What are the benefits of the watermelon diet? Watermelon diet (Menu, Contraindications, Reviews)

Ripe, juicy watermelons are not only surprisingly tasty, but also incredibly healthy. The watermelon diet promotes weight loss; by consuming the pulp of the berry, you can lose up to 10 kilograms in 10 days. Losing weight will be beneficial, because watermelon contains glucose and fructose, folic acid, fiber and pectins. Losing weight with watermelon is tasty, healthy and fast!

Is it possible to have watermelon on a diet?

Watermelon pulp consists of 80-90% water, and the calorie content of the product is 25-38 kcal per 100 g. It is easily absorbed by the body, accelerates the removal of toxins and excess fluid. Nutritionists say that all parts of the berry, including the peel and seeds, can benefit the body. The peel is good for intestinal microflora. You can make watermelon milk from the seeds. Take 1 part of seeds ground in a mortar and 10 parts of water. Let the ingredients sit for 6-8 hours. Drink liquid 30-40 minutes before meals. Watermelon milk is a folk medicine that has the following effects on the body:

  • promotes weight loss;
  • restores strength;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • increases immunity.

If you are looking for an easy, healthy way to lose weight, then dietary food, based on the consumption of watermelons, is an excellent remedy. A strong diuretic product removes waste, toxins, harmful deposits, and excess fluid from the body. Removal of water from the body - effective remedy from edema. A slight laxative property guarantees the removal of stagnant feces from the intestines.


The Internet is full of positive reviews about how watermelon helps with weight loss. By eating the tasty and sweet pulp without feeling hungry, you can get rid of 7 extra kilograms in 10 days of the diet. If your diet includes cheese, a slice of black bread and watermelon pulp for 5 days, you can lose 3-4 kg. You will be able to maintain the results obtained if, after leaving the diet, you actively include these summer fruits in your diet. Eat berries for dinner, but per day eat at the rate of 1 kg per 30 kg of your weight (some sources indicate 1 kg per 10 kg of body weight).

Benefits and harms

The main advantage of the watermelon diet for weight loss is its high efficiency. It is easily tolerated and, if you don’t get tired of the monotony, there will be no unpleasant sensations of hunger. The berry brings particular benefits to the female body, enriching it with useful substances and vitamins. With watermelon slices you get a large amount of folic acid and magnesium, flush out toxins and waste.

Eating watermelon pulp can lead to malfunctions of the body and certain problems. IN large quantities Sweet berries are prohibited from being eaten if there are a number of diseases, so pay attention to the contraindications before switching to a new diet. Watermelons also increase the load on the genitourinary system. By eating only berries, you deprive your body of fats and proteins necessary for its normal functioning.

Types of watermelon diet

If there are no contraindications for the diet, you can begin to determine the method by which you will lose weight. There is a hard, light and free version of the diet. The choice should be based on the initial excess weight, nutritional acceptability and body characteristics. The hard type gives quick and good results, but it will take a lot of willpower to stick with it. The free option is intended for those who want to lose just a couple of kilograms without severe dietary restrictions and at the same time improve their health.


The most popular watermelon diet is the mono-diet. For 3-10 days you need to eat only watermelon pulp and drink water. The amount of berries depends on your weight. It is easy to determine: divide your body weight by 10. The resulting figure is the required amount of fetus. The volumes are significant, but the diet product is not too filling, so it will be easy to eat so much juicy pulp. Additionally, you can drink 1.5 liters of water per day, but after drinking watermelon pulp, you are unlikely to want more fluid in your body.


There is a lighter version of the watermelon diet. During weight loss, other foods are allowed. Using the ability of watermelon pulp to activate the urinary system in the morning and afternoon, you remove metabolic products from the body. In the evening, other foods are added to the diet, you give the body a rest. For example, the menu for the day might look like this:

  • breakfast – 2-3 pieces of watermelon, 1 tsp. honey;
  • lunch – 2-3 slices of watermelon pulp, crackers with bran;
  • dinner - casserole with apples, pumpkin porridge or vegetable stew.


The easiest and least effective free diet, during which its main component should be consumed only during breakfast. As a result of a gentle watermelon diet, you can lose 2-4 kg in two weeks. According to reviews, the free version of the diet gives more lasting results compared to the rigid one. It is recommended to use the nutrition plan for a month during the season. If you eat watermelon every day, the body will gradually cleanse itself of toxins, and also replenish the deficiency of magnesium, calcium and other minerals and vitamins.

For 3 days

It will take only three days to get rid of 4 kg of excess weight with the help of watermelon pulp. The daily diet should contain exclusively sweet berries, only in this case can the goal be achieved. Nutrition can hardly be called complete, so nutritionists do not recommend exceeding a three-day period, even if the diet is easily tolerated. For those cases when you just need to keep in shape, it is better to use the principle of a watermelon mono-diet for a fasting day once a week.

For a week

A gentle diet based on the beneficial properties of watermelon is suitable for those who want to lose 4-5 kg ​​of excess weight in a week. For 7 days, accompany every breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a watermelon or drink a glass of juice from the berry. You need to eat about 5 kg of watermelon per day. The approximate menu for the week looks like this:

  • breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese, coffee or tea;
  • lunch – rice or buckwheat;
  • afternoon snack - cheese;
  • dinner - rice

For 10 days

A diet designed for 10 days is designed to help you lose 7-10 kg. In addition to watermelons, the diet also includes other products that diversify the diet, but will not make it too high in calories. Breakfast may include boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, porridge with water. To prepare lunch, use lean meat, chicken or fish, and vegetables. Dinner on such a diet consists of 2-3 kg of watermelon pulp.

Diet options

To lose weight, diet options are actively used in which you alternate between eating watermelon and other permitted foods throughout the day. The results depend on how accurately the nutritional conditions were met, the duration of the diet, and the individual characteristics of the body. In the diet, berries are combined with cucumbers, buckwheat, melon, kefir and other products. Choose optimal options for yourself to get rid of extra pounds.


This nutrition plan is widely demanded due to its excellent results. If you eat sweet watermelons and melons for a week, you can lose 4 kg of excess weight. The minimum amount of calories and a huge number of vitamins in berries have a beneficial effect on the body. The principle of the diet is to eat every 3 hours without washing anything down. Only an hour after eating can you drink a glass of green tea or water. The diet must be followed for 9 days, alternating 3 diets:

toast, low-fat cottage cheese – 60 g, melon – 200 g

boiled egg, watermelon – 150 g

yogurt – 150 ml, watermelon – 400 g

boiled fish – 150 g, melon salad, lettuce leaves, cheese – 200 g

stewed vegetables – 100 g, melon – 400 g

steamed turkey fillet – 100 g, melon – 400 g, brown rice – 150 g

400 g watermelon

low-fat cottage cheese – 200 g

bran bread

brown rice – 150 g, carrot and apple salad – 100 g, melon slice

boiled chicken breast– 100 g, 400 g watermelon, toast

vegetable salad – 150 g, 1 boiled potato, watermelon – 400 g


Weight loss on the watermelon-kefir diet is achieved by alternating meals consisting of kefir and watermelon. Every 3 hours you need to drink a glass of kefir with a fat content of 0 to 1% or eat a portion of berries weighing 300-400 grams. Dietary nutrition can be continued for 3 days. Help with obesity is based on the pronounced diuretic effect of berries and kefir, their ability to regulate the speed of digestion. A three-day watermelon-kefir diet reduces weight by 1-3 kg, improves liver and kidney function, and normalizes intestinal microflora.

Watermelon-protein diet

In combination with a protein diet, a watermelon diet can bring minus 10 kg per week if all nutritional rules are followed. Protein products alternate with watermelon pulp, as a result, toxins are removed from the body and fat burning processes are launched. Between breakfast, lunch and dinner, you need a portion of watermelon, weighing 400-500 g. For 10-14 days, the following products are used for main meals:

  • boiled chicken fillet;
  • steamed fish;
  • eggs;
  • skim cheese;
  • kefir 0%;
  • seafood;
  • low-fat cheese.


Watermelon for weight loss is an effective remedy, but eating this fruit for a long time in large portions can cause some problems. For example, when eating watermelon with other foods, bloating and severe gas may occur. If you feel unwell from the first days of eating, it is better to stop. You should not resort to this method of losing weight if you have the following disorders in the body:

  • acute and chronic kidney diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • diseases of the pancreas and prostate;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • intestinal adhesions;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • enuresis.

Another danger that may arise when consuming large quantities of watermelons is nitrate poisoning. It is important to carefully choose the berry so as not to allow the product to cause harm. The increased content of nitrates in watermelon can be determined by the following signs:

  • slight purple tint in bright red flesh;
  • when a piece is dissolved in a glass of water, it turns pink or red; watermelon without nitrates only causes cloudiness;
  • When cut, the watermelon is glossy and smooth, and does not sparkle in grains, as in a good berry.


The watermelon diet has many advantages over other types of diet for weight loss in the summer, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews on thematic forums and women's websites.

According to nutritionists, the watermelon diet is effective and beneficial for the body in the absence of contraindications and the person losing weight is in good health

The diet is widely known and has become a favorite of many., as it is quite easily tolerated and gives good results.

Benefits of the diet

Watermelon is a tasty and at the same time low-calorie product, it perfectly saturates and gives positive emotions. This happens due to the beneficial sugar-type substances it contains: glucose, dextrose, lactose and others.

They relieve hunger for a long time and have a beneficial effect on health. Another important substance contained in watermelon is pectin fiber.

They rid the body of waste and toxins, remove excess fluid, speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the entire digestive tract, and burn belly fat.

The effect of diet on health

Watermelon diet has positive effects on health– cleanses the body, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol and sugar levels.

Watermelon is extremely healthy, except for pectins and complex carbohydrates, it contains potassium, vitamins A, PP, B1, B2, phosphorus, iron, calcium, folic and ascorbic acid. It is also rich in carotenoids, which act as antioxidants in the body.

The nutritional value watermelon per 100 grams of product

Watermelon improves liver disease, for example, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and chronic hepatitis, is recommended by doctors for obesity, hypertension, anemia, atherosclerosis and gout.

But there are also contraindications:

  • Not suitable for people with diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, or pancreas watermelon diet for weight loss – Doctors' opinions confirm this. Due to the diuretic effect, the load on these organs and systems increases.
  • The diet is contraindicated for diabetes due to the glucose, sucrose and lactose contained in watermelon; it is not recommended for pregnant women in the last trimester, as well as people suffering from severe edema.

Disadvantages of the Watermelon Diet

One of the main disadvantages of the watermelon diet is that in most of its variants it is a mono-diet. This means that it may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and headaches.

Despite the watermelon being rich in nutrients, it cannot provide the body with the daily requirement of all necessary substances, so you should not sit on it for too long.

Another disadvantage of this diet plan is that it low calorie content . If you don't take your diet seriously, you run the risk of quickly gaining back the lost pounds.

When is the watermelon diet most appropriate?

Important to remember! Best time for the watermelon diet August - September, when in season the striped berries are tasty, natural, and do not contain nitrates or pesticides.

How to choose the right watermelon

It is necessary to choose ripe, sugary fruits, because the striped berry will be the basis of the daily diet.

A good watermelon has several characteristic features:

  • When tapped, a ringing, slightly vibrating sound is produced;
  • The peel is dense, without dents;
  • There are no stains on the surface;
  • The tail is dry.

Rules and diet for the watermelon diet

There are many variations of the watermelon diet, but the most common are three.

Options watermelon diet for weight loss (the most effective according to review am)

Nutrition rules


1 option

Watermelon can be eaten as much as you want and at any time.

Option 2

For every 10 kg of weight there is 1 kg of fruit. For example, a woman weighing 70 kg can consume up to 7 kg of watermelon daily. Both the pulp and the rinds are taken into account. It is advisable to eat frequently, leaving at least 2-3 hours between meals.

Option 3

The amount of watermelon is determined in the same way as in option 2. A piece of rye or whole grain bread (30 g) is added to each meal. You can dry it slightly.

Note! Whichever option watermelon diet for weight loss was not chosen, reviews show that it is necessary to drink plain water in large quantities. Green tea is allowed.

How many days can you go on a watermelon diet?

The duration of the diet depends on its purpose and is determined individually. The approximate interval is from 3 to 10 days. If you choose an option where only watermelon is present in the diet - it must be observed for no longer than 5 days, otherwise it may be harmful to health.

If, in addition to watermelon, the meal plan also includes other foods, for example, bread, then the duration can be increased to 10 days. Also, the duration of the diet is influenced by the result that is expected from it. The more kilograms a person wants to lose, the longer the diet should continue.

A good option for those who want to simply maintain weight at the same level is a fasting day based on a watermelon diet.

Watermelon diet options for weight loss


On this diet, the main food consists of low-calorie foods, and watermelon and melon are used as desserts and snacks. With this option, the body receives all the necessary substances, there is no feeling of hunger or weakness, it is quite easy to withstand the restrictions.

During the diet, watermelon is eaten after breakfast, lunch and dinner, and melon is eaten for a snack and afternoon snack. Daily norm – no more than 1 kg of fruits. There should be a 2-3 hour break between meals.

What you are allowed to eat on this diet: chicken, turkey, fish and beef, rice, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, eggs, fresh vegetables– cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, bell peppers; they can be eaten as a salad with butter, preferably without salt. Drink plenty of water and green or herbal tea.

Forbidden: flour, confectionery, sweets, salt, carbonated drinks.

Duration – 10 days, you can lose from 2 to 4 kg.

It is necessary to choose only ripe fruits. A good melon smells sweet, has no spots or black spots, and when tapped, produces a booming sound rather than a slap. It should be eaten separately from other foods, especially fermented milk, to avoid stomach upset.


This diet consists of alternating watermelon and kefir meals. It is better to drink kefir before going to bed so as not to suffer from frequent urge to go to the toilet and feelings of hunger. If the diet is well tolerated, you can stick to it for a week. Otherwise, you should limit yourself to a fasting day.

This option is good for the summer heat, when you have no appetite and want something light. Its disadvantage is that side effects Often there is bloating and indigestion.


On this diet, you eat cucumbers and watermelon as much as you want and whenever you want., 100 g of boiled meat is allowed for lunch. Duration – 3 days. The expected weight is 2–3 kg.

With black bread

Many people love the combination of watermelon and black bread, so they feel comfortable sticking to this diet plan. In this option, you can add 60–90 g of bread (2-3 pieces) to each meal.

Duration – 5 days, you can get rid of 2 to 5 kg.


This diet has already gained many fans, since it allows you to lose weight precisely due to adipose tissue. The main part of the diet consists of food containing protein, and watermelon is consumed for dessert and during snacks. Foods you can eat on this diet: low-fat varieties meat, turkey, white fish, rabbit, cheese, yogurt, egg whites.

Thanks to the diuretic effect of watermelon, the body is freed from excess fluid and toxins., a lack of carbohydrates in the diet helps get rid of fat deposits, and proteins preserve and strengthen muscle tissue.

Duration is 7–10 days, expected weight loss is up to 6 kg.


This diet is less popular. Her diet is simple: eat for breakfast and lunch buckwheat porridge without oil, fresh or boiled green vegetables, you can make salads by dressing them olive oil or natural yogurt, lean meat no more than 100 g per meal, and watermelon for dinner. Watermelon is taken at the rate of 1 kg per 30 kg of weight.

The restrictions must be observed for 5–7 days, during which time some lose up to 2–4 kg.


A strict mono-diet, but many people like it, because in 10 days of restrictions you can say goodbye to 7–9 kg. Everything is simple here: watermelon days replace apple days. The maximum daily amount of watermelon is 1 kg for every 10 kg of weight, apples – up to 1.5 kg per day.

Doctors warn that sticking to this diet plan for more than 10 days can be dangerous to your health.

On watermelon and rice

This diet gives good results. Watermelon and rice are allowed. To find out how much watermelon you can eat per day, you need to divide your weight in kilograms by 20. Rice should be brown, wild or steamed; these varieties of rice contain useful substances and are perfect for losing weight. The maximum daily amount of cooked rice is 250 g.

Types of rice consumed during the watermelon-rice diet

Duration 4 days.

On watermelon and cottage cheese

This option is considered quite filling due to the cottage cheese. The main condition is not to combine watermelon and cottage cheese in one meal. Otherwise, digestive problems may occur. On this diet you can get rid of 2 to 4 kg; you need to stick to it for no more than 7 days.

Exit from the watermelon diet

To consolidate the result, it is necessary to follow the exit from the diet.

Exit rules:

In their reviews of watermelon diet for weight loss women indicate that it is better to do this 3 hours before bedtime.

Watermelon diet during pregnancy

Lighter types of the watermelon diet are used by pregnant women who have gained too much weight. You can begin dietary restrictions only after consulting a doctor.

If you experience digestive problems or feel worse, you should consult your doctor about continuing the diet.

Note! A great option for pregnant women is a watermelon fasting day. Helps control weight gain.

It is better to choose local watermelons or check the fruit carefully before eating. Certainly, start such a diet or fasting days need no earlier than mid-August.

To apply the weight loss technique, it is better to wait until the start of the watermelon season. It comes at the end of August, at the beginning of September, at this time they ripen tasty and juicy watermelons.

It is advisable to use the watermelon diet once a year. You can consume watermelons that do not contain nitrates every day in moderation. With a competent approach to tasty and light diet, Can lose extra pounds And cleanse the body.

A watermelon diet without careful calorie calculations, with a simple determination of the daily dose of watermelon, with low-calorie pulp (only about 30 kilocalories) with the right approach, can give good weight loss results.

There are several options for the watermelon diet. This could be a strict mono-diet or fasting days based on just watermelons and water.

A light diet with the addition of small portions of low-calorie breakfast, lunch and dinner. In a light diet, watermelon pulp is introduced as a snack, saving you from starvation. And you can also accompany every meal with watermelon.

Diet watermelon week involves losing three to five kilograms.

Positive properties of watermelon - a valuable dietary product:

  • It has diuretic and choleretic properties.
  • Watermelon is one of the foods that helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Iron in watermelon is 1.0 mg, it is organic and easily digestible. To prevent anemia, you can sometimes use watermelons as a treatment.
  • The fiber in watermelon improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Folic acid - 150 g of watermelon pulp will cover the daily need for folic acid.
  • Magnesium in watermelon is a good antidepressant; it reduces the frequency of migraine attacks and helps restore damaged cells.
  • Consumption of watermelons to remove salts and oxalates from the kidneys (prevention of the formation of urates and oxalates).
  • The balanced composition of watermelon juice helps restore the acid-base balance.

The most natural and delicious watermelons will appear on sale only at the beginning of the season. Berries that appear on shelves early in the season are most likely grown with the help of growth enhancers and genetically modified additives.

  1. Ripe watermelon matte color.
  2. If you squeeze a watermelon, you will hear a cracking sound, but when you tap, there should be a dull sound.
  3. You should not choose a watermelon weighing more than eight kilograms. Watermelons that are too heavy may contain chemicals, and light ones are most often not yet ripe.
  4. When purchasing a watermelon, you need to ask the sellers for documents confirming the quality of the product and its safety.

Before eating watermelon, be sure to wash it under running water with soap.

It is advisable to introduce fasting days during the ripening season of melons. We choose juicy, ripe watermelons, without nitrates.

Now let's calculate how much we should eat. Your body weight is this moment, divide by 10, the resulting number is the amount of watermelon that needs to be eaten during the day. Or for every 10 kilograms of body weight, one kilogram of watermelon (weight 70 kilograms - we eat 7 kg of watermelon).

  1. The resulting figure is the mass of watermelon pulp that you will eat during the day, dividing it into 5 - 6 meals.
  2. You are allowed to drink water or green tea.
  3. It is not easy to endure a mono-diet on watermelons alone. The basis of correct and healthy eating consists of a variety of products. Therefore, it is recommended to stick to the diet for no more than 3 to 5 days.
  4. During this period, you can lose up to 4 kilograms of weight. During the first two days, fluid is removed from the body, but not accumulated fat.
  5. You can make a strict diet easier by adding to the main food ingredient a slice of bread of your choice: grain or rye. Then one meal will consist of watermelon with a slice of bread.

Those who want to use a five-day weight loss program on watermelons need to lighten it slightly by adding low-calorie breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

The menu for one day includes:

  • Breakfast, consisting of 150 - 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
  • For lunch: cook 200 - 250 grams of buckwheat (you can use another cereal - rice).
  • For afternoon tea eat low-fat cottage cheese or a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • For dinner- rice.

For snacks - watermelon, and accompany every meal with watermelon. If you are tired of watermelon in the form of pulp, drink fresh watermelon. Only about 5 kilograms per day.

Fresh watermelon. Cut the seeded watermelon slices and mint sprigs and place them in a blender, add 2 tablespoons of honey for 3 to 4 watermelon slices.

Follow this menu for five days; during this period it is expected to reduce from 3 to 5 kilograms of weight.

A watermelon diet plan for a week involves losing weight up to 5 kilograms. But the approach to diet and monitoring the permissible daily calorie intake from food is individual. The diet can be diversified by consuming dietary foods and their possible combinations.


Breakfast. 100 g rice cooked in water, 200 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g boiled lean meat, 200 g watermelon.
Afternoon snack. 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g oatmeal on water, 200 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner: 200 g of baked lean fish, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack. A piece of hard cheese, 1 egg.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast: 300 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner. 100 g oatmeal, vegetable salad dressed with olive oil or lemon juice.
Afternoon snack. 100 g low-fat yoghurt.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g buckwheat porridge, 200 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g baked chicken fillet, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack. A piece of hard cheese, 1 egg.
Dinner. 600 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g of rice, a piece of wholemeal bread, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled fish, 100 g of buckwheat porridge.
Afternoon snack. 100 g low-calorie cottage cheese.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g oatmeal, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled lean meat, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack. 200 g low-calorie yoghurt.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 300 g of watermelon, a piece of bran bread, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled lean fish, 100 g of oatmeal.
Afternoon snack. 200 ml low-calorie kefir.
Dinner: 500 g watermelon.

On a note: Considering the diuretic properties of watermelon, it is better to eat it no later than 2-3 hours before you are going to bed. The diuretic effect of watermelon will simply prevent you from falling asleep if you eat it before bed or half an hour to an hour before bedtime.

You have achieved visible results - you have lost extra pounds. How to maintain the results obtained through difficult days of dieting?

There is an exit!

Don't start eating everything. Eliminate smoked, fatty, flour, and fried foods from your diet. Eat right, play sports or jog every day, give up bad habits.

When active, healthy way life adhering to the principle of rationality balanced nutrition, then the results of weight loss will continue to please you in the future.

Calorie content (100 g.) - 27 kcal

Watermelon contains:

water 92.6 g

proteins 0.6 g

fat 0.1 g

carbohydrates 5.8 g





Fe (iron) 1.0 mg

K (potassium) 64.0 mg

Ca (calcium) 14.0 mg

Mg (magnesium) 224.0 mg

Na (sodium) 16.0 mg

P (phosphorus) 7.0 mg


mono- and disaccharides 5.8 g

dietary fiber 0.4 g

organic acids 0.1 g

Pros of the watermelon diet

  1. It is easy to calculate the amount of watermelon consumed depending on body weight (does not require constant counting of watermelon calories).
  2. Removes salts, toxins, and waste from the body.
  3. Small cash outlay.
  4. The valuable composition of watermelon (easily digestible sugars, B vitamins, fiber, microelements: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium).

The watermelon diet is one of the the most effective ways getting rid of the kilograms gained over the summer, with it minus 10 kg per week is a reality. Such a nutrition program not only gives a seductive shape to the figure, but also saturates the body with vitamins and nutrients.

The main advantage of losing weight on watermelons is its ease of tolerance and lack of hunger, which many other methods cannot boast of. In addition, eating striped berries:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • removes toxins and waste from the body;
  • cleanses kidneys of stones;
  • normalizes intestinal motility;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • minimizes the risk of cancer cell formation.

The impressive list of beneficial properties of “Astrakhan” is due to its rich composition, it contains:

  • almost the entire “vitamin alphabet” - A, C, PP, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9);
  • minerals – K (potassium), Ca (calcium), Na (sodium), Fe (iron). Just 250 grams of eaten pulp satisfies the daily requirement for magnesium;
  • antioxidants – niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, ascorbic acid, lycopene, carotene.

Watermelons are useful for gastritis, hepatitis A, heart defects, anemia, gallbladder diseases, high blood pressure, arthritis and many other diseases. They also help representatives of the stronger half of humanity restore masculine strength.

It is prohibited to abuse watermelons if you have kidney diseases., therefore, with pyelonephritis, hydronephrosis, glomerulonephritis, renal failure, as well as cholelithiasis and cystitis, you should look for other ways to lose excess weight. Under no circumstances should they be combined with alcohol; such a “cocktail” can cause severe stomach upset. And even if there are obvious prohibitions for watermelon menu no, be sure to consult your doctor first. If you go on a diet and after a couple of days you feel pain, stop eating immediately.

How long can you sit?

The classic watermelon weight loss system is recognized as one of the strictest. Despite the rich vitamin composition“minke whale”, eating it exclusively for more than 5 days in a row is dangerous to health. If the effect inspires you to continue losing weight, you need to choose a more balanced variation, for example, protein-watermelon, watermelon-kefir, etc., all possible options will be offered below.

How much weight can you lose?

The result of the watermelon technique depends on its duration, the selected menu and the individual characteristics of the body. On average, in 5 days you can lose up to 4 kg, in 7 days you often become 6-8 kg lighter, but the result of minus 10 kg in a week is quite real.

An effective watermelon diet is considered a mono-product diet, which means that you can only eat the striped berry and drink a lot of liquid - plain water, green and herbal teas. The daily portion of the product is calculated based on weight: for every 10 kg you are allowed to eat 1 kilogram of watermelon pulp.

For example, if your weight is 65 kilograms, then, after making simple calculations, we find that you can consume no more than 6.5 kg of berry pulp per day.

For those who prefer one-day fasting, a watermelon day is suitable. You need to eat the portion of “Astrakhan” calculated according to the formula, dividing it into 4-5 doses, and drink up to 1.5 liters of water or green tea.

Having seen a solid plumb line on the scales the next morning after a watermelon day, many will not intend to stop there and will want to extend the fasting for another day. On the second day, you are allowed to eat only watermelon and drink plenty of unsweetened and non-carbonated liquids.

Eating only watermelons for a long time is dangerous, so if you want excellent results without harm to your health, we recommend choosing a more extensive menu.

Meal plan for 3 days

  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 3 small slices of watermelon.
  • 2 medium slices of watermelon.
  • a portion of rice porridge on water;
  • watermelon.
  • 50 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 slices of watermelon.

Dinner is similar to lunch.

There is another known three-day option:

First day

  • Breakfast: a portion of oatmeal cooked in water; 300 g watermelon.
  • Lunch: morning portion of watermelon.
  • Lunch: 100 gr. boiled chicken; cucumber and greens salad.
  • Afternoon snack: 300 g striped berries.
  • Dinner: 100 grams of low-fat cottage cheese; pear.

Second day

  • Breakfast: salad of watermelon, apples, persimmons with the addition of prunes.
  • Lunch: the usual portion of “Astrakhan”.
  • Lunch: a couple of black bread sandwiches with low-fat cottage cheese and your favorite greens.
  • Afternoon snack: soft-boiled egg.
  • Dinner: 400 g watermelon.

The third day

  • Breakfast: a portion of millet porridge boiled in water.
  • Lunch: green apple.
  • Lunch: 450 g watermelon.
  • Afternoon snack: 200 grams of striped berries.
  • Dinner: 200 ml of 1% kefir.

The menu proposed for 3 days can be extended to 5. As a rule, up to 5 kg are consumed during this period. You should eat no more than 5 kilograms of watermelon per day. It is allowed to drink one cup of unsweetened black coffee in the morning.

If you want to lose a few extra pounds in 7 days, but do not intend to starve yourself, the following nutritional plan will suit you.

Breakfast ideas:

  • 120 ml green tea without added sugar;
  • a portion of your favorite porridge without salt and butter;
  • chicken egg (you can boil it soft-boiled or make an omelet from it).
  • a cup of tea or coffee;
  • 180 g of cottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat content;
  • fruit salad.

Lunch options:

  • vegetable salad with olive oil;
  • 200 g of lean fish, baked or steamed.
  • vegetable soup;
  • salad;
  • 150 gr. boiled beef/chicken breast.

Dinner (at least 3 hours before bedtime):

  • watermelon (for every 30 kg of weight there should be 1 kg of berries).

If you have excellent endurance and a great desire to say goodbye to 6-8 kilograms, a 10-day watermelon diet would be an excellent solution. There are several menu options, we will offer a couple.

Strict diet

For breakfast, lunch and dinner, you are allowed to eat only berries (divide the individually calculated portion for yourself into 3 equal parts), drink water and have snacks; a green apple, peaches and plums are perfect for this purpose.

Gentle variation

For the next 10 days the menu should be as follows

  • oatmeal steamed with boiling water;
  • 1-2 slices of low fat cheese.
  • 250 gram piece of boiled, baked or grilled lean meat, fish or chicken;
  • vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil.

Dinner (4-5 hours before bedtime):

  • "Astrakhan". The recommended serving is calculated using the formula: weight/30.

Only the most persistent will be able to withstand half a month of watermelon menu. The reward for such a “feat” will be the lost kilograms - it is often possible to lose up to 10 kg. Agree, great motivation.

Diet for 2 weeks

  • 300 g watermelon.

In one hour:

  • 120 ml green tea or black coffee without sugar;
  • toast with a piece of low-fat cheese or 150 gr. low-fat yogurt.
  • The serving of berries is the same as the one you ate at breakfast.

After an hour:

  • a serving of vegetable soup;
  • 150 gr. boiled white meat or fish.
  • 300 g watermelon.

In one hour:

  • stewed or boiled vegetables.

If the proposed nutrition programs do not suit you according to some parameters, you can choose another menu. Fortunately, there are a dozen more variations.

All people can be divided into 2 categories - those who love watermelons and those who prefer melon. If you have not yet decided which product you prefer, and do not suffer from diabetes, try a diet that includes both. The optimal duration is 9 days. During this time, you can not only lose up to 6 kilograms, but also saturate the body with a lot of vitamins and useful elements, because melon contains sodium, chlorine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, iron, vitamins A, C, PP, B1, B2.


The first day

  • Breakfast: 2 toasts; 3 tablespoons cottage cheese; 200 g melon.
  • Lunch: 150 gr. boiled lean fish; 200 grams of melon salad, iceberg leaves and pieces of low-fat cheese, sprinkled with lemon juice.
  • Afternoon snack: 400 g watermelon.
  • Dinner: 150 gr. boiled rice; carrot and apple salad; 100 g melon.

Second day

  • Breakfast: 1 soft-boiled chicken egg; 150 g striped berries; 120 ml green tea without sugar.
  • Lunch: 100 grams of stewed non-starchy vegetables; 400 g melon; 150 ml water.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Dinner: 100 grams of lean poultry; 2 toasts; 400 g watermelon.

Day three

  • Breakfast: 400 g berries; low fat yogurt – 150 ml.
  • Lunch: 150 gr. cooked brown rice; 100 grams steamed chicken meat; 400 g melon.
  • Afternoon snack: bran bread; 120 ml green tea.
  • Dinner: 150 grams of salad of cucumbers, bell peppers, radishes and spinach; 1 boiled potato; 400 g melons.

Afterwards, the proposed three-day menu must be repeated. We remind you that the recommended duration of the melon weight loss program is 9 days.

The method of losing weight using kefir and watermelon is designed for 3 days. The effectiveness is explained by the fact that the fermented milk product, as well as the “minke”, has a diuretic effect and controls the speed of digestion. It is recommended to use kefir with a minimum percentage of fat content, the daily portion is 1 liter. During the day, you need to alternate between taking 400 grams of berries and a glass of kefir every 3 hours. The system is designed for 3 days, during which time weight loss occurs up to 3 kg, and the intestinal microflora is normalized, liver and kidney function improves, and immunity increases.

Cucumbers, like Astrakhan cucumbers, contain a lot of useful substances, they give beauty to the skin, normalize intestinal function, prevent the development of joint diseases, and remove excess fluid from the body. The duration of the watermelon-cucumber weight loss system is 14 days and involves daily consumption of a kilogram of vegetables, the same amount of berries and a liter of liquid. It is allowed to eat a slice of rye bread during the day, and a couple of hours before bedtime you can indulge in a glass of kefir.

Considering the paucity of the diet for the specified period, we recommend that you refrain from excessive physical activity, get more rest during fresh air, sleep at least 8 hours a day and take vitamin and mineral complexes. Following the recommendations will help you lose up to 15 kilograms in 2 weeks. But attention: for kidney failure, stomach ulcers and gastritis, this method of losing weight is not suitable.

Practicing a mono-diet for too long is harmful to health. If you intend to lose 6-10 kilograms, combine eating “stripe” with 1-2 slices of black bread, preferably dried in an oven, toaster or dry frying pan. The duration of such an event is no longer than 10 days, during this period you can become 10 kg lighter.

There is another watermelon diet that will allow you to get rid of 6 kilograms in 10 days, and you won’t have to starve. It is suitable for meat eaters and, according to experts, is considered quite balanced. Excess weight will go away with a minimum of negative consequences.

The essence of the program is that after each meal you need to eat several slices of a striped berry, and you also need to snack on it. The daily norm of the product is at least 2 kg.

To achieve maximum results, within 10 days you are allowed to eat lean meats, including lean fish, cheeses with a minimum percentage of fat and low-fat yogurts, drink 1% milk, water and green tea, but avoid alcohol, confectionery and flour products It is recommended to refuse.

Another option for a balanced diet, which will also help you become lighter, includes buckwheat and striped berries. This menu allows you to effectively lose weight and not suffer from hunger.

During the day, it is allowed to eat buckwheat porridge (daily norm - 1 kg), melons (50 grams per kilogram of weight, but not more than 5 kg), vegetable salads (to improve the taste, they can be sprinkled with lemon juice or seasoned with olive oil). You can drink water, green tea and herbal infusions without restrictions. Dinner should be no later than 17:00, but if you feel hungry before bed, drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

After the autumn harvest, it is an excellent time for a fruit and berry diet, which will help you lose up to 4 kilograms in 5 days. This diet is not suitable for people suffering from gastritis or ulcers.

During the day you need to consume 1 kilogram of green apples and 1.5 kilograms of “Astrakhan”, dividing the provisions into 5-6 meals. It is recommended to eat the fruits fresh, but you can bake them if desired. Remember to drink plenty of fluids.

The watermelon-rice weight loss program is also considered very useful. In terms of effectiveness, it is often compared to a diet based on melons and black bread. During dietary days, you are not allowed to eat anything other than berries and boiled brown or wild rice. The daily portion of cereal is 100 grams in raw form, berries – a maximum of 500 grams for every 10 kg of weight.

Fans of dairy products will probably like the watermelon-curd weight loss system, which allows you to lose up to 4 kg in a week. Cottage cheese contains a lot of beneficial bacteria and minerals, so those who are losing weight will not encounter hunger, skin problems, or stomach discomfort. The main rule is that you cannot combine products during one meal.

Sample menu

  • 200 g fermented milk product.

Lunch and dinner:

  • 2-3 slices of “Astrakhan”.
  • 150 g cottage cheese.
  • berry.

Unfavorable environment, junk food, metabolic disorders - these and many other factors lead to the formation of kidney stones. Failure to pay attention to this problem in a timely manner can provoke urosepsis, renal failure, hydronephrosis, calculous pyelonephritis and other problems. The striped berry has a strong choleretic effect, which means its consumption helps cleanse the kidneys.

The principle of the detox program is to consume up to 3 kilograms of berries and 2-3 slices of black bread daily for a week.

While carrying a baby, a woman needs vitamin supplementation; it is the watermelon diet that will help fill the deficiency of microelements necessary for the full development of the baby. In addition, such an event will help cleanse the intestines of accumulated toxins and remove excess fluid.

The principle is based on eating no more than 5 kg of berries during the day. The menu should be supplemented with cottage cheese, rice porridge, several slices of black bread.

The program is designed for 5 days.

The biggest danger that awaits the expectant mother during such an event is the nitrates present in the berries. They threaten not only the health of the woman, but also the baby, so you need to buy “Astrakhan” only in trusted places. And of course, before changing your diet, be sure to consult a gynecologist.

To consolidate the results of melon days, it is very important to know how to get out of them. On the days following the berry season, limit your consumption of flour, fatty, fried and salty foods. Switch to proteins - eat vegetables, boiled meat, steamed fish, drink kefir, green tea. Reduce the usual portions by one and a half times, and you should not exclude the striped berry from the menu.

Sample exit menu

  • 300 g watermelon.
  • 50 g Dutch cheese (or 200 ml low-fat yoghurt);
  • rye bread toast.
  • 80 g boiled white meat;
  • vegetable soup or salad.
  • 300 g of “Astrakhan” and a small slice of black bread.
  • Vegetable Salad.

During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid. Such a menu will consolidate and improve the results obtained.

Julia, 25 days

I practiced the 5-day watermelon diet. During this time, I managed to lose 3.5 kilograms of weight - I was 77 kg before and after it became 73.5 with a height of 166 cm. I want to lose more weight, I think that I will again call on watermelons to help.

Marina, 45 years old

Last August I was on a strict watermelon diet for a week. I didn’t watch the portions, sometimes I ate a couple of watermelons a day, because they grew right in our garden. During this time I lost 6 kg. I felt great. But the “watermelon madness” has one big disadvantage - frequent trips to the toilet.

Evgeniya, 32 years old

The watermelon-melon diet is my favorite because I just love these melons. It perfectly cleanses the body. During the course I manage to lose 5-6 kilograms. I advise everyone who wants to lose weight to try it, of course, if you have no contraindications.

Christina, 21 years old

I read a lot of reviews about the watermelon diet on one of the forums, they were all positive, so I decided to give myself a three-day marathon. During this time, I became one and a half kilograms lighter. Some will say that the result is not very good, but considering that I weigh 53 kg with a height of 165 cm, then this is a good plumb line.

Olga Perevalova, nutritionist

Watermelon is an amazing berry; it contains no fat or cholesterol, but it contains vitamins, micro- and macronutrients that help our body cleanse itself. I advise similar deloading in the summer to all my patients who do not have kidney problems, but at the same time I ask you to strictly follow the rules of sanitation. So, after you bring a watermelon from the store, be sure to wash it with soap and warm running water and never ask the seller to make an incision to evaluate the taste of the product on the spot, because microbes will get into the berry, which multiply very quickly in a sweet environment.

Anna Chaikina, nutritionist

Watermelon itself is, of course, healthy; it contains a lot of vitamins. But I advise you not to go on a diet, but to arrange fasting days, because in a couple of days you will be able to lose 1.5-2 kilograms. Eat no more than 200 grams of pulp at a time; I do not recommend replacing it with fresh juice. I do not recommend practicing mononutrition for 5, 7, and even more so for 10 and 14 days, since this is fraught with negative consequences. In addition, if you have kidney problems, you need to completely abandon such a menu.

The watermelon diet has many advantages over other types of diet for weight loss in the summer, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews on thematic forums and women's websites.

According to nutritionists, the watermelon diet is effective and beneficial for the body in the absence of contraindications and the person losing weight is in good health

The diet is widely known and has become a favorite of many., as it is quite easily tolerated and gives good results.

Watermelon is a tasty and at the same time low-calorie product, it perfectly saturates and gives positive emotions. This happens due to the beneficial sugar-type substances it contains: glucose, dextrose, lactose and others.

They relieve hunger for a long time and have a beneficial effect on health. Another important substance contained in watermelon is pectin fiber.

They rid the body of waste and toxins, remove excess fluid, speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the entire digestive tract, and burn belly fat.

Watermelon diet has positive effects on health– cleanses the body, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol and sugar levels.

Watermelon is extremely healthy, in addition to pectins and complex carbohydrates, it contains potassium, vitamins A, PP, B1, B2, phosphorus, iron, calcium, folic and ascorbic acid. It is also rich in carotenoids, which act as antioxidants in the body.

Nutritional value of watermelon per 100 grams of product

Watermelon improves liver disease, for example, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and chronic hepatitis, is recommended by doctors for obesity, hypertension, anemia, atherosclerosis and gout.

But there are also contraindications:

  • For people with diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, or pancreas, a watermelon diet for weight loss is not suitable - the opinions of doctors confirm this. Due to the diuretic effect, the load on these organs and systems increases.
  • The diet is contraindicated for diabetes due to the glucose, sucrose and lactose contained in watermelon; it is not recommended for pregnant women in the last trimester, as well as people suffering from severe edema.

One of the main disadvantages of the watermelon diet is that in most of its variants it is a mono-diet. This means that it may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and headaches.

Despite the watermelon being rich in nutrients, it cannot provide the body with the daily requirement of all necessary substances, so you should not sit on it for too long.

Another disadvantage of this diet plan is its low calorie content.. If you don't take your diet seriously, you run the risk of quickly gaining back the lost pounds.

Important to remember! The best time for a watermelon diet is August - September; during the season, striped berries are tasty, natural, and do not contain nitrates or pesticides.

It is necessary to choose ripe, sugary fruits, because the striped berry will be the basis of the daily diet.

A good watermelon has several characteristic features:

  • When tapped, a ringing, slightly vibrating sound is produced;
  • The peel is dense, without dents;
  • There are no stains on the surface;
  • The tail is dry.

There are many variations of the watermelon diet, but the most common are three.

Watermelon diet options for weight loss (the most effective according to reviews)

Nutrition rules


1 option

Watermelon can be eaten as much as you want and at any time.

Option 2

For every 10 kg of weight there is 1 kg of fruit. For example, a woman weighing 70 kg can consume up to 7 kg of watermelon daily. Both the pulp and the rinds are taken into account. It is advisable to eat frequently, leaving at least 2-3 hours between meals.

Option 3

The amount of watermelon is determined in the same way as in option 2. A piece of rye or whole grain bread (30 g) is added to each meal. You can dry it slightly.

Note! Whichever version of the watermelon diet for weight loss is chosen, reviews show that you need to drink plain water in large quantities. Green tea is allowed.

The duration of the diet depends on its purpose and is determined individually. The approximate interval is from 3 to 10 days. If you choose an option where only watermelon is present in the diet - it must be observed for no longer than 5 days, otherwise it may be harmful to health.

If, in addition to watermelon, the meal plan also includes other foods, for example, bread, then the duration can be increased to 10 days. Also, the duration of the diet is influenced by the result that is expected from it. The more kilograms a person wants to lose, the longer the diet should continue.

A good option for those who want to simply maintain weight at the same level is a fasting day based on a watermelon diet.


On this diet, the main food consists of low-calorie foods, and watermelon and melon are used as desserts and snacks. With this option, the body receives all the necessary substances, there is no feeling of hunger or weakness, it is quite easy to withstand the restrictions.

During the diet, watermelon is eaten after breakfast, lunch and dinner, and melon is eaten for a snack and afternoon snack. Daily norm – no more than 1 kg of fruits. There should be a 2-3 hour break between meals.

What you are allowed to eat on this diet: chicken, turkey, fish and beef, rice, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, eggs, fresh vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, bell peppers; they can be eaten as a salad with butter, preferably without salt. Drink plenty of water and green or herbal tea.

Forbidden: flour, confectionery, sweets, salt, carbonated drinks.

Duration – 10 days, you can lose from 2 to 4 kg.

It is necessary to choose only ripe fruits. A good melon smells sweet, has no spots or black spots, and when tapped, produces a booming sound rather than a slap. It should be eaten separately from other foods, especially fermented milk, to avoid stomach upset.

This diet consists of alternating watermelon and kefir meals. It is better to drink kefir before going to bed so as not to suffer from frequent urge to go to the toilet and feelings of hunger. If the diet is well tolerated, you can stick to it for a week. Otherwise, you should limit yourself to a fasting day.

This option is good for the summer heat, when you have no appetite and want something light. Its disadvantage is that side effects often include bloating and indigestion.

On this diet, you eat cucumbers and watermelon as much as you want and whenever you want., 100 g of boiled meat is allowed for lunch. Duration – 3 days. The expected weight is 2–3 kg.

Many people love the combination of watermelon and black bread, so they feel comfortable sticking to this diet plan. In this option, you can add 60–90 g of bread (2-3 pieces) to each meal.

Duration – 5 days, you can get rid of 2 to 5 kg.

This diet has already gained many fans, since it allows you to lose weight precisely due to adipose tissue. The main part of the diet consists of food containing protein, and watermelon is consumed for dessert and during snacks. Foods you can eat on this diet: lean meats, turkey, white fish, rabbit, cheese, yogurt, egg whites.

Thanks to the diuretic effect of watermelon, the body is freed from excess fluid and toxins., a lack of carbohydrates in the diet helps get rid of fat deposits, and proteins preserve and strengthen muscle tissue.

Duration is 7–10 days, expected weight loss is up to 6 kg.

This diet is less popular. Her diet is simple: for breakfast and lunch they eat buckwheat porridge without oil, fresh or boiled green vegetables, you can make salads, seasoning them with olive oil or natural yogurt, lean meat no more than 100 g per meal, and for dinner - watermelon. Watermelon is taken at the rate of 1 kg per 30 kg of weight.

The restrictions must be observed for 5–7 days, during which time some lose up to 2–4 kg.

A strict mono-diet, but many people like it, because in 10 days of restrictions you can say goodbye to 7–9 kg. Everything is simple here: watermelon days replace apple days. The maximum daily amount of watermelon is 1 kg for every 10 kg of weight, apples – up to 1.5 kg per day.

Doctors warn that sticking to this diet plan for more than 10 days can be dangerous to your health.

This diet gives good results. Watermelon and rice are allowed. To find out how much watermelon you can eat per day, you need to divide your weight in kilograms by 20. Rice should be brown, wild or steamed; these varieties of rice contain useful substances and are perfect for losing weight. The maximum daily amount of cooked rice is 250 g.

Types of rice consumed during the watermelon-rice diet

Duration 4 days.

This option is considered quite filling due to the cottage cheese. The main condition is not to combine watermelon and cottage cheese in one meal. Otherwise, digestive problems may occur. On this diet you can get rid of 2 to 4 kg; you need to stick to it for no more than 7 days.

To consolidate the result, it is necessary to follow the exit from the diet.

Exit rules:

  • The withdrawal lasts the same number of days as the diet itself;
  • While going out, you can eat porridge, chicken, turkey, fish, dietary meats, cottage cheese and dairy products, cheese, fruits and vegetables in the form of salads with light dressings without salt, greens;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of still water per day;
  • For dinner there are a few pieces of watermelon.

    Foods to eat when quitting the watermelon diet

In their reviews of the watermelon diet for weight loss, women indicate that it is better to do this 3 hours before bedtime.

Lighter types of the watermelon diet are used by pregnant women who have gained too much weight. You can begin dietary restrictions only after consulting a doctor.

If you experience digestive problems or feel worse, you should consult your doctor about continuing the diet.

Note! A great option for pregnant women is a watermelon fasting day. Helps control weight gain.

It is better to choose local watermelons or check the fruit carefully before eating. Certainly, You need to start such a diet or fasting days no earlier than mid-August.

If you want to lose weight, but are not in the mood to go on strict and tasteless diets, watermelon will be an excellent assistant in the fight for slimness. This method of weight loss has been recognized by the American Obesity Association as one of the most effective and safe. Watermelon has many beneficial and medicinal properties. This is a valuable dietary product.

Read in this article

Benefits and calorie content of watermelon

As you know, the problem of many who want to lose weight is the inability to give up sweets. The watermelon diet will be a great way out. This method of losing weight will allow you to remove extra pounds and cleanse your body of toxins.

The main advantage of watermelon is its low calorie content. 100 grams of product contains no more than 40 kcal. However, watermelon contains a lot of sugar. Therefore, before starting a diet, you should get tested for its level.

Also, 100 grams of pulp contains few carbohydrates, very little protein, dietary fiber, practically no fat, but more than 90% water. Watermelon has beneficial properties, such as a diuretic, choleretic, laxative, tonic. Eating it helps improve metabolism and water-salt balance.

Watermelon has the following positive effects on the body:

  • Thanks to its magnesium content, it helps cope with high blood pressure, which often worries overweight people. Already 150 grams of the product contains the daily requirement of this element.
  • Diuretic properties will benefit those who suffer from problems with the kidneys, liver, biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract and gout. Watermelon has a “flushing” effect on the body, removing waste and toxins, and also lowers the level of bad cholesterol.
  • It is useful for people suffering from heart and vascular diseases.
  • Thanks to alkaline compounds, watermelon helps to “flush” the kidneys without irritating them, so it is indicated for nephritis and cystitis.
  • Helps cleanse the liver of toxic substances that accumulate during life. Watermelon is useful for acute ailments of this organ.
  • He is also rich folic acid, which is needed to improve metabolism and also serves as a prevention of sclerosis.
  • It contains a lot of iron, so it is useful for people with various blood diseases.
  • Due to the fiber content, toxins are removed from the intestines. At the same time, it has a mild laxative effect, so it does not irritate it and is not addictive.
  • Watermelon is rich in thiamine and riboflavin.

Pros of the diet

This method of losing weight has many advantages:

  • It does not take much time and allows you to acquire the desired shape in a few days.
  • Easy to tolerate, as fiber and water fill the space in the stomach and keep you feeling full for a long time.
  • It is highly effective and safe, as it allows you to lose a decent amount of weight without causing harm to your health.
  • Cleanses the body of toxins, excess water and salts, which normalizes metabolism and improves skin condition.

Is it possible to eat at night

Unlike other dietary products, watermelon can be consumed before bed. It is usually not recommended to eat after six or eight in the evening, but due to the work of certain hormones

the feeling of hunger increases. Watermelon will come in handy. Thanks to its high glycemic index, it is quickly absorbed and gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time. It also helps cleanse the body.

Watermelon is useful for men with potency problems, as it contains L-arginine. It will act as an aphrodisiac.

However, it is important to consider some factors:

  • Due to the diuretic and laxative effects, sleep problems may occur.
  • A large amount of product at night can lead to swelling in the morning.
  • May cause fermentation and flatulence in the intestines.
  • If you have prostate adenoma, watermelon is prohibited.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to eat the fruit at least an hour and a half before bedtime. In addition, you can consume no more than a kilogram of pulp at once.

Who shouldn't eat watermelon?

Despite all the benefits, you should be careful with this diet. At the first unpleasant sensation, such as heartburn, colic, diarrhea and other symptoms, you must stop it immediately. You should also not eat watermelon when serious problems with kidneys and liver. As a result of consuming the product, there is a strong load on the body, which leads to an exacerbation of diseases.

People suffering from diabetes should not take risks, since the easily digestible carbohydrates in watermelon can cause a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

You may soon experience weakness and rapid fatigue, but such sensations are typical of any mono-diet. After some time, the body adapts. But if the condition does not improve, you should stop the weight loss process.

Do not forget that, although rare, the product can still cause an allergic reaction. Especially with individual intolerance.

And the last drawback of the watermelon diet is its seasonality - you can only eat it in late summer and early autumn.

Choosing Safe Fruits

There is a possibility of harm due to a low-quality product. Fruits often contain chemicals that can cause poisoning and allergies. You can find out whether watermelon will cause harm using an experiment. To do this, place a piece of pulp in a container of water for 15 minutes. If there are nitrates in the watermelon, it will lose its shape and begin to blur. If the fruit is clean, the pulp remains unchanged.

It is also important to consider weight when choosing. On average, it is 8 kilograms, so a weight that differs greatly on a smaller or larger side indicates incomplete ripeness or the presence of chemicals.

Excessive intake of nitrates leads to nausea, diarrhea and dizziness.

To learn how to test watermelon for nitrates at home, watch this video:

Options for a watermelon diet

The diet while losing weight on this fruit is quite monotonous, but does not cause irritation or discomfort.

For a week

The main and staple food for seven days will be watermelon. You need to eat it based on the calculation for every 10 - 15 kilograms of initial weight, one kilogram of pulp. The resulting amount should be divided into an equal number of servings, for example, five or six. This way you will need to eat throughout the day.

You can't eat anything else, but you can drink plain water or green tea without sugar. Since this is a strict mono-diet, you cannot stick to it for more than five to seven days. During this time, it is possible to lose weight up to 3 - 4 kilograms.

For 10 days

There is a less extreme version of the watermelon diet. Fruits, vegetables, cereals and Rye bread, lean meat and dairy products. The point of the diet is that you need to eat the listed dishes throughout the day. And for dinner, eat watermelon. This should be done 4 - 5 hours before bedtime. The amount of fruit should be calculated as follows: 1 kg of pulp for every 30 kg of initial weight.

The correct exit from the diet also plays an important role, otherwise all the lost kilograms will quickly return. The diet when switching to normal mode looks like this:

  • You should have breakfast with porridge with fruit or low fat.
  • Have a lean lunch with grilled or stewed vegetables.
  • You should only have watermelon for dinner according to the plan.
  • Reviews for this diet are mostly positive. Those losing weight note not only the loss of kilograms, but also the appearance of a feeling of lightness. Many people experience problems with skin and bloating. Watermelon cleanses the intestines, removes toxins from the liver, and saturates for a long time.

    Of course, you shouldn’t rely on just one product. The advantage of watermelon is that it gives you a feeling of fullness, but does not overload your stomach. The person remains at ease. It is important to combine the diet with vigorous exercise and avoid eating unhealthy and high-calorie foods. After all, it does not burn fat, but removes toxins and improves metabolism.

    Watermelon is a sweet and healthy product. It will help you lose weight in a fairly short period of time. A well-chosen fruit has many useful qualities. It not only promotes weight loss, but also improves the health of the body as a whole.

    Useful video

    Watch this video about the watermelon diet:

The desire to look slim and fit forces women and girls to limit themselves in nutrition, introducing not always tasty, but low-calorie foods into their diet. The watermelon diet is both tasty and effective, say those who have experienced it themselves. In our article we will note its pros and cons, dwell on contraindications and talk about the rules for its use.

What are the benefits of watermelon?

Watermelon is far from the most healthy berry, however, it still contains the vitamins and minerals our body needs. True, their number is insignificant, and therefore they are not the main advantage of this melon crop. Its main properties, on which the watermelon diet is based, are:

  • low calorie content: 100 g of watermelon pulp contains only 25 kcal;
  • a natural diuretic: this is why striped berries are widely used in express diets, when short terms You need to achieve rapid weight loss.

Watermelon contains:

  • water (up to 90%). Such a large proportion of liquid gives watermelon choleretic and diuretic properties, improves metabolism, cleanses the kidneys, and removes toxins from the intestines;
  • sugar (about 12% of the proportion of solids). Due to its presence, the watermelon diet should be used with extreme caution by patients diabetes mellitus;
  • magnesium. Daily norm This mineral can be provided by eating just 250 g of watermelon. Magnesium is necessary for hypertensive patients, promotes the absorption of calcium, potassium and sodium, prevents the formation of kidney stones and the deposition of salts in joints, strengthens nervous system and dream;
  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • cellulose. We have already written about what it is in the article “Why do you need fiber?” ;
  • antioxidants that inhibit the aging process.

Types of watermelon diets

People who have experienced this type of mono-diet claim that with its help you can lose up to 5 kg within a week. Calculating how much watermelon you need to eat per day is quite easy: base it on 1 kg of berry pulp per 10 kg of your weight. But keep in mind: this diet should only be used in August-September, when the melon season begins. Otherwise, you risk “enriching” your body with harmful nitrates.

The watermelon diet is divided into three types:

  • tough. It involves eating only watermelon with a small exception: once every three days you are allowed to eat a cracker of bran bread. Lasts up to 10 days, during which weight can decrease by 7 kg.

After such a diet, you cannot suddenly switch to the previous menu. It is necessary to gradually introduce new products - 1-2 per day. First kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, then vegetable soups, then porridge;

  • lightweight. A 10-day watermelon diet, during which you eat “Astrakhan” for breakfast and lunch, and you are allowed to eat fruits, vegetables and cereals for dinner. The maximum result that you can get as a result of its use is minus 6 kg of weight;
  • free. The most gentle and least effective watermelon diet, since it involves eating the red berry only for breakfast. The rest of the time you can eat cereals, vegetables and fruits. The maximum duration of this type of diet is 14 days, and the weight loss during this time is 4 kg.

When choosing a light or free type of watermelon diet, be sure to follow drinking regime- at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day.

Advantages and disadvantages of the watermelon diet

It's time to talk about the pros and cons of the watermelon diet. Let's first note the positive aspects. Firstly, thanks to its diuretic effect, it rids the body of excess fluid and speeds up metabolism, removes intestinal toxins and alcohol radicals.

Secondly, a watermelon diet cleanses the kidneys, reducing the likelihood of urolithiasis. And thirdly, it is an inexpensive way to lose weight, since the price of watermelons is low during the season.

Now let's look at its shortcomings. These include a number of contraindications. First of all, for patients with diabetes, as we have already written about above. The watermelon diet is not recommended for those who have kidney stones, as it increases stress on the urinary tract.

Watermelon does not contain fats and proteins, without which our body becomes exhausted. Therefore, such a diet does not provide balanced nutrition and cannot be long-lasting.

For more information about the dangers of mono-diet, watch the video:

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