Oysters benefits and harms. Oysters - Health Benefits and Health Benefits of Oysters. General information about the treat

Not everyone can appreciate the taste of oysters. These marine inhabitants belong to the group of products that are usually eaten alive, then the benefits from them will be maximum. Oyster meat has useful properties that not only saturate the body with all the necessary substances. They also help in the prevention as well as the treatment of many diseases and are recommended by nutritionists.


Oysters belong to the family bivalves. They live at shallow depths. Almost all of them are warm-water and grow well with partial desalination by river waters.

They are eaten alive. Before such a mollusk can get on the table, it grows for 3-4 years. In Moscow restaurants, seafood has ceased to be expensive delicacies, the price for them is from 150 rubles apiece. You can choose them in online stores. Depending on the habitat, they can cost from 250 to 1500 rubles per 1 kg.

Today there are many countries where shellfish are artificially bred: Canada, USA, Holland, Norway, France, Far East Russia. Oysters grow on special reefs or nets. Interestingly, they can change their gender. Having been born "men", having fattened, the mollusks change their properties and become "girls", ready to have offspring.

Previously, oysters were consumed strictly when the letter “r” was in the name of the month. It began with the decree of a great admirer of mollusks, Louis 15, who forbade catching them in the summer. At this time, useful oysters were preoccupied with procreation. But a hundred years later, the decree was canceled, as they learned how to grow oysters artificially. Today, 99% of all oysters are grown on farms.

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Composition and nutritional value

The calorie content of 100 grams of oysters is only 72 calories, which, with a reduced proportion of fat and sufficient protein content, makes this mollusk a valuable nutritious product not only for weight loss, but also for the health of the entire human body.

Their flesh is made up of a large number minerals with beneficial properties:

  • 60 mg calcium;
  • 220 mg potassium;
  • 165 mg chlorine;
  • 90 mg sodium;
  • 140 mg phosphorus;
  • 60 mg magnesium;
  • 90 mg sulfur;
  • 6.2 mg iron;
  • 0.7 mg zinc and others.

Included in the pulp of oysters and vitamins: A - 85 mcg, B1 - 0.15 mcg, B2 - 0.19 mcg, PP - 3.5 mcg, C - 3 mg, E - 0.9 mg.

100 grams of oysters contains: 9 g of proteins, 2 g of fat, 4.5 g of carbohydrates.

Useful medicinal properties

The pulp of oysters has a unique composition, which determines its benefits to the human body. There is also a category of people for whom the use of shellfish is simply necessary. Oysters have the following beneficial properties:

  • They are natural antidepressants because they contain a large amount of thiamine, which helps to optimize activity. nervous system. There is also tryptophan, an amino acid whose properties promote fast falling asleep and good sleep. No wonder seafood lovers consider them excellent food, giving good mood evoking a feeling of happiness.
  • The benefits of zinc found in shellfish meat are to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, help to strengthen immunity. It is also necessary for men, helping to strengthen the reproductive function. Oyster is a natural aphrodisiac, that is, a natural stimulant, the properties of which increase sexual desire.
  • Oysters contain unsaturated acids, such as Omega-6 and Omega-3, which are required for proper cell development. In addition, they are able to stop the growth of malignant tumor cells and the harm they cause. These useful acids are needed for the prevention and treatment of vascular atherosclerosis due to their ability to remove harmful cholesterol.
  • The properties of iron and various mineral salts, when combined with vitamins, are to improve hematopoietic processes, so oysters should be included in the diet of people with a disease such as anemia for good.
  • Oysters contain provitamin D3, which in the human body is converted into vitamin D, which is necessary for strengthening bones, teeth, and increasing immunity. Deficiency of this vitamin can harm the body, leading to obesity and lethargy. Including seafood in the diet of men and women, or rather, oysters, this can be corrected.

During thalassotherapy, shells are used, crushed into powder. They are used as a source of natural calcium, which interacts with other minerals to improve appearance and skin condition. The benefits of proteins are such that they penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis and help smooth out wrinkles.

Contraindications and harm

Dead oysters can harm, cause poisoning, their meat is not eaten even after heat treatment. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, this product is consumed alive, then the benefits from them will be maximum.

Do not include oysters in the diet of allergy sufferers, even those who show symptoms of fish. The specific composition of molluscs is such that it can often cause obvious harm to the body - a rapid course of immune reactions, for example, progressive swelling of the nasopharynx.

Rapid digestion of oysters can cause gastrointestinal illness. Therefore, people suffering from similar problems, as well as pregnant and lactating women, need to give up shellfish. There are contraindications for young children, as well as for those who have impaired thyroid function.

Right choice

When buying oysters, you should pay attention to the appearance of the shells. Damage, chips, incomprehensible spots on the doors may indicate a stale or spoiled product. And you need to buy shellfish only alive. Experienced buyers know that:

  • Eatable, healthy oysters can be sold live, in seaweed containers, or in bags with a labeled packaging date and expiration date.
  • The shell of a live mollusk is always closed.
  • Shellless oysters sold inside cans of marinade must be uniform in size, puffiness, and transparent bodies. Turbid White color- a sign of a spoiled product, eating it is harmful to health.
  • No matter how hard you try to open the shell, a live mollusk always slams the shutters.
  • The surface of the shell of a fresh oyster is always wet, when the shells are tapped against each other, the sound that appears resembles the knock of two stones.

Oysters are usually eaten before main courses and only oyster bars can offer them as a meal on their own. Shellfish are consumed alive by squeezing shells onto an open bowl. lemon juice. This is a clear benefit. Snack them with shallots, bread or pepper.

Oysters are served on the table on a large dish, laying them on a layer of ice. Lemon slices are laid out in the center, the juice of which is poured over the carcass of the mollusk before it is eaten. In many restaurants, in order to prevent guests from getting cut on the sharp edges of the shells, they are served opened along with special two-pronged forks. If the shells are served whole, then the table is served with special knives for opening shellfish.

Storage at home

The most wonderful option for those living on the coast is to go to the fish market and choose fresh healthy, freshly caught oysters. But if necessary, they can be stored for up to 7 days in the refrigerator on the top shelf. To do this, the shells are laid out on ice, and covered with a damp towel on top. You can also save shellfish without shells. The temperature should be between 1 and 4 °C.

Store-bought frozen oysters are stored according to the manufacturer's conditions for 3-4 months without losing their properties. After thawing, such a product is required to be eaten by a rhinestone. Re-freezing is not allowed, as the consistency and taste of the meat may change, which will be harmful to health.

Airtight containers and jars of oysters can be stored for as long as the manufacturer indicates on the packaging. Opened, they are stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Diet food and weight loss

Any seafood contains proteins that are in no way inferior to the elements found in meat. In addition, due to the presence of only 2 g of fat per 100 g of the product, oysters are great for girls and women who want to lose weight, if there are no contraindications to the use of this product.

Due to the easily digestible proteins, as well as low calorie content (72 calories per 100 grams), nutritionists recommend oysters for proper nutrition. diet food when losing weight. Healthy seafood perfectly fill all the missing minerals and vitamins for those who limit themselves in the consumption of some products.

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Oysters are heat-loving bivalves. Widespread in the seas, preferably in warm waters. About 50 species of oysters are known. All of them have a gradation in habitat, size and weight. Each category has its own number. Oysters No. 3 are considered the most popular (average 70-100 gr). They grow in colonies (large clusters) up to several hundred. Sometimes there are also solitary mollusks. They choose rocky, hard soils for their habitat. Often they can equip colonies up to 400 meters from the coast, at a depth of 1-70 meters.

Despite its widespread use, oyster meat is still considered a delicacy today. Therefore, enterprising people have long learned to grow these mollusks on large farms.

An interesting fact is that oysters grow slower and smaller in low-salt water.

The muscle that is located inside the shell is eaten. The shell on the outside has two wings, the lower of which is deeper (the mollusk is placed in it), the upper one is flatter and, as it were, covers the lower one. Outside, the edges are uneven, rough, the shell is thick-walled, unevenly ossified, in most cases it has a brown or gray color. The oyster outside is very hard and sharp, so before eating, for safety, they often wear a special chain mail mitt, which will protect against cuts on the edges of the shell and spraying the knife. It tastes like raw protein, has a seafood smell, contains a lot of mucus and stringy fibers. The meat of the mollusk is a bit like a fish fillet in structure. This product is perishable. You can buy it fresh or frozen. In its composition, oysters have many useful properties and substances, which explains their nutritional value for human health.

How oysters are eaten

Chilled oysters are the best and tastiest, which is why it is customary in good restaurants to serve clams with a huge amount of ice. If you are served a dish with closed shells, you must take the oyster in left hand(put it in the palm of your hand). Then, with a special knife, pick at the base (between the wings) and you will hear a small pop that will signal the opening. Be prepared for the fact that the first time you may not succeed. It is necessary to remove the upper part of the shell, cut with a knife and move the film, which is in the middle. Now everything is almost ready for consumption, it remains only to take a slice of lemon and squeeze a few drops of juice onto the oyster (it will wrinkle, it seems to some that it squeaks). This reaction only symbolizes that the shellfish is fresh. For gourmets and connoisseurs, you can season with pepper or sauce. Oysters are eaten raw, sometimes boiled, but then eaten within a minute.

Calorie content of oysters (100 g)

The presence of vitamins in oyster meat (100 g)

vitamins Content mg ​​(mcg)
A 0.086 mcg
E 0.8 mg
WITH 8 mg
IN 1 0.14 mg
AT 2 0.18 mg
AT 3 2.0 mg
AT 5 0.6 mg
AT 6 0.07 mg
AT 12 15 mcg

Useful and medicinal properties of oysters

  • low calorie oysters are useful for maintaining a figure and fighting excess weight;
  • the high content of fluorine in meat helps to strengthen bones, tooth enamel is better than all kinds of dietary supplements;
  • the amino acid arginine, which makes up the mollusk muscle, has a beneficial effect on the human body: it takes part in chemical reactions at the cellular level, promotes the rapid regeneration of new cells, increases the elasticity of the skin (especially the face and neck), accelerates and enhances hair growth;
  • like all seafood, it contains a high concentration of iodine, which is useful for restoring iodine deficiency in the body, improving the functioning of the endocrine system and the thyroid gland;
  • potassium, calcium, magnesium help strengthen and expand the walls of blood vessels, normalize blood pressure, and have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle;
  • oyster meat is useful for the prevention of atherosclerosis, arthritis, arthrosis, skin diseases, with hormonal disorders;
  • help in the fight against anemia;
  • has a sedative effect on the nervous system: it will help with chronic depression, lack of sleep, increased irritability
  • fluorine is useful for the bone tissue of the body, strengthens and prolongs the functioning of the musculoskeletal system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • removes cholesterol from the blood;
  • oysters have medicinal properties: ceramides, which are part of the mollusk, prevent the appearance of tumor diseases, including cancer;
  • with frequent use, visual indicators improve;
  • observed medicinal properties for the genitourinary system;
  • on the basis of oysters in Chinese medicine, drugs are made to treat headaches;
  • oysters for men are useful because they contain a rare combination of amino acids that stimulate the production of testosterone, improves the functioning of the prostate gland, increases potency, is considered a strong aphrodisiac, improves hair structure, helps to avoid rapid baldness;
  • for women, oysters have even more useful properties: in cosmetology, masks and mollusk-based rejuvenation creams are used. Amino acids promote rapid tissue regeneration, smooth wrinkles, increase elasticity. Minerals contribute to better metabolism, help in the fight against excess weight, accelerate the growth of hair and nails. And also positively affect the hormonal background of women.

Contraindications, harm to the body

  • frequent consumption of oysters is harmful for people with gastrointestinal diseases (especially with ulcerative manifestations);
  • it is contraindicated for nursing mothers, and during pregnancy it is also better to abuse this overseas product;
  • do not forget about individual intolerance, especially allergic reactions to seafood;
  • due to the short shelf life, stale oysters can be easily poisoned;
  • harmful use in gout.

Oysters are still among the exotic products for many, and at the end of the 18th century in England and France for the poor population who could not afford to buy meat, they were the main food. But the mass catch of these marine life led to the fact that the number of oysters in nature decreased and to late XIX century they have increased in price, becoming a delicacy product.

You can imagine that oysters can change their sex several times in their life. It is interesting that at the beginning of their life they are “men”, and then, under the influence of various factors, they mature to reproduce offspring and turn into “women”.

Probably, this is one of those rare products that can cause both delight and disgust at the same time, but at the same time, no one remains indifferent to it. Why are oysters special?


Oysters are considered pantry necessary for a person substances. The composition of their meat includes a large complex of vitamins.

100 g of the finished product contains vitamins:

  • A - 81 mcg,
  • B1 - 0.067 mg,
  • B3 - 2.01 mg,
  • B2 - 0.233 mg,
  • B5 - 0.5 mg,
  • B9 - 10 mcg,
  • B6 - 0.05 mg,
  • C - 8 mg,
  • B12 - 16 mcg.

In addition, the composition of oysters includes a large amount of the following useful macro- and microelements (per 100 g of product):

  • potassium - 168 mg,
  • calcium - 8 mg,
  • sodium - 106 mg,
  • phosphorus - 162 mg,
  • magnesium - 22 mg,
  • manganese - 643 mcg,
  • copper - 1.576 mg,
  • iron - 5.11 mg,
  • zinc - 16.62 mg,
  • selenium - 77.0 mcg.

To meet the daily needs of the body in iron and copper, it is enough to eat only 6 of these delicious shellfish.

Oyster calories

The balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats determines the calorie content of foods. 100 g of ready-to-eat oysters contains: carbohydrates - 4.95 g, fats - 2.3 g, water - 82.06 g, ash - 1.23 g and 9.45 g of protein - an average of 19.6% from the daily requirement.

The calorie content is only 72 calories, or 2 to 4 percent of daily allowance. The number of calories is less than in veal. Therefore, the one who counts calories and is afraid to gain excess weight, can safely eat 12 pieces of oysters (that's about 150 calories).

Beneficial features

Oysters have a number of useful properties for the human body. Thanks to the unusual chemical composition these shellfish have a tonic effect on the nervous system. Hematologists have noted the benefits of oysters during the treatment of anemia.

Oyster meat contains a complex of saturated fatty acids, including omega-3. With the help of these substances, cholesterol levels are reduced, immunity is strengthened. They are indispensable in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and help reduce the development of fatty deposits in the liver.

Oysters in medicine

American scientists have found that oysters contain ceramides that help slow down the development of cancer cells and prevent their further growth. These zinc-rich marine delicacies have a beneficial effect on the human hematopoietic system, thereby helping to cope with anemia.

When eating oysters, visual acuity increases, the functioning of the nervous system normalizes, the functioning of the liver and kidneys improves, and bone tissue also strengthens. In Chinese medicine, preparations made from the sea delicacy are used to treat dizziness and insomnia.

A team of Italian and American scientists, working together, discovered that this popular seafood contains rare amino acids, which stimulate testosterone production and improve male reproductive function, as well as normalize the endocrine system in women during menopause.

Despite all the advantages, this mollusk is better not to be eaten by people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, spleen and are prone to allergic reactions. Also, pregnant and lactating women should refrain from raw oysters.

Oysters in cosmetology

The heavily ground powder of the giant oyster shell was proposed by kinesiotherapist J. Danyak, founder of THALAC, as a source of natural calcium for thalassotherapy procedures.

Calcium in combination with other minerals improves the condition of the skin, has a beneficial effect on the metabolism in the human body. Due to this, the cell membrane is strengthened, their permeability is reduced. All this contributes to the preservation of moisture and nutrients inside the cell.

To smooth wrinkles and improve skin tone, oyster proteins contained in meso-masks and meso-serums are used. The components of the lifting serum obtained from oysters freely penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, instantly tighten and smooth the skin, moisturizing and saturating it with nutrients.

Oysters for weight loss

Oysters, like any other seafood, are an excellent substitute for meat for those women and girls who want to look slim and not gain extra pounds. These mollusks are rich in amino acids such as tryptophan, threonine, lysine, and have virtually no fat.

Due to the low calorie content and the content of easily digestible proteins, oyster meat is recommended for dietary nutrition. With the help of this delicacy product, you can replenish the vitamins and minerals that are missing during the diet.

Good to know

Few creatures can be found that are served alive at the table. Oyster is one of them. And in order not to suffer quality, it is necessary to deliver the product to the place of consumption faster.

IN Ancient Rome for gourmets, marine life was brought from Galiya, but because of the distance it was impossible to deliver them alive. Therefore, the Romans were forced to carry shellfish in a purified form, without shells. They were immersed in amphoras filled with brine, which were then carefully sealed.

Currently, oysters arrive from France to Moscow in about a day. Before sending them, they are slightly cooled to a temperature of about minus 5 degrees. Sea delicacies are mined and artificially bred in some countries: in the USA, France, Portugal, Canada, Japan, Australia, Holland, Spain, Norway and the Russian Far East.

Oysters can be divided into 2 types: Ostrea (with a round "flat" shell) and Crassostrea (with a slightly elongated "deep" shell). And depending on the type, they have different markings.

Flat oysters are indicated by zeros and numbers: the larger the oyster, the more zeros. For example, mollusks weighing 100-120 g are labeled "000", 90-100 g - "00", 80 g - "0". Smaller designations will be in the form of numbers: “1” - 70 g, “2” - 60 g, “3” - 50 g. For deep oysters, the designations are completely different: with a weight of 111-150 g, they are marked with the number “1”, 86-110 g - "2", 66-85 g - "3", 46-65 g - "4" and 30-45 g - "5".

This popular delicacy can be sweet or salty depending on the region and habitat.

How to eat oysters

Chilled oysters are considered the most delicious, so restaurants serve them on dishes with a lot of ice. In order to open an oyster, it must be held in the left hand or held on a plate. A special knife must be inserted between the wings and pushed them apart.

In the middle of the sink is a film that can be removed. In a circle, carefully cut it with a knife and put it on the edge of the dish. Then, putting the knife aside and taking a piece of lemon, you need to squeeze the juice into the clam shell.

If, after the body of the oyster got lemon juice, it wrinkled, then this means that the oyster is alive and fresh and ready to eat. As a seasoning for a sea delicacy, you can add black pepper or vinegar sauce with shallots. And then slowly you need to drink the entire contents of the sink.

Gradually mastering these wisdoms, you can not only enjoy the wonderful taste of this exotic product, but also show off your good manners in society, be known as a great connoisseur and gourmet.

Especially for – moshkakrasotka

Not everyone can appreciate the taste of oysters. These marine inhabitants belong to the group of products that are usually eaten alive, then the benefits from them will be maximum. Oyster meat has useful properties that not only saturate the body with all the necessary substances. They also help in the prevention as well as the treatment of many diseases and are recommended by nutritionists.


Oysters belong to the family of bivalves. They live at shallow depths. Almost all of them are warm-water and grow well with partial desalination by river waters.

They are eaten alive. Before such a mollusk can get on the table, it grows for 3-4 years. In Moscow restaurants, seafood has ceased to be expensive delicacies, the price for them is from 150 rubles apiece. You can choose them in online stores. Depending on the habitat, they can cost from 250 to 1500 rubles per 1 kg.

Today there are many countries where shellfish are artificially bred: Canada, USA, Holland, Norway, France, the Far East of Russia. Oysters grow on special reefs or nets. Interestingly, they can change their gender. Having been born "men", having fattened, the mollusks change their properties and become "girls", ready to have offspring.

Previously, oysters were consumed strictly when the letter “r” was in the name of the month. It began with the decree of a great admirer of mollusks, Louis 15, who forbade catching them in the summer. At this time, useful oysters were preoccupied with procreation. But a hundred years later, the decree was canceled, as they learned how to grow oysters artificially. Today, 99% of all oysters are grown on farms.

Composition and nutritional value

The calorie content of 100 grams of oysters is only 72 calories, which, with a reduced proportion of fat and sufficient protein content, makes this mollusk a valuable nutritious product not only for weight loss, but also for the health of the entire human body.

Their pulp consists of a large number of minerals that have useful properties:

  • 60 mg calcium;
  • 220 mg potassium;
  • 165 mg chlorine;
  • 90 mg sodium;
  • 140 mg phosphorus;
  • 60 mg magnesium;
  • 90 mg sulfur;
  • 6.2 mg iron;
  • 0.7 mg zinc and others.

Included in the pulp of oysters and vitamins: A - 85 mcg, B1 - 0.15 mcg, B2 - 0.19 mcg, PP - 3.5 mcg, C - 3 mg, E - 0.9 mg.

100 grams of oysters contains: 9 g of proteins, 2 g of fat, 4.5 g of carbohydrates.

Useful medicinal properties

The pulp of oysters has a unique composition, which determines its benefits to the human body. There is also a category of people for whom the use of shellfish is simply necessary. Oysters have the following beneficial properties:

  • They are natural antidepressants because they contain a large amount of thiamine, which helps to optimize the activity of the nervous system. There is also tryptophan, an amino acid whose properties promote fast falling asleep and good sleep. No wonder seafood lovers consider them excellent food, giving a good mood, causing a feeling of happiness.
  • The benefits of zinc found in shellfish meat are to improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair, help to strengthen immunity. It is also necessary for men, helping to strengthen the reproductive function. Oyster is a natural aphrodisiac, that is, a natural stimulant, the properties of which increase sexual desire.
  • Oysters contain unsaturated acids, such as Omega-6 and Omega-3, which are required for proper cell development. In addition, they are able to stop the growth of malignant tumor cells and the harm they cause. These useful acids are needed for the prevention and treatment of vascular atherosclerosis due to their ability to remove harmful cholesterol.
  • The properties of iron and various mineral salts, when combined with vitamins, are to improve hematopoietic processes, so oysters should be included in the diet of people with a disease such as anemia for good.
  • Oysters contain provitamin D3, which in the human body is converted into vitamin D, which is necessary for strengthening bones, teeth, and increasing immunity. Deficiency of this vitamin can harm the body, leading to obesity and lethargy. Including seafood in the diet of men and women, or rather, oysters, this can be corrected.

During thalassotherapy, shells are used, crushed into powder. They are used as a source of natural calcium, which interacts with other minerals to improve the appearance and condition of the skin. The benefits of proteins are such that they penetrate into the lower layers of the epidermis and help smooth out wrinkles.

Contraindications and harm

Dead oysters can harm, cause poisoning, their meat is not eaten even after heat treatment. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, this product is consumed alive, then the benefits from them will be maximum.

Do not include oysters in the diet of allergy sufferers, even those who show symptoms of fish. The specific composition of molluscs is such that it can often cause obvious harm to the body - a rapid course of immune reactions, for example, progressive swelling of the nasopharynx.

Rapid digestion of oysters can cause gastrointestinal illness. Therefore, people suffering from similar problems, as well as pregnant and lactating women, need to give up shellfish. There are contraindications for young children, as well as for those who have impaired thyroid function.

Right choice

When buying oysters, you should pay attention to the appearance of the shells. Damage, chips, incomprehensible spots on the doors may indicate a stale or spoiled product. And you need to buy shellfish only alive. Experienced buyers know that:

  • Eatable, healthy oysters can be sold live, in seaweed containers, or in bags with a labeled packaging date and expiration date.
  • The shell of a live mollusk is always closed.
  • Shellless oysters sold inside cans of marinade must be uniform in size, puffiness, and transparent bodies. A cloudy white color is a sign of a spoiled product; eating it is harmful to health.
  • No matter how hard you try to open the shell, a live mollusk always slams the shutters.
  • The surface of the shell of a fresh oyster is always wet, when the shells are tapped against each other, the sound that appears resembles the knock of two stones.

Oysters are usually eaten before main courses and only oyster bars can offer them as a meal on their own. Shellfish are consumed alive by squeezing lemon juice onto an open shell bowl. This is a clear benefit. Snack them with shallots, bread or pepper.

Oysters are served on the table on a large dish, laying them on a layer of ice. Lemon slices are laid out in the center, the juice of which is poured over the carcass of the mollusk before it is eaten. In many restaurants, in order to prevent guests from getting cut on the sharp edges of the shells, they are served opened along with special two-pronged forks. If the shells are served whole, then the table is served with special knives for opening shellfish.

Storage at home

The most wonderful option for those living on the coast is to go to the fish market and choose fresh healthy, freshly caught oysters. But if necessary, they can be stored for up to 7 days in the refrigerator on the top shelf. To do this, the shells are laid out on ice, and covered with a damp towel on top. You can also save shellfish without shells. The temperature should be between 1 and 4 °C.

Store-bought frozen oysters are stored according to the manufacturer's conditions for 3-4 months without losing their properties. After thawing, such a product is required to be eaten by a rhinestone. Re-freezing is not allowed, as the consistency and taste of the meat may change, which will be harmful to health.

Airtight containers and jars of oysters can be stored for as long as the manufacturer indicates on the packaging. Opened, they are stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Diet food and weight loss

Any seafood contains proteins that are in no way inferior to the elements found in meat. In addition, due to the presence of only 2 g of fat per 100 g of the product, oysters are great for girls and women who want to lose weight, if there are no contraindications to the use of this product.

Due to easily digestible proteins, as well as low calorie content (72 calories per 100 grams), nutritionists recommend oysters for proper dietary nutrition when losing weight. Healthy seafood perfectly fills all the missing minerals and vitamins for those who limit themselves in the consumption of some products.


Negative Calorie Foods: Myths and Reality!

When it comes to weight loss, the advice often comes up is to eat more negative-calorie foods. Such products allegedly include many vegetables, such as celery root, cabbage, greens. Eat celery with parsley and lose weight - a "wonderful" formula for weight loss.

How to calm the nerves?

Frustrated nerves are real and global problem humanity in the 21st century. Our task is to find effective methods to solve it.

There is public food, and there are so-called delicacies. The first can be used by almost all citizens, regardless of their financial situation, since it does not have an exorbitant cost. The latter are characterized by an exorbitant price and, accordingly, only a few can afford such delicacies. Regarding seafood, it should be noted: among them there are representatives of both categories. What can be said about oysters in this context? Definitely, this is a delicacy, but not everyone will like it. But, those who make this seafood a frequent guest on their dining table will get rid of numerous health problems.

General information about the treat

Before you get acquainted with the main beneficial properties of the delicacy, you need to understand what a living organism called an oyster is. It turns out that it belongs to the family of bivalves. The habitats of this group of aquatic organisms are warm marine reservoirs. Mollusks are common in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian oceans, as well as along the coasts of some seas: Japan, Black, Mediterranean. The depth at which they can stay varies from one to 70 meters.

Oysters differ in the shape of the shells in which they live. The latter can be oval-wedge-shaped or irregularly rounded, concave or flat, large (up to 45 cm long) and small (no more than 12 cm). Accordingly, oysters also vary in size.

To date, the marine fauna is represented by fifty varieties of these marine mollusks. They live one at a time or in colonies, otherwise - oyster banks. I must say, the second option is much more common than the first. Oyster colonies happen to be several hundred meters long. The period of spawning in marine mollusks begins with the arrival of spring and lasts until the end of summer. Currently, oysters are bred artificially for industrial purposes. In this field, the undisputed leaders are France, the States and the Land of the Rising Sun.

Composition of oysters

Bivalve molluscs are a delicacy very rich in various useful substances. It is full of protein, a little less fat. Oysters are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, in particular Omega-3. There are in shellfish and cholesterol with carbohydrates.

The vitamin composition of the product is such that the delicacy is able to give the gourmet a decent portion of niacin, ascorbic acid, vitamins of groups B, D, as well as retinol and tocopherol. Of the mineral compounds found in oysters, it is worth mentioning sodium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, and molybdenum. Potassium, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, zinc, nickel, iodine, and copper are also present in the delicacy.

The calorie content of seafood is 95 kcal per 100 g of shellfish.

The benefits of oysters

Oysters can be safely called a dietary type of food. Even the presence of a considerable amount of saturated fats and sugars in them is not a sufficient reason to cancel the announced status, since the value of other components of the delicacy is clearly higher. Regular consumption of this seafood can significantly improve your own well-being and appearance. Under the influence of the nutritional compounds of bivalve mollusks, hair, nails grow better, teeth become stronger, the skin looks fresher, smoother and more elastic. Internal organs also get a chance to intensify their activities. First of all, it concerns the nervous, of cardio-vascular system, joints. Thanks to the components of oysters, the risk of developing a heart attack and stroke is reduced, as the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood decreases and blood pressure normalizes.

In addition, the delicacy of sea mollusks has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, immunity, thyroid gland and genital organs. As for the latter, oysters increase sexual desire in both men and women. No wonder this delicacy was included in the group of aphrodisiacs in ancient times. The benefits of shellfish are also great in the prevention of cancer. However, they can even slow down, or even stop the process of developing a cancerous tumor. The reason is the antioxidant activity of numerous components of seafood. For example, a compound such as ceramide fats successfully fights breast cancer by blocking the growth of cancer cells in the bud. And yet, getting into the human body, the seafood accelerates the metabolism, eliminates the manifestations iron deficiency anemia promotes hematopoiesis. In general, oysters are a delicacy that reduces the risk of a large number of rather unpleasant and intractable ailments.

Harm and contraindications of oysters

A sea delicacy may well provoke an allergy when you use it. Moreover, such a reaction can appear in any gourmet, and not only in people who have a similar tendency. In addition, individual intolerance to the product may make itself felt. To understand whether the delicacy suits you in this sense or not, you still have to try it - just don’t lean on the delicacy right away, stop at 1-2 things.

Like mussels, oysters are contraindicated for people with gout. The reason is the same: the extreme saturation of seafood with protein, which turns into uric acid in the internal environment of the human body, the salts of which, in turn, form crystalline deposits in the joints. The fair sex during pregnancy, lactation and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should not feast on the delicacy. No one will benefit from eating bivalve mollusks without measure.

Oysters in cooking

Seafood is mostly eaten fresh. You can find out if the oyster is alive by opening the shell: the mollusk should react to your manipulations with a flinch. Someone swallows the delicacy whole, while someone first gets rid of the muscles and gills, thanks to which the shell does not open spontaneously. However, this is not required. But it is very desirable to sprinkle the clams before sending them into the mouth with lemon juice and hold on ice - this measure will improve the taste of the delicacy.

Of course, live oysters are the most beneficial for the human body. But it is not forbidden to eat clams also stewed, boiled, fried, baked. Oysters cooked in batter or deep-fried are very tasty. The French traditionally eat seafood in combination with dry white wine and brown bread. The Dutch prefer light beer to wine.

How to open an oyster shell

In order not to get an injury to the gastric mucosa during the use of seafood due to a fragment wound, it is necessary to learn how to extract the mollusk from its “house” in accordance with all the rules.

Wash the treat well first. running water. Then wrap the sink with a cloth, press the surface of the lid against the table. Then take a sharp knife and insert its tip between the wings. Rotate with this tool until you hear a click. Finally, you need to cut the muscle by running the blade along the gap. The sink is now easy to open. Get rid of the upper sash, cut the lower muscle of the mollusk. Seafood is ready to eat!


Among all known seafood, oysters are considered the most exquisite and expensive delicacy, which, from time immemorial, was treated only to the most high-ranking and noble persons. And even today, looking at the cost of oysters in restaurants, one can note how expensive these seafood are. Remarkably, oysters are often eaten fresh, and they do not chew, but sprinkled with lemon juice, they simply drink from the sink, washed down with dry white wine or light beer. Meanwhile, the value of oysters lies not only in the method of consumption and amazing taste, but also in unprecedented beneficial properties. From this article we will learn - what are the benefits of oysters.

The pulp of this seafood, by its nature, is simply a unique biological compound of substances useful for the human body. This is a real storehouse of proteins, slowly digestible carbohydrates and fats that the body needs. They should be mentioned separately, because, like any seafood, oysters are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, known to everyone by the name Omega 3 and Omega 6. These essential compounds, which are not produced by the body itself, are simply necessary for the functioning of the cells of any organ, for the perfect functioning of the brain, health of the nervous system, as well as the excellent condition of nails, skin and hair. But do not forget that polyunsaturated fatty acids are the best prevention of atherosclerosis, and hence diseases of the cardiovascular system, as they perfectly remove harmful cholesterol from the blood.

Oysters contain a large amount of vitamins: C, A, B, D, as well as many minerals useful for the body: iodine, fluorine, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, calcium, iron, sodium, copper and potassium. And thanks to the richness of this seafood in zinc, oysters are considered the strongest aphrodisiac in the world. that is, a product designed to cause sexual arousal. Not for nothing, mindful of this, the famous conqueror of hearts, Giacomo Casanova, ate up to 50 delicious oysters for breakfast.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the richness of these mollusks with antioxidants that help strengthen immune defenses, rejuvenate and renew cells, and also protect the human body from the action of free radicals that cause infectious and even oncological diseases. The richness of this product with iron, in combination with other mineral salts, improves the process of hematopoiesis, which is an excellent prevention of anemia. As for the calorie content of oysters, 100 grams of this product contains no more than 72 kcal, which allows you to safely use oysters in any of the diets.

Those who have encountered this exotic food for the first time should be told that only fresh shellfish should be consumed, since it is easy to get poisoned. A live oyster reacts to an attempt to open the shell with a flinch. If this does not happen, it is better to refuse to use the delicacy.

Knowing how oysters are useful, you need to think about whether this product is dangerous. First of all, the use of this mollusk is dangerous with food poisoning, because it is often eaten raw. Pregnant women and nursing mothers should also stay away from this product, just as people with stomach pathologies and a sick spleen should not use it. In addition, before use, you should definitely check the mollusk for chips of its shell, as they can seriously damage the gastric mucosa. Bon appetit!


Oysters are one of the most controversial delicacies in the world. For some, it is associated with a rich and carefree life, for others - with an incredible disgust that cannot be forgotten. Eminent culinary specialists admit that they hate all types of oysters and flatly refuse to cook them, and curious tourists eat clams one by one, counting the nutritional value and benefits.

Most mollusks live in tropical and subtropical climates. Their favorite place is the intertidal zone in shallow water and coastal zone. But some species lie 60 meters deep and prefer an isolated lifestyle.

Are oysters really that good and what is really hidden behind the massive gray doors?

Useful properties of seafood

Oysters are a real storehouse of cobalamin (). Human body is not able to independently generate B12, so you have to look for alternative sources of the vitamin. What causes B12 deficiency? The body sharply loses its tone, becomes lethargic and inoperable. A person becomes distracted, irritable, and a great desire to lie down and have a good sleep does not let go for the whole day. To ensure that the need to "lay low" does not ruin your productive week, replenish the balance of cobalamin.

The diet affects the organs of vision much more than computer glasses or constant relaxation exercises. Substances that make up healthy foods nourish different areas of the eye and prevent cataracts, night blindness, and macular degeneration.

Scientists have long proven the beneficial effects of certain groups of vitamins and amino acids on the condition of the skin. Most big organ The human body is most susceptible to both external and internal factors. Care and nutrition from the inside, rather than luxury cosmetics, makes the skin literally radiate beauty and health.

Oysters are a tasty source of ascorbic acid () and tocopherol (). They protect the dermis from ultraviolet radiation and minimize the effects of free radicals. Oysters prolong the youthfulness of the skin, relieve inflammation and treat existing imperfections.

Which also abounds in seafood, are responsible for the formation of the skin, hair follicles and nail plate. Retinol () controls the repair of damaged cells. But vitamins are not the only way oysters can please our skin. Omega-3-6 fatty acids nourish the skin several times better than any expensive mask. Omegas are responsible for an even tone, velvety structure and absolute purity of the dermis.

Another important element, the use of which may well replace a visit to a beautician, is zinc (Zn). It moisturizes not only the retina, but the entire skin.

The chemical composition of the ingredient

What danger do oysters hide in themselves?

The obvious danger lies not only in oysters, but in all seafood that lives in modern waterways. Under the dense flaps, not a friendly mollusk may be hiding, but dangerous mercury compounds. IN Lately environmentalists ring the bell and try to draw public attention to what is happening. The level of harmful mercury compounds is increasing every day. This is facilitated by every working mine, every gram of gold mined and every volcanic eruption.

Mercury enters the air, from there - into the waterways of the world. In the water itself, the concentration of mercury compounds is minimal. Oysters become infected through biomagnification. Due to trophic chains known from school, mercury gets into algae, and then to huge predatory fish. Such cross-contamination can indeed be detrimental to human health.

The use of seafood with methylmercury is fraught with:

  • neuralgic pathologies;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • disorders of the autistic sector;
  • depressive states;
  • level increase;
  • hypertension;
  • an increase in the risk of heart attacks and pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

List of possible side effects frightening and may suggest an idea to completely get rid of fish / seafood in the diet. But there is simply no replacement for easily digestible protein, useful amino acids and vitamins. In addition, scientists have proven that oysters are the least exposed to hazardous mercury compounds.

To protect yourself from methylmercury as much as possible, you must:

  • carefully choose a seafood supplier;
  • visit only those establishments in which there is a thorough control over the quality of products;
  • eat fish and seafood no more than 3 times a week.

Particular care will have to be taken by pregnant and lactating women. It is their body that is most susceptible to pathogenic changes and can literally receive a double blow.

Use in cooking

The clam ceased to be the embodiment of the royal aristocracy as soon as it moved to the menu of every second provincial restaurant. Consumers, realizing that there is nothing complicated in cooking oysters, decided to hold delicious meals right at home: in comfort and without extra expenses.

Clams are especially good for romantic dinners, as they are a powerful aphrodisiac (the product stimulates blood circulation). The action of the oyster is incomparable with the previously popular or "Mate". Take note and mentally thank the impartial mollusk for the wonderful continuation of the evening.

The first use of an oyster is always stressful. Taste buds do not understand what to expect, and inside everything shrinks from the understanding that in a second you will have to swallow a living being. But the desire to participate in gourmet conversations takes over. The delicate salty-sweet taste literally spreads through the receptors and stimulates one of 2 possible reactions: disgust or love.

In the classic version (especially in cozy French courtyards), homemade rye croutons and butter are served with oysters. A “clean” oyster (no sauce, just lemon juice is allowed) with a creamy toast is one of the best combinations in the world.

Depending on the variety of oysters, there are 3 main flavors:

  • sweet;
  • salty;
  • neutral.

The first two types are best eaten in their pure form, adding a slice. Neutral oysters are a white canvas for culinary experiments. They are served with various sauces, spices, fruits and vegetables. Usually, a whole range of flavors and aromas is presented to the client, and he is free to choose his favorite or an extraordinary new combination on his own.

Usually fresh oysters are served alive. The degree of vitality of an oyster is very easy to check. Slightly move the edge of the clam with a knife. The oyster will react with contractions of its entire body and return the retracted edge to its place.

But oysters are served not only fresh. They are baked in a tender dough, breaded until golden brown, grilled, seasoned with chopped spices.

How to eat shellfish

Stupor in front of oysters is a classic situation that is played out in many films, TV series, books and in all popular culture. Let's end this issue once and for all.

Where there is

You can eat everywhere: in an expensive restaurant, and in the kitchen of Khrushchev. The main thing is to choose a quality product. Order delivery from a trusted restaurant or from a responsible supplier who is ready to provide documents an extra 100 times. If you are going to an evening party, then carefully choose an institution. The consequences of stale oyster poisoning are truly nightmarish. A person feels sick for several days, working capacity decreases, and the desire to simply get out of bed does not appear on his own.

Stale clams open up in the water. If they brought you an already opened shell - demand a replacement or just proudly leave such an institution.

How much

Eat as much as you like. Keep in mind that oysters are quite satiating, so it's unlikely you'll want to try a few more items from the menu. For pure protein, it is best to order something light and stimulating digestion. Choose a vegetable salad without sauce and a lot of spices, steamed cereal or a small amount of seafood to complement the evening's marine theme.

Fatty carbohydrate dishes in combination with a shellfish will make a real explosion inside the body. It is better to refuse such experiments. It is much more pleasant to feel the effect of an aphrodisiac from oysters, rather than an upset bowel.

How to serve

Served on a crushed ice cushion to allow the clam to live another 15-20 minutes without water. During these 15 minutes, you need to have time to eat oysters while they are fresh and as healthy as possible. Difficulties with the speed of absorption should not arise, the main thing is to adapt and feel the taste. Along with an ice pillow, a set of spices, sauces and traditional rye toast with butter are served.

How to open

Oysters are taken out of a large aquarium with special tongs and served directly on the table. The shutters must be opened with a thin knife or a short blade (be guided by the set of devices that the institution has). For the first time, to be honest, the doors can simply be opened with your hands. No one will cast a reproachful glance at you, since everyone is busy with their own meal (and they themselves open oysters with their hands). But be careful not to hurt yourself and tear the clam inside.

As it is

Find a special fork on the table. Gently move it in the opened oyster (it is important not to spill the internal liquid) to separate the clam from the shell. In some restaurants, the mollusk is pre-cut, which makes the consumption process much easier. Once the clam is separated, add your favorite sauce or lemon wedge.

If the oyster is small, then in one fell swoop turn the shell over and pour the mollusk into yourself along with the liquid. If the sink is too big and you are afraid of choking, then eat gradually. First, remove the clam with a fork, eat it, and then drink the liquid from the shell.

After ingestion of the shellfish and liquid, eat another hot creamy toast, drink wine and feel like the richest aristocrat of our time.

A few more rules

Don't salt the oyster. It contains plenty of natural, so there is no need for additional replenishment. If you are afraid to hurt your hands or stain your suit, then ask the waiter for special rubber gloves for butchering. Prepare for the fact that cutting an oyster will require serious physical effort. Tune in, concentrate on the process and everything will go like clockwork.