Are there any benefits to shrimp? Delicious and healthy shrimp - who is the loudest inhabitant in the sea? Are pickled shrimp healthy?

Shrimp This is one of the subspecies of marine crustaceans. On average, they reach 10-15 cm in length, but some representatives grow up to 30 cm. Several hundred species of these creatures have been recorded in nature.

They have always been eaten by large and small predatory fish, and whales. And now people have also tasted a delicious delicacy. They get crustaceans in the seas, and also grow them on specialized farms. For example, in Vietnam, they are bred in cleared and flooded rice fields.

Shrimp are born hermaphrodites. They are able, over the course of life, to change their own sex in order to leave behind offspring.

Basically, ordinary stores sell frozen, fresh-frozen and boiled-frozen shrimp.

Fresh crustaceans are always dark green or translucent pink.

Boiled-frozen- acquire a bright pink or even red color.

After cooking, the tail, shell and head are separated from the shrimp. Remains transparent white meat, somewhat rubbery consistency. It has been noticed that the smaller the shrimp, the more delicate it tastes and requires less chewing.

types of shrimp

Of the hundreds of varieties of shrimp entering the store shelves, the most popular and in demand remain:


Chilims (northern)


king prawns

King prawns that live in the seas reach a much larger size than those grown on farms. In a year they grow up to 25 cm. Another distinctive feature shrimp caught from their natural habitat is their massive back, and not the head, like their counterparts from the farm. This feature gives the royal crustaceans a more piquant and rich taste.

Freshly caught shrimp of a greenish, and sometimes even bluish, hue. On sale they can be found fresh-frozen or boiled-frozen.

Tiger chrimp

Tiger prawns are impressive in size. The largest can reach over 40 cm in length. Their shells have dark, transverse stripes. This feature influenced their name. The main advantage lies in in large numbers edible meat.

They can be caught in the seas or on specialized farms. Sold in frozen, chilled, boiled-frozen and canned form.

Northern shrimps (chilims)

Northern shrimps or chilims are the smallest representatives of the species. The largest of them grow up to 11 cm. They are bred and caught in the Atlantic. Only this species wears its eggs under the abdomen. All other relatives throw it directly into the water.

On the shelves are found only in boiled-frozen form. With other transportation, they will not be able to maintain maximum freshness and juiciness.

Calorie and nutritional value of shrimp

Shrimps of medium size contain approximately 98-110 kcal per 100 g. They have a lot of protein. One serving alone contains 46% of the daily value. The same portion will replenish 20% of the norm of iron, 10% copper, 18% phosphorus, 65% selenium, as well as magnesium and zinc 10% each.

Boiled shrimp retain the benefits of vitamins and beneficial compounds. Approximately 33% of the daily intake of vitamin D is contained in 100 gr. their meat. Useful fatty acids, including omega-3, are present up to 15% of the daily value. But there are almost no fats and carbohydrates in shrimp meat.

The calorie content of shrimp differs depending on the method of preparation:

  • 95 kcal per 100 gr. boiled
  • 117 kcal per 100 gr. fried
  • 65 kcal per 100 gr. pickled

Nutritional value of shrimp per 100 gr. fresh meat contains on average:

Fat - 1 gr.

Proteins - 21 gr.

Carbohydrates - 0 gr., including sugar 0 gr.

Shrimp meat contains vitamins: A, D, E, C, PP, B1, B2, B9, beta carotene. As well as minerals: sulfur, potassium, iodine, calcium, iron, manganese, sodium. After studying this information, it immediately becomes clear what is the main benefit of shrimp for the body.


Shrimp harm

Shrimp can be harmed by people who have an individual intolerance to seafood protein. Any rashes and deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract, when using these delicacies, are the reason to refuse this food.

The main harm of shrimp can be obtained from eating them, fried. This cooking method retains a greater amount of bad cholesterol in the product. Contraindications in this case are identified in the presence of:

  • gastric diseases
  • Disturbed bowel function
  • Problems with the pancreas
  • Disorders of the vascular system

In addition, fried shrimp are deprived of all the useful properties. And seasoned with spices, they can cause heartburn.

You can not eat too much seafood in one sitting. A large amount of protein puts a tremendous burden on the kidneys and liver.

In no case should you eat shrimp with black heads, as this indicates a disease of these and can be very detrimental to human health.

In general, shrimp are not harmful to the health of the average person. healthy person, unless they have been grown with antibiotics, hormones and artificial growth stimulants.


What are the benefits of shrimp?

Shrimp increases the level of “good” cholesterol and reduces the amount of “bad”, which significantly reduces the risk of developing problems with the cardio system. And vitamin B12, which is part of all varieties of shrimp, further improves performance. of cardio-vascular system. It has a destructive effect on homocysterol, a molecule that can damage blood vessels, thereby impeding blood flow.

A good prevention of heart disease is provided by mega-3 - fatty acids that are part of shrimp.

In addition, other useful properties of shrimp on the body are distinguished:

  • Strengthening muscles, improving the overall condition of the skin, due to the presence of useful protein.
  • Strengthening nails, bones, hair and vessel walls, due to the high content of B vitamins.
  • Prevention of Alzheimer's disease due to the presence of omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Increased immunity due to the effects of vitamin C on the body.

Poor nutrition, stress and a sedentary lifestyle often affect pressure drops. The fatty acids that make up shrimp are a good prevention of hypertension. They also normalize the metabolic processes of the intestine, which minimizes the risk of developing colon cancer of the rectum.

Not so long ago, scientists found out what the primary benefits of shrimp are by finding selenium in their composition. As it turned out, it has an antitumor effect, being a good prevention of cancer development. It inhibits the growth of new malignant cells, and also kills old, weakened ones. Selenium also has anticarcinogenic properties.

And the sea delicacy has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background, uplifting and helping to cope with depression.

The main thing is not to overeat them, otherwise the shrimp will do more harm than good.

How to select and store shrimp?

When choosing shrimp, always read the label. It will give out basic information: date of packaging, expiration date, name and address of the manufacturer, barcode, number of shrimp per 1 kg of weight. It is better that the label is transparent. This will make it possible to determine the condition of the product by its appearance.

When purchasing shrimp by weight, you should carefully examine them.

Main selection criteria:

  • Uniform color and bent tail to the ventral part indicates the quality of the product. But shrimp with straightened tails indicate that they were frozen dead.
  • There should be no black spots on the entire surface of the shrimp. If any are present, then the product has long lost its freshness.
  • There must be no snow or pieces of ice in the package. Otherwise, this is a sign of repeated defrosting and freezing of crustaceans.
  • Shrimp with black heads are sick, they are very dangerous to health. And with green and brown - they can be eaten without a doubt.

Most of the benefits are found in shrimp that have been frozen fresh.

You can store shrimp in the refrigerator or freezer. By weight, before storage, it is necessary to pack in foil or parchment paper.

In order to remove all the benefits from shrimp and not harm the body, the storage temperature should be strictly observed.

Packed crustaceans are stored in the refrigerator for up to three days at a temperature of +2 +6 degrees.

Shrimp can be stored in the freezer for 4 to 6 months at -20 degrees. However, home freezers usually have a higher temperature. This means that the shelf life should be reduced to 2-3 months.

Shrimp during pregnancy and breastfeeding

If the expectant mother does not have an individual intolerance or allergy to seafood, then they can eat shrimp. Useful properties that are part of shrimp meat:

  • Strengthen immunity
  • Saturate the thyroid gland with iodine
  • Strengthen muscles, bones, hair, nails
  • Improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • Strengthen blood vessels and joints
  • Normalize the work of the sweat glands
  • Improve blood supply
  • Increase skin elasticity
  • Slow down aging
  • Positively affect the formation of the skeletal system of the unborn child

At breastfeeding It is also useful to include shrimp in the diet. The main thing is to subject them to a thorough heat treatment.

The harm of shrimp during lactation can affect the child if:

  • The delicacy includes heavy metals, toxins or radioactive compounds
  • The crustaceans were farm-raised with antibiotics and growth hormones.
  • Shrimps were stored incorrectly or expired

To avoid such problems, sea-caught shrimp should be preferred over farm-raised shrimp. At the same time, it is necessary to make sure that the catch of crustaceans was carried out in an ecologically clean area. The purchase must be made only from a trusted supplier. At the slightest doubt or lack of sufficient information about the product, you should not jeopardize the health of the child and postpone the use of crustaceans.

Shrimp for weight loss

Low-calorie shrimp, with a low content of fats and carbohydrates, are great for losing weight. A large amount of protein contributes to the rapid and high-quality saturation of the body. Nutritionists prescribe the use of shrimp, even for people who are very overweight.

Rules for eating shrimp for weight loss:

  • Eat no more than 250 gr. shrimp a day.
  • Consume only boiled. It is recommended to use as a refueling olive oil or lemon juice.
  • As a side dish, use a salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, white cabbage, greens.
  • During the shrimp diet, you can eat no more than 1 kg of vegetables and an unlimited amount of greens.

Unlike many other nutritional methods for weight loss, crustaceans saturate the body with various vitamins and minerals, improving appearance skin, hair, nails. The shrimp diet is not suitable for people with chronic allergic diseases, as well as disorders of the liver or thyroid gland.

Seafood is not only a delicacy, but also a product that is good for the body, as it is enriched with vitamins and minerals. useful components. But it turns out that shrimp can be harmful to human body. These are the questions that will be discussed in the article.

The chemical composition of shrimp

Shrimps are a very useful product, all this is determined by their chemical composition. This delicacy contains vitamins, macronutrients and microelements.

Vitamins that are contained in each shrimp:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamins B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12.
  • Beta carotene.
  • Vitamin C.
  • Vitamin H.

Macronutrients found in shrimp:

  • Potassium.
  • Sulfur.
  • Calcium.
  • Magnesium.
  • Phosphorus.
  • Sodium.

Trace elements that are in shrimp:

  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Manganese.
  • Copper.
  • Nickel.
  • Fluorine.
  • Chromium.
  • Molybdenum.
  • Kolbat.

How does eating shrimp affect the body?

Omega-3s fight bronchitis and asthma. Also, the beneficial components of shrimp affect other chronic diseases, fight blood clots.

Shrimps are especially useful for a child's body, as they can strengthen teeth and bones– and this is very important in childhood.

Useful properties of shrimp

The benefits of shrimp lies in the chemical composition of this wonderful product.

Useful properties of shrimp are as follows:

  • The product is enriched with protein, which contributes to the set muscle mass and skin rejuvenation.
  • Provitamin A has a positive effect on the body.
  • The product contains such substances: acids, magnesium, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, selenium, fluorine, chromium, copper, which replenish the vital energy supply.
  • Vitamin A affects the youthfulness of the skin.
  • Vitamin C can strengthen a person's immune system.
  • Iodine has a positive effect on the thyroid gland.
  • Many B vitamins are good for nails, hair, and bones.
  • Vitamins E and D improve the circulatory system.

In addition, shrimp is a good dietary product, which can be considered the main one when making a diet.

The benefits of shrimp for men

It has long been known to everyone that seafood has a positive effect mainly on the male body. And this is not a bike, but a completely justified statement. Also in Ancient Rome it was found that shrimp have a good effect on potency, and, moreover, this has been proven.

Also, the benefits of shrimp for men are as follows:

  • Low calorie content, due to which the product is well absorbed by the body.
  • Fatty amino acids are involved in the biosynthesis of testosterone.
  • Selenium and zinc improve male activity.
  • Well satisfy hunger.

The benefits of shrimp for women

Shrimps are also useful for women. Due to the fact that this product contains amino acids, they help reduce pain during the menstrual cycle. If you regularly eat shrimp, you can normalize female hormones and reduce stress and depression.

By eating shrimp you can get rid of many allergic reactions and eczema, which is very common in the beautiful half of humanity.

The benefits of shrimp during pregnancy

During pregnancy, every woman thinks about her child and therefore controls her diet, trying to consume only healthy food, which will positively affect the development of the baby. Many doctors recommend eating shrimp during pregnancy, as their benefits are multifaceted.

The benefits of shrimp during pregnancy are as follows:

  • Vitamin E and selenium prevent the development of cancer.
  • Shrimp can replace medicine if you have a drug allergy.
  • Improve the circulatory system.
  • Absolutely non-allergenic product.
  • at the expense mineral composition metabolism is normalized.
  • Polyunsaturated acids have a positive trend in the development of the fetus.
  • Favorable effect on the endocrine system.
  • The composition of shrimp compensates for the deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Improve the condition of hair and nails.

Possible harm to shrimp

It is safe to say that if you eat shrimp in moderation, they will not harm you. But if you do not know the measure and eat a lot of shrimp, they can oversaturate the human body with protein, amino acids and metals.

Some nutritionists attribute the harm of shrimp to the fact that the product can absorb harmful substances in sea water. This pattern has been proven, but that is why before the shrimp go on sale, they are subject to full and thorough processing. But so that the shrimp are not harmful to the body, before buying, you need to clarify in which region they were caught and how they were processed.

It is worth noting that shrimp cannot completely replace meat, due to the fact that they contain a different set of amino acids. To get only benefit from eating shrimp, you need to eat meat and other healthy foods in addition to them.

The erroneous assertion that shrimp contains a lot of cholesterol. Maybe there is some truth in this, since among crustaceans, shrimp really contains the most cholesterol - 166 mg. But this harmful "component" does not accumulate in the human body, and therefore is completely harmless. And if it enters the human body in small doses, it can also be useful.

Although scientific laboratories conducted a study, the result of which showed that shrimp contains the same amount of cholesterol as chicken meat.


In general, there are no contraindications to the use of shrimp. If you do not affect the individual characteristics of a particular organism.

What are the best shrimp to buy?

In general, on the shelves of stores you can see three types of shrimp:

  1. Frozen.
  2. Chilled (fresh).
  3. Canned.

Keep in mind that shrimp is a perishable product, so it is best to buy them frozen. But preference should be given to fresh frozen shrimp, and not to those that have lain in the freezer for several months. These are the most useful shrimp that do not lose their beneficial properties, as they are not processed in any way. And besides, in this form, shrimp are not so expensive.

Of course, chilled shrimp are the most delicious, but such a pleasure is expensive and not every person can afford to buy at least three hundred grams of such a delicacy.

Cooking features

  • Shrimp should be gradually defrosted, leaving them in the refrigerator for twelve hours.
  • You can place the product in a colander and leave it in cold water for about fifteen minutes. Then you need to change the water, and defrost the meat for another twenty minutes.
  • Before you start cooking shrimp, they need to be dried on a napkin.
  • Shrimps can be heated for a couple, no more than five minutes.
  • The product can be boiled for no more than two minutes in boiling water.

If you buy boiled, but frozen shrimp, you can not boil them, just wait until they are free from ice and sprinkle them with lemon juice and eat. If desired, the product can be sprinkled with herbs.

The following will describe how you can cook fresh shrimp:

  • Small shrimp should be boiled in boiling water for two minutes.
  • If you are cooking large shrimp, then they should be cooked for at least eight minutes.

To cook fresh frozen shrimp, you need to do the following:

  1. Defrost food properly.
  2. Salt the water and bring to a boil.
  3. Wait for the water to boil again.
  4. Dip the shrimp into it (time depends on the size of the product).
  5. Water can be salted, sweetened and greens and seasonings can be added to taste.
  6. When the shrimp are ready, they will turn a bright orange color.

How not to cook shrimp?

The most important rule when preparing a product is its cooking time. If you overcook shrimp, they will be tasteless and lose many of their beneficial properties. Overcooked meat has a slightly different taste, and it is unlikely that anyone will like it, so you need to keep a good eye on the time.

Therefore, before preparing the product, you need to read how it should be done on the packaging.

The following will describe how not to cook shrimp:

  • You don't have to do it in the microwave.
  • Shrimp do not need to be thawed at room temperature.
  • Frozen shrimp should not be thrown into the water.

When choosing shrimp, you need to give preference to unpeeled species. Only in this case, during heat treatment, the product will not lose its useful properties and juiciness.

It can be concluded that shrimp have more useful properties than harm. But it is worth noting that the benefits of shrimp will remain only if the product is properly prepared. That is why you need to strictly follow the instructions written on the packaging, which is created by the manufacturer of the product.

Not so long ago, shrimp were considered one of the delicacies on domestic tables. Now you can buy them in almost any supermarket. These animals have become so popular that some can no longer imagine their diet without them. For some, this product is considered an ideal beer snack, for others it is one of the indispensable components of a low-calorie diet. And someone just loves dishes with shrimp in the composition, enjoying the taste of these crayfish. At the same time, not everyone knows about the benefits and harms of shrimp. Well, let's try to shed more light on this issue.

Shrimp: benefits and harms

Shrimps are, first of all, a marine animal. Accordingly, this product contains a huge amount of proteins and iodine. Thus, those who consume these crayfish look younger than their peers. In addition, shrimp zinc and selenium have a beneficial effect on the health of nails and hair, and also significantly speed up metabolism. They perfectly satisfy the feeling of hunger, but do not add extra calories. That is why this product is so popular among dieting women.

Speaking about shrimp (the benefits and dangers of this product, to be precise), one cannot fail to mention the storehouse of vitamins that are in their composition. Here, for example, all B vitamins are present, as well as A, E, D and C. That is, the benefits of shrimp also lie in the protection of blood vessels they provide, strengthened immunity and improved vision.

As for useful minerals, shrimp (the benefits and harm of which are actually incomparable) are also by no means deprived of them. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, iron, chromium, phosphorus, as well as the aforementioned zinc, selenium and iodine provide our body with an abundance of vital energy, without which we would really have a very hard time.

How are shrimp eaten?

Interestingly, despite the popularity of the described product, many still do not know how to eat it. More specifically, how to clean. But there is nothing complicated in this. With these animals, you just need to remove the shell by turning them upside down with their paws and pressing them with your fingers in the head area. Next, the tails and head come off, and after that the shell is simply pulled together.

Can you eat raw shrimp?

You can risk it, but it's better not to. If you are still drawn to adventure, then it is better to be close to the toilet.

The fact is that raw arthropods are much easier to get poisoned. In addition, without heat treatment, microbes and viruses that may be in the meat of these animals will not be destroyed.

Shrimp harm

Like most other foods, raki, consumed without measure, can cause serious harm to a person. First, the body will become overloaded after a glut. Secondly, the composition of the described product contains a large amount of cholesterol.

In general, this topic “Shrimp: benefits and harms” could be closed, if not for one “but”: the meat of these animals is also affected by the place where they were caught. Every year more and more heavy metals are found in the composition of arthropods. And if the crayfish were also collected in disadvantaged regions with high radioactivity, then it is better to refuse them altogether.

In this regard, many may have the question: “Shrimp: good or bad?”. Certainly a benefit. However, before buying, it is advisable to check exactly where they were caught.

Also, shrimp and their benefits largely depend on the packaging of this product. The fact is that it is better to buy these animals in packs, because then you will not buy dead and "accidentally" picked up arthropods in the sea. By purchasing packaged, fresh shrimp from a good manufacturer, you will provide yourself with the useful components of this product, significantly reducing the risk of getting any harm from eating it.

Seafood is an indispensable source of vitamins and minerals for the body. It's an integral part healthy eating, and as a consequence, healthy lifestyle life. Regularly eating squid, shrimp, sea ​​fish and other seafood, a unique combination enters the body nutrients. And due to its low calorie content, many seafood are included in various diet programs. One of these products with amazing useful properties are shrimp. The article tells about the benefits of shrimp for men and women, what useful properties and substances are hidden in them, what is the calorie content of the product per 100 g.

The chemical composition of shrimp - useful substances

Useful substances in shrimp are contained in an easily digestible form. Shrimp are one of the most affordable and healthy seafood. They are both a dietary product and very rich in their own way. chemical composition trace elements, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and unsaturated fats. Zinc, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, potassium, manganese, copper, chromium, sulfur, vitamins A, E, H, C and virtually all B vitamins - this is not a complete list of the elements that make up the product. It is 50 times more saturated with trace elements than beef. They also contain “good” cholesterol, which does not accumulate in the body. Having such useful substances in its composition, shrimp can be considered the leader among all useful products.

Useful properties of shrimp and their calorie content

The undoubted benefit of shrimp is that they are completely absorbed by the body and do not complicate the process of digestion. Allergists and immunologists have proven that this product does not cause allergic reactions and therefore can be safely included in the menu of a child who has reached the age of 6-7 years. Useful properties of shrimp and their low calorie per 100 gr. allow the product to be considered dietary.

Regular consumption of shrimp helps to strengthen the protective functions of the immune system, strengthen the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, and prevent cancer. The protein in their composition promotes the production of collagen fibers and helps maintain the elasticity and freshness of the skin. The immunomodulatory function of shrimp is that they help to remove allergens from the body and thereby contribute to a gradual cure for allergies.

The iodine contained in one serving of these seafood replenishes the body's daily need for this element, increases the efficiency of the thyroid gland and the efficiency of mental activity. The high content of calcium makes the product very valuable for strengthening bones and teeth. And in combination with magnesium ensures the smooth functioning of the heart and circulatory system. Enrichment of the brain with oxygen helps the high content of sulfur in shrimp, zinc promotes the synthesis of hormones and enhances metabolic processes.

Chitin, covering the body of the shrimp, is an analogue of vegetable fiber, which is not digested by the body, but contributes to the effective removal of toxins and the contraction of the muscles of the intestinal walls. At the same time, chitin, unlike vegetable fiber, does not contain acids harmful to patients with ulcers. Also, this element protects the body from the effects of ultraviolet and radioactive radiation.

In terms of nutrition, shrimp have a fairly low calorie content. Only 87 kilocalories per 100 grams of shrimp is the calorie content of seafood. Due to this property, the product is very popular in the preparation of menus for various methods of losing weight. In addition, using shrimp for cooking diet meals, you can experiment with the menu and diversify the diet.

However, along with useful properties, shrimp have some contraindications for use. For example, the product is not suitable for people with individual protein intolerance. In this case, it can cause serious allergic reactions and cause great harm to the body. Excessive consumption of shrimp can lead to an oversaturation of the body with protein and heavy metals. Therefore, one should strictly observe the measure and not eat them in large quantities, and this principle applies to all people.

To avoid harm to the body, before buying shrimp, you should ask in which area these crustaceans were caught. It is not recommended to consume shrimp harvested from southern shores Asia. Violation of the conditions of transportation and storage can affect the freshness of the goods and cause serious disorders of the stool and digestion. In some cases, even severe poisoning.

Which shrimp is healthier?

The best option is to eat fresh or freshly frozen shrimp boiled in salt water. The product can be boiled, fried, steamed. It is preferable to serve it in combination with a natural herbal sauce and lemon juice. It is important to know which shrimp is more beneficial for human health, from which varieties and species to choose a product for your table.

Shrimps are part of many salads. Most often they go in combination with exotic fruits, herbs and other representatives of the deep sea. Shrimps fried in oil are considered less healthy and more high-calorie. From the type or variety of this seafood, its usefulness does not change.

The benefits of shrimp for men

The benefits of shrimp for men are high in protein. Shrimps are more than useful for men and are among the most important and useful foods. Thanks to great content mineral substances and low caloric content, they contribute to the stimulation of potency. And selenium and fatty amino acids are involved in the synthesis of testosterone, the male hormone responsible for enhancing sexual function, and help prevent coronary heart disease. Shrimps are useful for brain and mental activity, as well as for maintaining and maintaining physical fitness in adulthood.

The benefits of shrimp for women

It is also necessary to include this product in the women's menu. The benefits of shrimp for women are expressed in the ability of the product to prolong the youthfulness of the skin and reproductive function. This is especially important for pregnant women and those who are at the menopausal stage. The composition of the product helps to increase the metabolic rate, has a positive effect on the endocrine system, improves the condition of hair, skin and nails. Eating shrimp during a diet helps maintain skin elasticity, prevents it from “sagging” and the appearance of cellulite. That's what shrimp are good for women. But this is not all the advantages of these crustaceans. Shrimp meat is practically the only type of meat that has an antioxidant effect, which is very necessary during times of stress or for quitting smoking.

Thus, we can conclude that regular consumption of shrimp contributes to the improvement of the body as a whole and has a beneficial effect on its individual systems and parts.

Shrimp are crustaceans. In total, there are more than 250 of their species. These organisms are found in almost all oceans and seas. Despite the fact that they belong to seafood, some subspecies live in fresh water. As a rule, adults have a length of 2 to 30 centimeters. They feed on seaweed, plankton and dead fish. Do you love shrimp? Have you thoroughly studied their benefits and harms?

The benefits of shrimp

Most people claim that these crustaceans are a very nutritious food. So what are the harm and benefits of shrimp? They are considered a favorite delicacy of many. Not only do they taste great, they are also extremely healthy. They contain minerals such as:

  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • cobalt;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine;
  • iron.

Shrimps also contain omega-3 saturated fatty acids, which are extremely important for the human body. There are many marine representatives of this type of iodine. Shrimps are rich in vitamins:

  • group B;

The harm and benefits of shrimp depend on the amount of product consumed. Overeating this food, like any other, is not recommended. Instead of benefit, the body can get the opposite effect. Moderate consumption of shrimp in food is extremely beneficial for health. Improves the condition of bones, hair and nails. The skin and blood vessels become more elastic. There is more vitality. The thyroid gland begins to work more actively. Among other things, the calorie content of the product is only 95 kcal, so it can rightfully be called dietary and eaten if your goal is to lose weight.

Contraindications and harm

Despite the widespread opinion of others that shrimp are a strong allergen, they are not one of them. Occasionally, individual intolerance to the product occurs. There are no medical contraindications to the use of shrimp. Almost everyone can eat this product, except for small children.

The harm and benefits of shrimp directly depend on their quality. Shrimps caught in their natural habitat are considered the best. Although in this case, you can get a low-quality product. Often unscrupulous producers do not sort shrimp. They do not separate dead and sick individuals from healthy ones. There are also artificially grown shrimp. They are fed various chemical additives and antibiotics. All this is done to ensure that they grow faster and generate income. Can these shrimp be eaten? The benefits and harms of the product, as we see, directly depend on the supplier. Yes and by nutritional value such shrimps are inferior to their marine counterparts. That is why it is better to refuse their use and trust only well-known brands.

We have considered some of the characteristics that shrimp have (benefit and harm). Cholesterol in the composition of this product is contained in an amount of 150-190 mg per 100 grams. In theory, this indicator makes food extremely harmful. In fact, everything is different. Shrimp, if consumed in moderation, is more likely to normalize cholesterol levels than increase it. In addition to all the shortcomings, these marine life also have the ability to absorb radiation and heavy metals. Therefore, if they were collected in adverse conditions, the consequences can be sad.

Can the product be given to children?

Due to its composition and nutritional properties, seafood is recommended to be included in the children's diet. Many give fish to kids, but opinions differ about shrimp. The harm and benefits of shrimp for children is what worries many parents. Doctors assure that this product can and should be given to babies from the age of 3 years, and in a small amount and not more than 1 time per week. Other pediatricians categorically state that shrimp is not suitable for baby food.

How to cook shrimp

Even a child can cook shrimp. Everything is simple and fast. They can be boiled or fried. Soups are prepared from shrimps, they are added to salads.

In order to prepare the product the most in a simple way All you need is water and salt. Shrimps are added to salted boiling water. This dish is cooked for 2 minutes.

To prepare fragrant shrimp, you will need the following products and spices:

  • shrimp - 0.5 kg;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves;
  • black peppercorns - 6 pieces;
  • allspice - 2 peas;
  • carnation - 1 pc.

Spices are placed in boiling water (1 liter) and left on fire for 5 minutes. Then add the shrimp and cook for another 2 minutes.

The benefits and harms of shrimp in nutrition are considered by us today. After reviewing the characteristics of this product, everyone makes a conclusion for himself whether to eat it or not.