Essay on the topic: “My future profession is an economist. Why I chose a profession in economics Essay on the image of a modern economist

Essay "Me and my career"

In my opinion, an economist should have a solid theoretical background. IN this moment in our country it is very difficult to find a person who is not puzzled and not outraged by the current situation in the country.

In any cafe, on the street, on the Internet, you can hear people talking about the fact that “athletes, actors, etc. are in power. but not economists and lawyers. And how can people who do not have the appropriate knowledge govern the country?

Nowadays, the demands placed on an economist are high. Apart from theoretical knowledge, an economist must understand the laws of development of society, have the skills of logical thinking. In order to cope with these tasks, an economist must master the mathematical apparatus to perfection. An economist must be able to thoroughly analyze the production situation, find the causes of failure in the production process and find ways to solve problems.

On the one hand, it may seem that an economist is a magician who can solve all the problems that have developed in production, but this is not so. An economist, conducting his analysis, mainly relies on numerical data, and does not always take into account the “human factor”.

In my opinion, I have a penchant for working in this field of activity. I have the ability to think logically, the skills to work with reporting documentation and the ability to look for the best ways to solve the tasks. My competitive advantage is the presence of a legal education, because knowledge of the law is, in my opinion, "a huge trump card in the hands of an economist."

For me, the most preferable future field of activity is economic planning. Because this is not only an analysis of the current situation, the search for solutions, but the construction of subsequent tasks and plans. Which, in my opinion, is a more interesting and extensive field of activity.

My profession today, tomorrow...

Introduction ................................................ ................................................. ....... 3

1. Profession economist ............................................... .................................... 4

2. The specifics of the profession ............................................... ................................... 6

3. Prospects for the profession............................................... ................................ 8

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. . eleven

List of references .............................................................................. ............ 12


The profession of an economist arose hundreds of years ago, when the basic economic concepts began to exist: goods, exchange, money. Over the past centuries, the functions of the economist have changed and expanded markedly.

The economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then assesses how successful it is and, ultimately, prepares proposals for management to improve production technology and labor.

Economists have been and remain the most sought-after specialists in the labor market.

In this paper, all the pros and cons of the profession of an economist, the main requirements for candidates, and prospects for the future will be considered.

1. Profession economist

Economist performs economic analysis economic activity organization, develops measures to ensure a savings regime, increase work efficiency, identify reserves, prevent losses and unproductive costs, and more rational use of all types of resources. Performs calculations on material, labor and financial costs necessary for carrying out works (services), research and development in development new technology and technology.

Economists work in several directions. For example, a labor economist calculates the salary for representatives of each profession - from an accountant to a miner. In addition, he knows how to evaluate the results of the work of employees of the enterprise.

The planning department economist determines the most effective ways making a profit. To do this, he first calculates what income can be received in the future and how much money will be needed for this. Then he counts the profit and considers how to use it. Thus, he plans the economic activities of the enterprise. Then the economist will evaluate the extent to which his plan has been implemented, that is, analyze the implementation of the plans and the results achieved by the enterprise. He will draw conclusions and begin to develop plans for the next perspective.

The task of an economist in financial work is to form and distribute income and savings, to provide production with financial resources. This specialist ensures that the company fulfills its financial obligations before the state and banks, correctly paid taxes, paid off with suppliers on time.

There are other economic specialties: economists in contract and claims work, logistics, sales, etc.

Anyone who wants to be an economist must first of all love and know mathematics well. In addition, the work of an economist requires accuracy and precision, and since he often has to defend the interests of the enterprise, he must be a principled and honest person. To become a competent economist, one must graduate from an economic university. They study there theoretical basis economics, statistics, fundamentals of financial and banking activities. In addition, an economist must be well aware of the specifics of the enterprise in which he will work.

The main advantage of the profession of an economist is that economists have been and remain the most sought-after specialists in the labor market. Also an integral part is high wages.

One of the main requirements of the employer for candidates is experience in similar positions. In turn, this is a vicious circle, since a specialist who has just graduated from a university does not have work experience, and it will be difficult for him to get a job as an economist.

But in most cases, graduates still find application for their knowledge in production, in business, in the financial sector, and in science. But according to statistics, about 50% of graduates of economic specialties prefer banks or consulting companies.

The personal qualities that an economist should possess include:

· Ability to analyze a large amount of information,

· Good memory,

high concentration of attention,

· Patience,


· Organizational skills.

The big advantage of this profession is also that you can start from the position of an ordinary economist, and in the future - become a company manager who is responsible for the development of the company, its competitiveness, controls and coordinates the activities of all structural divisions. Income increases with experience.

The main tasks to be solved by the profession "Economist":

collection, processing, evaluation of primary economic information;

analysis of accounting and reporting information in order to make business decisions and obtain an assessment of the effectiveness of the functioning of enterprise facilities;

forecasting of economic phenomena and processes;

participation in the planning of economic activities of the enterprise;

development of a rational system for organizing accounting and reporting based on the choice of an effective accounting policy;

organization of work on accounting for the presence and movement of assets, liabilities and capital, determining the results of the economic and financial activities of the enterprise;

the practical application of the principles and rules of the audit of the main business transactions.

The main types of professional activity of a specialist:

accounting and analytical;

control and revision;


· consulting;

organizational and managerial;


2. The specifics of the profession

The requirements for an economist are very high. He must have a solid theoretical background:

understand the laws of economic science and the laws of development of society as such,

be able to analyze statistical data and give them the correct interpretation,

· to be able to think not only in accordance with the laws of logic, but also to have the gift of extrapolation - the dissemination of conclusions from today's data to the future development of the situation, taking into account the action of all kinds of permanent and temporary factors.

To cope with these tasks, an economist must have an excellent command of the mathematical apparatus. It is no coincidence that in all economic faculties, without exception, the study of mathematics is given a very large place.

Information Technology that entered our lives, could not but leave their mark on the work of specialists in this area. Special computer programs, on the one hand, greatly facilitate the work of an economist, but on the other hand, they require increased computer literacy. Therefore, the study of computer science as the basis necessary for the development of various application programs, is also indispensable integral part education of the future economist.

Strong but too narrow knowledge is not enough to make a really good career in the economic field. We also need a rich general culture, which gives a liberal education. Philosophy, sociology, political science are the sciences, the possession of which helps an economist not to lose the breadth of thinking, to be able to see the forest for the trees, in other words, to fit specific events of economic life into a wider social context and give them a correct assessment.

Special mention deserves such a branch of humanitarian knowledge as law. After all, an economist has to act not in an abstract environment, but in the real conditions of economic life, subject to strict legal regulations and legal laws. By seriously studying law, students of economic faculties do not just expand their personal horizons - they lay the foundation for their future professional activities.

An economist also needs English. A competent economist, wherever he works, is obliged to get acquainted with special literature, and it mainly appears in English. And the very terminology of economic science is largely based on English language. Knowing another foreign language, mostly German or French, is also welcome.

The main quality of any economist is the ability to think logically, which is sometimes called a mathematical mindset. If more or less complex operations with numbers and symbols drive one into a stupor for a long time, it will be very difficult to study at the Faculty of Economics and painfully uninteresting to work.

More likely to succeed in the role of an economist are people who are highly organized, attentive to detail, committed to order and accuracy. Stability in work is highly valued. People who are forgetful, absent-minded by nature, it is better to stay away from the economy.

Great importance and general emotional stability. The economist, especially starting from a certain level, has to solve "equations" with many unknowns and take responsibility for the risk. The ability to keep a “cold head”, not to succumb to momentary moods, strict self-control are undoubtedly positive qualities, and their absence or direct opposite is a good reason to once again think about the correctness of the choice made

3. Prospects for the profession

The economist is one of the most significant specialists in the enterprise. No business can operate without a business plan. It is this employee who sets the vector of movement for the joint efforts of all employees. It is necessary to set priorities and goals correctly in order to get the maximum profit with the least losses. A feature of this profession in modern realities is that there is now an overabundance of economists in the labor market. Demand has generated a very large supply, so employers do not choose yesterday's graduates, but specialists with experience. As practice shows, not all graduates are fluent in accounting and tax accounting, and there is no need to talk about the accuracy of forecasts at all.

My future profession and its importance to society.

I often think about my future: what will it be like? What business to devote yourself to? After all, there are many interesting and unusual things around us. There are many professions. And one of them is very close to me - this is the profession of an economist. The choice of this profession is based on the fact that I love mathematics very much.
My mother has been working in the trade all her life. She told me a lot about trade, money circulation, how everything works. I watched her write and count something, it became interesting for me to follow the process. Over time, I became interested in literature on this topic, I wanted to penetrate this structure more and more. I watched financial news, tried to track the development of the country's economy, monitor monetary indicators.
Economics is a science. It requires deep study. It combines two Greek words "economy" and "law". The role of "economics" as a science in society is determined by the relationship between people in the course of their practical activities.
It is important to understand that Practical activities or management, included in the orbit of human relations, is aimed at obtaining and using the means of subsistence. It is a discipline about how people cope with their tasks in the field of production and consumption.
The profession of an economist arose hundreds of years ago, when the basic economic concepts began to exist: goods, exchange, money. Over the past centuries, the functions of the economist have changed and expanded markedly.
The economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then assesses how successful it is and, ultimately, prepares proposals for management to improve production technology and labor.
In general, this profession is a multidisciplinary one.
For example, he works in planning, financial and statistical bodies, in enterprises, in institutions and organizations. Solves problems related to planning, organizing and analyzing the economic activities of enterprises and institutions, organizing the work of workers in production. Checks the execution of reports for certain types accounting, technical and economic work on planning, logistics, marketing, material and labor costs.
The economist carries out operational accounting of work performance and control of settlements with customers, draws up periodic reporting documents. Analyzes valid forms primary documents and reporting, develops proposals for their improvement. Participates in the preparation of projects for the mechanization of computational processing of tasks in computer centers various types, in the development of standards for material and labor costs, in determining the cost of work and prices for services. Formulates an economic statement of problems, explores the possibility of using ready-made projects, algorithms and programs for similar problems.
Collects scientific and technical information, systematizes and generalizes statistical information in research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations. Calculates the material and labor costs of ongoing research, determines their economic efficiency.
There are other economic specialties: economists in contract and claims work, logistics, sales, etc.
A professional must possess important qualities:
- ability to work hard and hard;
- courage and integrity;
- the ability to defend the interests of society;
- mathematical abilities;
- clarity;
- accuracy;
- logical and constructive thinking;
- emotional stability.
A qualified specialist must still “yesterday” think about what will happen tomorrow. After all, one of the functions of this profession is analysis. Must do so that the company is not at a loss. Bypass the crisis, and if it has come, then find the right way out of this situation. You need to be confident in yourself and what you are doing. This is a very responsible job. Not for nothing, it took hundreds of years, in order to get on present stage excellent, highly qualified specialists. Every year there is an improvement in this profession, but one should not forget that in order to become a competent specialist, one must graduate from an economic university. They study the theoretical foundations of economics, statistics, the basics of financial and banking activities. In addition, an economist must be well aware of the specifics of the enterprise in which he will work.
I like to communicate with people. Since childhood, I was very shy, not talkative, over time I gained confidence, became more open and bold. I realized that I need to know a lot, to improve my knowledge. To obtain Good work deep and varied knowledge is required. I would like to become a real specialist, and for this I realized that I need to take my studies and work seriously and responsibly.

on the topic "My future profession is an economist"

The choice of a future profession is very important, so it must be approached with all seriousness. It often happens that many eventually become disillusioned with their specialty and begin to look for themselves in some other field. For me, this choice was also not easy, but still I was able to decide. In the future, I want to become a highly qualified economist. If I manage to master this profession, then I will fulfill my dream.

The ancient Greeks used the word "oiconomia" to denote the management of the economy ("oicos" - household, house and "nomas" - law). Thus, this term can be used to refer to the theory and practice of the most efficient management of the economy. An economist is a specialist who analyzes financial and economic activities (enterprises, industries, etc.) in order to improve them.
The term "economy" is also used to refer to industries scientific knowledge- political economy, economics of industry, economics Agriculture, economics of trade, etc. A large number of economists are called upon to study the economic processes taking place in society and develop ways and methods to achieve the goals dictated by modernity.

An economist is a specialist who analyzes financial economic activity in order to improve it. The work of an economist is not associated with physical exertion, but is necessarily associated with calculations, processing large amounts of information, expressions in numbers. The work of an economist is equipped with computers. The specialty "economist" is related to such professions as an accountant, financier, manager. Economists are in demand wherever it is required to plan and calculate finances, where it is necessary to control the expenditure of funds, analyze the results of the enterprise and determine profitability. The profession requires mainly intellectual costs from a specialist.
What knowledge and skills should an economist have?
As a base, of course, a higher economic education is necessary. An economist must have great organizational skills, know all economic laws and be able to apply them in practice, be polite, be able to communicate with people, introduce new proposals, be fluent in all these enterprises, and also have the right knowledge in the main EXCEL program, which helps in calculations and facilitates the work of accountants several times, since it is enough to correctly score the formula. Further, you need to have a set of knowledge necessary for a specific position (for example, if you apply for the position of a financial analyst, this is one set of knowledge, including methods of economic analysis and statistics, financial management, and if for the position of an auditor, then you already need to know accounting and legislation). Often an economist for a career needs knowledge of a foreign language. In any case, fluent English definitely affects the level of salaries at least, and as a maximum - on career prospects. Of course, all this implies that an economist has such qualities as an analytical mind, the ability to think logically and mathematical abilities. In addition, you need to be an organized person, have a penchant for scrupulous work that requires concentration and perseverance.

Only a person with certain qualities and knowledge can become an economist. An economist must, first of all, love his profession, that is, the business he is engaged in.
An important feature for a modern economist is perseverance in achieving a set goal, a specific task. You never need to retreat from difficulties, which gives confidence in your abilities and professional experience. It is necessary to be professionally prepared to find the best ways to develop the enterprise, therefore, right now, as a student, I need to acquire such knowledge necessary for the future profession. It is important to always be disciplined, never be late for...


The relevance of the work. Economists are in demand wherever it is required to plan and calculate finances, where it is necessary to control the expenditure of funds, analyze the results of the enterprise and determine profitability. Therefore, the profession of an economist is always in demand at all times.

Economists, in short, are specialists in efficient economic activity. The specialty "economist" is related to such professions as an accountant, marketer, financier, manager.

The list of vacancies for economists includes financial managers, for example, in banks, risk managers, analysts, financiers ... At the same time, the profession of an economist is really highly paid and there is always a demand for these specialists.

What knowledge and skills should an economist have? As a base, of course, a higher economic education is necessary. Further, you need to have a set of knowledge necessary for a specific position (for example, if you apply for the position of a financial analyst, this is one set of knowledge, including methods of economic analysis and statistics, financial management, and much more). Of course, all this implies that an economist has such qualities as an analytical mind, the ability to think logically and mathematical abilities. In addition, you need to be an organized person, have a penchant for scrupulous work that requires concentration and perseverance.

The purpose of this work is to study the profession of an economist.

Work tasks:

Consider the features of the emergence and development of the economic profession;

Describe the rights, duties and responsibilities of an economist.

1. The history of the profession "economist"

1.1 Features of the emergence and development of the economic profession

professional economist

The profession of an economist arose hundreds of years ago, when the basic economic concepts began to exist: goods, exchange, money. The profession of an economist arose hundreds of years ago, when the basic economic concepts began to exist: goods, exchange, money.

The ancient Greeks used the word "oiconomia" to denote the management of the economy (oicos - household, house and nomas - law). Thus, this term can be used to refer to the theory and practice of the most efficient management of the economy.

The term "economics" is also used to refer to branches of scientific knowledge - political economy, industrial economics, agricultural economics, trade economics, etc. A large number of economists are called upon to study the economic processes taking place in society and develop ways and methods to achieve the goals dictated by modernity.

The competencies that a modern economist should have differ significantly from those that economists of the past possessed. If a modern neoclassical economist compares his competencies with those of his colleagues in the past, he will be extremely surprised by the "scholasticism", "literary" and abstract economic theory past, where more attention was paid to the verbal description and logic of economic analysis, rather than the creation of econometric models and their empirical testing. According to the classification of O. Comte, the economic science of the 19th century has not yet become a positive science, but was only at the stage of metaphysical constructions, which for the most part are not qualified.

Overcoming the metaphysical nature of economic theory meant the adoption of the standards and methods of the most successful exact science - physics, or rather classical mechanics. The key metaphor of economic theory - equilibrium, is undoubtedly borrowed from physics, and not from biology, which, according to A. Marshall, whose name is usually associated with the transition from metaphysics to positive theory in the field of economic research, should serve as a model for the economic theory of the future . True, A. Marshall himself preferred a simpler canon of physics.

The choice made by the economic community in late XIX century turned out to be decisive for the development of economic science until the beginning of the XXI century. The post-war period turned out to be especially important, when the most authoritative schools of economic thought were formed, and the intensive institutionalization of the economic community took place.

The professionalization of economic science begins only at the end of the 19th century, before that time only more or less successful attempts to create a community of like-minded people can be distinguished, and if representatives of the mercantilism system could only very conditionally be attributed to a certain “school” or “direction”, then the physiocrats The leadership of F. Quesnay considered themselves a kind of professional community, united not only by the charismatic personality of the “teacher”, but also by a number of “dogmas”, for example, about the natural ability of the land to generate wealth to a greater extent than in all other sectors of the economy. No wonder their self-name was "economists", in contrast to, for example, A. Smith and D. Hume, who called themselves philosophers, although history has assessed them differently (primarily the first of them).

A. Smith differed from his predecessors, first of all, in that he paid much less attention to political recommendations than his physiocratic teachers, the latter sought to directly influence the economic policy of the state: the introduction of a single tax, limiting the share of the population employed in unproductive labor, etc. ., it was not for nothing that a group of economists who united around the personality of F. Quesnay were called a “sect”, and they themselves were considered initiates who should bring the ideas of the teacher to life. Although the ideas of the Physiocrats largely remain relevant today, nevertheless, their analysis begins not with how a spontaneous order develops, but with constructivism, which is methodologically extremely dangerous, since in fact, this is nothing more than the creation of a utopia, without an attempt to comprehend that economic reality in which they are trying to plant something that claims to be reasonable.

In the future, various representatives of socialism and interventionism took advantage of this high status in society. Moreover, Marxism is not the brightest representative here. Already J.S. Mill, in his Principles of Political Economy, took the position of the Ricardian labor theory of value, which denies the role of the subjective factor in the process of value formation. No wonder L. von Mises said that "compared to Mill, all other socialist authors - even Marx, Engels and Lassalle - hardly have any significance."

By 1870, economic theory was at a crossroads. The marginalist revolution took place simultaneously in three intellectual centers, giving rise to the Austrian School, the Lausanne School and the Cambridge School. The last two, unlike the first, never consistently carried out the principle of methodological individualism. And if K. Menger was able to combine atomistic analysis with the evolutionary theory of institutions, then the last two schools - especially after the publication of A. Marshall's main book "The Foundations of Economic Science" in 1890 - mixed individualism with collectivism and objectivism, trying to preserve Ricardianism ( the case of A. Marshall), as well as to mathematize (the case of L. Walras, V. Pareto) that which cannot be mathematized is the subjective creative activity of a person, which L. von Mises convincingly showed in his treatise on economic theory. In addition, positivism, chosen as the main methodology of Marshallism, laid the foundation for constructivism in economic theory, which prevails to this day. Economists became specialists in TAXIS (according to the implanted, artificially created order), and NOMOS or KOSMOS (spontaneous order) turned out to be unclaimed by the community of economists. From the moment the choice of the economics community was made in favor of technocracy until today, little has changed.

The Austrian School of Political Economy was the only school where, after the marginalist revolution and up to the present day, special attention was paid to NOMOS. Therefore, she remained the guardian of the ideals of enlightenment. L. von Mises said on this occasion that economists cannot afford to be specialists operating with concepts (including mathematical ones) that the enlightened part of society has no idea about, the ideas of economists should be the property of not technocrats, but civil society.

But the situation today is that the community of technocratic economists is the source of the intellectual rationale for interventionism that destroys spontaneous order (NOMOS).

Thus, an economist is a specialist who analyzes financial and economic activities (enterprises, industries, etc.) in order to improve it.

Over the past centuries, the functions of the economist have changed and expanded markedly. The economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then assesses how successful it is and, ultimately, prepares proposals for management to improve production technology and labor. Economists work in several directions. For example, a labor economist calculates the salary for representatives of each profession - from an accountant to a miner.

.2 Economist as a vocation and profession

It is worth highlighting a fairly common view of the profession of economist, presented in detail in Greenaway's two-volume Panorama of Economic Oil. In particular, it talks about the difficulties an economist has to face in the process of trying to put his theories into practice, especially on public service: in order to convince a politician of the correctness of his ideas, one has to compromise with him and violate the ideal of an independent and objective technocrat in his assessments, since the demand for a technocrat is directly dependent on his ability to guarantee what cannot be guaranteed - the achievement goal declared by the politician. The way out is to leave the principles and goals of economic policy at the mercy of politicians, and to improve the models themselves, until better times come, when sufficiently enlightened politicians come for advice to highly educated technocratic economists and ask them to calculate the economic effect of their decision. Or - the second option - to engage in intellectual justification for what the politician wants, regardless of whether this will contribute to the economic order or not. The stand alone position of the economic policy professional is incompatible with the ideal of the technocrat doing as he is told.

The separation of economists from economic policy is not least connected with the philosophy of technocracy that prevails in the field of natural sciences - a specialist in the field of economics does not have (as an economist) the right to make value judgments based on his professional knowledge about the consequences of a particular decision (he can do it as a citizen), he can only point out the inevitable consequences of this decision, thereby the technocratic economist takes himself out of the scope of economic activity and, like Laplace’s demon, should only make objective judgments about what the wrong actions of politicians who are not sufficiently enlightened in the field lead to. economic theory, or substantiate their decisions with the authority of a professional economist. But if the economist delegates the right to set goals and values ​​to a politician, he thereby deprives himself of the ability to influence those processes in which he should be an expert, and transfers this right to an incompetent politician. By refusing to make value judgments, the economist (as an economist) devalues ​​the value of his profession, since if a politician decides to hire him as a technocrat to perform a morally unacceptable function, the latter can rightfully agree, since his professional vocation is not to " guide on the right path”, but in providing costly services to politics. The “omnivorousness” of economists in this case becomes a source of strengthening the power of the incompetent, and the whole role of economists is reduced to the redistribution of income for a certain fee in favor of the incompetent at the expense of the state.

These are the consequences of the alienation of the economic community from the very subject of economic research - an inevitable consequence of a fairly common worldview of economists based on the "Hume guillotine", according to which, people incompetent in matters of economics and politics are responsible for economic processes (with the permission of the economists themselves), and economists are removed from the world to an ivory tower in order to engage in the creation of mosaic models that do not allow us to explain the observed economic processes and form a vision of economic reality. There is a crisis in understanding the role of the economist in society.

An issue inextricably linked to the role of an economist in society is the question of the competencies that a professional economist should possess. Today, the so-called competence approach is called upon to answer it. Since modern educational institutions prepare graduates not for a specific workplace, but to a specific market, then the set of qualities and characteristics should correspond to the needs of the market: there should not be excessive attention to the amount of knowledge that will not be useful in future professional activities, on the contrary, the amount of unnecessary disciplines and hours should be reduced, and instead they should be formed in students basic professional competencies such as the ability to learn by doing, communicate with clients and management, complete specific paperwork, conduct mini-market research, prepare policy briefs, etc.

In educational institutions focused on academic standards, a large number of hours allocated to theoretical disciplines are justified by the need to develop analytical competencies in students, which, although they will not be useful to them in practice, will allow them to continue to engage in teaching or research activities. In general, if the competency-based approach is not reduced to repeating the platitudes about the need to develop the abilities of students, it is opposed to the so-called Humboltian pedagogy, according to which the worldview component is important in educational process that ensures the development of the student's personality, and as a result, its market value, and not vice versa. Replacing this approach with a reduced one cannot lead to anything other than the loss of the adequacy of the knowledge gained by the student. The lack of understanding of the nature of economic processes and phenomena, which are given special attention in Humboltian pedagogy, leads to the degeneration of the profession of an economist into the role of an apologist for state interventionism.

It should be recognized that moving towards a competency-based approach will only exacerbate the problem of the inadequacy of economic knowledge. The more a student is focused on obtaining competencies, the less attention he pays (and the less importance he attaches) to the realism and relevance of economic theory as the foundation of his profession, considering the labor and time spent on studying this discipline as a forced and, from a professional point of view, a meaningless pastime . We see the overcoming of the current trend in increasing attention to qualitative analysiseconomic processes, a priori paying all attention to cause-and-effect relationships and the nature of economic processes, thereby forming a holistic and relevant vision among students.

The nationalization of the economy and the suppression of entrepreneurial activity will receive intellectual support in the professional community of "economists".

Thus, having analyzed the essence of the profession of an economist, it in modern society, we can formulate the main features of an economist who treats his profession not only as a source of wealth, but also as a vocation. The main activity of the economist is to enlighten as to what underlies economic processes and what contributes most to the spontaneous order of human cooperation.

2. Rights and obligations of an economist

.1 Job Responsibilities


Performs work on the implementation of the economic activity of the enterprise, aimed at increasing the efficiency and profitability of production, the quality of products and the development of new types, achieving high end results with the optimal use of material, labor and financial resources.

Prepares initial data for the preparation of projects of economic, financial, industrial and commercial activities (business plans) of the enterprise in order to ensure the growth of sales volumes and increase profits.

Carries out an economic analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise and its divisions, develops measures to ensure the savings regime, increase the profitability of production, the competitiveness of products, labor productivity, reduce the costs of production and sales of products, eliminate losses and unproductive costs, as well as identify opportunities for additional output.

Determines the economic efficiency of the organization of labor and production, the introduction of new equipment and technology, rationalization proposals and inventions.


In consideration of the developed production and economic plans.

In carrying out work on resource conservation.

In the introduction and improvement of on-farm accounting.

In the improvement of progressive forms of labor organization and management.

Improvement of planning and accounting documentation.

Prepares materials for the conclusion of contracts, monitors the deadlines for the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

Carries out control over the progress of the implementation of planned targets for the enterprise and its divisions, the use of on-farm reserves.

Participates in marketing research and production development forecasting.

Performs the necessary work related to non-routine settlements and control over the correctness of settlement operations.

Keeps records economic indicators the results of the production activities of the enterprise and its divisions, as well as accounting for concluded contracts.

Prepares periodic reports in a timely manner.

Performs work on the formation, maintenance and storage of a database of economic information, makes changes to reference and regulatory information that is used in data processing.

Participates in the formation of the economic formulation of problems or their individual stages, solved with the help of computer technology, determines the possibility of using ready-made projects, algorithms. Application software packages that allow you to create economically sound systems for processing economic information.

Examines special literature related to the work performed, as well as on the topics of ongoing research and development, compiles various economic justifications, references, periodic reports, annotations and reviews.

Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

2.2 Rights and responsibilities of an economist

The economist has the right:

Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management.

Within the limits of its competence, inform its immediate supervisor of all shortcomings identified in the course of its activities and make proposals for their elimination.

Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, then with the permission of the head).

Request personally or on behalf of the management of the enterprise from the heads of structural divisions and specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.

Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

The Economist is responsible for:

improper performance or non-performance of their official duties stipulated by the job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of Russia.

offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of Russia.

causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of Russia.


The profession of an economist is one of the most popular at present. What positions can be attributed to the profession of an economist? Many people understand this term not only as the profession of an economist, but also many other professions (financier, accountant, marketer, merchant, manager, etc.), but all these are different specialties, which will be discussed below. Financier, accountant, marketer, etc. become the main people in organizations, companies, in production. Not only the success of the organization, but often the possibility of its continued existence depends on them. Therefore, the excitement that exists in relation to these specialists is not surprising. As a result, the specialty began to be in great demand among young people, and demand (it’s not for me to explain to you if you are already interested in this article) generates supply. Every year more and more new economic universities are opened, and some higher educational institutions, sometimes even having nothing to do with the economy, open economic faculties. In general, all and sundry train economists, many of whom, having received such a profession in demand on the labor market, cannot find a job.

Thus, the economist is a profession of our time. Although the word "economy" itself was coined in Ancient Greece and meant "housekeeping", that is, housekeeping was subjected to economic analysis. The first economist is Aristotle, who built theories about the exchange of goods, their cost and utility.

The economist is one of the most significant specialists in the enterprise. No business can operate without a business plan. It is this employee who sets the vector of movement for the joint efforts of all employees. You need to set priorities and goals correctly in order to get the maximum profit with the least loss.

Employers have the following requirements: specialized education, successful experience in compiling business plans, the ability to conduct research based on formulas and available data, analytical thinking and knowledge of the 1C program.

A feature of this profession in modern realities is that there is now an overabundance of economists in the labor market. Demand has generated a very large supply, so employers do not choose yesterday's graduates, but specialists with experience. As practice shows, not all graduates are fluent in accounting and tax accounting, and there is no need to talk about the accuracy of forecasts at all.

Qualities that impede the effectiveness of professional activity:

· lack of mathematical abilities;

· lack of analytical skills;

· fast fatiguability;

· distraction, forgetfulness;

· impulsiveness, irascibility.

The specialty "Economist" is available in almost all universities; even those that are indirectly related to the economy. Graduates of financial faculties also have a chance to take this position.

Bibliographic list

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