Heating boilers for private heating oil. Domestic heating boilers for liquid fuel. Advantages of oil boilers

We bought a small house in the suburbs, there was water and electricity, but there was no gas, so we decided to install a heating boiler. It took a long time to decide and chose the unit for liquid fuel, which does not require "coordination" and permissions. Yes, at first the costs were tangible: installation, configuration, equipment, fuel. In addition, we have provided for regular maintenance of the boiler. I had to make an extension with good sound insulation and a chimney for the boiler, because. it makes a lot of noise during the operation of the burner, and the chimney for the possibility of changing the fuel over time (our burner can operate on both liquid fuel and gas).
However, later all the costs paid off, because we got a powerful heater that does not require constant supervision. Our boiler allows you to heat the entire house in the right mode in winter.

I want to share my experience. When I decided to install a diesel boiler at home, the question arose with its choice. After going through the Internet and having pretty much tortured the consultants, I came to the conclusion that you first need to decide on fuel consumption. The simplest calculation: power kW / 10 = kg of diesel fuel per hour. My house is 250 sq. m., therefore, for the entire heating season + hot water supply, I will need approximately 2.5 - 3.5 tons of fuel, although this figure may be higher or lower, depending on the needs.
Next comes the hardest part. I will name only general recommendations: for the house it is better to take cast-iron boilers, they are durable. On advice, he paid attention to condensation devices, because. their presence increases the cost of the boiler, but then significantly saves fuel consumption. I bought a double-circuit boiler, so that there is heating and hot water, because. I have small children and we consume a lot of it. However, for those who do not use hot water in large quantities, experts recommend installing a single-circuit boiler for heating and a hot water boiler.
Good luck!

I have a private house, but inside the city and we have been for 5 years already, as they promise to connect to the central gas supply. Last year I installed an oil-fired boiler for heating in the house, and we have a boiler installed for hot water for a long time. Before that, we used a fireplace and various heaters in the winter.
At the end of the heating season, I found that the boiler began to use more fuel, although I regularly clean the burner. It turned out that when I changed the fuel to a more budget option, soot began to accumulate faster, and a layer of soot of only 2 mm already increased fuel consumption by 10%, and I had accumulated about 3.5 mm.
So, when they cleaned the boiler, everything was fine. True, now you need to either return to a good diesel one, or clean it more often ....

Installing a heating boiler is a hassle. Having chosen a boiler, you also need to purchase an uninterruptible power supply. I have a diesel boiler, but eventually I want to switch to gas. The UPS chose the online type, when the central power grid is turned off, it immediately switches to batteries, unlike linear-interactive ones. In addition, the on-line series does not require the installation of an additional voltage stabilizer. In general, this series protects the components of the heating system more reliably.
My UPS has external batteries and is designed for long-term operation in the conditions of a stationary power outage.
But before buying these devices, I listened to a whole lecture in the store)))

Almost all of my neighbors have installed heating boilers that run on diesel fuel. Yes, there are those who prefer gas, but because everyone has to save money, then more often you can find diesel boilers.
I started looking for myself, but because of the variety of options, I was completely stunned. For heating and water heating, I chose a double-circuit boiler with a water supply flow. The design of the boiler is floor-standing, I tried to choose the unit of the most compact dimensions, but at the same time, so that it meets the power requirements.
To prolong the heating effect, I took it with a cast-iron heat exchanger, although the seller said that it was more fragile than with steel.
My boiler has natural draft and combustion products are removed through a vertical chimney. In any case, before going to the store, I consulted with the neighbors and studied the offers on the Internet. And he also calculated what I needed in terms of power and operating modes. Therefore, although he hesitated, he did good choice, which is what I wish for everyone!

Oleg Petrovich

For me, the biggest disadvantage of a liquid fuel boiler was the need to install an additional tank from which fuel would be supplied. At first I thought to buy a rectangular plastic tank and install it in an equipped boiler room. But there would not be enough space for a protective fireproof frame for him. In addition, I wanted to immediately purchase a large amount of diesel, because. we were promised price increases for it, and in general the currency jumps, the prices for gas and gasoline go there too ....
I had to choose a large cylindrical container. Plastic is good, it is not afraid of weather conditions. I decided to install it in the ground, providing reliable waterproofing (installed in concrete rings). I did everything so that in the summer it was possible to remove the tank for cleaning and drying. And for the period of these procedures I will buy a tank in reserve, which can be left in the boiler room.

Vladimir O.

The purchase of a boiler is based on its correct choice. To do everything right, you need to make a thermal calculation to determine the required performance of the equipment.
Even if you don’t have a heating engineer you know, try to calculate it yourself, and then go to the store to the seller.
The main factors for calculation: heat loss of the building, climate conditions, house features, such as the area of ​​​​openings, the thickness of floors and walls, the number of floors, the area to be heated, etc.
It should be taken into account that 1 kW of the declared power of the boiler can heat an area of ​​10 sq.m.
Also remember that boilers with a power of up to 150 kW can be installed in specially equipped rooms with a volume of at least 15 cubic meters. and ceilings at least 2 m high. Inside the walls must be made of fireproof materials, at least 1 window and good ventilation are also necessary.
These tips were given to me by sellers from websites of heating boilers, and I also asked summer residents on the forums.

Diesel boilers are traditional and condensing. In condensing devices, the heat and energy of condensate are additionally used, which increases their performance and significantly reduces fuel consumption. However, the price of such boilers is somewhat higher.

By design, a diesel heating boiler is not much different from a gas boiler - the main difference is in the design of the burner. Many companies produce boilers that can operate on both liquid fuel and gas - to switch from one type of fuel to another, it is enough to simply replace the mounted burner. Diesel boilers with a built-in burner cannot be modified, but they are cheaper and weigh less.

Boilers for liquid fuels differ in design from boilers that operate on solid fuels. If we talk about universal boilers that are needed for burning fuel in a liquid state, then they are equipped with a special burner. It has an automatic machine that ensures safety during operation. According to the rules, if there is no machine, then the boiler should not work. Otherwise, there may be serious consequences.

The parts included in the kit for converting the firebox are supplied in accordance with the working drawings. The kit must have operating documentation, which includes a passport, instructions for the installation and further operation of the heating boiler, as well as the burner.

High efficiency is a sign of perspective

A liquid boiler most often runs on diesel fuel. In addition, other types of fuel are often used, which we will discuss below. Oil boilers are characterized by a high level of efficiency, which exceeds 90 percent.

In addition, such boilers have a wide power range and the highest level of process automation, which is especially valuable in our time. Feedback on working with Korean and other heating boilers of this type is usually positive. The price of the boiler justifies itself, as it is able to give the consumer what he expects. Household heating boilers have firmly entered our lives and gradually occupied their niche.

Vent burner

So, liquid fuel boilers in their composition have a ventilation burner designed to create forced draft. Inside it, fuel and air are mixed, which leads to its further dispersion, as well as ignition.

This process takes place in the combustion chamber. The burner walls simultaneously play the role of a heat exchanger. In order to increase the level of heat transfer, flue gases must pass through a huge number of plates and tubes before they go outside. This helps to get additional heat to the heat exchanger.

The ventilation burner is a complex device. For his correct operation fine tuning is required. Only in this case, the oil-fired heating boiler will work correctly. When compared with other types of boilers, such boilers have more serious maintenance requirements.

Under no circumstances should a lot of soot build up on the walls inside the boiler. To do this, it is necessary to control the level of soot in the boiler and clean it, if necessary.

Often, oil-fired boilers and burners are offered to be purchased separately. At the same time, the price is very different. You can also buy them together. It is important to note that this approach, when you can buy two elements separately, allows you to assemble the system, taking into account all individual operating conditions.

Switching to another type of fuel. Universalism

Oil-fired heating boilers are very similar in design to gas boilers. This allows, under certain conditions, to carry out the process of turning one device into another. But for this you need to have skills and a set of tools.

Reviews on the work of the converted devices are the most wonderful. They don't cause any inconvenience. By the way, at the moment there are models of burners that can work simultaneously on diesel and gas. But here it is important to note that the price of such a device will be much higher than a simple unit. If you want to buy such a boiler, then get ready to pay double the price for it.

It is important to note that if you want to switch to an alternative fuel for your boiler in order to reduce energy consumption, then this happens quite quickly - literally half an hour. It should be noted that the work itself requires responsibility and diligence. The process should be especially carefully approached when it comes to switching to a gas type of fuel. Some people do this to save money. But in order for everything to go smoothly, it is necessary to clean the boiler so that soot does not crumble.

Energy dependence

It is worth noting one fact - for the operation of the boiler, as well as the operation of automation, you need power supply. For this reason, all liquid boilers are volatile.

Energy consumption is different, it all depends on the characteristics of the unit. Naturally, for a full-fledged installation of a heating system that operates autonomously, an independent power source must be installed.

Fuel tanks

If we talk directly about liquid fuel heating boilers, then they need an additional container into which fuel is poured. This container must be located near the device itself.

If you buy a large tank, you will provide yourself with fuel for the season right away, but additional heating of the tank itself will be required to avoid fuel thickening. The price of containers is not so high, almost everyone can afford to buy it.

With the help of special containers, you can avoid such a moment as an unpleasant odor. As for fuel consumption, if the dwelling is well insulated, three tons of fuel will be enough for 200 square meters. Agree, this is a normal fuel consumption for heating. The calculation is given taking into account the fact that the heating boiler will not operate at full capacity.

You can read reviews on how to work with liquid fuel boilers on the Internet.

Single-circuit boilers

Most often, liquid fuel boilers are single-circuit. They are the easiest to buy. In order for you to provide hot water in your home, you will need to install a hot water tank.

The price for it is not so high, it is quite affordable. Most often, an indirect heating boiler is purchased. His work is based on the fact that the water is heated from the boiler coolant.

If you decide to buy a liquid fuel boiler, you should know that they also have disadvantages. The biggest downside is the noise. The noise comes from the operation of the burner. In order to ensure comfortable operation of the device, you will have to build good sound insulation in the boiler room so that the noise does not pass into the living quarters.

In addition, some may be deterred by the price of all the necessary equipment, and the complexity of the ongoing work on setting up liquid fuel boilers. This is a fairly serious investment, which later will pay off anyway.

Fuel characteristic

When operating oil-fired boilers, it is very important which fuel the burner operates on. This is explained by the fact that units designed for diesel engines categorically do not accept waste oils, the same fuel oil. Sometimes some manage to run on alternative fuels, but this leads to the supply of additional accessories, which greatly complicates maintenance. Either way, the burner may break.

Burners that can operate on fuel with impurities, with unstable performance, most often operate on diesel fuel, but their price is much higher than other devices. Sometimes the price can be several times higher, which scares off potential buyers. The price for which it is proposed to buy a used oil burner can be from three thousand dollars and more.

Why then buy expensive burners that have a complicated design? The fact is that they are much cheaper to operate, as they are designed for cheap energy. Diesel is the most expensive of all fuels. So, if we take 100 percent of the output heat as the fuel consumption indicator for a diesel engine, then only 25-30 percent of the used oil will be consumed (meaning the final cost).

Based on the data above, it becomes clear that waste oil boilers will pay off over time and will not be so expensive for the owner. Before you decide to buy a liquid fuel boiler, be sure to weigh the pros and cons so that you don’t end up burning out on cheap prices. You can first save during the purchase, so that later you can spend more money. Otherwise, it is preferable to spend well at the very beginning in order to subsequently choose the cheapest fuel.

Summary: pros and cons

So, you have decided to purchase a liquid fuel boiler. You already more or less understand some of the intricacies of its operation. It remains to sum up some results, highlighting the pros and cons.

Positive sides

  • high level of efficiency;
  • high rate of power, as well as automation;
  • no need to service the unit every day, automatic fuel supply;
  • if desired, you can switch to another type of fuel (liquid-gas, gas-liquid);
  • if you install a waste oil burner, you can reduce fuel costs;
  • there is no need to coordinate the installation.

Negative sides

  • high costs at the initial stage - installation, configuration, purchase additional equipment(if necessary);
  • high prices for diesel fuel;
  • regular maintenance, additional investments;
  • the unit takes up a lot of space;
  • high noise level during burner operation;
  • for the unit to work, it needs a special room.

As you can see, the individual shortcomings that liquid fuel boilers have are completely redeemed by their positive qualities. If you follow the rules of operation, and do not save on maintenance, a liquid fuel boiler will become a reliable source of heat for your home.

Diesel heating devices are considered economical - in terms of fuel consumption. But they show themselves as such only at freely located facilities that are located in industrial regions. The rather impressive price of fuel prevents the active use of units in agricultural areas, in summer cottages and in village cottages - the difficulty of providing an entrance for a tanker. Despite conditional limitations in application, the equipment is in demand.

Technical characteristics of domestic liquid fuel boilers - application specifics

"Dacon" (Prexal and NM) easily cope with contaminated fuel oil, diesel fuel. A clear example of how much stronger liquid fuel heating boilers become when the fire tubes are supplemented with turbulators, the combustion chamber is expanded with a stainless steel sleeve. Models are compatible with any external programmers, have the following parameters:

  • power (kW): 17-90;
  • dimensions (W/H/D, mm): 780x880x1345.

"Kiturami Turbo 9U - 30U" are designed for space heating up to 350 m2, the organization of hot water supply in systems with an analysis not exceeding 20.7 l / min. Trying to reduce the predicted shortcomings, the authors of the versions expanded the functionality of the remote control and installed special burners. Options properties:

  • productivity (kW): 10-40;
  • dimensions (mm): 360×650×920.

"Ferroli" Atlas is freely complemented by boilers with a volume of 135-300 liters. It will suit those who are looking for an environmentally friendly liquid fuel heating boiler, completely ready for operation: the burners are adjusted, adapted to the consumption of EL-diesel. Variety indicators:

  • power (kW): 11-30;
  • dimensions (mm): 500x850x400

"Roca" CPA 10, the presence of automatic tracking and control modules allows you to make an element of the "smart home" scheme. The solution is distinguished by noticeable advantages in terms of convenience, safety, and efficiency. His data:

  • performance (kW): 58-233;
  • dimensions (mm): 880x1015x1608.

Liquid fuel floor boiler Navien lst-30k white-silver

"Navien LST" is recognized as one of the most compact in the class, but it prepares water faster than some large "brothers" (28 l / min.). The device was created as part of a project that made oil-fired heating boilers suitable for use without a chimney. The exhaust structure here is successfully replaced by the BCSA 0510 kit, which removes gases through outer wall. Series Qualities:

  • power (kW): 13-60;
  • dimensions (mm): 327x543x777.

Kroll KV and Lamborghini (EXA and MEGA PREX) have a guaranteed efficiency of 90%. The improved principle of operation applied by them made it possible to arrange the fire tubes in a circle, to perform fiberglass insulation, which significantly increased the calorific value, helped to achieve the following results:

  • performance (kW): 75-209;
  • dimensions (mm): 1195x7x1608x1015.

"Clean Burn" was the first to prove the correctness of using devices that produce heat by burning mining in mini-productions. Entrepreneurs giving feedback about them on international conferences, especially emphasize the ease of operation, reliability. The industrial range includes heating boilers for liquid fuel WOS-30, Unika-22, DanVex. Group guidelines:

  • power (kW): 58-150;
  • dimensions (mm): 1300x500x500.

Household versions of the same solution first embodied Unical Recal, the walls of the chambers of which protect the ribs. Spacers prevent cooling of surfaces, increase the temperature of the coolant. Later, Termobile, Teplamos and Belamos, equipped with smart indicators and photocells, replenished the line of “home” devices, which the instructions prescribed to feed with used oil. The same features of the devices:

  • productivity (kW): 20-70;
  • dimensions (mm): 760x905x830 (570x675x640).

I suggest you take a look at a few interesting videos to get the most complete picture of the operation of liquid fuel heating boilers, including the increasingly popular waste oil boiler.

Principle of operation

The fuel from the tank is drawn (usually by pumps) into the heating section. No matter how branded and proven the liquid fuel boiler is, it cannot process improperly prepared substances for a long time. Therefore, the degree is not set by the user, but by the corresponding automation. Upon reaching a certain temperature, the composition is sent through the complex fine filters through the main line to the nozzle. It provides a uniform drip flow into the base compartment.

Simultaneously with the spray valve, the arrester responsible for ignition is activated. When a fire appears, fans are started, which supply secondary air, designed to support the flame. The coolant warms up, circulation begins. The process by which the desired specifications equipment, accompanied by severe contamination.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main plus of diesel versions is independence. To put a heating boiler on liquid fuel, you do not need to bother about connecting to the main electricity or gas, to obtain permission from the organizations serving the building. Three points increase the popularity of systems:

  1. "omnivorous" (they consume any suitable mixture, from fuel oil to rapeseed oil);
  2. the simplicity of the structure, which means that there will be few breakdowns, and repairs will be cheap, short-lived;
  3. adaptability (currently produced liquid fuel heating boilers are equipped with burners capable of processing gas after a slight adjustment).

Firewood, electricity and methane are significantly cheaper than the substances needed to feed the described equipment. And they do not need to be stored in giant tanks. It’s good to think before buying such devices:

  1. the large weight of the base bunkers, due to which liquid fuel heating boilers most often have to be fixed on the floor;
  2. a tendency, with incorrect settings, to the formation of condensate, smoking;
  3. time and financial costs for additional fuel heating.

Liquid fuel for boilers: quality standards and storage conditions

For liquid fuel boilers, Luch Tepla recommends using two types of combustible materials that maintain optimal combustion, but at the same time do not harm heating devices. These are diesel fuel and fuel oil of light grades. They are easy to store and transport, do not contain a lot of ash and sulfur, and also have a low degree of viscosity, which guarantees ease of combustion.

Quality standards

According to foreign standards, all fuel for boilers is divided into two categories:

  1. furnace ( distillate);
  2. residual (fuel oil).

The first is produced by catalytic and thermal cracking of petroleum products and coking of residual fuel. About 60 percent of it is used to heat various buildings with autonomous systems heating. In the USA it is also called nozzle, in France - light, in the UK - household. However, calling heating oil diesel is incorrect. The fact is that in terms of severity it exceeds diesel fuel several times (in terms of fractional composition). But both are suitable for heat supply.

Based on GOST 305/82, diesel fuel is divided into:

  • A (arctic);
  • Z (winter);
  • L (summer).

In addition, the sulfur content is taken into account. All this information is displayed in the brand designation. In addition, the pour point and flash point are also important. For example, summer fuel is marked as L / 0.2 / 40, where the first digit is the volume of sulfur, the second is the ignition temperature. And the coding Z / 0.2 / 35 indicates that this is an earthly fuel with a sulfur content of 0.2 percent and a freezing point of minus 35 degrees. The most frost-resistant is the Arctic brand of diesel fuel. It is designated as A / 0.4 / 50. The basic difference between all the indicated brands of fuel for liquid fuel boilers is low viscosity. Even at plus 20 degrees, it reaches from 3 to 6 cSt.

As for the presence of sulfur, last years the foreign market prefers boiler fuel with a content of this substance in the range of 0.005 percent by weight. It costs more, but is much better in terms of completeness and cleanliness of combustion. In addition, it is also ideal for condensing boilers, as there is no longer any need to neutralize the condensate. As a result, such diesel fuel endows boiler equipment with such important qualities as:

  • harmlessness of emissions into the environment;
  • reducing the cost of service maintenance of the heating device and the system as a whole;
  • fuel economy.

Storage conditions

Liquid fuel oil is stored under special conditions. This is due to the high degree of flammability of the material and its unsafety for environment. Therefore, it is placed in plastic or steel containers. Moreover, the former are preferable to the latter, since metal tanks are subject to corrosion both from the outside and from the inside.

While plastic ones are made from special high-strength polyethylene and can hold from 500 to 5,000 liters of fuel. They are interconnected by a special mount (fixed packages) and form batteries that have a direct supply to the heating boiler. However, the total volume of such storage should be within 25,000 liters, no more.

In addition, there are two types of tanks:

  1. single-walled;
  2. double-walled.

Tanks made of plastic with one wall are oriented to ground installation. They are located in such a way that in the event of a sudden leak, all fuel is securely contained and does not spread. Therefore, preference is given to rooms with a sealed lower part of the walls and impervious floors. It is also allowed to use special pallets. Their total volume must correspond to the volume of the tanks.

Tanks made of plastic with two walls do not have such requirements. They are simply equipped with diesel fuel leak control devices, which are mounted between the outer and inner shells. Double-walled tanks are designed for underground placement and storage of fuel in very large volumes - over 1,000 liters per tank.

With all this, the tanks must comply with a number of characteristics and be:

  • durable, but at the same time easily adaptable to specific conditions (unobstructed pass through any doorways);
  • resistant to temperature, chemical, mechanical, ultraviolet and other influences;
  • equipped with various strapping elements.

When placed in a domestic environment, boiler fuel tanks cannot be located near air ducts, chimneys, chimneys, or above furnace appliances. Also, they cannot be mounted in places of passage and aisle, on attics and roofs of offices, hospitals, individual housing construction, on stairwells (with the exception of combined housing of 2 apartments). Most best option- specially equipped cabinets, non-residential premises, boiler rooms, outbuildings, closed warehouses.

  • Device and principle of operation
  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • Conclusion

On the modern market, there are a lot of offers of various equipment for heating private houses and cottages, using various types of energy carriers to generate heat, from main gas and electricity to firewood and sawdust. But what to do and how to heat your home if natural gas is not connected to it, a small limit on electricity is set, and various types of biofuels are not available for various reasons? In this situation, there is only one alternative - heating boilers for liquid fuel (diesel fuel).

Varieties of boilers for diesel fuel

So, due to the inability to use other common energy sources, you decided to arrange liquid fuel heating in your home. It's time to choose a heating boiler, and here you should figure out what types of these products exist and choose the most suitable option. Manufacturers offer liquid fuel heating boilers of the following types:

  • diesel boilers;
  • universal units, they provide for the possibility of switching from diesel to natural gas;
  • diesel condensing boilers;
  • installations that burn all types of waste oils.

If in the foreseeable future there is no change in the situation with energy carriers, then your option is to heat a private house with a heating boiler of the first type, which burns only diesel fuel.

For reference. Most of these plants can also operate on liquid biological fuel, which is obtained from industrial crops (biodiesel). This option can be very useful if such an energy source is available to you.

Some homeowners who are looking for a heating boiler believe that they can burn their car waste in a diesel boiler. This is the wrong approach, and here are the reasons why:

  1. Not every burner device works on contaminated oils.
  2. The calorific value of liquid fuel is much higher than that of used oils. Accordingly, the areas of heat exchange surfaces are calculated for liquid fuel; during combustion, the efficiency will be much lower.
  3. Mining during combustion releases significantly more soot deposited in the entire smoke path. This can be a big problem when maintaining and cleaning fire tubes.

By their design, liquid fuel boilers are very similar to heat generators running on natural gas. Accordingly, many manufacturers offer universal hot water installations with alternate use of liquid and gaseous fuels. The transition from one type of fuel to another is carried out by replacing the burner. True, a universal boiler that runs on liquid fuel and main gas will cost you a little more.

If the area of ​​the heated room or building is less than 200 m2, and in the near future you expect to be connected to the gas pipeline, then you should not rush to purchase a universal heater.

The fact is that the cost of a boiler block and two burners may be higher than two separate full-fledged units. Therefore, at first you can put the boiler on diesel fuel, and after connecting to the main line, buy and install a gas heat generator. More detailed information You can find out by watching the video:

Domestic condensing boilers for diesel fuel are the most economical and efficient representatives of this family of heat sources. Manufacturers declare the efficiency of their condensing units at 97%, which is the highest among all other heaters. As usual, their cost is quite high and not every owner can afford to include such a high-tech product in the heating system.

It is very good if you have access to such a secondary resource as used car oil in sufficient quantities. Then, specifically for this purpose, there is a waste oil boiler, the product is manufactured and offered on the market by many manufacturers. Also, similar boilers for heating have been well mastered by various craftsmen who make home-made heaters.

Device and principle of operation

As mentioned above, liquid fuel heating boilers are structurally similar to two-way and three-way gas boilers. By virtue of their design, the products are produced in the floor version.

For reference. In boiler plants with a fire-tube heat exchanger, the combustion products can change direction several times, making several passes through the flame tubes and intensely transferring heat to the water jacket. According to the number of moves, the heat exchanger is assigned a characteristic - three-way or two-way.

The similarity lies in the design of the heat exchanger from the flame tubes enclosed in a water jacket. In the very center there is a chamber for burning fuel, only for a diesel unit it has a cylindrical shape. This is due to the design features of the burner device using liquid fuel. The main elements and details are shown in the figure.

installation of a Viessmann oil-fired boiler

A - outer heat-insulating shell; B - heat exchange surfaces of flame tubes; C - combustion chamber; D - electronic control unit; E - burner device.

In the products of leading foreign manufacturers, the firebox is made of heat-resistant stainless steel, budget domestic heat generators can also be made of ordinary thick metal. The material of the heat exchanger is cast iron or steel; basalt fiber or dense polyurethane foam is used for thermal insulation. A burner that runs on liquid fuel and is of particular interest, its design with a breakdown of the elements is shown below.

Diesel burner drawing

A - air control throttle; D - block of the ignition system with a flame control sensor; E - fuel line; F - fan motor; G - pump; K, H - supply and return pipelines for fuel; I – electromagnetic valve; L - fault signal reset button; M - automatic heating control; N - console; O - ignition cable; P - electrodes of the ignition system; R - cylindrical working part; S - mixing device; T - nozzle; U - rod with fuel heater; V - air intake device; W - burner body; X - air channel; Y - fan impeller.

The working part is made in the form of a cylinder with many holes through which the flame passes. When the combustion of fuel occurs, the flame of the burner heats the cylindrical walls of the furnace, as shown in the photo.

Diesel burner operation

A special container is intended for fuel, it can be free-standing or suspended from the wall, a supply line is laid from it to the burner. Some burners have a return fuel line to relieve pressure, then the installation of the boiler and its connection are provided by two pipes - supply and return, going into the fuel tank. Ignition is performed automatically at the command of the control unit.

Brief description of the work process

The combustion of diesel fuel has its own characteristics, as well as the principle of operation of a heating boiler for liquid fuel. To begin with, the fuel needs to be heated to a certain temperature, usually 50 ºС. For this purpose, the burner is equipped with a heating element. When the fuel pump has created pressure in the line, the control unit turns on the heater and ensures that the temperature of the diesel fuel in the tubes remains 50 ºС.

After warming up, the controller turns on the fan and, using the solenoid valve, opens the fuel supply to the nozzle. The latter sprays it, and the fan supplies air, at the same moment a spark jumps on the ignition electrodes and the air-fuel mixture ignites. Further, the burner switches to the normal mode of operation of the diesel boiler. The intensity of combustion is controlled by an air supply throttle connected to the fuel pump. When the heating system warms up or the fuel tank is empty, the controller turns off the burner and, if necessary, restarts it.

Many homeowners are interested in the question, how much does a diesel fuel boiler consume fuel in operating mode? The answer depends on many factors such as climatic conditions, the degree of insulation of the building, the quality of diesel fuel and so on.

Based on various practical observations, it can be said that for heating a house with an area of ​​150 m2 in the coldest time and operating the burner at full power, the mass fuel consumption of a diesel boiler will be about 2.5 kg / h. In the average mode, this figure can decrease by 20-30%.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of a diesel fuel boiler is that its use is possible in the absence of all energy carriers. The exception is electricity, it is still needed a little, approximately up to 100 W / h. Other advantages of oil fired boilers are:

  1. High efficiency index, the efficiency of the units lies in the range of 90-97%.
  2. The absence of inertia during shutdown, which will protect the coolant from overheating.
  3. A high level of automation (in foreign units), thanks to which it is possible to organize weather-dependent regulation of home heating.
  4. Possibility of switching to natural gas by replacing the burner.
  5. Small overall dimensions allow to put a heater in the small room.

As usual, in any business is not without flaws. In this case, the main disadvantage is the high cost. Expensive equipment, fuel and maintenance. The latter should be carried out quite rarely, manufacturers say, but in fact, our diesel fuel is no different good quality, and therefore there is a prospect of often fiddling with the burner. This also includes the cleaning of smoke pipes from soot, which inevitably occurs during the combustion of low-quality diesel.


Liquid fuel boilers for heating a private house, as a rule, are purchased for two reasons: often this is a forced and temporary step, made due to the lack of other energy sources. The second case is when there is access to cheap fuel, because its cost is the main obstacle to the popularity of this family of boilers.


Boilers for liquid fuel - an overview of models and the choice of the best option!

For a comfortable stay in a private house in a temperate or northern climate, it is necessary to equip a heating system. Unfortunately, cottage owners do not always have the opportunity to connect to a centralized heating system. And in such situations, liquid fuel boilers are purchased - you can find an overview of models and choosing the best, or rather, tips on choosing excellent equipment here.

Liquid fuel boilers - an overview of models and choosing the best

Device Features

What is a liquid fuel heating boiler? This is a special device, with proper operation, safe and technologically advanced, which, by processing liquid fuels (in other words, by burning), turns them into heat, which heats the entire residential building. At the same time, they cope with their task perfectly - it is not in vain that the owners of private houses praise them.

Oil fired boiler

We also note that a liquid fuel boiler not only heats residential premises, but also heats water (although this depends on the heating system as a whole and on the type of device). Using these boilers is very convenient and comfortable, as they are fully automated - the owner only needs to add fuel in a timely manner.

On a note! As you know, there are not only liquid fuel boilers - there are devices that run on solid fuel, gas, electricity. They differ from each other in the type of raw materials used for work. Another unit for liquid fuel differs from gas in that it has some design features - a special burner-fan is built into it.

Boiler device diagram

Unfortunately, even those who initially use a liquid fuel device often do not know by what principle this heat generator is able to heat the whole house. First of all, it is worth saying that the aforementioned fan burner just forces the fuel to enter the chamber, where it is burned and heat is released. The burner is also responsible for the safety and high productivity of the device - the fuel is sprayed during feeding, mixed with clean air, and only then does ignition occur.

Another important part of a liquid fuel boiler is a heat exchanger and a coolant. During the ignition of the fuel in the chamber, the released heat completely envelops the heat exchanger, heating it, and due to the heating of this part, thermal energy is transferred forward to the coolant. The emission itself (“exhaust”) exits through the chimney to the street.

The next important element of the heating boiler is the heat exchanger, which is made of steel or cast iron.

Thermal fluid Thermagent Eko

The whole system is enclosed in a durable case, which has thermal insulation. And the ongoing process is monitored by automation - everything works almost without human intervention.

Liquid fuel boiler Viessmann Vitorondens 222-F

Types of boilers and fuel

Depending on the type of device and its purpose, there are two main types of liquid fuel boilers.

Table. Types of liquid fuel boilers.

Heating boiler EKOM-350 is being worked out

Attention! Not always a double-circuit boiler is better than a single-circuit one. In some homes, the need for hot water is much lower than for heating, which means that it is easier to install a single-circuit boiler and a boiler for heating liquid than to use a two-circuit unit.

Also, liquid fuel boilers may differ in the material from which the heat exchanger is made. For example, it can be both cast iron and steel - both of these materials are reliable and safe, but cast iron rather than steel accumulates and stores heat energy better. At the same time, cast iron is heavier, but it has a long service life, and steel is lighter, but it also lasts less.

Liquid fuel boilers are also domestic and industrial.

The boiler can work on different type liquid fuel - there are boilers that run on oil, diesel fuel or mixtures of these liquids.

  1. Diesel boilers use special heating kerosene, which has its own GOST-305.
  2. In devices that work on waste oil, transmission and engine oils from cars are used. It is also acceptable to use ATF lubricating fluid, which at the same time has a necessarily mineral or synthetic base. But at the same time, it is important to clarify the ignition temperature of this type of fuel - it should not be more than +204 degrees.
  3. A mixture of these two liquids can be used as fuel, but it is important to ensure that it does not contain other types of impurities (eg water) or abrasive particles.

Characteristics of various liquid fuels

Liquid fuel boiler is easy to convert to gas

On a note! Some models of oil-fired boilers can be converted in the future to work on gas. But it is advisable to install such a device only if gas is supplied to the site in the future. It is better to entrust the re-equipment of boilers to specialists in order to avoid damage to equipment and sad consequences.

Types of oil burners

Advantages and disadvantages

Heating units for liquid fuel, like any other technical device, have their advantages and disadvantages. To make the right choice and know what to be prepared for, you need to familiarize yourself with them.

Oil heating boiler

Advantages of liquid fuel boilers:

  • the possibility of using as heaters for residential buildings, enterprises, non-residential premises;
  • independence from the system central heating;
  • the operation of the device is automated;
  • lack of smell and noise during operation;
  • reliability;
  • very high efficiency (about 95%);
  • safety.

Oil fired boilers have many advantages

Disadvantages of oil-fired boilers:

  • the need for storage for fuel - a special container is needed;
  • high cost of equipment;
  • the need to equip the boiler room - an individual room for installing the device;
  • chimney installation;
  • relatively high cost of liquid fuel.

Diesel heating of a private house

Choosing a boiler

How to choose a boiler that runs on liquid fuel, so as to be completely satisfied with it? Will help make it step-by-step instruction.

Step 2. Decide what type of boiler you need - single-circuit or double-circuit. You can read about the advantages and necessity of installing one or another type above. However, a cheaper option, most likely, will be just a single-circuit boiler.

Decide on the number of circuits

Step 3. Choose which material suits you best - cast iron or steel. Experts recommend purchasing cast iron boilers, as they are more reliable and keep heat better.

Decide on the material

Oil fired boiler Sime Rondo

Step 4. If in the future you plan to switch the heating system to gas, then be sure to consider this when choosing a model. The fact is that some of the boilers are quite easy to convert, and then buy just such a boiler.

The basic device of the burner

Step 5. Estimate how much money will be spent on the boiler furnace. Each type of device and each model needs different amounts of fuel. And to make it easier to decide, calculate which boiler will suit you in terms of power. To do this, perform a simple thermal calculation. At the same time, consider the number of doors and windows, the thickness of the walls and ceilings of the house, its dimensions, as well as the number of people living there. For example: in a house where the ceiling height is 3 m, and the walls are well insulated, about 1 kW is needed for every 10 m2 of area. Usually the salesmen of the boilers help to make the calculations.

Power, in turn, depends on fuel consumption. The consumption of diesel fuel per hour is taken as follows: multiply the burner power by a factor equal to 0.1. And consider the oil consumption as follows: multiply 1 liter by 100 m2.

Table of the main options for calculating the boiler

Step 6. Remember that you need to equip and storage for fuel. Also think about what fuel you would like to purchase the unit. Remember: it is easier to turn a diesel generator into a gas one.

Step 7. Be sure to read reviews about various types and device models before making a purchase. Often, buyers try to sell not the best, but expensive equipment. Tips and recommendations on the network can save you from mistakes.

Oil boilers

Popular Models

To make the right choice and finally buy a heating boiler, you should get to know the main models better. It is the ones described below that are most often installed in houses for the purpose of heating them.

Choose a manufacturer

Typically, boilers are purchased from the following companies:

  • Ferroli (Italy):
  • Protherm (Slovakia);
  • De Dietrich (France);
  • Kiturami ( South Korea);
  • Buderus (Germany).

Table. Popular models of liquid fuel boilers.

This series of models is produced by De Dietrich (France). Boilers are made of cast iron, have a power of 21 to 39 kW. They can be provided with one of three systems for adjusting the operation of the unit (the buyer can choose) - manual, remote, automatic adjustment. It is possible to convert to gas with the condition of replacing the burner. The model costs approximately 71,200 rubles.

Delta Pro 25/45/55

Manufacturer - Belgium (ACV). The purpose of these installations is domestic use, mainly not only for heating, but also for providing the residents of the house with hot water - a tank for heating water is connected to the heating circuit. The liquid is heated to +30 degrees in about 10 minutes. The boiler can be converted to use gas fuel. The cost is from 160,000 to 202,000 rubles.

Kiturami STS Oil

South Korean boilers are in great demand due to their low price (from 28,920 rubles). However, they are of excellent quality. They are made of stainless steel, lightweight and durable, as well as compact.

Bison 30NL/40NL/ 50NL

Producer - Slovakia (firm Protherm). This range of models combines several units that work perfectly with liquid fuel. They differ in power, which directly depends on the number of cast iron sections in the heat exchanger. A viewing window helps to monitor the operation of the equipment. The units also provide water heating. Interestingly, the manufacturer calls the boilers the names of animals. The equipment can be converted to use gas fuel - the burner is purchased separately. Cost: 46,100 - 74,600 rubles.

Olympia OLB

These Korean boilers serve at least 10 years, according to the manufacturer. Their power starts from 11 kW. The units are equipped with a turbocharged burner built inside. Due to this, it was possible to achieve noise reduction. Boilers of higher power (from 40 kW) are equipped with a burner with gear pumps. The boiler will cost from 38,580 to 49,850 rubles (depending on the specific modification).
The manufacturer of these boilers is Germany (Buderus). They work perfectly on liquid fuel, if necessary, they are easily converted to gas. Differ in reliability, efficiency, safety. Very economical - this was achieved through a unique control system that monitors weather conditions and is called Buderus Logamatic. And, which is also very important, the boilers of this company look very presentable. The average market value is about 125,580 rubles.

Video - Selection of a diesel boiler

Like any other device, a liquid fuel boiler is a potential source of danger - smoke, fires, and so on, however, following these recommendations will help minimize the risks:

The boiler should be cleaned regularly. The fact is that a layer of soot, having a thickness of about 2 mm, increases fuel consumption by as much as 10%. Be sure to clean the nozzles in the burner, injecting liquid fuel. Check the boiler at least once a year. It is best to invite an experienced specialist to carry out preventive work.

Remember that timely maintenance of a liquid fuel boiler will ensure its long and faithful service without interruption. Therefore, do not neglect cleaning - it will cost much less than buying a new boiler. And absolutely all models of installations need cleaning, regardless of price and quality.


What are the advantages of liquid fuel boilers for the home

By installing a liquid fuel boiler for the home, you can solve several problems at once: get a heat source for heating residential premises and hot water, in sufficient quantities. Before purchasing a heat generator, take into account the features of operation that affect the choice, possible heating costs and cost.

Types of domestic liquid fuel boilers

Heating boilers for private houses and cottages with liquid fuel are classified according to several criteria. It is customary to divide boiler equipment according to the principle of operation and the type of fuel used:

Oil-fired domestic boiler plants are also classified according to build quality. Made in factory conditions, differ in reliability and safety. "Self-made" installations are explosive and fire hazardous.

Is it profitable to heat the house with a liquid fuel boiler

The first heating systems of country houses with liquid fuel boilers were practically free. The owners of service stations, motor transport columns and car parks were ready to give up work, almost for nothing. From the consumer, it was required to pay the cost of electricity. On this moment, the cost of liquid fuel has increased significantly, but factory boilers have become more economical. To determine the economic benefits of installing liquid fuel boilers for heating residential buildings, consider several important aspects their operation:
  • The cost of installation and connection - the costs are reduced to the installation work and payment for the boiler piping. Obtaining additional documents and permits is not required. The difference with a gas boiler becomes obvious when you consider that only for connecting to the central highway, in some regions of the Russian Federation, 80,000 - 120,000 rubles will be required.
  • Liquid fuel consumption - to obtain 10 kW of heat per hour, you will need to burn about 1 kg of energy. The costs are affected by the ambient temperature, the absence of errors in connecting the heat generator. The average consumption of diesel fuel per year, for a house of 100 m², will be 4-5 tons, used oil, 6-7 tons.
Connecting a liquid fuel boiler with a large margin of productivity leads to an excessive consumption of fuel by 10-15%. For this reason, the preliminary calculation of the boiler is performed by a specialist. The power reserve should not exceed 10-15% of the actual need for thermal energy, taking into account the hot water supply.

How to choose a boiler for heating a house with liquid fuel

Domestic liquid fuel heating boilers are manufactured by European and domestic companies. When selecting suitable model, take into account several operational characteristics:
  • Power - calculations are done by a specialist. Preliminary calculation is performed according to the formula 1 kW = 10 m².
  • Functionality - single-circuit models, work for heating, double-circuit, connected to heating systems and hot water supply. In some models with two circuits, there is a built-in storage tank that provides a uniform supply of hot water during peak loads on hot water supply.
  • The price of the boiler is the most expensive, German boilers are presented exclusively in the premium class. In the middle price category, boilers from Korean manufacturers are offered, equipped with an automation system and multi-level protection. The cheapest in the price segment is domestic boiler equipment.
In addition to the selection by power, functionality and price category, the heat generator is chosen, depending on the brand of the manufacturer.

Liquid fuel boilers of which companies are better

Liquid fuel boilers are no longer a rarity, as in the early nineties, two thousand years. Modern heating devices are produced by several dozen enterprises, both world leaders in the production of heating systems, and little-known companies. The following brands enjoy the reliability and invariable demand of the Russian consumer:
  • Kiturami.
  • De Dietrich.
  • Navien.
  • Gecko.
  • Vaillant.
  • 5Energy.
  • Olympia.
  • Viessmann.
In the list, models of domestic liquid fuel boilers are especially highlighted. Advantages - unpretentiousness to the quality of the raw materials used, the resistance of automation and the pump to voltage drops.

Requirements for installing a liquid fuel boiler in a house

Installation of a liquid fuel heating boiler in a private house must comply with the requirements fire safety and building codes. Installation work is carried out in compliance with the following recommendations:
  • Under the boiler room, use a ventilated room with the presence of natural and artificial lighting. Forced supply and exhaust ventilation is required.
  • The walls of the boiler room are lined with non-combustible materials: ceramic tiles, plaster.
  • The operation of the boiler is accompanied by high-intensity noise - soundproofing of the boiler room is provided.
  • Sanitary standards for the installation of the boiler recommend the use of exclusively technical and non-residential premises, fenced off from the corridor and living rooms by a door.
  • Installation of a liquid fuel boiler is carried out taking into account fire breaks. The chimney pipe, when passing through the floor slab, walls and roof, is installed in a special groove.
For convenient operation and maintenance, the boiler is placed in a boiler room with sufficient area to ensure free access to all important components of the device.

Experience in operating liquid fuel boilers - pros and cons

Heating boilers for individual residential buildings, cottages, summer cottages, on liquid fuel, have several significant advantages. There are also disadvantages that affect operation:
  • Advantages - modern liquid fuel heat generators, these are economical boilers with a high degree of heating automation. Fuel is available in any region of the Russian Federation. For household connection, there is no need to obtain permits and carry out approvals. An additional plus is the possibility of further conversion to natural gas, as well as operation on any type of liquid fuel.
  • Disadvantages - when burning raw materials, a large amount of soot is formed. You will have to clean the mining boiler every 2-3 days, in diesel fuel, approximately once a week.
Considering all the advantages and disadvantages, in an area where there is no central gasification, this is the optimal boiler for heating and getting hot water.


Liquid fuel heating boilers: device, types, overview of popular models

Efficient and economical liquid fuel heating boilers make it possible to achieve complete autonomy from a centralized gas pipeline. Reflecting on the installation of the unit, it is necessary to understand its device, the principle of operation and the features of operation. The choice of a boiler should be based on a comparative assessment of the characteristics and functionality of different models. An important factor is the reputation of the manufacturer.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid fuel boilers

Liquid fuel boilers, despite the ability to efficiently heat a building and technical excellence, are not as common as gas or solid fuel heat generators.

Equipment that runs on diesel fuel or mining is very popular in countries Western Europe.

Our compatriots consider the installation of a liquid fuel unit as an alternative method of heating in the absence of a centralized gas supply line

Among the significant advantages of a liquid fuel heating boiler are:

  1. High work efficiency. The efficiency of most models reaches 95%. Fuel is consumed practically without loss.
  2. Great power. The performance of the units allows you to heat both compact living quarters and spacious production workshops.
  3. High level of work automation. Boiler long time functions without human intervention.
  4. Autonomy from energy sources. Except for electricity. If necessary, you can get by with a generator.
  5. Possibility of transition to gas fuel.

There are additional advantages of such equipment. The installation of the boiler does not require approval and obtaining permission. In addition, the absence of a gas pipeline greatly facilitates installation work.

Many models provide for climatic adjustment of the boiler - installation of a comfortable temperature regime in the house, taking into account the temperature outside

Difficulties in the installation and operation of a liquid fuel boiler:

  1. High fuel costs. With intensive use of the equipment, the annual fuel consumption can reach several tons.
  2. A separate building is being built for fuel storage. As an option, a warehouse with containers made of opaque plastic or steel is equipped in the ground. Important condition- Sun protection.
  3. The unit must be placed in a separate room with good ventilation and a powerful hood.
  4. If the diesel boiler house is located close to the house, then additional sound insulation will be required - the burner makes noise during operation.

When equipping underground fuel storage facilities, it is necessary to take into account the hydrogeological characteristics of the area.

The device and principle of operation of the boiler

Liquid fuel units operate on the same principle as gas units. The main difference lies in the use of a fan burner (nozzle). The type of device largely determines the efficiency and economy of the boiler.

The main working units of the heat generator

Structural elements of a liquid fuel boiler:

  • burner;
  • the combustion chamber;
  • heat exchanger;
  • chimney;
  • Control block;
  • frame.

The liquid fuel heating installation is completed with a line with a pump that provides fuel supply and a fuel storage tank.

To improve the performance and efficiency of the device, manufacturers are improving the models by supplementing the device with various heat exchange plates and chimney pipes.

Burner. The main module of the plant, responsible for the preparation of the fuel-air mixture and transferring it in the amount necessary to maintain the operation of the heat generator.

The oil burner is fan type. The supply and injection of fuel into the combustion chamber is carried out under pressure - forced air is blown

Standard equipment for a burner for a liquid fuel boiler:

  1. Ignition transformer. Generates a spark that ignites the fuel.
  2. Control block. Defines the start-up phases, monitors and stops the burner. The connection of a photocell, an ignition transformer and an emergency shutdown sensor is provided.
  3. Solenoid valve. Adjusts the supply of fuel to the combustion chamber.
  4. Air regulator with filter. The device normalizes the air supply, preventing the ingress of solid particles.
  5. Preheater. Changes the state of the fuel, reducing its viscosity. The more liquid fuel enters the nozzle hole, the more economically it is consumed.
  6. Fuel overflow pipe. It connects to the tank, where the fuel is heated.
  7. Flame pipe. Through the main, thermal energy enters the place of heating of the coolant, which then circulates in the heating system.

The burner can be initially built into the boiler without the possibility of increasing the power of the unit. Mounted modules allow you to modify equipment.

Adjustment of the mounted burner is carried out by a specialist at home. The advantage of the module, built-in at the factory, is the quick commissioning of the boiler plant

The combustion chamber. In fact, this is a heat-resistant container with an inlet and outlet. As a rule, it has a round or rectangular section.

Heat exchanger. Through the walls of the heat exchanger transfers thermal energy to the coolant. In modern models, the coating of this element is made according to the principle of a radiator device - this allows you to maximize the use of thermal energy obtained during the combustion process.

A burner and a door are fixed on the front section of the heat exchanger. The number of sections and the area covered by the heat exchanger determine the power of the boiler

Chimney. Air intake is carried out from the street or from the boiler room. When supplied from the outside, the air is supplied through a coaxial chimney or through a separate channel. To improve efficiency, the smoke channels are equipped with steel plates - the exhaust gases form turbulent flows that reduce their speed. Traction is maintained.

Control block. Automation is designed to maintain the set temperature. Auxiliary functions reduce the cost of boiler operation. From a technical point of view, weather-dependent units are considered the most advanced, which change the heating temperature of the coolant based on the readings of external sensors.

Frame. All elements of the system are enclosed in a durable heat-insulating case. This "shell" reduces heat loss and increases the efficiency of the boiler. Outside, the case is pasted over with a layer of heat-insulating film, which remains cold when heated and protects the operator from burns.

How is space heating

The whole process of generating heat in a liquid fuel boiler and transferring heat energy to heating radiators can be divided into several stages.

The principle of operation of the thermal unit is based on the preparation of a mixture of fuel and air with its subsequent spraying in the combustion chamber.

Stage 1. Diesel fuel or other fuel is poured into the storage. The fuel pump supplies liquid to the burner - pressure is created in the pipeline. At the same time, the fuel pump, using sensors, determines the quality of the fuel and the percentage of its thickening.

Stage 2. Diesel fuel enters the preparation chamber. Here the fuel is mixed with air, the mixture is heated and diluted.

Stage 3. The fuel-air composition is supplied to the nozzle. Under the action of the fan, the mixture is sprayed and the fuel mist is ignited in the combustion chamber.

Stage 4. The walls of the chamber are heating up. Due to this, the heat exchanger and the coolant are heated. Warm water enters and circulates in the heating system.

Stage 5. During the combustion of a combustible substance, gases are formed that are removed through the chimney. Rushing outward, the smoke passes through a series of heat exchange plates and also gives off its heat.

When fuel is burned, soot is formed. To maintain the efficiency of the boiler at the proper level, the walls of the combustion chamber must be periodically cleaned

Varieties of liquid fuel models

All oil-fired boilers can be classified according to the following criteria: scope, functionality, type of adjustment, material of manufacture, type of fuel used and method of installation.

Household and industrial units

The main indicator that determines whether a boiler plant belongs to one of the types is power. Household models are produced with power from 6 to 230 kW. This is enough to heat small houses with an area of ​​​​50 square meters. m and large country cottages of 2200 sq. m.

The performance indicator determines the fuel consumption in a liquid fuel heating boiler - it takes about 1 kg of diesel fuel per hour to produce 10 kW of heat. Household units are designed for the maximum allowable operating pressure - 4-6 bar.

The power of industrial liquid fuel boilers ranges from 500 to 12000 kW. Heavy-duty models work to heat buildings with an area of ​​​​more than 15 thousand square meters. m. Management of industrial heating units is fully automated.

Industrial boiler equipment is divided into hot water and steam boilers. The former heat water under pressure, while the latter generate superheated or saturated steam.

High-power heat generators are used in block-modular boiler houses - autonomous stations for the generation of steam and heat. Steam generators are in demand in the food, furniture industry, wood processing, oil production and feed production

Single and double-circuit heating boilers

Single-circuit boilers are designed exclusively for space heating. They are connected to radiators, and the coolant circulates through a closed heating system. Such a unit does not heat water for domestic consumption - this must be taken care of separately by installing a boiler.

Double-circuit models are more functional. Boilers provide heating of the house and supply of warm water to different points of water intake (shower, washbasin, etc.). The design of the equipment provides for an additional heat exchanger to provide hot water.

Double-circuit boilers are equipped with instantaneous water heater or storage boiler. When using the "flow" the water will be colder than with the built-in storage tank

Types of equipment according to the method of regulation

The operating mode of the boiler is determined by the type of burner installed. According to the type of adjustment, all devices are divided into several groups:

  • single-stage;
  • two- and three-stage;
  • modulated.

Single-stage modules operate on the principle of alternating switching on and off. After heating the coolant to a certain temperature, the flame goes out, and after cooling, the burner turns on again. Such burners are inefficient - they lead to excessive fuel consumption.

Burners of "one mode" are installed on boilers with a power of not more than 200 kW. Leading companies are phasing out their use

Two- and three-stage devices operate in the following modes:

  1. Two-stage modules operate at 30 and 100% capacity. After the maximum heating of the water, the burner is reconfigured to the reduced performance mode. This allows you to reduce fuel consumption by 5-10%.
  2. Three-stage operate at 30-60-100% of power. Achieved efficiency and high thermal efficiency of the device.

Modulated - the process of fuel combustion is regulated automatically. The intensity of the flame is affected by: the temperature inside and outside the building, the quality of the fuel and the set mode. The range of power change is 10-100% of productivity.

Microprocessor automation determines the composition of the fuel-air mixture, the optimal fuel supply rate to the nozzles and pressure.

Fifth generation boilers are equipped with modulating burners. Compared to two- and three-stage devices, they are 15% more economical

Cast iron or steel heat exchangers

Manufacturers equip heating units with cast-iron or steel heat exchangers. The material of manufacture affects the efficiency and durability of the boiler.

Cast iron models are distinguished by a long service life - more than 30 years. However, they are quite “capricious” and, with a critical temperature difference between the “return” and “supply”, can crack. The temperature difference between the inlet and outlet water must not exceed 20°C.

If the boiler will be used periodically, for example, during visits to the country, then it is better to choose a model with a steel heat exchanger. Heat-resistant steel is less durable, but steadily endures temperature changes.

A boiler with a steel heat exchanger is cheaper than an analogue with a cast-iron module. Steel models are presented in the product line of Kiturami and Viessmann

Types of boilers by type of fuel

As a fuel material in liquid fuel boilers, diesel (diesel oil) or waste oil is most often used. Externally, diesel installations do not differ from their counterparts working on the "working out". The main difference is in the technical component.

The boiler uses clean, certified diesel fuel. When burning fuel, the formation of ash is minimal. This allows the use of a firebox and fire tubes of smaller diameter in the design.

The combustion of waste oil occurs with a copious emission of ash. There is no turbulator in the boilers for "working out" inside the smoke tubes, and all the sediment is deposited in a special smoke chamber.

In devices that run on waste oil, transmission and engine oils from cars are used. It is advisable to install such boilers at service stations, agricultural equipment bases and auto enterprises

Floor and wall models

According to the method of installation, wall and floor units are distinguished. Mounted boilers are compact, easy to install, but inefficient. Their power is enough to heat the premises, the area of ​​which does not exceed 300 sq.m.

Floor-mounted liquid fuel boilers are more bulky and productive. These include all industrial units and high power household models.

Overview of models from leading companies

A worthy niche in the heating equipment market is occupied by liquid fuel boilers from foreign manufacturers: ACV, EnergyLogyc, Buderos Logano, Saturn, Ferolli and Viessmann. Among domestic companies, Lotos and TEP-Holding have proven themselves well.

Universal boilers ACV Delta Pro

The Belgian company ACV sells models of the Delta Pro S line - double-circuit boilers with a built-in boiler. The power of heating units is from 25 to 56 kW.

Delta Pro S boilers are supplied with a burner of the customer's choice - either BMV1 for oil or BG2000 for propane and natural gas

Technical and operational features:

  • heat exchanger material - steel;
  • polyurethane foam insulation of the body;
  • work on diesel fuel or gas;
  • control panel with thermometer, regulating thermostat.

The liquid fuel boiler "adjusts" to the season - a winter / summer switch is provided.

The efficiency of Delta Pro S boilers is 92.8%. The time for heating water for a DHW system depends on the capacity of the installation and ranges from 16 to 32 minutes

EnergyLogyc units - intelligent automation

Waste oil boilers of the American company EnergyLogyc differ from analogues in automated processes of burner adjustment and fuel combustion. Waste oil, diesel fuel, vegetable oil or kerosene are used as fuel.

In the device, the size of the furnace and the cross-section of the fire tubes are increased - this allows you to effectively use the "development" and reduces the amount of work on cleaning the boiler

EnergyLogyc liquid fuel units are available in three versions:

  • EL-208V - power 58.3 kW, fuel consumption - 5.3 l / h,
  • EL-375V - productivity 109 kW, fuel consumption - 10.2 l / h;
  • EL-500V - thermal power - 146 kW, fuel material consumption - 13.6 l / h.

The maximum temperature of the heat carrier in the presented models is 110°С, the working pressure is 2 bar.

Boiler EL-208V is suitable for space heating for various purposes: cottages, greenhouses, car services, production workshops, warehouses, private houses and offices

Buderos Logano - German quality

The Buderos company (Germany) produces diesel boilers, nozzles, burners and other equipment necessary for the operation of heating system. The range of power characteristics of the units is 25-1200 kW.

The efficiency of Buderos liquid fuel boilers is 92-96%. The equipment operates in a fully automatic mode, the fuel material is diesel fuel. Heat exchanger made of gray cast iron or steel

Buderos Logano boiler plants are produced in two series:

  • Buderos Logano category "G" - designed for private use, their power is 25-95 kW;
  • Buderos Logano category "S" - equipment for industrial use.

The units feature a streamlined design, convenient system controls, built-in silencer.

Domestic boilers Buderos Logano are supplied with built-in and adjusted burners for diesel fuel. The device can be completed with a pumping group, a security system and expansion tank

Boilers of the Korean company Kiturami

Floor double-circuit coppers of Kiturami of the Turbo series are intended for domestic use. The power of the units is 9-35 kW. Distinctive features models:

  • provision of heating and hot water supply for premises up to 300 sq.m;
  • the boiler heat exchanger is made of high-alloy steel;
  • additional DHW heat exchanger is 99% copper, which increases the heating efficiency;
  • antifreeze and water are suitable as a coolant.

A distinctive feature of Turbo models is the presence of a turbocyclone burner. It functions on the principle of a turbocharged car engine.

In a special metal plate, secondary combustion occurs due to high temperature. This allows you to economically consume fuel and reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

Kiturami Turbo can work in the following modes: "Shower", "Sleep", "Presence", "Work/Check" and "Timer". The control panel is moved to the front side of the case

Video about the operation of liquid fuel boilers

Watching video materials will help you understand the device and the principle of operation of liquid fuel heating units.

Comparison of a diesel boiler and a unit operating on a "working out":

How the Kiturami Turbo 30R works:

Which connection of heating radiators is better in a private house