Geography language map. Map is the second language of geography N. N. Baransky. Maps are wonderful inventions of mankind, one of the most amazing ways of understanding the world. Earth Study Methods

Development of cartography Over the millennia, maps have changed their appearance: cave paintings were replaced by handwritten paper, then printed engravings, and now, electronic video images. Over the millennia, maps have changed their appearance: cave paintings gave way to handwritten paper, then printed engravings, and now, electronic video images. But the essence of cartography remains the same - it remains a means of understanding and explaining the world. But the essence of cartography remains the same - it remains a means of understanding and explaining the world.

“The map is the main tool for the geographer. With its help, he prepares his research, and on it he applies his results, which will serve him for further advancement. A map is an amazing tool for studying the globe, which alone can give a person the gift of providence.” Yu. Shokalsky

Baransky N.N. on the role of maps in geography: “The map is the alpha and omega of geography, the beginning and end point of geographical research.” “The map is the alpha and omega of geography, the beginning and end point of geographical research.” “The map is one of the criteria for geographic location.” “The map is one of the criteria for geographic location.” “The map is an incentive to fill empty spaces.” “The map is an incentive to fill empty spaces.” “The map is the second language of geography.” “The map is the second language of geography.”

The term "map" comes from the Greek word "chartes", which meant a sheet of papyrus for writing. The term "map" comes from the Greek word "chartes", which meant a sheet of papyrus for writing. A map is a reduced, generalized image of the Earth's surface constructed in a cartographic projection, showing the objects located on it in a certain system of conventional signs (objects mean any objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality). A map is a reduced, generalized image of the Earth's surface constructed in a cartographic projection, showing the objects located on it in a certain system of conventional signs (objects mean any objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality).

Cartographic works Works, the main part of which is a cartographic image (i.e., cartographic works are globes, maps, atlases, relief maps, etc.); Works, the main part of which is a cartographic image (i.e., cartographic works are globes, maps, atlases, relief maps, etc.);

Types of maps Geographical map map of the Earth's surface (a geographic map can be more fully defined as a reduced generalized image of the Earth's surface and its parts, constructed in a cartographic projection, showing the location, condition and connections of natural and social objects and phenomena in a certain system of conventional symbols) general geographic geographic map a map showing the totality of the main elements of the area; Geographic map map of the Earth's surface (a geographic map can be more fully defined as a reduced generalized image of the Earth's surface and its parts constructed in a cartographic projection, showing the location, state and connections of natural and social objects and phenomena in a certain system of conventional symbols) general geographic map, geographic map, displaying a set of basic elements of the area; Topographic map detailed map terrain, allowing you to determine both the planned and altitude positions of points. A topographic map is a detailed map of the area, allowing you to determine both the planned and elevation positions of points. topographic plan is a cartographic image on a plane in an orthogonal projection on a large scale of a limited area of ​​terrain, within which the curvature of the surface is not taken into account. topographic plan is a cartographic image on a plane in an orthogonal projection on a large scale of a limited area of ​​terrain, within which the curvature of the surface is not taken into account. Thematic map is a map whose main content is determined by the specific topic being displayed; Thematic map is a map whose main content is determined by the specific topic being displayed;

An atlas is a cartographic work consisting of many maps united by a common idea. The name “atlas” in relation to a collection of maps was first proposed by the outstanding Dutch cartographer Mercator (1595) in honor of Atlas, the mythical king of Libya. a cartographic work consisting of many maps united by a common idea. The name “atlas” in relation to a collection of maps was first proposed by the outstanding Dutch cartographer Mercator (1595) in honor of Atlas, the mythical king of Libya.

Interesting The oldest map that has survived to this day dates back to 2250 BC. e. It was a clay tablet depicting rivers. Euphrates, northern Mesopotamia. The relief map of the American state “California”, made in 1924, measured 13.7 m by 5.5 m and weighed 39 tons. The first Russian map is the “Old Drawing”, compiled in 1497 by Italians living in Moscow.

The program of extracurricular activities was developed for classes with students in grades 5 and 6 in accordance with the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC. The program complies with the “Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs”, includes a basic education component, and ensures compliance with state standards.

Geographic maps play an important role in teaching geography. Using them as visual material and working with them as important sources of geographical knowledge contributes to the development of spatial imagination and geographical thinking in students. Practical work based on geographic maps, or with their creation, activates students' learning activities. IN last years The school is developing a direction related to the development of primary scientific skills of the most prepared students. In this regard, cartography, mapping the territorial location of various objects and phenomena, analysis of the resulting cartographic materials can serve as an example of real scientific results students' activities.

Unfortunately, modern school program pays insufficient attention to topographical and cartographic training of students. The result is not very high USE scores associated with practical activities using maps, poor knowledge of geographical nomenclature, and the use of information contained in the content of maps to perform specific practical work. The relevance of the program lies in increasing attention to such concepts as cartographic literacy, geographic culture, cartography, and toponymy. The course is aimed at developing practical, cartographic skills.

Target: development of geographical knowledge, skills, experience of creative activity and emotional and value-based attitude to the world, through the formation of cartographic literacy in schoolchildren.

Z adachi :

To develop an interest in geography;

To provide knowledge about the features of depicting the earth's surface on the main types of geoimages: globe, terrain plans, geographic maps, aerial photographs, satellite images;

To teach the ability to carefully read and work with cartographic and aerospace information, to understand the map;

Develop the ability to navigate in space based on specific geographical means (plan, map, etc.), as well as use geographical knowledge to organize one’s life activities;

To form ideas about toponymy and the origin of geographical names;

Deepen cartographic and topographic knowledge acquired in school physical geography courses;

Introduce schoolchildren to methods of creating geographical maps;

To develop cartographic literacy and geographic culture in schoolchildren;

Develop Creative skills, research activity of schoolchildren when working with various sources

geographic information;

Develop logical thinking, memory, imagination, curiosity;

Develop the ability to independently acquire, analyze and apply geographical knowledge in practice.

    General characteristic of the program

The course "Map - the second language of geography" is studied at the beginning of training in high school(grades 5 and 6) and is a school component of the core curriculum as part of students' extracurricular activities.

The course is designed for 2 years of study, implemented for 34 hours (1 hour per week) in the 5th grade and 34 hours (1 hour per week) in the 6th grade. Content educational material the course, the order of its completion, the ratio of theoretical and practical parts (1:3) is determined in accordance with the level of preparation of students and the possibilities of study time, the volume of allocated hours. Enrollment of children is free, according to interests.

The content of the course involves working with different sources of information: cartographic (topographic and geographic maps, globe), text (textbook text, additional literature, encyclopedias), profiles, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, instruments. Mastering the course “Map is the second language of geography” involves the widest use of school and local history reference books, maps and atlases.

Teaching methods generally do not differ from generally accepted ones, that is, verbal, visual and practical methods can be used. In any case, the learning process should contribute to the development of creative activity and activity of students, ensuring a strong and conscious assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The content of each topic includes lectures, independent work students and a large number of practical work. When performing independent tasks, computational work is combined with cartographic work. The practical part of the course is represented by performing the simplest cartometric determinations on maps: measuring heights and depths, lengths of rivers and roads, areas of habitats; calculations of morphometric indicators from maps: population density, relief dissection, construction of profiles. When organizing classes, situations are created in which each student could complete individual project work, and group work is also offered.

During the course, students acquire the following specific skills:

    Determining the coordinates and location of objects on topographic and geographic maps; determining distances between objects.

    Orientation on the ground, using plans and topographic maps, reading topographic maps, knowledge of symbols.

    Drawing up site plans.

    Reading thematic maps, knowledge of the basic methods of depiction.

    Carrying out simple cartometric determinations using maps: measuring heights and depths, lengths of rivers and roads, areas of habitats.

    Construction of hypsometric profiles.

    Description of the program's place in the OOP structure

The implementation of the program creates an opportunity for a better solution of the goals and objectives outlined in the main educational program of the school. Work under the program contributes to individual development child in an intellectual direction. The implementation of the program allows us to solve the problems of the comprehensive harmonious development of the child’s personality.

    Description of the value guidelines of the program content

Formation of a system of geographical and cartographic knowledge as a component of the scientific picture of the world;

Cognition on specific examples the diversity of modern geographical space at its different levels, which allows us to form a geographical picture of the world;

Formation of skills and abilities of safe and environmentally sound behavior in the environment, ability to navigate using maps and a compass;

Developing in students an understanding of the social need for geographical and cartographic knowledge, as well as developing their attitude towards geography as a possible area of ​​the future practical activities.

    Results of mastering the program

5th grade






(2 hours)



    be able to independently


    be able to explain the features of planet Earth;

    be able to explain the role of geography in the study of the Earth.

The student must be able to explain:

    Why study geography?

    the specifics of geography as a science;

    specifics of geographical research methods;

    distinctive features geographical research methods;

    rationality of using maps in a specific educational situation and various areas of human activity.

    Earth and its image

(4 hours)



    put learning task under the guidance of a teacher;

    plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher;

    listen and objectively evaluate others;

The student must be able to explain:

    features of the shape and size of the Earth;

    properties of the terrain plan and satellite images;

    geographical consequences of the Earth's rotation.

The student must ability to determine:

    distinctive features of images of the earth's surface.

The student mustbe able to:

use various sources of geographic information (cartographic, text, video and photographic images, computer databases) to search and retrieve information.

    formation of sustainable motivation for learning based on the algorithm for completing the task.

    Robinson School

(8 ocloc'k)


    . listen and objectively evaluate others;

be able to conduct a dialogue, developing a common solution.


    set a learning task under the guidance of a teacher;

    plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher.


be able to determine the sides of the horizon on the ground.

The student must be able to explain:

    explain the meaning of the concepts: “horizon”, “horizon line”, “sides of the horizon”, “orientation”, “terrain plan”, “topographic map”;

    properties of a topographic map.

The student must skill will be determined b:

    directions (sides of the horizon) on a topographic map, plan and terrain;

    using a compass to the sides of the horizon.

The student must be able to:

    build simple plans of the area;

    development of personal reflection, tolerance;

    formation of work skills according to the model.

    History of geographical discoveries.

(9 hours)


    organize and plan educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates;

    develop educational cooperation skills during individual and group work;

    obtain missing information using questions and maps.


    set a learning task under the guidance of a teacher;

    plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher;

    identify cause-and-effect relationships;

    determine criteria for comparing facts and phenomena;

    listen and objectively evaluate others;

    be able to conduct a dialogue, developing a common solution.


    be able to explain the role of geographical discoveries for humanity;

    explain the role of Russian explorers in studying the nature of the Earth;

    apply information retrieval methods, including using computer tools.

The student must be able toexplain:

    results of outstanding geographical discoveries and travels;

    the influence of travel on the development of geographical knowledge.

The student must ability to determine:

    causes and consequences of geographical travel and discovery;

    travel routes.

The student must be able to:

    name the main ways of studying the Earth in the past and at the present time and the most outstanding results of geographical discoveries and travels;

    show travel routes of different times and periods on the map;

    create written texts and oral reports about geographical phenomena based on several sources of information, accompany the speech with a presentation.

    formation of cognitive interest in the subject of research;

    Geographic map.

(10 hours)


    organize and plan educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates;

    develop educational cooperation skills during individual and group work;

    listen and objectively evaluate others;

    be able to conduct a dialogue, developing a common solution.


    apply information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

    independently highlight and formulate a cognitive goal, search for and highlight the necessary information.

    plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher;

    identify cause-and-effect relationships;

    determine criteria for comparing facts and phenomena.


    establish the geographical location of natural areas using thematic maps;

    be able to explain the relationships in the natural complex.

The student must be able to explain:

    the meaning of the concepts: “physical map of hemispheres”, “map of natural zones”, “natural zone”, “Arctic”, “taiga”, “steppe”, “desert”, “equatorial forest”;

    features of the nature of natural areas and their inhabitants;

The student must ability to determine:

    on the map the position of natural zones and geographical objects;

    the specifics of nature, features of the flora and fauna;

The student must be able to

    show on the map the main geographical objects and natural areas of the world;

    compose a description of geographical objects, processes and phenomena using different sources of geographical information;

    describe natural conditions natural areas;

    create written texts and oral reports about geographical phenomena based on several sources of information, accompany the speech with a presentation.

    development of personal reflection, tolerance;

    formation of motivation in the study of natural sciences;

    formation of communicative competence in collaboration with peers;

    developing skills in working with maps according to the model.

6th grade





    Map understanding lessons. Geographic map.

(13 hours)


    continue learning in heuristic conversation;

    highlight main idea in the text (semantic reading);

    obtain missing information using maps.


    be able to independentlyprovide a cognitive goal, necessary information;

    set a learning task under the guidance of a teacher;

    plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher;

    listen and objectively evaluate others;

    be able to conduct a dialogue, developing a common solution;

    apply information retrieval methods.


    be able to explain the features of thematic maps;

    be able to explain the meaning of geographical maps.

The student must be able to explain:

    features of the image of the earth's surface on geographical maps and the globe;

    The significance and rationality of using maps of various contents in a specific educational situation and various areas of human activity;

    give examples of geographical maps.

The student must ability to determine:

    geographic coordinates of objects By physical map of the hemispheresand objects by their coordinates;

    determine the absolute heights (depths) of territories (water areas) and geographical objects.

The student must be able to

    find and name similarities and differences in the depiction of elements of the degree network on the globe and map;

    recognize and show geographic objectson geographic maps (simple reading of geographic maps).

    development of personal reflection, tolerance;

    formation of communicative competence in collaboration with peers.

    We are young cartographers.

(8 ocloc'k)


    obtain missing information using atlas maps and electronic applications;

    develop educational cooperation skills during group work.


    set a learning task under the guidance of a teacher;

    plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher;

    identify cause-and-effect relationships;

    determine criteria for comparing facts and phenomena;

    listen and objectively evaluate others;

    be able to conduct a dialogue, developing a common solution.


    highlight specific differences between cards;

    establish the geographical location of volcanoes and geysers using thematic maps;

    draw conclusions about the meaning of cards;

    be able to explain relationships natural phenomena and the structure of the earth's crust.

The student must be able to explain:

    land relief features;

    be able to explain the relationships between natural phenomena and the structure of the earth’s crust;

    explain the meaning of cards of various contents.

The student must ability to determine:

    distinctive features of images of the earth's surface;

    identify connections and dependencies between geographic phenomena displayed on the map, summarize information obtained from map analysis, make judgments about phenomena not directly indicated on the map (difficult reading of a geographic map).

The student must be able to

    use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life;

    use various sources of geographic information to search and retrieve information;

    formation of a holistic worldview,

    formation of sustainable motivation for learning based on the algorithm for completing the task;

    We are young toponymists

(7 o'clock)


    develop educational cooperation skills during individual and group work;

    organize and plan educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates;

    Osocially useful practice for creating a project.


    search and highlight the necessary information.


    work with text and non-text components;

    be able to explain the origin of the names of geographical objects.

The student must be able to explain:

    explain the meaning of the concepts: “toponymy”, “toponymist”;

    origin of names of geographical objects;

The student must be able to:

    talk about the origin of the names of geographical objects in your area;

    create written texts and oral messages about the origin of the names of geographical objects based on several sources of information, accompany the speech with a presentation;

    use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life.

    development of personal reflection, tolerance;

    formation of cognitive interest in the subject of research;

    formation of work skills according to the model;

    participation in socially significant work.

    Countries of the world

(4 hours)


    develop educational cooperation skills during individual and group work;

    obtain missing information using fiction and cards.


    set an educational task and plan your activities under the guidance of a teacher;

    listen and objectively evaluate others.


convert information from one type to another;

use maps as a source of information;

create explanatory texts.

The student must ability to determine:

and show the location of individual European countries on a map.

The student must be able to:

    name objects of cultural heritage;

    give examples of fairy tales;

    show on the map the country in which the author of the fairy tale lives;

    map and correctly label geographic objects;

    make simple maps;

    create written texts and oral communications based on several sources of information, accompany the speech with a presentation;

    create your own sources of information different types and for different audiences;

    suggest travel routes.

    formation of sustainable motivation for learning based on the algorithm for completing the task;

    formation of cognitive interest in the subject of research;

    developing skills in working with maps according to the model.

    formulate your attitude towards the cultural and heritage of the peoples of Europe.

    Program content

5th grade (34 hours)

Topic 1. Cartography. (2 hours)

Geography as a science. Sources of geographic information. Cartography. The meaning of the cards.

(4 hours)

First ideas about the shape of the Earth. Evidence of the sphericity of the Earth. Experience and first maps of Eratosthenes. Shape, size and movement of the Earth. Globe - model of the Earth. Area plan. Aerial photographs and space images.

Practical work:

Work on the project (Eratosthenes' first maps. Invention of the compass. Space images).

Topic 3. Robinson School. (8 ocloc'k)

Topographic maps. Conventional signs. Scale. Determining the distance using a topographic map and area plan. Sides of the horizon. Compass. Orientation using local signs and a compass. Image of unevenness of the earth's surface.

Practical work:

Traveling on a topographic map.”

. (9 hours)

Travels of primitive man. Accumulation of knowledge about the Earth. Maps of the first travelers. Atlas of non-existent lands and mysterious maps. The study of the Earth's surface is the result of the heroic efforts of many generations of people. Modern expeditions and research. Thor Heyerdahl's expedition to Kon-Tiki. Deep-sea vehicles “Mir-1” and “Mir-2”.

Practical work:

Work on the general project “Atlas of non-existent lands and mysterious maps.”

(10 hours)

Variety of geographical maps. Features of the image of the earth's surface on various types geographical maps. Physical map of the hemispheres. Map of natural areas of the world. Natural areas. Arctic deserts. Taiga. Mixed forest. Steppe. Desert. Wet equatorial forests.

Practical work:

Work on the general project “Natural areas in cartoons.”

6th grade (34 hours)

(13 hours)

Variety of geo-images and geographic maps. Features of the image of the earth's surface on the globe, satellite images and on geographical maps. Globe is a model of the Earth. Geographical coordinates. Geographic latitude. Geographic longitude. Methods of cartographic representation: depiction of irregularities of the earth's surface, icons, linear signs, movement signs and areas.

Practical work:

    Comparison of the outlines of continents, seas and oceans, large islands and peninsulas.

    Determination of geographical coordinates.

    Drawing up a geographical description using a map.

    Project “Use of Geographic Maps”.

Topic 2. We are young cartographers. (8 ocloc'k)

Maps of continents and oceans, variety of their content. Thematic maps. Map “Structure of the Earth’s Crust”. Lithospheric plates. Earthquakes. Seismograph. Volcanoes. Geysers.

Practical work:

    Determination of cartographic image methods used on geographical maps of the school atlas

    Project “Creating a lithospheric plate constructor.”

Topic 3. We are young toponymists. (7 o'clock)

Toponymy. Toponymist. How many place names are there in everything? globe. Toponymy of your area.

Practical work:

    Project “Catalogue of geographical names of the Vologda region”.

    Project “On the Paths of Vlogda Polesie”

Topic 4. Countries of the world. (4 hours)

How many countries are there on Earth? Countries of Europe.

Practical work .

    Project "Fairytale Map of Europe".

    Thematic plan

5th grade


Sections and topics

Practical work



Type of activity

Topic 1.Cartography.


Geography as a science. Sources of geographic information.

Introductory lesson (classroom)

Cartography. The meaning of the cards.


Topic 2. Earth and its image.


First ideas about the shape of the Earth.

Selecting project topics

Shape, size and movement of the Earth. Globe.

Lesson (classroom)

Area plan. Aerial photographs and space images.

Defense of the projects “The First Maps of Eratosthenes”, “The Invention of the Compass”, “Space Images”.

Practical work


Topic 3. Robinson School.


Area plan. The importance of site plans.

Setting and solving problematic issues

Topographic map. Conventional signs.

Lesson using ICT (classroom)

Game "Conventional signs".

Game (classroom, outdoor)


Sides of the horizon. Orientation based on local characteristics.

Observation of local signs

Workshop (extracurricular)

Defense of the Compass project.

Practical work


Image of unevenness of the earth's surface.


Game "Travel on a topographic map."

Practical work

Game (classroom, outdoor)

Topic 4. History of geographical discoveries


Travels of primitive man.

Lesson using ICT (classroom)

How people studied and discovered the Earth.

Maps of the first travelers.

Lesson (classroom)

Compiling an atlas of non-existent lands and mysterious maps.


Accumulation of knowledge about the Earth. Project protection.

Lesson using ICT

Modern expeditions and research.



Defense of the “Modern Expeditions and Research” projects.

Practical work (independent choice of topics)

Workshop using ICT

Topic 5. Geographic map.


Lesson using ICT

Physical map of the hemispheres.


Map of natural areas of the world. Natural areas.

Interactive lesson

Arctic deserts.

Lesson using ICT

Taiga. Mixed forest.

Practical work with maps

Game – excursion “Journey through the steppe”.

Role-playing game“Tour guides” (classroom, mobile)

Quiz "Desert Inhabitants".

Diagnostic meta-subject quiz

Mysterious jungle.

Lesson using ICT


Catalog “Natural areas in cartoons”.

Practical work on a common project

Metasubject Olympiad

Diagnostic work

Meta-subject Olympiad “Terrain plan and geographical map”

Reserve time




6th grade


Sections and topics

Practical work



Type of activity

Topic 1. Lessons in understanding the map. Geographic map.


Variety of geo-images.

Introductory lesson (classroom)

Variety of geographical maps.

Lesson using ICT

Features of the image of the earth's surface on the globe and space images.

Workshop (classroom)

Features of the image of the earth's surface on geographical maps.

Practical work: “Comparison of the outlines of continents, seas and oceans, large islands and peninsulas.” Presence of distortions on geographical maps. Introduction to map projections and their types.

School of geographer-pathfinder. Globe is a model of the Earth.

Practical work: “Mastering the modeling method.”


Game "In Search of Captain Grant".

Game (classroom)

Geographic coordinates – geographic latitude.


Geographic coordinates – geographic longitude.

Practical work: “Determination of geographical coordinates”


Methods of cartographic representation: depiction of irregularities of the earth's surface.


Game "Find your treasure."

Game (classroom, outdoor)

Methods of cartographic representation: icons, linear signs, traffic signs and areas.

Workshop using ICT

Use of geoimages.

Practical work: “Drawing up a geographical description from a map”


Protection of projects “Use of geographical maps”.

Practical work

Lesson - workshop using ICT

Topic 2. We are young cartographers.


Maps of continents and oceans, variety of their content.

Lesson (classroom)

Analysis and comparison of maps of different subjects.

Practical work: “Determination of cartographic image methods used on geographical maps of the school atlas.”


Map "Structure of the Earth's Crust." Earthquakes.

Lesson - workshop using ICT

Volcanoes of the Earth.

What is a geyser?

Lesson (classroom)

Photo collage “Volcanoes of the Earth”.

Photo exhibition


Project “Creating a lithospheric plate constructor.”

Practical work on a common project


Topic 3. We are young toponymists.


What does toponymy study? How many place names are there in the entire globe?



Setting and solving problematic issues

Curiosities of toponymy..

Project preparation


Lesson using ICT


Geographical names in feature films and cartoons.


Activity - game


Geographical names of your area.

Project preparation


Socially beneficial practice


Defense of the projects “Catalogue of Geographical Names of the Vologda Region”, “Paths of the Vologda Polesye”.

Practical work on a common project



Topic 4. Countries of the world.



How many countries are there on Earth?




Countries of Europe.




Preparation of the project "Fairytale Map of Europe".

Project preparation


Socially beneficial practice


Defense of the project "Fairytale Map of Europe".

Practical work on a common creative project


Workshop: defense of a creative project



Diagnostic work



Reserve time




    Description of educational, methodological and logistical support

    Compasses, tape measures, globes

2. Wall maps

3. Topographic map sets

4. Educational atlases

5. Tellurium

6. Computer

7. Multimedia projector


    Geography: Reference materials: Book for students. – M.: Education, 2000.

    Andreev N.V. Topography and cartography. – M.: Education, 2002.

    Berlyant A.M. Map is the second language of geography. – M.: Education, 2003.

    Gedymin A.V. Cartographic projections of school maps. – M.: Education, 2000.

    Kuprin A.M. A word about the map. – M.: Nedra, 2001.

    Kusov V.S. Cartographic art of the Russian state. – M.: Nedra, 1999.

    Preobrazhensky A.I. Economic maps in teaching geography. – M.: Education, 1999.

    Edelshtein A.V. How a map is created. – M.: Nedra, 1998.

    Berlyant A.M. Image of space: map and information. – M.: Mysl, 1995.

    Cartography with topography basics: Tutorial for students of pedagogical institutes / Ed. G.Yu. Grunberg. M.: Education, 2001.

Geography is one of the oldest sciences that arose to help man. In the modern interpretation, it is the application of geographical knowledge and skills that is used:

  • to save environment and socially responsible conduct in it
  • to adapt to living conditions in a certain territory
  • for independent assessment of the level of environmental safety as an area of ​​life

Education played a huge role already in the very initial stage of human development. But it took millennia for a continuously developing society to give birth to such a modern form of learning as a lesson.

Jan Amos Comenius clearly formulated the basic principles of education in the “great didactics” almost 400 years ago (based on the principle of sensationalism - the sense of perception, cognition, as opposed to rationalism)

As is known, a lesson is a form of implementation of pedagogical influences, where direct and systematic communication between teacher and students occurs, aimed at activating the cognitive abilities of schoolchildren.

“The lesson is a “cell” of the pedagogical process. All its sides are reflected in it, like the sun in a drop of water. If not all, then a significant part of pedagogy is concentrated on the lesson” (M.N. Skatkin)

Even if the teacher knows what he can rely on in a given student and what needs to be developed in him, this will not yet be the answer to the question - with the help of what techniques? academic work can I do this?

"What is required for successful implementation of a given task, then it is developed by this task” - this principle is universal and conceptual for developmental learning.

IN modern world there are no separate corners. International economic and cultural ties are expanding. Air transport has amazingly brought continents closer together. But even an astronaut needs about an hour and a half to circle the Earth. Meanwhile, man has long owned a wonderful tool that reveals our entire planet or gives a detailed picture of its individual parts, their nature, population, economy and culture. This tool is a geographical map. Therefore, it is completely logical that among the goals of studying geography in a modern school basic level there is this one:

  • mastering the ability to navigate the terrain;

Use one of the “languages” of international communication - a geographic map and modern geoinformation technologies and Internet resources to correctly assess the most important socio-economic issues of international life, the geopolitical and geo-economic situation in Russia, other countries and regions of the world, and trends in their possible development.

And among the general educational abilities, skills and methods of activity at a basic level, the ability to work with maps of various subjects stands out.

In high school, it is planned to teach geography at a specialized level. In the process of specialized study of geography, special attention should be paid to methods of geographical research and, first of all, cartographic methods.

From all of the above, it is obvious that working with a map in a modern school occupies a special place for a professional geographer, this is obvious.

But how can we convince a modern student that a map is a source of information and an object of research?

A modern student should be familiar with the card. To help, I offer an effective 8-hour course.

So ,

“The map is the second language of geography.”

Lesson No. 1 "A Brief Sketch of the History of Cartography"

  • the origin and development of cartography
  • current state of cartography
  • development prospects

Lesson No. 2 "Cartography and geographical maps"

  • cartography definition

(cartography is the science of geographical maps, as a special way of displaying reality, which includes in its tasks a comprehensive study of geographical maps, as well as the development of methods and processes for their creation and use.)

The definition adopted by the International Cartographic Association: “cartography is a set of studies and works – scientific, artistic and technical (starting with the processing of received sources) carried out in the design and creation of maps and other forms of image, as well as in their use.”

  • basic properties of a map (it has long been accepted to consider a geographic map as a reduced image of the earth’s surface on a plane using conventional signs.

However, three features determine the specificity of cartographic images:

  • mathematical definite construction
  • use of cartographic signs
  • selection and generalization of depicted phenomena
  • the meaning of cards in science and practice
  • map elements

Lesson No. 3 "Mathematical basis of maps"

  • concept of map projections
  • classification of projections
  • distortions in map projections
  • coordinate grids
  • scale

Lesson No. 4 “Cartographic signs and methods of cartographic representation. Inscriptions on maps."

  • cartographic signs
  • methods of cartographic representation
  • cartograms, map diagrams, relief models, block diagrams
  • inscriptions

Lesson No. 5 "Cartographic generalization"

Lesson No. 6 “Classification, types and types of geographical maps. Atlases."

  • card classification
  • types of cards
  • atlases

Lesson No. 7 “Review of basic maps and atlases. Map analysis"

  • general geographical, topographical, thematic and complex maps and atlases
  • nautical charts
  • analysis and evaluation of maps. Analysis methods

Lesson No. 8 “Using Geographic Maps as a Research Tool

  • analysis methods
  • using maps for forecasting purposes

The newly emerging needs of society give rise to the need to create a methodology for working with the map, taking into account the problems put forward real life. And the successful, progressive development of these problems creates the necessary conditions for solving the problem of forming the basic competencies of a modern student.

The geographical map, one of the most remarkable creations of the human mind, appeared at the dawn of civilization. The oldest surviving cartographic images, Babylonian and Egyptian, date back to very ancient times - the third and second millennia BC. The first real geographical maps were created by the ancient Greeks. It is in ancient Greece that the origins of cartography and geography, as well as many other sciences, lie. The Greeks were among the first to propose the sphericity of the Earth, calculate its dimensions, come up with the first map projections, and introduce meridians and parallels. Since then, cartography, which developed in close connection with geography, has come a long and complex path, turning into a comprehensively developed branch of knowledge.

Modern maps display a wide variety of natural and social phenomena: relief and vegetation, population density and administrative divisions, industry and transport. There are maps (soil, climate, political, etc.) that reflect one phenomenon, and there are maps that depict several phenomena (for example, comprehensive economic maps characterizing industry, Agriculture and communication routes). It is known how widely used cards are. No work related to the study of the territory can be carried out without a map. A map is essential for navigation. Without a map, it is impossible to design the construction of factories and roads, or to correctly plan agricultural land. Geography and history are taught using maps. The map is used by tourists, climbers and people who simply want to get acquainted with the area they are about to visit. With the pattern of icons and the interweaving of lines, a palette of colors and fonts of inscriptions, the map tells about an unfamiliar territory, and behind the conventional signs there is a living geographical reality - rivers, mountains, cities, factories. For a person who knows how to “read” a map, loves it and has imagination, it contains true poetry, captivating magic. Moreover, best cards- these are not only scientific works, but also, one might say, works of art, distinguished by their beauty and elegance of design.

The development of geography is unthinkable without a geographical map. It allows you to describe geographical phenomena in the most visual and concise form. In fact, none literary description cannot replace a map, because it does not have its accuracy and clarity, does not give a visual idea of ​​the shape, size and relative position objects does not allow assessing spatial relationships. How many words would be needed to describe a fairly large territory without missing anything important! The map gives an idea of ​​this entire territory at once. We must also remember that a text description is much more subjective compared to a cartographic image. And sometimes language is almost unable to convey all those whimsical curves of contours, bizarre directions of lines that a map so easily and expressively conveys.

A map is a cartographer’s tool, the most important tool for geographical research. Using a map, a geographer establishes spatial relationships between phenomena and deduces their geographical patterns. Almost every geographical research Whether it's determining the depth of snow cover or studying cargo transportation, it starts and ends with a map, that is, it is carried out using maps on which the resulting data is “superimposed”, and ends with the creation of new maps with new, enriched content. After comprehending the results of the research, “conclusion cards” and “inference cards” are created. These are, for example, maps of climatic or economic regions.

Only by carefully analyzing the map can you correctly understand and comprehensively comprehend the geographical position of a country or region, city or plant - position in relation to mountain ranges, seas, mineral deposits, communication routes, large industrial centers, etc.

Just as a chemist, speaking about a substance, first of all remembers it chemical formula, a geographer, speaking about this or that territory, about this or that object, first of all brings to mind their cartographic image.

Of course, a map cannot and should not completely replace a geographical description. But without it there is no geography.

After all, a map is a special, “second language” of geography, a language that geography cannot do without.

Extracurricular activity program “Map is the second language of geography”

The work program is based on:

Federal State Educational Standard for Basic general education.

The fundamental core of the content of general education.

Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program basic general education, represented in the federal state educational standard general education of the second generation.

An approximate program of basic general education in geography as an invariant (mandatory) part of the curriculum.

Among geographical skills, cartographic skills occupy a special place.

The famous Soviet geographer N.N. said it best about the importance of maps in geography. Baransky. “MapThere is "alphaand omega” (i.e., the beginning and end) of geography. Every geographical research starts from a map and comes to a map; it begins with a map and ends with a map. They don’t go on a geographical expedition without a map, even a bad one, but the results of the expedition are plotted on the map, clarifying and enriching it.”

The purpose of the work program is to create conditions for the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, the formation of geographical knowledge, skills, experience in creative activity and a value-based attitude to the world; understanding patterns of development geographic envelope through the formation of cartographic literacy of students, the development of skills in working with new modern cartographic products.

Tasks The course is specified in blocks for each period of study.

Feasibility of the course. 35 hours are allotted for studying geography in grades 5 and 6. In 1 hour a week, it is difficult to develop children’s practical skills in working with different thematic maps.

Relevance of the course . The course involves the development of students' practical skills in working with a map, which, in the context of expanding international economic, political and cultural relations, international tourism, is an important means of analyzing information, and in the future will contribute to more successful socialization of graduates. In modern conditions, it is increasingly necessary to use electronic and satellite maps, which you must be able to read and analyze. In this regard, the study of GIS technologies andGPS- navigation systems.

Studying all sections of the course will help master geographical nomenclature, which is one of the goals of cartographic training, namely “knowledgecards".

Practical significance of the course. The formation of cartographic literacy is an integral part of teaching geography in educational institutions. Cartographic literacy implies knowledge of the basic models of the earth's surface, the ability to use them as sources of information, create the simplest of them, as well as knowledge of geographical nomenclature. If children learn to read and analyze a map, they will be able to make their own full description territory (mainland, country, city), geographical feature, etc.The program provides for mastering skills project activities, which contributes to the development of independence, creativity and communication skills of students.

Place of the course in the system of geographical education at school. The content of the course in basic school represents a basic link in the system of continuous geographical education and is the basis for subsequent level and profile differentiation. Well "Map– the second language of geography” provides additional opportunities for developing students’ cartographic literacy and eliminates many of the shortcomings associated with a reduction in the number of hours in basic geography courses.

Form of organization of classes: circle.

Summing up forms: The program provides diagnostic work at the end school year(defense of projects, meta-subject quiz, Olympiad).

Basic principles building a program:

    continuity: in work program continuity is maintained with the exemplary programs of primary general education, including in the use of the main types of educational activities of students, with the geography program for basic general education;

    sequence: the construction of the educational content of the course is carried out sequentially from general to specific, from simple to complex, taking into account the implementation of intra-subject and meta-subject connections;

    a combination of science and accessibility: the program is based on the latest achievements of cartography, and accessibility is achieved through the use of modern educational technologies;

    personality-oriented approach and socialization: taking into account the individual characteristics of students

Stages of program implementation:

5-6 grades. Well " Map – the second language of geography. Geographical models of the Earth” is propaedeutic in relation to other courses.

Purpose The course is the development of geographical knowledge, skills, experience of creative activity and emotional and value-based attitude to the world, through the formation of cartographic literacy of schoolchildren.

tasks :

    developing interest in geography;

    provide knowledge about the features of depicting the earth's surface on the main types of geoimages: globe, terrain plans, geographic maps, aerial photographs, satellite images;

    developing the ability to navigate in space on the basis of specific geographical means (plan, map, etc.), as well as to use geographical knowledge to organize one’s life activities;

    formation of ideas about the unity of nature, explanation of the simplest relationships between processes and natural phenomena, its parts;

    formation of ideas about toponymy and the origin of geographical names;

    formation of ideas about the countries of the world.

7th grade. I know " Map – the second language of geography. Geography of the Earth” Students develop knowledge about the geographical integrity and heterogeneity of the Earth. The course content is supplemented by regional knowledge.

Maintarget course: development of ideas about the diversity of nature and the complexity of the processes occurring in it, the formation of a minimum of knowledge about the countries and peoples of the world.

When studying the course, the following are decided:tasks :

    expanding ideas about the nature of the Earth;

    creating figurative ideas about large regions of the world and countries, highlighting the features of nature, natural resources and population;

    development of geographic literacy through working with maps of various contents, studying ways of depicting geographical objects and phenomena used on these maps;

    formation of specific geographical and general educational skills to compose geographical descriptions of territories, as well as features of the distribution of natural objects and phenomena according to cartographic sources;

    development of ideas about the placement of natural and anthropogenic objects;

    developing an understanding of the human impact on the state of nature and the consequences of the interaction between nature and humans;

    formation of ideas about the countries and peoples of the world.

8th grade. Well " Map – the second language of geography. Geography of Russia” performs an important educational and ideological function.

hometarget course - the formation of a geographical image of one's Motherland in all its diversity and integrity based on an integrated approach and showing the interaction and mutual influence of three main components - nature, population and economy.

When studying the course, the following are decided:tasks :

    developing the ability to work with maps of various contents;

    development of skills to analyze, compare, and use information from various sources– maps, statistical data, Internet resources;

    forming an idea of ​​changes in the administrative map of the Russian Federation;

    formation of socially significant personality qualities: citizenship, patriotism; civil and social solidarity and partnership; civil, social and moral responsibility; adequate perception of values civil society; concern for maintaining interethnic peace and harmony;

    developing a sense of respect for one’s small homeland through active knowledge and preservation of native nature;

    pre-profile orientation.

9th grade. Well " Map – the second language of geography. GIS -technologies" promotes comprehensive personal development, successful socialization of graduates and mastery of an important means of information analysis.

Target: give an idea of ​​the methods of working with modern cartographic material (electronic maps and geographical information systems(GIS)).

When studying the course, the following are decided:tasks :

    show the main differences between paper and electronic maps;

    introduce the features of electronic maps and GIS;

    show the possibility of using GIS when performing creative tasks and working on projects;

    develop practical skills in working with electronic maps and GIS when working on projects;

    pre-profile orientation.

Course content “Map is the second language of geography. Geographical models of the Earth ” (grades 5-6) is aimed at the formation of universal educational activities that ensure the development of cognitive and communicative qualities of the individual. Students are included in the project and research activities, the basis of which is such educational activities as the ability to see problems, pose questions, classify, observe, conduct experiments, draw conclusions and conclusions, explain, prove, defend their ideas, define concepts, structure material, etc. Students are included in communicative educational activities where such types as the ability to fully and accurately express one’s thoughts, argue one’s point of view, work in collaboration (pairs and groups), present and communicate information orally and in writing, engage in dialogue, etc. predominate.

Contents of the program.

5th grade. 35 hours.

Topic 1. Cartography. (2 hours)

Geography as a science. Sources of geographic information. Cartography. The meaning of the cards.

Topic 2. Earth and its image. (4 hours)

First ideas about the shape of the Earth. Evidence of the sphericity of the Earth. Experience and first maps of Eratosthenes. Shape, size and movement of the Earth. Globe - model of the Earth. Area plan. Aerial photographs and space images.

Practical work:

Work on the project (Eratosthenes' first maps. Invention of the compass. Space images).

Topic 3. Robinson School. (8 ocloc'k)

Topographic maps. Conventional signs. Scale. Determining the distance using a topographic map and area plan. Sides of the horizon. Compass. Orientation using local signs and a compass. Image of unevenness of the earth's surface.

Practical work:

A game "Journeyaccording to the topographic map.”

Topic 4. History of geographical discoveries . (9 hours)

Travels of primitive man. Accumulation of knowledge about the Earth. Maps of the first travelers. Atlas of non-existent lands and mysterious maps. The study of the Earth's surface is the result of the heroic efforts of many generations of people. Modern expeditions and research. Thor Heyerdahl's expedition to “Con-Tiki.” Deep-sea vehicles “World-1" and "World-2”.

Practical work:

Working on a common project “Atlasnon-existent lands and mysterious maps.”

Topic 5. Geographic map. (10 hours)

Variety of geographical maps. Features of the image of the earth's surface on various types of geographical maps. Physical map of the hemispheres. Map of natural areas of the world. Natural areas. Arctic deserts. Taiga. Mixed forest. Steppe. Desert. Wet equatorial forests.

Practical work:

Working on a common project “Naturalzones in cartoons.”

Contents of the program.

6th grade. 35 hours.

Topic 1. Lessons in understanding the map. Geographic map. (13 hours)

Variety of geo-images and geographic maps. Features of the image of the earth's surface on the globe, satellite images and on geographical maps. Globe is a model of the Earth. Geographical coordinates. Geographic latitude. Geographic longitude. Methods of cartographic representation: depiction of irregularities of the earth's surface, icons, linear signs, movement signs and areas.

Practical work:

Comparison of the outlines of continents, seas and oceans, large islands and peninsulas.

Determination of geographical coordinates.

Drawing up a geographical description using a map.

Project "Usagegeographical maps".

Topic 2. We are young cartographers. (8 ocloc'k)

Maps of continents and oceans, variety of their content. Thematic maps. Map “Structurethe earth's crust." Lithospheric plates. Earthquakes. Seismograph. Volcanoes. Geysers.

Practical work:

Determination of cartographic image methods used on geographical maps of the school atlas

Project "We createdesigner of lithospheric plates.”

Topic 3. We are young toponymists. (7 o'clock)

Toponymy. Toponymist. How many geographical names are there around the globe? Toponymy of your area.

Practical work:

Geographical names of your area.

Project "Cataloggeographical names of the Oryol region.”

Project "PathsOryol Polesye"

Topic 4. Countries of the world. (4 hours)

How many countries are there on Earth? Countries of Europe.

Practical work .

Project "Fairytale Map of Europe".