Karakurt is the most poisonous spider on earth. What you need to know about the spider karakurt? Karakurt poison is dangerous for humans

They pose a great danger to humans. But these predators are huge and will not go unnoticed. You should know that creatures that are difficult to notice can pose a much greater danger, because they do not exceed a five-ruble coin in size. One of these is the spider karakurt. In this article you will find a description and photo of the karakurt spider, as well as learn a lot of new and interesting things about this spider from the genus of black widows.

Karakurt looks like a medium-sized spider. Females of karakurt significantly exceed males in size. The female karakurt grows to a size of 2 cm, while the male karakurt has a size of only 0.7 cm.

Karakurt looks quite unusual. The karakurt spider has a black body, and on its abdomen it has red or orange spots of various shapes. Both male and female karakurt have this coloration. Sometimes there may be a stroke around the spots white color. Often, when reaching maturity, the karakurt spider can become completely black without spots.

Where does karakurt live?

Karakurt lives in Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, on the territory of Iran and Afghanistan, along the banks mediterranean sea, in North Africa, southern Europe and Ukraine. In Russia, karakurt lives in the southern regions. Especially the karakurt spider is common in Astrakhan region, Krasnodar Territory and Crimea.

In especially hot periods, this spider can migrate to the northern regions, but in such regions the karakurt lives only until the onset of winter. The most favorable living conditions for karakurt are those areas where there are hot summers and warm autumns. Karakurt lives in desert and steppe zones, on wastelands, salt marshes, slopes of ravines and abandoned buildings.

Karakurt bite

The poison of the karakurt is quite strong, so the bite of the karakurt can be fatal. Fortunately, the karakurt only attacks if disturbed. The poison of karakurt affects both animals and humans. The bite of a karakurt is imperceptible at once and manifests itself within 10-15 minutes. During this time, the poison of karakurt is already spreading throughout the body and the first signs of toxic poisoning begin to appear. Symptoms of a karakurt bite begin with a burning pain that spreads throughout the body. Typically, patients complain of severe pain in the chest, abdomen and lower back.

Also, a karakurt bite has the following symptoms: increased heart rate, shortness of breath, palpitations, dizziness, headache, trembling, vomiting, sweating, spasms in the bronchi and urinary retention. In the later stages of poisoning, a person begins to darken consciousness and delirium. Fatal cases have been recorded in humans and farm animals bitten by a karakurt.

Experts say that people with strong immunity will more easily endure the bite of a karakurt than those weakened by diseases or allergies. It should be remembered that the highest concentration of poison in black widows occurs during the mating season and after laying eggs; in other seasons, bites are less terrible. Males, in principle, do not pose a danger, since they do not have poison and, due to their small size, cannot bite through the skin.

To neutralize the action of the poison of karakurt, anti-karakurt serum is used. Novocaine, calcium chloride and magnesium hydrosulfate are also administered intravenously, which give positive results. If it is impossible to get medical help, you should burn the bite of a karakurt with a burning match. But this must be done no later than 5 minutes after the bite. You can also burn the bite site with a hot metal object. Since the spider bites through the skin to a depth of only 0.5 mm, the poison that has not had time to be absorbed is destroyed by heating. But even after cauterization, you must seek medical help.

Livestock suffer from karakurt bites, especially camels and horses. These animals often die from the poison of the karakurt. Once every 10 years, mass reproduction of the karakurt spider occurs, during these years animal husbandry suffers great losses. Now karakurt is destroyed with the help of insecticides, which are sprayed on the soil. Of course, the poison of the karakurt is not aimed at harming humans or livestock, but serves the spider only to get food. Karakurt eats various beetles, flies, locusts, cicadas and grasshoppers.

The karakurt spider is called the black widow, as the female karakurt kills her husband after mating. But the black widow of the karakurt will not survive the eaten husband much, because with the onset of cold weather, the female dies.

Karakurts become capable of breeding at the beginning of summer and begin migration in search of partners. With the onset of heat (July-August), females and males of karakurt arrange temporary mating nets. After that, the female karakurt is looking for a secluded place to equip the lair, where she can place cocoons with eggs.

Such a place often becomes various depressions in the soil, abandoned rodent burrows, as well as drainage of ventilation systems. At the entrance to the lair, she stretches a chaotically intertwined web. The female karakurt hangs 2-4 cocoons in the den, where they survive the winter.

In April, karakurt cubs will leave their cocoons. With the onset of summer, mature karakurt cubs will go in search of partners. Despite the fact that the karakurt spider is very prolific and has a very strong poison, he still has enemies in nature. The enemies of the karakurt spider are hedgehogs, wasps and riders. Also often comes the destruction of the laying of karakurt eggs by herds of sheep and pigs, which simply trample them.

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Karakurts are small in size. Their body is spherical, slightly tear-shaped. The female is 3-4 times larger than the male. Its size varies from 1 to 2 centimeters. The male is only 5 millimeters long. The color of the spiders is radically black, but red or dark orange spots may be present on juveniles, sometimes with a white or yellow outline. In adults, such spots may be absent. European species of black widows living along the Mediterranean coast have a characteristic luster of the body. The hairline is completely absent.

How does it look in the photo

Another one distinguishing feature karakurt - long front paws.

Where is found

Karakurt can be found on the territory of the countries of the former Soviet Union:

  1. In Kazakhstan. Most often in desert areas.
  2. In the steppes of Kyrgyzstan.
  3. In Russia, they live throughout the south of the country. Most often found in Astrakhan and Rostov regions, in the Krasnodar Territory, on Southern Urals. IN last years began to come across in the Saratov, Volgograd and Novosibirsk regions, in Altai.
  4. In the Crimea, almost throughout the peninsula.
  5. In Ukraine. In cities in the south that have access to the Black and Azov Seas, as well as in some cities in the east and south (Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Mariupol).
  6. in Azerbaijan.
  7. In Kyrgyzstan.

Where else can you find this spider

In countries located on the coast of the Mediterranean, Adriatic and Caspian Seas. Ranging from southern Europe to the Near and Middle East, as well as North Africa.

Every year its habitat increases. Over the past few years, karakurt has been spotted in more northern regions of Russia and of Eastern Europe, even in the suburbs. Although, such a climate is completely unsuitable for him, and with the onset of cold weather, the spider itself and its cocoons die.

Crimean karakurt

Most dangerous representative of the poisonous inhabitants of the Crimea, even more dangerous than the Crimean steppe viper. Lives throughout the peninsula. Happens in bulk.

Where he likes to settle in nature

European species of these spiders prefer desert and steppe areas with sparse vegetation. A favorite place is the shores of salt lakes, which are often found in the Crimea. In coastal vegetation on beaches, in sagebrush thickets, on wastelands and along river banks, in ravines and in garbage heaps. They often settle in colonies. A characteristic feature of the dwelling of the karakurt colony is a chaotic layer of cobwebs on the surface of the earth.

How to determine the habitat of this spider

How dangerous are they to humans?

Karakurt, of course, is a danger to humans and domestic animals. Its poison is very toxic and under adverse conditions can lead to death, which is periodically recorded in the Crimea. Only adult females are dangerous. The male is so small that it cannot bite through human skin. The spider attacks only in case of real danger to it. The most common bites to the arms and legs are mostly due to human inattention.

When are the most dangerous?

The most dangerous females of karakurt are during the mating period, before and after that. In June-July there is a mass migration of females in search of a new nest. More often, it is during this period that bites of humans and domestic animals occur.

How to stay safe while hiking

You need to be especially careful in June-July when hiking in the Crimea, the southern regions of Russia and the countries of Central Asia. Since during this period, the female karakurt can choose her housing, shoes left near the tent, clothes thrown on the grass, and the tent itself.

What happens when you bite. Symptoms

The first minutes after the bite are asymptomatic. Black widow chelicerae are so thin that the bitten person may not feel anything. Severe pain comes within an hour, most often after 10-15 minutes. The lower back, chest, calves and abdomen hurt the most due to muscle cramps. Because of this, they can make an incorrect diagnosis, for example, a heart attack or a stomach ulcer. Pain usually lasts 1-2 days.

To determine the cause of pain, you should pay attention to the presence of local redness that appears at the site of the bite.

There are quite a few deaths from spider bites in Crimea, but still there are people who died on contact with it.

Possible symptoms of poisoning:

  • dyspnea;
  • swelling of the face;
  • frequent heartbeat and acceleration of the pulse;
  • dizziness and loss of consciousness;
  • headache;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • strong sweating;
  • weakness and feeling of heaviness;
  • dilation of the pupils and their shift forward or to the side;
  • difficulty breathing due to bronchospasm;
  • painful erection;
  • problems with urination;
  • nervous irritation;
  • delirium and blackout of consciousness;
  • elevated temperature;
  • convulsions or paralysis of the limbs;
  • conjunctivitis.

What to do if bitten by a karakurt

First aid

If you know exactly what bit you black Widow, then traces of poison should be visible at the bite site. This poison can be partially neutralized thermally, since the jaws of the karakurt bite through the skin by only half a millimeter. One of the most popular options is cauterization of the bite site with 2-3 match heads. Proposed this method, professor of zoology, entomologist and doctor biological sciences Pavel Marikovsky. Put the match heads on the affected area and set it on fire. It will hurt, but the poison under the skin will partially collapse. It is important to carry out this procedure no later than 2 minutes after the bite, otherwise the poison will penetrate deeper and not collapse. Also, you can cauterize with any metal object strongly heated over the flame of a lighter.

Urgently to the hospital

You must immediately contact a medical facility. Explain to the hospital that there is a suspicion of a karakurt bite. Otherwise, you may be misdiagnosed with all the ensuing consequences.

Mortality from the bite of the "black widow" is 4-6% of the number of those bitten. At risk are children and people suffering from chronic diseases.

What victims of the bite of a black widow say in a Kazakhstan hospital

What is treated in the hospital

As a rule, the bitten person is left in the hospital, in the toxicology or intensive care unit. Antikarakurt serum is introduced. After taking the necessary drugs, it will take some time to recover. Neurological effects may last for several months.

  1. A specific diet is prescribed.
  2. It is advisable to drink more liquid.
  3. Limit physical activity.

How to prevent a bite

Adults. In the habitats of poisonous spiders, try to wear closed shoes and long trousers. Pay attention to the web, located closer to the ground. Do not camp or picnic in such places. Just be careful.
Remember that in the Crimea, karakurts are found even on the beaches, in the coastal grass.

Children. Tell your child about karakurts. If you are walking in an area where it can live, and you see cobwebs on the ground, change the place for a walk to a safer one.

So he weaves a web among the stones

Summarize. Karakurts are dangerous but not aggressive and attack, mostly due to our inattention when we get too close to them. By observing the precautions described above, you will have a trouble-free rest on trips to the southern coastal countries.

Video of the fight between karakurt and scorpion

How they breed

Spiders are quite prolific. They lay several thousand eggs in one year. Once every few years, mass outbreaks of karakurt breeding are recorded. For laying cocoons, the female is looking for a reliable shelter. Most often, these are various earthen burrows, sewer and ventilation openings, at the entrance to which one can observe a dense layer of cobwebs, of a chaotic shape. A favorite place under the leaves at the base of the plant. There, the female lays cocoons, each of which contains more than a hundred eggs. Cocoons are in such a shelter throughout the cold period, and young spiders hatch in the spring, closer to April-May, when it is already warm enough. After mating, the female very rarely eats the male. This is characteristic only of the Australian species of karakurt. That is why they are called the black widow.

In the wild, the spider lives only 1-2 years.

Little spiders are born hungry. So much so that sometimes they can eat each other.

The spider has enemies. Among them

  1. Wasps. They can sting a spider, and it dies.
  2. Hedgehogs. Invulnerable to spider attacks.
  3. Rider beetles. They lay their larvae in the cocoon of the karakurt. Naturally, a new offspring of rider beetles will hatch from the egg.
  4. Sheep, goats and pigs. These are the most, since a herd of such animals is able to trample down a tub with karakurt eggs. At the same time, pigs, goats and sheep do not suffer from bites.

Who eats

The spider eats only insects. Among them:

  • locust;
  • may beetles;
  • grasshoppers;
  • invertebrate animals.

The process of eating the victim is as follows:

  1. The spider spins a web for insects to get in.
  2. Once the prey is caught, it injects poison into it to paralyze it.
  3. Now he begins to eat it, by sucking it out. Only the chitinous cover remains of the insect.

One of the most poisonous creatures on our planet is a representative of the order of arthropods - the karakurt spider. It is believed that its bite is much more dangerous than a bite anyone, even poisonous snake that exists in nature. For example, it is known that the poison of a female karakurt is fifteen times more dangerous to life than the poison of a rattlesnake.

If you look at the photo where the karakurt is captured, then the first thing that catches your eye is its black color. Because of its intimidating appearance and aggressive behavior, the karakurt is also called the black widow. Scientifically speaking, black widows are a genus of spiders that live all over the world. Karakurt is just one species of this genus. A species called the black widow spider, a relative of the karakurt, lives in North America.

The peculiarity of his behavior is that the female spider eats her male after mating. Also, this arthropod predator is dangerous because it is very difficult to notice it on the ground or in the grass. In addition, the karakurt weaves a web differently than its other relatives, which makes it extremely difficult to notice it, but it is very easy to get into it. It is worth hurting a spider or otherwise disturbing its peace, the bite of a formidable predator will not take long.


To get a better idea of ​​how the karakurt spider looks outwardly, you should refer to the photos, of which there are a huge number on the Internet. Spider words can be described as follows.

Its body is smooth and, like other arthropods, consists of the abdomen and cephalothorax. It has four pairs of limbs attached to the abdomen and two pairs of jaws. The abdomen consists of segments and an anal cavity. The female also has additional jaws, the so-called chelicerae, where special glands are located that produce poison.

On the back of the spider there are reddish dots around which white lines stretch. It was their presence that served as the basis for such an unusual name as "karakurt". Translated from Latin this word sounds like "thirteen points". This species is characterized by molting. The female is several times larger than the male. For example, if the body length of the male reaches seven millimeters at most, then the size of the female varies from one to two centimeters.

Photo of male and female karakurt

Since female karakurt are dangerous to humans, especially during the breeding season, you need to be able to distinguish them from males.


Karakurt prefers an area with a warm climate. This representative of the arthropod order was especially widespread in such regions as North Africa, Central Asia, the southern part of Europe and Ukraine, Kazakhstan, areas located near the Mediterranean Sea, Crimea, etc. Due to recent warming, the range of this species has expanded significantly. Now karakurt can be found in Novosibirsk region, and in the Moscow region, and in Altai, as well as in other places that were previously unusual.

To arrange a nest, the spider chooses dark, inconspicuous burrows, crevices, small depressions, and even the walls of old houses. Especially karakurt loves the steppe terrain, various ditches, wastelands, pits. They are mainly attracted to the rocky surface. Moisture and intense heat repel the spider, and karakurt also does not like dense vegetation.

Adult karakurt without dots from Krasnodar.


It is worth noting that these animals are incredibly prolific. The peak of reproduction in this species of spiders begins in the summer, in particular, in July and August. The female lays her eggs on the web. So they lie for about a week, they are wrapped in a cocoon. Soon, newborn spiders come out of them, but they leave the cocoon only after winter, in the spring. Young spiderlings get out of their shelters and are carried by the wind throughout the area. At the beginning of summer, spiders reach adulthood and are ready to breed. On hot days, spiders look for safe places to nest and mate.

Human danger

In this case, the main danger is the female karakurt, because, unlike males, it is able to bite through a thick layer of human epidermis. But most importantly, only females have poisonous glands. These spiders are especially aggressive during the breeding season, that is, in the second half of the summer season. The venom of the karakurt is extremely toxic and, ultimately, if medical intervention does not occur, leads to death. To help the victim, it is necessary, first of all, to cauterize the bite site, and then inject the serum within the first ten minutes.

In summer, one of the most dangerous spiders Karakurt or Black Widow(black widow).
They are found in the desert zone of Kazakhstan, in the steppes Astrakhan region, Central Asia, Iran, Afghanistan, along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Yenisei, in North Africa, Southern Europe and southern Ukraine (Crimea and the Black Sea), on my balcony (had been found a couple of years ago).

HOW TO KNOW THE WIDOW'S BITE. It is impossible not to notice the bite: pain immediately sets in at the site of the bite, as if pricked with a thorn, within 10-15 minutes it intensifies and spreads to the stomach, lower back and chest.
The poison spreads through the lymphatic system instantly. Penetrates not under the skin, but into the muscle tissue.
The bitten person's legs go numb, his head spins and hurts, he is mentally aroused, and there is a fear of death. His face turns blue and his pulse slows down. Convulsions and vomiting may occur. Without treatment, the victim may die within 2-3 days. If a person survives, then within 3-5 days, severe pain deprives him of sleep, and weakness does not let go for even longer than a month. Therefore, after a bite of a karakurt, the first thing to do is to call an ambulance (in the hospital, the victim should be injected with anti-karakurt serum - this is the most effective treatment from the bites of the "black widow"), and in parallel, until the doctors arrived - to provide first aid. The most effective treatment is the introduction of anti-karakurt serum.

The antidote serum against the bite of Karakurt can be much more dangerous than the bite of the spider itself. The fact is that the complications that arise with the introduction of serum are fraught with very serious consequences. These are various allergic and, God forbid, anaphylactic reactions. Up to anaphylactic shock. And up to the lightning-fast form, when split seconds decide there. Even in medical institutions with a lightning-fast form of anaphylactic shock, it is very, very difficult to cope with this.
For lack of serum can be saved by using other drugs: good results intravenous administration of novocaine, calcium chloride and magnesium hydrosulfate.
Once again I am convinced that calcium chloride must be in the survivalist's first aid kit.

The problem of pickling the centers of the spider population has not been dealt with for a long time. Therefore, all vacationers and residents in the steppe zone should follow the rules.

They are simple: do not throw clothes on the ground, carefully inspect the shaded areas where you intend to lie down (it is best not to doze off among wildlife), close tightly the windows and doors of cars, tents, always look under your feet. And the classic: before putting on shoes, shake out the shoes.

The second name of this spider is "black widow". So this spider was nicknamed because it has a black color (with red dots), and females eat partners after mating.
Karakurt loves to live in desert places, on the slopes of ravines, in the steppes. With the onset of heat, "black widows" begin to migrate, looking for new safe places. During this period, females become aggressive and may, if disturbed, bite humans. Widows are especially disliked if they disturb their nest (usually they build it in the lower, shady half of the stone) or press it to themselves.
The poison of a karakurt is 15 times more poisonous than the poison of one of the most terrible snakes - a rattlesnake, although for the most part different types Black widow venom is dangerous to varying degrees, the most dangerous poison in South American varieties.

First of all, the action of his poison is aimed at paralyzing nervous system. The peak of the action of the poison falls on the twelfth hour after the bite. Karakurt is active throughout the summer, it is at this time that it begins to multiply and becomes more irritable. The hotter the weather, the more aggressive the spider. But if he is not disturbed, he is usually not prone to aggression.

Rumors that the karakurts became embittered and began to attack people are not true. The spider is not so developed a creature as to attack people out of hatred or revenge. He bites only when the person himself creates a threat to his life - the karakurt defends itself.
Why did karakurt become closer to humans? Yes, because we ourselves create the conditions for its migration. We leave tin cans on the shore, create spontaneous garbage dumps. All this is an excellent home for the spider.
During the day they sleep in crevices and leave their homes only in the evening.

1. At the pre-medical stage, the first step is to wash the wound with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate), hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
2. The second thing that can help is cooling the bite site. If you do this within 30 minutes, then the absorption of the poison will slow down. For this purpose, a cold compress, ice or metal is suitable.
3. The third thing to do is to fix the bitten limb in a stationary position. This can slow down the absorption of the poison.
4. If possible, immediately squeeze out, suck out the poison - but it is not recommended, since in this case it is possible to infect the wound and the bitten person will also have to be treated for a secondary infection.
5. Take painkillers, drink plenty of water - the poison will be diluted in the blood and excreted naturally, respectively, and intoxication will decrease.

1. It is not necessary to cauterize the wound with a match, as non-specialists often recommend: there is no reliable evidence that the poison is destroyed by exposure to high temperatures.
2. There is no need to apply a tourniquet - the poison already acts on the limb, and if its blood supply is disrupted with a tourniquet, the limb can become dead within a few minutes, and after removing the tourniquet, tissue decay products will poison the body more than the poison.
3. No need to make incisions near the wound - this way you only risk bringing an infection there.

At all times, people have been wary of spiders. These mysterious insects repel not only their appearance, many of them have the ability to kill (see). One of these spiders is, or as it is also called, karakurt. Having met by chance dangerous insect, the person is at risk of losing his life. Why is a karakurt bite dangerous and how to avoid death when attacked by a spider?

Karakurt belongs to the order of arthropod insects. This spider is especially poisonous: the bite of a sexually mature individual can kill an adult man. If the victim is not provided with first aid in a timely manner and is not delivered to a medical institution, in most cases death. Many people who meet an arthropod die due to the fact that they cannot recognize the bite of a dangerous killer in a timely manner.

What does karakurt look like?

The spider has a black color, red spots are located on top of the abdomen, the number of which is almost always 13. Adult females are much larger than males, their body length reaches up to 2 cm, while males are 2 times smaller than females. The arthropod was called the "black widow" for a peculiar feature: after mating, the female karakurt always kills and then eats her cavalier.

The abdomen of the spider is spherical in shape, there is a cephalothorax, 4 pairs of long legs. The jaw of a karakurt consists of 2 pairs (the upper jaw is chelicerae, the lower jaw is equipped with poisonous glands). greatest danger for humans, it is the female spider that represents, males, as a rule, are devoid of toxic substances in their teeth.

Find out if it poses a danger to people and what to do if an insect attacks?

Read what is dangerous for a person and what to do when an allergy occurs.

Where is the spider found?

On the territory of Russia, the black widow lives in the southern regions of the country, it can often be found in the Crimea. The spider also settles in Afghanistan, Central Asia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, northern Africa and southern Europe. There are cases when arthropods migrated to Rostov, Moscow, Volgograd and other regions of the country.

The black widow chooses rodent burrows for its habitat, various depressions in the ground, crevices, ditches, ravines, and steppes. In open areas, karakurts, as a rule, are not found. Spiders are considered the most dangerous during the mating season, from July to August. At this time, the poison of females has a powerful toxic power, acting deadly on its prey.

Note! Black widows do not disdain to settle in people's houses, for their shelter they choose dark attics and closets, abandoned barns. Especially karakurts like to settle in human housing with the onset of cold weather.

How to identify a black widow bite?

The poisonous teeth of a female spider are capable of piercing not only human skin, but even nails. An arthropod bite is sometimes virtually painless and feels like a mosquito puncture. What a karakurt bite looks like: a small red spot appears on the affected area, which disappears without a trace after a few minutes. The first signs of a black widow attack appear after a couple of hours. That is why a spider bite is considered dangerous: a person can simply lose precious time and die.

Some time after the attack of the karakurt, the victim feels the following symptoms of a bite:

  • feeling of aches in the whole body;
  • unbearable back pain;
  • weakness in the limbs;
  • heart rate increases;
  • nausea is felt and;
  • lacrimation is observed;
  • pallor of mucous membranes and skin;
  • acute pain appears in the abdomen (symptoms are similar to an attack of acute appendicitis);
  • panic attacks, fear of imminent death appear;
  • temperature rises at the site of the bite;
  • pain in all muscles.

If the bite of a karakurt is obvious and the victim has characteristic symptoms, the person must be urgently taken to the hospital for timely treatment. The help of doctors consists of the introduction of antitoxic serum.

First aid in the attack of karakurt

It happens when, with a bite of a karakurt, medical institution you can’t get there quickly, what to do in this case? If after an insect attack it is difficult to deliver the victim to the hospital, it is urgent to start providing first aid on the spot:

  1. A person must be laid horizontally and not allowed to make even the slightest movement. Physical activity will accelerate the spread of the toxin throughout the body.
  2. It is recommended to suck out the poison from the wound. If there is no special device for this device, you can suck it with your mouth. It is important that the one who will remove the poison does not have wounds, ulcers and other injuries in the mouth, otherwise the toxic substance will also enter the body of another person.
  3. Apply ice cubes or a container to the bitten place. cold water. This will slow down the absorption of the toxin and soothe the pain.
  4. When the bite fell on the arm or leg, a non-tight fixing bandage is applied just above the affected area.
  5. The victim is given an antihistamine to drink, which prevents the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  6. It is required to constantly give a person a large amount of liquid to drink, best of all, strong sweet tea (see).
  7. It is forbidden to comb, cut, and even more so burn the wound, as this contributes to the penetration of infection into the tissues and the development of the inflammatory process.

Important! When first aid is provided out of time, as a result of a bite of a karakurt, severe consequences develop for the victim: blood pressure, respiratory failure and death.

Spider bite prevention

Going for a walk in the area where karakurts can live, in order to avoid bites, you must follow certain rules. It is not recommended to visit places where there are a lot of rodent holes, a large number of stones and crevices, dry foliage, ditches. Better to spend time outdoors.

Those who are going on a camping trip with an overnight stay should not put up a tent directly on the ground; you must first equip any flooring made of durable material. In addition, a place to sleep should not remain open all day. Clothes and shoes should not be left outside, it is best if things are stored inside the tent. Before putting on clothes and shoes, all personal items are thoroughly shaken out and inspected, as spiders can crawl into them.

Staying in nature at night, you can’t sleep on bare ground; for safety, it’s better to lay a dense tarpaulin material or use an inflated mattress.

Learn what to do if: first aid.

What to do if: first emergency aid to the victim. bite complications.

Parents take note! : varieties, symptoms and treatment.

It is better not to walk barefoot on the ground, as the karakurt spider will surely bite the person it meets on its way. In addition, it is necessary to collect branches, brushwood and dry grass for a fire in tight gloves, which will help to avoid the penetration of poisonous insect teeth.

Before entering any barn, closet or attic, especially where there is no electricity, you need to protect yourself with thick clothing. Spiders living indoors must be destroyed: the females of the karakurt are very tender, with the slightest pressure on the insect, the spider dies. The discovered cobwebs and cocoons must be taken out into the street and burned.