The power of prunes: benefits and harm to the body, use in folk medicine. Prunes: benefits and harm to the body How much can you eat prunes?

Dried fruits are highly valued for their nutritional value and good taste, but not all types bring the same benefits to the body. Prunes are one of the few products that have been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The benefits of prunes for the body are enormous; dried fruit helps get rid of various health problems, while it is affordable and tastes good. Natural medicine can be used by almost everyone, but in some cases it can be harmful.

The benefit of prunes lies mainly in its ability to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, but it is also obvious for other organs and systems:

  1. Relieves constipation. To solve delicate problems, prunes have been used since ancient times; they are a laxative of medium strength and are consumed in doses.
  2. Prunes are useful for atherosclerosis and hypertension, due to the high content of potassium salts.
  3. It has a diuretic effect, helps cope with even severe swelling, improves kidney function, and helps remove waste and toxins from the body.
  4. Prunes are rich in vitamin A, which has a positive effect on vision. The use of the product is indicated for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or have suffered surgery before our eyes.

Eating prunes helps to cope with loss of strength, increase vitality, and increase efficiency. The product, rich in antioxidants, fights free radicals, inhibits cell aging and rejuvenates the body.

Treatment of constipation with prunes

Prunes are a natural and effective remedy for treating constipation. The product has a pronounced laxative effect, contains a large amount of fiber, so it can easily cope with a delicate problem.

Prunes are used for constipation in several ways:

  1. In the form of an infusion. To prepare the drink, place 100 g of dried plums in a thermos, pour 400 ml of boiling water, leave for 5 hours, or leave overnight. The prepared infusion is drunk before meals in several doses, and fruit is eaten.
  2. In the form of a decoction. If you don’t have time to wait for the infusion, you can boil the washed prunes in boiling water and drink them warm.
  3. With kefir. For a glass of fermented milk drink, use 5-6 prunes. You can eat fruit and drink kefir. Or chop prunes, mix with fermented milk drink and eat it like that. You will get very tasty and healthy yogurt.

If constipation lasts more than 5 days, dried plums alone may not help. In this case, it is recommended to add laxative herbs, such as senna.

Recipe for constipation with senna

Prunes - 100 g
Senna grass - 2 tsp.
600 ml water

The prunes need to be washed, cut, placed in a saucepan, and the herb senna should be added. Pour boiling water over it all, cover with a lid, wrap in a towel, and leave for 2-3 hours. Take 3-5 teaspoons every hour until results are achieved.

On a note: Don't have scales? On average, one prune weighs 8-10 g, that is, for 100 g you need to take 10-14 pieces of medium size and moderate humidity.

Video: How it works: interesting things about prunes

Eating prunes during pregnancy

You can introduce prunes into the diet of pregnant women. The product will have a beneficial effect on the expectant mother’s body, improve digestion, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and help cope with constipation. A delicate problem often accompanies pregnant women in the last trimester.

It is worth remembering that dried fruit has a high calorie content and high sugar content, so you should not eat the product in large quantities. The benefits and harms of prunes directly depend on the amount eaten. Excessive consumption leads to large weight gain, a sharp increase in blood sugar levels, and stool upset. Pregnant diabetes and individual intolerance to the product are also contraindications.

The benefits of dried plums for weight loss and cleansing

Energy value dried plum - 256 kcal. Approximately 57 g are sugars. The product is high in calories, but this does not prevent it from being used for weight loss. Having choleretic, diuretic and laxative effects, it helps to cleanse the intestines of fecal deposits, remove excess water from the body, due to which several kilograms are lost.

Rules for using prunes for weight loss:

  • the daily intake of the product should not exceed 100 g;
  • It is advisable to consume dried fruit in the first half of the day;
  • You should not combine the use of prunes and other laxatives.

Dried fruit can be consumed before or after meals, added to salads, cereals, and drinks. Can be used as a treat that will help suppress cravings for sweets and prevent diet breakdown.

Interesting: Natural sweets are made from prunes. It is enough to soak the product in warm water, chop it, mix it with chopped nuts, honey, seeds, and other dried fruits. Sweets are formed from the resulting mass and cooled.

Fasting day on prunes

To cleanse the body, you can spend a fasting day. With its help you get rid of 1-2 kg excess weight, which occurs due to cleansing of the body. On this day, it is not recommended to leave the house; you should also avoid excessive physical activity and be sure to drink more fluids.

For unloading you will need 25-30 pieces of prunes and pure water, herbal infusions, unsweetened tea. Every 2 hours you need to eat 3-4 pieces of steamed fruit, washing down with plenty of water. In total, at least 3 liters are drunk during the day. If you feel very hungry in the evening, you can drink a glass of kefir or unsweetened yogurt.

The benefits of dried plums for children

Prunes are introduced into a child’s diet in the first year of life; this is often done to normalize stool. Puree can be used as a first complementary food. In this case, it is advisable to give preference to an industrially produced product that meets the needs of the child’s body and has undergone the necessary processing.

At home, a decoction of dried fruits is prepared for a child. It is important to pay special attention to the quality of raw materials, wash them thoroughly, soak them, and heat them. Children of the second year of life and older can add the product to cereals, desserts, and casseroles.

Damage to prunes. Contraindications for use

Any product can cause harm to the body if it is not suitable, used incorrectly or in unlimited quantities. Absolute contraindications to eating prunes are:

  • stool disorders, diarrhea;
  • diabetes;
  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney stone disease.

Limit the consumption of dried fruit in case of obesity due to its high calorie content, reducing the amount of product to 50 g per day. It is introduced into the diet of women during lactation with caution and only if necessary, as prunes can cause diarrhea in an infant.

Nutritional value of prunes

100 g of dried prunes contains 56.9 g of sugars, which is 114% of the body's recommended daily requirement. However, the product helps you lose weight, cleanse your intestines, and feel light and cheerful. And all thanks to the high content of coarse fiber and potassium.

Table of vitamins and minerals content (per 100 g)

Video: The benefits of prunes and plums in the “Live Healthy” program

How to choose healthy prunes

To make real prunes, dried plum fruits of the “Hungarian” variety are used. Depending on the degree of maturity, place of growth and accuracy of adherence to technology appearance, the taste of the final product and the amount of sugars and calorie content may vary.

The main signs of high-quality prunes:

  • black color without red inclusions;
  • shiny, smooth, hard skin;
  • The flesh is elastic; when pressed, no pits remain.

Dried fruit stores well in airtight jars or containers at room temperature. Has high humidity and is prone to mold. It is advisable to place such prunes in small containers, close them and store them on the refrigerator shelf.

Hello dear readers. Prunes beneficial features and contraindications, we will talk about this today. It's autumn and it's time to think about strengthening our immunity. I really love a mixture of nuts, dried fruits and honey; we often prepare this mixture and take it to strengthen the immune system. Recently, a friend of mine treated me to prunes in dark chocolate, I’ll tell you honestly, prunes in chocolate are delicious. That’s why I decided to write about the beneficial properties of prunes. I know that many people don’t like its taste, but I personally like it, I sometimes buy it for myself, but not smoked, but dried. A friend told me that you can make prunes in chocolate at home, and also put a nut inside, I’ll have to try it. In addition, prunes can be used in various dishes, desserts, salads, compotes, jellies, sauces, and as an excellent addition to meat.

Prunes are the dried fruits of black plums. To obtain prunes, use 5 kilograms of fresh plums.

The calorie content of prunes is 230 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Prunes. Beneficial features.

  • Prunes are rich in vitamins, they contain vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E. Contains: potassium, iron, calcium, manganese, selenium, fluorine, sodium, zinc.
  • Prunes are useful because they contain a large amount of fiber, which we need for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Prunes are useful for hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases of cardio-vascular system, due to the content of potassium salts.
  • And vitamin A improves our vision.
  • Prunes have a diuretic and choleretic effect.
  • Helps increase appetite.
  • Normalizes metabolic processes that occur in our body.
  • Prunes restore performance and reduce fatigue.
  • Improves the general condition of the body and also increases potency.
  • Very good effect Prunes help with constipation, as they have a mild laxative effect.
  • Prunes increase the immunity and resistance of our body to various infections.
  • Prunes remove toxins and waste from our body.
  • And thanks to the antioxidants that are part of prunes, eating prunes thus also prevents cancer.
  • Prunes satisfy hunger well.

Prunes are not only tasty, but also healthy, they can serve you as a snack, since prunes perfectly satisfy hunger, they can replace candy. The benefits of prunes are especially great during periods of lack of fresh fruit. Prune compote improves our immunity, improves liver function, and is useful for constipation. It’s easy to prepare the compote by pouring boiling water over the prunes and leaving in a thermos. delicious compote, which we obtain without boiling.

Prunes. Contraindications.

  • Prunes are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance.
  • For allergic reactions to dried fruits.
  • Prunes are contraindicated for diabetes.
  • For obesity.
  • Prunes are contraindicated for nursing mothers, as they can cause distress in the baby.

How to choose prunes?

When buying prunes, be sure to pay attention to the appearance of the prunes. It should be black, have a slight shine, elastic on top, but soft inside. Prunes should have a natural appearance; now I very often use various chemicals to give prunes a beautiful shine. You can often find brown prunes on store shelves or at the market; this is the result of improper processing; it is better not to buy such prunes, they may have a bitter taste. You can try prunes if you buy them in bulk. Good prune sweet with a slight sourness. If you are satisfied with the appearance and taste of prunes, then you can safely buy them.

How to properly store prunes?

I usually don’t buy a lot of prunes, but if it happens that I bought a lot, the main thing here is to store them correctly. It should be stored in a dry, cool, dark place. If the prunes are well dried, then a glass container with a lid is suitable for storing them, but if the prunes are wet, then they can quickly become moldy. Dried prunes can be stored in paper bags. I usually store it in the refrigerator.

How many prunes can you eat per day?

You can eat 5-6 prunes a day. Since prunes have a laxative effect, you should not eat them in large quantities, and besides, prunes are quite a high-calorie product. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

Prunes have beneficial properties and contraindications, you know, eat them for your health if you have no contraindications to their use.

Prunes are the same plums (Hungarian or Renklod), but in dried form. This is the most popular known dried fruit. Already from the age of six months, it is recommended to eat prunes, the beneficial properties and wonderful taste of which have made them a universal product. And not only in cooking.

Characteristics of prunes

Energy value

In terms of energy value (calorie content), prunes lead among most fresh fruits. But it wins comparison with such “healthy sweets” as honey, marshmallows, and marshmallows. It contains 100 kcal less. Therefore, dried plums are often used as a substitute for sweets to reduce weight.

100 g of prunes contain about 250 kcal. Picture of its energy value:

  • 2.3 g protein (approximately 9 kcal),
  • 0.7 g fat (6 kcal),
  • 57.5 g carbohydrates (230 kcal).

About the nutritional value of prunes

Per 100 g of product the nutritional value distributed as follows (in grams):

  • saccharides (glucose, fructose, sucrose) – 56.9,
  • water – 25,
  • dietary fiber – 9,
  • organic acids (malic, oxalic, citric) – 3.5,
  • starch – 0.6,
  • saturated and unsaturated fatty acids – 0.1 each.

Vitamins (in mg):

  • C – 3,
  • E – 1.8,
  • RR – 1.7,
  • B2 – 0.1,
  • beta-carotene – 0.06,
  • B1 – 00.2,
  • A – 10 mcg.

Minerals (in mg):

  • potassium – 864,
  • magnesium – 102,
  • phosphorus – 83,
  • calcium – 80,
  • sodium – 10,
  • iron – 3,
  • zinc – 0.54,
  • copper – 424 mcg,
  • selenium – 2.3 mcg.

The berries contain nitrogenous and tannin substances, as well as other ingredients vital for the body.

Method for obtaining prunes

To obtain high-quality prunes, juicy and ripe fruits are selected. They are then subjected to:

  • blanching in boiling water
  • cooling in running water,
  • steam drying.

As a result, its beneficial properties are completely preserved.

To obtain 1 kg of prunes, use 5 kg of black plums. Its production is widespread in the countries where this berry grows. These include America, Argentina, France. The highest quality and most expensive prunes from California (USA).

Properties of prunes

Prunes, the benefits and harms of which are well known, can be used most effectively for medicinal purposes.

Effect of prunes on human health

It is very important that dried plums retain all the beneficial components that fresh berries are rich in. Prunes inhibit the growth of pathogens such as salmonella and E. coli. The presence of pectin cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and improves the functioning of the digestive system. Antioxidants suppress free radicals that have a destructive effect on the body. This explains the rejuvenating effect of the berry and its ability to participate in the prevention of cancer.

Vitamin A improves vision and skin condition. The choleretic and diuretic effect of prunes is to normalize metabolism. This is beneficial for kidney diseases, gout, rheumatism, psoriasis. Prunes have a good effect on thrombophlebitis, as they help reduce blood clotting. High calorie content The product gives the body a lot of energy.

Prunes are especially useful for pregnant women who are prone to constipation or have difficulties with intestinal function. The presence of a line of B vitamins in berries has a positive effect on work nervous system. This effect is expressed in reducing anxiety and preventing stress. Potassium provides powerful support to the heart: there is 1.5 times more of it in prunes than in (a recognized source of potassium).

Solving specific health problems

Official medicine recognizes the beneficial properties of prunes for human health. The variety of its beneficial effects is amazing:

  • delicately cleanses the body of toxins,
  • relieves constipation,
  • helps with diseases of the oral cavity, has a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms, protects against caries,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • brings blood pressure to normal level
  • strengthens the heart muscle (due to the presence of potassium),
  • (action of iron),
  • helps fight cancer (due to the content of phytonutrients),
  • increases performance,
  • rejuvenates the body (due to antioxidants),
  • fights vitamin deficiency,
  • improves memory,
  • increases potency,
  • cleanses the skin.

Risk group

Despite the obvious benefits of prunes, they have contraindications. Eating dried fruit can lead to problems with:

  • overweight,
  • diabetes mellitus,
  • allergies to the product,
  • breastfeeding (so as not to cause gastric upset in the infant); starting from six months, the baby can be given prune compote.

Also, people suffering from chronic liver and stomach diseases should not get carried away with prunes.

Some people suffer from flatulence and bloating after eating prunes. This is due to the combination of dietary fiber with fructose. This phenomenon is recognized as individual intolerance, which is the reason for excluding the product from the diet. In addition, prunes are often treated with chemicals, which makes them simply harmful. Thus, it is not superfluous to know that prunes (the benefits and harm from them) do not always manifest themselves in the same way, although the benefits outweigh many times over.

Wise choice of prunes

In order for dried fruit to bring maximum benefits, you need to skillfully select high-quality berries.

Definition of this product

Distinctive features of good prunes:

  • whole, fleshy and slightly soft fruits,
  • absence of rot and mold,
  • black color,
  • sweet taste with a slight sourness (such berries contain a maximum of vitamin C),
  • lack of bitterness.

Prunes dried with pits retain more useful components. To check the quality of prunes, you need to soak them for 30 minutes. Real prunes will turn white in some places. The treated one will retain a uniform color.

Purchased prunes must be scalded with boiling water. Then, after soaking, rinse under running water. Dried berries do not tolerate moisture. It is better to store them in a glass jar, paper bag or plastic container. The container should be in the refrigerator.

Signs of harmful processing of dried fruit

The shiny, dark gray color of prunes (the fruits look “fat”) means they have been treated with glycerin. It is made to improve the presentation of dried fruit. It can also shine after treatment with an unknown fat. Sellers often lubricate dried fruit with vegetable oil for shine. But this method of processing promotes the growth of bacteria.

The coffee tint of prunes appears after scalding with boiling water. At best, there are practically no vitamins left in it. Manufacturers perform this “operation” to disinfect dried fruit and extend its shelf life. The brown tint is not the only drawback of this treatment. The berry also tastes bitter.

The most harmful treatment is sulfur dioxide (E220), which is a toxic inorganic compound that kills bacteria. Such fruits do not attract insects. In the human body Chemical substance irritates the mucous membranes of the digestive system. This type of processing preserves the original color of the dried fruit. When dried naturally, the berries will definitely darken.

Areas of application of prunes

Features of using prunes in cooking

Culinary experts love this product very much, as it gives an absolutely unique taste. different dishes. It is consumed both independently and as part of many drinks and dishes. And it’s simply impossible to imagine a compote or a meat dish without it. Adding prunes to pilaf increases the calorie content of this dish and gives it a piquant taste. It goes well with any meat - beef, chicken.

The most delicious meat dish considered a domestic duck. It is stuffed with apples and prunes and cooked in the oven. This dish will decorate anyone festive table. This dried fruit is very good as a filling for pies, cakes, candies and other confectionery products. Puff rolls filled with prunes and pieces of marmalade have a wonderful taste.

It should be remembered that prunes are not always combined with fibrous products, for example, chicory, apples. A person with strong digestion can afford this mixture. Dried plums are most beneficial to eat on an empty stomach or with dairy foods. But you can’t eat the main course with it. Otherwise, it will stimulate indigestion, gas formation, and bloating.

Health Recipes

Many pharmaceutical preparations for constipation contain prune extract. But you can prepare a healing remedy yourself. This is an infusion of prunes. Before going to bed, wash dry berries (6 pcs.) well and add boiled water (1 cup).

The next morning, drink the infusion and eat the berries. This infusion is often recommended to be consumed at night. And along with a glass of kefir. This supports microflora and improves the quality of intestinal cleansing.

Calluses are treated with prunes: the berries are poured with hot milk. When they are soaked, the seeds are removed. The berry, which has not yet cooled down, is applied to the calluses. When it cools down, it is replaced with a new, hot one. This procedure should be repeated as often as possible.

The antiseptic properties of prunes help fight caries. To prevent it, it is enough to chew 2-3 berries thoroughly before going to bed. A decoction of dried fruit treats purulent skin diseases. To do this, apply warm compresses to the sore spots at night. Due to the ability to draw out pus, this method is good for treating acne.

Prunes for beauty

The dietary properties of dried fruit help to remove extra pounds, despite the fact that prunes have a high calorie content. It needs to be eaten correctly. If you feel hungry, you should take a dried plum into your mouth and slowly dissolve it until you feel full. This way you can cope with hunger and at the same time consume a minimum number of calories. To saturate the body, it is enough to eat 5-6 fruits a day.

Nutritionists advise combining prunes with vegetables, for example boiled or grated fresh. Low-fat kefir or lemon juice are suitable as a dressing (sugar and salt are strictly unacceptable). Regular correct usage Prunes have the most positive effect on the condition of the skin. She becomes healthy, radiant and elastic. Improved bowel function contributes to this result.

Exclusively useful qualities prunes make it an excellent dietary product in the system healthy eating. And the content of biologically active components does not limit this dried fruit only to the role of a delicacy. It is deservedly used as a natural medicine.

Prunes, like other dried fruits, are often recommended for weight loss. There is also an opinion that this product should not be consumed frequently or in large quantities. Let's figure out whether it is possible to eat it and still lose excess weight.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Prunes are a dried fruit made from black plums: they are doused with boiling water, cooled, dried, and to make them look presentable, they are boiled for several minutes and treated with glycerin. The calorie content of the dried fruit in question is 239 kcal per 100 g.

Did you know? From 10 kg of fresh fruit, about 2 kg of the final product is obtained.

Ratio of BZHU per 100 g of product:

  • proteins - 2.6 g;
  • fats - 0.5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 55.6 g.

Vitamins, macro- and microelements (per 100 g):

  • ascorbic acid - 3.3 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 1.08 mg;
  • potassium - 745 mg;
  • calcium - 51 mg;
  • magnesium - 45 mg;
  • sodium - 4 mg;
  • niacin - 2 mg;
  • pantothenic acid - 0.5 mg;
  • pyridoxine - 0.26 mg;
  • riboflavin - 0.16 mg;
  • thiamine - 0.07 mg;
  • tocopherol - 2.5 mg;
  • folic acid - 3.7 mcg;
  • phosphorus - 79 mg;
  • chlorine - 3 mg.

Other components (content per 100 g):

  • ash - 1.8 g;
  • fiber - 7.1 g;
  • water - 32.4 g.

Is it possible to eat prunes while dieting?

The described dried fruit can definitely be consumed when losing weight, but in a reasonable amount and without contraindications - this product can bring both benefit and harm.

Benefits for weight loss

The health benefits of prunes in general are determined by the vitamins and microelements in their chemical composition.

Other parameters of dried fruit indicate its properties that allow you to lose weight:

  1. The amount of fiber in 100 g of product is 7.1 g. Dietary fiber is a valuable element for digestion, stimulates intestinal function and prevents gastrointestinal problems. With sufficient fiber intake (13 g per day for women, 17 g for men), excess fats from food are not transformed into excess deposits, but are excreted from the body.
  2. This dried fruit helps get rid of excess cholesterol, which has a beneficial effect on weight loss.
  3. Short glycemic index(GI 29) of the product does not lead to sudden surges in blood sugar and the release of the hormone insulin, which reduces the likelihood of gaining weight.
  4. The laxative properties of the product in question are known. Diphenysatine and sorbitol have a gentle effect on digestion, while at the same time helping to remove excess toxic substances.
  5. The dark blue color of the dried fruit indicates that it contains anthocyanins - glycosides that help improve intestinal barrier functions and stabilize its condition when consumed large quantity fats and carbohydrates.

Contraindications and harm

Prunes have a number of contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • IBS (irritable bowel syndrome);
  • sensitivity to components;
  • urolithiasis disease.

Even without contraindications, this dried fruit should be used in food in moderation.

Important! If you experience problems after eating prunes, you should consult a doctor.

If consumed in excess, the following problems may occur:
  • bloating;
  • diarrhea;
  • dehydration.

When, how much and how to use it correctly

Features of eating prunes for weight loss may vary depending on the choice of diet. Yes, when proper nutrition it should be used as a snack between main meals, and also added to salads, cereals, meat and other dishes.

Periodically you can arrange fasting days, when during the day, as the feeling of hunger appears, you need to consume exclusively prunes. There are also various nutrition systems based on this dried fruit, in which it is necessary to use it as a base product for a certain period of time.

Did you know? Dried fruits began to be produced in the 6th century BC. e. Prunes became one of the first products in this category.

Diet Variations

The diet with prunes may vary depending on the products allowed for consumption. Both mono-diets (for example, kefir with prunes) and more extensive diets are offered.

On kefir and prunes

It is not advisable to follow such a diet for more than 3 days. You should consume no more than 1–1.5 liters of low-fat kefir and 100 g of dried fruit per day. You can also grind both products together to make a cocktail.

Important! For any ailmentsshould be stoppeddietand return to your normal diet.

The entire diet is divided equally into 5–7 meals. Another option is to use these two foods as dinner for 1-2 weeks.

Cottage cheese with prunes

The previous option can be replaced with cottage cheese with prunes. This dish can be used as a separate meal as usual, which will also help you lose weight. For 100 g of cottage cheese you need to add 7-8 pieces of dried fruit.

Oatmeal in water with dried fruit can be used as a healthy fat-burning breakfast or for a mono-diet, which should be followed for 7-10 days.

Prunes are dried plums of dark varieties that have a tart-sweet taste and a specific smoky aroma. The history of this delicacy goes back to the distant past. There is archaeological evidence to suggest that the first prunes were produced in the 6th century BC in areas located along the coast of the Caspian Sea at the foot of the Main Caucasus Range. Scientists believe that local residents were the first to dry ripe plums in the sun, trying to increase the shelf life of the crop.

Today, more complex technologies are used to produce prunes. For drying, choose plums with thick skin and pulp rich in dry matter and sugars. The fruits are blanched for a few seconds in a 1% soda solution, washed in hot water, and then dried, dried and caramelized in steam dryers. The described technology is observed very strictly: any violation of it leads to the fact that dried fruits acquire an unnatural shade and rancid taste, and lose their consumer properties.

Prunes are an integral component of many dishes. These dried fruits are included in salads, confectionery and meat products, baked goods, pilaf, soups and drinks. Traditional healers Dried plums are used to treat a whole range of disorders in the body.

Rules for selecting and storing prunes

When choosing prunes you must:

  • give preference to fruits with stones;
  • carefully inspect dried fruits: high-quality plums should be fragrant, elastic, blue-black with a beautiful shine;
  • refuse to purchase sticky, deformed or unnaturally smelling fruits, dried fruits, the skin of which has brown spots or a light coating.

Dried plums should be stored in glass jars, wooden boxes, paper bags or linen bags. Containers with dried fruits should be placed in a cool place, protected from moisture and sunlight (for example, in a refrigerator). Subject to the described conditions, prunes retain their flavor and nutritional properties within 7-9 months.

Nutritional value of prunes

A 100 gram serving of dried plums contains the following nutrients:

  • proteins – 2.188 g;
  • carbohydrates – 63.966 g;
  • fats – 0.379 g;
  • fiber – 7.093 g;
  • water – 30.894 g;
  • ash – 2.637 g.

Prunes are very rich in sugars. 100 g of this product contains 38.127 g of disaccharides and monosaccharides, including glucose - 25.458 g, fructose - 12.449 g, sucrose - 0.149 g, maltose - 0.058 g.

Vitamins in dried plums

Prunes are an affordable source of vitamins necessary for smooth operation human body. A 100-gram serving of these dried fruits contains:

  • retinol and equivalent compounds, A – 38.713 mcg;
  • pantothenate, B5 – 0.419 mg;
  • ascorbic acid, C – 0.577 mg;
  • thiamine, B1 – 0.049 mg;
  • pyridoxine, B6 – 0.203 mg;
  • alpha-tocopherol, tocopherol equivalent, E – 0.427 mg;
  • riboflavin, B2 – 0.184 mg;
  • nicotinic acid, niacin equivalent, PP – 1.879 mg;
  • folic acid, B9 – 3.904 mcg;
  • choline, B4 – 10.093 mg.

Video recipe for the occasion:

In addition, such useful compounds as phylloquinone (vitamin K, content - 59.494 mcg per 100 g of product) and betaine (0.399 mg per 100 g) were found in dried plums.

Useful elements in prunes

Macroelements in 100 g of dried plums:

  • phosphorus – 68.773 mg;
  • magnesium – 40.836 mg;
  • potassium – 731.294 mg;
  • sodium – 1.944 mg;
  • calcium – 42.106 mg.

Microelements in 100 g of product:

  • zinc – 0.437 mg;
  • copper – 279.044 mcg;
  • fluorine – 3.966 mcg;
  • iron – 0.922 mg;
  • manganese – 0.297 mg;
  • selenium – 0.286 mcg.

Calorie content of prunes

Prunes are a high-calorie product with a high content of quickly digestible carbohydrates. 100 g of these dried fruits contain 239.612 kcal. In a 100-gram serving of dehydrated prunes – 338.106 kcal, stewed – 112.731 kcal, pickled – 104.288 kcal. The energy value of dried plums in chocolate is 391.608 kcal per 100 g.

A medium-sized prune weighs 15 g. This means that 1 fruit contains about 36 kcal. A standard 200 ml glass holds about 250 g of dried plums. The energy value of this portion of the product is 600 kcal.

Beneficial properties of prunes

  • Fresh prunes are a rich source of beneficial nutrients. People who eat 3-4 dried plums daily are less likely to encounter manifestations of hypovitaminosis and diseases that develop against the background of a deficiency of vitamins, micro- and macroelements.
  • Substances present in prune pulp have tonic properties, activate brain function, increase overall performance, concentration, and physical endurance.
  • Dried plums are rich in components that have a positive effect on the condition of nails, hair and skin.
  • Prunes have diuretic properties and help remove excess fluid from the body. Dishes containing these dried fruits are useful for people suffering from edema and diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Dried plums are rich in substances that stimulate the secretion of bile.
  • Polyphenols, potassium and other nutrients that enter the body when eating prunes give strength and elasticity to the walls of blood vessels, strengthen the heart muscle, and normalize the heart rate. Thanks to this, people who regularly include these dried fruits in their diet significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiac diseases.
  • Substances contained in dried plums improve vision and reduce the adverse effects on the eyes during prolonged or too intense visual stress.
  • Prunes are rich in antioxidant compounds that allow the body to successfully resist negative influence free radicals. Daily consumption of dried plums helps slow down the aging of organs, tissues and systems of the human body, and reduce the likelihood of the appearance of tumors.
  • When eating prunes, the body receives substances that strengthen the immune system, reduce the risk of developing infectious and colds, and minimize the influence of negative factors external environment on organs and tissues of the human body.
  • Prunes are a source of compounds that can lower blood pressure. Dishes containing these dried fruits are very useful for people suffering from hypertension.
  • Group B vitamins and other nutrients present in prune pulp normalize the functioning of the nervous system, reduce the adverse effects of stress on the body, and help fight anxiety, increased irritability, and insomnia.
  • It has been proven that regular consumption of prunes helps speed up metabolic processes in the body.
  • Dried plums are a mild but effective laxative. In order to cope with prolonged constipation, it is enough to eat 3 fruits steamed in boiling water before each meal or drink half a glass of a decoction prepared from them.
  • IN folk medicine Prunes are used to increase appetite and enhance the production of digestive juice.
  • The pulp of dried plums contains compounds that have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. A decoction of these dried fruits - effective remedy for rinsing the mouth for sore throat, stomatitis and other diseases accompanied by inflammation of the soft tissues of the oral cavity and oropharynx.
  • Substances entering the gastrointestinal tract when eating prunes help maintain the acid-base balance in the body.
  • In folk medicine, dried plums are used to combat corns and calluses. The dry fruit is boiled in full-fat milk for 7 minutes, cut in half and applied with the cut to the problem area. After the plum cools down, it is replaced with a new one. The total duration of each procedure is 10 minutes.
  • With regular consumption of prunes, potency increases, the composition of ejaculate improves in men, and the manifestations of premenstrual and menopausal syndrome in women are weakened.

The use of prunes in cosmetology

A mask is prepared from prunes to rejuvenate the skin and accelerate the regeneration of skin cells. Dried plums (1 pc.) and dried apricots (1-2 pcs.) are steamed in boiling water, crushed in a blender and combined with a finely grated apple (1 tbsp.). Add egg yolk, 1 tsp to the resulting mixture. fat sour cream, 10 drops each olive oil and camphor alcohol. The finished composition is distributed in a thin layer over the face and décolleté. After 35-40 minutes, the composition is washed off with warm water and the skin is treated with moisturizer.

Dried plums are used to prepare a mask that eliminates acne. Prunes (4 pcs.) are poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. The swollen dried fruits are kneaded with a fork and combined with potato starch (2 tbsp.). The resulting paste is distributed over problem areas and left for 25 minutes. After this, the product is washed off with cold water.

A nourishing mask is prepared from prunes, saturating the skin with all the necessary nutrients. Large dried plums are steamed in boiling water, ground into puree and combined with 2 tbsp. spoons of natural yogurt. Add a small handful of bran to the resulting mass and mix thoroughly. The mask is applied to the face in a thin layer and left for 13-15 minutes. After this, the composition is washed off with mineral water.

Prunes are part of a mask that soothes irritated sensitive skin. To prepare it, 2 large fruits are steamed in boiling water, crushed in a blender, combined with honey (1 tsp) and wheat flour (1 tbsp). The resulting mass is applied to problem areas and left for 17-20 minutes. After completing the procedure, the mask is washed off with water at room temperature.

Contraindications and harm of prunes

  • Dried plums contain acrylamide, a dangerous compound that has neurotoxic and carcinogenic properties. Therefore, nutritionists recommend limiting the consumption of these dried fruits to 100 grams per day.
  • Dried plums contain a lot of sugars. Overuse of this product may be harmful to people who are obese or have diabetes.
  • Prunes are a potential allergen. Therefore, people who have previously shown signs of food allergies should sharply limit their consumption of these dried fruits or completely eliminate them from the diet.
  • Doctors do not recommend eating prunes if you have kidney stones.
  • Women who are breastfeeding should sharply limit their consumption of dried plums. Failure to follow this recommendation may cause hypersensitivity reactions or bloating in an infant.
  • Abuse of prunes can cause digestive disorders, bloating, flatulence, and diarrhea.