Homogeneous and heterogeneous rule sentences. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions in Russian. The concept of homogeneous members

Homogeneous definitions

The greatest difficulties in establishing the homogeneity or heterogeneity of the members of the proposal are associated with homogeneous definitions, which should be distinguished from inhomogeneous ones (and this is not always easy).

First of all, homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions relate differently to the noun being defined.

Each of homogeneous definitions explains the directly defined noun: interesting, forcaptivating film.

In the case of heterogeneous definitions, only the definition closest to the noun is directly related to it and forms a single complex name together with the noun. And a definition more distant from the noun characterizes all this complex name as a whole: Good May day that is the definition good does not refer to the word day, and to the phrase May day.

Heterogeneity relationships are most often observed between qualitative and relative adjectives-definitions (large glass vase, new leather bag), at the same time, the relative adjective stands immediately before the noun and is part of the complex name, and the qualitative one characterizes all this complex name as a whole.

Definitions are usually heterogeneous if: 1) they are expressed by a pronoun and an adjective: your bluecostume; our new friend; every interesting book; 2) numeral and adjective: first winter day;two old linden trees; 3) participle and adjective: crumbling autumn leaves; faded gray eyes; 4) qualitative adjective and relative: big kachange house; bright morning dawn; strong male voice. Such definitions denote different attributes of an object: belonging and color, size and material, shape and color, quality and location, etc.

Combinations with homogeneous definitions semantically different. In general, they can be divided into two groups: 1) definitions that name the features of different objects; 2) definitions that name the features of the same object. (Heterogeneous definitions always characterize one subject, but from different angles: There was an old hanging wall clock in the office (L. Tolstoy).)

1) With the help of definitions, varieties of objects are designated that differ in any one respect: in color, purpose, material, geographic location etc.

For example: At a great distance the city sprawled andquietly blazed and sparkled with blue, white, yellow lights (V. Korolenko).

Homogeneity of definitions in such groups is strictly obligatory and easily recognizable. (It is precisely such definitions that either include or allow the inclusion of the union c.)

2) Much more common are such homogeneous definitions, which characterize the same object or a single group of objects. It can be:

a) definitions-synonyms (the homogeneity of which is obligatory, since they express one feature, i.e. characterize the subject from one side): sharp, piercing wind; thick, dense fog;

b) definitions that denote signs different, but often and naturally accompanying each other (between such definitions, you can insert a causal union because, because): dark, low clouds; nocturnal, desert city;

3) definitions are necessarily homogeneous, of which the first is single, and the second is participial turnover (a single definition precedes the common one): walked alongquiet, starlit taiga(But: walked along the illuminatedstars of the quiet taiga).

4) definitions-epithets (emotional, artistic definitions). Such definitions are found mainly in descriptive contexts. works of art, where using homogeneous definitions every single detail of the description is underlined. Uniformity such definitions may be mandatory or optional. Homogeneity does not receive a distinct design and depends on the entire statement. Such definitions are united by some common feature. The basis for this association may be the similarity of the impression produced: The letter is written in large, uneven, thin handwriting. (A. Kuprin); Short, velvety grass grows green near the spring. (I. Turgenev); Arriving home, Laevsky and Nadezhda Fyodorovna went into their dark, stuffy, boring rooms. (A. Chekhov); In the gray sky there were wadded, dry clouds (K. Paustovsky).

As a rule, the semantic convergence of definitions in the context occurs when figurative meaning words, so such definitions are usually artistic definitions (epithets).

A special kind of definitions are definitions connected by explanatory relations: Pierre noticed a new, youthful expression on his friend's face.(L. Tolstoy); He translated our words into his own, incomprehensible language (M. Prishvin).

In such combinations, the second definition explains the first.

The meaning of an explanation is often revealed only in context: Give me another red pencil(no explanation: there was one red pencil, another one is needed). Give meanother red pencil(explanation: there was a pencil of a different color, and now we need a red one).

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

Multiple definitions for one defined noun are not always and therefore not always separated by commas. The distinction between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions is one of the most difficult topics school curriculum. Below are lists of signs of homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, further in the section "Punctuation marks for homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions" some of them are considered in more detail and are accompanied by examples.

Signs of homogeneity of definitions(briefly) :

  • indicate signs of homogeneous objects: blue, yellow, red balloons;
  • designate synonymous signs in the context: mighty, violent, deafening downpour;
  • designate features that are interdependent in context (= since, therefore): moonlit, clear evening(= clear, because lunar);
  • designate artistic images, metaphors: leaden, extinguished eyes;
  • there is a semantic gradation: joyful, festive, radiant mood;
  • the single definition is placed before the common one: empty snow-covered field;
  • located after the defined word: young, beautiful, kind, intelligent, charming woman;
  • denote a subjective characteristic (optional feature): small, golden cloud; long, narrow carpet;
  • in position after the word being defined: clouds are round, high, golden gray, with delicate white edges.

Signs of heterogeneity of definitions(briefly):

  • designate the shape and material: pot-bellied nut bureau;
  • indicate color and shape: white round clouds;
  • indicate the size and material: large stone houses;
  • indicate quality and location: gloomy Siberian river.

Punctuation marks athomogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

1. A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions that are not connected by unions.

Definitions are homogeneous, If

a) indicate the distinguishing features of different objects: Red, white, pink, yellow carnations made up a beautiful bouquet;

b) denote various features of the same object, characterizing it on the one hand: A strange, sharp, painful cry suddenly rang out twice in a row over the river.;

c) each of the definitions directly refers to the noun being defined, and therefore a coordinating union can be inserted between them "And". Wed: clear, calm moonlight (clear and calm moonlight); a cup of thick, strong coffee (a cup of thick and strong coffee) and so on.


  • homogeneous definitions can also characterize an object from different angles, if at the same time in context they are united by some common feature (the similarity of the impression they make, appearance etc.): He held out his red, swollen, dirty hand to me; Heavy, cold clouds lay on the tops of the surrounding mountains; Gray strands shone in thick, dark hair; pale, stern face; cheerful, good-natured laughter; deserted, inhospitable house; affectionate, lively eyes; proud, brave look; dry, chapped lips; heavy, angry feeling; grey, continuous, fine rain etc.;
  • are usually homogeneous artistic definitions(epithets): His pale blue, glassy eyes;
  • homogeneous also synonymous(in terms of context) definitions: quiet, modest river; silent, timid, timid girl. In a series of such definitions, each subsequent one can strengthen the sign they express, forming a semantic gradation: There was a joyful, festive, radiant mood; In autumn, the steppes completely change and get their unusual, special, incomparable appearance.;
  • in the role of homogeneous definitions are usually adjective followed by participial phrase:An elderly man with a luxuriant, graying beard entered.;
  • as a rule, agreed-upon definitions are homogeneous, standing after the defined word: On the winter road, a boring trio of greyhounds runs. Exception are terminological combinations: pipes are thin-walled electrowelded corrosion-proof; late winter pear;
  • homogeneous are definitions that are opposed to a combination of other definitions with the same defined word: Six months later, long, cold nights give way to quiet, warm ones..

2. A comma is not placed between heterogeneous definitions.

Definitions are heterogeneous, if they characterize the object from different sides: big stone house(size and material); white round stones(color and shape); beautiful Moscow boulevards(quality and location), etc. Such definitions can become homogeneous if they are united common feature: Our terrace now stands on new, brick pillars.(the unifying feature is “strong”).


  • heterogeneous definitions are more often expressed by a combination of a qualitative and a relative adjective: a new leather briefcase, an interesting children's book, a warm July night, a bright birch grove, transparent window panes and so on.;
  • less commonly heterogeneous definitions consist of a combination quality adjectives: old gloomy house, interesting rare editions.

Exercises for the topic "Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions»

Exercise 1. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put commas.

1. He was born into a poor peasant family.

2. A clear bright thoughtful smile lies on the clouds.
3. The sun's rays play on the thick juicy dewy grass.
4. She involuntarily indulged in involuntary disinterested love.
5. Heavy cold clouds lay on the tops of the mountains.
6. I saw a young, beautiful, kind, intelligent woman.
7. In the chest I found a yellowed letter written in Latin.
8. Through the small icy light came through the window.
9. Alyosha gave him a small folding round mirror.
10. He had big fish eyes.
11. A flat, dull steppe stretched around.
12. A sonorous children's laughter was heard.
13. The dark, unlit windows of the houses looked unfriendly.
14. Everything fell asleep in a sound healthy sleep.
15. It was a cold autumn evening.
16. Large heavy drops hung on the branches.
17. Memories are a living trembling world full of poetry.
18. Cucumbers occupied the best sunny part of the garden.
19. A dry hot wind was blowing.
20. A strong pre-dawn dream overcame him.
21. Wet loose and dazzling snow lay in the fields.
22. We walked through the quiet taiga, illuminated by stars.
23. The rain-washed young grass smelled stupefyingly.
24. Tolstoy could not write unless he had a good clean paper in front of him.
25. On a warm summer morning I went to Lvov.
26. Red blue yellow rocky peaks rise to the sky.
27. A strong gusty wind shook the trees and hummed in the forest.
28. It is quiet in the old country park.
29. A yellow maple leaf, killed in autumn, is slowly falling to the ground.
30. All travelers were dressed in the same polar suits.

Answers: 2,3,4,6,7,8,13,14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 26, 29.

Exercise 2. Write off the text, placing the missing commas.
In the meantime, the sun had risen slightly above the horizon. Now the sea shone no longer entirely, but only in two places. On the very horizon a long radiant streak burned, and dozens of bright eyes-cutting stars flashed in the slowly rolling waves. Throughout the rest of its vast expanse, the sea shone with the tender, sad blueness of an August calm. Petya admired the sea. No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get tired of it. It is always different new unseen. It changes every hour before our eyes. Sometimes it is quiet light blue in several places covered with silvery almost white stripes of calm. That it is bright blue fiery sparkling. Then, under a fresh wind, it suddenly becomes dark indigo woolen, as if it were being stroked against the nap.


  • Section "Punctuation marks in sentences with homogeneous members" in the manual Golub I.B. "Russian language and culture of speech"
  • Section "Definitions" in the electronic manual "

In some sentences, there are words that perform the same syntactic function, refer to one word, but are not homogeneous members. Such words are called heterogeneous members of the sentence.

The main differences between homogeneous and not homogeneous members sentences with examples are given in the table.


Homogeneous members of a sentence

Heterogeneous members of the proposal

By value

Characterize the defined word on the one hand

Characterize the defined word from different angles

By syntactic link

Can be connected by connecting, adversarial, dividing and other unions, unionless connection

Usually, a union or a comma is not put between heterogeneous members of a sentence.

By syntactic function

Can be expressed by any member of the sentence

Most often expressed by heterogeneous definitions

Sentence examples

She speaks well in English, A French.

During the competition, the guys and decided puzzles, and ran relay race, and came up with questions for competitors.

Wide wood the table was in the corner of the room.

I bought sweet green apples for the pie.

In the position after the word being defined, heterogeneous members of the sentence are written separated by commas.

Example: Trees, high, noisy, inclined their branches to the water. ( Compare: High noisy the trees leaned their branches towards the water).

How to distinguish homogeneous definitions from heterogeneous ones in a sentence?

Homogeneous definitions create a holistic impression of the subject, they call it a certain quality (shape, size, color). Homogeneous definitions can be expressed by adjectives of the same category by value, less often by adjectives and participles. (red and yellow walls; fox and hare holes; damp, reluctantly drying soil).

Heterogeneous definitions name different properties of the object being defined. Heterogeneous definitions can be expressed by a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives, numerals and adjectives, pronouns and adjectives, etc. (strong Walnut; My favorite film; first mercury thermometer.

Examples of sentences with homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions: Misha had in his collection copper, silver And bronze coins ( homogeneous). - Misha collected ancient bronze coins ( heterogeneous). Katya put things in large And small boxes ( homogeneous). - Katya put things in large cardboard boxes ( heterogeneous).

In one sentence, both homogeneous and heterogeneous members of the sentence can be used.

Example: The artist painted with blue and red oil paints ( blue, red- homogeneous members of the proposal; oil blue, oil red- heterogeneous members of the proposal).

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In this lesson, you will get acquainted with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, learn to distinguish between them, learn the rules for determining homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, consider interesting examples offers.

2. Homogeneous will be definitions that characterize one subject, but on different grounds.

For example:

terrible, tragic, an incredible set of circumstances prevented me from doing homework In Russian(Fig. 2) .

Each of these definitions refers directly to the word being defined, and a coordinating conjunction can be inserted between them:

terrible And tragic,

terrible And incredible

Rice. 2. The boy is doing homework ().

3. As a rule, artistic definitions, that is, epithets, are homogeneous.

For example:

bright, gentle sun(Fig. 3)

gloomy, evil neighbor

important, haughty look

funny, optimistic disposition

Rice. 3. Bright, gentle sun ().

4. Definitions will be homogeneous if they form a semantic gradation, i.e., each subsequent definition enhances the expressed feature.

For example:

Light, joyful , festive mood overwhelmed Maxim, who finally returned home.

5. If a participle turnover follows after a single definition, then such definitions are homogeneous and are separated by a comma.

For example:

It's been a long time , months-long return(Fig. 4) .

Do not forget that the participial turnover, standing before the word being defined, is not isolated. So after the word months there is no comma.

1. Definitions will not be homogeneous if the previous definition does not refer to the word being defined directly, but to the combination of the next definition with the word being defined.

For example:

Bigsquare chocolate candy(Fig. 5) .

If you carefully consider the sentence, it becomes clear that the word big refers to the combination square chocolate candy, A

definition square refers to the combination chocolate candy.

These definitions characterize an object, in our case, a chocolate candy, according to different features, according to different characteristics.




2. Heterogeneous definitions are very often expressed by a combination of a qualitative and a relative adjective. After all different types adjectives mean different things.

For example:

I got delicious strawberry ice cream today(Fig. 6) .

Words delicious And strawberry are heterogeneous definitions.

Rice. 6. Strawberry ice cream ().

There was a huge striped lollipop in a red cardboard box.(Fig. 7) .

Red And cardboard- heterogeneous definitions.

Huge And striped- heterogeneous definitions.

3. It is easy to identify heterogeneous definitions expressed by relative adjectives.

For example:

openworkcast iron gate,

summerlinguistic school,

4. If a relative adjective is combined with a participle, then these definitions will also be heterogeneous.

For example:


That's all the basic rules that are needed to understand whether definitions are homogeneous or not. However, there are even more complex, but interesting cases, when it is not so easy to understand whether this definition is homogeneous or not, because it is related to the meaning of the sentence.

If we recognize definitions as homogeneous, then we want to say that these definitions have some common feature, that we combine them according to some characteristic:

  • in appearance;
  • by the impression made;
  • by cause and effect, etc.

For example:

shone bright , summer sun (Fig. 8) .

In this sentence, we can put a comma if we want to say that it was bright precisely because it was summer.

Rice. 8. Bright, summer sun ().

Even in our candy example:

Large square chocolate candy.

Big , square , chocolate candy.

Big+ square+ chocolate

We combine these features general meaning- a good candy, we like everything about this candy: its size, its shape, and its composition. And, of course, such a sentence is pronounced with a completely different intonation.

Consider another example:

I was treated to a delicious chocolate candy.

In this sentence, the definition is expressed by a qualitative and relative adjective, characterizes the subject in various ways, and, of course, they are heterogeneous. But not everything is so simple. If we still put a comma, this sentence will take on a new meaning:

I was treated to delicious , chocolate candy(Fig. 9) .

In this case, the word chocolate acquires a clarifying meaning, that is, we thus make it clear that only chocolate candy can be tasty, and all other sweets are tasteless.

Rice. 9. Chocolate candy ().

Compare two sentences:

I will order another cream ice cream(Fig. 10) .

I will order another , ice cream.

In the first case, the definitions are heterogeneous and it is clear that the previous ice cream was also creamy. And in the second sentence, the definitions are homogeneous, a comma is placed between them, and the second definition acquires a clarifying meaning, that is, the previous ice cream was not creamy. This sentence is pronounced with a clarifying intonation.

Rice. 10. Ice cream ().

In today's lesson, you learned to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions, and realized how one comma can change the meaning of a sentence.


1. Bagryantseva V.A., Bolycheva E.M., Galaktionova I.V., Zhdanova L.A., Litnevskaya E.I., Stepanova E.B. Russian language. Tutorial for senior classes of humanitarian schools, Publishing House of Moscow University, 2011.

2. Barkhudarov S.G., Kryuchkov S.E., Maksimov L.Yu.. Cheshko L.A. Russian language . 8th grade. Tutorial for educational institutions,: Enlightenment, 2013

3. Russian language: textbook for 8th grade general education. institutions / T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, M.T. Baranov, L.A. Trostentsova and others - M .: Education, JSC "Moscow textbooks", 2008.

1. Website videotutor-rusyaz.ru ()


1. List the cases in which the definitions will not be homogeneous.

2. Indicate which sentences contain homogeneous definitions.

The fields were wet, loose and dazzling snow.

We walked through the quiet taiga, illuminated by stars.

Heavy cold clouds lay on the tops of the mountains.

A dry, hot wind blew.

The rain-washed young grass smelled stupefyingly.

Quiet in the old country park.

Everything fell into a sound, healthy sleep.

3. Write off the text, placing the missing commas:

In the meantime, the sun had risen slightly above the horizon. Now the sea shone no longer entirely, but only in two places. On the very horizon a long radiant streak burned, and dozens of bright eyes-cutting stars flashed in the slowly rolling waves. Throughout the rest of its vast expanse, the sea shone with the tender, sad blueness of an August calm. Petya admired the sea. No matter how much you look at the sea, you will never get bored. It is always different new unseen. It changes every hour before our eyes. Sometimes it is quiet light blue in several places covered with silvery almost white stripes of calm. That it is bright blue fiery sparkling. Then, under a fresh wind, it suddenly becomes dark indigo woolen, as if it were being stroked against the nap.

Without definitions explaining the property and quality of an object, human speech would be "dry" and uninteresting. Everything that has a sign is conveyed in sentences with the help of definitions. It is the description of objects that creates our knowledge about it and our attitude towards it: a delicious fruit, a bitter experience, a beautiful person, a white and fluffy rabbit, etc. Such explanations characterizing objects help to understand them better.

The concept of homogeneous members

For greater disclosure of the content of a sentence or to strengthen any part of it, sentences are often used. They answer the same question and explain or refer to the same member of the sentence. Homogeneous members are absolutely independent and are connected in a sentence either by enumerative intonation, or rarely they can be connected by concessions conveying meaning or reasons for what is happening.

For example:

All members of the sentence, both secondary and main, can be homogeneous equally. Difficulties in punctuation often raise doubts about their uniformity. To know when commas are needed and when not, you need to understand what distinguishes between homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions.

Definitions heterogeneous and homogeneous

Homogeneous are definitions that refer to one member of the sentence or that characterize it, and answer one question. Commas are placed between homogeneous definitions, as they describe an object from any side or list its varieties, for example:

Heterogeneous definitions give a description of the subject from different angles, characterizing it according to its various qualities.

This is the difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Examples have shown that homogeneous are divided according to the characteristics and conditions that they characterize. They also have an enumerative intonation.

Heterogeneous definitions

Homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions can be divided according to the way of expressing signs and according to the place in the sentence.

Non-homogeneous include:

  • Definitions that characterize or reveal the properties of an object from different angles. At the same time, its various qualities can be listed - shape, color, width, height, material, etc. For example: a long black scarf was wrapped around the neck several times (definitions indicate the length and color of the object).
  • Definitions consisting of a combination of qualitative and relative adjectives. For example: a girl took off a red woolen mitten from her hand and stroked the kitten (“red” is a qualitative adjective characterizing the color, “woolen” is a relative one, indicating the material).
  • Definitions represented by qualitative adjectives included in different semantic groups. For example: his cheerful green eyes squinted (two quality adjectives characterize the word being defined from different angles).

Another feature that distinguishes homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions (examples clearly demonstrate this) is the absence of a listing intonation when they reveal their various properties in objects.

Main signs of homogeneity

In order to determine what type definitions in a sentence belong to, one should know what particular features of an object they can characterize. In the section "Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions" (grade 8), the main features indicating homogeneity are given:

  • enumeration of the qualities of various objects: aspens were decorated with yellow, purple and red foliage, birches - golden (definitions characterize foliage of different colors);

  • disclosure of the signs of an object, on the one hand, or a state: a warm, quiet, unhurried rain rustled through the foliage (homogeneous definitions convey the state of rain);
  • each following definition reveals or complements the meaning of the previous one: every September the forest is briefly transformed, acquiring a special, bright, unique look (the subsequent definition reveals the meaning of the previous one);
  • between definitions, you can substitute the union and: on the table lay pencil, ink sketches (pencil and ink sketches);
  • when they convey different attributes of an object, united in a common context by a single property: inflamed red eyes (red due to inflammation);
  • when they stand after the defined word: we immediately looked after ourselves a fluffy, tall, slender Christmas tree (the defined word “tree”, after which there are definitions describing it);
  • when this minor member of the sentence is an adjective and a fragrant, toasted loaf was taken out of the oven following him.
  • They also distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions of punctuation marks in a sentence. At homogeneous minor members they are always set.

    Punctuation marks for homogeneous definitions

    It is important to correctly determine whether or not to put punctuation marks when the sentence has homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Lesson (grade 8) on this topic gives the following examples of comma placement:

    • When homogeneous definitions are expressed by a single adjective and the participial phrase following it, a comma is placed between them: the son handed his mother a large bouquet of wildflowers he had collected.

    • When they list the signs of various objects, for example: red, yellow, orange, blue flowers, painted by children on a gray fence, made it festive.
    • When different properties of one item are listed, pointing to one of its properties: cold, hard ice cream balls were of different colors.
    • When all homogeneous definitions refer to one word and a union can be put between them and: he answered with an honest, calm look (an honest and calm look).
    • When they are located directly after the word being defined: he saw a graceful, fragile, tender girl.
    • When they list the synonymous properties of an object in a single context: a stormy, roaring, deafening storm broke out.
    • When there are signs due to mutual dependence: heavy, prolonged downpour (lingering due to being heavy).
    • Commas are not put if homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions are separated by a coordinating union and. For example: red and yellow balls (uniform definitions); the house was large and stone (heterogeneous definitions).

      Additional signs of homogeneity and heterogeneity

      In addition to the main ones, there are additional signs indicating that the definitions are homogeneous. either poetic forms bound by the requirements of rhyme or terminology. In such speech constructions, definitions, even after the object they define, may be undefinable. For example:

      Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions (the exercises confirm this) can move from one quality to another. For example, when one definition stands in front of another, which makes up a single phrase with the subject: a long train.

      A special kind of definitions

      A special variety includes definitions that connect explanatory relationships. In this case, it is easy to determine where homogeneous and non-homogeneous definitions are. The test for their difference lies in the substitution of conjunctions "namely" and "that is".

      • A completely different, interesting time has come (another, namely interesting).
      • The play received a new, original sound (new, that is, original).

      A comma is placed between homogeneous definitions connected by explanatory conditions.


      As the rules show, they may have exceptions or notes, which confirms the study of the topic “homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions”. A lesson in grade 11 introduces students to a note on this topic. Both homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions tend to change the meaning of the sentence, for example:

      • New, yellow taxis appeared on the streets of the city (the former ones were not yellow).
      • New yellow taxis appeared on the streets of the city (the number of yellow taxis increased).

      In the first example, the emphasis is on the fact that taxis in the city have become yellow. In the second, new cars appeared among the yellow taxis.

      double punctuation

      Depending on what intonation the speaker uses, in some phrases the definition following the first one may become not homogeneous, but explanatory. For example:

      • New proven methods led to the result (before these methods did not exist).
      • New, proven methods resulted (previous methods were not proven).

      In the second example, you can substitute the unions "that is" and "namely", so a comma is placed and the intonation changes.