Techniques aimed at the formation of relationships in the game. Consultation for educators on the method of forming relationships between children of senior preschool age in a role-playing game. Analysis of children's work

Card file of games aimed at developing preschoolers' skills of positive communication with peers

On the bridge

Target: development of communication skills, motor dexterity.

Number of players: 2 teams.

Game description: an adult invites children to walk along the bridge over the abyss. To do this, a bridge is drawn on the floor or on the ground - a strip 30-40 cm wide. According to the condition, two people must walk along the “bridge” from two sides towards each other at the same time, otherwise it will turn over. It is also important not to cross the line, otherwise the player is considered to have fallen into the abyss and is out of the game. The second player also drops out with him (because when he was left alone, the bridge turned over). While two children are walking along the “bridge”, the rest are actively “cheering” for them.

A comment: having started the game, the children must agree on the pace of movement, follow the synchronization, and when they meet in the middle of the bridge, carefully change places and reach the end.

Tiger hunting


Number of players: at least 4 people.

Required fixtures: small toy (tiger).

Game description: the children stand in a circle, the leader turns to the wall and counts to 10. While the leader is counting, the children pass the toy to each other. When the host finishes counting, the child who has the toy closes the tiger with his palms and stretches his arms forward. The rest of the kids do the same. The driver must find the tiger. If he guessed correctly, then the one who had the toy becomes the driver.

A comment: Difficulties can arise during play in autistic children, so they can be allowed to first look at how other children play.

You can train children in the ability to restrain emotions, not to show them outwardly. It's hard enough for preschoolers. But in a playful way, this can be taught (games like "The sea is worried ...", "Princess-Nesmeyana").


Target: development of communication skills, the ability to coordinate their actions, the development of graphic skills.

Number of players: multiple of two.

Required equipment: dressing bandage, big leaf papers, wax crayons.

Game description: children are divided into pairs, sit at the table very close to each other,

then tie right hand one child and the left of the other from the elbow to the palm. Each hand is given a piece of chalk.

The crayons should be different color. Before drawing, children can agree between

what they will draw. Drawing time - 5-6 minutes. To complicate the task, one of the players can be blindfolded, then the “sighted” player must direct the movements of the “blind”.

A comment: In the early stages of the game, time limits can be removed so that players can have a mech-free pairing experience. During the game, an adult can accompany the actions of the participants with comments about the need for an agreement in pairs to achieve a better result. After playing with the children, a conversation is held about their

sensations that arose in the process of drawing, whether they were comfortable, what hindered them, and what helped.


Target: development of communication skills.

Number of players: a group of children.

Required fixtures: ball of thread.

Game description: children sit in a semicircle. An adult stands in the center and, winding a thread around his finger, throws a ball to the child, asking about something (what is your name, how old are you, what do you like). The child catches the ball, winds the thread around his finger, answers the question and asks the question, passing the ball to the next player. If the child finds it difficult to answer, he returns the ball to the leader.

Commentary: This game helps children to see the common connections between them, and helps an adult to determine which of the children has communication difficulties. It will be useful for unsociable children, it can also be used in groups of unfamiliar participants.

A child can also be the leader.

When all participants are connected by a thread, an adult should fix their attention on the fact that all people are somewhat similar and this similarity is easy to find. And it's always more fun when you have friends.


Target: development of observation and communication skills.

Number of players: a group of children.

Game description: The leader is selected. He becomes in the center, the children surround him in a semicircle. The host can show any movement, the players must repeat them. If the child is wrong, he is out. The winning child becomes the leader.

A comment: it is necessary to remind the children that they are the “mirror” of the leader, that is, they must perform movements with the same hand (leg) as he does.


Target: development of communication skills, a sense of belonging to a group.

Number of players: a group of children.

Game description: all children stand in a circle - this is a “ca-string” or “bowl”. Then the children agree that they will “cook” - soup, compote, salad, etc. Everyone comes up with what he will be: potatoes, meat, carrots or something else. The leader is an adult, he calls out the names of the ingredients. The named one jumps into the circle, the next component takes him by the hand, etc. When all the children are again in the same circle, the game ends, you can start preparing a new “dish”.

A comment: it’s good if the leader will perform any actions with the “products”: cut, chop, salt, water, etc. Boiling, mixing can be imitated.

This game helps to relieve muscle clamps, stiffness through a light imitation massage.


Target: development of communication skills, overcoming tactile barriers.

Number of players: four, or a multiple of four.

Required accessories: newspaper.

Game description: an unfolded gazete is placed on the floor, on which four children stand. Then the newspaper is folded in half, all the children must stand on it again. The newspaper is folded until one of the participants can stand on the newspaper. During the game, children must understand that in order to win they need to hug - then the distance between them will be reduced as much as possible.

A comment: this game helps children overcome their shyness before bodily contact, removes the "muscle shell", makes them more open. This is especially important for closed and timid children, as well as for children who have suffered some kind of trauma.

The game will be more interesting if the children act on command. In other words, on the gas-tou they should be after a certain signal, and between them they can move freely around the room. After the children stand on the newspaper, an adult must fix their location, give the children the opportunity to feel the support of a neighbor.

palm to palm

Target: development of communication skills, gaining experience of interaction in pairs, overcoming the fear of tactile contact.

Age: any.

Number of players: 2 or more people.

Required fixtures: table, chairs, etc.

Description of the game: children become in pairs, pressing their right palm to the left palm and the left palm to the right palm of a friend. Connected in this way, they must move around the room, bypassing various obstacles: a table, chairs, a bed, a mountain (in the form of a pile of pillows), a river (in the form of an unfolded towel or a children's railway), etc.

Development of emotions and feelings in children preschool age

Olga Kondrashova
Consultation “Formation of relationships in role-playing games. Management of role-playing games»

Forming relationships in role-playing games.

IN role-playing games there are favorable conditions for shaping children's relationships.

Research conducted by A.P. Usova and her students revealed the following levels (stages) the formation of such relationships throughout preschool childhood:

1. The level of disorganized behavior that leads to the destruction of the games of other children (the child takes away toys, breaks buildings, interferes playing children). This behavior is mainly found in younger preschoolers who still do not know how to occupy themselves, do not represent the consequences of their actions for others.

2. The level of singles. It is characterized by the fact that the child does not enter into interaction with other children, but does not prevent them play. The fact that the child is focused on his game, knows how to organize it, is a prerequisite for the transition to joint games.

3. The level of games nearby is manifested in the fact that two or three children can play at the same table, on the carpet, in the puppet corner, but everyone acts in accordance with their game goal, realizing their plan. The value of this level lies in the fact that the child develops an understanding of how to relate to the game. another: do not interfere, should, if necessary, reckon with another (make room, exchange toys or give up yours). At this level, conditions are created for a natural association playing. For example, the teacher advises Kolya, who is building a track, to offer Seryozha to drive his car along it.

4. The level of short-term communication, interactions- characterized by the fact that the child for some time subordinates his actions to the general plan and conforms them to the actions of others. He tries to agree on the upcoming game, makes his proposals, is ready to listen to the words of his partners and obey a fair demand. The new stage of the game is distinguished by the appearance of an idea and the desire of children to pick up the appropriate toys and objects. But the idea is not yet stable; during the game, children can replace it or forget about it. Someone can leave the game, which will lead to its disintegration, to conflicts. This behavior indicates a lack of ability to organize the game, plan it. But the most important thing is that preschoolers do not yet feel their connection and dependence in common activities.

5. The level of long-term communication - interactions based on interest in the content of the game, in the actions that it requires. A child at this level has initial forms responsible attitude in their role in the common game. He begins to evaluate the quality and result of his personal actions and the actions of his peers in terms of the tasks of joint play. Duration interactions associated with interest in the content of the game. At this stage, children are quite independent, they can come up with an interesting role-playing game, organize it and play long.

6. Permanent level interactions based on common interests, electoral sympathies. Children united by friendly interests are able to yield to each other in the choice plot, distribution of roles, coordinate their actions.

Role play management carried out in two directions:

- formation games as activities;

The use of the game as a means of raising a child, the formation of a children's team.

Formation games as activities - suggests that the teacher influences the expansion of topics role-playing games, deepening their content, contributes to the mastery of role-playing behavior by children.

tricks game guides are divided into:

Traditional (designed by R. I. Zhukovskaya, D. V. Mendzheritskaya);

New (developed by N. A. Korotkova, N. Ya. Mikhailenko).

In the traditional role-playing game management The main attention of the teacher is focused on enriching the content of the games. To this end, he creates in children an interest in new stories.

Such an interest "maturing" during the entire educational educational work when the child receives vivid ideas about the surrounding life that evoke an emotional response.

So, to enrich the content of games for children 4-6 years old on transport topics (to the driver, to the driver) you can consider the relevant illustrative material, read books to them, have a conversation.

Naturally, even after the very vivid impressions that the children received, not everyone has a desire to convey them in the game.

IN games the interests of children find expression, and the phenomena with which they were introduced may not be within the scope of these interests. But if someone expands the game on a new topic (they built a bus from chairs, the driver took his seat, passengers were accommodated in the cabin) or includes a new one in the familiar game storyline(the family decided to go on a visit by bus, the teacher should support the initiative of the children, praise them.

In order to switch the monotonous individual games of a driver for children of younger preschool age into the mainstream of a more complex game of a bus, the teacher will resort to other techniques: offer to build such "big bus as we saw on the walk", will become a driver himself, remind you when and how to get on and off the bus, offer to buy tickets.

Sometimes children actively take up the game, but it soon exhausts itself because of the poverty of ideas, although the event that initially prompted it caused vivid emotions. It happens, kids. play in the same game all the time, but "stuck" on its content; repeat monotonous actions, role-playing dialogues, events and situations. In both cases, this is a signal for teacher: it is necessary to replenish the knowledge of children, to direct plot in a different direction.

Suitable traditional tricks: reading artwork, story, conversation.

The task of the teacher is to give these traditional techniques the right sound.

For example, do not tell yourself about the activities of a doctor, nurse, postman, but ask a representative of the profession to do this (doctor of a preschool institution, mother or father of one of the children, a postman delivering mail).

Sometimes new plot the line of play arises due to additional game material. The teacher offers it to the kids.

Children 4-5 years old can make, build something themselves at the suggestion of adults or with their help (it is good to involve family members of preschoolers in this).

Thus, in the arsenal of the teacher there are many techniques that stimulate a new theme of games, deepening their content.

You should also take into account rule: as the activity and independence of children increase, it is advisable to use mainly indirect methods of influence (a reminder of past children's games about what they saw; leading questions, timely change in the gaming environment, organization of visual, labor, constructive activity, which can push the game).

In order to teach kids collusion to play, the teacher acts as the main actor. Putting on a white smart apron, a kokoshnik on his head, the teacher turns to children: “I work in a cafe. Who wants to be with me play Offers to those who wish to help in the arrangement cafe: arranges 2-3 tables, children put napkins. They put vases with beautiful branches. Then the teacher talks to the children about the upcoming game: who will come to the cafe, how to treat visitors, who will serve the ordered. Children are included in the game, clarifying the content, role-playing behavior, creating a game environment along the way.

Staying on « leadership» , the educator unobtrusively directs the game, approves the positive children interaction, successful execution roles to prevent conflicts.

It is very important not to ignore the desire of children to organize the game on their own initiative. It is desire, because not supported by the ability to negotiate independently, it quickly disappears. Approving the intention of the kids to play together. The teacher can ask what they are going to play, what roles are supposed to do, what each character will do, it helps to distribute the role, choose the right attributes. Then he joins the game in a secondary role.

In order to consolidate the children's joyful, pleasant impressions of the joint game, the teacher draws the attention of other pupils of the group to it. In the evening, in the presence of children, he tells parents about "good game". He remembers her in the following days. This must be done, because children tend to imitate not only others, but also themselves.

In every way supported by the teacher, memories of "good game" become a model for such imitation.

Children of middle preschool age, when colluding to play, are hampered mainly by the distribution of roles and the development of new storylines in familiar games.

The task of the teacher is to teach children, when conspiring to play, to remember something interesting from their lives, tell their comrades, and then bring it into the game. Being present when the children discuss the content of the upcoming game, the educator updates them with a cue, advice, reminder. personal experience.

For example, children are going play family, and the teacher, knowing that Vera had a sister, can stimulate storyline"a baby has appeared in the family". Or in the warm season, when most families go out of town for the weekend, the teacher involves children who agree to play with the family in a conversation about going to the country, to a picnic, etc.

A game enriched with the image of family vacations, work in the garden, in the garden. New storylines, options for their development, which means that there is a need to introduce additional roles, and "permanent" play differently.

As a result, the distribution is calmer roles: there is an opportunity to participate in the game in a new role, the old role with updated content becomes more attractive, you can agree to an unwanted role, because the next time they will give you another one.

At the older preschool age, conspiracy to play does not cause any particular difficulties, because children unite in it on the basis of common interests, personal sympathies, therefore, they understand each other better and are more compliant towards partners. But there may be another trend: leadership in the game is often taken by child stars who have authority in the eyes of their peers, high status due to good organizational skills, a broad outlook, and general development. Having become a leader in the play group, such a child, at his own discretion, directs the development plot, outlines its specific content, distributes roles, evaluates "right" their execution.

As a result, in the older or preparatory groups there may be excessive polarization between partners in game: some - command and constantly in the lead roles, others - always obey, agree to any roles and do not get full satisfaction from the game. It is necessary not only to avoid such polarization during the game and in the process of preparing for it, but also to prevent it in the course of all educational work.

To do this, in word and deed, the originality, uniqueness of each child is emphasized and respected rule: "To whom much is given, much is asked".

During the preparatory period of the game, the teacher tactfully directs relationships between children for every child to find "your niche", in which it will be more fully manifested capabilities: someone comes up with how to make the game more interesting, what new roles can be introduced, others focus on its equipment.

Currently, much attention is paid to the problem of socialization in the development and education of preschoolers.

The process of socialization begins in childhood and continues throughout life. The child strives for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, it is important to promote it. further development. The fuller and more varied children's activity, the more significant it is for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is. That is why the closest and most natural for a preschooler are games and active communication with others - with adults and peers.

Plot - role-playing game - the first test of social forces and their first test.

A role-playing game is an activity in which children take on labor or social functions adults and in specially created by them game, imaginary conditions reproduce (or model) the life of adults and the relationship between them.

An independent story game is a favorite activity for preschoolers, it is in it that their abilities are maximized.

When managing role-playing games, educators are faced with the following tasks:

Development of the game as an activity (expanding the subject of games, deepening their content);

The use of the game in order to educate the children's team and individual children,

The management of a role-playing game requires great skill and pedagogical tact. The teacher must direct the game without disturbing it, maintain an independent and creative character. gaming activity.

Indirect tricks- without direct intervention in the game (bringing in toys, creating a game environment before the start of the game).

Direct tricks- direct inclusion of the teacher in the game (role-playing participation in the game, participation in the collusion of children, clarification, help, advice during the game, suggesting a new topic for the game, etc.). The teacher influences both the choice of the topic and the development of its plot, helps the children to distribute roles, filling them with moral content.

The following pedagogical approach is presented in the studies of S. L. Novoselova and E. V. Zvorygina, who developed complex method game guides. The integrated method of leadership is a system of pedagogical influences that contribute to the development of children's independent plot play, based on its age characteristics and potential development of the child's intellect.

This method includes the following components: - systematic pedagogically active enrichment of children's life experience;

Joint (educational) games of the teacher with children, aimed at transferring the gaming experience of the traditional culture of the game to them; - timely change in the subject-game environment, taking into account the enriching life and gaming experience;

Activating communication between an adult and children, aimed at encouraging them to independently use in the game new ways of solving game problems and new knowledge about the world.

The task of the educator is to make the game the content of children's life, to reveal to the kids the diversity of the world of play.

The child develops in the process of communication with adults. This process is based on the emotional contact between an adult and a child, which gradually develops into cooperation, which becomes a necessary condition for the development of the child. Cooperation lies in the fact that not only an adult strives to convey his experience, but also a child wants and can learn it.

Therefore, when working in groups with children, I try to establish emotional contact with the child. To do this, I use a number of didactic games, the purpose of which is to form an emotional contact with an adult, and also use didactic games on the formation of ideas about oneself and about others.

Children of younger preschool age should be taught to beat toys. For this, I use cats, dogs, hares, bears, etc. This contributes to the development of the communication function in children, and has an impact on the moral education of the child's personality. By playing with toys, I teach the child to take care, to empathize. I pay special attention to the doll. I teach a child to perceive a doll as a substitute for a person, and then I teach children how to play with it: feeding, undressing and dressing, putting to bed, etc. To do this, I conduct observations and analyze actions in everyday life. This work is best done in progress. regime moments. I draw the attention of the children to the fact that first they washed their hands, and then they sat down at the table, put on pajamas, and then went to bed, etc.

The formation of play activity in children should take place in close connection with the expansion of ideas about the phenomena of social life.

First, I offer the children the roles that are closest to them in content. These are the roles of adults with whom they communicate in everyday life (mother, educator, etc.) To enrich the experience of children, I use various methodological techniques: excursions, observations of the relationship of people in labor activity, reading fiction, conversations.

I pay much attention to the ability of children to act together in game situations, to coordinate their actions with the actions of their peers. For this purpose, dramatization games are widely used in our kindergarten. It is dramatization games that contribute to the development of genuine communication and the initial stage of role-playing behavior in children. For dramatization games, I select fairy tales, the content of which contains dialogues between characters. (“Gingerbread Man”, “Teremok”, “Who Said Meow”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Under the Mushroom”, etc.)

One of important points in guiding children's play at this stage is leading them to an awareness of the role they play in the game, and thereby leading to a genuine role-playing game.

I give the child different roles, and in order for the child to better penetrate the image of the character, I use costumes and various attributes.

I give a lot of space to games that reflect the work of adults. (" Kindergarten”, “Polyclinic”, “Shop”, “Hairdresser”, etc.)

Each of these games requires the preparation of children. To do this, I form children's ideas about these professions, I use various methodological techniques: excursions, observations of the relationship of people in work, reading fiction, conversations. Together with parents, we prepare the appropriate attributes for the game.

The game in kindergarten is organized as Team work where the teacher acts as a playing partner. With preschool children, I imitate the individual actions of the people around me. At the beginning of each game, I try to create a playful mood in children, to evoke an emotional attitude towards the role in them, while I myself tune in to the game. When participating in the game, I try to control my behavior so that it is natural and emotional, I accept any children's plans. In the process of playing the game, I teach the child to subordinate his behavior to the role that he has taken on, that is, to act in an imaginary situation. During the game, I try to attract shy children, I give them roles (often the main ones, if they cope) because in the implementation of various roles, children face different requirements for their own actions from others, they face the need to master a new social status, join a new circle communication.

After each game, I have a conversation with the children in which I ask the children what they played, who they were, what they did, etc.

I play games with older children: "Family", "Kindergarten", "School", "Theater", "Sailors", "Space", "Zoo", "Library", "Shop", " Railway", "Museum". We strive to convey character traits depicted person, his experiences.

The game permeates the whole life of the child, it contributes to physical and spiritual health, is a source of extensive information, a method of teaching and educating children. With its help, conditions are created for the development creativity, all-round development of the child.

To enable children to be creative in various types role-playing games, so that they are interesting and attractive, we create the following conditions:

The pedagogical support of games is built taking into account the gradual development of the child's independence and creativity;

The necessary attributes for the game are created;

The subject-game environment of a preschool institution is constantly changing.

Thus, pedagogical activities in the organization of plot- role play children are as follows:

  • Arrange a place for the game that is appropriate for the age and number of children playing on it.
  • Think over the selection of toys, materials, manuals and steadily monitor their updating in accordance with the demands of the developing game process and the overall development of children.
  • Guide children's observations, promote the display in the game positive aspects social, working life.
  • Ensure that the grouping of children in the game (by age, speech development, speech skills) contributes to the growth and development of the language of weaker and lagging children.
  • Show interest in children's games with conversations based on their content, guide the game and, in the process of such leadership, exercise the language of children.

The game is a means by which children show their independence during the distribution of roles and actions during the game. The child lives in the game. And the task of educators is to become a guiding and connecting link in the child-game chain, tactfully supporting the leadership to enrich the children's gaming experience.

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Topic: Relationship building in role-playing games

Specialty: "Preschool education"


1. The social nature of children's play

2. The plot and content of the games

3. Role in the game

4. Prerequisites for a role-playing game

5. Formation of relationships in role-playing games

6. Management of role-playing games


List of used literature


“What a child is at play, so in many ways he will be at work when he grows up. Therefore, the upbringing of the future figure takes place, first of all, in the game. And the whole history of an individual person as a figure and worker can be represented in the development of the game and in its gradual transition to work ... ”(A.S. Makarenko).

The game is an independent activity of preschoolers. In the game, as in any creative collective activity, there is a clash of minds, characters, ideas. It is in this collision that the personality of the child is formed, the children's team is formed. In this case, the interaction of gaming and real relationships is usually observed. If the child is passionate about his idea, his role, play relationships win. If he is indifferent to the game, a different picture is observed: the role has little effect on his behavior, his relationship with his comrades. Only the game that captures the child, mobilizes his mind and will, awakens strong feelings, can subdue the plan of selfish impulses, bad habits. The children's team in the game is formed gradually, under the influence of the work of the educator. The formation of a game team depends on the content of the game, the richness of the idea, in turn, the very fact of the formation of the team has an impact on the development of game creativity. The ability to organize a game, to agree, to distribute roles is necessary in order to get an exciting game. Even with sufficient knowledge, rich impressions about the depicted idea, the idea is not realized if the children are not brought up with the moral qualities necessary for a collective creative game. The organization of the children's team in the game is a prerequisite for the success of the work, and one of its results.

1. The social nature of children's play

The game is especially valuable from the point of view of the child's knowledge of the world around him and himself. She teaches him what the world is, what relationships between people can be.

At the age of three to five years, there is a discrepancy between the ego and many skills and actions. In other words, the child's idea of ​​himself does not match what he really is. And within certain limits, this is not a pathology.

The nature of the child's psyche is such that the child invariably strives to receive from the adult something new, something more perfect. And at first, the patterns of parental behavior are unconsciously perceived as absolutely correct.

Therefore, it is important for an adult to communicate with a child not only as more knowledgeable with less knowledgeable, more able with less able (that is, vertically), but also in the context of two consciousnesses (that is, horizontally).

A child's play cannot be regulated, rules cannot be imposed. Thus, in the most general sense, play is an activity in which the facets of human activity in general are most fully manifested. And in this regard, the game is very revealing. Psychologists note that, unlike the so-called serious activity, there is a sense of freedom in the game. When working (“serious business”), it is not the occupation itself that is pleasant, but the goal that is achieved by this. In the game, on the contrary, the occupation itself is pleasant.

At preschool age, play is the leading type of activity, not because the child spends most of his time in games that entertain him, but play causes qualitative changes in the child's psyche. The prerequisites for the emergence of a role-playing game are created within the objective activity of the child. early age. Objective activity is aimed at mastering the social purpose of objects, the socially developed ways of using them. (we write) In the studies of Frida Iosifovna Fradkina, it was shown that as children master object actions, they are generalized and there is a possibility of their transfer from one object to another, i.e. thus, the prerequisites for the transition to play activity are created: 1) separation of actions from the subject and their generalization; 2) the use by the child of objects that do not have clearly defined functions as substitutes for others; 3) the separation of their actions from the actions of adults and the emergence of personal actions of the child himself; 4) the child compares his actions with the actions of adults and identifies them; 5) the reproduction by the child in his actions of a chain of actions of an adult, reflecting segments of their life in the usual sequence; 6) an adult and his actions for the first time become a model not only objectively, but also subjectively for the child himself. Thus, the path of development of the game goes from a specific objective action to a generalized game action and from it to a game role-playing action: eat with a spoon, feed with a spoon, feed a doll with a spoon, feed a doll with a spoon like a mother.

For the first year of a child's life, an introductory game is characteristic. It consists in exploratory, indicative actions with toys. At the beginning of the second year, a display game is observed. The child, in his play actions with objects, reproduces what he has learned by imitating adults, for example, feeding a doll. Starting from the second half of the second year and the entire third year of life, the plot-display game develops and becomes more complicated. Children unite separate display actions with a plot, establish a logical connection between actions (the doll eats, sleeps, walks). In the second half of the third year of life, a role-playing game appears. It is characterized by a reflection of the relationship between people that are transferred to a doll or another child. Until the age of 3, children mostly play alone, watching each other.

In the future, the role-playing game develops and enriches itself. Teaching at school does not stop the children's play activity, but the content and direction of the game change. Yes, story development games are coming from household to games with a production plot and further - to plots reflecting socio-political events. In the first grade, a large place in the game is given to the school (they teach dolls, each other). By the end of elementary school games with a school theme disappear. Children in grades 1-2 continue to play games related to family life (everyday), while improvisation is introduced into the game. For younger students, individual games are quite typical, as well as two, three and rhythm games. By the end of primary school age, games with rules without a plot begin to occupy a large place, which leads to sports games. And the older the children, the more competition takes place in the game. A significant place in this age is given to computer games.

2. The plot and content of the games

Like any creative activity, a role-playing game is emotionally saturated and gives each child joy and pleasure by its very process. The role-playing game has the following structural components; plot, content, role.

The main component of the role-playing game is the plot, without it there is no role-playing game itself. The plot of the game is that sphere of reality that is reproduced by children. The plot is a reflection by the child of certain actions, events, relationships from the life and activities of others. At the same time, his game actions (turning the steering wheel of a car, preparing dinner, teaching students to draw, etc.) are one of the main means of realizing the plot.

The plots of the games are varied. Conventionally, they are divided into household (family games, kindergarten), industrial, reflecting the professional work of people (games in the hospital, store, livestock farm), public (games to celebrate the birthday of the city, to the library, school, flight to the moon).

Throughout the history of mankind, the plots of children's games have changed, as they depend on the era, the characteristics of the economy, cultural, geographical, natural conditions. So, in the games of children of the peoples of the North, hunting for seals, walruses, and the work of reindeer herders are reflected. Children living in coastal regions play shipbuilders, work in the port, meet tourists.

But, in addition, in every era, serious, sometimes extreme events took place that significantly affected people's lives, caused an emotional response in children and adults. Such events have always generated new plots for children's games. For many years, the children of our country have played the Great Patriotic war(in battles, bombings, evacuation of civilians, hospital, partisans, blockade of Leningrad, Victory parade, etc.). After the flight of Yuri Gagarin into space (April 12, 1961), children from many countries of the world began to play in the exploration of interplanetary space (they build rockets, go to Mars, the Moon, work on space station World).

In the history of mankind there are also "eternal" plots of children's games that, as it were, connect generations of people: games with the family, school, treatment of the sick, etc. Naturally, these plots in the games of children from different times and peoples differ in their content, as they differ in the life.

Depending on the depth of the child's ideas about the activities of adults, the content of the games also changes. For example, the children of the younger group, imitating a doctor in the game, repeated the same actions many times: they measured the temperature, looked at the patient's throat. After the kids were vaccinated, new actions were added to the game image of the doctor. Children senior group When agreeing to play in the hospital, they specified which specialists would treat patients: a surgeon, an ophthalmologist, a pediatrician. Depending on the specialization of the doctor, each player performed specific actions, while the doctors spoke kindly to the patients, persuaded them not to be afraid of injections, operations, dressings, and take medicine more boldly. Thus, the content of the game expresses different levels of penetration of the child into the activities of adults. Initially "grasped" in real life and only the external side of the activity is reflected in the game (with what a person acts: “a person is an object”). Then, as the child understands the relationship of a person to his activity, an elementary comprehension of the social meaning of labor, the relationships between people ("man - man") begin to be reflected in games, and the objects themselves are easily replaced (cube - a piece of soap, bread, iron, machine) or only mentally imagine (“as if I have a scuba gear and I sink to the bottom of the ocean”).

In terms of content, the games of children of younger preschool age differ from the games of older children. These differences are associated with the relative limitations of experience, the peculiarities of the development of imagination, thinking, and speech. The child cannot imagine the game before it starts, does not catch the logical sequence between real events. Therefore, the content of the games, as noted by A.P. Mustache, fragmentary, illogical. Kids often repeat actions with toys in the game, shown by adults and related to everyday life: fed the bear - put him to bed; fed again, put to bed again. A. P. Usova described such games as action games. Moreover, interest in actions often dominates, so the goal of the game slips out of the child's field of vision. For example, Olya sat her daughters at the table, went to cook dinner, got carried away with actions with pots and pans, and her daughters remained unfed.

However, at the border of the third and fourth years of life, games become more meaningful, which is associated with the expansion of children's ideas about the world around them. Preschoolers begin to combine different events, including episodes from their own experience and from literary works which were read to them or, which is especially valuable, were shown through plot-didactic games, illustrations in books, table theater, filmstrips.

In the fourth and fifth years of life in the games of children, the integrity of the plot, the interconnectedness of the reflected events are observed. Preschoolers develop an interest in certain plots that they played before (family, hospital, builders, transport, etc.). Children respond vividly to new experiences, weaving them, like storylines, into familiar games. The enrichment of the content is helped by the interaction of children in the game, when everyone contributes something of their own, individual. For example, Seryozha, whose father is the captain of a river steamer, offers the “teacher” to ride the children along the Moscow River. Having received consent, he builds a steamer from chairs, meets passengers on board. At this age, the generalization and truncation of the situations depicted in the game begin, which are well mastered by the child in real life and do not arouse his particular interest. So, if the kids, playing in kindergarten, eat for a long time, drink from cups, then the children of the fifth year of life complete the dinner by barely bringing a spoon to their mouths. Sometimes children limit themselves to symbolic actions: a sailor swims in a room that has become "as if the sea."

Children of senior preschool age deliberately approach the choice of a plot, discuss it in advance, plan the development of content at an elementary level. New plots appear that are inspired by impressions gleaned outside the preschool institution: based on animated series, books read at home, stories of parents, etc. bank, transport, security and law enforcement service, etc.).

At senior and preschool age, the generalization of game situations continues; in addition to conditional and symbolic actions (put his head on his palm - fell asleep), children actively use verbal comments ("Everyone seemed to have slept - and we immediately go to the hall for the holiday!"; "Let's do this: we have already arrived in Africa!"). These verbal comments are a verbal substitution of any events. Children resort to them so as not to violate the logic of the development of the content of the game.

Thus, during preschool childhood, the development and complication of the content of the game is carried out in the following areas:

strengthening the purposefulness, and hence the sequence, the connectedness of the depicted;

a gradual transition from an expanded game situation to a collapsed one, generalization of what is depicted in the game (the use of conditional and symbolic actions, verbal substitutions).

The diversity of the content of role-playing games is determined by the children's knowledge of those aspects of reality that are depicted in the game, the consonance of this knowledge with the interests, feelings of the child, his personal experience. Finally, the development of the content of games depends on the child's ability to identify characteristics in the activities and relationships of adults.

3. Role in the game

For a child, a role is his playing position; he identifies himself with some character in the plot and acts in accordance with ideas about this character. Each role contains its own rules of behavior, taken by the child from the surrounding life, borrowed from relationships in the adult world. So, mother takes care of children, prepares food for them, puts them to bed; the teacher speaks loudly and clearly, is strict, requires everyone to listen to her, not to be naughty in the classroom. The subordination of the child to the rules of role-playing behavior is the most important element of the role-playing game. The deviation of any of the players from these rules causes protests from the partners in the game: “You can’t argue with the captain!” or: “Captains are loudly ordering, and you are asking the sailor to wash the deck!” Thus, for preschoolers, the role is a model of how to act. Based on this sample, the child evaluates the behavior of the participants in the game, and then his own.

The role appears in the game on the border of early and preschool age. In the third year of life, the emancipation of a child from an adult is observed. At the same time, the preschooler has a growing desire to act independently, but as an adult. Then, while playing, the baby begins to perform certain actions characteristic of an adult (puts the doll to sleep, like a mother), although he does not call himself the name of an adult. This is the first beginnings of the role. One more sign should be attributed to them: the child “voices” the toy, speaking on its behalf.

Throughout preschool childhood, the development of a role in a plot-role-playing game proceeds from the performance of role-playing actions to role-images. In younger preschoolers, household activities predominate: cook, bathe, wash, carry, etc. Then there are role designations associated with certain actions: I am a mother, I am a driver, I am a doctor. The role taken gives a certain direction, meaning to actions with objects: the mother chooses toys or objects for playing that are necessary for preparing dinner, bathing the child; the doctor selects a thermometer pencil for treatment, tears paper for mustard plasters, pours imaginary medicine from a bottle, etc. Children prefer to play the roles of those adults whose activities require certain paraphernalia: the mother has a set of household items, the doctor has medical instruments, medicines , the driver has a vehicle. Thus, playing a role, children of primary preschool age use toys, real objects (a spoon, a basin for bathing a doll), as well as substitute objects (a pencil or stick becomes a knife, spoon, thermometer, syringe in the game). Role-playing interaction between the players is carried out through object-playing actions: the doctor treats the patient by measuring the temperature, giving injections, etc.

In the middle preschool age, the fulfillment of a role becomes a significant motive for play activity: the child develops a desire not just to play, but to fulfill a particular role. The meaning of the game for a 4-5 year old preschooler lies in the relationship between the characters. Therefore, the child willingly takes on those roles in which the relationship is clear to him (the teacher takes care of the children, the captain leads the ship, makes sure that the sailors work well, so that the passengers are comfortable). The child depicts these relationships in the game with the help of speech, facial expressions, gestures. At this age, role-playing speech becomes a means of interaction. Since children form a selective attitude towards certain roles, their distribution before the start of the game is a rather emotional process. The help of a teacher is necessary.

In older preschool age, the meaning of the game lies in the typical relationship of the person whose role is played by the child with other persons whose roles are taken on by other children. In games, role-playing dialogues appear, with the help of which relations between characters are expressed, game interaction is established. For the quality of the performance of the role, the attitude of the child to it is important. Therefore, it should be borne in mind that older preschoolers are reluctant to take on roles that, in their opinion, do not correspond to their gender. So, the boys refuse to play the role of an educator, the head of a preschool institution, in the game of school they agree to be only a physical education teacher. In fulfilling the role, the child takes into account not so much external logic, the sequence of actions (there is a free runway at the airport, which means the plane can land), but the meaning of social relations (the runway is free, but you need to ask the dispatcher so that an accident does not happen).

4. Role Playing Prerequisites

In the first years of life, with the educational influence of adults, the child goes through the stages of development of play activity, which are the prerequisites for plot-role-playing and directing play.

The first such stage is an introductory game. An adult organizes the child's object-playing activity using a variety of toys and objects. Its content consists of actions-manipulations that a child performs together with an adult, examining the properties and qualities of an object, a toy. Already from 3-4 months, the baby reaches for toys that are hung over his chest (rings, garlands of small balls, etc.), examines them: accidentally bumping into an object, rejoices, tries to repeat the movement. At 5-6 months, the child is offered toys made of different materials (rubber, wood, plastic), differing in shape, size, color. He is taught to grab a toy, shift it from pen to pen, wave it, tap it. The child is also given insert toys, as well as various sounding toys. An adult, addressing the baby by name, shows the toy and actions with it. In the process of independent manipulations with the toy, the child learns its properties. In the introductory game, the intentionality of the child’s actions is traced: he reaches for the rattle, grabs it, examines it, knocks on the edge of the arena, throws it over the side of the arena, listens to how it rattled, etc. Such intentional actions with objects are a prerequisite for the development of purposefulness characteristic of role-playing game.

At the second stage of the development of play activity, a display game appears, in which the child's actions are aimed at identifying specific properties object and to achieve a certain effect with its help. An adult not only names the object, but also draws the attention of the baby to its intended purpose: “This is a cup, they drink from it. This is a sheet, we will cover the bear. The attention of a 7-8-month-old child is drawn to the properties of toys. He is taught to play with them depending on these properties: roll a ball, put small toys in a box, squeeze and unclench a rubber fish. Kids master actions with some household items: they put bowls one into another, close the saucepan, box with a lid. A child of 9-10 months is taught to correlate objects in shape, according to their physical properties: remove and put rings on the rod, put 2-3 cubes one on top of the other. For the formation of a role-playing game, it is important to teach a child to transfer learned actions from one subject to another, that is, to generalize actions. For example, you learned how to roll a ball down a hill - try to do the same with a ball, a typewriter, an apple, etc.

The third stage in the development of the game refers to the end of the first - the beginning of the second year of life. A plot-display game is being formed in which children begin to actively display the impressions received in everyday life (cradle the doll, feed the bear). The teacher teaches the kids to reflect life situations familiar to them from personal experience, in a game (conditional) plan. For the development of a plot-displaying game, figurative toys are needed, with the help of which the teacher involves children in solving game problems (“The bear wants to walk, ride the bear on a sled”; “The bunny is tired, put him to bed”; “Lalya doll wants to eat, cook her porridge"). The child is given a conditionally play goal of activity, which he achieves through play methods and means, and receives an imaginary result. (This is the difference between a game task and a practical task aimed at obtaining a practical result.)

During the second year of life, the child must learn the following: perform various play actions (lay down the doll, feed it, roll it in a stroller, cook food, transport toys, loads, etc. in the car), supplement or replace play actions with the first speech utterances ( “Lalya bye-bye”; “Lalya washed her hands”). Children are offered a variety of material for playing: figurative toys, substitute objects.

The main condition for the development of a role-playing game is the joint games of an adult and a child. To teach children to develop the content of the game, the teacher plays with life situations, involving them in active participation. For example, he modifies the feeding situation in the game, which young children love to portray in the game: he introduces new characters (“A bunny came to visit, let's feed him”), new dishes (“We will treat the cake, give the guests candy”), new dishes ( apples in a vase, sweets in a candy bowl). Children should be encouraged to reproduce previously learned actions in new versions of the game. The teacher creates situations that encourage the child to use substitute objects (there is no knife, how to cut bread?), To act in an imaginary situation. Such games are usually accompanied by a speech that helps to create an image (the porridge is delicious; the bunny loves carrots, well done bear - he wiped his mouth with a napkin!).

For the development of a plot-display game, performances-staging are effective. The teacher shows how one toy (Lalya doll) washes himself, wipes his face and hands with a towel, sits down at the table, drinks milk, i.e. demonstrates a chain of successive heterogeneous actions with one toy. The next time, homogeneous actions are demonstrated that are performed by different toys: a bear, a Lyalya doll, a bunny. They take turns singing a song familiar to the kids, reciting a poem by heart, dancing, playing ball.

Children are also shown dramatizations using tabletop, puppet theaters, story-didactic games. They are happy to watch how a familiar fairy tale, a poem, everyday scenes are played out, consonant with their experience.

After the show, the teacher invites the kids to play with toys, makes them want to imitate what they saw in the lesson. Involving the children in the game, the educator tells them how to perform a game action, sets game tasks for them (“Sing a song with the doll!”), Helps with difficulties (“Let's read a poem about a hare together with the Lyalya doll”).

Naturally, children will not be able to repeat all the actions shown to them. However, the demonstration is necessary to clarify the child's ideas, to form the ability to follow the actions of an adult, to listen to explanations.

The teacher activates the speech of the pupils, making a request (sing along with toys, help the doll read a poem, name actions). In order for training sessions, various performance shows to bring positive results, it is advisable to repeat them, introducing new elements, causing emotional reactions in children, increasing their activity. Repeated shows - dramatizations can be carried out with two or three children: this allows you to exercise them in performing game actions (practical, conditional, imaginary), in using substitute objects. In a small group, it is easier to involve children in the joint performance of a game task (“Lalya’s doll is sick, crying. What should I do?”).

For educational games, displays, toys of medium size (15-20 cm) are selected, attractively designed, stable, with moving parts (bending arms, legs), which makes it possible to demonstrate different movements, change position in space.

The age characteristics of children in the second year of life are such that the selection of toys and play material, the design of the play environment are of particular importance. The child's attention is scattered if a lot of toys fall into his field of vision at the same time, so they need to be dispersed throughout the room, it is advisable to complete them according to semantic connections. For example, put kitchen utensils on the stove, tea and dinner utensils on the table, put a rider on a horse, load bricks on a cart, put a sponge, a towel, a jug next to the basin. This will tell the child how to perform not one action, but a chain.

Toys, the actions with which the kids have not yet mastered, are not recommended for independent use. First, children need to be taught game actions in a joint game with an adult. So, if children do not know how to build from cubes, bricks, the teacher conducts educational games, individual lessons. The rest of the building material is removed. It is not advisable for children to play freely with fun toys: the teacher uses them at certain moments to please the kids, to distract them from sad thoughts about the house, mom. These toys should keep novelty and surprise for the child in order to influence his feelings and experiences.

So, in the second year of life, games develop, through which the child gets acquainted with objects, satisfies the need to navigate in the world around him. The nature of imitation is changing: the child in the game conveys the actions of adults that he saw himself, and not just those that he was taught. By the end of this period, the sprouts of a directorial and plot-role-playing game are visible in the children's games, namely: imitation of adults, the creation of imaginary images, the desire to act actively, to learn about the world around them.

5. Formation of relationships in the plot- role playing

Role-playing games create favorable conditions for the formation of relationships between children. Research conducted by A.P. Usova and her students, revealed the following levels (stages) of the formation of such relationships throughout preschool childhood.

1. The level of disorganized behavior that leads to the destruction of the games of other children (the child takes away toys, breaks buildings, interferes with playing children). Mostly such behavior is found in younger preschoolers who still do not know how to occupy themselves, do not represent the consequences of their actions for others. However, in last years the number of children with signs of aggressive behavior, with a tendency to destruction, has increased. Therefore, among older preschoolers there are children of the first level.

2. The level of singles. It is characterized by the fact that the child does not interact with other children, but does not prevent them from playing. The fact that the child is focused on his game, knows how to organize it, is a prerequisite for the transition to joint games.

3. The level of games next to each other is manifested in the fact that two or three children can play at the same table, on the carpet, in the puppet corner, but everyone acts in accordance with their game goal, realizing their plan. The value of this level lies in the fact that the child develops an understanding of how to relate to the game of another: you can’t interfere, you should exchange a toy or give up your own). At this level, conditions are created for the natural unification of the players. For example, the teacher advises Kolya, who is building a track, to offer Serezha to drive his car along it.

4. The level of short-term communication, interaction is characterized by the fact that for some time the child subordinates his actions to the general plan and harmonizes them with the actions of others. He tries to agree on the upcoming game, makes his proposals, is ready to listen to the words of his partners and obey a fair demand. The new stage of the game is distinguished by the appearance of an idea and the desire of children to pick up the appropriate toys and objects. But the idea is still unstable; during the game, children can change it or forget about it. Someone can leave the game, which will lead to its disintegration, to conflicts. This behavior indicates a lack of ability to organize the game, plan it. But the most important thing is that preschoolers do not yet feel their connection and dependence in common activities.

5. The level of long-term communication-interaction based on interest in the content of the game, in the actions that it requires. A child at this level has the initial forms of a responsible attitude to his role in the general game. He begins to evaluate the quality and result of his personal actions and the actions of his peers in terms of the tasks of joint play. The duration of the interaction is related to the interest in the content of the game. At this stage, children are quite independent, they can come up with an interesting role-playing game, organize it and play for a long time.

6. The level of constant interaction based on common interests, electoral sympathies. Children, united by friendly interests, are able to yield to each other in choosing a plot, distributing roles, and coordinating their actions.

6. Role play management

Management of role-playing games is carried out in two directions:

Formation of the game as an activity;

The use of the game as a means of raising a child, the formation of a children's team.

The formation of the game as an activity assumes that the teacher influences the expansion of the subject matter of role-playing games, the deepening of their content, and contributes to the mastery of role-playing behavior by children.

Techniques for managing a game with the aim of forming it as an activity can be conditionally divided into traditional (developed by R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya) and new ones, studied in recent years (N.A. Korotkova, N.Ya. Mikhailenko).

In the traditional management of role-playing games, the main attention of the teacher is focused on enriching the content of the games. To this end, he creates interest in children for new stories. Such interest does not arise from scratch, it "ripens" in the course of all upbringing and educational work, if preschoolers receive vivid ideas about the life around them, which are woven into their past experience, excite the imagination, and evoke an emotional response. The younger the children, the more important for them are the impressions received from direct acquaintance with this or that phenomenon. So, to enrich the content of kids games on transport topics (into a driver, into a driver), the teacher takes the children to a public transport stop, specifically asks the driver who brings food to the preschool institution to talk with the children, show the cab of his car, allow him to sit there, holding on behind the wheel. With children 4-6 years old, you can consider the relevant illustrative material, read books to them, and have a conversation.

When getting acquainted with the environment, the teacher draws the attention of children to those moments that can be reflected in the game in accordance with their age. For kids - these are objects and ways of using them by adults in the course of their activities, for children 4-6 years old - relationships between people. So, at a public transport stop, kids watch a bus pull up, how doors open and close, how many people get out and in, what a large window in the driver’s cab (“so that everything can be seen”), that both men and women are drivers. And it is advisable to attract the attention of older preschoolers to the activities of the driver: he takes care of passengers, announces stops, does not send the bus until everyone enters the salon, sells travel cards only at stops so as not to be distracted while driving and not endanger passengers, etc. d.

Naturally, even after the very vivid impressions that the children received, not everyone has a desire to convey them in the game. In games, the interests of children are expressed, and the phenomena with which they were introduced may not be within the scope of these interests. But if someone expands the game on a new topic (they built a bus from high chairs, the driver took his seat, passengers were accommodated in the cabin) or includes a new storyline in a familiar game (the family decided to go on a visit by bus), the teacher must support the initiative of the children, praise them. Then he can become a passenger and go by bus to work (to the theater, museum), turn to the driver for help and advice (“Where can I buy tickets? Where should elderly people, passengers with small children sit? Take your time with departure - an elderly woman has not yet come out, ”etc.).

In order to switch the monotonous individual games of a driver for children of primary preschool age into the mainstream of a more complex game of a bus, the teacher will resort to other methods: he will offer to build such a “big bus, as we saw on a walk”, become a driver himself, remind when and how you have to get on and off the bus, offer to buy tickets, etc.

Sometimes children actively take up the game, but it soon exhausts itself because of the poverty of ideas, although the event that initially prompted it caused vivid emotions. It also happens like this: children play the same game all the time, but are “stuck” on its content; repeat monotonous actions, role-playing dialogues, events and situations. In both cases, this is a signal for the teacher: it is necessary to replenish the knowledge of children, to direct the plot in a different direction. Traditional techniques will do: reading a work of art, a story, a conversation. The task of the teacher is to give these traditional techniques the right sound. For example, do not tell yourself about the activities of a doctor, nurse, postman, but ask a representative of the profession to do this (doctor of a preschool institution, mother or father of one of the children, a postman delivering mail). The impulse to update the content of the game can be the teacher's stories about the games of his childhood, the games of other children.

Sometimes a new storyline for a game comes from additional game material. The teacher offers it to the kids. Children 4-5 years old can make, build something themselves at the suggestion of adults or with their help (it is good to involve family members of preschoolers in this).

Sometimes a new storyline is set by the teacher, who unexpectedly joins the game, which is already “running out of steam”. Here are the children of the older group playing in the family, Mom is preparing dinner, the children are playing, dad is going to work. And suddenly the teacher, putting a handkerchief (hat) on his head, taking a bag from his hand, rings the doorbell: grandmother has arrived! With his questions, remarks (“Why didn’t you meet me? Where did the telegram go? I had to leave things at the station, and there were gifts, gifts”), the teacher gives a new play direction (meeting grandmother, refreshments, questions, a trip to the station for things, visiting with the grandmother of the museum, theater, walks with her around the city, etc.).

Thus, in the arsenal of the teacher there are many techniques that stimulate a new theme of games, deepening their content. The rule should be taken into account: as the activity and independence of children increase, it is advisable to use predominantly indirect methods of influence (reminder about past games of children, about what they saw; leading questions, timely change in the playing environment, organization of visual, labor, constructive activities that can push to the game).

The younger the children, the more attention the teacher pays to the organization of the game. He helps future participants agree on what they will play. Collusion on the game requires the coordination of ideas, the definition of the game environment (where to play, what to use), the distribution of the role. In collusion, the foundations for the interaction of children are laid, the ability to listen to each other, to reckon with the desires and interests of everyone is formed. teacher working in junior group, stimulates and guides children's play communication. Offering the baby this or that toy, the teacher asks who he would like to play with, disposes the children to communicate. This is facilitated by a reminder of how well they played together in the morning, how interesting they were. You can offer two playing children to unite (“Julia, you cooked such a delicious dinner! Invite Lisa and your daughter, treat them to dinner”).

In order to teach kids collusion to play, the teacher acts as the main character. Putting on a smart white apron, a kokoshnik on his head, the teacher turns to the children: “I work in a cafe. Who wants to play with me?" He offers those who wish to help him in organizing a cafe: arranges 2-3 tables, children put napkins, put vases with beautiful branches. Then the teacher talks with the children about the upcoming game: who will come to the cafe, how to treat visitors, who will serve the ordered. Children are included in the game, in the course of it clarifying the content, role-playing behavior, creating a game environment. The next time, the teacher suggests that there is music in the cafe, artists perform, that is, teaches the further development of storylines, the introduction of new roles. In such a game, there can be many parallel roles, playing which children will borrow from each other the means of play behavior (actions, speech dialogues). Remaining in the "leading role", the educator unobtrusively directs the game, approves the positive interaction of children, the successful performance of the role, and prevents the occurrence of conflicts.

It is very important not to ignore the desire of children to organize the game on their own initiative. It is desire, because not supported by the ability to negotiate independently, it quickly disappears. Having approved the intention of the kids to play together, the teacher can ask what they are going to play, what roles are expected, what each character will do, helps to distribute roles, select the necessary attributes. Then he joins the game in a secondary role. For example, in the game in the hospital, he says in a sad voice that his daughter is ill and that it would be nice if the doctor took them first. Further, he “sets the tone for the game”: he shows what the patient is doing, demonstrates examples of verbal interaction between a doctor and a patient, a nurse, and a culture of communication.

In order to consolidate the children's joyful, pleasant impressions of the joint game, the teacher draws the attention of other pupils of the group to it. In the evening, in the presence of children, he tells his parents about the “good game”. He remembers her in the following days. This must be done, because children tend to imitate not only others, but also themselves. In every possible way supported by the teacher, memories of a “good game” will become a model for such imitation.

Children of middle preschool age, when colluding to play, are mainly hampered by the distribution of roles and the development of new storylines in familiar games. The task of the teacher is to teach children, when conspiring to play, to remember something interesting from their lives, tell their comrades, and then bring it into the game. Being present when the children discuss the content of the upcoming game, the educator updates their personal experience with a replica, advice, reminder. For example, children are going to play in the family, and the teacher, knowing that Vera has a sister, can stimulate the storyline "a baby has appeared in the family." Or in the warm season, when most families go out of town for the weekend, the teacher involves children who agree to play with the family in a conversation about going to the country, on a picnic, etc. The game is enriched by the image of family vacations, work in the garden, in the garden. New storylines appear, options for their development, which means that there is a need to introduce additional roles, and play the “permanent” ones in a different way. As a result, the distribution of roles is calmer: it becomes possible to participate in the game in a new role, the old role with updated content becomes more attractive, you can agree to an unwanted role, because in the next game you will be given another one.

At the older preschool age, conspiracy to play does not cause any particular difficulties, because children unite in it on the basis of common interests, personal sympathies, therefore, they understand each other better and are more compliant towards partners. But here a different trend may manifest itself: leadership in the game is often taken by “star” children, who have authority in the eyes of their peers, high status due to good organizational skills, a broad outlook, and general development. Having become a leader in a play group, such a child, at his own discretion, directs the development of the plot, outlines its specific content, distributes roles, and evaluates the “correctness” of their performance. It is necessary not only to avoid such "polarization" during the game and in the process of preparing for it, but also to prevent it in the course of all educational work. For this, the originality, the uniqueness of each child is emphasized in word and deed, and the rule is observed: "To whom much is given, much is asked of him." During the preparatory period of the game, the teacher tactfully directs the relationship of children in such a way that each child finds “his own niche”, in which his abilities will be more fully manifested; someone thinks out how to make the game more interesting, what new roles can be introduced, others focus their attention on its equipment.


In the game, as in a mirror, a picture of the child's understanding of the external world, his attitude towards it is reflected - that is, inner world child. It reveals its ability to interact with environment, to transform it and yourself”, because the works of many teachers and psychologists are devoted to the game. The cooperation of the preschool educational institution and the family in the formation of a humane attitude in children of preschool age is fraught with great opportunities and great educational potential. On the one hand, the experience of communicating with significant adults, on the other hand, the experience of communicating in a group of peers creates favorable opportunities for the social development of the child and the formation of a humane attitude towards peers in the director's game in a family setting. The close relationship between the participants in the pedagogical process (parents and teachers), their skillful leadership in the development of the social competence of a preschooler, the formation of his morality is an important and necessary condition for the education of a comprehensively developed, creative, humane personality.

List of used literature

1. Volkov B.S., Volkova N.V. Child psychology. M., 1994.

2. Preschool pedagogy. / Yadeshko V.I., Sokhina F.A., M., 1996.

3. Zaporozhets A.V. Some psychological problems children's game. M., 1997.

4. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. Organization of a plot game in kindergarten. Psychological Institute of RAO MoiPN, 1997.

5. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Korotkova N.A. How to play with a child. M., 1990.

6. Psychology. Dictionary. Politizdat, 1990.

7. Problems preschool game: psychological and pedagogical aspect / ed. Mikhailenko N.Ya., Podyakkova N.N., M., 1987.

8. Guiding children's games in preschool institutions./ Ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, M., 1990.

9. Usova A.P. The role of play in organizing the life and activities of children. Preschool education, 1999, No. 7.

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