Functions of social institutions. The social institution is

As a result of mastering this chapter, the student must:


  • essence of social efficiency of innovative development business organizations;
  • indicators characterizing the social efficiency of innovative development of enterprises;

be able to

  • determine integral indicator social effect from the introduction of innovations;
  • calculate generalizing indicators characterizing the social effect of the organizational and technical development of enterprises;


  • the skills of speaking to an audience with informational messages, reports on topical issues Russian innovative entrepreneurship;
  • methods for assessing the social effect as a result of entrepreneurial activity.

Social sphere in the conditions of market relations

In the transition to a market economy, social aspects in the sphere of production are clearly underestimated. Already at the beginning of economic reforms, the course towards the abolition of the social sector of enterprises was clearly manifested: preschool institutions, sports and recreation complexes. At the same time, the question of ensuring their break-even functioning was not raised, but with the tacit consent federal services and local self-government objects of the social sphere were sold, closed, taken away.

Unemployment led to a cheap labor market, which dramatically changed the attitude of entrepreneurs towards personnel. In turn, this generates a negative response from workers. Collective agreements at enterprises have lost their significance, the role trade union organizations minimized, untimely payment of wages - all this has a negative impact on the level of organization of labor and production. However, underestimation of personnel policy is an unacceptable mistake that has economic and social consequences.

In the world practice of highly developed countries, investment priorities are focused on meeting a number of social needs - the development of the housing industry, the improvement of infrastructure and the service sector. A new development model is being formed, the main priority in which is to improve the quality of life, including the improvement of health and improvement of working conditions and the environment, improving the quality of medical services, the production of environmentally friendly food, ensuring social and personal security and conditions for the development and self-realization of the individual.

It is extremely difficult for the Russian economy, at this stage of development, to combine ensuring economic growth and improving the quality of life. But this is a paramount problem and it needs to be solved, for this purpose it is necessary to develop concepts and programs (at the federal and regional levels) of scientific and economic development.

It is innovative activity that provides the conditions for improving production relations, changes the forms of organization, conditions, nature and content of labor.

As a result of social consequences innovation activities conditions are created for the revitalization of human activity, which ultimately directly or indirectly affects the recovery of the economy. The social consequences of innovation activities are ambiguous, and therefore they should be assessed depending on the achievement of the goal. scientific and technological development. Thus, the introduction of computer equipment and information technologies determines the use of the highest stage of production automation. But at the same time, the complexity of production processes increases, the functions of the worker, his role in production, change. Automation and robotization facilitate work, but also increase the responsibility of the worker, require a special production culture and intelligence, and a constant increase in the level of knowledge.

The impact of innovations on the structure of intensive work of workers is quite complex and contradictory. Under conditions of technical improvement of production, along with a reduction in the expenditure of physical energy and lightening of labor, mental and nervous stress increases. Thus, contradictions arise between the acceleration of the transformation of production processes, the increase in the flow of information and the limited physical and psycho-physiological abilities of a person.

Different social consequences have a different impact on economic efficiency, increasing or decreasing it. However, the social impacts of innovation tend to be manageable, reducing negative impacts and increasing positive ones. This is one of the features of managing the social development of individual enterprises and industries.

Targeted impacts on the social consequences of innovation activities should ensure an increase in the social effect.

1. Functionalism is characterized by the analysis of education as

· filtering device

· Socially significant activity

· Spheres of self-realization

During the transition to a post-industrial society, a process of population increase is observed - this phenomenon is called

· urbanization

· suburbanization

· social mobility

A factor influencing the speed of adoption of innovations is the possibility of ... characteristics

· Demonstrations

· visual inspection

· Descriptions

The process of mutual cultural penetration, as a result of which a common culture is affirmed, is called

· Assimilation

· Segregation

· Compromise

The essence of contacts of interest is that they

· Forced to pay attention to others

· Make others pay attention to us

· Allows you to choose a social object

6. The emergence of new social movements is explained by the mass reaction to

· Westernization

· globalization

· Modernization

7. Spengler's theory is called "life cycle theory ..."

· Societies

· Civilizations

· cultures

8. The ideology of politics as a social institution is based on the following. ideas

· Freedom, progress, equality

· Democracy, law, nationalism

· Constitution, law, state

A stable set of formal and informal rules, principles, norms, attitudes that regulate various spheres of human activity and organize them into a system of roles and statuses is called ...

· social institution

· Social system

· social structure

A necessary condition for successful acculturation is

· Tolerance

· Avoidance

· Conflict

A form of social interaction in which actors seek to fulfill their interests to the detriment of the interests of other people

· Cooperation

· Conflict

· Compromise

An example of an evolutionary process is ..

· Agricultural life

· The development of the division of labor

· Development of information System

World inform. Giddens order -

· Creation international system news

· Creation of an international system for the production of information and its dissemination

· Job advertisement

· Buying a newspaper

· Crossing the street at a pedestrian intersection

TO common features social institutions does not apply

· Motivation

· Codes

· Ideology

Social changes in societies develop through ..

· selection

· Diffusion

· segregation

New social movements include .. Movement

· Trade union

· ecological

· Farm

Globalization ... migration processes in the world

· Stimulates

· calls

An example of a counterculture in modern society can be a subculture ...

· Entrepreneurs

· bohemia

· deaf and mute

The role of the media in the modern world

· Construction of social reality

· Assessment of social reality

· Reflection of social reality

The theory ... states that the crowd contributes to the manifestation of the behavior of people to which they are predisposed

· Convergence

· Emergence of norms

· Incremental value

A form of social interaction that involves rewards and costs is called

· Competition

· Compromise

· Exchange

23. The overthrow of the state and class structures of society and replacing them with a new order is

· class conflict

· Political coup

· social revolution

24. Not related to factors affecting globalization

· Electronic media

· Ecologist. Movement

· ethnocentrism

25. Economic basis of traditions. Total..

· Services sector

· Industry

Which of the Western sociologists argued that modern schools do not develop the cognitive abilities of students, their common sense and the teaching to think independently

· S.D. Hern

· I.Illich

· R. Collins

An action performed by a person automatically, out of habit, according to Weber's classification, is called

· purposeful rational

· Traditional

· affective

Who considered the cause of conflicts in society unequal roles

· J. G. Mead

· L. Koser

· R. Dahrendorf

29. The negative effects of globalization include

· Internalization of the institutions of civil society

· International division of labor

· Restriction of national autonomy. civil institutions

30. What aspect is not typical in the analysis of education

· institutional

· Systemic

· Structural

31. Which of the sociologists singles out the core of the global society, consisting of world leaders in production

· I. Wallernstein

· E. Giddens

· N. Smelser

Who created a two-term scheme for the development of society, consisting of the stages of the community and society

· F. Tennis

· G. Simmel

· V.Paretto

Crowd behavior is...

· collective behavior

· Mass action

· social movement

It does not apply to the elements of the structure of social actions.

· The need for activation

· Action result

· Participant Interests

35. An essential sign of mass action is the absence of ..

· Institutional contacts

· personal contacts

· personal activity

What is the name of a special type of fleeting short-term connections of an individual in society

· Contacts

· Interactions

Giddens believes that globalization is inextricably linked to...

· Modernization

· Transformation

· Discrimination

Which of the following sociologists believed that education is an investment in the future that brings profit

· Durkheim

· harne

· Juster

39. The formation of the alphabets of European languages ​​​​based on the Latin alphabet is an example of a cultural

· Anomie

· relativism

· Diffusion

40. The system of interdependent social actions is called

· Mutual reproaches

· Interactions

· Relationships

The attitudes and patterns of behavior of religion as a social institution include

· Love

· Faith

· Respectfulness

42. The globalization of education means it..

· Internationalization

· Unification

· G.Lebon

· G.Tard

· N.Smelzer

According to the theory .. all societies go through the same stages of development from traditionalism to the industrial stage

· cultural dynamics

· Evolution

· Modernizations

45 Does not apply to spatial contacts..

· Supposed

· Visual

· Public

46 The system of methods of ideological and social - psychological. Influences with the aim of changing the opinions, thinking, consciousness and behavior of people contrary to their interests are called

· Propaganda

· Suggestion

· Manipulation

47 The media, according to Giddens, has no influence on

· Everyday existence

· Predisposition to crime and violence

· Religious affiliation

48 Globalization of the ability of the national state to really manage the internal processes in the country

· Does not affect

· Reduces

· Raises

Any action of an individual, focused on the motives of the behavior of other people, is called

· cultural

· psychological

· Social

50 Does not apply to the types of social actions according to Weber

· Pragmatic

· Traditional

· affective

Value-oriented movements are characterized by the following features

· The presence of leaders, programs and developed ideologies

· The presence of leaders promising programs and developed ideologies

· The presence of charismatic leaders, promising programs and developed ideologies

52 Musicals and blockbusters in the science fiction and detective genres are an example of .. culture

· Elite

· Bulk

· People's

Social movements are a set of efforts and actions aimed at..

· Change support

· Against innovation

· Support or resistance to change

· Conflict

· disagreement

· Mobilization

55 Which of the listed theoretical directions considers that the structure of society is based on unity, social harmony and functional compliance

· evolutionaryism

· Conflictology

· Functionalism

The criterion for progress in the concept of post-industrial society is the level of development.

· Technical

· scientific

· Cultural

Marriage between one woman and several men called

· Polygyny

· Polygamy

· polyandry

58 According to Smelser, a consequence of the spread of industry. Technology has become

· Strengthening social mobility

· The emergence of closed social groups

· Strengthening relationships. connections

· W. Rostow

· A. Toffler

· L. White

Institute ... provides management in various areas of society, security and social order

· Religions

· Politicians

· Economy

This type of movement is aimed at improving working conditions and increasing wages.

· value-oriented

· Norm-oriented

· reformist

All charismatic movements can be called

· norm-oriented

· value oriented

· religious

According to F. Tönnies, the community is an image of ... society

· Mass

· Traditional

· Industrial

N. Smelser considers collective behavior as

Social Consequences- these are expected, planned or unexpected, spontaneously arising, unforeseen results of transformations in society, any innovations in a limited territorial social system (region, city) or social organization (enterprise, firm, institution) that affect the social relations of groups, communities , individuals. Social consequences can be positive and negative, immediate and remote (in terms of the time of occurrence), direct or indirect (in connection with the main direction of transformations), etc. Social impacts are generally related to social goals and concerns and are an important concept in social management.

Responsibility is an obligation placed on or undertaken by someone to account for any of their actions and accept the blame for possible consequences. From a psychological point of view, responsibility is a more complex concept, appearing in various psychological phenomena. Responsibilitythis is, first of all, the individual's awareness of those requirements and norms for the organization of labor activity, the consequences of their fulfillment and non-fulfilment, which exist in the team, labor organization, and society. But awareness alone is not enough; an active, effective desire is needed to realize these requirements in the conditions of joint work, to embody these norms in concrete actions and deeds. Thus, when we talk about responsibility, we are not talking about a simple performance of what is due, but about an active life position, the desire to achieve what is due. At the same time, it is important that a person is responsible for his actions, first of all, to himself, to his conscience.

On the other hand, responsibility can be considered as a psychological trait of a person, which is steadily manifested in his attitude to work, to the team, to himself. Along with this, the concept of responsibility also includes an emotional-sensory component, expressed in a person's sense of responsibility, duty and conscience.

Thus, responsibility as a psychological phenomenon is the result of many mental functions of a person: cognitive, emotional and behavioral. The essential signs of responsibility, manifested in behavior, are accuracy, punctuality, commitment to the performance of one's duties, readiness to be responsible for the consequences of one's actions. Responsible behavior presupposes professionalism, knowledge of one's business, and the desire to understand complex issues. It cannot be implemented successfully if a person does not have developed emotional qualities: the ability to empathize, sensitivity to the state of another person. The implementation of responsible behavior requires strong-willed qualities: perseverance, patience, endurance, perseverance.

Responsibility is directly related to the fulfillment of obligations, which is understood as “a promise or contract that requires unconditional fulfillment from the one who accepted them.

Responsibility has always been related to a certain subject and reflects the scope of the tasks and duties of the individual, i.e. debt limits.

Duty there is a duty of a person to someone or to his conscience.

Conscience is the awareness and experience of responsibility, based on self-assessments of the performance of duties.

The subject of responsibility may be:

individual personality;

a group as a certain community of people;

the state as a kind of macrostructure.

The presence of an instance before which the subject can and must be held accountable for his actions is an important regulator. public life. These authorities may be:

1) a publicly significant person (for example, a president, head of a company, etc.);

2) social group (political party, organization, society, etc.);

3) historically established ethical, moral, religious and other requirements.

Types of responsibility: legal, moral, professional, social and others. Role duties and social relations that determine them are taken as one of the criteria of social responsibility. It is also possible to choose more particular criteria for classifying liability, on the basis of which such types of liability are determined, such as criminal, administrative, material, moral.

The psychological prerequisite for responsibility is the possibility of choice, i.e. conscious preference for a certain line of behavior. The choice can be made in complicated conditions, for example, in conflict situations, where the interests of a single individual, group of people or society collide.

Responsibility is considered the most important property of a person. If we are talking about the adoption of social norms of behavior, then we usually talk about the social responsibility of the individual. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that its object is social norms and role functions. The subject of control can be both the person himself and his social environment.

Awareness of responsibility- first of all, the reflection in the subject of being of social necessity, i.e. understanding the meaning of the actions taken and the consequences. As a result, the attribution of responsibility is generated by the vital need to evaluate the results of activities, as well as to determine the level of success or failure, impose penalties, etc.

The concept of responsibility directly interacts with the concept of "independence". When the decision is made personally by the subject of the action, then all responsibility falls on him. Responsibility is devalued in the group.

At the enterprise, the very nature of the activity gives rise to industrial conflicts. Let us give a conflict example of such a managerial situation. One employee works on an expensive imported machine, which requires careful handling and fine tuning during operation. But the employee is not responsible for its safety. Therefore, in the event of an accident, a person blames the technician or engineer responsible for its technical condition. There is a conflict - who is to blame? This situation could not arise if the operation and maintenance of the machine were the responsibility of the same department, in which the necessary training of personnel in the use of equipment would be carried out.

One of the forms of legal and moral support for the social activity of the individual is responsibility for inaction. A person should feel responsible not only for what he did, but also for what he did not do, although he had to do it.

Professional Responsibility requires constant psychological readiness to take specific actions. In some positions, including leadership, responsibility is the main source of mental stress over time.

Performing the basic functions of management, the manager solves complex tasks that are not of the same order in content and structure. Their constituent elements are economic, legal, technological, socio-psychological, educational and other tasks. The head is obliged to comply with state laws, legal norms and at the same time be responsible for his work and the work of his subordinates.

Distinguish legal and social responsibility.

Legal liability means following specific laws and regulations state regulation, which determines what an organization can and cannot do, a group as a separate element of an organization, an individual as an object of management.

Unlike the legal Social responsibility- this is a certain degree of voluntary response to social problems in accordance with social norms, values, characteristics of the subculture and moral obligations.

Social responsibility lies outside the requirements defined by law or regulatory authorities. Example: donations to help sick children, disabled people, etc. Such behavior is not regulated by legal laws and is voluntary. Another example: donor activity to provide emergency care to a patient. This is an example of an altruistic act associated with the realization of duty.

Social responsibility is associated with the implementation of general rules, norms that are assimilated by a person. Social norms of behavior are formed gradually in the process of growing up, starting from childhood. Gradually, from external requirements, they become internal, psychological formations.

Social responsibility serves as a means of internal control of the individual (it is called self-control), i.e. activities that are carried out consciously and voluntarily.

A person's awareness of the need for social responsibility is associated with the action of various factors: cognitive, motivational, situational, characterological, personal and others.

Social responsibility is directly related to the implementation of group norms of behavior. When it is said that an employee violates the norms of the group of which he is a member, this means that such norms exist and that the person must follow them.

Group norms are understood as a set of requirements and rules developed within a group as a certain community and playing the role of the most important means of regulating the behavior of members of this group.

The practice of forming and functioning of groups (in social psychology they are called "small" or "working" groups) indicates that these norms are not set by anyone from the outside, but are added up in the process joint activities of people. We can say that group norms are created spontaneously and become the standards of behavior for all members of the group.

In a close-knit group, norms of relations with other people are also formed. The value-oriented unity of the group is one of the complex socio-psychological phenomena, since it is systemic in nature. To date, it has not been sufficiently studied. Group norms contribute to the performance of certain actions by people performing common work. The existence of group norms makes it possible to predict the behavior of not only individual members of the group, but the entire group as a whole. In the presence of group norms, the group itself becomes a collective organizer and coordinator of the activities of performers. The system of group norms is controlled by the group itself. Therefore, not only the leader, but the group itself become the subjects of management by all its members.

In any organization with a developed structure, there are formal and informal groups.

The leader is responsible not only for the present, but also for the future, for fulfilling his duties and foreseeing the consequences of his own actions. As an example, we can take any managerial decision, without which an organizational task cannot be solved. So, without solving the problems of personnel management, without selecting the necessary personnel and management personnel, it is impossible to solve a single managerial problem.

For any decision made, the leader is responsible. But there are situations when the leader does not accept specific solutions. Failure to make decisions may be a violation of the social responsibility of the leader. For example, no decision has been made to check safety measures by managers who are directly related to this. The result is the death of people due to the resulting fire.

The leader must foresee the consequences of his inaction and be ready to bear responsibility for it. The social responsibility of managers may conflict with legal responsibility. For example, contrary to the law, the manager seeks funds by renting out premises located on the territory of the enterprise to pay off wage arrears to employees. Such behavior of the leader from purely human positions can be regarded as socially responsible.

Social responsibility should be considered as a persistent personal property. When making life plans, a person usually weighs whether this goal is feasible for him or whether he needs to rely on external forces, on other people. According to researchers, one person can act as the master of his own destiny, while the other "floats at the will of the waves", i.e. one person takes responsibility and the other walks away from it.

In this regard, two different strategies of human behavior should be noted:

1) see the source of control of your life in external environment;

2) in itself.

In accordance with the views of J. Rotter, if a person takes responsibility for the events of his life, then this means that the person has "internal" control. The internality of the personality positively correlates with social responsibility, with awareness of the meaning and goals of life. Individuals with an internal locus of control (locus of control- the property of a person to determine the measure of responsibility for their actions to themselves or external circumstances) take responsibility for the course of life events, guided by a sense of duty, morality and clearly aware of the meaning.

Socially responsible individuals are characterized by the presence of positive qualities, ranging from punctuality, accuracy, obedience and ending with moral, civic traits such as honesty, justice, adherence to principles, etc.

If responsibility is attributed by circumstances to other people or to an occasion, then this characterizes the presence of an external, i.e. "external" control. The internality and externality of the locus of control are stable personality traits formed in the process of socialization (according to J. Rotter). Socialization- this is the result of the inclusion of a person in social relations, thanks to which social experience is assimilated, and then reproduced in activity. In contrast to interval, external personalities, suspiciousness, anxiety, depression, aggressiveness, conformism, dogmatism, authoritarianism, etc. are characteristic.

Questions for revision and discussion

1. What caused the need for management?

2. What is the essence of managerial interaction?

3. What is meant by the system of social management?

4. What is resource management?

5. What is included in the concept of a social system?

6. What elements does the control system consist of?

7. What is responsibility?

8. What characterizes social responsibility?

9. What is the relationship between personality and responsibility?

The influence of social institutions on the socialization of the individual

Definition 2

Socialization institutions are institutions and organizations that direct the process of socialization and have a direct impact on it.

Socialization institutions are divided into:

  • primary institutions of socialization - family, preschool institutions, school, sections and circles for children and youth, peer groups, etc.;
  • secondary institutions of socialization - the state and its bodies, the church, higher educational institutions, the media, etc.

The process of socialization of the individual is influenced by various social institutions:

  1. Family. Parents are agents of primary socialization. The family teaches the rules and norms of behavior,
  2. School. It teaches discipline, fosters collectivism, respect for elders. At school, cultural values, moral norms are mastered, the child acquires new knowledge, skills and abilities.
  3. Social circles, sports sections. They contribute to the development of physical qualities, patience, endurance, a sense of collectivism.
  4. Church. Teaches patience, kindness, justice and mercy.
  5. Army. Teaches discipline. Develops a sense of responsibility, patriotism.
  6. Mass media. They contribute to the formation of certain attitudes towards cultural and other values ​​accepted in society.

Influence of educational and cultural institutions

Definition 3

Education is a social institution that ensures the development of society as a result of the structured transfer of social experience in the form of certain knowledge, skills and abilities.

Educational and cultural institutions have a variety of influences, including:

  • adaptation, i.e. preparation for life in society;
  • management on the basis of accepted norms of various manifestations of group and intergroup behavior, everyday interpersonal contacts of people;
  • determining the methods and order of mutual communication;
  • regulation of methods of exchange and transmission of information, appeals, greetings, etc.;
  • training of specialists;
  • familiarization with cultural norms and values;
  • revealing the personal potential of each person.

The impact of economic and political social institutions

Remark 1

Economic and political social institutions have the greatest impact on the stability of society, its development as a social system.

The economic system is an interconnection of various economic structures, the functioning of which is regulated by certain economic institutions. The social institution covers only one segment of the economy.

Institutions that influence the economy:

  1. property institution. It includes a system of social control bodies, institutions and organizations of power, legal and moral norms, standards, values, stereotypes of behavior associated with various forms of ownership (state, public, municipal, group, individual, etc.). As a social institution, property is a powerful tool that activates and stimulates people's activities.
  2. market institute. A market economy is a self-regulating economic system based on the production of goods, their exchange in accordance with supply and demand in conditions of free competition. Institute market economy allows a person to realize his private interests, provides a path to effective and dynamic economic development, creates

190. Intragenerational mobility is…
1.Moving from one position to another at various points in an individual's working life
2. Moving from position to position in relation to the positions of the parents
3.Horizontal mobility
4. Downward mobility

191. Feature informal groups is that they arise...

1. As a result of management 2. Spontaneously

3. As a result of orders 4. Purposefully

192. One of the functions of the primary group is ...

1. Axiological function 2. Humanistic function

3. Socialization of the individual 4. economic function

193. K. Marx characterized the relations between the main classes in bourgeois society as a class (th, th) ...

3. Antagonism 4. Competition

194. The class of modern society that stands for political, economic and cultural stability is _____________ class.

1. Inferior 2. Underground

3. Medium 4. Supreme

195. The transition to universal literacy and the formation of national education systems is - characteristic ______ society.
1. Traditional 2. Industrial

196. The transition to universal literacy and the formation of national educational systems is a characteristic feature of _______ society.

1. Traditional 2. Industrial
3. Post-industrial 4. Class

197. The economic dependence of a woman on her husband and the recognition of the unconditional priority of a man in matters of family headship are characteristic of ______ families.

1. Nominal 2. Nuclear
3. Egalitarian 4. Patriarchal

198. The concept of "reference group" was introduced into sociology ...

1. M. Weber 2. C. Cooley
3. E. Durkheim 4. G. Hyman

199. The presence of interaction between members of the group is a sign of social ...

1. Communities 2. Roles
3. Groups 4. Connections

200. Employees of the Gazprom concern are ...

201. The totality of non-political and non-political government organizations, associations, movements - this is ...

1. Public 2. Party
3. State 4. Civil society

202. Representatives of _____________ define society as a stable and orderly system, the stability of which is achieved through common values, beliefs, and social expectations.

1. Interactionism 2. Social groups
3. Functionalism 4. Conflict theories

203. The economic basis of a traditional society is ...

1. Agriculture 2. Science

3. Trade 4. Industry

204. The process of ordering statuses and roles into a system to meet social needs is called ...

1. Institutionalization 2. Stratification
3. Socialization 4. Urbanization

205. A set of formal prescriptions that define the rights and obligations of a husband and wife, and two of them - in relation to their children and relatives, is called ...

1. Family 2. Marriage
3. Deviation 4. Sanction

206. A group of people united by the solution of certain social problems, characterized by common interests and goals, a sense of solidarity and self-determination, is called ...

1. Crowd 2. Community
3. Collective 4.Organization

207. Society has such features as territorial certainty and the presence of ...

1. Complete equality 2. Political interests
3. Common culture 4. Geographic environment

208. The transition to universal literacy and the formation of national educational systems is a characteristic feature of _____ society.

1. Post-industrial 2. Industrial
3. Class 4. Traditional

209. The marriage of one woman simultaneously with several spouses is called ...

1. Polygyny 2. Endogamy
3. Polyandry 4. Exogamy

210. The presence of a formal organization is a sign of a __________ group.

1. Big 2. Real
3. Small 4. Secondary

211. Two people waiting for a bus at a bus stop are called ...

1. In-group 2. Out-group
3. Reference group 4. Quasigroup

212. The legal assignment of rights and obligations to each group is characteristic of the _____ stratification system.

1. Slave 2. Class
3. Cast 4. Class

213. Successful adaptation to a new socio-economic situation characterizes the ____ layer.

1. Base 2. Underclass
3. Bottom 4. Medium

214. A set of people scattered in space who have similar interests in relation to some object is ...
1. Class 2. Strat
3. Crowd 4. Public

215. The transition to universal literacy and the formation of national educational systems is a characteristic feature of _____ society.

1. Traditional 2. Post-industrial
3. Class 4. Industrial

216. If the consequences of the activity of a social institution impede the functioning of another institution, then this phenomenon is called ...

1. Dysfunction 2. Deviation
3. Explicit function 4. Latent function

217. A set of formal prescriptions that define the rights and obligations of a husband and wife, and two of them - in relation to their children and relatives, is called ...

1. Sanction 2. marriage
3. Family 4. Deviation

218. The group with which the individual identifies himself and to which he belongs is called ...

1. Nominal 2. Primary
3. Internal 4. Small

219. A group of people united by the solution of certain social problems, characterized by common interests and goals, a sense of solidarity and self-determination, is called ...

1. Team 2. Commonality
3. Crowd 4. Organization

220. An association that claims a common origin for all its members, a common history, and is also characterized by a sense of solidarity is a ____ community.

1. Bulk 2. Rated
3. Territorial 4. Ethnic

221. The main feature of ____ is isolation from the institutions of a large society.

1.Bottom layer 2.Middle layer
3. Base layer 4. Underclass

222. A social group of three people, in which complicated relationship is called...

1. Dyad 2. Resocialization
3. Triad 4. Validity

223. The totality of non-political and non-state organizations, associations, movements is

1. Civil society 2. Party
3. State 4. Public

224. Economic basis industrial society is…

1. Science 2. Agriculture
3. Industry 4. Trading

225. A social institution that reproduces the population is called ...

1. Organization 2. Estate
3. Community 4. Family

226. A group in which communication is maintained by direct personal contacts and highly emotional involvement of members in the affairs of the group is called _______ group.

1. Reference 2. Secondary
3. Social 4. Primary

227. Customers in the store, passengers at the station are an example of ...

3. Social aggregate 4. Territorial community

228. Legal assignment to each group of rights and obligations are characteristic of _____ stratification systems

1. Class 2. Class
3. Slave 4. Caste

229. The most numerous part in the system of stratification of Russian society is the _____ layer.

1. Bottom 2. Middle
3. Basic 4. Sub-elite

230. A broad social group characterized by a certain geographic location m, political sovereignty and original culture, is called ...

1. Society 2. Culture
3. Subculture 4. Civilization

231. Association of people based on their participation in some activity, system-bound relationships that are regulated by formal or informal social institutions is called _________ group.

1. Social 2. Primary
3. Reference 4. Nominal

232. The presence of interaction between members of the group is a sign of social ...

1. Communities 2. Roles
3. Groups 4. Connections

233. Customers in the store, passengers at the station represent an example ...

1. Ethnic community 2. Social category
3. Territorial community 4. social aggregate

234. From the standpoint of _______, the basis of social inequality is private ownership of the means of production.

1. Functionalism 2. Marxism
3. Conflict theory 4. Exchange theory

235. Distinctive feature representatives of the _____ layer - low activity potential.

1. Sub-elite 2. Medium
3. Base 4. Bottom

236.According to the concept of E. Shils, the essential features of society are their own ...

237. Relations between the main classes in bourgeois society K. Marx described as class (th, th) ...

1. Cooperation 2. Rivalry

3. Antagonism 4. Competition

238. The class of modern society that stands for political, economic and cultural stability is _____________ class.

1. Inferior 2. Underground

3. Medium 4. Supreme

239. According to T. Parsons, maintaining the motivation of actors in the performance of roles, the elimination of hidden stresses is provided by the subsystem ...

1. Political 2. Culture

3. Social control 4.Economy

240. A broad social group, characterized by a certain geographical position, political sovereignty and original culture, is called ...

1. Civilization 2. Culture

3. Subculture 3. Society

241. The economic dependence of a woman on her husband and the recognition of the unconditional priority of the man in matters of family headship are characteristic of the family.

1. Egalitarian 2. Nuclear

3. Rated 4. Patriarchal

242. The group with which the individual identifies himself and to which he belongs is called ...

1. Primary 2. Internal

3. Rated 4. Minor

243. A social group consisting of two members, the relationship between which is based on feelings, equivalence of exchange and reciprocity, is called ...

1. Urbanization 2. Anomie

3. Dyad 4. Triad

244. Big businessmen and responsible officials are included in the stratum.

1. Sub-elite 2. Basic

3. Lower 4. Middle

245. The evolutionary typology of societies is based on social ______, typical for all countries and peoples.

1. Functions 2. Sanctions

3. Morals 4. Changes

246. If the consequences of the activities of a social institution impede the functioning of another institution, then this phenomenon is called ....

1. Deviation 2. Explicit function

3. Latent function 4. Dysfunction

247. The marriage of one woman simultaneously with several spouses is called ...,.

1. Exogamy 2. Endogamy

3. Polygyny 4. Polyandry

248. A group in which communication is maintained by direct personal contacts and highly emotional involvement of members in the affairs of the group is called ....

1. Secondary 2. Reference

3. Primary 4. Social

249. The totality of people who have a unity of relationship to a particular developed area is a ____ community.

1. Territorial 2. Bulk

3. Nominal 4. Ethnic

250. The legal assignment of rights and obligations to each group is characteristic of _______ stratification systems.

1. Class 2. class

3. Caste 4. Slave

251. A social institution that carries out the reproduction of the population is called ...

1. Organization 2. Community

3. Family 4. estate

252. A group of people united by the solution of certain social problems, characterized by common interests and goals, a sense of solidarity and self-determination, is called ...

1. Organization 2. Crowd

3. Collective 4. Commonality

253. Society has such features as territorial certainty and the presence of ...

1. Common culture 2. Complete equality

3. Political interests 4. Geographic environment

254. A set of people scattered in space who have similar interests in relation to some object is

1 class 2. Public

3. Crowd 4. Strat

255. The concept of "reference group" introduced into sociology ...

1. M. Weber 2. E. Durkheim

3. G. Hyman 4. C. Cooley

256. The presence of interaction between members of the group is a sign of social ...

1. Communities 2. Groups

3. Relationships 4. Roles

257. Society as a system of relations between people based on norms and values ​​that form culture, determined ...

1. T. Parsons 2. M. Weber

3. K. Marx 4. E. Durkheim

258. The transition to universal literacy and the formation of national educational systems is a characteristic feature of _____ society.

1. Industrial 2. Class

3. Post-industrial 4. Traditional

259. The presence of a formal organization is a sign of a ______ group.

1. Small 2. Secondary

3. Big 4. Real

260. A distinctive feature of the representatives of the ______ layer is a low activity potential.

1. Bottom 2. Sub-elite

3. Basic 4. Medium

261. A set of formal prescriptions that define the rights and characteristics of a husband and wife. And two of them - in relation to

1. Sanction 2. Family

3. Marriage 4. Deviation

262. The totality of people who have the unity of relations to a particular developed area is ___ community

1. Ethnic 2. Nominal

3. Bulk 4. Territorial

263. Citizenship rights are the main criterion for stratification in the ______ system of inequality.

1. Slave 2. Cast

3. Estate 4. Class

264. Successful adaptation to a new socio-economic situation characterizes the ___ layer.

1. Underclass 2. Basic

3. Bottom 4. Medium

265. The totality of non-political and non-state organizations, associations, movements is ....

1. Civil society 2. State

3. Party 4. Public

266. A family consisting of representatives of several generations, fucks up ....

1. Patriarchal 2. Nominal

3. Expanded 4. Nuclear

Topic 5. Society and personality: problems of interaction.

1. The type of personality accepted by the culture of the corresponding society, which most reflects the characteristics of this culture:

1. Normative personality 2. Typical personality

3. Traditional personality 4. Cultural personality

2. Behavioral reaction (Merton), which is expressed in the complete denial of the goals and means proclaimed by society and replacing them with new goals and means.

1. Ritualism 2. Mutiny

3. Conformism 4. Retreatism

3. The totality of all statuses occupied by this individual is:

1. Main statuses 2. Social statuses

3. Status position 4. Status set

4. A generalized characteristic covering the profession, economic situation, political opportunities, the demographic parameters of a person are:

1. Social status 2. Personal status

3. Role set 4. Social status

5. A behavior model focused on a specific status is:

1. social role 2. Status role

3. Pattern of social action 4. Social norm

6. To the variety of statuses not applicable:

1. Social status 2. Personal status

3. Intergenerational status 4. Prescribed status

7. The process of transforming external real actions, social forms of communication into stable internal qualities of the individual through the assimilation of group values ​​and attitudes:

1. Conformity 2. Interiorization

3. Deviation 4. Training

8. Social norms that are supported by the moral consciousness of believers, the belief in the punishment for sins when deviating from the norms:

1. Religious norms 2. Moral standards

3. Legal regulations 4. Legal regulations

9. To the methods of social control not applicable:

1.Manipulation 2. Persuasion

3. Coercion 4. Suggestion

10. Synonymous with the concept of "social status" Not is the term:

1. Social rank 2. Social position

3. Social position 4. Social role

11. The position of an individual or group in the social system, due to the social functions they perform with the rights and obligations arising from them, is:

1. Social position 2. Responsibilities

3. Subjectivism 4. Mobility

12. Type of social control characteristic of small groups:

1. Informal control 2. Formal control

3. Isolation 4. Isolation

13. The principle of behavior based on worldview, values ​​and norms, readiness for action:

1. Value Orientations 2. Life position

3. Social norms 4. Values

14. A stable system of connections between individuals that has developed in the process of their interaction with each other in the conditions of a given society:

1. Friendship 2. Social relations

3. Cooperation 4. Integration

15. Type of personality, the most common in this territory:

1. Social personality 2. Normative personality

3. Modal personality 4. Typical personality

16. General concept, which is a biosocial category, is:

1. Personality 2. Man

3. Subject 4. Object

17. A unique combination of natural and social properties of an individual is:

1. Uniqueness 2. Individuality

3. Uniqueness 4. Inimitability

18. Socially approved by most people ideas about what goodness, duty, justice, friendship, etc. are:

1. Virtues 2. Rules

3. Norms 4. Values

19. A variety of _________ status is social class status.

1. Main 2 . prescribed

3. Attainable 4. Personal

20. Actual, real behavior of a person occupying a particular social position (social status):

1. Normative behavior 2. social behavior

3. Role performance 4. Conformity

21. Developed the theory of the hierarchy of needs:

1. A. Maslow 2. K. Marx

3. C. Cooley 4. F. Engels

22. The integrity of the social properties of a person, a product of social development:

1. Personality 2. Man

3. Subject 4. Object

23. The manifestation of social relations at the interpersonal level, the dependence of the behavior of one individual on another:

1. Social 2. Public

3. Psychological 4. Humanistic

24. A. Maslow developed a hierarchy of needs: basic (vital), security, __________, recognition, self-realization.

1. Material 2. Communication

3. Economic 4. Love

25. J. Mead identified three stages in the formation of personality: the stage of accepting the role of another, ________, the stage of accepting the role of a “generalized other”.

1. The stage of accepting the role of others 2. Stage of self-acceptance

3. Stage of awareness of oneself 4. Stage of awareness of others

27. Everyone living in society and having undergone socialization is:

1. Personality 2. Man

3. Subject 4. Object

28. A person who shares the same cultural patterns as most members of a given society, adapted to social conditions:

1. Conformist 2. Modal personality

3. A cultured person 4. Right person

29. In theory, _____ a person appears as a product or object of social relations - he is what the social environment surrounding him is.

1. Positivism 2. Freudianism

3. Marxism 4. Rationalism

30. The totality of social factors influencing the formation and behavior of the individual:

1. Society 2. Society

3. Social environment 4. Macro environment

31. Status characterizing the social position of a person, determining his way of life:

1. Important 2. Chief

3. First 4. Ascriptive

32. The process of assimilation by an individual of patterns of behavior, psychological mechanisms, social norms and values ​​necessary for the successful functioning of an individual in a given society is:

1. Socialization 2. social reform

3. Social evolution 4. Social stability

33. The social position that is occupied by the individual and is fixed through his individual choice, his own efforts, this is the status:

1. Personal 2. Prescribed

3. Social 4. Achieved (descriptive)

34. A model of behavior, strengthened, established, selected as appropriate for people occupying a particular social position (status) in the system of social relations is:

1. Role expectation 2. social role

3. Social position 4. Social norm

35. Status that manifests itself at the level small group and is determined by personal qualities and character traits, this is the status:

1. Expected 2. Personal

3. Honored 4. Group

36. The expected model of behavior for people of a given status in a given social system:

1. Role 2. Role expectation

3. Role performance 4. Regulatory action

37. Awareness of one's "I" is formed with the awareness of other "I", considered:

1. Z. Freud 2. K. Marx

3. V. Pareto 4. C. Cooley

38. The experiential process, during which roles are identified and filled with content, change as the coordinate system changes, is:

1. Role building 2. Role analysis

3. Role play 4. Interaction of roles

39. The agents of primary socialization Not includes:

1. Parents 2. Close relatives

3. Peers 4. School administration

40. Behavioral reaction (Merton), expressed in the acceptance of goals, but the rejection of the means to achieve them:

1. Innovation 2. Deprivation

3. Socialization 4. Conflict

41. The clash of role requirements for a person, caused by the plurality of roles simultaneously performed by him:

1. Consensus 2. Controversy

3. Role conflict 4. Conformity

42. Researcher _______ organized and conducted a “prison” experiment:

1. E. Mayo 2. K. Marx

3. G. Tarde 4. F. Zimbardo

43. The process of formation of social qualities, properties, values, knowledge and skills, thanks to which a person becomes a capable participant social connections, institutions, communities:

1. Socialization 2. Education

3. Learning 4. Learning

44. This expected behavior, due to the social status of the individual, is:

1. Social role 2. Role play

3. Normal behavior 4. Planned behavior

45. Status that characterizes an individual as a member of a large social group, as a representative of a class, nation, profession, this is the status:

1. Expected 2. Personal

3. Honored 4. Group

46. ​​Socialization agents: parents, relatives, friends, teachers and other reference (significant) people, they are important in the early stages of life, these are agents:

1. Main 2. Important

3. Reference 4. Primary

47. A set of social prescriptions and ceremonies, through which the entry of an individual into the members of a group, a change in his status, the acquisition of a new social role are noted:

1. Initiation 2. Crowning

3. Ceremonial 4. Acceptance

48. The process of assimilation of new social norms to replace the lost ones or their restoration:

1. Socialization 2. Deviation

3. Resocialization 4. Deprivation

49. Adaptation of the individual to role functions, social norms, socio-economic conditions, institutions:

1. Habituation 2. Acceptance

3. Social adaptation 4. Training

50. Conflict when an individual has to choose between the need to fulfill official duties and come to the aid of a friend in need:

1. Role conflict 2. Subjective conflict

3. Status conflict 4. Interpersonal conflict

51. Means of encouragement and punishment, forcing people to comply with social norms:

1. Sanctions 2. Orders

3. Directions 4. Wishes

52. Representatives of the administration of the school, institute (group curator), enterprises, army, church, state, media employees - their role is important at later stages of life, they are agents of socialization:

1. Secondary 2. Group

3. Non-referential 4. Public

53. The mechanism of socialization, expressed in more or less exact copying by the individual of the behavior of other people:

1. Imitation 2. Imitation

3. Repeat 4. Copy

54. The set of roles corresponding to this status is called:

1. Role set 2. Role selection

3. Playing roles 4. Performance

55. The process of including social norms, values ​​in inner world person, i.e. giving social norms a personal character is:

1. Conformity 2. Interiorization

3. Deviation 4. Training

56. The process of weaning from old norms, values, roles, rules of conduct:

1. Desocialization 2. Socialization

3. Deviation 4. Deprivation

57. The state of the gap between the biological and socio-cultural maturation of young people, manifested in the non-acceptance of social duties and obligations:

1. Deviation 2. Socialization

3. Alienation 4. Infantilism

58. Illegal acts that violate the law, which are not in the proper sense of crime, punishable in an administrative manner:

1. Delinquent behavior 2. Deviation

3. Crime 4. Conformity

59. Behavioral reaction (Merton), which is expressed in the rejection of goals, but the acceptance of the means to achieve these goals:

1. Ritualism 2. Consent

3. Conformity 4. Agreement

60. A mechanism that ensures the maintenance of socially acceptable patterns of behavior and functioning of the social system as a whole:

1. Norms 2. Social control

3. Army 4. Police

61. Behavioral reaction (Merton), which consists in accepting the goals and means of a given social community, even by abandoning one's own beliefs:

1. Acceptance 2. Consent

3. Conformity 4. Arrangement

62. A variety of _______status can be professional and official status.

1. Ascriptive 2. achievable

3. Personal 4. Group

63. The concept that reflects a social attribute that discredits an individual or group in order to exclude them from social interaction is a “label” hung on a person:

1. Stigma 2. Exception

3. Deprivation 4. Conformism

64. The functionality of deviant behavior for society, in the opinion of _________, is manifested in the fact that it leads to the improvement of social norms in society.

1. E. Durkheim 2. K. Marx

3. M. Weber 4. M.M. Kovalevsky

65. The subordination of the individual to the norms accepted in society, the attitudes and behavior of the individual, corresponding to the expectations and norms of the social group:

1. Acceptance 2. Conformity

3. Deviation 4. Socialization

66. _______ are instructions on how to behave correctly in society.

1. Norms 2. Rules

3. Laws 4. Punishments

67. According to sociologists, the main type of "social lifts" in modern society is

1. Personal abilities of the individual 2. Social Institute of Education
3.Competition between individuals 4.Interpersonal relationships

68. Social norms that fix the established order of behavior of people, based on habits and supported by the power of public opinion:

1. Ritual 2. Norms of custom

3. Ceremony 4. Rules

69. The social position, which is prescribed in advance to the individual by society or a group, regardless of his abilities or efforts, is:

1. Prescribed (ascriptive) status 2. Main status

3. Achieved status 4. Characteristic status

70. A specific action of a person, and a system of actions, and a relatively stable mass social phenomenon that do not correspond to the norms of a group, society:

1. Violations 2. Crimes

3. Anomalies 4. Deviant behavior

71. Social norms, which are predominantly evaluative in nature and are provided by the power of public opinion:

1. Moral standards 2. Legal regulations

3. Norms of etiquette 4. Norms of law

72. Factors determining deviant behavior: biological, ________, social.

1. Economic 2. Psychological

3. Political 4. Personal

73. The norms that regulate the relationship between the individual and the authorities, between individual states and are reflected both in laws and in international treaties:

1. Political norms 2. Moral standards

3. Religious norms 4. Legal norms

74. Measures of influence of a social group on the behavior of individuals deviating from social expectations and norms:

1. Orders 2. Sanctions

3. Punishments 4. Rewards

75. The type of socialization that an individual undergoes in childhood, becoming a member of society, it is carried out in the sphere interpersonal relationships:

1. Personal 2. Primary

3. Home 4. Social

76. Individuals and organizations that implement the actions of social norms and apply social sanctions:

1. Agents of social control 2. Controllers

3. Police 4. Army

77. Types of social control: formal control and __________.

1. Informal control 2. Mandatory control

3. Administrative control 4. Army control

78. Delinquency is...
1. Same as deviation 2. Violation of moral taboos
3. Equivalent to anomie 4. Violation of legal and social norms

79. To refer to the layer of super-rich entrepreneurs in Russia who have influence on the authorities, the term ...

1. Nouveau riche 2. "Oligarchs"

3. "Business elite" 4. "New nobles"

80. Consensual decision making as a type of social interaction is called _____.

1. Cooperation 2. By consensus

3. Compromise 4. Competition

81. In ______ society school education becomes widespread and becomes one of the leading factors social stratification.

1. Industrial 2. Feudal

3. Traditional 4. Slave

82. Are the following judgments correct:
A) For modern societies Western Europe the class system of social stratification is characteristic;
B) Modern societies of Western Europe are characterized by a class system of social stratification.

1. Only B is true 2. Both judgments are wrong

3. Only A is true 4. Both judgments are correct

83. Are the following judgments correct:
A) to the "middle class" in modern Russia include mid-level managers, high and medium-skilled intellectual workers;
B) The "middle class" in modern Russia includes the intelligentsia, workers, employees and peasants.

1. Both judgments are wrong 2. Only B is correct

3. Only A is true 4. Both judgments are correct

84. From the point of view of liberal theorists, competition between sellers in a market economy leads to _____.

1. Price increase

2. Deterioration in the quality of customer service

3. Growth of economic efficiency

4. Shortage of goods and services

85. A. Maslow defined the full use of his talents, abilities, capabilities as ______ person.

1. Self-presentation 2. Self-knowledge

3. Self-actualization 4. Conceit

86. The initial stimuli of activity, reflecting the objective conditions of human existence, are called ...

1. Needs 2. Roles

3. Goals 4. Instincts

87. The desire to rest after a long journey can be an example of the action of needs ...

1. Ideal 2. Biological

3. Social 4. Spiritual

88. Motive is an internal motivating reason for an action, while ___ is an external one.

1. Factor 2. Condition

3. Incentive 4. Circumstance

89. The ability to self-reflection characterizes ________ personality

1. Modern 2. Primitive

3. Patriarchal 4. Traditional

90. In sociology, the term "personality" means ...