3 Geneva Convention. Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Chapter II Representatives of prisoners of war

Adopted on August 12, 1949 by the Diplomatic Conference for drafting international conventions on the Protection of Victims of War, meeting at Geneva from 21 April to 12 August 1949

Section I. General Provisions

Article 1

The High Contracting Parties undertake to observe and enforce this Convention in all circumstances.

Article 2

Apart from the provisions which shall take effect in time of peace, this Convention shall apply in the event of a declared war or any other armed conflict arising between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.

The Convention shall also apply in all cases of occupation of all or part of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if that occupation meets no armed resistance.

If one of the Powers in conflict is not a party to this Convention, the Powers participating therein shall nevertheless remain bound by it in their mutual relations. Moreover, they will be bound by the Convention in respect of the aforesaid Power, if the latter accepts and applies its provisions.

Article 3

In the event of an armed conflict not of an international character arising in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each of the Parties to the conflict shall be bound to apply at least the following provisions:

1. Persons who do not directly take part in hostilities, including those members of the armed forces who have laid down their arms, as well as those who have ceased to take part in hostilities due to illness, injury, detention or any other reason, must in all circumstances be treated humanely without any discrimination based on race, colour, religion or creed, sex, origin or property or any other similar criteria.

To this end, the following actions in relation to the above persons are prohibited and will always and everywhere be prohibited:

A) encroachment on life and physical integrity, in particular, all types of murder, mutilation, cruel treatment, torture and torment,

b) taking hostages,

c) infringement of human dignity, in particular, insulting and degrading treatment,

d) conviction and application of punishment without prior judgment rendered by a duly constituted tribunal, with judicial guarantees recognized as necessary by civilized nations.

2. The wounded and sick will be picked up and assisted.

An impartial humanitarian organization, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, can offer its services to parties in conflict.

In addition, the Parties to the conflict shall endeavor, by means of special agreements, to give effect to all or part of the remaining provisions of this Convention.

The application of the foregoing provisions will not affect the legal status of the parties to the conflict.

Article 4

A. Prisoners of war, within the meaning of this Convention, are persons who have fallen into the power of the enemy and belong to one of the following categories:

1. Personnel of the armed forces of a party to the conflict, as well as personnel of the militia and volunteer detachments that are part of these armed forces.

2. Members of other militias and voluntary groups, including members of organized resistance movements belonging to a party to the conflict and operating in or outside their own territory, even if that territory is occupied, if these militias and voluntary groups, including organized movements resistance, meet the following conditions:

a) are headed by a person responsible for their subordinates,

b) have a specific and clearly visible from a distance distinctive sign,

c) openly carry weapons,

d) observe in their actions the laws and customs of war.

3. Members of regular armed forces who consider themselves subordinate to a government or authority not recognized by the Detaining Power.

4. Persons following the armed forces, but not directly included in them, such as, for example, civilians members of the crews of military aircraft, war correspondents, suppliers, personnel of work teams or services entrusted with the welfare of the armed forces, provided that they have received permission to do so from the armed forces they accompany, for which these latter must issue them with an identity card of the attached sample.

5. Crew members of merchant marine ships, including masters, pilots and cabin boys, and civil aviation crews of parties to the conflict who do not enjoy more favorable treatment by virtue of any other provisions of international law.

6. The population of the unoccupied territory, which, at the approach of the enemy, spontaneously, on its own initiative, takes up arms to fight the invading troops, without having had time to form into regular troops, if they openly bear arms and observe the laws and customs of war.

B. The following persons shall be treated in the same way as prisoners of war in accordance with this Convention:

1. Persons belonging to or who have belonged to the armed forces of an occupied country, if the occupying power considers it necessary for reasons of their belonging to interne them, even if it first released them, while hostilities were taking place outside the territory it occupied, especially when these persons unsuccessfully tried to join the armed forces to which they belong and which take part in hostilities, or when they did not comply with a challenge made for the purpose of their internment.

2. Persons belonging to one of the categories enumerated in this Article who have been received on their territory by neutral or non-belligerent Powers and whom those Powers are to be interned in accordance with international law, unless they prefer to accord them more favorable treatment; however, these persons are not subject to the provisions of articles 8, 10, 15, paragraph five of article 30, articles 58-67, 92, 126, and in cases where diplomatic relations exist between the parties to the conflict and the neutral or non-belligerent power concerned , as well as the provisions of the Articles concerning the Protecting Powers. Where such diplomatic relations exist, the parties to the conflict on whom these persons are listed shall be permitted to exercise in respect of them the functions of Protecting Power provided for in this Convention, without prejudice to those functions which those parties normally exercise under the diplomatic and consular practice and treaties.

C. This article shall in no way affect the status of medical and religious personnel provided for in Article 33 of this Convention.

Article 5

This Convention shall apply to the persons referred to in Article 4 from the moment they fall into the hands of the enemy until their final release and repatriation.

In the event that, in relation to persons who have taken part in hostilities and have fallen into the hands of the enemy, there is doubt that they belong to one of the categories listed in Article 4, such persons shall enjoy the protection of this Convention as long as they the position will not be determined by the competent court.

Article 6

In addition to the agreements specifically provided for in Articles 10, 23, 28, 33, 60, 65, 66, 67, 72, 73, 75, 109, 110, 118, 119, 122 and 132, the High Contracting Parties will be able to conclude other special agreements on any issue which they would deem it appropriate to deal with in particular. No special agreement shall prejudice the position of prisoners of war established by this Convention, nor limit the rights which it accords them.

Prisoners of war shall continue to enjoy the benefits of these agreements for as long as the Convention is applicable to them, unless other conditions are expressly included in the above or later agreements, and likewise unless more favorable conditions are granted to them by one or the other Party to the conflict.

Article 7

In no event shall prisoners of war be able to waive, in whole or in part, the rights afforded to them by this Convention and the special agreements provided for in the preceding article, if any.

Article 8

This Convention shall be applied with the assistance and under the control of the Protecting Powers entrusted with the protection of the interests of the parties to the conflict. To this end, the Protecting Powers will be able, in addition to their diplomatic or consular staff, to appoint delegates from among their own nationals or nationals of other neutral Powers. The appointment of these delegates must be subject to the consent of the power under which they will carry out their mission.

The Parties to the conflict will facilitate, to the maximum extent possible, the work of the representatives or delegates of the Protecting Powers.

The representatives or delegates of the Protecting Powers shall in no case exceed the scope of their mission as defined by this Convention; they must, in particular, take into account the pressing security needs of the State in which they exercise their functions.

Article 9

The provisions of this Convention shall not preclude humanitarian action which the International Committee of the Red Cross or any other impartial humanitarian organization may undertake to protect and assist prisoners of war, with the consent of the parties concerned to the conflict.

Article 10

The Contracting Parties may at any time enter into an agreement to entrust to some organization representing the full guarantee of impartiality and efficiency the duties imposed by this Convention on the Protecting Powers.

If prisoners of war are not, or have for any reason ceased to be, the activities of any Protecting Power or organization referred to in the first paragraph, the Power in whose possession the prisoners of war are located must request the neutral State or such organization to assume the functions carried out, in accordance with this Convention, by the Protecting Power designated by the Parties to the conflict.

If protection cannot be secured in this manner, the Power in whose power the prisoners of war are held must apply to some humanitarian organization, such as. for example, the International Committee of the Red Cross, or, subject to the provisions of this article, accept an offer by such an organization to take over the humanitarian functions performed under this Convention by the Protecting Powers.

Any neutral Power, or any organization invited by the Power concerned, or offering itself for these purposes, must act with a sense of responsibility towards a Party to the conflict which has the protection of this Convention and give sufficient assurances that it is in be able to assume the relevant functions and perform them impartially.

The foregoing provisions may not be violated by special agreements between Powers when one of these Powers, even temporarily, is restricted in its ability to freely negotiate with another Power or its allies by virtue of the military situation, especially in cases where the whole or a significant part of the territory of this Power occupied.

Whenever a Protecting Power is mentioned in this Convention, that designation also means the organizations replacing it under this Article.

Article 11

The Protecting Powers, in all cases where they consider it beneficial to the interests of the protected persons, in particular in the event of a disagreement between the Parties to the conflict concerning the application or interpretation of the provisions of this Convention, will use their good offices to settle the difference.

To this end, each of the Protecting Powers may, at the request of one of the parties or on its own initiative, invite the parties to the conflict to organize a meeting of their representatives, and in particular the authorities entrusted with the fate of prisoners of war, possibly in a neutral, appropriately chosen territory. The parties to the conflict are obliged to give way to the proposals that will be made to them in this sense. The Protecting Powers may, if necessary, submit for the approval of the parties to the conflict a person belonging to a neutral Power or a person delegated by the International Committee of the Red Cross who will be invited to participate in this meeting.

Third Geneva Convention (1929)

Introduced a new provision, establishing that its conditions apply not only to citizens of countries that have ratified the convention, but to all people, regardless of their citizenship (not only to the military, but also to the civilian population).

The experience of the First World War and the practice of applying the 1906 Convention required certain clarifications and changes to be made more in line with the changed conditions of the war. Therefore, in the summer of 1929, a New Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Combat Operations was concluded. The 1929 convention had a similar title to that of 1906 and referred to both 1864 and 1906 in the introductory part. Geneva military wounded

The 1929 Convention has grown to 39 articles.

For the first time, a provision appeared in it that after each clash, if circumstances permit, a local truce or at least a temporary ceasefire should be declared in order to make it possible to carry out the wounded.

For the first time in this Convention, identification tokens are mentioned, which should consist of two halves. When a dead soldier is found, one half is left on the corpse, and the second must be transferred to the appropriate authorities in charge of personnel records. Moreover, in relation to the dead soldiers of the enemy, these halves must be transferred to the military authorities of the side to which the deceased belonged.

In contrast to the 1906 Convention, the new one limits the presence of armed persons in medical institutions to sentries or pickets. It is no longer allowed to have armed units. It is possible to store weapons and ammunition of the wounded and sick only temporarily until it becomes possible to hand them over to the appropriate services. But under the protection of the Convention now falls veterinary personnel located in a medical institution, even if he is not part of the latter.

Some measures of protection and patronage have been returned to the local residents, who, on their own initiative or at the call of the military authorities, take part in the collection and treatment of the wounded. The occupying authorities may also provide them with certain material resources for this purpose.

The 1929 Convention specifies who belongs to the personnel protected by the Convention and who, if they fall into the hands of the enemy, are not referred to as prisoners of war, but are returned to their troops. In addition to those who are engaged in the collection, transportation, treatment of the wounded, priests, administrative staff of medical institutions, soldiers of the combat troops, specially trained to provide first aid, soldiers used to carry and transport the wounded, have now come under the protection of the Convention. In our opinion, these are company and battalion medical instructors, orderlies, orderlies-drivers. Now, if they fell into the hands of the enemy at the moment when they were engaged in this business and had the appropriate identification cards in their hands, then they are also not taken prisoner, but treated like the personnel of medical institutions.

Convention allows them to be kept in the hands of the enemy only to perform the duties of caring for their wounded, and for the time required for this. Then these personnel, together with weapons, means of transport, equipment, are transported in a safe way to their troops.

In the 1929 Convention, the former meaning of the "red cross on a white background" emblem was retained. Those. this badge is the hallmark of the medical service of all armies. However, given that in non-Christian countries the cross is not perceived as a medical sign, but as a symbol of Christianity (i.e. a symbol of a hostile religion), the new Convention determined that instead of the red cross, a red crescent, red lion and sun.

The Convention also clarified that in order to recognize persons as belonging to personnel protected by the Convention, it is not enough that the person wears an identifying armband. He must also be provided by the military authorities of his army with an appropriate photo identification card, or at the very least, an appropriate entry in his soldier's book. The identity documents of personnel protected by the Convention must be the same in all belligerent armies.

Unfortunately, the Convention itself did not offer a model for such a certificate, leaving this issue to the agreement of the belligerents. Second World War will show that in modern conditions the opponents cannot agree on anything during the war. Such certificates never appeared in any of the countries affected by the war. This gave a formal reason to take medical personnel prisoner along with all other soldiers and officers.

THE 1949 GENEVA CONVENTIONS FOR THE PROTECTION OF VICTIMS OF WAR- international multilateral agreements signed in Geneva on 12/VIII 1949: 1) a convention to improve the condition of the wounded and sick in active armies; 2) Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces at Sea; 3) convention on the treatment of prisoners of war; 4) convention for the protection of civilians in time of war.

The first three Zh. to. Were developed on the basis of pre-existing similar conventions (Zh. to. 1864 on improving the lot of the wounded, revised in 1906 and 1929; The Hague Convention of 1899 on the application to naval war began Zh. to. 1864, revised in 1907, and Zh. to. 1929 about prisoners of war). The Fourth Zh. to. It is developed in 1949 (supplements the Fourth Hague Convention of 1907 on the Laws and Customs of War). Zh. to. quite often are referred to as conventions of the Red Cross.

Progressive public organizations were the immediate initiators of the development of the Zh. to. widely deployed their activities in many countries. An important role in the development of this movement was played by N. I. Pirogov, who put forward the idea of ​​organizing assistance from the public to wounded soldiers directly on the battlefield, and the Exaltation of the Cross Community of Sisters of Mercy, led by him, created in 1854. public organizations and a number of progressive figures, in particular the founder of the Red Cross A. Dunant, led to the convening of a conference in Geneva in 1864, at which a convention was developed to improve the lot of the wounded, which was the first among Zh. to.

1. 1949 Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field obliges its participants to pick up on the battlefield and provide assistance to the wounded and sick of the enemy.

The Convention prohibits the use of reprisals against the wounded and sick of the enemy, any encroachment on the life and health of the wounded and sick of the enemy, in particular, it prohibits to finish them off, exterminate and torture them. The convention obliges member countries to treat the wounded and sick humanely and to provide them with assistance without any discrimination on grounds such as sex, race, nationality, religion, political opinion, or other similar criteria. All the wounded and sick who fell into the power of the enemy must be registered, and their data reported to the state on the side of which they fought. Even during hostilities, the belligerents must send the seriously wounded and sick to their homeland, and certain categories of them to neutral states (for example, the wounded and sick, whose recovery can occur within a year from the date of their injury or illness).

The Convention provides for the protection of honey. institutions, their personnel and vehicles intended for transportation of the wounded, sick and medical - a dignity. property. It categorically forbids attacking military stationary and mobile honey. institutions, hospital ships, dignity. transport and sanitation. staff. Honey. institutions may be deprived of the protection of Zh. to. only if they are used for military purposes. At the same time, the protection of Zh. to. can be terminated only after a certain period after an appropriate warning has been made. However, it is not considered the use of honey. institutions for military purposes, if their personnel use weapons for self-defense or protection of the wounded and sick who are in an institution guarded by armed soldiers. San. personnel who find themselves in the hands of the enemy are not considered prisoners of war and can only be detained for the time necessary to provide assistance to the wounded and sick among the prisoners of war, and then must be returned to their homeland. Honey. institutions, personnel and vehicles must be marked with a special sign (Red Cross, Red Crescent or Red Lion and Sun on a white background). Rules for the protection of honey. institutions and their personnel also apply to Red Cross organizations involved in providing assistance to the wounded and sick.

2. The 1949 Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces at Sea establishes rules for the treatment of the wounded and sick during naval warfare similar to those established by the Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick. All selected wounded, sick and shipwrecked must be registered, and data about them reported to the state, on the side of which they fought. The Convention also establishes the protection of hospital ships built or equipped for the transport and treatment of the wounded, sick and shipwrecked. The personnel of these vessels enjoy the same protection as the personnel of the land medical. institutions.

3. 1949 Geneva Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War establishes rules to which the belligerents must follow in the treatment of prisoners of war. The use of prisoners of war, including the wounded and sick, for biol, experiments is prohibited by convention. The convention prohibits encroachment on the life and physical integrity of prisoners of war, in particular all types of murder, mutilation, ill-treatment, torture and torture. Wounded and sick prisoners of war are prohibited from finishing off or exterminating, deliberately leaving them without medical care or care, or deliberately creating conditions for their infection. Wounded and sick prisoners of war must be provided with humane treatment and care without distinction of sex, nationality, race, religion and political opinion (see Prisoners of War).

4. 1949 Geneva Convention for the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War provides for the protection and humane treatment of the population located in the occupied territory. The destruction of the civilian population and the commission of violence against it, as well as the application of collective punishments are prohibited. The robbery of the population is regarded as a crime. Forcing the population to serve in the armed forces of the occupier is prohibited. Zh. to. obliges the state that occupied the territory to provide the population of this territory with food and medicine, as well as to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases.

Zh. to. consolidated the basic principle of modern international law: wars are waged against the armed forces of the enemy; military operations against the civilian population, sick, wounded, prisoners of war, etc. are prohibited.

Zh. to. apply in the event of a declaration of war or any armed conflict, even if one of the belligerents does not recognize the state of war, and in the event of the occupation of the territory, even if this occupation does not meet with armed resistance. The participants in the convention are obliged to comply with their provisions if one of the powers in the conflict is not a party to this convention. The provisions of Zh. to. obligatory for neutral countries.

Zh. to. provide for the obligation of member states to search for and punish persons who have committed or ordered to commit any acts that violate the provisions of these conventions. Persons guilty of violations of the Civil Code are regarded as war criminals and must be prosecuted. Such persons are submitted to the court of the country, on the territory of which they committed crimes, or to the court of any country-participant Zh. to., if it has evidence of their guilt. The intentional killing of the wounded, sick, prisoners of war and the civilian population, torture and inhuman treatment of them, including biol, experiments, causing damage to health, forcing prisoners of war to serve in the army of the enemy, taking hostages, serious destruction of property of individuals, state and public organizations, not caused by military necessity;

The USSR made a significant contribution to the development of humane rules for the conduct of war and the prohibition of the use of weapons of mass destruction. In June 1918, the Soviet government recognized Zh. to. in all its editions; On June 16, 1925, the USSR recognized the Civil Code of 1906 and the Convention of 1907 on the application to naval warfare began the Civil Code of 1864; On August 25, 1931, the USSR joined the Zh. k. 1929. The USSR played an important role in the development of the Zh.

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the J. to. April 17, 1951. When signing the J. to. the representative of the USSR made a number of reservations, according to the Crimea of ​​the USSR: it will not recognize as legal the appeal of the state, in whose power are the wounded, sick, prisoners of war and the civilian population, to a neutral state or organization with a request to exercise the functions of a protecting power, if there is no consent of the state to which the indicated persons are citizens; the state that transferred the captured wounded, sick, prisoners of war, and the civilian population to another state will not be considered exempt from responsibility for compliance with the Zh. to. will not extend the effect of the J. to. on the treatment of prisoners of war to those of them who are convicted in accordance with the principles of the Nuremberg Tribunal for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity. This category of prisoners of war will be subject to the measures established in the USSR for persons punished for crimes committed.

The participation of the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR, and other socialist countries in the development of the Zh. c. made it possible to achieve the inclusion of a number of important provisions in them. A provision has been included establishing that the basic humane principles of Zh. to. should also be applied during national liberation and civil wars(As is known, earlier the governments of capitalist states and bourgeois lawyers pointed out that Zh. to. should be used only during wars between so-called civilized states). This distribution of the action of J. to, has great importance for peoples fighting for their freedom and independence. It was of particular importance after the Second World War in connection with the wide scope of the national liberation movement in the countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America. Provisions were also included on the prohibition of discrimination against the wounded, sick, prisoners of war and the civilian population on the grounds of race, language, religion, property status, etc., on the prohibition of destruction of the property of state and public organizations not caused by military necessity, and not just private individuals , and a number of other provisions.

The Soviet Union, being a participant in the Zh. to., firmly observes them, puts forward and supports proposals aimed at strengthening peace, protects the rights and interests of peoples. The USSR resolutely condemns states that violate the Rule of Law, especially in relation to peoples fighting for their national liberation.

According to data as of January 1, 1977, the participants of the J. c. are St. 120 states; USSR, Ukrainian SSR, BSSR - participants of Zh. to.

Bibliography: Geneva Conventions for the Protection of Victims of War, August 12, 1949, M., 1969; International Law Course, ed. F. I. Kozhevnikova and others, vol. 5, p. 284, M., 1969; F and br and about in E. M. Conventions of the Red Cross, M., 1950.

The Geneva Convention concerning the Treatment of Prisoners of War, otherwise known as the Geneva Convention of 1929, was signed in Geneva on July 27, 1929. Its official common name is the Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Entered into force June 19, 1931. It is this part of the Geneva Conventions that regulates the treatment of prisoners of war during. It was the predecessor of the Third Geneva Convention, signed in 1949.


SECTION I General provisions

Article One

This Convention, without prejudice to the provisions of Section VII, shall apply:

1. For all persons listed in Art. 1, 2 and 3 of the provisions annexed to the Hague Convention on the Laws and Customs of War on Land of October 18, 1907 and on those taken prisoner by the enemy.

2. On all persons belonging to the armed forces of the belligerents and taken prisoner by the enemy during naval and air operations, excluding deviations inevitable in the conditions of this capture. However, these derogations must not violate the main points of this convention. They must be eliminated from the moment the prisoners are taken to the POW camp.

Article two

Prisoners of war are in the power of the enemy power, but by no means of a separate military unit that has taken them prisoner. They must be constantly treated humanely, especially protected from violence, insults and the curiosity of the crowd.

Measures of repression against them are prohibited.

Article Three

Prisoners of war are entitled to respect for their person and honour. Women enjoy the right to be treated in all respects for their sex. Prisoners retain their full civil legal capacity.

Article Four

The power that has taken prisoners of war is obliged to take care of their maintenance.

Differences in the content of prisoners of war are allowed only in those cases if they are based on the difference in their military ranks, the state of physical and mental health, professional abilities, and also on the difference in sex.

CHAPTER II About capture

Article Five

Every prisoner of war is obliged to state, if asked, his real name and rank or service number.

In the event of a violation of this rule, a prisoner of war is deprived of the advantages assigned to prisoners of his category.

Prisoners may not be subjected to any coercion to obtain information relating to the position of their armies or country.

Prisoners who refused to give such answers should not be influenced either by threats or insults, or subjected to penalties in any form.

If, due to his physical condition or the state of his mental abilities, the prisoner is not able to give information about his personality, he is entrusted to medical care.

Article six

In addition to weapons, horses, military equipment and military papers, all things and personal items remain in the possession of prisoners of war, as well as metal helmets and gas masks.

The sums of money held by the prisoners can be taken away by order of the officer after their calculation, exact determination, and a receipt is issued for accepting the money. The amounts selected in this way should be transferred to the personal account of each prisoner.

Identity documents, rank insignia, orders and valuable items cannot be taken away from prisoners.

CHAPTER III About the content in captivity

Division I

Article seven

Prisoners of war, as soon as possible after their capture, are evacuated from the war zone to sufficiently remote points of the country, where they could stay in complete safety.

In the danger zone, only those prisoners may be temporarily detained who, due to injuries or illnesses, are at greater risk when evacuated than when left in place.

March evacuation of prisoners should be carried out in normal stages of 20 km per day. These stages can only be extended if necessary to reach nutritional and drinking points.

Article eight

The belligerents are obliged to inform each other as soon as possible about all prisoners through the information bureaus organized on the basis of Art. 77. They are also obliged to communicate to each other the official addresses to which the families of prisoners of war could send their correspondence.

As soon as possible, measures must be taken to ensure that each prisoner can correspond personally with his family in accordance with Art. 36 and following.

With regard to prisoners at sea, the provisions of this article shall take effect as soon as possible after arrival at the port.

Division II POW Camps

Article nine

Prisoners of war may be interned in a city, fortress, or any locality under the obligation not to retire beyond a certain line. In the same way, they can be imprisoned and kept under guard, but only as far as the requirements of safety or hygiene, and only until the termination of the circumstance that caused these measures.

Captives captured in unhealthy areas or whose climate is detrimental to the inhabitants temperate zone, are evacuated at the first opportunity to more favorable climatic conditions.

The belligerents, as far as possible, avoid joining people of different races and nationalities in one camp.

None of the prisoners may for any time be settled in the area where he would be exposed to fire from the battle zone; likewise, the presence of prisoners cannot be used as a defense of any points or localities from enemy fire.

CHAPTER I About camp premises

Article Ten

Prisoners of war are placed in buildings or barracks, which offer every possible guarantee of hygiene and health. Premises should be completely protected from moisture, sufficiently heated and lit. Fire precautions must be taken.

With regard to bedrooms: the total area, the minimum cubic capacity of a bed and their equipment should be the same as in the military units of the power that contains the prisoners.

Chapter II Food and clothing for prisoners of war

Article Eleven

The food rations of prisoners of war must be equal in quality and quantity to the rations of troops in the barracks.

The prisoners are also given the opportunity to cook for themselves the additional food at their disposal.

Drinking water must be supplied in sufficient quantity, tobacco smoking is allowed. Prisoners can be used in kitchen work.

All (collective) disciplinary action should not be related to food.

Article Twelve

Clothes, shoes and underwear are delivered by the power containing the prisoners. Regular change and repair of these things should be provided. In addition, prisoner workers should be provided with protective clothing wherever the natural conditions of work require it.

In all camps, shops should be set up in which prisoners can purchase at local trade prices. food products and household items.

The profits from these shops should be used by the camp administration to improve the life of the prisoners.

Chapter III Hygiene in camps

Article thirteen

The belligerents are obliged to take all necessary hygiene measures to ensure cleanliness and health in the camps and to prevent the outbreak of epidemics.

Prisoners of war shall have at their disposal, day and night, rooms that meet the requirements of hygiene and are kept clean.

In addition, in addition to baths and showers, which are provided as far as possible in each camp, sufficient water should be provided to prisoners to keep their bodies clean.

They are given the opportunity to do gymnastic exercises and enjoy the fresh air.

Article fourteen

Each camp has an infirmary in which prisoners of war are served in all necessary cases. All contagious patients are provided with isolation rooms. The costs of treatment, including temporary prosthetics, are borne by the state containing the prisoners.

The belligerents are obliged, at the request of the prisoner, to give him an official explanation of the nature and duration of his disease, as well as the measures taken against this disease.

It is granted to the belligerents by special agreements to allow each other to keep doctors and orderlies in the camps to serve their captive compatriots.

Prisoners who are seriously ill, or whose condition requires the necessary and, moreover, significant surgical intervention, must be placed at the expense of the power containing the prisoners in all kinds of military and civilian institutions suitable for this.

Article fifteen

Medical examinations of prisoners of war must be carried out at least once a month. They check the general state of health and cleanliness and look for signs of contagious diseases, especially tuberculosis and venereal diseases.

Chapter IV Mental and Moral Needs of Prisoners of War

Article Sixteen

Prisoners of war are given complete freedom of religious worship and are allowed to attend worship services, provided that they do not violate the rules of order and public silence prescribed by the military authorities.

A prisoner of war - a clergyman, whatever he may be, can perform his duties among fellow believers.

Article Seventeen

The belligerents encourage, as far as possible, mental and sports entertainment organized by prisoners of war.

Chapter V About internal discipline in the camp

Article eighteen

Each POW camp is subject to the authority of a responsible officer.

Prisoners of war, in addition to expressing external respect according to the national rules in force in their armies, are obliged to salute all the officers of the power that took them prisoner.

Captured officers are required to salute only officers of higher or equal rank in that power.

Article nineteen

Wearing badges, ranks and distinctions is permitted.

Article Twenty

Rules, orders, notifications and announcements of every kind are announced to the prisoners in a language they understand. The same principle applies to interrogations.

Chapter VI Special Provisions on Officers and Persons Equivalent to Them

Article twenty-one

From the very beginning of hostilities, the belligerents are obliged to communicate to each other the ranks and ranks adopted in their armies, in order to ensure equal treatment between officers of equal rank and equivalent officers.

Article twenty-two

In order to provide service in the camps for prisoners of war officers, prisoners of war soldiers of the same army are allocated in sufficient numbers according to the ranks of officers and equated to them, if possible speaking the same language.

The latter will purchase food and clothing for themselves with a salary that will be paid to them by the power that maintains the prisoners. All possible assistance should be rendered to the independent disposal of officers with their allowances.

Chapter VII Cash prisoners of war

Article twenty-three

Under the condition of a special agreement between the belligerent powers, namely, provided for in Art. 24 of this, officers and prisoners of war equivalent to them receive from the power containing prisoners the same salary that officers of the corresponding rank receive in its army, but this salary should not exceed the content to which prisoners would be entitled in the country in which they served. This salary is paid to them in full, if possible monthly, and also without any deductions for reimbursement of expenses that fall on the power containing the prisoners, even if the expenses went to them.

The agreement between the belligerents shall establish the amounts of these salaries applied to these payments; in the absence of such an agreement, the amount that existed at the time of hostilities shall apply.

All payments made by prisoners of war on account of their salaries must be reimbursed with the end of hostilities by the power in which they are in the service.

Article twenty-four

With the opening of hostilities, the belligerent powers must establish by mutual agreement the maximum amount that will be allowed to be kept for prisoners of war of various ranks and categories. All surplus taken from or withheld from a prisoner of war shall immediately be credited to his account and may not be converted into another currency without his permission to do so.

The remainder of the maintenance due on the accounts is paid to the prisoners of war at the end of captivity.

During their stay in captivity, prisoners of war are given the preferential opportunity to transfer these amounts in whole or in part to banks or private individuals in their home country.

Chapter VIII Concerning the Transportation of Prisoners of War

Article twenty-five

Unless the course of military operations requires it, the sick and wounded are not moved, as their recovery might be impaired by travel.

Article twenty-six

In case of transfer, prisoners of war shall be notified in advance of their new assignment. They should be allowed to take with them personal belongings, correspondence and clothing parcels arriving at their address.

All due arrangements must be made so that correspondence and duffel parcels addressed to the old prisoner-of-war camp are forwarded to the new address without delay.

Sums deposited in the accounts of displaced prisoners of war must be handed over to the competent authority at the place of their new residence.

All costs of movement are borne by the power containing the prisoners.

Section IV On the labor of prisoners of war

Chapter I General Provisions

Article twenty-seven

The belligerents may use healthy prisoners of war in accordance with their position and profession, excluding, however, officers and persons equivalent to them. However, if the officers and those equated with them wish to engage in work suitable for them, such work will be provided to them as far as possible.

Captured non-commissioned officers can only be involved in the work of supervising the work, unless they themselves declare a demand for the provision of paid work for them.

During the entire period of captivity, the belligerents are obliged to extend to prisoners of war who have become victims of accidents at work, the labor laws in force in the given country-power for the corresponding categories of victims. With regard to those of the prisoners of war to whom the aforementioned norms of laws cannot be applied within the meaning of the legislation of the given power containing prisoners, the latter undertakes to submit for approval by its legislative bodies a draft of its own measures for the fair remuneration of the victims.

Chapter II Organization of labor

Article twenty-eight

The Powers in whose power the prisoners are held assume full responsibility for the maintenance, care, treatment and payment of salaries to prisoners of war working at the expense of private individuals.

Article twenty-nine

No prisoner of war may be used for work for which he is physically incapable.

Article Thirty

The length of the working day, including the time for going to work and returning home, should not be excessive and in no case may exceed the norms established for the work of civilian workers in the same area.

Each prisoner is given a weekly uninterrupted twenty-four hour rest, preferably on Sunday.

Chapter III - Prohibited Labor

Article thirty-one

Work performed by prisoners of war must not have any relation to military operations. In particular, it is forbidden to use prisoners for the manufacture and transportation of weapons or for the construction of any kind of fortifications; the same prohibition applies to materials intended for fighting units.

In case of violation of the above provisions, prisoners of war are free, after executing the order and without starting to execute it, to file their protest through authorized persons, whose functions are provided for in Art. 43 and 44 of this, or, in the absence of an authorized representative, through the representative of the Protecting Power.

Article thirty-two

It is forbidden to use prisoners for work that threatens health or is dangerous. All disciplinary violations of the working conditions are prohibited.

Chapter IV Workers' squads

Article thirty-three

The regime of the work squads should be similar to that of prisoner-of-war camps, in particular with regard to the conditions of hygiene, food, assistance in case of accident or care in case of illness, correspondence, receipt of parcels.

Each labor squad belongs to a prisoner of war camp. The commandant of the camp is responsible for the observance of the provisions of this convention in the squads.

Chapter V - Wages

Article thirty-four

Prisoners of war do not receive remuneration for work related to the management, organization and maintenance of camps.

Prisoners of war used in other jobs are entitled to remuneration established by agreements between the belligerents.

These agreements are to establish the amount that will belong to the prisoner of war, the procedure for placing it at his disposal during his stay in captivity, and likewise the share that the camp administration will have the right to retain.

Until the conclusion of the above agreements, remuneration of prisoners of war for work is determined on the following grounds:

a) works used for the state are paid according to the military tariff for payment of these works in force in the national army or, if there is none, then according to the tariff corresponding to the work performed;

b) if the work is carried out at the expense of other state institutions or private individuals, the conditions are established by agreement with the military authorities.

The remuneration remaining on the credit of the prisoner of war is paid to him after the end of captivity. In the event of death, it is transferred through diplomatic channels to the heirs of the deceased.

Section IV Relations of prisoners of war with foreign countries

Article thirty-five

With the outbreak of hostilities, the belligerents shall publish the procedure for the implementation of the provisions of this section.

Article thirty-six

Each belligerent must periodically establish a rate of closed and open mail, which prisoners of war of different categories are entitled to send monthly, and this rate is communicated to the other belligerent. These letters and postcards follow the shortest postal route. They may not be delayed in departure, nor delayed for reasons of discipline.

Within a maximum of a week from the moment of arrival at the camp, and in the same way, in the event of illness, each prisoner has the right to send to his family open letter about his captivity and state of health. These emails are forwarded as quickly as possible and in no case can be slowed down.

As a general rule, prisoners' correspondence is written in mother tongue. The belligerents may allow correspondence in other languages.

Article thirty-seven

Prisoners of war are allowed to receive individual parcels with food and other items intended for their food and clothing. Parcels will be transferred to the recipient against receipt.

Article thirty-eight

Letters and money orders or money transfers, as well as postal parcels intended for prisoners of war or sent directly or through an information office, provided for in Art. 77, are exempt from all postal fees, both in the countries of origin, and in the countries of destination and in transit.

Gifts of assistance in kind to prisoners of war are also exempt from importation laws and from freight rates on government railways.

Prisoners, in case of recognized need, can send telegrams with payment of the usual tariff.

Article thirty-nine

Prisoners have the right to receive books in individual parcels, which may be subject to censorship.

Representatives of the Protecting Powers, as well as Relief Societies, duly recognized and authorized, may send literary works and collections of books to the libraries of prisoner-of-war camps. The transmission of these items cannot be delayed under the pretext of censorship difficulties.

Article forty

Correspondence must be censored as soon as possible. In addition, the control of postal parcels should be carried out for the express purpose of ascertaining the safety of the provisions that they may contain, and, if possible, in the presence of the addressee or a person duly authorized by him.

All postal bans issued by belligerents for military or political reasons must be temporary for the shortest possible time.

Article forty-one

The belligerents shall ensure in every possible way the facilitation of the transmission of acts and documents intended for prisoners of war or signed by them, in particular powers of attorney or wills.

The belligerents, in case of need, will take the necessary measures to certify the legitimacy of the signatures made by the prisoners.

Section V Relations of prisoners of war with the authorities

Chapter I Complaints of prisoners of war against the regime of detention in captivity

Article forty-two

Prisoners of war have the right to submit to the military authorities in whose jurisdiction they are, their complaints about the regime of detention to which they are subjected.

In the same way, they have the right to apply to representatives of the protecting powers with an indication of the points regarding the regime of captivity, on which they bring complaints.

These statements and protests must be transmitted without delay.

Even if they are found to be unreasonable, they cannot in any way serve as a basis for punishment.

Chapter II Representatives of prisoners of war

Article forty-three

In all places where prisoners of war will be located, the latter have the right to designate trusted persons authorized to represent their interests before the military authorities and protecting powers.

This designation is subject to the approval of the military authorities. Trustees are authorized to receive and distribute collective parcels.

In the same way, if the prisoners decide to organize mutual assistance, this organization falls within the competence of trusted persons. On the other hand, the same persons may provide the prisoners with their services in order to facilitate relations with the aid societies referred to in Art. 78.

In the camps of officers and those equated to them, the oldest and highest-ranking officer is recognized as an intermediary between the camp authorities and officers equated to them. For this purpose, he has the right to appoint one of the captured officers to help as an interpreter in meetings with the camp authorities.

Article forty-four

If proxies are used at work, then their activity in representing prisoners of war is counted in the period of compulsory work.

Trusted persons will have every relief in correspondence with military camps and the protecting power. This correspondence is not limited by the norm. Persons representing prisoners of war may only be moved if they are given sufficient time to bring their successors up to date on current affairs.

Chapter III Penal Sanctions for Prisoners of War

1. General Provisions

Article forty-five

Prisoners of war are subject to the laws, regulations and orders in force in the army of the holding power.

All acts of disobedience call upon them to take the measures provided for by these laws, rules and orders. However, the provisions of this chapter remain in force.

Article forty-six

The military authorities and the court of the state holding prisoners of war may not impose on them any penalties other than those prescribed for the same acts committed by members of the national forces.

With the same rank, officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, prisoners of war, falling under disciplinary punishment, cannot be subjected to a worse content than those provided for the same punished in the armies of the state of captivity.

All corporal punishment, imprisonment in a punishment cell deprived of daylight, and in general any manifestations of cruelty are prohibited.

Similarly, group punishments for individual acts are prohibited.

Article forty-seven

Acts against discipline and especially attempts to escape are subject to immediate proof. Provisional arrest of prisoners of war, rank or not, is reduced to a strict minimum. The trial of prisoners of war must be conducted with as much speed as the circumstances of the case permit.

The preliminary conclusion should be as short as possible.

In all cases, the period of pre-trial detention shall be reduced by the punishment imposed by disciplinary or judicial procedure, as far as it is allowed for national employees.

Article forty-eight

Prisoners of war, after serving their judicial or disciplinary punishments, must be kept in the same way as other prisoners.

However, prisoners punished for attempting to escape may be subjected to special supervision, which, in any case, cannot eliminate any of the guarantees conferred on prisoners by this convention.

Article forty-nine

Not a single prisoner of war can be deprived of his rank by the state that captured him. Prisoners subjected to disciplinary action cannot be deprived of the privileges assigned to their rank. In particular, officers and those equivalent to them, being subjected to punishments entailing deprivation of liberty, cannot be imprisoned together with serving non-commissioned officers and privates.

Article fiftieth

Prisoners of war who have escaped and been captured before joining their army or in territory occupied by the troops who captured them, are subject only to disciplinary sanctions.

Prisoners captured after they have managed to join their army or leave the territory occupied by the troops of the power that captured them, are recognized as prisoners again and are not subject to any penalty for the previous escape.

Article fifty-one

An attempt to escape, even of a recidivist nature, cannot be considered as an aggravating circumstance in cases where a prisoner of war is being tried for a crime or offense against person or property committed by him in connection with an attempt to escape.

After an attempt to escape or an escape, the comrades of the fugitive who contribute to the escape are only subject to disciplinary punishment.

Article fifty-two

The belligerents see to it that the competent authorities approach with the greatest indulgence the question of what punishment, disciplinary or judicial, a prisoner of war should be subject to for an offense he has committed.

In particular, this should be borne in mind when it comes to assessing acts associated with an escape or an attempt to escape.

For the same act and on the same charge, a prisoner can be punished only once.

Article fifty-three

No prisoner subjected to disciplinary punishment and under conditions for repatriation may be detained to serve his sentence.

Prisoners subject to repatriation, against whom a criminal investigation has been initiated, may be left to complete the judicial investigation and, if necessary, until the completion of their sentence; Prisoners who are already serving their sentence under a court sentence may be detained until the end of the period of imprisonment determined by them.

The belligerents provide lists of those who can be repatriated for the above reasons.

2. Disciplinary punishments

Article fifty-four

Arrest is the most severe disciplinary punishment inflicted on prisoners of war.

The duration of one punishment may not exceed thirty days and may not be increased in the event of a concurrence of several acts for which the prisoner must be held accountable under disciplinary procedure while establishing them, regardless of whether these acts have a connection or not.

If at the time of arrest or at the end of such a prisoner is subjected to a new disciplinary punishment, then at least three days must separate one period of arrest from another, until one of these periods reaches ten days.

Article fifty-five

Under the condition that the last paragraph of Art. II as an aggravating measure of punishment applicable to prisoners of war subjected to disciplinary punishment, food restrictions adopted in the army of the state holding the prisoner. However, restriction in food cannot take place if the state of health of the prisoner of war does not allow it.

Article fifty-six

Under no circumstances may prisoners of war be placed in penitentiary premises (prisons, penitentiaries, prison camps, etc.) to serve disciplinary punishments.

Places where prisoners of war serve disciplinary punishments must meet the requirements of hygiene. Punished prisoners must be kept clean.

Every day, these prisoners should have the opportunity to do gymnastics and walk in the air for at least two hours.

Article fifty-seven

Disciplined prisoners have the right to read and write, and to send and receive correspondence.

However, parcels and money orders may not be delivered to the addressees until the sentence has been served. If the undistributed parcels contain spoiled foodstuffs, they are used for the needs of the infirmary or for the needs of the camp.

Article fifty-eight

Prisoners of war serving disciplinary sentences may demand that they be taken to daily medical appointments. With regard to them, in necessary cases, doctors take the necessary measures, and in emergency cases they are evacuated to camp infirmaries or hospitals.

Article fifty-nine

Except for the competent courts and the higher military authorities, disciplinary sanctions may only be imposed by an officer vested with disciplinary power as a commandant of a camp or detachment, or by a responsible officer who replaces him.

3. Litigation

Article Sixty

When opening a judicial investigation against prisoners of war, the power of captivity, as soon as the opportunity presents itself (but in any case before the day of the trial of the case), notifies the representative of the protecting power.

This notice must contain the following information:

a) civil status and rank of the prisoner;

b) place of stay or imprisonment;

c) a detailed designation of the offense or the nature of the charge with a statement of the laws to be applied.

If it is not possible to indicate in the notice the court to which the case is subject, the date of the trial and the premises where it will take place, then this information must be delivered to the representative of the Protecting Power additionally and in any case three weeks before the opening of the proceedings.

Article sixty-one

No prisoner of war can be convicted without being given the opportunity to defend himself. No prisoner of war may be compelled to plead guilty to the act of which he is accused.

Article sixty-two

Prisoners of war have the right to be assisted by a qualified defense attorney of their choice and, if necessary, to have recourse to the assistance of a competent interpreter. They are notified of this right of theirs well in advance of the opening of the trial by the power of captivity.

If the prisoner has not chosen his defenders, one may be invited by the protecting power. The Power of Captivity shall communicate to the Protecting Power, at its request, a list of qualified persons who may represent the defence.

Representatives of the Protecting Power shall have the right to be present at the hearing of the case.

The only exception to this rule is when the trial of a case must take place behind closed doors for the sake of secrecy and in the interests of state security. The power of captivity warns the protecting power about this.

Article sixty-three

Prisoners of war shall be sentenced by the same judges and in the same manner as are prescribed for persons belonging to the army of the power containing the prisoners.

Article sixty-four

Every prisoner of war has the right to appeal against any sentence passed against him in the same manner as is established for persons who belonged to the military forces of the power of captivity.

Article sixty-five

Sentences pronounced against prisoners are immediately communicated to the Protecting Power.

Article sixty-six

If a death sentence has been pronounced against a prisoner of war, then a message outlining the detailed elements of the crime, the circumstances of the act is immediately transmitted to the representative of the protecting power for transmission to the power in whose armies the convicted person served.

This sentence shall not be carried out until at least three months have elapsed from the date on which this communication was sent.

Article sixty-seven

No prisoner of war may be deprived of the benefits provided for in Art. 42 of this Convention, by virtue of a court sentence or for other reasons.

SECTION IV On the end of captivity

Section I On direct repatriation and on the hospitalization of asylums in neutral countries

Article sixty-eight

The belligerents are obliged to send prisoners of war to their country, regardless of the rank and number of seriously wounded and seriously ill, putting them in a position that allows transportation.

On the basis of agreements between themselves, the belligerents have the right to determine, as soon as possible, cases of disability and illness, entailing direct repatriation, as well as cases of hospitalization in neutral countries. Prior to the conclusion of the aforementioned agreements, the belligerents may be guided by the model agreement attached as a documentary part to this convention.

Article sixty-nine

With the opening of hostilities, the belligerents agree on the appointment of mixed medical commissions. These commissions must be composed of three members, of which two belong to the neutral state, and one to the power containing the prisoners. One of the doctors of the neutral side must represent in the commission.

These mixed medical commissions will examine the prisoners, the sick and the wounded, and take a proper decision regarding them.

Decisions of these commissions are made by majority vote and implemented as soon as possible.

Article Seventy

In addition to those prescribed by the camp doctor, they are examined by a mixed medical commission referred to in Art. 69, in order to ascertain the possibility of direct repatriation or hospitalization in neutral countries and the following prisoners of war:

a) prisoners who make a claim directly to the camp doctor;

b) prisoners, about whom the authorized persons provided for in Art. 43, both on their personal initiative and at the request of the prisoners themselves;

c) prisoners for whom an offer is made by the power in whose army they served, or about whom a relief society duly recognized and authorized by the said power presents.

Article seventy-one

Prisoners of war who have been victims of accidents at work, excluding intentional self-mutilation, are subject to the benefits of the same provisions with respect to repatriation or hospitalization in neutral countries.

Article seventy-two

In protracted hostilities and for reasons of philanthropy, the belligerents may conclude agreements on direct repatriation and hospitalization in neutral countries for prisoners of war who are subjected to long-term captivity.

Article seventy-three

The costs of repatriating prisoners of war or transporting them to neutral countries fall on the power holding the prisoners, in part of the transportation to the border and in the rest - on the power in whose armies the prisoners served.

Article seventy-four

No repatriated person can be used as an active soldier.

Section II Release and repatriation at the end of hostilities

Article seventy-five

When the belligerents conclude a reconciliation, they undertake first of all to agree on the conditions concerning the repatriation of prisoners of war.

And if these conditions could not be included in this agreement, the belligerents should enter into relations as soon as possible on the indicated subject. In all cases, the repatriation of prisoners of war must be carried out as soon as possible after the conclusion of peace.

If a prisoner of war is brought against criminal prosecution for crimes or acts of a general civil nature, they may be detained until the end of the judicial-investigative procedure and, if necessary, until the punishment is served.

The same applies to those convicted of crimes or acts of a general civil nature.

With the consent of the belligerents, commissions may be set up to search for scattered prisoners and to secure their repatriation.

CHAPTER V On the death of prisoners of war

Article seventy-six

The wills of prisoners of war must be accepted and delivered under the conditions in force for members of the national army.

The same rules will apply equally to documents certifying death.

The belligerents see to it that prisoners of war who die in captivity are buried with honor and that the graves have all the necessary information, are honored and properly maintained.

SECTION VI Concerning Bureaus of Assistance and Obtaining Information Concerning Prisoners of War

Article seventy-seven

From the very beginning of hostilities, each of the belligerents, as well as the neutral powers that hosted the participants in the war, approve the official Bureau of information on prisoners who are on their territory.

In the shortest possible time, each belligerent power informs its Bureau of information about the captures carried out by its armies, informing it of all information in its possession that certifies the identity of the prisoners and makes it possible to immediately notify the interested families about them with the message of official addresses at which the families can communicate with the prisoners in writing.

The information bureaus must immediately bring these communications to the attention of the Powers concerned, partly through the intermediary of the Protecting Powers, and partly through the central agency provided for in Art. 79.

The information bureau, authorized to answer all questions concerning prisoners of war, receives from the various competent departments all information concerning internment and transfers, release.

on parole, repatriations, escapes, stays in hospitals, deaths, as well as other information necessary for the establishment and maintenance of individual cards for each prisoner of war.

The Bureau shall enter on this card, as far as possible and in accordance with the provisions of Art. 5: service number, surname and name, date and place of birth, rank, military unit where the wanted person served, the name of his father, the surname of his mother, the address of the person who must be informed in case of injury or an accident about the date and place of captivity, internment, injuries, deaths, and other relevant information.

Weekly lists with all new information capable of facilitating the establishment of the identity of each prisoner are transmitted to the interested powers.

The personal card of each prisoner of war, upon the conclusion of peace, is transferred to the power that was served by this Bureau.

The Information Bureau is also required to collect all items of personal use, valuables, correspondence, passbooks, identity cards, etc., left behind by prisoners of war who are repatriated, released on parole, fled or died, and transfer all of the above to interested parties. countries.

Article seventy-eight

Societies for the relief of prisoners of war, established in accordance with the laws of their country and having the goal of mediating in matters of charity, receive from the belligerent powers for themselves and their agencies all preferential, within the boundaries military necessity, the possibility of exhaustive fulfillment of the duty of humanity that lies upon them. Delegates of these societies can be admitted to assist in the camps, just as in the stages of repatriated prisoners, by obtaining permission from the military authorities and agreeing in writing to obey all orders regarding the order and instructions of the police authorities.

Article seventy-nine

A Central Information Agency (Information Bureau) for prisoners of war will be established in a neutral country. The International Committee of the Red Cross proposes to the Powers concerned the organization of such an agency, if the said Powers deem it necessary.

The agency in question is empowered to collect all the information concerning the prisoners that it can obtain, either officially or privately. It must hand them over as soon as possible to the homeland of the prisoners or to the state they serve.

These provisions should not be interpreted as limiting the humanitarian activities of the Red Cross.

Article eightie

Information bureaus are exempt from postal fees as well as from all exemptions provided for in Art. 38.

SECTION VII On the Extension of the Convention to Certain Civil Categories

Article eighty-one

Persons following the army, but not directly included in it, such as, for example: correspondents, newspaper reporters, scribblers, suppliers, falling into the power of the enemy and being detained by him, have the right to be kept as prisoners of war if they are provided with identity cards from that same military command followed.

SECTION VIII Implementation of the Convention

SECTION I General Provisions

Article eighty-two

The provisions of this convention shall be observed by the high contracting parties in all circumstances.

If, in case of war, one of the belligerents turns out to be not participating in the convention, nevertheless, the provisions of such remain binding on all the belligerents who sign the convention.

Article eighty-three

The High Contracting Parties reserve the right to conclude special agreements on all questions relating to prisoners of war, if it is considered beneficial to regulate these questions in a special way.

Prisoners of war shall remain subject to the benefits of these agreements until the repatriation is completed, except in cases where the contrary conditions are expressly included in the above or later agreements, and likewise, unless a belligerent takes more favorable measures in respect of the prisoners it holds.

Article eighty-four

The text of this convention and of the special agreements provided for in the preceding article shall be posted as far as possible in the native language of the prisoners of war, in places where it can be read by all prisoners of war.

Prisoners who are in a position that does not allow them to familiarize themselves with the posted text, at their request, the text of these decisions should be communicated.

Article eighty-five

The High Contracting Parties, through the intermediary Federal Council of Switzerland, shall communicate to each other the official translations of this Convention, as well as the laws and regulations which they may submit to ensure the application of this Convention.

SECTION II On the organization of control

Article eighty-six

The High Contracting Parties recognize that the precise application of this Convention is guaranteed by the possibility of cooperation between the Protecting Powers empowered to protect the interests of the belligerents; for this purpose, the Protecting Powers may, in addition to their diplomatic staff, appoint delegates from among their own subjects or from among the subjects of other neutral countries. These delegates are submitted for approval to the belligerent under which they carry out their mission.

Representatives of the Protecting Power, or delegates approved by it, shall be permitted to visit any and all places where prisoners of war are interned. They have access to all premises occupied by prisoners and, as a general rule, may communicate with them without witnesses, in person or with the assistance of an interpreter.

The belligerents shall facilitate the work of the representatives of the Protecting Power or its approved delegates by the broadest possible measures. The military authorities are notified of their visit.

The belligerents may agree on the admission of persons of the same nationality with prisoners to participate in verification trips.

Article eighty-seven

In the event of disagreement between the belligerents regarding the application of the provisions of this Convention, the Protecting Powers shall, as far as possible, offer their services to settle the dispute.

To this end, each of the Protecting Powers may propose to the belligerents concerned that they convene their representatives, presumably on a neutral territory chosen by agreement. The belligerents are obliged to put into motion the proposals that will be made to them in this direction. The Protecting Power may, if necessary, submit for the approval of the belligerent Powers a person belonging to one of the neutral Powers or delegated by the International Committee of the Red Cross, who will be entrusted to take part in this meeting.

Article eighty-eight

The foregoing regulations should not be an obstacle to the philanthropic activities of the International Red Cross, which it may develop for the protection of prisoners of war, with the consent of the belligerents concerned.

SECTION III Final Provisions

Article eighty-nine

In the relations between the Powers which are bound by the Hague Conventions of July 29, 1899, and of October 18, 1907, concerning the laws and customs of war on earth, which are parties to the present Convention (the latter supplementing Chapter II of the Charter annexed to the aforementioned Hague Conventions ).

Article ninety

The present convention may, from this date, until February 1, 1930, be signed on behalf of the countries represented at the conference which opened on July 1, 1929.

Article ninety-one

This convention must be ratified as soon as possible. The ratification is given in Bern.

On the return of each ratified act, a protocol is drawn up, a copy of which, duly certified, is transmitted by the allied Swiss Council to the governments of all countries in whose name the convention is signed or its acceptance is announced.

Article ninety-two

This Convention shall enter into force 6 months after the delivery of at least two instruments of ratification.

Thereafter, it shall enter into force for each High Contracting Party 6 months after the date of delivery of the instrument of ratification to it.

Article ninety-three

From the date of its entry into force, this Convention shall be open to the country in whose name it has not been signed.

Article ninety-four

Announcements of the adoption of the convention are announced to the Federal Swiss Council and enter into force 6 months from the date of their receipt by the Council.

The Swiss Federal Council notifies the governments of those countries on behalf of which the convention was signed or its acceptance announced.

Article ninety-five

A state of war immediately brings into force the ratification and acceptance of conventions awarded to the belligerent powers before or after hostilities.

Notification of ratifications or acceptances received from Powers which are at war shall be effected by the Allied Swiss Council in the most expeditious manner.

Article ninety-six

Each of the High Contracting Parties shall have the right to declare renunciation of this convention. This refusal does not have its proper effect until one year after the written notification of this to the Swiss Union Council. The latter notifies all the contracting parties of the aforementioned refusal of the government.

Renunciation of a convention is only valid if the high contracting party notifies it in writing.

In addition, the said waiver is invalid in the event of a war in which the other power takes part. In this case, the present convention shall remain in force beyond the end of the one-year period until the conclusion of peace, and in any case until the completion of repatriation.

Article ninety-seven

A duly certified copy of this Convention shall be deposited in the archives of the League of Nations - by the Swiss Federal Council.

Likewise, acts of ratification, acceptance and renunciation of conventions communicated to the Swiss Federal Council are communicated to the latter to the League of Nations.

Given at Geneva on the twenty-seventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine, in a single copy which is deposited in the archives of the Swiss Union, and copies of which, duly certified, are handed over to the governments of all countries invited to the conference.

TSHIDK. F. 1/p, op. 21a, d. 47, l. 22-48. Copy.

It was concluded in Geneva on August 12, 1949. The Convention entered into force on October 21, 1950. The USSR signed the Convention on August 12, 1949, ratified it by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of April 17, 1954, with reservations made at the time of signing. The Convention entered into force for the USSR on November 10, 1954 // Collection of existing treaties, agreements and conventions concluded by the USSR with foreign states. Issue. XVI. Moscow, 1957, pp. 125–204, 279–280.


Article 1

The High Contracting Parties undertake to observe and enforce this Convention in all circumstances.

Article 2

Apart from the provisions which shall take effect in time of peace, this Convention shall apply in the event of a declared war or any other armed conflict arising between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, even if the state of war is not recognized by one of them.

The Convention shall also apply in all cases of occupation of all or part of the territory of a High Contracting Party, even if that occupation meets no armed resistance.

If one of the Powers in conflict is not a party to this Convention, the Powers participating therein shall nevertheless remain bound by it in their mutual relations. Moreover, they will be bound by the Convention in respect of the aforesaid Power, if the latter accepts and applies its provisions.

Article 3

In the event of an armed conflict not of an international character arising in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each of the Parties to the conflict shall be bound to apply at least the following provisions:

1. Persons who do not directly take part in hostilities, including those members of the armed forces who have laid down their arms, as well as those who have ceased to take part in hostilities due to illness, injury, detention or any other reason, must in all circumstances be treated humanely without any discrimination based on race, colour, religion or creed, sex, origin or property or any other similar criteria.

To this end, the following actions in relation to the above persons are prohibited and will always and everywhere be prohibited:

a) encroachment on life and physical integrity, in particular all types of murder, mutilation, ill-treatment, torture and torture,

b) taking hostages,

c) infringement of human dignity, in particular insulting and degrading treatment,

(d) Conviction and application of punishment without prior judgment rendered by a duly constituted tribunal, subject to judicial guarantees recognized as necessary by civilized nations.

2. The wounded and sick will be picked up and assisted.

Article 4

A. prisoners of war within the meaning of this Convention are persons who fall into the power of the enemy and belong to one of the following categories:

1) The personnel of the armed forces of a party to the conflict, as well as the personnel of the militia and volunteer detachments that are part of these armed forces.

2) Members of other militias and volunteer units, including members of organized resistance movements belonging to a party to the conflict and operating on or outside their own territory, even if that territory is occupied, if these militias and volunteer units, including organized movements resistance, meet the following conditions:

a) have at their head a person responsible for their subordinates,

b) have a distinctive and clearly visible from a distance distinctive sign,

c) openly carry weapons,

d) observe in their actions the laws and customs of war.

3) Members of regular armed forces who consider themselves subordinate to a government or authority not recognized by the Detaining Power.

4) Persons following the armed forces, but not directly included in them, such as, for example, civilian members of the crews of military aircraft, war correspondents, suppliers, personnel of work teams or services entrusted with the welfare of the armed forces, provided that they have received permission to do so from the armed forces they accompany, for which purpose these latter must issue to them an identity document of the form attached.

5) Crew members of merchant marine ships, including captains, pilots and cabin boys, and civil aviation crews of parties to the conflict who do not enjoy more favorable treatment by virtue of any other provisions of international law.

6) The population of the unoccupied territory, which, at the approach of the enemy, spontaneously, on its own initiative, takes up arms to fight the invading troops, without having had time to form into regular troops, if they openly bear arms and observe the laws and customs of war.

B. The following persons shall be treated in the same way as prisoners of war in accordance with this Convention:

1. Persons belonging to or who have belonged to the armed forces of an occupied country, if the occupying power considers it necessary for reasons of their belonging to interne them, even if it first released them, while hostilities were taking place outside the territory it occupied, especially when these persons unsuccessfully tried to join the armed forces to which they belong and which take part in hostilities, or when they did not comply with a challenge made for the purpose of their internment.

2. Persons belonging to one of the categories enumerated in this Article who have been received on their territory by neutral or non-belligerent Powers and whom those Powers are to be interned in accordance with international law, unless they prefer to accord them more favorable treatment; however, these persons are not subject to the provisions of articles 8, 10, 15, paragraph V of article 30, articles 58-67, 92, 126, and in cases where diplomatic relations exist between the parties to the conflict and the neutral or non-belligerent Power concerned , as well as the provisions of the Articles concerning the Protecting Powers. Where such diplomatic relations exist, the parties to the conflict on whom these persons are listed shall be permitted to exercise in respect of them the functions of Protecting Power provided for in this Convention, without prejudice to those functions which those parties normally exercise under the diplomatic and consular practice and treaties.

C. This article shall in no way affect the status of medical and religious personnel provided for in Article 33 of this Convention.

Article 5

This Convention shall apply to the persons referred to in Article 4 from the moment they fall into the hands of the enemy until their final release and repatriation.

In the event that, in relation to persons who have taken part in hostilities and have fallen into the hands of the enemy, there is doubt that they belong to one of the categories listed in Article 4, such persons shall enjoy the protection of this Convention as long as they the position will not be determined by the competent court.

Article 12

Prisoners of war are in the hands of an enemy power, but not of individuals or military units who took them prisoner. Regardless of the responsibility that may fall on individuals, the Detaining Power is responsible for the treatment of prisoners of war.

Article 13

Prisoners of war must always be treated humanely. Any unlawful act or omission on the part of the Detaining Power which results in the death of a prisoner of war in its power or which places the health of a prisoner of war under serious threat are prohibited and will be considered serious violations of this Convention. In particular, no prisoner of war may be subjected to physical mutilation, or to scientific or medical experience of any nature, which is not justified by considerations of the treatment of a prisoner of war and his interests.

Prisoners of war must likewise always be protected, especially against all acts of violence or intimidation, against insults and the curiosity of the crowd.

Article 14

In all circumstances, prisoners of war have the right to respect for their person and honour.

Women are to be treated with all the respect due to their sex and treated in all cases no worse than men.

Prisoners of war fully retain their civil legal capacity, which they enjoyed at the time of capture. The Detaining Power may restrict the exercise of the rights conferred by this legal capacity, in or outside its own territory, only to the extent required by the conditions of captivity.

Article 15

The Detaining Power is obliged to provide, free of charge, the maintenance of prisoners of war and also the medical assistance required by their state of health.

Article 16

Subject to the provisions of this Convention relating to rank and sex, the Detaining Power shall treat all prisoners of war equally, without discrimination of any kind on grounds of race, nationality, religion, political opinion and all other grounds based on similar criteria, unless privileged regime that it could establish for prisoners of war on the basis of their health, age or qualifications.

Article 17

No physical or mental torture or any other measures of coercion may be applied to prisoners of war in order to obtain any information from them. Prisoners of war who refuse to answer must not be threatened, insulted or subjected to any harassment or restrictions.

Article 18

All things and objects of personal use, with the exception of weapons, horses, military equipment and military documents, will remain in the possession of prisoners of war, as well as metal helmets, gas masks and similar items issued to them for their personal protection. They will also have things and objects that serve for their uniforms and food, even if these things and objects belong to the official military equipment ...

Badges of distinction and state affiliation, insignia and objects having mainly subjective value cannot be taken away from a prisoner of war.

Article 19

In perhaps more short term after they are captured, prisoners of war are evacuated to camps located far enough from the war zone to be safe.

In the danger zone, only those prisoners of war may be temporarily detained who, due to the state of their injuries or illness, are at greater risk when evacuated than when left in place.

Prisoners of war should not be unnecessarily endangered pending their evacuation from a war zone.

Article 20

The evacuation of prisoners of war must always be conducted in a humane manner and under conditions similar to those provided by the Detaining Power to its troops during their movements.

The Detaining Power shall supply evacuated prisoners of war drinking water and food in sufficient quantities, as well as to provide them with the necessary clothing and medical care. It will take all necessary precautions to ensure their safety during the evacuation and draw up at the earliest opportunity a list of prisoners of war to be evacuated.

If prisoners of war must pass through transit camps during evacuation, their stay in these camps will be as short as possible.

Article 21

The Detaining Power may subject prisoners of war to internment. It may oblige them not to go beyond the established limits of the camp in which they are interned, or, if the camp is surrounded by a fence, not to go beyond this fence.

Article 22

Interned prisoners of war may only be accommodated in premises located on land and providing a full guarantee of hygiene and the preservation of health. Except in special cases justified by the interests of the prisoners themselves, they should not be placed in prison buildings.

Prisoners of war interned in unhealthy localities, or in localities whose climate is injurious to their health, will be transferred as soon as possible to places with a more favorable climate.

The Detaining Power will accommodate prisoners of war in camps or sectors of camps, taking into account their nationality, language and customs, provided that prisoners of war will not be separated from prisoners of war of the armed forces in which they served at the time of their capture, except in cases when they themselves express their consent to this.

Article 23

No prisoner of war may at any time be sent to such an area where he would be exposed to fire from the combat zone, nor detained there, nor may he be used to protect by his presence any points or areas from military operations.

Article 25

The conditions of accommodation of prisoners of war in camps must be no less favorable than those enjoyed by the troops of the Detaining Power stationed in the same locality. These conditions must take into account the habits and customs of prisoners of war and must in no case be harmful to their health.

The above provisions shall apply in particular to the sleeping quarters of prisoners of war, both with regard to the total area and minimum cubic capacity, as well as with regard to equipment and bedding, including blankets.

Premises intended for individual or collective use by prisoners of war must be completely protected from dampness, adequately heated and lit, especially between the onset of darkness and the fixed hour when the lights go out. All fire fighting measures must be taken.

In those camps in which women prisoners of war are kept along with men, separate rooms for sleeping should be provided for them.

Article 26

The basic daily ration of food must be sufficient in quantity, quality and variety to keep prisoners of war in good health and prevent weight loss or malnutrition. One should also reckon with the habitual diet for prisoners.

The Detaining Power shall provide working prisoners of war with the necessary supplementary food in accordance with the work they perform.

Prisoners of war must be given drinking water in sufficient quantity. Tobacco smoking should be allowed.

Prisoners of war will, to the greatest extent possible, be encouraged to participate in the preparation of their own meals; for this purpose, they can be involved in work in the kitchen. In addition, they will have the opportunity to cook their own food from additional products that they will have.

Adequate facilities must be provided for eating.

Any collective disciplinary actions affecting nutrition are prohibited.

Article 27

Clothing, underwear and footwear shall be provided to prisoners of war in sufficient quantities by the Detaining Power, which must take into account the climatic conditions of the area in which the prisoners of war are located. Uniforms of enemy armies captured by the Detaining Power will be used to equip prisoners of war, if they are suitable for climatic conditions.

Regular replacement and repair of these items shall be provided by the Detaining Power. In addition, working prisoners of war will receive appropriate clothing wherever the nature of their work requires it.

Article 29

The Detaining Power shall be under an obligation to take all measures of hygiene necessary to keep the camps clean and healthy and to prevent the outbreak of an epidemic.

The prisoners of war will have at their disposal, day and night, sanitary installations that meet the rules of hygiene and are kept in constant cleanliness. In all camps in which women prisoners of war are placed, separate sanitary installations must be provided for them.

In addition, in addition to the baths and showers to be provided in the camps, prisoners of war will be provided with water and soap in sufficient quantities for the daily maintenance of the body clean and for washing linen; for this they will be provided with the necessary facilities, facilities and time.

Article 30

Each camp will have an appropriate infirmary where the prisoners of war will receive the care they may need and where they will be provided with the necessary diet. If necessary, insulators for contagious and mentally ill people will be arranged.

Prisoners of war who are seriously ill, or whose health condition requires special treatment, surgery or hospitalization, must be admitted to any military or civilian hospital that can provide treatment for them. medical institution even if their repatriation is expected in the near future. Special conditions will be created for the care of the disabled, in particular the blind, and for their retraining in anticipation of repatriation.

Medical assistance will be provided to prisoners of war primarily by the medical personnel of the power for which they are registered, and, if possible, of their nationality.

Prisoners of war must not be prevented from attending medical appointments. The detaining authorities will issue to each prisoner of war undergoing treatment, at his request, an official certificate indicating the nature of his injuries or illness, the duration and nature of the treatment. A duplicate of this certificate will be sent to the Central Agency for Prisoners of War.

Article 33

Medical and religious personnel detained by the Detaining Power for the purpose of assisting prisoners of war shall not be considered prisoners of war. They shall, however, at least enjoy the benefits and protection of this Convention, and shall also be provided with all facilities necessary for the provision of medical and spiritual assistance to prisoners of war.

Article 34

Prisoners of war will be given complete freedom to practice the rites of their religion, including attendance at worship services, subject to the disciplinary procedures prescribed by the military authorities.

Adequate premises will be set aside for religious services.

Article 35

Religious servants who were part of the military clergy, who fell into the power of an enemy power and remained or were detained to assist prisoners of war, will be allowed to attend to their spiritual needs and freely perform their duties among their fellow believers in accordance with their religious conscience. They will be distributed among the various camps and work teams in which there are prisoners of war belonging to the same armed forces, speaking the same language or belonging to the same religion. They will be provided with the necessary facilities, including the means of transport provided for in Article 33, to visit prisoners of war outside their camp. They will enjoy freedom of correspondence, subject to censorship, on religious matters of their cult with the spiritual authorities of the country in which they are detained and with international religious organizations.

Article 36

Prisoners of war who are ministers of worship, but who have not been part of the military clergy in their own army, will be permitted, whatever their creed, to exercise their duties freely among their co-religionists. In this regard, they will be treated as members of the military clergy detained by the Detaining Power. They will not be forced into any other work.

Article 44

Officers and prisoners of war equal to them will be treated with the respect due to their rank and age.

In order to ensure the maintenance of the officers' camps, a sufficient number of prisoners of war soldiers of the same armed forces, if possible speaking the same language, is allocated, taking into account the rank of officers and equivalents; they cannot be sent to any other work.

The disposal of the officer's cauldron by the officers themselves should be encouraged in every possible way.

Article 45

Prisoners of war who are not officers or persons equivalent to them are to be treated with respect appropriate to their rank and age.

The disposal by the prisoners of war of their own cauldron should be encouraged in every possible way.

Article 49

The Detaining Power may employ able-bodied prisoners of war as labor force, taking into account their age, sex, rank and physical ability, in particular in order to keep them in good physical and moral condition.

POW non-commissioned officers can only be required to supervise the work. Non-commissioned officers who are not assigned to such work may ask for other work suitable for them, which, if possible, will be provided to them.

If officers or persons equivalent to them ask for a job suitable for them, such work will be given to them, if possible. They cannot be forced to work in any way.

Article 51

Prisoners of war must be provided with appropriate conditions for work, especially housing, food, clothing and equipment; these conditions shall not be inferior to those enjoyed by nationals of the Detaining Power when employed in similar work. Climatic conditions should also be taken into account.

The Detaining Power, using the labor of prisoners of war, will ensure that their places of work comply with national laws on labor protection and, in particular, safety regulations.

Prisoners of war must be trained and provided with labor protection measures appropriate to the work they are to perform and similar to those accorded to nationals of the Detaining Power. Subject to the provisions of Article 52, prisoners of war may be employed in work involving the usual risks to which civilian workers are exposed.

Under no circumstances should working conditions be made more difficult through the use of disciplinary measures.

Article 52

No prisoner of war may be employed in work endangering health or dangerous unless he voluntarily consents to it.

No prisoner of war will be used in work that is considered humiliating for a member of the Detaining Power.

Removing mines or other similar projectiles would be considered dangerous work.

Article 53

The length of the working day of prisoners of war, including the time required for commuting to and from work, shall not be excessive and shall in no case exceed the length of the working day prescribed for civilian workers in the area who are nationals of the Detaining Power engaged in the same work.

Prisoners of war must be allowed to rest in the middle of the working day for at least one hour; this rest shall be that provided for the workers of the Detaining Power, if the latter is longer. In addition, prisoners of war are additionally granted an uninterrupted rest of twenty-four hours once a week, preferably on Sunday or on the day of rest established in their homeland. In addition, each prisoner of war who has worked for a year is provided with an uninterrupted eight-day rest with the preservation of pay for work.

If methods of work such as piece work are used, this should not lead to an excessive lengthening of the working day.

Article 71

Prisoners of war will be allowed both to send and receive letters and postcards.

Article 72

Prisoners of war shall be permitted to receive, by post or by any other means, individual or collective parcels containing, inter alia, foodstuffs, clothing, medicines and articles designed to meet their religious needs, for their education or entertainment, including books, religious objects, equipment for scientific works, examination materials, musical instruments, sports equipment and materials enabling prisoners of war to continue their studies or engage in artistic activities.

Article 84

Only military courts may try a prisoner of war, unless the law of the Detaining Power expressly grants civil courts the power to try persons belonging to the armed forces of that Power for the same offense of which the prisoner of war is charged.

In no event shall a prisoner of war be tried by any court which does not afford the fundamental, universally recognized guarantees of independence and impartiality...

Article 85

Prisoners of war who are prosecuted under the laws of the Detaining Power for acts committed by them prior to their capture shall enjoy the protection of this Convention even if convicted.

Article 87

The military authorities and courts of the Detaining Power shall not sentence prisoners of war to any other punishment than those prescribed for the same offenses committed by persons belonging to the armed forces of the Detaining Power.

In imposing punishment, the courts or authorities of the Detaining Power must, to the greatest extent possible, take into account the fact that, since the defendant is not a citizen of the Detaining Power, he is not bound by loyalty to it, and that he is in its power due to the circumstances independent of his will. They will have the opportunity to reduce the punishment due for the offense imputed to the prisoner of war, and for this they will not be required to adhere to the prescribed minimum of this punishment.

All collective punishment for individual offenses, all corporal punishment, confinement in rooms deprived of daylight, and in general any form of torture or cruelty are prohibited.

The Detaining Power may not deprive any prisoner of war of his rank or the ability to wear insignia.

Article 99

No prisoner of war may be tried or convicted for an offense which is not punishable under the law of the Detaining Power or under international law in force at the time the offense was committed.

No moral or physical pressure may be exerted on a prisoner of war in order to force him to plead guilty to the offense of which he is accused.

No prisoner of war can be convicted if he was not able to defend himself and if he was not provided with a qualified defender.

Article 109

Except as provided for in paragraph three of this article, the parties to the conflict shall be obliged, in accordance with the first paragraph of the following article, to send home seriously ill and seriously wounded prisoners of war, regardless of their rank and number, after they have been brought in a condition that allows them to be transported.

During hostilities, the parties to the conflict will endeavor, with the assistance of the neutral powers concerned, to arrange for the hospitalization in neutral countries of the wounded and sick prisoners of war referred to in the second paragraph of the following article. They may, moreover, conclude agreements for the repatriation or for the internment in a neutral country of healthy prisoners of war who have been in captivity for a long time.

No wounded or sick prisoner of war designated for repatriation under the first paragraph of this article may be repatriated against his will during hostilities.

Article 118

Prisoners of war are released and repatriated immediately after the cessation of hostilities.

Article 129

The High Contracting Parties undertake to enact legislation necessary to provide effective criminal penalties for those who have committed or ordered to be committed any of the grave violations of this Convention referred to in the following article...

Each High Contracting Party shall take the measures necessary to suppress all other acts contrary to the provisions of this Convention, in addition to the serious violations listed in the following article.

Article 130

The grave offenses referred to in the previous article are offenses relating to any of the following acts, when those acts are directed against persons or property protected by this Convention: willful killing, torture or inhuman treatment, including biological experimentation, willfully inflicting severe suffering or serious injury, causing bodily injury, compelling a prisoner of war to serve in the armed forces of an enemy power, or depriving him of the right to a fair and regular trial under this Convention.