Lydia Ilyenko. Vertical childbirth: "for" and "against. Approximate word search

obstetrics and gynecology Reportage

Lidia Ilyenko about a crystal vase containing future life


Maternity hospital... Just two words, but there is so much meaning in them! This is the place where new lives are born, where for the first time a mother sees her baby, where the baby sees the light for the first time and feels the mother's touch...

On May 31 and June 1, the Life Drop Foundation, headed by Lidia Ivanovna Ilyenko, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics of the Moscow Faculty of the Russian State Medical University, congratulated maternity hospitals on Children's Day and presented mothers with gifts and valuable benefits for child care.

Portal "MED-info" went with them to the hospital number 25.

We were met by the chief physician of the maternity hospital Marina Alexandrovna Oleneva and her colleagues and the district obstetrician-gynecologist of the Southwestern District, deputy chief physician of the maternity hospital No. 4 Zoya Leonidovna Goncharevskaya. True professionals, not indifferent to their work. As if they can’t talk about anything else even during tea. Is this not evidence of boundless love for their profession! And how else, because we are talking about the birth of new lives. It is no coincidence that there are no refuseniks here. Such a team does everything, supports in every possible way and psychologically sets up so that mothers do not abandon their children. And it works!..

The big hall, the patients are assembled, waiting for congratulations. They are all so different. Someone is happy, someone is scared, someone is thoughtful. And, looking into the eyes of each of them, it seems that you can create your own "War and Peace" ...

M. A. Oleneva (left) and L. I. Ilyenko.

Marina Alexandrovna began her congratulations: “June 1 is a holiday all over the world - Children's Day. Maternity Hospital No. 25 is one of the maternity hospitals supporting breast-feeding and protection of the rights of the child. Therefore, we always celebrate this holiday. A team comes to us that organized the Life-giving Drop breastfeeding support fund in Moscow, it is headed by an honored doctor, professor, doctor of sciences Lidia Ivanovna Ilyenko. She put a lot of time and effort into ensuring that Moscow began to work the way it should, so that our children would be breastfed from birth.”

“Dear women,” said Lidia Ivanovna, “it is very pleasant that we are with you on the eve of such a holiday. Many years ago I worked in this hospital. And I know him firsthand. I gave birth here. I want to thank you for the trust that you have chosen our institution.”

There are 36 maternity hospitals in Moscow. Only three of them - 4, 6 and 25 - have the Baby Friendly Hospital Award. It turns out that there are entire regions that bear this high title. In the Volgograd region, 85% of all obstetric institutions, antenatal clinics, children's clinics received this award. Murmansk region, almost completely Kaluga region. They all fight for natural feeding, there are practically no artificial mixtures.

Lydia Ivanovna, addressing women in labor and young mothers, gave valuable advice:

“A pregnant woman is a flask or a crystal vase in which the Universe has put the future life. We gave birth - there is no placenta, but the umbilical cord remains. The mother-placenta-fetus system is moving into the mother-breast-newborn system, and now you can give the baby a lot too. Your milk is the best start in life, it's nerve growth factors, emotional development, the starting factor for all physiological functions of the motor development of the child. Nothing can replace human milk. Why does a child suckle better from the left breast and there is practically no lactostasis or mastitis in the left breast? Because he is used to listening to your heartbeat. And as soon as you put it on, it immediately calms down.

Women's milk is not only drink, water. This is a protective factor, immunity. As long as you feed your child, he will not get sick with anything, because you have immune defenses and he has. Today we say that our children often experience information hunger, do not receive enough communication. A few years ago, at the Institute of Pediatrics, the dissertation “The development of children with whom they played patty and the magpie-thief, and the development of children with whom they did not play” was defended. And now professors and academicians, wise by experience, ask, are there really those with whom they have not played. Unfortunately, there is. Breastfeeding can partially replace this informational hunger. Your child may smile at a month, or at 10-12 days, may sit on the potty at 6 months, and you may not potty train him when he goes to kindergarten. As a pediatrician with almost 40 years of experience, I can say with all responsibility that a child who received breast milk and a child who did not receive it are different.”

The mother also needs breastfeeding. According to L. I. Ilyenko, firstly, this is the most powerful method of preventing breast cancer. Secondly, regular breastfeeding with at least one nightly feeding is the surest contraceptive. And with two night feedings - 100%.

“In order for there to be milk and there were no problems,” says Lidia Ivanovna, “there is an excellent method: put the baby on correctly, put yourself to eat - he sucks, and you also eat at this time. No allergies. No lactostasis. And there will always be milk. How many times a day will you eat? 5-6 times. Thus, by 6-7 months you will already smoothly come to your sizes, which were before childbirth. It is necessary to feed, if possible, up to 1.5 years, since a very important close spiritual connection with the child arises.

Zoya Leonidovna Goncharevskaya invited all mothers to visit this maternity hospital in the future and said: “It's great to feel a child's hand, a child's leg. And how much this feeling then supports us in life. One cannot but agree with this.

The Fund for the Promotion and Support of Breastfeeding "Life-giving Drop" has existed since 1998, received the Russian Mark medal, and in 2008 - the Moscow Government Prize. In Moscow he founded hotline on breastfeeding issues.

Photos by Oksana Plisenkova

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This dissertation should be submitted to libraries in the near future.

480 rub. | 150 UAH | $7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR, "#FFFFCC",BGCOLOR, "#393939");" onMouseOut="return nd();"> Thesis, - 480 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

Ilyenko, Lydia I. The problem of adaptation disorders in unified system"mother-newborn" and their correction: Abstract of the thesis. ... doctors of medical sciences: 14.00.09, 14.00.01 / Ros. state honey. un-t. - Moscow, 1997. - 50 p.: ill. RSL OD, 9 97-3/770-3

Introduction to work

Relevance of the problem

Negative trends characterizing the state of health of the Russian population in last years The 20th century is characterized not only by high infant mortality, morbidity and increasing disability, but also by a significant change in the quality of health of the younger generation (V.A. Tabolin, 1996; M.Ya. Studenikin, 1994). The growth of chronic pathology in children cannot but cause alarm in society. Among the many problems associated with ensuring the birth of a healthy generation, the leading place belongs to the problem of the relationship between the health of children and parents, and especially the mother, both during pregnancy and childbirth, and in the future. (G.M. Savelyeva,

1994 - 95, Yu.P. Lisitsyn, N.V. Polunina, 1996). In addition to reducing
perinatal mortality, a large state and social
the importance of preventing the incidence of children is associated
nee with the perinatal period (G.M. Savelyeva, 1994).

The problem of health status of newborns and children early age very closely correlates with one of the key concepts in medicine and biology - adaptation, which "is an integral part of all living things and is characterized by the same diversity as life itself" (FZ Meyerson, 1981, 1988). At present, it should be considered proven that the very concept of "state of health" cannot be considered without taking into account the peculiarities of the organism's adaptation to the environment (P.M. Baevsky, 1989; Yu.E. Veltishchev, 1994). It is from the position of adaptation features that the main tasks of pediatrics and perinatology can be solved: predicting the risk of developing diseases, preventive therapy, prevention, rehabilitation and treatment (Yu.E. Veltishchev, 1994).

Recently, in the problem of nursing high-risk newborns, a number of domestic scientists emphasize the feasibility of new organizational and methodological solutions that involve complex drug and non-drug effects, as well as a strictly individual approach to therapy (G.V. Yatsyk,

1995). However, modern methods of treatment and the proposed pro
Grams take into account the etiology of the disease and the cli
diagnosis than the characteristic features of a particular individual

duum. At the same time, taking into account the constitution of the child allows for a phenomenological approach to treatment and, which is very important, to carry out the most individualized preventive measures for both the mother and the newborn. Works devoted to the development of children of the 1st year of life, depending on the nature of early adaptation in the newborn period (V.F. Demin, M.F. Deshchekina 1992), convinced us of the need for a systematic analysis of the mother-newborn dyad, which comes to replace the single system "mother-placenta-fetus". The opinion that mother and child are a single psychosomatic system is expressed by domestic (Z.A. Akhmedova, E.A. Chernukha, 1988; T.N. Listopad, 1992; A.N. Levin, 1991 .; V.A. Linde, 1996) and foreign (A.I. Eidelman, et Hovare R., 1994; R.W. Howie, 1990; F. Venditteli, I. Alain, 1994; I. Wylie, 1994 d) authors.

One of the most common functional disorders system "mother-newborn" is hypogalactia. Today it is quite obvious that it is practically impossible to raise a healthy and harmoniously developed child without relying on the possibility of full and long-term feeding, however, according to various authors, the percentage of lactating women is steadily declining. і ranges from 12 to 48-50% (S.N. Gaidukov, 1988; S.V. Miroshnichenko, 1989; S.G. Gribakin, 1990; I.M. Vorontsov, 1993, 1996; T. N. So-rvacheva, 1995).

Insufficient effectiveness of the methods of treatment offered by official medicine; the lack of comprehensive treatment and, especially, preventive programs that take into account the individual! the characteristics of the mother, her history, the course of pregnancy and the method of delivery, make it necessary to look for new ways to treat hypogalactia (I.M. Vorontsov, 1996). In our opinion, the solution of this urgent problem is possible from the standpoint of holistic medicine - the medicine of a single person.

Frequent refusal of breastfeeding or the impossibility of its implementation, a high percentage of delivery by caesarean section, including repeated, deterioration in the somatic and reproductive health of pregnant women, the use of antibiotic therapy and other factors make the problem of pathological microbial colonization in newborns very urgent

which is another significant violation of adaptation in the "mother-newborn" system. Methods for correcting the identified dysbiotic disorders today cannot be considered a finally solved problem.

Another unresolved problem in the field of perinatology is the task of providing timely and comprehensive care to newborns who have undergone chronic intrauterine hypoxia (CVH), especially if they were born at term. Practice shows that quite often the assessment of their condition is overestimated, which makes it not quite favorable further development both in terms of the formation of age-related skills and abilities, and in terms of deviations in the neurological and somatic status (Yu.I. Barashnev, 1996).

That is why in recent years there have been positive trends towards the problem of official recognition of classical homeotherapy, modern homotoxicology and other sections of traditional medicine as an integral part of modern clinical medicine in general (V.G. Kukes, 1996; Fisher P., Hard A., 1996). Of particular interest in relation to pediatrics and perinatology is the use of therapeutic agents of natural origin, used in small doses according to individual indications.

For the entire 200-year history of the existence of the homeopathic method in the domestic and foreign literature a certain amount of experience has been accumulated in the use of homeopathy in pregnant women, women in labor and groves (A.V. Popov, 1994; Rudlrk, 1901; V.N. Serov, I.V. Tiras-yulsky, 1996; V. F. Demin, L. I. Ilyenko, 1995-1996; L. I. Il'nko et al., 1993-1995; V. A. Linde, 1997; Qulisch W, 1982 ; M.V. >anos, Heimich J, 1983; Schroyens F, 1994; Yingling W.A., 1994; "ischer C.E., 1991), newborns and young children (F. "raf, 1994 , 1995; Grandgeorge, 1992; P Popovsky, 1994; D. Bo-i.end, 1992; V. F. Demin, L. I. Ilyenko, 1993-1995; R. Burgarit, D. "rangerge, A. Sialom, 1997). However Scientific research the possibilities of this method, as well as the ways of its integration into the existing therapeutic system, have short story, despite the fact that there is already an order No. 335 of the Ministry of Health of the MP of the Russian Federation of September 29, 1995 "On the use of the homeopathic method in practical public health", allowing its use, along with others, by doctors of various specialties who have undergone special training. There are practically no works on the comparative characteristics of various tra -

traditional methods of treatment, with the exception of the works of V.A. Linde (1996, 1997).

Thus, the search for additional, safe and effective methods Prevention and treatment of various adaptation disorders and their consequences in the mother, newborn and young child is an important, urgent and unresolved problem today.

Goal of the work

Identification of the most significant adaptation disorders in the functional system "mother-newborn" and optimization of the system of measures to correct these disorders using some traditional methods.

Research objectives

    To study the features of adaptation disorders in a single functional system "mother-newborn" on present stage.

    To identify deviations in the state of somatic and reproductive health of mothers with hypogalactia on the basis of a holistic approach.

    To evaluate the effectiveness of various traditional methods in both early and late hypogalactia.

    To clarify the main factors contributing to the development of intestinal dysbiosis in newborns at the present stage, and to evaluate the effectiveness of new ways of correcting it in comparison with existing ones.

    To determine the significance and place of the means of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in the most common disadaptation syndromes. To develop a working classification of constitutional types of newborns, taking into account perinatal factors, and develop an algorithm for the use of homeopathic remedies.

    To study the effectiveness of various traditional methods of treatment in children with the consequences of chronic intrauterine hypoxia using modern research methods.

    Evaluate the possibility of applying classical homeopathy v homotoxicology in the creation of preventive, therapeutic and health -

effective programs in frequently ill young children with an unfavorable perinatal history.

    Clarify the role of learning O constitutional homeopathic types for modern obstetrics, neonatology and pediatrics.

    To supplement the known medicinal pathogenesis of the leading homeopathic preparations with new data obtained using modern diagnostic research methods.

Scientific novelty of the research

It has been established that hypogalactia, as the main type of disorder in the "mother-newborn" dyad, is a multifactorial pathology, in the development of which, along with endogenous factors, the constitutional homeopathic type of a woman plays a significant role, since it ultimately determines the characteristics of her somatic and reproductive health. .

For the first time, a study was made of the effectiveness of traditional methods of treatment (phytotherapy, acupuncture, classical homeopathy and homotoxicology) for early hypogalactia. The possibility of increasing lactation with the simultaneous use of homeopathic remedies and acupuncture was found. The high efficiency of complex homotoxicological preparations has been shown. The immediate and long-term results of treatment were traced. For the first time, a system of preventive measures in women at increased risk for the possible development of hypogalactia was substantiated, proposed and tested.

For the first time, it was shown that taking into account constitutional features and perinatal history made it possible to clarify the leading risk factors for the development of dysbacteriosis and to determine a modern effective strategy for treatment and prevention, depending on the method of delivery and individual clinical characteristics. The effect of improving the survival rate of commercial strains of bifidus-eacteria with the simultaneous use of the homeopathic method has been proven. The possibility of effective protection of the mucous membranes and intestines of newborns from contamination by opportunistic organisms with the help of an autostrain obtained from the mother, and if it is impossible to obtain it, with the help of a complex homo - oxicological suis-organ preparation Mucosa-compositum, has been demonstrated.

For the first time, the effectiveness of classical homeopathic remedies and complex biological homotoxicological preparations has been proven.

rats in the main syndromic pathology in newborns. A positive effect of the methods used in somatic and neurological abnormalities in the period of early adaptation was found. For the first time, the effect of homeopathic preparations on bilirubin metabolism was studied.

For the first time, the relationship between significant perinatal factors and the constitutional type of the newborn is shown. It has been proven that the correction of identified disorders using homeopathically: preparations has a positive effect on the distribution of children in a group! health. The indications for the use of complex biological preparations prescribed without taking into account the principle of similarity have been clarified. Indications for their joint use are defined and systematized.

The use of new integrated approaches in the treatment of newborns who have experienced chronic intrauterine HYPOXIA] with hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system has made it possible to: 1.5-2 times accelerate their recovery compared to existing programs and optimized rehabilitation measures, as well as improved prognosis. For the first time, a system for monitoring this category of patients by a group of specialists (neonatologist, pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist) was tested and proposed, prepared: in matters of traditional medicine.

A multivariate analysis of the characteristics of the health status of frequently ill children (FIC) clearly demonstrated that the predisposition or readiness for the formation of this pathology lies in the peculiarities of the homeopathic constitution. For the first time, we used the combined use of various traditional methods of treatment (TML), including modern homotoxicological preparations, which made it possible to reduce the frequency of surgical treatment of nasopharyngeal pathology in FIC with an unfavorable perinatal history.

The practical significance of the work

It has been proven that the introduction of some traditional methods of treatment (phytotherapy, acupuncture, classical homeopathy and homotoxicology) into the medical process provides a real opportunity for less capital investment, significantly optimizing care for mothers and children.

The introduction of the results obtained in the course of this work 5 into the practice of maternity hospitals, antenatal clinics and children's clinics allows solving the most urgent modern problem of trophilaxis and treatment of early and late hypogalactia. Efficient combinations of applied traditional methods of treatment have been found, which contribute to the enhancement of the expected clinical effect and vigilant lactation. An algorithm for the use of complex biological preparations for the prevention of hypogalactia in women who are at high risk for the possible development of this type of obstetric pathology has been developed and proposed. This leads to a decrease in the pharmacological load and at the same time optimizes the tactics of managing puerperas in the postpartum period.

Qualitatively new and effective ways of preventing and treating intestinal dysbiosis in newborns and young children have been found. A tactic of managing newborns in the maternity hospital has been proposed and tested, which contributes to an increase in the resistance of the intestinal mucosa to pathological microbial colonization.

The indications for the use of the method of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in newborns with leading pathological syndromes were determined. The proposed classification and algorithm for the use of homeopathic remedies make it possible to correctly apply them according to the principle of similarity, as well as to adequately use complex biological preparations according to developed indications.

On a large clinical material, high therapeutic possibilities of traditional methods of treatment and an individual constitutional approach are shown, which makes it possible to effectively solve the tasks of helping newborns who have had CVH: hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system. The systematized indications developed by us allow physicians to be better guided in the choice of one or more traditional methods [in order to achieve the best clinical results. Close interaction - :tvie of a group of specialists who own TML and are necessary for the observation of this contingent (neonatologist, pediatrician, neuropathologist, ophthalmologist), allows you to continue the proposed program in an outpatient setting.

A program has been developed and implemented for the combined use of classical homeopathy and modern homotoxicology in patients with frequent

laying children with a history of perinatal factors, including those suffering from chronic pathology of the ENT organs. The possibility of selecting children with ENT pathology for surgical treatment on the basis of a constitutional individual approach has been proved.

The complex wellness program tested by us with the inclusion of the homeopathic method has shown its effectiveness and expediency of implementation in preschool institutions.

Implementation of the results of the work into practice

The results of the research and the practical recommendations arising from them have been introduced into the practice of the clinical maternity hospital No. 4, children's polyclinics No. 103, No. 80 of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, and the children's polyclinic of the Presidential Administration Medical Center Russian Federation, ENT - department and consultative and diagnostic center of the Children's Morozov Clinical Hospital in Moscow.

Based on the results of the work published teaching materials"We are for breastfeeding", 1996, Moscow, series of works "Application of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in perinatology and pediatrics" in collaboration with V.F. Demin, V.F. Kokolina and others, was awarded the Diploma of Laureate of the II Prize of the Russian State Medical University for 1995-1996. The section "Classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in pediatrics" is included in the training program for students of the evening department of the pediatric faculty of the Russian State Medical University (52 hours).

An educational video film "Homeopathy and health improvement" was filmed.

Approbation of work

The main provisions of the dissertation work were reported and approved at the II All-Union Conference "Social and Hygienic Problems of Pediatrics" (Minsk, 1989); at the European Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Moscow, June 1991); meeting of the Moscow Society of Pediatric Doctors (1995); at the Russian-Swedish scientific symposium (Moscow, 1995); at the scientific conference "Homotoxicology - basics and methodological approaches" (Novosibirsk, 1994); at the international symposium "Environmental

environment - man - disease" (Moscow, 1995); on scientific and practical conference"Development of the homeopathic trend in modern medicine" (Perm, 1995); at the international scientific-practical conference "Homeopathy and modern medicine" (St. Petersburg, 1994); at the Plenum of the Board of the All-Russian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists (Tver, XII-1996); on II Russian National Congress "Man and medicine" (Moscow, 1995); at the I and II All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Rehabilitation of human health" (X-1995, VI-1996, Moscow); at the Congress of Pediatricians of Russia "New Technologies in Pediatrics" (19 - 21/IV, 1995, Moscow); at the international scientific - practical conference "Actual issues of perinatology" (1994, Cheboksary); at the I and II Scientific Congress " traditional medicine: theoretical and practical aspects" (1995, Moscow, 1996, Cheboksary); at the International Homeopathic Congress (1995, Tyumen); at II international scientific - practical conference "Ecology and human health" (X-1995, Samara); at the annual international conferences"Development of the homeopathic method in modern medicine" (I - 1992-1996); at the I scientific readings dedicated to the memory of M.F. De - Shchekina (III - 1996, Moscow).


Dissertation abstractin medicine on the topic The problem of adaptation disorders in a single system "mother-newborn" and their correction

As a manuscript

ILYENKO Lydia Ivanovna


14.00.09 - Pediatrics

14.00.01 - Obstetrics and gynecology

dissertations for competition degree doctors of medical sciences

Moscow - 1997

The work was performed at the Russian State Medical University

Scientific consultant: corresponding member. MANEB, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.F. Demin

Official opponents: Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Professor M.Ya. Studenikin doctor of medical sciences, professor of GA. Samsygmna Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor AD. Makatsaria

Lead organization: Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

The defense will take place "" _ 1997 at 14 o'clock at a meeting of the Dissertation Council D 084.14.02 at the Russian State Medical University at the address: 117869, Moscow, st. Ostrovityanova, d. 1.

The dissertation can be found in the library of the Russian State Medical University. The abstract was sent out "" _ 1997.

Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Council Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

MA. Fadeeva


Relevance of the problem

Negative trends characterizing the state of health of the Russian population in the last years of the 20th century are characterized not only by high infant mortality, morbidity and an increase in disability, but also by a significant change in the quality of health of the younger generation (V.A. Tabolin, 1996; M.Ya. Studenikin , 1994). The growth of chronic pathology in children cannot but cause alarm in society. Among the many problems associated with ensuring the birth of a healthy generation, the leading place belongs to the problem of the relationship between the health of children and parents, and especially the mother, both during pregnancy and childbirth, and in the future. (G.M. Savelyeva,

1994 - 95, Yu.P. Lisitsyn, N.V. Polunina, 1996). In addition to reducing perinatal mortality, the prevention of morbidity in children associated with the perinatal period is of great national and social importance (G.M. Savelyeva, 1994).

The problem of the state of health of newborns and young children very closely correlates with one of the key concepts in medicine and biology - adaptation, which "is an integral part of all living things and is characterized by the same diversity as life itself" (F.Z. Meyerson, 1981, 1988). At present, it should be considered proven that the very concept of "state of health" cannot be considered without taking into account the peculiarities of the organism's adaptation to the environment (P.M. Baevsky, 1989; Yu.E. Veltishchev, 1994). It is from the position of adaptation features that the main tasks of pediatrics and perinatology can be solved: predicting the risk of developing diseases, preventive therapy, prevention, rehabilitation and treatment (Yu.E. Veltishchev, 1994).

Recently, in the problem of nursing high-risk newborns, a number of domestic scientists emphasize the feasibility of new organizational and methodological solutions that involve complex drug and non-drug effects, as well as a strictly individual approach to therapy (G.V. Yatsyk,

1995). However, modern methods of treatment and proposed programs take into account the etiology of the disease and clinical diagnosis to a greater extent than the characteristic features of a particular individual.

duum. At the same time, taking into account the constitution of the child allows for a phenomenological approach to treatment and, which is very important, to carry out the most individualized preventive measures for both the mother and the newborn. Works devoted to the development of children of the 1st year of life, depending on the nature of early adaptation in the neonatal period (V.F. Demin, M.F. Deshchekina 1992), convinced us of the need for a systematic analysis of the mother-newborn dyad, which comes to replace the single system "mother-placenta-fetus". The opinion that mother and child represent co6of a single psychosomatic system is expressed by domestic (Z.A. Akhmedova, E.A. Chernukha, 1988; T.N. Listopad, 1992; A.N. Levin, 1991 .; V.A. Linde, 1996) and foreign (A.I. Eidelman, et Hovare R., 1994; R.W. Howie, 1990; F. Venditteli, I. Alain, 1994; I. Wylie, 1994 d) authors.

Hypogalactia is one of the most frequent disorders of the functioning of the "mother-newborn" system. Today it is quite obvious that it is practically impossible to raise a healthy and harmoniously developed child without relying on the possibility of full and long-term feeding, however, according to various authors, the percentage of nursing women is steadily decreasing and ranges from 12 to 48-50% (S.N. Gaidukov, 1988; S. V. Miroshnichenko 1989; S. G. Gribakin, 1990; I. M. Vorontsov, 1993, 1996; T. N. Sorvacheva, 1995).

Insufficient effectiveness of the methods of treatment offered by official medicine; the lack of comprehensive treatment and, especially, preventive programs that take into account the individual! features of the mother, her anamnesis, course of pregnancy and method; delivery, forced to look for new ways of treating hypogalactia (I.M. Vorontsov, 1996). In our opinion, this solution is relevant! problems are possible from the standpoint of holistic medicine - the medicine of a single person.

Frequent refusal of breastfeeding or the impossibility of its implementation, a high percentage of nyret delivery by caesarean section, including repeated ones, deterioration in the somatic and reproductive health of pregnant women, the use of antibiotic therapy and other factors make it very important! the problem of pathological microbial colonization in newborns

which is another significant violation of adaptation in the "mother-newborn" system. Methods for correcting the identified dysbiotic disorders today cannot be considered a finally solved problem.

Another unresolved problem in the field of perinatology is the task of providing timely and comprehensive care to newborns who have undergone chronic intrauterine hypoxia (CVH), especially if they were born at term. Practice shows that quite often the assessment of their condition is overestimated, which makes further development not entirely favorable both in terms of the formation of age-related skills and abilities, and in terms of deviations in neurological - ?eskom and somatic status (Yu.I. Barashnev, 1996 ).

That is why in recent years there have been positive trends towards the problem of official recognition of classical homeotherapy, modern homotoxicology and other sections of traditional medicine as an integral part of modern clinical medicine in general (V.G. Kukes, 1996; Fisher P., Hard A., 1996). Of particular interest in relation to pediatrics and perinatology is the use of therapeutic agents of natural origin, used in small doses according to individual indications.

Over the entire 200-year history of the existence of the homeopathic method in domestic and foreign literature, certain experience has been accumulated in the use of homeopathy in pregnant women, women in labor and groves (A.V. Popov, 1994; Ruddock, 1901; V.N. Serov, I. V. Tiras-yulsky, 1996; V. F. Demin, L. I. Ilyenko, 1995-1996; L. I. Il-nko et al., 1993-1995; V. A Linde, 1997; Qulisch W, 1982; M.B. 5anos, Heimich J, 1983; Schroyens F, 1994; Yingling W.A., 1994; "ischer C.E., 1991 .), newborns and young children (F. "raf, 1994, 1995; Grangeorzh, 1992; P Popovsky, 1994; D. Bo-1.end, 1992; V.F. Demin , L. I. Ilyenko, 1993-1995; R. Burgarit, D. "ranzhorzh, A. Sialom, 1997). However, a scientific study of the possibilities of this method, as well as the ways of its integration into the established therapeutic The system has a short history, despite the fact that there is already order No. ii", allowing its use, along with others, by doctors of various specialties who have undergone special training. In practice, there is no work on the comparative characteristics of various tra -

traditional methods of treatment, with the exception of the works of V.A. Linde (1996, 1997).

Thus, the search for additional, safe and effective methods for the prevention and treatment of various adaptation disorders and their consequences in the mother, newborn and young child is an important, urgent and unresolved task today.

Goal of the work

Identification of the most significant adaptation disorders in the functional system "mother-newborn" and optimization of the system of measures to correct these disorders using some traditional methods.

Research objectives

1. To study the features of adaptation disorders in a single functional system "mother-newborn" at the present stage.

2. To identify deviations in the state of somatic and reproductive health of mothers with hypogalactia based on the holistic approach.

3. Evaluate the effectiveness of using various traditional methods for both early and late hypogalactia.

4. To clarify the main factors contributing to the development of intestinal dysbiosis in newborns at the present stage, and to evaluate the effectiveness of new ways of correcting it in comparison with existing ones.

5. To determine the significance and place of the means of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in the most common disadaptation syndromes. Develop a working classification of constitutional types of newborns, taking into account perinatal factors and develop an algorithm for the use of homeopathic remedies.

6. To study the effectiveness of various traditional methods of treatment in children with the consequences of chronic intrauterine hypoxia using modern research methods.

7. Assess the possibility of using classical homeopathy in homotoxicology in the creation of preventive, therapeutic and health -

effective programs in frequently ill young children with an unfavorable perinatal history.

8. Clarify the role of the doctrine of constitutional homeopathic types for modern obstetrics, neonatology and pediatrics.

9. Supplement the known medicinal pathogenesis of leading homeopathic preparations with new data obtained using modern diagnostic research methods.

Scientific novelty of the research

It has been established that hypogalactia, as the main type of disorder in the "mother-newborn" dyad, is a multifactorial pathology, in the development of which, along with endogenous factors, the constitutional homeopathic type of a woman plays a significant role, since it ultimately determines the characteristics of her somatic and reproductive health. .

For the first time, a study was made of the effectiveness of traditional methods of treatment (phytotherapy, acupuncture, classical homeopathy and homotoxicology) for early hypogalactia. The possibility of increasing lactation with the simultaneous use of homeopathic remedies and acupuncture was found. The high efficiency of complex homotoxicological preparations has been shown. The immediate and long-term results of treatment were traced. For the first time, a system of preventive measures in women at increased risk for the possible development of hypogalactia was substantiated, proposed and tested.

For the first time, it was shown that taking into account constitutional features and juridical history made it possible to clarify the leading risk factors for the development of dysbacteriosis and determine the modern effective strategy of treatment and prevention, depending on the method of delivery and individual clinical characteristics. The effect of improving the survival rate of commercial strains of bifidus-eacteria with the simultaneous use of the homeopathic method has been proven. The possibility of effective protection of the mucous membranes and intestines of newborns from contamination by opportunistic organisms was demonstrated using an autostrain obtained from the mother, 1 if it was impossible to obtain it, using the complex homotoxicological suis-organ preparation Misoza-comrosIish.

For the first time, the effectiveness of classical homeopathic remedies and complex biological homotoxicological preparations has been proven.

rats in the main syndromic pathology in newborns. A positive effect of the methods used in somatic and neurological abnormalities in the period of early adaptation was found. For the first time, the effect of homeopathic preparations on bilirubin metabolism was studied.

For the first time, the relationship between significant perinatal factors and the constitutional type of the newborn is shown. It has been proven that the correction of identified disorders with the use of homeopathic preparations has a positive effect on the distribution of children by health group. The indications for the use of complex biological preparations prescribed without taking into account the principle of similarity have been clarified. Indications for their joint use are defined and systematized.

The use of new integrated approaches in the treatment of newborns who experienced chronic intrauterine hypoxia 1 with hypoxic-ischemic CNS lesions allowed: 1.5-2 times to accelerate their recovery time compared to existing programs and optimized rehabilitation measures, as well as improved prognosis. For the first time, a system for monitoring this category of patients was tested and proposed. specialists (neonatologist, pediatrician, neurologist, ophthalmologist), trained: in matters of traditional medicine.

A multivariate analysis of the characteristics of the health status of frequently ill children (FIC) clearly demonstrated that the predisposition or readiness for the formation of this pathology lies in the peculiarities of the homeopathic constitution. For the first time, we used the combined use of various traditional methods of treatment (TML), including modern homotoxicological preparations, which made it possible to reduce the frequency of surgical treatment of nasopharyngeal pathology in FIC with an unfavorable perinatal history.

The practical significance of the work

It has been proven that the introduction of some traditional methods of treatment (phytotherapy, acupuncture, classical homeopathy and homotoxicology) into the medical process provides a real opportunity for less capital investment, significantly optimizing care for mothers and children.

The introduction of the results obtained in the course of this work into the practice of maternity hospitals, antenatal clinics and children's clinics allows us to solve the most urgent modern problem of trophilaxis and treatment of early and late hypogalactia. Efficient combinations of applied traditional methods of treatment have been found, which contribute to the enhancement of the expected clinical effect and vigilant lactation. An algorithm for the use of complex biological preparations for the prevention of hypogalactia in women who are at increased risk for the possible development of this type of obstetric pathology has been developed and proposed. This leads to a decrease in the pharmacological load and at the same time optimizes the management of puerperas in the postpartum period.

Qualitatively new and effective ways of preventing and treating intestinal dysbiosis in newborns and young children have been found. A tactic for managing newborns in the maternity hospital has been proposed and tested, which contributes to an increase in the resistance of the intestinal mucosa to pathological microbial colonization.

Indications for the use of the method of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in newborns with leading pathological syndromes were determined. The proposed classification and algorithm for the use of homeopathic remedies make it possible to correctly apply them according to the principle of similarity, as well as to adequately use the complex - the first biological preparations according to the indications developed.

A large clinical material shows the high therapeutic possibilities of traditional methods of treatment and an individual constitutional approach, which makes it possible to effectively solve the problems of helping newborns who have had CVH: hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system. The systematized indications developed by us allow physicians to better orient themselves in the choice of one or more traditional methods in order to achieve the best clinical results. Close interaction - tvie group of specialists who own TML and are necessary for - > observation of this contingent (neonatologist, pediatrician, neuropathologist, ophthalmologist), allows you to continue the proposed program in an outpatient setting.

A program has been developed and implemented for the combined use of classical homeopathy and modern homotoxicology in patients with frequent

laying children with a history of perinatal factors, including those suffering from chronic pathology of the ENT organs. The possibility of selecting children with ENT pathology for surgical treatment on the basis of a constitutional individual approach has been proved.

The complex wellness program tested by us with the inclusion of the homeopathic method has shown its effectiveness and expediency of implementation in preschool institutions.

Implementation of the results of the work into practice

The results of the research and the practical recommendations arising from them have been introduced into the practice of the clinical maternity hospital No. 4, children's polyclinics No. 103, No. 80 of the South-Western Administrative District of Moscow, the children's polyclinic of the Medical Center for the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, ENT department and consultative diagnostic center of the Children's Morozov Clinical Hospital in Moscow.

Based on the results of the work, methodological materials "We are for breastfeeding" were published, 1996, Moscow, a series of works "Application of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in perinatology and pediatrics" in collaboration with V.F. Demin, V.F. Kokolina and others, was awarded the Diploma of Laureate of the II Prize of the Russian State Medical University for 1995-1996. The section "Classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in pediatrics" is included in the training program for students of the evening department of the pediatric faculty of the Russian State Medical University (52 hours).

An educational video film "Homeopathy and health improvement" was filmed.

Approbation of work

The main provisions of the dissertation work were reported and approved at the II All-Union Conference "Social and Hygienic Problems of Pediatrics" (Minsk, 1989); at the European Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Moscow, June 1991); meeting of the Moscow Society of Pediatric Doctors (1995); at the Russian-Swedish scientific symposium (Moscow, 1995); at the scientific conference "Homotoxicology - basics and methodological approaches" (Novosibirsk, 1994); at the international symposium "Environment*

environment - man - disease "(Moscow, 1995); at the scientific and practical conference "Development of the homeopathic direction in modern medicine" (Perm, 1995); at the international scientific and practical conference "Homeopathy and modern medicine" (St. Petersburg, 1994); at the plenum of the board of the All-Russian Society of Otorhinolaryngologists (Tver, XII-1996); at the II Russian National Congress "Man and Medicine" (Moscow, 1995); at the I and II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Rehabilitation of human health" (X-1995, VI-1996, Moscow); at the congress of pediatricians of Russia "New technologies in pediatrics" (19-21 / 1U, 1995, Moscow); at the international scientific and practical conference "Actual Issues of Perinatology" (1994, Cheboksary); at the I and II Scientific Congress "Traditional Medicine: Theoretical and Practical Aspects" (1995, Moscow, 1996, Cheboksary); at the International Homeopathic Congress (1995 ., Tyumen); at the II International Scientific and Practical which conference "Ecology and human health" (X-1995, Samara); at the annual international conferences "Development of the homeopathic method in modern medicine" (I - 1992-1996); at the I scientific readings dedicated to the memory of M.F. De - Shchekina (III - 1996, Moscow).

The structure and scope of the dissertation

The dissertation consists of an introduction, literature review, chapters: personal observations, conclusions, conclusions, practical recommendations, literature index. The dissertation is presented on pages of typescript, contains figures, tables, photographs. The list of references includes sources, including domestic and foreign ones.

The main position of the dissertation put forward for defense

The expediency of using traditional methods of treatment, including classical homeopathy and modern homotoxicology in nursing, perinatology and pediatrics.

General characteristics of patients and research methods

The work is based on the data of clinical observations and examinations of 286 mothers with hypogalactia (Table 1). To determine the frequency of early hypogalactia, 300 histories (birth and development of the newborn) were additionally analyzed. The criterion for establishing the diagnosis of "hypogalactia" was: insufficient milk secretion for the given day, which was determined by the amount sucked by the child and expressed after feeding, as well as the absence of a tendency to increase it after the elimination of all visible causes contributing to reduced lactation.

One of the objectives of the study was - a comparative comparison of the results of the effectiveness of the use of various traditional methods, in connection with which 27 patients received phytotherapy; 60 - means of classical homeopathy; 20 - point massage; 25 - auri - culoelectric stimulation (NPP); 74 patients received homotoxicological agents (50 - Pulbala-1p]ee1; 24 - Picaula-comotrazite). We were also interested in the question of the effect of the combined use of TML on increasing lactation, so 30 patients received herbal medicine and acupressure at the same time, 20 received classical homeopathy in combination with acupressure, and 30 mothers were simultaneously treated with AES sessions in combination with classical homeopathic remedies. All women were examined using conventional clinical and laboratory tests. Particular importance was attached to the collection of anamnesis, which is very important for the choice of a homeopathic remedy. In addition to clinical methods, to assess the effectiveness of the therapy, the level of prolactin was studied before and after treatment (17 people), and an ultrasound examination of the postpartum uterine cavity was performed in 53 puerperas during the therapy. Much attention in the process of working with mothers was paid to the self-assessment of our patients on a 4-point scale (very good; good; satisfactory; unsuccessful). 80 nursing mothers were observed in follow-up.

587 newborns were also under observation, which were divided into groups as follows: 96 - dysbiotic disorders of the intestine; 32 - cephalohematomas; 99 - various syndromic pathology; 360 - borderline with the norm of the state.

Table 1



Indicator Quantity Nature of the disease Quantity

1. Histories of childbirth and development of newborns (archive) 300

2. Pregnant women 151 Dysbacteriosis 96 2. Ultrasound examination of the postpartum uterus 53

3. Postpartum women 286 Cophalogsmatomas 32 3. Study of intestinal microbiocenosis of a newborn 71

4. Nursing mothers: up to 6 months After 6 mine. 50 30 Post-shock encephalitis due to CVH 110

4. Cardiocophaphy during pregnancy PO

Various sypdromal pathology 99 5. Neurosonopharynx 120

5. Newborns 873 Various borderline conditions 360 6. Dynamic ophthalmoscopy 78

6. Children of the 1st year of life 110 Acute respiratory diseases in frequently ill children 93 7. Study of the content of bilirubin in the blood serum of newborns 45

7. Frequently ill flyers: in a hospital with chronic ENT pathology (outpatient) 93 62

Chronic adenoiditis and hearing loss in frequently ill children 62 0. Timpapometry 62

9. Endoscopy of the nasal cavity 62

Children observed under the rehabilitation program 33 10. Audiometry 62

0. Children attending kindergarten "Teremok" 33

TOTAL: women children 737 1171

A separate group consisted of 120 children who experienced CVH with varying degrees of severity of hypoxic-ischemic CNS lesions. CVH was diagnosed on the basis of well-known anamnestic and clinical data, as well as the results of instrumental methods for studying the fetoplacental system (ultrasound biometry of the fetus and placenta, cardiotocography). The condition of the children was assessed with a neuropathologist and an oculist, taking into account physical development, the presence of morphological immaturity by the gestational age (according to the Dubowisch scale); neurological status and dynamics of leading neurological symptoms; change in the fundus. During the follow-up observation of these patients for up to a year, in addition to general clinical research methods, somatic and neurological examination in dynamics, all the observed patients were assessed according to the method of O.V. Bazhenova and A.S. Petrukhin, developed at the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Pediatric Faculty of the Russian State Medical University and the Department of Neuro- and Pathopsychology of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University, which allows for a comprehensive assessment mental development and analysis of different groups of reactions (motor, emotional, sensory) according to age.

In addition, in the course of the work, 155 frequently ill young children with a history of significant perinatal factors were under observation; of them with acute respiratory diseases - 93 children and with chronic adenoiditis - 62 children. 33 small patients were observed in the suburban kindergarten"Teremok" during the year in connection with the testing of a comprehensive health program including homeopathic remedies.

Research methods

Special research methods were used in the work: ultrasonic biometry of the fetus and placenta on devices "Aloka-630" (Japan); indirect cardiotocography (CTG) on an automatic antenatal monitor (AAM-4).

To assess the effectiveness of TML hypogalactia, puerperas underwent an ultrasound examination of the uterus using "Aloka-630"; study of the level of prolactin by enzyme immunoassay on the equipment of the company Roche (France) using standard test kits of the same company.

To examine children with hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the CNS, an ultrasound examination of the CNS (neurosonography) was used on the Aloka-630 apparatus with a 5 MHz convex probe.

The microbiological study included qualitative and quantitative determination of the microflora of the feces of newborns in Hank's solution up to 108-1010. The test material was inoculated on differential diagnostic media to determine individual microorganisms: bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, bacteroids, enterococci, enterobacteria, staphylococci, yeast fungi of the genus Candida. Enterobacteria and bifidobacteria were identified using the ART-20E and ART-20A systems (France). Bifidobacteria strains were isolated on the Blaurock nutrient medium modified by G.I. Goncharova (1968). The experimental part of the work to determine the safety, non-pathogenicity and lack of toxicity of the isolated strains from the feces of a woman was carried out on 100 SBA mice of both sexes. In the second series of the experiment, 2 adult volunteers were under observation who received isolated strains from each mother.

To objectify the results of treatment, 32 children with chronic adenoiditis and hearing loss underwent an endoscopic examination of the upper respiratory tract using Hopkins - optics produced by "Teskgu" (England) and "K Storz" (Germany). In addition, he conducted audiometry and tympanometry on a combined multifunctional device Grason-Stadler 931 - 38 Autotemp (USA) with a subsequent assessment of the types of tympanograms.

The vast majority of the research, the entire analysis and interpretation of the data obtained, the development and implementation of practical recommendations, were carried out by the author personally. Some fragments of the work were carried out jointly with the staff of the departments: pediatric otorhinolaryngology (head of the department -corresponding member M.R. Bogomilsky), pediatric neurology (head of the department - prof. A.S. Petrukhin), obstetrics and gynecology of the pediatric faculty (head of the department - Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G.M. Savelyeva), Microbiology (Head of the Department - Prof. V.M. Korshunov) of the Russian State medical university, as well as the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical and Preventive Faculty (Head of the Department - Prof. A.D. Makatsaria) MMA named after. THEM. Seche -

new. The results of these studies are reflected in joint publications and reports.

How to use the homeopathic method of treatment

The method of selecting the necessary means of classical homeopathy was carried out mainly in two ways:

Selection of a constitutional remedy. In these cases, the so-called high dilutions of preparations (30 and 50) were used. For the first time in domestic and foreign literature, we have given a detailed definition of the constitutional type of a newborn, taking into account the leading perinatal factors and adaptation options, and presented algorithms for making a homeopathic diagnosis.

Selection of homeopathic remedies similar to the leading pathological symptom or syndrome (icteric syndrome, regurgitation and vomiting syndrome, hyperexcitability syndrome, etc.). If it is necessary to use several "similar" remedies, the Gibson-Muller compatibility table of homeopathic preparations was taken into account. In these cases, homeopathic remedies were used in so-called low dilutions (3x; 6; sometimes 12). Domestic homeopathic remedies, traditionally produced in grains, were used sublingually - 1 grain per dose or in a solution of water.

Explanations of some special terms used in the text

Homeopathic medicinal pathogenesis is a description of the changes observed in healthy individuals under the influence of a substance (of plant, mineral or animal origin) used in material (allopathic) doses.

Such a homeopathic medicine - a remedy that, in its medicinal pathogenesis, coincides with the clinical picture that a particular patient has, is used in small (homeopathic) doses.

The constitutional homeopathic type is a hereditarily determined feature of the morphology, physiology and psyche of an individual.

As the child grows and develops, a transformation of the constitutional type may occur, but it is carried out, as a rule, within a certain corridor, while maintaining the general orientation of the initial constitution.

Hypogalactia - as a problem of adaptation disorders in a single system "mother-newborn" and evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of various traditional methods of treatment

At the first stage of work, in order to determine the prevalence of early hypogalactia, 300 histories of childbirth and development of newborns were analyzed. A multivariate analysis showed that the prevalence of hypogalactia varies significantly depending on the method of delivery and the mode of stay in the maternity hospital: in the "mother-child" department, puerperas with hypogalactia amounted to 11.2%, while in patients who were separated from children this the indicator was much more frequent - 19.5%; in women after caesarean section, we noted early hypogalactia in 28.6%.

To assess the adaptive capabilities of the body, the doctrine of functional systems by P.K. Anokhin, and, in his opinion, the result as the final stage of adaptation determines the specific arrangement of the functional system. "The whole organism," P.K. Anokhin emphasizes, "is directed to the focus of the result, and not a single organ, not a single function remains indifferent to it." We allowed ourselves to believe that the "focus of the result" in the early postpartum period is lactation, and the leading violation of adaptation in the functional system "mother-newborn" is hypogastia. The significant spread of this pathology in recent years can partly be explained by unfavorable social conditions and general negative trends in the health status of “women of reproductive age (G.M. Savelyeva, V.N. Serov, H.N. Zaganov, 1994), the features of obstetric care at the present stage . At the same time, many authors and our own observations have established that with the same disturbances in soma -

The formation and duration of lactation can proceed differently, and in particular, to a large extent they depend on the possibility of cohabitation of the mother and child, which allows us to consider hypogalactia as a controlled violation of adaptation.

Conducted on a large sample of puerperas, a multivariate analysis of the causes leading to hypogalactia made it possible to identify the following most significant factors.

From the woman's side:

Genetic (women of a certain constitutional homeopathic type suffer);

Iatrogenic (patients who during pregnancy underwent activation and / or stimulation of labor with the help of estrogens, oxytocin, prostaglandins);

Features of delivery - caesarean section, especially performed before the onset of labor.

From the side of the newborn:

Late attachment to the breast;

Violation of feeding technology.

Of great interest is the question of the role of certain constitutional homeopathic types in the formation of that part (group) of patients with hypogalactia who suffer from chronic tonsillitis. Individual analysis of observations revealed that the following constitutional homeopathic types met with the maximum frequency: 1. Phytolacca americana (8%); 2. Hepar sulfui (22%); 3. Calcarea carbonica (14%); 4. Barita carbonica (8%); 5. Silicea (28%).

Attention is drawn to several features that are found in all medicinal pathogenesis of these types: violation of the formation of the menstrual cycle; great sensitivity to cold; a tendency to increased body weight, starting from an early age, a tendency to easy onset and development of suppurative processes of any localization. This is well confirmed by the data * of the anamnesis of patients with hypogalactia: overweight was recorded in them 2 times more often than in the control group after menarche 1.5 times more often; every second woman with hypogalactia suffered from chronic tonsillitis (23% of them had juvenile uterine bleeding).

Of the 286 women in childbirth, 75 had a caesarean section.

According to our data, the percentage of breastfeeding in women after caesarean section is from 25 to 30%. The following factors were the cause of hypogalactia in this contingent:

The nature and severity of obstetric and extragenital pathology, which was an indication for operative delivery;

Impossibility of early attachment to the breast;

Depressive effect on the fetus and newborn of pharmacological agents used in childbirth and during surgery;

The presence of borderline and / or pathological conditions, complicating the implementation of the act of sucking;

Violation of the contractile activity of the postpartum uterus due to the presence of a scar;

Turning off the normal biomechanism of childbirth during caesarean section, leading to a great tension of adaptive reactions to maintain homeostasis.

Optimization of the management and nursing of newborns removed by caesarean section, and especially reoperation, in our opinion, depends on the possibility of breastfeeding, and, therefore, on the tactics and strategy of the obstetrician in the postoperative period.

Among women who gave birth on their own, the following significant adverse factors attracted attention: OPG-preeclampsia in 37.1% of all cases, which is 1.5 times higher than in the control group; tendency to prolong pregnancy, which to a certain extent explains the high percentage of amniotomies in parturient women suffering from hypogalactia (38.8% instead of 7.3% in the control group). Early and premature outflow of water in the observed patients was detected 3.4 times more often and naturally led to high percentage such an important obstetric indicator as ate - labor activity (32.7% compared with 14.8% in healthy patients).

Anomalies of labor activity led to the need for widespread use of pharmacological agents for the regulation and activation of labor activity, and women suffering from hypogalactia were 4.5 times more likely to receive more than 3 different medications than women in the control group. The following drugs were most often prescribed: oxytoxin, prostaglandins, painkillers, es -

trogens, with a deterioration in the condition of the fetus - sigetin. The drugs used, and especially estrogens, have an extremely Negative influence for subsequent lactation.

Thus, hypogalactia is a violation of the reproductive function, which is the resultant effect of the interaction of various factors, extended in time, the integral result of which entirely depends on the characteristics of the constitution of a girl - a girl - a woman. The data obtained by us convincingly indicate that "isolated" hypogalactia in women who do not have deviations in reproductive health is an extremely rare phenomenon and is caused either by psychogenic effects or large blood loss after childbirth, and in these cases it is transient. In the vast majority of cases, hypogalactia is a manifestation and consequence of accumulating "breakdowns" (deviations) in the formation and manifestation of the reproductive function. It can be considered that the fact of a “breakdown” at the stage of formation of the reproductive function, both in the form of early and late menarche, and in the form of the development of juvenile uterine bleeding, indicates a greater likelihood of a serious “breakdown” at other stages, when increased requirements: the onset of pregnancy - the course of pregnancy - the course of labor - lactation.

The results of the application of traditional methods of treatment of hypogalactia.

We used lactation-regulating methods in 286 puerperas.

Directed individual and collective psychotherapy is a method aimed at forming a stable dominant for lactation, educating and preparing women for the lactation process and explaining the benefits of breastfeeding, i.e. creation of a psychological mood for long-term and full feeding.

Homeopathy is a method of treatment, which is a system of influencing the human body with safe means of exclusively natural origin, selected strictly according to the principle of similarity in small and ultra-low concentrations in order to normalize the influence on the processes of self-regulation of the functions and systems of the human body. It is important to note that the action of such a homeo -

Pathic drug manifests itself with extreme speed - almost in the next 15-20 minutes after ingestion.

Homotoxicology is one of the alternative directions of medical thought, based on the synthesis of the latest achievements of modern classical medicine and the homeopathic approach to the treatment of patients. Unlike classical homeopathy, in homotoxicology, in addition to the principle of similarity, there are also indications, which brings it closer to official medicine.

Phytotherapy is a method of influencing a woman's body with the help of medicinal plants that improve milk production. The plants most used for this purpose belong to the umbrella family (fennel, anise, cumin, dill); nettles and legumes.

Auriculoelectrostimulation is a method of restorative reflexology by stimulating biologically active points of the auricle. Biologically active points are located in a certain pattern and do not manifest themselves in a healthy person. According to modern concepts, the auricular point has an area of ​​​​about 2 mm. Determined that acupuncture points auricles have a lower resistance to direct current and a higher resistance to electrical potential, and these indicators depend on the nature and severity of the pathological process. Auriculoelectrostimulation using a portable single-channel pulsed electrical stimulator "Home doctor QZT-I" is carried out for the prevention and treatment of hypogalactia in the early postpartum period. The device has a wide range of diverse actions by the type of biofeedback - a series of automatically modulated impulses, which allows you to accurately select the parameters and time of exposure to different homeostasis systems, enhance the therapeutic and preventive effect, and carry out individual correction of the work of organs and systems. It should be noted that auriculoelectric stimulation is advisable if it is started from 1-2 days after birth. We recommend 2 sessions per day for 10 minutes with an interval of 3 hours.

Acupressure- is both independent and complementary to other types of therapy, the method of acupressure (self-massage) according to B.C. Ibragimova, who, according to our data, found high efficiency in the correction of hypogalactia. When doing a massage

use the following biologically active points: le-qué, shang-yang, r-jian, tan-zhong, ying-chuan, ju-gen, uiao-jie, gde-uiy, he-gu, nei-guan, qi-men.

Of the homotoxicological preparations of the Heel company, we used the following: 1. Pulsatilla-Injeel, 2. Pulsatilla-compositum. Both remedies contain Pulsatilla nigricans (Pulsatilla nigricans) at 6 decimal dilution, which is a very "similar" remedy for pregnant women and puerperas, in turn, the second remedy4! additionally contains Pulsatilla D6, Sulfur D8, Cortisonacetat Dl8.

As can be seen from the composition of this biological preparation, it is especially indicated for the consequences of allopathic therapy, which is especially valuable for patients with hypogalactia, usually overloaded with various pharmacotherapeutic agents during pregnancy and childbirth; as well as to restore and activate the mechanism of the anterior pituitary and adrenal cortex. Thus, we can assume that this drug has a more pronounced complex effect on the entire body of the puerperal, compared with Pulsatilla-Injeel.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of Pulsatilla-Injeel in puerperas with hypogalactia who gave birth spontaneously.

The overall evaluation of the effectiveness of the studied complex biological preparation was based on the following indicators: 1. Patient self-assessment data 2. Changes in body weight in newborns 3. Changes in the prolactin index before and after the use of the drug in the blood of puerperas.

Treatment efficacy was assessed based on the overall mean score as follows: no effect, 0; satisfactory effect - 1; good - 2; very good - 3.

In our opinion, the most indicative result of the total effect of psychotherapy, the implementation of the regimen and the use of Pulsatilla is the dynamics of body weight in the newborn, as well as the amount of sucked and expressed milk (Table 2). The latter indicator showed an increase of more than 2 times compared with the control group.

table 2



3 days 4 days

Women receiving Pulsatilla (n=50) 370+10 450±12.3

Control group (n = 30) 145+12 245+5.8

In addition, it should be noted that all children of mothers who received homeopathic treatment were discharged from the maternity hospital on the 5-6th day of life with the restoration of body weight, and in some, discharged later, the weight at discharge exceeded the weight at birth, on average by 23 .6+0.25 g; while in patients referred by us to the control group, the restoration of the initial body weight was recorded only in 17% of cases.

For puerperas after caesarean section, we included in the complex therapy, in addition to Pulsatilla, Traumeel (IM or per os - from the 1st day). Obviously, therefore, the pain syndrome in patients who received homeopathic treatment after surgery on the second day is almost 3 times less than that in puerperas in the control group who received generally accepted standard therapy.

The decrease in pain allowed us to carry out the first application to the breast already on the second day, which affected the dynamics of colostrum formation, which appeared and was persistent on the third day after surgery in 78% of women, while in the control group the analyzed indicator was only 8 % of the total.

The conducted studies allow us to recommend the above means in order to optimize the management of the mother and the newborn after delivery by caesarean section. Follow-up data indicate that this category of mothers fed their children only with breast milk up to 6 months in 68% of cases, which is almost 3.5 times higher than in patients who received conventional treatment.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy, in addition to a number of clinical indicators, we considered it appropriate to conduct a study of the level of prolactin in 17 women before and after the use of the biological preparation of the company "Heel" - Pulsatilla-Injeel. We found that already 24 hours after intramuscular administration of the drug, a significant increase in the level of prolactin occurs (before treatment 3831+1274.3 mIU/l - after 24 hours 5838±898.8 mIU/l).

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that among women who received Pulsatilla-Injeel and Pulsatilla-compositum, in no case was pathological lactostasis noted, although one of the first reactions that our patients note in a matter of hours, and sometimes in a matter of minutes, this is a general warming, a feeling of heat and further engorgement in the mammary glands.

The introduction of traditional methods of treatment, in addition to the direct effect on increasing lactation, undoubtedly improves the quality of life of a nursing mother (appetite, mood, sleep, adaptive capabilities), which to a large extent contributes to the harmonious development of her child.

Thus, in all cases of using traditional methods of treatment, we obtained a positive effect, however, its severity turned out to be different. The data obtained by us when comparing various regulatory methods are presented in the form of a diagram (Figure 1), which shows that the most effective is the combined use of 2 regulatory methods (homeopathy and acupuncture - 93.7%), as well as the use of homotoxicology - up to 99% .

Follow-up observations carried out during the 1st year showed that the duration of lactation depends on the following factors: the constitutional type of a woman, which in turn determines: morbidity, body weight, the formation of menstrual function; childbirth parity; course of pregnancy; features of childbirth and methods of delivery; the use of certain pharmacological agents in childbirth (oxytocin, estrogens,); the time of attachment to the breast of a newborn; conditions of stay in the maternity hospital; the content of prolactin in the dynamics of the early postpartum period.

Our research has shown that, despite the difficult socio-economic situation in Russia, it is currently possible to find real opportunities to optimize services for mothers and

Picture 1


□ 1 D2 W H4 BS Pb P7 I8 I9

1. Phytotherapy (27 people) - 70%

2. Homeopathy (60 people) - 85%

3. Acupressure (20 people) - 68%

4. Phytotherapy + Acupressure (30 people) - 73%

5. Homeopathy + Acupressure (20 people) - 93.7%

6. Auriculostimulation + Homeopathy (30 people) - 90%

7. Auriculostimulation (15 people) - 62.5%

8. Homotoxicology - Pulsatilla Compositum (24 people) - 99%

Pulsatilla-Injeel (50 pax)

9. Control (30 people) - 60%

children, which does not require large investments, and at the same time gives a stable therapeutic effect (both immediate and distant).

Impaired microbial colonization as a manifestation of disadaptation syndrome and ways of its correction from the point of view of holistic medicine

The adaptation of a newborn to new living conditions depends on many factors, the most important of which is breastfeeding, which in turn determines the formation of the intestinal microflora. The aim of our study was to develop effective ways protection of the mucous membranes and intestines of the newborn from contamination by opportunistic pathogens. Arguments in favor of the relevance of this study, in our opinion, are not only the growing role of microbial ecology; the birth of a large number of children who have experienced CVH with its various consequences; an increase in the percentage of operative delivery and a constant increase in the number of children from repeated cesarean section, but also, well-known to all, poor survival of commercial strains of bifidobacteria used in wide practice.

Our proposed program for the prevention of dysbacteriosis, taking into account constitutional belonging, is a set of measures aimed at normalizing impaired functions of the mucous membrane, motility of the gastrointestinal tract, increasing the survival rate of the used strains and stimulating one's own bifidogenic ability, which leads to protection from contamination by opportunistic organisms during stay in a maternity hospital.

The above is achieved by the following methods: 1. Early attachment to the breast (immediately after childbirth) 2. Joint stay of mother and child, including children who have experienced CVH, with morphological immaturity, with intrauterine hypotraphy, and also and especially children and mothers after caesarean section 3. Optimization management of puerperas in the postpartum period using homotoxicological and homeopathic remedies (Traumeel, Pulsatilla, China 6)

low risk, it is advisable to use the commercial drug bifi - dumbacterin (in the latter case, we recommend using live strains). In addition, to increase the survival rate of a commercial drug, we propose to use simultaneously constitutional homeopathic remedies, selected according to the principle of similarity, taking into account the proposed working scheme - classification. The use of the complex suis-organ preparation Mucosa-compositum (per os or IM) turned out to be very effective, which allows improving gastrointestinal motility and increasing its own bifidogenic ability even in newborns belonging to the highest risk group (after repeated caesarean section).

The data obtained are based on clinical observations, as well as microbiological examination of 71 newborns. The children were divided by us into the following groups: 1-10 children contaminated with maternal autostrain; II - 20 newborns who received a dry commercial drug - bifidumbacterin; III - 10 newborns who were treated with a live commercial strain obtained by inoculation of a dry commercial strain on Blaurock liquid medium; IV - 10 children who received individually selected constitutional homeopathic remedies against the background of the use of a dry commercial strain; V - 15 newborns, the treatment of which was carried out with homeopathic remedies, selected according to the main clinical symptoms; VI - 6 newborns who received the suis-organ complex biological preparation Mucosa-compositum. The children assigned by us to groups II and III were controls for all other groups. In newborns extracted by caesarean section, in contrast to those born through the natural birth canal, the percentage of children with dysbiotic disorders of the intestine is high (in the biomass of isolated bacteria, the proportion of bifidoflora by day 20 was only 27.5 ± 0.9%), which caused a large number of children with clinical manifestations of dysbacteriosis (37.5%). A single injection of the maternal autostrain to a child 2 hours after birth led to the predominance of bifidobacteria by the 10th day of life (in children who received the commercial preparation Bifidumbacterin, their dominance was noted only by the 20th day of life). Results similar to patients of group I were obtained in children who received individually selected drugs against the background of the use of a commercial drug.

meopathic remedies or complex drug Mucosa - compositum. A high level of bifido- and lactoflora in them contributed to a decrease in the level and frequency of excretion of Escherichia coli, staphylococci, yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida (p<0,01), и, следовательно, создавалась эффективная защита новорожденных от контаминации условно - патогенными бактериями, путем повышения уровня бифидобактерий.

The results of the therapeutic effect are presented in Table 3.

The use of the homeopathic method, both in the form of constitutional and post-syndromic therapy (the criteria for selecting drugs according to the principle of similarity are set out in the dissertation in the form of a working classification scheme), as well as in the form of a complex preparation Mi - cosa-compositum, prescribed according to indications, which significantly affects on long-term results (Table 4).

As can be seen from the table, the proposed methods for correcting intestinal dysbiosis significantly reduce the percentage of the most common pathological conditions in children during the first months of life.

The role and place of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in the conduct of constitutional and post-syndromic therapy in newborns

In today's environment, newborns are under increasingly harsh conditions of survival. This is convincingly evidenced by negative trends in the state of somatic and reproductive health of women of childbearing age (G.M. Savelyeva, V.N. Serov, 1996) - on the one hand, and a clear trend towards an increase in the proportion of syndromic pathology in newborns, on the other. sides.

A high percentage of caesarean sections and a large number of anesthetic benefits makes the issue of narcotic depression and methods of its prevention and treatment relevant. A very common practice of accelerating labor activity leads to an increase in the number of children with a variety of neurological and somatic disorders, in particular, with regurgitation and vomiting syndrome. Despite the constant improvement of obstetric skills, the number of children with birth injuries does not decrease.

Table 3



1 11 111 IV V VI

1. Body weight kg. 3.47±0.12 3.46±0.14 3.41±0.14 3.23±0.1 3.15±0.12 3.38±0.13

2. Height, cm. 51.5±0.53 51.4±0.55 50.13±1.48 50.12±1.33 49.21±0.35 51.2±0.53

3. Frequency of borderline states, % 30 40 50 25 20 33

4. Physiological weight loss, % 6.7±0.59 8.29±0.57 7.72±0.38 6.3±0.58 7.5±0.33 7.83±0.53

5. Frequency of secondary weight loss, % 30 50 30 10 30 52

6. Frequency of intertrigo by the 20th day of life 10 30 20 - - 15

7. The frequency of thrush by the 20th day of life,% - 60 20 - - 20

8. Frequency of change in stool character, % 10 40 20 10 15 20

9. Frequency of mixed feeding, % 50 40 30 20 20 20

Table 4



Dry commercial bifidumbacterium (n=20) Homeopathic methods (n=31)

Rickets 65% 38%

Anemia 20% 8%

Allergic manifestations 25% 5%

Gastrointestinal dysfunction 20% 8%

Table 5



CONTROL GROUP / GROUP (Classic homeopathic remedies) II GROUP (Complex preparation Neree!)

n=15 n=10 n=12

Before treatment 234±15.3 227±13.7 242±16.2

After treatment (on day 3) 153±14.8 65±15.5 42±15.8

(cephalohematomas, clavicle fractures). It should be noted that hyperbilirubinemia is a constant companion of cephalohematoma. In addition, according to our data, a significant contribution to the percentage of jaundice in newborns is made by 2 more factors:

An increase in the birth of immature-to-gestational term newborns (23.6%);

More frequent use of oxytocin to stimulate and/or activate labor (10.6%).

The question of the treatment of hyperbilirubinemia in newborns cannot be considered definitively resolved, if only because, firstly, the use of luminal (phenobarbital) is often accompanied by luminal intoxication, and the necessary infusion therapy does not allow frequent breastfeeding of children, which delays discharge to the pediatric site . The above circumstances prompted us to study the clinical efficacy of homeopathic remedies, as well as the drug from Heel (Germany) - Hepeel.

The dynamics of changes in the level of bilirubin in the course of treatment is shown by us in Table 5, which presents a comparative assessment with a group of children who received conventional therapy.

A comparative assessment of the use of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology allows us to conclude that Hepeel is a more effective drug, the use of which leads to a faster and more pronounced drop in indirect bilirubin, which poses a real danger to the developing brain and hearing organ. All this makes it possible to improve the management of this category of newborns, while limiting infusion therapy and speeding up the time for discharge from the maternity hospital.

The syndrome of regurgitation and vomiting in newborns who have experienced chronic intrauterine hypoxia, according to our data, occurs in 60% of all cases, especially in children with structural brain lesions (according to neurosonography). At the moment, it is well known (A.V. Mazurin, A.V. Svirsky, 1991) that 50% of children with regurgitation and vomiting syndrome develop inflammatory lesions of the upper digestive tract, which makes the problem of finding new methods of treating this pathological condition urgent. With the syndrome of regurgitation and vomiting in newborns, we first used in clinical and outpatient

under complex homeopathic preparation Vomitusheel, which is produced by Heel in suppositories for rectal use.

Under our supervision there were 22 children of the 1st month of life, suffering from the syndrome of regurgitation and vomiting. 10 patients received conventional therapy and constituted the control group, the remaining 12 received the complex biological preparation Vomitusheel 2 times a day in the form of suppositories per rectum. It should be noted that we agree with the opinion of A.B. Mazurin (1994) about an increase in the frequency of regurgitation and vomiting syndrome after 2 weeks of age, associated with the breakdown of transplacental progesterone, which reduces the tone of the lower esophageal sphincter, and the later synthesis of its own gastrin, which increases the tone of the sphincter. This circumstance, in our opinion, is another argument in favor of the expediency of using regulatory therapy. The results of the therapy showed that already in the first days of the start of treatment in 60% of cases, we noted the disappearance of pathological symptoms of lesions of the upper gastrointestinal tract, while in the control group this figure was only about 30%.

In general, post-syndromic therapy in newborns can be significantly optimized by means of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology. The use of the latter, prescribed without taking into account similarity, is especially valuable, since the proposed treatment programs using them can be recommended for wide practice.

The possibility of carrying out constitutional homeopathic therapy in practice is very difficult to implement due to two circumstances: insufficient orientation of neonatologists in the field of classical homeopathy, the absence in domestic and foreign literature of detailed descriptions of medicinal pathogenesis in relation to children in the first hours and days of life, and therefore taking into account the influence of perinatal factors.

Our observations have shown that even from the "mother-child" department, only 51% of children are discharged with group I health, but more than half of them have borderline conditions that require active management tactics. The rest of the newborns require post-syndromic therapy much more often.

In the course of our work, we came to the conclusion that the constitutional homeopathic type of a newborn is a collective portrait, depending mainly on the three most important

factors: heredity, conditions of intrauterine existence, features of the course of labor activity. Within the framework of this definition, the dissertation presents supplemented, the most common, constitutional homeopathic types in newborns with impaired adaptation. Correction of the identified disadaptive syndromes was carried out with individually selected classical (similar) homeopathic remedies, the effectiveness of which, with high similarity, manifests itself very quickly, sometimes in a matter of hours and even minutes. As a criterion for the effectiveness of the therapy, in addition to the clinical effect, we used such an indicator as the distribution of children by health groups presented in the diagrams (Figure 2). As can be seen from the figure, under the influence of applying the methods of classical homeopathy, the number of children in the Pb group decreases by 1.7 times, simultaneously with an increase in children in groups I and II.

Thus, the use of TML is a new direction in practical and theoretical neonatology, opening up new opportunities, which is currently constrained by only two factors: insufficient orientation of doctors in the field of classical homeopathy and the lack of detailed descriptions of constitutional types in domestic and foreign literature available to us. newborns.

The constitution of a person in general, and a newborn in particular, is formed and constantly changes, so it should not be taken as something "frozen". It changes during the transition from intrauterine to extrauterine state and, as our observations have shown, is in close correlation with the conditions of intrauterine existence and the characteristics of birth stress.

The results of the use of traditional methods of treatment in full-term children who have had CVH - in the neonatal period and at the first year of life

The development, prognosis and methods of correction of somatic and neurological disorders in children who have experienced CVH, despite a long history, present a certain problem. The degree of hypoxia and tolerance of the nervous system in each particular fetus, and later in the newborn, is purely individual, probably because it depends on the amount of constantly changing -

Figure 2



time-dependent pathological influences. This ultimately leads to the fact that almost the same adverse factors during pregnancy and childbirth lead to cerebral disorders that are completely different in severity and manifestations. The above, obviously, causes dissatisfaction with the results of modern methods of treatment. This is partly due to the peculiarities of the manifestation of neurological and somatic status; in addition to the individual response of the child to drug therapy. It should be noted that after the cessation of treatment, the achieved positive dynamics often regress, which leads to the need for several rehabilitation courses. Even after that, quite often, by the age of 1-1.5 years, the main symptoms and diseases disappear in patients, while symptoms of moderate delay in emotional and motor development, emotional lability, poor appetite, sleep and, as a result, speech impairment, low concentration of attention persist. and the ability to learn - that is, the symptoms of the so-called minimal brain dysfunction. Having the first in our country and the longest experience in the use of classical homeopathic and complex biological remedies in inpatient and outpatient settings, as well as having the opportunity to observe children from birth to the first year and beyond, we have created a team of specialists trained in traditional methods of treatment, including a neonatologist, pediatrician, neuropathologist, ophthalmologist to monitor children who have experienced CVH, born to mothers with significant changes during cardiotocography.

Our multivariate analysis of the health status of 110 newborns with CVH and their mothers showed that cardiotocography data are an integral indicator - a consequence of the sum of somatic and reproductive risk factors that can and should influence the choice of the method of delivery in each case, because indicate a close correlation between the data of cardiotocography, distinguishing 4 degrees of fetal suffering, and the prognostic scenario for the development of the newborn. This, in our opinion, should contribute to the development of the most individualized programs for treatment, prevention, preventive therapy of expected (predictable) disorders, and the emphasis in treatment should be shifted towards preventive therapy and prevention.

Critically evaluating the results of treatment, we came to the conclusion that the inclusion of the homeopathic method in the complex therapy of children who have experienced CVH ensures continuity, high clinical efficacy, safety, maximum individuality and makes it possible to start rehabilitation measures early. In total, under our supervision there were 110 full-term newborns who experienced verified CVH. In the process of observation, they were divided into 3 groups: I (control) - receiving conventional therapy (25); II - those who received complex therapy, including, in addition to the generally accepted method, the method of homeopathy (30); III - receiving monotherapy (only classical homeopathic remedies and complex biological preparations - Traumeel, Agaricus, Viburcol - 55 people).

Basically, all children had hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the CNS, manifested by the following syndromes: increased neuro-reflex excitability, regurgitation and vomiting, muscular dystonia, hypertensive-hydrocephalic, autonomic-visceral dysfunctions, as well as such conditions as morphological immaturity and severe meteorological dependence. The latter indicator to a certain extent characterizes the corridor of adaptation to constantly changing environmental conditions. The children were observed jointly by a pediatrician, a neuropathologist and an ophthalmologist once a month for up to a year and beyond. According to indications, with a frequency of 1 time in 3 months up to 1.5-2 years, neurosonography and dynamic ophthalmological examination were performed. An analysis of the results of the treatment in children assigned by us to the second group found that such allopathic drugs as cavinton, cogitum, uteplex, as well as biological preparations for correcting existing disorders of the intestinal microflora (especially in children from caesarean section), and especially, repeated surgery , in combination with homeopathic remedies (Apis, Belladonna, Chamomilla, Calcarea carbónica, phosphorica, fluorica, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium) give a persistent and pronounced clinical effect. In some cases, it becomes possible to reduce the course of pharmacological preparations. As our observations have shown in patients with severe muscle hypertension, against the background of the use of Traumeel homeopathic ointment and the constitutional preparation, Agaricus 3x is very effective - 30 minutes before the massage, and in children with muscle

hypotension, it is better to use the combination of Arnica 3 with a constitutional remedy. This made it possible to accelerate the achievement of complete regression of the above syndromes by 2 times.

The presence in some children of increased neuroreflex excitability, regurgitation and vomiting syndrome did not allow the use of nootropic pharmacological agents. We believe that in such patients it is advisable to use the so-called "homeopathic nootropics" (Phosphor, Kali phosphor, Cale. Phosphor), which gave a pronounced clinical effect in the absence of side effects.

When prescribing treatment, neurosonography data and the condition of the fundus were taken into account: in patients with external form of hydrocephalus with fluid accumulation in the subarachnoid space, Apis 3 was prescribed, and in the internal form with dilation of the lateral ventricles (ventriculomegaly) - Helleborus 3, Natrium sulfuricum 3. Our observations indicate The fact that quite often the source of hemorrhages in full-term children is the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricles - in these cases, Traumeel is especially indicated (in / m 0.5-2 times a day or sublingually 3 drops 15 minutes before feeding). Clinical and instrumental methods for evaluating the effectiveness of this approach showed that the process of hydrocephalus compensation in children of groups II and III occurred within 3-4 weeks, while in some patients of the control group who received diacarb with asparkam, glycerol, triampur, - within 1.5 - 2 months. After discontinuation of treatment with these drugs, some patients experienced a withdrawal syndrome. It must be emphasized that when using homeopathic remedies, we have never encountered this phenomenon.

In the syndrome of vegetative-visceral disorders, in addition to the clinic, neurosonography data, the picture of the fundus was taken into account (in this case, in cases of vasospasm, the appointment of Arnica 3 is indicated, and when venous plethora is detected, Pulsatilla 3 is indicated).

It is important, in our opinion, that in children receiving homeopathic remedies, weather dependence disappeared over the next 2-3 weeks, and in half of the patients this indicator preceded the improvement in the main clinical picture.

A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various therapy programs revealed the following:

1. The elimination of the symptom of muscular hypertension with the use of conventional treatment (children of group I) regressed only by 3-4 months of life (moreover, by 3 months in children with average physical development and sufficient maturity of the central nervous system).

2. When homeopathic remedies were included in the program (Group II), positive results were achieved as early as the 2nd month of life, and in all children, including those with intrauterine malnutrition and morphofunctional immaturity by the gestational age.

3. When using only homeopathic remedies (group III), data similar to group II were obtained. It should be especially noted that some of the children completely compensated for their condition by 1.5 months, which reduces the period of adaptation compared to group II and, moreover, group I by almost 2 times.

When analyzing the dynamics of the syndrome of muscular hypotension during treatment, a similar pattern was revealed: normalization of tone in the first group was observed within 2 months, in group II - within 1 month and in the third group - after 3 weeks from the start of treatment. When homeopathic remedies were included in the program, positive results were achieved already by 2 months from the start of treatment, and in all children, including patients with intrauterine malnutrition and morphofunctional immaturity.

Our clinical observations also revealed that in children of groups II and III, on the background of the therapy, the unconditional reflex activity improved, as evidenced by the formation of the correct grasping movement with the inclusion of the thumb (by 3 "months, the percentage of such children increased 1.5 times).

In general, the use of traditional methods of treatment made it possible to achieve the involution of pathological, somatic and neurological symptoms with the simultaneous formation of mental functions and motor skills appropriate for a given age already by 5-6 months of age. A generally accepted comprehensive program achieves similar results by 10-11 months.

Due to the phenomenological approach and the discovery of a similar (Similia) remedy, replication of the applied curative and preventive programs using classical homeopathic remedies seems possible only if there is a trained group of specialists in the field of perinatology, neurology and classical homeopathy. Experience in the use of complex

biological antihomotoxicological drugs can be used by doctors who do not have specialized training.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of traditional

methods of treatment in frequently ill young children with burdened perinatal history

We observed 155 children with a burdened perinatal history during the first years of life and found that 50% of them are frequently ill. Our observations showed that in this category of children, a complicated course of banal acute respiratory infections (bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis, pneumonia) is almost 2 times more likely to be recorded. The thesis presents a clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of the complex homeopathic preparation Viburcol with suppositories, which was used in 27 out of 93 children aged from 1 month to 3 years with a burdened perinatal history, suffering from acute respiratory disease and being treated in a hospital.

When analyzing the results, the following was found: in no case were there side effects and symptoms of intolerance to the drug; there was a decrease in the frequency of bacterial complications in FIC and, consequently, a decrease in the frequency of antibiotic use (observed in 83% in children who received conventional therapy, and in no child who received Viburcol). In addition, there was a decrease in the duration of the disease, not exceeding 7-10 days, while in patients of the control group, the stay in the hospital was 14 days or more. It should be noted that Viburcol, without actually having an antipyretic effect, already from the first day of treatment significantly affects such indicators as: anxiety, poor sleep, cough, nasal discharge and congestion, convulsive readiness. The above allows us to recommend Viburcol for use in pediatric practice.

Under our supervision, there were also 62 frequently ill children with a burdened perinatal history, suffering from chronic adenoiditis and an increase in adenoid vegetations, which cause dysfunction of the auditory tube, disrupting its drainage and valve functions, which led to infection of the middle ear, was the cause of conductive hearing loss. This, in turn, significantly influenced the formation of speech and mental development of this particular group of patients. It should be noted that widely

extensive surgical treatment improves hearing only in 27-53% of patients (L.I. Ilyenko, T.I. Garashchenko, 1996). The reasons for the failure were explained by diagnostic endoscopy of the nasopharynx, which indicated the development of cicatricial processes in the area of ​​the nasopharyngeal mouth of the auditory tube, rigidity or gaping after such interventions; or the cause of tubal dysfunction was not associated with adenoid vegetations at all. We have confirmed that there is a predisposition to hyperplasia of the adenoid tissue, inherent in the medicinal pathogenesis of some homeopathic constitutional types (Calcarea carbónica, Barita carbónica, Tuja, Graphit).

It must be emphasized that the use of the homeopathic method makes it possible to maximally individualize prescriptions, taking into account the characteristics of the patient, the rhinoscopy picture, additional research methods conducted by the otorhinolaryngologist and the dynamics of the disease. When selecting homeopathic medicines, we were guided by the following indicators: predominant lateralization of the process; the nature of the discharge; time of maximum deterioration during the day; conditions of deterioration and improvement.

Comparison of the existing endoscopic picture of the main elements of the nasopharynx involved in tubal dysfunction with the clinical features made it possible to attribute the patient to one or another homeopathic constitutional type. The selection of drugs was guided by the following:

I. Graphit-Hommacord was prescribed for children with generalized lymphoproliferation, they, as a rule, belonged to the constitutional types: Calcarea carbónica, Graphit, Thuja.

II. Patients with a predominance of only adenoid vegetations were prescribed Gripp-Heel, Echinacea-compositum, they belonged to the types: Calcarea phosphorica, Argentum nitricum, Natrium muriaticum. Our observations show that it is in this category that it is necessary to preserve adenoid vegetations and, therefore, they must be properly treated.

III. Of particular interest was the group of patients infected, possibly still in utero, with DNA viruses, mycoplasma and chlamydial infections, which caused qualitative changes similar to children of the 1st group. Their status was accompanied by secondary immunodeficiencies with compensatory proliferation of adenoid vegetations. These children are especially shown Euphorbium - sprei, as a content -

a squeezing suis-organ component that reduces the autoimmune link of the pathological process. In addition, against the background of long-term therapy with Lymphomyosot and Traumeel, they are shown a combination of Engystol and Gripp - Heel (im) daily.

IV. The fourth group of children with an adequate type of immune response is patients who have been in conditions of cross-superinfection for a long time (conditions of the children's team). It is here that a great variety of constitutional types can be found (all kinds of Calcarea, Sulfur, Silicea, etc.). They respond most rapidly to homotoxicological therapy, which can be given in short courses, and Traumeel, Euphorbium, and constitutional remedies may be limited. At the same time, mechanical methods for reducing antigens on the mucous membranes (washing, irrigation, nasal douche, forced breathing, etc.) are recommended for children.

One of the causes of tubal dysfunction has been associated with vasomotor rhinosinusopathy. As a rule, these are children who have experienced CVH and asphyxia in childbirth, especially those removed by caesarean section or born per vias naturalis in breech presentation. All of them were based on circulatory disorders in the system of the vertebrobasilar basin with the formation of chronic venous insufficiency. The most frequent among them were the following constitutional types - Arsen, Apis, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Phosphor, Nux vom, Lycopodium. The following remedies were most indicated to them: Limphomyosot, Pulsatila-Injeel, Traumeel. It was in this group that manual and acupuncture therapy was effectively used as part of Reckeweg's homotoxicological therapy.

The results of treatment were evaluated in 32 young children with eustachian tube dysfunction, hearing loss and hyperplasia of adenoid vegetations, who were treated under the control of nasopharyngeal endoscopy, otoscopy, audiometry, tympanometry. Treatment efficacy results are shown in Table 6.

Table 6



after 1 week after 1 month after 3 months

Recovery - 8 (25%) 14 (43.75%)

Improvement 25 (78.1%) 19 (59.4%) 16 (50%)

No effect 7 (21.9%) 5 (15.6%) 2 (6.25%)


Positive results allow not only to refuse surgical treatment, but also clarify the indications for it. The above allows us to recommend the described methods of using TML for pediatricians and otorhinolaryngologists.

It is very important that the undertaken study is another strong argument in favor of the expediency of the constitutional approach, as it has found a close connection between the structural features and lesions of the upper respiratory tract with belonging to a certain homeopathic type.

Possibilities of traditional methods in optimizing complex health programs used in preschool institutions

Having obtained a high therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of FIC, we could not help but turn to the issues of disease prevention. It should be noted that in many preschool institutions, work is being done to improve the health of children, however, when analyzing the chronic morbidity of children attending kindergartens, it turned out that every 5th child has a neurological pathology, every 6th - diseases of the ENT organs, every 12th - gastroenterological pathology. The incidence of acute respiratory infections remains high, especially in children with an unfavorable perinatal background. In this regard, we decided to analyze the effectiveness of the health complex, proposed -

associate professor V.S. Kovalenko (head of the homeopathy course of the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education). Unlike other well-known health programs, this complex includes complex homeopathic remedies (Appendix 1). The characteristics of the homeopathic remedies used are presented in Appendix 2.

To compare the effectiveness of the health-improving homeopathic complex and previously used methods of improving the health of children attending preschool institutions, we chose the out-of-town round-the-clock kindergarten "Teremok".

To evaluate the method, 2 groups were taken: control (16 people) and health-improving (17 people) of the same age from 3.5 to 5 years. Hardening and adaptive gymnastics were carried out in both groups. The ecological homeopathic complex was used only in health-improving, which made it possible to reveal the significance of the factor in the use of homeopathic remedies. According to the state of children's health, these groups had significant differences, and the health-improving group had a more pronounced aggravated background than the control group.

Against the background of the ongoing rehabilitation, significant results were obtained already in the first 2 months: in the control group out of 16 children, 9 (56%) did not get sick, while in the recreation group, despite the more aggravated background of patients, 15 out of 17 did not get sick, which amounted to 88.2%.

It should be especially emphasized that, along with medical personnel, both teachers and parents noted the normalization of children's behavior both in the team and at home; improving their concentration and perseverance in the classroom.

Finally, we analyzed the acute morbidity in these children at 9 months. Thus, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections per 100 children in the control group was 120, the observation group - 75; the number of days missed by children due to respiratory disease in the control group was 229 versus 138 in the observation group. In addition, the average number of days missed for ARVI by 1 child was 12.7 in the control group, while in the observation group it was 8.6 (Figure 3). Thus, children who received homeopathic treatment got sick less often and more easily. It follows that the health complex with the inclusion of the homeopathic method has an advantage over the previously used methods of healing children, because. in lane -

Figure 3


SARS incidence per 100

The number of days missed by children due to ARVI

Control group

Average number of days missed due to ARVI by one child

Health group Control group

First of all, it has a positive effect on the characterological features of the child. The use of the homeopathic method helps to reduce the frequency of acute diseases in children, in particular ARVI, eliminates functional disorders in children from the gastrointestinal tract, improves the condition of the upper respiratory tract and nasopharynx. The health complex is cheap, does not require additional staff and equipment, because. carried out by the staff of the preschool institution. The method can be recommended for implementation in other children's groups (kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums).

This is especially important in relation to children who do not fit into the so-called adaptive norm already at birth, and due to a number of perinatal reasons that have a reduced health potential. Therapeutic measures for them should be individualized as much as possible and carried out with an early, and sometimes simultaneous restoration of lost functions and with the creation of a certain "springboard" for the full further development of mental and motor functions.

Thus, the undertaken study is one of the stages in the implementation of the resolution formulated in the order of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation on the widespread introduction of traditional methods of treatment, and is one of the first works in this direction, which outlines further ways for the possible development of TML and the integration of classical homeopathy and modern homotoxicology in obstetrics, perinatology and pediatrics.

1. The introduction of traditional methods of treatment into clinical practice, including classical homeopathy and modern homotoxicology, allows expanding the possibilities of diagnosis and significantly improving the results of treatment of adaptation disorders in obstetrics, perinatology and pediatrics.

2. The main characteristic of the reliability and stability of the functioning of a single system "mother-newborn" is lactation. One of the most frequent deviations in the work of this system, on the part of the mother, is hypogalactia, and on the part of but -

congenital - intestinal dysbiosis, cerebral disorders, syndromic pathology (regurgitation and vomiting syndrome, icteric), meteopathy.

3. Hypogalactia most often develops as a result of a gradual accumulation of damage in the "girl-girl-woman" system in patients of certain constitutional types with their inherent morbidity and reproductive health disorders, starting from the stages of the formation of menstrual function.

4. The applied traditional methods of treating hypogalactia found their high clinical efficacy, however, the severity was not the same: the greatest effect was noted when using the homotoxicology method (Pulsatilla-Injeel and / or Pulsatilla - compositum), which, along with the clinical effect, is well confirmed by an increase in the level prolactin more than 1.5 times already on the second day from the start of treatment. The combined use of the method of homotoxicology and acupuncture (acupressure, auriculoelectrostimulation) increases the clinical effect to 93.7%, and 99% and positively affects the duration of lactation both in women who have given birth on their own and in patients who have given birth surgically.

5. The main factors contributing to the development of intestinal dysbiosis in newborns are: operative delivery, especially repeated caesarean section, the lack of the possibility of early breastfeeding; separate stay of mother and newborn after childbirth; prolonged chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia; conducting antibiotic therapy in the mother and / or child; mixed or artificial feeding.

6. For the correction of intestinal dysbiosis in newborns, the most effective methods of treatment are: the use of a maternal autostrain due to its high affinity for its own microflora; the use of the suis - organ preparation Mucosa-compositum in combination with constitutional homeopathic * preparations, which increases the effectiveness of commercial treatment? strains of bifidumbacterin.

7. The use of complex preparations Traumeel, Hepeel Viburcol, Vomitusheel in newborns with birth injuries (cephalohematomas) and syndromic pathology allows to optimize treatment programs, accelerate treatment results by 2 times, reduce the number of complications, and improve prognosis. Is-

The use of classical homeopathy is also very effective, however, the use of this method is possible only with a trained specialist.

8. The developed working classification of constitutional types makes it possible to master the homeopathic characteristics of the existing adaptation disorders and, using the proposed algorithm, outline 1uti corrections both with the use of constitutional preparations and complex homeopathic remedies.

9. In children who have experienced chronic intrauterine hypoxia, trimenis of various traditional methods during treatment and facilitating rehabilitation activities significantly optimized the available treatment programs, resulting in the achievement of full compensation for the identified disorders 2 times faster than in the control group, which was confirmed data of a complex clinical and instrumental examination, neurosonography, ophthalmoscopy). The use of new methods of healing also revealed a significant positive effect on the physical development, and also significantly expanded the "corridor of adaptation" of these patients.

10. The use of the homeopathic method in children with respiratory disorders made it possible to reduce the period of inpatient treatment of acute respiratory diseases by 1.5 times and reduced the number of complications in young children by 2 times. In the treatment of frequently ill children suffering from pathology of the JR-organs, the combined use of constitutional agents and homotoxicological preparations is recommended, which gives a stable and long-term therapeutic effect, and also allows the selection of patients who are indicated for surgical intervention. The obtained results are confirmed by the data of tympanometry and endo -: copy, which also revealed a close relationship between the structure and lesions! of the upper respiratory tract with belonging to a certain homo-eopathic type, which makes it possible to maximally individualize not only therapeutic, rehabilitation, but and preventive measures.

11. The study of constitutional homeopathic types of newborns contributes to the further development of not only homeopathy itself with its own tasks, but also neonatology and peshnatology, as it equips with qualitatively new approaches to [carrying out individual prevention and correction, which will allow -

It led to a 2.6-fold improvement in the prognosis in children at risk of developing cerebrovascular accidents, and a 1.5-fold reduction in the risk of hyperbilirubinemia in the early neonatal period. The use of the method of classical homeopathy significantly affects the distribution of children by health groups, there is a 1.7-fold decrease in the number of children assigned to the Hb group with a simultaneous increase in patients in the H and I health groups.

12. The use of new modern research methods (endoscopy, tympanometry, neurosonography, etc.) allows us only to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of treatment, but also to complement! well-known medicinal pathogenesis of the leading homeopathic remedies with new information, which will undoubtedly contribute to their modern interpretation.

1. It is recommended to carry out a full medical examination of adolescent girls for the timely identification of chronic pathology of menstrual dysfunction, recovery using traditional methods of treatment that take into account their constitution, in order to prepare for future motherhood.

2. It is proposed to widely introduce into the practice of obstetric institutions the complex homeopathic remedies Traumeel Pulsatilla-Injeel, Pulsatilla-compositum, which significantly optimize the management tactics in the early postpartum period and contribute to the prevention and treatment of hypogalactia. The combined use of the above means with acupuncture (auriculoelectric stimulation! Or acupressure) allows you to get a more pronounced clinical effect.

3. Babies born by caesarean section, especially from reoperation, should be considered at high risk< по возможному развитию дисбиоза кишечника. В качестве профилактики необходимо способствовать скорейшему прикладыванию к груд! и раннему объединению матери и новорожденного, чему способствуе-использование как комплексных гомеопатических препарата (Traumeel Pulsatilla -Injeel), так и препаратов классической гомеопатии (China 6).

4. For children who are not attached to the breast in the maternity ward and who are separated from their mothers, it is indicated for prophylactic purposes!

introduction of biological preparations immediately after birth, if possible, it is necessary to use the mother's autostrain or a reactivated commercial strain. For a better engraftment of a commercial preparation, it is reasonable to use homeopathic preparations prescribed according to the principle of similarity and taking into account the classification scheme proposed by us; in the absence of specialists trained in homeopathy, we can recommend the use of a complex: uis-organ preparation Mucosa-compositum (in / m or per os).

5. The use of classic chemeopathy in newborns with syndromic pathology 1 or hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system according to the principle of similarity can be recommended in 2 versions: similar to the patient (constitutional approach) and similar to the disease (syndromic approach) - in the presence of specialists trained in the field of homeopathy. The use of complex homeopathic remedies can be carried out without regard to similarity, according to indications.

6. To improve the provision of care to children who have undergone chronic intrauterine hypoxia, it is necessary to carry out an external assessment of them by a group of specialists (neurologist, ophthalmologist) with the definition of a health group, and the allocation of risk factors when they are discharged from the maternity hospital.

7. It is recommended to use an individual approach to the tactics of grazing in frequently ill young children suffering from diseases of the ENT organs, taking into account the constitutional type, which allows you to effectively treat, as well as identify patients who are<азано оперативное лечение, кроме того, оптимизировать ведение тослеоперационного периода для предотвращения рецидивов и ослож - тений.

8. The introduction of a health program using homeopathy in preschool institutions reduces the incidence and can be recommended for widespread practice.

1. Adaptation of newborns without signs of hemolytic disease, born from Rh-incompatible pregnancy // Pediatrics.-1981.-№9.-S. 14 - 17.

2. Features of some rheological parameters of blood in pregnant women with Rh sensitization // Microcirculation in the "mother-placenta-fetus" system: Republican collection of scientific papers / Ed. corresponding member USSR Academy of Medical Sciences G.M. Savelieva.-M., 1982 (co-authors G.D. Dzhivelegova, A.P. Krendel).

3. Features of adaptation of newborns born in the breech presentation // Abstracts of reports at the regional research conference, ed. corresponding member USSR Academy of Medical Sciences V.A. Tabolina.-Orel, 1984 (co-author M.F. Deshche-kina).

4. The course of purulent-septic diseases in newborns with burdened premorbital background // - ibid. (co-author IA Ionova).

5. The development of children who have undergone hypoxia in the first year of life and the features of dispensary observation of them // Issues of adaptation of newborns and infants: Collection of scientific papers / Ed. prof. M.F. De - Shchekina.-M „ 1985 (co-author M.F. Deshchekina).

6. Lymphocyte dehydrogenase activity in newborns with intravenous malnutrition and early neonatal period // Pediatrics.-1988.-No.

7. Features of the course of multiple pregnancy and the development of differentiated programs for nursing twins during early adaptation and for the first year) of life // Social hygienic problems of pediatrics: Proceedings of the II All-Russian Conference.-Minsk, 1989.-S. 59-60 (co-authors N.I. Razmakhnina, M.A. Kolesnikova et al.).

8. Indicators of lipid peroxidation and the content of essential trace elements in healthy newborns and with intravenous malnutrition // Pediatrics.-1989.-No. 3.-S. 18 - 21 (co-authors V.F. Demin, A.I. Epifanov, S.O. Klyuchnikov).

10. Free amino acids in umbilical cord blood in chronic intravenous fetal hypoxia // Pediatrics.-1989.-№10.-S. 105-107 (co-authors V.F. Demin, M.F. Deshchekina, G.N. Rozanova).

11. Meconium aspiration as one of the causes of respiratory distress syndrome in full-term and post-term newborns // Proceedings of the IV Congress of Children's Doctors of Kazakhstan.-Alma - Ata, 1989.-S. 157-158 (co-authors M.F. Deshchekina, G.N. Pokidkina, M.A. Saburova).

2. Clinical and radiological parallels in meconium aspiration syndrome in newborns // VOMD.-1990.-No. 1.-S. 27 - 30 (co-authors M.F. Deshchekina, G.N. Pokidkina, M.A. Saburova and others).

3. Influence of chronic intravenous hypoxia on the exchange of purine compounds in the blood erythrocytes of newborns in the early neonatal period // Pediatrics, -1990.-№1.-S. 28-31 (co-authors V.F. Demin, R.T. Toguzov, G.N. Rozpnova).

4. Activity of dehydrogenases of blood cells in newborns who underwent chronic intravenous hypoxia // VOMD.-1990.-No. 5.-S. 27 - 29 (co-authors M.F. Deshchekina, V.F. Demin, S.O. Klyuchnikov, E.I. Epifanov).

5. Adaptation of children from Rh-incompatible pregnancy born without clinical signs of hemolytic disease of the newborn. V.A. Tabolina.-Tambov, 1990.-S.-27.

6. Multivariate analysis of the features of the course of multiple pregnancy and the pediatrician of early adaptation of newborns from twins // VOMD.-1990.-№8.-S. 24 - 27 (co-authors M.F. Deshchekina, N.I. Razmakhnina, M.A. Kolesnikova).

7. Influence of light gestosis on adaptation of newborns // Proceedings of the European Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Moscow, 1991 (co-author M.F. Deshchektna, V.F. Demin).

8. Thymomegaly as a possible cause of respiratory distress syndrome in full-term newborns in the period of early adaptation // Development of children of the 1st year of life depending on the nature of early adaptation in the neonatal period: Collection of scientific papers. - Moscow, 1992.-S. 60 - 68 (co-authors E.A. Ondar, D.A. Torubarova, L.B. Mityurova, A.N. Partenadze).

9. Meconium aspiration syndrome in newborns as a somato-neurological pathology and its clinical and radiological parallels // Development of children of the 1st year of life depending on the nature of early adaptation in the neonatal period ™: Collection of scientific papers.-Moscow, 1992.-S. 68 - 75 (co-authors O.A. Egorova, G.N. Pokidkina, M.A. Saburova, O.V. Smirnova, A.P. Goncharova).

:0. Forecasting the occurrence of aspiration syndrome in newborns // Development of children of the 1st year of life depending on the nature of early adaptation in the neonatal period: Collection of scientific papers. - Moscow, 1992.-S. 75-80 (co-authors G.N. Pokidkina, O.A. Egorova, N.P. Kuznetsova, A.B. Prodeus, M.A. Kornaukhov).

:1. Features of the course of the period of early adaptation in newborns in the department with the joint stay of the puerperal and child // Issues of adaptation of newborns and infants: Collection of scientific papers. - Moscow, 1985.-S. 79-82 (co-authors E.A. Arkina, G.F. Emelyanova, I.S. Tiganova, E.G. Sadovskaya).

:2. New opportunities for protecting newborns from contamination by opportunistic microorganisms // Pediatrics.-1993.-№4.-S. 9-13 (co-authors M.F. Deshchekina, V.M. Koltunov, V.F. Demin, I.N. Kholodova).

23. Prognostic value of determining the content of embryonic prealbumin-1 in the umbilical cord blood of full-term children // Pediatrics. E. Safronova, S.K. Krivonosov).

24. The use of complex homeopathic preparations of the firm "Nee!" in the treatment of birth injuries (subaponeurotic and subperiosteal hematomas // Traditional Medicine of Russia: Abstracts of the International Congress.-Moscow, 1993.-S. 199-200 (co-authors I.A. Matveeva, V.F. Demin, G. A. Kuleshova).

25. Expediency of application and place of the method of homeopathy in modern neo-onatology // Folk medicine of Russia: Abstracts of the International Congress.- M., 1993.-S. 191 (co-authors V.F. Demin, I.A. Matveeva).

26. A new method for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis in children // Traditional Medicine of Russia: Abstracts of the International Congress.-M., 1993.-C 190 (co-author V.F. Demin, V.M. Korshunov, I.A. Matveeva , I.N. Kholodova).

27. Appropriateness and place of the method of homeopathy in modern neonatology // Homeopathy and Phytotherapy.-St. Petersburg, 1993.-Ns2.-C 14-18 (co-author V.F. Demin, I.A. Matveeva).

28. A new method for the prevention and treatment of dysbacteriosis // Homeopathy and Phytotherapy.-St. Petersburg, 1993.-№2.-S. 18 - 20 (co-authors V.F. Demin, V.M. Korshunov, I.A. Matveeva, I.N. Kholodova).

29. The use of complex preparations of the company "Nee1" in the treatment of birth injuries (subaponeuric and subperiosteal hematomas) // Homeopathy and Phytotherapy.-St. Petersburg, 1993.-№2.-S. 27 - 32 (co-authors I.A. Matveeva, V.F. Demin).

30. Discussion of the results of the use of some homeopathic medicines for the treatment of enuresis in children // Homeopathy and electropuncture.-1994.-№1.-S. 17.

31. Herzhmansky-Pudlak syndrome in a child of 8 years old and homeopathic treatment // Homeopathy and electropuncture.-1994.-№2.-S. 4 (co-authors T.G. Plakhuta, I.N. Tsymbal, V.Yu. Petrov, L.N. Yakunina).

32. The use of non-traditional methods in the treatment of juvenile uterine bleeding (first experience) // Homeopathy and electropuncture.-1994.-№2.-S. 1C (co-author V.F. Kokolina).

33. Expediency of application And the place of the method of homeopathy in modern neonatology // Homeopathy and electropuncture.-1994.-№2.-S. 13 (co-authors V.F. Demin, I.A. Matveeva).

34. Correction of the composition of the intestinal microflora of newborns using the homeopathic method // Traditional medicine and nutrition, theoretical and practical aspects: Materials of the 1st International Scientific Congress.-Moscow, 1994.-S. 577 (co-authors V.M. Korshunov, I.N. Kholodova, O.G. Perlova).

35. Appropriateness and place of the homeopathic method in the rehabilitation of early neurological disorders in newborns // - ibid. (co-author IA Matveeva).

36. Homeopathy and the strategy of modern neonatology // ibid.-S. 575 (co-author V.F. Demin).

37. Clinical results of the application of the homeopathic method for birth traumatism // Actual problems of perinatology: Proceedings of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference.-Cheboksary, 1994.-S. 94 (co-authors I.A. Matveeva, O.G. Perlova).

38. Homeopathy and the strategy of modern neonatology // -ibid.-S. 188 (co-author V.F. Demin).

39. Expediency of application and place of the homeopathic method in the rehabilitation of early neurological disorders in newborns // -ibid.-S. 189 (co-authors V.F. Demin, I.A. Matveeva).

40. A new method for the prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbacteriosis in newborns with homeopathic medicines // -ibid.-S. 208 (co-authors V.M. Korshunov, V.F. Demin, I.N. Kholodova).

41. The role and place of non-traditional technologies (homeopathy and homotoxicology) in perinatology // - ibid.

42. The use of non-traditional methods in the treatment of juvenile uterine bleeding (first experience) // Topical issues in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases in children: Collection of scientific papers / Edited by acad. V.A. Tabo - lina, prof. V.F. Demina.-Tambov, 1994.-S. 166 (co-author V.F. Kokolina).

43. Clinical results of the use of homeopathy in the complex treatment of juvenile papillomatosis of the larynx // -ibid.-S. 159-161 (co-authors T.I. Garashchenko, I.A. Matveeva).

44. The use of discriminant analysis in predicting the development of complications in the period of early adaptation of newborns who have undergone chronic intrauterine hypoxia // -ibid.-S. 65-68 (co-authors V.F. Demin, A.Yu. Kostenko, L.B. Pirogova, E.A. Ondar).

45. Expediency of application and place of homeopathy in modern neonatology // -ibid.-S. 148 (co-authors V.F. Demin, I.A. Matveeva).

46. ​​Comparative analysis of some non-traditional methods of treatment of hypogalactia // -ibid.-S. 151-154 (co-authors O.A. Egorova, O.G. Perova, E.A. Mikhaleva, T.O. Rogozhina, M.A. Kruzhkova).

47. Clinical results of evaluating the application of the homeopathic method for birth traumatism // -ibid.-S. 157-159 (co-authors V.F. Demin, I.A. Matveeva, O.G. Perlova).

48. Actual problems of pediatrics and the role of homeopathy and homotoxicology in their solution // Development of the homeopathic method in modern medicine: Moscow International Homeopathic Conference.-M., 1995 (co-author VF Demin).

49. Possibilities of using homeopathy in pediatric gynecology // -tam Zh ((co-author VF Kokolina).

50. Comparative analysis of various traditional methods of treatment and prevention of hypogalactia // - ibid. (co-authors A.V. Gainova, N.A. Mikhaleva, L.V. Marakulina, N.P. Kruglova, N.A. Parfenova).

51. The role and place of the drug "Traumeel" in perinatology and pediatrics // - ibid (< соавт. М.А. Кружкова, Л.В. Маракулина).

52. Ecological feasibility of using the method of homeopathy in modern medicine // New technologies in pediatrics: Congress of pediatricians of Russia, Moscow, 1995 (co-author VF Demin, OG Perlova).

53. The first experience of clinical application of the method of homeopathy in the treatment of juvenile papillomatosis of the larynx // - ibid. (with co-authors VF Demin, TN Garashchenko).

54. Ecological expediency of using the method of homeopathy in modern medicine // - ibid. (co-author VF Demin).

55. Hypogalactia and ways to manage this pathology // Man and Medicine: II-nd Russian National Congress.-M., 1995.- P. 162 (co-author A.V. Gainova A.V. Marakulina, N.P. Kruglova, N.A. Parfenova).

56. The use of non-traditional technologies in the treatment of juvenile uterine: bleeding // - ibid. - S. 236 (co-author VF Kokolina).

57. Heteronosode preparations in the complex treatment of polypous rhinosinusitis in children // - ibid. - P. 276 (co-author T.I. Garashchenko, A.A. Babakina).

58. The results of the use of homeopathic treatment for the Hedgman-sky-Pudlak syndrome in a child of 8 years old // Pediatrics.-1995.-№2.-S. 102-104 (co-authors T.I Plakuta, I.N. Tsimbal, V.Yu. Petrov, L.N. Yakunina).

59. The history of the development of homotoxicology in Russia // Biological Medicine. 1995.-№1.-S.-1.

60. The use of complex homeopathic preparations of the company "Heel" in the treatment of birth trauma (subaponeurotic and subperiosteal hematomas) // Biological Medicine.-1995.-№1, -S. 55 (with co-author V.F. Demsh M.A. Kruzhkova).

61. Comparative analysis of some non-traditional methods of treatment of hypogalactia // Biological medicine.-1995.-№1. -WITH. 61 (co-authors A.V. Gainova, A.I. Marakulina, N.P. Kruglova, N.A. Parfenova).

62. Actual tasks of pediatric gynecology and their solution with the help of non-traditional technologies // Rehabilitation of human health: All-Russian scientific and practical conference.-M „ 1995 (co-author VF Kokolina).

63. Intestinal dysbacteriosis - a controlled pathology from the standpoint of cholesteric medicine // - ibid. (co-authors I.N. Kholodova, V.M. Korshunov).

64. Possibilities of homeopathy in the prevention of syndromic disorders in newborns // - ibid. (co-author VF Demin).

5. Analysis of non-traditional methods of treatment and prevention of hypogalactia // - ibid. (co-author L.V. Gainova).

6. Frequently ill children and the possibility of using homotoxicology // - ibid. (co-author A.Yu. Kostenko).

7. Possibilities of biological antihomotoxic therapy in pediatric otolaryngology // - ibid. (co-author T.I. Garashchenko).

8. Juvenile uterine bleeding and non-standard approaches to their treatment // Proceedings of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the RCCH, Moscow, 1995 (co-author VF Kokolina).

9. Homotoxicology - as a synthesis of medical concepts // Medical Bulletin.-199b.-№2.-S. 44 (co-author G.A. Zubovsky).

0. Homotoxicology and its place in pediatrics // Bolyshtsa.-M., 1996.-№35.-S. 12.

1. Homotoxicology - as a variant of efferent therapy // Development of the homeopathic method in modern medicine: Abstracts of the international conference.-M., 1996.-S. 55-56 (co-author V.I. Sergienko).

2. Treatment of hypogalactia with the help of the homotoxicological preparation "Pulsatilla" // Proceedings of the 1st International Congress on Homeopathic Medicine.-Tyumen, 1996.-S. 9 (co-authors V.F. Demin, G.V. Gainova).

3. Possibilities of homotoxicology in the treatment of somatic diseases in pregnant women // -ibid.-S. 15 (co-author V.F. Demin).

4. The first experience of the clinical application of the method of homeopathy in the treatment of juvenile papillomatosis of the larynx in children // Development of the homeopathic method in modern medicine: International conference.-M., 1994 (co-author T.I. Garashchenko, I.A. Matveeva).

5. The use of complex preparations of the company "Heel" in the treatment of birth injuries and the prevention of long-term neurological complications // - ibid. (co-author V.F. Demin, I.A. Matveeva, O.G. Perlova).

6. A new method for the prevention and treatment of intestinal dysbacternoses in newborns with homeopathic remedies // - ibid. (co-authors V.F. Demin, V.M. Korshunov, I.A. Matveeva, I.N. Kholodova, O.G. Perlova ).

7. The use of homotoxicology in frequently ill children // - ibid. (co-authors I.A. Matveeva, A.Yu. Kostenko, E.A. Kantemirova, T.N. Syryeva).

8. Non-standard approaches to treatment and prevention in pediatrics and perinatology from the standpoint of homotoxicosis // Questions of homotoxicology and the use of preparations of the company "Heel" in clinical practice: Symposium; Traditional medicine and nutrition: theoretical and practical aspects: 1st International Scientific Congress.-M., 1994.

9. The use of homotoxicological and homeopathic preparations in children in the complex treatment of pathology of the nasopharynx, auditory tube, ear diseases associated with it // News of otorhinolaryngology and logopathology. - 1996. - No. 3 - 4 (co-author T.I. Garashchenko, T. N. Smirnova, G.F. Avdeeva, E.N. Kondakova).

80. Polypous rhinosinusitis as a homotoxicological problem // - ibid.< (соавт. Т.И. Гаращенко, A.A. Бабакина).

81. Clinical and immunological parameters in patients with polypous rhinosinusitis! // Ros. Rhinology.-1996.-№2.-S. 17 (co-authors T.I. Garashchenko, T.P. Markova, A.A. Babakina).

82. Homotoxicological preparations as an integral part of rehabilitation: programs for children with minimal brain dysfunction // Development of the homeopathic method in modern medicine: Abstracts of the Moscow International Conference.-M.-M.G.O., 1997.-S. 44 (co-authors G.S. Golosnaya O.V. Smirnova, A.N. Gileva, N.I. Soldatova).

83. Possibilities of the method of homotoxicology in the treatment of acute respiratory infections in frequently ill children] // -ibid.-S. 45 (co-authors V.F. Demin, T.N. Smirnova, G.F. Avdeeva, A.IC Kostenko, I.N. Kholodova).

84. The effectiveness of the method of classical homeopathy and homotoxicology in violations of the platelet link of hemostasis // -ibid.-S. 43 (co-authors T.I Platukha, I.N. Tsimbal, A.Yu. Petrov).

85. The use of the complex drug Traumeel in the early postpartum period (prevention and treatment of complications) // -ibid.-S. 48 (co-authors A.M. Smirnova, O.S. Golovanova, N.P. Kartashova).

86. The use of homotoxicological and homeopathic preparations in the complex treatment of nasopharyngeal pathology, auditory tube dysfunction and some ear diseases associated with it // Biological Medicine. 1997.-№1.-S. 30 - 33 (co-authors T.I. Garashchenko, T.N. Smirnova, G.F. Avdeeva, E.L. Kondakova).

87. A case of successful application of the method of classical homeopathy in a child with tonsil popilloma // Clinical Bulletin.-M., 1996.-№3.-S. 56 (co-authors T.I. Garashchenko, G.F. Avdeeva, E.N. Kondakova).

88. A special case from practice - the treatment of cephalohematoma with a complex homeopathic preparation of the German company Heel - Traumeel-compositum S // ibid.-S. 44 (co-authors L.N. Merzlyakova, G.F. Avdeeva).

89. Multivariate analysis of the causes influencing the nature of adaptation of young children to stay in preschool institutions // Motherhood and childhood. -M., 1992. -Na 10-11, -S. 25 - 26 (co-authors M.F. Deshchekin; V.F. Demin, M.V. Koltunov, E.V. Korotkaya).

90. Follow-up observations of children with perinatal pathology of the central nervous system // Pediatrics.-M., 1996.-No. 5.-S. 46-49 (co-author A.S. Petrukhsh P.S. Golosnaya).

Annex 1



One procedure involves dousing the feet with large amounts of water at a temperature of 12°C. It is performed in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bed.

[. Adaptive gymnastics

Performing a complex of Eastern and European physical exercises with elements of psychotherapeutic self-regulation daily before breakfast and before afternoon tea for 11 minutes.
