Perfect correlation with the name Marina. Marina compatibility. Nickname options for social networks

The name Marina has Latin roots, which means "sea". A girl with this name will look for permanent and strong relationships with men. Such relationships should fully coincide with Marina's dreams.


Girls and women named Marina always know their worth. Moreover, if the owner of this name is also beautiful, then her self-esteem can be very high. Marina is a very prudent woman, she always acts deliberately and practically.

From early childhood, Marina is an object of worship among her peers. In adolescence, the boys try to make friends with the owner of the name Marina, constantly show all kinds of signs of attention, go on dates with her.

With age, Marina can become even more attractive to members of the opposite sex, and, before her charms, they become completely defenseless.

For marriage, Marina is looking for an accomplished man who could provide her with a quiet life. Marina constantly needs maximum attention, gifts, compliments, flowers and admiration. Therefore, the husband will have to pay maximum attention to his wife.

Women with this beautiful name are also considered very brave. Moreover, even men can envy their courage. They most often choose the profession of a doctor, hairdresser, nurse, actress or engineer. Women named Marina are good leaders.

Relationships with Vladimir, Mikhail, Denis, Anton, Valentin, Rudolf, Vladislav are considered ideal. Marriage with such men will be long and prosperous.

The combination of the name Marina with the following male names is considered the most unfortunate: Nikolai, George, Nikanor, Lev, Kirill, Boris, Anatoly, Evgeny, Peter, Semyon, Timofey, Konstantin, Stanislav, Vsevolod, Artem.

A very unsuccessful marriage for women named Marina with men whose names are: Leonid, Marat, Oleg. Marina needs to be careful in dealing with such men.

Active and energetic Marinas are suitable for men with the following names: Gleb, Yegor, Makar. It is with such men that the girl will feel on the same wavelength. Children from such a marriage will be happy and prosperous in the future.

Marin's most fragile and short marriages will be with men with the following names: Nikolai, Yaroslav, Plato. These men are prudent and stingy with praise.

Whatever the name of the man, if he cheats on his wife, who has the name Marina, then she will not forgive him, she will simply pack her things and leave without any hesitation and reasoning. Marina will leave her husband even if he does not provide for her well enough or does not provide worthy attention.


The owner of an independent character, Marina treats her family with trepidation and great love. Marina gets along well with children, but does not take care of them, but gives them more independence.

Marina often believes various signs fate, divination and predictions.

Marina - female name, which takes its roots from the Latin word “marinus”, which means “marine”. And in Roman mythology, the goddess Venus was called by the same name, Venus Marina. It was believed that this goddess is also the patroness of sailors. This name came to Rus' after the adoption of Christianity (like other names of non-Slavic origin). By the way, Marina is found only in the former countries of the USSR, but, as practice shows, for last years this name ceases to be in demand among young parents.

Marina is an attractive, charming, mysterious, freedom-loving and wayward person who knows how to subordinate her emotions to reason (especially when it promises her benefits). She is vain and selfish, prudent and prudent, which helps her build a brilliant career, but at the same time destroys her personal life. Consider how the season in which she was born affects the character of Marina.

Characteristics of the name Marina

Corresponding zodiac sign: Aquarius ♒.

patron planet: Mars ♂.

The dominant element of Feng Shui: Metal 金.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal: Mother of pearl.

Talisman-color: Sea wave.

Mascot tree: Chestnut 🍁.

Mascot Plant: Lily.

Animal Mascot: Sea Horse.

most successful day: Tuesday ♂.

happy season: Winter ⛄.

Character features: Sociability, Friendliness, Decisiveness, Practicality, Intelligence.

Spring Marina- this is a romantic and mysterious nature that lives in a world of its own illusions, which are far from reality. Such a view of life through the prism of "pink glasses" threatens with disappointment, nervous breakdowns and prolonged depression. This woman will be cozy and comfortable next to a person who can become her guardian angel, while it is very important for her that he be spiritually close to her.

Summer Marina sociable, sensitive, good-natured and responsive. She easily wins over people who gladly open their souls to her. It is not surprising that the summer Marina chooses a profession such that it implies communication with people. For men, this woman is a dangerous seductress, collecting men's conquered hearts. Her ideal is a strong, wealthy, intelligent and charismatic man.

Autumn Marina- a balanced and reasonable nature, which objectively looks at things and calmly reacts to all life's troubles. She achieves a lot in her career, but in love she is most often unlucky. And all for the reason that she knows her worth very well, and therefore she is waiting perfect man, which will meet all its high requirements and bring bright colors and emotions to life.

Winter Marina- a woman with an active lifestyle. She prefers to solve all problems on her own, rather than relying on others or the Russian "maybe". This is a real careerist who can sacrifice personal happiness for the sake of building a successful career. Winter Marina is extremely demanding of others, so you will not envy her chosen one, because family life with this powerful woman is a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpassions (moreover, this sea often overflows its banks).

The nature of the name Marina

The simple, beautiful name Marina is inherent in cheerful, lovely ladies, sociable and impulsive, capable of wide and beautiful gestures, whose character and actions cannot be predicted. So, a girl’s sincere enthusiasm can be replaced by apathy in a minute, and a smile can be replaced by bitter tears. Therefore, such a name for girls is inherent in natures, which any failure can unsettle, and any victory can raise to heaven.

The secret of the name Marina hides a personality with a charming, mysterious charm and amazing magnetism, so men are simply crazy about her. Knowing this, a woman is able to allow herself to be a “thing in itself” and, overwhelmed with self-esteem, cannot bear when someone does not pay attention to her or shows disrespect to her.

Such a feeling of “chosenness” forms the character of Marina, as well as her fate: she, like a bright arrow, flies through life, leaving behind broken men’s hearts, often playing “Russian roulette” with fortune. Unfortunately, sometimes this behavior becomes fatal for her, devastates her soul and heart, pushes her to impartial and even criminal acts, which the girl later regrets very much.

Positive traits of the name Marina: Attractiveness, honesty, dedication, creative talent, directness, courage. Marina is an object of worship, she knows her own worth, she is able to subjugate people. She may not be beautiful, but nevertheless attract the attention of men.

Negative traits of the name Marina: Ambition, willfulness, internal tension, idealism. A girl named Marina is unstable emotionally and mentally. A girl named Marina is ready to explode at any moment, turning her anger against loved one. Her ardent love can suddenly turn into hatred and intransigence. She is able to get carried away by some business or a new person and forget about her former duties. The name Marina idealizes her new hobby and, as a rule, soon becomes disillusioned with it.

Interests and hobbies

Marina is not a team player, because she does not tolerate when not all attention is paid to her personally. Therefore, intuitively, she selects for herself such hobbies and hobbies where one could praise and admire her personally - cooking, theater, painting. She likes to embroider and knit, play computer games, garden. In the event that she wants to go in for sports, she chooses for herself an aesthetically beautiful variety of it - figure skating, acrobatics, gymnastics.

Profession and business

Active and energetic Marina finds herself in male professions, which is quite natural, given her strong and strong-willed character. So, she will make an excellent engineer, doctor, economist, lawyer, translator, politician or diplomat. The creative professions of a sculptor, artist, designer, and actress are not alien to her. The main thing for Marina is to choose the right profession in which she will feel needed and in demand. The owner of this name feels most comfortable in leadership positions, because she knows how to properly organize the workflow (and in general she likes to command). This woman has a masculine manner of leading, while she is always objective, prudent and pragmatic, which helps to gain the trust of both men and women.

Marina is a risky and adventurous person, so her business can rapidly develop and bring her considerable income, or, on the contrary, join the ranks of unsuccessful projects. But often Marina's business is successful, because this person devotes a lot of time and mental strength to his work (perseverance and hard work help to achieve success in any business). Marina lacks only constancy and the ability to concentrate, so it is better to get a reliable assistant who will help her in the most difficult situations. She treats money carefully, knows how to save and save.

Psyche and health

By type of character, Marina is a sanguine person. Straightforward and sharp in her statements, Marina can say a lot of unnecessary things, but she does this mostly unconsciously. She does not know how to remember evil for a long time, so the next day she may not even remember a quarrel or quarrel. A great sense of humor helps her smooth out sharp corners. Although Marina can be called an emotional person, she is still able to subordinate emotions to common sense. At the same time, her susceptibility, impatience and impulsivity can cause various troubles both at work and in her personal life. In general, Marina, whose character can be compared with ice and fire at the same time, is prone to quite strong disappointments that can develop into bouts of loneliness and real despair. Often Marina closes herself, faced with serious difficulties, before which she can give in if she is not supported in time.

As a child, Marina often gets sick. The origin of most ailments depends on her psychological state. In addition, she should pay special attention to her diet and daily routine in general, since excessive physical activity threatens physical and psychological exhaustion. Its weak points are the gastrointestinal tract and genitals, so complex diets and starvation can lead to a hospital bed. Woman tends to set excess weight. Fullness is the result of malnutrition and the habit of "jamming" any troubles. Another weak point is the teeth. It is necessary to monitor and properly care for the oral cavity from early childhood. Otherwise, in adulthood, a lot of problems will appear. There is a risk of losing some of your teeth during pregnancy.

Love and sex

It is very difficult to resist the charm and charm of Marina, so she has a lot of fans. She likes strong, smart, attractive, calm and wealthy men (Marina is firmly convinced that she deserves only the best). At the same time, if Marina really likes a man, she will not pretend to be touchy, because she is used to acting at the behest of her heart. The following is interesting: it is common for Marina to cultivate in herself a feeling of loneliness and longing, and even without love suffering, her life is gray and colorless. Like any other woman, Marina needs care, love and tenderness, but her personal life is rarely cloudless, because men see her as a cheerful and carefree woman, with whom it is pleasant to spend time, but not to build a family.

The characteristic of the name Marina endows her with amazing sexual energy, which attracts men of any age to her. She prefers only selected representatives of the stronger sex - moderately charming and beautiful. He is calm about intimacy, so he can sleep with a young man even on the first date, driven by passion and sensuality. She tries to realize all her sexual fantasies, but at the same time she does not forget about her partner, trying so that he does not feel abandoned and alone in bed with such a luxurious woman.

Family and marriage

Despite free sexual views, Marina believes in a big and pure love. She is not in a hurry to get married, but is waiting for her "prince" - calm, secure, attentive. The girl rather needs not a husband, but a caring father, able to give her his attention and give love. Getting used to her husband, she begins to trust him and even depend on him, so the betrayal of a loved one becomes a real blow for her, which a woman cannot bear. Marina is often married more than once: for example, her first marriage is early and short, so she approaches her second marriage responsibly. Her soulmate is a calm man with a balanced character who will pay maximum attention to the family. In addition, the issue of material support is extremely important for Marina. It should be noted that Marina places excessively high hopes on her spouse, so if he does not justify them, then it is quite possible that he will seek personal happiness in the arms of another man.

The bearer of this beautiful name makes a wonderful wife, able to leave her career for the good of the family and take on the functions of a “reliable rear” for her other half. well-being family life Marina depends, first of all, on whether the chosen one can surround her with attention and care, both in the spiritual and in the material sphere. Words of love and admiration are an integral part of life together with this woman who loves to surround herself with the finest things. IN family relationships Marina does not tolerate rudeness and humiliation, to which she reacts sharply (up to a divorce). Marina's independent and stubborn nature makes it difficult for her to find mutual language with the mother-in-law, therefore marriage with the "mummy's son" is doomed to failure in advance. I must say that Marina quickly gets tired of the family routine, so the lack of diversity can destroy family life. A holiday is what this woman longs for always and everywhere. In raising children, whom she loves very much, she is inconsistent: today she can scold for an innocent prank, and tomorrow she will not pay attention to a child’s serious misconduct. No wonder her children don't always know how to approach their mother.

Horoscope named after Marina

Marina Aries ♈- this is a very sensitive nature, which is characterized by impulsiveness and a sharp change in mood. So, during periods of inspiration, Marina-Aries is overwhelmed with strength and energy, while sadness and longing lead to the fact that she closes and becomes gloomy. For this woman, the opinion of others is extremely important, so she makes every effort to create a positive image. The man of Marina-Aries must first of all be patient and calm, then she will give him all of herself without a trace.

Marina Taurus ♉- feminine, charming, sympathetic and good-natured Marina-Taurus looks weak and defenseless, but such a first impression is deceptive, because if necessary, she turns into a real lioness who can stand up for herself (besides, this woman knows her own worth). Charming and sociable Marina-Taurus attracts male attention. At the same time, she will choose a partner who will understand and respect her. She will give such a man boundless tenderness.

Marina Twins ♊- emotional, unbalanced, curious, but at the same time incredibly talented Marina Gemini achieves everything by any means. Thanks to her femininity, affectation and coquetry, she has an unlimited influence on men who are ready to pave her path with scarlet rose petals. She skillfully plays the role of a weak and defenseless woman, which helps her to lure a reliable, strong and wealthy man, ready not only to love Marina-Gemini, but also to protect her from everything in the world.

Marina-Rak ♋- this is an impressionable and timid nature that thinks and acts under the influence of emotions. She cannot find herself and her place in society, so she often takes on one thing, then another, and in the end she can’t cope with any of them. Any difficulties force Marina-Raka to retreat. As a result, she falls into a state of depression. This woman needs an independent, reliable and self-confident partner who clearly knows what exactly he wants from life. With such a chosen one, Marina-Rak will become an excellent mother and an excellent hostess.

Marina Lev ♌ This woman is endowed with a rich imagination. She is scrupulous, vain and selfish. Her main goal is to win the recognition of others and make a brilliant career (and best of all, become famous). But the dreamer Marina-Lev rarely makes her dreams come true, because she does not know how to properly allocate her time and energy. In addition, she can not be called a hardworking person. Marina-Lev is also accustomed to idealizing her partner, which negatively affects her personal life, bringing disappointment and resentment to her.

Marina Virgo ♍- this is an interesting personality in which commercialism and good nature, sociability and distrust coexist. Marina-Virgo is optimistic about the future, but she tries not to open her soul to people, as she is afraid of disappointments. For her, such components as home comfort and peace of mind are important, but she tries not to let passion into her small ideal world. In a man, Marina-Virgo is looking for support and reliability, and not romance and passion. It is important for her to feel protected and needed.

Marina Libra ♎- soft, sophisticated and gentle Marina-Libra does not like to conflict: she will rather give in than prove her case. Despite the presence of ambitious plans, this woman cannot overcome shyness. Such an inability to defend her point of view can negatively affect all aspects of her life. Marina-Libra is attracted to intelligent, well-mannered, caring and kind-hearted men who are alien to arrogance, rudeness and rudeness.

Marina Scorpio ♏- this sympathetic, kind and compassionate woman has a rich inner world which not everyone can understand. It is not surprising that for many, Marina Scorpio is a mystery, which is not easy to solve, because her mood changes more often than the weather outside. This woman can be timid and bold, bold and silent, shy and promiscuous. Marina-Scorpio needs love experiences, no matter what shade they wear. Her partner must have endurance, patience and diplomacy.

Marina Sagittarius ♐- passion, impulsiveness and impatience - these are the features that are characteristic of the eccentric Marina-Sagittarius, acting exclusively in accordance with her mood. She tends to put off until tomorrow all that can be done today. In relationships with men, Marina-Sagittarius is also impulsive and impulsive. She resembles a huntress whose trophies are men's hearts. This woman herself does not know what kind of man she needs.

Marina Capricorn ♑- this demanding, scrupulous and practical woman is extremely difficult to please, and all for the reason that Marina-Capricorn considers herself an extraordinary person, therefore only extraordinary and original people should surround her. Numerous fans of Marina-Capricorn rarely meet her high requirements, so the novels of this woman are short-lived. She is waiting for the perfect man in every sense, so she often ends up alone.

Marina Aquarius ♒- the idealist and dreamer Marina-Aquarius is distinguished by a fine mental organization. In addition, this woman has an idealistic worldview that prevents her from reconciling with the realities that she faces daily. The personal life of Marina Aquarius also does not add up, as she is waiting for her handsome prince, while all her suitors are more like dull and boring snobs. Only a sober-minded man can reason with this woman.

Marina Pisces ♓- this mysterious and mysterious woman has a highly developed intuition that helps her overcome many difficulties. Marina-Pisces is well versed in people, therefore, it will not work to deceive her, especially if she manages to combine her prudent mind with a developed inner voice. Marina-Pisces is a devoted and loving wife, ready to devote herself to her family. In general, this woman will make an excellent match for any man.

Marina name compatibility with male names

Marina and Dmitry- these are people with a strong character, so their life together will be difficult, but at the same time bright and interesting. The marriage of Marina and Dmitry can take place if both learn patience.

Marina and Alexander- this tandem is ruled by reason, not passion, so relationships in a pair of Marina and Alexander are often stable and durable. Both for each other, first of all, friends, and only then lovers.

Marina and Eugene- Marina's carelessness, who rarely thinks about the coming day, does not suit the practical Eugene, for whom everything in life should go according to plan. Therefore, this union is rarely successful.

Marina and Sergey- caring Marina completely suits Sergey as a hostess, but her imperiousness becomes an insurmountable obstacle on the way to building a strong family in which equality reigns.

Marina and Andrey- the owners of these names do not tolerate routine in relationships, which helps them not only maintain feelings, but also increase them. The union of Andrei and Marina is promising and successful.

Marina and Alexey- despite the fact that both partners have strong characters, they still know how to make compromises for the sake of preserving their family and their love. Marina and Alexei manage to create a wonderful family.

Marina and Ivan- feelings between Marina and Ivan are born gradually, which helps them get to know each other well and take a balanced approach to the issue of creating a family that is simply doomed to a prosperous future.

Marina and Maxim- hardworking Maxim is used to living according to the regime, while Marina does not know what exactly she wants from life. As a result, misunderstanding reigns in their family, which eventually develops into irritability.

Marina and Egor- the temperamental Marina is worthy of the ambitious Yegor, but their desire for power can destroy their already shaky tandem, in which mutual understanding rarely reigns and high-profile scandals happen too often.

Marina and Roman- for Marina and Roman, the world revolves around their family, which they protect and protect from all adversity. A reverent and tender attitude towards each other helps them overcome many difficulties.

Marina and Vladimir- the union of Vladimir and Marina is built, first of all, on friendship, which, in the understanding of these two, is the foundation of a long, strong and stable relationship in which there is no place for quarrels.

Marina and Denis- this couple has a lot of opportunities to create a real family. They have love, and common interests, and common goals. Intimately, Marina and Denis are also suitable for each other.

Marina and Pavel- in this pair, a man for a woman is both a protector, and a friend, and a lover, and a comforter. Therefore, it is not surprising that Marina is trying to create an atmosphere of love, tenderness and warmth for her Pavel.

Marina and Artem- both partners in this union are emotional and impulsive, which prevents them from coming to a common decision that would satisfy Artem and Marina at the same time. Disagreement reigns in their family life in everything that eventually leads to parting.

Marina and Anton- in this happy ideal couple there is no place for quarrels, since Marina and Anton strive for one thing - to create their own small world love and tenderness, which they do very well.

Marina and Mikhail- these relations are ruled by the mind, and largely due to the prudence and practicality of Michael. But Marina is assigned the role of a hostess, providing coziness and comfort in the house.

Marina and Nikolai- in this pair, Nikolai is initiative and decisive, while Marina has nothing left to do but accept the man's persistent courtship. Their pair is strong and durable, as both go to the same goals.

Marina and Igor- these two look at each other for a long time, as they are afraid to be disappointed in the relationship. As a result, their tandem is strong and stable to the envy of others. Igor and Marina do not allow negative emotions from possible disagreements to destroy their family idyll.

Marina and Ilya- interest in everything new and unknown brings Marina and Ilya together, and given that they have common values ​​​​and interests, it becomes clear why this union is not in danger of parting.

Marina and Vladislav- in this rather rare union, two freedom-loving personalities meet. And if Marina is ready to give up her independence for the sake of her family, then Vladislav is not ready for such a serious step.

Marina and Vitaly- the conservative Vitaly, who prefers to achieve everything slowly but surely, is disgusted by the impulsiveness and impetuosity of Marina, who wants everything at once, so this union is not strong.

Marina and Yuri- neither Marina nor Yuri themselves know where their relationship will lead, since their life together is a series of emotional explosions and lulls. If both learn indulgence, then the union can take place.

Marina and Nikita- between the temperamental Nikita and the impulsive Marina, serious passions boil, which most often lead to the fact that both partners get tired of the eternal showdown and disperse.

Marina and Vadim- these are completely different people who can rarely create a strong family. Purposeful Marina does not understand the calm indifference of Vadim, who is accustomed to go with the flow.

Marina and Oleg- this is the rare case when a combination of different characters and temperaments allows you to create an interesting and lasting union in which partners can both argue and find a compromise. Marina and Oleg never delimit their powers within a relationship. All processes take place as a matter of course, which absolutely suits both partners in living together.

Marina and Konstantin- energetic and sociable Marina can make an excellent match for the silent and reasonable Konstantin, but it is important to dose your energy flow.

Marina and Victor- they say about such a union that it is based in heaven, since an enviable harmony reigns in both domestic and intimate relationships of Marina and Victor, which nothing can break.

Marina and Vyacheslav- this union lacks practicality, as well as a reasonable approach to building relationships. But ambition is more than enough, but you can’t build a strong family on it. On the other hand, Marina and Vyacheslav have excellent sexual compatibility, and passions in their relationship are always in abundance. Due to the emotionality of partners, this bright and ardent union rarely turns out to be lasting.

Marina and Ruslan- Marina's task in this union is to inspire Ruslan, only now a man perceives such behavior on the part of his beloved as a desire to rule and lead. As a result, the union breaks up.

Marina and Vasily- the development of relations in this union depends on whether the impatient Marina can come to terms with the slowness and pragmatism of Vasily. Power and assertiveness will not achieve anything here.

Marina and Anatoly- both partners in this union dream of a cozy home, but Marina devotes too much time to work, which Anatoly does not like. If both can come to a common decision, then their marriage will be long.

Marina and Stanislav- emotions - this is what governs the difficult relationship between Marina and Stanislav, while none of them wants to give in, which leads to a loud scandal and parting.

Marina and Valery- in this bright union, Valery is looking for a reliable rear, and Marina is looking for a novelty of sensations. Surprisingly, everyone gets what they were looking for and is satisfied with the result. In marriage, they do not abuse egoism, but, on the contrary, completely concentrate on their partner. This state of affairs inside not only gives the desired idyll, but also allows you to timely identify weak spots and quickly change the situation for the better.

Marina is a female name that takes its roots from the Latin word “marinus”, which means “marine”. And in Roman mythology, the goddess Venus was called by the same name, Venus Marina. It was believed that this goddess is also the patroness of sailors. By the way, Marina is found only in the former countries of the USSR, but, as practice shows, in recent years this name has ceased to be in demand among young parents.

Energetic and confident personality.

Marina - distinctive character traits

Marina's character resembles a spring, which is ready to shoot at any moment. This sonorous name gives its owner an ambitious character. The girl herself understands that she is the bearer of a beautiful name and her behavior should be in harmony with her name.

As a child, Marina grows up as an energetic and active child. Parents must support these traits in the child, and only then will she be able to carry them into her youth, which will allow her to achieve considerable results. Otherwise, strict upbringing and absolute disregard for the characteristics of the child's character can develop uncertainty and isolation in her. However, such an approach to raising a child leaves an imprint not only in the development of Marina, but also of all other children. The fact is that criticism and a constant pointer to the shortcomings present, moreover, at the parental level, the child begins to feel like a kind of negative character, not like all ordinary children. And this is where self-hatred begins. However, the strong energy of the girl will allow her to put everything in its place. With age, when she enters an independent life, Marina will be able to see not only her shortcomings, but also her wonderful virtues. And here she will do everything possible to make up for the attention of society, which she was not given in her childhood.

There is a certain impulsiveness in the character of Marina. She can instantly become groovy and mischievous, but after a while she will plunge into her affairs and become a serious and responsible worker. Marina's feature is an excellent sense of humor, which allows the girl to use this trait to her advantage. In conflict situations, Marina will not aggravate the situation with heated arguments, but will try to calm down the heated situation with a good joke.

Sometimes it is difficult for Marina to concentrate on a certain occupation, which prevents the girl from building a serious career.

Positive character traits

Since childhood, Marina has become a favorite not only of her parents, but also of her neighbors. With her, everyone wants to tinker and lose. Her passionate nature allows the girl to win the attention and sympathy of others. Strangers find in this person something alluring and unknown, which makes them want to get closer to her, to become a kindred person for her. Marina can show creative inclinations. Even being not very attractive, they will never be left without male attention.

Negative sides of Marina

Marina's peculiar disposition begins to manifest itself in her school years. It's hard enough for a girl to learn. No, she is not a stupid child, she just must have a desire to learn. Marina can be very changeable. She will start organizing the party herself. But after some time, he will lose interest in him and can assign his duties to another person. Such impulsiveness in the girl's behavior leads to quick disappointment.


The meaning of the name Marina gives her owner a wide mindset, which allows the girl to achieve success in all industries. Marina will feel most in demand in medicine and education. Also, a creative streak allows Marina to achieve results in her singing career. An artist, designer, stylist can also become a girl's favorite specialty.

Marina name compatibility with other names

In family life, Marina is an excellent housewife and attentive wife. She is ready to devote time to arranging the hearth and in no case will she complain about her fate. In her husbands, Marina chooses a calm, reliable person who will provide, pay attention to her and their children.

Marina can create strong marriages with Alexei, Anatoly, Eugene, Maxim, Mikhail, Sergey.

Energy incompatibility is observed with Anton, Vladislav, George, Oleg and Yaroslav.

Marina's name day

Famous people named Marina

Poetess - Marina Tsvetaeva;

Actress - Marina Vladi;

Singer - Marina Khlebnikova;

Actress - Marina Zudina;

Queen - Marina Mnishek;

Screenwriter - Marina Paley;

Actress - Marina Golub.

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Translated from Latin, it means "marine". As a child, Marina is a fidget and a minx who cannot sit idle for five minutes. She gives a lot of trouble to parents and other family members, it is useless for her to make comments, since her unbridled energy must find some way out. At the same time, Marina loves her family very much and regrets that she upsets them. Having matured, she becomes calmer, but her energy does not disappear anywhere. Marina knows how to get along with people, but sometimes she trusts them too easily. Credulity can lead her to very unpleasant consequences and disappointments. She should learn to understand people differ good people from the bad ones. This will help her make only real friends - faithful and devoted.

Marina is most likely to have a strong relationship with:

Marina takes marriage seriously and, in principle, romantic relationship. She is getting married in adulthood, as she seeks to find her other half, the person in whom she would be one hundred percent sure. Marina is a very caring and patient wife, attentive to her husband and striving to make sure that he does not need anything. She also adores her children, although she is strict with them. But Marina is sure that strictness is only for the benefit of children, and that they should not be allowed to do as they please. Marina pays special attention to the education of her children. This applies not only to studying at school, but also to hobbies, hobbies, because she wants them to grow up as versatile personalities. Usually, she succeeds, and her children live up to her expectations. Marina is proud of them, believing that she has fully fulfilled her duty and helped her children start a decent independent life. She develops a warm trusting relationship with them, which persists even when they grow up.

Marina is least likely to have a strong relationship with:

Adrian, Albert, Anatoly, Artem, Artemy, Bogdan, Boris, Bulat, Vissarion, Vsevolod, Gordey, Evgeny, Yefim,

    The meaning of the name Marina is sea. Marina has some kind of magnetism charm that attracts men to her. She usually gets married more than once. The first marriage is not very difficult. One of those whose name is Sergey, Anton, Mikhail, Valentin, Denis or Vladislav approaches the character of this woman. Failures await her with Boris, Stanislav, Nikolai, Anatoly, George.

    We now turn less often to horoscopes of compatibility of them, but, nevertheless, it exists. And here are male names most suitable for energetic and active Marinas:

    And the reverse situation with whom marriage may not be as strong and durable as we would like:

  • Men with what names are suitable for a woman named Marina

    A man named Anton, Valentin, Vladimir, Denis, Sergey is very suitable for Marina for a happy family life.

    Although it is difficult to choose a name specifically for marriage, it is enough to fall in love with a person, and what name he has is no longer important.

  • Marina means sea. Marina knows her worth, has a somewhat overestimated self-esteem. She performs actions deliberately and prudently, because she is able to subordinate emotions to reason.

    Adult Marina has a lot of fans, but she is looking for marriage material support and tranquility. Constantly needs compliments, gifts and admiration from her husband. Doesn't forgive change.

    Marina's stone: mother-of-pearl.

    Compatibility with Anton, Vladislav, Valentin, Mikhail, Svyatoslav, Denis, Modest.

    Incompatibility with Anatoly, Artem, Boris, Peter, Cyril, Nikolai, Eugene, Semyon.

    For a happy marriage Marina men with such names are suitable (I will also give patronymics at the same time, so that Marina's choice is more accurate =)):

    Agree, quite rare combinations of first and middle names) Therefore, many girls only pay attention to the name! Sometimes it is difficult to find a person by name, not even with a patronymic.

    The meaning of the name Marina is indicated by the adjective Marine.

    Marriages are always difficult for Marin, especially the first one. So don't rush to have kids.

    Marina is best suited by character: Nikolai, Sergey, Grigory, Vladislav, Denis, Alexander, Mikhail, Stanislav, Anatoly, Valentin, Anton.

    For those who believe in magic im.

    A woman named Marina, which in Latin means sea, should pay attention to men with the names Timothy, Ptr, Vladimir, Yuri, Roman, Daniel, Gregory or Constantine.

    Men with the names Anatoly, Mikhail, Oleg, Marat, Leonid, Denis and Stanislav should be avoided. Their marriage will fail.

    Again, women with this beautiful name should pay attention to the same men who suit Zinaida and Nina, and these are Anatoly, Nikolai and Grigory. And with great care to interact with the Yaroslavs, Yans, Janis.

    As I already wrote in this answer, in my opinion, obsessing over the fact that each name must necessarily be combined with strictly defined ones is stupid, and moreover, can lead to a senseless search for the only one that is actually nearby, but went unnoticed from - for the wrong name.

    Therefore, even if you have zero or even negative compatibility with this person a thousand times in all horoscopes, you just listen to your heart, it will never let you down!

    Those who persistently continue to choose the most suitable names, as in this case, for the name Marina, then according to most sources, in addition to the above, these are also: Bronislav, Gabriel, Mechislav, Rudolf.

    As you can see, the names are quite rare, but maybe one day you will fall in love at first sight with a person with the glorious old Russian name Bronislav, and having learned his name, you will probably be in seventh heaven from overflowing happiness!

    God bless you, good luck!

    As far as I know, a woman named Marina is suitable for men with the following names: Alexander, Andrey, Anton, Valentin, Vladimir, Vladislav, Gleb, Denis, Evgeny, Mikhail and Sergey. Men with these names will be happy with Marina in marriage, and they will also have the greatest sexual compatibility with her.