Cheap seaside tours in November. Where to go on vacation abroad in November for a vacation or honeymoon? Where to go in November alone, with a child, where to go inexpensively? Excursion tours around Europe in November

Where to go on vacation in November

November. Summer ended quite recently, but the surrounding slush and gray heavy sky make us wish for a speedy return of sunny days. The daylight hours are gradually decreasing and now, we spend most of the day in the dark. The soul languishes in anticipation of a holiday, something bright, but the New Year holidays are still far away. And it is at this moment that you should take a vacation. Your choice may fall on European countries. At this time, the weather there is not much different, but not having to go to work and various excursions will help cope with the autumn blues.

And countries Southern Hemisphere, where at this time it’s just the end of spring, they will give you a boost of energy and cheer you up with sunny weather.

Also in November, you can choose as a holiday a trip to one of the spa resorts in the world. Regardless of what is outside the window - snowstorm and rain, sun and wind - it is always a pleasure to pamper yourself and relax in the hands of experienced massage therapists and doctors. Such a vacation will not only allow your soul to get stronger for the coming cold months, but also your body to find relaxation and great shape.

November is one of the most difficult months for selecting a tour. It's raining and cold in Europe, B South America and Africa is still in the rainy season. The choice remains mainly from Asian countries and some others. But on the other hand, it all depends on your wishes for your vacation.

Where to go on a seaside holiday in November

On the one hand, you can go to Cyprus at any time of the year, but on the other hand, the best holiday on this island you can get it from November to March. It is in such seemingly cold winter months as November that Cyprus has the most favorable weather, with soft sun and warm sea.

This period is the most favorable for a relaxing holiday on the coast, excursion trips to the mountains, where it can even be cool, and even travel to the historical sights of the country, because in Cyprus many buildings from ancient times have been preserved Ancient Greece. In addition, at this time there is a great opportunity to take part in local festivals and concert programs, which gives simply indescribable impressions.

Most of the countries where it is better to go on vacation in December are represented by resort countries in Asia. First of all, this is Thailand. November is considered the cool season in Thailand, but it is the lack of intense heat and large amounts of rain that attract tourists at this time. You will be able to see all the sights, take walks in the best nature reserves, swim in the warm sea and all this without fear of heat stroke or dehydration. In November, Thailand hosts a special holiday. Like Valentine's Day in the West, Loy Krathong is celebrated in Chiang Mai on the night of the first full moon in November. Decorated banana leaves, beautifully lit by candles, float along the sea channels. Sky lanterns of various colors are sent into the night sky. Very romantic...

The best place for swimming and exploring natural resources on the west coast of Sri Lanka is in November. At this time the sea is clear, but do not forget that large waves may appear. Therefore, this is not the safest place to relax with children.

In November, the monsoon season ends in India, and streams of tourists from all over the world flock here. In addition to a wonderful holiday by the sea in December and learning Buddhist wisdom, India boasts some of the most colorful and memorable festivals, and this is exactly what you need to bring back the joy of the spirit. Every November, a camel fair is held in the beautiful city of Pushkar. The fair is a festive event where farmers and herders from all over India gather to sell camels, horses and cattle. Among the camel races and auctions, textiles are sold, Jewelry and ethnic handicrafts by artisans. Snake charmers and a parade of decorated camels, as well as popular competitions among visitors, such as who has the longest mustache.

India's most popular traditional festival, with roots deep in Hindu mythology, turns the streets of Delhi (and all major Indian cities) into a carnival. Since Diwali (the "festival of lights") is extremely important for Hindus, it is also celebrated by Dainas and Sikhs, meaning that general atmosphere Everyone participates in the holiday. Traditionally, houses are decorated with clay lamps and candles, and the sound of firecrackers can be deafening - in fact, so many fireworks are used during Diwali that they have been blamed for a spike in air pollution levels! For keen shoppers, it is common to buy new clothes and household items and exchange gifts (usually sweets or perfume) during Diwali.

It is worth noting that a holiday on the Indian Ocean coast is one of the most attractive options for a seaside holiday in November. Hong Kong can be visited throughout the year, but November is the optimal time - little rainfall and low temperatures. You can combine a sightseeing and beach holiday when visiting Hong Kong. Hong Kong is usually thought of as a big, glittering metropolis. But this is not the whole truth about the city. In addition to being a special administrative region, the city is located in a picturesque part of the peninsula, which is an area of ​​great aesthetic and cultural value.

Cambodia is located in the tropics and has a typical climate for these latitudes, so for your trip you should choose a dry and cool season, which is November. In November, you can sunbathe on the beach and replenish your intellectual luggage by joining one of the many excursions. Cambodia has amazing story, and cultural values ​​and architectural monuments will amaze you to the core. But we should not forget that, like any people, Cambodians are not indifferent to festivals and holidays. And the flavor of the East, expressed in bright colors and amazing processions, gives them special interest.

This traditional Cambodian celebration of Mardi Gras and Carnival rolled into one, exuberant celebrations are marked by three days of boat races and parties on the southern end of the Tonle Sap, Asia's largest freshwater lake. The three-day festival is the biggest and most spectacular event on the Cambodian calendar and locals and tourists flock from far and wide to the capital Phnom Penh to enjoy the spectacle, parties, fireworks and boat races. The holiday marks the beginning of the fishing season and coincides with the turning of the waters of the Tonle Sap River, which begins to flow uphill for half the year. Rowing has a rich history in Cambodia, as it was a vital component of military prowess ancient civilization. Hundreds of boats participate in this annual festival, decorated with traditional dragon heads.

Among the seaside resorts worth visiting in November, it is worth mentioning some of the African ones. First of all, Egypt, beloved by tourists. Many Russians prefer this country to any other. The most attractive point, of course, is the all inclusive system, which provides vacationers with the opportunity not to leave the hotel during the entire vacation. On site you will find 24-hour restaurants, swimming pools, spa salons with saunas, and some even have water parks. So a holiday in Egypt is an option for the lazy. But don't despair.

Egypt is not only about the sea and beaches, although you can find exciting things to do there too. How about a diving school? Most best option for a short trip, hire an instructor upon arrival and devote 5-6 days to learning the intricacies of scuba diving and without. You will be able to discover the amazing underwater world of the Mediterranean Sea. Many people say that five days of diving is equivalent to two weeks of relaxing on the beach. You will be charged with positive emotions and vivid impressions, which will last until the end of the Russian gloomy winter. And if not, no problem, holidays in Egypt are attractive not only because of nature and excursions; prices for holidays in Egypt are affordable for almost anyone. And nothing will stop you from repeating the race sometime in March or February.

Morocco is an amazing country in northern Africa. The best time to vacation in Morocco is in November; the weather is warm enough for a beach holiday and dry enough not to “wet” your vacation. One of the most popular attractions is camel safari. You can also attend the famous cooking courses, where you will be taught how to cook food from the country's nationalities.

The mountains of Morocco provide excellent hiking opportunities. That’s why it’s worth going during the dry season in November; frequent and heavy rains can cause landslides and it can become dangerous in the mountains.

You should go to South Africa at the end of spring in November to avoid the scorching heat. summer sun or the heavy rains of a cool winter. In spring, from September to November, the beaches are still not crowded, but the temperature already rises to 22°C and the sun warms up. At this time, you can successfully purchase last-minute tours to South Africa at reasonable prices.

Another country that should not be ignored is Tunisia. The deserts of Tunisia have been featured in the films The English Patient and Star Wars. Tour operator Grand offers safaris to the places where famous blockbusters were filmed. You can travel through the desert on camels and four-wheel drive vehicles, and the trip can take from one hour to three weeks. You can also go dune skiing, go desert go-karting, or rent a plane.

Exotic holiday in November

November is the best month to visit Mexico, the peak tourist season is over and the temperatures are moderate and pleasant. An exciting festival takes place in early November. Day of the Dead is a Mexican tradition with Aztec roots, a day honoring the dead with customs that are reminiscent of Halloween, which is celebrated in northern countries. In Mexico City, markets and shops are filled with paper flowers, candies in the idea of ​​skulls, paper skeletons and candles in the shape of various wickedness. Processions move towards cemeteries, where night services and sometimes even parties are held.

It's hard to resist the lure of Mexico's golden beaches on holiday, but there are plenty of things to do to break away from the sea and sand. Active activities such as bungee jumping, horse riding, mountain biking, golf on one of four magnificent courses or tennis are available to visitors to the country.

Local operators offer popular jungle tours and host visitors to the Laguna de Tres Palos, a swamp where you can play Tarzan among tropical vegetation. There are plenty of other excursions to choose from: swimming with dolphins, snorkeling and sunset folk shows.

The weather forecast in New Zealand is always optimistic, although the south of the country gets cold in winter. The western side of the island tends to receive high rainfall, while the eastern side is protected from ocean winds mountain ranges. The best time to visit New Zealand is in the spring (September to November) and autumn (March to May). At this time, the number of sunbathers on the beach noticeably decreases due to the outflow of local vacationers, but the water is quite warm, and the number of sunny days will not let you feel deprived. New Zealand is a country that combines all possible types of recreation. Excursions, hiking, horseback riding, boat trips and learning about Maori history. And also, which of course is unlikely to occur to you, but New Zealand has excellent ski resorts.

Excursion holidays in November

If you are hungry for information and the best holiday option for you is new information, then the best place for you is Germany and Switzerland in November. In addition to exciting excursions and getting to know the traditions of these countries, Switzerland is a world famous ski resort.

When Golden autumn It’s long gone, outside the window it’s either snowing or raining, you really want to get out of the piercing winds and into the hot sun. Go back to summer, at least for a couple of weeks. Sea and beach - this is the tandem that most vacationers choose in November.

This is understandable. Seeing the sights of European capitals - Rome, Paris, Barcelona, ​​Prague, etc. - is not very pleasant in the drizzling rain. Ski resorts are also not open yet. So the gentle sun, warm sea and hot sand - this is the order of most tourists who are choosing tours for November.

In this article I will tell you which countries are best to vacation in November.

The best holiday in November at sea

Budget options


The most budget holiday option is, of course,.

In November, the Red Sea coast is very comfortable, there is no sweltering heat, and the water temperature in Hurghada and Sharm el-Sheikh averages 25 degrees. So this time is really suitable for relaxing on the Red Sea. The starting price of tours in November is from 18,000 rubles per person, which is quite inexpensive in our times.

United Arab Emirates

Oriental fairy tales become reality in... Skyscraper hotels with stunning panoramic views, oriental hospitality and European service, perfectly clean beaches stretching along the Persian Gulf, oriental bazaars and shopping malls with fashionable boutiques, as well as excellent weather and a gentle sea - go to the UAE in November and you will not regret it!


In another fairyland - It is at this time (end of October - beginning of November) that Diwali is celebrated - the festival of lights, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness, good over evil.

This holiday also marks the end of the rainy season and the onset of the dry season. Therefore, it is in November that the beaches of Goa begin to fill with tourists from all over the world. Some of them will stay here for only a couple of weeks, others for a couple of months: prices in Goa are so affordable that even poor citizens can easily afford to spend the winter here.

Golden mean

Sri Lanka

Neighboring India Sri Lanka in November - also quite appropriate place for relax. The so-called inter-monsoon period, when there are frequent thunderstorms, large clouds and high humidity, is ending. So it’s not a fact that tourists will find rain there, although their probability is considerable. At the end of November, most often the weather in Sri Lanka is already hot, the humidity has dropped and you can relax in comfort. A similar situation is observed on Bali, where there is quite a lot of precipitation in November, but the water and air temperatures are almost at the ideal level.

And of course, it is in November that the season begins in the countries of Southeast Asia.


But connoisseurs of Thai relaxation will immediately go to a massage parlor. By the way, there are different legends about Thai massage, and you can figure out what is fiction and what is truth only by experiencing this procedure yourself.


Asian Hawaii - that’s what the people called it. But people won’t just say that. Wild jungle next to well-kept parks, lagoons and waterfalls next to huge pools and thermal springs, luxury hotels and an urban “jungle” of strange shacks and buildings, ancient temples and shopping centers, an abundance of fruits, fish and seafood - that’s what Vietnam is. And the innate delicacy and unobtrusiveness of the Vietnamese (yes, ordinary Vietnamese are not at all those arrogant traders from the local clothing market who do not give you access) makes a holiday in this country not only exotic, but also comfortable.

Tourists are also pleased with the fact that tours to Vietnam are not so expensive, and a visa is not required to visit. Find an inexpensive tour to Vietnam


Well, so what, it’s a bit far to fly! For a vacation like the one on the Chinese island of Hainan, you can spend 8-10 hours on a plane.

In November, the weather on the Chinese island is very conducive to beach holidays. Many people believe that November is the ideal season for a holiday in Hainan. Water temperature – +27°C. It rains, but rarely, and ends quickly. The average air temperature during the day is +25°C, at night the thermometer drops to +20°C. These weather conditions are also excellent for excursions and treatment.

In November, Hainan Island hosts a colorful and original festival - Days of Joy. The holiday is dedicated to everything that brings joy to a person. So treat yourself to a holiday in Hainan in November - tours to Vietnam!

Expensive exotic destinations

If you accidentally have 200,000 rubles or more lying around in your wallet, then you can safely take a tour to Maldives or Seychelles. In the Maldives, at this time of year it is time for “Iruvan” - the northeast monsoon season. This means that the weather conditions there will be not just good, but ideal for relaxation. Silence, coral beaches, clear sea, schools of colorful fish and... almost complete absence of people - you can only dream of such a vacation. No, if your soul suddenly desires communication, then you can always find pleasant interlocutors in bars, but feeling like Robinson in your bungalow, lost on a beautiful island, is a pleasure worth the money paid for the trip.

Look for an inexpensive tour to the Maldives

The Seychelles is no less beautiful in November. There are no hurricanes or downpours - the task of vacationers is only to enjoy the beauty and peace. Emerald water of the Indian Ocean, white sand, European service and complete peace! For those who are interested in diving, this is an ideal place for diving; the underwater world and its inhabitants amaze with their brightness and unusualness.

On the other side of the planet there is an eternally warm Cuba, where November is the ideal time for a beach holiday. The best hotels in the Cuban resort of Varadero are filled with a considerable number of Russian tourists every year. The average water temperature on the island at this time is +25 degrees.

The neighboring countries of the region - and - at this time also represent the most beautiful, albeit very remote, places for recreation. In Mexico, November is the start of the scuba diving season. The temperature of the Caribbean Sea is +29°C, and visibility under water is more than 40 meters. In the Dominican Republic, the rainy season lasts from May to November. At this time it rains often and heavily, it is very hot and humid. Most precipitation falls from May to September, with a noticeable decrease in October and November.

Tours to the Dominican Republic start from 150 thousand rubles. for two. Pick up good tour you can here: Tours to the Dominican Republic

So, if sunny July flew by in the office, if even velvety September is remembered only by the sound of rain on the windowsill, then do not complain about your bosses and fate, who allocated November for your vacation. After recklessly choosing a point on the globe, hastily getting ready and escaping from the slush and cold, you begin to understand how great it is - that our Earth so big and there are places on it where you can have a gentle November!

See you on the blog!

The choice of places to relax by the sea in November is huge. We have selected the best resorts for you!

In the article you will find:

  • 7 countries where you can go to sea in November inexpensively and without a visa.
  • 5 best visa countries for beach holidays and more.
  • The best places to holiday in Russia in November 2019.
  • Where is the best place to go on vacation with a child?

The weather in November 2019 for visa-free destinations will be as follows:

Where to holiday abroad in November inexpensively and without a visa

You can find a warm coast at the very end of autumn only outside of Russia.

To avoid additional costs and time spent on preparing documents, you should first consider countries that allow Russian citizens visa-free entry.

It is quite easy to go on vacation to countries that practice issuing visas at the airport of arrival. To obtain a short-term residence permit, sometimes it is enough to pay a quite moderate “visa fee”. In this case, you will not have to provide additional certificates or contact the consulate.


From 54,000 rub. The rainy season is over, now nothing can interfere with your vacation!

You can stay in Thailand for up to 30 days without a visa.

The monsoon and rainy season ends in November, so the weather won't interfere with your vacation. Occasional showers are still possible, but they won't last for weeks on end.

Where is the best place to relax?

It is better to choose the central, northern and southern regions of Thailand for your holiday - in western regions the rainy season lasts longer. For a holiday at the end of November, the following are suitable:

  • Chiang Mai;
  • Chiang Rai;
  • Pattaya;
  • Krabi;
  • Phuket - more details;
  • Mehongthorn.

Islands of Thailand

Erawan Waterfalls Park

Khao Yai General Theme Park

What to see

During the not-so-hot season, it is best to focus on the excursion program. There are numerous parks worth visiting in Thailand:

  • Khu Khut Bird Park
  • Erawan waterfall park
  • Khao Yai theme park

A unique event that can only be caught during a short period after the end of the rainy season is the boat race, which is organized at many resorts. You can't miss the elephant show in Surin - the annual festival is held on the third weekend in November. In the same month, Full Moon Day is celebrated, dedicated to the spirits of water and light. Both locals and tourists launch hundreds of boats in the shape of a lotus flower - a spectacle that impresses even the most skeptic.

Vacation prices

It is best to buy a ready-made tour if your vacation is 1-2 weeks. If you are going to stay in the country for a month, you can try to plan the trip yourself, because... The main cost is flights, but accommodation and food are cheap in Asia. Therefore, you will save significantly. In hotels, most often they only offer breakfast. Lunch for two will cost from 600 rubles.


From 25,000 rub. Not all of Turkey is cool yet; you can relax in Alanya and Side.

To enter Turkey, you only need a foreign passport; the visa-free regime is valid for up to 60 days.

November in Turkey is a fairly rainy month. There are only two resorts worth going to: Alanya and Side. It is usually drier here and there are not many cloudy days.

What to see and do

If you are unlucky with the weather for a beach holiday, you should pay attention to studying local traditions.

In November, Turks celebrate two major holidays - Ataturk's Memorial Day (November 10) and the Feast of Sacrifice (November 17).

At the end of autumn in Turkey, it is worth trying local fruits. The trees still retain their leaves in November, but the main harvest has been harvested, and prices for fruits allow you to give up eating at the hotel and completely switch to fruits and vegetables from the market.



November is the time to go sightseeing


Vacation prices

The season is already low at this time, so prices are significantly reduced. A trip for two to a 3* hotel under the all-inclusive program for a week will cost from 23 thousand rubles.


It is good to go to Egypt in late autumn. The heat is subsiding and the weather conditions do not interfere with enjoying your vacation. In addition to relaxing on the beach, you can comfortably travel around the country and see the sights.

The end of autumn is the “high season” in Egypt. At this time, you can swim and diversify your vacation with excursion programs.

Traditional activities such as surfing, kitesurfing and scuba diving are also available.

What to see:

  • Egyptian pyramids, the tallest of which, the Pyramid of Cheops, is 146 meters high
  • Great Sphinx Statue
  • Cairo Museum and Tutankhamun's Treasury
  • The temples at Abu Simbel are carved directly into the rock. The entrance to the temple is decorated with huge statues of Egyptian gods
  • Karnak Temple - a well-preserved ancient temple complex here
  • Luxor Temple is one of the greatest structures of Ancient Egypt with tall columns and statues of gods.
  • The Valley of the Kings is a place where many kings are buried, excavations are still underway here

Pyramid of Cheops - the largest of the pyramids

Luxor Temple

Karnak Temple

Valley of the Kings

Vacation prices

It is most profitable to take a ready-made “All inclusive” tour, which includes flights, accommodation, food and insurance. The cost starts from 35,000 rubles per week for two.


From 68,000 rub. If you choose South Vietnam, your ideal vacation is guaranteed.

Russians can stay in Vietnam for up to 15 days without a visa. This time is enough to swim in the warm sea.

Where to go and what to see

For beaches and swimming, it is best to go to the southern regions. November in Vietnam is the ideal time for sightseeing tours.

In the Ho Chi Minh City area, the Oc Om Bok festival takes place in late autumn. The Khmer festival is dedicated to the lunar deity. The Vietnamese bring sacrifices to God and ask for a new harvest. At the end of the holiday, traditional Ngo boat races take place.

What to see?

  • Halong Bay - there are 3000 islands here, very beautiful!
  • Ancient temple complex of Michon
  • Hanoi Citadel - still under excavation
  • Cham Towers Po Nagar
  • Thap Ba thermal springs - the famous mud bath
  • Cable car to Hon Che Island - the longest cable car going over the sea
  • Monkey Island

Hanoi Citadel

The cable car to Hon Che Island is the longest in the world

Ancient temple complex of Michon

Vacation prices

Hotels usually only offer breakfast, so the rest of the time you can eat in cafes and restaurants; food here is cheap.


From 45,000 rub. Holidays for every taste: from Economy to Luxury.

The end of autumn is the season of the influx of tourists to the United Arab Emirates. The conditions are conducive to both excursions and relaxation on the beach.

When traveling to Dubai in November, it is worth visiting a golf tournament. The UAE hosts world-class competitions. The weather is conducive to exploring this sport on your own, and golf courses and equipment for rent in Dubai are easy to find.

In addition to traditional beach activities, in the UAE it is worth going on a yacht or local water transport - a dhow schooner or an abre boat. Formula 1 water races, which take place at the end of November, are also interesting.

The camel racing season begins at the end of October, and from the beginning of November you can attend more traditional horse races.

Fans of original “sea” entertainment can dive with scuba gear and take part in a “hunt” for pearls. Tourists traditionally keep the “catch” for themselves.

At the end of November, Dubai hosts Jewelry Week, the largest jewelry exhibition in the Middle East region. Gold products are not very expensive in Arab countries, so you can bring back a unique original work purchased at a reasonable price as a souvenir from your trip.

What to see?

  • Burj Khalifa - the tallest skyscraper in the world
  • Palm Jumeirah
  • Musical fountain in Dubai near the Burj Khalifa skyscraper
  • Ferrari World Theme Park
  • The aquarium in the Dubai Mall is also the largest in the world, a breathtaking sight
  • Many ancient mosques and palaces in the Arabic style

Palm Jumeirah

Musical fountain in Dubai

Aquarium in the Dubai Mall

Vacation prices

It is most profitable to buy a ready-made tour.


From 74,000 rub. You can swim in the Dead Sea until late autumn.

The beach season in Israel does not end in November. You can swim in the Dead Sea until late autumn - the air temperature rises to +24. There will no longer be much heat, and you can comfortably travel around the country without suffering from the heat. The only thing to consider is the possibility of rainy weather, although cloudy days in November there is little rain, and the rain ends very quickly.

What to see?

  • Church of the Holy Sepulcher
  • Wall of Tears
  • Bahai Gardens in Haifa
  • Underwater observatory in Eilat

A city with a long history

Ancient Jerusalem is home to many attractions and museums

Bahai Gardens in Haifa

Vacation prices

Sri Lanka

From 80,000 rub. Relaxed passive holiday on paradise beaches.

A tourist visa to stay in Sri Lanka is required, but it will be issued at the local airport. There is no need to submit documents in advance for a holiday abroad.

Things to do

Sri Lanka is the island of tea. Tourists will definitely be offered a ride to the plantation and see with their own eyes how tea leaves are harvested. Walk through tropical forest will be no less exciting. Fans of flora and fauna should visit one of the national natural parks, home to more than 200 species of birds, leopards, crocodiles and other exotic animals.

On the east coast in November you can go diving and snorkeling. Western is more suitable for a relaxed, passive holiday.

What to see?

  • Adam's Peak - the mountain on top of which there is a temple
  • Kumana and Yala National Park
  • World Trade Center in Colombo
  • Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage and Zoo
  • Tea plantations

Tea plantations

Elephant shelter

Sri Lanka beach

Local fishermen catch fish sitting on poles


Want to know where the cheapest tours are?

Holidays in November in countries that require a visa

Some popular tourist countries are introducing a special visiting regime for Russians, making it easier to obtain and obtain a visa.


From 31,000 rub. 24-hour parties on the beaches.

Goa is an Indian state that is especially popular among tourists. The beach season almost never ends here. To enter, you will need an electronic visa, which can be applied for online, but it is not valid at all airports.

Things to do and see

North Goa is famous for its trance parties. The beaches here are far from ideal; the northern part of the state is mainly visited by music lovers, students and not-so-wealthy Indians.

The best way to get Indian souvenirs is from the flea market near Anjuna Beach. This place is an attraction in itself.

Holidays in South Goa are more respectable, the beaches here are cleaner, and the public consists mainly of Europeans and wealthy Indians.

In November in Goa it is worth going on excursions to spice plantations, mangrove or palm groves, taking a ride on numerous islands and going to waterfalls. For sea excursions, the season will start a little later.

If you come to Goa at the very beginning of November, you can catch the Diwali holiday, when locals celebrate the main full moon of the year. The 2019 Festival of Lights will take place on November 3rd.

Festival of Lights

Buy souvenirs at local markets


If you are planning to go to India for 1-2 weeks, it is more profitable to take a ready-made tour. It’s best to look for a month-long trip on your own. Accommodation and food in India are very cheap; air tickets are the most expensive.

Canary Islands

From 85,000 rub. One of the few places in Europe where you can swim in November.

Holidays in Europe at the end of autumn are no longer very pleasant for those who like to lie on the beach. In traditional “resort” countries - Spain, Greece and Italy - the water temperature is too low, and swimming in the sea is uncomfortable.

The exception to the rule is the Canary Islands. Here all year round The weather is warm, the air warms up to at least +20ºC.

What to see?

  • Teide volcano and its observation deck
  • Loro Parque, home to a zoo, dolphinarium, botanical garden and aquarium
  • Waterpark Siam Park - here are the coolest slides
  • Huge sheer black cliffs of Los Gigantes and black sand beach
  • The famous thousand-year-old Dragon Tree


Loro Parque

Volcano Teide

Waterpark Siam Park


From 100,000 rub. Ruins of ancient civilizations and snow-white beaches.

Mexico is famous for its endless white beaches that wash the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean, as well as the mysteries and culture of the ancient civilizations of the Mayans and Aztecs, whose temples attract thousands of tourists and historians. The visa can be applied for online.

Things to do?

  • Relax on the beaches in Acapulco
  • Surfing and active recreation in the resort of Cancun
  • View the ruins of the ancient Mayan and Aztec cities
  • Visit the Underwater Sculpture Museum
  • Go to national parks

Ruins of ancient Mayan and Aztec cities

Visit local carnivals

Museum of Underwater Sculptures



Traveling to Mexico is not cheap, but the great experience is worth it! The most expensive is a long flight; the accommodation itself is not that expensive. Lunch for two will cost from 1200 rubles.


From 60,000 rub. The most romantic country!

Tourists come here to immerse themselves in the most romantic atmosphere, spend their honeymoon and see the famous sights. Go shopping, try croissants and cheese for breakfast and, of course, look at the Eiffel Tower

What to see?

  • Eiffel Tower
  • The Louvre is one of the largest museums in the world
  • Triumphal Arch
  • Versailles - palace and park complex

Eiffel Tower

Triumphal Arch

Take a walk through the city at night

Look at the beautiful architecture

The Louvre is one of the largest museums in the world


Prices here are quite expensive both for food in restaurants and for rental housing and cars.


From 100,000 rub. Kangaroo country and the best surfing!

Distant Australia attracts travelers from all over the world, the only country that occupies an entire continent! Huge ocean on all sides, lots of kangaroos, impressive skyscrapers, architecture, wild nature and the most dangerous surfing in the world! You must obtain a visa in advance from the country's embassy.

What to see?

  • Bondi Beach - one of the best beaches in the world
  • The Great Barrier Reef is a unique place on the planet
  • The Sydney Opera House is the country's calling card
  • View "12 Apostles"
  • Harbor Bridge
  • National parks
Sydney Opera House

Great Barrier Reef


Nobody sells ready-made tours to this country, but amateurs exotic travel can easily plan a trip on their own! In general, prices here are high. The total amount will depend on the chosen flight (flights will definitely have 2 or 3 transfers), city of residence, hotel and money spent on entertainment. Lunch for two will cost from 2000 rubles.

Where to go in November in Russia?

If it is not too difficult to find a country that does not require a visa for entry, then without a passport it will be difficult to find a suitable destination. In all regions where entry is possible using an internal passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, the beach season is already over.

In November, it is worth giving preference to excursion tours within Russia.

Golden ring

Suzdal, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Kostroma and other cities.

You will have to allocate from 7 to 30 days to travel along the Golden Ring. Key cities on the route:

  • Suzdal;
  • Vladimir;
  • Yaroslavl;
  • Kostroma;
  • Pereyaslavl-Zalessky;

    The route is well developed, and in November the prices for the trip will be lower than in the summer season.

    Neighborhoods of Moscow and St. Petersburg

    The Kremlin, Red Square, Hermitage, what else can you see?

    If time and funds are limited, you can go on an excursion within one of the capitals or go to the suburbs. In November, a trip to Peterhof will allow you to admire the fountains without the tiresome company of foreign tourists.

    The end of autumn is the ideal time to visit large museums (the Tretyakov Gallery or the Hermitage), where there are too many visitors during the holiday season.

    What to see?

    • Kremlin and Red Square
    • Prices

      You can rent an apartment or hotel room from 2000 rubles


      The end of November is the start of the ski season in the Caucasus. At the Dombay and Elbrus resorts, natural snow cover is already forming. Active recreation will cost less than at the peak of the season.

      It is best to choose the following hotels:

      • Snow Leopard (prices from 3000 rubles for a double room)
      • Hotel Sufurudzhu Forest (prices from 1500 rubles for a double room)
      • Hotel Caprice (prices from 2400 rubles for a double room)
      • Hotel Crystal (prices from 1700 rubles for a double room)


      The best way to get to Dombay is to buy an air ticket to Mineralnye Vody. It will cost 3-4 thousand rubles. Next, take a bus ticket, transfer to the resort, or rent a car. Rent a hotel room from 1400 rubles per night. The cost of a sleep pass for 5 days will be from 6,500 rubles. Lunch for two will cost about 1,500 rubles.

      Moscow region

      Verba Mayr, Pushkino, Vatutinki and Voronov.

      You can get away from the bustle of the city and spend a few days in peace, without spending large sums on accommodation and travel, when you vacation in the Moscow region. Boarding houses and sanatoriums operate all year round. For a longer stay it is worth renting a private house or a dacha - the demand for housing outside the city decreases in mid-autumn, and you can get an apartment with all the amenities much cheaper than in the warm months.

      Among the best sanatoriums are:

      • Verba Mayr
      • Pushkino
      • Vatutinki
      • Voronovo

      Where to relax with children

      Holidays with a child abroad

      When choosing a tour for traveling with a child, you need to consider several points:

      • duration of the trip;
      • climate of the country;
      • availability of conditions and infrastructure for children;
      • school holiday dates.

      For a trip to the sea, Thailand or Sri Lanka are suitable. Both countries have a fairly comfortable climate, and a large number of fruits and animals will not let children get bored.

      For educational trips combined with relaxation on the beach, the Dead Sea resorts are suitable.

      During the school holidays it is worth going on a tourist trip around Europe. Complex tours usually do not last long, but the child will have enough impressions until the next season. Many events that will interest children take place in Asian countries.

      Holidays in Spain, Italy and Greece in November it will be cheaper than in summer. Autumn is a great season for sightseeing and museum trips.

      Excursions around Eastern Europe relevant at any time of the year. It’s worth traveling to the Czech Republic or Hungary with your children. It is better to reschedule your visit to Scandinavian countries to a warmer time of year - in November it is quite cold here.

      Holidays with a child in Russia

      Veliky Ustyug, Karelia, Kazan. Where else can you go with your child?

      Veliky Ustyug

      Take your children to the Russian residence of Father Frost and see his fairy-tale house and post office! At this time there is already a lot of snow here and the New Year's mood reigns! Let your children write a letter to Santa Claus and buy souvenirs, meet the Snow Maiden and ride in a sleigh! You can also go skiing and skating here.


      A snowy kingdom, where the most popular entertainment is a dog or reindeer sled ride. You can also visit the forest trolls, engage in winter sports, visit the national dwellings of local residents made from reindeer skins and taste delicious traditional dishes.


      Colorful Kazan begins preparations for the New Year already in November; ice towns and slides are built here, and you can also visit many excursions and an exhibition of ice sculptures. And you should definitely try the national cuisine!

In late autumn, what you want most is the warmth and light of the sun. If your vacation falls in November, you may not want to spend it in hometown. The world is full of beautiful resorts where it is warm at any time of the year, so which one to choose?

Dominican Republic

In the east of the island of Haiti, in the gentle embrace of the Caribbean Sea, lies Dominican Republic. There are more and more people wanting to go on holiday here every year. In addition to the endless beaches with pure white sand, the architecture and parks with beautiful nature are enchanting to the eye.

Regions and resorts of the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo is the capital of the Dominican Republic and the cradle of the country's culture. An interesting fact is that it was founded by the younger brother of Christopher Columbus, Bartolomeo Columbus. According to the pages of history, Santo Domingo was the capital of the colonies that belonged to Spain.

Now, having arrived here, you can see remains that remind of these times: the Cathedral of Santa Maria la Menor, the Alcazar Castle, the Rosario Chapel and others. Therefore, the capital is best suited for excursions.

The most popular bounty style resort is Punta Cana:

  • In addition to the beautiful scenery The main attractions here are the beaches, which are covered with clean, white sand.
  • Hotels nearby and a chain of restaurants.
  • In addition, there is the opportunity to go diving and see all the beauty of the underwater world with underwater caves and sunken ships.
  • Perfect for family vacation .

Puerto Plata is a paradise for those who love eternal parties and discos until the morning. This resort location is also perfect for surfing enthusiasts, because the waves here reach tens of meters.

For those who want to engage in active recreation, it is better to go to Boca Chica. There are opportunities for surfing, diving, volleyball and horse riding.

Cap Cana became famous in a short period of time, receiving elite status. And all thanks to the help of Donald Trump.


In addition to natural attractions, the Dominican Republic is also famous for its cultural heritage.

When you arrive here, visit:

  • Monumental Museum or Lighthouse. It is here that the remains of Christopher Columbus are kept.
  • Osama Fortress– built in 1508. Appearance it resembles a medieval castle. It served as a military fort.
  • Altos de Chavon– this is the name of one of the attractions. After all, this is a specially created village in the style of the Middle Ages. There is the Church of St. Stanislaus, houses that are thought out to the smallest detail, and the Archaeological Museum.
  • Also make time for the chocolate factory, Amber Museum, Rum Distillery, and stroll through local national parks.

The best period for vacation will be mid-November. Because the amount of precipitation is decreasing. The air temperature ranges from 28 to 32 degrees, and the water warms up to 26-28 degrees.

The cost of living here for 7 days will range from $960 to $9700 per person.


India is a country you want to return to. Its culture and traditions are amazing and at the same time fascinating. Many people seek to travel to India to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the West and find spiritual rebirth. Which resorts in India should you go to in November?

Resorts in India

Consider the most popular resorts in India:

  • Agra. You can often hear the name “city of Taj Mahal”. Here is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The Red Fort is also popular. Also be sure to go for a walk in the Persian-style park. It was created by the founder of the Babur dynasty. The well-developed infrastructure allows tourists to fully enjoy their holiday.
  • Jaipur. The city has a long history that dates back to the reign of Jai Singh II. Sometimes you can hear it called the “Pink City”. This is due to the fact that pink stone was widely used for construction back then. Apart from this, you can buy various products in Jaipur self made, fine fabrics and unique jewelry.
  • Kerala. Another resort town in India. It is worth noting that when choosing a hotel, prepare for the fact that in most cases there are cottage villages, houses made of wood, without air conditioning, TV or other equipment. In old hotels built from blocks it is extremely hot, because they are poorly ventilated. There is absolutely no entertainment in the hotel. The resort is perfect for a relaxing holiday and a combination with nature. But this will not stop you from having an unforgettable vacation.
  • Delhi. The largest city in India and also its capital. Here you will find everything your heart desires. Arriving here, you can see its rather ambiguous character, which is reflected in the clothes, architecture, and behavior of the local residents. Here is the world's tallest minaret, Qutub Minar, Humayun's Tomb, and the Gateway of India.

Palace of the Winds in Jaipur

Beaches of India

India is one of those countries that can boast of beaches. It is best to go to these parts to sunbathe in November. For example, the beaches of Mumbai are known for wild night parties, exotic restaurants and loud music. You won't be able to swim here, because the water is always dirty and cloudy. In addition, there are strong currents here.

Beach – “Om” is extremely picturesque. It is washed by the Arabian Sea, and everything around is covered with dense thickets of tropical forest.

The beaches of Andaman and Nicobar Islands are a paradise for diving and snorkeling enthusiasts. There are few vacationers here, so this is an ideal place to take a break from noisy cities.

The average cost of accommodation per week will be from $260 to $1300 per person. The best time to go on vacation is from early to mid-November. The temperature at this time fluctuates between 25 ... + 30 C. It is at this time that the beach period in Goa is just beginning to gain momentum.


Goa is one of the most picturesque resorts in India. It is divided into two large parts: North and South. When planning to travel to Goa in November, it is worth remembering that North Goa is famous for extremely expensive hotels, entertainment, and this is not only at Indian prices. Wealthy Europeans can afford a holiday here, and Indians are wealthy. South Goa is the complete opposite.

In most cases, young people from America, Europe and people with average incomes relax here.

Resorts of South Goa

Dona Paula. The resort is picturesque. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “a paradise for lovers.” It received this name in honor of the daughter of the governor Dona Pauli de Menezes. There is a legend that says that a girl was madly in love with a local fisherman, but her father was against the relationship and insisted on breaking it off. Dona could not survive the separation from her beloved and threw herself off a cliff. Now when full moon she appears between the waves naked and wearing only a necklace. No matter how strange it may sound, this story attracts the attention of tourists.

Entertainment and attractions of Dona Paula

In addition to the endless beaches, Dona Paula can also capture the following attractions:

  1. There is a marine biological museum here at the Oceanographic Institute of India. Those who are not indifferent to the legend can visit the governor’s house, which offers amazing views and the actual grave of his daughter. Fans of active recreation can visit one of the sports clubs.
  2. Majorda is a strip of beaches that stretches 30 km. Calm local life and exotic places will immerse you in relaxation. The beaches of Majorda are surrounded by fruit trees and palm trees with coconuts. Clean sands with starfish and crabs, gentle splashes of waves, and the eternal cry of seagulls in the sky will make your vacation bright. Entertainment and attractions of Majorda. Here is the ancient Church of Our Lady, which dates from 1588 and a large number of chapels from the 17th century.
  3. Mobor- the most expensive resort in Goa, which is located on the site between the Arabian Sea and the Sal River. There are a couple of expensive hotels and boarding houses here. When you come here, you can try yourself as an oyster catcher or go underwater fishing. To explore the beauty of the resort, tourists often go on bicycle trips. sand dunes. In addition, you can see dolphins and unique bats.

Main resorts of North Goa

Vagator is a sophisticated resort that is popular among music lovers, especially dance music. The picturesque landscape, where cliffs slope steeply down to the sea and everything around is surrounded by palm trees, will also add bright colors to your holiday. The resort is suitable for a family holiday. Vagator resort is rich in numerous hotels, restaurants and beach cafes.

Vagator is famous for two attractions:

  • Chapora Fort. The structure is located high on top of a hill with a steep slope. To get there you need to use transport. The structure itself is impressive and offers incredible views.
  • Shiva's face. Sculpture of the face of a deity. It is located on the beach. Taking a closer look, you can see a necklace, the pearls of which are nothing more than skulls, and a cobra is visible on the side. It is made of stone. Locals believe that she helps those who need it. You just have to come up and touch the statue.

Shiva's face

Ashvem is the name of the beach, which has extremely beautiful scenery, but at the same time it is sparsely populated. This is due to the fact that there are numerous currents under the water of the Arabian Sea and you need to swim here close to the shore.

But those who still come here can enjoy a clean beach and views without rocks, so difficult to see in other resorts.

The peculiarity is that this beach has a dark gray tint.

The most popular entertainment here is an excursion to the waterfalls. During it you can visit the jungle, see elephants and the sacred banyan tree.

Popular excursions in Goa

When you come to Goa on vacation, visit a cruise on a “pirate” ship, an excursion to the glorious city of Mumbai, and the Dudhsagar waterfall. For a more adventurous experience, try a two-day jeep trip to the long-abandoned city of Hampi.

This is where you can experience the “real Goa”. Also admire the incredible beauty of Islamic temples.

The cost of living here for 7 days ranges from $3,300 to $11,500. The best time There will be a whole November for rest. The air will warm up to a temperature of +33 C, and the water +29 C

The weather in Vietnam in November is quite varied. Conventionally, the country can be divided into three weather regions: Southern, Central and Northern. Tourists tired of the baking sun are planning to go on holiday to the northern regions of Vietnam.

In the northern provinces, they are partially beginning to prepare for winter, which is why the swimming season is ending.

On average, the air temperature is +16 +22 °C, the sun is practically not hot, so everyone can calmly study the culture and history of Vietnam. To do this, you can go on various excursions or special tourist trips to sights.

What is really pleasing is the lack of precipitation. Unlike the southern regions, in Ha Tinh and Nghe An (the most popular northern resorts) the probability of rain is almost zero.

Different weather may surprise vacationers who decide to go on vacation in November to the central regions of the country. The most popular resorts here are Hue, Hoi An and Da Nang. For these resorts, November is the least profitable month of the year.

For more than a third of the month, the weather is not suitable even for regular hiking, not to mention the beach season. For most of November, central Vietnam experiences terrible rain and storms. Sometimes it comes to the point that entire villages are flooded by rising water.

Although sometimes the central regions experience beautiful weather, without precipitation and strong winds, due to such unpleasant weather there are practically no tourists here.

But the southern resorts are radically different from their central counterparts. Summer weather still reigns here in November. For example, in Nha Trang and Mui Ne, the most popular southern resorts, the air temperature remains at +28 +29 °C, and the water warms up to 25 °C.

In November, typhoons can often visit these resorts. Therefore, in order to get a good tan and swim, we recommend going on vacation in November to sunny Phan Thiet.

The air temperature here reaches 32°C, the water is very warm, about 27°C. And at the same time, the chance of typhoons, showers or hurricanes in November is almost zero here.

  • Having fun sunbathing on the beach, you can go hiking through the most beautiful Vietnamese landscapes, or go on a tour of the architectural and historical sights of the country.
  • For surf lovers We recommend going to the shores of Mui Ne and Phan Thiet.
  • For those who want to go diving We suggest visiting the coast of Phu Quoc Island.

Prices for trips to Vietnam vary greatly depending on the region. The cheapest prices are in the central region due to unpredictable weather conditions, and the resorts of southern Vietnam are most valued.

For example, a holiday in Nha Trang will cost 800-900 dollars, and in Phan Thiet from 1000 to 1400 dollars per week.

Sunny Cuba is a country of endless beaches. You can get acquainted with it within a few weeks, because its size is quite small. Which Cuban resorts should you fly to in November?


  1. Holguin. A very beautiful resort, which has approximately 42 hotels with a high level of service. After all, it is considered one of the elite recreation areas of Cuba. The most popular hotels are Paradisus Rio de Oro and Sol Rio de Luna y Mares.
  2. Varadero. Another resort town with endless hotels and endless sandy beaches. As for entertainment, you won't be bored. There is entertainment in Aradero for every taste. The first is sunbathing and swimming with dolphins. The second thing is to try to learn the amigo dance. Third, go to the famous house of Al Capone. And most importantly, play golf. For vacationers with children, a visit to Hosono Park is a must.

Entertainment and attractions

Despite the majestic beauty of nature, Cuba's cultural heritage is rather small. After all, the country long time was under Spanish rule, and many of its attractions were destroyed. You should go to Cuba in order to visit the Cathedral of St. Christopher and the Plaza de Armas.

You should go to Isla Juventud for the Los Indios San Felipe Nature Reserve and marine park“Punta Frances. It contains unique samples of fauna and flora. Also look at the replica of the American Joliet prison.

The average cost of a 10-night stay ranges from $2,300 to $9,500. The most suitable period for vacation is the beginning of November. The temperature during this period will fluctuate from +32 ... + 34 C. The water will warm up to 26 C.

The Philippines is an exotic country “lost” among the seas and oceans. Wonderful climate, rich fauna and flora make this place truly unique. Perfect for holidays with children.

Philippines Hotels

A peculiarity of the Philippines is that there are very few high-rise hotels, because here they strive to cause as little damage to the landscape as possible. Therefore, tall buildings here are replaced by “bungal” type hotels.

The most famous hotels are:

  • Shangri-la's Boracay Resort & SPA. The cost for 10 days will be $2500 per person.
  • Fridays Beach Resort. The price is lower than the previous one by $200.

A cheaper option is Boracay Ocean Club, and Red Coconut Beach cost $1850 per person.

Philippines Resorts

Which resorts in the Philippines should you go to in November?

  1. Boracay. One of the most famous resorts in the Philippines. The infrastructure here is well developed. Perfect for disco lovers. In addition, here you can go windsurfing, kiting and diving. There are no architectural achievements, but guests will not be bored. After all, they can visit the Dead Forest, the Bat Cave, the Talipapa Market, or simply enjoy nature.
  2. Palawan. The nature of Palawan is simply mesmerizing. Even the famous explorer Jacques Cousteau claimed that he had never seen anything like it in his entire life. An interesting fact is that it was here that the filming of the film “Tomorrow Never Dies” took place. While relaxing here, be sure to go diving. Off the coast of Palawan you can see many sunken ships.
  3. Cebu. In addition to beautiful nature, the island is quite rich in cultural achievements. The most famous are the old chapel with a cross and the monument to the great chief Lapulapu. This island is a great place to make you feel like you are in paradise.

The best time to go on vacation is mid-November. The temperature during this period will range from +25 to +27 degrees.


Thailand is an extremely popular resort in Southeast Asia. Therefore, when you come here, you will find good service, an ideal beach holiday and an unforgettable excursion program.

Which resorts in Thailand should you go to in November?

  • Pattaya is a resort that is perfect for youth recreation and extravagant excursions. Tall, modern hotels, bars and gourmet restaurants line the coastline. As for entertainment, there is plenty. Even the most discerning guests will find something to their liking. As night falls, discos, numerous massage parlors and sex clubs begin to open. In addition, visit the transfestival show, which is called the “Alcazar Show”. An elephant farm and a crocodile farm will also add vivid impressions. Here you can ride on such an exotic animal and learn many interesting and unique facts.
  • Phuket Island. Phuket is one of the largest islands in Thailand, and at the same time it is the best resort destination. The hills, densely covered with forests, snow-white pebble beaches and groves of coconut palms give this place a fairytale-like quality. Best beaches are closer to the west coast. In addition to natural beauty, you can admire the sights of the island. This is Sirinath Park, Nai Yang Beach where turtles laid their eggs, Khao Rang Mountain, Wat Phra Thong Monastery and a unique butterfly garden. You can also enjoy horse riding and golf.
  • Samui. This island is often called “coconut paradise”. After all, this is where palm trees and coconuts are strong. It offers its visitors a variety of entertainment and attractions. You can try it here delicious dishes seafood, see beautiful waterfalls, walk through souvenir markets, and also see small, funny monkeys. Koh Samui is perfect for relaxation, both for young people and for families.

Early November is the best time to travel to Thailand. The weather at this time will fluctuate +18 ... + 32 ° C. The average cost of a hotel for 7 days ranges from $790 to $1220.

In November, the beach season in Turkey comes to an end. Most of the resorts are empty. Many tourists enjoy their holidays in hotels, swim in the pool, have fun in local clubs, go on hikes or excursions.

The weather at this time is quite rainy. Most days in November will be cloudy with short precipitation. The air temperature fluctuates around +20 +23 C. The water temperature drops to +19-20 C.

Although this is not suitable weather for a beach holiday, quite a large number of tourists visit Turkey in November. Which Turkish resorts should you fly to in November?

Most popular resorts:

  • Kemer;
  • Alanya;
  • Tekirove;
  • Antalya.

During the day the temperature stays at 23 C, but the nights are quite cold at 10 C. November is the best month for sightseeing in Turkey. Light, pleasant weather only contributes to this.

Trips to Marmaris to hot springs, excursions around Istanbul and other large cities are very popular. And also very often tourists are offered active recreation: horseback riding, jeep safaris, yacht trips.

A vacation to the famous resorts of Turkey in November will cost at least $370-600. And the ideal all-inclusive option will cost $2,500. These prices are lower than summer prices by almost 25-35%.


In November, the weather in Israel will delight everyone who likes to sunbathe and swim. After all, while it is raining in Russia, and the November weather is cloudy in Israel, the sun is shining at this time, the air temperature remains at 26 °C, and the water warms up to + 23 °C.

November is characterized by heavy precipitation by Israeli standards. Highest precipitation should be expected in Tel Aviv and Haifa.

The warmest resort in Israel with minimal precipitation is the city of Eilat. It is located on the shores of the Dead Sea, and the average temperature reaches +28°C. But the temperature at night in most resorts drops to 16 °C. This is caused by the proximity of desert regions.

Which resorts in Israel should you go to in November? Although the Israeli holiday season comes to an end in November, and many hotels are gradually emptying out, many tourists still come during this period. Of the three seas washing the shores of Israel, tourists most often choose the Dead Sea. After all, the Mediterranean already has time to cool down. The most popular resorts in November are in Eilat. Exactly water of the dead The sea maintains a pleasant temperature of 25 °C.

In your free time, you can go to various attractions and museums, go on excursions or rent a yacht for a trip. In November, prices for trips to Israel are not as expensive as in the summer months. On average, a trip for two will cost 500-600 dollars.

Also, with the closure of the swimming season, the price of excursions and souvenirs falls.

Below is a video from interesting facts about Israel.


In November, the Chinese prepare for winter. In most parts of the country it is becoming much colder than in previous months. The weather becomes truly ideal for those who cannot bear the heat.

If in the northern and mountainous regions it is impossible to do without a warm coat, then sea ​​shores The weather is relatively favorable. Which resorts in China should you go to in November? Since the Yellow Sea cools down greatly, most tourists stay only off the coast of the South China Sea.

The most popular resorts in November are Hainan and Hong Kong. At the same time, the coast is only half full, because many tourists are already returning home.

The air temperature remains at +26 °C, and the water warms up to +23 °C. Most of the vacationers on the beach are local residents, and tourists come quite rarely.

For surfing lovers, we recommend going to Cheung Sha beach, and for vacationers who come with children, best choice will be "Repulse Bay". Most tourist tours direct vacationers to bays and coves in the vicinity of the city of Sanya.

This is one of the best places for a beach holiday on the Chinese coast in November.

The weather here is warm and on sunny days, the chance of rain is almost minimal. The average temperature is +26 °C.

In general, the price of trips to the Chinese shores is slightly lower than in the summer months. A week's stay in Hainan for a couple of people in November will cost 1000-1200 dollars. And accommodation in the city of Sanya for a couple can cost 1400-2100 dollars

Morocco, like neighboring Spain, senses the approach of the winter months quite well. Already in November a fairly significant cold snap appears. But we are talking about African cold, in no way comparable to our autumn months.

If it rains on Russian territory, there is swamp and slush all around, then in Morocco the average temperature drops to 20 C.

Which resorts in Morocco should you go to in November? In the popular tourist resorts of Marrakech and Agadir the temperature can be 24 C, and in Rabat and Casablanca -21 C. Also in November there are frequent rains and sudden temperature changes.

Theoretically, swimming in the sea and sunbathing in November is possible. But in practice, only “desperate” tourists enter cold water. After all, the water temperature rarely exceeds 18 C.

In Morocco in November, tourists do not flock to the sunny beaches and ocean waves. Most visitors want to learn more about history, culture, look at the architectural creations of antiquity and natural beautiful landscapes. Fortunately, there are many excursion programs for this.

You can also travel to Morocco in November to take part in various festivals and celebrations. The two main holidays are Independence Day, which is celebrated on the 18th, and Green March Remembrance Day on the 6th. And in the city of Marrakesh a film festival is celebrated.

On average, a week in Morocco for two will cost 700-800 dollars.


No matter how surprising it may be, November is the best month for a holiday in Malaysia. The weather is favorable for a beach holiday. The average temperature during the day ranges from +25 to +30 C, at night it can drop to +22 C. Swimming in the sea will bring a lot of pleasure, because the water temperature is about +27 C.

The likelihood of precipitation is significantly lower than in neighboring countries. If showers appear, they do not last long and the overall temperature does not decrease.

In addition to the classic beach holiday, Malaysia has many offers for active and cultural leisure. For example, in November there are many different festivals and holidays. The most famous is the Wine Fiesta.

During the celebration, vacationers can taste about 240 varieties of different wines from countries around the world. The famous international gourmet festival is also held in mid-November. All vacationers can appreciate the traditional cuisine of Malaysia and neighboring countries.

The most popular resorts are:

  • Borneo Islands;
  • Sipadan;
  • Langkawi.

The local beaches and sea are beloved by divers and surfers from all over the world. On average, a holiday in Malaysia can cost 1000-1500 dollars for two people.

Below is a video about national Malaysian cuisine.


When autumn, cold and gray everyday life comes to Russia and Europe, it begins in the United Arab Emirates best season for relax. If you go to November United Arab Emirates, then you can relax to the fullest at beautiful resorts, get a golden tan and have fun in the most expensive clubs in the world.

After all, the Emirates are the very best. There are huge skyscrapers and hotels, the most expensive holidays, the fastest cars and the best service. In the United Arab Emirates, everything is imbued with luxury and wealth.

Temperatures in the UAE become favorable by November:

  • During the day, the average temperature does not exceed 29-30 C;
  • At night it can drop to 20 C;
  • The water temperature is very comfortable, within +22 +24 C.

Which resorts in the United Arab Emirates should you go to in November? Each of the seven Emirates has its own unique attractions. The most famous and most beloved by tourists is the city of Dubai. The city is famous for its beautiful beaches and especially its luxurious luxury hotels.

Bur Dubai is also incredibly popular. This is the part of the city where shopping centers, restaurants and nightclubs are located. You can find anything for every taste.

The capital of the UAE, Abu Dhabi, is the largest of all cities. Large green spaces and many green oases have given Abu Dhabi the title of City of Gardens Persian Gulf. Even though it is the capital, the holiday here is calmer than in Dubai.

For those who want to escape from noisy cities, resorts in Ajman, Umm Al Quwain and the blooming green city of Ras Al Khaimah are perfect.

Since the tourist season in the UAE in November is still high, prices still remain high. On average, one person will pay approximately $500 for a 7-night stay in the United Arab Emirates. But by the end of November prices begin to fall.

For Sri Lanka, like for many countries, November is the month of rains. A lot of precipitation falls in the north of the island. About 300 mm of precipitation may fall in November. The rain may not stop for several days. Because of this, air humidity reaches 60-70%.

The water off the coast of Sri Lanka in November warms up to +27 +30 C, and the air can reach +30 per day, and at night +23 C. In the mountains it is cooler, at the tops the temperature can drop to +16 and at the foot to + 25 C. Mountain ranges protect the southwestern part of the island from the eastern monsoons.

So here vacationers calmly sunbathe, swim and dive.

The most popular resorts in November:

  • Colombo;
  • Halle;
  • Kandy;
  • Anuradhapura.

The northern part of the island is perfect for surfing and extreme recreation, and the southern shores of Sri Lanka are ideal for a relaxing holiday by the sea. On average, a vacation for two in November can cost 110-130 thousand rubles.


November in Spain is quite similar to September in Russia. The pagoda is not stable, there are frequent temperature changes and the alternation of sunny days with rainy and gray weekdays. Vacationers who came to Spain for the sea and sunbathing are gradually leaving the resorts.

In their place come lovers of excursions, tourist walks and sightseeing of the country's architectural sights. The air temperature of +16 +19 °C only contributes to an increase in tourist excursions.

The most popular at this time are excursions to ancient cities, participation in various festivals and carnivals. In November, Spain hosts many different festivals and carnivals. The most popular are wine festivals and All Saints' Day. The most visited by tourists are the Prado Museum and Puerto del Sol, located in Madrid.

The beach season is no longer so popular. But there are still sunbathers. But you definitely won’t be able to swim. The water temperature does not rise above +10 °C. Only amateurs risk swimming low temperatures.

Of course, going to Spain in November is much more profitable, purely from an economic point of view. Prices for accommodation and various services are much lower. For example, a week’s stay in Spain will cost one person 300-400 dollars.


November is the most unpredictable month for the Maldives. During this period, there is a transition from the rainy season to stable sunny weather. And then tourists begin to arrive at the resort. Unpredictable weather conditions make holidays in the Maldives contrasting and unforgettable.

Every day the weather can change dramatically, and the sunny sky can be covered by gray clouds. That's why hotels give guests umbrellas before they go for a walk.

Rains are short-lived, but sometimes can fall several times a day. There is always a chance to get wet.

But we still recommend going on vacation to the Maldives in November. The temperature stays at +29 +31 during the day and +24 +26 C at night. The water is warm, approximately +27 C. The heat is not sweltering, and is easily tolerated thanks to the sea breezes.

Snow-white sand, endless sea surface and scorching sun. Everything you need for a great holiday. Vacationers can book excursions around coral reefs and uninhabited islands. Everyone will get incredible sensations from scuba diving in the Maldives.

The local seascapes are amazingly beautiful.

A big plus of a holiday in November is the relatively low prices. Until the summer season arrives here, you can relax for $900-1200 per person.


Many people who did not have time to relax on the warm sea sand in the summer are interested in “where can you go in November?” To bask well in the sun and calmly swim in the sea, you don’t have to fly to distant islands or equatorial countries.

Egypt is relatively close, where you can relax and bask in the sun, while in Russia there is rain, cold and slush.

In November, Egypt will welcome tourists with warm and sunny weather. The average temperature in the resorts is 25-27 C, at night it will drop to +19 C. The water in the sea stays at +25 C. You can swim and sunbathe in complete comfort.

The most popular and warm resorts:

  • Dahab;
  • Nuweib;
  • Sharm el-Sheikh.

Frequent precipitation is also possible in the Sinai Peninsula in November. Therefore, we recommend visiting Egypt before mid-November. Since then the weather becomes poorly predictable. Sudden temperature changes and strong winds are possible.

At the same time, the November weather is perfect for hiking and excursions to Egyptian attractions. The most frequently visited ancient cities by tourists are Alexandria, Luxor and Aswan.

The weather in the Canary Islands is excellent in November. Air temperature from + 23 to + 25C. This is a great time for sunbathing on the beach, swimming in the sea and for educational tourist excursions around the island. In November, the Canary Islands will delight all those who are sad about the summer weather.

Summer never ends in these parts. At the same time, prices for trips in November do not differ from other periods.

On average, a married couple should pay about 70-100 thousand rubles for a week of vacation in the Canary Islands. A ticket for one person costs 47 thousand or more. Of course, it all depends on the level of the hotel and the capabilities of the vacationers.

Which resorts in the Canary Islands should you go to in November? The most interesting attractions are located in the cities of Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas.

Most popular beaches:

  • Corralejo, Playa del Duque;
  • Los Cancajos.

Swimming and sunbathing by the sea can be combined with active recreation. Hiking is very popular in the Canaries. In them, vacationers can enjoy the exotic nature and admire the paradise landscapes of the islands.

There is also the opportunity to scuba dive and explore the underwater beauty.


Since Mauritius is located at a considerable distance from the mainland, it is quite problematic to meet crowds of tourists here. For many, due to its high cost, the island is associated with a luxurious vacation. The weather here is approximately the same all year round, which is typical for hot equatorial countries.

In November it feels like a real hot summer here. The average air temperature reaches +35 C, and water up to +24 +26 C. The heat is not sweltering as it might seem. It rains lightly almost every day during the midday hours.

A trip to Mauritius in November is a must for all lovers of extreme sports and active recreation. The weather in Mauritius in November is perfect for diving enthusiasts. The water at this time is very warm, and visibility remains quite good at a depth of 15-20 m.

Light winds often blow from the sea, raising waves. At such moments, the island becomes a paradise for surfers.

In November, local residents celebrate All Saints' Day and hold carnival processions. On average, a vacation for a married couple in Mauritius in November will cost $2,800-4,000.


The Seychelles Islands are located in the western Indian Ocean. Many tourists strive to go to the Seychelles in November in order to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the world and get into a real exotic paradise. The incredible landscapes of hundreds of Seychelles islands are simply amazing in their beauty.

There are many possibilities for holidays and tours. There are options for a classic family vacation, a romantic one, or a tour trip for extreme sports enthusiasts.

The weather in the Seychelles is very warm, typical for equatorial countries. The minimum amount of precipitation and average air temperature of +25 + 30 °C are favorable for sunbathing and swimming in the sea.

Sea water has an average temperature of 26-27 °C. Which Seychelles resorts should you go to in November?

The most popular tourist resorts:

  • Paslin;
  • Praslin;
  • Aldabre.

A big plus for vacationers from Russia is that a visa is not required for a holiday in the Seychelles. On average, a trip for two will cost 1500-3000 euros. Remember that it is prohibited by law to export corals, products made from tortoiseshells and some other jewelry from the Seychelles.

If you do not have a purchase receipt or special permission, you can receive a hefty fine.

Below is a video about independent holidays for travelers at the resorts of the Seychelles.


By November, the number of tourists coming to Tunisia is significantly reduced. But many still come in the last month of autumn. The weather at this time of year no longer shows signs of its former heat. The average temperature across the country is +20 °C.

The eastern regions are slightly warmer at +23 °C. But it is not uncommon for the temperature to rise to 26°C. But you shouldn’t relax and come to Tunisia in light clothes. After all, the nights here are very cold and the temperature can drop to +5 +7 °C. And in popular resorts up to 11°C.

Moreover, during the day the average water temperature is about 16°C. And sunny days in November are not a frequent occurrence, which is why you won’t be able to get a good tan. And the frequent occurrence of northern winds discourages even the most seasoned swimmers from swimming.

Where to go in November in Tunisia? To replace beach holidays in November, festivals and various fairs come to the country. Excursions and hiking trips are in great demand. Trips to the Sahara and to the Sahara are especially popular among tourists. largest lake in North Africa - Chott el Djerid.

On November 7, the country celebrates the anniversary of the revolution. This is a great day to learn more about the history of Tunisia. And in the city of Sfax there is an olive festival.

Prices, as in many other resort countries, drop significantly with the onset of November. On average, the cost of travel packages is reduced by 30-35%. For example, a vacation for two people will cost $400-580 per week.


In November, Greece is already becoming noticeably cooler. It's not winter weather yet, but the temperature can vary from +11 to +24 °C depending on the region. The same goes for water temperature. Near the island of Crete, the sea still has a pleasant temperature of 15-18 °C. And in the northern resorts it is about 7-9 °C.

If you are heading to Greece to go diving, we recommend planning your trip before mid-November. At this time, the water is still warm.

Which cities in Greece should you visit in November? Most tourists come to Greece in November not to sunbathe on the beaches and swim, but to visit historical and architectural attractions, museums and galleries. Excursions to the ruins of ancient cities and the remains of ancient architecture are very popular. Among them, the Acropolis of Athens and the Palace of Knossos stand out. And on November 21, the Greeks celebrate the “Introduction of the Virgin Mary into the Temple.”

Traveling to Greece in November is quite economically profitable. Since the tourist season is almost ending, prices will be significantly lower. Of course, it all depends on the level of the hotel and the cost of moving. But on average, a week’s stay for two people will cost $400-800.

You can go to the island of Tenerife even in the cold Russian November. The weather here is quite good. Temperatures are generally between 22 and 26 °C. And sea water constantly remains at 20-24 °C. But sometimes the weather can change unpredictably.

Sometimes it is possible that in the morning it starts to rain heavily, and by lunchtime the weather is clear and sunny and you can sunbathe calmly.

Cities located off the southern coast of the island are considered popular resorts:

  • Los Cristianos;
  • Las Americas;
  • Costa Adeje.

These resorts are considered a real paradise for surfers. But the temperatures in the north of the island are cooler, the water temperature even drops to 2-3 °C. But winds and rains do not appear here so often.

If you decide to pay minimal attention to swimming and sunbathing, and at the same time pay more attention to exploring the island and hiking, then the northern resorts are suitable for you. The most popular cities are Santa Cruz and La Laguna.

Various excursions can be booked on the island. The most popular destinations are: Masca Gorge, Saim and Loro parks, Teide volcano and a general excursion around the island. On average, traveling to Tenerife in November is cheaper than in the summer months. Accommodation will cost 500-700 dollars for two.


Going on holiday to Bali in November is not the best best idea. As the rainy season begins on the island. In most cases, because of it, many tourists refuse to travel. It will rain constantly, the temperature will not drop below +32 C. The water temperature in the ocean will remain at +26-30 C.

Due to the decrease in the influx of tourists, prices on the island are significantly reduced. The beaches are becoming more spacious. Popular during this period are excursion trips around the island, walks in the old jungle and hikes to the Kintamani volcano. From the top you can observe incredibly beautiful landscapes.

You can book a bike ride. During such a trip, vacationers will be able to become better acquainted with the life and everyday life of the local residents, and will see the famous rice terraces.

The city of Kuta hosts an open-air Jazz festival in November. You can spend your free time in various restaurants, entertainment and educational centers. Here you can learn various arts, yoga, massage, etc.

In excellent clear weather, it is better to go to the beach in the morning and evening hours, since at noon the air temperature can rise significantly. If you go to Bali in November, accommodation will cost 2-3 thousand dollars for two.


The weather in Bulgaria in November can be quite unpredictable. Frequent precipitation is possible. For example if in northern Bulgaria the temperature can drop to +8 +10 °C, and in southern resorts the temperature may still remain at +20 °C. It will be possible to relax at sea on rare occasions.

But this weather is perfect for excursions and travel around the country. The big plus is that November prices are much cheaper than summer prices. Sometimes the difference reaches 40-50% of the amount.

You can go to Bulgaria in November for 28-32 thousand rubles. All resort towns are empty at this time. After all, the ski season has not yet begun, and the summer season has already ended.

Where to go in November? In November, it’s time to taste new wine varieties. It is at this time that new batches of wines are released throughout the country. And in the town of Plovdiv they may even offer you a bath made from young varieties of wine.

Bulgarian cities have many interesting sights, museums and galleries. We recommend visiting the old towns of Neseb and Veliko Tarnov, taking a walk through the Madara Nature Reserve, or going on a tourist trip to the 7 lakes of the Rila Mountains.

Where to go abroad in November?


Before planning trips to other countries, everyone thinks about why they should go to this country. People go to Egypt, Turkey and similar countries for a vacation by the sea, to Switzerland, Austria for the famous mountain resorts, etc. And Japan is no exception.

There are a lot of interesting things here that deserve attention:

  • First of all, go to Japan in November should be in order to look at a completely non-European culture, customs, architecture, sights. The fairy-tale culture is known not only for its brave samurai, but also for its beautiful poetry, painting, and music.
  • Of course, the famous Japanese festivals cannot be missed. This is an abundance of lights, colors, fast moving dancers, and the amazing mood of the people around. There are festivals for almost every holiday.
  • Should go to Japan to look at the most wonderful nature of the land of the rising sun. There are much fewer corners of untouched nature here than in the CIS countries, but the Japanese treat it with awe and respect that can be envied. In November you can enjoy the beautiful pink cherry blossoms. IN autumn period Japanese cities are covered in a riot of pink colors. For such beauty, you should visit the land of the rising sun.
  • You should definitely try Japanese cuisine. Sushi, rolls and tofu have a unique and exquisite taste. This is just part of the culinary delights of Japanese cuisine. It can be fully explored over a long period of living with the Japanese.
  • If you dream of a future of great technology, about widespread automation, then you should definitely visit Japan. Just by visiting Tokyo or other major cities, you will be surprised to discover how far modern technology has advanced.

Excursion tours to Europe

November is considered a less seasonal month, poorly suited for relaxation, and this is quite unfair. After all, summer vacation has long passed, the New Year holidays are still far away, and winter weather and slush are beginning to linger around.

It's time to go on excursions or recharge with solar energy in warmer climes. And prices for hotels, airlines and other services are noticeably reduced in comparison with the summer season.

A short sightseeing tour of Europe is exactly what you need. What excursion tours in Europe should I go on?

Let's look at the most common tours:

  1. Ride around medieval Bohemia . Tourists are invited to look into medieval Prague, its museums, cozy restaurants and attractions. You can visit many interesting Czech cities, including Klasterec nad Ohře, famous for its large water park. And you can take children to a huge zoo or toy museum located in Prague.
  2. On February 11, celebrations begin in German cities to mark the opening of the festival season.. These days, everyone can enjoy a variety of dishes for every taste. There are also Halloween parties where you can meet cute witches and vampires, funny and eccentric zombies with mummies.
  3. You should go to France for the celebration of the “new Beaujolais”. This is a holiday in honor of the production of young wines, which is celebrated in the city of Bozho. It is here that on the 3rd Sunday of November the so-called March of Winemakers takes place. This holiday is also celebrated in Paris, Dijon and many other cities in France.
  4. And from November 5 to 6, the British celebrate Guy Fawkes Night- the man who tried to blow up the entire parliament. It is on this night that the effigies of the traitor are coated with tar in order to burn them, and firecrackers are constantly set off in every park and public garden. You should also visit England to enjoy its beautiful architecture and attractions.
  5. The weather in southern Europe is still excellent, the approach of winter is not so noticeable. Therefore, Italy and Greece are perfect for warm excursions. You can look into Spain or Portugal. Tours to these countries become much cheaper with the end of the summer season.
  6. Scandinavian countries. For lovers of cold weather and northern culture, excellent options would be Norway, Denmark, Ireland, and you can also look into Sweden. The weather here is already slightly harsh in November, so you should stock up on warm clothes. The local land is already covered with snow, and the ski resorts are working at full capacity.
  7. In many European countries such as Sweden, Austria, and Finland February is considered the beginning of the ski season. So excursions to the main cities of these countries can be combined with a trip to the mountains.

Guy Fawkes Night in Britain

Where to go on vacation in November in Russia?

South of Russia

The south of Russia is popular for tourists and vacationers. There are many interesting places here, with beautiful sights and excellent beaches. Which resorts in southern Russia should you go to in November?

In November, there are significantly fewer vacationers in Crimea, because the sea is no longer so warm, and the weather becomes very stormy, with strong winds. You should not count on swimming in the sea or sunbathing on the beach. The temperature ranges from +15 to 10 °C during the daytime, and at night it can drop to +5 °C.

The water temperature itself is about +13 +16 °C, so only lovers of low temperatures go into the sea.

It is best to go on holiday in November South coast Crimea, to cities such as Sevastopol and Yalta. In the nearest towns, life seems to come to a standstill; most of the entertainment establishments are closed, since almost all tourists stay only in large tourist centers.

So it’s better to go on vacation to large resort centers.

Particularly popular entertainment in this weather are:

  • hiking trips;
  • bike rides;
  • fishing;
  • visiting museums, botanical gardens and various attractions.

Another popular tourist destination in the south of Russia in November is Krasnaya Polyana. In comparison with the popular resorts of Sochi and Aberdeen, Crimean prices are much more loyal. Many hotels and resorts are well equipped and have various spa centers, fitness clubs, swimming pools, etc.

The weather in this part of Russia is much more favorable, on average the temperature fluctuates between +9 + 15 °C. Since the ski season has not yet begun, tourists are mainly interested in mountain hiking, museums and active recreation.

And, of course, don’t forget about your vacation in Sochi. There are many hotels and resorts here. It's a great place to relax, no weather will interfere.

Golden ring

The Golden Ring is the main tourist route through the most famous and ancient cities of the northern part of Rus'. It is famous for a large number of historical and architectural attractions.

Not all attractions or cities may be included in a specific route, but only the most famous and largest ones. Which cities are you going to visit?

The following cities must be included in the golden ring:

  • Rostov the Great;
  • Yaroslavl;
  • Sergiev Posad;
  • Suzdal;
  • Pereyaslavl-Zalesky;
  • Kostroma;
  • Vladimir;
  • Ivanovo.

Each of these cities boasts a large number of attractions. For example, Pereslavl-Zalessky is famous for its museums and churches.

In Yaroslavl you can see the monument to the Prime Meridian, the perfectly preserved historical center of the city, and the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, as well as the “mouse museum”, “museum of music and time”, etc.

Rostov the Great will delight tourists with its incredibly beautiful white Kremlin, monastery and Russian Vertograd museum.

In Vladimir you can find a monument to white stone architecture, the Golden Gate, the Assumption Cathedral and the incredible Borodin forge. Next, travelers end up in Suzdal. Its ancient streets and Kremlin have been preserved since the 12th century and will delight architecture lovers with their beauty. There is also a museum of ancient architecture in the city, where visitors will get acquainted with the life of ordinary citizens of medieval Rus'.

Ivanovo is not as rich in historical sights as the surrounding area of ​​the city itself. In the city itself there is an interesting museum of industry and art, the Shudrovskaya Tent, the Ship House and the Eyeliner House.


In November, Moscow weather will not be conducive to active recreation or walks in parks. Where to go in November? We advise you to immediately go and see the famous Moscow sights.

We suggest starting your journey with a visit to the Diamond Fund, where you can look at the most unique and incredible examples of jewelry art. No less interesting will be excursions to the museums “Bunker 42”, the State Pushkin Museum, and the Zurab Tsereteli Art Gallery.

Also a very popular phenomenon in Moscow is museum-shops.

  • Hermitage Museum;
  • Temple of Bacchus;
  • Elisevo store;
  • Gostiny Dvor and many others.

In such universal museums you can not only admire works of art, but also buy some of the exhibits as souvenirs.

Children will definitely enjoy a trip to the Moscow Zoo. Animals from all corners of the planet are collected here, from hot shrouds and rainy jungles to cold arctic tundras. The total number of animals kept in the zoo exceeds 8 thousand.

No less interesting will be a trip to Izmailovsky Island. This is an artificially created island with many interesting museums and attractions. Among them, on the island you can visit the fabulous Izmailovo Kremlin, which simply amazes with the abundance of colors and shapes.

It was created in 2006 according to the design of a 16th century royal residence. On this territory there are several museums dedicated to the costume and life of the Russian people.

For lovers of Soviet history, we recommend visiting Red Square, Lenin's Mausoleum, the Bulgakov Museum and, of course, the planetarium. We also recommend visiting the business center of the capital - Moscow City. And for children, a visit to the Kimberly Land Water Park will be unforgettable.

Many slides, swimming pools, geysers and playgrounds will not let children get bored for a second.

When visiting St. Petersburg, we recommend going on excursions to the most famous sights of the city. The northern capital is especially famous for its architecture. In November, for example, you can take great photos with drawbridges.

Autumn weather and night illumination beautifully transform St. Petersburg bridges.

Among the attractions that stand out are:

  • Alexander Theatre, Peterhof and Alexander Nevsky Lavra. These buildings amaze with their beauty and scale. The Great Cascade of Peterhof is one of the largest fountain complexes in the world.
  • We recommend visiting the State Museum in St. Petersburg. It contains the world's largest collection of Russian art and has more than 300 thousand exhibits demonstrating the culture of Rus' in the flesh since the 11th century.
  • Of course, you should definitely visit the Palace Square located near the Winter Palace. The scale and size here are simply amazing. The thief himself was the residence Russian Emperors up to 1904. No building in the Russian Empire could compare with the richness and variety of architecture of the Winter Palace.
  • You should also definitely visit the St. Petersburg Kunstkamera which contains samples of the culture and life of different peoples of the world. Also in November, the city hosts various festivals and master classes.
  • We recommend viewing the poster and go to one of the theaters.


November in Russia is famous for its not very pleasant weather. Of course, holidays at seaside resorts are no longer available, but you can treat yourself and your loved ones with a trip to one of the Caucasian sanatoriums. The local nature will only contribute to the strengthening and healing of the body.

Most sanatoriums are located near sources of healing mineral waters; your vacation will be even more beneficial.

Let's look at the most famous resorts in the Caucasus:

  1. Kislovodsk is the second favorite resort of Russians after the city of Sochi. The local sanatoriums are famous for their balneological procedures and healing springs. Kislovodsk itself has the largest number of health resorts in the entire Caucasus region.
  2. The second most popular resort town in the Caucasus is Zheleznovodsk. It is located at the foot of Iron Mountain and is included in the famous ecological region of the Caucasian mineral waters. There are many balneological sanatoriums in the city and its surroundings.
  3. The city of Essentuki is no less popular in terms of recreation.. There are also a large number of sanatoriums and health resorts here. But first of all, the city is known both in Russia and in the world for its mineral water Essentuki 17. This healing water has been familiar to many since childhood and is the standard of high-quality mineral water.
  4. Pyatigorsk It is also the most diversified of all the cities of the Caucasus. Here you can engage in active tourism and educational excursions. But at the same time, Pyatigorsk is famous for its balneological sanatoriums. After all, it is the oldest medical resort in Russia. In medical practice they are used as medicinal properties local mineral waters and general natural factors.

Below is a video about the photographer’s journey through the Caucasus.

Moscow region

Vacationers in the Moscow region mainly choose fishing, picnics or weekend tours. Fishing in the Moscow region is divided into paid and free hobbies. For lovers of free fishing, there are many nuances and prohibitions.

For example, fishing during spawning is prohibited. The use of traps and nets is prohibited, and the car must be left at least 200 meters from the reservoir in order to avoid a serious fine. Where to go fishing?

The most popular places are:

  • Pyalovskoye Reservoir;
  • Moskva river;
  • Pirogovskoye Reservoir;
  • Khimki reservoir;
  • Oka River;
  • Pirogovskoe reservoir.

Paid fishing is available to everyone at various fishing bases. The chance of catching some kind of fish is much greater, because reservoirs are populated specifically for this purpose. Such pleasure will cost approximately 400-600 rub. .

The second popular entertainment is weekend tours. A very popular tour is Arkhangelskoye, the former princely estate. This huge palace has many interesting sculptures, a park area and a museum of decorative arts.

A tour to Colomina will allow you to get to the preserved part ancient history. Vacationers can book excursions around the ancient town, the 16th century Kremlin and stroll along the local beaches. Another popular route runs through the city of Mozhaisk. The local Kremlin has been preserved since the 12th century. The town has many temples and beautiful architectural landmarks. And local sanatoriums located near the shores of the Mozhaisk Reservoir are among the most popular vacation spots for residents of the Capital.

And, of course, many want to go to the Moscow region to barbecue and relax in pure nature. Most often, residents of the capital choose Serebryany Bor for these purposes. The number of small cozy gazebos with attached barbecues is constantly increasing here.

The nature here is very beautiful and there is a stunning view of the deep lake. The Klyazminskoye and Istra reservoirs are no less popular. On their shores there are many recreation areas with gazebos, playgrounds and sports grounds, and of course well-groomed beaches.

Visa-free holidays on the seas

Many Russians, having visited their native seaside resorts, want to discover the seas of other countries. But the visa barrier often becomes an insurmountable obstacle that prevents you from having a good rest in sunny resorts. In total, more than 30 countries open their beaches and cities to Russian citizens.

Vietnam - whitish-pink beaches are available to Russians for 15 days. To go on holiday to Vietnam in November for a long period of time, you must apply for a visa.

Georgia will allow the whole family to relax at least for a whole year at its famous resorts in Adjara.

Let's consider the countries where you can go on vacation in November with a visa-free regime for 1 month:

  • Indonesia;
  • Thailand;
  • Montenegro;

Visa-free stay up to 3 months is available in the following countries:

  • Tunisia;
  • Abkhazia;
  • Albania;
  • Israel.

You can get quick visas to Egypt and India, costing $25 and $60 respectively.

The following countries are located on other continents. Therefore, the flight itself will cost a large sum.

You should go on vacation in November with a visa-free regime for a month in:

  • Antigua and Barbuda;
  • Barbados;
  • Vanuatu;
  • Hong Kong;
  • Dominican Republic;
  • Cuba;
  • Costa Rica;
  • Maldives;
  • Malaysia;
  • Seychelles and Jamaica.

A visa-free holiday for 90 days for Russian citizens is available in the following countries:

  • Fiji;
  • Colombia;
  • Grenada;
  • Haiti;
  • Venezuela;
  • Brazil.

Ski resorts

In November, snow does not appear in all ski resorts.

If you want to go on vacation early and go skiing or snowboarding, then this is a list of resorts for you:

  1. Sölden in Austria;
  2. Val Thorens in France;
  3. Tignes is also in France;
  4. Sas-fe in Switzerland;
  5. Zermatt is also in Switzerland.

The most popular and famous European ski resort, of course, is Sölden. It is located in the Austrian town of Tyrol in the valley of the Ötztal Alps. The ski season here has already been open since the beginning of October, even if it turns out to be a snowless year throughout Europe.

The complex is equipped with powerful, modern systems artificial snow, and a large number of trails. There are trails here for both beginners and professional skiers. And for lovers of extreme entertainment, three mountain peaks of 3000 meters in height are available.

Sölden has many restaurants and cafes, as well as special ski schools for children. A variety of entertainment and wellness treatments are also available.

The second most popular European ski resort is Saas-Fee. It is located in the Swiss Alps and is surrounded by thirteen mountain peaks, with a height of at least 4 thousand meters. In total, the resort has 36 ski slopes, with a total length of more than 100 km.

There are also trails for every taste. The total length of the trails for beginners is about 40 km, and the difficult trails for extreme riding are 10 km.

You can also go on vacation in November to the French resort of Val Thorens. It is one of the most popular resorts, located at an altitude of more than 2 km above sea level. The ski season in Val Thorens begins in November. Val Thorens is considered one of the largest ski resorts in the world, covering an area of ​​more than 600 km. And the total number of slopes is about 80. On the territory of the resort itself there are many playgrounds, snow parks, cafeterias and restaurants.

The second no less popular French resort is Tignes. Previously, the French Paralympic team trained here. Now it is the most famous and popular resort in France.

Every year new sports and entertainment facilities appear here. The resort itself consists of 3 parts surrounding the lake. And since good snow in Tignes appears in September, by November the resort is already well filled with vacationers.

There is a wide variety of ski slopes here. Among which two are intended for sledding, ring trails and snow parks. In total, there are about 150 ski slopes.

Another popular Swiss resort is Zermatt. The quality of equipment on the local slopes attracts experienced skiers and snowboarders. The local slopes are more suitable for experienced and professional skiers.

Zermatt has enough trails for amateurs too. The resort itself is famous for its beautiful natural landscapes and observation platforms. In total, an area of ​​360 km is allocated for skiing at the resort.

Where to go on vacation in November inexpensively?

There are two ways to have an inexpensive holiday in November: holidays in Russia and holidays abroad in budget countries with visa-free entry. For the first method, sanatoriums and health resorts located mainly in the Caucasus region are suitable.

The local nature, healing mud and mineral waters contribute to easy relaxation and rapid healing of the body.

The best option for a holiday would be a boarding house in Sochi near the sea. The maritime climate has a beneficial effect on people, while in November the weather is not so cold and you can have a great time. The next inexpensive option is a river tour.

You can order a tourist trip along the Volga, Oka, Don or others large rivers. Fishing lovers will really enjoy their holiday on Lake Baikal.

As for holidays abroad, you should count on visa-free travel.

The most popular destinations are the countries near the Black Sea coast:

  • Georgia;
  • Abkhazia;
  • Bulgaria;

Sightseeing tours around Europe are also very popular. Tours to the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Germany, Italy and France are mainly popular.

Holidays in November with a child

November is the month of autumn school holidays; you can go on vacation with your children and the whole family. It is best to go on a trip to children's amusement parks in November.


  1. For young schoolchildren Disneyland is suitable;
  2. And older teenagers will be more interested in Port Aventura. Both of these establishments are located in France.
  3. Boys, take us to the museums of famous automobile companies: BMW, Mercedes, Ferrari. Trips to various museums of military and maritime affairs will be interesting.
  4. Visiting medieval European castles, in which a boy can hold a real sword in his hands or put on amateur chain mail and it will be completely unforgettable.
  5. Beautiful Castles and luxurious palaces girls will like it. In such places, girls can feel like princesses. Among them, Edinburgh Castle, Neuschwanstein in Bavaria, Windsor Castle in England, Mont Saint-Michel and Chenonceau Castle in France, Hluboká, Ceske Budejovice in the Czech Republic, and Coca Castle in Segovia in Spain stand out.
  6. Canary Islands and Tenerife Island. For children, Siam Park, Jungle Park, Monkey Park, Loro Park will be interesting.

Since the weather in November is not warm, you certainly won’t be able to go to the sea, unless you go to distant warm countries. Great holiday with water procedures can be organized in water parks. These exist both in Russia and in many European countries.

Czech and Bulgarian Water Parks are popular among European countries. And in Russia, the best water parks are located in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Sochi.

Festivals and holidays in November

In November, various holidays and festivals are held in European countries.

Therefore, a tourist trip can be adjusted to coincide with the beginning of the celebrations:

  1. In Germany, the opening of the carnival season begins in Dusseldorf and Cologne. These celebrations last until the beginning of Lent. And near the town of Darmstadt, large-scale Halloween celebrations are held in the forest. Bloodthirsty vampires and pretty witches walk the streets of the city.
  2. And in Spain, All Saints Day is celebrated on November 1st.. Moreover, each region has its own special traditions for the celebration. In the south of the country, the city of Seville hosts a European cinema festival. And in Andalusia there is a famous olive festival.
  3. The World Jazz Festival is celebrated in Madrid in mid-November.. And in the Swiss city of Lucerne there is a Blues Festival.
  4. Italy is not far behind in this regard.. Celebrated here are the white truffle fair, the wine festival, the autumn, chestnut and olive oil festivals.
  5. The French have their own wine festival, it is celebrated in the city of Bozho. French winemakers have a real march dedicated to this day, at the end of which at midnight all the wines are opened and the celebration begins.
  6. Britain celebrates the defeat of Guy Fawkes, which almost burned down the parliament building. This day is celebrated with constant fireworks, salutes and the burning of straw effigies of the traitor.

Before the start of Christmas sales, a great lighting ceremony is held in European capitals and major cities. After which the Christmas market opens in Vienna.

Honeymoon in November

When planning a honeymoon, a reasonable question becomes where to celebrate your honeymoon. And cold November days are not a big problem. After all, the world is a big place, and many countries are ready to welcome a new couple of newlyweds.

Cold and rainy Russia is not suitable for such events.

The most suitable countries for a honeymoon are the following sea countries:

  • Maldives;
  • India;
  • Seychelles;
  • Jamaica;
  • Bali.

Just in November, the warm season with minimal precipitation begins in these countries. For lovers of hot countries, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and the Dominican Republic are suitable. And for those who want to unite Honeymoon For an active holiday, you can try going to Thailand, Cuba, Malaysia or Singapore.


November is a great month to travel to exotic countries.

The most exotic are considered:

  • India;
  • Maldives;
  • Thailand;
  • Seychelles;
  • Mexico;

Let's consider them in more detail. For example, in India and Goa the beach season begins, you can relax and swim in the warm Ocean. There will be no need to worry about a large influx of tourists. November is also a great time to travel to the Maldives.

Here you can visit famous resorts on different islands. Each island has unique features. The Maldives will amaze you with its clean beaches and endless blue ocean.

The Seychelles Islands are no less popular in November. If you go to the Seychelles in November, you can find sunny weather on the islands. The likelihood of storms or hurricanes is minimal. So the weather will not be an obstacle to a good rest.

In the Seychelles in November you can go diving and watch the beautiful coral reefs.

In November - December you can go on vacation to Mexico and Cuba. The dry season begins here, the days are warm and sunny. Slight chance of storms. And get ready for long acclimatization due to high humidity.

Another great option for a November holiday is French Polynesia. It is in November that the wet season begins here. Temperatures of +27 +30 °C will last until the end of March.

For most people, the month of November is associated with cold and winter. And let this be the last autumn month, but the weather suggests that it’s already winter, and it’s time to think about how to keep warm. Why think? After all, you can pack up and fly to warm lands, where it’s sunny and hot, like in summer. Not many people know that a holiday at sea abroad in November is possible. We will tell you where to relax warmly and inexpensively in 2016 in this article. Take a look and choose your place in the sun!

Thailand – warm and without a visa
It happens that a vacation is not planned in advance, but spontaneously. And in such cases there is no time to obtain a visa. What to do? How about packing up and flying to Thailand!

Tourists can stay in Thailand for 30 days without applying for a visa. This time is enough to relax and enjoy the weather and warm sea.
By the way, about the weather and the sea. In November, the rainy season ends in Thailand. The sun shines almost all day, and the air warms up to +30 degrees. the winds calm down, there are no waves on the sea. Tourists with children fly here, because there are all conditions for children here. Local hotels are equipped with playgrounds, children's pools and Russian-speaking nannies. And it’s not so hot yet, you can go to the sea with your children.

Vietnam - cheap but beautiful!
Holidays in Vietnam are cheaper than in any other country in Asia. But that doesn't mean it's the worst here. On the contrary, Vietnam is a beautiful country where there is everything for tourists.

In November, there are no more than 6 cloudy days in the southern part of the country. From the bottom 3-4 rainy days. This is an excellent indicator, because all other days are sunny and warm. During the day the air warms up to +26 degrees and above. Sometimes it’s even hot, +33 degrees. The nights are cool, but not below +15 degrees.
Vacationing in Vietnam is a pleasure. The hotels are modern and no more than 10 years old. After all, the country only recently began to engage in tourism, and everything here is being built from scratch. The beaches are clean, as are the ocean waters. Each beach has a cafe that sells local delicious food. If you are bored, you can rent a yacht or a small boat and sail along the coast of Vietnam and see its beauty.

Israel – both relaxation and treatment.
At this time of year, people fly to Israel not so much for vacation as for treatment. After all, a simple swim in the Dead Sea helps cure many diseases.

The average air temperature across the country in November is +24 degrees. The water in the seas is warm and comfortable to swim in. Tourists also visit Israel to see the sights and enjoy the beauty of the ancient country.
Our tourists love Israel very much. After all, the average cost of a trip is only 500 US dollars, which is good news.

Goa is a beach all year round.
To be honest, you can relax on the coast of Goa all year round. The main thing is to know in which areas and when it rains and gets cold.

In November in Goa the sea warms up to +29 degrees. and the air even reaches +33 degrees. This temperature means that there are many tourists here. There are almost 95% of sunny days in the last autumn month, and this cannot but rejoice. It rains extremely rarely, although it cannot be completely ruled out. There are thunderstorms at night. And if you love light shows, then you will definitely love this.
If you decide to visit Goa, then it is best to go to the south of the state. There are clean beaches, beautiful hotels and normal vacationers. But northern Goa is visited by lovers of music and nightlife. You are unlikely to be able to rest peacefully here.