Is the watermelon diet healthy? Watermelon diet for weight loss: menu, maximum “plumb” and consequences

Watermelon is quite common in our country and very healthy fruit, which contributed to the emergence of a very effective and healthy watermelon diet.

Watermelon pulp consists of 5.5-13% easily digestible sugars: glucose, fructose and sucrose, which contribute to the combustion of fat in the human body. The pulp also contains proteins - 0.7%; calcium - 14 mg/%, magnesium - 224 mg/%, sodium - 16 mg/%, potassium - 64 mg/%, phosphorus - 7 mg/%, iron in organic form - 1 mg/%; vitamins - thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, carotene - 0.1-0.7 mg/%, ascorbic acid - 0.7-20 mg/%, alkaline substances. The dietary fiber contained in watermelon pulp effectively helps reduce cholesterol levels in the body.

The low calorie content of watermelon (38 kilocalories per 100 grams of watermelon pulp) is one of the main factors in its use for weight loss.

It is not surprising that the watermelon diet has acquired particular importance for those who want to cope with excess weight without using grueling diets. In addition, watermelon has strong diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, laxative and restorative properties.

The watermelon diet is a comprehensive approach to consuming watermelon, the main components of which, through their impact on internal organs humans, help remove toxins from the body, promote fat burning, lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels and improve skin condition.

Types of diets

The watermelon diet is effective method fight against excess weight. There are many different options for the watermelon diet. Let's look at the simplest of them.

The first version of the watermelon diet (watermelon diet for 3 days)

It is necessary to include only watermelon in your diet for 2-3 days (no more than 1.5 kg per day), proportionally divided into 3-5 doses per day. It is allowed to consume black bread or crackers during the diet. You can drink plain or mineral water; Tea and coffee should not be consumed. After 3 days, it is advisable to take a break for 4-5 days. Be sure to ensure that you do not overeat during the break and that the lost kilograms (1-2 kg) do not come back.

Second diet option

We eat as usual, but we need to try to eat in moderation. Three times a day, an hour before meals, you need to eat 1-2 kg of watermelon. The duration of the diet depends on the desired results.

The third diet option

The first week you need to alternate “watermelon” days with regular days of eating. On “watermelon” days you need to eat 500-600 grams of watermelon. On ordinary days, it is advisable to eat dietary products (kefir, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese, vegetable salads, juice). The second week, 5 days in a row should be “watermelon”. Then you need to gradually switch to regular food, but be sure to eat dietary foods with increasing calorie content for the next 5 days. The effectiveness of this diet: weight loss from 3 to 5 kg.

The fourth diet option (for people with excessive weight)

First, prepare the body for the upcoming diet: consume 300-500 grams of watermelon 2-3 days, an hour before the main meal. Over the next 5 days, eat only watermelon, dividing the daily norm evenly (divide your weight by 10 - this is the daily norm).

Results: weight loss from 1 to 7 kg, depending on the type of watermelon diet chosen, the characteristics of the human body, and the correct application of all recommendations. It is not difficult to achieve results with a watermelon diet, but the most important thing is to maintain them after the end of the diet.

Watermelon diet for kidneys

The kidneys are one of the vital internal organs, which is the main filter in the human body, so it is very important to clean it periodically. The watermelon diet has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, as it is a “tasty” and effective method of normalizing their activity. It is best to start a diet in the fall, when you can buy watermelons, which contain the least amount of nitrates.

The watermelon diet for the kidneys is as follows: during the first week you need to eat only watermelons, black bread, watermelons in combination with black bread. You should also take warm baths every day in the evening (from 17.00 to 21.00), this is when stones and sand are best removed from the kidneys. Why do you need to take a bath? In order to relieve painful spasms when removing stones. It is important to carry out this procedure several times with an interval of two to three weeks.

Despite the fact that during the watermelon diet, no medications need to be taken orally, you can start such a diet to cleanse the kidneys only after consultation and examination by a specialist (urologist). If you have chronic diseases, this does not mean that you cannot go on a watermelon diet, just be sure to do it under the supervision of a doctor.


There are a number of diseases for which it is contraindicated to start a watermelon diet:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • kidney diseases, enteritis and enterocolitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sometimes eating watermelon can cause nausea, vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea. This is possible if a significant amount of nitrates has accumulated in the watermelon.

To avoid eating watermelon with a significant amount of nitrates, you need to check it with the following: in simple ways:

  • put a piece in a glass of water: if the watermelon contains nitrates, the water will turn red or pink, and a “clean” watermelon will only make the water cloudy;
  • squeeze a watermelon: a ripe watermelon should crack when squeezed, but if not, it means it is ripe after adding nitrates;
  • There should be sugar grains on the cut of the watermelon, and the veins should not be thick and yellow.

Be sure to consult your doctor before starting a watermelon diet.

Watermelon - like many other berries - is rich in antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, carotene, niacin, thiamine and riboflavin. In addition to the fact that these substances generally prolong the life of our body and protect it from age-related damage, some of them have an anti-cancer effect, and the same carotene, for example, strengthens vision.

However, not only watermelon can boast of such a composition, and the amount of these vitamins in it, frankly speaking, is not outstanding. Much more importantly, watermelon literally contains invaluable folic acid (or vitamin B9), without which the human body is not able to develop normally. Folacin (another name for this vitamin) is necessary for the construction of DNA and RNA, participates in cell division and regulates the absorption and processing of proteins. But all these microprocesses are invisible to us; As for the "visible" effect of folic acid, it provides healthy skin color, improves digestion and helps new mothers by increasing the production of breast milk.

By the way, pregnant women are also advised to lean on products containing B9, since a lack of this element will negatively affect the formation nervous system baby. In addition, failure to reproduce DNA (which can also occur with folacin deficiency) potentially increases the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

Trick. As you know, watermelon is a strong diuretic. In late-term pregnant women, the fetus puts such pressure on the bladder that natural urges occur more often than usual. Get ready for the fact that after a portion of watermelon you will experience even greater discomfort and a feeling of fullness.

The same applies to the intestines. Consuming watermelon together with (or immediately after) other foods leads to severe gas formation; and for women “in position” this can cause not only purely aesthetic inconveniences, but even pain.

Both heart and kidneys

Another wealth of watermelon is magnesium. 100 grams of the miracle berry contains about 60% daily norm this microelement. It is good primarily because it ensures normal absorption of other beneficial substances, including vitamins and minerals - calcium, sodium, potassium and others.

Second, magnesium helps muscles and nerves function. Frequent symptoms of its deficiency are limb cramps, tingling sensation, weakness and fatigue. And in its advanced form, magnesium deficiency can also affect the heart: disturbances in nerve conduction, combined with poor vascular tone, threaten arrhythmia and significantly increase the likelihood of a heart attack. Therefore, people with problematic blood pressure should especially pay attention to the amount of magnesium in their diet. Magnesium is also useful for the kidneys - it prevents the formation of stones and generally reduces the deposition of salts in the body.

And third: magnesium is considered an excellent antidepressant. If you are depressed for several days in a row, sleep poorly and cannot concentrate on routine work, perhaps the watermelon diet will restore your strength and vigor.

Trick. In addition to those mentioned, watermelon also contains other useful substances - the same sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, without which we, of course, also cannot live. But! This does not mean that you need to get them only from this berry. In total, there are not so many of them, and to get the recommended daily dose of iron, for example, you will have to eat almost 2 kilograms of watermelon! So don't think that snacking on watermelon every day will provide you with these nutrients in full. The diet must be balanced; it is impossible to get all the vitamins from one product.

Almost like a drink

No matter how rich watermelon is in microelements, its main component is water (from 85 to 90%). Thus, it perfectly quenches thirst and in the hot summer will perfectly cope with the role of a soft drink. Unlike soda and many fruit juices, it does not contain hard-to-digest sugars that require the production of insulin, which means that even diabetics can consume it (though in moderation). On the other hand, it contains mineral salts, that is, the berry maintains a normal water-salt balance and does not harm your kidneys.

Trick. The fiber contained in watermelon, as well as the already mentioned magnesium, improve intestinal motility. In people with gastrointestinal problems, excessive consumption of watermelon can cause diarrhea, which means dehydration. In this case, the berry will have the opposite effect from what you want.

If you need to lose weight

The ability of watermelon to accelerate weight loss is due to several factors. For starters, this is its diuretic effect - watermelon removes excess fluid from the body well, and it can increase your scale readings by an average of 1-2 kilograms.

Further, watermelon suppresses the feeling of hunger - simply by filling the stomach - and at the same time has a relatively low calorie content (38 kilocalories per 100 grams). And, of course, its sweet taste plays an important role. Numerous studies by physiologists have shown that for the human brain, sweets are the strongest “provocateur” of the feeling of fullness, so spending a fasting day on watermelon will be much easier than on some cucumbers.

The technology of “watermelon days” is simple. You are allowed to eat 1-1.5 kg of watermelon, rye bread and crackers, you cannot drink tea and coffee. And such a diet is useful not only for your figure. This is an excellent cleansing of the whole body; you will get rid of toxins, sand, excess salts, even excess cholesterol, and at the same time give a good “impetus” to your immunity. But keep in mind: the watermelon diet has its contraindications. It cannot be performed if the kidneys have reduced function (they simply cannot remove excess fluid from the body) and the presence of stones more than 4 mm in diameter.

Trick. As with any other mono-diet, you cannot stay on the watermelon menu for more than two days in a row. And in just two days, unfortunately, you will not lose weight. Get rid of excess water (i.e. 1-2 kg) - yes, but not fat deposits. To start losing inches on your waist, you will have to repeat such “unloading” regularly, with a break of 4-5 days, while your meals on the remaining days should not become more plentiful. But there is such a risk! Approximate metabolic time nutrients in the body is three days, i.e., if you fast on Monday, expect an increase in appetite on Wednesday-Thursday. In general, control yourself and don’t part with fasting days, so as not to earn exhaustion.

Chemistry and biology

And finally, about the potential danger of watermelons. Nature created this fruit useful and nutritious, but the products of human activity (and commercial thought) left their unpleasant imprint on the benefits of watermelon.

So, nitrates, which is pumped into watermelons to make them grow bigger and faster, can have both a long-term and immediate poisonous effect. In people with more or less good health, they accumulate, over time causing weakness, decreased immunity, irritability and insomnia. But in children, pregnant women and those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases, symptoms may appear within a few hours after eating; these are nausea, vomiting, dizziness and pain. At the same time, it is almost impossible to distinguish a “poisonous” watermelon from one untouched by chemicals without laboratory analysis.

However, the culprits of these troubles may also be microbes. The conditions for growing, transporting and storing watermelons create an ideal environment for the proliferation of microorganisms. And even if they don’t get inside the fruit, the surface of the berry is full of them, and from there they can easily get to your table and stomach. To avoid infection and protect yourself from food poisoning, follow a few simple rules"watermelon hygiene":

Never buy cut or damaged watermelons. Did you see a crack? Decline. And certainly don’t pay for a fruit from which a compassionate seller has cut a pyramid to demonstrate its ripeness.

Store-bought watermelons, cut into slices and wrapped in cling film, no safer than market ones.

When you bring a watermelon home, don’t put it on the table before you thoroughly (and thoroughly!) wash it. running water. Germs can remain on the tablecloth and from there spread to other foods.

By the way

Instead of cosmetics. Watermelon makes wonderful cosmetic masks for all skin types. Just mash the pulp into a paste or cut it into thin slices and apply it to your face for 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use the skin first. olive oil(for dry and normal skin) or a small amount of honey (for oily skin).

Instead of Viagra. An interesting discovery was made by scientists from the Texas Center for the Study of Fruits and Vegetables. According to them, watermelon pulp contains the substance cirtullin, which during metabolism is converted into arginine and effectively dilates blood vessels. In terms of this effect, watermelon turned out to be even better than such a popular drug as Viagra. So for those who want to make their intimate life more fulfilling, it’s time to go shopping.

Watermelon is not only tasty, but also healthy and effective if you want to lose a few extra pounds. Thanks to delicious berries, you can quickly say goodbye to several kilograms without making much effort.

What is the role of dietary nutrition?

This is not a panacea for all ills. If you accumulate for years excess weight, you won’t be able to get rid of it in one go. A sharp decline body weight is harmful to health, and stretch marks may also appear on the skin if you approach the issue of losing weight inappropriately.

Important! The three-day watermelon diet for weight loss is aimed at healing the body and correcting the figure, but it should not turn into mockery of oneself.

If you are allowed to eat certain foods, then you need to eat them, and not torment yourself with prolonged fasting. A well-thought-out diet is a way to normalize your health and appearance.

If there are no contraindications, you can temporarily switch to watermelon menu. During this period, you are allowed to eat watermelon pulp. If necessary, it is permissible to eat a few pieces of bread - rye or whole grain.

The volume of berries you eat depends on how much you weigh. For every 10 kg of weight - no more than 1 kg of watermelons.

At this time, excess fluid is removed from the body. Exiting the diet should be gradual, then the lost kilograms will not return.

The essence of losing weight

The watermelon menu makes it easy to say goodbye to excess weight. To do this, you need to really love juicy berries and have no contraindications to eating them. The diet is quite simple, economical and at the same time effective.

Peculiarity! Thanks to watermelon, the body is cleansed. Slags and toxins are removed from it. Fasting days on ripe berry pulp are recommended not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for people with normal build who monitor their health.

In a few days you can lose an extra 3-5 kg. Watermelon breakfasts, lunches and dinners are pure pleasure. Aesthetic pleasure provokes the production of pleasure hormones, improving mood.


There are several menu options for a watermelon diet for 3 days. You can choose one of them at your discretion, depending on the capabilities of the body and your goals.

Three-day mono-diet

As part of this menu, you need to eat only watermelons, but no more than 5-6 kg per day. Portions should be small, but at frequent intervals. You can drink water or herbal tea without sugar. It is not advisable to continue the diet longer than prescribed so as not to harm your health.

With rice and cottage cheese

A more gentle option that reduces stress levels. It means:

  • for breakfast – 100-150 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 203 slices of watermelon;
  • for second breakfast – 2 slices;
  • for lunch – boiled rice in the amount of 200 g, 2 watermelon slices;
  • in the afternoon – 50 g of cottage cheese, 1 slice;
  • for dinner - the same as at lunchtime.

And so on for 3 days in a row.

Light version

For breakfast, eat cheese - 2 pieces and 200 g of buckwheat or oatmeal porridge in water. The afternoon snack consists of 3 watermelon slices. For lunch you can have boiled or baked chicken fillet or steamed fish with vegetable salad. For dinner - watermelon. You can eat up to 3 kg.

Who is it suitable and not suitable for?

The prohibition applies to the following cases:

  • diabetes mellitus – watermelon pulp contains a lot of sugar;
  • kidney stones - the diuretic effect will cause them to move, causing urinary tract obstruction;
  • during pregnancy, the load on internal organs during this period is already high;
  • bloating - after consumption large quantity watermelon pathology may worsen;
  • heart diseases;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • problems with the digestive system.

Important! Before you start the watermelon diet, be sure to consult a specialist.

What can and cannot be done while dieting?

For three days, you are allowed to add whole grain bread to the watermelon - 2 pieces per serving. It is permissible to drink purified water without gas, green tea without sugar. Moderate physical activity is also beneficial. If you previously went in for sports, dancing, or yoga, then you can safely continue during the diet.

Cannot be consumed alcoholic drinks, take medications - especially antibiotics. You should also avoid eating watermelons that are saturated with nitrates.

Learn to choose berries that are not hazardous to your health. They are defined as follows:

  • Dip a piece of pulp into water for 5 minutes. If it does not dissolve in it and the color of the liquid remains the same, this is a real watermelon;
  • buy medium weight ones - within 7-8 kg. If they are too big, there is a lot of chemicals, and small ones run the risk of not being fully ripe;
  • there should be no purple tints in the pulp;
  • if the surface is glossy, the watermelon is poisoned with nitrates.

Before eating, wash it with soap and warm water. This will protect against possible infections.

Useful video: pros and cons of the technique

Due to the low calorie content - about 38 kcal for every 100 g of product, the popularity of those wishing to become slim using this method increases every year. It won’t be too difficult to survive on such a menu. Watermelon is rich in fiber, which makes you feel full for a long time. It brings benefits.

You can learn more about the dangers and benefits of a watermelon diet for 3 days from the video:

It improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and excretory systems. It contains many useful microelements:

  • B vitamins, antioxidants;
  • 0.1 kg of pulp contains a daily dose of magnesium;
  • Watermelon is rich in riboflavin and carotene.

Important! You need to carefully monitor your condition. Sometimes the watermelon menu provokes flatulence, diarrhea, and bloating. In this case, you need to stop the diet.


The results of a watermelon diet for 3 days depend on the individual characteristics of the body. Some experience terrible discomfort and find it difficult to tolerate food restrictions. If you frequently abuse your diet, you may experience a loss of strength and a deterioration in your health.

But in general, with the right approach, thanks to the watermelon menu you can achieve certain results:

  • lose a few extra pounds;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and waste;
  • regenerate the gastric mucosa;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • stabilize blood pressure.

The watermelon diet has many advantages over other types of diet for weight loss in the summer, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews on thematic forums and women's websites.

According to nutritionists, the watermelon diet is effective and beneficial for the body in the absence of contraindications and the person losing weight is in good health

The diet is widely known and has become a favorite of many., as it is quite easily tolerated and gives good results.

Benefits of the diet

Watermelon is a tasty and at the same time low-calorie product, it perfectly saturates and gives positive emotions. This happens due to the beneficial sugar-type substances it contains: glucose, dextrose, lactose and others.

They relieve hunger for a long time and have a beneficial effect on health. Another important substance contained in watermelon is pectin fiber.

They rid the body of waste and toxins, remove excess fluid, speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the entire digestive tract, and burn belly fat.

The effect of diet on health

Watermelon diet has positive effects on health– cleanses the body, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol and sugar levels.

Watermelon is extremely healthy, except for pectins and complex carbohydrates, it contains potassium, vitamins A, PP, B1, B2, phosphorus, iron, calcium, folic and ascorbic acid. It is also rich in carotenoids, which act as antioxidants in the body.

The nutritional value watermelon per 100 grams of product

Watermelon improves liver disease, for example, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and chronic hepatitis, is recommended by doctors for obesity, hypertension, anemia, atherosclerosis and gout.

But there are also contraindications:

  • Not suitable for people with diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, or pancreas watermelon diet for weight loss – Doctors' opinions confirm this. Due to the diuretic effect, the load on these organs and systems increases.
  • The diet is contraindicated for diabetes due to the glucose, sucrose and lactose contained in watermelon; it is not recommended for pregnant women in the last trimester, as well as people suffering from severe edema.

Disadvantages of the Watermelon Diet

One of the main disadvantages of the watermelon diet is that in most of its variants it is a mono-diet. This means that it may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and headaches.

Despite the watermelon being rich in nutrients, it cannot provide the body with the daily requirement of all necessary substances, so you should not sit on it for too long.

Another disadvantage of this diet plan is that it low calorie content . If you don't take your diet seriously, you run the risk of quickly gaining back the lost pounds.

When is the watermelon diet most appropriate?

Important to remember! Best time for the watermelon diet August - September, when in season the striped berries are tasty, natural, and do not contain nitrates or pesticides.

How to choose the right watermelon

It is necessary to choose ripe, sugary fruits, because the striped berry will be the basis of the daily diet.

A good watermelon has several characteristic features:

  • When tapped, a ringing, slightly vibrating sound is produced;
  • The peel is dense, without dents;
  • There are no stains on the surface;
  • The tail is dry.

Rules and diet for the watermelon diet

There are many variations of the watermelon diet, but the most common are three.

Options watermelon diet for weight loss (the most effective according to review am)

Nutrition rules


1 option

Watermelon can be eaten as much as you want and at any time.

Option 2

For every 10 kg of weight there is 1 kg of fruit. For example, a woman weighing 70 kg can consume up to 7 kg of watermelon daily. Both the pulp and the rinds are taken into account. It is advisable to eat frequently, leaving at least 2-3 hours between meals.

Option 3

The amount of watermelon is determined in the same way as in option 2. A piece of rye or whole grain bread (30 g) is added to each meal. You can dry it slightly.

Note! Whichever option watermelon diet for weight loss was not chosen, reviews show that it is necessary to drink plain water in large quantities. Green tea is allowed.

How many days can you go on a watermelon diet?

The duration of the diet depends on its purpose and is determined individually. The approximate interval is from 3 to 10 days. If you choose an option where only watermelon is present in the diet - it must be observed for no longer than 5 days, otherwise it may be harmful to health.

If, in addition to watermelon, the meal plan also includes other foods, for example, bread, then the duration can be increased to 10 days. Also, the duration of the diet is influenced by the result that is expected from it. The more kilograms a person wants to lose, the longer the diet should continue.

A good option for those who want to simply maintain weight at the same level is a fasting day based on a watermelon diet.

Watermelon diet options for weight loss


On this diet, the main food consists of low-calorie foods, and watermelon and melon are used as desserts and snacks. With this option, the body receives all the necessary substances, there is no feeling of hunger or weakness, it is quite easy to withstand the restrictions.

During the diet, watermelon is eaten after breakfast, lunch and dinner, and melon is eaten for a snack and afternoon snack. Daily norm – no more than 1 kg of fruits. There should be a 2-3 hour break between meals.

What you are allowed to eat on this diet: chicken, turkey, fish and beef, rice, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, eggs, fresh vegetables– cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, bell peppers; they can be eaten as a salad with butter, preferably without salt. Drink plenty of water and green or herbal tea.

Forbidden: flour, confectionery, sweets, salt, carbonated drinks.

Duration – 10 days, you can lose from 2 to 4 kg.

It is necessary to choose only ripe fruits. A good melon smells sweet, has no spots or black spots, and when tapped, produces a booming sound rather than a slap. It should be eaten separately from other foods, especially fermented milk, to avoid stomach upset.


This diet consists of alternating watermelon and kefir meals. It is better to drink kefir before going to bed so as not to suffer from frequent urge to go to the toilet and feelings of hunger. If the diet is well tolerated, you can stick to it for a week. Otherwise, you should limit yourself to a fasting day.

This option is good for the summer heat, when you have no appetite and want something light. Its disadvantage is that side effects Often there is bloating and indigestion.


On this diet, you eat cucumbers and watermelon as much as you want and whenever you want., 100 g of boiled meat is allowed for lunch. Duration – 3 days. The expected weight is 2–3 kg.

With black bread

Many people love the combination of watermelon and black bread, so they feel comfortable sticking to this diet plan. In this option, you can add 60–90 g of bread (2-3 pieces) to each meal.

Duration – 5 days, you can get rid of 2 to 5 kg.


This diet has already gained many fans, since it allows you to lose weight precisely due to adipose tissue. The main part of the diet consists of food containing protein, and watermelon is consumed for dessert and during snacks. Foods you can eat on this diet: low-fat varieties meat, turkey, white fish, rabbit, cheese, yogurt, egg whites.

Thanks to the diuretic effect of watermelon, the body is freed from excess fluid and toxins., a lack of carbohydrates in the diet helps get rid of fat deposits, and proteins preserve and strengthen muscle tissue.

Duration is 7–10 days, expected weight loss is up to 6 kg.


This diet is less popular. Her diet is simple: eat for breakfast and lunch buckwheat porridge without oil, fresh or boiled green vegetables, you can make salads, seasoning them with olive oil or natural yogurt, lean meat no more than 100 g per meal, and watermelon for dinner. Watermelon is taken at the rate of 1 kg per 30 kg of weight.

The restrictions must be observed for 5–7 days, during which time some lose up to 2–4 kg.


A strict mono-diet, but many people like it, because in 10 days of restrictions you can say goodbye to 7–9 kg. Everything is simple here: watermelon days replace apple days. The maximum daily amount of watermelon is 1 kg for every 10 kg of weight, apples – up to 1.5 kg per day.

Doctors warn that sticking to this diet plan for more than 10 days can be dangerous to your health.

On watermelon and rice

This diet gives good results. Watermelon and rice are allowed. To find out how much watermelon you can eat per day, you need to divide your weight in kilograms by 20. Rice should be brown, wild or steamed; these varieties of rice contain useful substances and are perfect for losing weight. The maximum daily amount of cooked rice is 250 g.

Types of rice consumed during the watermelon-rice diet

Duration 4 days.

On watermelon and cottage cheese

This option is considered quite filling due to the cottage cheese. The main condition is not to combine watermelon and cottage cheese in one meal. Otherwise, digestive problems may occur. On this diet you can get rid of 2 to 4 kg; you need to stick to it for no more than 7 days.

Exit from the watermelon diet

To consolidate the result, it is necessary to follow the exit from the diet.

Exit rules:

In their reviews of watermelon diet for weight loss women indicate that it is better to do this 3 hours before bedtime.

Watermelon diet during pregnancy

Lighter types of the watermelon diet are used by pregnant women who have gained too much weight. You can begin dietary restrictions only after consulting a doctor.

If you experience digestive problems or feel worse, you should consult your doctor about continuing the diet.

Note! A great option for pregnant women is a watermelon fasting day. Helps control weight gain.

It is better to choose local watermelons or carefully check the fruit before eating. Certainly, start such a diet or fasting days need no earlier than mid-August.

Every year, the watermelon diet for weight loss attracts more and more girls who want to lose extra pounds. Is it suitable for everyone? How long do you need to stick to a special diet to get visible results? Who is the watermelon diet contraindicated for? You will find reviews, photos and other materials in the article.

Contents [Show]

What are the benefits of striped berries?

Watermelons are rich in riboflavin, carotene and antioxidants. They also contain B vitamins, magnesium, ascorbic and folic acid. Watermelon is extremely beneficial for the kidneys and heart. To obtain the daily requirement of magnesium, it is enough to eat only 100 g of striped berries. It is worth noting that a deficiency of this microelement can cause weakness, nervous tension and muscle spasms.

Side effects of watermelon

For all its advantages, the striped berry can also harm the body, especially if consumed excessively. What are the harms of the watermelon diet? Firstly, this product has a strong diuretic effect. For people with kidney problems, this can be a serious challenge. Secondly, when eating watermelon along with certain foods, bloating and gas formation may occur, so this method of losing weight is not suitable for everyone.

Watermelon diet: reviews from doctors

We invite you to consider in detail what the watermelon diet is. Reviews from doctors will help determine its effectiveness. The ability of watermelon to speed up the process of weight loss is associated with several factors. The first can be called its diuretic effect. Watermelon allows you to remove excess fluid from the body, and this is minus 1-2 kg. Great option for unloading! The second factor is that the watermelon pulp fills the stomach. For several hours a person feels full. The calorie content of watermelon is 38 calories per 100 g of product. It is permissible to eat no more than 1-1.5 kg of pulp per day. If consumed excessively, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may occur. Side effects include dehydration and diarrhea.

The watermelon diet for weight loss is contraindicated for people suffering from:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • urolithiasis;
  • diabetes mellitus accompanied by impaired renal function;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • prostate adenoma.

Now you understand that the watermelon diet is not suitable for everyone. Benefits and harms must be analyzed and compared. Otherwise, health problems cannot be avoided.

Pros of the diet:

  1. Easy to carry.
  2. Helps cleanse the body (from toxins, excess fluid, etc.).
  3. Improves metabolism.
  4. Not accompanied by a feeling of hunger.
  5. Does not require serious financial expenditure.
  6. Allows you to achieve good results in a short time.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  1. Does not cover the body's needs for fats, proteins and some other substances.
  2. Increases the load on the organs of the urinary system.
  3. Represents a certain stress for the body.

Fasting days

A watermelon diet will help you get rid of 2-3 kg that appeared after heavy feasts. The benefits and harms of this method of losing weight were discussed by us earlier. Now it’s time to talk about the varieties and features of the watermelon diet. According to doctors, the most effective and safest option for health is fasting days. The duration of such a mini-diet is 24 hours. Eat from 0.5 to 2 kg of pulp, dividing this amount into 4-5 meals. Between meals you can drink a cup of green tea. In addition to watermelon, you should eat a plate of boiled rice or steamed chicken for lunch.

Watermelon diet options

For girls who have 10 or more extra pounds, one fasting day will not be enough. To obtain visible results, they need to adhere to a special diet for several days.

Watermelon diet for 3 days

The necessary conditions:

  • Divide 1.5 kg of pulp into 3-5 portions.
  • During the diet, it is allowed to eat crackers and black bread, but in reasonable quantities.
  • You can drink plain water and mineral water without gas. Tea and coffee are prohibited.
  • Weight loss in three days of eating watermelons will be 2-3 kg. After a week, the diet can be repeated, but you should not get carried away with this method of losing weight.

Watermelon diet for 5 days. First option

  • For breakfast we eat 300 g of watermelon pulp. An hour later, drink a cup of green tea, eat yogurt (low-fat) or toast with a thin layer of Parmesan cheese.
  • Lunch: 300-350 g of watermelon. After an hour, you can eat light soup, boiled chicken fillet or steamed fish without salt.
  • Dinner: 300 g of watermelon pulp. An hour later we eat a vegetable salad (without potatoes).

Second option

  • For breakfast and lunch, it is allowed to eat a vegetable salad, two slices of cheese, lean meat, steamed fish and unsweetened porridge cooked in water. You can use lemon juice and low-fat yogurt as a dressing.
  • For dinner we eat 1-1.5 kg of watermelon. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water (regular or mineral without gas).

Diet effectiveness

Physical activity plays an important role in the process of losing weight. Push-ups, squats and other exercises will only contribute to the active breakdown of subcutaneous fat tissue. In addition, physical activity will prevent sagging skin, which often occurs with rapid weight loss. Take note of this.

Reviews about the watermelon diet cannot be called unambiguous. However, this state of affairs is quite understandable: this diet was suitable for some, but not for others. If we analyze the reviews left by girls who are losing weight, we get the following picture. The best results were obtained by those who followed all the rules and recommendations exactly, and also went in for sports (at least at home). Negative reviews were received from girls who violate the prescribed regime. They complain of a poor diet, dizziness and slight weight loss. Be that as it may, there are much more positive reviews than negative ones.

At the same time, doctors associate dizziness and nausea not with the nitrates contained in watermelons, but with bacteria or chemicals with which the watermelon peel was soaked. To avoid such consequences, it is not recommended to buy cut fruits. If you purchased a whole watermelon, wash it thoroughly before eating.

The right way out of weight loss regime

Losing extra pounds is only half the battle. It is necessary to exit the diet correctly in order to maintain the results obtained. How to do this in this case?

After you have obtained good results by eating watermelon pulp, you need to adhere to a certain diet for at least 7-10 days. We offer you the following menu option.

  • oatmeal, buckwheat or rice porrige on the water (you can alternate them);
  • a hard-boiled egg, a piece of cheese or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • vegetable salad with the addition of chopped herbs (can be seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice);
  • lean meat or steamed fish.
  • 1-1.5 kg of watermelon pulp.

What do we know about watermelons?

Finally, we decided to list the most Interesting Facts about the striped berry:

  1. The main component of watermelon is water (from 85 to 90%). Unlike other fruit juices, there are no complex sugars. This means that even diabetics can consume watermelon pulp (in moderation, of course) without fear for their health.
  2. Low calorie content. 100 g of product contains only 38 calories.
  3. The antioxidants contained in striped fruits protect the female body from age-related damage. Some varieties of watermelon even have an anti-cancer effect.
  4. Scientists from the Texas Fruit and Vegetable Research Center have made one interesting discovery. They discovered a substance in watermelons called citrulline, which is metabolized into arginine, helping to dilate blood vessels. In terms of this effect, the striped berry turned out to be even better than the drug Viagra.


Now you know what the watermelon diet is. The benefits and harms of it for the body are quite clear to us. Is it worth trying? this method getting rid of extra pounds is up to you to decide. Good luck!

To apply the weight loss technique, it is better to wait until the start of the watermelon season. It comes at the end of August, at the beginning of September, at this time they ripen tasty and juicy watermelons.

It is advisable to use the watermelon diet once a year. You can consume watermelons that do not contain nitrates every day in moderation. With a competent approach to tasty and light diet, Can lose extra pounds And cleanse the body.

A watermelon diet without careful calorie calculations, with a simple determination of the daily dose of watermelon, with low-calorie pulp (only about 30 kilocalories) with the right approach, can give good weight loss results.

There are several options for the watermelon diet. This could be a strict mono-diet or fasting days based on just watermelons and water.

A light diet with the addition of small portions of low-calorie breakfast, lunch and dinner. In a light diet, watermelon pulp is introduced as a snack, saving you from starvation. And you can also accompany every meal with watermelon.

Diet watermelon week involves losing three to five kilograms.

Positive properties of watermelon - a valuable dietary product:

  • It has diuretic and choleretic properties.
  • Watermelon is one of the foods that helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Iron in watermelon is 1.0 mg, it is organic and easily digestible. To prevent anemia, you can sometimes use watermelons as a treatment.
  • The fiber in watermelon improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Folic acid - 150 g of watermelon pulp will cover the daily need for folic acid.
  • Magnesium in watermelon is a good antidepressant; it reduces the frequency of migraine attacks and helps restore damaged cells.
  • Consumption of watermelons to remove salts and oxalates from the kidneys (prevention of the formation of urates and oxalates).
  • The balanced composition of watermelon juice helps restore the acid-base balance.

Choosing the right watermelon

Only ripe berries are suitable for the watermelon diet. The ripening season for watermelons is the end of August – the second half of September.

The most natural and delicious watermelons will appear on sale only at the beginning of the season. Berries that appear on shelves early in the season are most likely grown with the help of growth enhancers and genetically modified additives.

  1. Ripe watermelon matte color.
  2. If you squeeze a watermelon, you will hear a cracking sound, but when you tap, there should be a dull sound.
  3. You should not choose a watermelon weighing more than eight kilograms. Watermelons that are too heavy may contain chemicals, and light ones are most often not yet ripe.
  4. When purchasing a watermelon, you need to ask the sellers for documents confirming the quality of the product and its safety.

Before eating watermelon, be sure to wash it under running water and soap.

Watermelon fasting days

It is advisable to introduce fasting days during the ripening season of melons. We choose juicy, ripe watermelons, without nitrates.

Now let's calculate how much we should eat. Your body weight is this moment, divide by 10, the resulting number is the amount of watermelon that needs to be eaten during the day. Or for every 10 kilograms of body weight, one kilogram of watermelon (weight 70 kilograms - we eat 7 kg of watermelon).

  1. The resulting figure is the mass of watermelon pulp that you will eat during the day, dividing it into 5 - 6 meals.
  2. You are allowed to drink water or green tea.
  3. It is not easy to endure a mono-diet on watermelons alone. The basis of correct and healthy eating consists of a variety of products. Therefore, it is recommended to stick to the diet for no more than 3 to 5 days.
  4. During this period, you can lose up to 4 kilograms of weight. During the first two days, fluid is removed from the body, but not accumulated fat.
  5. You can make a strict diet easier by adding to the main food ingredient a slice of bread of your choice: grain or rye. Then one meal will consist of watermelon with a slice of bread.

5-day watermelon menu for weight loss

Those who want to use a five-day weight loss program on watermelons need to lighten it slightly by adding low-calorie breakfasts, lunches and dinners.

The menu for one day includes:

  • Breakfast, consisting of 150 - 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, tea.
  • For lunch: cook 200 - 250 grams of buckwheat (you can use another cereal - rice).
  • For afternoon tea eat low-fat cottage cheese or a piece of low-fat cheese.
  • For dinner- rice.

For snacks - watermelon, and accompany every meal with watermelon. If you are tired of watermelon in the form of pulp, drink fresh watermelon. Only about 5 kilograms per day.

Fresh watermelon. Cut the seeded watermelon slices and mint sprigs and place them in a blender, add 2 tablespoons of honey for 3 to 4 watermelon slices.

Follow this menu for five days; during this period it is expected to reduce from 3 to 5 kilograms of weight.

7-day watermelon menu - eat and lose weight

Watermelon dietary food, designed for a week, involves losing weight up to 5 kilograms. But the approach to diet and monitoring the permissible daily calorie intake from food is individual. The diet can be diversified by consuming dietary foods and their possible combinations.


Breakfast. 100 g rice cooked in water, 200 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g boiled lean meat, 200 g watermelon.
Afternoon snack. 100 g low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g oatmeal on water, 200 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner: 200 g of baked lean fish, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack. A piece of hard cheese, 1 egg.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast: 300 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner. 100 g of oatmeal, vegetable salad, seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice.
Afternoon snack. 100 g low-fat yoghurt.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g buckwheat porridge, 200 g watermelon, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g baked chicken fillet, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack. A piece of hard cheese, 1 egg.
Dinner. 600 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g of rice, a piece of wholemeal bread, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled fish, 100 g of buckwheat porridge.
Afternoon snack. 100 g low-calorie cottage cheese.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 100 g oatmeal, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled lean meat, vegetable salad.
Afternoon snack. 200 g low-calorie yoghurt.
Dinner. 700 g watermelon.


Breakfast. 300 g of watermelon, a piece of bran bread, green tea.
Dinner. 200 g of boiled lean fish, 100 g of oatmeal.
Afternoon snack. 200 ml low-calorie kefir.
Dinner: 500 g watermelon.

On a note: Considering the diuretic properties of watermelon, it is better to eat it no later than 2-3 hours before you are going to bed. The diuretic effect of watermelon will simply prevent you from falling asleep if you eat it before bed or half an hour to an hour before bedtime.

The right way out of the watermelon diet

You have achieved visible results - you have lost extra pounds. How to maintain the results obtained through difficult days of dieting?

There is an exit!

Don't start eating everything. Eliminate smoked, fatty, flour, and fried foods from your diet. Eat right, play sports or jog every day, give up bad habits.

When active, healthy way life adhering to the principle of rationality balanced nutrition, then the results of weight loss will continue to please you in the future.

Nutritional value and calorie content of watermelon

Calorie content (100 g.) - 27 kcal

Watermelon contains:

water 92.6 g

proteins 0.6 g

fat 0.1 g

carbohydrates 5.8 g





Fe (iron) 1.0 mg

K (potassium) 64.0 mg

Ca (calcium) 14.0 mg

Mg (magnesium) 224.0 mg

Na (sodium) 16.0 mg

P (phosphorus) 7.0 mg


mono- and disaccharides 5.8 g

dietary fiber 0.4 g

organic acids 0.1 g

Pros and cons of the watermelon diet

Pros of the watermelon diet

  1. It is easy to calculate the amount of watermelon consumed depending on body weight (does not require constant counting of watermelon calories).
  2. Removes salts, toxins, and waste from the body.
  3. Small cash outlay.
  4. The valuable composition of watermelon (easily digestible sugars, B vitamins, fiber, microelements: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium).

The watermelon diet has many advantages over other types of diet for weight loss in the summer, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews on thematic forums and women's websites.

According to nutritionists, the watermelon diet is effective and beneficial for the body in the absence of contraindications and the person losing weight is in good health

The diet is widely known and has become a favorite of many., as it is quite easily tolerated and gives good results.

Benefits of the diet

Watermelon is a tasty and at the same time low-calorie product, it perfectly saturates and gives positive emotions. This happens due to the beneficial sugar-type substances it contains: glucose, dextrose, lactose and others.

They relieve hunger for a long time and have a beneficial effect on health. Another important substance contained in watermelon is pectin fiber.

They rid the body of waste and toxins, remove excess fluid, speed up metabolism, cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the entire digestive tract, and burn belly fat.

The effect of diet on health

Watermelon diet has positive effects on health– cleanses the body, improves digestion, reduces cholesterol and sugar levels.

Watermelon is extremely healthy, in addition to pectins and complex carbohydrates, it contains potassium, vitamins A, PP, B1, B2, phosphorus, iron, calcium, folic and ascorbic acid. It is also rich in carotenoids, which act as antioxidants in the body.

Nutritional value of watermelon per 100 grams of product

Watermelon improves liver disease, for example, cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and chronic hepatitis, is recommended by doctors for obesity, hypertension, anemia, atherosclerosis and gout.

But there are also contraindications:

  • For people with diseases of the kidneys, genitourinary system, or pancreas, a watermelon diet for weight loss is not suitable - the opinions of doctors confirm this. Due to the diuretic effect, the load on these organs and systems increases.
  • The diet is contraindicated for diabetes due to the glucose, sucrose and lactose contained in watermelon; it is not recommended for pregnant women in the last trimester, as well as people suffering from severe edema.

Disadvantages of the Watermelon Diet

One of the main disadvantages of the watermelon diet is that in most of its variants it is a mono-diet. This means that it may be accompanied by weakness, dizziness, and headaches.

Despite the watermelon being rich in nutrients, it cannot provide the body with the daily requirement of all necessary substances, so you should not sit on it for too long.

Another disadvantage of this diet plan is its low calorie content.. If you don't take your diet seriously, you run the risk of quickly gaining back the lost pounds.

When is the watermelon diet most appropriate?

Important to remember! The best time for a watermelon diet is August - September; during the season, striped berries are tasty, natural, and do not contain nitrates or pesticides.

How to choose the right watermelon

It is necessary to choose ripe, sugary fruits, because the striped berry will be the basis of the daily diet.

A good watermelon has several characteristic features:

  • When tapped, a ringing, slightly vibrating sound is produced;
  • The peel is dense, without dents;
  • There are no stains on the surface;
  • The tail is dry.

Rules and diet for the watermelon diet

There are many variations of the watermelon diet, but the most common are three.

Watermelon diet options for weight loss (the most effective according to reviews)

Nutrition rules


1 option

Watermelon can be eaten as much as you want and at any time.

Option 2

For every 10 kg of weight there is 1 kg of fruit. For example, a woman weighing 70 kg can consume up to 7 kg of watermelon daily. Both the pulp and the rinds are taken into account. It is advisable to eat frequently, leaving at least 2-3 hours between meals.

Option 3

The amount of watermelon is determined in the same way as in option 2. A piece of rye or whole grain bread (30 g) is added to each meal. You can dry it slightly.

Note! Whichever version of the watermelon diet for weight loss is chosen, reviews show that you need to drink plain water in large quantities. Green tea is allowed.

How many days can you go on a watermelon diet?

The duration of the diet depends on its purpose and is determined individually. The approximate interval is from 3 to 10 days. If you choose an option where only watermelon is present in the diet - it must be observed for no longer than 5 days, otherwise it may be harmful to health.

If, in addition to watermelon, the meal plan also includes other foods, for example, bread, then the duration can be increased to 10 days. Also, the duration of the diet is influenced by the result that is expected from it. The more kilograms a person wants to lose, the longer the diet should continue.

A good option for those who want to simply maintain weight at the same level is a fasting day based on a watermelon diet.

Watermelon diet options for weight lossWatermelon-melon

On this diet, the main food consists of low-calorie foods, and watermelon and melon are used as desserts and snacks. With this option, the body receives all the necessary substances, there is no feeling of hunger or weakness, it is quite easy to withstand the restrictions.

During the diet, watermelon is eaten after breakfast, lunch and dinner, and melon is eaten for a snack and afternoon snack. Daily norm – no more than 1 kg of fruits. There should be a 2-3 hour break between meals.

What you are allowed to eat on this diet: chicken, turkey, fish and beef, rice, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, eggs, fresh vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots, bell peppers; they can be eaten as a salad with butter, preferably without salt. Drink plenty of water and green or herbal tea.

Forbidden: flour, confectionery, sweets, salt, carbonated drinks.

Duration – 10 days, you can lose from 2 to 4 kg.

It is necessary to choose only ripe fruits. A good melon smells sweet, has no spots or black spots, and when tapped, produces a booming sound rather than a slap. It should be eaten separately from other foods, especially fermented milk, to avoid stomach upset.


This diet consists of alternating watermelon and kefir meals. It is better to drink kefir before going to bed so as not to suffer from frequent urge to go to the toilet and feelings of hunger. If the diet is well tolerated, you can stick to it for a week. Otherwise, you should limit yourself to a fasting day.

This option is good for the summer heat, when you have no appetite and want something light. Its disadvantage is that side effects often include bloating and indigestion.


On this diet, you eat cucumbers and watermelon as much as you want and whenever you want., 100 g of boiled meat is allowed for lunch. Duration – 3 days. The expected weight is 2–3 kg.

With black bread

Many people love the combination of watermelon and black bread, so they feel comfortable sticking to this diet plan. In this option, you can add 60–90 g of bread (2-3 pieces) to each meal.

Duration – 5 days, you can get rid of 2 to 5 kg.


This diet has already gained many fans, since it allows you to lose weight precisely due to adipose tissue. The main part of the diet consists of food containing protein, and watermelon is consumed for dessert and during snacks. Foods you can eat on this diet: lean meats, turkey, white fish, rabbit, cheese, yogurt, egg whites.

Thanks to the diuretic effect of watermelon, the body is freed from excess fluid and toxins., a lack of carbohydrates in the diet helps get rid of fat deposits, and proteins preserve and strengthen muscle tissue.

Duration is 7–10 days, expected weight loss is up to 6 kg.


This diet is less popular. Her diet is simple: for breakfast and lunch they eat buckwheat porridge without oil, fresh or boiled green vegetables, you can make salads, seasoning them with olive oil or natural yogurt, lean meat no more than 100 g per meal, and for dinner - watermelon. Watermelon is taken at the rate of 1 kg per 30 kg of weight.

The restrictions must be observed for 5–7 days, during which time some lose up to 2–4 kg.


A strict mono-diet, but many people like it, because in 10 days of restrictions you can say goodbye to 7–9 kg. Everything is simple here: watermelon days replace apple days. The maximum daily amount of watermelon is 1 kg for every 10 kg of weight, apples – up to 1.5 kg per day.

Doctors warn that sticking to this diet plan for more than 10 days can be dangerous to your health.

On watermelon and rice

This diet gives good results. Watermelon and rice are allowed. To find out how much watermelon you can eat per day, you need to divide your weight in kilograms by 20. Rice should be brown, wild or steamed; these varieties of rice contain useful substances and are perfect for losing weight. The maximum daily amount of cooked rice is 250 g.

Types of rice consumed during the watermelon-rice diet

Duration 4 days.

On watermelon and cottage cheese

This option is considered quite filling due to the cottage cheese. The main condition is not to combine watermelon and cottage cheese in one meal. Otherwise, digestive problems may occur. On this diet you can get rid of 2 to 4 kg; you need to stick to it for no more than 7 days.

Exit from the watermelon diet

To consolidate the result, it is necessary to follow the exit from the diet.

Exit rules:

  • The withdrawal lasts the same number of days as the diet itself;
  • While going out, you can eat porridge, chicken, turkey, fish, dietary meats, cottage cheese and dairy products, cheese, fruits and vegetables in the form of salads with light dressings without salt, greens;
  • Drink at least 2 liters of still water per day;
  • For dinner there are a few pieces of watermelon.

    Foods to eat when quitting the watermelon diet

In their reviews of the watermelon diet for weight loss, women indicate that it is better to do this 3 hours before bedtime.

Watermelon diet during pregnancy

Lighter types of the watermelon diet are used by pregnant women who have gained too much weight. You can begin dietary restrictions only after consulting a doctor.

If you experience digestive problems or feel worse, you should consult your doctor about continuing the diet.

Note! A great option for pregnant women is a watermelon fasting day. Helps control weight gain.

It is better to choose local watermelons or carefully check the fruit before eating. Certainly, You need to start such a diet or fasting days no earlier than mid-August.