Dishes made with whey. What to cook from whey: the best recipes and recommendations. Serum in cosmetology

Whey is the product remaining after making cottage cheese. Some housewives are in no hurry to throw it away, but use it to make pancakes or pancakes, but not everyone knows that it can be used not only in cooking, but also in home cosmetology, as well as for maintaining health.

The product contains approximately 93.7% water, with the remaining 6.3% being the best of what milk contains.

The main part of whey solids is lactose or so-called milk sugar. It has long been known that this is the “optimal” carbohydrate that does not contribute to the formation of unwanted fats. The proteins contained in the composition are complete proteins, including a balanced set of essential amino acids. Whey proteins are truly needed by the body, because they take an active part in the synthesis of liver proteins and the process of hematopoiesis.

The serum contains an almost complete line of B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, C, E, biotin for healthy skin, hair and nails, nicotinic acid for lowering cholesterol and choline, which supports the health of the nervous system and ensures brain function. The high calcium content helps strengthen bones and teeth. Probiotic bacteria normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and easily digestible milk fat stimulates enzyme activity.

Whey is rich in magnesium, without sufficient consumption of which even a healthy heart can “fail.” In addition, it is necessary for all pregnant and lactating women in amounts from 310 to 350 mg. per day depending on age.

The benefits of serum in the autumn-winter period

It’s unlikely that any of us starts the morning with a cup of whey instead of the more usual tea or coffee, and a plate of cottage cheese for breakfast is also an infrequent occurrence. But starting the day with dairy products is incredibly healthy, especially in the cold season.

Dairy products contain nutrients, which the body really lacks in winter period. This is especially true for vitamin E, which plays a vital role in the metabolism of microelements such as calcium and phosphorus. With a lack of vitamin D (especially in the cold season, when the sun is hidden by clouds most of the time) in children younger age rickets develops. Good sources of this vitamin are whey, as well as milk, cheese and butter.

Beneficial properties of whey

The product helps in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system - it normalizes the intestinal microflora, preventing the formation of gases.

Whey-based drinks have a positive effect on a person’s emotional state - this is due to the large amount of B vitamins. Therefore, whey can serve as a “comfort” drink.

The role of whey in therapeutic nutrition can hardly be overestimated, especially for older people. Drinking before meals, it stimulates the digestive glands and is perfect for people suffering from gastritis with low acidity.

Whey proteins are used to make baby food because their composition is similar to that of breast milk proteins.

Serum for beauty and health of hair

The rich composition of this dairy product has long been appreciated by many women, using it as the main component of natural cosmetics for hair. The serum perfectly nourishes and moisturizes strands and can be used not only as part of masks, but even as a base for shampoo, and also as a rinse in a mixture with herbal decoctions.

Simple recipes with whey:

Natural shampoo with serum and black bread

Brown bread – ½ slice

Whey – ½ cup

Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained, distribute through the hair, gently massaging the scalp, leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. The shampoo is ideal for owners of dry and normal hair.

Whey mask to moisturize dry and normal hair

Heat the serum to 37ºC, apply to the roots and strands, put on a shower cap, and insulate the head with a towel. After half an hour, apply a new portion of heated serum to your hair and massage your scalp with your fingertips for 5 minutes. The mask should be washed off without using shampoo with hot running water.

Youthful and healthy skin with whey

Today, more and more serum-based cosmetics are appearing on store shelves, and for good reason.

In its composition, scientists discovered low-molecular proteins that regulate the processes of cell growth and restoration. Not only does it have antioxidant activity, slowing down the aging process, its anti-aging properties make it a unique and, most importantly, natural cosmetic product.

In addition, it has been scientifically proven that a drop of milk contains about a million tiny “bubbles” of fat, rich in vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids and lecithin. Penetrating the skin, they nourish and smooth it. By washing your face with milk serum, you will help your skin maintain its smoothness and beauty. long years. This procedure is especially relevant in autumn-winter period, when the skin especially needs nutrients.

Secrets of Roman beauties

To preserve the beauty of the skin, the ancient Romans made a mask based on whey and pea flour or chopped green peas. Why peas? It has been proven to prevent aging due to a large number antioxidants, and in combination with serum gives an excellent effect.

You can enhance the effect of the mask by adding a little grape and carrot juice and letting the cosmetic composition sit for half an hour.

Making the skin of your hands soft and tender with whey

If the skin of your hands has become rough, baths that should be done twice a week will help restore its softness and beauty.

Juice sauerkraut– half a glass

Whey - glass

You need to keep your hands in the resulting mixture for half an hour, then lubricate them with a rich cream; at night you can put on cotton cosmetic gloves. By the way, if you boiled potatoes the day before, do not pour out the remaining liquid - it can be added to the whey and cabbage juice.

What can be made from whey?

Today, manufacturers offer many healthy and tasty whey-based drinks. At home, whey can be used to make cocktails and original desserts that have healing properties that preserve youth and a slim figure.

To make a health drink, simply combine pre-strained whey with fruit or vegetable juices or herbal extracts.

Whey in cooking - simple recipes:

Chocolate cocktail

Whey – 1 liter

Sugar – 150 gr.

Cocoa powder – 1 tablespoon

Mix the ingredients in a blender - a delicious and healthy cocktail is ready!

Vegetable drink

Whey – 2 cups

Vegetable broth – ½ cup

Brine – ½ cup

Sour cream – ½ cup

Salt and sugar to taste

Mix the saturated chilled vegetable broth with whey, brine and sour cream, stir, add salt and sugar to taste.

Whey jelly for children

Whey – 2 cups

Gelatin – ½ tablespoon

Syrup, jam and fruit to taste

It's no secret that children love sweets, and parents are constantly faced with a dilemma - they want to please the baby and at the same time make his diet as healthy as possible. By preparing whey-based jelly and offering it to your baby, you can “kill two birds with one stone.”

Heat the whey to a temperature of 70-80˚C, add half a tablespoon of gelatin dissolved in a small amount of water, sugar, syrup or jam to taste. Place the fruit in the mold, pour the resulting jelly and leave in a cool place.

Whey is truly a wonderful gift of nature for our health and beauty. This is a product unique in its properties that can support the body’s strength and help maintain youth and beauty of skin and hair.

Whey is a milk byproduct that is formed when milk is curdled and filtered. This process occurs during the production of cheeses and cottage cheese, as well as churning butter. Even though it is a non-essential product, the serum is very beneficial. It contains lactose and milk sugar, vitamins and probiotic bacteria. It is widely used in cooking. A good housewife will prepare both a main course and a dessert from whey.

Whey bread in a slow cooker

To make whey bread, use:

  • half a liter of whey;
  • 650 g wheat flour;
  • 25 g fresh yeast;
  • 50 g vegetable or butter;
  • 2 teaspoons salt;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar.
  1. To prepare the starter, dilute sugar with yeast in a small volume of heated whey.
  2. As soon as bubbles appear in the dough, add the remaining whey, warm oil and salt. After this, stir in the sifted flour and knead the dough.
  3. Place it in a floured multicooker container until it rises. To do this, activate the “Multi-cook” function for 60 minutes at 35ºC.
  4. After this time, select the “Bake” function for 50 minutes. After the beep sounds, turn the loaf of bread over in the pan and bake for another 25 minutes.
  5. Remove the baked loaf from the mold and leave to cool.

Okroshka with whey

To prepare cold soup, take:

  • 2 l of whey;
  • 5 boiled potatoes in their jackets;
  • 4 hard-boiled eggs;
  • 200 g radish;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • a pinch of citric acid or fresh lemon juice;
  • fresh herbs;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 300 g boiled sausage;
  • salt.

Cut vegetables, eggs, sausage and herbs into small cubes. Combine the ingredients in a large saucepan, season with sour cream and let them brew for 15 minutes. Add whey, salt and acid to taste to the container. Chill the whey okroshka in the refrigerator.

Cinnamon rolls with whey

List of required products and components:

  • 250 g wheat flour;
  • 3 g dry yeast;
  • 150 ml of serum;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of butter;
  • 60 g dry cream;
  • salt;
  • 200 ml fat milk.
  1. Mix the dry ingredients: yeast, sifted flour, a pinch of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. Pour in warm whey and vegetable oil. Then add half the beaten egg.
  2. Knead the dough and let it rest for 1-1.5 hours in a warm place.
  3. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 0.5 cm and brush it with melted butter. Combine 3 tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon, and then sprinkle the rolled out dough with this mixture. Roll the workpiece into a roll and cut into discs 2-2.5 cm thick.
  4. Place the buns on parchment to proof for 15 minutes. Brush them with the remaining half of the beaten egg. Bake at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.
  5. While the buns are in the oven, prepare the glaze. To do this, pour the dry cream into the milk and beat with a mixer until foamy. Let the baked goods cool and then apply the glaze.

On serum. There are many different recipes based on this product. They are all quite simple, and the result is wonderful baked goods. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

Budget Recipe

Every housewife prefers to cook something tasty from ordinary products, without purchasing expensive overseas ingredients. And why spend extra money if there are plenty of them? In addition, whey cookies are prepared quickly and easily.


  1. Sunflower oil - 65 g.
  2. Vanillin.
  3. Whey - 70 g.
  4. Soda - 6 grams.
  5. Flour - 190 grams.
  6. Sugar - 65 grams.

Making cookies with whey

In the whey, you should quench the soda and add oil and vanillin. Separately, combine it with sugar. Combine all ingredients together and mix the mixture.

Prepare a baking sheet by greasing it with margarine or butter. Using a teaspoon, place small balls of dough on it. Cookies are baked for about 25 minutes at a temperature of 185 degrees. the serum is ready.

Poppy cookies with whey


  1. Flour - 220 g.
  2. Whey - 70 g.
  3. Poppy - 70 g.
  4. Soda - 5 g.
  5. Refined oil - 55 g.
  6. Powdered sugar (used for decoration) - 25 g.
  7. Sugar - 65 g.

In serum room temperature extinguish the soda, add sunflower oil and poppy seeds. Sift the flour to enrich it with oxygen and mix with sugar. Combine all the ingredients and then knead the dough thoroughly. It should turn out elastic and elastic.

Next, roll it out into a layer about eight millimeters thick. Use a cookie cutter to cut out cookies. We put parchment on a baking sheet and you can lay out the preparations on it. Preheat the oven and bake the whey cookies for fifteen minutes at 180 degrees.

Cookies with tangerine juice

Whey-based cookies have a beautiful red hue and a citrus flavor. To prepare it, we will prepare the following products:

  1. Whey - 85 grams.
  2. Flour - 240 grams.
  3. Soda - 5 grams.
  4. Sugar - 45 grams.
  5. Refined oil - 50 grams.
  6. Tangerine juice - 65 grams.
  7. Tangerine peel - 35 grams.

Pour the whey into a bowl and add sugar and butter. Whisk the mixture. Next, add flour and soda. Mix all ingredients well. Then pour tangerine juice into the dough and add tangerine zest. Mix everything again.

The dough should be sticky, and we will form the cookies with a spoon. Next, place the parchment on a baking sheet and place the baked goods on it. Please note that the cookies will expand slightly during baking. Preheat the oven and place a baking sheet there.

Our whey cookies are ready. Recipes for such baking are good because they are quick to prepare. In addition, they are prepared using products that are always in the house, which means they can be made at any time.

Crispy whey cookies

Whey is good because you can always diversify it by adding some ingredients, for example, raisins, nuts, dried apricots. We present to your attention one of these options:

We extinguish the soda in the warm whey and pour in the oil. Add chopped nuts and raisins, sugar, mix everything. If you like, you can omit sugar or just sprinkle it on top of the dough. Nuts and raisins can be replaced with coconut shavings and candied fruits. Next, add flour in separate parts, gradually mixing the ingredients. The dough should be quite soft and at the same time not stick to your hands. Then we roll it into a shortcake and cut out cookies. The thinner the dough, the crispier the baked goods will be. Place the pieces on a baking sheet with parchment and bake for fifteen minutes until golden brown.

Oat cookies

You can cook with whey oat cookies no oil.


  1. Sugar - 45 grams.
  2. Oatmeal - 85 grams.
  3. Spread - 50 grams.
  4. Soda - 6 grams.
  5. Whey - 35 grams.
  6. Flour - 85 grams.
  7. Vanillin.

The spread needs to be softened and ground with sugar. Then add whey, egg, vanillin. Beat the resulting mass with a whisk.

Mix the oatmeal with soda and flour, and then pour it into the egg-sugar mixture. The dough will be quite soft, you will have to shape it with a spoon. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and lay out the dough. Cookies are baked for no more than 20 minutes.

Nut baked goods


  1. ½ cup nuts.
  2. Whey - 95 grams.
  3. Vegetable oil - 45 grams.
  4. Orange peel.
  5. Sugar - 45 grams.
  6. A glass of flour.
  7. Soda - 5 grams.

Mix warm whey with vegetable oil, add grated zest.

Sift the flour into a separate bowl and add sugar and vanillin. Combine all ingredients in one bowl and knead the dough. It should be cool, but at the same time elastic. Next, roll it out and cut it into rectangles. Sprinkle each cookie with nuts and lightly press them into the dough. Next, bake the pieces.

Preparation of whey

You can prepare so many wonderful baking options using whey that it makes sense for any housewife to adopt similar recipes. From simple ingredients you can bake a treat for your loved ones at any time.

As for whey, you can prepare it yourself from regular milk. To do this, you should put it on the window so that it sours there. Next, pour the sour product into a saucepan and place it in a water bath. The mixture should be brought to a boil, stirring regularly. Then drain the whey through a sieve. And the resulting cottage cheese can be used for food. Whey is generally an irreplaceable thing in the household, and it has no equal in baking.

Whey cracker

If you think that only sweet cookies can be made with whey, then you are very mistaken. We would like to offer you a recipe for making saltine crackers.


  1. Vegetable oil - 65 grams.
  2. Whey - 85 grams.
  3. Salt.
  4. Baking powder.
  5. Flour - 260 grams.
  6. Ground pepper - 6 grams.

The whey is heated, then soda and baking powder are dissolved in it. Add oil and mix everything thoroughly. Salt and pepper are poured into the flour, the whole mixture is poured into the whey. Then a tight dough is kneaded, it is rolled out into a layer and cookies are cut out with a cookie cutter. Place the preparations on a baking sheet with parchment. Grease the tops of the crackers with milk. In fifteen minutes the crispy miracle is ready.

IN folk medicine there are many recipes,

in which the main component is whey, here, for example, are some of them.

. For varicose veins: 1 tsp. mint pour 100 ml boil. After 20 minutes, strain and mix the infusion with an equal amount of whey. Take the mixture 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

As a prophylactic for frequent headaches The whey is taken orally at least a glass a day.

. For hemorrhoids you need to drink 200-400 ml of whey on an empty stomach.

. Purgation: to the glass

whey add 2 tsp. salt, stir and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. *

. For constipation mix 100 ml of freshly squeezed carrot juice with an equal amount of whey. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

To get rid of heel spurs, you need to keep your feet in a heated serum for half an hour every day.

. For bronchitis and cough The serum promotes the removal of viscous mucus. You can simply drink 100 ml of whey 3-4 times during the day. Or boil a tablespoon of crushed wheatgrass root in 250-300 ml of whey and take 100 ml 3-4 times a day before meals.

. For carbon monoxide poisoning You need to tie your head with a cloth soaked in serum.

To cleanse blood vessels, take 100-120 ml of serum 3-4 times a day.

. For urolithiasis You need to drink a glass of whey throughout the day.

. For seborrhea Apply gauze pads soaked in serum to the affected areas for 2 hours. Then rinse the skin with calendula decoction.

. Skin cracks They pass quickly if you take baths of slightly warmed whey for 30-40 minutes every day.

Scientists have proven that the composition of this dairy product is similar to mother’s milk, which determines its use in baby food. Chemical composition includes all the components necessary for the body. There are various minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other substances. All this leads to a number of beneficial actions for the body.

The healing properties of cottage cheese whey:

1. Helps strengthen the body’s protective functions, which allows a person to more easily endure the spread of viral infections and fight colds;

2. Such a liquid is useful for the digestive system, as it helps restore its functioning. The properties of this dairy product help restore the intestinal mucosa and microflora. Use is recommended for gastritis and constipation;

3. Properties help restore water-salt balance. This product helps remove excess water and cope with swelling;

4. It is useful to drink such a drink if you have problems at work. of cardio-vascular system, as well as hypertensive patients. The substances included in the composition remove harmful cholesterol from the body;

5. Another important property is that the liquid has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, which means it can be used for depression and stress;

6. The liquid is also useful for those who want to cope with excess weight, since it suppresses appetite. The contained beneficial substances will compensate for their deficiency in the body during the diet.

How to prepare the drink?

The recipe is simple. Pour 1 liter of pasteurized milk into a saucepan and place on fire. As soon as the milk begins to boil, add the juice of 1 lemon, stir quickly and remove from heat. The milk will separate into whey and curds.

Separate them from each other using a fine sieve or gauze - the product is ready. Almost all salts and microelements, almost all vitamins pass from milk into whey.

Whey jelly improves digestion and skin condition.

2.5 glasses of juice of any fruit or berries, 1 glass of whey, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of starch. Combine the whey with fruit or berry juice, add sugar, and boil. Enter divorced cold water starch, bring to a boil. Pour into glasses and sprinkle granulated sugar on top.

Kvass from whey

strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on nervous system, stimulates brain activity, strengthens the heart muscle and bones.

For 5 liters of whey, 1 glass of sugar, 50 g of yeast. Pour the whey into a large enamel pan and heat over low heat to 40°C. Pour sugar into the whey and add yeast diluted in a small amount of warm whey, mix well until the sugar and yeast are completely dissolved. Put in warm place to ferment for 6 hours, then refrigerate.

Whey drink strengthens cardiovascular and muscular system, bones, improves vision .

3 glasses of whey, 3 carrots, sugar - to taste. Peel the carrots, wash them and pass them through a juicer. Combine the whey with carrot juice and sugar. Stir and pour into glasses - the whey drink is ready.

Whey jelly. 2 cups whey, 1/2 tbsp. spoons of pre-soaked gelatin, berries, syrup or jam, sugar - to taste. Strain the whey, heat to 70-80°C, add gelatin, berries, syrup or jam, granulated sugar. Pour the mixture into molds and place in a cool place - the delicacy is ready.


My legs were so numb that I couldn’t walk without a cane. The doctors no longer knew how to help. I remembered how my mother was treated with serum.

I started buying a liter or two and pouring it into a three-liter jar (the more acidic this dairy product, the better). Every evening I heated a liter of serum and steamed my feet for about five minutes, adding hot water from time to time. After the procedure, I let my skin dry and went to bed.

In the morning, I washed my feet and massaged them thoroughly, took contrast baths: I poured cold and hot water into two basins, put my feet first in one, counted to five, then in the other. And so - for 5-7 minutes.

Then she dried it with a towel and thoroughly rubbed in camphor oil, massaging the foot. I put on clean socks and didn’t take them off all day. And in the evening I heated the serum again...

Milk serum:

- improves liver and kidney function, has a diuretic effect;

- stimulates intestinal function;

— removes excess fluid from the body, and with it waste and toxins;

— normalizes blood circulation, helps in the fight against atherosclerosis;

- reduces inflammatory processes in the body;

- calms the nervous system;

— cleanses the skin;

- useful for pregnant women.

You need to drink 1 glass of whey 1-3 times a day before meals.

Okroshka made with whey is very tasty, and borscht made from young beets with whey is simply delicious!

Whey is useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This:

— chronic gastritis with decreased secretory function;

— chronic pancreatitis with secretory insufficiency (an excellent substitute for Mezim and Festal);

— chronic enteritis, dysbacteriosis, constipation;

- liver diseases;

— food toxic infections (poisoning).

The serum is useful for kidney inflammation - pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis.

Whey is indispensable in the treatment of the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease), useful in the post-infarction period, for hypertension, and for cardiovascular failure.

The serum will also help with vascular pathology of the brain (cerebral atherosclerosis, cerebrovascular accident).

The serum normalizes the functioning of all endocrine glands, and is especially useful for people suffering from diabetes and thyroid disorders.

The serum has a remarkable effect on inflammation of the respiratory tract (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia).

Women's diseases (all inflammations of the female genital area, cervical erosion, thrush, herpes) are also treated with serum.

At skin diseases(oily skin, demodicosis, diathesis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis) the serum is taken internally, and compresses are also applied: a cloth soaked in warm serum is applied to the sore spot. And so that the liquid does not drain, they cover the top with cellophane and insulate it with a woolen scarf. The compress is applied overnight, the course of treatment continues until recovery.

My mother, Maria Stepanovna, recalls that in the past, women’s inflammations were successfully treated with serum compresses by applying a compress to the lower abdomen.

For pneumonia, such a compress should be placed on the back and chest, for diseases of the throat and thyroid gland - on the neck, and swelling of the legs can be reduced with compresses on the lower extremities.

To strengthen gums and teeth, add 5 drops of apple cider vinegar to a spoonful of serum, rinse your mouth, spit, and so on 3 times. Then dissolve a piece of butter in your mouth to consolidate the result. Also spit out the oil. Do this 2 times a day.

Whey drinks can be included in therapeutic diets.

For diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system, obesity, strain the whey through a thick sieve, wash the tomatoes and squeeze out the juice, combine it with the whey, add finely chopped dill, season with salt and sugar to taste.

Requires 3 cups of whey, 2 tbsp. finely chopped dill, juice from 100 g tomatoes, salt, sugar.

At diabetes mellitus, obesity, diseases of the cardiovascular system, elevated temperature, strain the whey through a thick sieve, wash the cucumber, peel it, finely chop it into strips or grate it on a vegetable grater, put it in the whey along with washed and finely chopped dill and green onions. Add salt and sugar to taste.

Requires 3 cups of whey, 1 medium cucumber, 1 tbsp. finely chopped dill, 1 tbsp. finely chopped green onions, salt, sugar.

If you use anti-wrinkle creams, I recommend that before applying the cream, first apply the serum and then the cream. A few drops of the serum are enough and should be applied with light movements. Thanks to the serum, the effect of creams will increase, because... it penetrates into the deepest layers of the skin, helping to carry with it all the nutrients and necessary substances from creams. To enhance absorption, lightly pat the skin with your fingertips.


Whey contains minerals and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the body and are very useful for improving and healing the structure of the hair and scalp.


Heat 100 ml of whey to 36-37°C. soak a cotton pad in it and apply to face and décolleté. After drying completely, wash with warm water.

Serum medicinal properties- effect: eliminates oily shine, gives the skin a matte tint, tones and cleanses.


3 tbsp. l. mix 20% fat cottage cheese with 3 tbsp. l. whey, apply to previously cleansed skin and rinse after 10 minutes. Instead of water for washing, you can use warm green tea.

Serum has medicinal properties - effect: whitens facial skin and helps in the fight against freckles.


0.5 tbsp. l. Mix ground coffee with 2 tbsp. l. whey and apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Serum medicinal properties - effect: improves complexion.


Beat the egg white, combine with 1 tsp. l. flour and 2 tbsp. l. whey. Mix thoroughly, apply the resulting mixture to your face and hold for 15 minutes.

Rinse off with warm water. For not very oily skin, the white can be replaced with yolk.

Serum has medicinal properties - effect: cleanses, smoothes and dries the skin, tightens pores.


For dry, normal and combination skin: 0.5 tbsp. l. mix oatmeal with 2 tbsp. l. whey, apply to face and massage in circular motions for 2 minutes. Wash with warm and then cool water.

For oily skin: 3 tbsp. l. combine whey with 1 tsp. salt. Massage your face with the resulting V-scrub for 1 minute, then rinse gently with warm water. After the procedure, apply a soothing cream.

Serum has medicinal properties - effect: cleanses, smoothes, dries the skin.


2-3 slices wheat or rye bread soak 100 ml of serum, knead and apply to face. Massage for 10 minutes. Then rinse your face with water at room temperature.

Serum healing properties- effect: cleanses well and nourishes the skin.


Heat 200 ml of whey to a temperature of 40-50°C and mix with oatmeal until a thick mass forms. Then apply it to your hair and cover your head plastic bag and a towel. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water without shampoo.

You can make hair masks using only serum without any additional ingredients. It is enough to moisten your hair generously with it and hold for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

Serum medicinal properties - effect: heals and strengthens hair. gives a beautiful shine.


Add 2-3 drops of jojoba oil to 250 ml of warm serum. Immerse your hands in the bath for 10 minutes, then pat dry with a napkin.

Serum medicinal properties - effect: strengthens nails.


Add a handful of bran and 5 drops of wheat oil to warm water, and then pour in warm whey (2 liters). Take this bath for 20 minutes. After this, without rinsing, blot your skin with a terry towel.

This fermented milk product ideal for carrying out cosmetic procedures at home. The properties are useful for those with oily and combination skin. To get results, you need to wipe the skin for 20-30 days. After this, the skin will become velvety and beautiful.

Other uses in cosmetology:

1. The serum has properties for aging skin, but in this case it is worth adding cottage cheese, as well as a couple of drops olive oil. This mask has nourishing properties, and it also improves complexion;

2. Serum is used for hair care. Cosmetology includes many recipes for masks and other remedies to cope with the problem of hair loss, and they also get rid of dandruff, all thanks to their many beneficial properties;

3. Have you made cottage cheese and still have some whey left? Then perform nail baths. The properties of this product make the nails strong, the plates stop peeling and grow faster.

What can you make from cottage cheese whey?

The amount of usefulness in our current product is simply incredible. Straight up, a real panacea! But how to use it? Whatever you want - drink, eat, and have a snack...

But jokes aside, whey is rarely used in its pure form, which is a pity. But housewives often put it into circulation, as they say, and cook all sorts of things with this wonderful product. There are a lot of recipes for dishes prepared with whey. Most often it is added to baked goods:

  • bread,
  • cookie,
  • buns,
  • cakes and, of course,
  • pancakes and pancakes.

In addition, it is added to soups. And not only okroshka, as I thought before! Just the other day I found a recipe on a vegetarian resource. vegetable soup with chickpeas. Instead of water, the author of the dish used whey. But I haven’t cooked it myself yet, so I won’t give the recipe here.

Green cabbage soup is also cooked on it and used as a marinade for chicken: the meat turns out very tender, with a slight sour-spicy aftertaste.

But the main advantage of whey in cooking lies, it seems to me, in the abundance of drinks that are prepared from it. If you add juice to it, you get a wonderful cocktail. You can beat it in a blender with a small amount of confiture and a teaspoon lemon juice- you will get an amazing “cloud” of foam with the most delicate taste.

Whey pancakes with apples


Flour - 80-100 g
Serum - 300 ml
Egg - 1 pc.
Sugar - 1 tbsp.
Salt - 0.25 tsp.
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Apples - 4 pcs.
Sugar - 4 tbsp.
Butter - 50 g
Orange zest - 0.5 pcs.

Cooking process

Whey pancakes stuffed with sweet and sour apples are very tasty. Sugar is added to the filling to taste; I like it if the filling is well sweet. These pancakes can be heated with butter in the microwave under the lid so that they turn out soft, butter-simmered, or you can use a regular frying pan for this.

To prepare pancakes using whey with apples, take the following products. Mix whey with egg, sugar, salt. Add flour and vegetable oil. Stir with a whisk to form a homogeneous dough. Adjust the thickness as desired. If it’s a bit runny, add more flour, and if it’s thick, dilute it with whey or water. I like batter so that the pancakes are thin. Wash and peel the apples. Fry all the pancakes from the resulting batter. For big family the portion should be increased 2-3 times. Cut the apples into smaller pieces. Fry the apple pieces in butter, adding sugar to taste. The apples should become soft and caramelized. I was taught to fry them in oil in Israel, it turns out very aromatic and tasty. At the end, add the orange zest. Fill the pancakes with apples, rolling them into a tube and cutting them in half. Whey pancakes with apples are ready.

Pancakes without eggs with whey


Wheat flour - 350 g
Soda - 1 tsp. under the knife
Sugar - 3 tbsp.
Salt - a pinch
Serum - 700 ml
Refined sunflower oil - 30 ml

Cooking process

Recently, I often make homemade cottage cheese, from which whey remains. I use whey to make okroshka, bake bread and other baked goods. The only thing I haven't tried is whey pancakes. I found this recipe, and even without eggs. Well what can I say? Pancakes, of course, are different from the ones we are used to with eggs and milk. They have a pleasant sour taste. My son, when he tried the first pancake, expressed his “fie” and left. About five minutes later he came back and asked for more pancakes :-) I ate 6 of them and said: “Make more!” :-)

To prepare pancakes without eggs using whey, prepare the ingredients according to the list. Pour the whey into a bowl. Add a small amount of flour, mix well so that there are no lumps. It is convenient to do this with a hand whisk. Then add more flour, stir and add the remaining flour. Mix well.

Add sugar, salt and soda to the dough. Mix well and set aside for 5-10 minutes. After 5 minutes, add sunflower oil to the dough. Stir. Fry the pancakes on both sides in a well-heated frying pan. I don’t lubricate the pan with anything; it has a non-stick coating. If you are not confident in your frying pan, grease it with oil. This is how pancakes turn out without eggs on whey. From this quantity of products I got 17 pancakes 18 cm in diameter.

Whey pancakes


Whey - 1 glass;
Flour ( different types) - 1 glass;
Salt and sugar - to taste;
Soda (or baking powder) - about 0.3 teaspoon;
Vegetable oil - for frying.

For the dough, use not only high-grade wheat flour, but also more useful species flour: whole grain, oatmeal... Add them, for example, in a 1:1 ratio to wheat flour or replace them completely. The pancake dough will need approximately the same amount of flour by volume as whey. I had 1 glass of whey in which I added 1 cup of flour (half a cup each of wheat and whole grain).
Stir the soda (or baking powder) into this flour. Quickly mix the whey with the flour without whisking, and you will get a thick, fluffy dough. Spoon the dough into a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry the pancakes on both sides.

Delicious aromatic pastries can be prepared quickly and easily using regular whey for dough. This simple ingredient is popular among good housewives due to its low cost, it is practically not noticeable in the dough, and pies and buns made with whey turn out fluffy and amazingly tasty.

Cupcake Marble miracle

This cake can be prepared very quickly. The recipe is a real find when guests suddenly visit.


  • 5 g each of nutmeg and ginger;
  • 15 g cinnamon;
  • 30 g cocoa;
  • 450 g wheat flour;
  • 45 ml vegetable oil;
  • 260 ml of whey;
  • 20 g soda;
  • 250 g sugar;
  • 1 chicken egg.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a whisk, beat the egg and sugar until white.
  2. Pour in the whey, mix thoroughly, only after that you can add the oil and stir again into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Sift the flour together with the baking soda and add it to the liquid in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  4. Divide into two unequal parts. Add cocoa to the smaller one, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger to the larger one.
  5. Alternately pour different doughs into the greased pan. To do this, use a spoon. In the center of the mold, pour a spoonful of dough with cocoa and two spoons of dough with ginger and nutmeg.
  6. Turn the oven to 180 degrees and cook the cake for at least 40 minutes.

Chilled baked goods can be generously dusted with powder.

Coconut Paradise Pie

This pie is ideal for a family tea party at home. There is no need to decorate it with cream or glaze; a delicious juicy filling will perfectly replace them.


  • 50 g coconut flakes;
  • 25 g vanilla sugar;
  • 310 g flour;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil;
  • 135 g butter;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 250 ml of serum;
  • 230 g sugar;
  • 16 g soda.

Cooking method:

  1. Turn on the oven at 175 degrees in advance.
  2. Grind eggs, sugar (150 g) and vanillin until white.
  3. Add whey and vegetable oil. To stir thoroughly.
  4. Sift the baking soda and flour directly into the container with the egg mixture. Mix.
  5. Pour the dough into the prepared pan and bake.
  6. Prepare the filling while the pie is cooking. Place sugar, coconut flakes and butter in a frying pan and melt over low heat.
  7. The pie should have a light crust. Carefully take it out, cover the entire surface with filling and send it back.
  8. Wait about a quarter of an hour, remove and cool.

Cranberry pie in dough: step-by-step recipe for baking with whey without yeast

An amazing pie, the aroma of which will make not only your family, but also your neighbors drool. Even during a diet, it is impossible to resist trying a piece of such a delicacy.


  • 1 pack of vanillin;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 250 g coconut flakes;
  • 240 g cranberries;
  • 600 g wheat flour;
  • 270 ml whey;
  • 160 g sugar;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 15 g baking powder.

Cooking method:

  1. Using a mixer, beat eggs, butter and sugar until smooth.
  2. Pour in the whey, mix with baking powder, coconut flakes and vanilla.
  3. Add flour using a tablespoon.
  4. Place the cranberries in a separate container and dust thoroughly with flour. Each berry should be covered with a white “coat”.
  5. Add berries to the dough, mix well. Using a spatula, place into the prepared pan and smooth out nicely.
  6. Cook for just under an hour in a hot oven.

Sprinkle the cooled cake generously with powder.

Fragrant whey baked goods in a slow cooker: pie Stop, just a moment

Using a multicooker, even a housewife without experience can prepare a pie. It is almost impossible to spoil it.


  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 110 g butter;
  • 18 g baking powder (1 sachet);
  • 2 g vanillin;
  • 180 g sugar;
  • 480 g flour;
  • 100 g liquid jam;
  • 200 g apples;
  • 280 g whey;
  • 190 g semolina.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind sugar with eggs and vanilla. After 5 minutes, add soft butter and semolina, stir thoroughly.
  2. Pour in the whey, add baking powder and flour. The mixer should operate at low speed.
  3. Add peeled apple slices to the mixture and combine carefully. Place the dough in a bowl (greased with oil) and smooth it out using a spatula.
  4. Pour jam over the entire surface of the dough, using a thin long stick to spread streaks all the way to the bottom of the bowl.
  5. Set the “Baking” mode for 70 minutes.

Place the completely cooled pie on a plate and garnish with mint leaves.

Kulich with whey Fragrant: recipe for baking with whey for the oven

Economical, but very delicious recipe Easter cakes. Having tried to prepare such pastries for Easter, you will no longer have to make special efforts to pamper your guests and family with a delicious delicacy this holiday.


  • 210 g powdered sugar;
  • 20 ml liqueur;
  • 1 packet of yeast;
  • 900 g of premium flour;
  • 250 ml of serum;
  • 140 g butter;
  • 120 g sugar;
  • 45 g raisins;
  • 5 eggs.

Cooking method:

  1. Warm up the whey. Pour yeast into it.
  2. Separate the yolks and whites of the eggs. Beat the yolks and put the whites in a cool place.
  3. Combine the whey with the yolks and leave for a while.
  4. Melt the butter and pour into the fermented dough.
  5. Add liqueur, sugar, raisins, and flour in small portions. Mix with a spoon, then with your hand. The dough will stick to your hands a little, but that’s okay, the baked goods will be more fluffy. Leave to rise for 50 minutes.
  6. Fill the greased cake pans a little more than halfway. Let me come over.
  7. Bake in the oven, being careful not to open the door.

Decorate the hot, ready-made Easter cakes with a glaze of whipped egg white and powder, multi-colored sprinkles, and grated chocolate.

Whey buns “Bouquet of Roses”

Delicious airy buns are easy to make, quick to prepare and look great. The most suitable recipe for Sunday baking.


  • 85 g butter;
  • 550 g wheat flour;
  • 20 ml cognac;
  • 10 g vanillin;
  • 15 g yeast (dry);
  • 15 g salt;
  • 100 g powdered sugar;
  • 150 g brown sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 ml of serum;
  • 50 ml water.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine whey with yeast and water. Leave for a few minutes.
  2. Grind the egg with cognac, sugar, salt, vanillin and half the melted butter. Pour the egg mixture into the dough.
  3. Add flour in small portions and knead the dough. Send to a warm place.
  4. Roll out the prepared yeast dough into a layer 8 mm thick. Cut into strips 5 cm wide. Make small cuts along the entire length of each strip - these will be the rose petals.
  5. Using a brush, generously brush the strips with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. Roll into tight rolls. Bend the “petals” a little and place on a baking sheet.
  6. Bake for about half an hour.

Cool and dust the surface of the buns with plenty of powdered sugar.

Buns “Appetizing snails”

Recipe for soft fluffy buns stuffed with sorrel and cheese will certainly come in handy for making healthy baked goods. You don’t need to add a lot of this sour greenery, it’s not for everybody, but a small amount will give the buns a pleasant taste and aroma.


  • 100 g sorrel;
  • 210 g hard cheese;
  • 75 g semolina;
  • 70 g butter;
  • 35 g yeast;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 30 g sugar;
  • 280 ml of whey;
  • 420 g flour.

Cooking method:

  1. Add sugar, a spoonful of flour and yeast to the slightly warmed whey. Leave to stand in a warm place.
  2. Sift the flour, combine with salt, semolina, melted butter and dough. Knead into a fluffy dough.
  3. Cover the container with the dough with film and place in a warm place.
  4. Cut the sorrel into large pieces, place in a frying pan with butter and simmer for 3 minutes, adding 20 g of sugar to remove the bitterness.
  5. Grate the cheese.
  6. Roll out the finished dough into two rectangles of different sizes. Place cheese on the larger one (leaving some for sprinkling the buns), and sorrel on the smaller one. Transfer the sorrel layer onto the cheese layer and carefully roll it up.
  7. Cut into pieces about 3 cm wide. The knife must be very sharp so as not to damage the shape of the buns.
  8. Place on a baking sheet, cover with a napkin and leave for 35 minutes. Before baking, do not forget to sprinkle the surface with cheese. Half an hour is enough to cook in a hot oven.

Lobiani on serum

This dish of Georgian cuisine, in national traditions, is prepared with kefir, but baking with whey will not spoil the taste at all.


  • 20 g each of cilantro, dry adjika and suneli hops;
  • 30 g garlic (4 cloves);
  • 350 g pre-boiled beans;
  • 150 g onion;
  • 75 ml olive oil;
  • 12 g dry yeast;
  • 25 g sugar;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 700 g flour (more is possible);
  • 450 ml of whey.

Cooking method:

  1. Add salt, sugar, yeast and oil to the warm whey. Add flour little by little and knead the dough (tight). Leave it to come up.
  2. Combine boiled beans with onions fried in a small amount of oil.
  3. Combine all spices. Use a blender to transform the beans, garlic, spices and onions into an aromatic paste.
  4. Divide the dough into several parts. Roll out circles and distribute filling. Collect in a bag, like khinkali, cut off the tails. Roll out flat cakes with a medium-sized rolling pin, not forgetting to sprinkle a little flour before doing so.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, place on a baking sheet (greased), carefully tear the top so that the baked goods do not burst. No need to lubricate.
  6. Bring in a hot oven until cooked (20 minutes).

Envelope pies made from whey dough without yeast

These pies can be prepared very quickly, spending less than an hour on them. Preparing the dough will take 10 minutes, preparing the filling will take 10 minutes, and shaping them will also take no more than 10 minutes. Heat treatment will take the hostess about 15-20 minutes.

Products used in preparation:

  • curd whey – 0.5 l;
  • flour ( premium) – 4 tbsp.;
  • butter – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • soda (do not quench) – 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 5 tbsp. l. (for dough - 3 tbsp., for greasing the baking sheet - 2 tbsp.);
  • Adyghe cheese or feta cheese – 300-350 g;
  • salt - according to own taste preferences;
  • sprig of dill.

Step-by-step cooking instructions:

  1. We mix the following components: flour, salt and soda.
  2. Add the above ingredients to the serum. Mix and knead everything thoroughly. This way you will get a soft and tender dough.
  3. Crumble cheese or feta cheese with your hands to fill the pies. Finely chop the egg and dill. Mix all ingredients. Add butter. The filling is ready!
  4. We divide the dough into balls intended for pies. Roll them out and fill them with filling. Fold the dough into an envelope and put it in the oven.

Dough for fried pies with whey

There are probably no people who would not like to pamper themselves with wonderful fried pies. It is worth knowing that their taste primarily depends on the quality of the dough. Most often, whey-based yeast dough is used for fried pies. However, not all housewives adhere to the right recipe, therefore, as a result, they cannot boast of excellent quality, visual and external characteristics fried pies. Today we will look at the strict sequence of preparing whey dough for delicious fried pies.

Products involved in preparation:

  • whey – 0.2 l.;
  • flour – 4 tbsp. (420 g);
  • fresh yeast – 35 g;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • salt – ½ tsp.

Cooking sequence:

  1. First of all, we sift the flour. Make a hole in the flour and place fresh yeast in it.
  2. Heat the whey (volume 4 tbsp) to 30°C, and then pour it into the well with the yeast.
  3. Mix the resulting flour mass in the pit area.
  4. Place the flour in a warm place where there are no drafts for 15 minutes.
  5. After 15 minutes, the yeast will begin to release gas, and the central part of the flour will bubble - this will be the dough dough.
  6. Heat the remaining whey to 30°C and add it to the flour mixture with the dough. Add salt and melted butter.
  7. Now knead the dough, you can do this by hand.

The resulting dough will have increased firmness and elasticity.

Whey pancakes (video)

These simple recipes will help you quickly and deliciously feed your family without much effort. Whey is also great for fried products if you are planning liver or potato pies on the menu. Create, imagine, cook delicious healthy dishes with this wonderful ingredient. Bon appetit!