From what height paratroopers jump in the army. Cash reward for skydiving (landing with equipment). Safety rules: how to protect the landing from injury

Air- landing troops perform a huge range of combat missions. And the airborne jumps are one of the main trump cards used by the paratroopers. For this purpose, specially trained aircraft and helicopters are used. In the equipment of the Airborne Forces there is a large number of modern effective weapons, special equipment, military equipment, which make it possible to cope with the tasks assigned to them with high efficiency.

The task of the airborne troops is to capture strategic industrial facilities, administrative and political centers, areas of concentration and forces of a potential enemy, capture and hold infrastructure nodes, mountain passes, crossings, communication lines; destruction of weapons of mass destruction, power plants, runways and airfields, and other key facilities; disruption of the enemy's work in the deep and near rear and coordination of his forces, disruption of the movement of enemy reserves.

One of the main tasks of the Airborne Forces is related to the implementation of operational-tactical landing in especially important areas of potential local conflicts.

The fulfillment of such a task is impossible without parachute jumps of the Airborne Forces. In the Airborne Forces, personnel are especially scrupulously trained. Therefore, paratroopers are carefully acquainted with the theoretical foundation of parachute jumps, landing techniques, modern systems parachute-jet and parachute type, landing containers, platforms and systems, with the help of which the installation and landing of weapons and military equipment is carried out. Particular attention is paid to the study of current military transport aviation.

Airborne jumps at the stage of the appearance and development of the armed forces

The first jump in the Airborne Forces took place in the thirties of the last century. It was then that a new type of troops appeared in the Red Army - the Airborne Troops. The first paratroopers had to perform a completely accessible task - to land in a given area, where they were delivered by aircraft. At first, paratroopers were transported with parachutes on any aircraft in service: strategic heavy bombers TB-1 or training U-2, which were not the best solution for the young branch of the military. The choice of aircraft depended on the number of paratroopers transported.

It turned out to be more difficult to solve the issue of transporting cars, armored vehicles or guns. We decided to opt for the TB-1 bomber. To create specialized systems with which they were supposed to successfully land equipment, an design bureau was created. Among the very first types of weapons adapted for air transportation and landing should be called a 76-mm mountain gun, invented in 1909, chosen because of its suitable weight and dimensions. The crew of the gun was transported along with the gun and had the ability to parachute from an aircraft, slightly reducing the bomber's flight performance. Then the first parachute jump in the Airborne Forces took place, and since then the paratroopers have come a long way.

Airborne parachute jumps in modern army Russia

Fast forward to modern life soldiers of the Airborne Forces. In 2012, military personnel of this type of troops, who are in military service, performed more than 11,000 parachute jumps in just one week! Including airborne jumps from Ila-76 amounted to more than four hundred. In our time, jumps during long daylight hours are performed at an intensity of two parachute jumps per minute, and even more often.

There was a message about how many jumps are made in the Airborne Forces, for example, in a unit stationed in Ivanovo. As it turned out, 2800 jumps per division. In the mountain, airborne assault formation, located in Novorossiysk, and the airborne division of Tula, paratroopers make 2000 jumps. The cadets of the Ryazan School manage to make more than one and a half thousand jumps within one week.

Airborne jumps were more regular in Soviet army. Say, in the 80s, an ordinary paratrooper made about 30 airborne jumps from an Il-76 for military service. In the 90s, their number sharply decreased, but today one can again observe a gradual increase in the role of combat training of paratroopers, which means an increase in the number of airborne parachute jumps for cadets and conscripts.

Training airborne recruits in the art of landing

Many jumps are made by representatives of the young replenishment arriving in the Airborne Forces. Young soldiers have to do a lot of airborne training. They are awarded the proud title of paratroopers after they make the first parachute jumps.

In addition, in Ryazan, technicians specializing in parachute devices are constantly trained and trained. Seminars for the retraining of commanders of paratrooper units are also held there. They study the issues of landing and training military equipment. During the summer period, which is characterized by favorable weather conditions, Russian paratroopers plan to perform more than 35,000 airborne parachute jumps.

It is categorically impossible to force people who do not know how to control themselves in the sky to make parachute jumps. To prevent a random fall, the D-5 and D-6 parachutes are equipped with a stabilizing exhaust dome. Due to the presence of the dome, the parachutist cannot be carried away into a random fall. To an inexperienced person, it seems that the earth is everywhere from him. The function of the stabilizing dome is that the lines do not interfere with the skydiver to go into the sky. The dome comes out first, after which the PPK-u device is activated within five seconds, opening the satchel. The knapsack is equipped with a two-cone lock, which can be opened either with a ring or with a device. The parachutist can pull the ring without waiting for five seconds to elapse free fall. With the help of a stabilizing parachute, the canopy is completely pulled out of the parachute bag.

Jumping Airborne Forces with IL-76

Speaking about the training of paratroopers, one cannot fail to mention the role of military transport aviation. Airborne jumps from IL-76 can be called the most effective today. The main military transport aircraft Il-76 easily copes with the following tasks:

  • parachute landing of l / s units;
  • parachute landing of regular military equipment and cargo;
  • landing landing l / s units of the Airborne Forces;
  • landing landing of military equipment and cargoes of the established dimensions;
  • transportation and evacuation of the wounded to the rear.

Each of the above options provides for the use of specialized equipment.

When landing from the IL-76, they use:

  • two streams into the side doors, to minimize the possibility of convergence of paratroopers in the air;
  • three streams, one of which goes to the ramp, and the other two - to the side doors;
  • four streams - two into the ramp and side doors (in the presence of combat conditions).

During the landing of personnel, the speed of the aircraft reaches 300 km / h. Note the tightness of the cargo compartment of the IL-76. If it is necessary to make long-distance flights at high altitude, the pressure in the aircraft cabin is equal to the pressure at an altitude of 2.5 km. Airborne jumps from the Il-76 have been considered one of the safest and most effective types of landing for many years. In emergency cases, all seats are equipped with oxygen masks, so all paratroopers have the opportunity to receive oxygen nutrition individually.

Pre-jump training in the Airborne Forces

Before you prepare a real paratrooper, you need to undergo serious combat training. Pre-jump training in the Airborne Forces is set at the most modern level. Not a single paratrooper is allowed to actually jump with a parachute without thorough special training.

IL-76 is an aircraft that fully corresponds to the tasks that are set before the paratroopers. In the cabin of the aircraft, all the nuances are provided, thanks to which the safety of skydiving is achieved. Traffic lights are installed at all exits from the aircraft. There are traffic lights on both sides of the ramp. The green light lights up with the inscription "Go", yellow - with the command "Get ready", red - with the command "Hang up". When the yellow traffic light is turned on, a short siren is turned on simultaneously, and when the green traffic light is turned on, a long roaring siren is turned on. She continues to roar until there is not a single paratrooper left on the plane.

Every paratrooper who performed parachute jumps in the Airborne Forces will never be able to forget this siren. During a long-haul flight, the engine hums smoothly and calmly, which is conducive to sleep, but because of the sound of a siren, nothing remains of sleep. After the command "Ready" and a short warning siren, each paratrooper jumps, waiting for the command to jump into the sky.

Photo and video of airborne jumps

Photos of airborne jumps are particularly spectacular. You can admire the parachutists flying in the sky, the second suspended deck of the Il-76MD transport, the cargo compartment of the Il-76. Due to the increased capacity, the cargo compartment of the Il-76 transport can accommodate three BMD-1s, and can parachute them by parachute or landing method.

Among the capabilities of the aircraft is the landing of four cargoes weighing 10 tons each, or two cargoes weighing 21 tons each. The IL-76MD is produced in a two-deck version and is capable of carrying up to 225 fighters, and not more than 145 fighters, as in a single-deck version.

Watching the landing of equipment from the Il-76 aircraft is always delightful. Jumping Airborne Forces video, thanks to the Internet today everyone can watch. An interesting fact is the establishment of high-altitude world records by Soviet paratroopers. These jumps of our paratroopers were made in 1975, and then in 1977. Girls jumped with parachutes from an Il-76 aircraft flying at an altitude of over fifteen thousand meters. And no one has managed to break the records set then.

Video airborne jumping with a parachute can convey the external impression of this unique and exciting process. And the skydivers themselves consider this the most exciting moments of their lives. Each jump is different from the previous one. Especially a lot of emotions delivers the first jump.

To jump with a parachute D-5 requires an altitude of 800 to 1000 meters. With a minimum throw height of 600 meters. The period from the moment you get off the plane to the moment when the parachute should open is 200 meters. The parachutist has to fly under the dome for about six hundred meters.

Today, instead of the parachutes of the old systems, they use the D-10 landing parachute, with a dome area of ​​​​100 square meters, improved parameters and a shape resembling a squash. The D-12, Listik, recognized as excellent parachute system which has no analogues in the world.

The airborne troops can rightfully be considered a model of the valor and strength of the national army. It is difficult to imagine a soldier who dreams of serving in the army, who would not like to try himself as a paratrooper.

Service in this type of troops has several characteristic features, among which intense physical activity is the key. Because of this, the current legislation provides for a number of mandatory requirements that a conscript who wants to serve in the ranks of the elite troops must meet.

How to get into the Airborne Forces by conscription, many conscripts ask themselves this question before visiting the medical commission. The answer is simple: it is important to meet all the selection criteria and express your desire to get into this branch of the military before the distribution commission.

What is important to do

According to current legal regulations, namely, in accordance with paragraph "D" of the regulation "On military duty", recommendations on the distribution of conscript soldiers are provided by the head of the territorial military registration and enlistment office. As a rule, people of military age are asked about his intention regarding military duty even during the initial registration. After passing the medical commission, the recruit goes to a meeting of the draft commission, where decisions will be made on which troops the young man will serve in (in the absence of contraindications for health reasons). It is important here not to be shy and clearly indicate your desire to serve in the Airborne Forces.

It is very important to understand that airborne troops are not just romance, it is a very difficult and dangerous service. This branch of the military is not only considered the elite of the entire Russian army, this is practically the main reserve of the Supreme Commander, so the requirements for enrollment in this branch of the military are much more serious than anywhere else. Good health and impressive stamina are especially important if you want to serve in a special forces unit.

Find out: How and with what they clean the badge of a soldier's belt, old and new ways

Key selection criteria for recruits

For ease of perception, these requirements for conscript soldiers should be divided into several categories.

Physical health status

For intense loads, which is subjected to an ordinary Airborne Forces, an impeccable state of health is required. There should be no congenital or acquired pathologies. Medical Commission in the military registration and enlistment office, based on the results of the survey, it must take out the category of suitability A1, which must be recorded in the relevant documentation.

In addition, a recruit applying for service in the Airborne Forces should not have any predisposition to chronic inflammatory processes. The medical record from the polyclinic at the place of permanent registration should not contain evidence of surgical interventions as a result of injuries or the development of internal pathology. On a daily basis, paratroopers are subjected to heavy loads, which include:

  • grueling endurance training;
  • constant skydiving;
  • regular exhaustion of the body as a result of long flights;
  • unbalanced nutrition during survival courses and so on.

All this can leave an indelible mark on a weakened body, so you should sensibly assess your health. With a purposeful desire to enlist in the Airborne Forces, it is recommended to start training as early as possible. Indeed, in addition to physical good health and the absence of pathological processes in the body, these are far from all the requirements.

Mental health and emotional stability are also integral requirements for a soldier entering military service as a paratrooper. The conscript will have to pass a series of specialized tests, which cannot be deliberately deceived. They are developed by military psychologists and are quite successfully applied in practice, weeding out unreliable applicants.

Physical Data

There are certain anthropometric parameters that must be met in order to enter the service in the Airborne Forces. The figures are reasonable. Even a slight deviation from the specified requirements for height and weight can be the main reason for refusal.

The growth of a potential paratrooper should not be less than 175 cm and not more than 195 cm. Body weight can vary from 75 to 85 kg.

These indicators are natural in the physiological sense. Deviation from these parameters is an indirect evidence of hidden health problems. In addition, non-compliance with these requirements may impede the fulfillment of the combat mission assigned to the elite troops of the Russian Federation.

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Growth indicators are also not randomly assigned. Short people will definitely not be able to cope with strength exercises and other delights of the life of blue berets for a long time, and people who are too tall have a different problem. A long stay in the air, which is the norm for a paratrooper, is associated with intense atmospheric stress, which affects blood pressure. Tall people are more prone to hypotension (low blood pressure syndrome), which can also leave an imprint on the health of a soldier even after military service.

If the height discrepancy is almost impossible to correct, then the situation is different with weight. Dial muscle mass, or vice versa, get rid of excess weight possible for relatively a short time, it is important to take care of yourself in time.

Physical form

A conscript who wishes to serve in the Airborne Forces must meet the requirements for physical fitness. In the absence of medical and physiological contraindications, the soldier will be asked to pass the following physical standards:

  • 20 pushups;
  • 20 pull-ups;
  • cross 3 km with equipment weighing 15 kg.

This will have to be demonstrated by the recruiting commission, otherwise, the recruit will be denied a request for enrollment in the ranks of the Airborne Forces. It is important to understand that these requirements may not seem so difficult, but in reality they are far from being so. It will not be possible to fulfill these standards without purposeful and lengthy preparation. In addition, in order to achieve such indicators, it is recommended to refrain from the use of alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.


A potential paratrooper must not only meet all the requirements mentioned earlier. Another important factor is education. The overall average will be sufficient. A good advantage would be the absence of triples in the certificate.

Additional factors

There are several factors that can significantly increase the chances young man for successful enrollment in the ranks of the Airborne Forces. These include.

  • “Of the five thousand residents of Rostov celebrating the Day of the Airborne Forces, only one and a half thousand actually served in the landing troops”

Today is Air Force Day!

Airborne Troops Day!

Day of the Paratroopers or "Paratroopers"!

Of course, every year, the Landing Forces are becoming quieter. Grandiose fights and showdowns with the "Watermelon" mafia in the markets are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Still, our country is becoming more and more rigid to all kinds of lawlessness, on the one hand, on the other hand, we are at war in some places of the ball. And it has long been noticed that if the country's Army conducts real hostilities, less people bathes in fountains and goes to protest rallies.

Therefore, the question is always relevant, how to distinguish a real paratrooper from someone who just puts on a vest and takes it, or maybe having made a “Throwout” tattoo, thumps in the fountain and tells army tales.

By the way, Muscovites differ in this. Anyone who served in the Airborne Forces knows that it is among those called up from Moscow that rotten soldiers are more common ...

Of course, not all, among the guys from Moscow there are many excellent fighters. I myself had a "druzhban" from the Capital in the army.

But honestly, everyone knows that among the inhabitants of Moscow there are “not quite good comrades”, more than from the outskirts of the country ...

We had a “Moskvich” in our company, the only communist among the soldiers. By the way, he was sent to the army after a “ball” (a ball or another slang expression in the army and airborne forces) in civilian life. He was a released secretary of the Komsomol, I do not remember where. There was a delay, but flew in, and was sent to serve in elite troops. I'm sure he bathes in the fountain and thumps in a beret and vest.

But for one real paratrooper there are several fake ones. So let's start learning to identify the deceiver. I will give below a few questions and some detailed answers to these questions.

Knowing the answers to these questions, you can identify a fake "Landing"!

1. Where did you serve?

The answer to the Airborne Forces or the DSB does not work, as does the DMB (this is a demobilization!). Like the place of service, such as Pskov, Ryazan and so on. Maybe he had heard enough of the army tales of his older brother or neighbor. By the way, in addition, there may even be construction battalion workers in the military camp of the landing unit. For example, in Pskov. If anyone remembers, soldiers from the construction battalion went to the photographer and took photos in the “demobilization parade with axels” and blue beret. They were sent home and boldly told that they were serving in the Airborne Forces. Of course they did it in secret. The construction battalion troops were not very fond of. In Pskov, there was a garrison bay (guard watch), this is the place where soldiers and officers are kept for minor and major violations of military discipline. The bay was guarded by the guard of the Pskov division

2. Part number?

Each military unit has a number. The unit number is driven into the soldier's head. As well as the number of the machine and the military ID. I served almost 30 years ago and still remember.

3. VUS what?

VUS, this military registration specialty is written in the Military ID. If such a Trooper shows you his soldier, then looking at his VUS, you will understand who he really is. “Military registration specialty (VUS) - an indication of the military specialty of an active or in reserve serviceman of the Russian Armed Forces and other troops and formations. Information about the VUS is entered into the military ID. All VUS are divided into groups, the VUS designation itself is a multi-digit number (for example, VUS-250400).

Possible list of military specialties

Apparently, there are no open sources containing the decryption of the codes of all current VUS: the VUS catalog is a document of the Russian Ministry of Defense with a “Secret” degree of secrecy.

The first three digits of the VUS of warrant officers, sergeants, foremen and soldiers indicate specialization (VUS code), for example:

100 - rifle
101 - snipers
102 - grenade launchers
106 - military intelligence
107 - units and divisions of Special Forces
122 - BMD
461 - HF radio stations
998 - not having military training, fit for military service
999 - the same, only RESTRICTLY fit for military service, etc.

The next three digits indicate the position (position code):

97 - ZKV
182 - KO
259 - MV
001 - battery man, etc.

The letter at the end indicates "special signs of service":

A - having none
B - missile weapons specialists
D - Airborne Forces
K - crew of surface ships
M - MP
P - V.v.
R - PV (FPS)
S - Ministry of Emergency Situations (?)
T - construction units and subdivisions
F - SpN, etc.
E - Flight personnel for ensigns, sergeants, soldiers

4. How many times did you jump? Usually you will hear mind-blowing numbers of 30-40-50, and maybe 100 jumps. “The annual norm for a conscript soldier is 12 jumps, 6 in each training period. In general, parachute training is a prerequisite for service in the Airborne Forces. Everyone is landing - from the general to the private, ”- an interview with Shamanov. Who does not know, Vladimir Shamanov Commander of the Airborne Forces and Colonel General. Even in the USSR, jumping more than 20 times for military service was problematic. Because a soldier took up guard duty (this is when a man with a gun guards Guba, warehouses and parks with equipment), went to outfits in the park (where the equipment is), finally to outfit in the dining room (where he peeled potatoes, set the table and washed dishes), stood “on the bedside table” (attire for the company), and so on ... In the army, self-service, the soldier did everything himself and to make the jump, no one released him. Of course, there were sports companies in the army. These are free units, where soldiers mainly train and perform for the unit. For example, where I served, there was a "squadron". Conscripts are skydivers who only jumped and competed. But this is a separate caste, they even went in a peculiar form, officer overcoats and epaulettes of conscripts. The beginnings of a contract army. I am not talking about contract sergeants and ensigns. They were already professional soldiers then. But an ordinary paratrooper did not jump very much. Just like now. Only “for demobilization” they could buy a “nauseous” (badge parachutist in the form of a dome with a pendant in the form of numbers according to the number of jumps) with a large number of jumps.

5. Did you jump in combat? Many fake paratroopers do not know that the Airborne Forces and all kinds of special forces can jump in several ways.

Here are the simplest ones:

Without weapons and RD (Paratrooper Backpack)

With RD and weapons in the transport position. Automatic, SVD and even RPG, in a special transport case, "screwed" behind the back of a dashing landing.

With RD and GK (Cargo Container)

With weapons "in combat", on the chest under the chest jumper of the suspension system. Allows you to fire while descending on a parachute, directly from the sky.

Then there are night ones, on the forest, on the water, high-rise and so on. Only inside the equipment no one jumps, although this option has been worked out for war. The son of the legendary founder of the Airborne Forces Vasily Margelov, Alexander Margelov, back in 1973 made a parachute jump inside the BMD-1. For this feat, he was awarded the title of Hero of Russia, after 20 years ... Since then, more than 110 people have jumped inside the equipment, but these are testers. An ordinary paratrooper who will tell you about this, just pi ....!

6. Did you jump with the ISS? For reference, the MKS is a multi-dome system for landing equipment, for example MKS-5-760. A person just can't jump with this crap. But I met Landing Forces who claimed that they jumped with her ... In the Airborne Forces, they jump mainly with parachutes: D-1-8 is the oldest parachute, created back in 1959. This parachute has the main advantage, the dome cover clings through an extension halyard to an airplane or helicopter. The paratrooper doesn't even have a ring. Led to the hatch, gave a kick in the ass. Then everything works automatically without any devices. This is the perfect parachute for the first jump. 300% guarantee, the main thing when laying is not to twist the lines. D-1-5U is the oldest controlled parachute. D-6 and all its modifications. You have seen this dome in most films about the Airborne Forces. The paratroopers fly for some time on a stabilizing small canopy. The same canopy extends the main canopy of the parachute, if you pull the ring or when the safety device of the PPK-U type is triggered. PPK-U - Semiautomatic Parachute Combined Unified (device) - designed to open the parachute pack (after a certain period of time at a certain height). Now they plan to put D-10 in the troops. PSN - Parachute Special Purpose. I jumped from PSN-71, it is more manageable. It has rolls for better handling (which we were forbidden to uncheck) and locks on the suspension system. When landing, you can immediately unfasten the dome. For example, in the wind, when jumping into the water or in battle. It was created for the GRU Spetsnaz and reconnaissance units of the Airborne Forces. Software - Planning Shell. These are the same rectangular “wings” or “mattresses” on which all athletes now jump. From PO-9, from the times of the USSR, to modern PO-16, PO-17 and the famous "Crossbows". A conscript has never jumped with such domes!

7. And finally, what is "Razor - smile"? Or were you shaved with a smile? This is a flexible hairpin from the same PPK-U device. In the Airborne Forces and civilian paratroopers, the most fashionable keychain and souvenir. On the neck, on the keys and so on. The hairpin, when unbent, specifically clings to the hairs, no worse than an epilator. In the army, it is used as a punishment for negligent fighters, and just "for fun." Airborne humor, I shaved with a smile. Have you been shaved with a smile? Understandable only to paratroopers.

In principle, there is still a lot of information that only those who served in the Airborne Forces can know. But I think that what I wrote will be enough to identify fake paratroopers who dishonor the glorious name of Uncle Vasya's Troops. Vasily Margelov is the founder of the Airborne Forces and the father of all paratroopers!

Happy Airborne Forces Day to all real paratroopers!
Nobody except us!

I work as a fitness instructor. I have a professional education and 25 years of coaching experience. I help people lose weight or gain muscle mass and stay healthy at the same time. I conduct training via the Internet or in the Mamba fitness club in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

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ORDER of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated 06/30/2006 200 (as amended on 06/03/2011) ON APPROVAL OF THE PROCEDURE FOR PROVIDING MONEY ALLOWANCE... Relevant in 2018

Cash reward for skydiving (landing with equipment)

170. To military personnel for parachute jumps (landing with equipment) from aircraft (helicopters) provided for by the approved combat (training) training plan, as well as experimental jumps performed on the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force or, respectively, the commander Airborne troops, Chief of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy, a monetary reward is paid in the following amounts:

Categories of military personnelCash reward for each jump as a percentage of the salary for the 10th tariff category (Appendix N 2 to this Procedure)
1st jump2 - 25 jump26 - 50 jump51 - 100 jump101 and subsequent jumps
a) military personnel passing military service on call;5,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0
b) military personnel serving under a contract (except for those with the title of instructor of parachute training);6,0 5,0 7,0 8,5 10,0
c) military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, having the title of instructor of parachute training- - 8,5 10,0 11,0

with a parachute opening delay of at least 20 s, including with fall stabilization;

to a limited area;

in difficult weather conditions (when the height of the lower edge of the clouds is below the specified throw height);

when the wind speed near the ground is more than 5 m/s;

to landing sites (exceeding 500 m above sea level);

at night, on water (except for jumping in diving equipment) or forest;

with weapons (except for a pistol);

with a cargo container weighing more than 4 kg, excluding service equipment;

following the landing equipment;

from heights less than 500 m and more than 4000 m;

from an aircraft at a flight speed of over 200 km/h.

173. For parachute jumps made by the ejection method and on the water in diving equipment, the amount of monetary reward calculated in the manner prescribed by paragraphs 171 - 172 of this Procedure is increased by the decision of the commander of the military unit to 4 percent of the salary for a military position for 10 tariff category ( Appendix N 2 to this Procedure) depending on the complexity of the jump.

For landing inside the equipment or together with it, a monetary reward is paid in the amount of 20 percent of the salary for a military position in the 10th tariff category (Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure) to each serviceman.

174. When making experimental jumps in excess of the monetary reward provided for in paragraphs 171 - 172 of this Procedure, an additional 3 to 10 percent of the salary for a military position in the 10th tariff category (Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure) is paid, depending on the complexity of the jump.

The amount of additional remuneration for each experimental jump is determined by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force or, respectively, the commander of the Airborne Forces, the head of the Air Force and Air Defense of the Navy, upon approval of the report on the jump.

175. The monetary reward to the military personnel specified in subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 170 of this Procedure is paid for no more than two jumps, to the military personnel indicated in subparagraph "c" of the same paragraph - for no more than three jumps made one day. This restriction does not apply to experimental jumps.

Military personnel who have the title of master of parachuting or master of international class or honored master of parachuting are paid a monetary reward for all parachute jumps made within one day, but within the limits of paid jumps.

176. Monetary remuneration during the calendar year is paid for parachute jumps made according to the combat (training) training plan, but not more than within the annual norms of paid jumps established for certain categories of military personnel by officials specified in paragraph 170 of this Procedure.

177. Military personnel who are members of sports parachute teams are paid monetary rewards for parachute jumps made according to the combat (training) training plan, but not more than:

for teams of formations, associations and military educational institutions vocational education- 150 jumps per year;

for teams of combined services of the Armed Forces and branches of the Armed Forces - 200 jumps per year;

for teams of national teams of the Armed Forces and servicemen of the 3rd Central Sports Parachute Club - 400 jumps per year.

Servicemen who are part of the combined sports parachute teams of the branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the Armed Forces, in addition to the specified norm, are allowed to make 50 paid parachute jumps in preparation for the championship of the Armed Forces and each international competition.

178. Cash reward paid military unit, in which the jumps were made, on the basis of the order of the commander of the military unit, indicating in it the date of each jump, complication factors and what the jump is in a row.

When determining the amount of monetary remuneration, all documented parachute jumps made by a serviceman, including in the period before conscription (entry) for military service, are taken into account.

179. Cash reward is not paid for parachute jumps made:

not according to the combat (training) training plan;

in excess of two or three jumps per day for the relevant categories of military personnel;

in excess of the annual rate of paid jumps established for a separate category of military personnel.

180. Citizens called up in accordance with the established procedure for training and verification camps, performing parachute jumps (landing with equipment) during these training camps, monetary rewards are subject to payment in the manner and amounts established by paragraphs 170 - 179 of this Procedure for the relevant categories of military personnel.