The most interesting animals on the planet. The most amazing animals on the planet. Weird and Wonderful Animals

In a new article, I would like to talk about the ten most unusual representatives of our planet. At the same time, in this article I did not show and talk about the ugliest representatives of the fauna, such as drop fish and hagfish, but about the most unusual species, looking at which any reader will smile.

Amazing red panda

This animal of the raccoon family lives in Central Asia. He lives in the highlands in mountain bamboo forests in conditions temperate climate. And more often it can be found in Nepal, Burma and Bhutan.

Its main distinguishing characteristic is the long fluffy tail, the length of which is slightly less than the body of the animal. Like all raccoons little panda has a pronounced pattern in the form of a mask on the face. At the same time, the main difference from other types of raccoons is only in the walnut-red coat color.

Interesting fact. Despite their long and clumsy tail, the red panda is excellent at climbing trees, but on the ground they are awkward and move slowly. They spend most of the day in a hollow in a tree, returning in a ball and hiding with their chic tail.

Alpaca - mountain analog of a camel

Alpaca is a short animal of the camel family, which has an original coat of wool. This one lives mountain analogue ships of the desert in the Andes at an altitude of 3500-5000 meters above sea level. Despite the fact that these animals are relatives of camels, their growth is not high - on average, alpacas grow up to 60-86 cm.

Alpacas are valued mainly for their wool, which surpasses even sheep in its properties and has as many as 24 natural shades. And from one alpaca a year they get up to five kilograms of wool. At the same time, this animal in ancient times was paid hard for such a value - the Indians believed that you could get sacred wool from an alpaca by killing it by cutting out a heart from its chest.

Interesting fact. Alpacas do not have front teeth, so they eat by picking up food with their lips and chewing it with their side teeth. Such interesting feature jaws of the animal gives it a special funny look.

Sloth - funny dormouse

The habitat of these funny animals is Central and South America. As its name suggests, it is a very lazy animal and spends almost its entire life in a tree. The whole point of a sloth's life is to move as little as possible and not expend energy. This is the reason for their diet - low-calorie leaves do not provide much energy, however, due to the fact that sloths sleep 15 hours a day, all food can be digested for up to a month in the animal's stomach.

Sloths do not like to descend to the ground, where they are completely helpless, and come down to the ground only once a week for their natural needs. By the way, their laziness to energy consumption is manifested in the very way of eating. Sloths have a long neck and this helps them reach for food without leaving their seats.

Interesting fact. These funny animals are so lazy and inactive that they often have insects such as moths living in their fur.

White-faced saki - a checkerboard-faced primate

This original and amazing primate for all of us lives in Central and South America. Their most common habitat is forests. And it does not matter whether it will be impenetrable jungle in a rainy area or arid areas of the savannah.

A distinctive feature of these primates is the unusual color of the muzzle, which, unlike the main part of the body, is not black, but light tones, on which a dark nose clearly stands out. The hair of the white-faced saka is thick and soft; they have a long tail, but it does not have the ability to grasp, which is inherent in most tree-dwelling monkeys. By themselves, these primates are small - their weight does not exceed two kilograms, and their height is 45-50 cm.

Interesting fact. These primates spend almost all their lives outside the ground, and only sometimes they can afford to go down from the top of the trees to the lower branches in search of suitable food. And at the first sign of danger, they make long jumps, returning to the crowns of trees.

A monkey with a protruding nose

The proboscis is a species of thin-bodied monkeys of the marmoset family with one outstanding feature, which gave the name to this family of primates. The birthplace of this primate is the island of Borneo, where it lives in coastal areas.

The proboscis himself is no different from his other brethren, except for one thing - a nose as huge as a cucumber. Moreover, only male primates of this species have this feature. Their coat is yellowish-brown in color, and on the limbs it has a gray tint.

Interesting fact. Nosachi are the best swimmers among all types of primates. They jump into the water directly from the trees, and can overcome up to 20 meters underwater.

Incredible lemurs

And again, one more representative of the primate family, lemurs, can be recorded in the detachment of amazing animals. These primates, despite their small habitat - Madagascar and the Comoros have as many as a hundred various kinds. Moreover, recently they were attributed not to semi-monkeys, but to a separate suborder - wet-nosed primates.

Based on their diversity, in nature one can meet both microscopic individuals, whose weight does not exceed 30 grams, and ten-kilogram giants. Common feature of all lemurs is the presence of fluffy wool of various shades, large pronounced eyes and an elongated claw on the hind legs with which they comb.

Lemurs are peaceful animals. Most of them follow a vegetarian diet. However, in Lately their peaceful stance has led to the fact that the lemur population began to decline rapidly due to poachers hunting for their unusual fur coats. Below is a photo of the most original lemurs.

The most popular and unusual lemurs

Australian hedgehog

Echidna is one of the rarest animals in the world. Its habitat is distributed on the islands of New Guinea, Tasmania and Australia. Despite his appearance- small in stature, like a pygmy dog, and all in large needles, and similarity with hedgehogs and porcupines, the echidna has nothing to do with these animals. Scientists estimate that the echidna is a distant relative of the first egg-laying mammals, such as tritylodont.

Echidnas spend most of their lives in burrows, which they dig themselves with the help of large claws on their paws in thickets of small shrubs. And in case of danger, he skillfully hides, burrowing into the ground. An interesting feature is that the echidna's ability to dig holes is often used by other animals, for example, rabbits, which force these animals out of their homes.

Another interesting feature. Scientists have long tried to understand why the echidna needs one large nail on its hind legs. It turned out that with its help these animals keep their prickly fur coat clean, because it is simply impossible to get through the prickly needles to the fur with ordinary paws.

Tarsiers - an animal with an "unattached" head

Tarsiers are small mammals from the genus of primates. Their sizes are very small - from 9 to 16 cm. Their habitat is limited to the South-Eastern part of Asia.

These animals are primarily distinguished by their huge head with large bulging eyes, which can rotate almost 360 degrees around the body.

In addition to the head of another distinctive feature tarsiers are long, outstretched fingers and a long tail, which sometimes exceeds the size of the animal's body itself.

This amazing sea creature is the closest relative of the seahorse. True, unlike the skate, it has multiple processes of the head and body, similar to leaves, for which it got its name. The habitat of these marine fish are the waters of Australia.

Sea dragons like to hide with the help of their appendages in the grass in shallow water. And they move with the help of small fins on the neck and back of the dragon.

Axolotl - the most incredible fry on Earth

This creature is an ambistoba larva, which grows up but does not change its external data. She looks the same as a child adulthood. These amazing creatures live in Mexican mountain ponds.

Their parameters do not exceed 30 cm. They lead a calm rhythm of life and most often just lie at the bottom and rest, periodically rising to the surface for a breath of air. At the same time, despite their friendly and comical appearance, axolotls are predators and ambush their victims. No wonder their name, translated from the Aztec language, sounds like a water dog.

Interesting fact. Axolotls have the amazing ability to breathe with both lungs and gills. In case of poor oxygen saturation of water, they switch to pulmonary respiration.

The animal world of our planet is rich and diverse. Some representatives of the fauna have such an unusual appearance that sometimes it seems that they cannot exist in reality. However, nature is a real magician, and everything is possible in it.

Their distinctive feature is the complete transparency of the skin, through which everything is perfectly visible. internal organs, up to eggs in pregnant females. These amazing animals are found in tropical forests South America, in the Amazon and in Brazil. There are several varieties of glass frogs, most of which do not exceed 2-3 cm in length. The color includes all shades of green: from yellowish to dark olive.

In most species, the muscles are as transparent as the skin, but the bones are green in color. They live on the banks of fast-flowing streams and waterfalls, but at the same time they spend most of their life on land, among the leaves of trees. The eggs are laid on branches hanging over the water to protect them from predators. Males guard the clutch on a par with females, maintaining its moisture and removing diseased larvae.

This unique artiodactyl is the only representative of its species. Outwardly, it looks more like a horse, but genetically it is rather a distant relative of giraffes. The only place on the planet where okapis live is the rainforests of the Congo. But due to the fact that there are endless military conflicts in the country, there is no way to establish a reliable number of these fearful and secretive animals in wild nature.

The color of the okapi is very unusual. The body and neck are brown with a reddish tinge, and the legs are striped, exactly like a zebra. The length of the okapi's tongue allows it to lick its own eyes with ease. Okapis feed on tree leaves, as well as grass and fruits, just like giraffes.

This species is the most unusual of all the crocodiles living today. Main outward difference- a very thin elongated muzzle, the ratio of length to width of which is 5:1. Thanks to this shape of the jaws, it is easier for the gharial to hunt fish, since water resistance is reduced. Fish is the main food of the gharial. Gharials live in deep-sea reservoirs with strong currents and muddy creeks, leaving the land only to lay eggs or keep warm, the rest of the time they live in the water. On land, they move by crawling, because they cannot lift the weight of their body from the ground. They live mainly in the northern part of the Hindustan peninsula.

This unusual animal is one of the largest crocodiles, the average length of a male is about 5 m. Unlike common species crocodiles, which need strong and strong teeth to eat mammals, gharial teeth are slanted, oblong and thin, allowing you to tightly hold the fish. Their number exceeds 100, which is more than that of an ordinary crocodile. Gharial is considered a rare species animals, is listed in the Red Book and is considered sacred in India and Nepal.

This unusual mammal is a relative of the anteater and armadillo. The length with the tail is up to 1.5 m, and they weigh up to 27 kg. The entire body, except for the muzzle and abdomen, is covered with horny scales resembling tiled masonry. The edges of the scales are sharp, wear out over time, and the scales are replaced. But the number of scales themselves never changes. Pangolin scales are not genetically related to the keratinized tissues of reptiles. Pangolins have a gray-brown color. The tongue reaches a length of 40 cm, and the muscles that set it in motion are so long that they reach the pelvis. There are several varieties of pangolins, some of which live in Africa, and the second part - in southeast Asia.

These are nocturnal animals that live on the ground or in the canopy of rainforest trees. They spend their daytime in underground burrows. Pangolins are very slow, they can stand on their hind legs like a kangaroo, and in a dangerous situation they curl up into a tight ball, which can only be unfolded by a large predator, such as a leopard. Pangolins can hardly see or hear, but they have an excellent sense of smell. The diet of pangolins consists of termites and ants, which are attracted to the sweet smell of the saliva of these unusual animals. Pangolins are on the verge of extinction, their meat is edible, it is especially popular with the Bushmen. And healers believe that pangolin scales have healing properties.

This is the only tapir that lives in Asia. It is most common on the island of Sumatra, in Thailand and Malaysia. A characteristic external feature is the presence of a white spot (saddle) on the back and sides against the black or brown color of the rest of the tapir's body. This color helps to confuse the predator in the dark, hiding the silhouette of this unusual animal.

This is the largest species of tapir, with an average weight of 300 kg. Tapir is a nocturnal animal that lives in the depths of rainforests near water bodies and other sources of moisture. They feed mainly on young grass.

The number of black-backed tapirs is constantly decreasing due to active deforestation.

How many amazing creatures live with us on the planet! We know very little about some of them, and for some, acquaintance with a person becomes fatal, since after the discovery of some species of animals they began to be exterminated. And yet, we hope that the rare and amazing animals of the planet Earth, which will be described in the article, will remain an adornment of our world for a long time to come.

named ah-ah

A creature lives in Madagascar, which is classified as a semi-monkey - ay-ay or an arm. This is the most amazing animal in the world and, in addition, the rarest in terms of numbers (only 50 individuals). When the researcher Pierre Sonner first discovered him, he decided that he was in front of a rodent, since the teeth of the arm are very similar to those of a squirrel.

The animal grows up to 44 cm, but the fluffy tail grows much longer than its body - up to 60 cm. And the most amazing thing about the little arm is the middle fingers of its forelimbs. This is without which the animal can not do.

With it, the little arm cleans its fur, drinks water (previously dipping a finger in it, and then licking it) and, most importantly, gets food. She taps her finger on the bark of a tree and, finding appropriate place, gnaws through the bark. Then the little arm lowers its finger into the hole in order to prick the larva on the claw and send it into the mouth. In captivity, even after receiving a bowl of sweet syrup, the little hands turn it over, gnaw a hole in the bottom, and then drink the syrup with their irreplaceable finger.

Tarsiers - the owner of the largest eyes

Some researchers believe that the most amazing animals in the world are tarsiers. The appearance of these crumbs is striking. Their body length does not exceed 15 cm, but their eyes are 16 mm in diameter. If such proportions are translated into human height, then our eyes would be the size of an apple!

Tarsier can rotate its head almost 360°. And the animals are able to communicate with the help of ultrasound. These tiny primates are nocturnal, preying on insects, while they deftly jump onto a branch, throwing their hind legs like a frog. And long fingers with flattened pads help them to hold on and not fall.

Vulture turtle - a dinosaur that has survived to this day

We are used to the fact that turtles are slow and harmless creatures, but the vulture turtle will make you change your mind. Outwardly, this most amazing animal in the world looks like a dinosaur that has survived to this day. And her character is not honey!

This inhabitant of US freshwater rivers can grow up to 1.5 m, and it will weigh 80 kg. It is decorated with a “beak”, very similar to the beak of the bird of the same name, and on the tongue this creature has a small constantly moving process, very similar to a worm. By the way, it serves which the turtle catches by burrowing into the silt and opening its mouth.

The tortoise shell is crowned with three bone crests, similar to a saw, and the tail is only slightly inferior in length to the crocodile. If we add here the numerous warts with which its neck and chin are equipped, as well as the algae covering the shell, then the view of the vulture turtle is very unattractive. But she can hold out under water for 50 minutes and has very sharp eyesight.

drop fish

Many bizarre and little-studied creatures live in the depths of the ocean. And the category of “the most amazing animal in the world” can safely be attributed to the inhabitant of deep water, a drop fish. This gelatinous, inactive lump is actually only remotely similar to a fish. And almost human dissatisfied and completely surprising.

The body of the fish is only 30 cm long, it is devoid of scales and covered with mucus, and the massive head is decorated with a process that looks like a hanging nose. The huge mouth of this "beauty" has lips twisted in a displeased-squeamish grimace.

The blob fish doesn't like to swim. Although her jelly-like body is lighter than water and can easily float in the depths of the ocean, she often just lies motionless at the bottom and patiently waits for any small living creatures to swim into her mouth.

By the way, this sea drop hatches its eggs until fry appear from them. And even after that, she continues to take care of them.

Copepod - the strongest creature on the planet

And tiny blind crustaceans live in the water column, the length of the body of which does not exceed 10 mm - these are the strongest and most

amazing world named multicellular organisms is closely studied by Danish scientists. They found that copepods are capable of covering a distance of 50 cm in a second, which is five hundred times the length of the body of this creature. If a person had such capabilities, then he could easily jump a kilometer! Here is this force! Copepods are 10 or even 30 times stronger than any animal and even a machine.

In a jump, copepods reach speeds of up to 6 km / h, and if these figures are translated into human parameters, it turns out that a person with a height of 170 cm could accelerate to a speed of 1000 km / h. Like this!

Crabs also have spiders

IN pacific ocean off the coast of Japan lives the most amazing animal in the world - the spider crab. It weighs almost 20 kg, and the size of its body, together with its paws, reaches 4 m. True, the body itself is only 35 cm. This crab is classified as a centenarian, it is believed that it can live up to 100 years!

Our arthropod giant is so huge that if he wanted to walk along the shore, he could easily step over the camper van. Fortunately, these crabs live only at a decent depth - up to 300 m. And only in order to lay their eggs, they rise to a depth of fifty meters.

By the way, if a spider crab loses one of its monstrous legs, then it grows back in it and becomes longer with each molt.

Miracle of nature - a fish with a transparent head

The most amazing animals of the planet have in their ranks and such a miracle as Creatures like her cannot be found all over the world. Her head is covered with a transparent shell and filled with liquid inside. And the eyes of the fish are inside this "aquarium" and can only look up, in the same place where they should be, the fish have nostrils.

This unreal creature was discovered only in 1939, since it lives at great depths (up to 800 m). But only in 2004, scientists were able to study in more detail the life of an amazing animal.

They found that the fish, seeing from below an object suitable for hunting, becomes upright, which is why its eyes, which are in a special liquid, turn, allowing it to be examined closer and then eat.

Incredible Facts

Looking at some representatives of the animal world, it is impossible not to be surprised at the imagination and ingenuity of Mother Nature.

Here are some examples of the most unusual and strange animals on our planet:

The most unusual animals

1. Angora rabbit

The Angora rabbit is one of the oldest breeds of rabbits, named after the capital of Turkey - the city of Ankara. These cute animals look like a real fluffy cloud with ears, and in the 18th century were popular pets in the royal families of France.

2. Starship

This unusual mole, native to North America, has a strange, fleshy nose. At the end of the muzzle, he has 22 moving pink tentacles, which are very sensitive and are used by him as a kind of antennae. Also, the mole flaunts scaly paws and a thick, fluffy, water-repellent tail, where reserves of fat are stored.

3. Ay-ay

Ai-ai is a rodent-like animal that lives in Madagascar. Thanks to squirrel-like teeth and a thin middle finger, aye-aye gets his food from trees.

4. Pink spadefish

Unlike most fish, this pink shovel fish uses its fins to literally walk on the bottom of the sea. A strange species was discovered in Tasmania, Australia, but scientists have found only four representatives.

5. Striped tenrec

If it were possible to cross a bumblebee and a hedgehog, they would probably have a striped tenrec. Found in Madagascar, this bristly animal is covered in bands of yellow and brown needles, which they use to attack their enemies.

6. Pacu fish

Pacu fish are relatives of piranhas and are distinguished by human teeth. Pacu feed mainly on plants and nuts, however, there have been cases when they have bitten off the testicles of men.

7. Gerenuk

The gerenuk, also known as the giraffe gazelle, is a species of long-necked antelope that lives in the deserts of eastern Africa. A thin and long neck helps her to reach the leaves, which other antelopes cannot reach. Moreover, they are able to stand on their hind legs and become even taller.

8. Cassowaries

These flightless birds are among the most dangerous creatures in the world. Cassowaries are very serious about defending their territory, and in case of danger they can brutally deal with you with their razor-sharp claws. They can reach 2 meters in height.

Unusual animals of the world

9 Giant Isopod

The giant isopod, which looks like a woodlice or Colorado potato beetle, grows up to 19-37 cm in length and reaches a weight of about 1.7 kg. These incredible creatures live underwater at a depth of 170 to 2000 meters. They lead a solitary life, are scavengers, feeding on dead whales, squid and fish. But they are also adapted to long periods of fasting, going without food for up to 8 weeks.

10. Snakehead

This frightening-looking fish is called the snakehead. She has an insatiable appetite, eating almost all the fish in a pond or lake, and even her young. In addition, the snakehead can crawl on the ground and stay on land for up to 3 days in search of new food sources. Once they are on the ground, they are able to eat any small animals in their path. There were even cases of snakehead attacks on people.

11. Saiga

Saiga or saiga is one of the oldest mammals in the world, living on Earth together with saber-toothed tigers and woolly mammoths 250,000 years ago. Although at one time they were considered extinct, now they are often referred to only as living fossils.

12. Australian snake-necked turtle

Looking at her, it seems that someone passed the snake through the turtle. This species of turtle has a neck so long that they cannot retract it back into their protective shell. However, they have secret weapon, releasing a foul-smelling liquid in case of danger.

13. Octopus Dumbo

Grimpoteutis, or as it is also called the Dumbo octopus, outwardly resembles the famous Disney hero Dumbo the flying elephant and is distinguished by funny ears. It lives at a depth of 900 - 4900 meters below sea level and is considered the deepest octopus ever discovered. There were cases when representatives of Grimpoteuthis were found at a depth of 7000 meters.

14. Nosach

The proboscis is a medium-sized monkey found only in the rainforests of Borneo. Proboscis males are the most large monkeys in Asia, and thanks to their large, fleshy nose, they are probably the most unusual mammals.

15. Scorpion Flies

From a distance, these insects look like ordinary dragonflies, but if you look at them under a microscope, you will see a real scorpion tail. Fortunately, he does not sting and is presented to females as a gift.

Unusual animals (photo)

16. Water deer

This miniature deer resembles a vampire up close thanks to its large, curved, saber-shaped fangs that reach up to 8 cm in length. However, do not worry, these deer are quite harmless and there have been no cases of them attacking people.

17. Blue Parrotfish

This strange but amazing fish is considered a delicacy in many parts of the world. In Polynesia, it is served raw and was once considered "royal food". They are parrot fish that are able to wrap themselves in a transparent slime to protect themselves from predators. Males can grow up to 120 cm in length.

18. Red-lipped damselfish

It seems as if this fish decided to paint her lips with bright red lipstick. Red-lipped fish live at a depth of 30 meters in the Galapagos Islands. Interestingly, they are more adapted to walk on the seabed than to swim. When the fish reaches maturity, it begins to use its dorsal fin as a bait for prey.

19. Axolotl

Axolotl refers to the larvae of Mexican ambistomes or tiger ambistomes. The larvae of this species do not undergo metamorphosis, while adults remain aquatic and with gills. The axolotl is highly regarded by scientists for its ability to regrow new limbs and even body parts, including the spine and part of the brain if they are lost.

20. Cyclops Shark

The cyclops shark is one of the strangest creatures discovered by scientists in 2011. A large eyeball is the result of a disorder called cyclopia, which also occurs in humans. Researchers have found Cyclops shark embryos several times, but the fact that they have not been found out of the womb suggests that Cyclops do not survive in the wild.

The world is full of strange and unusual creatures. But, unfortunately, not everyone had a chance to look at them - these animals are extremely rare. For one reason or another, the species either dies out or is poorly adapted to environmental conditions. But while all these individuals that excite the imagination exist, it is worth taking this chance and looking at the rarest and most unusual creatures at least in a photograph - however, in many cases it is better not to meet these animals in wildlife.

Weird and Wonderful Animals:

Photo: The Last Survivors

The slattooth is an insectivorous mammal. They look like rats on high legs. The tail is bare and scaly. For insectivores, these animals are quite large: from 28 to 32 in length, together with the tail, their dimensions can reach values ​​of about half a meter. Apart from your unusual look, open-toothed are also one of the few poisonous species of mammals. But, ironically, these animals do not have resistance to their own poison, so even an accidental light bite of their relative can kill this creature.

photo: Penny Hyde

Outwardly, this animal resembles a hyena, although, contrary to its name, it looks more like a large fox with thin, long legs. Nevertheless, this species is not a close relative of foxes, this can also be seen by the absence of fox vertical pupils.

photo: Thomas Retterath

This charming animal received the poetic name African civet. As can be understood from the name of the species, these animals live in Africa, from Somalia to Senegal. The civet has one charming ability, which every domestic cat also has: when excited, the civet rears up its long and thick hair, which makes it seem much larger and more intimidating.

photo: CI_Singapore

Prochidna - oviparous mammal echidna family. This is a rather large creature, reaching 80 cm in length (not including their pretty 5-7 cm tail), and weighing about 10 kg. This species is very reminiscent of the familiar echidna, but the paws of the prochidna are longer, and the claws are much sharper and longer.

photo: Neil Morris

The capybara is considered to be the largest living rodent. The capybara looks like a giant guinea pig with a big head, however, and in liking a little different. A favorite pastime of the capybara is lazy rolling from side to side, lying in the sun, and nibbling something nutritious.

photo: Pamela Schreckengost

- a representative of the order of placental mammals. This beast looks quite specific: its entire body is covered with large diamond-shaped plates. These scales are mobile, so that when moving, the pangolin resembles an unusual natural transformer. These plates have a protective value, but they are also erased from time to time, but in this case they are immediately replaced with new ones, so that the number of scales in a pangolin always remains unchanged.

"Infernal Vampire" is a mollusk. Although this sea ​​monster strongly reminiscent of an octopus or even a squid, these creatures were nevertheless singled out in a separate order for a number of reasons. Scientists know very little about the "hellish vampire" - all the information that is available about him is collected from random encounters with sailors and marine researchers. When trying to catch and place the animal under observation, only its defensive abilities were observed. So the "hellish vampire" remains another mystery of the deep oceans.

photo: Rico Leffanta

Aardvark, also known in Africa as the aardvark. In Russian, this means "earth pig", although the face of the creature is more like a kangaroo, but its ears are very similar in structure to those of a hare. But, nevertheless, the animal has a massive and strong tail, which has an obvious resemblance to the tail of the Australian kangaroo.

photo: Paul Williams

The Japanese salamander would not stand out too much against the background of the general diversity of amphibians, if not for its incredible size. It is also called gigantic. To date, this species has the proud status of the largest amphibian on Earth. Its length can reach 160 cm, and weight up to 180 kg. But not only the size of this creature is incredibly large - this tailed animal is able to live up to 150 years, although the maximum recorded age of a giant salamander is only 55 years, which, however, is also very unusual.

Sulawesian Bear Couscous

The Sulawesi Bear Couscous is a possum-like marsupial. These animals live in tropical forests. The beast has a long, hairless tail, which is almost half the length of the couscous itself. Such a tail serves as a fifth paw, performing both a grasping function and helping to move through the dense rainforest.

photo: Joachim S. Müller

Galago is a funny "unknown little animal". Its large fluffy tail is compared to a squirrel's. And grace and flexibility clearly reflect his feline trait. This animal is incredibly dexterous and cunning. Many even compare him to a kangaroo, although his cunning and curiosity are reminiscent of monkey habits, and his laziness and love for long sleep causes strong associations with a sloth.

photo: The-resa

- the size of this incredible fish can reach about three meters or more, and weigh about one and a half tons. The body of the fish is round in shape, and the color is usually light. Adults swim on their side, slowly moving their fins. This fish is completely unique in its outward signs and parameters. It is thanks to its size, shape and color that it received such a funny name.

photo: Lyalka

Although many are familiar with the pictures in textbooks and encyclopedias, this is a very unusual representative of the crocodile family. As the gharial matures, the muzzle of the gharial stretches more and more and becomes narrower. As a result, his jaws resemble two saws, closing with each other.

photo: Matt

Fossa, so similar to a puma, unfortunately, is the only representative of its kind. In addition, it is the largest predatory mammal living on the island of Madagascar. Fossa is also called the Madagascar lion, and for good reason: the ancestors of fossa reached truly colossal proportions. This large cat looks like a puma, has a massive body and not too long legs. Now the size of the fossa reaches an average of 65-70 cm.


The palm thief got its name because coconuts, which are known to hang from the very tops of tall palm trees, are the main food of palm thieves. Previously, it was believed that with their claws, these crayfish can split a whole coconut, but later it turned out that this is not so: the palm thief is able to eat only already split nuts. In addition, these pranksters love to play pranks in coastal cities, hiding in a trash can, eating up what people so generously pour into the trash, not suspecting that this is all they are waiting for in the tank. By the way, this species is really not small: it reaches 32 cm in size and weighs a lock of 3-4 kg - like a small domestic cat.

photo:George Tiew

The mudskipper is an amazing fish that many read to amphibians. Mudskippers settle in places where more salty water meets fresh water, as well as in tidal zones. These extraordinary fish can sometimes jump onto land, and sometimes some of them are simply carried along with the silt during the tidal season.


photo: Mickaël Leger

Belttail - As a rule, lives in the rocky regions of Africa, and this species is also noticed in Madagascar. The entire body of the girdletail is covered with rigid plates - its body resembles the body of the pangolin, which was written about above, however, the girdletail is much more flexible and is able to curl up into a ring and thus quickly hide in an unknown direction if it senses danger.

Photo: Russell Docksteader

Guydak - strange gastropod, which can reach a weight of up to one and a half kg. Guydak has a thin, fragile shell, from which its “leg” sticks out, which is three times stronger and larger than its own shell.

Photo: Luckybon

The star-bearer is a creature that is extremely reminiscent of a mole, but with a very strange, unlike anything, muzzle. This mammal is indeed from the mole family. And, as it was noted, this species differs from other representatives in its unusual stigma in the form of a star of 22 moving rays.

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