Read the plot for a man's fidelity in white. Love spells. White magic for love and fidelity. Food spell

Love spell ritual and conspiracy for fidelity and prevention of betrayal which will be discussed a very strong and independent love spell that is done only once on your beloved husband or man so that he does not walk to the left and cannot change. Loyalty plot "burden of fidelity" will protect your loved one from the temptation to cheat and he will not stand on others. If you are worried about the integrity of your loved one, spend rite of fidelity and live in peace. Read only once love spell for the fidelity of your beloved husband or man with whom you live in a civil marriage. Read a quick and powerful plot for fidelity and prevention of betrayal needed for any item your loved one wears. Conspiracy words against betrayal which you need to read on a person's thing:

I have a seal of loyalty, no one can take this seal:
Neither with hands, nor with charming words, nor with a dissuasive spell,
Neither a three-tongued curse, nor a gray-haired grandfather, nor cunning knowledge,
Neither a sorceress, nor an evil sorceress, nor a shaman, nor a cunning deceiver,
Neither clear eyes, nor black curls, nor white breasts,
Neither Adam's Garden, nor in front, nor behind.
My seal cannot be broken, slave (name of husband or man)
I can’t lure him, he won’t change me forever and ever.
He will admire me forever, as he will fear the fire of betrayal.
Just as a child cries for its breast, a foal cries for its mother.
No one will come between us, only one thing can separate us:
If one of us dies, he will take the seal with him.
Angels, archangels, take the seal and follow me.
Century after century, from now on and forever. Key, lock, tongue.

After reading plot of fidelity to a loved one just once he will never cheat on you after he puts on the charmed clothes. Ritual of the Burden of Loyalty will work instantly and can stop cheating husband and man Once and for all with the help of magic .

© Copyright: Magician

  • A conspiracy to reconcile a husband and wife after a quarrel will make sure that the beloved husband himself apologizes and also forgives the offense against his wife. Reconciliation magic is a very common magical ritual with which you can reconcile spouses in a very short period of time. This ancient conspiracy against a husband after a quarrel should be read by the wife herself and not tell anyone about the ritual she performed on her own to reconcile with her loved one. Only under this condition, even if you have had a big quarrel, can a conspiracy to reconcile the warring parties, influencing the kindness and love of the husband, be able to force him to be the first to reconcile and ask for forgiveness from his wife. A strong conspiracy for reconciliation with a loved one is read at home, on any thing or object that the husband has ever touched - it is best if it is some kind of unwashed clothes of the husband on which his energy has been preserved. Taking the thing in your hands, say a reconciliation spell on it:

  • This ritual is also suitable for those who, after reading the plot, want to please all men and attract their attention to themselves with the help of magic. After reading the plot to get acquainted with a certain person who liked to make it so that the power of magic will help you get acquainted with a worthy man"pushing" him to be the first to take a step towards serious relationship with you. And it’s up to you to decide who to make of a man after the influence of a conspiracy on him. You want to find a lover or husband on your own by reading a strong and safe plot to meet a wealthy man, it’s up to you to decide. You can tie a person to yourself with magical bonds of love while being at a distance from him, without contact with the man, by reading a spell, and this is much more convenient and faster. So, you already have a loved one who does not reciprocate your feelings and you need to make him fall head over heels in love with you at all costs, or do you want to meet a man? White magic to help you, namely this strong but easy-to-follow spell - a love spell for acquaintance, strong and eternal love. A conspiracy to make a man want to meet him

  • Good plot Love is a must read on Monday night. From Monday to Tuesday from 20 pm until the day resets (the onset of 24 hours), take a glass of living water (from a stream, well or lake, river, pond...) and read a strong love plot on it that will quickly make a man fall in love with you:

  • For the kindness and obedience of the husband, the wife needs to read a plot for obedience that will make the husband an obedient person who will not be able to say a word against his wife. After this conspiracy against a scandalous husband, the husband will stop beating and yelling at his wife, raising his voice in conversation. The plot of submission must be read on 3 church candles of any color. For the ritual, you can buy the cheapest candles that are available in the church and when you come home when your husband is not at home, light all the candles at the same time and holding them in your right hand while the candles are burning, walk around your home and read the words of the conspiracy that will make your husband submissive to you:

  • If you want to come to your loved one in a dream and dream about him that night, this is very easy to do with the help of magic. If you read the magic words of the spell while sitting in bed before going to bed, then that same night the person you love, who is at a distance from you, will see you in a dream and he will dream about you throughout the night. It was this magical ritual that was used by girls who wanted to quickly see their lover, who, for a number of reasons, had not seen you for a long time. After reading the following plot, your beloved man, seeing you in a dream, will want to see you in reality as soon as possible. Controlling other people's dreams is a witchcraft act of esotericism built mostly on visualization with the help of a conspiracy and a magical ritual that can make a person see a dream about himself.

  • How to independently induce love longing and love attraction on a person with the help of drying. A strong attachment will bind your loved one to you for a long time, causing her to have a strong feeling of love for you. It's quite simple and very effective method love attachment of a girl or woman, which has been successfully used for centuries. Dry for love, girls love for it fast action and ease of execution by any unprepared person. It is customary to read the text of the prisushka at a distance from your beloved, early at dawn. To evoke loving feelings of longing for yourself in a girl or woman, you need to wake up early. At sunrise, looking at the dawn, read these words of the spell - dryness three times:

  • To prevent the young bride and groom from being jinxed at the wedding and from causing damage to divorce, before the wedding ceremony you need to read a special charm charm for the young bride and groom. Before the ransom, before the young man - the groom goes to the bride's house to take her to the registry office or for the wedding, the groom's mother must pin a safety pin to the inside of the jacket at home, cross her son and say a wedding charm. No less important is a wedding amulet for the bride, which will protect her from the evil eye and damage at the wedding. The mother of the bride must perform this amulet ritual by pinning three safety pins on the wedding dress to a glass of water to read the amulet plot, which will protect the bride from the evil eye all day at the wedding ceremony and celebration. The words of the protective spell are read over plain water, with which the bride subsequently washes herself (this is done before the groom arrives).

  • You can cast dryness on a person with a conspiracy while being at a distance from him. To induce dryness, a photo of a person and knowledge of the words of the spell are enough - a spell that will quickly bring severe dryness to a person. Take in left hand photo of the person you want to bring dryness to and covering it on top with your right hand, read the words of this conspiracy:

A kind of love spell that will make your soulmate faithful and devoted in love relationships, is a rite of fidelity. A powerful conspiracy is carried out only when a person is sure that he is ready to connect his life with this person, or if he suspects his partner of treason, but does not want to ruin his family because of this.

Preparing for the ritual of fidelity

In order for the ritual to be effective and for magical strong texts to be read clearly, to have a set of objects for the ritual. The strength of the read plot is influenced by:

  • time of the ceremony;
  • the accuracy of the conspirator's actions;
  • the power of the deity;
  • faith in a good result.

Men often turn to magicians, and girls perform rituals on their own. A plot to commit fidelity to a guy or girl is not complicated, but it is important to follow the recommendations.

Spoon spell

If you suspect your partner of cheating, you can heat a metal spoon that he will use while eating. After cooling it with water, say:

“This spoon is destined to lie in my house. You (wife's name) are destined to be with your husband and not go anywhere. Don't look at other people's guys, look at your betrothed. Amen".

Horse hair spell

“Just as a gelding does not have the strength to stand over a black, red or white stallion, so the servant of God (name) does not have the strength to look at any woman except his wife, the servant of God (name).”

In a plot for husband's fidelity, it is important to mention your name, otherwise you can make your beloved man impotent. The ritual is most effective if it is performed during the waxing moon.

Holy water spell

A ritual for holy water is performed. It cannot be performed. They take holy water in the church and pour it into a saucer at home. Place it so that the moon is reflected in the container. Then they say:

“The moon is full and clear and my thoughts are clear and full of love. Give, Mother Moon, the power to the holy water to infuse it into the servant of God (name), and he knew that there was no better servant of God, his wife (name), in the world. I wouldn’t wash my face without her, I wouldn’t fall asleep, I wouldn’t shift from side to side and I wouldn’t eat at someone else’s table with beauties.”

The allegiance plot is carried out in complete solitude and so that no one hears the words of the ritual, and no one sees the plate. Before going to bed, they dip their fingers in the charmed water and cross the husband’s pillow and say:

“You won’t sleep without me, you won’t calm down without me. You will rush about and rush home.”

The husband's fidelity plot lasts for a month, then it is recommended to repeat it.

Food spell

All rituals associated with food are dangerous and powerful. A wrong step can bring misfortune and illness into the house, so you should follow all the rules of the ceremony:

  • For the ritual, it is better to prepare broth.
  • During the conspiracy, you need to be calm and confident.
  • Pronounce words clearly and without errors. It is recommended to learn them.
  • While reading, hold it over the dish right hand palm down.

You can only talk about food once a year. You cannot use enchanted food in other rituals. Otherwise, fate will be confused and negativity will come to the house. The ritual is used to preserve love young man or husband. It is important to use only home-cooked food. Text for the ritual:

“Let the servant of God (name), except for the food that his wife, the servant of God (name), gives him, eat and drink nothing, and let him not sleep a wink in someone else’s house. All his noble thoughts will be about his family and his wife, away from sin and closer to the family hearth.”

Ritual for food against other conspiracies

Most fidelity rituals are white magic, so other women can bewitch someone else’s husband. To secure or remove a conspiracy, a special magical ritual is performed.

The influence of conspiracies on health

All magical conspiracies affect health and psyche if they are carried out with malicious intent and incorrectly. In order not to harm a person, the purpose of the ritual must be bright. It is carried out to protect love, smooth out conflict, and calm the unpleasant thoughts of a husband or wife.

The allegiance plot is allowed to be carried out 2 times a year. If you use it more often, the body of the charmed person will begin to resist, illnesses, skin irritations, and suicidal tendencies will appear. Therefore, you need to talk to your loved one only when necessary.


In white magic, it is recommended to use spells for a guy’s fidelity for preventive purposes, and not after betrayal. Strong rituals are performed only with good intentions. There is a fine line between a conspiracy and a love spell. Therefore, you need to follow all the rules and recommendations of the ceremony so as not to cause trouble.

The most Full description in every detail - a strong love spell on the fidelity of a loved one with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

The infidelity of partners, spouses, and lovers causes many emotions and experiences. It is always unpleasant to be deceived by a person with whom you have a relationship, love, intimate, or friendship. Immediately there is a feeling of vulgarity, devotion, pollution.

I will dwell in a little more detail on the concept of allegiance conspiracies. These include verbal forms that carry a clear message of protection against betrayal, for example:

  • You will always be only mine.
  • With no one but me.
  • Let temptations bypass.
  • There is no need for change... protect from betrayal.
  • It pulls, dries - everything is towards me (in the case of a love drought for fidelity).

Conspiracies against cheating can be divided into those that are aimed at the relationship between you, and those that influence the relationship of your loved one with a rival or with other people (if there is no rival, but you are worried about her possible appearance).

There are cases of mixed conspiracies of allegiance, but the force of action is usually somewhat weaker.

A dark forest with trees in it.

An aspen grows among those trees, and on the aspen he wove a spider’s web, catching a net for Benjamin (put your loved one’s name here).

Web, cook, cook, and now turn yourself into a net of hunters.

So that the husband does not go out with girls and spoil women.

Neither from morning, afternoon, nor evening, nor from midnight to morning.

Like a spider sits in its web, so let slave Benjamin (the name of your beloved) not look at any other woman.

He spends time at home, but only dances with me.

My word is strong.

After this ritual, the cobwebs should be filtered and thrown away, and the remaining water should be added in small portions to the husband’s food or drink.


Many girls ask one question: how to return a loved one with a folk love spell? Folk love spells that men do at home are considered the most popular and widespread types of love rituals. I would like to note that everything traditional methods Bewitching a guy works not only on a physical, but also on a psychological level. They are made with only one purpose: to make a certain person develop strong sympathy and love for you.

  • A bewitched guy will never look at another girl, he will be devoted only to you.
  • A love spell for a guy's fidelity also has one more property: the bewitched loved one will not feel any changes before and during the free love spell for a guy. Neither external nor internal.

Ritual of a guy's love spell for fidelity

There are a lot of ways to tie your beloved man to you. That’s just ordinary people Those who do not have special knowledge will not be able to perform a folk love spell on their own at home. Therefore, do not try to bewitch a guy yourself. You will only waste time, and you will not get any effect from your action. If you have a similar question, go to the magicians, spending a small amount, you will receive a high-quality magical ritual for fidelity and love and your beloved man will return to you. Since in Lately There are a lot of charlatans out there, choose only those who are trusted by many people and/or have been working for a long time.

If you don't have this moment opportunity to go to magicians, but the question is: how to return a loved one very the easy way, torments you, then you can make a love spell on a twig yourself. Just remember about the consequences that can occur if you act incorrectly.

For the ritual, take an ordinary broom and break off several twigs from it. Then read the prayer and at the end ask God to return your loved one to you. If you have done something wrong to him, mentally ask him for forgiveness. Then come to his door at midnight and place the crossed twigs under the rug. Self-made fidelity love spell through the twig will begin to act only after he steps over them.

This simple plot for the faithful love of a guy for a girl is suitable for those who do not have access to the things of their loved one. But remember that in this case no one can guarantee at least some result.

Plot of allegiance

The fidelity plot can be read, you can read it yourself if you suspect a loved one of treason, the fidelity plot is suitable for reading only on a loved one and it does not matter whether it is a husband or wife, it can even be read on a guy or girl with whom you have been dating for a long time and want to tie yours life with family ties. This is a kind of love spell that will make a person faithful and devoted only to you. Previously, we read this powerful conspiracy of fidelity only in those cases when a loved one “went to great lengths” and in order to avoid shame and not destroy the family, this magical rite of fidelity was performed, which is read on the waxing moon, this is very important, otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

Words of the allegiance plot that you need to read yourself:

On the sea on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan there lies a white-flammable stone,

White as a wife's breast, the name of the stone is Alatyr, Alatyr, unknown to anyone.

I, the servant of God (my name), will stand up and bless myself with the cross,

I will wash myself with spring water from the colorful leaves,

From trade guests, from priests, from clerks, from young men,

From red girls, young women, from white breasts.

From under that Alatyr stone I will release the power for a love spell

And I will send that mighty power to my dear, servant of God (name of beloved),

In all joints and semi-joints, in all bones and semi-bones,

In all the veins and half-veins, in his clear eyes, rosy cheeks, in his chest,

A zealous heart, into the womb, into a black liver, into a violent head,

Strong hands, quick legs, hot blood.

So that his blood boils and hisses, his heart jumps out at the thought of me,

I wish I could block out the white light from my eyes.

So that the servant of God (name of the beloved) yearns, grieves, does not see peace at night,

During the day I searched among people to see if he could live, be,

Hours pass, minutes pass without me, servant of God (your name).

Melancholy would rise from the depths of the sea,

From the sea grass-ants, grief would arise from behind the blue mountains,

From the dark forests, frequent branches, arise, arise, sadness and dryness,

Unquenchable passion, unquenchable love, pounce,

Pounce on the servant of God (name of your loved one),

Strike him, like a robber’s victim, with a sharp knife, no matter how the doctor

Neither the sorcerer nor the black sorcerer raised him from this illness,

They did not take him away from my breast, so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved) would grieve,

He grieved for me, God’s servant (his name), like a mother for her child,

Sheep by lamb, mare by foal.

I lock the love spell with ninety-three locks and ninety-three keys.

My word is strong and moldable, like the flammable stone of Alatyr.

This fidelity spell has a very strong love spell, so it can only be used if you are already married to your loved one and want to be with him for the rest of your life.

Love spell ritual for husband's fidelity with a plot against betrayal

If you begin to notice your husband that he is walking to the side, this ritual will return the husband from his mistress and will discourage him from even the desire to look “to the left.” If you do this ritual once a month, your husband will not even think about cheating on you with anyone. This ritual The test of husband's fidelity came to us from the Old Believers and its implementation will not require much effort from you and long preparation for the magical rite of fidelity. Place a red silk ribbon across your marital bed. Sleep at night with this tape, and in the morning, while your husband is still sleeping, take it out quietly, run the tip of the tape over your husband’s lips and over his fingers. - (If he wakes up, say that you are rehearsing night fun). After this, leaving the room, comb your hair and standing in front of the mirror, braid your hair into a braid, weaving this ribbon into it while reading the following fidelity love spell:

I, a beautiful maiden of the servant of God (my name), will go out in the morning into an open field.

I look to the left - my beloved is not there, I look to the right - my beloved is not there.

I look back - there is no one and there is only one field ahead.

I will be sad, the beautiful maiden of the servant of God (her name),

Where can I look for a good young servant of God (husband’s name)?

And the wind will tell me:

Return home, beautiful maiden servant of God (your name),

Your dear servant of God (husband’s name) is waiting for you,

He sits and misses you all alone.

You caress him gently, hug him tightly,

And he will not look to the side and he will not say a word across.

I am in the hallway, and my dear one is in the hallway: he waits and waits, he doesn’t eat, he doesn’t sleep, he doesn’t drink,

He looks at the road to see who is walking along the road, who is about to enter the hallway.

I'll come home. Where is my dear? My words are strong and molding.

Find a chance for your husband to touch the braid with a ribbon (you can sit on his knees and place the braid on his neck, etc.), after this conspiracy, your husband will be as faithful to you as a “dog.” It is advisable to carry out this ritual every month and then there will always be love and fidelity between you and even if a love spell is cast on your husband, it will not change anything, the love spell will not work, your husband will be protected.

Spells for the fidelity of a loved one

These spells should be used not to combat betrayal, but to prevent it in advance. prevention– for example, for preventive purposes before a long forced separation.

If you know that your loved one systematically goes to the left, it is better to use special conspiracies against betrayal - they are published on this page. If your lover has a permanent partner, you can:

Spell on a loved one's things

Probably every man has a little thing that he very rarely parts with - his usual watch, glasses, a memorable keychain, a wallet.

Such an item is the most valuable material for witchcraft. If you put it on your lap and read it suitable words, he will further interfere with the unwanted actions of his owner.

The text that is spoken over the item is as follows:

“Wherever the Servant of God Nikolai (replace) goes, everywhere he will remember me. He won’t wander around other people’s houses, and won’t be tempted by someone else’s woman. Neither a sorcerer, nor a sorceress, nor a king, nor a queen will interrupt my truth. From now on and forever.” .

Ritual to prevent love spells

Often men cheat on their girlfriends not at the call of their hearts, but only under the influence of a love spell. It is impossible to provide for all love attachments, there are too many of them, but it makes sense to provide your significant other with at least protection from the most common attachments to food and drink.

It is placed like this.

Bring home a piece of fresh fatty pork, put it in a saucepan, add holy water and simmer over low heat. Soon a thick, porous foam will appear over the meat.

Carefully collect it with a spoon into a cup and say: “This flesh boils and seethes, cannot be alive, and no one can feed anyone of mine (name) - no drink, neither sweet, nor salty, nor fried, nor boiled, nor from a spoon, not from the pile. Boil, blood, boil away, give away your violent strength. When the pig sings like a bird, then my will will pass. Amen!"

Seal of loyalty

The last plot is especially useful to read soon after the wedding, when the spouses are sweetly anticipating the joys of the upcoming honeymoon. However, fortune telling is also quite suitable for mature relationships.

By touch, take one coin of the minimum denomination out of your husband’s pocket when it starts there (you will probably wait for this moment - men are often sloppy and shove change at random). Place the penny in holy water for exactly one day. After 24 hours, say over the water:

“When I was young, I acquired a seal of loyalty, not to exchange it for anyone, not to seduce the Servant of God (name) either in front or behind, neither for love nor for self-interest. I will forever love him, have mercy, and he will fear betrayal like poison. Only "If I die, I will take the seal to the next world. The word is spoken, the deed is done."

Take out the coin, dry it and keep it with you at all times.

strong love spell on the fidelity of a loved one

Family happiness usually begins with a beautiful courtship, a happy period when lovers do not need anything or anyone but each other and it seems that boundless happiness and a sea of ​​love await them ahead. But, no matter how sad it is, even the ocean has a shore and rocky shores on which boats break. Women experience family life much easier than freedom-loving men. The concept of time as an impermanent change does not occur to them. When they feel good and comfortable, they don’t think at all, and when they feel a little uncomfortable, pictures of utter misfortune appear in their heads with a period of eternity. And it’s very sad when such a “demon” inhabits your beloved husband at moments when you need him, as support, as a friend and husband. Toxicosis during pregnancy, troubles at work, untimely loss of a beloved pet. All this is not always clear to husbands. Instead of support, we hear reproaches and doubts that the marriage took place on long years. Quarrels, disagreements, scandals begin and then, literally over nothing, the family falls apart. If you contact in time higher powers, read out a conspiracy for husband’s fidelity and peace in the family, then you can not only avoid a quarrel, but also save the family.

When is it better to use a loyalty plot?

Of course, you shouldn’t read the plot whenever you want or for the sake of interest. Still, any intervention by the forces of the Universe, even with good intentions, can turn into a sad lesson for you personally and your curious friends. By the way, there is a fine line between a conspiracy and a love spell. Although there is a great difference in these rituals, one wrong word or poor preparation and your desires can turn into bad intentions to break the will of another person, instead of calming his temporary thoughts that frighten him.

Therefore, when reading the plot, be especially careful and do not hold a grudge against anyone.

Spells for fidelity to husband and loved one


Find the gelding and take a good long hair from his mane. Stick it in the rubber band underwear husband, saying:

« Just as a gelding does not have the strength to stand over a black, red or white stallion, so the servant of God (name) does not have the strength to look at any woman except his wife, the servant of God (name).”

Don't forget to mention yourself when slandering,

otherwise you risk making your husband an irritated impotent.

Against other conspiracies

All women are a little bit of a witch, so don’t be surprised if a man goes “to the left” not of his own free will. You can make a turn against impudent girls for food at home.

Prepare the meat broth; when it foams, do not throw it away, but put it in a cup. After the conspiracy, give it to the dogs.

« Just as my food boils and will never live again, so my husband, God’s servant (name), cannot be fed to anyone or dried, neither raw, nor salty, nor sweet, nor boiled, nor baked, nor liquid. - not like anything else. Boil the evil out of the flesh, and the dog devours it to its health. And then my word will be interrupted when the dog sings like a nightingale.”

After a hearty lunch or dinner, do not argue with your husband, avoid a quarrel. Be an affectionate wife.

For your food from treason

The meat broth described above cannot be spoken several times and various conspiracies cannot be read over it, otherwise fate will be confused and misfortunes and illnesses will come to the house. Protection soup is intended for one time use only and lasts for a long time. But this conspiracy removes any love spell and protects a man even from your conspiracies to exclude betrayal. If you decide that you shouldn’t be afraid of a judgment from the outside, but it makes sense to “slow down” your husband’s interest in new employees at work or to cool off his interest in young ladies, then you can read such a conspiracy for your own preparation.

« Let the servant of God (name), besides the food that his wife gives him, the servant of God (name) eat and drink nothing, and may not sleep a wink in someone else’s house. All his noble thoughts will be about his family and his wife, away from sin and closer to the family hearth.”

Holy water and full moon

Take holy water from the church. On a full moon, place water in a saucer so that the full moon is reflected in the cup. Say these words:

« The moon is full and clear and my thoughts are clear and full of love. Give, Mother Moon, the power to holy water to infuse it into the servant of God (name) and he knew that there was no better servant of God, his wife (name), in the world. I wouldn’t wash my face, I wouldn’t fall asleep without her, I would shift from side to side and I wouldn’t eat at someone else’s table with beauties.”

It is necessary to make sure that no one sees your water, and no one hears slander. Before going to bed, while your husband is away, dip your fingers in water and cross his pillow.

« You won’t fall asleep without me, you won’t calm down without me. You will rush about and rush home.”

Thus, for the next month you will protect your family from betrayal.

Does conspiracy affect health?

Yes, a conspiracy affects health and the psyche if it is prepared incorrectly and with malicious intent. You must know exactly the goal: to protect, smooth out the conflict, calm your husband’s unpleasant thoughts. And not to take revenge, to cripple, to take away and hide from everyone. Remember that love is freedom, and not a web in which a person begins to suffocate. It’s up to you to prevent discord or to madly draw strength from the source of magic, but the outcome has long been clear: either you are Vasilisa the Wise or Kikimora the Swamp, alone, angry and lonely.

You can talk to a person no more than 2 times a year, in subsequent situations his body will resist an unnatural state, irritation and suspicion will appear and pass real love against the background of unnatural affection. Therefore, speak to your loved one only when necessary.

Remember, the Universe always gives strength if you ask nicely, but you will have to pay for your thoughts and actions yourself.

A thousand love spells

“My husband and I studied at the same university, and we met there. We soon got married and lived in perfect harmony for several years. After defending my thesis, they began to say that now is the time for us to have a child.

I stopped using protection and soon became pregnant. We had twins - a son and a daughter - and we immediately felt a lack of money. Everything is insanely expensive, and children’s clothes need to be changed every two months - kids grow by leaps and bounds.

One day my husband came home from work cheerful and said that he had found a part-time job that would pay him well. And three months later he left for the one who gave him this part-time job. She is a rich lady, and he pays good child support, but the world is not nice to me.

Why did he do this to me? Why did he leave, betrayed me at the very hard time? After all, I have two small children in my arms. And in general, why should my children be left without a father? Help, teach me how to get my husband back, how to get my children back their father.

With sincere respect, Tasya."

Let your hair down, take off your shoes, remove your belt, if you have one, turn to face the threshold front door(you must be in the apartment at this moment) and, bowing, read the following love spell:

Call my husband home.

Call him to the door: morning, afternoon and evening,

On a black moonlit night,

On a black, moonless night.

Send nine winds, nine whirlwinds after him.

Let them find him

Whether walking, standing or sleeping,

Either for a drink or for a hedgehog.

Meet him in front

Shoot him with longing in his heart.

So that he could neither live nor be,

Neither day by day nor night by night

With my rival, the Servant of God (name).

Everybody would keep me on my mind,

You should have seen me in a short nap.

How this threshold always stands in its place,

Conspiracy of fidelity. A ritual and a strong conspiracy of fidelity to a beloved husband

Conspiracy Burden of Loyalty a wife does it herself on her husband who has started to look at his rivals or read this loyalty plot if the wife suspected that her husband began to cheat with his mistress. Fidelity spell ritual very strong and when the wife performs the ritual and reads plot of fidelity and prevention of treason the husband will never be drawn to the left and only his wife will be sweet and loved to him! How to do it rite of burden of fidelity. When your husband or beloved man falls asleep, find his hair on the pillow and, leaving the room in the kitchen, throw the hair out the window, saying 1 time loyalty plot husband:

I'll go look for my beloved.

I look to the left - my beloved is not there,

I look to the right - my favorite one is not there.

I’ll look back - there’s no one, and there is one field ahead.

I will be sad, beautiful maiden of God's servant ( Name ),

Where can I look for a good young servant of God ( Name )?

And the wind will tell me:

Your dear servant of God is waiting for you ( Name ),

Sits and yearns for you Dean is alone.

You caress him gently, oh hug me tightly

And he will not look aside and he will not say a word contrary.

I'm in the canopy, and my dear in the hallway:

Wait and wait, n e eats, doesn’t sleep, doesn’t drink, n and looks at the road

Who is walking along the road? then he’ll come into the hallway now.

My words are strong and molding.

The most powerful love sucker for a married man will help you quickly induce love-sickness on him and thereby make your loved one feel strongly about you by yourself, saying the words of love sucker on your saliva and spitting after him. As soon as the saliva dries, the person bewitched by this drying will begin to pine for you and will constantly be drawn to you. This quick drying is done for

You can quickly bewitch your husband or man without harm to yourself and him if you do a quick and simple drying yourself. Love drying is done with a piece of candy that needs to be fed to someone who needs to be dried. To cast a love spell on candy, read a love spell - place a candy on which you treat your loved one by kissing it before and after

Dry love spell on the wind through a window is a strong love spell ritual that is done independently at home if a woman urgently needs to bewitch - to dry her beloved man and husband who has cooled down in feelings. Dry spell on the wind works to bring back your loved one as soon as you cast a strong spell for love and love. longing that will help bring your loved one to you

An eternal love spell made from a photo helps to enhance the effectiveness of a love spell ritual and instantly bewitch your loved one very strongly. Lunar phase the waning moon, like any other, directly affects the psychological and emotional state of a person, and if a woman cast a love spell using a photograph of her beloved man, he will soon

On Krasnaya Gorka, love rituals are performed and conspiracies and prayers for love and marriage are read. The ritual that I will tell you about today is done for a husband who has lost interest in his wife or for a man who does not dare to take you as his wife and propose to you. Red Hill is St. Thomas Week immediately after Easter Sunday, or the first Sunday after Easter. By

At midnight on Walpurgis Night, women cast the most powerful love spell on their husband, performing a ritual for love and reading a spell on a man aimed at marriage. Rituals and conspiracies on Walpurgis Night, the history of which goes back into the distant past, are very strong and often the result of a love spell cast at night acts already in the morning, influencing a man living at a distance of 1000

This is a working love spell for love and marriage. A strong love spell acts on a man instantly and the magic of love can force a man to propose to you and marry you in a very short time. This plot for a rich and kind husband has already been tried by many women and everyone was able to quickly attract a rich man and quickly marry a rich groom after reading the plot

How to make a man and your husband fall in love with you, a conspiracy, or a love spell on your beloved man, is very effective and quick way awaken strong love in his heart. This love spell works on a man who is at any distance from you and a love spell is done at home. It is precisely for these characteristics that a love spell can quickly make such a man fall in love with you

So that a husband loves only his wife, does not walk around and does not cheat. In the old days, the wife read a love spell on her beloved husband. The most powerful conspiracy for love, obedience and respect by a husband for his wife has a centuries-old history and has preserved more than one thousand families over its existence. This is a white conspiracy that makes a husband ideal man– the support of the family and acts immediately as soon as it is read

Casting a spell on a loved one's thing so that he returns is a fairly simple and effective challenge that you can do yourself. During the waxing moon, it is best to make love spells and conspiracies for love and the return of a person after a quarrel and even divorce, but this ritual of calling a person to you is suitable for any phase of the moon. A spell to call with the help of a thing can only be done independently in

Rituals with reading a love spell help you instantly fall in love and bind your loved one to you by casting a love spell yourself. Love spells read on water act very quickly. Now you will learn how to make a love spell on your own and bewitch a person to yourself using simple water. Water absorbs any word and, under its influence, changes

Conspiracy of fidelity to your beloved boyfriend or husband


The conspiracy of fidelity and prevention of betrayal given below is very strong and is done independently only once on your beloved boyfriend or husband so that he does not walk to the left. Reading allegiance plot“burden of fidelity” of a person if you are very worried about the safety of fidelity to you and the protection of a person from all kinds of life temptations (betrayal). In this situation, love magic can help you, namely a love spell for the fidelity of the husband or boyfriend whom you love and already live with him in a civil marriage. A quick fidelity plot that protects a loved one from betrayal:

I have a seal of loyalty, no one can take this seal:

Neither with hands, nor with charming words, nor with a dissuasive spell,

Neither a trilingual curse, nor a gray-haired grandfather, nor a cunning led,

Neither a sorceress, nor an evil sorceress, nor a shaman, nor a cunning deceiver,

Neither clear eyes, nor black curls, nor white breasts,

Neither Adam's Garden, nor in front, nor behind.

My seal cannot be broken, slave (name of husband or boyfriend)

I can’t lure him, he won’t change me forever and ever.

He will admire me forever, as he will fear the fire of betrayal.

Just as a child cries for its breast, a foal cries for its mother.

No one will come between us, only one thing can separate us:

If one of us dies, he will take the seal with him.

Angels, archangels, take the seal, behind carry me.

Century after century, from now on and forever. Key, lock, tongue.

After reading the words of the conspiracy to be faithful to your loved one just once, he will never cheat on you. The ritual of the burden of fidelity will work instantly and will be able to stop the betrayal of your husband and beloved man.

LOVE LOVE WITH PRAYERS. HOW TO LOVE YOUR LOVED ONE WITH PRAYERS By reading this love spell text and praying to higher powers, your loved one will fall in love with you very much and nothing and no one can interfere with your love, so if you have decided on your love feelings and are sure that you will never stop loving your loved one, the following love spell prayer which you need to read

A conspiracy to end a pregnancy with your husband's mistress. What to do if your husband cheated and your mistress is pregnant. This powerful conspiracy to end a pregnancy with your mistress is suitable if your mistress becomes pregnant and plays on your husband's feelings. A black conspiracy for miscarriage will help. This magical damage - emergency termination of pregnancy done using black magic will help

How to make a guy fall in love with you using a love spell as a proven method How to make a guy fall in love with you using magic This is a question that is asked when all other methods have already been tried and there is almost no hope left. In love magic there is a proven way to make your beloved young man or an already grown man fall deeply in love with you and after reading the words of the love spell spell

LOVE SPELL ON A PHOTO IN YOUR PHONE This love spell is used if you want to bewitch a person yourself and you have a photo of him taken on mobile phone. This strong love spell is suitable for everyone, that is, it can be done on either a guy or married man, also with the help of this magical ritual you can bewitch the girl you like and all that is required is

A strong love spell plot: how to divorce a husband from his wife and a mistress become a wife How a mistress can become the wife of a married man To do this, you will have to wait or make a lapel of someone else’s husband from his wife, and in order to independently carry out a magical ritual with the intention of divorcing your wife from her husband, you will need a heart drawn and cut out of a sheet of paper . Remember that when making data

HOW TO RETURN YOUR HUSBAND SPELL TO RETURN TO THE FAMILY How to return your husband’s love and happy days spent together if he left home or had a mistress and what kind of love spell or conspiracy will help in returning your loved one? If you are reading this text, then you have decided to seek help from the magic of love and return the love of your husband by conducting an ancient and very strong

Conspiracy to make a wish come true on your birthday Every person has wishes and dreams, and how you want every desired dream to come true as if by magic, but not everyone knows that every person has such an opportunity and all that is needed for this is to read an ancient and very powerful book a conspiracy to fulfill a cherished wish on your birthday and it is not applicable

Lapel from a wife with an intention for divorce Girls who have fallen in love with a married man or boyfriend are looking for ways to independently make a lapel for a husband from his wife, and for this purpose the following lapel spell has enormous power and is done at home on a wedding candle with an intention for divorce. It’s not for nothing that knowledgeable people advise keeping wedding candles for the rest of your life.

How to independently remove a love spell on your beloved husband using salt at home If you began to notice the appearance of an obsessive craving for another person in your beloved husband, he became cold and irritable towards you. Most likely, a love spell has been cast on your husband; you can determine and remove it yourself, and we will teach you how to do this and return your bewitched husband from your mistress

SPELL FOR BEAUTY AND YOUTH The magic of beauty stores many powerful spells for beauty by reading which girls become younger and more attractive to the guys around them. If you have seen men show signs of attention to an unattractive woman, most likely this is the effect of a beauty spell and this person has read a strong spell for beauty and youth and so

CONSPIRACY FOR BEAUTY AND ATTRACTIVENESS Today we will tell you how to independently carry out rituals for beauty and attractiveness. If you feel like a gray mouse in a company and guys don’t pay attention to you, a strong spell on beauty and attractiveness will make all men admire only you. This plot is intended only for young people

One of the main components in the relationship between a man and a woman is fidelity. It's not easy to preserve it. A ritual or conspiracy of loyalty to a loved one can help with this. There are many well-proven fidelity rituals; they can be performed subject to special conditions and rules, using white magic.

It would be wrong to think that the relationship between loving people can be preserved without making significant efforts, but no fidelity spells will help someone who does not sincerely love, not even a fortune teller’s spell. If the ritual is used out of a sense of revenge or selfishness, then the results can be unpredictable.

There are situations when a woman or a man acts from the principle: “So don’t let anyone get you!”, and conduct a ceremony of fidelity. I would like to immediately warn against such impulses. A love spell against a husband's infidelity, performed without love, comes back negative. This magical boomerang can destroy your entire life.

The most strong conspiracies for a husband's fidelity - those made with love. A woman’s love is an energetic thread that can literally keep a man “on a leash.” Without this, it is impossible to cope with conspiracies on your own.

There are several rules for performing such rituals. They are simple and clear:

  • You need to love yourself.
  • You need to be sure that your partner experiences the same feelings.
  • All rituals are performed as written.
  • The words of the spells must be learned by heart.

You cannot demand fidelity from a person who has stopped loving you, but you can make sure that this love lasts for life.

To ensure that a husband remains faithful to his wife, you can use several simple and reliable white magic spells using ordinary things.

The fidelity spell on a pin is a very effective fidelity ritual.

An ordinary pin can serve as the basis for a conspiracy. For this you will need:

  • small new pin;
  • red candle;
  • red fabric;
  • water;
  • husband's clothes.

This ritual of fidelity to the husband is performed at midnight, on the waxing moon. A woman needs to retire, undress naked, put on her nightgown inside out and backwards, and let her hair down. Spread a piece of red cloth (preferably silk) and place a candle and a cup of water on it.

At exactly midnight a candle is lit. An open pin is held over the flame (you can use tweezers) and the words of the spell are pronounced:

“Your love for me flares up and is tempered in water.”

A red-hot pin is dipped into a cup of water with the words:

“The circle is closed on me, your wife. As the moon grows, so does your love for me. I lock it with a key, I keep your feelings. My word is strong."

The pin should be pinned with the head down to the inside of your husband's everyday clothes so that he cannot notice it. A jacket, raincoat or coat will do. You can attach a pin to your trouser pocket (below the seam).

A husband charmed to love and fidelity will not notice the changes. He will simply stop paying attention to other women.

A man can also use such a spell of fidelity by changing the word “wife” to the word “husband.” It is necessary to perform the ritual of a husband to his wife completely naked. This is an effective ritual of fidelity, performed independently.

Loyalty plot on a button

For this spell, you need to cut off a button from your husband’s clothes and sew it back on with seven stitches. For each stitch they pronounce their own spell words:

  1. For love.
  2. To be faithful.
  3. For the strength of the family.
  4. To love.
  5. So as not to change.
  6. So as not to look at others.
  7. I am your family.

This spell on your husband can be used every time you sew any button on your clothes.. It is advisable to do this at midnight, but it can also be done during the day, with the exception of major church holidays.

The hair spell is very effective, but you cannot use sleeping pills or alcohol when performing the ritual.

This magical ritual with an attitude of fidelity and love, carried out independently, can be equated to a professional conspiracy. It is quite difficult to do it due to everyday circumstances. 2 conditions must be met:

  1. The ceremony is performed at midnight, on the full moon.
  2. The husband should sleep deeply.

When performing a fidelity ritual, you cannot use sleeping pills or alcohol; your husband’s sleep must be natural for the effect on him to be effective. This is the most difficult moment.

Having let your hair down and putting your shirt on backwards, you need to stand at the head of the bed where your husband is sleeping, with a thick comb or comb in your hands. Exactly at midnight you need to start combing your hair, saying:

“I tie you with my hair, I tie you to me.”

Repeat 7 times.

Remove the hair from the comb, roll it into a bun and tie it with a red thread with 7 knots. In the morning, when the husband leaves for work, a bunch of hair should be hidden in his pillow. To do this, they trim the corner and then sew it up unnoticeably.

For broth

To perform it, you need to prepare meat broth at home, and when the foam collects, it is removed into a separate bowl.

Spell words for meat foam:

“Just as this flesh will never live, no one can feed or give my husband anything to drink. It cannot be dried: neither liquid, nor hard, nor raw, nor boiled, nor fried, nor steamed, nor salty, nor sweet, nor baked, nor sour, nor bitter, nor any other. The evil boils away from the flesh, and the dog eats it. No one will interrupt my word until the dog sings like a nightingale.”

The meat foam should be given to the dogs, and the husband should be fed a delicious lunch. You should not quarrel during or after meals. You need to be a gentle and affectionate wife.

The spell for broth is used only once.

Using salt you can plot against your husband's infidelity

A love spell ritual or a conspiracy against your husband's infidelity can be carried out using ordinary table salt; it can be made for food. Salt crystals have a capacious memory; information is transmitted almost immediately, especially with food.

Using salt, you can pronounce the words of spells for convenience, or you can do without them. In these rituals, the main thing is not words, but imagination. If there are children in the family, then salt is added to the husband’s plate; if there are no children yet, then it is added to the pan. The impact on him will be almost instantaneous.

The essence of the ritual is as follows. Holding the salt in your hands, you need to imagine the bed scene with your husband or boyfriend as vividly as possible and convey your emotions to the crystals: love, tenderness, feelings of hugs, kisses, etc. Salt will absorb this information and pass it on to the man he loves. These emotions will be literally stored in his blood, he will perceive them as his own.

If every time you need to add salt to food, you carry out this simple plot of fidelity, then you don’t have to worry about betrayal. Those who lack imagination can use words. You can make a conspiracy yourself, for example:

“You need me like salt. You love only me."

When making sentences, it is better to use them in the present tense. Expressions with the particle “not” and any negations should be avoided. With the help of salt, you can remove your rival and return your husband to the family, if you sprinkle it on the rug for a homewrecker, or make a love spell.

Egg spell

This conspiracy involves both light and dark forces. The ritual must be performed at midnight, on the waning moon. For it you will need:

  • three church candles;
  • egg;
  • salt;
  • Earth;
  • red scarf without a pattern;
  • husband's hair;
  • coin of any denomination.

In the evening at home, take a fresh chicken egg and, after making holes, carefully pour the contents into a cup. Place the hair into the empty shell.

Before midnight, go to the nearest deserted intersection, taking with you the listed ingredients and an empty shell.

Place a handkerchief on the ground and an eggshell on it. Sprinkle it with earth and salt saying:

“Mother Earth, give me strength. Sol, give me wisdom. I should not cheat on my husband (name), and I should not look at others. My word is strong."

Fill the holes in the shell with wax from burning candles, tie it in a scarf with three knots and take it with you. Before leaving, throw a coin on the ground with the words: “Paid!” and leave without looking back.

Hide the bundle in a secluded place so that the husband cannot find it. In the morning, make an omelette from the poured egg and feed your husband breakfast (you can add other eggs). The ritual should be kept strictly secret.

You can protect your husband from cheating with the help of conspiracies

Many husbands cheat on their wives, even if they love their spouse. There are many temptations, but sometimes there is not enough willpower. To protect your husband from cheating, you can perform a quick and strong ritual with red wax. It requires the following things:

  • red wax candle;
  • water;
  • clothes of husband or boyfriend;
  • red thread (silk or cotton);
  • needle;
  • a ring with a stone that was worn for at least six months.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon, at midnight. Having let down their hair and putting on their shirt backwards, inside out, they take their husband’s clothes and light a candle.

Heat the needle in the flame with the words:

“As steel hardens, so do your (name) feelings for me (name) grow stronger.”

Place the needle in water.

Using red thread, embroider a small cross in the form of a plus sign on the back of the garment. Drip wax on it and press the ring stone with the words:

“I put the seal of fidelity forever! Amen".

The seal of allegiance is the last argument worth using. Hide the ring in a secluded place.

It is better to do embroidery and printing in the seam so that it is not noticeable. An everyday item is chosen. If necessary, the ritual is repeated with another item and the same ring.

Such a red wax seal for a man will help keep him from cheating, but it has a strong impact on the psyche, so the ritual is carried out as a last resort when there is no other way out.

On a spoon

If you suspect your husband of cheating, you can perform a simple ritual with a spoon. It needs to be heated over a fire and then cooled in cold water with the words: “Just as a spoon lies in the house, so you (name) cannot run anywhere. Look at me, have mercy on me, you don’t know the homewrecker!”

You need to give the spoon to your husband so that he can eat from it. The ritual is simple but effective, since two powerful elements are involved - fire and water.

A ritual performed independently will last a long time, but if necessary, you can return your loved one to yourself by repeating the ritual.

Conducting a ritual for holy water on a full moon must be kept secret

In church, take water, pour it into a cup or glass, place it on the windowsill so that Moonlight reflected in the water. The cup should stand for 3 nights. On the fourth day, they “put a whisper” on the water - they read the words in a whisper:

“The moon gave me strength, I took it.”

Before going to bed, wet your fingers in water and spray your husband’s pillow three times. He shouldn't see this. Say the words:

“Without me, beloved (name), you cannot sleep, you cannot breathe, you will never know peace forever.”

Keep the ritual secret, don’t tell anyone. It can also be carried out by a man if his wife is looking “to the left”.

Conspiracy based on photography

Each photograph has an imprint of a person’s energy shell and forms a single whole with it. The following ritual is based on this. For it you will need:

  • red wax candle;
  • water;
  • red fabric;
  • photograph of a loved one;
  • own photo.

Having retired to the room, you need to spread a red cloth on the table and light a candle. Clean both photographs from the negative using fire. To do this, you need to hold the photo with the front side over the flame for several seconds.

Drip wax from a candle onto each photograph in the area of ​​the heart and quickly put them together - face to face, so that the wax seals them. Put the photographs aside and begin the water spell:

“I’m speaking to eternal love, closing the circle. Outsiders cannot get into this circle, rivals cannot penetrate, our love cannot be destroyed. Let it be so!"

Place the wax-glued photographs in water, cover with a cloth and put them in a secluded place. As the water evaporates, it must be added, repeating the spell.

If the relationship is no longer needed, the photos are taken out of the water and torn from each other with the words: “I release you!” After this, information is removed from the photographs with the fire of a black candle.

The ritual can be performed independently, provided that the performer has sincere feelings for the object of the love spell. You cannot do this for the sake of curiosity or sporting interest - it is fraught with consequences. The reasons for carrying out the ritual can be: cooled feelings, the appearance of a mistress, suspicion of treason and other reasons.

If the husband is going on a business trip, and the wife is worried and afraid of betrayal, then this plot for the husband’s fidelity should be read when the husband has already fallen asleep.

You need to stand at the head of your sleeping husband and whisper the words seven times in a row:

“I conjure against treason far from me. You shouldn’t be in someone else’s bed, you shouldn’t kiss other girls. In my bed it’s sweet, like in heaven, you will always be faithful to me.”

While reading the plot, the spouse should not wake up. Read for three days in a row before his trip. A bewitched husband will not change his love and fidelity.

Summon your loved one

If you feel that a guy is cheating, you can use a ritual with a bay leaf, it is also called the gypsy ritual.

Bay leaf is not only a spice, it has powerful magical powers. Conditions of the ritual:

  • buy a new pack of bay leaves;
  • buy a new ball of red woolen thread;
  • When shopping, do not take change.

The ritual is performed near a pond, on the waxing moon, in the evening. Tie three laurel leaves without flaws with a thread and float them on the water with the words: “The laurel floats on the water, calling its beloved to my home.”

The object of influence will begin to yearn, he will be drawn to the performer of the ritual. Love yearnings will lead him to the house.

The Swan Fidelity ritual protects and strengthens marriage and relationships

This ritual is intended for those who want to create a strong family. It is carried out either before marriage or immediately after it. It is quite long and drawn out over time, but effective. The “Swan Fidelity” ritual can be performed both together and alone.

The ritual protects and strengthens marriage, eliminates conflicts and disagreements, protects against coldness in relationships, betrayal and jealousy. To carry it out you will need:

  • wedding (or other) rings given to each other or a ring if the ceremony is performed by one person;
  • two candles;
  • incense;
  • red fabric;
  • paper and pen;
  • plate;
  • clove or lavender oil.

If the ceremony is performed together, then the second participant repeats all the actions of the first. It is necessary to prepare for the ceremony.

Preparation for the ceremony

Each of the participants takes baths with aromatic oil (5-10 drops) for seven days in a row, placing a ring in the water. During the procedure, you need to relax and think about your loved one. You can take a bath together.

After the bath, remove the ring(s) from the water and take it to the bedroom. There it will be stored until the next ablution procedure.

To perform the ritual, you need to fumigate the house with incense.

On the day appointed for the ceremony, fumigate the house (apartment) with incense, going around all corners. Cover the table with a red cloth and light one candle. Place the ring(s) in front of the lit candle.

Take the ring in your left hand and, looking at the candle flame, think about what you want from this relationship, what an ideal marriage would be like. Performances must be vivid and realistic. They must be based on the real character of the chosen one, taking into account all his weaknesses and shortcomings.

When your thoughts take on a concrete meaning, you need to take a piece of paper and briefly write down the points of a happy marriage. They should be specific and not vague, for example:

  • waking up in the morning from a kiss;
  • talk without shouting and quarreling;
  • tell each other everything;
  • so that the husband earns more (amount), etc.

Formulations like: “I want to be happy”, “a strong marriage”, “to love” and others are not suitable.

Crumple the written sheet, wrap your ring in it, and burn it, placing it on a plate. Light the second candle from the first and extinguish the first. Remove the ring from the ashes and clean it with a piece of cloth soaked in aromatic oil.

Looking at the flame of the second candle, you need to think about what you will give to your chosen one. Write down the formed thoughts on paper in the form of short theses, for example:

  • I will cook a delicious breakfast;
  • kiss before work;
  • I will support him in everything, etc.

Crumple the sheet again, wrap it in a ring, and burn it. Clean the ring with another cloth. Place both rags on a plate and burn them. Scatter the ashes along the street by opening the window.

Hide the ring in a secluded place (in the bedroom) away from prying eyes. It is a talisman, a talisman to support the hearth, a guardian happy relationship. The “Swan Fidelity” ritual is another name for a ritual of well-being and fidelity in the family.

When performing a ritual of loyalty, thoughts must be pure so as not to cause complications

Any magical ritual affects the psyche and health of the target. It must be carried out extremely carefully. You cannot take on rituals without confidence in your abilities. Thoughts must be pure and feelings sincere.

Magical influence is carried out against the will of a person, without his knowledge and consent. This is dangerous and can cause complications. If the ritual is performed incorrectly, the consequences may be:

  • nervous breakdowns;
  • drunkenness;
  • feeling of persecution;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • skin diseases;
  • nightmares and fears;
  • irritability.

The line between white and black magic is very thin. The difference lies in the intentions. The slightest falsehood will result in a love spell and negative consequences, including leaving the family.

A bewitched man will rush about, not finding a way out. He won’t be able to live without the woman who bewitched him, but he won’t be able to be with her either. He will miss her without her, and hate her next to her. In such situations, beatings, scandals, and then repentance and requests for forgiveness are not uncommon. It is difficult to break this vicious circle.

Without love, it is impossible to perform fidelity rituals. You should not take risks without confidence in your feelings and extreme necessity.

Prayers for love and fidelity

For people who are deeply religious, magical rituals and conspiracies of fidelity are not suitable. It is better for them to use Orthodox prayers.

If the feelings of the spouses have cooled down, and everyday problems have come first, you can turn to higher powers with a prayer for help. A prayer for love to the Lord will strengthen a marriage, bring back old feelings and save the relationship between spouses.

Unlike any ritual, prayer does not force a person to act. Revived feelings in this case are a gift from God. And if the Lord deems it necessary, He will save the marriage. Perhaps the result will not be as fast as with magical influence, but it will be if it pleases God.

For prayers and spells to help, you need to do it with all your heart and with love

You can pray for love and fidelity to the patron saints of marriage. There are not many of them:

  • Peter and Fevronia are Murom miracle workers, patron saints of family and marriage.
  • Adrian and Natalia are holy martyrs, patrons of fidelity in marriage.
  • The Most Holy Theotokos is the intercessor of deceived wives, the patroness of the family.

When turning to saints with a prayer of devotion, it is necessary to light a candle in order to be heard. Prayers must be sincere and come from the heart. You can learn a suitable prayer by heart or use your own words.

A prayer for fidelity to the Lord is read in front of holy images, lighting a lamp. Every word must be accompanied by sincere faith, without which words will turn into empty words.

Which path to happiness to choose - prayers for love or conspiracies - everyone decides for himself. The main thing is to do it with all your heart and with love.

Let's consider in detail the love spell for a man's fidelity on the top of his head - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.


The conspiracy of fidelity and prevention of betrayal given below is very strong and is done independently only once on your beloved boyfriend or husband so that he does not walk to the left. Reading allegiance plot“burden of fidelity” of a person if you are very worried about the safety of fidelity to you and the protection of a person from all kinds of life temptations (betrayal). In this situation, love magic can help you, namely a love spell for the fidelity of the husband or boyfriend whom you love and already live with him in a civil marriage. A quick fidelity plot that protects a loved one from betrayal:

I have a seal of loyalty, no one can take this seal:

Neither a trilingual curse, nor a gray-haired grandfather, nor a cunning led,

Angels, archangels, take the seal, behind carry me.

After reading the words of the conspiracy to be faithful to your loved one just once, he will never cheat on you. The ritual of the burden of fidelity will work instantly and will be able to stop the betrayal of your husband and beloved man.

LOVE LOVE WITH PRAYERS. HOW TO LOVE YOUR LOVED ONE WITH PRAYERS By reading this love spell text and praying to higher powers, your loved one will fall in love with you very much and nothing and no one can interfere with your love, so if you have decided on your love feelings and are sure that you will never stop loving your loved one, the following love spell prayer which you need to read

A conspiracy to end a pregnancy with your husband's mistress. What to do if your husband cheated and your mistress is pregnant. This powerful conspiracy to end a pregnancy with your mistress is suitable if your mistress becomes pregnant and plays on your husband's feelings. A black conspiracy for miscarriage will help. This magical damage - emergency termination of pregnancy done using black magic will help

How to make a guy fall in love with you using a love spell as a proven method How to make a guy fall in love with you using magic This is a question that is asked when all other methods have already been tried and there is almost no hope left. In love magic there is a proven way to make your beloved young man or an already grown man fall deeply in love with you and after reading the words of the love spell spell

LOVE SPELL ON A PHOTO IN YOUR PHONE This love spell is used if you want to bewitch a person yourself and you have a photo of him taken on a mobile phone. This strong love spell is suitable for everyone, that is, it can be done on a guy or a married man, and with the help of this magical ritual you can bewitch the girl you like and all that is required is

A strong love spell plot: how to divorce a husband from his wife and a mistress become a wife How a mistress can become the wife of a married man To do this, you will have to wait or make a lapel of someone else’s husband from his wife, and in order to independently carry out a magical ritual with the intention of divorcing your wife from her husband, you will need a heart drawn and cut out of a sheet of paper . Remember that when making data

HOW TO RETURN YOUR HUSBAND SPELL TO RETURN TO THE FAMILY How to return your husband’s love and happy days spent together if he left home or had a mistress and what kind of love spell or conspiracy will help in returning your loved one? If you are reading this text, then you have decided to seek help from the magic of love and return the love of your husband by conducting an ancient and very strong

Conspiracy to make a wish come true on your birthday Every person has wishes and dreams, and how you want every desired dream to come true as if by magic, but not everyone knows that every person has such an opportunity and all that is needed for this is to read an ancient and very powerful book a conspiracy to fulfill a cherished wish on your birthday and it is not applicable

Lapel from a wife with an intention for divorce Girls who have fallen in love with a married man or boyfriend are looking for ways to independently make a lapel for a husband from his wife, and for this purpose the following lapel spell has enormous power and is done at home on a wedding candle with an intention for divorce. It’s not for nothing that knowledgeable people advise keeping wedding candles for the rest of your life.

How to independently remove a love spell on your beloved husband using salt at home If you began to notice the appearance of an obsessive craving for another person in your beloved husband, he became cold and irritable towards you. Most likely, a love spell has been cast on your husband; you can determine and remove it yourself, and we will teach you how to do this and return your bewitched husband from your mistress

SPELL FOR BEAUTY AND YOUTH The magic of beauty stores many powerful spells for beauty by reading which girls become younger and more attractive to the guys around them. If you have seen men show signs of attention to an unattractive woman, most likely this is the effect of a beauty spell and this person has read a strong spell for beauty and youth and so

CONSPIRACY FOR BEAUTY AND ATTRACTIVENESS Today we will tell you how to independently carry out rituals for beauty and attractiveness. If you feel like a gray mouse in a company and guys don’t pay attention to you, a strong spell on beauty and attractiveness will make all men admire only you. This plot is intended only for young people

A strong conspiracy of fidelity, a ritual of the burden of fidelity, read so as not to cheat

Love spell ritual and conspiracy for fidelity and prevention of betrayal which we will talk about is a very strong and independent love spell spell that is done only once on your beloved husband and boyfriend or man so that he does not walk to the left and cannot cheat. Loyalty plot “burden of fidelity” will protect your loved one from the temptation to cheat and he will not stand on others. If you are worried about the integrity of your loved one, spend rite of fidelity and live in peace. Read only once love spell for the fidelity of your beloved husband or boyfriend with whom you live in a civil marriage. Read a quick and powerful plot for fidelity and prevention of betrayal needed for any item your loved one wears. Conspiracy words against betrayal which you need to read on a person's thing:

Neither with hands, nor with charming words, nor with a dissuasive spell,

Neither a three-tongued curse, nor a gray-haired grandfather, nor cunning knowledge,

Neither a sorceress, nor an evil sorceress, nor a shaman, nor a cunning deceiver,

Neither clear eyes, nor black curls, nor white breasts,

Neither Adam's Garden, nor in front, nor behind.

My seal cannot be broken, slave (name of husband or boyfriend)

I can’t lure him, he won’t change me forever and ever.

He will admire me forever, as he will fear the fire of betrayal.

Just as a child cries for its breast, a foal cries for its mother.

No one will come between us, only one thing can separate us:

If one of us dies, he will take the seal with him.

Angels, archangels, take the seal and follow me.

Century after century, from now on and forever. Key, lock, tongue.

A love spell against a husband's infidelity will help stop and prevent the infidelity of the husband and the man he loves and the guy he likes with the help of the magic of prayer. If you independently read the prayer for a good life against your husband’s infidelity and perform a simple ritual on poppy seeds, a strong conspiracy can make sure that the husband does not go out on the side, does not drink or go out with friends, and he is always drawn to his wife’s family. White conspiracy - prayer will stop your husband’s infidelities and return peace and love to the family. For a long time, conspiracies and prayers against betrayal of a beloved husband have helped wives preserve their family in mutual love and harmony, free them from betrayal and jealousy, ensuring a good life for the family. Poppy in the old days

How to bewitch with the help of a photo and how to make a love spell on your own from a photo, the conspiracies for today will tell you. To perform a magical ritual for love, you need to prepare and collect the attributes necessary for a love spell. To perform a love spell ritual, even a photograph taken on a phone is suitable, but the photo must be single (where the man is alone), and the photograph from the phone must be printed on paper. In addition to the photo, for a love spell you will need a church candle, holy water, a new unsewn needle and red thread, a piece of cloth and a coin. A love spell is performed right at home at any time of the day or night, lunar cycle for a love spell it doesn’t matter either.

Magic on the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28, according to the tradition of our ancestors, helped to maintain the fading love between husband and wife or kindle ardent love in a young man (guy) whom the girl wanted to bewitch and fall in love with herself forever. Conspiracies for the Assumption for love continue to be read independently in our time with the goal of creating a strong family that remains faithful between spouses. When is Assumption this year? Holy Mother of God and the ever-Virgin Mary, you can remember the signs and customs of our ancestors and, resorting to white love magic, read a conspiracy - a prayer for love, fidelity and marriage, after performing a simple ritual in the church on church candles. What a conspiracy -

After reading a spell on salt, you can quickly eliminate your rival without the name of your rival and without her photograph using magic and conspiracy. Do a magical ritual yourself and after reading the spell on your rival for salt, your rival in love or mistress will quarrel with the person you love and the power of magic will return him to you. On the Internet on forums you can read many positive reviews of those who made a conspiracy to cool off from a rival. This conspiracy will very quickly eliminate your rival forever and bring your loved one back to you. A very simple ritual to perform, if necessary, can be performed by any unprepared person whose love has been encroached upon by another woman and everything that is needed for this,

A conspiracy to reconcile a husband and wife after a quarrel will make sure that the beloved husband himself apologizes and also forgives the offense against his wife. Reconciliation magic is a very common magical ritual with which you can reconcile spouses in a very short period of time. This ancient conspiracy against a husband after a quarrel should be read by the wife herself and not tell anyone about the ritual she performed on her own to reconcile with her loved one. Only under this condition, even if you have had a big quarrel, can a conspiracy to reconcile the warring parties, influencing the kindness and love of the husband, be able to force him to be the first to reconcile and ask for forgiveness from his wife. A strong plot to reconcile with a loved one

You need to read a strong conspiracy on your saliva yourself if you need to make your loved one love you deeply and, when apart, yearn only for you. The magical power of saliva will make your loved one want to be and communicate only with you and all other women and girls will be indifferent to him. This very old love spell with saliva was often used by girls in Rus' when their beloved boyfriends or husbands left to work in another city. A love spell - a love spell on saliva helped save a marriage and protect a loved one from betrayal. The magic of saliva has helped me more than once to bring a strong feeling to my loved one.

This ritual is also suitable for those who, after reading the plot, want to please all men and attract their attention to themselves with the help of magic. After reading a plot to meet a certain person you liked, make sure that the power of magic will help you meet a worthy man by “pushing” him to be the first to take the step towards a serious relationship with you. And it’s up to you to decide who to make of a man after the influence of a conspiracy on him. You want to find a lover or husband on your own by reading a strong and safe plot to meet a wealthy man, it’s up to you to decide. You can bind a person to yourself with magical bonds of love while being at a distance from him, without contact with the man

The most powerful ritual with the reading of a conspiracy for ardent love is done on twisted church candles. A powerful binary love spell with instant action. If you need a non-binary love spell, use a love spell on an apple. As soon as you twist two candles together and read the love spell on them, the love spell will immediately begin to work! It is practically impossible to remove a love spell on twisted candles on your own and it is done only if you really love a person very much and he does not love you. It’s not for nothing that many magicians call a love spell on twisted (twisted together) candles “black”

A love spell for the Presentation of the Lord helps you meet your love, get married quickly, or strengthen and rekindle the love feelings of your loved one. There is a belief that on Candlemas winter meets spring, and by reading a prayer on this day - a spell for love, the Lord helps loving souls meet and forever bind people with a feeling of pure and true love for each other. Having read a love spell on the day of the meeting, the magical effect begins at the same hour and the person on whom the love spell was cast - the spell begins to experience a strong love attraction for his soul mate, even if you don’t know each other yet, soon through a series of events you will meet and

The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, although religious holiday, but all conspiracies and rituals for love on this day have enormous power. Especially if on the Intercession you read conspiracies and prayers to strengthen love, for a quick marriage or meeting and getting to know your betrothed. According to tradition, on the day of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the church, after reading a prayer from her icon, you can beg a good, rich and successful groom and marry your loved one in the same year. I will now tell you what prayer to read on Intercession. When you come to any church or chapel, light a candle to the Mother of God and say the following:

Christmas, Advent and Christmas Week are the most best time for reading spells and performing magical rituals. Ancient spells and magical rituals for love read during the Nativity Fast can quickly make the person you like fall in love with you. In addition to falling in love, with the help of a conspiracy, you can very quickly marry a man by influencing him with the help of Christmas love magic. So, if you need to make a guy fall in love with you or force an adult man to marry with the help of magic, the following Christmas ritual and love spell read during Christmas will help fulfill this desire

A conspiracy will help you meet your husband or fall in love with the man you like - a prayer for love to the Blessed Virgin Mary, which must be read on any day during the Dormition Fast. This very old belief has already helped many married women and widows can quickly get married and live in a happy marriage with their husband, enjoying every moment spent next to their loved one. This is not a magical ritual, but a conspiratorial prayer addressed to Mother of God asking for help in starting a family. As was said earlier, on any day of the Dormition Fast, go to church and read the text of the conspiracy - prayers for

Petrov fast is famous for its magical rituals for strong and eternal love, which can be obtained if you read a love spell over hot tea on your own on one of the days of fasting. To make a person fall in love with you and become the most beautiful, sweet and desirable for him, you need to treat your loved one with this drink, spelled for eternal and true love. A love spell - a love spell read in Petrov's post for tea, will strongly and forever bind your beloved boyfriend, husband, or man to you as soon as he drinks a sip of tea for which a love spell is made. Words of a love spell that need to be whispered over

On the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which occurs on April 7, there are many folk traditions and beliefs. Many women and girls read a strong conspiracy prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos on the Feast of the Annunciation with only one goal - to marry profitably and quickly out of mutual love and live with her husband all her life in love, peace and harmony. You can read the text of the appeal to the Mother of God for marriage on the day of the Annunciation at home, standing in front of her icon. It is not at all necessary to learn the words by heart, you can read them from paper, but this must be done without mistakes. The Annunciation ritual for marriage and strong love is simple enough to perform it yourself. As stated earlier


Is it possible to bewitch your husband on your own without bad consequences? I, magician Sergei Artgrom, within the framework of our topic - love witchcraft, magical rituals and home conspiracies in the practices of black magic - this is a rhetorical question that does not require an answer due to its obviousness. You can have a magical effect on any person. The weak will succumb to influence immediately. You will have to fight with the strong, but even the strong can be forced to bear the love spell burden.

Independent conspiracies against cheating on your husband - how to read them and what they give

Today the focus of our attention is on legitimate husbands and homewreckers - rivals. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in what ways you can bewitch your husband using a photo, and what the consequences of independent magical influence may be. And, in addition, we’ll talk about how to use a strong conspiracy against your husband’s mistress in order to destroy an affair on the side and preserve the integrity of the marriage.

Just for this, to save a marriage and maintain a full-fledged relationship, there is a home ritual against cheating on your husband. Take the man’s shoes, slam the sole against the sole 3 times and say:

They read home conspiracies for the husband not to cheat, on the waning moon, in contrast to those that are read for love, so that the husband is kind and caring, on the waxing moon. If strong black magic conspiracies are chosen, they are read according to all the rules of black love witchcraft, with the calling of Powers, payoffs, and so on. There are a huge number of conspiracies and love spells for harmonizing relationships for husband’s fidelity, which work on the power of the performer and according to the laws of sympathetic magic.

And if you work with Christian Forces within the framework of white magic, and read conspiracies for husband's mistress, then this must be done according to the rules of the Christian egregor, and no other way. Here is an example of a white conspiracy against a husband’s infidelity and to hide him from other people’s women.

love spell for a man's fidelity on the top of his head

Family happiness usually begins with a beautiful courtship, a happy period when lovers do not need anything or anyone but each other and it seems that boundless happiness and a sea of ​​love await them ahead. But, no matter how sad it is, even the ocean has a shore and rocky shores on which boats break. Women experience family life much easier than freedom-loving men. The concept of time as an impermanent change does not occur to them. When they feel good and comfortable, they don’t think at all, and when they feel a little uncomfortable, pictures of utter misfortune appear in their heads with a period of eternity. And it’s very sad when such a “demon” inhabits your beloved husband at moments when you need him, as support, as a friend and husband. Toxicosis during pregnancy, troubles at work, untimely loss of a beloved pet. All this is not always clear to husbands. Instead of support, we hear reproaches and doubts that the marriage took place for many years. Quarrels, disagreements, scandals begin and then, literally over nothing, the family falls apart. If you turn to higher powers in time, read out a conspiracy for the husband’s fidelity and peace in the family, then you can not only avoid a quarrel, but also save the family.

When is it better to use a loyalty plot?

Of course, you shouldn’t read the plot whenever you want or for the sake of interest. Still, any intervention by the forces of the Universe, even with good intentions, can turn into a sad lesson for you personally and your curious friends. By the way, there is a fine line between a conspiracy and a love spell. Although there is a great difference in these rituals, one wrong word or poor preparation and your desires can turn into bad intentions to break the will of another person, instead of calming his temporary thoughts that frighten him.

Therefore, when reading the plot, be especially careful and do not hold a grudge against anyone.

Spells for fidelity to husband and loved one


Find the gelding and take a good long hair from his mane. Insert it into the elastic band of your husband’s underwear, saying:

« Just as a gelding does not have the strength to stand over a black, red or white stallion, so the servant of God (name) does not have the strength to look at any woman except his wife, the servant of God (name).”

Don't forget to mention yourself when slandering,

otherwise you risk making your husband an irritated impotent.

Against other conspiracies

All women are a little bit of a witch, so don’t be surprised if a man goes “to the left” not of his own free will. You can make a turn against impudent girls for food at home.

Prepare the meat broth; when it foams, do not throw it away, but put it in a cup. After the conspiracy, give it to the dogs.

« Just as my food boils and will never live again, so my husband, God’s servant (name), cannot be fed to anyone or dried, neither raw, nor salty, nor sweet, nor boiled, nor baked, nor liquid. - not like anything else. Boil the evil out of the flesh, and the dog devours it to its health. And then my word will be interrupted when the dog sings like a nightingale.”

After a hearty lunch or dinner, do not argue with your husband, avoid a quarrel. Be an affectionate wife.

For your food from treason

The meat broth described above cannot be spoken several times and various conspiracies cannot be read over it, otherwise fate will be confused and misfortunes and illnesses will come to the house. Protection soup is intended for one time use only and lasts for a long time. But this conspiracy removes any love spell and protects a man even from your conspiracies to exclude betrayal. If you decide that you shouldn’t be afraid of a judgment from the outside, but it makes sense to “slow down” your husband’s interest in new employees at work or to cool off his interest in young ladies, then you can read such a conspiracy for your own preparation.

« Let the servant of God (name), besides the food that his wife gives him, the servant of God (name) eat and drink nothing, and may not sleep a wink in someone else’s house. All his noble thoughts will be about his family and his wife, away from sin and closer to the family hearth.”

Holy water and full moon

Take holy water from the church. On a full moon, place water in a saucer so that the full moon is reflected in the cup. Say these words:

« The moon is full and clear and my thoughts are clear and full of love. Give, Mother Moon, the power to holy water to infuse it into the servant of God (name) and he knew that there was no better servant of God, his wife (name), in the world. I wouldn’t wash my face, I wouldn’t fall asleep without her, I would shift from side to side and I wouldn’t eat at someone else’s table with beauties.”

It is necessary to make sure that no one sees your water, and no one hears slander. Before going to bed, while your husband is away, dip your fingers in water and cross his pillow.

« You won’t fall asleep without me, you won’t calm down without me. You will rush about and rush home.”

Thus, for the next month you will protect your family from betrayal.

Does conspiracy affect health?

Yes, a conspiracy affects health and the psyche if it is prepared incorrectly and with malicious intent. You must know exactly the goal: to protect, smooth out the conflict, calm your husband’s unpleasant thoughts. And not to take revenge, to cripple, to take away and hide from everyone. Remember that love is freedom, and not a web in which a person begins to suffocate. It’s up to you to prevent discord or to madly draw strength from the source of magic, but the outcome has long been clear: either you are Vasilisa the Wise or Kikimora the Swamp, alone, angry and lonely.

You can charm a person no more than 2 times a year; in subsequent situations, his body will resist an unnatural state, irritation and suspicion will appear, and true love will fade away against the background of unnatural affection. Therefore, speak to your loved one only when necessary.

Remember, the Universe always gives strength if you ask nicely, but you will have to pay for your thoughts and actions yourself.

Magic: love spells

As you know, one of the most important causes of discord (and even divorce) between spouses is infidelity. This phenomenon, frankly speaking, is very common, but let’s try, armed with amulets, to prevent it.

So that your husband is untenable with any woman except you: take a hair from the gelding’s mane and put it, along with an elastic band, into his underpants with the words: Go into the forest and collect cobwebs on the aspen trees. For three days in a row, collect the cobwebs once, and then boil them in water. Strain out the cobwebs and throw them away, drain the water, talk about them and add them little by little to your husband’s tea. You can also slander when the web is boiling. The most commonly used love spell for men is food and drink. How can you prevent such an “attack” on your beloved? Boil the meat, and when it boils, remove the foam from it and put it in a cup. Speak on the boiling meat and give the foam to the dogs.

Prepare enchanted food for your husband - a talisman against possible betrayal: The same is read for food or drink for your husband, so that his thoughts are only about home. To prevent your husband from having a carnal desire for another woman, perform this ritual. For him you will need hair from his head and two thin church candles. The plot is read on the full moon, at midnight. When you pronounce the first part of the spell, burn your hair over one candle and immediately put it out. Read the second part of the plot on the second candle until it burns out completely. Afterwards, take the unburnt first candle to the church and place it for the repose of the soul of one of your husband’s deceased relatives.

Prepare some aspen shavings, and on the fortieth day after Ivan Kupala, brew them in boiling water. While the water is boiling, read the spell on it once, and once on the tap water in a glass. When it gets dark, take out the sawdust with water and pour it at the gate of the house. Silently return home and eat a piece of bread, drink it with plain water, for which you also read the spell. During full moon go into the forest and choose a place there where the echo can be heard well. Of course, no one should hear your “conversation” with the echo. Speak loudly, and the echo should answer you. Such a ritual will also have a preventive effect. Take holy water from the church, pour three tablespoons onto a plate and place it at midnight on the full moon so that the moonlight falls on the plate.