Name of low-fat cheeses. Cheese for weight loss: choose the lowest-calorie and low-fat varieties. How to make low-fat homemade cheese - video

Calorie content (energy value) of food is the amount of energy received by the body after its complete absorption. In order to determine the energy value of the product, it is burned in a calorimeter. Then determine the amount of heat that is released in environment. If a person eats more calories per day than he expended, he develops excess weight.

The maximum amount of calories is produced in the process of digesting fatty foods, and extra “folds” appear on the body. If you dream of getting rid of a few extra pounds, you need to select low-calorie foods. It is customary to call a diet rational if it implies compliance with the proportion between animal and vegetable proteins of 55% to 45%, vegetable and animal fats as 30% to 70%.

Diet foods are foods with a negative or minimal amount of calories. Dietary nutrition involves consuming a significant amount of liquid, at least 1.5 liters per day, and low-calorie foods.

Is it possible to lose weight by eating cheese?

Cheese is an unsweetened dairy product that contains a significant amount of protein. Among the main disadvantages of cheeses, high fat content should be noted. The increased caloric content of this product has long made it inappropriate for dietary nutrition.

Currently, special diets are offered that allow the use of special varieties of cheese with low fat content.

The problem of buying low-fat cheese

What is the effectiveness of the cheese diet? Similar to various protein foods, you can try the “cheese” option for weight loss.

Among the tested and effective options for the cheese diet, one can note a 7-10-day low-calorie diet based on cheese and other protein products, which includes additives from vegetables and fruits. The calorie content of this nutrition option is 1500-1900 kcal, additional physical activity is assumed. Staying on such a diet for 10 days allows you to reduce weight by 3-5 kilograms. Such nutrition is not balanced, however, it gives excellent results.

Less common are longer-term cheese diets, which involve strict restrictions on the type of cheese consumed. Options with minimal fat content are rarely found on the shelves of regular grocery stores. Mostly, customers are offered varieties of cheeses with a fat content of more than 40%. For example, such a popular cheese as Maasdam, which has a fat content of 45%, has a calorie content of 348 kcal per 100 grams. Such characteristics do not allow us to consider it the lowest calorie cheese and recommend it for dietary nutrition not worth it.

How to choose low-calorie cheese?

For a long time, nutritionists have not been able to decide on the type of cheese with the lowest calorie content; their opinions differ. The line between “diet” and “regular” cheeses is set at 30 percent. Some cheese manufacturers indicate the fat content of their product at 29%, but the calorie content will be about 360 kcal, which exceeds the calorie content of the Maasdam described above. Do not forget to ensure that the product has the “correct” numbers, because otherwise you risk not losing weight, but gaining extra pounds.

Eight of the lowest fat cheeses

We list some options for low-calorie cheeses, the use of which will help you stay slim and beautiful figure. To do this, instead of Roquefort you need to use cottage cheese. You can find such products on the shelves of large supermarkets:

When choosing low-fat light cheese, do not forget that for weight loss, only maintaining a sense of proportion in the process of “eating light cheeses” will give the desired result - weight loss. And the cheese diet does not mean that you should eat only cheese - you need to harmoniously combine it with plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Is it possible to eat cheese on a diet - which one to choose for weight loss based on calorie content, fat percentage and type

Dietitians around the world tirelessly argue about the possibility of introducing cheese into the diet of a person who wants to lose weight. Opinions vary, but everyone agrees on the usefulness of such a product as a source of protein, lactic acid and macroelements. To understand whether you can eat cheese on a diet, you need to know the basic rules of choice - fat percentage, calorie content, amount of animal protein and taste.

A huge number of varieties of cheese are created in the world, but not all of them are recommended to be consumed while losing weight, although it is not forbidden to enjoy a small piece of even fatty hard cheese. The main condition is quality; the composition should not contain harmful vegetable fats, because beneficial features cheese depends on following the correct cooking technology. Often the cost of a good product is much higher than the price of low-quality analogues. But the main question is not even the calorie content, but the quantity eaten.

Cheese classification table by production method:

Very often, cheese products are used as an addition to salads, snacks and sandwiches. If you eat it during breakfast, lunch or late dinner, you will not have problems with excess weight. Due to its protein content and the ability to produce a hormone responsible for satiety, you do not need to eat a large amount to satisfy your hunger. In addition, different varieties are rich in calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, lactose, vitamins A and D, which helps maintain health. But the situation of individual intolerance is quite real.

The question of whether it is possible to eat cheese on a diet worries many who want to lose weight, because this product is used in the diet of almost any person and it is difficult to give it up. Nutritionists recommend choosing low-calorie cheese for your diet, avoiding hard and overly seasoned varieties (especially salty and spicy ones), as well as varieties with fillers. The main selection criterion is quality and shelf life: you should not eat moldy ones, even after cutting off the areas with mold, because this is fraught with serious poisoning.

How to distinguish a low-quality product:

  • carefully consider the composition on the packaging (admixtures of palm oil or other vegetable fats are not allowed);
  • uniform color, without bright spots and traces of “revival” (soaking, cutting);
  • catch the aroma, absence of foreign odors;
  • can't be cheap.

Cheese diet

A large number of weight loss programs allow the consumption of rennet products. Particularly popular in Lately A diet based on cheese and coffee is gaining momentum, because there is no need to constantly cook something, and this saves a lot of time. Its duration is 10 days. While losing weight, it is forbidden to eat vegetables and fruits; you can only eat eggs and fermented milk drinks(a glass of kefir or homemade yogurt without fillers). But there are other variations - a cheese and wine diet or a standard cheese diet (you can add soup or salad with vegetables to the diet).

Ducan's diet

France, as you know, is the birthplace of cheese making, so this product could not be avoided in the food system from the French nutritionist Pierre Dukan. Taking into account the peculiarities of the nutritional system, the question of whether cheese is possible on the Dukan diet cannot be answered unequivocally. The nutrition system is divided into 4 stages, the diet of each of them has its own characteristics, for example, at all stages (even at the attack) low-fat cheese is allowed, at the alternating stage you can introduce 30 grams, with a fat content of up to 6.5%. During fixation, fat content up to 20% is permissible, but in small quantities.

Japanese diet

One of the toughest but most effective nutritional systems for weight loss is the 14-day Japanese diet. Those wishing to lose weight are prohibited from changing their diet, confusing the sequence of days, or consuming salt, alcohol, sugar and sweets. A prerequisite is to drink 1.5 liters of mineral still or boiled water. On the Japanese diet, cheese is allowed to be eaten, but not more than 1 piece (15 grams) per day, as an addition to the menu. You can’t call such a nutrition program “hungry”, because it contains a lot of fish, meat, vegetables and fruits (unsweetened). You are allowed to drink coffee and unsweetened tea.

Is it possible to have cheese on the Maggi diet?

Among those who want to lose weight, the so-called egg diet is gaining popularity. There is no need to count calories on it, since it is based on biochemical reactions in the body. Just be sure to strictly follow the diet. There are no contraindications to such a weight loss system; it can be used by people of absolutely any age and initial weight. It is allowed to eat meat and fish dishes, eggs, vegetables and fruits, but cheese is not suitable for the Maggi diet. For hard varieties, a fat content of 17% is acceptable, but they can be replaced with low-fat cottage cheese, feta cheese or mozzarella.

On a protein diet

Low-carbohydrate diets (including protein) involve eating meat, fish and eggs. Is it possible to have cheese on a protein diet? The high level of protein and low carbohydrates in this product allows it to serve as an excellent addition to such a nutritional system. True, you are allowed to eat only low-fat or low-fat varieties (Adyghe, feta, tofu). This method is very effective for losing weight if you combine it with regular training, because proteins are the building material for muscle mass. It is prohibited to add baked goods, high-calorie fruits and carbonated drinks to the menu.

What kind of cheese can you eat on a diet?

All weight loss programs are designed to safely burn excess weight, but there are often situations when only water (if there is too much salt) or muscle tissue (if there is not enough protein) is lost. What kind of cheese can you eat while losing weight? A good quality product will not harm your figure, it will even help you get rid of those extra boring pounds, so you should definitely eat it while losing weight, you can choose it as an independent dish or add it to different recipes.

Calories – from 160 to 260 kcal, fat content – ​​up to 20%, proteins – 20 grams.

Used as an additive to dishes and as an independent food. Salty taste, made from goat or cow's milk.

Calories – 172 kcal, fat content – ​​from 8 to 24%, proteins – 11 grams.

It contains albumin protein, which promotes rapid absorption, and is made from whey.

Up to 90 kcal, 5% fat, proteins – 8 grams.

Made from soy, very low calorie content, contains a large number of amino acids and high-quality vegetable protein.


Up to 280 kcal, 17-24% fat content, proteins – 28 grams.

Pairs well with herbs, baked tomatoes and peppers. Tasty and healthy.

290 kcal, 24% fat, 17 grams protein.

Used as an additive to food (especially vegetable salads); when purchasing, pay attention to the composition, name and expiration date.


One of the most optimal varieties for weight loss is pickled cheese. It is made from different types milk (goat, cow, sheep). When cooked correctly, these varieties flake and are distinguished by the absence of a hard crust. In stores you can see mozzarella, suluguni, and Adyghe. Brined cheeses often have a salty taste and are sold in vacuum packages in brine. Then they will not lose their properties during storage. The calorie content of such a product is low, so it can be eaten with almost any weight loss program.

Low calorie solids

For lovers of hard cheeses, a food system without them can become a real test, a blow to nervous system. Cheeses with a low fat content are difficult to find in stores, so those who are losing weight often learn to cook the product themselves. There are a large number of recipes on the Internet for making cheese at home. Among the well-known low-calorie semi-solid varieties, it is worth choosing Gaudette, Fitness (produced in Russia or Belarus), Oltermani (fat content up to 17%). Products with a calorie content above 20% can be consumed in small portions.

Is it possible to eat processed cheese while losing weight?

Low-fat processed cheese is not easy to find in stores. Often, products with medium fat content (from 25 to 45 percent) come to hand. Processed cheese during a diet is very helpful for a person losing weight, because it is tasty and healthy. Philadelphia with a fat content of 5% is also suitable; it goes especially well with Japanese dishes. Processed cheeses come in different types: sliced, pasty, sausage and sweet (with the addition of honey, nuts and dried fruits). Is it possible to eat processed cheese on a diet? Definitely, if it is low-calorie and of high quality.

  • the marking on the packaging must be PP, this indicates the possibility of its use for food products;
  • storage temperature - +3 degrees, you can only buy the one that was stored in the refrigerator;
  • packaging without deformation or damage;
  • the color is uniform, not too yellow;
  • the surface is smooth, shiny;
  • There should be no unpleasant odors or tastes.

How much cheese can you eat a day?

If you use the product in reasonable quantities, you will not get better from it. It is best to eat at night; you can afford a piece of up to 70 grams (about the size of a matchbox). For durum varieties, the portion is halved to 35 grams. The less caloric a product is, the lower its fat content, the more you can eat. Is it possible to eat cottage cheese in unlimited quantities on a diet? Perhaps only low-fat cottage cheese (0 kcal), and even then it is better to pay attention to the portion size.

Video: is it possible to eat cheese while losing weight?


Marina, 28 years old

I'm just a fan of cheese, all types and varieties. When the question arose about the need to quickly lose weight, I selected a diet where possible to eat cheese products on it. I settled on Dukan because I liked the range of approved products. I had to change my tastes a little, but overall I'm happy. I managed to lose weight.

Olga, 45 years old

Late evening is a mandatory meal for me. This snack became a habit, and soon she began to actively gain weight. Low-fat cottage cheese helped solve this problem. I left the snack, reduced the portion, and soon the weight began to disappear quickly. I can’t live without cottage cheese in the refrigerator; I immediately feel what’s missing in my diet.

Dmitry, 35 years old

For a long time, my usual diet was food from the supermarket, especially chips, crackers, and nuts. I sounded the alarm when I realized that I was ruining my health. Over time, I replaced everything harmful to the body with fruits, cheese, nuts and dairy products. The problem with the gastrointestinal tract was quickly resolved, although I began to eat right.

Low-fat varieties of cheese when dieting - All about weight loss

What is low-fat cheese?

Low-fat cheeses are most often used as a dietary product; these are special varieties that are not always available to buy.

The term “low-fat” should be understood correctly, because cheese cannot be completely devoid of fat.

Low-fat cheeses are called low-fat cheeses, which is why they are popular among those who want to lose weight.

And low-fat are those that have a fat content of no more than twenty percent, for example low-fat Philadelphia cheese.

We will look at the types of low-fat cheeses in order of increasing fat content (you can use the fact that normal fat content is 50-60%).

Tofu cheese boasts maximum “low-fat” content; it is a soy cheese with a fat content of only 1.5-4%.

Tofu is a low-calorie, but at the same time protein and calcium-rich product, which makes it almost indispensable in the diet of many people.

Cottage cheese (5% fat) is usually also classified as low-fat cheese.

It is most often used as an addition to vegetable salads.

Such cottage cheese also takes its place in the top nutritious but dietary products.

The famous Dutch Gouda cheese now has a low-fat analogue called “Gaudette”.

Its fat content is 7%, the product is easily digestible and has the classic cheese taste that made Dutch cheese makers famous.

Another famous cheese is a braid, consisting of many woven fibers.

This is Chechil, its fat content is 5-10%, and its salinity is 4-8%.

Many people love it precisely for its combination of milky and very salty taste.

The same fat content - 5-10% - is found in products from the Fitness, Polar, and Grunlander brands.

Cheeses with fat content above 10%

Ricotta cheese, very popular in Italy, is made from whey and not, as is usually the case, from milk.

Perhaps that is why its fat content is only 13%.

At the same time, Ricotta contains a lot of useful microelements and substances, and is also a very nutritious product.

Oltermani has a slightly higher fat content - up to 17%.

It is the Greeks who like to mix fresh vegetables, olives and feta cheese.

This is not just a tasty and healthy salad, but also light food for those who have to watch their figure and metabolism.

Brynza - a traditional Greek cheese - has 10-15% fat content.

Feta comes in different types - both high in fat and calories, and the so-called feta light, which is made from goat's milk, which provides about 30% fat.

The Adygei cheese, known and loved by many, can also be classified as a low-fat variety - it has only 19-20% fat content.

Low-fat cheeses are one of the main elements of various diets.

The fact is that this product, regardless of its fat content, contains many useful substances.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight, and not exhaust yourself with hunger strikes, cheese will help you provide your body with a variety of essential microelements and vitamins.

Cheese is a source of animal protein, calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and a whole group of vitamins.

Which one to choose: solid or fused?

Processed cheese contains much less calcium than hard cheese, although hard varieties are fattier.

When it comes to hard cheeses, the least fatty ones are white varieties.

Hard low-fat cheese is considered the most high-calorie, nutritious, and contains the most calcium.

If, for health reasons, fatty foods are undesirable for you, then of all the cheeses it is best to stick to low-fat varieties of white hard cheese: Gouda, Edamer, Mozzarella, etc.

It should be borne in mind that blue cheeses have a higher fat content.

Low-fat cheese is an elite product that is not only not sold in the first store you come across, but is also quite expensive.

At the same time, such cheese is very healthy, and sometimes simply irreplaceable for those who adhere to a diet due to illness (for example, with pancreatitis) or want to lose weight.

Therefore, many housewives are mastering the preparation of low-fat cheese at home.

To do this, use skim milk and cottage cheese, eggs, soda, salt, and spices.

That is, the set of products is very simple, and the result is excellent.

It’s interesting that the ingredients needed to make processed homemade cheese are actually the same, although the ratio and preparation technology are slightly different.

For half a kilogram of cottage cheese, take only half a glass of milk and heat it over low heat, bringing the mixture to a homogeneous, “sticky” mixture.

You can add any spices or vegetables that you like to homemade cheese: dill, basil, bell pepper or, for example, mint.

When choosing low-fat cheese, if you still decide to buy it, you need to remember that fat content cannot be determined visually or by touch.

Soft, delicate cheese may not be fatty at all, but simply contain a lot of water, while hard, dry cheese may have a classic fat content of 50-60%.

Video dessert

In this video we'll look at making homemade low-fat cheese.

List of low-fat cheese varieties and homemade recipes

Among the huge variety of dietary products, low-fat cheeses occupy a special place.

Do not assume that they contain absolutely no fat.

List of low-fat cheese varieties with calorie content

Almost all types of cheese can be divided into three groups depending on their fat content:

  1. Group 1 – low-fat, which have up to 20% fat.
  2. Group 2 – light – from 20 to 30%.
  3. Group 3 – from 30% fat – regular cheeses.

Among low-fat cheeses, so-called “white” cheeses are also distinguished - mozzarella, feta cheese, Adygei.

If we list varieties in ascending order of fat percentage, then Tofu is the least fatty. In addition to the fact that it contains a record minimum of fat (from 1.5 to 4 percent and only 80-90 calories per 100 g), this variety is also valued for its beneficial qualities.

Scientists have found that it contains substances that have a positive effect on cleansing the blood of cholesterol. In addition, like many cheeses, it contains a large amount of calcium, which is responsible for the condition of bone tissue.

Grain cottage cheese can also boast a low amount of fat - only 5% and 85 calories per 0.1 kg of product. It is used for preparing various dishes (salads, etc.), and consumed in its pure form. In my own way appearance it is very similar to fresh cottage cheese. However, unlike the latter, it is mixed with fresh salted cream.

Other low-fat representatives of the varieties are Valio Polar, Fitness and Grunlander. They contain about 150 calories, and the fat content ranges from 5 to 10 percent.

Some of them may also contain yogurt instead of 5% fat.

Goudette is a lighter cheese for fans of the Gouda variety. It contains a large amount of calcium and at the same time only 7% fat and 199 kcal per 100 g.

Chechil is very similar in appearance to suluguni, but has a more fibrous structure. It can be easily seen among the others on the counter, since it is sold in the form of threads tied into a bundle.

This product contains up to 10% fat and 313 kcal per 0.1 kg.

Ricotta, unlike many varieties, is made not from skim milk, but from whey, which appears after the preparation of the other two types of cheese. This variety also has a low fat content (from 8 to 13 percent and 174 kcal per 100 g) and is suitable for those who love cheese and at the same time are trying to lose extra pounds.

Oltermani cheese contains approximately the same amount of fat - 17% and 210-270 calories. When you taste it, the first taste association arises with milk.

Also, similar varieties are Arla, Natura and Valio.

Feta (fat - from 5 to 15%, about 160 kcal) is also called light cheese. It is also considered a dietary product and is often found in various vegetable salads and as snacks.

Mozzarella, although it has a fat content of more than 20% (more precisely 22.5), also belongs to dietary cheese varieties. It is usually sold in the form of small balls, no larger in size. quail egg, which are immersed in a special saline solution.

Per 100 g there are from 150 to 250 calories, depending on the variety.

How to choose the right low-fat cheese in the store

Low-fat cheese can be purchased in supermarkets and cheese shops, or you can prepare it yourself.

If you decide to follow the first option, it is important to remember the main points that will help you choose a high-quality and fresh product:

  • contact trusted stores where food storage rules are followed;
  • look at the color: low-fat cheeses are light or White color, which is due to the fact that it is created from skim milk;
  • when choosing, also pay attention to the edges and cuts: they should not be cracked or crumbling (the only variety to which this applies is Indiazabal);
  • if possible, be sure to try the product you want to purchase;
  • pay attention to the cost: low-fat cheeses cannot be cheap, but if you see a low price, it means that in its production some ingredients were replaced with cheaper ones vegetable fats.

Recipe for making low-fat cheese at home

Many people, after a trip to the store or a couple of unsuccessful purchases, think about how to make such a healthy and low-calorie product at home, where they can control all the ingredients and be assured of quality and freshness.

In fact, it’s quite simple to make cheese from low-fat cottage cheese. It will take no more than an hour to create it.

In addition, it will be much cheaper than buying other low-calorie cheese in the store.

To create you will need:

  • low-fat cottage cheese – 1 kg;
  • a glass of milk (can be medium fat 2.5%);
  • one egg;
  • salt – level teaspoon;
  • soda - half a teaspoon;
  • butter – a small piece (about 10-15 g);
  • olive oil- tea spoon.

Also, in addition to the main components, you need to prepare kitchen utensils: you will need a saucepan with a thick bottom, a colander and a mold for the future cheese (a deep and not too wide bowl will do).

Now you can roll up your sleeves and begin the process. Pour the cottage cheese into a saucepan, then add the milk.

Turn on the stove and place the saucepan on low heat (high). Stir occasionally.

It is necessary to ensure that the cottage cheese is completely dissolved in the milk. After the liquid has boiled, cook for about 7-10 minutes and remove from heat.

We throw everything into the prepared colander, and put butter, salt, soda, egg and cottage cheese into the emptied saucepan after it has drained. Return it to the heat and mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Gradually the mass will become viscous - this is a sign that the cheese is ready.

Grease the prepared pan with olive oil, then place the mixture obtained in the pan there. Now you just need to wait until it hardens and cools, although it is also tasty warm.

Learn a simple recipe for homemade cottage cheese with herbs from the video.

Homemade skim milk cheese

You can also use skim milk for cooking.

In this case, the main ingredients for making low-fat cheese will be:

  • cottage cheese (low-fat) – approximately 0.5-0.6 kg;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • milk with 0.5% fat content - half a liter;
  • salt a level teaspoon;
  • soda – 2 g.

The process begins, as in the previous case, by mixing cottage cheese with milk. To do this, you can use both forks, a whisk, and a blender. As a result, you should get a relatively homogeneous liquid mixture, which we put on low heat and stir occasionally with a spatula.

The heating process is necessary to separate the cheese base from the whey. This usually takes about 10-15 minutes.

After that, put everything in a colander so that the liquid drains completely.

Then we return the cheese base back to the saucepan, add the egg, salt, and soda and mix well (you can use a blender at low speed).

Place the saucepan on the fire (you can also use a water bath if the walls of the saucepan are thin enough). Stir and when you start to notice that the mixture thickens and lags behind the walls, you can stop.

Pour the mixture into molds and put it in the refrigerator to cool and harden.

Find out how to lose 5 kg in a week on our website.

About the correct squats for weight loss in the article. The effectiveness of squats, technique and types.

About the benefits of boiled beets for weight loss here.

Be that as it may, homemade cheeses are in many ways healthier than store-bought ones. Especially if you don’t know what components were used to create it and how long it has been stored.

But when preparing this dietary delicacy in your home kitchen, you should remember some recommendations:

  1. Please note that the main rule in making homemade low-fat cheese is the choice of high-quality and fresh ingredients.
  2. If you make cheese yourself, you can diversify the recipe by adding herbs, spices, garlic, and so on.
  3. When you prepare cheese, in addition to it, you also get whey, which can later be used to make pies, cold soups, and pancakes.
  4. The mold does not need to be greased with oil. In this case, in order to easily separate the finished cheese from the surface, you can use cling film: it needs to cover the entire surface of the mold.
  5. Don't be afraid if the cheese base turns a little yellow in the final steps when you add the eggs, salt and baking soda. This occurs due to interaction with soda.

In this case, low-fat cheeses with a minimum of fat and a maximum of useful components.

The recipe is easy to prepare, but very similar to real store-bought hard cheese: homemade low-fat hard cheese, which you can eat according to the Dukan diet on Attack, Alternation and Consolidation, learn from the video.

Low-fat cheeses that can be consumed when fighting excess weight

Cheese is not only a delicious product loved by many, but also a source of protein, calcium and potassium. Some types of cheese have a high fat content, which does not contribute to weight loss, but there is an excellent alternative for weight-conscious cheese lovers - low-fat cheeses.

Low-fat cheese varieties healthy eating for weight loss - these are those varieties in the production of which skim milk is used. Of course, there is no cheese product with zero fat content, but 5-10% is significantly less than the standard 40-50% in regular cheese.

Among low-fat cheeses, you can choose an option to suit your taste, because reducing the fat percentage does not affect the assortment. Some of them look like ordinary hard cheeses, while others resemble cottage cheese. The most important thing is that the quantity nutrients and the amount of vitamins in them is no different from the amount in their “fattier” counterparts.

Three of the most delicious low-fat cheeses on a diet

Manufacturers offer people watching their figure a wide variety of low-fat cheeses, however, the most popular are the following:

Tofu. This is the undisputed leader among low-calorie, low-fat cheeses. Tofu contains only 80 to 100 calories per 100 grams (1.5 to 4% fat). At the same time, cheese has a high content of high-quality protein, which allows it to replace meat.

Combination of different cheese flavors

Grain cottage cheese. This product is made by mixing cream and cottage cheese and has a pleasant airy structure. And most importantly, it contains only 5% fat. This cottage cheese is great for breakfast or for adding to vegetable salads.

Low-fat feta. Many people associate feta with Greek cheese, which is not low in fat, but there are many low-fat options available from manufacturers. There is feta on sale that contains from 5 to 15 grams of fat per 100 grams.

DIY low-fat cheese

On store shelves there are many options for low-fat varieties of cheese that can be consumed during a diet and achieve excellent results, like a flat stomach at home, but some people prefer to experiment and prepare this product themselves.

Low fat cheese

To prepare, you will need 2 liters of skim milk, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, half a spoon of sugar and salt. It is necessary to heat the milk mixed with sugar and salt (without bringing to a boil) and add lemon juice. It is necessary to stir the liquid until white flakes form, then set aside for 30-40 minutes.

The resulting cottage cheese is formed into a rectangle and placed in the refrigerator.

Hard homemade cheese

Take 400 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, 200 grams of milk, 1 teaspoon of soda, 2 eggs. All ingredients are mixed, then cooked for 20-25 minutes. The resulting mass is poured into a mold, quicklime soda is added there. The form is closed and covered with a load for 5-6 hours.

Homemade mozzarella

Choosing cheese varieties for your diet

You will need 1.5 liters of milk, 200 grams of water, rennet pepsin, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of salt. Milk is heated in a saucepan, lemon juice is added. The lemon will cause a reaction that will create curd flakes. They must be placed in a separate bowl. At this time, pepsin is mixed with 2 tablespoons of water, and the rest of the water is put on fire. Cottage cheese is added to the water. As it begins to stretch, it is taken out, a circle is formed from the mass, which is placed under the press for several hours.

Store-bought and homemade varieties of cheese during a diet will help not only diversify your diet, but also improve the condition of your hair and nails, as well as strengthen your bones. This healthy product will perfectly complement your diet and allow you to quickly achieve ideal shape.

Cheese is a tasty delicacy and a healthy addition to your daily diet. Just keep in mind that not every variety is suitable for consumption during the period of active weight loss. We present the TOP - 7 cheeses for those who are on a diet or are afraid of gaining a few extra pounds.

1. Ricotta cheese

It is made from low-fat whey, not milk, and therefore contains a huge amount of albumin proteins (up to 13 g). At the same time, the fat content is one of the lowest: from 24 to 8%, depending on the type.

Fresh ricotta cheese, which has a soft paste consistency, is great for making low-calorie whipped fruit desserts and sandwiches. It’s not for nothing that slender Italian women eat it for breakfast. One slice contains only 50 calories (100 grams - maximum 174 kcal), but despite this, it is very nutritious and allows you to quickly fill up.

This type of curd cheese is a liver protector and an immunity booster. Just be careful with smoked and aged types of Ricotta: they contain too much salt.

2. Camembert cheese (blue)

This is a special variety, in the production of which several types of special fungus are used at once. To grow, the bribok takes lactose from the milk, almost completely freeing the finished product from it.

Therefore, Camembert, despite its considerable calorie content (about 300 kcal), is recommended for thin people suffering from intolerance to dairy products due to lactase deficiency.

The unique technology for manufacturing this product from raw milk, which has not undergone any heat treatment, preserves in it a maximum of amino acids and fat-soluble vitamins that are beneficial for the human body. Therefore, it really helps to keep bones strong, teeth and muscles strong, nerves steely, and the brain clear.

Bluish-gray mold on the surface of Camembert often raises doubts about its safety. We hasten to reassure you: the waste products of this fungus, with which the cheese is impregnated, are harmless. And he himself quickly dies in the hydrochloric acid of the stomach, without affecting the intestines in any way. But this cheese is, indeed, rare, but can become a source of infection with listeriosis, a bacterial infection transmitted through raw milk. Therefore, it is not recommended to include it in the menu for children and people with severe immunodeficiency, including pregnant women at all stages.

Despite the enormous benefits, Camembert, the main raw material for the production of which is fatty milk, is best not consumed by those who are already overweight.

3. Mozzarella

One of the most delicate and easily digestible cheeses. The highlight of its preparation is rennet ripening, that is, partial breakdown of raw materials using digestive enzymes secreted from the stomach of calves. Thanks to this special technology, all useful microelements, proteins and vitamins are preserved in Mozzarella and are immediately ready for absorption.

This cheese almost never causes digestive disorders, and you can eat it at any age. True, provided that you do not have lactase deficiency.

The calorie content of 100 grams of Mozzarella can reach up to 350 kcal, depending on the fat content. Skim milk varieties of mozzarella contain an average of 160 calories.

In any case, a tiny portion of this cheese is enough to make vegetable salads with spicy herbs, light sandwiches, and casseroles unique.

4. Tofu

This is an absolutely unique product, made not from animal, but from plant raw materials - soy milk. It is curdled with the help of calcium-containing additives, which make tofu simply ideal in composition.

Judge for yourself: a maximum of low-allergenic vegetable protein, with a minimum of fat (up to 5%) in combination with a whole range of vitamins and beneficial microelements. At the same time, not only is cholesterol completely absent, but, thanks to the phytoestrogens contained in Tofu, its consumption also reduces the level of lipoprotein fractions harmful to health. This means that the blood vessels are cleared of cholesterol plaques that narrow their lumen.

Tofu is a culinary dream, a chameleon product. It can be subjected to any type of heat treatment without loss of beneficial qualities. Due to its neutral taste and ability to quickly become saturated with the aromas of other ingredients, it can be used to prepare absolutely any dish. It is equally good in sweet desserts, vegetable or meat delicacies, hot and cold appetizers. At the same time, it can significantly reduce the calorie content of the finished dish, since it itself contains only 90 kcal per 100 grams.

Due to its high protein content, Tofu can partially compensate for the lack of meat or milk in the diet of vegetarians and vegans, as well as people who observe strict religious fasting or suffer from intolerance (due to allergies) to animal proteins.

5. Chechil

It contains only 5-10% fat. It looks and tastes like suluguni. Available in braids and sold fresh or smoked. Its smell and taste are purely fermented milk and slightly pungent, and all because it ripens in brine and is mixed with cottage cheese or another type of cheese product.

Although Chechil is used in Protasov’s diet for weight loss, those who want to lose weight need to be careful. Because of large quantity salt, it can greatly increase appetite and cause fluid retention in the body. As a result, the next weigh-in will show a noticeable weight gain.

6. Adyghe cheese

One of the most famous and accessible varieties. It is considered a low-calorie product: per 100 g. only 240 calories. Rich in calcium, phosphorus, saturates the body with a complex of fat-soluble vitamins. Gives a pleasant piquant flavor to vegetable salads and light bread-based sandwiches. Due to its dense consistency, it can be used to prepare all kinds of dietary canapés. Due to its noticeably salty taste, those who are prone to puffy eyes under their eyes after sleep are advised to consume it in the first half of the day.

7. Feta Cheese

Almost devoid of carbohydrates, which contribute to rapid weight gain. Therefore, it can be included in the diet with impaired tolerance to carbohydrates and with diabetes mellitus. The fat from it is only partially absorbed. Girls who are losing weight can add this cheese to vegetable salads with olives, as the Greeks do. If you are allergic to cow's milk proteins, you can safely consume Feta made from goat's or sheep's milk. But little by little, not forgetting the rather high calorie content: 290 kcal per 100 grams.

Low-fat cheese is a non-existent concept. Any cheese contains fat, the only difference is in its amount. Let's find out: which cheese is the lightest?

Low-fat cheeses

Anyone who cares about their figure chooses high-quality products with low fat content. And this is the right tactic. Less fatty, floury and sweet... and more movement - this is the formula for slimness.

It is worth noting that the standard fat content of cheese is 50-60g or 50-60% in dry matter, while we offer cheeses with reduced fat content up to 30 g of fat in dry matter. You need to look for such cheeses either in hypermarkets or in expensive grocery stores.

1. Low-fat cheese - tofu - soy cheese (fat content 1.5-4%)

Although it is made on the basis of soy milk, tofu is classified as curd cheese, since in color and consistency it resembles low-fat and unsalted feta cheese. Tofu is rich in high-quality proteins, so it can successfully replace meat. Calcium, present in abundance in this product, has an excellent effect on the bone skeleton, which makes tofu an ideal product for consumption by older people in order to prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

In addition, 100 gm of tofu cheese contains only 90 calories, so it is recommended to include it in the diet menu. Many celebrities have replaced dairy products and cheeses with soy in their diet, so many diets have now been developed that involve a reduced consumption of classic cheeses, while tofu is recommended for daily consumption along with foods of plant origin.

A number of nutritionists also claim its healing properties, because it has already been proven that it helps reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in the blood, which helps prevent many cardiovascular diseases.

2. Low-fat cheese - grain cottage cheese (fat content 5%)

Grained cottage cheese is a type of low-fat cottage cheese. It is a curd grain mixed with fresh, slightly salted cream. Can be used as an independent dish, as well as for cooking various salads(for example, vegetable salad with grain cottage cheese).

In Russia it is sometimes found under the unofficial names “grainy cottage cheese” and “Lithuanian cottage cheese”. In the USA and European countries (and not only English-speaking ones), grain cottage cheese is called cottage cheese.

It is often called homemade cheese. At first glance, cottage cheese looks like fresh cottage cheese, but its texture is much softer, one might even say creamy, and its taste is a little saltier. 100 g of cottage cheese will provide our body with 85 calories and 17 g of protein, so nutritionists recommend it even if you follow the strictest diets.

3. Low-fat cheese - Gaudette (fat content 7%)

Gaudette is the new cheese from Scherdinger with a low fat content - it is a light delight for those who strive for healthy image life.

Semi-hard Gaudette cheese contains only 7% fat (15% dry matter). This cheese with a soft, subtle, somewhat piquant taste is ideal for lovers of the famous Gouda cheese. In addition, cheese is easily digestible and has a high calcium content. Therefore, this cheese must be present in the diet of every cheese lover.

4. Low-fat cheese - Chechil (fat content 5-10%)

Chechil is a fibrous brine cheese with a consistency similar to suluguni. It is produced in the form of dense, fibrous threads, twisted into tight braids in the shape of a pigtail, often smoked. Chechil is often mixed with cottage cheese or other cheese and stuffed into jugs or wineskins.

In appearance, this cheese has nothing in common with any other. It is produced in the form of fibrous threads tied into a bundle. Chechil ripens in brine, but is often mixed with cottage cheese or other cheese and stuffed into unglazed jugs or wineskins.

The taste and smell of this cheese are sour milk, sharp, the fibrous dough is dense, the surface of the product is rough. It contains up to 10% fat, no more than 60% moisture, and 4-8% salt.

5. Low-fat cheese - Viola Polar, Grunlander, Fitness (fat content 5-10%)

Such cheeses are just a godsend for those losing weight! But you need to look for them in large stores. Learn more reverse side packaging - label, some cheeses contain 5% yogurt, not fat!

6. Low-fat cheese - Ricotta (fat content 13%)

Ricotta is an invariable component of Italian breakfast. It is often called cheese, but this is not entirely true: after all, it is not made from milk, as we used to think, but from whey remaining after the preparation of other cheeses.

A slice of ricotta contains, on average, 49 calories and 4 grams of fat, half of which is saturated. This product contains the lowest amount of sodium compared to other cheese products. Due to its high nutritional value and impressive composition of vitamins and microelements, ricotta gives a quick feeling of fullness. In addition, this type of curd cheese is recognized as a protector of our liver, because it contains methionine, a sulfur-containing amino acid.

7. Low-fat cheese - light cheese, feta (fat content 5-15%)

This cheese, or rather even feta cheese, is a traditional product of Greek cuisine. But it is eaten with pleasure in many other countries, including ours. Feta is considered a fatty food, high in cholesterol and has a calorie content of approximately 260 kcal/100 gm. But not everyone knows that the feta cheese they adore is produced in a light version, although, admittedly, this particular variety is difficult to find on supermarket shelves.

However, the effort you put into searching will be fully worth it. Feta light is usually made from goat's milk and contains only 30% fat, while traditional feta is made from sheep's milk and is then 60% fat. It is usually added to Greek salad along with vegetables and olives, or it is used in Caprese salad, where it replaces mozzarella.

If you do not consume feta in combination with high-fat foods, then it can be recommended as quite suitable for a diet.

8. Low-fat cheese - Arla, Oltermani (fat content 16-17%)

Such low-fat cheeses have a delicate, pleasant taste of natural milk, a dense, uniform texture, with small, evenly distributed eyes. Great for people who care about their health.

Varieties of low-fat cheeses on a diet

Even low-fat varieties of cheese have a small percentage of fat content, but the percentage of fat varies.

There are many types of cheeses, more than 400. They are made not only from cow's milk, but also from goat, horse, sheep, and camel. They differ from each other in manufacturing technology and taste.

Are divided into:

  1. Rennet - in its production, rennet is used,
  2. Fermented milk - they add leaven to milk.

People who really care about their health eat foods with reduced fat content. This is the right tactic.

Even a product you adore, but is high in calories, is better to replace with a low-fat one, for example, cottage cheese, or any other low-fat one. Standard fat content is 90 kcal per 100 grams of product. And we need a calorie content of less than 90 kcal.

Is it possible to eat cheeses while on a diet?

I will answer right away: it is possible and necessary. Cheese is a very healthy, easily digestible product. It contains a lot of magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, protein, zinc, calcium. Vitamins of groups A, E, F, D, PP, C, B and many other useful components.

Nutritionists have long developed the well-known cheese diet, where the fat content should be no more than 35%. This is when the diet is based mainly on different types of cheese. This diet always gives good results, helps to lose weight, and the person does not feel hungry.

Because cheese, even low-fat, is quite a filling product. The main thing is to choose it correctly and consume it in reasonable quantities if you are thinking of going on a diet due to ill health, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, want to lose those annoying extra pounds, etc.

Decide right away whether you can eat cheese or whether it’s better to abstain from it. Consult your family doctor.

During the diet you can eat:

  1. Tofu cheese - it has the lowest fat content, only 4%. It can be eaten daily, it:
    • strengthens the human skeleton;
    • has unique healing properties;
    • significantly reduces bad cholesterol in the blood;
  2. Grain cottage cheese can be consumed, but the fat content should be no more than 5%.
  3. Gaudette cheese is a new low-fat type of cheese 6%.
  4. You can buy Oltermani, Chechil, Ricotta, fitness cheese, only light.

Low-fat cheeses are a godsend for the diet. In addition, milk fats are healthy and easily absorbed by the body.

List of low-fat cheeses

Low-fat cheeses are made from skim milk. That is, the cream is first skimmed from the milk, then the cheese is made.

But it will be difficult to call it completely low-fat, because the percentage of fat content will still be present, but in different percentages:

  1. low fat - fat content less than 15%;
  2. light - fat content 15-40%;
  3. normal - fat content 40-60%;

Low-fat cheese is almost as good as fatty varieties in terms of taste and beneficial properties. And in some respects it even surpasses them.

Here are some of them:

Hard cheeses

Hard cheeses received greatest distribution, these include: Romano, Emmental, Raclette, Grano Padano, Leiden, Gruyere, Parmesan, Pecorino, Maasdam, Frisien, etc. Hard cheeses contain lecithin, it affects the proper metabolism of fats.

Cheese production is a long process. And ripening takes up to 3 months or more.

Cheese features:

Soft cheeses

Soft cheeses have a pasty consistency, milk or creamy taste.

It is produced from cow's milk and bacterial ferment, classified:

  1. with maturation;
  2. without ripening.

Most popular:

  • Dorogobuzhsky - the crust is covered with mucus, transparent in color. It has a spicy-sharp taste, very pronounced, without eyes. Known types: Dorozhny, Dorogobuzhsky, Kalininsky.
  • Like Camembert - a head of cheese is covered with white mold. Main type: Russian Camembert.
  • Smolensky type - heads no more than 2 kg, mucus spots are clearly visible on the crust. There is no need to remove mucus before eating. Its representatives: Hunting, Snack.

Homemade low-fat cheese

The healthiest cheese is homemade. This is a good alternative to the store, because you can buy stale and low-quality products there. And at home you can always control the process.

Types of low-fat cheeses that you can buy in the store

Buying such cheeses in a store is not a problem now. They are, of course, difficult to find in regular grocery stores, but large supermarkets have them.

In low-fat Tofu, the fat content will range from 2-4%. It is high in protein and calcium and has healing properties. It is also called bean curd because it is made from soy milk.

This is curd cheese, the consistency and color of which resembles unsalted and low-fat feta cheese. Its taste is neutral, that is, almost absent. It goes on sale in vacuum packages in which the liquid is determined.

Differs in consistency and production method:

This cheese has many varieties, and is even made with additives: nuts, seasonings, pepper, etc.

Smoked tofu is popular, its types:

  1. Dense - has two varieties:
  2. Silk - soft, pudding-like.
  3. "Smelly" - strong smell, Chinese version.

Rich in vegetable protein, contains all essential amino acids, a supplier of iron and calcium. Contains absolutely no cholesterol and is low in calories. It has spread all over the world.


The famous Dutch Gouda cheese now has a low-fat counterpart called Gaudette. This is the newest cheese from Scherdinger, containing only 8% fat (16% dry matter).

It has a classic soft-subtle cheese taste. In him great content calcium, it is easily and completely absorbed.

Chechil cheese has an interesting shape in the form of long threads of varying thickness. The taste is pronounced, sour milk. Fat - up to 11%.

The structure is slightly rough, layered, can be:

  • braided into wreaths, or braids;
  • curl up into ropes or balls.

Its varieties:

  • in the usual smoked form;
  • salty.

It has a wonderful milky taste and is produced:

  • in plastic containers with a capacity of: 100 g, 200 g, 400 g;
  • in the form of triangles;
  • slicing

With fillings: ham, mushrooms, chocolate, just creamy, etc. They make salads and soups. To produce them, hard cheeses are taken, butter and other natural ingredients are added. Fat content - 5-10%.

See the calorie content of butter per 100 grams here.

Ricotta is an Italian delicacy dairy product. It is made from whey left over from the production of other cheeses. Different types of milk are used for whey. They can even use a mixture of milk, several types at once.

Its taste is slightly sweet, fat content:

  • 9% from cow's milk;
  • up to 25% from sheep's milk;
  • 15% from goat's milk;
  • 28% from buffalo milk.

Calorie content per 100 g - 120 kcal. Its sodium content is the lowest when compared to other cheeses. It contains an impressive composition of microelements and vitamins, especially a lot of calcium.

There is even methionine present - this is a sulfur-containing amino acid that protects the liver from adverse factors external environment.

Types of cheese:

  • Ricotta Forte - excellent taste, lasts a long time, made only from sheep's milk.
  • Ricotta Fresca - only freshly prepared cheese is used; aging is not needed here.
  • Ricotta Affumicata - made from a mixture of goat and cow's milk, there are also smoked types.
  • Ricotta al Forno - prepared from a mixture of goat, buffalo, cow milk, and aged in ovens. It comes not only classic, but with different flavors: vanilla, lemon, chocolate, etc.
  • Ricotta Romana - needs a lot of aging, the cheese is hard, salty taste.

Feta is a Greek semi-hard cheese made only from goat and sheep milk. Keep in a salt solution for at least 4 months. Fat content from 40 to 60%.


Outwardly, it looks like a snow-white, semi-solid mass, a little like cottage cheese, but its taste is brighter, salty, and slightly sour.

It contains many beneficial microorganisms that synthesize special antibiotics that help people cope with food poisoning.

There is another option - this is Feta light, although it will not be so easy to find it on the shelves. However, the time spent searching will be completely worth it.


Suluguni is a pickled cheese with a dense, even slightly hard consistency. It has a white or cream color, if smoked, then it is yellow. It is produced from cow, sheep, goat or buffalo milk. There is little fat in it, 30-40%.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Strains of lactic acid and flavor-forming bacteria, pepsin, and calcium chloride are added to pasteurized milk and heated to 38ºC.
  2. The cheese layer is separated and subjected to cheddarization.
  3. Cut into cubes and melt in whey or acidified water.
  4. Knead to a homogeneous consistency, place on a squeezing table, divide into pieces and make balls by hand, incubate for 2 days in an acid-whey brine.

Arca cheese has low fat content, only 17-35%, pleasant taste, dense uniform texture, with small eyes. Indispensable for nutrition, people who really care about their health.

Calorie content of low-fat cheeses

Cheese has been produced by man since ancient times; it has always been valued and loved.

Now we will find out the calorie content of the most common low-fat cheeses:

In this list of cheeses, you can now easily find “your” cheese that will satisfy you in terms of usefulness, taste and price.


It is not for nothing that low-fat varieties of cheese are so revered and considered the elixir of health and longevity. They are the main building material for bones, improve metabolism and digestion.

Cheese is a natural protein product that human body can assimilate almost completely. During the ripening process, cheese turns into a soluble form, which means that all useful substances will remain in our body.

Cheese will saturate the body with essential vitamins and microelements and improve your mood. Eat it with pleasure!

Low-fat varieties of cheese on a diet: names, percentage of fat content of the product

People who are on a diet or proper nutrition, often refuse many foods, including cheese. This is wrong because it contains a lot of protein and other substances necessary for health. You can find low-fat cheese on sale that will provide the body with the necessary fats and will not harm your figure. Having familiarized yourself with the criteria for choosing low-fat varieties fermented milk products, having learned how to make them at home, you can easily go on a diet and eat tasty at the same time.

Most nutritionists unanimously agree that low-fat cheeses for dieting are not only possible, but also necessary. They are easily absorbed by the body, contain vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, F, PP), microelements (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, iron) and protein. Experts have even developed a cheese diet, more than a third of the diet of which consists of different varieties.

The remaining 2/3 is occupied by fruits, vegetables and other protein foods. In 10 days of such weight loss you can get rid of 5 kg of excess weight. If you consume a high-quality product that does not contain vegetable fats in a reasonable amount, your figure will not suffer. While losing weight, you are allowed to eat the following varieties: Gaudette, Tofu, Oltermani, Chechil, Fitness, Brynza, grain cottage cheese (no more than 5% fat), Ricotta, etc.

Low-fat cheese is a product made from skim milk, lactic acid bacteria and clotting enzymes. The cream is first removed from the drink, and then used to make sour dairy product. Although there are no completely low-fat varieties, there are dietary varieties containing on average up to 30 g of fat in dry matter.

List of low-fat cheeses

Having received the answer to the question whether it is possible to eat low-fat varieties of cheese while on a diet, it is worth learning more about the types of such fermented milk products. These include:

  1. Tofu is a low-calorie cheese made from soy milk. Fat content 1.5-4%, contains 73 kcal/100 g. Refers to curd cheese, has a consistency similar to feta cheese. Contains a lot of protein and calcium, which helps prevent osteoporosis and strengthen the bone skeleton.
  2. Grain cottage cheese with 5% fat content and 105 kcal per 100 g. Often used in diets, used for making salads, prepared with the addition of salted cream. In English-speaking European countries it is known as cottage cheese.
  3. Gaudette is a low-fat cheese (7%), semi-hard, calorie content – ​​199 kcal/100 g. It has a mild taste with piquant notes, and contains a large amount of calcium.
  4. Chechil, fat content 5-10%, calorie content 253-313 kcal/100 g. The consistency is similar to suluguni, sold in the form of bundles of fibrous threads, contains a lot of salt.
  5. Ricotta (fat content 13%, 49 kcal/100 g). The lowest calorie cheese. Made from whey, it contains a minimal amount of sodium, many vitamins, minerals and methionine (a sulfur-containing amino acid), which is beneficial for the liver.
  6. Mozzarella (22.5% fat, 149-240 kcal per 100 g). It is produced on the basis of skim milk and is sold in the form of balls in packages with a salty solution.
  7. Feta (fat content 24%, 290 kcal/100 g). This Greek cheese is considered by many to be high in calories, but it is also produced in a lighter version. It is prepared from natural sheep's milk, and low-calorie - from goat's milk. Contains beta-carotene, vitamins (A, D, E, K, B), potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, sodium, and many useful living organisms. Useful for gastrointestinal disorders.
  8. Oltermani (fat content 16-17%, 270 kcal/100 g). It has a dense, uniform texture with uniform holes over the entire surface, and has a delicate milky flavor.
  9. Fitness Viola Polar (5-10% fat, 250 kcal/100 g). One of the most popular for those who are on a diet. Some varieties contain yogurt instead of fat, which makes the product even more beneficial for health and weight loss.
  10. Adygei (14% fat, 240 kcal/100 g). An ideal option for a hearty breakfast on a diet, it contains no carbohydrates at all. It has a delicate consistency, sour milk taste, and is produced by fermenting cow's milk with bacteria.

Hard varieties of low-fat cheese are excellent for the diet, which often have a high energy value, but in small quantities do not harm the figure. They contain lecithin, which improves fat metabolism, stimulates their breakdown, and normalizes cholesterol levels. These include:

  1. Swiss (45% fat, 380 kcal/100 g). It has small eyes and a sweetish taste.
  2. Parmesan (32% fat, 292 kcal/100 g), has a specific smell and a slight aftertaste.
  3. Dutch (45% fat, 345 kcal/100 g). Cheese yellow color(dark or bright), has a salty taste. It is considered dietary, is well absorbed, and replenishes the lack of energy in the body.
  4. Cheddar. It comes in a dietary version (fat content 33%, calorie content 380 kcal/100 g). It has a delicate, slightly sour nutty flavor. Made from cow's milk.
  5. Russian – semi-hard cheese with a creamy, sweetish taste, fat content 50%, calorie content 360 kcal/100 g. Color – yellow.

How to choose

Diet cheese should be selected according to the percentage of fat content; if you want to lose, rather than gain, excess weight, a product containing no more than 30% fat is suitable for you. It happens that smaller numbers are indicated on the packaging of some varieties, but then you need to pay attention to the calorie content. Often this indicator exceeds the permissible norm for weight loss. Foods with a spicy or excessively salty taste are not suitable for the diet.

High-quality cheese should have a uniform color (without stains or signs that it has been washed or cleaned), a fresh smell, intact packaging and not contain palm oil or vegetable fats. Pay attention to the cut of the product: smooth, non-crumbling edges indicate freshness (with the exception of the Idiazabal variety). It is also important not to overdo it with the amount of cheese during consumption, otherwise even the most low-fat varieties of cheese will add extra centimeters during your diet.

Homemade recipe

High-quality low-fat diet cheese is often expensive, and some types are difficult to find. There is no need to give up your diet for this reason; you can prepare a dietary product at home. So, you can be sure of its freshness, naturalness and the absence of harmful preservatives. The process will not take much time, but then the low-fat homemade cheese needs to be allowed to brew.

  • Time: 12.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 78 kcal/100 g.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

To make low-fat hard cheese you will need milk, cottage cheese, soda, salt and an egg. If desired, you can add finely chopped fresh herbs, chopped carrots or garlic. These ingredients will give the dish an amazing aroma and spicy taste. Herbs and spices will also come in handy. It is better to choose milk and cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content in order to reduce the calorie content of the future cheese.


  • milk (0.5%) – ½ l;
  • cottage cheese (0%) – ½ kg;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt, soda - ½ tsp each;
  • seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk a little in a water bath.
  2. Add the cottage cheese and mix the mixture with your hands until it has a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Fold the gauze in several layers, transfer the milk-curd mixture into it when it becomes hot. Hang it up to catch any unnecessary whey.
  4. In a separate container, beat the egg with soda, salt, and spices.
  5. When the whey has drained from the curd, transfer the mixture to a bowl and pour in the egg.
  6. Place the container in a water bath, heat it, stirring constantly and intensively so that there are no lumps. At this stage you can add seasonings.
  7. When the mass becomes homogeneous, cool it at room temperature, and then transfer to another dish lined with cling film.
  8. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

Homemade mozzarella

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 15 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 52 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Italian.
  • Difficulty: medium.

Mozzarella cheese was originally made by residents Southern Italy using buffalo milk. Today it is produced from ordinary cow milk by adding rennet. To prepare low-fat mozzarella at home, you can use acidin-pepsin, which is sold at the pharmacy, to curdle milk. Take purified water, without foreign impurities and in no case chlorinated.


  • milk (not pasteurized) – 1.5 l;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • acidin-pepsin – 2 tablets;
  • citric acid – 1/3 tsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk on the stove to 25-28 degrees, pour in citric acid dissolved in ½ part of water in a thin stream. Continue heating, stirring constantly, bringing the temperature to 30-35 degrees.
  2. Dissolve the crushed acidin-pepsin tablets in the remaining water and pour into the milk. Continue heating to a temperature of 40 degrees, without ceasing to stir. Remove from stove.
  3. At this stage, the milk will begin to curdle and cheese flakes will appear on its surface.
  4. Cover the container with a lid and leave to complete the fermentation process for 20 minutes.
  5. The curdled mass should be thick and have a slightly yellowish tint. Stir it with a spoon.
  6. Place on a sieve, separating from the whey, and grind. The resulting cheese will stick together.
  7. Place the mass in hot water (60-70 degrees), wait until it warms up and begins to melt slightly.
  8. Squeeze the mixture lightly to remove excess whey. Add salt (seasonings), mix gently. Stretch the cheese several times and warm it again.
  9. Stretch again, give the desired shape, put in the refrigerator.

Diet-friendly varieties of low-fat cheese are more expensive than regular cheeses, since special techniques are used for their production. The cost of such products in different retail chains may differ; in stores in the Moscow region it is as follows:

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The lowest fat varieties of cheese for your health

If you are using any kind of diet to lose weight or are simply trying to eat healthy, you should not eat only low-fat foods, because we need fat.

The only thing is that you need to choose products with a low percentage of fat, they are lower in calories. The list below will help you with this - a list of low-fat varieties of cheese.

As you know, cheese is a healthy, easily digestible product, it contains a lot of protein for the structure of muscle tissue (more than in fish or meat), calcium, zinc, phosphorus, vitamins E, C, A, D, PP, group B.

However, it is necessary to distinguish between low-fat and fatty cheeses. Most of the cheeses we are used to have a fat content of 50-70% (50-70 grams of fat per 100 grams of product). The task of a person who cares about his appearance and figure is to consume cheeses with a maximum fat content of 30%.

Low-fat cheeses and their calorie content

First on our list is Tofu soy cheese. This cheese has a fat content of 1.5 to 4%. It contains large quantities of high-quality protein and is an alternative to meat protein. The calorie content of this cheese is 80 kcal per 100 grams. Ideal in the form of sandwiches for a snack, as well as a valuable ingredient in salads.

Ricotta cheese is not made from skim milk, as many believe, but from whey, which remains during the preparation of other types of cheese. Its fat content is 8-13%, and its calorie content is 174 kcal. In addition to calcium, vitamins A and B, it contains the essential amino acid methionine - the most important amino acid for the liver. This cheese is often used in the form of salads, desserts and as an independent snack.

Mozzarella is also made from skim milk. It is usually sold in the form of balls in a saline solution. Contains 22.5% fat, 149-240 calories, depending on the type of mozzarella. Granular cottage cheese

Granular cottage cheese (grain cheese) looks like cottage cheese grains cooked in salted fresh cream, its fat content is no more than 5%, calorie content is up to 125 kcal. They season salads and are also used as an independent dish. It is also often called homemade or country cheese (cottage cheese in the West).

Chechil cheese is also a low-fat cheese (only 5-10%). The consistency of this cheese resembles Suluguni. It is produced in the form of dense fibrous threads, which are twisted in the shape of a pigtail. It contains large quantities of salt, as it ripens in a salt solution; it is also often sold smoked. Contains 313kcal.

Low-fat cheeses Valio Polar, Fitness, Grünlander contain approximately 148 kcal with a fat content of only 5-10%. You just have to look for them in expensive supermarkets or hypermarkets. And read the packaging, some of them may contain not 5% fat, but 5% yogurt.

Feta or light cheese. Many consider feta cheese a dietary product; they love it in salads, especially in Greek, but the calorie content of ordinary feta cheese is 250 kcal at high percentage fat content An alternative has appeared in stores: feta light (light cheese), its fat content ranges from 5 to 17%, calorie content on average 160 kcal.

Low-fat cheese varieties Arla, Natura and Valio, Oltermanni. The taste is reminiscent of fresh milk, an excellent product for those who are trying to eat right and maintain their figure. The calorie content of such cheeses is 210-270 kcal and 16-17% fat content. Cheese Arla, Natura

Cheese Valio, Oltermanni

Suluguni is a Georgian pickled cheese. Its fat content is 24%, calorie content is 285 kcal.

I think that in this list of low-fat cheeses you will be able to choose “your” cheese for yourself, which will satisfy you both in taste and in the benefits it will have on your body.

Bon appetit!

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Always yours, Olga Suvorova.


Cheese is, without a doubt, one of the most beloved foods by many. After all, it is tasty, satisfying and at the same time quite light. However, those who are on a diet do not use all the options offered in stores. After all, to lose weight you need to use only low-fat varieties of cheese. However, few people know which ones they are and how to choose them correctly.

What are the benefits of cheese?

Cheese has quite a lot of useful properties. For example, it is an excellent source of obtaining a large number of different essential elements, for example, amino acids, vital for the human body. For example, these are lysine and tryptophan. Milk fat, which is quite richly represented in this product, is absorbed by the human body very easily, which means it becomes an excellent source of energy and takes an active part in a wide variety of metabolic processes in the body.

Phosphorus and calcium help further strengthen human nails, bones, hair and teeth. And these are natural vitamins, and not used in the form of industrial ready-made complexes. Moreover, most often cheese is a high-carbohydrate product, which means you need to choose it for your diet very carefully.

What are some low-fat cheese options?

Low-fat varieties of cheese that can be safely used during a diet have a variety of choices. So, among them:

  • Gaudette (a kind of light analogue of Gouda)
  • Chechil
  • Fitness
  • Ricotta
  • Brynza or Feta
  • Oltermani

Low-fat varieties of cheese retain all the beneficial properties of this product, also have the necessary vitamins, as well as other microelements and nutrients, but at the same time they are made from less fatty ingredients and do not provide a large amount of calories, which is especially important when following a diet.

For example, Tofu cheese has 1.5-4% fat content. This is due to the fact that it is made from soy milk. At the same time, it is a cottage cheese version and in essence is very much reminiscent of ordinary cheese. This product is extremely useful for strengthening bones, because... it contains a lot of useful substances such as protein and calcium.

Gaudetta, according to experts, has 7% fat content. It also contains quite a lot of calcium. This version of cheese has an original soft, but at the same time piquant taste.

When dieting, Chechil, which has only 10% fat content, will also be good. By itself, it very much resembles Suluguni cheese. Most often it is offered smoked, due to which it has a very original taste.

Varieties from the “fitness” category are also low-fat – up to a maximum of 10%. True, it is worth understanding that these types of products, for a number of different reasons, are not among the most common and it can be difficult to find them on sale.

Also, those who are trying to lose extra pounds can turn their attention to such varieties of dairy products as feta cheese or feta cheese. They can be different - from 5 to 15% fat. This product is prepared from sheep's milk; goat's milk is used to make light versions.

Ricotta has a fat content threshold of 13% and is made from whey, which is often left over from the production of other types of cheese. It, as experts note, has the lowest percentage of sodium content. And, in addition, this cheese has the most beneficial effect on the liver, due to which it is often recommended and successfully used when maintaining dietary table No. 5.

During the diet, you can also find fatty varieties such as Oltermani. This is perhaps the fattest type of cheese that is allowed when establishing a balanced diet. It contains 16-17% fat. It is an excellent product option for those who actively count fats when planning their diet.

Cottage cheese

Separately, you can highlight grain cottage cheese. Although it is not cheese in itself, it is still quite often included in this category when talking about a balanced diet. Its fat percentage is usually 5. This product is prepared by adding salted cream to the cottage cheese grain. This cream is not heavily salted, so it does not harm the body. This version of the product can be eaten even with very strict dietary restrictions.

What to consider when eating cheese

Even when taking low-fat varieties of cheese, there are a certain number of rules and regulations that should be strictly followed. For example, it is not recommended to consume cheeses for more than 10 days in a row. This is due to the fact that cheese is rich in protein, and protein often negatively affects kidney function. So don't try to overload them.

In addition, those who are allergic to dairy products should be careful with such a product. For such people, eating even low-fat varieties of cheese can lead to serious consequences.

Cheese is a healthy and nutritious product that is recommended by most nutritionists and trainers when doing fitness. Some types of cheese are more suitable for fitness nutrition, others less so, but in any case it is an extremely healthy and nutritious product. The choice of cheese to eat during and after fitness depends on many factors.

Let us remind you that according to the amount of fat, cheeses are usually divided into:

low-fat cheeses - less than 20%,

light cheeses - from 20% to 30%,

normal cheeses - from 40% to 50%,

double fat content - from 60% to 75%,

triple fat content - more than 75%.

Low-fat cheeses and light cheeses are made from skim milk, and especially fatty cheeses are made from cream or from whole milk with the addition of cream.

Here is a list of the most and low-calorie cheeses.

Products are shown in descending order of calorie content:

1. Low-fat cheese - . This is soy cheese. Its fat content ranges from 1.5 to 4%. Tofu is rich in high-quality proteins, so this cheese can successfully replace meat. In addition, 100 grams of tofu cheese contains only 80 kilocalories. Therefore, tofu is recommended to be included in diet and fitness menus.

2. Low-fat cheese - cottage cheese(fat content 5%). In the USA and European countries (and not only English-speaking ones), grain cottage cheese is called cottage cheese. Calorie content of grain cottage cheese: 98-125 kcal. The lowest calorie produced in Russia is grained cottage cheese “Savushkin product “101 grains + cream” BIO 5%. Its calorie content: 98.6 Kcal.

3. Low-fat cheese - made from skim milk (8%). The calorie content of this cheese is 140 kcal.

4. Low-fat cheese - Kaluga “”, delicious smoked, rope. Its fat content is 10% and calorie content: 140 kcal.

5. Low-fat cheese - made from skim milk. The calorie content of this cheese is 149 kcal.

6. Low-fat cheese - Viola Polar, Grünlander, Fitness (5-10%), calorie content: 148 kcal

7. Low-fat cheese - Chechil(fat content 5-10%). Chechil is a fibrous brine cheese with a consistency similar to suluguni. It is produced in the form of dense, fibrous threads, twisted into tight braids in the shape of a pigtail, often smoked. It contains up to 10% fat, no more than 60% moisture, and 4-8% salt. With a fat content of 5%, the calorie content is 155 kcal.

8. Low-fat cheese - Feta Arla Apetina. Apetina in traditional packaging - the cheese has a slightly salty taste and delicate texture. Perfect for preparing salads or as a snack with any type of bread. Nutritional value: proteins 15.0g, carbohydrates 5.0g, fats 8.5g. Calorie content: 160 kcal.

9. Low-fat cheese - feta cheese Arla Apetina Light cubes in brine 22% Arla Natura cheeses have been produced in Denmark, in the hills of the Jutland Peninsula since 1961, at the Norre Vium dairy, known for its ancient traditions and the highest quality standards. Nutritional value 100g: fats 10.3g, proteins 16.5g, carbohydrates 0.1g. Calorie content: 162 kcal.

10 Low-fat cheese - Galbani Mozzarella Light thirty%. Nutritional value: proteins 20g, fats 9g, carbohydrates 0.4g. Calorie content: 163 kcal.

11. Low-fat cheese - Favita Salad thirty%. Salad sandwich cheese Favita. Mass fraction of fat 12%. Nutritional value per 100g: proteins - 14g, fat - 12g, carbohydrates - 3g. Calorie content: 176 kcal.

12. Low-fat cheese - Cheese Chevrefin Chevrefin fresh goat 40%, – calorie content: 164 kcal.

13. Low-fat cheese product - Kaserei Champignon Dor Blue a la cream, light. Delicately piquant cream with the addition of blue cheese. Mass fraction of fat in dry matter is 15%. Nutritional value per 100g of product: fat - 15.0g, protein - 9.0g, carbohydrates - 3.0g. Energy value- 183 kcal.

14. Low-fat cheese - cheese President Camembert Legey 28%. Nutritional value per 100g of product: protein 24.5g, fat 11g, carbohydrates 0.5g. Calorie content per 100g. - 197 kcal.

15. Low-fat cheese - Gaudette(fat content 7%). Gaudette, the new low-fat cheese from Scherdinger, is an easy delight for those seeking a healthy lifestyle. Calorie content: 199 kcal. Nutritional value: proteins 34g, fats 7g, carbohydrates 0g.

16. Low-fat cheese - Arla, Oltermani(16-17%). Calorie content 210 kcal.

17. Low-fat cheese – low-fat (light), feta (fat content 10%). This cheese is a traditional product of Greek cuisine. But it is eaten with pleasure in many other countries, including ours. Traditional feta is considered fatty, high in cholesterol and has approximately 260 calories.

18. Low-fat cheese - . Its calorie content is 285 kcal.


Salad recipes for fitness nutrition:

Tofu salad with soybeans

Ingredients: tofu - 100 g, boiled soybeans - 100 g, onion- 2 onions, vegetable oil (soybean or sesame) - 4 tbsp. pepper, salt - to taste

Finely chop the tofu and onion, mix with boiled soybeans, salt, pepper, season with oil and mix. It is best to leave it in a cool place for a few minutes before serving.

Tofu and cabbage salad

Ingredients: tofu - 500g, white cabbage - 1/2 head of medium size, onion - 1 onion, cucumbers and tomatoes (fresh) - 4 pcs., apples - 2 pcs., soybean oil - 1/2 cup, mayonnaise ( or sour cream) - 100-150 g, salt, herbs - to taste.

Finely chop the cabbage, finely chop the remaining vegetables, combine everything and mix with grated apples. Grind the tofu thoroughly (or mix in a mixer) with mayonnaise or sour cream and soybean oil, add to the vegetables. Mix everything, add salt to taste and garnish with herbs.

Tofu and lettuce salad

Ingredients: lettuce leaves - 0.5 bunch, tofu - 150 g, salted mushrooms (marinated) - 200 g, green onions - 50 g, dill - 1 bunch, parsley - 1 bunch, sunflower seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons, balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons, olive oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons, young garlic - 2-3 cloves, black pepper.

Tear or chop the lettuce leaves coarsely. Chop the greens. Place lettuce leaves on serving plates (3 servings). Mix the greens in a bowl, add mushrooms and chopped garlic. Small mushrooms can be placed whole, large ones can be cut into 2-4 parts. Mix well and spread the mixture onto the lettuce leaves. For the sauce, combine balsamic vinegar, oil and black pepper. Beat well. Cut the tofu into medium cubes using a wet knife so that the cubes are even and neat. Place tofu on salad. Pour the prepared sauce over the salad. Serve salad with sunflower seeds.

Green salad "Bouquet" with Ricotta cheese

Ingredients: Ricotta cheese - 1 package, Romaine salad - 80 gr., Frisse salad 30 gr., Radiccio salad - 30 gr., walnuts- 2 nuts, extra virgin olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons, honey, liquid 2 tbsp. spoons.

It is convenient to prepare the salad directly in a plate or large dish and place it on the plate with tongs so as not to overturn it. Tear the salads coarsely with your hands and place on plates. Using a teaspoon, carefully place the cheese on top in pieces, trying to maintain their shape. It is better to use Galbani brand Ricotta cheese for this salad. The salad does not mix. Sprinkle ground nuts on top of the salad, season with oil, sprinkle with balsamic vinegar and pour over a thin stream of honey.

from Ricotta with orange

Ingredients: ricotta cheese - 200 g, parsley - 100 g, orange - 1 pc, lemon - 1 pc, beets - 4 pcs, red onion - 1/2 pc, olive oil - 50 ml, salt - to taste, ground black pepper - to taste.

Squeeze juice from orange and lemon. Pour it into a deep bowl and add olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix thoroughly. Wash and peel the beets. We cut it into thin strips. Peel and chop the onion. Wash the parsley, dry it and chop it finely. Place the beets, onions and parsley in the bowl with the sauce. Mix well and leave for 20-30 minutes. Add ricotta to the bowl with vegetables. Stir and add salt and pepper to taste. Place the salad on a plate and garnish with parsley leaves. If you use pre-boiled beets rather than raw ones, then you don’t need to marinate them in the sauce for so long. It is enough to let it brew for 3-5 minutes.

Mozzarella salad with tomatoes and cheese

For 2 servings: 2 tomatoes, 1 pack of Mozzarella cheese (250 g), basil, olive oil, salt, pepper

Wash the tomatoes and cut into slices. Drain the brine from the Mozzarella and cut into slices. Place tomatoes and cheese alternately on a serving plate. Drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper. Garnish with basil sprigs.

Mozzarella Salad with Shrimp and Basil

For 4 servings: 4 regular shrimp, 8 large shrimp, 300 g plum tomatoes, 2 sprigs of green onions, 250 g Mozzarella Light cheese, basil, oil, salt, pepper

Cut the tomatoes in half, the onion into half rings. Season with salt, pepper and basil.

Peel the shrimp and boil in boiling salted water for 1 minute. Arrange tomatoes, onions and Galbani Mozzarella Light cubes on a plate. Place shrimp on top. Season as desired.

Mozzarella salad with mango and avocado

For 4 servings: 200g fresh arugula, 2 fresh mangoes, 2 fresh avocados, 2 packs Light Mozzarella cheese (125g), juice of 2 limes, fresh chilli, 2 green onions

Wash and dry all ingredients, especially arugula. Cut the avocado in half, remove the pit, peel and cut into thin slices. Same thing with mangoes. Cut Galbani Light Mozzarella into thin slices. Alternately place mango, avocado, arugula and cheese on a plate.

In a small bowl, prepare the dressing: cut the chili into thin rings, mix with lime juice, slowly pour in the olive oil, stirring constantly. Drizzle the salad with dressing and garnish with green onions. Serve chilled.

Bon appetit and good figure!