How is the soldier's day off? Daily routine in the army What is a day off in the army called?

The routine in the army can be divided into the following days:

  • The first is bath days.
  • The second is ordinary days.
  • And, of course, weekends and holidays.

Bath days are Monday and Thursday

Although in most cases there is no bathhouse as such, the word has stuck. On this day, soldiers wash and take a shower. Change underwear. Usually this happens 1-2 times in 7 days, per week.

Let's take a closer look at this day.

Rise, as on regular days, at 6:00. The orderly’s command sounds in the company: “Company, get up!” After this command, the military personnel must quickly get ready and march at a walking pace for morning exercises. There is construction, verification and exit.

The next command is to exercise! From 6:05 to 6:30 morning exercises in the fresh air.

From 6:30 to 7:00 morning toilet, make the beds.

From 7:00 to 7:20 there is a morning inspection, the appearance of the military personnel is checked. This inspection includes checking both clothing, shoes, and appearance. Patients are identified, and if there are any, they are immediately sent to the infirmary.

Now all the necessary preliminary morning chores have been done, now it’s time to have breakfast. Breakfast lasts from 7:20 to 8:00.

The next event is the divorce, raising the flag, morning training. Time from 8:00 to 9:00. Conventional training is carried out in drill training, public and state training, as well as in such types as radiation, chemical and biological protection (hereinafter referred to as RCBD) and some other subjects.

From 9:00 to 14:00 studies take place with 10 minute breaks in each academic hour.

Before lunch there is a control check - this is from 14:00 to 14:20. The presence of military personnel on site is checked, if not, then where?

Favorite pastime: lunch! From 14:20 to 15:00. After lunch, personal time and divorce for the afternoon - this happens until 15:30.

And here are the features of the bath day. These events separate these days - Monday and Thursday - from the general days of service. These days, military personnel do the following things: wash, shave, and do personal hygiene. The time allocated for all this is from 15:30 to 18:00.

The next control check takes place from 18:00 to 18:20.

Military dinner – 18:20-19:00.

The warrior’s personal time is from 19:00 to 21:00. During this time, the serviceman can attend to his personal affairs: write a letter, read a book, or do other things.

It is mandatory to watch information programs like “Time” from 21:00 to 21:15.

Then the military personnel take an evening walk - marching with songs. Time – 21:15-21:35.

After the walk - evening check - 21:35-21:45 and then the command is given: “All clear”! This already means 22:00. It's time to get into bed and sleep until the next morning.

Regular days are Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

The daily routine on ordinary days is slightly different from bath days and weekends. Let's look at how they differ.

Wednesday, morning training, classes on NBC protection. They are practicing personal protective equipment.

But from 15:30 to 18:00 there are training sessions - this is Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday. That's probably all the differences between these days.

Weekends and holidays – Saturday, Sunday and holidays

On Saturday from 6:00 to 15:30 the daily routine is similar to the routine on ordinary days (getting up, morning exercises, checking, classes in the morning, lunch for military personnel).

From 15:30 to 15:30 the results of the past week are summed up and plans for the next week are outlined.

From 16:00 to 18:00, park and housekeeping activities, putting things in order in the premises and on the territory.

Further times (18:10-22:00) are the same on weekdays. Moreover, from 19:00 to 21:00 is personal time.

In Sunday the rise occurs a little later, namely at 7:30, that is, the military personnel are allowed to sleep for as much as 9.5 hours! In addition, there is no mandatory morning exercise. So, after getting up, the routine will be as follows.

The army teaches soldiers discipline and order, and therefore it is not surprising that there is a clear daily routine. The daily routine in the army is determined by the unit commander. This regime is approved for the entire department, and the need to comply with it is the direct responsibility of each soldier. The daily routine may differ significantly for military personnel serving under conscription and under contract. In this case, the officers are given their own special regime.

Following a certain daily routine is one of the basic principles of military service. This is one of the main factors of military discipline, the observance of which is very important. In case of violations of the daily routine, the soldier can expect various sanctions in the form of disciplinary sanctions.

The daily routine in the army may vary depending on the following factors:

  • specifics of task execution;
  • type of army.

By call

Military training is compulsory

For conscripted soldiers, a specific plan is established, which involves the conduct and implementation of a number of activities. Part of the time is allocated for study and personal needs of the serviceman.

Routine in weekdays and weekends may vary slightly.

Let's look at an approximate daily routine for conscripts:

  1. 06:00-07:50. At this time, soldiers wake up, do morning exercises, and make their beds. Inspection of military personnel, breakfast and preparation for classes are carried out.
  2. 08:00-08:45. Listening to radio broadcasts. Commanders inform personnel and conduct training. After this, the soldiers are sent to informational sessions.
  3. 09:00-13:50. Class time. Typically there are 5 lessons, each one hour long. There are 10-minute breaks between them. At the end of classes, soldiers are given 10 minutes to clean their shoes.
  4. 14:00-14:30. Lunch time.
  5. 14:30-16:00. Half an hour is allocated for personal time, when soldiers can go about their business. Then there are self-study classes for another hour.
  6. 16:00-18:00. Maintenance in progress military equipment and weapons. After this, the servicemen change their clothes and clean their shoes. After this, the results of the day are summed up.
  7. 18:00-19:00. This time allocated for educational and sports activities.
  8. 19:00-21:00. Hygiene.
  9. 21:00-22:00. Watching television programs of an informational nature, after which 20 minutes are allocated for an evening check.
  10. 22:00. Lights out.

For good service, a serviceman may receive leave for a certain period of time.

As mentioned above, the schedule may vary depending on the day of the week and the need for additional activities. For example, on Mondays before classes there is a general divorce on the parade ground. The purpose of the event is for the commander to announce the results of the past week. He also sets specific tasks and goals for the next week.

Friday is often called “park day” because it involves cleaning and maintaining military equipment. Of course, a certain time is allocated for such actions in the general daily routine.

Saturday also has some differences. There are no usual classes on this day. Instead, soldiers clean the units' premises and surrounding areas. These events are held as part of a park and economic day or PCB.

Sunday is the favorite day of most military personnel. The fact is that the rise on this day is an hour later than usual, thanks to which the soldiers have the opportunity to get a good night's sleep.

If the soldier does not have any violations, the commander may release him. This allows the serviceman to leave the territory of the unit. Otherwise, the soldier spends his free time without leaving the perimeter.

Bath days are also held, which involve allocating a certain time for washing personnel. Most often they are held twice a week. However, an unscheduled shower after housework is possible.

Bath days got their name because previously soldiers actually washed in baths. At the moment, special shower rooms have been installed on the territory of the unit for hygiene procedures.

Daily routine for contract military personnel

The service regime of a contract soldier differs from that of a conscript soldier.

Contract service is work that requires the presence of a soldier in a unit only at a certain time established by regulations. Such soldiers spend the night outside the unit, for which an apartment or dormitory can be used.

The daily routine of a contract soldier is planned in such a way as to maximize his use of combat and service training tasks within the 40 hours per week allocated for service by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If a serviceman is called upon to serve in excess of the weekly norm described above, then the commander is obliged to provide him with a certain time for rest.

Let's consider some features of contract service:

  1. The regulations involve allocating time to the soldier for physical training, lunch and training.
  2. In special cases, round-the-clock duty is possible, but it is carried out only with the appropriate order from the senior command.
  3. When a soldier is called to duty on his day of rest, he automatically receives the right to time off.
  4. By law, a contract soldier has the right to two days off a week. If this is impossible, then overtime is paid or replaced by time off.

Thus, the daily routine of a contract soldier has the following differences from that of a conscript soldier:

  1. Arrival at the unit is carried out daily, from Monday to Friday, at 08:45.
  2. At 17:45 the contract worker's working day ends.
  3. Physical training classes are held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 15:00 to 17:00.
  4. Lunch time is an hour - from 14:00 to 15:00. Contract soldiers have breakfast and dinner at home.

Officers' daily routine

Throughout the day, the officer maintains order and is responsible for each soldier

An officer's daily routine is not much different from the routine of an ordinary soldier. However, in this case, the officer controls his subordinates, and, if necessary, organizes additional events.

The officer is required to arrive at the unit 10-15 minutes before the general rise. After the personnel have risen, a half-hour exercise is carried out. When soldiers are busy in their personal toilet, the officer is given about an hour to plan the day, keep appropriate logs, etc. Part of this time can be used to hold meetings with unit commanders.

After this, the officer accompanies the personnel for breakfast. Then the soldiers line up and are told the plans for the day or some other important information.

While the personnel are in class, the officer is engaged in official business, namely:

  • work with documents;
  • organization of the functioning of the internal outfit;
  • training with personnel;
  • examination internal order etc.

When personnel return from training, the officer is required to take the soldiers to lunch. After this, he continues to monitor compliance with the daily routine until the evening check, carried out 20 minutes before bedtime. Thus, after 22:00 the officer may be free until the next day.

General daily routine of soldiers

Thus, the daily routine of various military personnel is largely similar and involves the following stages:

  1. Morning. Classes are held in the morning and last until lunch.
  2. Day. Lunch, personal time and maintenance of military equipment.
  3. Evening. Sports and educational activities, hygiene, recreation.

Daily routine in the classroom

The training period is up to six months

After conscription, some soldiers are assigned not to combat units, but to training units. Military personnel come here to gain certain skills and knowledge. The training period is 3-6 months, after which young soldiers are distributed to various units.

The approval of the daily routine in the training unit is carried out by the commander. Here, more time is devoted to training personnel in any special skills. Other aspects of the soldiers' lives are practically no different from those typical for combat units.

After a soldier completes training, he can receive one of the following specialties:

  1. Gunner operator, including any related specialties.
  2. Mechanic-driver of military equipment.
  3. Truck crane operator, operator of heavy installations and machines.
  4. Specialties related to radio engineering, airborne and engineering troops.

Often, successful training in a training unit allows a soldier to receive the rank of junior sergeant. To do this, he is additionally trained in the basics of managing a unit, organizing work with subordinates, and gaining basic command skills.

Daily routine at a military school

In this case, the daily routine differs little from that found in military units. Rise at 6 a.m., bedtime at 10 p.m. Many future students of military universities do not even imagine the full extent of the difficulties they will have to face during their studies. The fact is that in military educational institutions discipline plays no less a role than in a regular military unit.

Therefore, during the first weeks it is especially difficult for students to get used to their new life, because only a few adhere to such a routine under normal conditions. However, in order to obtain an officer rank and make a career in the army, you have to sacrifice something.

Tips from Natalia Grekova

Usually soldiers can be visited on weekends. If a guy is not in uniform, the commander can let him go to the checkpoint for a few hours. It happens that soldiers are released to the checkpoint (to moms, dads, girlfriends and other friends and relatives) after eating and formation (this can be in the morning or after lunch). He may be forced to run from the checkpoint to the next formation, and then he will return to you again. The soldier can check in advance with his commander about the time when he will be released to meet his loved ones.

Usually, you can visit a soldier in the army both at the KMB (where he ended up from the recruiting station and where he is taking a course as a young soldier), and then, after taking the oath, to the unit. All of his acquaintances and relatives, friends, acquaintances, and everyone who loves and knows him can visit the soldier. And your son, friend or boyfriend to whom you came will be terribly happy and very grateful to you, even if you were not very close and friendly before. In the army, it is expensive to communicate with all the people you know who treat you well.

Here they also asked how to call a soldier to the checkpoint. Well, it’s very simple, go up to the duty officer at the checkpoint and explain who you have come to see: last name, department (say everything you know), perhaps they will copy down your passport information.

Then the duty officer calls where your boy works and answers you, like, wait. In addition, the soldier most likely has a mobile phone, you can call him and tell him that you have arrived. The soldier will ask the commander for time off and, as soon as he is allowed, will come running to you.

Initiatives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, voiced in last month, are increasingly worrying Russians and causing mixed reactions. Why not worry when, for example, the head of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff, Vasily Smirnov, came up with a whole “package” of unpopular proposals.

He proposed thinking about increasing the conscription age from 27 to 30 years and abolishing the deferment from military service after the first or second year of university.

In addition, according to him, the possibility of extending the spring conscription period by two months is allegedly being seriously discussed, that is, from April 1 to August 31, and not until July 15, as is the case today.

Actually, then it will be a year-round call. Military commanders even prepared a draft for all these innovations federal law“On military duty of citizens of the Russian Federation”, discussed in the committee State Duma on defense and in the presidential administration.

High army officials have arguments to confirm the validity of their proposals. Firstly, there are simply not enough conscript soldiers. Secondly, the generals are confident that almost half of the conscripts avoid service by hiding in student classrooms. Yes and after receiving higher education young people are allegedly in no hurry to fulfill their honorable duty - either getting married or becoming graduate students. However, as for our region, the military commissar of the Stavropol Territory Yuri Em has repeatedly said at press conferences and briefings that we are implementing the conscription plan and have the potential for recruits. And guys often ask to join the troops themselves (perhaps the fear that their service life may still be extended plays a role here, so the guys try to get into the “one-year class”).

However, recently Smirnov’s initiatives were somewhat brightened up by his boss, Chief of the General Staff, Army General Nikolai Makarov, who stated that the age limit to 30 years would not be raised and deferments would not be cancelled. Presumably, this did not reassure everyone (“What if?”).

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev calls on young people to “...perceive military service not as a personal disaster, but as the fulfillment of a constitutional duty in normal modern conditions.”

Probably, these are the conditions that the Russian Ministry of Defense is trying to create today. Minister Anatoly Serdyukov will introduce a five-day service week for conscript soldiers, an afternoon rest, and declare Saturday and Sunday days off. By the way, as part of the “humanization” of the army, the guys will even be allowed to serve close to home ( territorial principle, may begin to operate as early as 2011). And finally, one more “trick” - conscripts will be allowed to use cell phones.

Today, some publications in the domestic media quite seriously call Serdyukov “the best defense minister of the country in the last hundred years.” They say that it is he who strives to create a Russian army with a human face. After all, let’s say, employees of civil organizations will prepare food, clean the territory and premises in the units. According to a number of experts, this will be a hard blow to hazing and the use of conscripts for their intended purpose - a soldier should serve, and not clean toilets.

The need for change in the Russian army, of course, has been brewing for a long time, but more and more often the question is being asked in society: “Are fellow reformers going the right way?” The professional military men with whom I was going to discuss this topic only quietly cursed and immediately put an end to the conversation, waving their hand - they were experiencing what was happening with such pain. Retired colonels and generals I knew directly called the reform of the Armed Forces nothing more than the destruction of the army. In the region, they said, they still cannot understand how the relocation of the Stavropol Higher Military Aviation Engineering School named after Air Marshal V. Sudets to Voronezh became possible? After all, this deprived our already socio-politically difficult region of a prestigious military university and defense cadets. Perhaps, in every subject of the Russian Federation there are similar “painful” examples, and will there be more with further reforms?

I do not undertake to personally judge the innovations announced by the representative of the General Staff Smirnov, but I will give the floor to my interlocutors with whom I communicated on the streets of Stavropol.

Sergey S. (26 years old):

– I think that if the conscription age is increased to 30 years, there will be many people who will prefer to leave the country. Moreover, I am absolutely sure that the measures taken will still not sufficiently replenish the ranks of the army, so it is possible that other “reforms” will appear - for example, an increase in service life. In my opinion, this is inevitable.

Nikolay P. (47 years old):

- What's happening? We made it to the five-day work week and cell phones! Maybe military service should be abolished altogether? Everyone in our family served: my father, me and my son, and my grandfather died in 1944 defending the Motherland. No one ever whined or dreamed about “lordly” conditions - how to raise a real soldier in them? The army is difficult only for the weak, so you need to prepare for it in advance. So I had hazing, and outfits were out of order. Where would we be without them, but a real man can do all this. What now? People are getting smaller.

Lyudmila G. (40 years old):

“My son is due to be drafted in two years.” I raised him alone, without a husband, so I want him to become independent and responsible, which distinguishes a real man from the effeminate creatures that are now proliferating. Of course, I am for changes and reforms in the army, although I don’t know if they are really good. But I think that greenhouse conditions are not very conducive to the formation of a soldier.

Alexey Yu. (32 years old):

– I wonder, who will defend the country if the enemy plans to attack on weekends, while all the soldiers are on leave?

Army: conscripts


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3.Where should I go if the deadline for processing documents has been exceeded? April 25, 2014, 09:58 Sergey, Togliatti Answers from lawyers (3)

There are no specific deadlines for processing documents. According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 306-FZ dated November 7, 2011

“On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them”

Dismissal of a serviceman to the reserve

providing for deprivation or restriction of freedom. Thus, a serviceman is transferred to the reserve if there are no obstacles to this due to age or health status. Legislative age limits There are three gradations of age limits for persons in the reserve: First category - for warrant officers/foremen/midshipmen/soldiers the age limit is 35 years, while for junior officers it is 45 years. Second rank - for warrant officers/petty officers/midshipmen/soldiers, the age limit is 45 years, while for junior officers it is 50 years. Third rank - For warrant officers/petty officers/midshipmen/soldiers, the age limit is 50 years, while for junior officers it is 55 years.

Female military personnel are always classified in the third group. Upon reaching age limits, citizens are sent into retirement and are no longer registered with the military registration and enlistment office. Involving citizens in the reserve in military training Military training is held to adapt citizens in the reserve to military service, this is their main and only goal.

If there is a violation of the rights of conscripts, then it is necessary to invite S. Shoigu?!

Natalia. Unfortunately, you are right about the fact that this is fraught with danger for a soldier. Therefore, mothers and relatives need to unite and go to the military unit commander with a demand to provide leave. And if the military unit commander does not agree, write en masse to the military prosecutor’s office.

Help with advice or explain to me what and how my son is 3 years old and now there is no one to help 14112012, Regulations on the procedure for military service Article 3. Beginning, duration and end of military service clause 1. The beginning of military service is considered: . d) for citizens ( foreign citizens) who entered military service under a contract - the day the contract came into force.

The duration of stay there is 1.5 months. Constant headaches, insomnia, which the medical unit and even the hospital don’t pay attention to, they say that it’s nothing to worry about, and the nurse responded even more rudely. He’s from Karelia, maybe the climate there doesn’t suit him. Besides, I was left alone. I also have a mother who is 84 years old, barely walks, only around the house and that’s very bad, I still work and I need an assistant, although she’s also not young, 56 years old.

If, in relation to conscript soldiers and sergeants, the Minister of Defense issues an order twice a year to dismiss them from the ranks of the Armed Forces, then in relation to those servicemen who have signed a contract, the issue is always resolved individually.

Let's try to understand the procedure and grounds for transferring contract servicemen to the reserve. Grounds for transferring contract military personnel to the reserve? As you know, there are two types of contract soldiers in the Russian army - ordinary personnel and career officers.

Transfer to the reserve will take place in April - June and November 2018. The decree also provides for the transfer to the reserve in October - December 2018 of other conscripts who have served the established terms of compulsory military service. The decree defines the dates for the next conscription of Ukrainian citizens for compulsory military service: May 5 - June 30 and October - November 2018.

Some features of the dismissal of conscripts

Military personnel performing military service under a contract whose military service contract has expired are at the disposal of the commander (chief) until a decision is made in the criminal case. This is a reason for delaying dismissal! The early dismissal of soldiers can also be due to family circumstances. Some features of the dismissal of soldiers. Early dismissal.

Dismissal from military service due to conscription

Upon expiration of the conscription period, military personnel are transferred to the reserve. The end of military service is considered the date of exclusion of a serviceman from the lists of personnel of a military unit. A serviceman must be excluded from the lists of personnel of a military unit on the day of expiration of his military service, with the exception of cases when: he is in hospital treatment; a female military personnel is on maternity leave or child care leave; a serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription, at his request, remains in the military unit until the day of departure of the vehicle carrying out individual or organized transportation of military personnel being transferred to the reserve; he takes part in ship voyages; the serviceman is in captivity, in a hostage or interned position; a serviceman is missing - until he is recognized as missing in the manner prescribed by law or declared dead; the serviceman is under investigation in other cases established by law. A serviceman discharged from military service, on the day of exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit, must be fully provided with the established monetary allowance, food and clothing supplies.


Dismissal from the regiment

243. Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription have the right to move freely in the location military units and within the garrisons to which they were discharged from military units. The departure of military personnel performing military service under a contract outside the garrisons on the territory of which they are serving is carried out with the permission of the commander of the military unit. Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are prohibited from traveling outside the garrisons (except for cases of leaving on vacation or a business trip).

244. A soldier undergoing conscription military service, unless a disciplinary sanction of “deprivation of another dismissal” has been imposed on him, has the right to one dismissal per week from the regiment. Military personnel with an extended period of military service (sailors and foremen of ships, vessels and units of the Navy) have the right to daily discharge from ships ashore and from military units in the period between the performance of combat training tasks. At the same time, the dismissal of military personnel should be regulated between units of the regiment (ship), so as not to reduce combat readiness regiment (ship) and the quality of combat duty.
Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are dismissed from the regiment by the company commander on the days and times appointed by the regiment commander and in the manner established by him. No more than 30% of military personnel can be dismissed from a unit at the same time. Soldiers of the first year of service are discharged from the regiment after they have taken the Military Oath. On Saturdays and pre-holidays, dismissal is allowed up to 24 hours, and on Sundays and holidays - until evening verification.
With the permission of the battalion commander, the company commander may grant a serviceman a discharge for good reason and on other days of the week after classes until lights out or until the morning of the next day (but no later than 2 hours before the start of classes).
Dismissal is made in order of priority. The order of dismissal is carried out by deputy platoon commanders.
For carrying out combat duty and serving in daily duty on weekends and holidays, military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription are not granted dismissal.

245. For permission to dismiss, military personnel apply to their immediate superior.
For example: "Comrade Sergeant. Please allow me to leave until 20:00".
Deputy platoon commanders submit lists for the dismissal of military personnel undergoing conscription military service, signed by platoon commanders, to the company sergeant major for reporting to the company commander.

246. At the appointed time, the company duty officer lines up those being dismissed and reports to the company sergeant major.
The company sergeant-major examines the discharged personnel, checks whether they are well shaved and trimmed, the condition and fit of their uniforms and shoes, their knowledge of the rules of military greeting, behavior on the street and in other in public places. Then the sergeant major issues dismissal notes to those being dismissed (Appendix 12) signed by the company commander. The company duty officer records those being dismissed in a book (Appendix 12), compiles a list of those being dismissed and presents them to the regiment duty officer.
Military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription, discharged from the regiment, must have a military ID with them.
The letter of dismissal is valid only within the boundaries of its garrison.

247. Upon returning from leave, servicemen arrive to the regimental duty officer and report their arrival. The regimental duty officer makes a note on the dismissal notes about the time of arrival. Then they go to the unit to the company duty officer, hand over their dismissal notes to him and report to their immediate superior.
For example: "Comrade Sergeant. Private Rybakov has returned from dismissal. At the time of dismissal I had no comments(or had such and such comments from such and such).”
If a serviceman arrives at the unit after lights out, he reports to his immediate superior the next day before the morning inspection.
The company duty officer in the dismissal book notes the time of arrival of those returning from dismissal and submits dismissal notes to the company sergeant major.

248. Dismissal of 1st year cadets from military service educational institution vocational education carried out in accordance with the procedure established for soldiers and sergeants undergoing military service upon conscription. The procedure for dismissal of 2nd year cadets is established by the head of the military educational institution of vocational education.

Cadets of the 3rd and subsequent years, as well as cadets who have the right to live in a dormitory, may be outside the location of the military educational institution of vocational education after training sessions and compulsory hours independent work, determined by the daily routine, up to 24 hours, family cadets - before the start of classes on the next school day.

249. In a military unit (separate unit) located in an area remote from populated areas, and in other cases when dismissal from its location in the specified order is inappropriate, by decision of the commander of the military unit (individual unit), group trips to nearby areas are held on rest days large settlements(cities).

How to profitably leave the army

What is discharge in the army?

The word discharge has two meanings: 1. This is a discharge from the army for one day in the city: that is, “until the evening roll call” or until a certain time set for you by the commander

Leave in the army for every soldier is a time for meetings with family and friends close to them. Let's consider the second option today, namely, let's talk about leave in or as the soldiers themselves call it "Uvalah" Uval in the army, what is it? How many uvals are there in the army? To understand what a discharge is and how the dismissal process takes place in the army, we invite you to study Article 240 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (UVS RF Armed Forces) which reads: A serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription, unless a disciplinary sanction is imposed on him “deprivation of another dismissal”, has the right to one dismissal per week from the regiment.

How to retire from the new look army

Having analyzed the situation, and also heard from high-ranking leadership that in the district beyond the state, as many as 60 lieutenants were waiting for positions, I began calling comrades who had long been planning to leave the ranks of the armed forces and make way for the crowds behind the fence, and they no longer needed anything from the Defense Ministry and They agree to resign under any clause.

I learned that most of them never fulfilled their desire, and most of them are all except one, and that was by luck. They all still want to quit, but since they are putting a spoke in their wheels, they can’t do it, they tried, but it doesn’t work. In connection with all this, I decided, not without your help, dear readers, to compile a manual on how to leave the army after all, and finally take that place behind the fence, which will be a pleasure for you and everyone around you.

How to resign from the army of your own free will?

Article 50.

General provisions dismissal from military service (ed.

Federal laws dated 02.10.2006 N 159-FZ, dated 02.07.2013 N 185-FZ) (see.

text in the previous edition) Military personnel are discharged from military service with military registration, with the exception of military personnel:

  • females expelled from military professional educational organizations and military educational organizations of higher education and those without a military specialty;
  • those dismissed from military service;

Federal Law of July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ)

How long will it take to leave the military, and what are my responsibilities?

I have been serving under a contract for three months (still on probation). I wrote a resignation letter. Question: How long will I be fired and what will be my responsibilities?

Can I be assigned to squads and sent on combat duty in the fields and for exercises? It is difficult to estimate how long the dismissal procedure will take.

You submit a corresponding report about this, which must be considered.

Since you are still on a probationary period, look carefully at the terms of your contract regarding dismissal during the probationary period, there should be.

registered. As long as you serve, all the rights and responsibilities of a military personnel apply to you in full. Regulations on the procedure for military service (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999

What is discharge in the army? The word discharge in the army has two meanings: 1. This is a discharge from the army for one day in the city: that is, “until evening verification” or until a certain time that the commander has set for you

Leave in the army for every soldier is a time for meetings with family and friends close to them. Let's consider the second option today, namely let's talk about leave in the army, or as the soldiers themselves say in abbreviated form, “Uvalah” Uvalah in the army, what is it? How many uvals are there in the army? To understand what a discharge is and how the dismissal process takes place, we invite you to study Article 240 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (UVS RF Armed Forces) which reads: A serviceman undergoing military service upon conscription, unless a disciplinary sanction has been imposed on him “deprivation of the next dismissal” ", has the right to one dismissal per week from the regiment.

Both in the military and in the civilian environment, everything last weeks The proposals of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, put forward by him on April 21 at a meeting with representatives of a number of public organizations, are being actively discussed.


We serve for five days, rest for two.

Let me remind you of the essence of the new initiatives of the Minister of Defense. Five days a week, the soldier will be intensively engaged in physical training, combat training, mastering weapons and equipment, and on Saturday, having changed into civilian clothes, he will be able to leave the unit until Monday. In remote garrisons, where there is nowhere to go, conscripts have the right to use accumulated days off in the form of additional leave. And the intense “five-day week” will be unusual: after lunch there will be a “lights out” for an hour, that is, sleep. At the same time, no chores, kitchen duties, cleaning of territories and premises. The Ministry of Defense will free soldiers from performing these “unusual functions,” Anatoly Serdyukov promised. And civil organizations will cook, ensure cleanliness and order in and around the barracks and headquarters. In addition, fighters will be allowed to use mobile phones- at a certain time and in a certain place. Internet classes will be created on the basis of soldiers' cafes or libraries in each unit, from where any serviceman will be able to contact his family and friends via the World Wide Web...

Social activists who met with the Minister of Defense (mostly women) were for the most part more than pleased with the upcoming innovations. The head of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on Social Issues and Demographic Development, Elena Nikolaeva, said that the ideas expressed by Anatoly Serdyukov imply a real humanization of the army. She is convinced that if they are implemented, conscript soldiers will feel much more psychologically comfortable in the service: “There will be more opportunities to communicate with relatives, and soldiers’ tea rooms will also be opened in military units.” (Although teahouses were established back in Soviet times and now exist in every single military unit.)

The morning of the barracks of the future seems like this - while the soldiers are doing physical exercises, in the room, civilian employees in uniform are making the beds, sweeping, cleaning the toilet...

“Oh, excuse me, I have to wipe the soldiers’ butts like little kids in kindergarten, these civil organizations will not?! – one of the active officers exclaimed indignantly about this in a conversation with the author of these lines. – You know, all that remains is to organize the delivery of beer directly to the soldier’s bed and allow him to satisfy his sexual needs in the barracks, or even open brothels on the territory of military units. Personally, as a commander, I cannot understand how, with the introduction of the “five-day workday”, the hourly readiness of combat brigades will be ensured if all the personnel scatter on the weekend? And how long will we, officers, gather people in all sorts of hot spots and make them hangover in order to put them in line?”

Photo: Natalia Nechaeva

It was said, perhaps, rather rudely, in army style. But here are the words of Amir Gallyamov, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Federation Affairs and Regional Policy, who did not even try to hide his indignation: “Soon we will even get to the point where girls will be brought to conscripts at their request!” Remembering his service in the army, the senator is perplexed: “I don’t understand how the soldiers won’t clean up their territory now?! The soldier’s team unites when everything is done together - they clean the territory together, stand together at night in uniform..."

“What kind of vacation and unused weekends added to it can we talk about if a soldier serves for only a year? Or will conscripts be fired a couple of weeks earlier for days off? But this is illegal!.. And how expensive will these vacations cost if a soldier lives, say, in Moscow, but was sent to serve in Vladivostok?” – another officer with whom the author of this material spoke expressively shrugged his shoulders.

Even the chairman of the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers, Valentina Melnikova, who was present at the meeting with the Minister of Defense, perceived the upcoming changes in the life and everyday life of the Armed Forces with some caution. She recalled the already existing experience of the 90s, when, in the wake of democracy establishing itself in the country, certain concessions were made to the soldiers: “They were released, and they went to the casino, their money was taken away, they themselves were stolen and taken to the Caucasus as slaves... You know , I am not firmly convinced that the soldiers need these days off. Because if a soldier serves close to home, that’s one thing; he has somewhere to go, or relatives and friends can easily come to him on weekends. If the soldiers find themselves in a foreign area, then after leaving for two days, the commanders risk simply not collecting all their subordinates!”

What about other armies?

One can, of course, debate a lot about the proposed innovations, but what if you look at them without a “righteous” grin, without immediately dismissing them. Moreover, overseas soldiers’ “five-day training” has long existed in many armies.

For example, in Germany, during a nine-month conscription service (called up for conscript service in the Bundeswehr, young people are officially called recruits) a soldier has the right to a three-week vacation with paid travel railway. And recruits are engaged in combat training five days a week, while having the opportunity to leave the barracks after 16.45. Where they go is their business, as long as in the morning (and morning in German troops begins at 6.00), they are in the ranks like a bayonet. As on Monday at the same time after two days off. At the same time, guys are released for Saturday and Sunday on Friday immediately after noon. A similar practice is observed in a number of other armies of NATO countries.

By the way, and about “beer in bed”... The author of these lines once served in the Central Group of Forces, stationed in the territory of the former Czechoslovakia. And he had the opportunity to observe how Czechoslovak soldiers (this was still the then socialist army) military uniform in their free time from work, they could afford to go to a restaurant (cafe, tavern, of which there are many in every town in the Czech Republic) and drink one or two or three glasses of beer. Moreover, in the presence of Czech officers sitting here. For us, their Soviet colleagues, this caused amazement at the time. And there was an understanding that if this ever happens in our army, it will be in the “distant day after tomorrow.”

But let's return to the proposed changes. Alas, the fact that this “day after tomorrow” has come raises great doubts today. For the mentality of Russian soldiers and, say, the same German recruits is heaven and earth. My interlocutors, for example, stated that most conscripted military personnel would hardly think of improving themselves spiritually and physically on weekends. “They – almost all of them – have only alcohol and sex on their minds!” – one of the officers mentioned above remarked to me.

The same thing, by the way, is noted by many experts who commented on future innovations of the Ministry of Defense. Thus, the director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis, Alexander Sharavin, recalled the words of one division commander, who, in response to criticism from a well-known politician in the past about the “big squeeze” of contract soldiers in the formation entrusted to him (they say, they, poor people, do not even have the opportunity to go to the city for beer drink) said: “They can’t drink that beer in a civilized way - they’ll give each one a bottle of vodka, and then I can’t collect them for several days!”

An increase in crime cannot be avoided

This was said about contract soldiers, that is, about those who voluntarily went to serve and must maintain discipline both in the unit and outside it. And what about conscripts who are forced into the army by force of law? The quality of the current conscript contingent, in addition to the fact that it is entirely “dystrophic” (in the current army, as is known, many recruits, before being put into service, are fattened and brought to a weight appropriate for their age and height), leaves much to be desired in social terms .

Here are the recently published data from studies conducted in one of the Air Force and Air Defense units. About a quarter of young soldiers grew up without one of their parents, 10% used drugs before service and alcoholic drinks, many have been brought to the police, and there are also criminal records. 25% of recruits are suicidal or, as psychologists say, have a high suicidal risk. As noted in this regard, “the situation with conscripts, which was identified by psychologists in this association, is also typical for other Air Force formations.” At the same time, specialists took under observation about 220 young men with III and over 90 young men with IV group of neuropsychic stability. And let such people go outside the gates of a military camp for two whole days?

Based on these data and the current state of affairs with conscription, it can be predicted that if weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are introduced in the troops, this will immediately provoke an increase in crime in the army.

Today, according to the head of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office Sergei Fridinsky, every third crime in the Russian Armed Forces is committed by contract soldiers. Moreover, they commit most of the atrocities precisely after being released from the military unit. The examples are the most shocking. One 23-year-old man came on vacation to a village near Voronezh, lured two girls, 11 and 12 years old, into a forest belt, mocked them, inflicted numerous stab wounds on each and left them to die (fortunately, the unfortunate ones survived). Another, 21-year-old senior sergeant Nikolai Eremin from the Moscow Military District, was sentenced in August 2009 to 22 years in prison for getting drunk while on leave, beating him first with a bat, and then, as noted in the documents of the criminal case, “ feet shod in military-style boots,” three officers (one of them died). Two contract soldiers from the 201st Russian military base, stationed in Tajikistan, killed a local taxi driver who was taking them from Dushanbe to their duty station in Kurgan-Tube...

And this is despite the fact that contract servicemen, as noted by Colonel of Justice Andrei Generalov, a representative of the military investigation department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Prosecutor's Office for the city of Moscow, commit fewer crimes than conscripts. That is, the criminal potential of today's conscript soldiers is very high.

Besides, what means will a conscript have to have fun on weekends if today he doesn’t even receive 500 rubles? (For comparison: the salary of a German recruit is from 220 to 270 euros.) This means that it is possible that someone will go looking for money through theft...

Ten against one

The majority of Russian parliamentarians were wary of the military department’s leadership’s intentions to significantly “facilitate” conscription service. In their opinion, the implementation of the proposed initiatives will turn the troops into a semi-civilian institution (“To kindergarten!” - some said) and will reduce the level of their combat readiness. “There can be no doubt that today it is too early to give all military personnel two days off,” categorically stated the Chairman of the Federation Council Commission on National Maritime Policy, former commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral Vyacheslav Popov. “Any weakening of army routine will ultimately lead to difficulties in battle,” says the chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Legal and judicial matters Senator Anatoly Lyskov.

But there are also people among our legislators who approve of the plans of the Minister of Defense. “United Russia” Alexander Chukhraev (Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Health Protection) is with both hands in favor of freeing conscripts from cleaning and cooking: “A soldier must do what is determined for him by the Constitution, that is, serve the Fatherland!” As for military training from Monday to Friday and two days off, Chukhraev believes: “This measure will be justified only if it does not deprive young soldiers of the opportunity to receive in a year of service exactly the amount of knowledge and military training that defenders need Motherland."

According to the parliamentarian, he does not share Valentina Melnikova’s fears that soldiers, being released on Saturday and Sunday, will immediately turn to crime and drunkenness: “Not everyone who comes for military service is committed to gambling or some kind of entertainment leisure I am convinced that the majority will prefer to use extra days off for sports, visiting cultural events, communication with family and friends.”

According to the author's calculations, expert assessments come out as 10 to 1, where 10 is not in favor of the proposed initiatives. And member of the State Duma Committee on Youth Affairs Yuri Afonin (fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) noted that today such a measure is not relevant and vital for reform Russian army. Another thing is that it seems that we still need to strive for this.

In turn, Valentina Melnikova believes that the “five-day week” for soldiers is a political issue: “Even if the country’s leadership agrees with this proposal, it will still be a long time before the changes are formalized by law.”

Indeed, the plans voiced by the head of the military department, when implemented, will require amendments to the law “On Military Duty and Military Service” and to a number of regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. But it is not yet predicted when soldiers will be able to serve in a new way. “These are topics that need to be deeply understood and worked through,” believe the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

I was drafted into the army at the beginning of the 2000s. And for the first few months I hardly saw any days off. First the course of a young fighter, then the first weeks of service - it seems like you won’t relax either. And then me and several other fighters were sent to the club to build... a museum of the unit. This was not a room of military glory, as is usually the case, but a real museum. With its own concept, solid exhibits, showcases and even interactivity: a real dugout, inside of which you could sit at the red commissar’s table. If that museum had been preserved, it would still look quite decent to this day.

Everything was done at an emergency pace - for the anniversary of the unit, which after some time was, in fact, disbanded. So, despite the fact that we worked more than hard back then, we were rarely allowed out on weekends. Nevertheless, we ourselves preferred to spend Saturday and Sunday at the club. Because it was interesting to work. We simply amazed everyone with enthusiasm! Even on the night before the celebrations, work was in full swing. And these were better times in service, at least for me and my colleagues in the construction of the museum part. Because then there were dismissals and days off, but... If you still have a rest during dismissal, especially a day before, then a day off in the average “vacation office” is boring.

The times were difficult. There was an army reform going on, units were redeployed and downsized, so no reproach to the “political officers”, the rest of personnel was not in the first place. The film projector in the assembly hall was broken, and DVDs did not exist yet, and VCRs were not available everywhere. The fighters entertained themselves at random. We often sat behind the so-called “hackers” in company offices and watched clips, movies on relatively new computers, or took turns playing some toy.

More than ten years have passed... And this fall, young people again, like me once, went to the troops. By chance, passing by the recruiting office, I heard my mother’s parting words: “Son, in your free time, try to relax more, read books, you’ll have to finish your studies.” I wonder how he and his colleagues will spend their day off now? What has changed since my service? With this question on Sunday morning, I went to the city-forming, so to speak, part of my native Brest - the 38th Guards Separate Mobile Brigade of Forces special operations Armed Forces.

It is worth noting: the commanders did not bore us with reports on military-patriotic work with paratroopers. We got straight to the point. Right out of the gate, an offer came from Guard Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Kovalyuk:

You know some of it, you’ve written about it many times, so choose any division yourself.

Well, great! My friend recently retired from his position as commander of a communications battalion. Let's see what he left as a legacy to his successor, at the same time there will be something to talk about at the next meeting with the reserve lieutenant colonel.

For the purity of the experiment, the ideological officers called the head of the radio station of the 2nd company of the guard battalion, junior sergeant Sergei Kazak, and sent him as my escort. I suspect that there was no pressure from the officers. The concept of the excursion: to show a soldier's day off as it is. And we went to the barracks.

So, we get up here at seven in the morning (an hour later than on weekdays). Then, according to the Sunday routine - cleaning the premises, personal hygiene, formation, breakfast. Next, according to the plan drawn up by the command of the unit, is watching the military television program “Arsenal” and mass sports work. I’ll forestall the sighs of impressionable parents: physical fitness is an integral component of the service. A soldier, especially a paratrooper, must always be on his toes. I can’t help but remember the outrage here Russian officers, When former minister defense Anatoly Serdyukov proposed introducing a five-day workday in the troops, and sending the personnel home on Saturday and Sunday. Here is one of the characteristic comments: “All that remains is to organize the delivery of beer directly to the soldier’s bed and allow him to satisfy his sexual needs in the barracks, or even open brothels on the territory of military units. Personally, as a commander, I cannot understand how, with the introduction of a five-day workday, the hourly readiness of combat brigades will be ensured if all the personnel scatter on the weekend?”

Indeed, combat readiness must be ensured around the clock. And that’s why the fighters go to the stadium. Running, pulling up, general exercise. In good weather - sport games. In fact, it is not so much - from 11.00 to 13.00. Having cheered up, the fighters have lunch, and the cultural recreation. While Sergei Kazak and I are returning to the location, the paratrooper says:

Most of all, of course, fighters like movies. You yourself served in the army, you will agree that under heavy loads this is the best way to relax. Let's watch it at the club. Mostly military-patriotic films or new releases. Quite often we go to the Belarus cinema in the center of Brest. Twice a month - stable. I still remember “Stalingrad”, which was shown in Dolby 5.1. Amazing movie, great special effects...

They also take us on excursions to the museums of Brest, and went to Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Recently, on Signal Corps Day, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union organized a concert for us; children from school came. In general, the Youth Union often organizes musical evenings. Well, our internal competition “Prove yourself”. When the call comes, we look for talent. Some are strong in music, some in acting. We have a great team in our battalion. There was a great guitarist and a rapper who was great at reading lyrics. And then another guy came who, in civilian life, was engaged in beatboxing (this is the art of creating and simulating rhythmic patterns (beats) and melodies using the vocal apparatus and articulations of the mouth. Most often, beatboxing is used as an accompaniment in hip-hop compositions. Beatboxing is considered the fifth element of hip-hop culture. - Author's note). They turned out to be a real hip-hop trio.

As far as I understand, the essence of “identifying talent” is not to then perform on holidays at city venues. It’s just that there are people with similar interests, which brings the team together. And the guys themselves entertain themselves in this way in their free time.

We go to the location. According to the schedule, the fighters have free time. There are several rows of stools in the hallway. There is “plasma” on the wall. The fighters are watching science fiction. Next is the sports club. Two guys are having fun table tennis, another one hits the pear. Sergei laughs: “These are the ones who have unspent energy left on the sports campus.”

Photo by Alexander MITYUKOV

We go up to the leisure room, called in the old fashioned way Lenin’s room. There are more guys there. They sit in a semicircle. In the center, with a guitar, is the senior guard telephone operator, Corporal Vitaly Tsupa (pictured below). The virtuoso of the game, who performed in tandem with a rapper and a bidboxer, retired. Now Vitalik is trying to become a successor. True, he doesn’t play well yet, but with enviable tenacity he devotes his free time to the guitar. Just now he was playing something from the DDT repertoire.

At a distance is Private Stanislav Gorelyad. Leafing through newspaper files. Now he will finish reading and go to the library. It would seem that a weightlifter and hand-to-hand fighter should have minimal desire for literature, but Stanislav, as they say, breaks all patterns and breaks stereotypes! Most of the fighters spend time at the checkpoint, where relatives usually come. The duty officer's phone is literally ringing off the hook. Every soldier must be called, and there are many units in the brigade. Most of all, as in my time, those who were entitled to leave were lucky. The parts behind the fence, whatever one may say, are more fun when you’re on a solo voyage. The main thing is to return on time and in proper condition.

In general, based on the results, I made a small conclusion. The weekend picture has, of course, become brighter over the years. And thanks to modern technology, and the team of ideologists is clearly trying, and not for show, otherwise I would have been invited on a certain day when some kind of concert was going on in the unit. On the other hand, speaking of comparisons, it would not be a sin to look on the Internet how soldiers from other countries describe their weekends.

One of the resources published entries from the diary of a Russian soldier: “Today is a day off! Congratulations to everyone on this wonderful holiday! And in the army there are also days off, only with periodic commanders coming in and turning things over. I’ve been listening to the song “DDT” all day - that’s all.”. From two lines it is clear what the officers are doing and that the soldier is generally left to his own devices.

But Russian journalist Pavel Bruntalsky, speaking about the plans of the former head of the Ministry of Defense Serdyukov for the five-day week, talks about two more armies: “In Germany, during a 9-month conscription service, a soldier has the right to three weeks leave with paid railway travel. And recruits are engaged in combat training five days a week, while having the opportunity to leave the barracks after 16.45. Where they go is their business, as long as in the morning (and morning in German troops begins at 6.00) they are in the ranks like a bayonet. As on Monday at the same time after two days off. At the same time, guys are released for Saturday and Sunday on Friday immediately after noon. A similar practice is observed in a number of other armies of NATO countries. By the way, and about “beer in bed”... The author of these lines once served in the Central Group of Forces, stationed in the territory of the former Czechoslovakia. And he had the opportunity to observe how Czechoslovak soldiers (this is still the then socialist army) in military uniform, in their free time from service, could afford to go to a restaurant (cafe, tavern, of which there are many in every town in the Czech Republic) and drink one or two or three glass of beer. Moreover, in the presence of Czech officers sitting here. For us, their Soviet colleagues, this caused amazement at the time. And there was an understanding that in our army, if this ever happens, it will be in the “distant day after tomorrow.”.

Alexey, a soldier of the French Legion (there is also a barracks situation there), shares his impressions: “The end of the working day and working week. I shake everyone’s hands and go up to my room to collect my things and change clothes. Many people are surprised that in my civilian life I prefer a classic style of clothing. Shirts, trousers, shoes. Well, I really can’t walk around in berets! I'm going to the station. During the first contract, legionnaires are prohibited from owning or renting housing. Of course, this causes inconvenience, but everyone wants to have their own corner. On the other hand, if it weren’t for this rule, I would never have been able to travel so much. I decided to spend this weekend in Lyon...”

On his blog, our former compatriot, a certain Tommy Bogdanovich (pictured), also described a day off from his service in... the Israeli army. In particular: “Before we go home, we are always presented with conditions that must be fulfilled. Failure to fulfill at least one of these conditions risks the fact that you simply will not be allowed to go home. Now we have the following conditions: check, clean, repair all your equipment (it doesn’t take me more than 10 minutes), also clean the weapon (you never know, maybe it was fired), go for a 10 km run and take a couple of theoretical lessons and lectures on the topic “learn from other people’s mistakes.” But because all your 17 days that you spend at the base are usually filled with all sorts of guards, patrols and other military terminology, then everything that you had to do in 17 days remains for the last day. And as if because of this, before leaving home, we practically do not sleep... Personally, I have already managed to run ten miles, even managed to swim and now I enjoy the rest and a can of cola... Little joys of service. Want to know what we do with banks? No, we don’t throw it away, we hand it over for recycling (after all, we actually make a lot of them), and with the money we receive, we either order T-shirts with Dutch symbols, or simply make barbecue for the entire battalion.”

I don’t know if we will ever come to the time when our soldiers, without compromising combat readiness, will be able to leave service at night without any conditions, but at the same time return at a strictly scheduled time without delay; drink beer next to officers in a cafe and do not get drunk; indulge in cola and barbecue for the battalion. Or just travel around Belarus on weekends. For now we have to be content with the weekend we have. And let me tell you, he’s not that bad. At least there is progress.