What is cd in DotA. Dictionary of WOT terms. American and French technology

In this article, you will learn what a cd is. The abbreviation or abbreviation KD can be used in various fields. We will consider the most relevant applications.

KD is...

  • among professional engineers, architects, etc., quite often the phrase "design documentation" is replaced by design documentation;
  • among computer users, the abbreviation CD is understood as a CD;
  • Every seasoned gamer knows that in the game, cooldown is the time used to recharge abilities. This abbreviation is deciphered literally as "cooldown". In particular, cd in tanks is reloading the drum for the French or a rollback for self-propelled guns;
  • KD is also a detonator cap, that is, a device with which detonation is initiated explosives through a fire cord;
  • women can shorten the phrase "critical days" to a couple of letters: KD;
  • KD is short for "candela" (a unit of luminous intensity);
  • in the Soviet Union, the Sport-900 car was sometimes called KD;
  • there is a tractor called KD-35;
  • in the computer game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas there is a character named Carl Johnson (KD for short);
  • until 2005, Kaliningradavia OJSC was called KD avia.

What does the term "abbreviation" mean, you will learn from the article of our site

As soon as the world discovers something new that is popular among the majority of the population, after a while a special slang (jargon) appears, which is used by both users and specialists in this field. A similar fate has not passed in the field of computer games, where the concentration of such expressions simply exceeds all reasonable levels. After all, the use of abbreviated or simplified words here reaches the very of great importance in the world, and sometimes understanding them is very important. Since if you are a technical support specialist, promotion, or even a developer, then you need to know this dry and concise language, which is able to convey the essence of what was said to the population or colleagues in several expressions. And the briefly thrown phrase "cd 250" would express everything they need to know.


Although such phenomena are observed in any professional field of human activity, only gaming slang has gained such diversity. Uninitiated people can only be surprised and perplexed, listening to strange expressions, thinking what "cd", "rush in the center" is, and trying to understand their sacred meaning. After all, there are a lot of computer and console games, and they all have their own model, which brings its own terms to life. Therefore, not every user can understand what the lover of World of Tanks, Tundra or another arcade wanted to say. Of course, there are well-known expressions that intersect, but due to the complexity of building the speech structures of an experienced gamer, a beginner or uninitiated does not have a chance to understand them. Moreover, gaming slang does not age, it constantly expands its base and absorbs new word forms. All these expressions are regularly used, which is why a chaotic flow of information is obtained, which causes a lot of questions from an outsider: "What is "kd"?", "What do the abbreviations "kk" and "kts" mean? and so on. While for others this language is simple, familiar and sounds better than any music.


It is important to emphasize that the formation of the jargon of the players takes place according to unwritten rules, which contribute to the acceleration of communication. Therefore, all expressions in it are short and concise, as if chopped off with an ax. In order to understand them, you need to feel the essence of the presentation and regularly replenish your vocabulary. This is the only way to gain extensive knowledge of gamer slang. Although their demand for non-specialists and inactive players remains in great doubt.


Let's put into practice some popular phrases that can be heard in the gamer community. The question that comes up most often is "What is cd?" The answer is very banal, because this phrase has migrated from Dota to almost all games where spells are used, any skills or abilities are recharged. It indicates the waiting time before reuse perk or performing the action again. It was not possible to avoid the penetration of this slang expression into the "World of Tanks". Therefore, the answer to the somewhat naive question of what “cd” is in WOT will now not confuse anyone. You can easily check it by visiting the official site of the World of Tanks project, where the reload time of absolutely all guns that are found in the game is indicated.

Use in WOT

However, you should not assume that this is an exceptional parameter, which is of the greatest importance. His influence is important, but not unlimited. An important role is played by the speed of movement of the combat vehicle, its accuracy and armor penetration. All these conditions form their own system in which they are interconnected. As a result, disadvantages are compensated by advantages, which forms the necessary balanced weight of each unit.

American and French technology

At the same time, the specification of the gun loading time for tanks with a drum feed system is completely different. And to figure out what CD is in World of Tanks, it is not as easy for this class of equipment as it seems at first glance. After all, these combat vehicles have specific feature, it was built into their design historically and is reflected in the game. They can fire at the enemy continuously, but only until the full cassette is fired. In battle conditions, it looks like this: French or american tank fires from four to six projectiles at the enemy, after which it is removed for a long reload (in terms of game time, it takes from 30 seconds to a minute). The enemy suffered significant damage, but the attacker fighting machine departs to replenish ammunition. Such a technique requires the user to closely control the situation, since if detected, this tank will be defenseless and will not be able to repulse the attackers.


Some aspects of the team game are built on the use of this shortcoming. There is an addon that shows the opponent's cd. Although it does not apply to prohibited modifications of the client program, Wargaming does not recommend its use due to possible connection failures between the server and the user. The consequences of such interference can be different - from reinstalling the client to losing control over your own account. After all, the code of the mod program may contain malicious viruses, so all actions are carried out by game users at their own peril and risk. As a result, for wanting to know what a cd is and how long it lasts, you can pay too high a price, which will lead to the loss of personal data or even more serious consequences.

Game terms and abbreviations


Aggrit / Aggrit- a tactic in which aggravating teases the enemy tank, and he, in an attempt to shoot at aggravating forced to roll out from under the fire of the allies, while he himself aggravating manages to go to the save or takes a shot without damage ( tanks).

Aisi/disi- French medium tank AMX Chasseur de chars.

Promotion car- a car that can be obtained as part of special promotions. Not permanently sold in the game client.

Alyosha- an inexperienced player with a nickname derived from the name of Alex.

Alkash- Tier X Japanese heavy tank Type 5 Heavy. The name suggests that you can play it even when drunk.

Alpha/Alpha Strike- Maximum damage dealt with one shot.

alpha sneaker- German heavy tank VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A.

Apat- (from English. Up- top, increase) increase / improvement of the characteristics of equipment or individual modules. Antonym k nerf.

Arta/Brown square/Brown friend- abbreviated name of artillery.

Assist- Damage dealt by the player.

AFC- (from English. AFK - "Away From Keyboard" left the keyboard) designation of a tank standing alone on a rep, usually abandoned by its driver (for a smoke break, tea drinking, restroom ...).


Babaha- Tier X British Tank Destroyers FV215b (183) or FV4005 Stage II, less often TT level 6 - Soviet KV-2 and Japanese O-I armed with top howitzers

Ban- (from English. Ban) account blocking for a certain period of time or forever.

BB/Babashka- armor-piercing projectile.

Crazy Stool/Stool- American light tank T71.

BC- ammunition, ammo rack.

Blindshot- (from English. Blindshot- blind shot) a shot at a tank that is not in the light (that is, not visible to the shooter).

Flea- German premium tank destroyer E 25.

Bolide / T-two-fly- American light tank T2 Light Tank.

blank- armor-piercing projectile (AP).

Borsch Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger.

Boss/Shed- German tank destroyer Jagdpanzer E 100.

Bot- a tank under the control of a specialized program, not a person.

Log thrower/Shaitan-pipe/Shaitanka- 152-mm howitzers PT-ACS SU-152 /ISU-152 and TT KV-2, 15 cm TT howitzers O-I , O-Ni , Oh-ho and 152 mm light tank gun T49. Accordingly, the "log" is the projectile of this gun.

Keychain/Talisman- a low level tank in a platoon with tanks of much higher levels. In most cases - MS-1 or T1 Cunningham in a platoon with Tier X tanks (it was possible before, but now it is not possible (now a platoon should have vehicles of the same level)).

armored personnel carrier- Cheerful Tank Rubilovo. Active dynamic close combat.

Buratino/Buratos- Soviet self-propelled guns of the seventh level S-51.

Beha- Soviet tank destroyer of the fourth level SU-85B


Vine- (from English. "Whine"- whine, complain) a large number of complaints are often unjustified.

boots- Soviet self-propelled guns 212A, named for its shape.

Oneshot- (from English. One Shot, - one shot) one-shot kill of a tank with 100% durability. Also, a one-shot is sometimes understood as the destruction of an enemy vehicle with one shot, regardless of strength.

VBR- Great Belarusian Random. An ironic name for a random number generator that is responsible for such "floating" things as the exact value of penetration and damage of a particular shot, where exactly in the aiming circle it will go, the balance of commands, etc. Usually mentioned in connection with unexpected results. (ex. How is it from BL-10 ricochet on a firefly with 20 mm of armor? VBR!).

Wafer- German tank destroyer level 10 (Removed from the game) Waffenträger auf E 100.

Pasik wafer- German tank destroyer level 9 Waffenträger auf Pz. IV.

Bucket- top tank turret KV-3. The German Schmalturm towers are also called buckets.

Helicopter- Soviet medium tank T-44.

Vazik- Chinese tanks WZ-111 , WZ-111 model 1-4 , WZ-120 , WZ-131 , WZ-132 ,WZ-111 model 5A.

Vika- name of all tanks VK 36.01 (H) , VK 30.01 (H) , VK 30.01 (P), also British ST Vickers Medium Mk I , Vickers Medium Mk II , Vickers Medium Mk. III.

VKshka- almost any German prototype, the name of which begins with the letters VK, most often tanks are meant VK3601(H) or VK 30.01 (H) /(P).

Wolverine/Wolverine- American tank destroyer M10 Wolverine.

child prodigy- (from him. Wunderwaffe- wunderwaffe, miracle weapon) is used to refer to unusual impressive tanks.

VLD- upper frontal detail (upper armor plate).


Hyde- (from English. guide) a guide to use / actions or just a set of tips for WoT.

screw- American Tier IV tank destroyer M8A1.

Golda- game currency that can be purchased for real money, won by promotions or for participating in the war on global map. For gold, premium tanks and a premium account are purchased; you can dismantle non-removable modules, convert ordinary experience into free experience, or purchase silver.

Brokeback Mountain- american medium tank M3 Lee(because of the high body).

Goose/Duck- premium american heavy tank M6A2E1.

Gusli- tank tracks.


Damage- (from English. damage, - damage) damage/damage from a shot or a ram.

damageer- a tank, the main advantage of which is the ability to inflict great damage to the enemy for a short time(good penetration + high DPM).

Ninenostic- French light tank AMX 13 90

Grandfathers were at war- Soviet tanks. Usually used with model number for clarification. For example, IS-6- in Ded-6.

Destructor- Soviet gun D-25T.

Def/Defit- (from English. defense, - defense) to protect a specific point or direction from an enemy attack.

PDM- (from English. damage per minute, DPM, - damage per minute) characteristic of the gun, expressed as the average damage inflicted on the enemy in one minute.

Jackson- American tank destroyer of the sixth level M36 Jackson. The nickname "Sluger/Slucher/Schlager" is also rarely used, due to the fact that prior to update 0.8.2 the tank was called "M36 Slugger".

Jedi/Yoda- German light tank of the third level Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J(because of the letter "J" in the name - "Joda")

Hole Punch/Needle Punch- a fast-firing gun with high penetration and low one-time damage (more often used for the 57 mm ZiS-4 gun).

bottom/bottom- by analogy with the Deer - characterizes an inexperienced player with low in-game statistics.

Donat- (from English. donate, - donate) the purchase for real currency of any benefits in the game (play money, premium tanks, premium account, etc.), which are limitedly available or not available under normal conditions.


Estonian, yeshka- German heavy tank E 100. The nickname comes from the name of the tank - "E hundred".

Caption- German medium tank E 50 And E50 Ausf. M. The nickname comes from reading the name "E Pisyat".

The epistle is washed- German medium tank E50 Ausf. M(because of the "M" in the name).

Christmas tree- French light tanks AMX ELC bis And ELC EVEN 90. (The nickname comes from the word ELC in the tank's name.)


Iron Caput- German heavy tank Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f)(due to thick armor, difficult to penetrate for single-level tanks). The nickname "Vitamin" is also used - because of the consonance of the letter "B" in the name with the group of vitamins "B".


Breakfast- premium consumables for each nation that increase crew performance by 10%. Often referred to as "doppyok" regardless of the nation.

nerd- a player with a large number of fights in a relatively short period of time.

batch- an incredibly intense battle, most often on a small area of ​​the map with a large number of vehicles.

flash- detection of enemy tanks.

Zerg- medium tanks during a group attack.

Zerg Rush- a tactical technique in which the entire team (or a group of 3-4 STs) travels as a single group towards the base and stands up to capture. Zerg rush is also called a well-coordinated and fast breakthrough along the flank of the ST group.

spool- German promotional heavy tank tier 6 Tiger 131. This name was due to the golden color of the armor.

Zohzo- battle from the "General Battle" mode, comes from the number of players 30 x 30.


Imba- (from English. "Imbalanced", - unbalanced) tank, significantly superior to other vehicles of its level.

Igrak- a player with low efficiency and percentage of wins. Synonym of the term Cancer. It comes from combining the roots of the words player and cancer.


Caen- British tier eight heavy tank Caernarvon and promotional British heavy tank of the eighth level Caernarvon Action X.

Cactus- a very difficult and unpleasant vehicle to master and use, which, nevertheless, must be completed in battles.

Cardboard/Plywood/Foil/Paper- thin armor.

Carousel/Spin- riding on a maneuverable ST or LT around a clumsy TT or PT with shelling of the sides and stern. Performed to evade return fire. In the purest case, the total rotation speed of the hull + turret of the “carousel” is lower than the angular velocity of the carousel around.

Carousel of Tanks/Carousel of Vehicles- list of equipment in the hangar.

Swing- alternate departure of two tanks from different teams around the corner. The beginning of the movement of one tank falls on the moment after the shot of the second. It is also used in the case when the tank moves back and forth, catching the enemy on the reverse rhombus.

Kvass- Soviet heavy tank KV-1S.

Kirkorov- the only destroyed tank in the winning team.

Intestine- a long and winding passage on the map.

CD/Cooldown/CADE- (from English. "cool down", - recharge). Used to inform about enemy or allied unloaded artillery and other equipment, which after the shot is safe / useless for some time.

Clinch- (from English. "clinch", - clamp, capture) defensive actions, fettering the attacking actions of the enemy by focusing close, forehead to forehead. American TTs starting from T29, go to ram, exposing their impenetrable tower under fire. This tactic is applicable to Soviet medium tanks. T-54 And T-62A, as well as a number of other vehicles with strong turret armor. However, for vehicles with good gun inclination angles down (for the same Americans, for example Pershing or Patton) have an advantage - they can shoot at the body of the enemy, which, due to close range and shooting at an angle down, loses rational angles. So, Patton often fails to punch T-54 in the forehead of the hull from 100 meters, but in the clinch it stably breaks through.

Bug- French Tier VIII light tank ELC EVEN 90.

Combine/Farm-harvester/Credit card/Farmer- a tank used to actively earn credits. Typically, these vehicles are medium tier tanks (5-7), as well as premium tier 8 tanks.

Comet- british medium tank comet.

Horse- British heavy tank Conqueror and self-propelled guns Conqueror Gun Carriage.

box- the encirclement by several tanks of any enemy tank in order to deprive him of the ability to move.

King Tiger/CT- German heavy tank Tiger II.

Crab- a player with a crab-like structure of the hand (hands-claws), unable to control the mouse / keyboard normally.

Kraken/Crane- Swedish heavy tank of the tenth level Kranvagn.

Credits/Silver/Sulfur- credits (the main game currency).

Crete- (from English. critical, - critical) critical damage to the module.

Critical Collector- a tank vulnerable to critical damage. More often used in relation to German tanks"Tiger" or "Panther".

Lap of honor- departure of a medium or light tank at the beginning of the battle to the area of ​​the center of the map, followed by a quick return to the base. Typically, a route is in the form of a circle (or loop) through the center of the map. The goal is to illuminate the enemy while still at his base. Lap of Honor is very popular on the map Robin, since tanks, being at their bases, can shoot each other.

Cumul- cumulative projectile.

Chicken- German tank destroyer level 10 Grille 15.

Kustodrot- a player who, regardless of the tank, sits on it in the bushes for the whole battle (for example, the player sits on the mouse on the Ruinberg) and does not really do anything.


lag- (from English. "lag", - delay) loss (delay) of packets on the way from the server to the client (or vice versa), or slowdown of the server, leading to a “game freeze”.

Laker- (from English. "luck", - luck, luck) lucky, lucky.

light bulb/lamp- Perk "Sixth Sense" for the light bulb symbol. The appearance (ignition) of "Bulbs" means the detection of the tank by the enemy.

Lvl- (from English. level, - level) level. (e.g. IS-3 - lvl 8 tank).

Leo / Lyova / Loshe- German heavy tank Lowe.

Lefty- 1) French self-propelled guns 105leFH18B2. 2) NaVi-LeBwa team player.

Leo- before the introduction of the Swedish tank branch - German light tanks of the 5th level VK 16.02 Leopard, Tier 9 medium tank Leopard Prototyp A or medium tank level 10 Leopard 1.

Light babakhalka- American light tank tier 9 T49 or light tank level 10 XM551 Sheridan.

lol- laughter presented in text form (from English. "laugh/laughing out loud", - laugh out loud; Russian-language analogue - rzhunimagu).

LT- light tank.

Lunokhod- Soviet heavy tank IS-7.


Major- a player who invests a large amount of real money in the game.

Mazay- american medium tank M4A3E2 Sherman.

Barbecue/barbecue- German tank destroyer of the fifth level Pz.Sfl. IVc behind appearance resembling a cooking device meat dish on coals.

Marder/Marten- (from him. "marder", - marten) German tank destroyer of the third level Marder II and fourth Marder 38T

Death Machine-1- Soviet light tank MS-1.

Motorcycle/Moped- Soviet light tank T-50-2.

Mchazev- american medium tank M4A3E8 Sherman.

Little Mouse- German heavy tank Mauschen.

Mouse- German heavy tank Mouse.

Meat- a weak technique that is not capable of influencing the outcome of the battle.


Bend / leg- a successful game accompanied by a high percentage victories and a large number of destroyed tanks ("frags").

Rhino/Nashorn/Nasran- German tank destroyer level 6 Nashorn.

bender- the nickname of a player who has good results for the battle or in the whole game.

Neberung- a player who, in an ultimatum (up to friendly fire), requires teammates not to take the enemy base, but to finish off all enemy tanks, believing that this will increase income at the end.

nedotapok/alpha sneaker- German heavy tank VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A.

Nemcephil- a man who loves German technology.

Nerf/Nerf- reduction / deterioration of the characteristics of equipment or individual modules.

NLD/NBL- lower frontal part / lower armor plate / lower bottom sheet (in a comic form). It is often a weak point due to the smaller thickness and angle of inclination.

noob- (from English. "newbie", - beginner) inexperienced player.

Nychka- places on the map where you can hide from enemies.

Natankoval- received damage or blocked damage by armor.


Leftover- Soviet machine with the name "Object ...": tank destroyer Object 704 , Object 263 And Object 268.

Lightweight/Regional/Regional- Soviet LT level 9 T-54 light.

Renewal- changing the server-client software associated with any changes in the game.

reverse diamond- the same as rhombus, but only tanking backwards. If at an angle they try to place the frontal armor of the tank, then in the reverse rhombus at an angle they try to place the stern of the tank. The stern is necessarily hidden behind an obstacle. Allows you to shoot at the enemy, absorbing all the damage from his caterpillar shots without moving away from the wall. Actual for tanks with a shifted tower to the forehead.

Sawed-off / Cigarette End / Shotgun- short-barreled howitzer of large caliber.

OF / Land mine- high-explosive fragmentation projectile.

One-button- players who prefer a stationary or sedentary game. The nickname comes from the fact that some players prefer to stand in one place and use only the mouse. Typically, such a player takes a position at the base or near the nearest bush and shoots from there, and for a shot he just needs to converge to a certain point and press the left mouse button. Often, after the first shot, one-buttons die, as they fall into the light and find themselves under enemy fire. Also used as an insult to SPG players

Reindeer gauge/Deer gauge/XVM/Nubomer- a mod for the game that reads the statistics of players from the server and can display it in battle. It has a lot of settings, in addition to statistics, it is able to display standard markers in a different way in the game and much more. IN Lately the mod has become more complex and has absorbed many other useful mods. Gaining more and more popularity, despite the fact that it is not welcomed by the developers of the game.

Deer- the nickname of an inexperienced player. Character traits: knocking down in packs and quick senseless death in them, often leading to defeat in battle.

Ololorash- usually a CT attack on one flank, usually ending in failure. Less commonly applied to the entire team.

Olololight/Nubolight- an early breakthrough of light tanks to the enemy base in order to detect as many enemies as possible and receive the Scout medal. Usually, such a maneuver is completely uncoordinated with the actions of the team (tanks and artillery have not yet had time to take up positions for firing, or there is no artillery at all) and ends in the useless death of tanks.


Pasik/Pazlik- German light and medium tanks Pz.Kpfw.

Folder/Father/Old Man- an experienced player.

Patton/Baton- american medium tank M46 Patton , M48A5 Patton.

perk- (from English perk - privilege) an additional specialty of the crew.

sand cutter- a synonym for the word Pedobear. It is used mainly on the official WoT forum, as the more common term is blacked out by the matfilter.

Sandbox/Sand- battles for vehicles of 1-2 levels. They differ in a limited set of cards, see more details. Balancer and battle levels. Accordingly, semi-sand - battles involving vehicles of 3-4 levels.

plasmagun- guns with a caliber of about 120 mm (120-130). They are named so because of the high armor penetration and accuracy, as well as due to the late (mid-late 1950s) appearance.

Bun/Splash- (from the word slap in the face - a slap in the face) hitting the enemy that caused damage.

Porsche/Porsche- tanks designed by Ferdinand Porsche. More often used for VK 30.01 (P) , Tiger (P) or VK 100.01 (P). "P" in the name of the tank means "Porsche").

PP- percentage of wins.

prem- depending on the context, it can mean both a premium account (for example, play with a premium), and a premium tank - bought for gold (for example, which of the premiums to take for farming?).

Press acc- a press account is issued to members of the press, famous streamers, etc., to cover the details of the project.

Prince/Black Prince- British tank level 7 Black Prince, rarely applied to Premium Medium Tanks Matilda Black Prince.

Reheated/Reheated/Spaghetti- Italian tanks 8 and 10 levels Progetto M35 mod 46 , Progetto M40 mod. 65

Lumbago- free space between obstacles, allowing you to shoot at the enemy, sometimes the shots can be narrow and unexpected for the enemy. "I'm in the cross" - the enemy can shoot at me.

PT/PTshka- from tank destroyers - anti-tank self-propelled artillery mount.

Promresurs/Boxes is a special in-game currency for the Strongholds mode, earned in battles with other clans.


Parsing (vb.take apart / take apart / take apart) - a concentrated and usually successful attack by two or three tanks of one target.

Cancer- a player with low efficiency and percentage of wins. Low values ​​glow red like boiled crayfish.

Consumables- tank equipment that is used once, for example, a fire extinguisher.

Rush- (from English. "to rush", - hurry, break in sharply) group attack with an onslaught on the chosen direction of the enemy with the aim of breaking through (landmark, enemy base, square or key building).

Revo/Revolver- French premium medium tank tier 8 M4A1 Revalorise.

X-ray / X-ray illumination- 100% detection of the enemy at a distance of less than 50 m without direct visibility.

Rep/Respawn- (from English. respawn, - rebirth) the place where players appear on the map at the beginning of the game.

Socket- Soviet heavy tank KV-220-2.

Horns- stereo tube.

Rhombus- positioning your tank at an angle to the enemy in order to increase the angle of the projectile with the armor, which increases the tank's chances of getting a non-penetration or ricochet.


ACS- self-propelled artillery installation (see. Arta).

Knock down/Remove a star- get increased (x2/x3/x5) experience for the first victory of the day on any tank.

Mixing- aiming time (usually in seconds).

From the turntable- (from “from the back to the soup” - a phrase about the famous Chuck Norris roundhouse kick) a roundhouse shot without information, accompanied by a hit, penetration and, as a result, damage.

Shine/Light- conduct reconnaissance (usually on a light tank).

Firefly- player on fast tank, scout. Usually they are light or medium tanks with high speed and good visibility.

Save- (from English. save, - save, save) shelter, safe place.

Semka- Soviet heavy tank IS-7.

Semespiate- French light tank AMX 13 75. The name was given because of the last digits in the name (meaning the caliber of the gun).

Serbogold/Serebrogold- premium shells purchased with credits (silver).

Setup- (from English. set up set, recruit) - the starting lineup of the team.

Silvia- (from English. silver- silver) is a simplified designation of credits (silver).

Skill- (from English. "skill", - skill, skill, skill, experience) skill. In computer games, it means the ability to win and the correct conduct of a battle, an instant reaction to game events. Experienced players improve their skill. Deer do not improve their skill. There is an expression "pulled out with skill" - an experienced player took advantage of his knowledge, reaction and hit less experienced players.

Frying pan- Soviet medium tank Object 416(for the characteristic shape of the tower, similar to the shape of a frying pan).

Screen- (from English. screenshot) screenshot.

Drain- defeat with a devastating score (eg 15:2), in a broader sense - the defeat of the team. For example, the expression "Draining the flank" means that in one of the directions the team is tactically defeated.

Advice- short for "Soviet tank".

Sovietophile- a player who loves Soviet technology.

Sausage/Sausage- British heavy promotional tank of the sixth level TOG II*(for the long elongated body profile).

Splash- (from English. splash, - splash) damage from the blast wave and HE shell fragments.

ST- medium tank.

Stat- game statistics. Usually they mean the percentage of wins.

extra- a player with good battle statistics. Also a player for whom improving game statistics is the main goal in the game.

bitch- any Swedish technique whose name begins with Strv.

Sotka/Estonian- German heavy tank E 100, less often - another German technique that has in its name E 100.

Stock- tank in the basic / standard configuration. The tank is bought in stock condition. The stock module is the worst/first module that can be installed on a tank.

stoppastik- French light tank AMX 13 105. The name was given because of the last digits in the name (meaning the caliber of the gun).

superhorse- British heavy tank Super Conqueror.

Drying - Soviet technology whose name starts with SU.


T100Lyot/Tstolyot- soviet light tank level 10: T-100 LT

tank- attract the attention of opponents and, accordingly, take their damage. A common tactic for tanks with strong armor and a large margin of safety.

side tanking- Type of tanking, also called "Tanking with the harp" absorbing enemy damage with a side or harp, the tank stands behind the wall and slowly, driving off at an angle of no more than 120 degrees, takes shots without damage. Two types are commonly used: and .

sneaker- German heavy tank VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B.

Tapkolev- German heavy tank of the tenth level VK 72.01(K).

Cockroach- Soviet medium tank T-54(due to good speed and maneuverability).

Twink- (from English. twin- double) the second (third and so on) game account of the same user.

TV - american self-propelled guns third level T18 HMC(because of the characteristic case comparable to the case of an old tube TV).

Tyrant/Tyrannosaurus- German premium medium tank of the fifth level Turan III prototypus.

Fathead/Iron- German light tank of the sixth level VK 28.01(due to the large massive body and mediocre dynamics).

Top/Top- the strongest tank in the team; the first five tanks in the list of players before the start of the battle. Also a tank with fully researched and installed modules in the best possible configuration. The top module is the best module that can be installed on a tank.

Cake/Cake- British tank destroyer of the ninth level Tortoise.

Tram- Soviet medium tank T-28.

Tracer/Track- a trace from a just fired shot. Allows you to sometimes hit the enemy even without "light".

Trasserodrocher / Trassodrot- any self-propelled guns that monitor the enemy base, namely the tracers of enemy self-propelled guns, subsequently destroying them.

TT/Tyazh- heavy tank.

performance characteristics- Tactical and technical characteristics.

Tiger-P/Pigr- German heavy tank of the seventh level Tiger (P).


UVN- elevation angles.

UGN- horizontal aiming angles.

Stubborn Emil- historical nickname of the German tier 7 tank destroyer Sturer Emil(due to frequent breakdowns). The name "Sturer Emil" is also used.


Fan- (from English. fun, - fun) game for the sake of fun and fun.

Pharm- (from English. farm, - farm) game with the aim of obtaining game currency(the main goal is to earn money, not to win the team) and less often - experience.

Fedya / Fedor / Fedot- German tank destroyer of the eighth level Ferdinand.

flood- (from English. "flood", - flood, deluge) clogging with useless, meaningless chat (voice chat) information in the game. Particularly "gifted" through the microphone broadcast loud music into the voice chat, interfering with the coordination of the team.

Focus/Focus- a tactical method of combat, which consists in concentrating fire on one enemy tank in order to destroy it, thereby purposefully reducing the number of enemy tanks capable of firing back. Sometimes the term is used in cases when the enemy's self-propelled guns purposefully aim one of the tanks, i.e. focuses it.

Frag- (from English. "frag") destroyed enemy.

Truck/Rage- American medium premium tank of the sixth level M4A3E8 Fury.


HP/Hits/Hepe- (from English. "Hit/Health Points", - health / strength points) "health units" or "life units", in other words - the tank's safety margin.

Refrigerator/Cold- Soviet artillery of the eighth level SU-14-2.

Hamster- American medium tank tier 9 T54E1(due to the "cheeks" of the tower, similar to the cheeks of a hamster).

Chrome/Hrum- British medium tank tier 6 Cromwell.


CA- (abbreviated from "target audience") a set of consumers of a gaming product. Players targeted by the WoT project.


Screen- an external removable (duplicate) layer of armor, designed for additional protection, partially or completely absorbs projectile damage in the game.

EXPA- (from English. experience) experience, number of special points. Given in WoT to unlock new equipment, vehicles, and upgrade crew and perks. Given at the end of the battle, depending on the player's contribution. There are bonuses for increased daily experience or promotions, as well as when buying a premium account.


Berry- German tank destroyer Jagdtiger.

Yuppie/Yapis/Yapesto- German tank destroyer Jagdpanzer E 100(due to the pronunciation of the abbreviated name JagdPz E 100).

Other terms and abbreviations

To- from the prefix "kilo" 1000/thousand.

kk/lam - 1 000 000.

IMHO- (from English. "IMHO") - In My Humble Opinion) in my humble opinion / I have an opinion - you can argue with hell.

STI- (Very Important Tactical Maneuvers) actions of the player in combat that are not related to tanking, damage or light, but benefit the team.

pzhl / plz / pliz / pozya- (from English. "please")) is short for the word please / pliz.

RO/Grey ban- (from English. "read-only", - read only) - a kind of punishment for violating the rules of the game / forum. A player who receives RP loses the ability to write messages for a certain period.

THX- short for thank you.

sorry / sorry / sorry / sorry- (from English. sorry) I regret that they do not translate exactly how sorry (those), sorry (those)) please excuse me in case of accidental hits in the tank, collisions with an ally's tank.

xs- "who knows":)

TS- transliteration from English. "Topic Starter" - the author of the topic.

CTTS- "As Only So Immediately" - the answer to the question, which includes the word "when". Favorite expression of SerB'a, one of the developers of World of Tanks.

NYA- "As far as I know".

EMNIP- "If my memory serves me".

CHSV(Sometimes microwave) - "Feeling of self-importance."

CHADNT?- "What am I doing wrong?".