How much chicken is digested in the stomach. How much food is digested in the human stomach. How much water and other drinks are digested

All foods have a certain digestion rate. With a separate power supply, you can easily deal with the problem excess weight

The time of digestion of products in the stomach plays a key role in the preparation of the menu against the background of diseases of the digestive tract, as well as in the transition to a raw food diet. Digestion of food in medicine is the total time the food bolus is in the gastric cavity. During digestion, food breaks down into carbohydrates, proteins, and fat components.

Carbohydrate digestion presents a more complex picture, with multiple digestive mechanisms involved. Given the importance of carbohydrate-containing components for human health, the issue of digestion speed raises some difficulties.

Mechanism of food digestion

All food consumed by man is a natural source nutrients, vitamins, which are so necessary for the health of the body. A complex digestive mechanism clearly divides the combined substances into simple ones, distributes all substances to the necessary parts of the human body.

All that is not digested is excreted with feces. So you can simply explain the whole process of digestion. Clinicians talk about the following stages of food digestion:

  • grinding food in the mouth and breaking down carbohydrates with saliva;
  • food entering the stomach and treating it with hydrochloric acid for about 4 hours (during this time, primary splitting and antibacterial treatment occur);
  • the transformation of the food bolus into gruel in the duodenum;
  • absorption of nutrients;
  • excretion of undigested food from the colon with feces.

Food is pushed through the intestines at different speeds by the contraction of smooth muscle - the peristaltic process.

Note! Thus, the digestion time is the interval between food entering the stomach and the penetration of the food bolus into the small intestine for the distribution of nutrients.

Factors influencing the rate of digestion of food

When compiling a therapeutic or special dietary menu, not only the rate of digestion is taken into account, but also the degree of absorption of nutrients

The following factors influence the speed and speed of digestion of food in the cavities of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Temperature regime. Hot foods always take longer to digest than cold foods. So, 1 hour is enough to digest okroshka, and 3-4 hours to digest hot soup or baked potatoes with meat.
  2. Meal time. Digestion of food occurs faster and more actively at lunchtime, so these hours are the main ones for taking the main amount of food.
  3. Heat treatment. Raw vegetables are digested in the cavity of the stomach and intestines much faster than steamed or fried foods. The latter lack special enzymes that are responsible for the processing of food components.
  4. Compatibility of food ingredients. Popular foods that increase the rate of digestion in the stomach include salads and complex meals. So, for example, a salad with an apple and hard cheeses will be digested for about 4 hours, despite the fact that a fresh apple is digested quite quickly.

The problem of excess weight is also due to non-compliance with the rules of therapeutic nutrition. You should not eat until the previous food lump is digested.

Classification of products by digestibility

Clinicians gastroenterologists and nutritionists conditionally classify all food products into several major groups. The classification is based on digestion time. The following groups are distinguished:

  • Carbohydrates and carbohydrate-containing foods. The processing time of food components is about 30-50 minutes. This group includes salads, freshly squeezed juices, raw vegetables or fruit.
  • Protein foods and some types of fats. The processing time of food from these ingredients varies within 2 hours. This group includes lean varieties meat, fish, all seafood, chicken eggs, milk.
  • Complex carbohydrates and starchy ingredients. The processing of such food requires about 4 hours from the digestive mechanism. This group includes nuts and legumes, hard cheeses, fatty cottage cheese, cereals, potatoes.
  • Indigestible or difficult to digest food. Food ingredients included in this group are digested for a long time or not digested at all. Such products include coffee and coffee drinks, preservation, mushrooms in any form, fresh flour and confectionery products, pasta, especially from wholemeal flour.

Table: food type and digestion time

How much food is digested? Below is a table of digestion rates of popular food ingredients.

Type of food or food group Digestion time in hours (1 h = 60 min)
Purified or sparkling water Instantaneous passage through the alimentary tract to the intestines
Freshly squeezed vegetable juice 25-30 min
Squeezed fresh fruit juice 40-45 min
Raw vegetables and vegetable salads with butter, including raw carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes 45 min
Watery fruits, berries 50 min
Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits 30-45 min
Apples, pears 40-60 min
Peaches, cherries, grapes 45 min
White cabbage, zucchini, eggplant 1-2 hours
Cereals, legumes: beans, corn, peas, buckwheat, rice 2 hours
Dairy and dairy products 2.5-3 hours
Meat of beef, pork/poultry 5 hours/2.5 hours
Nuts and dried fruits, especially prunes, dried apricots 3.5 hours
Vegetable oils 2 hours

If products with a low and high rate of digestion are combined, then the time spent in the organs of the digestive system is counted based on the longest digestible product.

The basis of a healthy diet

What product and how much is digested in the gastric cavity, will help determine the dietitian-gastroenterologist. Meat products, including sausages, smoked meats, semi-finished products, are considered the longest products. Increases the digestion time of frying foods, stewing in in large numbers fat, oil. Even if fresh products are digested in 30 minutes, when frying or fatty heat treatment, the speed increases to several hours.

Accounting for the rate of digestion of food is important in peptic ulcer disease, gastritis with a tendency to perforation of the mucous membranes, in violation of the function of the sphincter, in gastroesophageal reflux. With such pathologies, the diet includes foods that are digested quickly and exclude the stagnation of the food bolus in the stomach.

On digesting foods at different times of the day in a popular health show:

Various properties of the human digestive system directly depend on its age. Even in the mother's womb, the first mechanisms of digestion are launched in a child. This is such a unique phenomenon, because the life of a little man has not actually begun yet. Gradually, during life, the digestive process in the stomach of an adult becomes more and more slow. How exactly does digestion and assimilation of food occur in the human body, how does digestion occur in the stomach, what does it depend on and how long do these processes take in adults and children?

Digestion and age addiction

The period of processing and assimilation of food are two different concepts. The time frame for this work depends on various factors. Processing is the period during which food is in the stomach, that is, the period during which proteins and fats are broken down. Processing and assimilation of carbohydrates in the body has significant differences. When food enters the esophagus, digestive enzymes break down the complex components of food, and their absorption takes place through the stomach. So, how much food is digested in the stomach?

The food that got into the stomach stays there from half an hour to 360 minutes. In the stomach, under the action of acids and gastric juice, there is a splitting and partial absorption of nutrients in the small intestine (after about 360-420 minutes). Everything that remains undigested passes into the large intestine, where it can stay for a long period (perhaps a day), after which it comes out naturally. How much the stomach digests food can only be understood when all these internal “movements” have passed, it is impossible to speed them up. Water in its pure form is a single liquid that does not need to stagnate in the stomach. When you use a large amount of it on an empty stomach, it almost immediately goes to the intestines.

In an adult and a child, each food requires digestion in different ways, the hours spent on the work of the intestines also differ.

For example, why do newborn babies eat only breast milk, artificial dry substitute or bovine milk? This is due to the fact that their still unformed stomach is capable of assimilating only milk proteins. It takes 120-180 minutes to break down breast milk, and more than 240 minutes for cow or goat milk. Only after 6-7 years the stomach will be able to finally form and increase in volume. Then the duration of assimilation of food will be longer than at a younger age.

Unlike adults, children at this age will take 2 times less effort for the duration of digestion from the prescribed norm for an adult. By the age of 10-12, the coefficient will be approximately 1.5 of the norm. And boys and girls from 15 and older will need as much time as an adult. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that men have a faster metabolism than women. In elderly people (70-80 years), digestion generally lasts twice as long as in adults.

Categories of food and digestion period

All the food that we eat can be divided into 4 categories according to the duration spent on its processing and assimilation in the stomach:

  • carbohydrate (the fastest food);
  • protein (medium);
  • oily (long);
  • food digestible with difficulty (too long).

Let's move on to a more detailed description of the categories:

What kind of food is better to eat in order to speed up the function of the stomach for a fast and high-quality metabolism? In order not to harm, but, on the contrary, to help the stomach speed up the metabolism, firstly, you need to eat those delicacies that are digested quickly. Secondly: food belonging to category 4 is not recommended to be consumed daily. Replace pork with chicken, as it contains half the fat. If you suffer from diabetes, then eat everything edible from categories 1 and 2, exclude only sweets - cake, cookies, jam, chocolate. Honey is allowed to be eaten, as it is considered a healthy food for bee production. Nutritionists recommend replacing sugar with honey.

in rational and balanced diet there is a condition called glycemic index and accompanying table. GLYCEMIC INDEX (GI) is an indicator that reflects the speed with which this or that edible product is retained in the body and how it is broken down. The GI table contains a list of high, medium, and low GI foods. GI has a significant impact on the ability to lose weight and obesity.

What affects the digestibility of food?

Under conditions of normal nutrition, the passages of food intake are very simple, the passages of assimilation are a little more complicated, since the efficiency of digestion can vary significantly. It is strongly influenced by such factors:

  1. well-being;
  2. performance of each of the organs;
  3. metabolic rate;
  4. hunger or satiety;
  5. food processing and much more.

Let's consider some of them. For example, why, when comparing the processing of food of a hungry and well-fed person, the assimilation moves will be completely different from each other? Because when a person eats normally, in moderation, he has a good appetite, then his metabolism will be good and the digestibility of food will be wonderful. If there is no feeling of hunger, food is consumed without measure, there is nothing to do, then digestibility will proceed in a sluggish form, and the energy consumption of the body will double. This will not bring anything good either for well-being or for internal organs.

The assimilation of food is influenced by the culinary processing of food: boiling, stewing, frying, etc. Porridges are quickly digested as they are boiled. Beef falls into the category of heavy grubs, especially when fried. Sauerkraut is a heavy delicacy and it is not easy for the body to digest it, so it is eaten in fasting, thereby replacing high-calorie products.

The number of dishes affects the body. If for lunch you take: borsch 1 serving, for the second - an omelette, a piece of bread, then the food will be absorbed well. Otherwise, if you take: borscht 2 servings, 2 slices of bread; chicken, fried potatoes, scrambled eggs, for sweets - chocolate and coffee, you will only overload the body and good absorption will not shine for you. Very great importance has a measure in the use of food.

Of course, among other things, the course of assimilation is also influenced by gender, age, habits, characteristics of the organism, even nationality. As you can see, many factors fall under the influence of digestion, and all of them depend on something.

When choosing food products in the supermarket and preparing food from them, we first of all think about the calorie content of food, its chemical composition and expiration date, but do not ask the question: how much food is digested? Meanwhile, the process of assimilation of different nutrients occurs in different ways. And how food is digested affects our well-being and health. Digestion time for food different products different, and therefore mixed food can create heaviness in the stomach, enhance the processes of fermentation and decay, clogging the body with toxins. But first things first…

The food we eat, after entering the body, is a source of nutrients necessary for growth, energy, metabolic processes. The body is a real chemical laboratory, where food must be broken down into chemical components, and then used for its intended purpose. The time of digestion of food in different departments varies significantly.

Food passes through the digestive system, making a series of transformations in each department, mechanical and enzymatic:

  1. In the mouth, food is crushed and moistened with saliva. In saliva, the enzyme amylase begins the breakdown of carbohydrates.
  2. Several enzymes are already “working” in the stomach, aimed at digesting proteins and fats, curdling dairy products. Hydrochloric acid helps break down, destroying microbes along the way and neutralizing some poisons. Absorption of nutrients does not occur in the stomach. Products are there for a maximum of 3-4 hours.
  3. Enzymes continue to work in the duodenum, decomposing food into even smaller components, turning it into gruel. Here, the absorption of substances into the intestine partially begins.
  4. There is already an active process of absorption of the chemical components of food that enter the bloodstream, are cleared in the liver and blow to their destination (cells). All these processes take 7-8 hours.
  5. Remaining batteries are absorbed. Here, the remains of undigested food (slags) can be up to 20 hours.
  6. Waste products are excreted from the body through the large intestine.

The organs of the gastrointestinal tract push food through the digestive tract with the help of periodic contractions of smooth muscles, this process is called peristalsis. It is not difficult to calculate how much time the body spends on digesting food. The entire digestion process takes approximately 24 hours. From several kilograms of food eaten per day and 2-3 liters of liquid drunk, 200-300 g of undigested residues are excreted.

Important! Even before eating, a conditioned reflex “wakes up”: saliva is released for hunger, and gastric juice for tasty smells. Enzymes also begin to be released at a certain time if you eat strictly on time.

Digestion in the stomach

A person who is prone to overeating throws various products into his body, as if it were a firebox. But firewood burns for about the same time, and different foods need different times to digest. Knowing how much this or that product is processed, you can competently approach the creation of the menu, choosing food that decomposes in about the same time.

Important! Proteins, fats and carbohydrates take different times to break down. Try not to eat too often, knowing that the previous portion is still in the stomach. If you add hard-to-digest foods to the diet, then it is provided. Also, stop eating at least 4 hours before bedtime.

Food groups by digestibility time

All products can be divided into four groups according to the duration of their processing by the stomach. How long does it take to digest what we eat?

Group 1. This includes mainly carbohydrates, processing time: 30-35 minutes. These are broths, light salads, natural juices as well as fresh (raw) vegetables and fruits.

Group 3. These are products containing starch and complex carbohydrates, processing time: 2-3 hours. This includes nuts, legumes, cottage cheese, hard cheese, potatoes and cereals.

Group 4. This list includes foods that are digested longer than others or are not digested at all. These are coffee, canned food, stew, mushrooms, bread and pasta.

Digestion time table of individual foods in the stomach

The table shows that carbohydrates are digested the fastest in the body. Next in ascending order are proteins and fats.

Important! Water without impurities does not need to be digested. It passes almost immediately into the intestines, which takes 10-15 minutes. In addition, it is an important component of our body, because every cell of the body is 80% water.

In addition to the types of products, other factors also play an important role in the speed of digestion.

What affects the duration of digestion?

  1. Temperature. Hot foods take longer to digest than cold foods. For example, okroshka takes less time to digest in the stomach than borscht or casserole from the oven.
  2. Meal time. The most active food is processed during the day, at lunchtime. Food taken at breakfast and dinner needs more time before it ends up in the intestines.
  3. Treatment. In cooked and fried foods, enzymes characteristic of raw food are destroyed during the cooking process, and the stomach absorbs them one and a half times longer.
  4. Combination. How and with what a person mixes products depends on their processing. For example, an apple takes half an hour to digest, and hard cheese takes five hours.
  5. A soft-boiled egg is processed by the body faster than a hard-boiled one.

Important! You do not need to eat until the stomach is free from the previous portion of food. Then the problem of excess weight will be solved by itself, and without heavy and strict diets it is easy to lose the hated kilograms.

Basics of separate nutrition

Often tasty and healthy food are mutually exclusive concepts. Even so-called haute cuisine dishes often consist of products with different absorption times by the body. Therefore, a restaurant menu suitable for special occasions should not be made your daily meal.

It is useful to eat foods with the same digestion time at one time. And only after the complete assimilation of the nutrients received by the body, be taken for the next intake of food absorption. A diet that contains mixed foods with different digestion times leads to "clutter" of the gastrointestinal tract, as some foods have already been digested, while others have not yet been digested.

With such inconsistent nutrition, the processes of fermentation and decay begin, which are accompanied by bloating, belching and flatulence. Further, there is an accumulation in the intestines of toxins. Over time, they will interfere with the absorption of food, as the intestinal walls become slagged. Digestive disorders are also possible.

The principles of separate nutrition are based on the following rules:

  • a single serving should contain compatible products that are mastered at the same time;
  • the interval between meals should be at least 2 hours (the only exception is fruits);
  • do not mix solid food with drinks;
  • liquid foods should be consumed before meals, not after it;
  • chew food slowly and thoroughly, and do not swallow in pieces.
  • be sure to add dry herbs and a variety of spices to food, as they contribute to the production of enzymes.

All this will help the work of the digestive tract, good health, lightness. So you avoid overeating and.

We often try to indulge ourselves by including in the diet products that are little or completely incompatible. But eating delicious doesn't mean eating right. Here you need to think over the menu to combine business with pleasure. Unfortunately, we do not always have enough time, energy and desire for this. However, in order not to bring your body to illness, it is worth taking the time to develop a balanced daily menu.

Anton Palaznikov

Gastroenterologist, therapist

Work experience more than 7 years.

Professional skills: diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.

Balanced nutrition is the most reasonable type of nutrition today. The term "digestion" in medicine means the time that food is in our stomach. This time is enough to digest proteins and fats, since the time of their splitting is equal to the time of digestion in the stomach.

With carbohydrates, things are more complicated. Two concepts are required here: "digestion", "assimilation". And they form the basis of the diet for a raw food diet, so clarity is important in this matter. It is when a person decides to switch to a raw food diet that the question arises, what is the rate of absorption of products.

Unfortunately, little attention is paid to this issue, despite the fact that it is fundamental in such a nutrition system. Separate intake means not just sequential consumption of food, which is separated in time, but the intake of one class of products after digestion (assimilation) of another. It is worth saying that the time and speed of assimilation of various products can vary significantly.

Let's talk now about digestion and assimilation of food.

For our body, food is vital, it receives from it the substances necessary for life: nutritious and biologically valuable. But in order to get them, you must first digest food, first splitting it into chemical components, and then assimilate it.

The process of digestion takes a long time, it begins with enzymatic and mechanical processing of food in the oral cavity and ends in the last sections of the intestine. Such a journey of food in the body in time looks something like this: food is digested in the stomach from 30 minutes to 6 hours, continues to travel further in the small intestine until 7-8 hours, continuing to be broken down and absorbed along the way, and only then everything that has not had time to be digested , enters the large intestine and there can be up to 20 hours.

Now let's move on to the time of digestion and assimilation of products. This time is also called the speed of digestion (assimilation) of products. But in fact, at this time, food is processed only in the stomach. So.


  1. Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, herbs - 30-40 minutes (vegetables that are seasoned with oil - up to 1.5 hours).
  2. Zucchini, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, corn - boiled are digested for 40 minutes, seasoned with oil - 50.
  3. Parsnips, beets, carrots, turnips - will be digested within 50-60 minutes.
  4. Potato, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, chestnuts, pumpkin, yams - in 60 minutes.

Berries and fruits:

  1. Berries, watermelon are digested for 20 minutes.
  2. Melon, grapes, citrus fruits and other juicy fruits - 30 minutes.
  3. Apples, pears, cherries, sweet cherries, peaches, apricots and other fruits are digested for 40 minutes.
  4. Fruit, fruit and vegetable salads - 30 - 50 minutes.


  1. Water is almost instantly absorbed if there is no other food in the stomach. It immediately enters the intestines in this case.
  2. Fruit and vegetable juices are digested within 10-30 minutes.
  3. Broths of various saturation - 20-40 minutes.
  4. Milk - up to 2 hours.

Cereals, cereals, legumes:

  1. Buckwheat, polished rice, millet are digested in 60-80 minutes.
  2. Barley, oatmeal, cornmeal - 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans (red, white, black) - 1.5 hours.
  4. Soy - 2 hours.

Nuts and seeds:

  1. Sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, and melon pear seeds are digested on average in about 120 minutes.
  2. hazelnut, peanut, pecan, almond, Walnut- digested 150 - 180 minutes.


  1. Protein is digested in 30 minutes.
  2. Yolk - in 45 minutes.

Milk products:

  1. Any sour milk drinks - 60 minutes.
  2. Cheese, cottage cheese and homemade fat-free cheese - 90 minutes.
  3. Milk, fat cottage cheese - 120 minutes.
  4. Hard fatty cheeses such as Swiss and Dutch take 4-5 hours to digest.

Fish and seafood:

  1. Small, lean fish will take 30 minutes to digest.
  2. Oily - 50-80 minutes.
  3. Protein from seafood is digested in 2-3 hours.


  1. Chicken, skinless chicken - 90-120 minutes.
  2. Skinless turkey - just over 2 hours.


  1. Beef will be digested - 3-4 hours.
  2. Lamb - 3 hours.
  3. Pork is digested in about 5 hours.

We examined the rate of digestion in the stomach of food, as well as the processes that affect this rate. Now you know what digests faster and what is slower, and you can use this knowledge in the fight against extra pounds.

To lose weight, simply do not eat while there is food in the stomach. So, one class of products should be consumed only after the digestion (assimilation) of another has taken place. To do this, you need to know the time of digestion of products. Eating according to this principle will help not only say goodbye to excess weight, but also maintain a healthy gastrointestinal tract. The stomach will gradually decrease in size, and the habit of overeating will forever remain in the past. Find out in the article how long it takes to digest different foods.

You should stop eating 3-4 hours before bedtime. The digestion time of food also depends on the individual characteristics of the body and the amount of food that was eaten.

How long does it take to digest food - find out on

As you know, until the previous food has left the stomach, you cannot eat again, otherwise it will linger there for a very long time. Assimilation of food slows down, and at the same time slows down general process body nutrition. The vital energy of the body decreases, which opens the way to diseases.

Below I will give the approximate time of digestion of food in the stomach in people with a healthy digestive system when eating only one product. If we mix several foods that are also not compatible with each other (Food Compatibility), then the digestion time increases. Then you need to take a break between meals for 5-6 hours.

Food according to the time of digestion in the human stomach is divided into 4 categories: 1. Quickly digested - up to 40 minutes: Juices, berries, fruits (except avocados and bananas), honey, juicy non-starchy vegetables, and kefir.

2. Average digestion time - 1-2 hours: Greens, vegetables, dried fruits, soaked seeds and nuts, sprouts, avocado, banana (about an hour).

3. long time digestion - 2-3 hours: Cereals, cereals, unsoaked nuts and seeds, soft cheeses and cottage cheese, legumes, mushrooms, yeast-free coarse bread.

4. Excessively long digestion: Meat, hard cheese, yeast bread made from white flour. These products are digested for a very long time and problematic.

For stomach problems, as well as in the evening, you should eat food from categories 1 and 2. And in general, if you want to be healthy, eat more food from categories 1-2, less from 3rd, and completely exclude foods from the 4th category.

Food digestion time - in more detail:Water If you drink water on an empty stomach, the water immediately passes into the intestines.

Juices Fruit juices, vegetable juices and broths - 15-20 minutes

Semi-liquid (mashed salad, vegetables or fruits) - 20-30 minutes

Fruits Watermelon digested in 20 minutes

Melons - 30 minutes

Oranges, grapefruits, grapes - 30 minutes

Apples, pears, peaches, cherries, etc. - 40 minutes

Vegetables Raw mixed vegetable salads - tomatoes, leaf lettuce (romance, boston, red, leaf, garden), cucumber, celery, green or red pepper, other succulent vegetables are digested within 30-40 minutes

If vegetable oil is added to the salad, then the time increases to more than an hour

Leafy vegetables - spinach, chicory, kale - 40 minutes

zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, pumpkin, corn on the cob - 45 minutes

Root vegetables - turnips, carrots, beets, parsnips, turnips, etc. - 50 minutes

Semi-concentrated carbohydrates - starches Artichoke, acorns, corn, potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, yams, chestnuts - 60 minutes

Starchy foods, such as husked rice, buckwheat, millet, cornmeal, oatmeal, quinoa, Abyssinian panicle, barley are digested on average 60-90 minutes

Concentrated carbohydrates - cereals Brown rice, millet, buckwheat, corn flakes, oats (first 3 are best) - 90 minutes

Beans and legumes (Concentrated carbohydrates and protein, starches and proteins) Lentils, lima beans, chickpeas, peas, kidney beans and beans - 90 minutes

Soybeans - 120 minutes

Nuts and seeds Seeds - sunflower, pumpkin, pepita, sesame - about 2 hours

Nuts - almonds, filberts, peanuts (raw), cashews, Brazil nuts, walnuts, pecans - 2.5-3 hours

If the seeds and nuts are soaked in water overnight and then crushed, they will be absorbed faster.

Dairy Skimmed milk, low-fat cottage cheese, ricotta, low-fat cottage cheese or cream cheese - about 90 minutes

Whole milk cottage cheese - 120 minutes

Whole milk hard cheese - 4-5 hours

How much food is digested - table:

Digestion is a very complex process. And important! In its process, everything that a person has absorbed is processed, and useful substances are absorbed by cells. Each product that got inside us has one or another effect on the body. This is why it is so important to control what we eat. But now I would like to talk about how different the time of digestion of food in the human stomach depends on the type of food eaten. The table will help you navigate this.

Everyone knows they are useful. Most vegetables are low-calorie, contain a whole range of vitamins and minerals. And the time of their digestion depends on the type of product used.

The longest absorbed sauerkraut– approximately 4.1 hours. A little less - turnip and salted cucumbers. They are absorbed in 240 minutes. Brussels sprouts take the same amount of time to digest. It takes 3.4 hours to digest horseradish, radish and red cabbage. Rutabaga, squash, parsnip root, parsley, celery, wild garlic, radish, sweet pepper (both red and green), sweet potato, will be digested even faster. onion. These vegetables are digested in three to three and a half hours.

The list is long, and the list can be long. Ho should be called the shortest time for digestion of food in the human stomach. The table shows that the “record holders” among vegetables are tomatoes and potatoes! And both ordinary and young. These vegetables are digested in 120 minutes. Less than 2.5 hours is needed for sorrel, garlic, cauliflower, cucumbers and zucchini.

These are the smallest food groups. But they are also included in the table.

Digestion of food in the human stomach, or rather, its speed, depends on various factors. In particular, from calories. There are few of them in citruses. Therefore, orange, tangerine and grapefruit are absorbed in two hours. A lemon - in 1.3 hours. It has the least amount of sugar and calories. It is for this reason that those who want to get rid of extra pounds are advised to consume the maximum amount of citrus fruits.

Of the gourds, the pumpkin needs the most time - 3.1 hours. Watermelon is digested in 2.3 hours, and melon in 2.4 hours.

It is impossible not to note them with attention, talking about the time of digestion of food in the human stomach. The table allows you to make sure that fruits, like berries, are absorbed by our body over a time period of 1.5-2.5 hours (on average).

Grapes and raspberries need the least time. Only 1.4 hours. Rose hips are digested the longest - about 3.3 hours. All other berries (blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, cloudberries, etc.) are digested in less than two and a half hours. Among the fruits, the banana became the record holder. Only 3.3 hours to digest. And the least time is needed for a wonderful tropical pineapple - only two hours. No wonder it is recommended to all losing weight.

By the way, juices made from fruits are absorbed by the body many times faster. Minimum 10 minutes (from citrus). The maximum is less than an hour. The same goes for vegetable juices. Ho only they must be natural. And even better - freshly squeezed.

Talking about how much food is digested in the human stomach, one cannot help but pay attention to what we consume daily. Take, for example, the diet of the average person.

So, in 1-2 hours, boiled river fish, soft-boiled eggs, and also rice, light broth and drinks such as tea and coffee are digested. It's pretty fast. It will take two to three hours to digest hard-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, boiled sea ​​fish and bread. And now the most interesting. How much food is digested in the human stomach, which is eaten by almost everyone? For a long time. Fried meat needs five hours. Legumes, herring and game (rabbit, duck, etc.) will be assimilated in the same amount of time. Boiled beef and chicken, rye wheat bread, ham and fried potatoes will be digested in 4 hours.

But the longest (1/4 day) will be digested ... mushrooms. And bacon. Therefore, it is not recommended to overeat them. And if bacon is an amateur, then there are much more connoisseurs of mushrooms.

It is worth talking about seafood, talking about the time of digestion of food in the human stomach. The table looks quite impressive - there are dozens of names.

The longest digested fish is cold smoked - horse mackerel, perch, bream, vobla. And also salted Baltic sprat. The least time is needed to digest squid meat, seaweed and caviar (2.3 hours).

And yet, speaking about the time of digestion of food in the human stomach (a table with brief examples is given above), it is worth mentioning sweets. After all, confectionery is loved by the vast majority of the human population. So, puff cakes and pastries, as well as tubes with cream, take the longest to digest. It takes 4 hours for the body to do this. But toffee, caramel, sweets, chocolate and much more are digested in just 120 minutes.

So, it was said about how much food is digested in the human stomach. Finally, attention can be paid to drinks and fats (oils).

3a Lemonade will be digested for 60 minutes. And it doesn’t matter what it will be - citrus or fruit and berry. From 1.2 to 1.4 hours it takes to digest beer, bread kvass, wine (both table and dessert), punch, cognac, vodka and champagne.

If we talk about how long food is digested in the human stomach, then fats and oils will be at the top of the rating by the number of hours. Although this is not a separately used product, but an accompanying one. The minimum amount of time is 3.2 hours. The maximum is more than four. The most difficult thing for the body to cope with is confectionery, pork and lamb fat. Therefore, many experts and nutritionists advise lovers of oily foods to lay out especially harmful (for example, fried potatoes or barbecue) on a dry disposable napkin first. It quickly absorbs excess fat. And this is at least a little, but it will facilitate the work of the stomach.

In general, we need to watch what we eat. Because indigestion can be fraught with very terrible consequences. Up to stomach cancer.

To date, a balanced separate diet is the most scientifically based and medically shown type of nutrition. The theoretical basis of this dietary regime is widely presented in the press, on television and on the net. But when, having decided to try this system, a person proceeds to practical application, an important problem arises. technical problem- the question of the speed of assimilation of certain products.

Unfortunately, too little attention is paid to this issue, although it is fundamental in this nutrition system. After all, separate intake does not mean consistent consumption of food separated in time, but the intake of one group of products after complete digestion (assimilation) of another. At the same time, the speed and time of assimilation of different products can vary significantly.

Digestion and absorption of food

Food is vital for our body, from it it receives the necessary for life, nutritious and biologically valuable substances. But in order to get them, first, you need to digest food, breaking it down into chemical components, and then digest it. This is a long process, starting with the enzymatic and mechanical processing of food in the oral cavity and ending in the far intestines. In time, the "journey of food" in our body, schematically, looks like this: from half an hour to 6 hours, food is digested in the stomach, then up to 7-8 hours it continues to travel in the small intestine, simultaneously continuing to be broken down and absorbed, and only then, all that not digested, enters the large intestine, where it can stay up to 20 hours.

Digestion and absorption time

Of course, although it is customary to call this the time or speed of digestion (assimilation) of food, in fact this is the time of processing food directly in the stomach. What is actually important for separate power supply, which, unlike some other systems, does not strictly apply to separate full cycles digestion and assimilation. However, enough words, let's move on to the technical side:


1. Water is absorbed almost instantly if there is no other food in the stomach. (To be more precise, it passes into the intestines)

3. Broths, depending on saturation, 20-40 minutes

4. Milk up to 2 hours


1. Cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, greens - 30-40 minutes (the same vegetables seasoned with oil up to an hour and a half)

2. Green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, corn - cooked are digested in 40 minutes, and seasoned with oil 50.

3. Carrots, parsnips, beets, turnips - digested in 50-60 minutes

4. Sweet potato, potato, Jerusalem artichoke, pumpkin, chestnuts, yams - in 1 hour

Fruits and berries

1. Watermelon and berries are digested in 20 minutes

2. Citrus, melon, grapes and other juicy fruits in 30 minutes

3. Pears - apples, apricots - peaches, cherries - cherries and other fruits will be digested in 40 minutes

4. Fruit and fruit and vegetable salads up to 30 - 50 minutes

Cereals, cereals and legumes

1. Buckwheat, polished rice, millet will be digested in 1 hour to 80 minutes.

2. Oatmeal, pearl barley, cornmeal - 1 - 1.5 hours

3. Ordinary peas and chickpeas, lentils, beans (white, red, black) - are digested in an hour and a half.

4. Soy - 2 hours

Nuts and seeds

1. Seeds of pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, melon pear are digested up to 120 minutes.

2. Peanuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pecans, walnuts - digested in 150 - 180 minutes.


1. The yolk is digested in 30 minutes

2. Protein for 45

Milk products

1. Sour milk drinks- 1 hour

2. Cheese, fat-free cottage cheese and homemade cheese - 1.5 hours

3. Milk and fat cottage cheese - 2 hours

4. Fatty hard cheeses such as Dutch and Swiss will require 4 to 5 hours to digest.

Fish and seafood

1. Small and lean fish are digested in 30 minutes

2. Oily - 50 to 80 minutes

3. Protein from seafood will be absorbed in 2-3 hours


1. Chicken and skinless chicken - 90 to 120 minutes

2. Skinned Turkey for just over 2 hours


1. Lamb is digested in 3 hours

2. Beef in 3-4 hours

3. Pork is digested up to 5 hours