Planning correctional developmental work nishcheva download Word. N.V. Nishcheva. A program of correctional developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment

N. V. Nishcheva


correctional and developmental work

V speech therapy group kindergarten

for children with general speech underdevelopment

Regional Expert Council of the Education Committee

Government of St. Petersburg

Saint Petersburg



G. A. Volkova - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Professor ISPiP International University named after. R. Wallenberg;

T. A. Ovechkina - Ph.D. ped. Sciences, leading specialist of the department of educational institutions of the Education Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg;

N. N. Yakovleva - Ph.D. ped. sciences, head office for correction of child development of St. Petersburg APPO;

I. A. Smirnova - Ph.D. ped. sciences, head Department of Correctional Pedagogy and Special Psychology, Leningrad State University. A. S. Pushkina; E. V. Dashkovskaya - head. GDOU "Kindergarten No. 26 of compensatory type" of the Moscow region of St. Petersburg.

Nishcheva N.V.

N71 Program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment (from 4 to 7 years). - SPb.: CHILDREN'S PRESS, 2007.352 p.

ISBN 978-5-89814-356-4

This program allows you to build a system of correctional and developmental work in middle, high school and preparatory speech therapy groups based on full interaction and continuity of all specialists of the child care institution and parents of preschool children. In addition to the tasks of developmental education, the comprehensive development of intellectual and volitional qualities and the formation of basic mental processes, the main goal of the program is for children to master independent, coherent, grammatical correct speech and verbal communication skills.

The proposed complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at equalizing the speech and mental development of children diagnosed with ODD.

For speech therapists and pre-school specialists.

© Nishcheva N.V., 2006

ISBN 978-5-89814-356-4 © Publishing house "CHILDHOOD-PRESS", 2006

Explanatory note ……………………………………………………………………….5

Program structure and main directions

correctional and developmental work………………………………………………………9

System of correctional and developmental work

in a speech therapy group for children with special needs………………………………………………………11

Activities with children:………………………………………………………………………………………..11

Subject-spatial developmental


Joint activities of a speech therapist

and the teacher…………………………………………………………………………………13

Work of a speech therapist with parents: ....... ...................................... ................................................14

Secondary speech therapy group

Organization of correctional and developmental work.;……………………………………..17

Subject-spatial development environment:………………………………………………………...20

works, educational and didactic material……………………………………………………………………....22

Plan-program of correctional and developmental


First period (September, October, November)………………………………………………….44

Second period (December, January, February) ………………………………………………………………..51

Third period (March, April, May, June) ……………………………………………………60

Weekly assignments of the speech therapist to the teacher: …………………………………………….66

Senior speech therapy group

Organization of correctional and developmental


Subject-spatial development environment................................................................. ...................74

works, educational and didactic material …………………………………...………………76


First period (September, October, November) ………………………………………………………………..98

Second period (December, January, February) …………………………………………………………….108

Third period (March, April, May, June) …………………………………………………………......117

Weekly assignments of the speech therapist to the teacher.................................................... ........................127

Preparatory speech therapy group for school

Organization of correctional and developmental work................................................................. ...................132.

works, educational and didactic material……………………………………………......136

Plan - correctional and developmental program


First period (September, October, November) ………………………………………………………………...159

Second period (December, January, February) ……………………………………………………………..168

Third period (March, April, May, June) ……………………………………………………176

Weekly assignments of the speech therapist to the teacher.................................................... ........................ 184


Appendix 1. Methodology for examining a child with general speech underdevelopment

(from 4 to 7 years old) …………………………………………………………………………………...189

Appendix 2. Scheme of examination of the child……………………………………………..198

Appendix 3. Teaching aids

and didactic materials for the program................................................... ...................................252

Special and methodological literature…………………………………………………….253

Children's fiction………………………………………………………256

Explanatory note

Program of correctional and developmental work for children preschool age(from 4 to 7 years) with general underdevelopment of speech is compiled in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the relevant directions of the Concept of Preschool Education, the Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the period until 2010, Model Regulations on Preschool Educational Institutions, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “Guidelines and requirements for updating the content preschool education"and the developments of domestic scientists in the field of general and special pedagogy and psychology.

The purpose of this Program is to build a system of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy groups for children with general speech underdevelopment aged 4 to 7 years, providing for full interaction and continuity of actions of all preschool specialists educational institution and parents of preschool children. The complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at leveling the speech and psychophysical development of children and ensures their comprehensive harmonious development.

General underdevelopment of speech is considered as a systemic disorder of speech activity, complex speech disorders in which children have impaired formation of all components of the speech system, relating to both the sound and semantic aspects, with normal hearing and intact intelligence (Levina R. E., Filicheva T. B ., Chirkina G.V.). Speech failure with general speech underdevelopment in preschool children can vary from complete absence of speech to extensive speech with pronounced manifestations of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (Levina R. E.).

Currently, there are four levels of speech development, reflecting the state of all components of the language system in children with general speech underdevelopment (Filicheva T. B.).

At the first level speech development, the child’s speech means are limited, the active vocabulary is practically not formed and consists of onomatopoeia, sound complexes, and babbling words. Statements are accompanied by gestures and facial expressions. Characteristic is the polysemy of the words used, when the same babbling words are used to designate different objects and phenomena. It is possible to replace the names of objects with the names of actions and vice versa. In active speech, root words without inflections predominate. The passive vocabulary is wider than the active one, but also extremely limited. There is practically no understanding of the categories of number of nouns and verbs, tense, gender, and case. The pronunciation of sounds is diffuse. Phonemic development is in its infancy. The ability to perceive and reproduce the syllabic structure of a word is limited.

During the transition to the second level speech development, the child’s speech activity increases. Active vocabulary expands due to everyday subject and verbal vocabulary. It is possible to use pronouns, conjunctions and sometimes simple prepositions. The child’s independent statements already contain simple, uncommon sentences. At the same time, there are gross errors in the use of grammatical structures, there is no agreement between adjectives and nouns, and there is a confusion of case forms. Understanding of addressed speech is developing significantly, although the passive vocabulary is limited, the subject and verbal vocabulary associated with the work activities of adults, flora and fauna has not been formed. There is a lack of knowledge not only of color shades, but also of primary colors.

Gross violations of the syllabic structure and sound filling of words are typical. Children exhibit insufficiency in the phonetic aspect of speech ( a large number of unformed sounds).

Third level speech development is characterized by the presence of extensive phrasal speech with elements of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. There are attempts to use even sentences of complex constructions. The child's vocabulary includes all parts of speech. This may lead to inaccurate use lexical meanings words The first word formation skills appear. The child forms nouns and adjectives with diminutive suffixes, verbs of motion with prefixes. Difficulties are noted in forming adjectives from nouns. Multiple agrammatisms are still noted. The child may use prepositions incorrectly and make mistakes in agreeing adjectives and numerals with nouns. Undifferentiated pronunciation of sounds is characteristic, and replacements may be unstable. Pronunciation deficiencies can be expressed in distortion, replacement or confusion of sounds. The pronunciation of words with a complex syllabic structure becomes more stable. A child can repeat three- and four-syllable words after an adult, but distorts them in the speech stream. Speech understanding is approaching normal, although there is insufficient understanding of the meanings of words expressed by prefixes and suffixes.

Fourth level speech development (Filicheva T.B.) is characterized by minor violations of the components of the child’s language system. There is insufficient differentiation of sounds [t-t"-s-s"-ts], [r-r"-l-l"-j], etc. Characteristic are peculiar violations of the syllabic structure of words, manifested in the child’s inability to retain the phonemic image of a word in memory while understanding its meaning. The consequence of this is a distortion of the sound content of words in various versions. Insufficient speech intelligibility and unclear diction leave the impression of “blurry”. Errors in the use of suffixes (singularities, emotional connotations, diminutives) remain persistent. There are difficulties in education difficult words. In addition, the child experiences difficulties in planning a statement and selecting appropriate linguistic means, which determines the originality of his coherent speech. Complex sentences with different subordinate clauses present particular difficulty for this category of children.

Children with general speech underdevelopment have, in comparison with the age norm, features of the development of sensorimotor, higher mental functions, and mental activity.

The program is designed for a child to stay in a speech therapy group from the age of four. It was created for children with the second, third, fourth levels of speech development . For children with the first level of speech development, who make up no more than 10% of those sent to speech therapy groups, on the basis of this Program and the Program of correctional and developmental work in the junior speech therapy group, specialists can draw up individual development plans.

The program makes it possible to provide developmental education for preschool children, the comprehensive development of their intellectual and volitional qualities, and makes it possible to form in children all mental processes and such personal qualities as creativity, curiosity, initiative, responsibility, independence. One of the main objectives of the Program is for children to master independent, coherent, grammatically correct speech and verbal communication skills, the phonetic system of the Russian language, and elements of literacy, which forms readiness for learning at school. The program provides for the need to protect and strengthen the physical and mental health of children, ensuring the emotional well-being of each child. Thus, it allows children to form an optimistic attitude towards their surroundings, which enables the child to live and develop, and ensures positive emotional, personal and social development. Volume educational material designed in accordance with age-related physiological standards, which helps to avoid overwork and maladjustment of preschoolers. For each age group, an optimal combination of individual and joint activities of children is proposed, a balanced alternation of specially organized classes and unregulated activities; free time for children to play and relax is allocated in both the first and second halves of the day.

The basis of the Program is the creation of optimal conditions for correctional and developmental work and the comprehensive harmonious development of children with general speech underdevelopment. This is achieved through modification of general developmental programs and the entire complex of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group, taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development of children in this group. The main idea is to implement the general educational tasks of preschool education with the involvement of synchronous alignment of the speech and mental development of children, that is, one of the main principles of the Program is the principle of conformity to nature. The program takes into account the common development of normally developing children and children with general speech underdevelopment and is based on the ontogenetic principle, taking into account the patterns of normal child speech development.

In addition, the Program is also based on the principles of systematicity and interconnection of educational material, its specificity and accessibility, gradualism, concentric build-up of information in each of the subsequent age groups in all areas of work, which allows the child to rely on the knowledge and skills he already has, and ultimately ensures progressive development.

Thus, the implementation of correctional, developmental and educational tasks is ensured thanks to an integrated approach and the close relationship between the work of specialists in pedagogical and medical profiles. Thus, the relationship in the work of a neurologist and a speech therapist teacher ensures the choice of an adequate correctional technique.

The implementation of the principle of complexity contributes to higher rates of general and speech development of children and involves the joint work of a speech therapist, psychologist, music director, director of physical education, exercise therapy instructor, and educators. For example, work on the section “Speech development” is led by a speech therapist, and other specialists plan their classes in accordance with his recommendations.

In the work on the section “ Cognitive development» educators, educational psychologist, and speech therapist are involved. At the same time, the educational psychologist supervises the work on sensory development and the development of higher mental functions; educators organize work to familiarize preschoolers with the environment, fiction, to develop temporal, spatial and elementary mathematical concepts, and supervise the work in the “Creative Development” section. A music director also participates in this work, providing musical education for children and, together with a speech therapist teacher, conducting logorhythmics classes.

Educators lead the work on moral and labor education, and all other specialists assist them. Work under the section " Physical health and development” is carried out by the head of physical education, depending on the health status and level of physical development of the children. Thus, the integrity of the Program is ensured by establishing connections between different areas of the child’s activity, the relationship between specialists involved in the pedagogical process, and parents of preschool children.

In a speech therapy group, the correctional direction of work is the leading one, and general education is the subordinate one. All teachers monitor children’s speech and reinforce the speech skills developed by the speech therapist. In addition, all specialists, under the guidance of a speech therapist, are engaged in correctional work, participating in the correction of speech disorders and related processes. The teacher, music director, and director of physical education carry out general educational activities provided for in the mass kindergarten program, engage in mental, moral, aesthetic, physical, and patriotic education, thereby ensuring the harmonious all-round development of children.

It is recommended to carry out complex integrated correctional classes with the involvement of various specialists, since the mutual “penetration” of various types of subject matter turns out to be extremely effective. It is recommended to conduct classes such as generalizing and final classes once a month. They may involve a speech therapist and a music director, or a speech therapist and a physical education teacher, or a speech therapist and a massage therapist, etc. Such complex classes should be correctional and developmental in nature and have a specific effect on the development of speech. In such classes, children learn to communicate with each other, which helps to consolidate proactive speech skills, improve conversational speech, and enrich their vocabulary. To eliminate speech disorders in these classes, we use different kinds activities accessible to preschoolers: visual and constructive activities, round dance games with singing and outdoor games. Summaries of complex correctional classes are given in the teaching aids “Multi-colored fairy tales” and “Developmental fairy tales”.

The program contains detailed description organization and content of correctional and developmental work in middle, senior and pre-school groups for children with general speech underdevelopment, recommendations were given for creating and equipping a subject-spatial developmental environment in a speech therapy room and a group room, given guidelines on working with parents.

The appendix provides recommendations for conducting an examination and a scheme for examining a child with general speech underdevelopment, a list of manuals in the methodological kit, and lists of special, methodological and children's fiction.

IN methodological kit includes: the manual “System of correctional work in a speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment” (long-term and calendar planning of work, weekly assignments from a speech therapist to educators, didactic material for speech therapy classes), “Notes of subgroup speech therapy classes in the middle group for children with OSD”, " Speech card child with special needs (from 4 to 7 years old)", sets of workbooks for middle, high school and preparatory speech therapy groups, notes complex classes“Multi-colored fairy tales” and “Educational fairy tales”, “My ABC book”, sets of board-printed didactic games “Igrayka 1”, “Igrayka 2”, “Igrayka 3”, “Igrayka 5”, “Igrayka-gramoteyka”, manuals “We will speak correctly”, “Let’s study together. Middle group. Homework book, “Let's study together. Senior group. Homework book."

The basis for long-term and calendar planning of correctional work in accordance with the requirements of the Program is

By Date/Topic

Lexical material

Lexico - grammatical means of language

Development of general and fine motor skills

Development of coherent speech

Teaching literacy, developing phonemic analysis and synthesis

Formation of sound pronunciation

I period


1 week “Kindergarten. Day of Knowledge"




(Nishcheva, 306)

Non-speech sounds.

2 week

"Professions in kindergarten"

Nouns: kindergarten, group, teacher, speech therapist, nanny, psychologist, cook, laundress, music director, physical education instructor, manager, methodologist

Adjectives: kind, affectionate, caring, important, necessary

Verbs: educate, teach, correct, look after, clean, wash, cook, wash, iron, etc.

1. Formation of a noun in the mind. - caress. form. Game “Name it kindly”

2. Education plural nouns Game "One - Many"

3. Education gender, date, creation, sentence, wine. noun case. Game "Agree a Word"

4. Agreement of numerals with nouns. Game "Count"

5. Consolidating the use of simple prepositions in speech

6. Formation of skills to use indeclinable nouns.

7.Use of verbs with various prefixes.

Development of fine motor skills “Our group”

(Nishcheva, 306)

Mastering the skills of composing and distributing sentences based on a picture using questions.

Compose a story of 3-4 sentences.

Differentiation of speech and non-speech sounds.

Development of the speech apparatus, preparation for production of sounds (conducting general and
special articulatory gymnastics).

Clarify in children the pronunciation of preserved sounds: [a], [u], [o], [e], [i], [m], [m'], [n], [n'], [p], [ p'], [t], [t'], [l], [l'], [f], [f'], [v], [v'], [b], [b'].

3 week

"Body parts, faces"

Nouns and adjectives:

Articulatory apparatus, speech organs, tongue, lips, teeth, edges, back, root, tip of the tongue, cheeks, mouth, alveoli, respiratory organs, vocal cords, speech therapy gymnastics.

Verbs: actions of the organs of articulation.

Game "One - Many"

Game "He and I"

Game "Count to Five"

Development of fine motor skills “Parts of the body”.

Introduce children to body parts.

Compiling a story - a description based on a plot picture.

Consolidating knowledge about previously learned vowel sounds:

[a], [o], [y], [e], [s], [i].

Development of the speech apparatus, preparation for production of sounds (conducting general and
special articulatory gymnastics).

Clarify in children the pronunciation of preserved sounds: [a], [u], [o], [e], [i], [m], [m'], [n], [n'], [p], [ p'], [t], [t'], [l], [l'], [f], [f'], [v], [v'], [b], [b'].

4 week

"Autumn. Migratory birds"

Nouns: autumn, leaf fall, rain, fog, slush, wind, cloud.


Gloomy, rainy, stormy, cloudy, clear, short, long.

Verbs: go, blow, Adverbs: cloudy, sunny, windy, rainy, clear.

1. Formation of a noun in the mind. - caress. Form. Game “Name it kindly”

2. Formation of the plural of nouns. Game "One - Many"

3. Education gender, date, creation, sentence, wine. Noun case. Game "Agree a Word"

4. Agreement of numerals with nouns. Game "Count"

5. Consolidating the use of simple prepositions in speech

6. Formation of skills to use indeclinable nouns.

7.Use of verbs with various prefixes.

Development of fine motor skills “The rain came out for a walk”

(Nishcheva, 255)

Speech development with the “Birds” movement.

Mastering the skills of drawing up proposals for questions based on pictures.

Drawing up questions for the picture.

Retelling the text.

Work on monosyllabic words, words with consonants at the beginning and end of the word (table, bridge)


1 Week

"Forest. Trees"

Nouns: forest, leaf, tree, birch, rowan, oak, maple, spruce, aspen, pine.

Adjectives: yellow, red, green, thin, mighty, deciduous, coniferous.

Verbs: turn yellow, turn red, fall off.

game "One - many"

(Krupenchuk, 32)

"Talk about Trees"

(Kuznetsova, 20)

4. Consolidating the use of prepositions for, under, about, before, on.

Formation of words - antonyms

(Kuznetsova 21, 22)

Development of coordination of speech with movements “Leaves”.

Finger gymnastics"Autumn leaves".

Compiling a descriptive story based on a subject picture using a model based on a plan.

Analysis and synthesis of sound combinations of 2-3 vowel sounds (au, ua, oue, etc.)

Highlighting a vowel at the beginning of a word (Anya), at the end of a word (saw), in the middle of monosyllabic words
words (ball, bull, table, etc.).

Selection of words for vowel sounds.

Consolidation correct pronunciation whistling and hissing sounds in play and free speech activity.

Activation of the movements of the speech apparatus, preparing it for the formation of sounds of all other groups.

Formation of the correct patterns of iotized sounds and affricates, automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, texts, in free speech and play activities.


"Mushrooms. Berries"

Nouns: forest, trees, fly agaric, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries; mushroom, berry, stem, cap;

Adjectives: poisonous, edible, ripe, sweet, sour, soft, fragrant, pine, birch, aspen.


See, search, find, collect, put, prepare, hide.

1. Formation of a noun in a diminutive form

game “Name it kindly”

2. Agreement of numerals with nouns and adjectives

3. Highlighting the name of an object, its characteristics, understanding the general meaning of words

game "Mushroom picking"

(Kuznetsova, 23)

4. Selection of words - antonyms

Lesson “Mushrooms” (Kuznetsova, 24)

5. Consolidation correct use prepositions

(Kuznetsova, 24)

Development of general motor skills and coordination of speech with movements

Game "Borovik"

Game "Leaves"

(Smirnova, 30)

(Kuznetsova, 24)

Development of fine motor skills, auditory attention and basic mathematical representations(movements through the text)

"For mushrooms"

(Nishcheva, 268)

Retelling the story close to the text. Ability to conduct dialogue.

Introducing consonant sounds: [m]-[m"], [b][b"],[p][p"],[d][d"],[t][t"],[g][ g"],[k]-[k | ], [x]-[x 1 ].

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds in play and free speech activities.

Activation of the movements of the speech apparatus, preparing it for the formation of sounds of all other groups.

Formation of the correct patterns of iotized sounds and affricates, automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, texts, in free speech and play activities.

Work on monosyllabic words, words with consonants at the beginning and end of the word.

3 week

"Vegetables. Garden"

Nouns: Vegetables, fruits, tomato, cucumber, onion, carrots, cabbage, beets, potatoes, vegetable garden, garden bed;

Adjectives: ripe, juicy, fragrant, smooth, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink;


1. Use of singular and plural categories of nouns

game "One - many"

game "What has changed?"

(Kuznetsova, 11)

game “Name it kindly”

4. Agreement of numerals with nouns and adjectives

game "Mine, Mine"

Development of gross motor skills "Vegetable garden"

Development of fine motor skills "Cabbage".

Teach children to write riddles - descriptions about vegetables

Compiling a story based on the painting “In the Garden”

(Tkachenko No. 2, 13)

Continued acquaintance with consonant sounds.

Isolation of studied consonant sounds from a word (beginning, end, middle).

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds in play and free speech activities.

Activation of the movements of the speech apparatus, preparing it for the formation of sounds of all other groups.

Formation of the correct patterns of iotized sounds and affricates, automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, texts, in free speech and play activities.

Work on monosyllabic words, words with consonants at the beginning and end of the word.

4 week

"Fruits. Garden"

Nouns: garden, fruit, field, apple, plum, pear, lemon, orange, tangerine;

Adjectives: juicy, fragrant, smooth, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink;

Verbs:ripen, collect, clean, dig, prepare.

1. Use of singular and plural categories of nouns

game "One - many"

2. Highlighting the name of an object, its characteristics, understanding the general meaning of words

game "What has changed?"

3. Formation of adjectives from nouns

Game “What juice did you prepare?”

4. Changing nouns to the genitive case “What’s gone?”

5. Agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns

6. Agreement of nouns with singular verb. and many more numbers.

Development of gross motor skills “Autumn”

Development of fine motor skills - self-massage of fingers


Spreading sentences with definitions.

Teaching coherent storytelling.

Story - description of fruits, game "Magic Bag".

Introducing the concepts of “vowel sound” and “consonant sound”, “sound”, “hard consonant sound” and “soft consonant sound”.

Isolating studied consonant sounds from a word.

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds in play and free speech activities.

Activation of the movements of the speech apparatus, preparing it for the formation of sounds of all other groups.

Formation of the correct patterns of iotized sounds and affricates, automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, texts, in free speech and play activities.

Work on two-syllable words without consonants (fly, house).

5 week

"Cloth. Shoes. Hats"

Nouns: clothes, coat, fur coat, jacket, raincoat, trousers, shorts, dress, blouse, skirt, shirt, robe, jacket, T-shirt, panties, socks, tights, hat, cap, hat, Panama hat; shoes, shoes, slippers, boots, shoes, sneakers, sandals, felt boots, Czech shoes

Adjectives: rubber, comfortable, leather, new, beautiful, summer, winter, clean shoes - dirty, demi-season; silk, wool, fur, elegant, clean, dirty, long, short, summer, winter, demi-season;

Verbs: care for, wash, iron, clean, sew up, sew on, sew, hem. tie, put on shoes, lace, walk, etc.

Lesson 19 “Clothing”

(Kuznetsova, 51)

2. Agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns

game "My, my"

3. Agreement of numerals with nouns and adjectives

Game "Finish the sentence"

(Kuznetsova, 53)

4. Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

(Kuznetsova, 53)

5. Formation of a noun in a diminutive form

game “Name it affectionately.”

Development of gross motor skills “Clothing”

Development of fine motor skills “Gloves”

Development of coordination of speech with movements and general motor skills “Two shoes are top”

(Nishcheva, 272)

Drawing up a descriptive story according to the proposed plan.

Analysis of backward and forward syllables with studied sounds (om, mo, etc.)

Introduction to the concept of “syllable”.

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds in play and free speech activities.

Activation of the movements of the speech apparatus, preparing it for the formation of sounds of all other groups.

Formation of the correct patterns of iotized sounds and affricates, automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, texts, in free speech and play activities.


1 Week

"Apartment. Furniture, parts of furniture. Appliances»

Nouns: sofa, chest of drawers, wardrobe, dining table, desk, chair, stool, mirror, shelf, armchair, bed, door, leg, backrest, TV, tape recorder, iron.

Adjectives: wooden, soft, mirror, leather, glass, desk, dining, magazine, round, square.

Verbs: put, sit, lie down, clean, arrange, move, sleep, rest, repair, wipe, care.

1. Identifying the name of an object, its characteristics, understanding the general meaning of words


2. Formation of adjectives from nouns

game "Which one, which one?"

(Smirnova, 42)

3.Conversion singular 1st person present tense verbs in the plural.

(Smirnova, 44)

4. Consolidating the use of prepositions “on”, “for”, “under”

Development of fine motor skills

“There is a lot of furniture in the apartment”

(Nishcheva, p. 118)

Ball game "Furniture"

(Smirnova 6-7 years old, p. 69)

Writing a descriptive story. Distribution of proposals.

Asking questions.

Sound analysis of three-sound words with studied sounds.

Introduction of the concept of “word”.

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds in play and free speech activities.

Activation of the movements of the speech apparatus, preparing it for the formation of sounds of all other groups.

Formation of the correct patterns of iotized sounds and affricates, automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, texts, in free speech and play activities.

Working on two-syllable words without consonant clusters.

2 week

"Kitchen. Dishes. Household appliances in the kitchen"

Nouns: dishes, kettle, frying pan, saucepan, plate, cup, bowl, tureen, spoon, fork, knife, bottle, jar, mug, stove, coffee maker, mixer, microwave.

Adjectives: dining room, tea room, glass, iron, transparent, kitchen.

Verbs: clean, put, disassemble, cover, pour, eat, drink, pour out, fry, cook, boil.

1. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

game “Name it kindly”

4. Highlighting the name of an object, its characteristics, understanding the general meaning of words

(conversation, riddles)

5. Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

Lesson "Dishes"

(Kuznetsova, Z-18, p. 48)

Development of coordination of speech with movements “Dishes”

Development of fine motor skills “Helpers”.

Learn to guess and independently compose descriptive riddles and descriptive riddles about dishes.

Sound synthesis of three-sound words with studied sounds.

Introduction of the concept of “syllable as part of a word.”

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds in play and free speech activities.

Activation of the movements of the speech apparatus, preparing it for the formation of sounds of all other groups.

Formation of the correct patterns of iotized sounds and affricates, automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, texts, in free speech and play activities.

Work on three-syllable words without consonants (raspberry, cornflower).

3 week


Nouns: products, milk, bread, kefir, sausage, meat, cheese, soup, salad, vegetables, fruits, compote, cereals, flour.


Tasty, aromatic, appetizing, etc.

Verbs: cook, eat, wash, wipe, salt, cut, fry, boil.

1. Formation of a noun in the mind. - caress. form. Game “Name it kindly”

2. Formation of the plural of nouns. Game "One - Many"

3. Education gender, date, creation, sentence, wine. noun case. Game "Agree a Word"

4. Coordination of numerals, adj. with nouns.

5. Consolidating the use of simple and complex prepositions in speech.

6. Formation of skills to use indeclinable nouns.

7.Use of verbs with various prefixes, formation of relative and possessive adjectives.

Development of fine motor skills “okay”

Development of general motor skills – outdoor game “Shop”.

Teach children to retell the text, learn how to correctly compose and distribute sentences. offer

A series of pictures.

Sound analysis and synthesis of three-sound words with studied sounds (willow, poppy, etc.)

Reinforcing the concept of “syllable as part of a word.”

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds in play and free speech activities.

Activation of the movements of the speech apparatus, preparing it for the formation of sounds of all other groups.

Formation of the correct patterns of iotized sounds and affricates, automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, texts, in free speech and play activities.

4 week

"Mothers Day. Family"

Family members: mother, father, grandfather, grandmother (know full name and patronymic), grandson, granddaughter, younger brother, elder sister. Your address, parents' professions.


Live, care, love, be friends, respect, help, protect.

1. Use of singular and plural categories of nouns.

Game "One - Many"

2. Converting the 3rd person singular form of verbs to the 1st person form

Game "He and I"

3. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

Game "Count to Five"

4. Formation of genitive, dative, instrumental, prepositional, accusative case of nouns

5. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

6. Consolidating the use of simple prepositions in speech.

Development of fine motor skills "Family".

Teach children to compose sentences based on picture material, compose a story based on a diagram

(Tkachenko's schemes)

A series of pictures.

Complete sound analysis and synthesis of three-sound words with studied sounds.

Consolidation of the concepts “sound”, “syllable”, “word”.

Consolidating the correct pronunciation of whistling and hissing sounds in play and free speech activities.

Activation of the movements of the speech apparatus, preparing it for the formation of sounds of all other groups.

Formation of the correct patterns of iotized sounds and affricates, automation of set sounds in syllables, words, phrases, sentences, nursery rhymes, texts, in free speech and play activities.

Working on three-syllable words without consonant clusters.

II period December

1 Week

"Winter. Winter fun"


season, December, January, February, month, winter, snow, frost, ice, hoarfrost, sky, snowflakes, snowman, blizzard, cold, icicle, snowdrift, snowfall, ice, blizzard, snow, lump, sled, skis, stick , skates, slide, snowballs, ice, snowflake, snowman, snowfall, cold, ice.

Adjectives: frosty, cold, harsh, light, fluffy, shiny, sparkling, clean, soft, frosty, strong.

Verbs: sweeps, blows, howls, falls, flies, spins, howls, cleans, crunches, sparkles, lies down, crackles, freezes, falls out, covers.

1. Formation of relative adjectives (Timonen, 75)

2. Formation of related words (Timonen, 75)

3. Formation of a noun in a diminutive form

game “Name it kindly”

4. Education genitive case nouns

(Kuznetsova, 38)

Development of coordination of speech with movements “Winter”.

Development of fine motor skills “Snowball”.

Answer questions with a phrase of 3–4 words, building it in full accordance with the order of words in the question.

Paintings with a problematic subject “Winter worries”

Compiling a story.

Introduction of the concept of “offer”.

Preparing the articulatory apparatus for the formation of correct articulation of sounds.

Work on the structure of words with a consonant cluster at the beginning of a word (book, flower).

2 week

« Wild birds»

Nouns: woodpecker, tit, dove, magpie, crow, bullfinch, sparrow, owl, beak, feathers, wing, breast, paw, body, tail, eyes, feeder, birdhouse, grains.

Adjectives: beautiful, colorful, wintering, hungry, vocal.

Verbs: fly, jump, flap, peck, tweet, coo, croak, sing, chirp, hibernate, feed.

(Kuznetsova, 43)

4. Use of antonyms

game "Say the opposite"

5. Formation of prefixed verbs

game “Say the Word”

Lesson “Wintering birds” (Kuznetsova, 40).


Development of fine motor skills “Feeder”

(Nisheva, 126).

Compiling a story.

Compiling a story based on the picture “How the magpie crossbill judged”

(Nishcheva, Educational fairy tales, 18).

Introducing the sounds [s]-[s"], [z]-[z"], [ts], [w], [zh], [sch], [h].

Consolidation of the concepts “word”, “sentence”.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Working on the structure of words with a consonant cluster at the beginning of a word.

3 week


Nouns: chicken, rooster, turkey, goose, duck, chick, goslings, turkey poults, breast, tail, paws, feathers, fluff, beak, crest, spurs.

Adjectives: beautiful, noisy, homely, caring, pugnacious, fluffy, helpful.

Verbs: swim, dive, fly, run, peck, search, rake, crow, cackle, quack, cackle.

3. Formation of the genitive case of nouns.

Game "Who is missing"

4. Formation of relative adjectives.

Development of coordination of speech with the movements of “Chickens”.

Development of fine motor skills "Duck"

(Nishcheva, 132)

Propagation of proposals by introducing homogeneous members.

Writing a short story.

Compiling a story based on the painting “How the goose was jealous of everyone”

Training in sound analysis of words like: flour, cupboard, stork, cat (based on the studied sounds).

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the structure of words with a consonant cluster in the middle of the word (window, pack, pocket).

4 week

"New Year"

Nouns: tree, holiday, New Year, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, decorations, gifts, mask, costume, round dance, guests, balls, candles, toys.

Adjectives: New Year's, cheerful, cold, elegant, colorful, bright, glass, shiny, festive.

Verbs: dress up, walk, perform, give, light up, congratulate.

1. Changing nouns by case

Game "Finish the sentence"

(Krupenchuk, 87)

2. Formation of a noun in a diminutive form

game “Name it kindly”

3. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

4. Selection of adjectives for nouns.

Development of fine motor skills “Christmas tree”.

Retelling of the story “Yolka”

(Agranovich, 30)

Making sentences based on two supporting words

(Agranovich, 30)

Compiling a story based on a painting " Christmas tree"(Tkachenko, problematic stories, "3, 6).

Strengthen the skill of sound analysis of words with 4-5 sounds (based on the studied sounds).

Drawing up a graphic diagram of sentences without prepositions.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Working on the structure of words with a cluster of consonants in the middle of the word.


1 Week

"Wild and domestic birds"

Reinforcing the material learned

Teach children to differentiate wild and domestic birds.

Practice writing “Birds” stories.

Teach children to distinguish between hard and soft consonants by ear (when drawing up a word diagram, denote hard consonants in blue and soft consonants in green).

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Working on the structure of words with a consonant cluster at the end of a word (joy).

2 week


Nouns: cat, cat, kitten, horse, horse, foal, dog, puppy, cow, bull, calf, goat, goat, kid, ram, ewe, lamb, pig. Body parts.

Adjectives: fluffy, horned, useful, homely.

Verbs: barks, guards, bites, laps, growls, moos, chews, neighs, bleats, grunts, milks, grazes, grooms, feeds.

1. Identification of names, signs, actions (conversation, riddles).

2. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

Game "Who's Missing?"

5. Formation of relative adjectives.

6. Selection of words - antonyms

(Kuznetsova, 35)

7. Education compound adjectives

Lesson No. 13 “Pets” (Kuznetsova, 33)

Development of fine motor skills "Podvorye"

Development of coordination of speech with movements “How we watered the calves”

(Nishcheva, 290).

Compiling a story based on pictures.

Introduce children to basic spelling rules:

separate spelling of words in a sentence,

period at the end of the sentence

use capital letter at the beginning of a sentence and in proper names.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the structure of words with a consonant cluster at the end of a word.

3 week

"Wild animals"

Nouns: bear, fox, wolf, hare, squirrel, hedgehog, deer, bear cub, little hare, fox, head, torso, mouth, claws, fangs, ears, tail, fur, muzzle, neck, eyes.

Adjectives: fierce, red, fluffy, cunning, cowardly, timid, angry, hungry, prickly, shaggy, brown, dexterous.

Verbs: hunt, stalk, sneak, run away, gallop, growl, jump, molt, howl, prowl, gnaw.

1. Formation of complex adjectives

(Kuznetsova, 55, 58)

2. Agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns (My, my)

3. Formation of nouns using the suffix - search

(Kuznetsova, 58)

4. Formation of possessive adjectives

game "Whose Tail"

Krupenchuk, 44)

Lesson No. 21 “Wild animals”

(Kuznetsova, 54).

Development of coordination of speech with movements “Egorka the Hare”


"A squirrel is sitting on a cart"


Initial mastery of the most accessible constructions of compound and complex sentences.

Retelling the story

Compiling a story based on the painting “How they were looking for a fawn’s mother”

(Nishcheva, Educational fairy tales).

Consolidating the ability to distinguish between hard and soft consonants by ear (correctly designated when drawing up a word diagram).

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllable structure of three-syllable words with a consonant cluster at the beginning of the word (sour cream).


1 Week

"Domestic and wild animals"

Consolidation of the studied material.

Teach children to differentiate between domestic and wild animals.

Continue to teach children to distinguish between domestic and wild animals, to compose a story based on a picture, diagram (Tkachenko’s Schemes)

The use of absurdities, deformed stories for verbal and logical thinking.

Consolidating the ability to create word diagrams.

Teach children to transform words by replacing or adding sound.

Consolidating knowledge about spelling sentences.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllable structure of three-syllable words with a cluster of consonants at the beginning of the word.

2 week

« Houseplants»

Nouns: cactus, geranium (forget-me-not), ficus, begonia, soil, pot, water, stem, fertilizer, room, leaves, watering, loosening, replanting.

Adjectives: juicy, beautiful, green, fragrant, prickly, smooth.

Verbs: water, plant, care.

1. Identification of names, signs, actions (conversation, riddles).

2. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

3. Agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns (My, my)

4. Changing verbs by tense, number and gender. Game “Who is doing what? Etc."

(Agranovich, 56).

game "One - Many".

Development of fine motor skills "Cactus"

(Nishcheva, 319).

Teach children to answer questions in detail, in complete sentences. Retell the text based on the picture

(Tkachenko “Formation and development of coherent speech”, lesson 2 “On duty”).

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllable structure of three-syllable words with a cluster of consonants in the middle of the word (a speck of dust, a pencil).

3 week

“Our Motherland is Russia. The capital of our Motherland is Moscow. Our Army.

Military professions"

Nouns: city, country, Motherland, Russia, Moscow, capital, street, sailors, vest, cap, commander, army, holiday, uniform, heroes, engineer, builder, pilot, driver

Adjectives: cozy, beautiful, interesting, big, beloved, blinking, one-story, two-story, protective (color), bold, courageous, courageous.

Verbs: walk, build, watch.

1. Identification of names, signs, actions (conversation).

2. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

3. Agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns (My, my)

game "One - Many".


(Nishcheva, 304,

Nishcheva, 170).

Continue teaching children to compose the story “My Yard” using pictures and photographs.

Consolidating the ability to transform words by replacing or adding sound, drawing up word diagrams.

Drawing up a graphic diagram of sentences with simple prepositions.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllable structure of three-syllable words with a cluster of consonants in the middle of the word.

4 week

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"


fireworks, rocket, guns, horsemen, horses, tanks, planes, military, soldiers, sailors, vest, cap, commander, army, holiday.

Adjectives: big, beloved, two-story, protective (color), bold, courageous, courageous, powerful, loyal, military, multi-colored (salute)

Verbs: protect, fight, be at war, love, win (victory).

1. Identification of names, signs, actions (conversation).

2. Formation of the genitive case of nouns.

Game "What's Missing"

3. Education compound nouns of two words.

Lesson No. 24 “Defender of the Fatherland Day” (Kuznetsova, p. 62).

Development of gross motor skills “Transition”

(Development of coordination of speech with movements"


(Nishcheva, 304)

Nishcheva, 170).

Conversation “Defender of the Fatherland Day.”

III period March

1 Week

“Mom’s holiday. Professions of our mothers"

Nouns: mother, sister, grandmother, woman, holiday, spring, flowers, doctor, teacher, cook, seller, profession.

Adjectives: spring, beloved, kind, gentle, affectionate, caring, attentive, unique, joyful, cheerful.

Verbs: heals, teaches, cares, lays down, feeds, gives, helps, pleases.

1. improve the ability to form and use prepositional and case forms with nouns. Unit and many more numbers.

2. improve the ability to change adjectives by case, number and gender.

3. formation and use of verb forms.

4. formation of possessive, relative adjectives.

5. use of simple prepositions.

6. composing sentences of 6-7 words (complex and complex).

Development of fine motor skills "Thimble"

(Nishcheva, 309)

Development of coordination of speech with movements “Painters”

(Nishcheva, 311).

Continue to compose a story based on visual material

"Mom's holiday"

(Nishchev “We ​​study together”).

Introducing the sounds [l], [l ’], [r], [r ’].

Introduction of the concept of “word-object”.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

2 week

“Professions, labor actions, tools”

Nouns: driver, driver, machine builder, labor, machine, pilot, machinist, doctor, teacher, cook, engineer, painter, builder, seamstress, postman, salesman, teacher, educator, rudder, tools. Adjectives: attentive, polite, important, necessary, difficult, useful.

Verb: drive (a car), repair, ride, deliver, manage, fly, etc.

1. Formation of compound nouns

(Agranovich, 115)

2. Use of future tense verbs

game "Who will you be?" (Agranovich, 115)

3. Formation of the instrumental case of nouns
game “Who works with what?”

(Agranovich, 115)

4. Pluralizing nouns

game "One - many"

5. Formation of the genitive case of nouns.

Game "What's gone?"


(Nishcheva, 312)

Development of fine motor skills "Sailor"

(Nishcheva, 303).

Continue teaching children to write a story based on a diagram

(Tkachenko's diagrams).

Consolidating knowledge about the sounds [l], [l ’], [r], [r ’].

Reinforcing the concept« word-item".

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Strengthening the syllabic structure of two-syllable words with consonant clusters.

3 week

"Transport. Types of transport. Professions in transport. Traffic regulations"

Nouns: car, bus, tram, trolleybus, train, plane, ship, driver, boat, door, headlights, steering wheel, carriage, interior, traffic light, crossing, intersection, zebra crossing, road, cars, rules.

Adjectives: passenger, cargo, land, underground, water, passenger, city, railway, air, road, fast.

Verbs: drove off, drove up, drove in, drove in, pulled out, drove off, drove off, flew away, swam, honk, honk, ring, brake, stop, run, wait, stand, walk, watch, remind.

1. Identifying the name of an object, its characteristics, understanding the general meaning of words.

2. Agreement of adjectives with nouns

game "Choose the word"

(Kuznetsova, 59)

3. Pluralizing nouns

game "One - many"

4. Formation of the genitive case of nouns.

Game "What's Missing"

5. Formation of adjectives from nouns

(Kuznetsova, 60)

6. Use of prefixed verbs

7. Compiling 2 forms of verbs (I go – goes)

8. Changing the form of verbs of the 3rd person singular to the form of the 1st person singular and plural. numbers (going - going - going).

Development of coordination of speech with the movements “Airplane”, “Motorship”

(Nishcheva, 302)

Development of fine motor skills “The bears were driving”

(Nishcheva, 301).

Correction of deformed sentences on this topic.

Compose stories from 5 to 7 sentences.

Making sentences with the adversative conjunction a

(Program, 108)

Learn to write descriptive stories

(Kuznetsova, p. 58).

Teach sound analysis of words of 3-6 sounds without a visual basis.

Introduction of the concept of “sign word”.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

4 week

"Animals of the North"

Nouns: bear, walrus, seal, deer, arctic fox.

Adjectives: white, strong, hardy, fast, hungry, big, fluffy, etc.

Verbs: survive, eat, run, hunt, swim, etc.

1. Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases.

2. Formation of complex adjectives.

3. Formation of possessive adjectives.

(Kuznetsova, 67)

4. Formation of nouns with suffix - search.

(Kuznetsova, 65).

Development of general motor skills and coordination of speech with the movements “Snow Woman”, “On Skis”

Retelling of the story “In the Den”

(Nishcheva, Let's speak correctly, 49).

Consolidating the sound analysis of words of 3-6 sounds without a visual basis.

Consolidation of the concept of “sign word”.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Strengthening the syllable structure of three-syllable words with consonant clusters.

1 Week

"Animals of hot countries"

Nouns: animals, cubs, crocodile, elephant, giraffe, hippopotamus, lion, tiger, rhinoceros, monkey, zebra, kangaroo, food, plant;

Adjectives: hot, sultry, southern, dangerous, predatory, cunning, fat, clumsy;

Verbs: lie, swim, attack, reach, swallow, wear, chew, care for, feed, protect.

game “Whose tail, whose ears?”

3. Identification of names, signs, actions (conversation,).

4. Formation of the diminutive form of nouns

game "Who has whom?"

Lesson 26 “Animals of hot countries” (Kuznetsova, 74)

5. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

Development of coordination of speech with movements

"Miraculous Transformation"

(Kuznetsova, 74)

Development of fine motor skills

(Pozhilenko, 68).

Story based on the painting “An Incident at the Zoo”

(Tkachenko, No. 1, 16)

Retelling the text based on the painting “Good Leopard”

(Nishcheva, Let's speak correctly, 102).

Teach word selection using models.

Consolidating the concepts of “word-object” and “word-attribute”.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Working on the syllable structure of two-syllable words with a complex sound-syllable structure(square, etc.).

2 week

"Health Day"


Health, exercise, hardening, soap, brush, water, towel, hands, bubbles, air, walk, sports, wakefulness,

pain, illness, vision, hearing.


Clean, dirty, soapy, dental, young, old, right, left, healthy, strong.


wash, clean, blow, get sick, cry, grow old, walk, get sick, get well, harden, frown, rest.

1. Use of prepositions: on, from, under, about, between, above;

2. Using possessive adjectives

game “Whose? Whose? Whose?"

3. Highlighting names and actions (conversation).

4. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

Coordination of speech with the movement “I want to be healthy!”

(I want to be healthy -

I will be friends with skis.

I'll make friends with hardening,

With a hoop, jump rope,

With a tennis racket.

I will be strong, strong!)

Conversation on questions based on story pictures “How to be healthy?”

Pozhilenko, s. 91

Strengthening the ability to select words using models.

Introduction of the concept of “word-action”.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllable structure of two-syllable words.

3 week


Nouns: space, astronaut, rocket, ship (space), station, satellite, fly.

Adjectives: first, cosmic;

Verbs: master, launch, fly.

1. Identification of names, signs, actions (conversation)

2. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

3. Formation of the genitive case of nouns.

Game "What's Missing"

4. Pluralizing nouns

game "One - Many".

Development of coordination of speech with “Rocket” movements

(Nishcheva, 329)

Development of fine motor skills - self-massage


(Nishcheva, 327).

Correction of deformed sentences on this topic.

Compose stories of 5-7 sentences.

Reinforcing the concept of “word-action”.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllable structure of three-syllable words with a complex sound-syllable structure (motorcycle, apartment, screwdriver, trolleybus).

4 week


Nouns: spring, wind, clouds, grass, snow, buds, leaves, stream, animal, tree, flower, sun, March, April, May, season, month, birds.

Adjectives: warm, blue, yellow, tall, bright, birch, radiant, warm, green.

Verbs: shines, floats, blooms, blooms, melts, swells, flows.

1. Agreement of adjectives from nouns.

2. Formation of adjectives from nouns.

3. Formation of plural nouns.

(Kuznetsova, 77)

4. Selection of antonyms

(Kuznetsova, 78)

5. Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases

(Kuznetsova, 78).

Development of general motor skills, coordination of speech with movements

(Kuznetsova, 77)

“Maple” (Nishcheva, 318).

Continue to teach children to compose a story using a picture-graphic plan


(Z-29 “Early Spring”, p. 76).

Introducing vowel sounds, [ya], [ye], [yo], [yu].

Consolidation of syllabic analysis of words, analysis of sentences.

Consolidating the concepts of “word-object” and “word-action”.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllabic structure of three-syllable words with a complex sound-syllable structure.

Week 1 “Birds of Migratory”

Nouns: beak, feathers, fluff, wing, crest, paws, tail, ducks, geese, swans, cranes, rook, starling, swallow, stork, heron, nest, flock, wedge, food.

Adjectives: beautiful, colorful, singing, intelligent, migratory, wintering...

Verbs: fly away, hibernate, build (nest), incubate, lay aside, destroy (caterpillars), sing, flood.

1. Formation of plural nouns.

2. Formation of plural nouns in the nominative and genitive cases

3. Formation of complex adjectives

(Kuznetsova, 27)

4. Formation of prefixed verbs (Kuznetsova, 27).

Development of coordination of speech with “Swallow” movements,

Development of fine motor skills “Swallow”

(Nishcheva, let’s speak correctly, 60).

Consolidating knowledge about vowel sounds, [ya], [ye], [yo], [yu].

Consolidating the skills of sound analysis and synthesis on the material of syllables, words, sentences, studied sounds).

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllabic structure of four-syllable words with a complex sound-syllable structure (plumbing).

2 week

"May holidays"

Nouns: holiday, May, spring, labor, man, war, victory, fireworks, celebration, flowers, balloons, demonstration, procession, monument, flag.

Adjectives: important, long-awaited, bright, beautiful, colorful, joyful, cheerful.

Verbs: speak, congratulate, tell.

2. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

3. Formation of the genitive case of nouns.

Game "What's Missing"

4. Pluralizing nouns

game "One - Many".

Development of general motor skills and coordination of speech with “Wind” movements

(Nishcheva, let’s speak correctly, 68).

Compose a story with a description of 5 sentences. Making sentences using supporting words. Making sentences with the adversative conjunction a, because.

Consolidation of the concepts “word-object”, “word-attribute”, “word-action”.

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllabic structure of four-syllable words with a complex sound-syllable structure.

3 week

"Inhabitants of rivers, seas, oceans"

Nouns: shark, dolphin, stingray, sword - fish, saw - fish, needle - fish, mackerel, perch, catfish, pike, bream, pike perch, roach, crucian carp;

Adjectives: underwater, deep, predatory, dangerous, diverse, etc.

Verbs: swim, dive, rescue, eat.

1. Identification of names, signs, actions (conversation,).

2. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

3. Agreement of possessive pronouns with nouns (My, my)

4. Formation of the genitive case of nouns.

Game "What's Missing"

5. Pluralizing nouns

game "One - Many".

Development of fine motor skills "Fish"

(Nishcheva, 323).

Compiling a story based on the painting “Successful Fishing”

(Tkachenko, No. 2, 3).

Consolidating the skills of sound analysis and synthesis (based on the material of syllables, words, sentences, studied sounds).

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllable structure of five-syllable words with a complex sound-syllable structure (electricity, etc.).

4 week

"Summer. Flowers in the meadow"

Nouns: summer, heat, sun, grass, trees, forest, mushrooms, berries, river, chamomile, cornflower, bell.

Adjectives: big, red, colorful, green, warm, sunny, hot...

Verbs: bakes, sunbathes, splashes, swims, blooms, grows, ripens, collects.

1. Highlighting names, signs, actions (conversation,)

2. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

4. Formation of diminutive and affectionate forms of nouns.

5. Formation of units. and many more number of nouns.

Development of fine motor skills “Walk”

(Nishcheva, Let's speak correctly, 72).

Compiling a story based on the painting “By the Sea”

(Tkachenko, No. 1, 4).

Consolidating the skills of sound analysis and synthesis (based on the material of syllables, words, sentences, studied sounds).

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Work on the syllable structure of five-syllable words with a complex sound-syllable structure.

5 week


Nouns bee, beetle, fly, worm, butterfly, ants, paws, wings, head, bumblebee, anthill, beehive, mosquito.

Adjectives: hardworking, beautiful, colorful, small, striped, harmful.

Verbs: crawl, jump, fly, buzz, flutter, work, eat.

1. Identification of names, signs, actions (conversation,).

2. Agreement of numerals with nouns.

3. Formation of prefixed verbs.

4. Use of prepositions: on, from, under, about, between, above;

5. Formation of diminutive and affectionate forms of nouns.

Development of coordination of speech with movements “Caterpillar”

(Nishcheva, 341)

Development of fine motor skills "Bee"

(Nishcheva, let’s speak correctly, 63).

Retelling of the text "The Ant and the Jackdaw"

(Nishcheva, Let's speak correctly, 101).

Strengthening the correct articulation of sounds.

Staging, automation, differentiation of sounds according to individual work plans.

Consolidation of acquired knowledge.


The long-term thematic plan was drawn up in accordance with the practical manual by T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina “Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children.”

The contingent of children has the following speech therapy conclusions: OHP I level of speech development - 1 child, OHP I-II level of speech development - 1 child, OHP II speech development - 5 children, OHP III speech development - 6 children.

Corrective work, is designed for 36 weeks and includes the following sections:

vocabulary formation; formation of grammatical categories (inflection, agreement, word formation, use of prepositional-case constructions); formation of coherent speech; development of phonemic hearing; formation of sound pronunciation and syllabic structure of a word; literacy training; development of fine and gross motor skills (speech with movements, finger exercises).

The long-term thematic plan is divided into the following three periods:

I quarter (September, October, November) involves conducting NOD 2 times a week. The formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language and the development of coherent speech occupy ½ of the GCD, as well as GCD for teaching literacy and the formation of sound pronunciation.

II quarter (December, January, February) includes: GCD for the formation of coherent speech and literacy training are carried out 1 GCD per week, development of lexical and grammatical means of the language, formation of sound pronunciation - 1 time per week for ½ part (third) of GCD.

III quarter (March, April, May) compiles GCD for the formation of linguistic and grammatical means of the language and teaching literacy, which are carried out 1 GCD per week; and the development of coherent speech - 2 NODs per week. GCD on the formation of the sound side of speech is carried out once a week.

When drawing up a prospective thematic plan, the holiday periods (4th week of February) were also taken into account.




AT SENIOR Speech Therapy Group No. 5 “VASILYOK”





SURGUT, 2012

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Educational objectives from the program of correctional and developmental work in the speech therapy group of a kindergarten for children with general speech underdevelopment 5-6 years old N. V. Nishchevoy II period (December, January, February)

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