Sports quest for children scenario. Sports and entertainment quest game "in search of a pirate treasure". Game for erudition Children's anatomy

Scenario of the quest game "In search of the key to health" for children 4-5 years old

Target: consolidation of motor skills and knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.
- to form the need for conscious physical activity, physical improvement as the basis of health;
- to promote the harmonious development of children;
- to educate children about the value of health;
- develop motivation to save your health.
Location: the territory of the preschool educational institution.
Driving route: sports ground No. 1, vegetable garden, knowledge corner, sports field No. 2, ecological corner.
Equipment: route map, envelopes with tasks and parts of the health key, 2 baskets, 10 hoops, useful and harmful products meals (dummy), 2 hedgehogs, throwing rings, health track, tent, rugs.

Progress of the quest game

The sports ground is decorated balloons, music plays, the children enter the playground and are built in a circle.
FC instructor:- Hello guys! How many of you know why people greet each other and say: “Hello!” ? (wish you health)
What is health and what does it mean to be healthy? (children's answers)
- All people want to be healthy. No one wants to get sick, lie in bed, drink bitter medicines. Therefore, today I invite you to search for the key to health. When we find all the constituent parts, we can learn the secrets of health.
Zdorovyachok enters the site:
- Hello guys! I heard that you are going in search of the key to health. But you need to know where and what to look for. That's why I brought you a map with a route to follow. By completing tasks, you can find the key of health. I will go with you and help you.
FC Instructor:- Thank you, Healthy. I suggest doing a warm-up before you go in search.
1. Warm-up "If you like it, then do it."
FC instructor: - Well done guys! Is everyone ready? Let's hit the road.
2. Walking the path of health:
- on stumps;
- by pebble;
- on the sand;
- on wooden sticks;

By pebbles;
- on stumps.
“Now we need to go faster and run.”
3. Running along the edge of the site.
4. Walking at a calm pace.
FC Instructor:- Guys, so we found the 1st envelope with you, it contains part of the health key. Let's see what is shown on it (charging).
What is the secret of health? (during morning exercises)
- Let's see in which direction we need to move on.
(everyone goes to the garden)
big guy: - Guys, why do you think the path to the garden is indicated to us?
What is there that helps us to be healthy? (children's answers)
- A wat and an envelope with a task for you.
5. Relay "Disassemble healthy and unhealthy foods."
big guy:- Well done boys! For the correct completion of the task, you get another part of the health key. Let's call her proper nutrition).
FC instructor: fruits and vegetables contain a lot of vitamins and nutrients that strengthen our body and help maintain health.
- And we are going further along the route!
(Come to the playground)
FC instructor: - children, why do you think we stopped here? What can you do on the sports ground? What helps a person to be healthy? (physical education)
- And here is the envelope with the next task for you.
6. Relay "Hit the target." You need to throw rings on the hedgehog's needles.
7. Jumping from hoop to hoop on 2 legs.
FC instructor: - well done and completed this task, for this you get one more part of the health key. What is on this part? (physical education).
(Children move on the map to the next point)
big guy:- Here we are in the corner of knowledge. Now look how well you know what to do and when to do it. (takes questions out of the envelope and reads them to the children).
What should you do after waking up from sleep? (wash, brush teeth)
What do children do in the morning? (charging)
When should you wash your hands? (before a meal, after a walk, as it gets dirty)
Do children need to sleep during the day?
When to walk fresh air?
Can kids stay up late?
Zdorovyachok: - you are smart! Here is the next part of the health key. What is this? (observance of the daily routine)
FC Instructor: - So we came on our map to our last destination Corner of Nature. I suggest everyone to sit on the rugs and relax after a long journey.
8. Relaxation. Let's close our eyes, imagine that you and I are in the forest. Let's sit quietly. Let's listen to the chirping of birds, how the leaves rustle in the wind. Perhaps you will hear some more sounds ... Now slowly open your eyes. Have a rest?
9. Facial massage "Washer"
Kittens washed their eyes and noses,
And cheeks and foreheads, even mustaches.
And a kind word to each other
Meowed in clean ears.
10. Breathing exercises"Scent of Flowers"
Children take a slow breath. On the exhale, a long: "A-a-ah."
- What is the last part of the key of health? (camping)
FC instructor: - Guys, we found with you all the parts of the health key. Let's collect the key and remember what components the key of health consists of (charging, proper nutrition, physical education, observing the daily routine, outdoor recreation.
big guy:- guys, did you like our adventure? And what is your mood now? Good mood This is also a guarantee of health. I really hope that you will always remember all the components of the key to health and observe them. You will also remind your parents of this.
FC Instructor:- Thank you, Zdorovyachok, for your help. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.
big guy:- do, children, physical education and be healthy! Goodbye!

sports holiday

"Sports and health-improving quest game with children of senior preschool age"

Target:Promoting and popularizing a healthy lifestyle, creating conditions for active recreation for children and parents.


Improve health
- Improve sports skills and abilities;
- To develop endurance, speed of reaction, agility, coordination of movements, running, throwing the ball with both hands and one hand at the target, jumping rope, throwing the ball to each other in motion;
- Improve intelligence, resourcefulness and ability to navigate in space;
- teach to follow the rules of the game;
- To form the ability to interact with partners in the game;
- Clearly pronounce counting rhymes, dialogues in games;
- Create a joyful, upbeat mood outdoor activities during the summer period. Equipment: hoops, flags, boards for stepping over, balls large and small, skittles, 4 buckets, gymnastic sticks, walking mats, jump ropes, targets for throwing the ball, clue keys, treasure box, envelopes with game tips.

Location : playground of the senior group

Participants of the sports festival: teachers, children and parents of the senior group

Q: The word "quest" means "search". This is a game adventure, a game where the participants are always expected to have a task in which they need to find something - an object, a hint, a message so that they can move on. Today we are waiting for a sports and health quest game. In this game, one cannot do without ingenuity, logical thinking, erudition, as well as dexterity, speed, coordination and the ability to interact with comrades.

Q: Well, are you ready for such a game?

Children: Everyone wants to compete,

joke and laugh

Show strength, dexterity

And dexterity to prove.

We are all happy with this meeting.

We didn't come here for a reward.

Q: To be strong and healthy, what should I do in the morning? (charging). Here we are with you and begin our health game from charging, and only after it we will see the first hint.

Everyone is freely located on the sports ground and doing exercises to the music:

Warm-up "Exercise, you'll be fine"

IN:We start the holiday of sports and health now!

Hello to all the guys

And this word:

Love sports since childhood,

You will be healthy!

Come on, let's go, kids.

Let's all shout:

Children: Fizkult-Hurrah!

IN:. We must split into two teams. The road to the treasure will be marked with arrows, and you will find all the instructions on how and with what help to find the treasure in secret places. Quest objective: get 5 keys and one help. Are you ready to play?

Children and parents find the arrow and the first clue. The hint contains an encrypted relay race (the card shows two buckets, the bottom is full with balls, the other is empty, and a wooden spoon, a key). Children and parents guess the purpose of the relay and start the game to find the key and the next clue as quickly as possible.

1. Relay "Balls" (common for two teams). Children and parents in pairs (parent + child) line up in two columns. Near each column there is a bucket with small multi-colored balls, at the bottom there is a fabric, under it is a key and the next clue, opposite an empty bucket. Task: with the help of two wooden spoons, transfer the balls from one bucket to another one by one, passing the baton in turn, until the key appears and the bucket is empty. (Next, each team finds its own clue where to move on and the key).

2. Relay for 1 team. Children and parents look for the relay race by the arrows and decipher it. In front of them are 2 frogs, then a swamp. At the end of the swamp, two frogs are also sitting. “In order to find a clue, you need to cross the swamp. Look at the last pair under the last bump and find a clue there. Children and parents decipher the baton and pass it in pairs (child + parent) and pass the baton to the next). It is necessary with the help of two bumps to get over to get over from one coast to another without stepping into the swamp. We stand on one bump with both feet, and put a friend next to it, jump over, etc. The last pair finds the next clue and clue.

3. Relay for 2 teams. Children and parents look for the baton by the arrows and decipher it. P / and "Who is the most accurate?". Children and parents stand in pairs (child + parent). Task: you need to run with the ball to the red line, stop and hit the ball with the target, pick up the ball and run back to the team and pass the balls to the next pair. The last pair finds a clue and a clue behind the target.

4. Relay for 1 team. "Go through the obstacle course and get a hint." Children and parents decipher the next relay. In front of them is a tunnel of hoops and a ball. Task: run across the tunnel throwing the ball to each other, and run back, passing the ball and baton to the next pair. In a secret place, the team members find the next clue and key.

5. Relay for 2 teams. "Go through the obstacle course and get a hint." Task: A couple (child + parent) simultaneously run through a tunnel of hoops, run with balls in hand to the red line, stop and roll the ball strongly forward, trying to knock down an obstacle in the form of skittles. The last pair finds a clue to the next relay race and a key.

6. Relay for 1 team. "Fast train". The first member of the team runs to the flag, runs around it, returns to the place, the next member grabs it and runs together. Then they come back and take the third one until everyone runs around, the last one takes a hint.

7. Relay for 2 teams. "Handed - sit down." Task: The players line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. The children get up first. Behind them are adults. Ahead of the team of the column facing it at a distance of 2-3 m is the team captain (dad). All team members except the captain receive the ball. On a signal, the first participant throws the ball to the captain, the captain catches the ball and puts it in the basket. After throwing the ball, this player crouches. Then the second team member throws the ball to the captain and crouches, then the third, and so on. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up. The captain finds a key and a clue.

8. Relay for 1 team. "Gather the sun." Task: the first one runs to the end of the site, puts the hoop, comes back, passes the baton to the next one, the next one runs, puts a sunbeam - a gymnastic stick to the hoop and returns, passes the baton to the next one, etc. Then the team teaches help-hint.

9. Relay race for 5 teams. "Roll the hoop." Task: Roll the hoop to the cube and run back to the next pair and pass the baton. Then the team gets help-hint.

10. Hint for 2 teams. Teams get a hint after jump rope games.

As a result, each team has 6 keys and a hint (the route where the treasure is hidden). Everyone goes in search of a treasure.


Compiled by Musina G.T. teacher physical culture

MAOU "Boarding Lyceum No. 84 named after Gali Akysh"

The game QUEST on health stations is intended for students in grades 7-8, but participation in teams of older students is not excluded.

The goal of the game is:

    systematization and generalization of previously acquired knowledge on a healthy lifestyle and sports;

    acquisition in the form of a game of new vital knowledge on healthy lifestyles;

    the formation of students' motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle, the upbringing of responsibility for their own health and the health of their loved ones;

    promotion of the development of communicative qualities of the student's personality;

    developing the ability to work in a group.


In accordance with the route map they received, the teams visit Health stations in turn, where the station managers set tasks for the teams, evaluate their performance and put the points earned on the route sheet. The team that scores at the end of the game wins the largest number points.


    Team building . Options: based on the class, the collective of one circle group, or during the general gathering of students for the event by distributing color tokens. The number of teams in the game must not exceed the number of stations. The composition of the teams should be as equal as possible in terms of the age of the participants and their number. The number of players in teams is not limited.

    Props preparation. In accordance with the expected number of teams, route sheets are prepared (Appendix No. 1), signs on the doors of offices with the names of stations, props at the station (see description of stations).

    Training of stewards at stations. Managers can be high school students, ShSU, teaching staff who received the necessary installation and advice from the organizers of the event, aimed not so much at determining a team with a stronger level of training, but at expanding the horizons of students on healthy lifestyles.

    Preparation of the award fund. As in any game where the winner is supposed to be revealed, the moment of awarding should also be present when summing up the results. As awards, there can be both medals according to the number of team members with a symbolic inscription “We are for a healthy lifestyle !!!”, as well as sweet prizes and diplomas.


(speech by the organizer of the competition)

Good afternoon dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to this hall.

And we are not here by chance. April 7th is World Health Day. This day is held annually so that people can understand how much health means in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world. We want you to be healthy and exercise. To this end, we celebrate the Day of Health. Today we will all go on a journey together. After all, health is the most important value. human life. To become a resident of this country, you must conduct healthy lifestyle life, keep correct mode day, nutrition and hardening, love sports, not get sick, and if you happen to get a little sick, be able to quickly recover yourself and help others.

Let's meet our participating teams. Let's welcome the teams. Team name and motto.

At each of them, your team will be expected by station managers with tasks corresponding to the theme of the station. Route sheets with the specified order of passage of stations will serve as a guide to the country. Station managers will enter the points you earn at the stations into these sheets. Keep in mind that the team that completed the tasks the fastest will receive an additional point, and the team that violated discipline while traveling through the country of Health will lose points.

Good luck! Have a good trip and new knowledge necessary for the future life!




Props: 2 sets of cards: the first - with the names of herbs; the second - with the names of diseases, their manifestations.

Unfortunately, almost everyone gets sick. But our mother nature took care to help a person cope with his illnesses and ailments with herbs and plants. I have two sets of cards: one with the names of herbs; the second - with the names of diseases, their manifestations. Cards must be aligned with folk methods treatment of diseases. For each correct answer - 1 point


1. Chamomile - sore throat

2. Raspberry - high temperature

3. Plantain -- cuts, abrasions

4. Mother and stepmother - cough

5. Nettle - sciatica

6. Celandine -- skin diseases

7. Garlic - flu

8. Blueberries - diseases of the eyes

9. Valerian - a nervous breakdown

10. Kalanchoe - runny nose






Station manager's comment:

1. Name the diseases of "dirty hands".

Correct answer: gastrointestinal diseases, dysentery, hepatitis, ascariasis, enterobiasis.

2 . What diseases are fraught with a sip of water from a river or lake?

Correct answer: dysentery, cholera, helminthic diseases, hepatitis.

3 . How to avoid pediculosis?

The correct answer is: do not use someone else's comb, headdress, underwear, wash your hair more often.

4 . What are the measures to prevent influenza in winter.

The correct answer is: vaccination, dressing according to the weather, good nutrition, observing the daily routine, eating garlic, etc.

5 . Why can't you change clothes, shoes, hats?

Correct answer: you can get infected with various infectious and fungal diseases, lice.

6 . Explain why you shouldn't bite your nails.

Correct answer: there are a lot of bacteria under the nails, and there may also be worm eggs.

7 . What is caries? What does it come from?

Correct answer: this is the destruction of the tooth enamel, and then its other tissues; lead to caries: non-compliance with oral hygiene, the habit of gnawing hard objects that destroy enamel, taking cold food after hot food.

8 . What are vaccinations for?

The correct answer is that after vaccination, immunity against the disease is developed.

9 . What is the harm of smoking?

The correct answer is: substances contained in tobacco smoke poison the entire body, cause lung cancer, tuberculosis, blood vessels and the heart suffer, the brain reduces its efficiency, as brain cells suffer from a lack of oxygen, memory deteriorates, a person becomes inattentive, digestion is disturbed.

10 . Why is a bath useful?

The correct answer is: this is a hardening, vascular training procedure, improves blood circulation, harmful substances are removed with sweat, the skin is cleansed, all pores open, the body relaxes and rests.


№ 3

Props: completed in accordance with the terms of the competition first aid kit,

Red felt-tip pen, bandage, iodine, cotton wool, scissors.

Station manager's comment: Fast paced modern life requires a person to know the basic techniques and methods of providing first aid to himself or his loved ones. How much you possess such knowledge and skills will be shown by this stage of the competition.

Theoretical part: name medications from the first-aid kit and indicate the scope of their application.


1. Iodine - a disinfectant for damaged skin

2. Zelenka is a disinfectant for damaged mucous membranes

3. Analgin - pain reliever

4. Aspirin - antipyretic

5. Paracetamol - antipyretic, with headache

6. Ammonia (ammonia) - with fainting

7. Activated charcoal - for poisoning, stomach pain

8. Valerian tincture or extract - nervous disorders, nervousness

9. Citramon - for headaches

10. Validol - for pain in the heart





Props: questions in this quiz.

Station manager's comment: Guys, let's check how informed you are about sports and healthy lifestyles. In life, knowledge is useful to everyone, and with it sport. And so we will offer you our sports crossword puzzle.

1. We play in this room. You need to have big growth

So that the enemy in the heat of the moment can score a goal with a ball. Basketball

2. It will help to develop the muscles of the hands, as of old,

Rubber sports equipment.Expander

3. I don't understand guys, who are you? Birders? Anglers?

What kind of net is in the yard? - Don't interfere with the game

You'd better move away, we're playing...Volleyball

4. He plays hockey deftly, an Olympic champion,

He performed well for the army team.

In CSKA, he is like a beacon. This is Vladislav...Tretyak

5. And in football, and in hockey, everyone knows that team,

Because that team is called...Spartacus

6. What is the name of the competition of athletes? (competitions)

7. What sport competitions held once every four years? (Olympic)

8. Name the sports in which competitions are held on ice. (hockey, figure skating, speed skating)

9. In which sport is the ball played only with the feet? (football)

10. In what sport is the ball hit with a racket? (tennis, badminton)


№ 5

Props: stopwatch, hoop, pen, basketballs, skipping rope

Station manager's comment: Movement is life! This slogan has already been tested by more than one generation of people. Only an active lifestyle, and even better - a sports and physical culture will help us save ourselves from a number of diseases, and first of all - from cardiovascular and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Teams need to complete tasks on time.

(The time spent on the task and the number of exercises performed in task No. 4 are entered into the team card. The jury puts down points based on all the results obtained in a comparative analysis).

1 TASK: Line up by the first letters of the last name in alphabetical order.

2 TASK: Relay race

3 TASK: All team members take turns climbing through the hoop, starting from the feet.

4 TASK: Throw the ball into the basket from the foul line



Props: Sheets of paper with the words of proverbs, sayings about sports and health

Station manager's comment:

1. Give time to sports - in return you will get health

2. The disease will not catch up with the fast and dexterous

3. Move more - live longer

4. Harden your bodies for good

5. Who saves on sports, he does not find health



Props: Projector, interactive game, laptop. Assembly Hall.

Station manager's comment:

An interactive game is displayed on the screen. Students choose the category and difficulty of the question. The number of points won for a correct answer. Thinking time 10 seconds.



    Remember and sing as many songs as possible about sports, health, physical education, exercise.


Council of station managers and organizers of the event, based on the results of passing the stations by the teams fielded in route sheets, calculates points and announces the results of the game.

The winners are being awarded.


Our journey has come to an end. We hope that you guys will want to visit this country of Health more than once, or maybe move to live in it. May your every day be filled with health, joy and a fulfilling life.

We wish you to grow, bloom,

Save, improve health.

It is for a long journey -

The main condition.


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



folk wisdom




not limited






score on



score for



points for



ROUTE MAP TEAM ____________________________


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



folk wisdom




not limited






score on



score for



points for



ROUTE MAP TEAM ____________________________


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



folk wisdom




not limited






score on



score for



points for



ROUTE MAP TEAM ____________________________


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



folk wisdom




not limited






score on



score for



points for



ROUTE MAP TEAM ____________________________


№1 №2 №3 №4 №5 №6 №7



folk wisdom




not limited
































score on



score for



points for



Target– creation of conditions for the development of cognitive abilities of children in the educational process with the involvement of parents in life kindergarten through the search and implementation of the most effective forms work, through quest technology.

educational - to consolidate the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren about space, about solar system, the ability to guess riddles, solve logical problems;

developing - to develop search activity, the desire for novelty, broaden horizons, ingenuity, creativity;

educational - to cultivate social and communicative skills of cooperation and goodwill.

Preparation: draw a quest route on the territory of the kindergarten using drawn arrows, equip the levels with the necessary materials and tools, and leave envelopes with tasks in secret places to complete the levels.

Quest progress:

Children and educators find the clogged ship "Tulip", they are met by the pirate "Jack".

Jack: Young friends, my ship is stuck in the ice and there is no way for me to go further. I'm looking for the treasures of my ancestors. He alone can not cope with me and who will help me?

Educator: Jack! Our guys are brave, strong, smart and will easily cope with all the trials and help you. Only how we find treasures, we do not know the way and where your treasures are hidden.

Jack: I have an old card. He's all so tangled up there!

(Children and Jack look at the map and set off.)

Zhdek: We guys will go on our adventure as a friendly team of "Young Pirates" and under the motto "One for all and all for one!"

"Pirate Charge"

(Children follow a pre-drawn route, looking for envelopes at each level and completing the task, they receive one of the keys.)

Quest of the first level. Relay race.

Children go through an obstacle course:

1. Crawl under the branches.

2. Step over large stones.

(Children follow the indicated route to the second level.)

Quest of the second level.

Children throw sea stones from baskets to baskets.

(Children follow the indicated route to the third level.)

The task of the quest of the third level.

Children overcome sea trials. Jumping from hoop to hoop.

(Children follow the indicated route to the fourth level.)

The task of the quest of the fourth level. Merry mountains.

At Jack's command, the children must overcome the slides that have arisen on the drink.

(Children follow the indicated route to the fifth level.)

The task of the quest of the fifth level. "Play - ka"!

Children complete tasks with colored flags, perform tasks for each color.

Children play with "Jellyfish", the balls are fitballs. The children are throwing "Jellyfish" so that they do not meet.

Children find the second map, where the treasure chest is indicated.

(Children follow the indicated route to the sixth level.)

The task of the quest of the sixth level. Find a treasure chest on the map.

Children are given shovels and, according to the route on the map, the children go to the hiding place. At the place marked with a cross, children dig and take out a treasure chest - treats. Hooray!!! Sounds like a victory march! Quest completed!

The game is aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle culture among the younger generation, showing responsibility, independence and teamwork, as well as creating conditions for the intellectual and creative self-realization of students and promoting physical activity.
Meeting on the organization and conduct of the quest (held on the eve of the game).

Game preparation and holding plan:
1. Preparation of a quest map and a route for passing the stages.
2. Preparation of questions and answers.
3. The choice of the organizers of the quest, the formation of teams of players (it is desirable to involve students in grades 9-11 in organizing and conducting the game).
4. Conducting briefing for the participants of the quest.
5. Conducting the game.
6. Summing up.

Approximate scenario of the game-quest:

1. Gathering of all participants.

2. Introduction one of the organizers of the game:
- Hello guys! We are glad to see you on our quest game called "We are for a healthy lifestyle!". We wish you all good health!
In the age of technological progress and the development of space technologies, what do you think is the most expensive? Of course, health! Human health is the main value in life. You can't buy health for any amount of money. Being sick, you will not be able to realize your dreams, you will not be able to solve vital tasks. We all want to grow up strong and healthy. Being healthy is a natural human desire, sooner or later everyone thinks about their health. Each of us must be aware of what a priceless treasure this is. So let's now think together about what health, a healthy lifestyle is.

3.Game start.
Each group receives a route (map) indicating the sites. Teams move around the school, performing thematic, practical and intellectual tasks. At each stage, players receive a letter (letters) - a piece of the puzzle, from which, by the end of the quest, the solution to the game is formed.

1 platform "Proverbs and sayings". The teams of players are met by the organizers-leaders (3–5 people).

What famous proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle do you know? (each option - 1 point).

Proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle for the 1st round of the quest "We are for a healthy lifestyle!":
1. Take care of the dress again, and health from a young age!
2. A healthy mind in a healthy body!
3. Where there is health, there is beauty.
4. You will be healthy - you will get everything!
5. Whoever goes in for sports gains strength.
6. Sun, air and water are our best friends!
7. Strong in body - rich in deeds.
8. You don’t make friends with sports - you’ll worry about it more than once.
2 platform "Mysteries"

- Guess riddles (each correct answer - 1 point):

1. You hit anyone - he gets angry and cries.
And you knock it - jumps for joy!
Now higher, then lower, then down, then jump.
Who is he, guess? Rubber ... (ball).

2. He does not want to lie down at all.
If you throw it, it will jump.
You hit a little, immediately jump, well, of course - this is ... (ball).

3. I decided to become a strongman, I hurried to the strongman:
- Tell me about this, how did you become a strongman?
He smiled back, “Very simple.
For many years, every day, getting out of bed,
I lift ... (dumbbells).

4. There is a lawn in our school, and there are goats and horses on it.
We've been tumbling here for exactly forty-five minutes.
At school - horses and a lawn?!
What a miracle, guess what! (Gym)

5. Green meadow, a hundred benches around,
people run briskly from gate to gate.
At the gates of these fishing nets. (Stadium)

6. Wooden horses gallop through the snow, but do not fall into the snow. (Skis)

7. There are two lanes in the snow, two foxes were surprised.
One came closer: someone ran here ... (skis).

8. On a white space, two even lines,
and next to run commas and periods. (ski track)

9. Who quickly rushes through the snow,
afraid to fail? (Skier)

10. I can’t feel my legs for joy, I’m flying down a terrible hill.
Sport has become dearer and closer to me, who helped me, children? (Skis)

11. He looks like one board.
But on the other hand, he is proud of the name, he is called ... (snowboard).

12. There are guys, I have two silver horses.
I go to both at the same time. What kind of horses do I have? (Skates)

13. Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are racing.
And it's not the horses that carry me,
and shiny ... (skates).

14. Stick in the form of a comma
pushes the puck in front of him. (Hockey stick)

15. In the yard in the morning the game was played, the kids played out.
Shouts: “Puck!”, “By!”, “Beat!” - there is a game going on ... (hockey).

16. This horse does not eat oats, instead of legs there are two wheels.
Sit on horseback and rush on it, only better drive. (Bike)

17. I don’t look like a horse, even though I have a saddle.
There are spokes. They, to be honest, are not suitable for knitting.
Not an alarm clock, not a tram, but I know how to call, you know! (Bike)

18. In the early morning, dew glistens on the grass along the road,
feet go along the road and two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer - this is my ... (bicycle).

19. The relay is not easy.
I'm waiting for the command to jump. (Start)

20. On the squares of the board, the kings brought the shelves together.
The regiments have neither cartridges nor bayonets for combat. (Chess)

3 site "Famous sportsmen" . The teams of players are met by the organizers-leaders (3–5 people).

What famous athletes do you know? (each option - 1 point). For example: Evgeni Plushenko is a figure skater; Elena Isinbayeva - pole vaulter; Alexey Nemov - gymnast; Andrey Arshavin - football player; Maria Sharapova - tennis player Kostya Dzyu - boxer; Pavel Bure is a hockey player.

4 platform "Interesting questions". The teams of players are met by the organizers-leaders (3–5 people).

1. A very long time at the Olympics in Ancient Greece There was only one kind of athletics. Which? (Running) - 5 points.
2. The inventor of this predicted two areas of application for his offspring: mail delivery and a means for losing weight. What is the modern prototype of this object? (Bicycle) - 10 points.
3. Remember the motto of the Olympic Movement. (Faster, higher, stronger!) - 15 points.
4. This word came to Russian at the end of the 18th century from the French language. This was originally called the urgent mail, which delivered letters, reports by special messengers who replaced each other along the way at certain points. What is the name of this word, which today has received a different meaning? (Relay) - 20 points.

5 platform "Merry relay race" "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"" (recommended venue is the gym). The teams of players are met by the organizers-leaders (3–5 people). There are fun competitions. Each competition is accompanied by music.
1. Who will quickly pour water from one glass to another with a spoon (one person from the team participates in the competition) - 5 points.
2. Whoever can hold the balloon in the air longer without the help of hands, blowing on it (one person from the team participates) - 5 points.
3. Which pair from each team will sit down, standing with their backs to each other and clinging their hands behind their backs, more times (2 participants from the team) - 5 points.
4. "Arm wrestling" (one participant from the team participates. The winner is determined by the Olympic system) - 5 points.

The results of the game are summed up.
Teams add up common word(for example, CHAMPION). The winning team is determined by the number of points scored.

Lead organizers (3–5 people):
Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong, healthy, to maintain vigor and energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity. We hope that today was not in vain and you emphasized a lot for yourself. After all, "You will be healthy - you will get everything."
- Life is good! This is a gift that is given to a person only once.
And it depends on us what content we fill our lives with.
- It's great when a person strives to fulfill his dream!
It's great when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping!
- It's great when you have real friends and when you are loved and welcomed at home!
It's great when you are surrounded by happy and healthy people!
- It's great when the fire of goodness and faith in the best burns in your soul!
- So be healthy everyone! Thank you for your participation. See you soon!

4. Summing up and discussion of the game.