Organization of preschool education for children with disabilities. Everything about education for children with disabilities. Staffing institutions based on the principle of leading developmental disability

From the history of special pedagogy it is known that in the USSR by the beginning of the 70s. In the 20th century, a network of special preschool institutions was built: nurseries, kindergartens, preschool orphanages, preschool groups at nurseries, kindergartens and mass orphanages, as well as at special schools and boarding schools.

During the development of a network of special preschool institutions, scientists developed principles for constructing a special preschool education:

1. Staffing institutions based on the principle of leading developmental disability. In accordance with this, they created preschool institutions for children with hearing, vision, speech, intelligence, and musculoskeletal impairments.

2. Smaller group occupancy rates compared to mass preschool institutions.

3. Availability of speech pathologists and additional medical workers on staff.

4. Redistribution of types of activities between teachers and defectologists

5. Introduction of special classes, such as the development of auditory and visual perception, exercise therapy, etc.

6. Free education and training. For children staying in regular kindergartens, parents pay a monthly payment for food, but an exception is made for children with developmental disabilities.

In the 90s of the 20th century, standard regulations were approved for each type of educational institution. These primarily include preschool educational institutions. In accordance with the regulations, children aged 2 months to 7 years in preschool educational institutions are provided with education, training, care and health improvement. A child with disabilities is admitted to a preschool educational institution if there are conditions for correctional work only with the consent of the parents on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPC.

1. The majority of children with disabilities are raised in compensatory kindergartens and in compensatory groups of combined kindergartens

type. Group occupancy depends on the type of impairment: 6-10 people for children with severe speech impairments, with physical disabilities - up to 12 people, deaf, blind - up to 6 people, with intellectual disabilities - up to 6-8 people, with complex defects - up to 5 people.

2. For children with developmental disabilities who, for various reasons, cannot attend preschool institutions, short-term groups are organized in preschool educational institutions. Classes are conducted primarily individually or in small subgroups of 2-3 people in the presence of parents. Modern psychological, pedagogical and advisory assistance is also provided.

3. General educational institutions of the preschool educational institution complex are becoming a frequent occurrence in our country - Primary School. For a child with disabilities transition to schooling means inclusion not only in a new type of activity for him, but also completely different living conditions. All of this can make the situation worse. In this type of institution, the child will feel more comfortable. The child will begin school in a familiar environment.

4. An educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance. These institutions are intended for children of the following categories: with a high degree of pedagogical neglect, with learning difficulties, with signs of social maladaptation, with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, etc. educational psychologists, social teachers, speech therapists, defectologists, etc. work here.

5. The country also has sanatorium-type health educational institutions for children in need of long-term treatment - sanatorium-forest schools, sanatorium orphanages. Here they provide assistance to families in raising problem children who need long-term treatment, providing them with education, and carrying out therapeutic and recreational activities.

There are often cases when children with disabilities did not attend preschool institutions. To prepare them for school, a number of organizational forms are provided. Preschool groups are created for them at correctional schools and boarding schools. Their educational programs are designed for 1-2 years, during which the prerequisites for educational activities are formed. The contingent of such groups consists mainly of children whose developmental deviations were detected late or children who previously did not have the opportunity to attend a specialized educational institution.


Article: Liliya Vasilievna Borgoyakova

The article reveals the conditions for implementing an inclusive approach in the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in a general developmental kindergarten.

Keywords : inclusive education, inclusive approach, children with disabilities

Today one of current problems is the implementation of an inclusive approach to the upbringing and education of children with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as HIA) in the conditions of a general developmental preschool institution.

Inclusive education is the process of creating optimal educational space, focused on finding new ways to meet the educational needs of each participant in the process.

The stage of preschool childhood is the time when a child with disabilities enters the first social educational system- preschool education and upbringing.

Currently, the so-called spontaneous inclusion of children with developmental disabilities among healthy peers often occurs, especially in rural areas. Children with disabilities stay in educational institutions regardless of mental and speech development, on the structure of the defect, on psychophysical capabilities.This is due to the lack of correctional preschool educational institutions, and to the reluctance of parents to raise their children in a compensatory type of institution, and to a number of other socio-economic and psychological-pedagogical reasons.

Finding children with disabilities in the same room and at the same time with normally developing peers helps reduce the distance between these categories of preschoolers. However, the ability to join a regular group of children characterizes not only the capabilities of the child with disabilities, but also the quality of the work of the preschool institution, the presence in it of adequate conditions for the development of pupils with disabilities. special needs. Therefore, for full functional and social inclusion it is necessary special organization substantive interaction, interpersonal contacts and communication, equal partnership, removal of social distance.

Currently, general developmental preschool educational institutions (hereinafter referred to as preschool educational institutions) do not have adequate conditions for the inclusive education of such children. There are no teachers - defectologists, special psychologists, medical specialists, social workers, no special equipment and modern technical teaching aids for correctional classes, as well as special developmental programs. In this regard, there is a need to find a solution to this problem through an inclusive approach to the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in kindergarten general developmental type.

For the optimal implementation of inclusive education at the stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary to create the following special conditions for the upbringing and education of children with disabilities in a general developmental institution:

1. Creation of legal and regulatory and software and methodological support.

The institution must develop a regulatory framework that sets the conceptual and substantive foundations for the development of inclusive approaches to the education of children with disabilities.

Education and upbringing of children with disabilities must be carried out in accordance with special programs taking into account the individual characteristics of the pupils: age, structure of the disorder, level of psychophysical development, therefore the preschool educational institution must be equipped with special literature on correctional education.

2. Creation of a subject-developing environment.

For the success of inclusive education, it is necessary to create a subject-developmental environment adequate to the child’s capabilities, that is, a system of conditions that ensure the full development of all types of children’s activities, correction of deviations of higher mental functions and the development of the child’s personality (cultural landscapes, physical education, play and health facilities, subject-play , children's library, game library, musical and theatrical environment, etc. (E.A. Ekzhanova, E.A. Strebeleva).

One of the important conditions for organizing the process of raising and teaching children with disabilities in a general developmental kindergarten is to equip it with special equipment:

    for children with musculoskeletal system disorders, special chairs with armrests, special tables, and posture correctors are needed; a ramp should be provided;

    for children with visual impairments, special optical aids are required (glasses, magnifying glasses, lenses, etc.); tactile panels (sets of materials of different textures) that can be touched and manipulated in various ways. Hygienic measures to protect children’s vision are based on rational lighting of the room and workplace;

    Children with hearing impairments need hearing aids and other technical devices.

3. Staffing.

Important condition ensuring that the special needs of children are met is the presence in a preschool institution of general developmental specialists: a teacher - speech therapist, a teacher - speech pathologist, a teacher-psychologist, a social pedagogue, as well as a high level professional competence teachers. The problem is the lack of specialists. For this purpose, it is necessary to prepare teachers for inclusive education through training programs for advanced training for specialists in preschool institutions.

4. Creation of psychological and pedagogical support.

In preschool institutions of a general developmental type, it is necessary to create psychological, medical and pedagogical councils, the purpose of which is to organize the education, training and development of children with disabilities, expand the circle of children’s contacts, as well as psychological and social support for families. The organization of comprehensive correctional and pedagogical support for children with disabilities involves the participation of each specialist, namely, the head, senior teacher, speech therapist, educators, educational psychologist, social educator, music director, instructor for physical culture, nurse.

At the beginning of each school year It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of children with disabilities by specialists and educators. In accordance with medical diagnoses, develop individual development routes for each child and determine the educational load.

At the stage of implementation of each individual route In the development of a child with disabilities, a task arises - the creation of complex, targeted work. All correctional and pedagogical assistance should be carried out along with treatment. Throughout all correctional work, children with disabilities require the attention and participation of medical specialists, since many types of disorders are associated with organic lesions of the central nervous system. Corrective influence on children turns out to be more effective in combination with special drug treatment, stimulating the maturation of the central nervous system.

All teachers who will accompany children with disabilities must know the basics of corrective education and training of such children. During the stay of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution, teachers need to:

    include all children in the group in classes, regardless of their disability, developing an individual correctional and developmental program for each of them;

    create an atmosphere of goodwill and psychological safety for the child. The teacher should strive for non-judgmental acceptance of the child and understanding of his situation;

    correctly and humanely assess the dynamics of the child’s progress;

    when assessing the progress of a child with disabilities, compare him not with other children, but mainly with himself at the previous level of development;

    build a pedagogical forecast on the basis of pedagogical optimism, striving to find intact psychomotor functions in every child, positive sides his personality and development, which can be relied upon during pedagogical work.

The organization of education and training of preschoolers with disabilities in a general developmental preschool institution involves making changes to the forms of correctional and developmental work.In this case, the pedagogical search is to find those types of communication or creativity that will be interesting and accessible to each of the group members. The teacher must create conditions in which the child can develop independently in interaction with other children. In classes, games and exercises should be selected taking into account individual training programs.An important condition for organizing classes should be a game form. It is also necessary to provide for varying organizational forms of correctional educational work: group, subgroup, individual.This model can harmoniously combine developmental and correctional approaches to teaching.

The majority of children with disabilities are characterized by motor difficulties, motor disinhibition, and low performance, which requires changes in planning educational activities and daily routine. The daily routine should include an increase in the time allocated for activities, hygiene procedures, and meals.

Teaching methods should be determined in accordance with the capabilities of children with disabilities. When planning work, use the most accessible methods: visual, practical, verbal. Psychologists have proven that the greater the number of analyzers used in the process of studying the material, the more complete and solid the knowledge. The choice of alternative methods creates conditions that promote the effectiveness of the learning process. The question of the rational choice of a system of methods and individual methodological techniques needs to be decided individually. In cases where the main program cannot be mastered due to the severity of physical and mental disorders, individual correctional programs aimed at socializing students and promoting normalization emotional behavior, formation of self-service skills, play activities, objective activities, social and everyday orientation.

For certain categories of children with disabilities who have special developmental characteristics, it is necessary to provide for inclusion in work innovative technologies, original methods and objects. So, for example, for children with profound delays in speech, intelligence, and hearing, use non-verbal means of communication, such as pictograms, a system of gestures, pictures-symbols, etc.

5. Interaction between kindergarten and family – a necessary condition for the full development of children with disabilities. It is important to maintain unity and consistency of all requirements for the child in the family and kindergarten. The task of specialists is to help parents understand the essence of the child’s deviations. Continuous communication with parents must be carried out through consultations, workshops, parent meetings, individual notebooks for recommendations and other forms of work. Parents should receive information about what knowledge, skills and abilities need to be consolidated in the child, and become familiar with various gaming techniques that are aimed at his comprehensive development.

Thus, depending on the conditions available in the educational institution, the composition and number of children with disabilities, the implementation of an inclusive approach in the education of special children in different general developmental preschool institutions can be very different. A regular kindergarten, with a clearly thought-out content for organizing its work with children with disabilities, has an effective correctional effect and plays an important role in full preparation for schooling. Any educational institution is made accessible to children with disabilities, first of all, by teachers who are able to meet the special educational needs of children in this category. This is the creation of a psychological, moral atmosphere in which a special child will no longer feel different from everyone else. This is a place where a child with disabilities can realize not only his right to education, but also, being included in a full-fledged social life peers, to gain the right to a normal childhood. ProblemThe inclusion of children with disabilities in the learning process of normally developing peers is relevant and multifaceted, the solution of which requires further research and development, the creation of special conditions in general developmental preschool institutions.


    From birth to school. Basic general educational program of preschool education" / Edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. M.: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2011. pp. 293-311.

    Shipitsyna L.M. “Uneducable” child in the family and society. Socialization of children with intellectual disabilities. St. Petersburg: 2005. 477 p.

    Shmatko, N.D. For whom integrated learning can be effective / N.D. Shmatko // Defectology. 1999. No. 1. P. 41-46.

    Shmatko, N.D. Integration of children with hearing loss into general preschool institutions / N.D. Shmatko, E.V. Mironova // Defectology. 1995. No. 4. pp. 66-74.

From the history of special pedagogy it is known that in the USSR by the beginning of the 70s. In the 20th century, a network of special preschool institutions was built: nurseries, kindergartens, preschool orphanages, preschool groups at nurseries, kindergartens and mass orphanages, as well as at special schools and boarding schools.

During the development of a network of special preschool institutions, scientists developed principles for constructing special preschool education:

1. Staffing institutions based on the principle of leading developmental disability. In accordance with this, preschool institutions were created for children with hearing, vision, speech, intelligence, and musculoskeletal impairments.

2. Smaller group occupancy rates compared to mass preschool institutions.

3. Availability of speech pathologists and additional medical workers on staff.

4. Redistribution of types of activities between teachers and defectologists

5. Introduction of special classes, such as the development of auditory and visual perception, exercise therapy, etc.

6. Free education and training. For children staying in regular kindergartens, parents pay a monthly payment for food, but an exception is made for children with developmental disabilities.

In the 90s of the 20th century, standard regulations were approved for each type of educational institution. These primarily include preschool educational institutions. In accordance with the regulations, children aged 2 months to 7 years in preschool educational institutions are provided with education, training, care and health improvement. A child with disabilities is admitted to a preschool educational institution if there are conditions for correctional work only with the consent of the parents on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPC.

Most children with disabilities are brought up in compensatory kindergartens and in compensatory groups of combined kindergartens.

Group occupancy depends on the type of impairment: 6-10 people for children with severe speech impairments, with physical disabilities - up to 12 people, deaf, blind - up to 6 people, with intellectual disabilities - up to 6-8 people, with complex defects - up to 5 people.

For children with developmental disabilities who, for various reasons, cannot attend preschool institutions, short-term groups are organized in preschool educational institutions. Classes are conducted primarily individually or in small subgroups of 2-3 people in the presence of parents. Modern psychological, pedagogical and advisory assistance is also provided.

General educational institutions of the preschool educational institution complex - primary school are becoming a frequent occurrence in our country. For a child with disabilities, the transition to schooling means inclusion not only in a new type of activity, but also completely different living conditions. All of this can make the situation worse. In this type of institution, the child will feel more comfortable. The child will begin school in a familiar environment.

An educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance. These institutions are intended for children of the following categories: with a high degree of pedagogical neglect, with learning difficulties, with signs of social maladaptation, with disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, etc. educational psychologists, social teachers, speech therapists, defectologists, etc. work here.

The country also has sanatorium-type health-improving educational institutions for children in need of long-term treatment - sanatorium-forest schools, sanatorium orphanages. Here they provide assistance to families in raising problem children who need long-term treatment, providing them with education, and carrying out therapeutic and recreational activities.

There are often cases when children with disabilities did not attend preschool institutions. To prepare them for school, a number of organizational forms are provided. Preschool groups are created for them at correctional schools and boarding schools. Their educational programs are designed for 1-2 years, during which the prerequisites for educational activities are formed. The contingent of such groups consists mainly of children whose developmental disabilities were detected late or children who previously did not have the opportunity to attend a specialized educational institution.

More on the topic Preschool education of children with disabilities:

  1. 66. Organization of medical and pedagogical assistance to children with nervous and neuropsychic disorders.
  2. 13. Levels of education and the possibility of implementing an individual educational trajectory during continuous education.
  3. Regulatory and legal support for preschool education

Impossible. As, in fact, the solution to issues of correction of developmental disorders.

According to Art. 79 of the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as the Law), it is possible in those organizations that carry out educational activities according to adapted basic general education programs, and for - also in accordance with individual program rehabilitation of a disabled person.

Based on this article, in these organizations it is necessary to create special conditions that are necessary for the education of children with disabilities. What are these conditions? Let's take a closer look.

Conditions for the education of children with disabilities: special educational programs and methods of teaching and upbringing

First of all, these are, of course, special educational programs and methods of training and education.

In paragraph 5 of Art. 79 prescribes those adapted basic general education programs that are created for certain categories of children. These are the deaf, hard of hearing and late deafened (category of children with hearing impairments), blind, visually impaired (category of children with visual impairments), with severe speech impairments ( speech therapy gardens And speech therapy groups), with musculoskeletal disorders, with delay mental development, With mental retardation, with autism spectrum disorders, with complex disabilities and other students with disabilities.

Please note that the list is open - there are the words “and other students”, i.e. It is quite possible that over time there will be a need to create conditions for inclusive education for children with disabilities. adapted programs and for some other categories. But today they are all spelled out in Art. 79.

Concentrate your attention specifically on adequate methods of training and education that defectological science has developed over the course of for long years and are still used today. It is the combination of special methods of teaching and upbringing of children with disabilities and methods of teaching and upbringing for normatively developing children without bias in any direction that gives a very good positive result.

Sometimes it happens that only special methods are needed - this applies to children in whom we observe complex, combined defects; in such cases, the choice of methods is entirely the prerogative of the teacher.

Only a teacher who has a higher education in defectology can understand and determine what conditions of education - methods, techniques, educational technologies- can be used to correct disorders and raise children with disabilities. To do this, teachers, of course, must undergo advanced training, and in some cases even professional retraining.

Conditions for the education of children with disabilities: special textbooks and teaching materials

Special textbooks, teaching aids and teaching materials.
Teachers are free in their choice teaching aids and didactic materials, but they must be selected exclusively for the main educational program adopted in the preschool educational institution. It would be strange if an organization works according to one program, and manuals and teaching materials are selected for another educational program. Naturally, they must be created according to a certain logic.

The following question was received from preschool teachers:

  • We have been using workbooks according to the Shevchenko program for children with mental retardation for many years. IN Lately We cannot purchase them because... circulation has been discontinued. What is this connected with?
  • It is quite possible that this is a problem with the publishing house that publishes these methodological manuals. We recommend that you contact this publishing house with a request to renew the circulation of these notebooks.

Conditions for the education of children with disabilities: special technical teaching aids

This also includes special technical training tools for collective and individual use.
With visual impairments - ensuring proper lighting of the room; with hearing impairments - provision of special sound-amplifying equipment, etc.

Conditions for the education of children with disabilities: provision of assistant services

A very important point is the provision of the services of an assistant (assistant), who provides the technical assistance they need. Many children, primarily those with musculoskeletal disorders (and not only those, there are other categories), unfortunately, cannot receive an education without the special services of an assistant. The need of a disabled child for the services of an assistant is determined by the IPR, and this must be stated in it.

Conditions for the education of children with disabilities: group and individual correctional classes

Conducting group and individual correctional classes. Correctional classes as prescribed in the Law “On Education”. There are a lot of questions coming from educational organizations, especially where there is a reduction in progress a state where, to our great regret, speech pathologists are resigning. In this situation, it must be borne in mind that the Law guarantees the conduct of group and individual correctional classes, which can only be carried out by specialists with higher defectology education.

Conditions for the education of children with disabilities: ensuring access to the organization’s building

The next thing is to provide access to the organization's building. Of course, it is necessary to create architectural and planning conditions: ramps, lifts, stair walkers must be built, openings must be widened, conditions for visiting the toilet and other technical devices must be provided.

Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the education of children with disabilities

Psychological and pedagogical. Pay attention to clause 2 of Art. 34 of the Law “On Education”, which talks about providing “conditions for learning, taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development and health status, including obtaining socio-pedagogical and psychological assistance, free psychological, medical and pedagogical correction.”

This list of conditions in the Law is open because there is the phrase “and other conditions without which development is impossible or difficult educational programs". "Other conditions" mean that life sometimes throws at us such cases that cannot be provided for in the Law. There are other conditions, and they must also be met in order to provide the opportunity to receive an education to all children, without exception, no matter what disabilities they have. they weren't.

Creating conditions for the education of children with disabilities, which are prescribed in the Law, is financial obligations subject of the Russian Federation.

Organization of work with children preschool age with disabilities in a preschool setting

I am not afraid to repeat again and again:

Taking care of health is the most important job of a teacher.


Spiritual life, worldview, mental development,

Strength of knowledge, self-confidence.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Children with disabilities (CHD) are children whose health condition prevents them from mastering educational programs outside of special conditions of education and upbringing.

The group of preschoolers with disabilities is extremely heterogeneous. This is determined, first of all, by the fact that it includes children with various developmental disorders: impairments of hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, intelligence, with severe disorders of the emotional-volitional sphere, with delayed and complex developmental disorders.

Receiving education by children with disabilities and disabled children is one of the main and integral conditions for their successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in the life of society, effective self-realization in various types professional and social activities. In this regard, ensuring the realization of the right of children with disabilities to education is considered one of the most important tasks public policy in the field of education and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

The task of teachers, educators and parents is to help children with disabilities understand that they are not alone, that they are not an outcast in society and can grow, develop and achieve new achievements on an equal basis with all children, keeping up with their peers. It is necessary to communicate with children, teach the child to think, reflect, and empathize.

Inclusive education of children with disabilities in conditions of special group in a mass kindergarten and among peers in a regular group. Even children with significant disabilities can be integrated 2-3 people into a regular group, but at the same time they require not only an individual approach, but also special training.

If children with disabilities enter a preschool educational institution, the examination is carried out by specialists (educational psychologist, speech therapist, speech pathologist), and the teacher gets acquainted with the data they receive.

The child's study plan includes activities such as:

conversation with parents;

studying the child’s medical record;

examination of physical development;

examination of mental development: characteristics of children's activities and cognitive mental processes, speech.

The model of the professional relationship of all preschool specialists (teacher-psychologist, speech therapist, teacher, music director, physical education instructor) in working with a child with special educational needs is as follows:

Educational psychologist:

  • organizes interaction between teachers;
  • develops correction programs individual development child;
  • conducts psychoprophylactic and psychodiagnostic work with children;
  • organizes special correctional work with children at risk;
  • increases the level of psychological competence of kindergarten teachers;
  • conducts consultative work with parents.

Teacher speech therapist:

  • diagnoses the level of impressive and expressive speech;
  • draws up individual development plans;
  • conducts individual lessons (setting up the correct speech breathing, correction of sounds, their automation, differentiation and introduction to independent speech), subgroup classes(formation of phonemic processes);
  • advises teaching staff and parents about the use of speech therapy methods and technologies for correctional and developmental work;

Musical director:

  • Provides musical and aesthetic education for children;
  • Takes into account the psychological, speech and physical development of children when selecting material for classes;
  • Uses elements of music therapy, etc. in classes.

Physical education instructor:

  • Promotes children's health;
  • Improves the psychomotor abilities of preschool children.


  • Conducts classes on productive activities (drawing, modeling, design) in subgroups and individually. Organizes joint and independent activities of children;
  • fosters cultural and hygienic skills, develops fine and gross motor skills;
  • organizes individual work with children on assignments and taking into account the recommendations of specialists (educator-psychologist, teacher-speech therapist);
  • applies health-saving technologies, creates a favorable microclimate in the group;
  • advises parents on the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the individual characteristics of the child, and the level of development of fine motor skills.

Medical staff:

  • carries out therapeutic, preventive and recreational activities;
  • monitors the health of children through regular examinations and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.

For optimal implementation of integration at the stage of preschool childhood, it is necessary to observe special conditions for the upbringing and education of children with disabilities, to organize a barrier-free environment for their life. In the process of educational activities in kindergarten, it is important to flexibly combine individual and differentiated approaches, which will promote the active participation of children in the life of the team.

One of the conditions for increasing the effectiveness of developmental pedagogical work is the creation of a subject-based developmental environment adequate to the child’s capabilities, that is, a system of conditions that ensure the full development of all types of children’s activities, the development of higher mental functions and the formation of the child’s personality.

Most children are characterized by motor difficulties, motor disinhibition, and low performance, which requires changes in the planning of educational activities and daily routine. The daily routine should include an increase in the time allocated for hygiene procedures and food intake. A wide variety of organizational forms of educational work is provided: group, subgroup, individual.

Children with disabilities need an adaptation period. Adaptation is part of the adaptive reactions of a child who may have difficulty entering into integration space(does not make contact, does not let parents go, refuses food, toys, etc.). During this period, the teacher must relieve stress, ensure a positive emotional state of the preschooler, create a calm environment, and establish contact with the child and parents.

To organize and conduct developmental activities, you need to know some features of the didactic material. When selecting material for children with visual impairments, it is necessary to take into account its size and color contrast; for children with musculoskeletal disorders, select a pronounced, easily perceptible tactile surface.

Teaching methods and technologies are determined in accordance with the capabilities of children with disabilities. When planning work, it is important to use the most accessible methods: visual, practical, verbal. The question of the rational choice of a system of methods and individual methodological techniques and technologies is decided by the teacher in each specific case.

In cases where the program cannot be mastered due to the severity of physical and mental disorders, individual correctional programs are designed aimed at socializing students and promoting the normalization of emotional behavior, the formation of self-service skills, play activities, and subject-based activities.

It is also necessary to organize active work with parents. The methods can be completely different in form, but aimed at solving one problem - combining the work of families and teachers into a single whole. Only with the joint and continuous work of teachers and families will there be a positive result. The following forms of work can be considered:

  • Consulting– a differentiated approach to each family with a “special” child. The main thing is that parents believe in their children and be assistants for teachers.
  • Days open doors – parents visit the group, together with the child, observe the work of specialists.
  • Workshops– where parents get acquainted with literature, games, and learn to apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
  • Holding joint holidays, where parents can see their child’s achievements, participate with their child in contests, competitions, etc.

In conclusion, I would like to say that an educational institution is made accessible to children with disabilities by teachers who are able to meet the special educational needs of children in this category. This is the creation of a psychological, moral atmosphere in which a special child will cease to feel different from everyone else and acquire the right to a happy childhood. The main thing is that teachers have a desire to work with children with special developmental options, to help them take their rightful place in society and to realize their personal potential to the fullest.