Igor Bezler. Subjective opinion. Igor (Bes) Bezler: we will start the offensive when the enemy runs out of steam Where is Bezler

Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine: Igor Bezler was preparing an assassination attempt on Arsen Avakov

The preparation of the assassination attempt on the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov was carried out by the field commander of the Donetsk People's Republic, Igor Bezler, who heads the militia in Gorlovka. This was announced today at a briefing by the adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Zoryan Shkiryak. According to him, several sabotage groups were preparing for the assassination attempt. assassination attempt

“The customer and organizer was directly one of the leaders of the militants, Igor Bezler (nicknamed “Bes”). His sabotage groups should have carried out the assassination. The assassination was planned in several ways. This is an ambush, laying land mines or a terrorist attack in the room where Arsen Avakov could stop, or with the help of a sniper, ”the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine quotes Shkiryak.
link: http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/1684784.html

"Demon" wants to exchange all Ukrainian soldiers for one girl

Who is Igor Girkin

As the Vesti newspaper reported, the DPR field commander Igor Bezler, who captured Gorlovka, promised to exchange 5 Ukrainian prisoners for Kulygina, “the 25-year-old wife of one of his fighters.” She's actually in her 40s.
link: http://vgoru.org/index.php/all-news/euromaydan/item/6535-kto-takoj-igor-girkin

Mercenaries from Ossetia are training Ukrainian militants in Gorlovka

Armed mercenaries continue to arrive from the Russian Federation. It became known that pro-Russian terrorists of Caucasian appearance began to teach their Gorlovka "colleagues" basic combat skills. We remind readers that locality Gorlovka is now home to a small separatist group. According to the "Press of Ukraine", this group of terrorists is commanded by Igor Bezler, known to many by the nickname "Bes".
link: http://www.profi-forex.org/novosti-mira/novosti-sng/ukraine/entry1008217744.html

Strelkov's confession about the connection with Russia, the Ukrainian military reported on the crimes of the militias

Semyon Semyonchenko, commander of the Donbass battalion, wrote on his Facebook about the interrogation of the captured Vasily Chernenko, who is an assistant to the Gorlovka separatist leader Igor Bezler, better known as "Bes". “During the interrogation of the captured assistant of “Demon”, interesting things are revealed: about cooperation with terrorists of police officers, hospitals, factories, agricultural enterprises .... and the most interesting, but at the same time shocking: what exactly do the valiant fighters of the DPR do with the corpses of their dead,” the commander writes.
link: http://sobesednik.ru/proisshestviya/20140712-priznanie-strelkova-o-svyazi-s-rossiey-ukrainskiy-voennyy-so

There was no assassination attempt on the minister - Ministry of Internal Affairs. Avakov raises the rating.

The leader of the fighters of the Donetsk People's Republic, holding Gorlovka, Igor Bezler with the call sign "Bes", denies his involvement in the preparation of the assassination attempt on the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, RIA Novosti reported.
link: http://rusvesna.su/news/ 1405593414

Natalia Poklonskaya entered the new EU sanctions list

In addition, the list includes Crimean prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya, head of the Crimean department of the FMS Petr Yarosh, head of the Sevastopol department of the FMS Oleg Kozhura, "people's mayor" of Slavyansk Vyacheslav Ponomarev, deputy of the Ukrainian parliament Oleg Tsarev, head of the Electoral Committee of the "Donetsk People's Republic" Roman Lyagin, head Electoral Committee of the "Luhansk People's Republic" Alexander Malykhin, head of the people's militia of Gorlovka Igor Bezler, one of the leaders of the self-defense forces in Donetsk Igor Kakidzhanov, as well as the prosecutor of Sevastopol Igor Shevchenko. The new names are published on the evening of Monday 12 May in the Official Journal of the EU.
link: http://antimaydan.info/2014/07/natalya_poklonskaya_voshla_ v_novyj_sankcionnyj_spisok_es_ 119617.html

“Bezler has merits in the fight against the Kyiv junta, but at the same time he does not obey anyone,” admitted Alexander Borodai, the prime minister of the self-proclaimed DPR.

It turned out that initially the ATC was captured by the fighters of Igor Bezler, nicknamed Bes, a field commander from Gorlovka, a city located 40 kilometers from Donetsk. Detachment Bes is also considered a militia, and he also fights with the Ukrainian army and the national guard, but, as the head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Alexander Boroday, said: "Bezler has merits in the fight against the Kiev junta, but at the same time he does not obey anyone."
link: http://www.0624.com.ua/home/actual/11129-u-bezlera-est-zaslugi-v-borbe-s-kievskoj-huntoj-no-pri-jetom-on-nikomu-ne- podchinjaetsja-priznalsja-premer-ministr- samoprovozglashennoj-dnr-aleksandr-borodaj

Nyashny Prosecutor of Crimea, Tsarev, People's Mayor Ponomarev included in the list of EU sanctions

The expanded list also includes the head of the Crimean department of the FMS Petr Yarosh, the head of the Sevastopol department of the FMS Oleg Kozhura, the "people's mayor" of Slavyansk Vyacheslav Ponomarev, the head of the people's militia of Gorlovka Igor Bezler, one of the leaders of the self-defense forces in Donetsk Igor Kakidzhanov, a member of the Ukrainian parliament Oleg Tsarev, the head of the electoral committee of the "Donetsk people's republic" Roman Lyagin, the head of the electoral committee of the "Lugansk people's republic" Alexander Malykhin, the prosecutor of Crimea Natalya Poklonskaya and the prosecutor of Sevastopol Igor Shevchenko.
link: http://hubs.com.ua/news/ nyashnyiy-prokuror-kryima- oleg-tsarev-narodnyiy-mer- slavyanska-kto-eshhe-popal-v- rasshirennyiy-spisok-sanktsiy-evrosoyuza.html

Moscow compared EU policy to a train rolling downhill without a driver

The new black list of the EU, in addition to Pligin, includes Vyacheslav Volodin, First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation, airborne commander RF Vladimir Shamanov. In addition, the list includes Crimean Prosecutor Natalya Poklonskaya, Head of the Crimean Department of the FMS Petr Yarosh, Head of the Sevastopol Department of the FMS Oleg Kozhura, "People's Mayor" of Slavyansk Vyacheslav Ponomarev, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament Oleg Tsarev, Head of the Electoral Commission of the "Donetsk People's Republic" Roman Lyagin, Head Electoral Committee of the "Luhansk People's Republic" Alexander Malykhin, head of the people's militia of Gorlovka Igor Bezler, one of the leaders of the self-defense forces in Donetsk Igor Kakidzhanov, as well as the prosecutor of Sevastopol Igor Shevchenko.
link: http://lenta.ru/news/2014/05/13/mid/

"DPR" declared Bezler a terrorist

One of the leaders of the militants from the self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" Igor Bezler, nicknamed "Bes", tried to seize power in Donetsk, his supporters barricaded themselves in the building of the local police department, which was stormed by terrorists.
link: http://rus.newsru.ua/ukraine/01jul2014/sdd.html

Yesterday, the EU expanded the list of persons subject to sanctions in connection with the events in Ukraine

The third group is Ukrainian separatists who formally have no relation to the Russian Federation. Among them are the "people's mayor" of Slavyansk Vyacheslav Ponomarev, the head of the "people's militia" of Gorlovka Igor Bezler, one of the separatist leaders in Donetsk Igor Kakidzhanov, the head of the election committee of the "Donetsk People's Republic" Roman Lyagin, the head of the election committee of the "Luhansk People's Republic" Alexander Malykhin. And ex-presidential candidate, leader of the South-East movement Oleg Tsarev, who openly declared support for separatist movements in the Donbass.

A very interesting conflict erupted on the Internet. The legendary Igor Bezler (the one who kept Gorlovka) brought serious charges against Strelkov. That the "genius of military thought" Igor Strelkov passed everything that was possible. And he wanted to surrender Gorlovka and Donetsk.
Strelkov will answer Bezler. But he did it in such a way that it would be better to be silent. In general, judge for yourself. Presenting Bezler to Strelkov and Strelkov's answer to Bezler, as well as voting for whom you are in this conflict - below.


He was silent for a long time when this miracle Girkin told fairy tales, how, like, he helped me capture Gorlovka; was silent when this "White Guard" misunderstanding told me that I was taking away his weapons; was silent when this lover of "antiques" talked about what a "Makhnovist" I was and did not at all consult his "Great stupid nobility." But after another portion of "verbal slops" I somehow wanted to speak out.

This stupid in military terms, without a military education, an amoebic-cowardly creature, who graduated from the Historical and Archival Institute, undertook to talk about Russia's actions in Syria, about the operations carried out by me (this inflated empty shell does not even know about many of them). Girkin, take the screws out of your skull and take the crown off your stupid head.

You are the one who, excuse me, "crap himself" in the topographical parts of the city of Simferopol (I hope your pieces of gray matter will be enough to remember this in all details), the one who, from the moment the capture of Slavyansk until July 5, the moment of the shameful flight that you are now trying to imagine " great maneuver", failed to properly organize the defense of the city. Your great military gift was not enough to understand that it was necessary not to sit in the basement of the SBU, but to occupy and hold Karachun. You, who surrendered most of the DPR, are talking about the effectiveness of my military operations??!!!

You, mister fugitive commander, draped to Gorlovka, but then you had a bummer. I had to sit naked in my basement in the bath. I wanted you, the "genius of military thought", now like a military theorist and creator of the "dibilo committee on the 25th", to simply shoot you for your cowardice and cowardice. And believe me, he did it if it were not for Borodai, to whom you now owe your life. It was he who "cut off" my phone and, where by threats, and then simply by persuasion, asked me not to do this. Thanks to Borodai, you now live, scribble libels and engage in "shit-throwing" at everyone who does not agree with your idea of ​​a city madman. That's why I didn't shoot you. True, he sent to Donetsk in the camouflage of his wife and in her T-shirt. Though so, but recouped, you are our Kerensky. And then he laughed at your attempts to whitewash himself, saying that one of the reasons for leaving Slavyansk was the fear that the "Demon" group would hit you, the "star-commander", in the back. It can be seen that a large "wavka" in the head formed after sitting in the basement of the Slavic SBU

All your military merits, "victoriously draping" the commandant a la Che, is the shameful abandonment of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka, Druzhkovka. Leaving Karlovka, which my division and the division of the "Vostok" held for more than a month and a half, you, the "genius of military thought", managed to merge it in two days. And what is behind the order to surrender Horlivka if not a betrayal!!! I post a photo of this order below.

You don't even know who led the defense of Gorlovka!!! Serega "Boatswain", led the defense only from July 29 to August 5. This is where all your knowledge about the defense of the city ends, as well as all the knowledge about the operations I carried out in Volnovakha, Dobropolye, Malinovka, Dyakovo, Dokuchaevsk, Amvrosievka, Grabsky, Illovaisk, Umansky, Karlovka, Poltava. But you don’t know for only one reason: I did not consider it necessary to consult and inform the “dummy” in military matters - the restorer Girkin. The surrender of Artemovsk is completely on your conscience.

It was you, the "unsurpassed" genius of military thought, who removed my people from Artemovsk and placed your garrison there, which fled at the sight of two armored personnel carriers. It is you who are guilty of the death of "Romashka", it is on your conscience that the death of my friend, the commander of the group that took the fight on May 5, 2014 "Volka", and which then went to Gorlovka in full force, and you declared them deserters. I will never forget how one left Slavyansk at night with two pistols after your phrase "Two bears cannot get along in one lair." So, after your "heroic" drape to Gorlovka, I can say with a pure heart: "The bear and you, COCK, in the same den, definitely won't get along."

And now, as it were, Strelkov’s answer:

Strelkov: You can't write the truth

“Sometimes I am visited by an “intelligent” (in the style of the unforgettable Vasisualy Lokhankin) thought: “Maybe there is that very “homemade (she is also mundane) truth” in the words and writings of my numerous opponents from among former associates ... Maybe , I really, “the wrong one” ... well, completely worthless? Somehow they are all together against me. Starting from Borodai-Ponomarev-Khodakovsky-Zakharchen-Kofman, etc., etc., continuing “the legend of the Russian special forces” (which few people know about in the special forces, and whoever knows - he spits) Efentiev-“Gyurza” and ending with Igor Nikolaevich Bezler, who recently compared me with a male of the chicken family ...

At such moments (reading the next “revelation” of another former colleague) I go over in my memory all the moments of communication with him and try to seriously evaluate: how much the criticism corresponds to the truth. Fortunately, my “dear friends” (former comrades in arms, friends, buddies and just “professionals”) help me a lot to overcome bouts of “self-criticism”, supplying their stories with absolutely fantastic lies. Which has nothing to do with the actual events. And I, ironically shrugging my shoulders, with some even pleasure replenish the "collection of myths about my beloved."

This time I found out that Igor Nikolaevich kept me naked in the basement and only Borodai (apparently out of false compassion) saved me from the inevitable and well-deserved execution for surrendering almost the entire territory of the DPR ... Cool!

True, against the backdrop of Pan Zakharchenko's tales about how I "sold" Slavyansk to the Ukrainians for 100 million hryvnias and wanted to sell Donetsk as well, Igor Nikolayevich is somehow not too "bright" in his fantasies. And the “YouTube star” Ponomarev, having smoked the “plan”, will give him 100 points of a head start.
Probably, Igor Nikolaevich expects me to answer in the style of "the fool himself." In vain. I will only repeat what I have already said more than once: I find it difficult to determine for myself whether Bezler brought more harm or benefit to the cause of Novorossia. His bright charismatic figure and mad passionary energy allowed him to leave an indelible mark on the history of Donbass. Not only positive. But not only negative. The rest someday (if I live) I will write in my memoirs. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to write the truth yet, so I won’t write anything at all.

Now the question is, who do you trust more?

Forbes reporter visited field commander Igor Bezler's detachment, talked to captured Ukrainian soldiers and found out why banks are not robbed in Gorlovka

Bes, he is Lieutenant Colonel Igor Bezler, a kind of Donetsk "Nestor Makhno", although he does not consider himself as such. A few days ago, he actually raised a military mutiny, seizing the building of the Internal Affairs Directorate in Donetsk and engaging in battle with detachments of militia subordinate to the leadership of the DPR.

His reputation is such that they are fit to scare children.

He is the most effective field commander of the militia, and it was his people who staged a bloodbath for Ukrainian paratroopers near Volnovakha, brutally battered the Ukrainian Donbass battalion near Karlovka, and defeated the Aidar battalion, consisting of volunteer officers, in the village of Metalist near Lugansk.

It was he who posted on the Internet a video with the execution of captured Ukrainian officers, whom he personally commanded. It is about him that the head of the Donetsk People's Republic Alexander Borodai speaks as a person who is not subordinate to anyone, and the Minister of Defense of the same republic, Igor Girkin (Strelkov), calls him uncontrollable.

It was he who seated the captive operatives of the Ukrainian Alpha in front of the cells in their underpants, with their heads wrapped in adhesive tape, from under which blood flowed. They say about him that he is a drug addict. It is he who is called a criminal authority and a former special forces officer. It's about his people, "demonic", there are rumors that they never take an enemy prisoner - raise your hands, don't raise them, it's still the same end, a bullet in the back of the head.

It is about him that they say that he hates journalists and never communicates with them.
Approximately such is the media image of Bes. So, when we went to Gorlovka, we were not left with a feeling of anxiety.

"Gorlovsky Bes"

We drive fifty kilometers from Donetsk, pass half a dozen checkpoints, and here we are in Gorlovka, the kingdom of Bes. The headquarters of the local militia is located in the building where the city department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was once. Now all the entrances are blocked with concrete blocks and barricades made of sandbags, and above the entrance there is an inscription: “Gorlovskiy Bes”.

To say that Igor Bezler turned out to be completely different from the person about whom they write and talk so much is to say nothing. His father Nikolai Bezler was German, his mother was Ukrainian. He calls himself Russian, says that his distant ancestor died in the Crimean War in 1854, repelling the legendary attack of the British light cavalry. Great-grandfather died in Civil War, fighting in the detachments of Kappel.

Here it turned out that the reason for the attack on the police department in Donetsk was the suspicion that the policemen, who were under the control of Kyiv, were collecting information about the militia. At home in Gorlovka, Bezler, for example, did not at all deal with the local traffic police, who was subordinate to Kiev - they supposedly do their own thing and do not get into politics. They were even armed with machine guns, as the time is restless, military. Regular police swore allegiance to the DPR, although they still receive a salary from the Ukrainian government.

All enterprises, all banks work in Gorlovka, here, unlike in Donetsk, no one robs them. It is through them that Kyiv pays pensions and salaries to state employees, this state of affairs suits everyone here.

The main part of the Bes detachments are local miners.

The directorate of the mines was forced to agree to the condition put forward: the volunteers who changed the jackhammer to the automatic machine will retain their jobs and the average salary.

"Guests of Bes"

Igor Bezler gives the command to take us to the Ukrainian prisoners, whom he himself insistently calls "my guests." Several offices have been set aside for them, where, apparently, the Gorlovka operatives once sat. Mattresses are thrown on the floor instead of beds, there is a TV in every room.

The "guests" of Bes, and there are fourteen of them in total, are unescorted, that is, they can move freely around the building. They eat in the dining room on a common basis with the militias. We were also fed in the same dining room. That day they gave meat stew, pilaf, salad, apples and sweets.

Everyone is allowed unlimited contact with relatives. Moreover, if one of the mothers of captured soldiers wants to come to their son in trouble, this is not forbidden. The mothers are put on allowance and placed in the same building, in return they help with the kitchen.

The same rule applies to the wives of captured officers. Deputy Battalion Commander of the 72nd Motorized Rifle Brigade Ukrainian army Captain Drought lives with his wife who came to him. She says that Bes personally contacted her and gave her security guarantees in case she came to her husband.

Captain Drought himself claims that at Bes they are just waiting to be exchanged for captured militias. He adds: and thank God that they are waiting at the Bes, and not in some other detachment. The captain has something to compare with, he was taken prisoner by completely different people from the so-called Russian Orthodox army. According to him, during the capture he was wounded in the leg, five more people were taken prisoner with him.

Initially, they were kept in Makeevka. One of the prisoners was shot, Drought himself was also put against the wall, but the execution turned out to be an imitation. He does not want to talk about it, the memories are too heavy. After he was transferred to the detachment to Bes, the atrocities ceased.

By the way, here it turned out that the execution of captured Ukrainian officers, the video of which went around the entire Internet, was also an imitation.

True, in this case, the “executed” knew in advance that they would shoot blanks, and after the shots they would need to fall. The militias recorded this video in order to morally put pressure on the enemy and speed up the exchange of prisoners.

So far, the issue of exchange is moving forward with a creak. Negotiations go through Colonel-General of the Ukrainian army Ruban, but today they have changed only once, three people for three people. Bes handed over the captured Alfa soldiers, who, according to the militias, were captured in the course of a sabotage mission (secret detentions in Gorlovka were carried out by a group of seven people. Three of them, including the commander, were captured, the rest were able to leave). In response, Kyiv returned three political activists who had been arrested before the conflict entered the hot phase.

True, the blissful picture described concerns exclusively captured Ukrainian servicemen. Humane treatment does not apply to the fighters of the National Guard. Here they are called mercenaries or fascist fanatical volunteers. They really are not taken prisoner, they are shot on the spot.

Bezler method

Lieutenant Colonel Bezler despises the political leadership of the Donetsk People's Republic, and calls the republic itself "banana". He regrets that at one time he traded the arrested DPR activists (including the "people's governor" Gubarev and the current head of the DPR Special Committee Leonid Baranov) for captured "Alfa" officers. If the exchange happened now, he would demand to give someone "more worthy".

Bezler's entourage is talking about a direct clash with the Donetsk detachments controlled by Alexander Borodai. Bes himself is ready so far to coordinate his actions only with the military leadership of the DPR, that is, personally with Igor Girkin.

However, he is also critical of his methods of warfare. Unlike Girkin, he believes that battles should be fought not in the city, but on the outskirts of it, so as not to endanger the population.

In Gorlovka they are really trying to fight according to this scheme, the Ukrainian units are met 50 kilometers from the city. While we were spinning around at the headquarters, we heard Bezler's formidable roar: take all the heights around, do not make the mistakes made in Slavyansk.

In cases where Girkin declares deserters one of his commanders who left positions without an order, Bes can shrug his shoulders and drop something like: yes, they simply saved the lives of their fighters when the continuation of the battle was futile.

P.S. Lieutenant Colonel Igor Bezler, who allegedly hates journalists, allowed us to come to him, to freely be among his entourage during staff work, in private conversations with us he was extremely frank, but he and his deputies refused to give interviews. In this regard, all the information contained in this article cannot be considered received from him personally.

Igor Bezler with the call sign "Bes" is the commandant of the city of Gorlovka and the most mysterious of the field commanders of the DPR militia. There are a lot of the most fantastic rumors around him, which are fueled by scandalous videos with his participation. Bes fundamentally refuses to communicate with the press, which only plays into the hands of his sinister reputation. But for RIA Novosti, Igor Bezler made an exception - he gave his first interview to us. The conversation took place in Gorlovka.

Despite their scandalous image, Bes' units have a reputation for being the most disciplined in the Donbass militia. All entrances to Gorlovka with a population of 300,000 are blocked by concrete militia checkpoints. Nearby are armored personnel carriers requisitioned from the Ukrainian army. At night, there is a curfew at checkpoints - no one is allowed into the city and out of the city. During the day, the order is a little more liberal - all visitors from the checkpoint are reported to the headquarters, where they decide whether to let them through or not. We are deploying Danish journalists. “They will instruct us with bugs,” Bes comments on the radio over the decision.

We find the legendary commander on the threshold of the former Gorlovsky OBOP - now the old sign of the building has been edited to make "Gorlovsky Bes" on the facade. Under it, Bezler drinks his morning coffee, receives reports and gives instructions to his subordinates. On the shoulder is a "Berkut" patch with the motto "Russians don't abandon their own". Bezler, however, never served in Berkut. “This is the memory of those guys who were burned on the Maidan. They did their duty, and they were made extreme,” Bes explains.

In what places are your subordinates now fighting?

- Near Artemovsk and Karlovka, we are trying to stop the advance of Ukrainian troops to Donetsk. We also help the Lugansk militia.

What are your losses?

- During all the battles, my detachment lost "two hundred" five people.

During the heavy fighting near Karlovka, we had two dead in total. They have a lot. There is such a commander of fighting idiots - Semyon Semenchenko (creator of the battalion of Donetsk volunteers "Donbass", fighting for Kiev. Nobody knows his exact name, but he hides his face - ed.). He likes to report on his Facebook how in the battles near Karlovka he shot "partridges" (snipers - ed.), "Grad" destroyed tanks, armored personnel carriers ...

In fact, the tank is a two-horned cow, which they burned in the barn. The armored personnel carriers and armored personnel carriers that they destroyed are a pig and two pigs. This is true. I really say. 40 people they allegedly killed - a rabbit farm that they bombed, and about forty rabbits escaped from there. They killed 20 rabbits, then our fighters boiled them to eat. And 20 rabbits in good faith went over to our side and surrendered.

On another occasion, Semenchenko writes that the Donbass battalion destroyed seven people and an armored group in battle, and captured 11 people. But in fact, all armored vehicles are BMW X5, and the entire "detachment" is two people. Ours arrived in the center of Artemovsk, found where the "national guards" were sitting.

They fired two grenade launchers. One shot into the building, the second - into the armored personnel carrier. And they left. And Semenchenko writes that they "fought off superior enemy forces." Our "beha" suffered a little, now it is being repaired. That's the whole armored group.

On the second day, our group of three cars attacked their checkpoint. They burned two armored personnel carriers, heavily battered their infantry. That's where our guy, Umka, died. And two wounded. This is the real loss. And what the combat keyboard hero Semenchenko scribbles on his Facebook - I would advise him to buy brains at the market, they are now sold there. And fighting - no way. Wherever I meet him, I beat him constantly.

A little later, during our interview, Umka, who died near Artemovsk, was brought to the courtyard of the OBOP. From the grief of the militias, from the prevailing depressed mood, it is clearly seen that each death for them is still not a statistic, but a tragedy. The militiaman's wife and his two young sons come, weeping over the coffin.

Gorlovka was attacked several times by Ukrainian planes. Many dead?

- Two dead: one civilian, in the village of Golmovsky, and one during an attack on the city police department (there is another militia headquarters - ed.). He just came to join the militia to sign up, he hasn't even received a weapon yet. Kyiv uses cluster bombs, I have fragments. Let the UN come here, I'll give it to them.

How many planes have you shot down? Messages often come from Gorlovka, but not all are confirmed.

- Four. We can’t find all the downed ones, because they fall on the Ukrainian side. But we posted photos of pilot chutes. Six pieces were found.

In general, the security forces have big losses?

- Very big. We set up their checkpoint near Umansky (a village 20 kilometers northwest of Donetsk - ed.). They attacked with a tank, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, anti-aircraft guns, a platoon of personnel. I took part in this attack. He approached our tank and looked at the road in the direction of Novoselovka Pervaya. They said they had four dead. This is an absolute lie. The road was littered with the corpses of soldiers. My tankers said that they would not go any further over the corpses. If they were alive, we would crush them. And fighting the dead is stupid. And on the radio we heard: "Boys, tick, Russian tanks are coming." Although there was only one tank.

And we only had a wounded man in that battle - the commander of the group with the call sign "North". A fragment from a mortar mine hit under the kneecap.

- How is it that such serious battles are going on, you report on the security forces you killed and their burned equipment, and your losses are so low?

- Our commanders on Karlovka are very competent, in particular the same North. Trenches were dug in full profile - with passages, messages. The areas where the Ukrainian units were withdrawn were mined. Some lowlands were even specially flooded, so that it would be difficult to pass through them (for this, the militias partially damaged the dam of the Karlovsky reservoir - ed.). The reconnaissance and misinformation of the Ukrainians was well done. We led their whole battalion into an ambush. And they hit the flank with heavy machine guns, extinguished all their offensive. They have big losses.

They are not included in a direct clash - they are afraid. They work out "Grads". During the operation of the Grads, the unit either burrows into the ground (in the trenches - ed. note), goes into the cracks, or retreats from positions, leaving "secrets" (ambushes - ed. note). Moreover, a retreat in different directions, either from their positions, or towards their positions.

At the beginning of the attack, the "secrets" take the first blow, then our rest are pulled up.

Greets the rewound fighter: "Handsome. This is our baseball player. Grenades beats off with his hand." "Oh, sorry, there was no stick!" - he jokes.

Do you feel sorry for the dead Ukrainian soldiers? It's like beating babies on your end.

- No. Nobody invited them here.

There are also many conscripts, and there are Russian speakers ...

- Everyone chooses for himself - a woman, fate, road. They chose. Although I had cases when I did not allow to beat a column of conscripts, 18-year-old boys. I talked to the prisoners - no training, they are thrown into a meat grinder in this one. On our side, people are fighting for their land. There, it is not clear why. There were prisoners whom we simply fed because they were hungry and cold. I burned all this rags, their uniforms, because I was afraid of unsanitary conditions. I washed them in the bathhouse, changed them into their own Ukrainian uniform, only a new one - we captured the car with the uniform.

Talk to the captives of Kirovograd, they will tell you how, when the fat-assed generals arrive in their unit, they are built on the parade ground in a new uniform. As soon as the general leaves, they change clothes back into rags. And they walk around in rags or in what they bought with their money.

If they surrender, there are no questions, we will calmly send them to their mothers. Here, please, a prisoner of war of the Ukrainian army (points to a person who washes the floor - ed. note) - they walk calmly, live in normal conditions. But as soon as the first shot is fired - the National Guard, "Right Sector", "Dnepr", "Donbass" and other riffraff... We have a law - we do not take Nazis prisoners. Armed forces of Ukraine - no problem.

How many prisoners do you have now?

- 14 people. In particular, two paratroopers of the 25th Novomoskovsk brigade, six people from the 72nd separate mechanized brigade and three commandos from Kirovograd with a group commander.

Do you change them for yours?

- We gave the "alfa" officers for Gubarev (the officers of "Alfa", who came to Gorlovka to eliminate Bes, were exchanged in May for the "people's governor" Pavel Gubarev - ed.). Then I gave Lieutenant Colonel Roman Svitan, an Afghan pilot and assistant to the governor of Taruta, only because Mr. Ruban asked me about it (Reserve Colonel General Vladimir Ruban - negotiator on the exchange of prisoners from Kiev - ed.). This is his friend, with whom they studied together. In addition, "Afghan", the attitude towards the officer should be appropriate (there are rumors about Bezler that he also fought in Afghanistan, Bes himself refused to talk about this - ed.). Therefore, without any conditions, Svitan was handed over to Mr. Ruban.

Then I released eight policemen and six border guards.

I want to exchange the rest for the wife of our fighter, Olga Kulygina, whom the SBU accuses of allegedly bringing us currency from Russia. All this is nonsense. This is a young girl, the wife of an ordinary soldier, whose only fault is that she is the wife of a militia. I gave my word to my fighter that we would exchange her. We have been negotiating for more than a month to give 14 people for her! The plane was already ready for her in Kyiv twice, the Ukrainian officers gave me a "word of honor" that everything was fine, we are changing. And every time someone canceled the agreement.

So, if the Ukrainian government remembers that they have soldiers and officers, and not meat, which they send here for slaughter, then I will give these 14 people.

- Another famous video appeared on the network, where you shoot two prisoners of war. Allegedly, you will be shot until they give you Kulygin. Was it a real shooting?

- Well, one of those shot in front of you (brings out Vasily Budik, a Gorlovka journalist who was taken prisoner allegedly for his connections with the Right Sector - ed.) The second was a local SBU colonel, also our prisoner. Blank cartridges.

What is the purpose of the video?

— Encourage the Ukrainian government to fulfill its obligations. Show them how it really can be.

Did it happen that prisoners went to fight on your side?

- Yes. Two commandos from Kirovograd are fighting. There are guys from the 95th airmobile brigade who went to the checkpoint with weapons and are also fighting now. There are even from the so-called National Guard who crossed over to Karlovka. With weapons and military IDs.

- You say: "Natsiks are not taken prisoner." And who is more in the National Guard? Ideological nationalists or mobilized reservists?

- There are many people who come home: either three years in prison, or a weapon and you go to fight. To protect their families, they go to war. Their morale is not very good. There is no desire to fight.

The National Guard are rabble battalions. With "Donbass" we faced more than once. So-so. "Dnieper"? Also beaten.

To whom are these battalions subordinate?

- Yes, no one. No one commands them, they are on their own. Cathedral of thieves and a gang of beggars. The Minister of the Interior constantly disowns them.

In general, are there any combat-ready units on the other side?

- Of course have. There are those who fight professionally, there are no questions, worthy opponents, it's nice to fight with them. Personnel military.

But in general, the army collapsed. It is compared with Russia in the early 1990s, when Chechnya began. But this is nonsense. If the deputy chief of staff, who is in my captivity, the maximum that he can do is glue the cards together. If the deputy battalion commander does not know what a curvimeter is (a device for measuring the length of winding lines on maps - ed.) ...

And how are officers appointed in the military registration and enlistment office among the reservists? Built. Higher education There is? Everyone, you are an officer. All preparation - three shots at the shooting range, painting the curbs. They learned more here in captivity than in the Ukrainian army. They learned a lot about weapons, because they have to carry them, clean them, sort them out, load the belts.

The degradation of officers of the Ukrainian army is going through the roof. They are unable to fulfill this word. They do not understand what the "honor of an officer" is, for them it is an empty phrase. "The plane will not fly, there will be a truce" - I do not believe in it.

When we took out the dead paratroopers of the 25th Novomoskovsk brigade, that is, their own dead, they did everything to disrupt this truce.

The headquarters do not understand who goes into what attacks. Who is subordinate to whom. The chief of staff of the ATO does not even understand who is attacking him, and who is sitting where. They don't have information. Deputy Minister of Defense you call and say that on this moment there is a battle in the place where there should not be a battle, because this is a rendezvous point where the corpse of the Ukrainian military is handed over. He simply does not control the situation at the front.

Foreign mercenaries fighting against you?

- Certainly. During the attack on Artemovsk, we removed the badge of the French "Foreign Legion" from the corpse. The person is by no means of Slavic nationality. And he groaned before he was finished off, not in Russian. Arab.

The group that fought on Semyonovka, the famous battle "450 against thirty" (militia - ed.) - there was English speech, there was foreign weapons. We got a GSG assault rifle, which is not in service with Ukraine. I gave it to a person I respected - just Roman Svitan.

Are negotiations with Kyiv possible? Several times they started, but all the time unsuccessfully.

- Let's take the first step - we will change the prisoners of war. Then we will talk about something.

Who is fighting with you? Many volunteers from Russia?

- The Russians who survived the massacre at the airport (May 26 - ed.) came to me - they are. Not from the Caucasus. And so, 90 percent are miners, workers. Gorlovka, Makeyevka, Yenakievites, there are several local Chechens, I will not deny it. There are Assyrians, there is even a Pakistani - he has a wife in Yenakiyevo, and so a citizen of Pakistan, has a residence permit. For the time being, we form on a voluntary basis. We do not mobilize.

Do you coordinate your actions with Igor Strelkov? He created a military council.

- Fully.

- And Alexander Khodakovsky (commander of the Vostok battalion, about complicated relationship which there are rumors with Strelkov in the DPR, - ed. ed.) is a member of the council?

— Comes in. Absolutely normal with him. a good relationship. His people helped us in the battle near Karlovka. They came to the rescue, fought side by side with my people, for which I am very grateful to him. They brought ammunition. People follow him, they believe him. So, there is preparation, authority.

- You speak unflatteringly about the Ukrainian army. But why, in this case, the militia does not develop its success? Why don't you occupy new cities? On the contrary, this enemy is pushing you from the north Donetsk region, Krasny Liman, Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka and Artemovsk are occupied by it ...

- There is a point of no return, after which it will be possible to start doing something. That's when the enemy starts to run out of steam and dig in, then you can attack. At the moment they are trying to attack. While they are advancing, this is the time for us to knock out their manpower. Bleed in terms of ammunition. Near Karlovka every day for a month they thrashed our positions with Grads, mortars, howitzers. What money did they throw away to plow the potato fields and the dam? How many personnel did they throw there, who left "two hundredth" and wounded?

And when will this point come? In a week, a month, six months?

- Don't know. I am not a prophet. When it will be seen that they stop leading active actions are starting to dig in. When they start to get cold. There was no sowing season in Ukraine, there will be no harvesting. The country owes billions for gas. Tractor drivers who are supposed to plow the fields are currently burning in tanks. Combine operators are dying near Karlovka. Ukraine's resources are running out.

How are your resources?

“Go to the dining room, see how my people eat. Compare with the food of the Ukrainian army.

This is now, but what will happen in the fall?

- We will have the same picture, only Ukraine will be negative. Mr. Poroshenko may be a specialist in capturing candy and sugar factories, but not Kutuzov or Napoleon. I only regret that in the Crimea, when I drove him with my company from the building of the Supreme Council to the station, when I shouted that he should be put on a dirty train, I only hit him twice in the face. Would know that future president would have killed.

What did you do in Crimea? What was your task?

- I have Russian passport, but since 2003 I have a Ukrainian residence permit. I myself am from Simferopol. I was born, raised and graduated from high school there. My father was born in the Crimea. In the Russian Crimea, in 1937. Crimea has always been Russian territory. Got to Ukraine, because Khrushchev decided to do so. Nobody asked the people of Crimea. And after the ideology that Kyiv is now preaching, living with the Nazis in one country is not entirely interesting.

My grandfather fought with the Nazis. The brother of my grandfather was killed by Bandera in the Kirovograd region, where my mother comes from. So I have a personal score with them.

Last year, he quit the security holding and went home to the Crimea. When the events began, he was there from the first days. He commanded a company of militia. The tasks were different, including the storming of Ukrainian military units. Recently I received a medal for the Crimea and a cross.

How did you get to Gorlovka?

— I have been in Gorlovka for a long time. He worked in the security service of one of the enterprises. I won't say which one, because some people now have a certain position in Kyiv. Then he worked as the head of the security of the Gorlovsky Machine-Building Plant named after Kirov. By the way, many of the guys who worked under my command are now in the militia.

On the Internet, many interesting things are told about the trade in some kind of fences (allegedly, criminal cases were initiated against Bezler for abuse in the field of ritual services - ed.). This is complete nonsense, nonsense. I headed the Gorlovka funeral services for only four months. My friend asked me to clean up. Because theft and nepotism flourished there. I took the lead. In the four months that I have been in charge, the company's profit has exceeded the annual income of the previous year.

But it seemed to Mr. Klep (mayor of Gorlovka Yevgeny Klep - ed. note) and his first deputy, Mr. Vadim Isakov, that the money was going in the wrong direction, in the wrong pocket. I was offered to deposit 20,000 hryvnias (hryvnias - ed.) every month in a certain office. 10 thousand from each cemetery, from the grief of people.

Now the mayor of the city is sitting with me (under protection - ed.). Shaved head, dressed in military uniform, in the morning sings a hymn Soviet Union goes to bed at 22:30. And returns the debts that he stole. That's when the roads in Gorlovka for the money that he stole will be made in such a way that it will be possible to drive a Mercedes and a glass of water will not stir, I will let him go. Only first I will force the asphalt to be thrown under the skating rink. And at the moment, the thief should be in prison.

So Yevhen Klep formally remains the mayor of Gorlovka?

- He has the right to sign, seal. He makes all the important decisions. He was elected to this post and works for the benefit of the city (laughs). I recently issued an order to hang Russian flags around the city. All banks operate in the city, even PrivatBank, which announced awards for our heads. All pensions and social payments go through PrivatBank. Therefore, no one burned him. My people even accompany PrivatBank's collection vehicles.

Everything is working. Only pharmacies that produced amphetamine stopped working. People who produced drugs - they are not in the city. All taxes remain in the city, we do not transfer anything to Kyiv. Artemugol, which is supposed to supply coal to Kiev, was told to the director of the enterprise that until Kiev returns all the debts, 50 million, to pay off the work of the miners, not a single kilogram of coal will be shipped to Kiev.

For the militia, who left the enterprises in the militia, wages are kept.

In the market "Alexandria" for traders, the rent is one hryvnia per month. Let people work. The times are hard, and it is simply impossible to pay at the prices that were set by the mayor's office - 3,500 hryvnia per place.

- And this story with the local deputy Vladimir Rybak, who disappeared here and was later found in Slavyansk with his stomach ripped open?

- If I wanted Rybak to disappear, I would make sure that no one would ever find him. Secondly, I knew Volodya Rybak personally, very often I addressed him as a deputy. They worked with him. Our only task was (on the day of his disappearance - ed. note) - to prevent him from plucking the flag (DNR - ed. note), and no more. They didn't let him take down the flag. So what is next…

The fisherman was harmless. Except how to make some noise and tear down the flags... That's all. Why should I kill him? He didn't bother us. So this is a provocation to cast a shadow on us. They throw the body in Slavyansk, they start making noise on all Ukrainian channels.

And further. How was he kidnapped? Witnesses saw: getting into an unknown car with only two people. We draw conclusions - he knew these people, and secondly, he did not feel fear.

You can watch another video where he calls the gentlemen from the "Batkivshchyna" bastards wearing shoes for three thousand dollars made of crocodile skin. Rybak has always been against everyone. Like in that cartoon - "Baba Yaga vs." That's what he was always against.

- You became famous when a video about the capture of the Gorlovka police appeared on Youtube. There you line up all the policemen in front of you and introduce yourself as a lieutenant colonel Russian army. Why was this done?

- The video was posted with bills. I told them: "Retired lieutenant colonel of the Russian army." The word "retired" was cut out. Why did I say this? I did not want people to be forced to their knees, as they wanted to do it. So that there is no corridor of shame for the policemen. The people wanted to do it, but they didn't. That's why the police are with us now. Berkutovtsy are fighting with us, and not alone. And in the city, both the police and the traffic police are working.

Is it true that you fought in hot spots, in particular in Afghanistan and Chechnya?

- These are the things of bygone days, the legend of antiquity deep. I won't talk about it. After my resignation from the Russian Armed Forces, I returned to Ukraine, my homeland is here.

Tell me something about yourself.

— I am 65th year of birth.

Do you have a family?

- I'll shut up. On the Internet it sounded "has no children, no family."

And in fact?

- What's the difference? They will be safer. If they are.

There are legends about Igor Nikolaevich Bezler, and at the same time, information about the military leader of the DPR is very scarce.


From official sources, you can find out that the warrior's birthplace is Simferopol, in which Igor Bezler was born in 1965, on December 30th. Igor spent his childhood and youth in his native Crimea. The family was international - the father had German roots, and the mother was Ukrainian. Almost nothing is known about the personal life of the glorious officer, except that the name of his wife is Angelica.

The surname "Bezler" gave the call sign to Igor Nikolaevich, under which he fought in the eighties of the 20th century in the ranks of the Soviet group of armed forces in Afghanistan. It translates as "Bes". So this heroic man became famous among the army people.

Military career

It is known that special education was given to Igor Bezler by the famous Felix Dzerzhinsky Military Academy in Moscow. Years of study - from 1994 to 1997. From the army, Igor Nikolaevich retired to the reserve with the rank of lieutenant colonel. The resignation was followed by a return to his native land, to Ukraine.

Obtaining Ukrainian citizenship was limited to a residence permit. The place of work of the retired lieutenant colonel was the Gorlovka machine plant, where he was engaged in the organization of security and safety. It is known that after working as the head of the security unit, Bezler went to an enterprise providing funeral services, where he worked until 2012. This dismissal was based on a conflict situation with the Gorlovka authorities represented by the mayor Yevgeny Klep.

Ukrainian conflict

The events that developed rapidly in Ukraine in the 1910s did not go unnoticed by Igor Bezler. The Ukrainian Security Service still classifies the rebellious lieutenant colonel as a professional Russian saboteur. Ukrainian authorities claim to be aware of Igor Bezler's leadership of military operations to seize administrative buildings in Horlivka during the active phase of the southeastern Ukrainian conflict in 2014.

The elusive and highly professional Bezler was dangerous for the authority of the Ukrainian authorities, he was put on the wanted list on the territory of Ukraine, citing this fact as his Ukrainian citizenship. However, Igor Bezler responded to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine with a statement that his citizenship was Russian Federation and with Ukraine he is connected only by the right to a residence permit, which he has had since 2003.

It is known that the fighting that took place in the south-east of Ukraine often took place spontaneously. The military unit of Bes conducted independent operations and was not subordinate to the leadership of the DPR. This was officially announced by the Prime Minister of the DPR Alexander Borodai. However, in the summer of 2014, the DPR website denied this information. In the fall of 2014, Igor Nikolaevich Bezler received the honorary title of Major General of the Donetsk Republic.