Precipitation in the Caucasus. Climate - Caucasian mountains. Hiking and car tours in the Caucasus

The climatic features of the Greater Caucasus are determined by the altitudinal zonality and the rotation of the mountain barrier formed by it at a certain angle to the western moisture-bearing air flows - the Atlantic cyclones and the Mediterranean western air currents of the middle layers of the troposphere. This rotation has a decisive influence on the distribution of precipitation.

The wettest is the western part of the southern slope, where more than 2500 mm of precipitation falls annually in the highlands. The record amount of precipitation falls on the Achishkho ridge in the Krasnaya Polyana area - 3200 mm per year, this is the most wet place Russia. Winter snow cover in the area meteorological station Achishkho reaches 5-7 meters in height!

In the east of the Central Caucasus in the highlands falls up to 1500 mm per year, and on the southern slope of the Eastern Caucasus only 800-600 mm per year.

The nature air masses the southern slope of the Greater Caucasus belongs to the subtropical zone, the border of which with temperate zone emphasized by the highlands barrier. The west of the lower part of the southern slope has a humid subtropical climate, while the east has a semi-dry climate. The northern slope of the Greater Caucasus is generally drier than the southern one.

In the mountains of the Greater Caucasus, on a relatively small area, there is a wide range of climatic zones with pronounced zonality in height: humid subtropics of the Black Sea coast; continental dry (in the east to semi-desert) climate with hot summers and short, but cold winter on the plains of the Ciscaucasia, there is a temperate continental climate of the foothills with significant precipitation (especially in the western part) and snowy winters (in the Krasnaya Polyana region, on the watershed of the Bzyb and Chkhalta rivers, the snow cover reaches 5 m and even 8 m). In the zone of alpine meadows, the climate is cold and humid, winter lasts up to 7 months, the average temperatures of August - the warmest month - range from 0 to 10 ° C. Above is the so-called nival belt, where the average temperature of even the warmest month does not exceed 0 °. Precipitation here falls mainly in the form of snow or grains (hail).

The average January temperatures at the foot of the mountains are -5°С in the north and from 3° to 6°С in the south at an altitude of 2000 m -7-8°С, at an altitude of 3000 m -12°С, at an altitude of 4000 m -17°С . The average July temperatures at the foot of the mountains in the west are 24°С, in the east up to 29°С at an altitude of 2000 m 14°С, at an altitude of 3000 m 8°С, at an altitude of 4000 m 2°С.

In the Greater Caucasus, the height of the snow line, rising from west to east, ranges from 2700 m - 3900 m above sea level. Its northern mark is different for the northern and southern slopes. In the Western Caucasus, these are 3010 and 2090 m, respectively, in the Central - 3360 and 3560 m, in the East - 3700 and 3800 m. The total area of ​​modern glaciation of the Greater Caucasus is 1780 km¤. The number of glaciers is 2047, their tongues descend to absolute levels: 2300-2700 m (Western Caucasus), 1950-2400 m (Central Caucasus), 2400-3200 m (Eastern Caucasus). Most of the glaciation occurs on the north side of the GKH. The distribution of the glaciation area is as follows: Western Caucasus - 282 and 163 sq. km Central Caucasus - 835 and 385 sq. km East Caucasus - 114 and 1 sq. km, respectively.

Caucasian glaciers are distinguished by a variety of forms. Here you can see grandiose icefalls with seracs, ice grottoes, tables, mills, deep cracks. Glaciers endure a large number of clastic material accumulating in the form of various moraines on the sides and at the tongue of glaciers.

Many factors influence the climate of the Caucasus. The most important of them are latitudinal zonality and vertical zonality. However, the actions of these main factors are largely corrected by the characteristics geographical location and relief.

In addition, the climate different parts The Caucasus is greatly influenced by the proximity of the Black and Azov Seas in the west and the Caspian Sea in the east. All these factors have created a variety of climatic and forest conditions in the Caucasus.

High mountain ranges in the Caucasus, they influence the progress and distribution of pressure phenomena. Thus, the main Caucasian ridge protects the territory of Transcaucasia from the invasion of cold air masses approaching from the north. These air masses flow around the ridge and enter Transcaucasia from the west and east, being moistened due to contact with the Black and Caspian Seas and somewhat warming up under the influence of the warm land surface.

Mountains, cutting in different directions the territory of Transcaucasia, and solar radiation continue to modify the climate of the Caucasus, affecting the direction and speed of air masses, their rise, etc.

All this creates complexity and diversity of climate elements - air and soil temperatures, the amount, intensity and distribution of precipitation, relative humidity, wind direction and speed, etc.

The intensity of solar radiation increases with the elevation of the terrain. However the main role does not belong to the sum of heat and solar radiation, but to air and soil temperature. Due to the intensity of solar radiation in the mountains, there are large fluctuations in air temperatures during the day.

soil in sunny days warms up strongly, especially on the slopes of the southern exposure. As a result, the soil temperature changes less with increasing altitude than the air temperature, and the difference between air and soil temperatures becomes very small. At night, the surface layer of soil on the slopes noticeably cools, but in deeper layers its temperature exceeds the air temperature.

According to the degree of moisture in the Caucasus, there are: humid subtropical regions of the Black Sea coast Krasnodar Territory, Western Georgia and South-Eastern Azerbaijan; humid regions of the Northern and Western Caucasus; dry regions of Eastern Georgia, Western Azerbaijan, Armenia, Dagestan.

The climate of the Caucasus can be traced with each rise in altitude, according to scientists, for every 100 meters of rise, the amount of precipitation increases by 20%, in the Crimea by 14-15%.

Precipitation and rainy days are greatly influenced by local geographic factors. Thus, under the influence of the Black Sea in the adjacent areas of Western Georgia and the Krasnodar Territory, the average annual precipitation exceeds 1000 mm, reaching 3000 mm in the coastal strip of Adjara. In dry mountainous areas, the average annual precipitation is 300-350 mm, decreasing in some years to 100 mm.

The climatic region of the natural region of the Caucasus is different: Ciscaucasia occupies a temperate climate region, and Transcaucasia is subtropical. Climatic regions are different because of different topography, air currents, local circulation. Changes in climatic conditions in the Caucasus occur in three directions. From the western part of the Caucasus towards the east, the continentality of the climate increases. The total solar radiation increases from north to south. The higher the mountains, the lower the temperature and the more precipitation. In the North Caucasus, solar radiation is 1.5 times more than in the Moscow region, per 1 cm2 per year. surface 120-140 kC. Depending on the season, the radiation flux is different: in summer the heat balance is positive, and in winter it is negative, since a certain percentage of radiation is reflected by the snow cover. Summer is long. The fluctuation of temperatures in July on the plains is more than +20 degrees. In January, the temperature ranges from -10 to +6 degrees Celsius.

Continental air dominates in the north of the Caucasus temperate latitudes. Transcaucasia is a zone of subtropical air masses. The north is devoid of orographic obstacles, and the south has high mountains, so during the year different air masses penetrate here - arctic cold air, wet air tropics of the Mediterranean, Atlantic moist air masses or dry and dusty Asiatic and Middle Eastern air. In the Ciscaucasia, winter is dominated mainly by continental air from temperate latitudes. In winter, low pressure areas form over the Black and Caspian Seas, so strong cold winds appear. The Asian anticyclone is moving to the east, which reduces the amount of snow. IN winter period a local anticyclone is forming over the Armenian Highlands. In the Ciscaucasia, the temperature drops to 30-36 with a minus mark due to the cold northern air. Minimum temperature in Anapa - 260С, in Sochi - 150С.

In the cold season, the influence of cyclones on the Black Sea coast increases, so the amount of precipitation during this period is the largest. In the rest of the territory, the maximum precipitation is observed in the summer. In winter, snow falls in the mountains of the Caucasus and on the plains. There are snowless winters. The thickness of the snow cover on the plains is from 10 to 15 cm. The southwestern slopes of the Greater Caucasus are covered with a 3-4 meter snow blanket. The summer climate of the Caucasus is formed mainly by humid air from the Atlantic and dry continental air. The air temperature of the Western Ciscaucasia and the Black Sea coast reaches + 22, +23 degrees, the eastern Ciscaucasia reaches +24, + 25 degrees. There is a noticeable drop in temperature with height. On Elbrus, the average thermometer is only +1.4 degrees.

In Ciscaucasia, Atlantic cyclones bring the maximum amount of precipitation in the first half of summer. In the middle of summer, air masses transform over the southeast of the East European Plain, which leads to a decrease in precipitation and the formation of dry winds with droughts. Rising from the foothills to the mountains, the amount of precipitation increases, but in the eastern part it decreases significantly. The annual indicator of the Kuban-Azov lowland reaches 550-600 mm of precipitation. If we consider the Sochi region, then the figure will be equal to 1650 mm. In the west of the Greater Caucasus mountains, on average, 2000-3000 mm of precipitation falls, and in the eastern region the figure is 1000-1500 mm. The greatest amount of precipitation was noted on the windward slopes of the Greater Caucasus from the southwestern side. For example, at the Achishkho station, the largest amount of precipitation falls not only in the Caucasus region, but also in all of Russia taken together. This figure reaches more than 3700 mm per year.

The modern glaciation of the Caucasus is associated with its climate and relief features. There are 1498 glaciers in the Russian Caucasus, which is 70% of the total number of glaciers, as well as the glaciation area of ​​the Greater Caucasus.

Rivers of the Caucasus

The mountains of the Caucasus collect a large amount of moisture. These are rains, snow, glaciers. It is in the mountains that the sources of all Caucasian rivers are located. Through the flat territories of Ciscaucasia, the waters of the rivers enter the Black, Azov and Caspian Seas. Mostly mountain rivers with a rapid current. There are also lowland rivers in the Caucasus, which have a slow flow and a small flood. The Stavropol Upland is the starting point for part of the lowland rivers. In summer, they dry up, forming a kind of chain of lakes. The upper reaches of the rivers Kuban, Kuma, Rioni, Terek, Kura, Araks are located in the mountains, and the lower reaches are on the plains. These rivers are fed by rain and groundwater. Downpours feed the rivers located between Tuapse and Sochi, turning them into swift streams. When there is no rain, rivers turn into streams. The sources of the mountain rivers Bzyb, Kodor, Inguri are located at an altitude of 2 to 3 thousand meters. Sulak and Terek flow at high speed through deep canyon-like gorges. These rivers have rapids and waterfalls.

The density of the river network of valleys is uneven and reaches only 0.05 km/sq. km. The southern slope of the mountain system has a dense river network. The rivers of the Caucasus, especially in Dagestan, are muddy, as rocks are washed out, as well as various sediments. Most muddy waters the rivers Kura and Terek. The Kuban, Kagalnik, Western Manych, Chelbas and Beisug flow into the Black Sea. The rivers of the Caspian Sea basin are Samur, Terek, Sulak, East Manych, Kuma and Kalaus.

The Caucasian rivers have an insignificant transport function. The Kura, Rioni, Kuban can be attributed to the category of navigable. They use rivers for the purpose of irrigating territories, and it is also convenient to float timber along them. There are hydroelectric power stations on many Caucasian rivers.

Lakes of the Caucasus

There are few lakes in the Caucasus. Total number- about 2 thousand. The area of ​​lakes is small. An exception can be considered the mountain lake Sevan, the height of the water surface of which is 1916 m, and the greatest depth is 99 m. The area and depth of the lake have slightly decreased due to the construction of a hydroelectric power station on it. This factor affected not only the lake, but also the nature of the adjacent territory. Some species of animals have disappeared, the number of fish has decreased, and bare peat bogs have formed on the ground.

The plains of the coasts of the Azov and Caspian Seas contain lagoonal and estuary lakes. Manych lakes formed a whole system. Certain lakes in this system sometimes dry up during the summer.

The foothills and lower slopes of lakes do not have, but there are many of them in the mountains. The basins of mountain lakes are different in origin. Most of them are tectonic, but there are also karst, volcanic and cirque. Lakes of volcanic origin are marked by damming. River basin Teberdy is famous for its lakes of glacial origin that have survived to this day. The floodplains of flat rivers are decorated with original lakes. For example, such is the dammed lake Ritsa, located in the mountains.

General characteristics of the climate of the Caucasus

The climatic conditions of the Caucasus are determined not only by its geographical position, but also by its relief.

The Caucasus is located on the border of two climatic zones - temperate and subtropical. These climatic zones have internal differences, which are determined by the relief, air currents, local atmospheric circulation and the position between the seas.

Climate change is happening in three ways:

  1. in the direction of increasing continentality, i.e. from west to east;
  2. towards an increase in radiative heat, i.e. from North to South;
  3. in the direction of increasing precipitation and decreasing temperatures, i.e. with height.

The territory receives a lot of solar heat and in summer the radiation balance is close to tropical, so the air masses here are transformed into tropical air.

In winter, the radiation balance approaches positive values.

Continental air of temperate latitudes dominates the North Caucasus, subtropical air dominates the Transcaucasus. Altitudinal belts are under the influence of western directions.

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Transcaucasia, Ciscaucasia and the western part of the Greater Caucasus are under the influence of Mediterranean cyclones.

The mountains of the Greater Caucasus do not allow cold northern air masses to pass into the Transcaucasus, and in the same way they do not allow warm air masses to pass into the Ciscaucasia, therefore the northern and southern parts of the Caucasus have large temperature differences.

Average annual temperatures vary from +10 degrees in the north to +16 degrees in the south.

In summer, temperature differences are smoothed out, but there is a difference in temperatures between the western and eastern parts of the mountains. July temperature in the west is +23, +24 degrees, and in the east +25, +29 degrees.

In winter, an area of ​​low pressure forms over the Black Sea and the south of the Caspian Sea, and a local anticyclone forms over the Armenian Highlands.

In summer, an area of ​​low pressure forms over Asia, as a result, the sea air from the Atlantic intensifies in temperate latitudes and captures the Caucasus. The precipitation that sea air brings falls on the windward slopes of mountains.

In the second half of summer, the Caucasus captures the Azores high, which shifts to the north.

Summer and winter temperatures are higher on the southern slopes of the Caucasus. With height, the annual amount of precipitation increases, and decreases from west to east at all levels.

At an altitude of 2000 m, the western transport of air plays a leading role, here there is an increase in the influence of the Atlantic Ocean and mediterranean sea, and the upper "floor" is located in conditions where a free atmosphere circulates.

Since the relief of the mountains provides this exchange, the climate of the highlands is more humid and resembles a sea one.

Marine-type air masses cannot form over them due to the insufficient size of the Black and Caspian Seas. Continental air circulates above the surface of the seas, in the lower layer of which there is a change in temperature and humidity.

The Black Sea is located on the path of western air currents and evaporation from its surface comes to the mountains, giving a significant part of the precipitation on the southern slope of the western part.

The climate of the Caucasus in winter

In winter, continental air of temperate latitudes dominates within Ciscaucasia, east and northeast winds. The northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus trap cold air, and it does not rise above 700-800 m, but in the northwestern part, where the height is less than 1000 m, cold air manages to cross the mountain range.

At this time, low pressure is established over the Black Sea, and cold air falls from the mountains, rushing to the sea.

As a result, there is a Novorossiysk bora - a strong cold wind. It arises in the Anapa-Tuapse section. The air temperature during the wind drops to -15 ... -20 degrees.

The western transport of air in winter is at an altitude of 1500-2000 m. The activity of cyclones at this time has a great influence on the formation of climatic conditions.

Mediterranean cyclones cross the Caucasus in the western part and cause thaws and avalanches.

Föhn winds form on the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus. The temperature during this period rises to + 15 ... + 20 degrees.

The influence of the sea and frequent heat advection determine the positive average temperature, so in Novorossiysk the average January temperature is +2 degrees, in Sochi +6.1 degrees. In the mountains with height, it will drop to -12 ... -14 degrees.

On the coast of the Caspian Sea -2 ... 0 degrees.

Sometimes cold northern air masses can reach Ciscaucasia and lower the air temperature to -30 ... -36 degrees. The absolute minimum in Anapa is -26 degrees, in Sochi -15 degrees.

Winter cyclones bring an abundance of precipitation to the Black Sea coast. In the mountains and on the plains, a snow cover is established, with a thickness of 10-15 cm, which disappears during thaws.

Abundant precipitation falls on the southwestern slopes of the Greater Caucasus, and since thaws are much rarer here, the snow thickness reaches 3-4 m.

In the eastern part of the mountains, the thickness of the snow cover is reduced to 1 m. On the Stavropol Upland, snow lasts 70-80 days, and in the mountains up to 80-110 days.

At this time, the area of ​​high atmospheric pressure is formed on the Javakheti-Armenian Highlands, and the cold continental air of Asia Minor enters. As you move east, it quickly transforms.

The climate of the Caucasus in summer

Humid Atlantic and dry continental air masses coming from the east exert their influence on the formation of the climate in the Caucasus in summer.

The air of the Black Sea coast and Western Ciscaucasia warms up to +22, +23 degrees.

The high parts of the Stavropol Upland warm up to +21 degrees, and the temperature in the east of Ciscaucasia rises to +24, +25 degrees.

The June maximum precipitation in the first half of summer is enhanced by the influence of Atlantic cyclones.

By the middle of the summer period over the southeast of the Russian Plain, the air masses are transformed, so there is less precipitation and conditions for the formation of droughts and dry winds appear.

The amount of precipitation from the foothills to the mountains and in the mountains increases, but decreases when moving from west to east. So, the annual amount of precipitation in the Kuban-Azov lowland is 550-600 mm, in the Stavropol Upland their amount increases to 700-800 mm, and within the Eastern Ciscaucasia it decreases to 500-350 mm.

The increase in precipitation from north to south again occurs on the Black Sea coast from 700 mm in the Novorossiysk region to 1650 mm in Sochi.

In the west of the Greater Caucasus, 2000-3000 mm falls, and in the east - 1000-1500 mm. The windward southwestern slopes of the Greater Caucasus receive more than 3700 mm during the year - this is the largest amount of precipitation in the country.

The highest summer temperatures are observed in the Kura-Araks lowland +26…+28 degrees. The temperature in the rest of the territory is +23 ... +25 degrees, and in the Javakheti-Armenian Highlands +18 degrees.

Depending on the height of the mountains, temperature and precipitation change, thus forming a high-altitude climatic zoning - on the Black Sea coast +12, +14 degrees, in the foothills already +7, +8 degrees, and 0, -3 degrees at an altitude of 2000-3000 m.

With altitude, the positive average annual temperature remains at an altitude of 2300-2500 m, and on Elbrus the temperature is already -10 degrees.

Many factors influence the climate of the Caucasus. The most important of them are latitudinal zonality and vertical zonality. However, the actions of these main factors are largely corrected by the peculiarities of the geographical location and topography.

In addition, the climate of different parts of the Caucasus is greatly influenced by the proximity of the Black and Azov Seas in the west and the Caspian Sea in the east. All these factors have created a variety of climatic and forest conditions in the Caucasus.

The high mountain ranges in the Caucasus influence the advancement and distribution of baric phenomena. Thus, the main Caucasian ridge protects the territory of Transcaucasia from the invasion of cold air masses approaching from the north. These air masses flow around the ridge and enter Transcaucasia from the west and east, being moistened due to contact with the Black and Caspian Seas and somewhat warming up under the influence of the warm land surface.

Mountains, cutting in different directions the territory of Transcaucasia, and solar radiation continue to modify the climate of the Caucasus, affecting the direction and speed of air masses, their rise, etc.

All this creates complexity and diversity of climate elements - air and soil temperatures, the amount, intensity and distribution of precipitation, relative humidity, wind direction and speed, etc.

The intensity of solar radiation increases with the elevation of the terrain. However, the main role belongs not to the sum of heat and solar radiation, but to the air and soil temperature. Due to the intensity of solar radiation in the mountains, there are large fluctuations in air temperatures during the day.

The soil gets very warm on sunny days, especially on the slopes of southern exposure. As a result, the soil temperature changes less with increasing altitude than the air temperature, and the difference between air and soil temperatures becomes very small. At night, the surface layer of soil on the slopes noticeably cools, but in deeper layers its temperature exceeds the air temperature.

According to the degree of moisture in the Caucasus, there are: humid subtropical regions of the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, Western Georgia and South-East Azerbaijan; humid regions of the Northern and Western Caucasus; dry regions of Eastern Georgia, Western Azerbaijan, Armenia, Dagestan.

The climate of the Caucasus can be traced with each rise in altitude, according to scientists, for every 100 meters of rise, the amount of precipitation increases by 20%, in the Crimea by 14-15%.

Precipitation and rainy days are greatly influenced by local geographic factors. Thus, under the influence of the Black Sea in the adjacent areas of Western Georgia and the Krasnodar Territory, the average annual precipitation exceeds 1000 mm, reaching 3000 mm in the coastal strip of Adjara. In dry mountainous areas, the average annual precipitation is 300-350 mm, decreasing in some years to 100 mm.