Tourist associations. Work program for a tourist association of interest. Trade union and youth organizations

Municipal state institution of additional

children's education Inza district center children's creativity

on the basis of MKOU Oskinskaya high school

Reviewed and approved at the meeting

Pedagogical Council MKU TO IRCDT

Protocol No. _________ dated ___________

Secretary ________________________ "I approve"

Director of MKU DO IRTSDT

V.N. Zaichenkova__________

"____" ____________ 201 _


for the Tourist Association of Interest

teacher additional education

Poteshkin Pavel Viktorovich

Age of children: 8-16 years old


Explanatory note

Tourism is beautiful and effective remedy education of the next generation. Tourism in our school is a mass movement of children and teenagers.

The novelty of the program. We see the main task of tourism in opening up a wide scope for revealing the abilities of children, making them spiritually richer, more meaningful, multifaceted, and educating a person who is able to withstand difficulties, a real citizen of his country.

A hiking trip, an orienteering competition track is not only kilometers traveled from point "A" to point "B", which is very important in itself, but the acquisition of vital skills. Friendship, comradeship, mutual assistance are brought up here, independence, observation, speed of reaction, logical thinking are developed. An inexperienced person, once in a difficult situation, cannot always accept the right decision act wisely and prudently. A good tourist, an orienteering athlete will be able to quickly and correctly understand a difficult situation.

Relevance of the program . Today, more than ever, the question of the need to change one's attitude to life, to nature and to ensure appropriate upbringing and education of the new generation is relevant.

The combination of orienteering, local history and tourism contributes to the formation of a child's ideas about the interaction between man and the environment, skills healthy lifestyle life, love for the native land, striving for indicators of tourism excellence.

Additional program. This program can serve as a guide for leaders of local history circles of any profile.

Purpose of the program - comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality, education physically and morally healthy person, the formation of logical and economic thinking.



    Acquisition and expansion of knowledge on tourism, local history and ethnography;

    Studying by schoolchildren native land, their small Motherland, the environment;

    Learning the rules of behavior in nature during excursions, hikes

    Preparing children for school, city and district tourism and local history events.


    Creation of conditions for meeting the interests of children, personal development, disclosure of its creative potential;

    Development of tourism skills and interest in self-employment;

    Physical development.


    Formation of a sense of love and pride for their small homeland;

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle;

    Raising in children confidence in their importance, a sense of human dignity, an understanding of the value human life and awareness of one's own responsibility for maintaining health and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The program is designed for one year of study and is intended for students in grades 2-11.

During practical and theoretical classes, the knowledge gained in the lessons of the surrounding world of geography, biology, physics is consolidated, as well as new ones are acquired. This not only broadens the horizons of the guys, but also prepares them for choosing a profession, serving in the army.

The association's theoretical training classes are held in the school premises using teaching aids(maps, atlases, topographic plans, compass, etc.). Practical classes are held within the village of Oskino.

In practical classes, and especially on hikes, the circle members will be able to show their physical abilities, creative and organizational skills.

The program includes three classes per week for 2 hours.

The course includes elements of topography, orienteering and hiking techniques.

In the process of learning, the guys receive theoretical knowledge:

    by types of tourism;

    on geography and ecology of the Inza region;

    on the organization and conduct of a hiking trip practical skills and abilities;

    work with various types kart;

    organizing bivouacs, kindling fires, orienteering;

    keeping a field diary and compiling reports of tourist trips.

Testing of knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out in the form of tests, practical tasks, orienteering competitions.

Thematic lesson plan of the association of interests "Tourist"


Lesson Topics

Number of lessons




Introductory lesson






Topographer's ABC

Compass. Azimuth. Distance measurement

topographic signs. Topographic map

tourist equipment


Training campaign and analysis of its results







On the orienteering track

Types and nature of orienteering competitions

Organization of the movement on a hiking trip

Overcoming obstacle course

Tourist hygiene and first aid

On the snow-covered expanses (winter hike). Results of the hike






The road doesn't end

Features of orientation in a complex pedestrian journey

Technique and practice of movement in a complex walking tour

Physical preparation of participants of a complex tourist trip

Tourist travel. Breakdown of results.

Total: (3 times a week for 2 hours) - 216 hours

Program content

Topic 1 . Introductory lesson.Tourism and health.

The work plan of the association, the mode of classes and training. Materials and tools needed for classes in the circle.

Topic 2 Topographer's ABC.Compass. Azimuth. Distance measurement.

types of compasses. Compass Rules. sighting. Direct and reverse serifs. Azimuth determination. Back azimuth. Methods for measuring distances on the ground. Medium step. Eye gauge.

Compass map orientation. Serif exercise. build on paper from a given point the given azimuths (NE, S, SW, etc.) and show the azimuth value with an arc. Run by eye without a protractor. Determine the back azimuth from the given one. Mixed orienteering exercise without the use of a compass. Graphic solution of mixed orientation problems. Exercise for visual assessment of the azimuth. Measuring your average stride. Eye training.

topographic signs. Topographic map.

Local items on aerial photography of the site earth's surface. The role of topographic signs on the plan and map. Sign groups. Color, shapes and sizes of signs. Sketching of topographic signs in groups (65 characters). Explanation of signs and unfamiliar local objects. Topographic and geographical map. Handling a map on a hike. Scale types. Determination of azimuths, lines on the map.

Practical lessons on the topic. Recognition of signs on the map. Reading the map along the routes. Topographic dictation. Identification on the map of elements that are less subject to change than others. Compilation of a list of local items, grouped according to the degree of rapidity of change. Scale conversion to natural. Measurement of azimuths of various directions on the map.

Tourist equipment. Tourist shoes and clothes. List of personal equipment. Requirements for a backpack, dishes, etc. Care of feet and shoes on a hiking step hiker. Building a chain. intervals. Responsibilities of guiding and trailing. Movement mode: running hour and halts, normal speed, number of running hours. Halt and bivouac.

Practical lessons on the topic. Packing a backpack. Setting up a tent. Breeding a fire.

Practical lesson

Professional tourism associations

Professional associations are created in order to solve issues through the joint efforts of their members, none of the interested members is able to solve on their own. Tourism enterprises, unlike other components of the tourism industry, are highly mobile and have low turnover. With the exception of leading tour operators, which combine hundreds and thousands of smaller travel agencies, tourism enterprises can be classified as small businesses with limited administrative and economic resources. At the same time, as in any other sector of the economy, there are certain corporate problems in the tourism industry, the solution of which will benefit all subjects of this type of activity. For example, the issue of developing service standards in hotels, advertising and promoting a joint product, conducting market research or information support for the industry can only be solved by joint efforts. These considerations formed the basis of the process of consolidation of individual tourism enterprises into associations and unions with the corresponding delegation of powers to protect the interests of participants at the national and international levels. Associations take over some functions government agencies tourism management, in particular the coordination of tourism enterprises.

Tourist enterprises that have achieved some success tend to join professional international or national associations, membership in which not only contributes to the expansion of the professional outlook of members, but also changes their image in the national tourism market.

Let us briefly characterize the international associations and unions that play the most prominent role in the post-war history of tourism.

International organizations.

International Association for Excursion Services and Tours (ISTA) - unites companies that are engaged in excursion services. The Association was established in 1953. The main activity is the annual publication of the Tariff Guide for Tours and Excursion Services, in which alphabetical order by country, information is provided on programs and prices of tours organized by ISTA members.

International Travel Alliance(AIT) is an international tourism organization, the full members of which are national automobile associations and tourist clubs, uniting individual members, or national federations, consisting of associations of tourists. Members who join are organizations that do not organize tourists or tourism associations, but wish to provide assistance to the AGT and whose goal is to develop tourism.

The organization was founded in 1919. The goal is the development of all types of international tourism and autotourism. The main activities are carried out by three permanent commissions: the Policy Commission, the Transport Commission and the Customs Commission.

International Federation tourism journalists and writers(FIJET) - its members are national associations of journalists and writers who deal with tourism issues. There is also the category of individual AND dual members. FIJET was established in 1954 The goal is to promote the humanistic principles of international tourism, to establish friendly business contacts between journalists and writers, to protect them professional interests.

The International Academy of Tourism was established in 1951 with the aim of promoting and protecting the cultural values ​​of tourism, preserving and developing its humanistic traditions. The activity of the Academy consists in coordinating the work on publishing a dictionary of tourist terms, the magazine "Bulletin of the Academy", brochures and studies on the cultural and humanistic problems of tourism, as well as in holding competitions of printed works on culture and tourism.

International Association of Hotels and Restaurants(IN & RA) founded 1946 and is the successor International Association hotel owners, founded in 1869 and 1921 transformed into the International Hotel Union. The secretariat and headquarters of the Association are located in Paris (France).

The charter defines the following main tasks:

Association of national hotel associations of all countries, as well as individual hotels and restaurants serving foreign tourists;

Protecting the personal and professional interests of hotel and restaurant owners;

Development of the hotel industry, study of issues of freedom of movement, management of the hotel industry, international financial settlements, insurance, labor supply, etc.;

Informing members of the association about hotels, restaurants and travel companies.

International Camping and Caravanning Federation(FIKK) is an international tourism organization whose members are national federations and associations of camping and caravanning. Fikki has a Tourist Information Center and several specialized commissions. The rally is held annually. The Fikki Secretariat is located in Brussels (Belgium).

The International Association of Tourism Experts (AIEST) is an international tourism organization that brings together both individual members - persons engaged in scientific activities in the field of tourism, and associate members - organizations and institutions interested in the activities of AIEST. The organization has the nature of a scientific community and its goal is to support the scientific activities of its members, ensuring the exchange of documentation and experience, supporting the activities of tourism scientific institutions and tourism training centers. The AIEST secretariat is located in Bern (Switzerland).

International Organization for vocational training in tourism(AMFORT) was established in 1969 with the aim of improving the methods of professional tourism training, streamlining and standardizing programs, and introducing technical means into training. AMFORT members are research centers and educational institutions, official tourism organizations and enterprises, and tourism specialists. At the initiative of AMFORT, an international certificate of a tourism specialist was issued. The AMFORT Secretariat is located in Madrid (Spain).

Regional associations. The Pacific Rim Tourism Association (PATA) is a non-governmental international tourism organization with more than 2,200 members from 64 countries representing national tourism organizations, transport and hotel associations, travel wholesalers and retailers, as well as various organizations associated with the tourism industry. The association was founded in 1951. The main goal of Pata is to promote the development of tourism in the area. Pacific Ocean. Pat's headquarters is located in San Francisco (USA).

The Confederation of Tourism Organizations of Latin America (Kotal) is a regional tourism organization of Latin America, which unites more than 900 Latin American travel companies, transport and hotel companies, as well as 350 travel companies and organizations from Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. Founded in April 1957 The main task of Kotal is to unite the activities of all travel companies, companies and national tourism associations to develop the tourism industry in Latin America. The Kotal Secretariat is located in Buenos Aires (Argentina).

European Tourism Commission(ETK) was established in 1948; its members are national tourism organizations of 23 European countries. The purpose of the organization is to promote the attraction of foreign tourism to Europe, especially from the USA, Canada, Japan, as well as within European tourism. The ETC Secretariat is located in Dublin (Ireland).

Association of European Travel Wholesalers (GOETO). There are six categories of membership in GOETO: 1) employees of tour operator firms with at least 25 years of experience; 2) at least 10 years; 3) founding members who have completed their work in tourism; 4) members who have joined with five years of service; 5) associate members with five years of experience in organizations related to tourism; 6) honorary members elected by the GOETO Council. Goeto's goal is to exchange information and establish contacts between tourism enterprises. The GOETO Secretariat is located in Cannes (France).

Trade union and youth organizations

International Bureau of Social Tourism (Wits) is a non-governmental international tourism organization, whose full members are international and national organizations whose activities are related to social tourism; members of the affiliates - groups and organizations that are engaged in activities useful for social tourism. Established in 1963 to promote the development of social tourism on an international scale. At the same time, social tourism is understood as all the phenomena that arise from the participation in tourism of segments of the population with modest incomes. The BITS Secretariat is located in Brussels (Belgium).

Travel agency associations

Travel agency associations exist in more than 80 countries. Their main tasks are: observing the interests of travel agents in relations with government agencies, transport and hotel organizations, studying the tourism market, exchanging experience and establishing business contacts.

Depending on the country and its tourism potential, national associations of travel agents unite from 6-7 to 20,000 members.

The largest national associations of travel agents are the American Society of Travel Agents (ACTA), the Association of British Travel Agents of France (SNAV), the Union of Canadian Travel Associations (ACTA), the National Spanish Association, the Union of German Travel Agencies (DRV), the Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA), Japan Travel Agents Association (jati).

Control questions and tasks

1. What is the essence and what are the structure and instruments of state regulation of international tourism?

2. Describe the main mechanisms to support the development of international tourism.

3. Name the main features of the legal regulation of international tourism activities in different countries.

4. List the tasks "that face certification in tourism.

5. Why is standardization needed in international tourism?

6. What is "tourism licensing" and what are the features of tourism licensing in different countries?

7. What are the features of tax regulation of international tourism activities in different countries.

8. Describe the features of the investment policy of the state in relation to international tourism.

9. How does the state participate in solving the issues of training personnel for the tourism sector?

10. Why should the state pursue a special environmental policy in relation to international tourism?

11. What issues related to the scope of activities of travel companies are resolved at the level of general legislation "what is the subject of tourism regulations?

12. What is the difference between commission agreements and agency agreements ^ used in tourism practice?

13. How are the activities of travel companies handled in Spain?

14. How does French tourism law protect consumer rights in tourism?

15. What are the reasons for "prompting tourism industry enterprises to unite in professional associations and unions.

16. What is the purpose of the leading professional associations in the field of tourism?

general meeting founders

Protocol No. 1 dated March 15, 2008
(with amendments and additions dated 04.02.2009 protocol No. 1)


U s t a v

Public Association "Tourist Sports Club "Wild Land"

1. General Provisions

1.1. Public Association "Tourist Sports Club "Wild Land", hereinafter referred to as the Club, is a public organization that unites tourism enthusiasts on the basis of their common interests in the field of physical and spiritual development, active rest promoting a healthy lifestyle, strengthening civil society, based on membership, created to achieve the statutory goals of united citizens.

1.2. Club members can be individuals who have reached the age of 14, as well as legal entities - public associations that support the goals and objectives of the Club.

1.3. The Club is not liable for the obligations of the state and its bodies, and the state is not liable for the obligations of the Club.

1.4. The Club is not liable for the obligations of its members, and the Club members are not liable for the obligations of the Club.

1.5. Full name of the Club: Public Association "Tourist Sports Club "Wild Land". Short name: Club "Wild Land". English name: "Wild region Club".

1.6. The Club carries out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated May 19, 1995 No. 82 - FZ “On Public Associations”, other current legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

1.7. The club builds its activities on the basis of the principles of voluntariness, equality, self-government and democracy.

1.8. The club is not a legal entity and operates without state registration and is considered established from the moment the founders decide to create it.

1.9. In the event that the General Meeting of the Club's founders subsequently decides on the need for state registration of the Club and the acquisition of the status legal entity, the public association will be subject to state registration in the manner prescribed by law.

1.10. The club's office is located at: Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan, Sibay, st. Industrial highway, 4/1, MAU FOK "Berkut". Email: [email protected] Phone: +7 927 347 02 21.

2. Goals and objectives of the Club

2.1. The club is created for the following purposes:

  • communication, exchange of experience of recreation and travel;
  • joint travel, outdoor recreation and other types of communication;
  • creation of joint bicycle, auto, water and hiking routes;
  • enhancing the role of sports tourism, related disciplines and outdoor activities in the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual, health promotion and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

2.2. The main tasks of the club:

  • creation and implementation of programs and events aimed at promoting and developing tourism, related disciplines and outdoor activities, respect for environment, prevention and health protection, achievement of high sports results;
  • organization and holding sports competitions and expeditions;
  • participation in sports events held by other organizations, both in Russia and abroad;
  • formation of the Club's combined team, designed to represent it at official sports competitions;
  • development of cooperation with various organizations, institutions, enterprises, individuals, both domestic and foreign, on the basis of sponsorship and charity;
  • holding cultural events;
  • monitoring the environmental situation in the region;
  • representing the interests of tourism and travel enthusiasts and members of the Club in the bodies state power RF, in regional bodies government controlled, in local governments, public associations associated with the recreation industry and the development of tourism activities.

3. Rights of the Club

3.1. To achieve the goals, the Club has the right to:

  • exercise in full the powers provided for by the Federal Law "On Public Associations";
  • freely disseminate information about their activities;
  • represent and protect their rights, the legitimate interests of their members, as well as other citizens in government bodies and public associations;
  • enter into public organizations as a member, as well as jointly with other non-profit organizations form alliances and associations;
  • maintain direct international contacts and communications;
  • create their own structural divisions (organizations, clubs, departments or branches and representative offices, etc.).

3.2. The Club may exercise other rights provided for by the current legislation Russian Federation in accordance with the statutory goals and objectives.

4. Membership in the Club

4.1. Membership in the Club is voluntary.

4.2. Members of the Club are individuals, public associations, Foreign citizens who share the goals, objectives and principles of the Club, who are ready to comply with the requirements of the Charter of the Club, who have submitted a written application for joining the Club.

4.3. Honorary members of the Club can be persons who contribute to the implementation of the goals and objectives, who have made a great contribution to the activities of the Club. The status of an honorary member is awarded by the decision of the Founders.

4.4. A candidate member of the Club is an individual or legal entity who is a fan of tourism and travel. Admitted to the club, if there is: a submitted application to the head of the Club, paid an entrance fee. Admission of legal entities - public associations, is carried out on the basis of the decision of the authorized body of the legal entity on joining the Club, a copy of the certificate of registration and a copy of the Charter.

4.5. Members of the Club have equal rights and bear equal responsibility for their obligations within the framework of the activities of the Club.

4.6. Members of the Club have the right to elect and be elected.

4.7. Club members also have the right to:

  • - to participate in the activities of the Club;
  • - use the property and equipment of the Club to participate in hikes, competitions, festivals;
  • - receive information about ongoing events, studies, seminars, cultural and sports programs of the Club;
  • - choose any club duties according to abilities, interests, inclinations;
  • - independently choose which hike to go (taking into account experience);
  • - when gaining experience, to manage campaigns;
  • - know what the club's money is spent on.

4.8. A Club Member has the right to voluntarily leave the Club at any time by sending a written application to the head of the Club.

4.9. In the event of any event requiring financial participation, a Club member who decides to take part in this event undertakes to make a financial contribution to the holding of this event.

4.10. A Club Member may be expelled from the Club for committing an unlawful or unethical act, in the event of a Club member systematically violating his duties, as well as in case of a gross systematic violation of internal regulations and safety regulations by decision of the Club Council meeting by a simple majority of votes.

4.11. A member of the Club is considered to have left the Club if he has lost contact with the club and does not participate in its activities for more than 2 years.

4.12. The Club Member is obliged to:

  • comply with the Charter of the Club;
  • attend meetings of the Club;
  • take part in all activities of the Club;
  • at least once a year go on hikes of varying degrees of difficulty and duration;
  • carry out any public club work, treat it responsibly and creatively;
  • improve their educational and cultural level, learn tourism skills and technology;
  • promote the activities of the Club, attracting new people;
  • take care of the property of the Club (in case of damage or loss of club property, a member of the club is obliged to compensate for the loss);
  • actively contribute to the implementation of the goals and objectives of the Club;
  • take care of the traditions created in the Club, relations between members of the Club and their initiatives.

5. The structure of the Club, the governing and auditing bodies of the Club

5.1. The supreme governing body of the Club is the General Meeting of the Club's founders, which meets as needed, but at least twice a year.

5.1.2. The founders of the Club are individuals who convened a general meeting at which this Charter was adopted and governing bodies were formed.

5.1.3. The competence of the General Meeting of the Club's founders includes:

  • solution of any issue of the club's activities;
  • adoption of the Charter of the club and amendments to it;
  • election of the head of the Club, treasurer and auditor of the Club and approval of the order and sequence of rotation of these persons;
  • approval of the estimate of expenses and income of the club (in the event that events are planned that provide for the financial costs of the Club or cash receipts to the Club);
  • decision on early removal of powers from the head of the Club, treasurer and auditor of the Club in case of violation of the Charter, committing an illegal or unethical act.

5.2. The management of the current activities of the Club is carried out by the Council of the Club.

5.2.1. Members of the Club may be elected to the Council of the Club.

5.2.2. Members of the Council of the Club are elected for a period of one year and can be re-elected an unlimited number of times.

5.2.3. The competence of the Council of the Club includes the following issues:

  • drawing up plans for organizational and methodological work and educational and sports activities of the Club, ensuring the implementation of these plans;
  • drawing up programs of the educational and training process;
  • holding intra-club sports competitions and qualifying exams;
  • maintenance of the register of Club members;
  • exclusion from the members of the Club in cases specified in clause 4.10. of this Charter;

5.2.4. Meetings of the Council of the Club are held as necessary, but at least once a month.

5.2.5. The Council of the Club makes decisions by a simple majority of votes.

5.2.6. The Council of the Club is considered authorized to make decisions if at least two thirds of the full membership is present at its meeting.

5.2.7. The Council of the Club provides the General Meeting of the founders of the Club with a report on the activities of the Club at least once a year.

5.3. The general management of the Club is carried out by the head of the Club, elected by the founders of the Club for a period of one year, and one deputy head, who is selected from the members of the Club by the head himself for a period of one year, who can be re-elected an unlimited number of times.

5.3.1. The leader performs the following functions:

  • managing the activities of the Club, acting without a power of attorney;
  • maintains contact with the members of the Club and informs them about the events held by the club;
  • coordinates the activities of club members;
  • organizes the work of the Club to solve the problems facing the Club;
  • represents the interests of the Club without a power of attorney in state and municipal authorities, state and non-state, commercial and non-profit organizations.

5.4. Deputy Head of the Club:

  • provides the necessary assistance to the head in his work;
  • is responsible for the field of activity entrusted by the head, acts without a power of attorney;
  • during the absence of the head, performs his duties, by order of the head.

5.5. The Club may hold events related to the financial participation of Club members

5.5.1. Collection of funds and their disposal is carried out by the treasurer, elected by the General Meeting of the Club's founders for six months, by a simple majority of votes;

5.5.2. The financial and economic activities of the Club are controlled by the auditor, also elected by the General Meeting of the Club's founders for six months, by a simple majority of votes.

6. Symbols of the Club

6.1. The club has its own approved symbols:

6.1.1. Logo with the image of a wolf, made in dark brown and inscriptions: to the left of the image "tourist sports club", to the right of the image "Wild land". The inscriptions are made in the same color as the image of the wolf;

6.1.2. The flag is beige with the logo printed on it.

7. Sources of formation Money and property of the Club

7.1. The General Meeting of the Club's founders has the right to decide on the formation of the Club's property and making entrance and membership fees to the Club.

7.2. If such a decision is made, the General Meeting of Founders will be obliged to approve the "Regulations on the sources of formation of funds and property of the Club and on their use."

8. Termination and reorganization of the Club's activities

8.1. Termination of the Club's activities can be carried out by liquidation.

8.2. The Club is subject to liquidation if the number of Club members becomes less than two.

8.3. Reorganization (merger, accession, division, separation, transformation) and liquidation of the Club is carried out in accordance with and in the manner prescribed by the Civil Legislation of the Russian Federation.

9. Signatures of the founders of the Club

Kharrasov Farit Biktimerovich

Nesterov Alexey Pavlovich

Biryukov Sergey Anatolievich

Kunakov Ilgiz Kuvandykovich

This Charter was adopted at the general meeting of the founders of the public association "Tourist sports club "Wild Land" on March 15, 2008.

Decay Soviet Union and the emergence of new sovereign states have urgently demanded new approaches and joint coordination in the field of regulation social sphere, including recreation and tourism. An important role in the territory of member countries CIS played by an international regional tourism organization Association of tourist organizations "EuroAsia". This association, established in 1992, currently has 106 permanent members from 11 CIS countries. The main task of the Association was the restoration of the common tourist space of the CIS.

In addition to this organization, the CIS member countries have created Tourism Council of the States Parties to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Tourism . The Tourism Council plays a coordinating role in the development of cooperation in the field of tourism in the CIS. Its activities are aimed at expanding economic and cultural ties between the Commonwealth states within the framework of events held at the national and international levels, and actively contributes to the creation of favorable conditions for the development of tourism. The agreement on cooperation between the CIS countries in the field of education of May 15, 1992 (Article 2) defines direct partnerships in this area, including tourist and excursion activities of students, students and teachers, organization of joint work and recreation.

In Art. 2, 32 of the CIS Charter defines its goals, including the implementation of close cooperation in the political, defense, economic, environmental, humanitarian, cultural and other fields, including in the field of tourism and international travel.

As part of the unified state aviation search and rescue air service of the CIS, the satellite communication beacon of the Sarsat-Cosmos system assists groups of tourists going on routes across the territory of the CIS countries. Joint-Stock Insurance Company of the Red Cross (ASOKK) concludes contracts for assistance to tourist groups in emergency situations.

The IPA Commission of the CIS countries on culture, science and education in July 1993 considered tourism issues in order to develop specific measures and create favorable conditions for free movement, communication and contacts of citizens of the CIS member countries, development of tourism and travel and, above all, facilitation of tourist formalities. The rights and obligations of the tourist and the local population in the host country were considered, as well as the basics of security, which must be carried out not only by tourists, but also by the local administration, employees tourism services. It is necessary to unify such rules and responsibility for their observance.

In October 1994, the IPA CIS adopted a recommendatory legislative act "On the basic principles of cooperation between the CIS member states in the field of tourism", which for the first time defined the fundamental terms and concepts, the principles of state regulation of relations in the field of tourism, legal basis tourism activities sufficient for the development of relevant national laws in all CIS countries.

On November 1, 1996, the bureau of the Inter-Parliamentary Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation (which includes speakers of the parliaments of these states) adopted an Appeal to the heads of state, parliaments, governments of the CIS countries on the development of tourism ties. It contained a proposal to provide state support in the development and implementation of a program for the development of tourism relations between the countries. The main objectives of the program are the creation of a highly efficient and competitive tourism complex within the CIS, providing ample opportunities to meet the needs of citizens in a variety of tourism services, as well as the formation of a modern legal framework and the foundations of an interstate system, within the CIS, regulation of tourism activities.

In 1998, the Transport Union of International Road Communication between the member states of the CIS Customs Union was formed. The 1997 Convention on the International Carriage of Passengers and Luggage by Road received its further development. So, irregular transportation of passengers by buses between the states-participants of the agreement or in transit are made out by the forms issued for each trip (item 4). The passenger is issued a ticket and a baggage receipt of the established form, agreed by the competent authorities of the parties (Article 5). Transportation of passengers and goods carried out by one of the parties through the territory of the state of the other party, as well as motor vehicles performing these transportations, are exempt from taxes and fees associated with the use or maintenance of roads, ownership or use of motor vehicles, except for fees for the use of toll roads when availability of alternative free roads (art. 11).

The economic potential for the development of tourism is practically unlimited, but it requires significant capital investments and costs.

Due to international competition, the costs of developing the tourism industry are rising in both developing and industrialized countries. developed countries, where tourism is seen as one of the forms regional development. Under these conditions, various organizational structures for managing the tourism service sector are being created in the states.

In accordance with the liberalization policy pursued by the Republic of Belarus and other CIS countries, a significant number of travel agencies and firms have been formed that provide travel services for traveling abroad, in most cases on a barter basis.

Control questions:

1. Describe the process of international coordination of the activities of states in the field of tourism and international travel.

2. What international organizations are involved in the process of coordination in the field of tourism?

3. Name the regional international associations and unions in the field of tourism.

4. List the legal forms of cooperation between national associations and administrations of the CIS countries in the field of tourism.

5. Tell us about the goals of the World Tourism Organization and the legal forms of its activities.

Topics for abstracts:

1. The role of international organizations for regulation in tourism.

2. International legal activity of the World Tourism Organization.

3. Rulemaking of the United Nations and its importance in the development of tourism.

4. Regional tourist associations and unions in the CIS countries and their impact on the development of tourism.

Mountain or alpine clubs The clubs prepared guides for mountain hikes, rescuers. At the expense of club members, huts and shelters were built on the way to the tops of the mountains. Total number Club members reached 120 thousand people.

Most clubs published their own magazines dedicated to the mountains and travel in them. Over 30 magazines were published in the 1890s.

The invention of the bicycle led to the creation touring clubs in European states.

In 1895, a special organization for workers was created in Vienna. "Friends of Nature" who organized weekend trips. This was the beginning of the formation of mass tourism for the "little man".

1898 created International League of Travel Associations(Luxembourg), in 1919 re-registered as International Travel Alliance(currently includes more than 140 national associations).

Among officials and employees in late XIX- early 20th century summer trips to dachas were extended. Such a peculiar summer cottage» tourism from early June to early September. Thus, tourism becomes a new special form of movement of people.

The first attempt to create an international intergovernmental organization for tourism was made between the two world wars. The first steps in this direction were taken by the Dutch National Tourist Office. As a result of his efforts, the International Union of Tourism Promotion Organizations was born. Initially, the Union included 20 countries. Each country could be represented in IUOTO by only one tourism organization. The main tasks of IUTO were to study various aspects of international tourism and develop recommendations. The World Tourist magazine began to be published every two months.

Established in 1945, the United Nations begins to deal with a wide range of problems in international tourism. Tourism is beginning to be called a "phenomenon of the 20th century."

To promote tourism in 1954, the International Federation of Tourism Journalists and Writers (FIJET) was established. Its founders were 20 countries.

In 1958, the European Air Tourism Association (AETA) was formed in Paris, and in the mid-1950s. The International Tourism Alliance (AIT) was created, bringing together a large number of car clubs, touring clubs and other organizations.

In 1963, the first World Tourism Conference took place in Rome. This forum was represented by 87 States, 5 specialized agencies, 7 interdepartmental and 14 non-governmental organizations. Conference participants demonstrated respect for human rights.

Information was also heard in Rome about UNESCO's programs for the development of institutions for the training of personnel to improve tourism, as well as support for museums, art galleries, restoration of monuments and historical sites.

1967 was proclaimed by the United Nations as the Year of Tourism, because "tourism is one of the main and desirable aspects of human activity, deserving of approval and encouragement from all peoples and governments."

In 1967, the World Federation of Associations of Travel Agencies - FUAAV (FUAAV) was founded. It is an association of travel companies, travel agencies and entrepreneurs associated with tourist services. The main goals of the Federation are to unite the national tourism associations of all countries of the world; protection of the professional interests of all travel agencies united in national associations; strengthening the prestige of travel agencies; providing opportunities for meetings between travel agencies; providing information to national associations on all professional matters; the creation of national associations of travel agencies in countries where they do not yet exist; settlement of disagreements that may arise between national associations and travel agencies of different countries.

In 1969, in accordance with the resolution of the UN General Assembly, the non-governmental organization MOOTO was reorganized into the intergovernmental World Tourism Organization (WTO). This fact was evidence of the universal recognition of not only the economic, social, cultural, but also the political significance of international tourism.

WTO - international organization special competence, in accordance with Article 1 of its Charter, belongs to the category of organizations of an intergovernmental nature.

All activities of the WTO are aimed at the implementation international cooperation states in the field of tourism and fully complies with the principles of modern law.

The main objective of the WTO is to promote and develop tourism in order to contribute to economic development, international understanding, peace, progress and universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.

This organization is headquartered in Madrid. On September 27, 1975, the WTO Charter is adopted. And since 1980, it was decided to celebrate this day as World Tourism Day. According to the established tradition, the motto proclaimed on world day tourism, emphasizing any aspects of tourism work in the world for a year.

The official languages ​​adopted for the work of the WTO are English, French, Spanish and Russian.

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