The best special forces in the world. Elite troops of Russia: names, list and rating. How to get into the elite troops of Russia

Discussions are held regularly in various American and European publications on the topic: which fighters special units better prepared? Most often they ask themselves the question: “Who wins - “Russian Alpha” or American “Navy SEALs”?

Serious topic

The cognitive American portal offered its readers the topic: SEALs against Russian special forces: what do they think about it? The question was posed point-blank, who, in their opinion, would win if two thousand fighters of Alpha, Vympel and the elite GRU special forces would meet in battle with two thousand rangers from the SEALs and Delta Force units.

Referring to the opinion of military experts, warned its subscribers that the training of Russian special forces personnel is tougher than in American groups. At the same time, the SEALs and the soldiers of the 1st Operational Detachment Delta have a technological advantage in weapons and special equipment.

2501 people took part in the discussion. Typical opinions are given below.

@cadenceV2: Technological weapons cannot be the only factor influencing victory. Russian special forces are well trained and can use almost any foreign weapon. It is important that the Russians can fight alone, while the Americans rely on a team.

And if we are talking about the confrontation of special units, then the battlefield will certainly be limited. Most likely - in the city, in buildings, in tunnels, where the reaction and personal physical data of the soldiers are important. And one more thing: when Alpha stormed Amin's palace, 5 Soviet fighters were killed (according to others - 20 people), while here, in America, where the law provides for the safe training of military personnel, over the past two years, 78 fighters died in training alone.

AmazingScrewOnHead: Russian special forces would have won! Training is more important. Currently, the American Navy SEALs don't have anything special that others don't. All leading countries use the same military technologies.

@cadenceV2: America has the best military in the world. It's all about the latest weapons! Only the Chinese can beat us in some areas. Russia is still lagging behind. But I don't want to participate in the topic "America vs. Russia". Don't forget that it was Russia that won WW2 (Second world war- ed.), although the Germans had much better technology.

Russians fight better

The authoritative English-language military portal cited the following post: “... In hand-to-hand combat, Russian special forces are the best military unit in the world. Its fighters spend more time in training than any other special forces in the world, including the Navy Seals, Ranger, Green Berets, Delta, SAS and Israeli commandos. In addition, the Russian special forces learn not only the methods of a perfect kill, but also non-lethal martial arts such as boxing, judo and other techniques commonly used in MMA-FIGHT (in fights without rules). The way they train is like professional training for MMA-FIGHT sparring.”

Americans are focused on difficult missions

The SEALs are required to swim 500 meters in 8 minutes and do 100 sit-ups in 2 minutes. However, they shoot great. They are trained in special military intelligence techniques. In particular, camouflage techniques directly at the location of the enemy. Priority is given to knowledge that allows the use of observational robots and new tracking systems, not to mention the ability to move around in a variety of vehicles, up to enemy helicopters.

The SEALs are being trained at a training center in Panama City Beach, Florida. “The fighters are required to navigate underwater in dark labyrinths using the Sonar System,” explains Daniil Yakov, a leading specialist in the advanced training courses for the Seals command detachment, explains the essence of the training. “In general, we are talking about the implementation of 230 professional missions on land, in the air and under water, including in sunken submarines.”

Special forces as a mission

More and more analysts on the psychotechnics of combat units agree that ideal warriors are not made - they are born. Training, of course, is important as a factor in developing genetic talent. For example, Professor Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania argues that without this approach to candidate selection, instead of a mobile battle group, you can only get a good sports team of decathletes who run well, swim fast, shoot accurately, and so on. But he doubts that such athletes are capable of performing real combat missions that are set for special forces. In his opinion, only from 0.5 to 2% of men (depending on the mentality of the people) can actually fight. The rest will at best help them, at worst they will become cannon fodder. As for the Russians, Russia's rich military past gives undoubted advantages.

Most Significant SEAL Operations

In 1962, the first SEAL commander, Roy Behm, was involved in reconnaissance in Cuba in anticipation of a possible assault on the island. He managed to photograph Soviet nuclear missiles being unloaded at the pier. The operation was carried out under conditions of careful protection by the soldiers of Fidel Castro. The resulting images were of strategic importance to the United States.

48 SEALs were killed in the Second Indochina War, but they caused significant damage to the North Vietnamese army. Military expert Edwin Moise (Edwin Moïse) called the SEALs the biggest disaster of the communists. It was the fighters of the Det Bravo detachment from the SEAL Team who managed to obtain intelligence about the beginning of the Tet offensive in early 1968, thus allowing them to prepare for defense.

On May 2, 2011, in a residence in Abbottabad, which was located 50 km from Islamabad, fighters of the 6th SEAL detachment killed terrorist No. 1 Bin Laden.

The most significant operations of the Russian special forces

On December 27, 1979, soldiers of the GRU special forces and the so-called "Muslim battalion" with a total number of 600 people, as part of an operation called "Storm-333", took the Taj Beck estate, better known as Amin's palace. They were opposed by two thousand guards of the Afghan leader.

On June 19-22, 2001, in the Chechen village of Yermolovskaya (Alkhan-Kala), Alpha fighters liquidated the gang of Emir Tarzan - Arbi Baraev.

On October 23-26, 2002, in Moscow, in the Theater Center on Dubrovka, the "Alfa" destroyed a terrorist organization led by Movsar Baraev. 750 hostages were rescued. According to the unofficial version, 120 people died due to improperly organized assistance.

On September 1-3, 2004, in Beslan, Ruslan Khuchbarov's militants took 1,300 children and adults hostage in the building of school No. 1. Alfa employees eliminated the terrorists in the most difficult conditions. This operation turned out to be the most dramatic and difficult for the Russian special forces.

Small arms of American special forces


MK23 Mod 0.45 cal SOCOM

M11 Sig Sauer p228 (9mm)

M4A1 Assault Rifle (5.56mm) with SOPMOD Accessory Kit

Sniper Rifles:

MK11 Mod 0 Sniper Weapon System (7.62mm)

M82A1 high caliber sniper rifle

Submachine gun HK MP5 Submachine Gun (9mm)

Combat shotgun Benelli M4 Super 90, and so on.

Small arms of Russian special forces

PSS pistol "Vul"

Automatic grenade launcher OTs-14 "Groza"

Special sniper rifle VSS "Vintorez"

Rifle sniper complex VSK-94

Sniper rifle ORSIS T-5000

Automatic special AS "Val"

Automatic underwater special APS

Automatic SR3 "Whirlwind"

Shooting knife reconnaissance NRS / NRS-2.

P.S. In fairness, the majority of respondents participating in the portal's survey of which special forces are better are sure that the main task of Russian and American special forces is to fight terror and protect civilians in critical situations. Raising the question of who will win whom, they considered provocative and dangerous.

Snapshot at the opening of the article: photo at the exhibition of the association of veterans of the anti-terror unit "Alpha", Russia. Moscow, 2007 / Photo: Evgeny Volchkov / TASS

Remember the old Soviet joke? At a meeting in NATO, the generals decide in which army of the world, which elite units are best trained. English green berets? Or American? Or someone else? Finally, one old general says that the most terrible troops are in the Soviet Union. They are called a strange word, and due to their special savagery, weapons are not even trusted. The Soviet Union successfully collapsed. IN Russian army the construction battalion was abolished (replacing with more favorable phrases “railroad troops” and “engineering troops”), but, nevertheless, it is interesting to know which country owns the strongest elite troops special purpose.

Of course, these troops are difficult to compare with each other, since it is impossible to hold a tournament between them according to the Olympic system in the manner of gladiator fights practiced in Ancient Rome, but you can try to evaluate the entrance requirements, training, as well as the track record of these military units. So….

8. Detachment "Black Stork", Pakistan

A special forces group that got its name from its unique headgear. The fighters of this unit in the process of training must make a forced march for 58 km in 12 hours and with full gear. He fights mainly against the Afghans, including against the Taliban.

7. Special Operations Unit of the Spanish Navy

Created in 1952, initially only volunteers were recruited there. It was called the "company of mountaineers-divers" (the original name, isn't it?) Later it was transformed into an elite unit. The selection process for this unit is very tough. According to the results of the qualifying course, 70-80% of applicants are usually eliminated.

6. Russian special unit "Alpha"

Created in 1974, of course, under the KGB, later, after the collapse Soviet Union, came under the control of the FSB. After the collapse of the Union, this special unit of work clearly increased. All kinds of operations in the North Caucasus and beyond. Alpha fighters fight both with and with representatives of organized crime. As you understand, there are an order of magnitude more of those and others in Russia than in the former USSR.

What can you do, the world is changing. Alfa is still criticized for Beslan and Nord-Ost to this day, presenting an unjustifiably large number of victims to the security forces. But, I must say that in the same notorious Moscow theater, alphas corrected the mistakes of other people who showed phenomenal gouging and indifference. The result - 129 dead hostages, mainly from the action of the paralytic.

However, professionalism and the highest fighting qualities fighters "Alpha" are not subject to doubt. Suffice it to recall the assault on Amin's palace in Kabul in 1979, numerous operations in Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan and others. For example, the liquidation of the leader of Ichkeria Aslan Maskhadov and the representative of Al-Qaeda in Chechnya and adjacent regions Abu-Hawsa, release of hostages in Mineralnye Vody in 2001. As for criticism, apparently, the features of the Russian mentality are affecting. Criticize, look for the guilty, and sometimes even curse, accusing of all known deadly sins, but when it gets hot, tearfully beg for help.

5. Special forces of the French gendarmerie, the so-called intervention group. GIGN

The main combat missions are hostage rescue operations, this is the specificity of the group. When seizing the Al-Kharak Mosque in 1979 in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the special forces were faced with the fact that only Muslims could be allowed into the territory of the holy city. Then the three fighters of the group, and after that immediately joined the troops of Saudi Arabia, who liberated the mosque from terrorists. In total, the group's combat account has more than 600 released hostages.

4. Special Forces Sayeret Matkal, Israel

The main tasks are reconnaissance, information gathering. Because the fighters of this unit spend a lot of time behind enemy lines. Not everyone is able to withstand the hard overload of the qualifying course (gibush). conducted under the supervision of physicians and a psychologist. According to the results of the gibbush, only the best are taken to the unit. One of the group's most memorable operations is the release of an Israeli taxi driver named Ilyahu Gurel, who was kidnapped by three Palestinians whom he took to Jerusalem. The kidnappers held him in a 10-meter shaft in an abandoned factory in the suburbs of Ramallah. However, the special forces soldiers found him there too. As for the terrorists, they were given what they deserved.

3. Special Air Service of Great Britain, or SAS (Special Air Service)

It is, in a way, a twin of the SBS Marine Corps Special Unit. The motto of this unit is "The one who takes risks wins." The SAS took part in the fighting in Iraq after the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. As US General Stanley McChrystal noted, “Their participation was critical. We couldn't have done it without them." This statement perfectly characterizes the role of the SAS in those events, as well as the level of combat training.

2. A special unit of the British Marine Corps - SBS (Special Boat Service)

There is also a very tough selection and high intensity training. The training course includes all kinds of endurance tests, training in combat survival skills, training in the jungles of Belize, plus intensive interrogation of applicants for admission. You can take the test course no more than twice.

1. "Navy SEALs" (SEAL) - an elite unit of the US military

Main tactical unit forces special operations US Navy. They are mainly engaged in reconnaissance, sabotage activities and the release of hostages, as well as solving other tactical tasks (demining, combating illegal border crossings). The formation of the detachment began in 1962. First of all, fighters who knew how to swim well and wield edged weapons were selected for the detachment. From 1962 to 1973, the SEALs fought in Vietnam, both as part of reconnaissance teams and as instructors for Vietnamese soldiers. They invaded Grenada (Operation Outburst, 1983). Participated in the war Persian Gulf(Operation "Main Chance"). Fought in Panama and Afghanistan. On May 2, 2011, a Naval Special Forces detachment conducted a successful operation to eliminate Bin Laden.

The specificity of training fur seals is that they perceive water not as an obstacle, but as a natural environment. Service in the SEAL places high demands on the health of fighters, both physical and psychological, and therefore the training there is appropriate. What is "" worth when for 5 days the fighters sleep only 4 hours a day, and the rest of the time they are busy with survival tests. The motto of the SEALs - "the only easy day was yesterday" clearly indicates the progressive nature of the loads, which will seem prohibitive to an ordinary person.

Marcos, India

Marcos is an elite Special Forces of the Indian Navy. It was created in February 1987 to conduct special operations such as unconventional warfare, maritime hostage rescue, maritime counter-terrorism, reconnaissance, etc. The Marcos units are capable of conducting operations in all types of terrain, but specializes in marine. Currently, it has about two thousand personnel, although the actual size of the detachment is classified.

GIS, Italy

In ninth place in the ranking of the best special forces units is GIS, a special forces unit formed on February 6, 1978 to combat the growing threat of terrorism. Now he specializes in operations to combat terrorism and free hostages.

SSG, Pakistan

The eighth place in the list of the best special forces units in the world is occupied by the SSG - the Pakistani army special forces, founded in 1956. It is an analogue of the American green berets and the British SAS. Participated in the Afghan war (1979-1989) on the side of the Mujahideen. To date, the detachment is actively involved in anti-terrorist operations in Pakistan. The official number is 2,100 fighters.

EKO Cobra, Austria

EKO Cobra is an anti-terrorist unit created in 1978, initially to protect Jewish immigrants from attacks by Palestinian militant groups, and also as a response to the terrorist attack at the 1972 Munich Olympics, where 11 members of the Israeli team became victims of terrorists. As of 2013, the unit has approximately 670 members, including two women.

Alpha, Russia

Alpha is a special unit formed on July 29, 1974 in the USSR on the initiative of the KGB (continues to operate in Russia) to conduct counter-terrorist special operations using special tactics and means. Now the main tasks of the detachment are the prevention of terrorist acts, the search for, neutralization of terrorists, the release of hostages, etc. In the days of the former Soviet Union, they actively participated in pacifying riots in prisons and correctional camps.

GIGN, France

GIGN is an elite anti-terrorist unit of the French gendarmerie, created in 1973 after the events that took place at the Munich Olympics in 1972. The main tasks of the unit are to fight terrorism, suppress uprisings in prisons, neutralize dangerous criminals and the release of the hostages. During its existence, the soldiers of the GIGN unit took part in about 1000 operations, freed about 500 hostages, arrested 1000 and killed hundreds of criminals, while losing only two fighters directly during the operations and seven during the exercises. The number of units is 380 people.

GSG 9, Germany

GSG 9 is a special unit created in September 1973 in order to suppress terrorist actions in Germany after the terrorist attack that occurred at the Munich Olympics. The main tasks of the unit are the fight against terrorism, the release of hostages, the protection of important people and territories, the conduct of sniper operations, etc. The number of the detachment is 300 people. From the beginning of its existence to 2003, more than 1,500 successful operations were performed.

Sayeret Matkal, Israel

Sayeret Matkal or "Unit 269" is a special unit of the Israeli army, formed on the model of the British SAS in 1957 by officer Avraham Arnan. Sayeret Matkal can carry out a wide range of special operations, including reconnaissance and information gathering on the battlefield, combating terrorism, performing special operations behind enemy lines, releasing hostages, etc. Over the past 50 years of its existence, the detachment has taken part in more than than 1,000 operations, including 200 outside of Israel.


The second place in the list of the best special forces units in the world is occupied by the Navy SEAL or SEALs, a special forces unit of the US Navy, formed in 1962. The main task of the detachment is reconnaissance, sabotage operations and hostage rescue. They took part in all US military operations without exception (the war in Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.).


The best special forces in the world is the SAS - special forces armed forces Great Britain, founded May 31, 1950. It served as a model for special forces units in many other countries. The main tasks of the detachment are to conduct anti-terrorist operations, free hostages, train special forces soldiers from other countries, etc. The detachment gained fame and recognition around the world in 1980 after the successful storming of the Iranian embassy in London and rescuing the hostages.

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As a former colony of Great Britain, much in Australia was created according to English pattern, including the special forces. But, despite this, much in the special forces of Australia has its own differences from similar units in the UK.

The first special units were created during the Second World War, taking an active part in it on the side of the Allies. And only in 2003 in Australia a single command of special forces was created, called SOCOMD.

SOCOMD includes an operational headquarters located in Sydney and Canberra, which is subordinate to the Special Operations Squadron. In addition, SOCOMD includes an airborne regiment and two commando regiments. For action in emergency situations, a special regiment stationed in South Wales was created.

Since 2003, the Australian Army Special Forces has taken part in the fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, provides security for all major sporting events in the country, took part in the protection of US President George W. Bush, participated in the settlement of the armed conflict in East Timor, and since 2009 has been carrying out patrol in Afghanistan. Currently, SOCOMD fighters enjoy well-deserved respect among fighters from other special forces in the world.

2. Her Majesty's Special ServiceSAS

The Special Air Service (SAS) UK, together with the Special Boat Service, the Special Reconnaissance Regiment and the Special Forces Support Group, are part of the Special Forces in the UK. The first 22nd SAS Regiment was created on August 24, 1941, during World War II. The new unit was recruited from volunteers airborne troops. The unit conducted sabotage raids on enemy rear communications in North Africa. In 1946, the unit was disbanded, but in 1947, the modern SAS was formed on the basis of a volunteer regiment.

The main tasks of the SAS is to conduct anti-terrorist operations, both in the UK and abroad. In addition, SAS is training special forces soldiers from other countries.

Organizationally, the SAS consists of three regiments numbered 21 to 23, each of the three regiments performing its own specialized tasks. The 22nd regiment carries out assault, anti-terrorist and anti-revolutionary operations. The 21st and 23rd regiments carry out tasks to support the interests of Great Britain in other countries in resolving conflicts. Today, the SAS is the best known and best trained special unit in the UK.

GSG 9 - special forces of the German federal police

3. GSG 9 -special forces of the german federal police

The reason for the creation of the GSG 9 was the tragic events that occurred during the Olympiad in the city of Munich in 1972. Then radical Palestinian terrorists seized the Olympic village with Israeli athletes. During a special operation to free the hostages, they led to a large number casualties, both among athletes and members of the German police. The result of this tragedy was the understanding that in order to carry out such specific tasks to free the hostages, it is necessary to create a new unit.

So in 1973, a special unit GSG 9 was born, which is part of the German Ministry of Internal Affairs and performs the tasks of conducting special operations. GSG 9 is directly subordinate only to the German Ministry of Internal Affairs; this is done in order to exclude the participation of the unit in minor operations that are not characteristic of the unit. The number of GSG 9 is 300 people, which are divided into three detachments, the first of which, consisting of 100 people, performs tasks to combat terrorism, the second detachment, which also consists of 100 people, performs tasks to protect any marine facilities and ships from terrorist attacks. The third group of GSG 9 are paratroopers.

Currently, the fighters of the unit perform various special events, both in Germany and abroad.

Israel's Foreign Intelligence Service - MOSSAD

4. External Israeli intelligence - MOSSAD

The words from the book of parables of King Solomon became the motto of MOSSAD: "Lack of attention to the people leads to its decline, but with great care of advisers, it prospers." These words are printed on the emblem of MOSSAD and its members adhere to the motto of the organization in their work.

Israel's foreign intelligence service, MOSSAD, is rightfully considered one of the best and most effective in the world. The tasks of the organization include conducting covert operations outside the country and collecting intelligence information. Analyzing the information received and the situation in the world, MOSSAD tries to work proactively by identifying threats to the citizens of its country and the Jewish diasporas in other countries and eliminating them before the blood of peaceful Jews can be shed.

June 7, 1948 is considered the founding day of the MOSSAD service. Emigrants from the USSR played a big role in the fate of MOSSAD, many of whom held senior positions in the organization and made MOSSAD the structure that is now respected all over the world.

Mossad became widely known after a series of operations in the middle of the 20th century for the physical destruction of Nazi criminals who had fled from court to Latin American countries. But until now, all MOSSAD operations are classified as secret, and it is unlikely that we will find out their details in the near future.

NOCS - Italian Police Special Forces

5. NOCS - Italian Police Special Forces

Italy was one of the first European countries to feel the danger of political terrorism. Starting in 1970, leftist criminal gangs plunged the country into chaos, kidnapping entrepreneurs and politicians. When trying to free the hostages, the police, unprepared for this kind of tasks, suffered heavy losses. All this led to the fact that in 1977, during the reform of the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs, a special unit NOCS was created to combat terrorism.

The first NOCS consisted of 30 police officers who underwent a number of trainings throughout the year, in hand-to-hand combat, shooting from firearms and developing a number of other skills. At the end of the training, the fighters of the detachment began to be involved in special operations, as a rule, mainly to detain members of the terrorist group "Red Brigades"

Subsequently, the group was transformed into a full-fledged division while maintaining the original goals and functions of NOCS, namely the fight against terrorism and the prevention of terrorist acts. All fighters are policemen and are subordinate only to the Italian Ministry of Internal Affairs, while maintaining close relations with other special forces in Europe, and training special forces fighters from other countries.

CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Command

6. CANSOFCOM - Canadian Special Operations Command

CANSOFCOM brings together all of Canada's special forces and units and is responsible for managing them to protect against terrorism and protect the interests of citizens and the state outside Canada.

CANSOFCOM consists of Joint Task Force 2 (JTF2), Canadian Special Operations Regiment (CSOR) and 427 Special Operations Squadron. CANSOFCOM was formed in 2006 and its tasks were to prevent the threat of terrorism and support the Canadian Expeditionary Forces during operations outside the country.

In the armed forces of Canada, CANSOFCOM was called "quiet professionals", the most elite is the JTF2 special forces group, whose main task is to combat terrorism and its any manifestations. The group currently has 600 members and funding of $120 million per year.

In its track record, CANSOFCOM has participated in a peacekeeping operation in Bosnia, where the fighters of the unit hunted for Serbian snipers. Since 2001, CANSOFCOM has been participating in the military operation in Afghanistan. Performed security tasks during the 2010 Winter Olympics. CANSOFCOM is currently a balanced structure that performs a wide range of tasks in the interests of Canada.


The GRU includes all the army and navy units of the Russian special forces, each of the special forces units included in the structure of the GRU has its own unique history of creation and combat path. main reason led to the creation of the GRU in the USSR was the creation of mobile nuclear attack forces in NATO countries, and in the fight against them, the GRU special forces units became the most effective. At that time, the tasks of the GRU detachments included long-range reconnaissance, the destruction of enemy mobile nuclear installations, sabotage on the territory and behind enemy lines, and the creation of partisan detachments. At that time, the tasks assigned to the GRU special forces were considered impossible, but thanks to the high training of the soldiers and good technical equipment, the special forces even had portable nuclear mines. The GRU special forces could fulfill all the tasks assigned to them.

The training of GRU special forces soldiers took place according to individual program and groups led by an officer were 2-3 people. As a result, trained GRU fighters, upon completion of training, were universal soldiers and could perform a wide range of tasks.

At present, the number of GRU detachments ranges from 6 to 15 thousand people and includes six special-purpose brigades that perform a wide range of combat missions assigned to them.

SWAT - US Police Special Forces

8. SWAT- U.S. Special Forces Police

The concept of creating special forces was born in the United States in 1960 after riots swept across the country caused by anti-government forces. Which entailed great losses among entrepreneurs and government agencies that were attacked by an angry mob. Later, snipers started hunting for police officers, which led to a response from the Los Angeles police. It was in this city that the first SWAT detachment was created. Initially, the newly created special unit did not have an organizational structure and included ordinary police officers who had received special training, and in addition to their participation in SWAT, they performed their usual daily tasks. Such an organization had a bad effect on the organization of the unit, so on command, not all employees arrived, performing their immediate official tasks on time, and not having the opportunity to be released.

Subsequently, the SWAT detachment became a separate unit with a permanent staff, not diverted to perform normal police tasks, and was assigned to the city's metro police.

At present, by analogy with the city of Los Angeles, regional SWAT units operate in all major cities of the United States, successfully fulfilling their tasks in combating crime and terrorism.

9. GUR - Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

The Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine performs a wide range of intelligence operations outside the country. The GUR includes a special-purpose detachment, the main tasks of which are to conduct special operations outside the country. The GUR special forces include officers who previously served in the military unit A 2245 located in the city of Kyiv.

Special units of the Main Intelligence Directorate perform a wide range of tasks to protect the interests of Ukraine outside its borders and ensure the safety of its citizens outside the country.

Currently, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is one of the most closed departments in the country and little is known about it. So, the GUR includes only one special-purpose detachment, which was mentioned above, and the financing of which comes from the structure itself. Also, the GUR of Ukraine is nominally subordinate to all special units of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, but the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, and not the limited staff of the GUR of Ukraine, is responsible for their financing and training.

In the near future, a reform is expected in Ukraine, the result of which will be the creation of the Special Operations Forces, the result of which will be the centralized leadership and funding of special units of Ukraine.

COS - French Special Operations Command

10. GCOS - French Special Operations Command

In 1992, by analogy with other NATO member countries, the French Ministry of Defense created COS, whose tasks included managing all units of detachments and special forces units performing reconnaissance tasks outside the country and conducting sabotage actions on enemy territory.

Currently, the COS structure includes detachments and subunits ground forces And naval forces response. And in connection with its reorganization, COS was assigned the following tasks:

  • the provision of military assistance to other allied countries, namely the training of special forces soldiers from other countries, and the provision of humanitarian assistance, these agreements were signed by France with a number of African countries on military assistance;
  • conducting special military operations, deep raids on enemy territory, day and night landings and peacekeeping missions;
  • the fight against terrorism, namely the release of hostages taken by terrorist groups, the evacuation of French citizens from the territory of other countries.

Today it became clear that the creation of COS was timely and right action France, taking into account the changing trends in the world in managing and fulfilling the tasks assigned to various special units.


Country: Brazil
Number: 400 people. 95% of recruits are weeded out at the training stage.


Favelas, densely populated slums in the hills around Rio, founded 300 years ago by freed slaves. The favelas are divided into 950 districts, each of which has its own laws established by local authorities. A stranger, and even more so a white one, can easily be shot or cut here, unless, of course, he came to buy drugs. Streets one and a half meters wide exclude the passage by car. A lot of windows, doors and some holes on all sides do not make it clear where the shots came from. The police do not dare to show themselves in the favelas, only special forces come here. Any conflict with the local population turns into a close urban battle with the use of firearms, which, by the way, can easily be bought from under the counter from the same policemen.


Automatic Colt Commando. 800 rounds per minute. Light weight and short barrel are ideal for mobile urban combat. BOPE fighters are trained to shoot with both right and left hands, so that it is more convenient to maneuver in the slums.


A rebuilt and fortified old casino on a hill high above the city. It rises in the very center of the favelas.


Running up hills and stairs with 30 kg of armor on the body and 5 kg of weapons. Close combat. Doom-shooting at a special range, simulating the slums.


Some streets of the favelas are still wide enough for a Caveirao, a completely black armored special forces vehicle, affectionately nicknamed the "big skull", to drive along them. The only weak point of these armored cars is the wheels. Brazilian commandos joke that they can change tires faster than Formula 1 mechanics. Amnesty International has recently come out against the use of caveirao. The fact is that the special forces often practice "mobile cleansing" - the shooting of suspicious passers-by in the favelas right from the windows of the truck. Human rights activists consider this poaching.

Country: Colombia
Number: 500 people.


Jungle. Eternal twilight under a thick hat of foliage. You can stand a meter from the enemy and not notice him. Reptiles, one hundred percent humidity and lack of roads are not even discussed: the locals have been used to this since childhood. In the impenetrable thickets in the center of the country are coca plantations, producing 700 tons of cocaine per year. As a result, the powder will settle in the nostrils of the inhabitants of the United States and Europe, powdering the noses of half of Latin America along the way. Since the mid-80s, the Americans and the British have been trying to block great river at the very source and allocate a lot of money and specialists from their own special forces to train "hunglas" - fighters with Colombian field laboratories, where they boil the purest 95 percent cocaine. The assault on these institutions is not only an exchange of 5 mm bullets, but also the prospect of losing a leg or two. Few people know that Colombia firmly holds the first place in the world in the number of incidents with anti-personnel mines. Drug lords love to throw a "hunglas" surprise.


The good old Colt Commando in the M4 version - the shortest of all with a folding telescopic butt. Just right to carry it through the jungle. On the other side, the special forces are met exactly the same. This is generally the most popular weapon in Latin America.


There are four divisions in the country. Their bases are at least an hour away from big cities, next to their native jungle.


Forced marches through thickets in full gear (weight of armor and weapons - about 20 kg). Shooting at targets hidden among foliage and vines.


American Black Hawk helicopters. The most luxurious gift from the northern uncle. With this reliable and compact machine, you can look out from above for coca plantations and throw "hunglas" anywhere in their mountainous, impassable country. You can also shoot from above if the battle on the ground takes a particularly unpleasant turn. The most amazing people in the Colombian special forces are the helicopter pilots. It seems that they can easily land on the roof of a shabby village hut, smiling and virtuoso quarreling with someone they know on the air. Before our eyes, one sat down on a steep hillside, and the blades turned out to be twenty centimeters from the protruding stone.

Country: Poland
Number: 237 people. The best police officers who are tested for three years get here.


Densely populated city blocks, built according to Soviet GOSTs. It is in small apartments on the outskirts of Warsaw and other cities that those whom the ZOA hunts live and hide weapons, prostitutes, heroin and so on. It all flocks here before being sent across Europe: Poland, with its seven borders and EU membership, is an ideal staging post. Special operations take place almost every week. Sometimes they are quite extreme, as, for example, in the small town of Magdalenka. Two Russian arms dealers then dug in in a private house, so that forty commandos could not storm them for 12 hours. Under the door, the “Russian mafia” laid a mine, grenades were dropped on the heads of attack aircraft, and fire was continuously fired from the windows. As a result, the criminals were taken dead, losing two fighters. However, initially the Polish special forces were created with an eye on even larger game. After 9/11, the small but proud Eastern European country decided that it, too, was threatened by terrorists. So far, fortunately, these ambitions have not materialized.


Submachine gun MP5. German quality, caliber 9 mm, weighs only 2.5 kg, it is possible to use a silencer and a combat flashlight - what you need for quiet urban sweeps. The main disadvantage is the price. Still, you have to pay for the opportunity to snatch out of the holster the same as the British SAS. By the way, the holster of the Polish special forces, which, in addition to weapons, also contains a walkie-talkie and smoke bombs, is fastened high on the chest. On the side of the thigh is an additional holster with a Glock GmbH pistol. The outfit also includes a RoboCop Kevlar helmet, knee pads and body armor - all in non-marking black.


Operations in high-rise buildings require virtuosity in close combat, rappelling from rooftops, and the art of breaking windows with your feet. The Polish special forces constantly master all this in specially built "death houses". Since most of the operations, according to the old KGB tradition, are carried out between three in the morning and six in the morning, they also train in pitch darkness, using night vision devices.

Country: Mexico
Number: 87 people.


Mexico City, the world's largest metropolitan area. Here South America meets with Severnaya and does his most unpresentable business. In a crowd of 25 million people, it's pretty easy. Nevertheless, the local police do not give up and tirelessly search for criminals in order to engage in a shootout with them - almost every day one of the law enforcement officers dies in the line of duty. Special forces also work in the Stakhanov regime - two or even three trips a week. However, not all of them end in a storm. In many areas, the cocaine cartels hold the power and put special people at the entrance to the intricate streets, so they know about the visit of GOPES in advance, and they prefer to leave. Some, however, take the fight. They have enough weapons and arrogance to meet the attack aircraft with a barrage of fire (up to rocket launchers!), and then what is happening resembles a real war. Thanks to the investments of the northern neighbor, a lot of money and very serious people are circulating here. If someone decided to scare someone with the help of special forces, then you need to work it out for real.