Useful tears: why do we cry? What happens to the body when we cry? Amazing facts Why and why people cry

II open municipal research conference for students in grades 1-11 "I explore the world of sciences"

Research work on the topic:

Why are we crying? Or where do tears come from?

Completed by a student of the 2nd "b" class
Soboleva Alexandra

primary school teacher
Popova Elena Alekseevna


Theoretical study of the problem:

How do tears appear?
Are tears helpful?
What are tears made of?
Why don't tears freeze?

Practical study of the problem:

An experiment on the production of lacrimal fluid.

Tears are so different...

Why do we cry from onions? My experiment.




One day, I thought about the question: “Where do we get tears?”. I really wanted to know why we cry?

The first tears appear in childhood. I am sure that in the life of every person they were in front of their eyes. Maybe they were tears of happiness, fear, pain, sadness, longing, or a mote got into the eye? Or maybe you did clean the bulb? But how, how do we get them? And why do we want to cry at such moments? Can they freeze on our cheeks when severe frost? Why is it embarrassing for someone to cry, while another easily sheds tears? And in general, is it harmful to cry or is it useful? As tears rolled down my cheeks, I found out they tasted salty. Strange, but there is no salt in our eyes. I think that rarely anyone thinks why a person needs tears? It was these and many other questions that interested me in choosing this research topic.

Purpose of the study : explore why we cry and explore where

tears are taken, their composition.

Tasks: learn how tears appear;

- find out how tears are useful;

- figure out why they are salty;

- try to conduct an experiment with a tear yourself.


  • find out what tears or tears are - this is an excess of water in our body and when there is a lot of it, we want to cry or our body needs tears and it produces them itself;
  • let's say that they are salty, because there is salt in the human body;
  • perhaps these unusual drops want to see another world, a world "outside the eye";
  • But what if tears wash away everything superfluous and unnecessary from our eyes, or they are afraid to freeze.

Object of study: human tears

Subject of study: tear production process

Research methods: analysis of literature and Internet sources;

- experiment;

- own observations and conclusions.

Theoretical study of the problem

How do tears appear?

Probably, in our eyes there is a special bag in which water is collected and flows out of our eyes in the form of tears through a special vessel. But how do they get into this bag? With the help of a teacher, I will try to understand these issues.

From Internet sources, I learned that the old Russian form of the name of the tear was taken from the Old Slavonic language and meant “rinse, make clean.”

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, had a curious custom: married women collected their tears in special vessels, and then mixed them with rose water and used to heal wounds. By the way, women in Byzantium and Persia did the same ...

From medical reference books, I found out that the treatment can also be in tears. Tears contain the enzyme lysozyme, which neutralizes bacteria and prevents them from causing dangerous infections.

Crying is a natural procedure and when we take a short breath and a long exhale, and this has a positive effect on the work of the respiratory and circulatory systems. What is an important process of our body!

Tears- one of the very important elements of our body.

Tears - a clear liquid produced by the lacrimal gland of the eye.

Above the upper corner of the eye, just below the eyebrow, is lacrimal gland. Its size is no larger than an almond. However, it is capable of throwing out streams of tears. Scientists studying the problem of crying have found small amounts of stress hormones in the tear fluid. .

The lacrimal glands constantly produce tears. Tears enter the eye through a small duct that opens at the outer corner of the eye. Each time you blink, the eyelids spread a thin layer of tears over the surface of the eye. The tears then flow down the canaliculi located at the inner edge of the eye, closer to the nose. These tubes end in the nasopharynx, where “used” tears flow out. Then they are simply swallowed.

Are tears helpful?

It turns out that tears contain psychotropic substances that relieve stress and it is for this reason that crying brings us relief. So our tears are not just water, but a very important functional element of our body.

On the Internet sites surveyed, many people agree that crying well is always good!!! And not only for the eyes, but also for the nasopharynx ... Our tears wash and kill bacteria. When the body is sick, and there are a lot of bacteria in it, a high temperature rises and a protective reaction of the body is triggered. There is tearing...

So, I found out that:

  • tears are involved in the flow nutrients cornea of ​​the eye;
  • perform a protective function - they cleanse the eye of foreign objects;
  • when tears are released, the surface of the eye is wetted (the appearance of “dry eyes” is one of the signs of their fatigue or a decrease in visual acuity);

Tears can accompany emotions, such as tears while crying or laughing.

When a person cries, lacrimation usually occurs - this is the active release of a large amount of tears.

And so that tears do not leave swelling and swelling, you need to cry correctly - in a cool room, sitting and not wiping yourself with a handkerchief.

In general, what does our tear consist of? From what substance? I read in one of the books that tears are mainly composed of:

  • WATER;
  • FAT;
  • SALT;
  • SODA;

Therefore, our tears do not linger on the surface of the skin, because they are covered with a thick fatty film. This fatty film was specially studied by American scientists who found lipids in it (an extensive group of natural organic compounds, including fats and fat-like substances).

Therefore, the tears that flow down our cheeks taste salty. Did you know that our tears are not the saltiest tears in the world.

For example, the body of sea gulls that feed on ocean fish contains a large number of salt. Tears help seagulls to get rid of excess salt, that is, salt is excreted from the body with tears, which means that tears contain a lot of it.

If birds remove excess harmful salt with tears, then maybe a person, crying, also gets rid of something harmful?

When we experience strong emotions or pain, our brain releases substances that signal arousal or harmful stress, and our body releases special stress hormones. Crying scientists have indeed found some of these signaling agents and stress hormones in tear fluid. That is, tears help us get rid of excess substances that are formed as a result of strong emotions. As these substances are removed, we begin to calm down. Many say that after crying, they feel a feeling of freshness, like after a cool summer rain. Of course, you should not cry day and night, but crying a little sometimes is not harmful, but very beneficial for our health.

As statistics have shown, women cry twice as much as men. The male hormone testosterone prevents the accumulation of tear fluid, so it's all about the biochemistry of the male and female body, and not at all in education. However, the composition of men's tears is no different from women's. And there are reasons why both men and women cry the same way!

I may surprise someone, but there are people who can cry for no reason and with a reason, about 75% of women and 20% of men cry three times a month.

According to research results, the most whiny are Americans, Nepalese and Germans. But the Chinese will grit their teeth, but will not cry. Crying really relieves stress. However, scientists recommend crying for no more than 20 minutes. Otherwise, bags under the eyes, redness may form, and, finally, crying can turn into a tantrum, which will aggravate your condition. Maybe I’m grieving with tears and you won’t help, but you’ll definitely relieve nervous tension.

... Tears froze,
became like ice.
Suddenly pearls
rolled will break ...

Looking for an answer to this question, I encountered a lot of disputes between people.

  • Some argue that tears are like sea water, which freezes at a temperature of -2 ° C, because it is salty. And in tears there is much more salt than in the sea. Therefore, they can freeze only at a temperature of about -40 ° C. Others argue that salt water freezes more slowly than fresh water.
  • I myself think that in severe frost, tears can freeze on the eyelashes and on the cheeks.
  • I was also interested in the statement that tears are not only salty, but also hot.
  • Someone claims that our face is hot enough to keep the water in a liquid state, and also tears roll down warm cheeks.

Practical study of the problem:

An experiment on the production of lacrimal fluid.

So, I want to try to create a composition similar to our tears myself. I took the three main components of a tear - this is salt, baking soda and boiled water.

I put all three parts together.

I take table salt, I add baking soda, I add water, I mix all the parts…. Pour the resulting water into a clean cup ....

Mmmm, interesting to taste, what did I get?

And I got it - salty water, similar to sea water and a tear !!!

I will take a pipette, imagining that this is our eye and draw water into it, as the lacrimal gland collects our tears. And a drop from it

Hooray! I got a small tear. You can’t even imagine how much it was interesting for me to create a teardrop myself!


Very often, a person has tears on the street in windy weather, in the cold. I figured out this reason with the help of the Internet, it turns out everything is simple. The wind dries the moist surface of the eye, the lacrimal gland begins to work hard to restore the water-salt balance. But at the moment of a gust of wind, we impulsively close the eye, contracting the muscle, a spasm of the lacrimal duct occurs and the lacrimal fluid cannot descend, and exits through the large lacrimal duct in the inner corner of the eye. For exactly the same reason, tears flow in the cold due to a sharp drop in air temperature.

It turns out that when we have grief, great stress, our body begins to produce not only useful, but also harmful substances that irritate us and harm our psyche. In order for the body to remove them from the body, tears are used, with which harmful substances come out. After a person has cried, he immediately feels better, because the psyche no longer experiences a harmful effect. This is the absolute truth, confirmed by medical research.

Real tears also occur when we clean and cut onions. The American chemist Eric Block managed to isolate the volatile substance contained in onions that causes tears. This substance was called "lachrymator" (from the Latin lacrima - tear). When the bulb is cut, the lachrymator is released and dissolved in water and the person's tears. This produces sulfuric acid, which irritates the mucous membrane of the eye. And I wonder what are "onion tears"? I decided to test this experimentally.

Why do we cry from onions? Is it possible to cut an onion and not cry?

Tearing increases to protect the eye. This is a natural reaction of our body.

That's how I started cutting onions....

Still, the onion made me cry ...

Studies have shown that if the onion is frozen before peeling, then the activity of the lachrymator decreases sharply. And now he finds his explanation why the onion is cleaned by wetting it or a knife with water - the lachrymator dissolves in water and practically does not escape into the air.

Now I'm certainly not afraid of onions !!! He won't make me cry!!!

I defeated him!!!

Now I know why adults moisten it and the knife with water before peeling the onion - the substance is practically not released into the air, as it dissolves in water. This I have tested and proved from my own experience.

However, eating onions is essential. Moreover, it stimulates the appetite and helps the body absorb nutrients better. Health needs more attention. And if you periodically consume onions, then you will definitely strengthen your health and well-being!

Therefore, do not be afraid to cry when peeling the onion, but think about the benefits that it will bring to your body.

You can conduct an experiment to find out the benefits of tears.

Take an ordinary ball, imagining that this is our eye. Lightly blow sand on it, as the wind blows dust particles to us. The ball will become dry and dirty. But if you pour plenty of water on it, as a tear wets our eye, it will become clean! This is so - it serves as proof that tears are necessary for us!


  1. Tears are involved in the supply of nutrients to the cornea of ​​​​the eye.
  2. They perform a protective function - they cleanse the eye of foreign objects. When tears are released, the surface of the eyeball is wetted.
  3. I learned that tears taste salty because they contain substances similar to salt and soda, as well as proteins, fats and water.
  4. Tears are good for a person, they wash the eyeball, but you should not cry all day and night long.
  5. Tears can freeze, but at a very low temperature of about -40 ° C, but this does not happen in ordinary life.
  6. Men cry less often than women, not because they are stronger, but because male hormones prevent the accumulation of tear fluid, that is, men simply have fewer tears.
  7. In my work, I confirmed that tears can be obtained not only naturally, but also artificially, knowing their composition.
  8. And I also learned why we cry from onions, and how to make onions become our friend, and we no longer cry from them.


Our research work allows us to conclude that tears accompany a person all his life, they are with him in grief, in joy, in peace, and in stress.

During its research work we not only achieved our goals, but also confirmed our hypothesis that tears are not an excess of water in our body, but the substances it needs, which it itself produces.

Tears are salty, because there is salt in the human body, but it turned out that not only salt is in the composition of tears, but also other substances.

Of course, our tears do not know anything about the world of people and they roll from our eyes not to see the “world”, they wash everything superfluous and unnecessary from our eyes, and sometimes remove stress hormones, which helps not only the eyes, but also relieves the soul .

Tears flowing from our eyes in moments of joy and sadness, in a state of stress, relieve not only our body, but also our soul, help to cope with stress and, due to this, allow our heart to contain emotions. Data modern science they say that sometimes, when it becomes necessary, you need to cry and not be ashamed of your tears. Tears heal, tears bring back to life, tears wash not only the eyes, but also purify the soul.

Literature and Internet resources

  1. New student encyclopedia.

An ordinary person, if he is not a biologist by profession, is unlikely to seriously think about the question: where do tears come from? Why do people cry from pain, grief, resentment or annoyance? more often and longer than men, and how to explain this fact from the point of view of physiology and psychology?

Let's start from the very beginning. Lacrimal glands are present not only in animals, but even in birds. However, man is the only creature in nature for whom crying is not a simple reflex process, but also an expression of emotions.

At different times, not only scientists, but also philosophers thought about the question of what tears are.

Here's how to ask why people cry, Alter Rebbe, the founder of the Chabad teachings, answered: "Bad news causes a contraction of the brain, followed by a release of fluid. Good news has the opposite effect. It improves. There is a burst of energy in the body." According to the religious philosopher, human tears are nothing but brain fluid. Modern science does not dispute this postulate, but does not confirm it either. Although today it is already known for certain that the activity of the lacrimal glands, like all other processes in the body, occurs under the guidance of the brain.

American biochemist William Frey devoted several years of his life to finding an answer to the question: why do people cry? He put forward his own hypothesis, according to which during stress with tears, toxic substances are removed from the body. This theory has not yet been fully proven, and the scientist continues research activities. However, all this has to do with But what about our emotions? Do tears really have a beneficial effect on our soul, calm and relieve suffering? Is it good to cry in a difficult situation or is it necessary to restrain emotions?

Israeli biologist Oren Hasson, studying the behavioral reactions of an individual in a group, suggested that with tears a person signals his vulnerability and weakness. It should be noted that such a reaction comes from childhood, because it attracts the attention of adults, letting them know that they are experiencing physical or psychological discomfort.

According to the scientist, tears are a protective reaction of the human psyche to others, as well as a good way to induce affection on an intuitive level. Perhaps this is because all of us are genetically programmed to respond to children's crying. A sobbing adult appears to us as a baby who needs help. The biologist proposed his own theory of the use of tears to build personal relationships between people.

"Don't cry son, you're a man..."

Women cry much more often than men. This is a well known fact. In many ways, this is the result of upbringing. From an early age, the boy is taught the idea that a real man never cries. A violent manifestation of emotions is the prerogative of a gentle young lady, and a guy will be considered at best a slobber, or even an unbalanced hysteric. However, psychologists assure that it is necessary to give vent to your emotions at least occasionally. This will save you a lot of trouble. Doctors even found that women owe their longer life to their ability to mourn the trouble in time and put it out of their heads.

However, not only emotionality, but also hormones are to blame for female tearfulness. Any woman is familiar with the condition, called in the language of physicians "premenstrual syndrome". "I get irritated over trifles, my body constantly swells ..." - approximately with these words the representatives of the fair sex describe their condition these days. The cause of this condition, many doctors believe an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Something similar is experienced by women in menopause and post-menopause.

Tears of joy and pity

From birth to death, a person cries an average of 250 million times. Agree, an impressive figure. And we know very well that the cause of tears is not always sadness. Remember, didn’t you have to wipe the moisture from your eyes that came out during Homeric laughter?

Why do people cry with laughter? The reason is simple and banal: the facial muscles stimulate the glands located in the inner corner of the eye, and under their influence, tears begin to flow.

There can be many reasons for tears, it is not necessarily troubles and troubles. We all had to cry with emotion, looking at the kids going to first grade. At acting courses, future actors are taught to squeeze a tear out of themselves, because portraying emotions reliably is part of the profession. So, teachers advise you to start feeling sorry for yourself, and in a few minutes tears will flow from your eyes. This is such a simple science.

I think that few of us think about the topic, what are tears? A manifestation of pain that takes the form of wet drops that are born in the eyes and die on the cheeks, or some kind of special reaction of the body to the offense caused? 98 people out of 100 (if all 100 people are not doctors) to the question “what are tears?” are unlikely to give the correct answer. And what are the tears that contain these crystal, salty droplets? How do they appear and how do they help the body?

Man is the only living creature that cries. Crying seems like such a simple act! But there is a lot of confusion here. Women cry more than men. Is it about biology? Or in the sentimentality of women? Or the size of the nose, as one anthropologist suggested? The smaller the nasal passages, the less tears flow through the nose. Science can now distinguish between physiological - reflex tears, necessary to moisten and cleanse the eyes (this is how mammals "cry"), and emotional tears, which usually occur in sadness and joy. In Rus', they were compared with pearls, the Aztecs found that they looked like turquoise stones, and in ancient Lithuanian songs they were called amber scattering. After looking through smart books, we decided to collect the most interesting “tearful” facts.

Have you ever wondered why crying calms us down? Scientists have found that it is not the emotional release caused by sobbing that brings relief, but ... chemical composition tears. They contain stress hormones released by the brain at the time of the outburst of emotions. Lacrimal fluid removes substances from the body that are formed during nervous overstrain. After crying, a person feels calmer and even more cheerful.

For example, women cry more than men. Statistics say that a woman is able to cry out at a time from 3 to 5 milliliters of liquid, and a man - less than 3; Women cry 4 times more than men, with 50 percent doing so once a week. What is the reason? In biology, in the sentimentality of women? Or the size of the nose, as one anthropologist suggested? The smaller the nasal passages, the less tears flow through the nose. Science can now distinguish between physiological - reflex tears, necessary to moisten and cleanse the eyes (this is how mammals "cry"), and emotional tears, which usually occur in sadness and joy.

US biochemist William X. Frey chose tears as the focus of his research. He put forward a hypothesis, although not yet fully proven: “Tears, like other external secretory functions, remove toxic substances from the body that are formed during stress.” The Alter Rebbe, the founder of Chabad Hasidism, explains this phenomenon in a completely different way. In the book "Torah Or" (Chapter Vaishlach) he writes that tears are waste of the moisture of the brain. Bad news leads to contraction, the brain shrinks, and tears are released. Joy has the opposite effect - the blood supply to the brain increases, vital energy is added to it and a new intellectual opening occurs. If a person is ready for this, then an intellectual opening occurs, if not, then tension in the brain leads to contraction and release of tears. Anatomy says that there are special glands that release moisture at the behest of the brain. The Alter Rebbe claims that tears are the dregs of the brain. Naturally, these words should not be taken literally, it does not mean that if you take the brain and compress it, then the released liquid will be tears. We are talking about the fact that one of the consequences of brain compression is the process of release of tears. The connection of processes is described by the word garbage, that is, as a result of numerous processes, garbage appears. And the anatomy this moment it neither denies nor refutes.

Tears flowing from our eyes in moments of joy and sadness, in a state of stress or sacred love, relieve not only our body, but also our soul, help to cope with stress and, due to this, allow our heart to contain emotions. The data of modern science suggests that sometimes, when it becomes necessary, you need to cry and not be ashamed of your tears. Tears heal, tears bring back to life, tears wash and purify the soul.

Why are we crying? New theory

Today, scientists offer a new theory as to why a person cries - tears can act as a signal that a person’s physical and psychological protection from environmental negative factors is currently weakened and he is vulnerable. According to researcher Oren Hasson, an evolutionary biologist at Tel Aviv University in Israel, crying is a very highly developed human behavior. "My research suggests that tears are always a cry for help, a manifestation of affection for a person, and if it happens in a group, then they represent unity." Shedding tears because of emotions is a unique property of the human body. Previously, researchers have speculated that tears help flush out stress chemicals, or that they simply make you feel better, or that they allow young children to signal health problems. Now, Khason notes that tears are nothing more than an antidote to aggressive behavior, a kind of signal of vulnerability, a strategy that brings a person closer to others on an emotional level. Hasson suggested using tears in building personal relationships between people. For example, as he points out, you can use tears to show an attacker that you are submissive, and therefore potentially induce his indulgence, if there is no other way out. Or get the attention of others and get their help. Also, Hasson adds that when several people cry, they show each other that they weaken their defenses in the same way, which, in turn, brings them very close on an emotional level, since people share the same feelings. The researcher notes that the effectiveness of this evolutionarily developing type of behavior always depends on who uses tears and under what circumstances. Naturally, in places like the workplace, where personal emotions are best hidden, this method can backfire.

Why do women cry 4-5 times more than men? Is this obvious evidence of their weakness or an instinctive way to relieve tension? In any case, the method is right - because sometimes crying is good for health!

14.2 g is the amount of tears our eyes produce each day

Why are we crying?

From birth, a person knows how to cry. Growing up, we begin to be ashamed of our tears and cry much less often, but still there are times when it is difficult or even impossible to keep from crying.

Animals, like humans, can scream and cry in pain, but we are the only creatures on Earth that have the ability to shed "emotional tears." After all, tears are a distress signal that we give, unconsciously expecting sympathy and help.

Those who are not shy about expressing their emotions openly are less likely to be affected by stress and deal with it faster. That is why, with nervous overstrain, psychologists strongly recommend giving yourself free rein and throwing out the accumulated experiences in crying. It is much more difficult for those who are accustomed to control themselves in any situation and consider tears a weakness. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to cry a lot. True, tears bring greater relief only when they provide "social support" - they help to find emotional understanding and comfort from others.

How are tears formed and why are they needed?

Tears are produced in several glands around the eye. With each blinking movement, the eyelids distribute a tear across the surface of the eye. Its excess drains into the two thinnest lacrimal canaliculi in the inner corner of the eye. The lacrimal ducts open into the lacrimal sac, which communicates with the nasal cavity. Therefore, when crying, liquid also flows from the nose. Although tears are 98% water, experts distinguish three types that differ in intensity of secretion and composition - depending on what they are caused by and what functions they perform.

  1. Mechanical. They flow constantly and almost imperceptibly. They contain fatty elements, mucus, proteins and antibacterial substances that wash, moisturize and protect the eyes from infections and scratches.
  2. Reflex. They are automatically released in response to irritants - an eyelash caught in the eye or caustic fumes, for example, when you cut an onion. Their purpose is to rinse the eye intensively, so they are less saturated.
  3. Emotional. The heaviest - dense, salty and rich tears - those that we call bitter and shed in moments of suffering. They contain stress hormones and help flush them out of the body quickly. Studies have shown that 85% of women and 73% of men with strong feelings felt much better after crying. Tears of joy or tenderness are shed more often than bitter ones. Although they do not remove harmful substances from the body, they soften the action of adrenaline. Tears, involuntarily flowing from unbridled laughter, also act.

It is important!
Keep your eyes dry
The causes of dry eyes can be very different. As a rule, such a sensation occurs due to a violation of the quality of the tear film, which lubricates the ocular surface and covers it with a thin layer. This film must be especially protected - it protects the eyeball from drying out and pathogenic microbes, and also contains substances that nourish the cornea.
Dry eye syndrome - burning sensation, "sand", pain in the eyes, poor wind tolerance, redness of the eyes, photophobia, lacrimation or a feeling of dryness, visual fatigue and an emerging desire to close the eyes. As a rule, these signs intensify towards the end of the working day.

  • Lifestyle factors: heavy reading and prolonged work at the computer, which require concentration.
  • Contact lenses can also cause discomfort due to dryness, because the lenses absorb the tear film, which causes the proteins that make up the tear film to be deposited on them. If you wear lenses, give your eyes a rest from them more often, try to wear glasses at home. And it is preferable to use lenses of daily replacement.
  • Read medication instructions carefully. Certain drugs, such as some antidepressants and antihistamines (allergy medicines), can cause dry eyes. Thyroid diseases, deficiency of vitamins A and D also provoke dry eyes.
  • One of the most common causes is the normal aging process. As we age, our body produces less fat secretion: at 65 years old, it is 40% compared to 18-year-olds. This is more pronounced in women, as their skin is drier than in men. The lack of fatty secretion also affects the condition of the tear film.
What to do?
  • Minimize risk factors. Try to maintain a sufficient level of humidity in the room. Do not sit in smoky rooms.
  • Include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet: oily fish and, after discussing with your doctor, fish oil capsules. It is noted that fatty acids affect the moistening of the eyes.
  • Do not overuse eye drops. Avoid drops that "refresh and quickly relieve redness of the eyes." They constrict the eye vessels and can only exacerbate the problem.
  • Drink plenty of fluids: 8-10 glasses of water a day will help maintain normal levels of moisture in the body, including moisturizing the mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • Try to blink more often, especially when reading, watching TV or working at the computer. Avoid rubbing your eyes as this only increases the irritation.

The three most common questions about tears

  • Why are my eyes watering from the cold?
    Cold air and wind irritate the eyes, causing reflex lacrimation. The best way to protect yourself in cold weather is to wear with curved lenses (they are also called sports or ski).
  • If a person is suffering, what will help him: relax and cry, or should we try to restrain ourselves?
    Together with tears, not only harmful chemical substances, but also, more importantly, catecholamines are stress stimulants. They are especially dangerous for a young, fragile body, so children cry much more often than adults. This triggers a natural protective natural mechanism that protects them from stress. It is dangerous to drive negative emotions inside. According to statistics, men who cry 4-5 times less than women live 7 years less. Proven link between sob suppression and severe disorders nervous system, hypertension, gastric ulcer, colitis and cardiovascular diseases. Some doctors directly warn: unshed tears can "result" in oncological ailments.
  • What should I do if I start crying and find it difficult to stop?
    If you began to cry for no particular reason or more often than usual, this may be a sign of developing. In this case, you need the help of a specialist - a neurologist or a psychotherapist.

Blitz Tips
How to quickly remove redness?

  • rule out the disease. If the redness of the eyes has become a frequent occurrence, then it is necessary to see an ophthalmologist. Redness may be associated with a disease of the eyelids, eyes, allergies (including contact lenses).
  • Moisturize your eyes. Redness often occurs due to dryness of the mucosa. As often as possible, ventilate the room in which you sit. Use moisturizing eye drops, such as natural or artificial tears, from time to time. But don't abuse them!
  • Cool your eyes Apply ice in a tissue or just soaked in ice to your closed eyes. cold water handkerchief. Cold contributes to the narrowing of blood vessels, and water will serve as an additional source of moisture.
  • Do compresses. The easiest is to attach brewed and chilled black or green tea bags. Or brew strong loose leaf tea and apply cotton pads soaked in it to your eyes. Tea should be without additives. It is also useful to make compresses from a decoction of chamomile, parsley or lime blossom. Compresses can be applied warm, cold or contrast, alternately applying cotton pads soaked in a warm solution, then in a cool one (or ice cubes from these decoctions). It is useful to apply circles of fresh cucumber to the eyes (an additional source of moisture).
  • Take vitamins. Redness of the eyes can occur due to a lack of vitamins A and B2 in the body. Black berries (currants and blueberries), parsley and raw carrots. Grated carrots are especially well absorbed with the addition of fats - vegetable oil, cream or sour cream.
  • Protect your eyes from bright light. Wear sunglasses good quality with UV protection not only in summer. In winter, ultraviolet also affects our eyes. Especially negative - with a combination of bright sun and snow-white snowdrifts: their combined blinding effect overloads the eyes, makes them strain to focus their vision, and dries the mucous membrane.
  • Keep clean. Before going to bed, be sure to remove eye makeup with a special tool. If a mote gets into the eye, in no case do not get it with your fingers (it is better to rinse the eye or drip with an artificial tear).

Why do we cry more than men?

It is believed that 74% of women and 20% of men cry with or without it 2-3 times a month, however, the latter will never admit this weakness. 36% of women and 25% of men cry from pain, 41% of women and 22% of men cry from love and related experiences.

We blink 12 times a minute to distribute moisture in our eyes.

Why do women shed tears more easily and more often? According to some experts, it turns out that it is not a matter of masculinity or femininity. Women are more tearful because of the hormone prolactin in their blood, which is responsible not only for the release of tears, but also for the production of milk during breastfeeding. And the hormone testosterone, which prevents the accumulation of tear fluid in sufficient quantities, prevents men from shedding “stingy male tears”.

Some psychologists claim that social stereotypes are to blame for the male stinginess of the manifestation of emotions, which are laid down in childhood, when parents say to the baby: "It's a shame to cry, you're a man!"

Tear Ten

Favorite movies that make you cry.

We interviewed our friends, relatives, colleagues and just acquaintances, and present you the top ten. Look - and cry sweet tears!

  • White Bim Black Ear
  • Life is Beautiful
  • Where Dreams Lead
  • You never dreamed
  • Hachiko: The most loyal friend
  • English patient
  • Once upon time in America
  • Ballad of a Soldier
  • When the trees were big
  • Knockin 'on Heaven

Moscow (according to surveys of residents of 10 cities) is a tough city, not for the sentimental (does not believe in tears).
6% of women say they never cry.
45% of men say they never cry

Comment on the article "Cry for health!"

More on the topic "Why do eyes cry":

Girls, my son has a graduation tomorrow, and I am very emotional in general, and at such moments in particular, I don’t feel like crying, but I can hardly restrain myself, it’s all very touching. Maybe you know what to drink, maybe there is such a remedy that reduces sensitivity and dulls emotionality?

Why are we crying? How tears are formed and why they are needed. Three most FAQ about tears. It wasn't like that before. We have the same problem with our sons. Tears flow in the wind...

Cry to your health! Growing up, we begin to be ashamed of our tears and cry much less often. Favorite films that make you cry. We interviewed our friends, relatives, colleagues and just...

If you need to cry - for any reason - then you need to cry. the child sees the real world, not the three most common questions about tears. Why are my eyes watering from the cold?

Cry for health, I worked as a music worker for seven years and sobbed steadily on March 8 and graduation. Although there was still no mother at all, she was not even in the plans.

I want to cry .... hormones?. Mother's condition. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness, development.

Drops with anesthetic are dripped into the eyes before this. She roared no more than when we Didn't find what we were looking for? See other discussions on the topic "watery eyes after anesthesia"

Yes, many cry at such events. For example, I sobbed when the youngest cries in the first child, and you don’t know the reason when you can’t understand whether he is full or hungry (and ...

As it was: Yulia slept on the balcony during the day, the ritual was simple - they put on a jumpsuit, gave a pacifier, shook it - the child was sleeping. Wants to sleep after 1.5 hours of wakefulness. How tired - naughty. As it is: it's time to sleep.. the baby cries, spits on the pacifier, doesn't react to motion sickness, put on a jumpsuit - crying. It calms down if it is taken out into a bright room, where there are a lot of interesting things around - for some time it joyfully stares around. ANY attempt to put to sleep is a tantrum, the nipple is a feisty enemy ..

Cry to your health! Why do women cry 4-5 times more than men? And children, even small and very, very cute, cease to interest their fathers - and this is not news, it happens.

Parenting advice urgently needed! I have a problem. No, I have a PROBLEM! After I feed and Duska falls asleep in my arms, I need to get up from the sofa, walk two steps and put him on the bed. Previously, it was possible to do this without waking up. Now there is no. And if he wakes up, then immediately the scandal is on the rise. How do you put babies in cribs so they sleep?

Why are my eyes watering from the cold? Causes of sleep disturbance in children: startling in a dream, interruptions in breathing, sleepwalking, fears and nightmares. There are tears in the street.

Cry to your health! Why are we crying? I cry at home and at work. I cry when I read your messages in the conference, even when you Even now I write and cry.

And if she cries, then only loudly, sobbing and with tears, and then for another half an hour or an hour she can sob and shudder. He is like this from birth, so we took him from the hospital.

Text: Anastasia Travkina

IN Lately social attitude to "positive" approaches the absurd, which often leads us to feel irrational shame for our own sadness. Such a simple and natural thing as tears becomes a crime against the unspoken life credo. According to National Geographic, for a lifetime human body produces at least 61 liters of tears - it's hard to believe that nature could supply us with so much something useless and "indecent". The common stereotype that tears are a weakness stigmatizes women and hurts men's self-esteem. The director of the Sestry rehabilitation center, psychologist Olga Yurkova, and psychotherapist Dmitry Smirnov helped us figure out why we need to cry and what power lies behind the ability to accept our emotions.

Where do tears come from and what are they

A tear is a fluid produced by the corresponding gland to wet and cleanse the surface of the eye. Most of it is water, sodium and potassium chlorides; other ingredients vary according to health condition

how we grieve

As we found out, crying is a complex mechanism of human behavior. The most obvious situation when it comes to tears caused by severe grief of loss. Such a state can cause not only the loss of loved ones, but also the deprivation of personal boundaries due to

physical or psychological abuse, loss of the opportunity to work or the meaning of life, termination of a relationship - any deprivation of something or someone significant, including one's own identity or hopes for the future.

In popular psychology, there is a special term for this stage in a person's life - mourning, and it has its own stages. The first is shock and numbness; the second is denial; the third is recognition of loss and pain; and the last is the acceptance of loss and rebirth. A person is often not able to cry at the first stage, when the psyche protects him from realizing what happened. The stages of mourning should replace each other over time, but sometimes a person cannot believe what happened to him, and gets stuck on the first one. Bringing such a patient to tears is a real progress in therapy, and this is necessary, because the state of stupor can lead to serious illnesses.

The people of the most different cultures and eras have always understood that we need help in understanding grief. The mourners who came to the burial, for sure, not only performed a ritual function, but also stimulated the relatives of the deceased, who were in shock, to experience grief, preventing them from getting stuck at the stage of anesthesia. Therefore, the worst thing that can be said to a person experiencing grief is “do not cry.” Tears not only help to resolve emotional tension, but also place a person in a cultural situation of mourning, and this is the first step to accepting grief.

Emotional tears do not exist on their own as a physiological reaction, there are experiences behind them. Everyone has the right to fully experience their feelings. In addition, we want and should be able to receive the sympathy of loved ones. And in order to manifest it, it is enough just to be there and not try to save a person from the grief that he will have to endure himself. For example, in Japan there are group crying groups, and many participants, of course, feel relieved after the session. The support of others is the most important part of the process of accepting a person's loss, because it is those around who will become a temporary replacement for what he has lost.

Why Tears Are Often Considered Manipulative

The attitude to tears in society is not just connected with shame. Any strong emotions in a person who is not ready for empathy cause rejection and denial. The unwillingness to empathize, in turn, is often dictated by the same underlying shame or fear. A vicious circle is formed: it is shameful to cry, to sympathize with the crying - too, it is easier to deny his grief and not trust him. In this regard, a biased attitude towards tears as a method of manipulation is formed. This is especially true of female crying: there is a cultural stereotype that women are manipulators by nature and will achieve their goal at all costs. The result of such prejudices is an attitude of blaming the victim instead of providing emotional support.

Tears can indeed be a way of manipulation - in men and women, in adults and children. But how to distinguish real tears from false ones? Psychologists say that sociopathic personalities cry “on order” more often: they almost do not experience empathy and hardly feel the need for it, and they can cry, including from selfish motives. Actors can also cry of their own free will, but they often have to remember life experiences that led them to tears.