How can I reduce the calorie content of fried potatoes with mushrooms? Calorie content of fried potatoes in butter and lard, as well as with mushrooms and onions How many calories are in fried potatoes with mushrooms

Fried potatoes with onions, herbs and some unusual sauce - such deliciousness makes her salivate even at her imagination. But this dish is taboo in many cases. calories fried potatoes- the number is not prohibitive, but it’s difficult to limit yourself to one hundred grams. Yes, and the harm from the product is significant.

Nutritionists in every possible way protect people from eating fatty foods, because healthy eating and similar food are incompatible concepts. But once a month, you can treat yourself and cook potatoes to your heart's content.

Raw potatoes cannot be called high-calorie. It could enrich the human body by 75 kcal / 100 grams, but the product cannot be consumed in its raw form. You have to cook the root crop in different ways.

The most gentle of them is cooking. Jacket potatoes contain only 77 kcal, boiled in milk - 97 kcal, with mushrooms - 102 kcal. If you add a little butter to a simple dish, the value will increase to 127 kcal.

Are you wondering how many calories are in a fried potato? The values ​​are very different from the above. But it is difficult to give an exact figure, since the housewives use different amounts of oil and add their own ingredients (cooked with onions, lard, meat, mushrooms, sour cream and other ingredients). The average number is 192 kcal / 100 g.

The leader in calories is french fries. Together with a 100-gram portion of the product from McDonald's, 278 kilocalories will enter your body. And the weight of a medium package is about 120 g, a large one - 180 g.

Add more ketchup or any other sauce, and a trip to this establishment will cover a large part of the daily calorie intake. In other institutions, french fries have an even greater energy value- up to 320 kcal / 100 grams.

How many calories are in fried potatoes cooked in different amounts of oil? This indicator starts from 150 kcal (4-5 tablespoons of oil per 1 kg of product) and reaches 192 kcal per hundred grams. If you cook a dish on lard, then the number increases to 212 calories, melted fat (lard) gives a high value at all - 225 kcal.

What if you add other ingredients?

Undoubtedly, fried potatoes in oil or lard are very tasty in themselves. But the product becomes even more piquant if it is combined with other components. Surprisingly, some ingredients can ultimately reduce the energy value of the finished dish.

We present the most common options:

  • calorie content of fried potatoes with onions is 199 kilocalories per 100 grams;
  • potatoes with sour cream, pickled mushrooms on olive oil – 104;
  • a dish with mushrooms (champignons) - 122;
  • fried potatoes with porcini mushrooms and onions - 145;
  • a dish with mushrooms (oyster mushrooms) on melted fat - 170;
  • potatoes with cabbage - 125;
  • dish with meat - 250-280;
  • potatoes with egg - 308.

We figured out how many calories are in fried potatoes. The scores are pretty high. Is it possible to somehow reduce them, let's try to find out further.

Reduce the energy value of potatoes

If you love this fried vegetable and can’t refuse it in any way, we advise you to practice the following tips:

Minimize the amount of oil or replace it with a different kind. For half a kilo of root crops, 10 g of oil is enough. In general, the norm is 7% of the mass of the vegetable, but this is quite a lot. In this scenario, the energy value will almost double. You can also add olive oil.

Use a teflon, ceramic, or xylan coated pan. It certainly won't stick to anything. Only now, due to the small amount of oil, the dish runs the risk of being overdried. This is where experience comes into play.

To keep the potatoes juicy, fry the pieces for 5 minutes, no more. Then cover with a lid and leave to simmer for 20 minutes. You will have to turn over often, almost constantly, otherwise everything will dry out and burn. The dish will end up being soft, but not so harmful.

Salt at the very end and add greens.

Such a recipe will allow you to taste potatoes with a calorie content of 133 kcal / one hundred grams, which means that somewhere around 30% less than with the standard cooking method.

Take note: fried potatoes with meat is a mixture that is heavy on the stomach. The combination of protein and starch exacerbates the work of the digestive tract. It is much more useful to serve a dish with vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc.

Bonus plus: the energy value of the pies

A pie is a very tasty, but, unfortunately, unhealthy dish. A pie with potatoes is completely associated with childhood and the hardworking hands of a grandmother. When we were little, we did not think at all about some kind of calorie content. But as you get older, you have to watch your weight.

Here is the calorie content of pies with potatoes and other additives:

  • fried pie - 240 kcal per 75 grams ( approximate weight 1 PC.);
  • pie with potatoes and mushrooms - 161;
  • pie with chicken liver and potatoes - 94;
  • baked pie - 150.

If you want to know the energy value of a dish prepared according to a specific recipe, use the calorie analyzer. It will take into account the exact number of ingredients and give a more or less plausible number. However, it should not be taken as an axiom.

Potato is a very healthy vegetable, rich in vitamins and minerals. However, fried potatoes with mushrooms can be too high in calories if there is a lot of oil in the composition. Using little tricks, you can cook fried potatoes with mushrooms, the calorie content of which will not be too high.

Potatoes in the diet of most people in our country is an indispensable product. Its popularity is due to the fact that this vegetable grows everywhere in Russia, has good taste, quickly saturates and is suitable for preparing a wide variety of dishes. Among other things, potatoes are a healthy product that contains a lot of fiber for the full functioning of the digestive system, minerals, organic acids and starch. Also in the composition of the vegetable there are vitamins C, A and E, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, chromium fluorine and a host of other useful trace elements.

Potato helps human body normalize the water-salt balance, support the work of the heart and the elasticity of blood vessels, strengthen hair and teeth, normalize immunity. All these qualities are especially important during the period of weight loss, when the body is deficient in nutrients. Due to the high content of starch, potatoes quickly and permanently saturate the body, converting it into energy.

However, this advantage of potatoes from the point of view of nutrition turns into its main drawback. Due to the carbohydrates that predominate in the composition of tubers, potatoes have a high caloric value compared to other vegetables. 100 g of raw potatoes contains about 80 kcal. This is not so much, however, in the process of preparing various dishes, oil is added to the composition, which not only significantly increases the calorie content of the finished treat, but also “reacts” with the carbohydrates present in the potato. This tandem promotes the formation of subcutaneous fat. Also, during cooking, carcinogens are formed in the oil. In view of this, many nutritionists do not recommend the use of potatoes for people seeking to lose weight, and even more so they prohibit fried potatoes. However, there are some nuances, having familiarized yourself with which, potatoes can still be consumed during a low-calorie diet.

It is worth considering that the most high-calorie is the "elderly" potato, as it contains the most starch. Fresh young tubers contain much less starch, and therefore they are less high-calorie. 100 g of young potatoes contains about 65 kcal per 100 g. But this good news is overshadowed by another factor - no one canceled the calorie content of oil, respectively, even young fried potatoes will feed about 250-300 kcal per 100 g and even more if the amount of oil will be significant.

Diet fried potatoes with mushrooms, the calorie content of which may not be too high, is prepared with a minimum amount of oil, but the content of mushrooms and onions should be increased. With a low calorie content, these additional ingredients will "dilute" the nutritional value of the potatoes and reduce the overall energy value of the dish.

So how do you cook fried potatoes if you really want to taste your favorite dish during a diet? Several nuances should be taken into account. The best option cooking fried potatoes in order to reduce their calorie content - adding additional low-calorie ingredients to the composition. Mushrooms seem to be the best for this. They not only have a positive effect on the taste of the dish, complementing the potatoes, but also reduce the overall calorie content of the treat. Depending on the variety of mushrooms, they can feed 20-40 kcal per 100 g. Accordingly, if 250 g of mushrooms are added to 500 g of potatoes, this will reduce calories by a quarter! And if you also sprinkle onions or green onions in the dish, then the energy value will decrease even more - up to 200 kcal per 100 g, which is quite good for fried potatoes.

As for the oil, then there are some peculiarities. So, potatoes need to be fried in a pan with a non-stick coating. Use oil to a minimum, brushing the surface of the pan with a brush. After slicing potatoes, soak them in water for 10 minutes to remove some of the starch. Together with the drained water, starch will also come out. You need to pour the potatoes into a hot frying pan, then it will not stick. Mushrooms are best used fresh rather than canned. Moreover, some types of mushrooms require mandatory heat treatment. The best option for this dish is champignons or oyster mushrooms, which can be added raw. You can pre-fry them in a dry frying pan to evaporate moisture, or you can add them fresh to the dish, cut into thin slices. It is only necessary to take into account that then the moisture contained in the mushrooms will be absorbed into the potatoes and it will boil.

When eating fried potatoes with mushrooms during a diet, it is worth taking into account the fact that carbohydrates are better absorbed by the body in the first half of the day. If you really want fried potatoes, then it is better to eat them before lunch, but by no means for dinner, and certainly not before bedtime. In addition to onions, fresh herbs can be added to potatoes - dill, parsley, etc. But with salt you should be careful. Salt retains fluid in the body, which is extremely bad during a diet. Often, after eating fried potatoes, the weight stops decreasing or even increases, which is not the fault of the potato itself, but because of the salt contained in the dish.

The most high-calorie potato is french fries. Given that the slices are deep-fried and absorb a large amount of oil, such potatoes contain 400-500 kcal per 100 g! The most dietary appearance of potatoes is baked "in uniform". Its calorie content is only 80 kcal per 100 g.

In an effort to lose weight, it is important to limit the intake of carbohydrates and high-calorie foods. However, this is not an excuse to forever abandon the much-loved fried potatoes. So that the dish does not harm the figure, it is enough to cook it with the addition of mushrooms and reduce the amount of oil.

How to lose weight

It is difficult to find a person who has never eaten fried potatoes in his life. With onions, greens, under delicious sauce. Just at one mention, saliva begins to flow. But no matter how tasty this dish is, it is quite high-calorie. And for those who are on a diet, it is better to temporarily forget about it.

Nutrition experts strongly warn people against the abuse of fried potatoes. After all, it is very difficult to limit one hundred grams, usually a good portion is eaten at a time. And take such potatoes to healthy food in no way possible.

The composition and benefits of fried potatoes

Whether fried potatoes or not, it still does not apply to diet food. And all nutritionists exclude it from the menu of people who want to lose weight. excess weight.

The thing is that there is a lot of starch in potatoes - up to 25%. It is because of him that this vegetable is considered so harmful and dangerous for the figure. There are varieties with a lower content, but most often they are not suitable for frying, as they fall apart during cooking and do not have a very pleasant taste.

But there is also useful components, which are part of the potato, for example, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus. Vitamins B, E, K, PP, D.

Moreover, most of the nutrients are found in boiled potatoes with skin. Such a dish is not very high-calorie and even healthy. It has only 80 kcal per hundred grams. But fried potatoes break the record for calories. After all, in addition to starch, there is also vegetable oil with salt.

Harm of fried potatoes

Of course, this is a very tasty dish, which can be difficult to refuse. But if you think about how harmful it is, then it is better to pull yourself together and give it up.

  • Harm of salt. Boiled potatoes can be eaten without salt, but such a number will not work with a fried version. Salt entering the body retains water in it, which leads to edema, excess weight, disruption of the blood vessels. And excess weight in turn creates a number of other health problems.
  • Harm of vegetable oil. Fried potatoes without oil will not work, they will be dry and not so tasty. And vegetable oil is an animal fat that is harmful to our body and poorly processed. Once inside, it breaks off into the subcutaneous layers, and when heated above 150 degrees, it forms aromatic hydrocarbons, that is, carcinogens. They can lead to the formation of various tumors.
  • Overweight. Starch is almost the same as glucose. Therefore, potatoes are a carbohydrate that not only gives the body energy, but also causes obesity. Due to the high glycemic index, insulin is released. The sugar level goes down. The production of fat cells begins. If you constantly play sports, then this glucose will be converted into energy that you will spend, if you do not have an active lifestyle, then everything will be stored in fats.

The nutritional value of this dish is undoubtedly great. But it is quite possible to control it, because the calorie content depends on how the potatoes are fried. For example, you can use less vegetable oil than you would normally use. Someone generally fries potatoes in lard. Calorie content becomes slightly less, but the percentage of fat does not fall. This method of cooking has a negative impact not only on the figure, but also on health.

Calorie table

Potatoes suitable for frying

Of course, large potato tubers are peeled more pleasantly, and faster. But it has already been proven that small size contains more nutrients.

When choosing, pay attention to the thickness of the skin. If it is thick, then the potato is ripe. A thin skin speaks of the youth of the tuber.

Do not take a green potato or if it has sprouts on it. Such appearance says that the potato is saturated with alkaloids. And they can cause poisoning.

Look good at the look. If there are small holes, then the vegetable has been tested by a beetle. A brown spot indicates a fungal disease, and the grooves are traces of beetle larvae.

When buying, you can determine whether there are nitrates in the tubers. Just press on it with your fingernail. If moisture appears, then it is better not to buy it.

A good quality potato should be firm, with a smooth skin and no blemishes. And the brighter it is in color, the more antioxidants it contains.

For frying, tubers that are slightly oblong in shape and brown or yellow in color are best suited. It should not crumble during cooking. For this, a variety with a dry matter content of at least 20-24% is selected. It will keep the potatoes from falling apart and the slices will turn out beautiful, even and crispy.

Suitable varieties: Feloks, Leader, Kolobok, Impala.

If it’s still hard for you to refuse this delicious dish, then you should try to reduce its calorie content at least a little.

It's very easy to do this:

You can also try frying potatoes in the oven at a high temperature without oil. It will turn out slightly crunchy, but much less high-calorie. And if you add mushrooms, then perhaps frying will take place without oil. The most important thing is to stir often, and fry under the lid. Fire should be medium.

Frying secrets:

  • For uniform frying of slices, the layer in the pan should not be more than five centimeters;
  • If you have not fried the potatoes in a pan, then you can bake it in the oven;
  • Before putting the potatoes into the pan, they must be rinsed under cold water and dry. Then it will not stick together and will turn out with a golden crust;
  • Salt only when the dish is almost ready, otherwise the oil will be strongly absorbed;
  • First, be sure to heat the pan well;
  • For taste, you can add a little garlic, and in order to make it ruddy - flour.
  • It is best to stir the potatoes not with a spoon or spatula, but by shaking the pan, then it will not break and lose its appearance.

About the benefits and harms, as well as the calorie content of potatoes in the following video:

Fried potatoes are by far one of the easiest and most delicious meals, but its caloric content scares away. If you are overweight, then it is best to give it up altogether. You can replace it with boiled potatoes in their skins. Or to reduce the energy value as much as possible. And of course limit the portion size.

And even those who do not have extra pounds should not lean on potatoes with a lot of oil. This can lead to health problems.

Cooked mushrooms. Oh what a taste and aroma! But there is a problem: extra calories. So how many calories are in mushrooms? In what ways is it easier and more correct to cook a delicacy? All the necessary information is in front of you.

Many people's favorite dish

Almost everyone loves such a product as mushrooms. This delicacy will help diversify your table and, of course, your diet. Some love to collect, others love to cook, but both prefer to eat. Cooking the present is not so easy, you need to know some secrets. It is especially interesting, is it possible to use this delicacy with a diet? Even curious to know such useful information.

The number of calories in mushrooms

How many calories are in mushrooms? The answer to this question is very simple. It is enough to know what type of product was used and how the delicacy was prepared.

It is worth noting that mushrooms are a low-calorie product that cannot be fully processed and digested in the human body. It is interesting to know that these are chanterelles and honey mushrooms. It is they who, getting into the body, are not digested at all.

So how many calories are in mushrooms? A kilogram of the product has approximately 350-380 calories. This is very small compared to a piece of meat that can hold 4000.

But not everyone can eat mushrooms. With stomach problems, this is simply a taboo. Do not give mushrooms to young children. Their stomachs are not able to cope with such a heavy product.

calories in fried mushrooms

How many calories in If you cook the product in vegetable oil, then the nutritional value of the dish increases. This is due to the fact that mushrooms are very fond of oil and absorb it like a sponge. IN fried mushrooms 165 kcal per hundred grams.

The recipe for this dish

You need to take half a kilogram of mushrooms, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, a large onion (if you like this product), half a teaspoon of salt.

  • Wash the mushrooms before cooking and cut into small pieces.
  • Then boil in salted water. Pour into a sieve, fry in a pan for about half an hour.
  • Ten minutes before the readiness, add the chopped onion. You can add sour cream, but the dish will be more high-calorie and fatter.

Bon appetit!

It is important to know that all agaric mushrooms must first be soaked and then boiled. Only after these steps can you move on to frying. If you do not follow these steps, poisoning is possible!

with mushrooms

How many calories are in potatoes with mushrooms? Here it is already necessary to take into account and In general, it turns out a lot: for 100 grams - 134 calories.

In order to prepare such a dish, we need: a large onion, two medium carrots, half a kilogram of mushrooms, 50 grams of sunflower oil, a kilogram of potatoes, two glasses of water (from a well or filter), a teaspoon of salt and dill (you can also add greens to taste ).

Cooking method:

  • Grate carrots.
  • Onion cut into small pieces.
  • Fry these two ingredients in sunflower oil for 5 minutes. Add mushrooms.
  • Cut the potatoes into small cubes and add to the pan to the fried mass.
  • Pour it all with water and simmer for about half an hour.
  • Put on a plate, sprinkled with herbs.

Before this treatment, the mushrooms should be dried with a paper towel.

Bon appetit!

What about boiled mushrooms?

How many calories are in boiled mushrooms? The product prepared in this way is low-calorie and contains from 15 to 30 kcal per 100 grams. Both raw and boiled mushrooms have the same nutritional value.

Boiled Mushroom Recipe

This will require only water, the main product, salt, Bay leaf, a couple of black peppercorns.

  • Clean the legs of leaves and blackness.
  • Rinse, but do not use too much water as this product absorbs liquid very quickly.
  • Cut into small pieces.
  • Boil for about 20 minutes after boiling.
  • Then put on a sieve and rinse under cold water. The dish is ready!

What do you need to know about cooking?

  • If you put an onion in the water with the product and it darkens, then there is a poisonous mushroom there.
  • Add a bay leaf and the aroma will be much more pleasant.
  • How to check that the mushrooms are cooked? Just! They sink to the bottom, not float.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms: calories, recipe

How many calories are in fried potatoes with mushrooms? It all depends on the type of oil in which you fry, as well as its amount. On average, 100 grams - 140 kcal.

What you need for cooking:

  • Half a kilo of potatoes;
  • 200 grams of mushrooms;

Recall! If these are agaric mushrooms, then they need to be soaked and then boiled!

  • Sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons.
  • Optional and for taste - 1 clove of garlic.

Cooking method:

  • Peel potatoes and cut into cubes.
  • Pour oil into a frying pan, add potatoes and fry until golden brown.
  • Chop the mushrooms and add to the contents.
  • Then add chopped garlic and salt. Bring to readiness.

The benefits of mushrooms

How many calories are in mushrooms, the reader already knows. Now you need to figure out why this food is so valued.

  • There is a very valuable protein here. Therefore, using the product during fasting, you do not harm your body.
  • There are also elements that contribute to the removal of cholesterol. These are phosphatides and fatty acids.
  • Mushrooms contain some carbohydrates that are allowed for diabetes.
  • There are also vitamins and microelements.
  • There are substances that promote the formation of bone tissue and improve blood supply.
  • With reduced appetite, they stimulate the digestive system.

Harm of mushrooms

  • Of course, mushrooms are a dietary product, but if they are fried, then the opposite is true.
  • The product is digested for a very long time, so you should not give it to children under 12 years of age, as well as to the elderly. It is not recommended to use the product for dinner.
  • These foods should not be eaten fresh vegetables, as signs of bloating and simply feeling unwell may appear.

So, summing up, it must be said that mushrooms are not only tasty, but also healthy. If you use them, of course, in the absence of contraindications and in moderation. Mushrooms are a low-calorie product and therefore you should not refuse it even with a diet. It is worth considering before using the product for people who suffer from stomach problems. In this case, doctors recommend abandoning this delicacy!

In order for the body to receive the right amount of vitamins and minerals, it is necessary to monitor the variety of foods consumed. Knowing about calories will help you stay in good shape, as well as help you create a balanced meal plan. How many calories are in potatoes? Now we will find out.

raw potato calories

Much can be said about the benefits of potatoes. It normalizes metabolism and plays an important role in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Dishes prepared from it are very satisfying, contain a lot of carbohydrates, proteins, fiber and vitamins (B 1, B 2, B 6, C, in a small amount of A).

How many calories are in potatoes? The calorie content of the raw product is only 77 kilocalories per 100 g. The most nutrient in potatoes is starch. On average, its content in the tuber is 17-18%, 79-80% is water, the rest is ash (about 1%) and nitrogenous compounds.

How many calories are in potatoes? It depends on how it's prepared. The calorie content of potato dishes is significantly different from each other. It is necessary to cook them in such a way as to preserve the properties and useful substances of the vegetable as much as possible.

french fries calories

How many calories are in french fries? Potatoes are a low-calorie food, but then why do you get fat from them? The thing is that you need to eat only a properly prepared product, without adding a large amount of oil.

On average, french fries contain 320 kilocalories per 100 g. Sometimes this figure reaches 400. One serving is approximately 150-200 grams. And the calorie content of such a portion is more than a fourth of the daily calorie intake needed by a person.

French fries are the staple of fast food. It contains trans fats, which increase blood cholesterol levels. Carcinogenic substances released during frying lead to cardiovascular diseases, can cause oncological problems.

On the one hand, this product improves mood due to the high glycemic index. But on the other hand, along with the mood, weight increases. It is important to understand that they get fat from malnutrition. Therefore, french fries should be consumed as little as possible in order to maintain a good figure and health for a long time. It is better to replace it with potatoes baked in the oven. This will reduce the calorie content of the dish several times, even if you add it sour cream sauce with herbs and garlic.

Calorie jacket potatoes

One of the great options for cooking potatoes is the jacket potato. For such a dish, young fruits are ideal. How many calories are in a potato in their skins? Its calorie content is 66 kilocalories per 100 grams, which is slightly less than just a peeled boiled vegetable (75 kilocalories per 100 grams). For cooking, you can take a fruit of any size.

For baking in a peel, it is better to choose medium-sized potatoes, otherwise there is a chance that the tuber will not bake in the middle, but will already burn at the edges. In order to save time, preference should be given to small fruits - they are cooked much faster.

Thanks to the peel, potatoes cooked in their skins retain mineral salts and organic acids. It is rich in potassium and magnesium, ideal for dieting.

Three hundred grams of boiled product contains daily rate carbohydrates, potassium and phosphorus. But if you store it for more than three months, the properties of useful substances in it decrease. The content of vitamin C is especially reduced - only a third of the original amount remains.

Potatoes must be supplemented with protein-rich foods. This vegetable is ideally combined with meat or mushrooms, and the protein content in such dishes increases.

Calorie potatoes with mushrooms

Fried potatoes with mushrooms - traditional recipe Russian cuisine. This dish serves as an everyday dish, but with a beautiful serving it can be a great addition to festive table. You can use completely different mushrooms: pickled, salted, frozen or dried.

How many calories are in potatoes with mushrooms? The calorie content of this dish depends on the method of its preparation. For example, after stewing - 85 kilocalories per 100 g. It will be very tasty if you add a little onion and carrots. At the same time, the calorie content will decrease to 65 kilocalories per 100 g.

If potatoes are fried with mushrooms, then the calorie content of the dish will not exceed 120 kilocalories per 100 g. It should be remembered: adding a large amount of oil significantly increases the calorie content of the dish.

Potatoes with mushrooms go well with sour cream. When baking such a dish with 30% fat sour cream, there are only 100 kilocalories per 100 g. When using sour cream with less fat, the total calorie content of the dish also decreases. This is a very tasty and healthy option for cooking potatoes.

Calorie content of potatoes with meat

How many calories are in potatoes with meat? These products are perfectly combined with each other. Exists a large number of recipes for cooking potatoes with meat. For example, the calorie content of an ordinary fried potato with meat is 160 kilocalories per 100 g. Significantly fewer calories in a stew are 130.

Meat and potatoes in the oven is a great recipe for a festive table. And in one hundred grams there are only 100 kilocalories. The use of fatty meat increases the calorie content of such pots. For those who want to lose weight or just keep fit, it is better to give preference to lean beef or pork.

Advantages of potatoes

How many calories are in potatoes - we already know. Now let's talk about the benefits of this vegetable. Potatoes are rich in useful substances: phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium. Potassium promotes the removal of salt from the body, reduces swelling. Potatoes reduce cholesterol levels, help lower blood pressure. In addition, it is one of the hypoallergenic products.

Due to the low calorie content, potatoes are dietary. There are a huge number of low-calorie recipes with this vegetable: casseroles, pots, stews, baked or just boiled potatoes. Potatoes combined with meat is a source of energy for the whole day.

But do not abuse dishes from this vegetable, because they are rich in carbohydrates. People who care about the figure, for dinner should give preference to protein foods - meat, fish, eggs. And potatoes can act as a side dish at lunchtime. Glycemic index of this product is high, so people with diabetes and pancreatic disease must be extremely careful.