Artist of Russia. Dates of life: 02/04/1936 - 02/03/2016, died at the age of 79. Zodiac sign - Aquarius, Family status- divorced.

Nothing is known about Alexandra Semyonovna's early childhood, there is only information that she was born in the Tambov region, the village of Titovka.

The actress had pronounced features of an aristocratic appearance, but grew up in a family of simple workers. The girl probably inherited her extraordinary beauty from her Greek grandmother.

The artist’s fellow countrymen convey their memories of a little girl in the film “The Recluse”: “Sasha was bright, with a slur, sometimes she missed classes and did not fulfill homework, but with pleasure participated in school performances, concerts. Even then, the young talent skillfully showed stories in faces and read poetry from the stage.

The "star" of Soviet cinema gained wide popularity by starring in the film "Shadows Disappear at Noon." Then in the life of Alexandra came a black streak that lasted decades. In her last film, White Clothes, Zavyalova starred as an elderly woman, after which she disappeared into oblivion.

creative career

At 22, young Zavyalova graduated from the Ostrovsky Leningrad Institute and was assigned to the Brest Drama Theater by distribution. Even then, she was flooded with offers to act in films, but the actress considered herself created exclusively for the theater stage.

First roles

Filming did not attract Alexandra, especially since she had something to compare with. While still a student, she played the role of the serf girl Dunya, the poet's lover, in the film "The Song of Koltsov".

Despite the refusals of the actress to act in film, director Alexander Zarkha nevertheless offered her the main role in the film "People on the Bridge". Zavyalova agreed. Since then, a creatively active time began, followed by a role in the lyrical melodrama "Alyoshka's Love", where the actress played the heroine of the switchman Zina, who is madly in love with a timid guy, geologist-driller Alyoshka.

The way the young actress Alexandra Zavyalova and the famous Leonid Bykov were able to convey a touching story amazed the audience. The face of the actress appears on the covers of magazines and the front pages of newspapers, followed by new filming proposals.

In 1960, the melodramas Wait for Letters, Bread and Roses were released. In 1961, an American photographer shoots Zavyalova for Life magazine, the photo session took place in one of the rooms of the National Hotel.

During an international film festival in Moscow, Alexandra is invited to a dinner party at the US Embassy. On behalf of the leadership of the film festival, the actress received an Italian delegation in her house in Leningrad. Her communication with foreigners looked natural and at ease.

The actress's favorite role is Fro. She was able to play gentle, loving girl, for the sake of this, Zavyalova agreed to become a blonde. An affair with the director of the picture leads her to the next leading role in the film "Four Pages of a Young Life" in 1967.

Shadows disappear at noon

When Alexandra was 35 years old, she was invited to audition for the film Shadows Disappear at Noon. The directors were shocked by the game, the transfer of feelings, outgoing magnetism and the beauty of the artist. The decision was made immediately, Alexandra Semyonovna was approved for the role of Serafima Klychkova (Pistimea Morozova).

Playing Pistimeya Makarovna was the dream of many talented actresses, but only Zavyalova was able to convey a huge inner strength, external softness and charm of the heroine.

In Morozov's film, there are 3 ages: youth, maturity and old age. She did not play, colleagues recall film set, but lived every episode. She managed to convey the image of a 17-year-old heiress of the Siberian mines, who turned into an evil old nun.

The incredible efforts and talent of the actress helped to accurately show the audience the life and development of a person. Despite the fact that the actress played a negative character, an enemy Soviet power She becomes the favorite of millions.

However, after this role, Zavyalova is no longer invited to filming movies, parties and dinners, she goes into seclusion, experiencing a severe crisis. She was declared an unspoken boycott, the reasons for which are not named.

Only 30 years later, Alexandra Semenovna is invited to a meeting with fans, where she is noticed by cinematographer Leonid Belozorovich. The elderly Zavyalova is in the cast of the film "White Clothes" in 1992. Alas, this return to the screen was the last.


The actress starred in 14 films. Her heroines are strong, tough, beautiful women. Only in the film Fro, the star of Soviet cinema was able to play a gentle, loving girl. Zavyalova attracted with a magical look not only the audience, but also her colleagues on the set. The wife of Leonid Bykov (partner in the film "Aleshkin's Love") was very jealous of her husband and was even present at the shooting.

  • 1959 - the role of Lena "People on the Bridge", "Song of Koltsov" (Dunya);
  • 1960 - "Alyoshkina Love" (Zina); "Wait for letters" (Rimma); "Bread and roses" (Lyubasha);
  • 1961 - "Weekdays and Holidays";
  • 1964 - "Loneliness";
  • 1964 - "Fro";
  • 1965 - "The Hippocratic Oath";
  • 1967 - "Sergey Lazo"; "Four pages of one young life"; "Viy";
  • 1969 - "Meeting at the old mosque";
  • 1971 - "Shadows disappear at noon";
  • 1992 - "White clothes".

Personal life

Despite numerous admirers, there was only one marriage in the life of Alexandra Semyonovna. The actress met her future husband Dmitry Buchkin as a student. He painted her portraits, gave flowers, courted her beautifully. Zavyalova was used to signs of attention from men, so she did not attach much importance to Dmitry's courtship.

But the young man was persistent, he "lost his head" from the beauty of the girl. Alexandra appreciated his devotion, a few years later they got married. In 1963 the young family moved to Leningrad.

Family happiness was not destined to last long, acting fame and millions of fans made themselves felt. Romance with Rezo Esadze put an end family life Alexandra. Dmitry could not forgive the betrayal and the couple divorced.

But even in relations with Esadze, happiness did not last long, the reason for parting was Rezo's jealousy and the little daughter's refusal to perceive her mother's admirer as a father.

In 1964, she met an American businessman, co-owner of a shipping company, and an affair broke out between them. The special services suspected the businessman of espionage and suggested that he leave the country. The American fan was married, but was preparing to divorce for the sake of happiness with a Russian beauty. He prophesied her foreign fame and a long life together.

The unexpected expulsion of her lover from the country destroyed the joyful life of the actress, the fame of an unreliable person stuck behind her, she was no longer invited to act in films, a crowd of fans disappeared, only deep depressions and treatment in psychiatric hospitals awaited ahead.

Housemates recall how, during the days of exacerbations, she ran disheveled, in untidy home clothes through the streets and asked passers-by to take her to her husband in the USA, called the intercom and demanded to be connected to America. In these hard years next to her was her ex-husband Dmitry Buchkin, who loved Alexandra until the end of his days.


In a legal marriage with Buchkin, Zavyalova had a daughter, Tatyana. A few years later, a second child is born - son Peter. Alexandra Semyonovna refused to name the boy's father.

In 1975, she was placed in a psychiatric hospital for 2 months, during which time her own father Dmitry Buchkin took her daughter Tatyana to her, and little Peter was sent to a baby house. Zavyalova hardly regained her son, but within a year she was again taken to the hospital, this time with little Peter.

Buchkin adopted the baby, taking him from the hospital. Years passed, and once the star of Soviet cinema was in complete seclusion, dragging out a beggarly existence.

Daughter Tatyana became an artist-designer, in the 90s she gave birth to children Darina and Dmitry.

The son tried to work in construction, but caring for his mother required a constant stay at home, from unemployment, he slowly began to drink too much.

Peter was married once, after the death of his wife he started several novels, which ended unsuccessfully, since the mother of Alexandra Semyonovna "got rid of all the chosen ones of her son."

Cause of death

On February 3, 2016, actress Alexandra Semyonovna Zavyalova was killed in her apartment, located in the city of St. Petersburg along Gavrskaya Street, house number 6, the day before her 80th birthday.

Death was the result of a stab wound. The grave of the "star" of Soviet cinema is located at the Smolensk cemetery.

In the last years of his life, the screen star was unrecognizable. She walked disheveled in sloppy clothes, and in the days of exacerbation of mental illness she ran through the streets, pestering passers-by. Who would have thought that the beauty, who so carefully watched her appearance turn into a toothless, sloppy old woman. The press was filled with rumors and speculation about what happened to the actress, how and who killed her.

Is the son guilty?

The suspicions of the investigators fell on the 40-year-old son of Peter, who suffered from alcoholism.

It is assumed that the quarrel between mother and son broke out due to the fact that Peter embezzled money, which was regularly transferred by colleagues and friends of the actress, in order to somehow help her buy medicines and food.

Later, during the investigation, Zavyalova's son confesses to his deed. He testifies that he stabbed his mother with a knife, but he cannot remember how it all happened. Relatives and neighbors refuse to believe that Peter is capable of murder. He is known as a friendly and non-aggressive person.

Neighbors recall that in a state of intoxication, he became soft and good-natured. He constantly took care of his mother, unlike his daughter Tatyana, who rarely visited them.

The chairman of the board of the house in which the Zavyalovs lived wrote positive reference on Peter with the signature of 30 people. “Pistimeya” lived to such a age only thanks to her son, neighbors say, he was advised to send his mother to a hospital for a long time.

But Peter felt sorry for her, he had the deepest childhood trauma - a picture popped up before his eyes of how the orderlies were taking his mother to a psychiatric hospital. Shortly before her death, Alexandra rewrote her apartment to her daughter Tatyana, depriving Peter of his rightful share.

Residents of the house, who knew the Zavyalovs, say that the investigation has yet to figure out the legality of the fact of issuing a donation for an apartment for Tatyana's daughter. Whether Alexandra Semyonovna was adequate at the time of signing the contract is unknown. The court found Petr Zavyalov guilty, sentenced to 8 years in a strict regime colony.

It is difficult to judge who is guilty that the life of the actress has developed in this way. In the memory of connoisseurs of Soviet cinema, Alexandra Semyonovna will remain an incredibly beautiful and talented actress.