Full moon in April Auspicious deeds for the waning moon

The article provides detailed description each phases lunar cycle as of April 2016

Moon phases in April 2016

  • from 1 to 7 April - period waning Moon
  • from 7 to 22 April - period growing Moon
  • from 22 to 30 April - the beginning of the next period waning Moon

The periods of growth and waning of the moon are divided into phases:

IV phase of the moon for April 2016

from April 1 to April 7 - Phase IV (April 7 - new moon)

Phase IV is the final phase of the lunar cycle. This time is suitable for completing business, projects; in the household - for general cleaning, washing.

  • operations on the stomach, esophagus, mammary glands, operations on the adrenal glands, heart operations, operations on the pancreas, on gallbladder, operations on the spleen, appendix
  • auspicious days for the treatment and extraction of teeth
  • auspicious days for cosmetic surgery- No. Neutral days - April 2, 3, 4, 5. Unfavorable days - April 1, 6, 7
  • to visit the hairdresser favorable days - no, neutral days - 1, 2. 3, 4, 5 April, bad days— 6. 7 April

I phase of the moon for April 2016

Phase I is the beginning of the lunar cycle, the time to make plans, set new goals, and accumulate strength for their implementation.

  • surgical operations it is not recommended to carry out in this phase, since during the growing moon, surgery is often complicated by bleeding
  • for dental treatment favorable days - April 12 (afternoon) and April 13, neutral days - April 10, 11, 14, unfavorable days - April 7, 8, 9, tooth extraction it is also not worth planning for this period (especially on April 7, 8, 9)
  • cosmetic surgery and serious cosmetic procedures for this period are also undesirable, but nourishing masks for the skin of the face and body will be very effective throughout the entire phase
  • auspicious days to visit the hairdresser- no, neutral days - from April 8 to 14, unfavorable - April 7

II phase of the moon for April 2016

from April 14 to April 22 — Phase II (April 22 — full moon)

Phase II of the lunar cycle is characterized by increased energy - it's time to start implementing new projects, achieving your goals.

  • surgical operations still "banned" (except, of course, urgent operations), since during the growth of the moon, the risk of bleeding is increased
  • auspicious days for dental treatment- no, neutral days - from April 14 to 21, unfavorable days - April 22. Extraction of teeth during this entire phase is not recommended
  • cosmetic surgery undesirable during the entire phase
  • auspicious days to visit the hairdresser d - from April 15 to 21, neutral days - April 14, unfavorable days - April 22 (in the morning you can cut the ends of your hair)

III phase of the moon for April 2016

Phase III of the lunar cycle is the most suitable time for a powerful advance in business, to achieve goals (implementation of plans).

  • the period of the growing moon is over and, one or two days after the full moon, the risk of bleeding decreases and usually it is already possible to plan operations on the respiratory tract (larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs), stomach surgery, esophagus, breast surgery, adrenal surgery, heart surgery
  • For treatment and extraction of teeth favorable days - no, neutral days - 25, 26, 29 (second half of the day) of April, unfavorable days - 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29 (first half of the day), April 30
  • For cosmetic surgeries favorable days - no, neutral days - April 25, 26, unfavorable days - April 22, 23, 24, 27, 29, 30
  • For visits to the hairdresser favorable days - no, neutral days - from April 23 to 29, unfavorable days - April 22 and 30

Since ancient times, people began to notice what the Full Moon has on our lives. Negative influence. The lunar calendar will help you find out what the Full Moon on April 22, 2016 will be dangerous for, and how to make this day as favorable as possible.

April 22 will be under the influence of the Sign of Scorpio, which will make this day more favorable. This Friday we will all have to make important decisions. All life will revolve around serious matters and tasks. This suggests that in love, in business and in the financial sphere, it will be necessary to be guided by logic, and not just by heart impulses.

Finance and Career April 22

Beginnings will be very useful - feel free to take on new things and promising projects at work and in business. New hobbies will also have positive sides for your self-development, mood and financial prosperity in the future.

The full moon a priori suggests the presence of many warnings. Excessive self-confidence is a strong minus. You should not think that every sea is knee-deep and that any problem can be solved alone. Set yourself feasible tasks, and friends and colleagues will help you deal with difficult problems - you just need to correctly ask them about it.

April 22 is a day for a successful exchange. This circumstance has a good effect on trade, sales and purchases, as well as on mutual assistance. Repay kindness with kindness so as not to lose the respect of others.

Love and relationships April 22

On the Full Moon, problems in relationships with loved ones are possible. This applies not only to the second half, but also to blood relatives. Be careful in your statements - beware of impulsiveness and flattery. In love, it will not be our choice that will lead us, not everything that happens around, but only our attitude towards it.

Health and emotions April 22

possible today serious problems with health in view of the fact that the symptoms of chronic diseases are usually exacerbated during the Full Moon. The mood threatens with drastic changes, depression and increased cravings for alcohol and other bad habits are possible.

One way or another, but you need to be as careful as possible so as not to lose your luck. Today, your fate is determined not only by the act, but also by your attitude to what is happening. Be kind, responsive and confident in your abilities.

April 22 is a very difficult day that can spoil the life of even the most strong people. But the Full Moon can also help our affairs. For example, in the financial sector. Good luck, use the lunar calendar to your advantage and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.04.2016 00:20

The full moon is the best time for many changes. Attract happiness, love and strengthen your feelings...

The full moon has always been considered a mystical period of time. At this time, the Moon has a special effect on a person: we become more vulnerable, ...

April 1, 2016, 24 lunar day (03:43), the waning Moon in Capricorn. A great day for active energetic rest. Try not to overexert yourself and not disturb your peace of mind. Useful hydrotherapy.

April 2, 2016, 25 lunar day (04:21), waning Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius. Today it is favorable to go on trips and travels, to deal with intellectual tasks. It is good to start a healthy lifestyle.

April 3, 2016 26 lunar day (04:52), waning Moon in Aquarius. Great day for active rest and also for shopping. You can turn this Sunday into a day of successful acquisitions that will please you for a long time.

April 4, 2016 27 lunar day (05:18), waning Moon in Aquarius/Pisces. A good day for working with documents, for signing papers, obtaining the necessary certificates and signatures. The day is not suitable for commercial and financial affairs. But it is very good for restoring beauty, visiting a hairdresser.

April 5, 2016 28 lunar day (05:41), the waning Moon in Pisces. A great day to move to a new job, to conduct important negotiations. It is very important to keep the agreements reached, to keep your word.

April 6, 2016 29 lunar day (06:03), waning Moon in Pisces/Aries. Hard day. Try to avoid making important decisions and any serious responsible affairs; don't start new things. It is best to do routine daily activities.

April 7, 2016 30 and 1 lunar days(06:24/14:23), Moon in Aries, new moon at 14:23. A great day for sports, for group practices and events, for work and leisure in a team. You can file a lawsuit.

April 8, 2016, 2 lunar day (06:47), the growing Moon in Pisces / Taurus. good day for individual work, today lucky singles. It is advisable to spend the evening with your family, visit elderly relatives, look through family albums.

April 9, 2016 3 lunar day (07:13), the growing Moon in Taurus. Nice day to work on suburban area, construction, repair. If you prefer to devote the Sabbath day to rest, then rest must certainly be active.

April 10, 2016, 4 lunar day (07:45), the growing Moon in Taurus / Gemini. It is advisable to spend as much time as possible on fresh air and in good company. Loneliness today is contraindicated. A good day to move to a new apartment or a new house.

April 11, 2016, 5 lunar day (08:24), the growing Moon in Gemini. A great day to make absolutely any changes in your life. You can move to a new job, move to a new place of residence, register a marriage or divorce - any changes will be favorable.

April 12, 2016 6 lunar day (09:13), the growing Moon in Gemini / Cancer (11:06). A good day for work, for holding large, responsible events. You can sign important legal documents, conclude contracts based on the principle of mutual benefit.

April 13, 2016 7 lunar day (10:12), the growing Moon in Cancer. A good day to reflect on your life and analyze current events. Much can be achieved today, but not through lies and deceit. Be honest with yourself and with others - and this day can be the beginning of a bright streak in your life!

April 14, 2016 8 lunar day (11:17), the growing Moon in Cancer / Leo. A good day for reconciliation, forgiving offenders, building relationships. Try to spend the evening with your family, give the children as much time as possible.

April 15, 2016 9 lunar day (12:27), the growing Moon in Leo. A good day for strengthening material well-being and for shopping. In the evening, you can arrange a friendly party at your place or go on a visit yourself.

April 16, 2016 10 lunar day (13:39), the growing Moon in Leo. It is best to spend this day in nature, inviting guests. It's good to have a picnic, to prove yourself a hospitable host. You can travel and travel.

April 17, 2016 11 lunar day (14:50), the growing Moon in Leo / Virgo. A great day for garden work, for planting plants or for working with seedlings. It is better not to plan a visit to the hairdresser for today.

April 18, 2016 12 lunar day (16:01), the growing Moon in Virgo. A good day for receiving and processing information, for thinking about new ideas and writing business projects and business letters. It is useful to visit a beautician.

April 19, 2016 13 lunar day (17:12), the growing Moon in Virgo / Libra. The day is meant to finish things, not to start them. Try to be less in public, it is best to work today in the silence of your office. The less you say and the more you do, the more successful this day will be.

April 20, 2016, 14 lunar day (18:22), the growing Moon in Libra. This day can be characterized by the proverb: "Cause - time, fun - hour." Mornings and afternoons are favorable for doing any work, and evenings are best spent resting and having fun.

April 21, 2016, 15 lunar day (19:32), the growing Moon in Libra. A great day to start trips and travels, to gain new experiences. You can try to get answers to the most important questions from fate.

April 22, 2016 16 lunar day (20:41), Moon in Libra / Scorpio, full moon at 08:25. You can file a lawsuit if you are sure that you are right. The day is favorable for the implementation of creative projects. The evening is best spent with family.

April 23, 2016, 17 lunar day (21:50), waning Moon in Scorpio. Dedicate this day to those you love, make them happy. Active undertakings, including risky ones, are also possible. It is good to play sports, participate in competitions.

April 24, 2016 18 lunar day (22:56), waning Moon in Scorpio/Sagittarius. An ideal day to work on the ground, in the beds and in the garden. It is good to do any work when you do everything with your own hands. The day is unfavorable for the start of travel.

April 25, 2016 19 lunar day (23:58), waning Moon in Sagittarius. A good day to start a course of therapeutic treatment, for treatment with herbs or with the help of homeopathic remedies. Surgical operations on this day it is better not to appoint.

April 26, 2016 19 lunar day, waning moon in Sagittarius. Today you can start new important things, but only if they were carefully planned and thought out in detail in advance. Adventures are contraindicated today.

April 27, 2016 20 lunar day (00:58), waning Moon in Sagittarius/Capricorn. A good day for visiting a bath or sauna, for cosmetic procedures. It is not recommended to conduct real estate transactions, as well as go on trips.

April 28, 2016 21 lunar day (01:42), waning Moon in Capricorn. A good day to start business trips and travel, to establish healthy lifestyle life. It is useful to walk and extremely harmful to be lazy and idle.

April 29, 2016 22 lunar day (02:22), waning Moon in Capricorn/Aquarius (11:46). A good day to rest, as it is meant for contemplation and reflection. If possible, try to get a good night's sleep. It is undesirable to be in enclosed spaces.

April 30, 2016 23 lunar day (02:54), the waning Moon in Aquarius. Any critical situations that may arise today should be put on the brakes, not succumbing to the temptation to enter into conflict. Try to live this day in harmony with yourself and with the world.

Moon without a course (idle Moon) in April 2016

  • 01 April 19:39 - 02 April 04:37.
  • April 04 2:16 - April 04 8:45.
  • 05 April 13:33 - 06 April 09:46.
  • 07 April 17:56 - 08 April 09:10.
  • April 09 12:49 - April 10 8:59.
  • April 11 21:57 - April 12 11:06.
  • April 14 6:59 - April 14 16:53.
  • April 16 20:48 - April 17 2:23.
  • April 18 15:29 - April 19 14:24.
  • April 21 9:13 - April 22 3:17.
  • April 24 0:46 - April 24 15:46.
  • April 26 18:51 - April 27 2:54.
  • April 29 10:07 - April 29 11:47.

Read also:

  • Lunar calendar for January 2016. New moon and full moon in January 2016.
  • Lunar calendar for February 2016. New moon and full moon in February 2016.

Many people are wary of the energy of the Old Moon and prefer to postpone all serious matters during this period. However, such a lunar phase can be of considerable benefit.

In April 2016, the Waning Moon will affect the beginning and end of the month. Periods from 1 to 6 April And from 23 to 30 April will pass under the influence of reduced energy. But it is at this time that you can do several things that will have a beneficial effect on your life.

Auspicious deeds for the waning moon

April provides several opportunities to influence the situation. And if you do not have time to immediately take advantage of all the benefits of the aging moon at the beginning of the period, then at the end of the month you will have the opportunity to complete what you started.

spring-cleaning in the first days of the month will serve as an excellent start for getting rid of everything old. Freeing up space from unnecessary and stale things, thereby you awaken and refresh the energy of abundance, which will begin to work with renewed vigor.

Completion of protracted cases. If you have accumulated cases that you constantly put off indefinitely, it's time to tackle them. In fact, it will not take as much time as you think, but it will bring a lot of benefits.

Unfinished questions involuntarily make you constantly think about them and worry, even if you yourself do not notice it. Namely, this behavior takes quite a lot of energy, which can be directed to really important tasks.

This also applies to relationships. If you feel that your feelings for the person next to you have faded away, or that the envy of your best friend has been undermining your friendship for a long time, it's time to let go of such people and live a fuller life, with new opportunities that will immediately open up in front of you.

Body cleansing and weight loss. Everyone knows about the benefits of the lunar diet, as well as the beneficial effects unloading days. At this time, any way to take care of your body is suitable, from a relaxing massage to meditation and breathing practices. During such exercises, your body and thoughts are cleansed of accumulated negativity and begin to work to increase your own energy and abundance.

Treatment of diseases. It is during the period of decreasing lunar phase you can take your health seriously. If you have any chronic diseases or you have long wanted to carry out preventive procedures, then the beginning or end of the month is most suitable for this kind of exercise.

Everyone may have a need in a certain situation to use the option below. But there is no need to be upset if it comes to this. In this case, you can simply trust the Universe and apply the exercise from positive thinking. Think about how this situation will eventually lead you to the desired goal. Then everything will work out for the best for you.

Unwanted actions:

  • borrowing money;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • haircut;
  • new projects.

The rest of the time is perfect for implementing the most daring ideas. The main thing is to believe in your success and not deviate from the chosen goal. Constantly develop and improve, dream big and don't forget to press the buttons and

30.03.2016 00:30

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