Cereals and vegetables. Cereals are the key to health. Types of cereals

Whole grains are unrefined grains that have all three of these parts. They typically contain iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, B vitamins and fiber ().

Interestingly, eating whole grains instead of refined grains was associated with lower risks of developing cardiovascular disease. diabetes mellitus 2 types, cancer, etc. ( , , , ).

Here are 14 healthy whole grains.

1. Whole oats

Topping the list of whole grains is oats, which are one of the healthiest grains.

Not only is it rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, but it is also naturally .

Moreover, whole oat grains are rich in antioxidants, especially avenanthramide. This antioxidant has been linked to a reduced risk of colon cancer and lower blood pressure ().

Oats are also an excellent source of beta-glucans, a type that aids digestion and absorption. nutrients. An analysis of 28 studies found that diets rich in beta-glucans can reduce levels of "bad" LDL cholesterol and general level cholesterol ().

Just make sure you choose whole oats. Other types of oats, such as instant oats, are more processed and may contain sugar that is harmful to the body.


Oats are a healthy, nutrient-rich whole grain. It is also an excellent source of beta-glucans, a type of soluble fiber that has been linked to various beneficial effects in relation to health.

2. Whole wheat

Whole wheat is a popular and incredibly versatile grain.

It is a key ingredient in baked goods, pasta, noodles, and...

However, if you are among the majority of people who can tolerate gluten, whole wheat is an excellent addition to your diet as it is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber ().

When choosing wheat, make sure that the packaging says “whole wheat” and not just “wheat.”

Whole wheat contains the whole grain, including the fibrous husk, and the endosperm. Conversely, regular wheat lacks the husk and bran, which are rich in nutrients.


Whole wheat is a nutritious alternative to regular wheat and a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber.

3. Whole rye

Rye is a member of the same family as wheat and has been consumed for centuries.

It is generally more nutritious than wheat and contains more minerals with fewer carbohydrates. This is one of the reasons why it does not raise blood sugar levels as much as wheat bread (, ,).

Another reason is that rye flour is incredibly rich in fiber - a 100g serving of rye flour provides 22.6g of fibre, which is 90% of the recommended amount. daily norm consumption (RSNP) ().

Research shows that dietary fiber can slow the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines, causing a slow but steady rise in blood sugar levels, without spikes (,).

Rye flour comes in several forms such as light, medium, dark and pumpernickel. Both light and medium varieties tend to be more processed and are not considered a whole grain product, while dark rye and pumpernickel flours are more likely to be made from whole grains.

However, it is best to look for the word “whole” on the rye flour packaging when purchasing, as some manufacturers may add refined rye flour to the mixture.


Whole rye is a healthy alternative to wheat. It is sold in many forms, but only dark rye flour and pumpernickel are considered whole grains.

4. Buckwheat

Buckwheat is a pseudocereal, meaning that it is a seed that is used like a grain.

Buckwheat seeds are rich in nutrients such as copper, phosphorus, iron, and. They are also naturally gluten free ().

What's more, buckwheat hulls are an excellent source of resistant starch, which is a type of dietary fiber that feeds friendly colonies of gut bacteria as it passes through your colon.

Research has shown that resistant starch may improve blood sugar control and digestion, as well as promote weight loss and improve heart health (,).

To prepare buckwheat, simply add one cup of grain (kernel) to two cups of water, bring to a boil and add salt to taste. Reduce heat and let the cereal simmer until the water has evaporated. After that add to buckwheat porridge butter, and the porridge is ready.


Buckwheat is a gluten-free whole grain that contains an abundance of nutrients. It is also a good source of resistant starch, which feeds beneficial gut bacteria.

5. Bulgur

Bulgur is a well-known cracked wheat that is popular in Middle Eastern cuisine.

This grain is often added to soups, stuffed vegetables and salads such as tabbouleh. It is similar to rice, but its texture is more like couscous.

Bulgur is low in fat and contains minerals such as magnesium, manganese and iron. It is also an excellent source of fibre, providing 8.2g per 182g serving, which equates to 33% of the RDI ().

Research has linked higher intakes of bulgur and other whole grains to less inflammation and a lower risk of heart disease and cancers such as colorectal cancer (,).

However, bulgur contains gluten, which makes it unsuitable for.


Bulgur or cracked wheat is a popular, nutrient-rich whole grain used in Middle Eastern cuisine. It is commonly added to soups, stuffed vegetables and salads such as tabbouleh.

6. Millet

Millet is an ancient grain that has been part of the human diet for thousands of years and is considered a staple ingredient in India, China, Africa, Ethiopia, Nigeria and other parts of the world.

Millet is incredibly nutritious and is an excellent source of magnesium, manganese, potassium, iron, vitamins and fiber. It is also gluten free ().

Research has linked millet consumption to benefits such as reducing inflammation in the body, lowering blood levels, and improving blood sugar control (,).

Although millet is considered a grain, it is actually a seed that is classified as a pseudocereal. It is recognized as a whole grain because it is consumed in its unprocessed form ().


Millet is an ancient seed that is classified as a pseudocereal because it is consumed like a grain. It's incredibly nutritious and gluten-free.

7. Whole barley

Barley is a versatile grain that has been consumed for thousands of years.

Although it is not as popular as other whole grains, it has many health benefits.

Barley is available in two main forms: whole barley and . However, only whole barley is considered a whole grain since it is minimally processed.

Barley has a high content of minerals such as manganese, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus and potassium, as well as B vitamins and fiber ().

148 grams of whole barley flour contains 14.9 g of fiber, which covers 60% of an adult's daily requirement ().

It is worth noting that barley contains gluten, so it is not suitable for a gluten-free diet.


Whole barley is a healthy whole grain that has been used for thousands of years. Only whole barley is considered a whole grain, while pearl barley is considered a processed grain.

8. Spelled

Spelled is an ancient whole grain that has been cultivated for thousands of years.

The nutritional value of spelled is similar to whole wheat. It is a rich source of manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, B vitamins and fiber. However, it contains slightly more zinc and protein compared to whole wheat ().

Spelled contains anti-nutrients such as phytic acid, which can reduce the absorption of zinc and iron in your intestines. This is not a big problem for adults eating a balanced diet, as other foods also provide zinc and iron, but it can be a problem for vegetarians and vegans.

Fortunately, you can reduce the amount of antinutrients by sprouting, fermenting, or soaking the grains.

It is also important to note that spelled contains gluten and is therefore not suitable for a gluten-free diet.


Spelled is a nutritious ancient whole grain that is becoming increasingly popular. Although it contains anti-nutrients such as phytic acid, their levels can be reduced by sprouting, fermenting or soaking the grains.

9. Quinoa

Quinoa is a South American grain that is touted as a superfood.

This ancient grain contains more vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber than popular grains such as whole wheat, oats and many others.

Quinoa is also an excellent source of proteins such as quercetin and kaempferol, which can neutralize potentially harmful molecules called free radicals. These molecules are associated with the development of chronic diseases and conditions such as chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and cancer (,).

What's more, quinoa is one of the few plants that provides the body with complete protein, meaning that it contains all nine essential amino acids. This makes it a great option for vegetarians and vegans.

Although people call quinoa a grain, it is actually a pseudocereal—a seed that has similar nutritional value and is consumed similarly to cereal grains ().


Quinoa is often called a superfood because it is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. Although it is considered a grain, it is actually a pseudocereal—a seed that is consumed in a similar way to a grain.

10. Brown rice

Brown rice is widely recognized as a healthier alternative.

This is because it is a whole grain, meaning it contains all parts of the grain, including the bran, germ, and endosperm. Meanwhile, in white rice, the bran and germ have been removed.

Because the bran and germ are rich in nutrients, brown rice contains more fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants—100 grams of cooked brown rice provides 1.8 grams of fiber, while 100 grams of white rice provides just 0.6 grams of fiber (,).

Brown rice is also gluten-free, making it an excellent carbohydrate food option for a gluten-free diet.

Research has linked several compounds in this grain to some impressive health benefits.

For example, brown rice contains lignans, which are antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure, inflammation, and levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol ().


Brown rice is a healthier alternative to white rice as it contains all parts of the grain. Conversely, white rice is stripped of its bran and germ, making it less nutritious. Brown rice can different ways reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

11. Corn

Corn or maize (lat. Zea mays) is an incredibly popular whole grain.

This whole grain is a staple for many people around the world. Corn is grown in even larger quantities than wheat and rice.

Whole, unprocessed corn kernels contain manganese, magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus, B vitamins and antioxidants. It is also naturally gluten free ().

Moreover, corn contains a good amount of fiber. One 164 gram serving of cooked yellow corn contains 4.6 grams of fiber, which is 18% of the RDI ().


Whole, unprocessed corn is highly nutritious and rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants. It contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are associated with a reduced risk of developing certain eye diseases that can cause blindness.

12. Popcorn (puffed corn)

Popcorn is one of the healthiest snacks you can eat.

This is a special type of corn whose kernels burst from the inside when exposed to extreme heat. The grains of this corn do not contain a large number of water, which when heated turns into steam, which leads to rupture of the nuclei ().

Most people don't realize that popcorn is a whole grain food. It is rich in important nutrients such as manganese, magnesium, zinc, copper, phosphorus and contains many B vitamins ().

Avoid purchasing pre-packaged bags of microwave popcorn as they may contain potentially harmful chemical substances ( , ).

Additionally, popcorn sold in public places may be coated with large amounts of unhealthy fats, salt, artificial flavors or sugar, turning this healthy snack into something very unhealthy.


Popcorn is a healthy snack that is considered a whole grain. It's best to make popcorn at home, as pre-packaged popcorn often contains additional harmful ingredients.

13. Whole grain bread

Eating whole grain bread is an easy way to add whole grains to your diet.

This product is widely available and comes in many varieties such as whole grain bread, Rye bread, whole wheat muffins, whole wheat bagels, whole wheat tortillas and more.

One particularly healthy whole grain bread is Ezekiel bread, which is made from a variety of whole grains such as wheat, millet, barley and spelled, and also contains several legumes.

Moreover, the grains and legumes in this bread are sprouted. This increases the nutrient content and reduces the levels of antinutrients that are commonly found in whole grains ().

It should be noted that many whole wheat breads are made from wheat grains that have been ground, which reduces the beneficial effects of the whole grain. Therefore, if you are buying whole grain bread, it is better to choose bread that has visible grains or seeds.


Whole grain bread products are an easy way to add whole grains to your diet. Be sure to choose breads with visible grains or seeds as these are more nutritious.

14. Whole grain pasta

Whole grain pasta is made from whole wheat grains.

That's why they have more vitamins, minerals and fiber than regular pasta. For example, whole wheat spaghetti has 2.5 times more fiber than regular spaghetti (,).

Thanks to their higher fiber content, whole grain pasta tends to be more filling (,).

However, they are made from whole grain flour. This reduces many of the beneficial effects of whole grains, meaning whole grain pasta is not as healthy as whole grains like quinoa and brown rice.

However, if you decide to eat pasta, it is better to choose whole grain pasta rather than regular pasta, as the former contains fewer calories, more nutrients and more fiber.


Whole grain pasta is another food that can add whole grains to your diet. They contain more fiber than regular pasta, which can help you feel fuller in your stomach longer.


  • Whole grains are minimally processed and therefore more nutritious than refined grains.
  • Replacing refined grains with whole grains has been linked to a variety of health benefits, such as a lower risk of developing chronic diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer and more.
  • Luckily, there are many healthy whole grain options to choose from.
  • If refined grains are part of your diet, try replacing them with some of the ones listed above alternative options grains to take advantage of their beneficial properties.

Last spring in the Lancet published the largest and most in-depth study to date on the impact of nutrition on health: “Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1990–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.” 130 scientists from 40 countries took part in the study; such a large amount of data was collected for the first time. The results are very interesting and, perhaps, will surprise many, states clinical psychologist, specialist in eating disorders Svetlana Bronnikova. The main thing is in the material DK.RU.

1. Poor and limited nutrition literally kills

Dies from this more people than from smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, high blood cholesterol and other health hazards. Lack of carbohydrates from whole grains in the diet is responsible for one death in five (hello keto diet).

Poor nutrition leads to cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancer, which claim millions of lives. In 2017, 10.9 million people died due to poor diet. Smoking killed fewer: 8 million people.

2. Poor nutrition- not at all what it is commonly thought to be

Trying to eat “correctly” and “healthily,” people run a high risk of falling into the group of those who will die due to errors in the organization of their diet.

First cause of death from poor nutrition - it’s... no, not sugar. This is salt. A person needs 3000 mg of salt per day, but 3600 mg per day is actually consumed.

The majority of salt in your body comes from processed restaurant foods. Ready-made pizza, breakfast cereal, frozen dumplings and other foods contain a lot of salt. It's much smarter to cook yourself.

Second cause of death from poor nutrition - again not sugar. This is not enough whole grains. We need 100-150 g of them per day, the real average consumption is 29 g per day.

People today often refuse bread (after all, gluten is poison), but this way the body is deprived of the opportunity to get the right amount of grains. A healthy diet should include whole grain bread and cereal cereals.

It is the lack of cereal consumption that is the main cause of diet-related deaths in Russia.

Third cause of death from poor nutrition - lack of fruits. A person needs 200-300 g of fruit per day (that’s 2-3 medium apples), but 94 g per day is actually consumed (one small apple).

People who decide to lose weight often refuse fruits, because “they are also carbohydrates, and they also contain a lot of sugar.” All fruits and berries can and should be safely eaten on a daily basis.

Fourth cause of death from poor nutrition - a shortage of seeds and nuts on the menu. They need 16-25 g per day (13 halves walnut), actual consumption is 3 g per day (one and a half halves of a walnut).

Of course, nuts are fatty and are immediately excluded from the diet by people who want to lose weight. But this is completely wrong. All seeds and nuts are important and can be eaten on their own or added to other dishes.

Fifth cause of death from poor nutrition - lack of vegetables in the daily diet.
The required amount is 290-430 g per day (5-7 medium carrots), 190 g per day (3 small carrots) is actually consumed.

There is no need to be afraid of “starchy” and “sweet” vegetables (potatoes, beets, carrots), nightshades, which supposedly pollute the body. Eggplants, tomatoes, radishes, cucumbers: all vegetables should be present on the menu; they protect against early death.

3. Sugar, sausage, red meat are not so scary

The top ten causes of death due to dietary disorders did not include sugar, sausages, smoked meats, or red meat.

The real killer was the shortage of vegetables, fruits, grains and seeds. These are followed by low amounts of omega-3s, fatty acids and fiber.

Sugar is one of the last places in the ranking, and only in sweet carbonated drinks. Sausage (ham, brisket, bacon, etc.) ranks 13th in the ranking, so the absence of fruit and whole grain bread (which people stop eating in order to become healthier and live longer) on the menu is much more likely to kill than any sausage.

The article also includes a map that shows the number of deaths from malnutrition in different countries. People eat healthiest in Israel, the worst situation is in Uzbekistan. In Russia everything is not very good; we are on the same level as North Africa.

If a person already has digestive diseases or lacks enzymes for digestion, it is better for him to completely eliminate products from rye, wheat, barley, oats and replace them with infusions of these grains. These infusions can be consumed with vegetables, vegetable salads or their juices.

But rice buckwheat, corn, as well as potatoes and legumes are allowed to be taken in combination with vegetable salads or their juices. Rice, buckwheat, and corn do not contain gluten (a sticky substance), which is rich in wheat, rye, barley, and oats. It is gluten that creates stickiness - a condition for the development of toxins.

Why did grains become the main food of humans? Cereals (oats, wheat, rye, rice, barley, millet and other grass seeds) ripen in a short period, grow everywhere, and are stored well.

For these reasons alone they became the basis for the existence of entire nations. But the only acceptable grain product is whole grains in dry form, says G. Shelton. And he warns against eating grains when transitioning to a natural diet. The reasons for this are as follows.

1. Man is a “fruit-eating” creature; physiologically he is not adapted to eating even whole grains.

The composition of the food of modern man has changed greatly to suit circumstances that dictate to man the means to preserve life. But human genes remained unchanged. And this is one of the reasons for some of the “diseases of civilization.” Thus, grains were completely absent from the food of our ancestors. 65% of their food was fruits and vegetables, and 35% was wild meat, which had on average only 5% fat (while beef contains 25 - 30%)!

2. Cereals are starchy foods. It requires much more time and energy expenditure for its absorption than fruit, and is much more difficult to digest.

“Cereal and flour products form the basis of the diet of so-called vegetarians, who are not guided by any clear principle except that they should not eat meat. For the same reason, their health is no better and they live no longer than everyone else,” writes E. Densmore, who calls all grains "deadly products" and not "life products." Through his research, he became convinced that “the best are fruits, and the worst are grains.”

When potatoes, flour, rice or any grain (like meat or legumes) are boiled for a long time, a gelatinous mucus is produced, like glue. This mucus very soon becomes acidic, rots and turns into soil for the development of fungi, mold and bacilli.

Digestion is also cooking, burning. The blood, as we know, can only absorb digested food in its liquid state. But at the beginning of digestion, mucus begins to be released. Over the course of life, the intestines and stomach gradually become covered with mucus, which can close and clog blood vessels and ultimately lead to blood diseases.

What is mucus? This is the sum of pathogenic substances: uric acid, poisons formed during metabolism, carbon dioxide, etc. All these metabolic products of animal and plant origin have one property: they are sticky. Sticking to the lining of the stomach and intestines, these substances, gradually accumulating, clog blood vessels, lungs, heart, kidneys, liver and other organs. But, as we know, only a clean, healthy, mucusless body is capable of resisting disease.

“The only truly grain-consuming living creatures can be birds. Many breeds of birds for which grain is the only food eat a lot of grain. Birds have a digestive system that is completely different from the digestive systems of other creatures, and especially humans. But even birds feed their chicks not grains, but, as a rule, insects, fruits and seeds" (E. Densmore).

3. Most cereals are of poor quality.

4. Cereals have an excess of acidity and a lack of calcium, since lime is almost always present in the soil from which the plant receives nutrition, and the grains do not need to have more calcium than is needed for shoot growth. The need for calcium in animals and humans is very high.

All experimental researchers, all naturopaths agree that the so zealously praised grain diet is not suitable for humans. Oats have a deficiency of basic salts (microelements), rice has a deficiency of calcium, sodium and chlorine salts, wheat lacks sodium and calcium. All grains lack iodine, without which healthy life impossible.

Mineral deficiency is a common nutritional deficiency in animals fed primarily cereal grains. Therefore, their diet should include grass. “The claim that whole wheat is an excellent food is simply an unfounded statement from over-enthusiastic marketers,” writes G. Shelton. “There are vegetarians who would be more accurately called “grain eaters.” They have eliminated meat from their diet and replaced it with large quantities of grains. They usually do this because they are told that whole wheat is “the most wonderful food”, containing all the elements the body needs, and in the right proportions.These people not only eat too many grains, from which they themselves " .

Oatmeal, corn flakes, and rye products are considered nutritious foods on the grounds that they make you fat. In fact, these burnt grains resemble burnt charcoal.

It is believed that they are well digestible, as they have undergone heat treatment. But we know: what has been heat-treated at high temperatures or press pressure is devoid of all bioenergy, enzymes and nutritional value.

A diet consisting only of whole wheat will not provide ideal life, health and growth. To such a diet it is necessary to add green natural food, the amount of which should exceed the amount of grains by at least 3 times.

Wheat is the most acid-forming of the grains. Oats are bad for your teeth. Rice is probably the best grain. It is the staple food of more than half of humanity. However, if you do not add greens, seaweed, or live food to your rice, you can easily get beriberi. Only the silvery scales of rice are rich in vitamins and microelements. Rice must be eaten unpeeled.

It is very dangerous to recommend a diet to a person based on the results of animal experiments. "The same nutrient element has different influence on different types of living beings,” writes Berg. - Corn appears to be harmless to birds and pigeons. Rats also feed on it without harming themselves. But corn causes severe polyneuritis in rabbits and scurvy in Guinea pigs. Typically, pigs fed only corn die from general malnutrition. On a diet of completely refined cereals, almost all animals and people develop polyneuritis." This indicates a lack of vitamins B, C, A and minerals, as well as protein imbalance.

Green corn (in the growing stage) contains almost no starch, but contains a lot of sugar. In the last 2-3 weeks before ripening, this sugar is converted into starch, which is insoluble in water and therefore slowly undergoes breakdown, as is the case with other grains. Green corn is an alkaline-forming food and not a starchy food, but green corn, separated from the stalk, immediately begins to ripen and becomes a different product within 24 hours, turning from an alkaline product to an acidic product.

It is better to eat wheat germ. But grains, even milky-waxy ripeness (i.e., unripe), lose their healing properties within 24 hours after being cut from the stem.

Industrial processing of cereals has especially accelerated since the improvement of the grinding process.

Vegetarians usually eat a lot of grains, but they would be much less harmed by eating meat in moderation in combination with “living” greens and vegetables.

The fact is that among all the usual sources of starch, cereals (except beans and peas) are the most difficult to digest. They are difficult for infants and adolescents and easily cause fermentation and gas formation, as well as intoxication. To process grain starch, the body takes 8 to 12 times longer than to process potato starch.

It takes 2 hours to digest the same amount of starch from wheat, corn and rice, 1.5 hours from oats, and 10 minutes from potato starch (according to Dr. Gerzoia).

All complementary foods for infants begin with cereals, although Dr. Densmore warns: “Cereals, grains and all starchy foods are not healthy for humans, especially children, especially infants. Until one year of age, the child does not produce the intestinal enzymes necessary to process starch, and for several years thereafter years, these enzymes are not as strong as in adults. The absorption of all starchy foods depends on these enzymes in the intestines. At the same time, dates, figs, prunes, and other fruits, as nutritious as bread and other cereals, are easily digested, and Most of the nutrients in these fruits are ready to be absorbed and assimilated immediately after consumption." “Until the age of two,” says G. Shelton, “a child should not be given any starch, much less cereal starch.”

Excessive consumption of bread is one of the unfavorable factors modern life. Made from cereals, mostly devoid of vitamins and microelements, since everything valuable remains in the bran, the bread also contains salt, soda, yeast and a number of other additives. Then all this is subjected to high-temperature processing and consumed 3-4 times a day in the most indiscriminate combinations with other fats, starches and proteins. Bread has become one of the main sources of various painful conditions.

I can imagine the horror that what is written here causes in the reader. And I came to despair when I found out about all this. We are used to bread. This habit is difficult to break. But facts are stubborn things. They tell me: “You can’t change your diet right away.” healthy person". Which of us knows a healthy person? Do you not have a name for your skepticism, headache, malaise? You don’t have to wait for doctors to find it for you. It’s better to follow Reason, which feeds only on reliable information. And she says: eating too much the amount of bread, even without other products, destroys health.But bread in combination with other products, and even with animals (protein), causes even greater trouble.

Bread should be baked from coarse grains. Bread is a protein and starchy product at the same time. Such combinations are indigestible. In addition, our body generally needs amino acids, and not “foreign” proteins. Protein requires a lot of vitamins C and group B for its absorption, so any protein food should be consumed with herbs, vegetables, and their juices, which should contain 3 times more vitamins C and P, group B.

What you need to know about bran? Iron, so necessary for the creation of hemoglobin, is found exclusively in bran. Wheat bran, for example, contains 5 times more iron than wheat flour.

The bran usually went to waste. Only recently have they begun to be sold as "supplements" to dietary dishes. They are rich in many mineral and alkaline bases and are excellent fiber, which, although not digestible, is necessary for the body to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

But if it is difficult for you to give up the habit of eating bread, then eat it in small quantities, separately from other, especially protein, foods, sprinkled with bran and herbs.

What conclusions can we draw about cereals? Cereals do not form any part of the natural human diet and are not essential to health and life. The history of mankind says that until the recent historical past, people did not consume grains.

It is best to exclude grains completely, especially from the diet of infants and young children.

If you do consume grains, then only in their whole, non-denatured and unprocessed form. And in this case, cereals should make up a small part of the diet, and always in combination with a large amount of green vegetables, without proteins.

It is better to never combine fruits with grains.

To ensure the conversion of starches into sugars, cereals should be consumed in dry powder form. in different forms, and not in porridges or soaked (sprinkling them with ground vegetables).

Whole grains along with bran, washed, dried and ground in a coffee grinder right before serving, can be added in small quantities to vegetable salad.

Pasta, noodles, pastries, pizza - all this, as we now see, is not only empty calories - it is the source of our diseases. And if you can’t part with them, then at least supplement them fresh vegetables, the number of which should be 3 times greater.

Starchy vegetables

Legumes. Beans, peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, any leguminous plants containing a lot of protein are heavy and harmful food for humans. They increase the formation of uric acid. It is best to consume them when they are in the stage of milky-waxy ripeness, in moderation and in combination with leafy vegetables.

Potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, pumpkin, etc. Potatoes are a healthy product in moderation and in combination with other vegetables. It should never be consumed with bread. Raw potato juice is very useful for diabetes, constipation, anemia and other diseases associated with digestion.

(For other starchy vegetables, see " Useful tips".) Boiled plant foods are just as harmful as boiled animal foods. It goes without saying that grains, like canned fruits, sterilized vegetables are on the same level as any boiled food that is dangerous to human health, forming an insoluble and irreducible salt of oxalic acid in the body. Therefore, dishes made from grains and boiled vegetables should be enriched with herbs, raw plant products or their juices.

I foresee that many of the readers will remember the failures of vegetarian nutrition.

What is the reason here?

Vegetarian mistakes. A vegetarian diet can be even more dangerous than a regular mixed diet. Vegetarians eat large amounts of protein-rich breads, grains and legumes. But a grain-legume diet with a lack of green vegetables and fresh fruits is completely insufficient. It lacks enzymes, vitamins, and microelements, which produces an “acidic” residue, disrupting the acid-base balance. Only those vegetarians who always eat green vegetables and fruits eat properly.

An abundance of dishes consumed at one time also leads to illness. Even in the absence of meat, vegetarian dishes are just as numerous, and their combinations are just as incompatible, as in ordinary mixed food.

Modern vegetarians canned, candied, and cooked food, repeating common mistakes.

What you need to know about spices?

Nature has provided man with the real spices his body needs: garlic, horseradish, onions, radishes, celery (greens and roots), parsley, cilantro, carrot tops, radishes, turnips, etc.

Salt, pepper, spices of all types should be excluded. These substances are not needed by the body, they only irritate the mucous membrane, distort the taste, inhibit the absorption of food and promote overeating. This is only a potential factor for the formation of stomach cancer.

At first, food without seasoning will seem bland and tasteless, but very soon the taste nerves will restore their function, and you will be rewarded with the magnificent aromas of natural food.

Those who consume salt along with plant foods will almost always experience a frequent urge to urinate at night. But this feeling will disappear after the body is freed from accumulated salt.

Spices are primarily destroyers and stimulants. The body does not need them. Any stimulants are harmful

What to remember about fats?

The human body does not need fats, but unsaturated fatty acids, which Nature has prepared for it in nuts and seeds, as well as plants (olives, avocados, apricot kernels, almond grains, etc.).

Animal fats, and especially artificial fats, are harmful. Fat inhibits the digestion of proteins. Heated fats are carcinogenic.

This must be remembered when eating boiled food.

However, unsaturated fats: flaxseed, olive, soybean, sunflower and other oils are necessary for the body.

Fats should be served and used in small quantities. Moreover, the older a person is, the less fat he should consume.

The main fats in our diet should be unrefined vegetable oils (no more than 1 tbsp per day), sour cream (no more than 2 - 3 tsp per day), occasionally unsalted butter (1 tsp and only up to 56 years old on cloudy days).

Fats go well with starches and vegetables.

Fish oil is dangerous. Katsuzo Nishi believed that fish oil and excess vitamin A could cause cancer.

We will talk about the properties of vitamins and microelements in the appendix.

Boiled foods, devoid of natural vitamins and minerals, are the source of our diseases

We have already talked about the dangers of refined white flour and sugar, that white flour causes constipation (and, therefore, poisoning of the body), and sugar destroys bones and the pancreas.

Striving to improve taste and appearance product leads to the fact that the product turns from useful into harmful so much that it can lead to the death of both humans and animals.

One of the most harmful products modern food industry is White bread.

Why is white bread bad for you?

Bread is baked from flour. Flour is a fine powder that is obtained by grinding wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn and other grains. This powder consists of starch, a highly nutritious substance that is easily absorbed by the body, and the husk (i.e. bran), separated from grains and sprouts. Bran contains few calories. Most of them are not digested. For this reason, in the last century, doctors recommended to patients “tender bread made from white flour”, purified from bran.

However, bran removes all mineral salts and most of the vitamins without exception. Thus, white, beautiful flour is deprived of the most important components - microelements and vitamins, without which our life, health, and longevity are impossible.

In addition, white flour is much more expensive than bran! After all, removing bran takes time and work.

Indigestion, constipation, volvulus - all this is a consequence of excessive consumption of white bread, pastries, confectionery, white flour and white sugar.

Previously, eating white bread was associated with prestige, and it was about a person’s social status in society. This is how white bread turned into a favorite food product.

The flour milling industry, in the process of competition, began to invent new, more advanced methods for producing white flour. Finally, flour lost its natural properties - various chemicals were added to it to obtain impeccable whiteness. Now she was no longer damaged by bugs. The bugs were smart enough to sense what kind of poison this premium flour contained. And they don't touch her. But our enlightened contemporaries continue to prefer bread made from white flour. What can you say to this?

Do you want to be healthy? Then eat natural products and bread baked from natural, coarse flour, without additives and, most importantly, without chemicals.

Improper preparation of vegetables is one of the causes of our diseases

All fresh plants contain many different mineral salts, trace elements, and vitamins. They contain no calories. Without plants, amino acids (which create proteins), fatty acids and carbohydrates are not absorbed, enzymes and hormones are not created, the full development of the body and even Life itself is impossible. Most of the mineral salts, elements, and metals are found in bran, husks, and plant peels. They are not contained in their "edible" part. For example, the peel of apples contains more mineral salts and vitamins than the fruit itself. The same is true with all fruits and vegetables, including potatoes. Between the thin film and the “body” of the fetus there are precisely the essential substances that are so necessary for the assimilation of the fetus itself, for life, health, longevity and youth.

Further: Cereal (or grain) vegetables- a separate category of vegetables, which is represented by a single plant -

Sweet corn or maize has a high nutritional value. 100 grams of corn grains contain on average: proteins - 3.2-3.3 grams, carbohydrates - 19-23 grams, fats - 1.2-1.4 grams, vitamin A (retinol) - 10 mcg, vitamin B1 ( thiamine) - 0.2 mg, vitamin B3 (niacin) - 1.7 mg, vitamin B9 (folacin) - 46 mcg, vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) - 7 mg, potassium - 270 mg, magnesium - 37 mg, iron - 0.5 mg. It is important to note that corn protein contains a number of amino acids essential for the human body. Energy value raw corn - 86-93 kcal.

Corn grain, rich in useful and necessary substances for the human body, is a natural high-energy vitamin product.

A little botany

Sweet corn is an annual herbaceous plant of the Corn genus of the Poaceae family. Maize is the only cultivated representative of this genus. There is an assumption that maize is the oldest grain plant in the world, domesticated 7-12 thousand years ago in the territory of what is now Mexico.

Corn is a heat-loving and light-loving plant, optimal temperature for her 20-24°C. The growing season is from 3 to 5 months. In Russia, corn is grown mainly in the southern regions: Krasnodar region, Transcaucasia, Northern Caucasus.

Corn is a large plant. Its height reaches 3 meters, and its well-developed fibrous root system goes down to 1.5 meters. In addition to underground roots, aerial supporting roots may appear on the lower stem nodes, which protect the stem from falling and additionally supply the plant with water and nutrients. The erect stem reaches 7 cm in diameter, the linear-lanceolate leaves grow up to a meter in length and have a width of up to 10 cm. The number of leaves ranges from 8 to 42 pieces on one plant.

Female flowers are located on the cobs in the axils of the leaves, male flowers in the form of large panicles - on the tops of the shoots. One plant usually has 1-2 ears 4-50 cm long, 2-10 cm thick and weighing 30-500 grams. Corn cobs are surrounded by leaf-like sheaths. After fertilization, large grains form on the cob (a grain is a simple dry, single-seeded, indehiscent fruit, characteristic of plants of the Cereals family). Cubic or round shaped grains tightly adjacent to each other are located on the cob shaft in vertical rows. The number of grains on one cob can reach 1000 pieces. Depending on the variety, the shape, size and color of the grains vary. The color of the weevil is traditionally yellow, but it can be purple, reddish, blue or almost black.

Cultivated corn is divided into botanical groups (subspecies) depending on the structure of the grain: flint, tooth-shaped, semi-tooth-shaped, popping, sugar (vegetable), starchy (mealy), starchy-sugar, waxy, filmy. In Russia, the most common are sugar, tooth-like and siliceous; in the USA it is starchy and popping; it is from these species that popcorn is also made. Each of the described subspecies has many varieties.

Application of cereals (cereals) vegetables

Corn is widely used as food throughout the world, but is especially common in the cuisines of Central, South America and Asia. Corn grains are used for food in a variety of forms. After collecting the cobs, the grains can be eaten raw; corn is frozen for storage. You can also boil the cobs. Canned corn is used to prepare a wide range of dishes - first and second courses, salads. Corn flour is used for making baked goods, baking, and porridge.

Corn flakes are a ready-to-eat product made from crushed and flavored corn grains. Popcorn, corn kernels popped from the inside by steam pressure when heated, is popular far beyond the United States. The Mexicans have a recipe for making beer (chicha) from sprouted and fermented corn grains.

Corn is also used as animal feed.

In medicine, corn silks are used - these are thread-like columns with the stigmas of the pistils of female flowers, formed on the cobs. Corn silk have choleretic, diuretic, antispasmodic, anti-atherosclerotic, hemostatic, sedative effects, remove excess salts and uric acid from the body.

Corn germ contains 49-57% fatty oil. Raw, unrefined corn oil is an auxiliary dietary aid for the prevention and treatment of diabetes, atherosclerosis, and obesity.

General concept cereals includes several broad botanical families of plants with more individually expressed properties and qualities.

Leguminous crops belong to the legume family - beans, peas, mung beans, lentils, etc. We will talk about them in detail in a separate article.

Grain (cereal) crops. This is the common name for herbaceous plants containing edible seeds (grains). Most of the grains we know well belong to the Poaceae or Poa family. As a rule, grains ripen in a panicle spike. Cereals include wheat, rye, oats, barley, rice, corn, and millet.

But buckwheat, beloved in Rus', belongs to another family - Buckwheat. It is not a cereal, but belongs to grain (cereal) crops - sometimes they are called pseudocereals.

Variety of cereals

The above list of grains is far from complete. In various regions of the planet there are cereal plants that are exotic to us.

In India, for example, they grow dagussa, a cereal crop with white and red grains (Eleusine coracana), while in Japan, China and other countries of Southeast Asia they cultivate chumiza.

Sorghum flour and bread are common in America and Australia. In China, this cereal is called gaoliang.

In the Andes (South America) is the birthplace of another exotic plant - the herbaceous plant quinoa. On high mountain terraces, local residents have been cultivating quinoa for at least 3 thousand years. The name of the plant, which produces a highly nutritious multi-colored grain, comes from the language of the Quechua Indians, who still live in the mountains of Bolivia and Peru. Amaranth, which the Spaniards called “the bread of the Incas,” also comes from South America. Both plants belong to the Amaranth family and, like buckwheat, are not cereals, but belong to cereal crops (pseudo-grains).

From the depths of millennia

It is difficult to determine exactly when and where people decided to cultivate the hearty grains that became the staple food of ancient civilizations. It is believed that agriculture arose about 9 thousand years ago in the lands of the Fertile Crescent, which stretched from the Euphrates and Tigris valleys in Mesopotamia, skirting Asia Minor and the Middle East to Egypt. Wheat and oats were grown here. Around this period, in the Yangtze Valley, the Chinese began to cultivate another crop - rice.

In Russian cuisine, cereal dishes have long occupied an important place. Spelled, barley, rye, oats and millet are the grain crops that have fed Russian people since time immemorial. Buckwheat, which the Slavs became acquainted with later than grains, has always enjoyed special respect in Rus'.

Small miracle

Grain is a small miracle. It contains the energy potential of the future plant. The grain accumulates the most valuable substances created by inventive Nature, and in a perfectly balanced composition, this mix gives our cells nutrition and health.

Chemical composition

Grain contains a lot of carbohydrates (60-80% on dry matter), proteins (7-20% on dry matter), as well as enzymes, B vitamins, PP, provitamin A, microelements and other valuable substances. This composition determines its high nutritional value for humans.

Chemical composition and ratio of biologically active substances in different cultures differs, which gives each of them individual qualities - taste, aroma, a certain effect on the body, etc.

But the structure of grain is the same for all cereal crops.

How does a grain work?

The grain consists of endosperm, germ and shells.

Shell consists of indigestible fiber (dietary fiber), which is an excellent natural absorbent, regulates intestinal motor activity and helps maintain normal microflora. The shell also contains fatty acids, proteins and trace elements. The well-known bran is a by-product of the flour milling industry and is particles of grain shells.

Endosperm(inner part of the grain) is a mealy kernel enclosed in an outer (aleurone) layer.

Aleurone layer occupies only 7-10% of the weight of the grain, but it is it that concentrates up to 80% of all mineral substances of the grain: P, Fe, Ca, Na, K, Cu, etc.

Mealy kernel- This is a storehouse of nutrients prepared for the sprout. Mainly consists of carbohydrates (up to 80%) and proteins (up to 20%). Fats, minerals, and vitamins are present in small quantities.

Sprout (embryo) is the center of the plant's vitality. It is a concentrate of vitamins, amino acids and vital energy. Up to 40-45% of the weight of the embryo consists of valuable proteins. The sprout also contains fats, vitamins B1, B2, B6, F, PP, provitamin A, vitamin E and other biologically active substances. Sprouts serve as raw materials for the preparation of medicinal and health-improving preparations. All parts of the grain are found only in whole foods - whole grain flour, as well as cereals made from unpolished grain.

Grain properties

From the point of view of oriental medicine, grains are one of the main types of products necessary for a person to maintain health. All grains have a sweet taste at their core - this means that they are very nutritious and give strength to the body. Whole grain cereals tend to have a neutral (balanced) or mild cooling energy effect. They are able to harmonize the body and replenish qi (energy).

Each grain crop is good in its own way, each has a special effect on the body and the functioning of various organs. In all ancient cultures, grains prepared according to special recipes were used in the diet therapy of many diseases. Today, unfortunately, modern science, dietetics and some areas of nutrition (paleo diet, for example), grain has been declared the next “enemy of humanity.” However, the negative effect of grains on the body is often associated with improper preparation and consumption. We will definitely discuss this topic in future articles.

There is a wide variety of cereals, they are much larger than the usual rice, pearl barley, buckwheat and semolina that are familiar to many from childhood! There are even completely exotic specimens and each is unique in some way. Now let's look at the most commonly used grains and the cereals that are made from them.

Cereals: three faces

Groats are food product, which is obtained from grains of various crops.

Cereals made from whole (uncrushed) grains are called kernels. Porridge, cereal side dishes, and soups are prepared from the core. Some whole grains are sprouted.

Crushed cereals are called chaff. It can be smaller (grit) or coarse. The chaff is prepared faster and is better absorbed than the kernel. Crushed cereal is good for making porridges, casseroles, and meatballs.

As a result of flattening the grains, cereals are obtained in the form of flakes. Suitable for making porridges, muesli, baked goods and desserts.

There is a wide variety of cereals, much larger than the white rice, pearl barley, buckwheat and semolina we are used to and familiar from childhood! Here is a list of the main grains and their corresponding cereals.

    Wheat: whole grain, crushed grain (Poltavskaya, Artek cereals), semolina, couscous, bulgur, flakes from regular and sprouted grains.

    Spelled: whole and crushed grains, flakes.

    Millet: polished millet, dranets, crushed millet.

    Barley: barley, barley, flakes from regular and sprouted grains.

    Buckwheat: core, prodel, Smolensk groats, flakes.

    Rice: long grain (white sanded and unpolished, red, pink, black), round grain, flakes.

    Oats: whole grain, regular and sprouted grain flakes.

    Corn: whole grains, crushed cereals, flakes.

    Quinoa: whole grain.

More detailed information For each grain and cereal, see the relevant articles.