Unusual preparation of scrambled eggs. The best scrambled egg recipes. Cooking for children from quail eggs

Ecology of consumption: For some, scrambled eggs are a quick and nutritious breakfast; for the especially lazy, it is also lunch and dinner. It's simple and quick: crack an egg into a frying pan.

For some, scrambled eggs are a quick and nutritious breakfast; for the especially lazy, it’s also lunch and dinner. It's simple and quick: crack an egg into a frying pan. But today, you will learn the art of cooking Scrambled Eggs with a capital E!

Here are some simple and quick, but more interesting ways to cook your favorite scrambled eggs.

Scrambled eggs in bread



white bread (or not white, the main thing is with a crust)



The first method of preparing scrambled eggs is as simple as five cents, and, as you know, simplicity is the key to success. Take a slice of bread and remove the core from it - it will serve as a mold for scrambled eggs. Lightly fry it in a frying pan.

  • Pour the egg into the resulting “shape”, add a little salt and fry, either on one side or on both sides. You can experiment with the ingredients by adding cheese or tomatoes.

French scrambled eggs


4-5 eggs
glass of sour cream
salt, pepper, spices - to taste
  1. First you need to pour the sour cream into a frying pan (without oil!) and wait until the liquid evaporates.
  2. Then carefully pour in the eggs, add salt and pepper and cover the frying pan with a lid. Turn off or reduce the heat to minimum, wait 5 minutes! Breakfast is ready.

Scrambled eggs in tomatoes


tomatoes (at the rate of one tomato per egg)
salt, pepper, herbs, spices - to taste
  1. This method will take 10-15 minutes longer than the previous ones, but it's worth it.
  2. To begin, take a tomato, cut off the top part, and scoop out the pulp with a spoon to form a “cup.”
  3. Lubricate this “cup” from the inside with butter. Pour the egg into it (try not to damage the yolk), add salt, pepper and herbs and put in the oven for about 20 minutes.

Scrambled eggs in a basket

INGREDIENTS: eggs (preferably quail)


White bread

salt, pepper, seasonings - to taste

  1. This method is a little more complicated, because for it you will have to look for a baking dish (muffins or any other similar shape). The bread must be cut into small circles and placed in baking dishes.
  2. Then you need to fry the bacon for a couple of minutes, but do it so that it remains soft - do not overdo it! Place the bacon along the sides of the bread basket. All that remains is to pour in an egg (or two in the case of quail) and season.
  3. Cooking in the oven will take about 7 minutes, and in the microwave – 2 minutes.


eggs (3-4 pieces)




salt, pepper, herbs, seasonings - to taste


  1. This recipe is universal: any ingredient (except eggs, of course) can be replaced with anything - use your imagination and the supplies in your refrigerator.
  2. First you need to cut the sausages and tomatoes into rings and fry them. Then pour the eggs into the frying pan, grate or finely chop (if you are too lazy to grate, and this happens) cheese on top, add salt and pepper and cover with a lid.
  3. Cook on low heat. After 5-7 minutes, this wonderful breakfast can be eaten, garnished with greens. published

Bon appetit!

Scrambled eggs for breakfast are the perfect start to the day. And all because this dish is not only very tasty, but also healthy, thanks to the high content of vitamins and minerals, and is also very nutritious, satisfying hunger for a long time and saturating the body with energy. Especially if you complement the scrambled eggs with toast and fresh vegetables or greens.

This dish is easy to prepare, which is why it is so popular in many countries, being a classic breakfast option. In my recipes, I will tell you how to cook fried eggs in a frying pan and in the microwave, and how to make it very tasty and healthy.

Recipe for classic fried eggs in a frying pan

Bowl, cutting board, frying pan, sharp knife, plate.

When choosing eggs, pay attention to their freshness - the fresher the eggs, the tastier the scrambled eggs will be. Manufacturers are required to indicate the production date and shelf life on the packaging. Also quality eggs must be free of cracks, clean (no feathers or droppings), and approximately the same size.

If you put a fresh egg to your ear and shake it, there should be no sound. To test eggs at home, place them in very salty water (50 g of salt per 0.5 liter of water). A fresh egg will sink to the bottom, while a rotten egg will float to the surface.

Did you know? Brown eggs have stronger shells than white eggs.

Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for cooking fried eggs in a frying pan

From this video you will learn how to prepare delicious fried eggs in a few minutes. I recommend watching!

  • Scrambled eggs will be even tastier if you fry them in butter. Just do this on low heat so that the oil does not start to burn.
  • To prevent white spots from forming on the yolk, it is better not to salt it, but only pepper it. For more flavor, use freshly ground pepper.
  • Stores sell a wide variety of silicone molds for making scrambled eggs. With their help, you can prepare fried eggs in the shape of a heart or a flower.

Microwave scrambled eggs recipe

Cooking time: 3 min.
Number of servings: 1.
Calories: 134 kcal.
Kitchen appliances and supplies: microwave, microwave cover, oven mitt, plate.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for cooking fried eggs in the microwave

To quickly and easily prepare delicious fried eggs in the microwave without a drop of fat, I advise you to watch this video.

Anyone who watches their diet and consciously chooses foods for their table knows how healthy eggs are. Not only do they contain a lot of protein and all kinds of microelements, they also contain more than 12 essential vitamins, some of which are found exclusively in eggs!

But we love egg dishes not only for their usefulness, but also for their taste! This is especially true for traditional scrambled eggs. It often becomes a favorite breakfast - both healthy and quick. But what to do if you want some originality, some zest even in such a simple dish? For example, I would like to please my loved one and make him smile with admiration from the very morning. Or gently force the child to eat an already boring dish. Or make a nice morning surprise for your parents on their anniversary...

Here are 10 ways to cook original scrambled eggs:

1.Funny molds

Such original molds in the shape of a heart or a daisy, a revolver or a car can now be bought in many supermarkets. Convenient and easy to use, and so much fun!

2.Use bell peppers

If you don’t have molds, bell peppers, cut into large thin rings, can easily replace them. Just place it in the pan and crack the egg inside! It turns out very beautifully if the yolk remains intact and does not spread over the “mold”. When frying, lightly press the pepper rings, as they may not fit tightly, and your fried egg will spread unsightly. Press with a fork until the white “seizes.”


Just like peppers, you can use tomatoes. There are two options here - either cut the tomatoes into rings and drive an egg into each ring, or cut out the core of a whole tomato and bake it in the oven, also driving an egg into it.

As for the second option, such tomato “barrels” can be sprinkled with cheese and herbs, and covered with a “cap” on top - a piece of the same tomato. It will look especially original if the stem remains on the lid.

4.Egg in a bun

Why not? Cut out the center of the finished bun, crack an egg inside and bake. You can also use sand baskets, which are sold ready-made in any store or bread stall. And if you add more vegetables, crab sticks or pieces of bacon, you will get an original appetizer that you won’t be ashamed to put on the table for your guests!

5.Egg and sausage

Men's favorite combination! Please your loved ones with these scrambled eggs in the form of a bouquet of daisies:

These scrambled eggs are easy to prepare. Cut the sausages in half (it’s better to take thin “baby” sausages) and make cuts on each half, as if you want to finely chop it, but do NOT cut the sausage, otherwise it will fall apart! Now take one half by both ends and connect them into a circle. Secure the ends with toothpicks to prevent them from falling apart. Beat an egg into the center of each “daisy”. Using greens and cucumbers you can make stems and leaves.

You can also make these sausage hearts:

To do this, you need to cut the sausage lengthwise (not all the way!) and form a “heart”, securing the ends with a toothpick. And, as in the previous versions, beat in the egg and fry.

6.Fantasy scrambled eggs

That is, you cook using everything that comes to hand. Turn on your imagination and create! Let olives and carrots, onion rings and parsley root, orange peel and pickle... You can, after all, post an original face or draw a smiley face with ketchup or mustard!

7...and three crusts of bread!

This is how my mother made us breakfast for school. For some reason they were called “houses”. A square “window” was cut out of a piece of bread or a roll and an egg – the sun – was driven into it. This delicacy was fried on both sides, and often the yolk treacherously leaked onto the impeccable school uniform... It was a good time!

Now, thanks huge selection all kinds of cookie cutters, you can cut out not only a “window” in the bread, but also a star or a heart...

Notice how beautifully you can make a heart from two drops of ketchup!

8.Frozen scrambled eggs

I have never met a more original dish! The eggs are kept raw in the freezer for three (!) days. Then - another hour at room temperature and are cleansed. Separate the whites from the yolks. Fry the whites, place the yolks on top - they will keep their round shape. For decoration, you can sprinkle with herbs and red caviar. Better to eat with a slice of black bread. They say that this dish tastes more tender and tastier than butter!

And how much such scrambled eggs evoke delight and surprise!

9. Provençal scrambled eggs

It sounds beautiful and looks no less beautiful. But, unlike the previous options, you need to tinker here. We take baking molds (if you have ceramic ones, this is welcome!). Place a slice of bacon in each, rolling it into a ring. Beat an egg inside each mold, sprinkle with herbs and spices (don't forget that bacon is salty!). Pour enough water into a large lasagna pan or deep baking sheet so that our ramekins with scrambled eggs sink halfway in it. Bake until done. Please note that ceramic molds retain heat longer than regular ones, so remove the molds a few minutes before they are completely ready.

Fried egg- the most common and simple dish. Due to its simplicity and speed of preparation, it is popular among bachelors and students. It is especially often prepared for breakfast. However, despite its simplicity, quite often this dish is prepared incorrectly - either it is overcooked, or too much oil is used, or the yolk turns out to be too hard and not liquid. In this article we will tell you how to cook the perfect fried eggs.

How to make delicious scrambled eggs?

To make fried eggs you need very few ingredients. All of them will most likely be found in your kitchen. And it will take you very little time to prepare it.

So, we will need:

Chicken eggs, 2 pcs.

Any vegetable or butter (1 tsp).

Let's start cooking!

1. First, put the frying pan on high heat, grease it evenly with oil and heat for 30-40 seconds. It is very convenient to use a special oil spray to lubricate the pan.

2 . Now set the fire to minimum. Break the eggs on the edge of the frying pan or use a knife to break them in the middle and pour them into the frying pan. This should be done carefully so as not to damage the yolk.

3. Fry the eggs until the whites reach the consistency you want. The edges of the whites should have hardened a little, but be careful not to burn them!

4. Once the scrambled eggs are ready, carefully transfer them to a plate using a spatula or directly from the frying pan.

5. Season our scrambled eggs with a little salt and pepper.

This is how easy we made our fried eggs. If you did everything correctly, the white of this scrambled egg will be tender, like a soft-boiled egg, and the yolk will be thick but runny. Prepare it for breakfast or any other time of the day if you don't have enough time to cook. Bon appetit!

Continuing the series of master classes on creating simple and delicious dishes made from eggs, today I will talk about the favorite food of bachelors and students.

It’s not hard to guess that we’ll be talking about how to cook fried eggs in its simplest form, so that it looks and tastes perfect. For variety, we can complement it with fried bacon, as they do in Great Britain or Ireland, serving the traditional scrambled eggs at the table for breakfast.

Fans of a heartier breakfast or afternoon snack can combine natural fried eggs with fried meat, mushrooms, potatoes, fresh tomatoes, green onions, zucchini, spinach, green beans, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, cheese and other favorite products in various combinations.

Fried eggs - frozen sun

Scrambled eggs deserve their name because of their appearance after heat treatment of the eggs. The yolks are to blame, they remain intact and look like eyes. A classic fried egg is a completely coagulated white and a liquid but slightly thickened yolk.

IN English language Fried eggs sound like “sunny side up”, which means the sun on top, but the British themselves do not eat this dish very often, mainly on weekends and holidays.

But the Spaniards prepare their fried eggs “huevos estrellados” - from Spanish “broken eggs” - for dinner and serve them with french fries homemade. Bulgarians will definitely bring their own flavor to recipe and will treat you to fluffy scrambled eggs with onions, tomatoes and pieces of homemade cheese.

Eggs for making fried eggs must be fresh, since the yolk of stale eggs often breaks when moving the raw egg from the shell to the frying pan. The “Your Cook” portal is a real storehouse of the most useful kitchen tips, including several ways to check eggs for quality.

The calorie content of fried eggs ranges from 215-220 kcal per 100 g of product. The exact figure will depend on what type of cooking fat (butter, olive or vegetable oil, bacon grease) and how much you use to prepare the dish.

How to eat fried eggs correctly

Proper eating is the very process that we pay the least attention to, but which plays an important role not only in digestion, but also in creating a good mood.

In addition, some dishes require special knowledge and skills in using serving utensils so as not to feel clumsy. Fried eggs, of course, are not a slippery oyster, but you also need to be able to eat them beautifully.

As soon as we cut the yolk, it treacherously begins to spread all over the plate, and you can “catch” it with a piece of bread crumb only with your family, but not at a dinner party. It is for this purpose that when serving fried eggs, it is “accompanied” by a teaspoon, with which the yolk is carefully pierced and scooped out, and only after that the white and other components of the dish are eaten with a fork and knife.

How to fry delicious fried eggs: culinary tricks

Choosing the right frying pan

First, the size of the pan must match the number of scrambled eggs needed. A large frying pan is suitable for a large friendly company and a grandiose fried egg. Otherwise, the lonely protein will spread in a thin layer along the bottom of the pan and most likely it will turn out very dry.

A very small frying pan is usually used for serving dishes in portions in a restaurant, but you should not cook scrambled eggs at home in such a frying pan, as they may not fry properly due to the thick layer of protein. Conclusion: you need a medium-sized frying pan, preferably cast iron and with a thick bottom.

Breaking eggs correctly

This should be done with a knife directly onto the frying pan, and not by cracking the egg on its edge. This way you will avoid breaking the yolk and getting pieces of shell into the dish. Oh, and don't forget to wash the eggs thoroughly before using them.

Salt the fried egg on time

The ideal time to salt scrambled eggs is shortly before they are ready. It is better to salt the protein with fine salt so as not to spoil it appearance yolk and do not break its integrity.

Video recipe for simple fried eggs

Besides classic recipe I suggested a few more original options cooking eggs.

Without changing my habits, in addition to the video I am attaching a step-by-step photo report of cooking scrambled eggs.

To prepare fried eggs you will need:

How to make the perfect fried eggs at home