Synopsis of lexical and grammatical exercises in the preparatory group. Card file "Games for the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech.". Topic "Who lives where?"

Lexico-grammar exercises and games for the development of children's speech

I bring to your attention a selection of speech games for the development of vocabulary and grammatical categories in preschoolers. These exercises were collected by me and tested over the years of many years of successful speech therapy practice. A selection of speech games will be divided into lexical topics, with each of the topics it will be possible to follow the link to go to speech games on the next topic.

Lexico- grammar games and exercises are the most important area of ​​work of a speech therapist in eliminating speech developmental delay (SRR) and general underdevelopment speech (ONR)!

I advise all parents of preschoolers (even if the child's speech is not alarming) to use lexico-grammar games and exercises in their homework with the child, in order to better prepare the baby for school and improve his speech literacy.

Even if it seems to you that your preschooler's speech, as they say, is "no worse than others" - do not be lazy and invite him to play speech games from this section! Most often it turns out that there are grammar tasks that need to be repeated with the child! For example, you may find that a preschooler has errors in forming relative and possessive adjectives(instead of "metal" he says "metal", instead of "glass" - "glass", instead of the adjective "fox (tail)" he can say "fox", "fox" or "fox"), makes mistakes in agreeing numerals with nouns ( instead of "5 pencils" will say "5 pencils"). You will suddenly notice with surprise that the child does not know or confuses the names of baby animals, incorrectly uses complex prepositions in speech (instead of “because of the house” he will say “from the house”) and the like.

This does not mean at all that the child is “worse than others” behind his peers, because the lexical and grammatical categories of a preschooler are just being formed! Just take the time to play with your child in exciting speech games that will help him master the correct grammatical forms and increase his vocabulary. Such classes (only 15-20 minutes a day) give excellent results!

Choose a lexical topic and play speech games with your baby on this topic for a week, and then move on to the next topic. Do not try to ensure that the child immediately mastered all the grammatical categories! Difficult exercises should be postponed until a later date, you will return to them in a year! The main thing is to gradually go from topic to topic and master the basic tasks so that it is easy and pleasant for the baby to master new material and he felt his small successes in speech development!
I wish you success!

speech pathologist
Natalya Igorevna Kulakova
project leader

Games and exercises on the topic: " Cloth"

  1. Consider different clothes with your child. Explain why clothes are different for their intended purpose: summer, winter, home, sports, work, etc. (you can arrange a competition - who will name more types of winter clothes, sportswear, etc.). Determine what different clothes are made of (woolen, silk, synthetic, etc.). Feel different types of fabrics and make a conclusion about what kind of fabric is used: woolen, cotton, silk, synthetic, warm, thick, light, thin, transparent, etc. Consider with the child the details of clothing: collar, pocket, buttons, sleeves and so on.
  1. The game "Remember the task and do everything in order." An adult gives the child a task consisting of a 2-step instruction: “Hang the jacket on the back of the chair, and put the gloves on the chair. What did you do first and then what?
  1. Game "One - many"(use plural nouns: “this is a scarf, and scarves are sold in the store”):

Scarf - scarves sock- shawl-


Jacket-fur coat-skirt-

Shirt - dress - sock -

T-shirt - sweater - blouse -

  1. Game "Say kindly": scarf - scarf, skirt - skirt, trousers - trousers, etc. (you can use nouns from exercise #3)
  1. The game "Choose a Sign".

Jacket (what?) - red, warm, women's, winter, children's ...

Scarf (what?) - blue, warm, woolen, winter.

Coat (what?) -…

Gloves (what?) - ...

  1. The game "Whose, whose, whose, whose?"

Whose jacket is this? - mother's

... gloves are daddy's.

... scarf - grandmother's.

... the coat is grandfather's.

  1. Write a descriptive story about an item of clothing.

For example:

This is a sweater. It is blue and wool.

It has sleeves, cuffs, a collar.

Sweaters are worn by children, men and women.

The sweater is worn when it's cold outside, the sweater is very warm, you can put it on the street under a jacket and walk in it at home, put it on in kindergarten.

  1. Finger game "Glove"

Cheerful mouse found a glove (open hand,

fingers spread out - "glove";

turn your hands with the palm, then the back side up).

Having arranged a nest in it, the mice called (fold your hands in a bucket)

bend - unbend fingers in a "calling" gesture).

She gave them a crust of bread to bite (with the tip of the thumb, alternately knock on the tips of the remaining fingers).

Stroked everyone (with the thumb we stroke the rest - with a sliding movement from the little finger to the index finger).

And sent to sleep (we press our palms to each other, put them under the cheek - we sleep).

Lesson on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech for children

with OHP in the preparatory group on the topic:

"How We Taught Confusion"

Teacher speech therapist -

Fefilova Ekaterina Valerievna

MBDOU No. 101

Arkhangelsk 2012

Target: to consolidate the skill of practical use of the studied prepositions in speech.


1. Activate children's vocabulary lexical topic"Cloth".

2. To consolidate the ability to make sentences with the union "a".

3. Correct thinking through exercises in comparison and generalization, visual attention and long-term memory through exercises in recall.

4. Cultivate the ability to listen, tactfully correct a friend.


1. Demo:

subject pictures, "Magic Tree", items of clothing, shoes, hats, envelope, folder, gift bag, package, handbag, chest, box, newspaper, scarf.


snowflakes, cards with symbols of prepositions, sheets of paper, pencils, saucers with beads.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizing time. Didactic game"What with what."

The one who will carefully look at the “Magic Tree” will sit on the chair and select the appropriate details for the items of clothing. Make up phrases, answering the question "what with what?".

Children make up phrases and sit on chairs (shorts with a pocket, a dress with a collar, a skirt with a belt, a dressing gown with buttons, trousers with a belt, a jacket with a zipper).

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

How do we name all objects with one word?

What preposition did you use in phrases?

Today in the lesson we will repeat the learned prepositions and names of items of clothing.

There is a knock on the door. Enter Confused.

Hello guys! I came to visit you, and I am very glad to see you.

To whom did you come and where?

From you to visit.

Guys, I realized who came to us - this is the Confusion. And his name is that, because he confuses everything. And now I don't understand Confusion. Do you guys understand?

And what did the Confusioner mix up in the sentence?

Would you like to teach Confusion to use prepositions correctly in speech?

Will you stay with us Confused?

Of course I will stay with such good guys.

Then listen to us carefully and play a little with us.

III. The main part of the lesson.

1. Didactic game "True or False".

Guys, look carefully, is Putanik dressed correctly?

Let's help him change.

Children make sentences:

Socks on hands. This is not true. Socks must be worn on the feet.

Mittens on legs……………………………………………………………..

Slippers in left pocket……………………………………………………..

Scarf on leg……………………………………………………………………..

Cap in right pocket………………………………………………………

The swindler changes clothes.

Didactic exercise"Find an extra item."

Name the items that cannot be named the same as the rest.

What is this? - it's shoes

Is there another item like this? - cap. This is a headdress.

Didactic exercise "What has changed?"

Now let's play the game "What has changed?". Take a close look at Confusion, remember how he is dressed. Turn away.

Turn around. What changed?

Children make sentences:

Confused took off right hand mitten, and slippers from the feet.

The muddler took off his mitten from his left hand and his cap from his head.

Confused took in left hand scarf, and put a cap on his head.

The confused man put on a scarf around his neck, and slippers on his feet.

The muddler removed the scarf from his neck and took the snowflake in his right hand.

Confused, where did you get the snowflake from?

And I prepared a surprise for the guys.

2. Didactic game "Find a snowflake."

Guys, find the rest of the snowflakes.

Children collect snowflakes and stand in a semicircle.

Can you tell me where you found your snowflake?

Children make sentences: "I took a snowflake from the table." (from the floor, from under the table, from the box, from under the chair, from the carpet).

Breathing exercise "Blizzard".

Take the snowflakes by the string, at my signal we will blow on them. The exercise is called "Blizzard". If the blizzard howls, then we pronounce the sound -z-. And if the blizzard subsides, then we pronounce the sound -s-. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

An old, gray-haired blizzard with an ice stick hobbles Baba Yaga.

Inhale, the blizzard howls - exhale. - Inhale, the blizzard subsided - exhale.

Repeat 2 times.

When the blizzard howled, what sound did we make?

Come up with a piece of clothing with the sound -з-.

Blouse, leggings, jumpsuit.

When the blizzard subsided, what sound did we make?

Come up with items of clothing with this sound.

Sundress, sweater, socks, blouse.

Well done. And now let's rest a little.

3. FZM. "Be careful".

Jump up if you hear a preposition and sit down if you hear another word, syllable or sound , on the).

4. Competition game "Who will shift the beads faster."

Now sit down at the tables.

Let's give Confusion as a souvenir drawings. But first, let's prepare our hands for work. At the same time, with two hands folded crosswise, shift the beads.

Who will move the beads faster? One, two, three - start!

The results are summed up and the winners are named.

Take a piece of paper and a pencil. Sit up straight. Draw a square in the center of the sheet.

Draw a rectangle over the square.

Where is the square? Rectangle?

The first row will turn the square into a garment, and the second row will turn the rectangle into a garment.

What did you get from the square? From a rectangle?

I have shorts. Etc.

Didactic exercise "Make a sentence with a given preposition and word."

On the tables in front of the children are pre-prepared cards with symbols of prepositions.

Now make up sentences with the item of clothing that you came up with and the symbol of the preposition.

Children make up sentences: "Mom sewed buttons to the shirt." Etc.

Well done. Now you can give Confusion drawings.

Children come to the table, on which the following items are laid out: a box, a newspaper, a scarf, a folder, a package, an envelope, a bag, a bag, socks.

Didactic game "What will you give the drawing in?"

Look at the objects in front of you. Name them.

Choose an object in which you will present your drawing to Confusion and make an offer.

Children make sentences: "I will give a drawing in a folder." Etc.

Muddler: - I have a chest, I will store your drawings in it.

What preposition did you use in the sentence?

5. Didactic exercise "Listen carefully."

The children also learned poems about clothes.

Listen carefully and name the prepositions you hear in the poem.

IV.Result of the lesson.

Confused, have you learned to speak the right prepositions?

Of course, you can learn a lot from such smart and skillful guys.

Now we will check you.

Didactic exercise "Make a sentence with a given preposition."

Guys, ask Confusion prepositions, and he will make sentences.

The confusion is wrong several times. The guys are fixing it. Examples of incorrectly composed sentences:

I took the pen in the pencil case. The book is off the shelf. The car pulled out of the corner. The book was taken from the chair.

Yes, well done guys, taught Confused to use prepositions correctly.

The confusion says goodbye to the guys: “Thank you guys, I won’t confuse prepositions in speech anymore, and thanks for the drawings, here’s some candy from me.”

The bastard leaves.

Guys, what did we talk about in class?

What tasks did you enjoy doing?

Today at the lesson everyone listened attentively and actively worked. Well done! Thank you for your work!

A) past tense conjugation: go scuba diving clap your hands catch a beluga swallow cold milk

b) direct and reverse counting 1<ч>10. 2±±20 (twos): brave soldier white blanket blue gladiolus main bell

V) selection of related words:

    wolf - wolf (-tsa), wolf cub, wolf, she-wolf, top (gray barrel)

  • pigeon - ...

    ear - ...

    bell -...

fold the tent

G) formation of past tense singular verbs. numbers in the pattern: catch - caught - caught put -

break - iron -

put - weed -

prick - smile -

grind - swim -

kiss - cry -

e) word formation of relative adjectives, selection of nouns to them:

swim - swimming pool

cloud -bell -tree -strawberry -soldier -

apple - apple jam plastic - plastic - board -

13. Written speech

A) priming words that begin with syllables: la-. lo-. lu-

b) guessing the missing syllable, adding words yu.. Mi.. upa.. aku.. ma.. pia.. pee.. ska.. shko..

V) reverse reading: cool-... las-..


G) making words from syllables: ka, toch, las - ka, al, fi - la, ku, a - fa, al, vit - count, ko, lo - current, lo, mo - mo, ko, lo - y, ka, lyb -

e) split alphabet exercises (word conversion):

ox - (catch) vine - (zold) rock - (weasel)

gave - (lad) fist - (doll) moisture - (head)

tol - (lot) bug - (regiment) pier - (scrap)

dala - (Lada) ear - (falcon) became - (salad, satin)

e) inserting a missing letter L. reading received words

ga.ka ga.knock running wu.kan

ba.kon so.dat buja needle.ka pa.ka mo.niya


po.ka ko.basa e.ka ko.gotki

Illustrative material for sound l on a color insert (p. 1-17).

Articulatory posture

See sound L (solid) with some features:

    rootlanguage very tense and lowered,

    the anterior-middle part of the back of the tongue is raised,

    somewhat moved forward and pressed against the alveoli along with the tip of the tongue,

    tiplanguage very tense.

Preparatory exercises

See sound L, additional: “The kitty is angry”, “Reel”, “Gorka”.


As a rule, by imitation, without much difficulty after careful automation of solid L.

Main directions of automation

1. li, le, lu, la, le

a) linden fox peacock lift face burbot leaf lemon vaseline downpour olive ruler fox liana olives sticky slime raspberry line leaf fall viburnum Lida dashing valley lens limousine snail pour lick pelican Lisa stick giant lily leaf olive

b) lion ticket forest deer ribbon knee swan log summer cart molding seal fishing line iron watering can left ladder ballet left cheer laziness kaleidoscope babbling beehive

c) people luk buttercup love baby mollusk salute pole stroller glade carols week

d) ice Alyona wheels plane green hardened flax Alyosha bag moth red-hot scorched light cornflower fry wallet salty tarry pilot distant flight diaper calf smart

    al, ol, ul, yl, il, spruce, yul

    far zero crutch cable talc cult shawl salt style drops waltz bulldog pity roofing tar scrap jelly album broth steel sable wick blizzard palm tree sprat medal poplar spruce poodle coat tulip detail bean stranded report card puppet strong pedal true story hop savior only herring enamel dust bumblebee lover colt insole pain bottle goal tulle pulse atelier mol kavyl gap july console craftsmen

    to la, kle, klu, kli, kle akl, okl, ukl, ikl The order of syllables changes at least 4 times.

The same with consonants П, Т, Г, Д, 3, С, Ш, etc.

6. a) blot climate glue splash film glucose

oath clip sticker mold whip clay

glue wedge dance tribe look coals

cage blade beach weave heron skittles

mite clinic captivity plus drop saber

waffles beak maple plaid plush gloss

glitter cranberry crossbill lash bun look

glitter key riveting wattle ivy look

pale stick flared shoulders plate Gleb

dish saucer slush last loop helmet

flip flops watch trail heir smoldering trail

flask pancake follow saliva cutlet boat

flask glare blind plum caring gateway

the flute close to the left of the cream goats were walking

soufflé sequins follow rally anger grind

shoe faded blind tears hat spank waffles

b) binoculars scream double monocle performance cocktail

Conan Doyle Thought Ensemble Constable

7. Tolya and Valya were walking in the maple alley. Luda and Olya bought lemons. Maple leaves fell to the ground.

Deer and deer were grazing in the forest clearing.

Lena waters lilies and tulips from a watering can. etc.

8. We walked in the meadow, we wreathed wreaths, And cornflowers looked at us from the field ... We counted forget-me-nots. How many, look! Cornflowers nodded their leaves to us ...

We flew high, We flew low, We flew far, We flew close.

Plane, plane, It's ready to fly, It will fly over the fields, It will fly over the forests.

Le-le-le, le-le-le! Peacock rides on a broomstick. Falling leaves, falling leaves, The forest and the garden have become empty...

We drove, we drove, we reached the spruce, we drove around the spruce and drove back.

Julia, Yulenka, Yula! Yulia was brisk. Yulia could not sit still for a minute.

We are autumn leaves. We were sitting on the trees. And then we flew And sat on the ground.

Oh, alright, alright! They baked pancakes. They put it on the window, They forced it to cool.

Let the blizzard sweep, Spread white snow. And we put on felt boots - We are not afraid of a blizzard.

Needles lay, lay Yes, they ran under the floor.

Swans, swans, white swans. The swans flew and landed on the water. They sat down, sat down, flew again.

Two birds flew, They were small. As they flew, All the people looked. As they sat down, All the people marveled. They sat down, sat down, Soared, flew, Soared, flew, Sang songs. Ghouls, ghouls, ghouls! We flew to Yulenka. They began to swing Yulenka, Julia began to fall asleep.

On the shallows we caught burbot.

There are not eaten,

And they sat at the table.

We mowed, we were tired, We lay down under a bush, slept.

They aimed at the target, but hit the stump.

Leaves rain down, rustle underfoot And fly, fly, fly...

They sat down and ate everything.

Everything flies. It must be our summer is flying away.

9. L exico-grammar exercises

A) formation of related words: leaf - leaf, leaf, leaflet, leaf fall, deciduous, larch.


ice - deer - swan -

b) formation of relative adjectives:

maple - maple viburnum - poplar -

cranberry - linden - field -

raspberry - forest -

V) transformation of sentences according to the image:

Lena was walking in the meadow. The children were walking in the meadow. The bird pecked at the bread. - Lenya sculpted a peacock. Olya was watering the lilies. - The swan was flying south. -

G) word formation of nouns denoting baby animals in the image:

dolphin with baby dolphin squirrel with...

seal with... sable with...

deer with... fox with...

lioness with... cow with...

e) derivation of nouns from verbs:

Type of direct educational activity: Abstract of the lesson on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language in preparatory group for children with FFN speech.

Subject: Lexical topic: "Transport"

Program: - Educational program kindergarten;

"The program of education and training in kindergarten» ed. M.A. Vasilyeva;

The program of T.B. Filicheva and G.A. Kashe “Program for teaching children with

underdevelopment of the phonetic structure of speech "

Age: 6 years

Direction: Informative - speech development

Main educational area: Cognition

Integrated educational areas: Cognition - communication

Form holding: frontal session

Target: consolidation and generalization of children's knowledge on the topic "Transport".


correctional and educational:

education of communication skills, respect for the work of the driver;

cultivating a sensitive and attentive attitude towards each other.


development of the ability to build common sentences by introducing

minor members offers;

development of skills for mastering the operations of generalization, classification;

development of general and fine motor skills;

correctional and educational:

consolidation of the names of professions of people managing various types

transport, types of transport;

fixing the agreement of adjectives with nouns;

consolidation of the formation of plural nouns;

consolidation of the verb "go" with various prefixes;

Planned result:The ability to use different parts of speech in strict accordance with their meaning and purpose of the statement.

Methods and techniques:

Game moment, display, conversation, examination, explanation, task, consolidation.

Visual learning aids:

subject pictures with the image different types transport;

truck silhouette and details for it;

magic box;

sheets of velvet paper with the contours of different machines;

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector.

Organization of children: psycho-gymnastics

Individual work:lexico-grammar games and exercises

Vocabulary work: Improving the ability to use different parts of speech in strict accordance with their meaning and purpose of the statement.

Practical significance: This lesson allows you to increase the effectiveness of the process of learning and development of a preschooler. The appearance of information on a computer monitor or screen in a playful way is of great interest to children. Colorful design, funny pictures for a long time attract the attention of the child.

This lesson can be used both in work with the whole group of children, and individually.

Course progress.

I. organizational part.


Imagine that you are driving a car. Let's start the cars and let's go (r-r-r) Now we're running a train (choo-choo-choo)

They boarded the plane (y-y-y), flew into the sky. And now let's go on foot (walk) and we came to the house.

Speech therapist: Now we will play the game "Name the picture" The rules are as follows: Whoever correctly names the picture - he sits down (pictures depicting different types of transport are in front of the children).

II. Topic message.

Speech therapist: Pay attention to the screen.

What do you see there?

How can we name all these pictures in one word?

That's right, transportation.

What types of transport do you know? (attention to the screen)

What is transport for?

Listen to the riddle:

"We get up very early,

We just care -

Any passenger

Deliver to work"

That's right, this is the driver (driver).

What should be the driver?

(attentive, careful, literate (to know PPD) cultured, courageous).

III. Lexico - grammar games and exercises.

"Didactic game" Name the profession "

I will ask a question, and you will answer in my fashion: Who drives the bus? - The bus is driven by a driver.

Who is flying the plane? (the pilot is flying the plane)

Who is driving the bus? (Bus driven by driver)

Who is driving the train? (The driver is driving the train)

Who flies on a rocket? (An astronaut flies on a rocket)

Who controls the ship? (The captain is driving the ship)

Who rides a motorcycle? (Motorcyclist rides a motorcycle)

Our children love to play the game "Builders". We have a lot of different cars in the group. But there is no truck among them. Do you think you need a truck to play builders? Yes, it is simply necessary. I have the finished parts of this machine. Let's put it together.

Didactic game "Let's assemble the car" (we use a magnetic board)

Let's name the main parts that the truck has (cabin, body, wheels) (we assemble the car - first together, and then each independently).

What a beautiful car turned out, only it is inconvenient to play with it. Why? (It is flat, parts may crumble). It will be convenient to play with it if it is voluminous. Let's put the details in a magic box and say magic words - "One, two, three, magic box help!"
The game "From what - what?" (we look at the car)

The machine has many parts and they are all made of different materials.

Rubber wheel (what?) - rubber.

Metal door (what kind?)

Steering wheel made of plastic (what?)

Leather seat (what?)

Headlights made of glass (what?)

Assimilation of the verb "to go"

Let's take our truck to the toy store. (On the screen is a diagram of the movement of the car)

We drove, we drove

drove up to the river

the bridge has been moved

drove up to the hill

drove up the hill

An exercise to coordinate speech with the movement "We're going, we're going to


Started the car (arm rotations in front of the chest)
Inflated the tire "Pump".

Smiled more cheerfully

And let's go quickly. (rotation of an imaginary steering wheel)

We're driving, we're driving, (driving)

Press the pedal (bend and stretch the leg)

Turn on the gas, turn it off, (pull the “lever” towards you, away from you)

We look closely into the distance. (palm to forehead)

The wipers clean the glass

Right, left - purity.

Hair ruffles the wind (wiggle your fingers)

We are drivers anywhere! (raise thumb)

We arrived at the toy store. (There are toy cars in the window)
Didactic game "One - many"

There's a truck in the window, and in the store on the shelf (trucks)

There is a bus in the window, and in the store on the shelf (buses)

There is a car in the window, and in the store on the shelf (cars)

There is a police car in the window, and in the store on the shelf

(police cars)

There is an airplane in the window, and in the store on the shelf (aircraft)

There is a motorcycle in the window, and in the store on the shelf (motorcycles)

We develop fine motor skills"Drawing with thread"

Sheets of velvet paper with drawn outlines of various machines and

satin ribbons for each child.

What important event is currently taking place in our country? (olympiad)

Which city hosts the Winter Olympics? (in Sochi). Don't you want

take part in this olympiad? (want) I suggest you do

gifts for our athletes. Pay attention, on your table

there are large envelopes. In them, blanks for future postcards. At

With the help of ribbons, we sew the contours of the machines.

See what beautiful postcards we got it. I think that our athletes

It will be a pleasure to receive your gifts. Let's load the postcards into

truck and send to Sochi.

Outcome. This concludes our lesson. I thank you for your activity.

Khafizova Liliya Rasimovna

"Guess the Mood"

First, children are introduced to various emotional states (joy, sadness, indifference, indignation), they analyze the means of their transmission and expression, allowing others to understand them. (This is convenient to analyze in the topic "Man is a living being.")

Then offered various situations to which it is necessary to choose the most appropriate mood, state, feeling.

For example, the situation “grandmother got sick” - what mood, feeling arises immediately? (Sadness, fear, fear.) What quality of character is most useful in this situation? (Determination, resourcefulness, courage.)


Children are offered several well-known proverbs and pictures that “decode” them. The task is to correlate the proverb and the picture that best corresponds to its meaning. Be sure to explain why the child chooses a particular picture. Among the set of pictures there should be those that literally reflect the content of the proverb or saying.

Nastya went through misfortunes.

The father accumulated, and the son quarreled.

Do not laugh, brother, at someone else's sister: your own in girls.

Our Avdey is not a villain to anyone.

The apple doesn't roll far from the tree.

Kind (smart) Demid does not look at thin (stupid) people. (Does not take a bad example and then shift the blame on others.)

Grandfather does not even know where his granddaughters are having lunch (secretly doing something from his family - stealing).

You can’t break our Mina even in three clubs (stubborn).

Father beats not on torment, but on learning.

An unloved son - a roll, and a beloved one - a vine.

On the road, the father is a comrade to his son.

The Volga River is a mother, the Don is a father.

Mother Earth delivers the luggage.

And my brother's soul is dark.

A sissy is a father's hump.

Little kids are little troubles.

This child is like a pig.

He is our locksmith's second cousin merchant. (Stranger.)

Close relatives: we look at the same sun, baked from the same land.

Your grandmother drove my grandfather by the nose. (Distant.)

Relatives in the middle of the day (at lunch), but how the sun will go down(woe), and the devil will not find it.

Speech logical tasks for understanding the social relationship:

1) The boy Sasha was asked:

You have a brother?

Yes, Sasha replied.

Does your brother have a brother?

No, Sasha said.

Did the boy answer correctly and why?

2) There were seven brothers. Every brother has a sister.

How many people were walking? (Eight.)

There are eight children in the family. Every brother has a sister. How many boys are in this family? (Seven.)

Children live in the family: each brother has a sister and six brothers. How many children are in the family? (Eight.)

3) They were sitting at the table: two mothers, two daughters, one grandmother and one granddaughter. How many people were sitting at the table? (Three.)

4) They walked along the road: two dads, two sons, one grandfather and one grandson. How many people were walking along the road? (Three.)

5) Two sons and two fathers are walking down the street, but only three people. Could it be?

"Conclusions". To establish cause and effect relationships(like "Finish the sentence"):

a) Petya is older than Masha, and Masha is older than Kolya. Who is the oldest? Who is the youngest?

b) Mom asked me to thread the needle because ...

c) Dad turned on the TV because...

d) If mom is younger than dad, then dad ... (older than mom)

e) If a brother older sister then sister ... (younger than brother)

f) Dad and son are preparing dinner because...

g) Grandfather was upset because ...

h) Mom was happy because ...

i) If I get sick, then my mother ...

"Problem Situations"

Dad called you home from the street, but you don’t want to go because you haven’t finished the game ...

You ate the sweets that mom set aside for the guests ...

You are in a bad mood, you were capricious, and therefore the whole family is late for a performance at the circus ...

"Change the words."

Change the words to make as many sentences as possible:

a) Mom, feed, porridge, Dasha.

b) Dad, son, teach, saw, log, y.

c) Grandmother, help, bag, grandson, carry. And so on.

Offer this game based on subject pictures or signs-symbols.

"Exclusion of excess".

Mom, grandmother, grandson, dad, Masha.

Mom, dad, grandmother, granddaughter.

Grandfather, grandmother, son, Petrov, mother.

Brother, brothers, sister, brothers, brothers.

Mothers, fathers, sisters, son, brothers.

"Polysemantic Words".

Explain the meaning of the word MOTHER in different ways:

My own mother.

Motherland is calling.

Mother earth feeds us.


Maternal Council.

Is Mother's Day and Mother's Day the same day?


To compare different objects (persons), it is necessary to compare only signs that are opposite in meaning. Find errors and fix them:

A widow had two daughters: one was beautiful and hardworking, and the other was quarrelsome and evil (it should be: ugly and lazy).

My father had two sons: the eldest was smart and intelligent, everything went well with him, and the younger fool did not understand anything properly.

"Decorate the word."

This game well develops figurative thinking, imagination, associative process and general awareness of children. The main task of the game is to select as many adjectives as possible for the proposed noun (at the initial stages - based on pictures or photos of your loved ones).

The group is divided into two teams.

Which team will offer the last word-definition, that one won.

Each team is offered their own word and the number of invented definitions (decorations) for it in a certain time is counted (an hourglass is used).

For example: What is your grandmother like?

Kind, old, affectionate, wise, beautiful, young, caring, hunched, tired, big, sick, hardworking, craftswoman, weak, lived a long and interesting (difficult) life, lonely, loving and beloved, skillful, toothless, gray-haired.

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This exercise contributes to the development of the skills of creative construction of fantasy images with the corrective (critical) function of thinking.

Children are invited to connect two words using a preposition or case:

a) in a phrase

b) an offer.

Words for work: grandmother - granddaughter (grandmother with granddaughter);

dad - jacket (dad in a jacket, without a jacket);

mother - shoes;

brother is a toy;

family Children.

L. Ladutko, S. Shklyar