What do college volunteers do? From the experience of organizing the volunteer movement of KBMK students in order to promote healthy lifestyles. Organization of a volunteer movement to promote healthy lifestyles

GBOU SPO "Ufa forestry - technical school"

student volunteer movement


The name of the program

Volunteering program

"Time has chosen us"

on 2015 - 2016"

Basis for development

Order of the Head of the Administration of the Kirovsky District of the Urban District of the city of Ufa dated 06.06.2015 No. 455 "On holding a competition for the best organization of the work of volunteer associations for the prevention of offenses among the secondary schools of the Kirovsky district of the urban district of the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan"

Core Developers

Members of the Crime Prevention Counciland antisocial phenomena among students, members of the public narcological, student council of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Special Education "Ufa Forestry - Technical School".

Program goal setting

Education of an intolerant attitude towards actions that are harmful to physical and moral health, intellectual self-realization of the individual, as well as instilling the norms of a healthy lifestyle, public morality and tolerance

Initiation and development of teenage youth volunteer movement for the prevention of social dangerous diseases


Initiation and development of the volunteer movement;

Suppression of distribution and use

narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances;

Improving volunteer work on the prevention of antisocial behavior and substance abuse;

Strengthening the drug prevention system;

Scientific and methodological support for the development of a new direction in the prevention of teenage volunteer movement;

Development and testing of various models of the organization of the teenage movement for the prevention of socially dangerous diseases;

Ensuring effective interaction of adolescent volunteer services with all structures,engaged in primary prevention.

Implementation timeline

1 September 2015 - December 31, 2016

Program Implementation Stages

First half: 201 5 – 2016 academic year

Creation of an information data bank on persons in need of preventive care;

Creation of criteria for selecting program participants. Recruitment of new volunteers;

Development of a regulation on the volunteer movement;

- deployment unified system prevention;

strengthening interagency cooperation volunteers in the organization of preventive work;

Creation of a monitoring system for the preventive work of volunteers;

Second semester: 2015-2016 academic year

- full functioning of the volunteer movement for the prevention of antisocial behavior;

Further development ongoing scientific and methodological developments;

Practical implementation of the methodology innovative technologies and methods of conducting anti-drug and other preventive work

Evaluation of the results of the work of volunteers, generalization and dissemination of experience.

Popularization of the ideas of youth participation in the volunteer movement.

Main directions of the program

Studying the experience of Russian volunteers in the prevention of substance abuse;

Adaptation existing programs on the prevention of antisocial behavior with the involvement and active participation of volunteers;

Conducting round tables, meetings, conferences, with the involvement of specialists from various fields for the exchange of experience, mutual information and joint determination of the point of application of the initiative and the efforts of volunteers.

Coverage of volunteer activities

associations in the media, providing them with information about upcoming events held by volunteers.

The main executors of the program

Volunteers from among the students of the technical school

Social teacher

College health worker

student council

Assigned to an educational institution

interdepartmental specialists (district

authorized, workers

law enforcement,

narcological dispensary doctor, etc.)

Expected results of the program implementation

As a result of the implementation of the program, it is expected:

Improving the quality and effectiveness of work on the prevention of drug addiction and other forms of antisocial behavior;

Creation of an active negative attitude towards drug use among students;

Students' value attitude to their health;

Volume increase social services provided to students in difficult life situation

Program execution control

Control over the implementation of the Program is carried out by the administration of the technical school together with the Council for the Prevention of Offenses and Asocial Phenomena among Students of the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Special Vocational Education "Ufa Forestry - Technical School", the Council of the Student



The issues of prevention of antisocial behavior of young people are decisive in the modern period. Their positive solution is possible on the basis of a systematic approach.

The progress of the implementation of the volunteer program “Time has chosen us” at the Ufa Forestry Technical School showed that the target program is an effective tool for a comprehensive solution to the problems of organizing counteraction to drug abuse and organizing crime prevention, as well as other forms of antisocial behavior of young people.

To this end, the college develops and implements new efficient technologies primary prevention of antisocial behavior, initiatives in the field of primary prevention coming from the youth themselves are supported and developed, a new, more democratic system of interaction with parents, psychologists, teachers and other professionals working with children is being built. One of the forms of such interaction can be a volunteer movement for the prevention of drug addiction and other forms of antisocial behavior.

The main goal of initiating a student youth volunteer movement is to reduce risk factors and involve young people in a healthy lifestyle.

The implementation of previous targeted programs in the educational institution laid the foundations for a systematic approach to preventive work. The studies carried out at the technical school testify to the absence of facts of the use and distribution of drugs among students, and no cases of crimes have been recorded. Increased attention on the part of the administration of the technical school to the organization of work on prevention, the formation of a healthy socio-psychological educational environment, the strengthening of the material and technical base for organizing creative leisure and youth employment.

The proposed program is designed for the entire academic period with a possible extension or development of a new program.

The program provides for the implementation of a set of measures aimed at ensuring a systematic approach to the implementation of the prevention of antisocial behavior (drug addiction, smoking, crime, manifestations of extremist sentiments), improving the forms and methods of preventive work, and intensifying the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

When developing the Program, all directions for the organization of studentvolunteer movement aimed at combating drug abuse, organizing preventive offenses over the past years, as well as new tasks for the prevention of terrorism and extremism.

The implementation of the program activities requires the concentration of efforts of all structural divisions in the State Budgetary Educational Establishment SPO "Ufa Forestry - Technical School".


The main goal of the program is education of an intolerant attitude towards actions that are harmful to physical and moral health, intellectual self-realization of the individual, inculcation of healthy lifestyle norms, public morality and tolerance, initiation and development of student youth volunteer movement for the prevention of socially dangerous diseases.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the followingmain goals:

Initiation and development of teenage volunteer movement.

Prevention of the spread and use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances among students of a technical school;

    improvement of volunteer work on the prevention of asocialbehavior and substance abuse;

    strengthening the drug prevention system;

    scientific and methodological support for the development of a new direction in the prevention of student volunteerism.

    development and testing of various models of organization of studentmovement for the prevention of socially dangerous diseases.

    ensuring effective interaction of student volunteer services with all structures involved in primary prevention.


Volunteering is a volunteer movement developed in many countries of the world, aimed at improving life and is an important part of building a humane civil society.

Volunteer movements - These are free unions of people united by some kind of interest.

Volunteers - These are groups of people who diversify society. Since volunteers work directly with the community, they better understand and hear their problems, they are the first to try to solve them...

Addictive behavior - behavior associated with the use of drugs, alcohol or other psychoactive substances that occurs before physical dependence has formed on them.

Antisocial behavior - behavior that deviates from the implementation of moral standards, inconsistent with the requirements of society.

Risk group - a category of persons in whom hereditary factors, conditions of development and upbringing, personal and functional characteristics determine an increased likelihood of developing states of maladjustment that contribute to the development of neuropsychic, psychosomatic diseases, antisocial (delinquent) behavior, auto-aggression and leading to a decrease in the effectiveness and reliability of professional training and official activity.

Deviation - deviation from the norm.

Deviant behavior - this is a deviation from the norms accepted in society, unacceptable by society, condemned by public opinion from the standpoint of morality or law.

Drug - a chemical agent that causes stupor, coma, or insensitivity to pain. In the conventional medical and legal sense, the term "drug" is often used to refer to illicit narcotic drugs.

Offense - a type of activity that is contrary to legal norms.Crime - an action that violates the criminal law of the country.

psychoactive substance - a substance that, when consumed, affects mental processes. It is currently accepted to distinguish the following

groups of psychoactive substances: alcohol, toxic substances, narcotic substances.

Social support - dyadic interactions in which one person experiences distress, while another tries to support her.

Tolerance - means respect, acceptance and a correct understanding of the rich diversity of cultures of our world, our forms of self-expression and ways of manifestation of human individuality. Tolerance is a virtue that makes peace possible and promotes the replacement of war with a culture of peace.

Terrorism - extreme form of manifestation of extremism.

Extremism - Violent change in the foundations of the constitutional system; public justification of terrorism and other terrorist activities; incitement of social, racial, national or religious hatred; propaganda and public display of Nazi paraphernalia.


The program highlights the main areas in the field of preventive work:

    Studying the experience of volunteer organizations in the prevention of substance abuse.

    Adaptation of programs for the prevention of antisocial behavior with the involvement and active participation of volunteers.

    Conducting round tables, meetings, conferences, with the involvement of specialists from various fields for the exchange of experience, mutual information and joint determination of the point of application of the initiative and the efforts of volunteers.

    Coverage of the activities of the volunteer movement on the website of the GBOU SPO "Ufa Forestry - Technical School", providing information about upcoming events held by volunteers in the GBOU SPO "Ufa Forestry - Technical School.


Activities for the implementation of the main directions of the Program are systematized in priority areas in the field of prevention of antisocial behavior of young people:

1. Organizational and legal measures for the prevention of drug addiction,
offenses and manifestations of extremism.

2. Information and methodological support of work on
prevention of drug addiction, offenses, manifestations of extremism.

3. Improving the forms and methods of drug addiction prevention:

    Anti-drug propaganda and anti-drug education.

    Formation of a healthy lifestyle.

4. Prevention of offenses and protection of the rights of minors:

    Social prevention.

    Legal education.

5. Measures for the prevention of terrorism and extremist

    Events general prevention terrorism.

    Propaganda prevention of extremist manifestations.

The use of volunteers is possible in many areas of activity

such as:

    Conducting preventive classes or trainings.

    Carrying out mass actions, exhibitions, competitions, games.

Dissemination of information (through the distribution of printing, posting posters, work in their social environment).

    Initial consulting and support.

    Training of other volunteer teams and participants.

Creative activity. Mass actions, creating posters, brochures, videos.

Collection (questionnaires, testing, surveys) and data processing.

Expert activity for assessing the quality of services.


The program is developed taking into account the legislation Russian Federation and legislationRepublic of Bashkortostan: "On the basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation", the law "On Education"; Federal Laws “On Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances”, “On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency”,

Responsible executors activities of the program are the deputy director for educational work, heads of departments, a social pedagogue, curators of groups, teachersgeneral humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, medical worker technical school, head of the library, student council and interdepartmental specialists assigned to the educational institution (district commissioner, law enforcement officers, doctor of the narcological center, etc.).

Coordination of activities and overall control the execution and implementation of the program is carried out by members of the Council for the Prevention and Offenses of Asocial Phenomena among Students of the Ufa Forestry-Technical School.

By decision of the director of the technical school, the progress and results of the implementation of the program activities can be considered at administrative meetings.


The effectiveness of the Program, subject to the responsible attitude of the performers to the implementation of the planned activities, should be evidenced by the following indicators to be achieved by the end of 2015:

Popularity of the idea and activities of the student volunteer movementon primary prevention of drug addiction and other forms of antisocial behavior.

An increase in the number of volunteers who are willing and able to engage in preventive work.

    Inclusion in the work with volunteers for the prevention of highly professional personnel.

    Constant replenishment of the number of students of the volunteer movement through the recruitment and training of new volunteers.


for 2015 – 2015 academic year




Responsible persons

Organizational and legal measures in the activities of volunteers

Creation of a volunteer student association in the direction of crime prevention among youth "Time has chosen us"

03.09.2015 – 05.09.2015

Development of the Regulations on the volunteer student association in the direction of crime prevention among young people "Time has chosen us"

08.09.2015- 11.09.2015

Deputy Director for VR Zaripova A.A., social worker teacher Kireeva R.R., student council of the technical school

Creation of an additional sector for the prevention of offenses among students in the student council of the technical school and the assets of training groups

03.09.2015 – 05.09.2015

Approval of the work plan of the sector for the prevention of delinquency among students for the academic year


Social teacher Kireeva R.R., student council of the technical school

Establishment of a bank legal documentation on the organization of crime prevention

Volunteers, Deputy Director for VR Zaripova A.A.,

social teacher Kireeva R.R., class of instructors

Approval of the regulation on holding a competition among the study groups of the technical school in order to improve academic performance, student attendance of classes and their maximum employment after school hours "The best group of the technical school" for the 2015-2015 academic year


Stud. college council, volunteers,

Deputy Director for VR Zaripova A.A., social worker teacher Kireeva R.R., head. departments Ikhsanova G.V., Nabiev I.V.

Creation of a campaign brigade from among student volunteers, an asset of the student club "Iskra"


Ganeeva G.M.

Development and approval of the regulation on the competition among the study groups of the technical school "The Best Volunteer Action"


Sector of the student council of the technical school for the prevention of offenses, class hands-li, volunteers

Organization of volunteer actions within the framework of the contest "The Best Volunteer Action" in the Kirovsky district of Ufa


Deputy director for VR Zaripova A.A., social teacher

Kireeva R.R.

Thematic trainings for volunteers on the formation of a communicative culture

November December

Teacher-psychologist Galimzyanova L.A.

Development and approval of the regulation on the competition of campaign leaflets on the prevention of offenses and the promotion of healthy lifestyles among the study groups of the technical school with the invitation of specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus and law enforcement agencies


Sector of the student council of the technical school for the prevention of offenses, class leader, head of the health center Askarova R.R., social teacher Kireeva R.R.,

Development and approval of the regulation on the competition of social videos on crime prevention among the study groups of the technical school with the invitation of specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus and law enforcement agencies


Sector of the student council of the technical school for the prevention of offenses, class hands-li,

head of the health center Askarova R.R., social teacher Kireeva R.R., deputy director for VR Zaripova A.A.

Organization of annual monitoring by volunteers by questioning students to identify cases of substance use


Volunteers, student council of the technical school, teacher-psychologist Galimzyanova L.A.,

Summing up the results of the monitoring


Volunteers, student council of the technical school

Organization of the performance of the propaganda team among the students of the secondary schools of the Kirovsky district of the city of Ufa

Organization of the speech of the propaganda team in educational institutions, youth clubs on the territory of the Kirovsky district of Ufa

Deputy director for VR Zaripova A.A., social teacher Kireeva R.R.

Summing up the work of the volunteer association for the academic year


Student council of the technical school,

Deputy Director for VR Zaripova A.A., social teacher Kireeva R.R.

Information and methodological support of the volunteer movement

Providing accommodation information material on the prevention of offenses and promotion of healthy lifestyles at the stands of the technical school

Throughout the year as they arrive


Ensuring the placement of information material on the prevention of offenses and the promotion of healthy lifestyles on the official website of the technical school

Throughout the year as they arrive


public relations sector stud. college council,

curator of the sector Rakhmatullin R.R., editor of the newspaper Gabdullin D.N., head of the health center Askarova R.R., deputy director for VR Zaripova A.A.

Ensuring the placement of information material on the prevention of offenses and promotion of healthy lifestyles in the newspaper of the technical school "Forest Spetsnaz"

Throughout the year as they arrive


sector of public relations of the student council of the technical school, curator of the sector Rakhmatullin R.R.,

editor of the newspaper Gabdullin D.N., head of the health center Askarova R.R., deputy director for VR Zaripova A.A.

Familiarization of students of the technical school with the schedule of sports sections, creative circles of the student club "Iskra".

03.09.2015 – 05.09.2015

Sector of cultural and mass work, sports work of the student council of the technical school, head

Preparation of the script for the speech of the propaganda team for the prevention of offenses

17.11.2015- 21.11-.2015

Student club active, volunteers, head of the student club

Ganeeva G.M.

Development guidelines for volunteers to carry out preventive work with adolescents during their work in educational institutions, adolescent and youth clubs on the territory of the Kirovsky district of Ufa

As needed

Deputy Director for VR Zaripova A.A., social worker teacher Kireeva R.R.,

stud. college council

Replenishment of the library fund with documents and literature on crime prevention and healthy lifestyle promotion

During a year

Head of the Department of the Museum and Library Tuzhilova V.V.

Preventive actions

A preventive conversation aimed at protecting student youth from problems associated with trafficking drugs, with the invitation of specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus and the Department of the Center for Public Security and Prevention of Minors in the Kirovsky District of Ufa


Sector of the student council of the technical school for the prevention of offenses, social. teacher Kireeva R.R.,

head of the health center Askarova R.R.,

Preventive raid to prevent and detect the use of psychoactive substances in the dormitory of the GBOU SPO "Ufa Forestry Technical School" at the address: Ufa, Sverdlova St., 60 with the invitation of specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus and the Directorate of the Center for Public Safety and Prevention of Minors in Kirovsky district of Ufa


Student council of the hostel, educators, social teacher Kireeva R.R.,

head of the health center Askarova R.R.,

Anti-drug Internet - lesson "I have the right to know!" using materials from the website of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia

During a year

Student council, social teacher Kireeva R.R., deputy. director for BP Zaripova A.A., head. departments Ikhsanova G.V., Nabiev I.V.

Registration of students in sports sections and creative circles

During a year

Sectors of cultural and mass work, sports work of the student council of the technical school

Participation of study groups in the competition "The best group of the technical school"

During a year

Student council of the technical school, active study groups, volunteers,

Conducting a competition among the study groups of the technical school "The best volunteer action" on the territory of the technical school, Kirovsky district of Ufa


Sector of the Student Council of the Technical School for the Prevention of Offenses, class leaders, volunteers, heads of departments Ikhsanova G.V., Nabiev I.V.

International No Smoking Day:

Design of an information stand

Action "Break a cigarette or a cigarette will break you"

Poster Contest "Make Your Choice"


Social teacher Kireeva R.R.,

class hand-whether

Conducting a training seminar for members of the student council of the technical school and volunteers on the topic: "Providing first aid to victims of poisoning with toxic and psychotropic substances" with the invitation of specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus

Social teacher Kireeva R.R., head of the health center Askarova R.R., volunteers, student council of the technical school

Speech by the propaganda team among students of the Ufa Forestry College


Student club active, volunteers, head of the student club

Ganeeva G.M., Deputy Director for BP Zaripova A.A.

Speeches of the agitation team among the students of secondary schools of the Kirovsky district of the city of Ufa

In agreement with the administration of secondary schools of the Kirovsky district of Ufa

Deputy Director for VR Zaripova A.A.

Speeches of the campaign team in educational institutions, youth clubs in the territory of the Kirovsky district of the city of Ufa

In agreement with the education department of the Administration of the Kirovsky district of Ufa

Deputy Director for VR Zaripova A.A.

Holding a competition of propaganda leaflets on the prevention of offenses and promotion of healthy lifestyles among the study groups of the technical school with the invitation of specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus, law enforcement agencies


Sector of the student council of the technical school for the prevention of offenses, cl.ruk-li, heads of departments Ikhsanova G.V., Nabiev I.V.

Conducting a competition of social videos on the prevention of offenses and promotion of healthy lifestyles among the study groups of the technical school with the invitation of specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus and the Department of the Center for Public Safety and Prevention of Minors in the Kirovsky District of Ufa


Sector of the student council of the technical school for the prevention of offenses, class of hands, heads of departments Ikhsanova G.V., Nabiev I.V.,

head of the health center Askarova R.R.,

social teacher Kireeva R.R.,

Deputy Director for VR Zaripova A.A.

Organization of the " round table» on the topics of crime prevention and the prevention of substance use among young people with the invitation of specialists from the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia for the Republic of Belarus, the Department of the Center for Public Safety and Prevention of Minors in the Kirovsky District of Ufa, and other law enforcement agencies


Sector of the Student Council of the Technical School for Crime Prevention

Holding book fairs for technical school students in the reading room for the purpose of preventing offenses and promoting healthy lifestyles

According to the library plan

Head of the Department of the Library and Museum Tuzhilova V.V.

Organization and holding of holidays, leisure evenings, reviews, competitions

Deputy Director for VR, head of the student club, head of departments Ikhsanova G.V., Nabiev I.V.,

stud. college council

Participation of students of study groups in events, competitions, leisure evenings

According to the work plan of the student club "Iskra"

Cultural-mass sector of study groups,

cl.ruk-li, head of departments Ikhsanova G.V., Nabiev I.V.

Formation of a healthy lifestyle

Carrying out the autumn l / a cross, dedicated to the memory of Svetlana Garms


Deputy director for VR Zaripova A.A., head of physical education Lukmanov F.N., teacher Musin A.Kh.,

sports sector of the student council of the technical school

Conducting a student Spartakiad among the study groups of the technical school

Scheduled throughout the year

Head of physical education Lukmanov FN, curator of sports. student sector. college council

Musin A.Kh.,

sports sector student council

Questioning of students in order to improve the conditions and quality of food in the canteen of the technical school


Volunteers, social teacher Kireeva R.R.,

head of the dining room Safina M.R.,

head of the health center Askarova R.R.

Promotion " healthy eating»


Student council of the technical school, volunteers,

social teacher Kireeva R.R.,

head canteen Safina M.R.,

head of the health center Askarova R.R.

Distribution of information and promotional material on the formation of a culture of a healthy lifestyle

During a year


public relations sector of the student council of the technical school

Raids to check the sanitary condition of student dorm rooms


Student council of the hostel, curator of the student council of the hostel

Gabdulmenova A.Z.,

head of the health center Askarova R.R.

Conducting a lecture hall "Health" for students of the technical school on the following topics:

- "Beauty and health";

- "Secrets proper nutrition»;

- "Pantry of vitamins";

- "Home Pharmacy";

- "Microbes and viruses", etc.



head of the health center Askarova R.R.

Deputy Director for VR Zaripova A.A.

Social pedagogue Kireeva R.R.

9. Supposed RESULT

Creation of a unified scientifically based model for the development of the student volunteer movement "Time has chosen us", taking into account the peculiarities and diversity of forms and methods of preventive work.

2. Recruitment and training to work with volunteers sufficient
number of prevention professionals.

3. Increasing the number of student volunteers working on the program
primary prevention of socially dangerous diseases.

4. Creation of a network of volunteer services, the main purpose of which is to reduce the risk of youth involvementto socially dangerous diseases.

The main result of the work under the program will be to reduce the risk factors for adolescents to become addicted to psychoactive substances through the work of volunteers and the formation in the course of this activity of a more responsible, persistent in difficulties and conscious in their choices.

Volunteer movement as a means of developing an active life position of students of the Zavolzhsky Polytechnic College

E.V. Ivashkina

Russian Federation, Yaroslavl

The priority task of the Russian Federation in the field of youth education is the development of a highly moral personality who shares Russian traditional spiritual values, has relevant knowledge and skills, is able to realize his potential in a modern society, ready for peaceful, active creation and defense of the Motherland.

The main goal of the pedagogical system of the Zavolzhsky Polytechnic College is the formation of professional and general competencies of the individual, allowing them to implement active self-development, self-education, and ensure inclusion in professional and social development. The tasks of the educational system are:

Updating the content of education, the introduction of active forms and methods based on the best pedagogical experience in the field of education;

Development of forms of students' inclusion in intellectual-cognitive, creative, labor, socially useful, artistic-aesthetic, physical-sports, gaming activities, including through the use of the potential of the system additional education children of organizations in the field of physical culture and sports, culture.

Ensuring the mobility of the pedagogical system of the college in accordance with the tasks relevant to the individual and society.

The staff of the Zavolzhsky Polytechnic College, improving the created pedagogical system and working on the introduction of new educational and educational technologies,is in constant search for new ideas, new areas of educational work that would contribute to long-term, positive results in educational activities.

The college staff always welcomes creativity and creative ideas of young teachers and students, skillfully combining them with the experience and knowledge of senior teachers.

One of the priority activities of the student and teaching staff of the college is the volunteer movement, which began to develop since 2005, in connection with the appearance in the structure of our educational institution of the Center for Vocational Rehabilitation of Citizens with handicapped health and disabled people.

Volunteering or voluntary activity (from Latin voluntarius - voluntarily) is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual assistance and self-help, official provision of services and other forms of civic participation, which is carried out voluntarily for the benefit of the general public without relying on cash reward.

Volunteers, from the point of view of the law of the Russian Federation - individuals, carrying out charitable activities in the form of gratuitous performance of work, provision of services (volunteer activities) .

The team had to work hard to create a comfortable pedagogical environment for all students, accessible conditions and adapted educational programs for the professional training of this category of students, to study and introduce new educational and educational means, to form tolerant relations among young people.

Activities to include students with disabilities and people with disabilities in the general pedagogical system of the college determined the first direction in volunteering - helping students with disabilities in social and professional adaptation, organizing the participation of such students in college events and beyond.

Very significant in the implementation of these tasks is the annual festival "Hearts will be opened for good", in which everyone, regardless of their state of health, participates.

main goalfestival is the development creativity young people with disabilities, helping them in socio-cultural rehabilitation and adaptation in society through:

Acquisition of communication skills with healthy peers, the ability to resolve problems, learning the methods of psychological self-defense, the ability to defend one's opinion;

Mitigation of the general background of emotional discomfort experienced by students with disabilities;

Overcoming anxiety, fears, uncertainty;

Formation of healthy lifestyle habits and normal leisure.

Here everyone will find something to their liking: someone writes the script, someone performs, someone helps with costumes and props.

In training sessions and extracurricular activities there is always an atmosphere of emotional comfort, cooperation and acceptance of the characteristics of each.

Largely due to participation in the volunteer movement and its focus on supporting students with disabilities and the disabled, these categories of students become successful in their professional, social, and creative activities.

For many years of included education, students with disabilities, along with absolutely healthy students, are engaged not only in training sessions and work practice, but also in extracurricular activities, which involve not just leisure, but active participation in social, creative and sports projects.

As S.Ya. Batyshev and A.M. Novikov, "activities organized outside of school hours are focused on the interests of young people, provide them with a choice, and to a greater extent contribute to their self-realization and self-determination" .

At present, it can be noted thatthe joint activity of healthy college students and students with disabilities has a positive effect on increasing the level of tolerance of healthy students to students with disabilities.

In their free time from compulsory studies, students choose not only forms of leisure, but also forms of classes.

It is impossible not to agree with S.Ya. Batyshev and A.M. Novikov that "the main pedagogical conditions, allowing to achieve the active involvement of young people in extracurricular activities are:

Personally-oriented information support for the inclusion of students in a variety of classes;

Designing by students their own extracurricular activities;

The readiness of teachers to manage the process of including students in extracurricular activities.

The mission of our volunteer team is to contribute to the physical and moral improvement of society, to make the life of those around us brighter and brighter.

The purpose of the detachment's activity is to have a positive impact on peers in their choice of life values.

Expanding the scope of its work, the Student Volunteer Squad is promoting a healthy lifestyle among college students. The events “We choose life!”, “Take a fresh free wind to replace a cigarette!”, “Health Day”, “Ministry of Health Warns” have become traditional.

The work of the volunteer team by 2014 was transformed into a project"Recipe for Good", which implements the first two areas of volunteer activity, and two new ones that are currently relevant:

Development of methods of active interaction on a voluntary basis between different social and age groups;

Implementation of the idea of ​​humane treatment of animals and the introduction of truly effective measures to reduce the number of stray animals (a promising direction).

By means of the volunteer movement, the main priority areas of the educational system of the college are implemented: civil and patriotic, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, the development of self-government, the development of an active life position of students, the creation of conditions for the development of students' creative potential.

Civil - patriotic education is aimed at developing in students a sense of civic duty, patriotism, love for people, mercy.

Participants of the project "Recipe for Good", implemented for three years, are students and teachers of the college, residents of the Zavolzhsky district of the city of Yaroslavl.

250 people take part in the project activities, 30 of which are volunteers.

The expected results of the project are:

1. The growth of social and social activity of students.

2. Increasing the desire to communicate with people of different generations.

3. The desire to be ready and involved in the problems of the people around.

4. Formation of a mature citizenship.

5. Formation of a tolerant attitude towards people of the older generation, different views and beliefs.

6. Involving the maximum number of students in participation in the project.

7. Formation of social - communicative, creative and organizational skills, positive value orientations all project participants.

Possible effect from the implementation of the Recipe for Good project:

1. Involving the public in the problems of veterans, the formation of a desire for constant care and attention.

2. Formation of skills of socially approved behavior among students.

Formation of the ability of students to plan and organize their activities, the formation of design and research skills of project participants.

3. Formation of tolerance in the relationship between generations

It is especially necessary to emphasize the importance of observing the principle of voluntariness, the inadmissibility of diktat and violence, formalism.

Implementing the Recipe for Kindness project, college volunteers became participants in the All-Russian campaigns St. George's Ribbon, Immortal Regiment”, gave a concert at the Gerontological Center dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

Bringing the idea of ​​the project to life, volunteers use various forms and methods of work:

Group lessons of volunteers with students. For example, “Make a Choice” healthy lifestyle conversations increase the positive effect of the session due to the belonging of students conducting classes with peers to the same generation, the ability to speak the same language, their success, attractive image, competence and accessibility.

Issue of posters, newspapers, leaflets, video materials;

Making an information stand;

Participation in promotions;

Interactive games;


Festivals, concerts and holidays;

Theme evenings.

The successful implementation of the main directions of the Recipe for Good project was facilitated by cooperation with social partners:

Institutions of additional education;

Youth public organizations Yaroslavl region;

Centers that work with young people with special needs.

College volunteers take an active part in volunteer city, district, regional actions.

A student of any course of study can become a member of the college volunteer squad. Volunteering, independence, responsibility and activity became the main principles of the detachment of our college.

The composition of the detachment is not fixed, depending on the interests and preferences of students, it may change. However, there is an asset that is the initiator of good deeds and to which college students join in the process of work, who want to participate in certain actions and are able to take responsibility for their implementation.

As noted by V.V. Yudin, “upbringing is, first of all, the formation of values ​​that are manifested in the typical motives of real activity.

The laws of pedagogy are true for both education and upbringing: the result is ensured by the activity of the child

Weight personal qualities: courage, kindness, politeness - sprout more easily in extracurricular activities, not to mention the fact that here, as with no other educational tasks, it is important to take into account the sympathies of the ward. The technology of education is set by the planned result, the subject-content sphere is chosen by the student at will and interests.

Thus, an active life position, the ability to interact and be included in the project are the qualities that a volunteer must have for successful work. By participating in volunteer activities, students of the Zavolzhsky Polytechnic College show themselves as tolerant, responsive, humane, responsible and disinterested individuals.

This is the main educational effect of volunteer student work.

Sources used

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 29, 2015 N 996-r Moscow "Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025" - "http://www.rg.ru/2015/06/08/ vospitanie-doc.html

2. Professional Pedagogy: Textbook. / Ed. Batysheva S.Ya., Novikova A.N. Edition 3rd ed., revised. - M.: Association "Professional Education", 2010. - 456 p.

3. Encyclopedia of social work / ed. E.I. Single. - M., 2003. - 346 p.

4. Yudin V.V. General pedagogical technologies: monograph / V.V. Yudin; International University of Business and New Technologies. - Yaroslavl: RIC MUBINT, 2007. - 179 p.

5. Yudin V.V. Technological design of the pedagogical process: monograph / V.V. Yudin. - Moscow: University book, 2008. - 302 p.


The article considers the concept of social activity of students, volunteering as the main form of social activity of young people. A study of the parameters and differentiation of the characteristics of social activity and volunteer activities of students of professional educational organization. The qualities necessary for students to participate in volunteer movements are determined.

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In modern economic conditions, volunteer activity is gaining popularity among students of professional educational organizations as one of the forms of social activity of young people.

Social activity is understood as independent readiness and initiative activity of students, which is based on a value attitude towards achieving the public good, constructively transforming the living conditions of both individual citizens and a whole group of people, forming socially significant personality traits.

One of the most common forms of youth social activity is volunteering, which is understood as a voluntary form of association to achieve socially significant goals, contributing to social activity and personal growth of its participants.

The principles of volunteering include voluntariness, independence, unity, universality, originality, interest, since volunteering involves work that does not need to be paid, because it itself contains remuneration.

Volunteer activity is organizational and regulatory, providing multi-level connections of a professional educational organization with social environment; technological, which determines the potential for prompt response of students of secondary vocational education to solving social problems; motivational, due to the main purpose of volunteering in the form of unpaid labor; prognostic, contributing to the design of individual trajectories of personality development.

Therefore, the positive aspects of organizing volunteering among SVE students include the following: firstly, college students feel that they are considered and are provided with a certain freedom; secondly, students work with greater dedication and clearer motivation; thirdly, students manage to avoid unpleasant feeling which occurs whenever they are forced to do something against their will.

In order to study the parameters and differentiation of the characteristics of social activity and volunteer activities of students of a professional educational organization, a study was conducted. The study involved 32 students from the 1st to the 4th year of the specialties "Social work", "Teaching in elementary grades", " Preschool education”, “Hotel service” and “Electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment (by industry)”.

In the course of the study, students were asked to write definitions: “social activity of youth” and “volunteer activity”, as well as highlight the main qualities? necessary for students to participate in volunteer movements. The received information was processed and studied by means of analysis.

A survey conducted among students, to draw the following conclusions.

To the question “What does the concept of “social activity of youth” include?” 56% of respondents (18 people) answered that participation in public (youth) organizations, projects, actions, events; 16% (5 people) understand it as “the involvement (participation) of young people in public life”, 12% - as “youth activity in social sphere»; 9% understand it as "an indicator of the interest of young people in the life of society", the remaining 7% mean "help to the needy (unprotected segments of the population" (Table 1).

Table 1. Results of answers to the question “What does the concept of “social activity of youth” include?”

To the question “What does the concept of “volunteer activity” include?” 62.5% (20 people) answered that social activity; in addition, 50% (16 people) noted that they understand volunteering as an opportunity to change lives for better people who surround me, and help the elderly; 47% answered that they participated in community work days for the improvement of the territory (Table 2).

Table 2. Results of answers to the question “What does the concept of “volunteer activity” include?”

Course of Study

the opportunity to change the lives for the better of the people around me

social activity

assistance to those who are being treated in hospitals and hospitals

participation in community work days for the improvement of the territory

help for the elderly

participation in donation

assistance to the disabled

participation in rallies, pickets, demonstrations, marches

At the same time, the relevance of volunteering was noted by 94% of the students surveyed.

Answering the question “What qualities do students need to have to participate in volunteer movements? (no more than 3 options)” 69% (22 people) indicated that goodwill; 62.5% (20 people) - responsibility and 59% (19 people) - activity (Table 3). To the least extent, college students indicated such qualities as leadership abilities (only 6% indicated) and altruism (only 12.5% ​​of people noted).

Table 3. Results of answers to the question “What qualities do students need to have to participate in volunteer movements? (no more than 3 options)»

Course of Study













In the study of social activity by college students, the following areas of activity were identified: 47% of the students surveyed noted good and excellent studies in college; 41% of the students surveyed noted their active participation in the life of the group or college; 16% of the students surveyed noted their active participation in sports; 9% of the students surveyed noted that they are members of a youth organization; 6% of the students surveyed noted that they are engaged in scientific work.

To the question “What does volunteering mean to you?” the majority of students (75%) indicated that for them volunteering is an opportunity to bring benefits to people at home; 19% of students indicated that for them volunteering means participating in public life; 9% of students indicated that for them volunteering is the good will of a person to show their activity; 9% - as a way to acquire new friends.

When examining the question of whether college students had ever taken part in volunteer activities, 47% of the students surveyed answered that they did not have to take part in volunteer activities (so noted by first and second year students), 47% of the students surveyed answered that they took part in volunteer activities earlier (students of the second, third and predominantly fourth year), 6% noted that they participate in volunteer activities from time to time.

As a result of the study, it was revealed that college students know such volunteer organizations as the Arkhangelsk Youth House, the Red Cross, the Snowman volunteer movement, Victory Volunteers, Sfera, Conservation volunteers, VSO, etc.

Would like to engage in volunteer activities in the framework of helping the homeless, vagrants, the disabled, the elderly - 44% of students; within the framework of ongoing actions to combat alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking - 22% of the students surveyed; patriotic activities - 25% of students; 12.5% ​​of college students would like to do search work; in the framework of providing assistance in hospitals, hospitals, boarding schools - 12.5% ​​of students.

In the study of the question “What prevents you from participating in volunteer activities”, 56% of students answered that lack of free time prevents them from doing volunteer work, 12.5% ​​- that they did not invite them to participate; 9% answered that there is no financial opportunity to participate in volunteer activities; 6% - noted the lack of inclination to such work and 3% answered that there is no information about organizations that are engaged in volunteer activities.

56% of the college students surveyed answered that volunteering is sufficiently developed in Arkhangelsk, the remaining 44% - that volunteering is poorly developed (for the most part, graduation courses answered this way).

Thus, the results confirm that volunteering is relevant among secondary school students. vocational education At the same time, volunteers must possess such qualities as goodwill, responsibility and activity. In most cases, college students would like to be involved in helping the homeless, the vagrant, the disabled, the elderly. The students themselves note that volunteering for them is more like a social activity, which manifests itself primarily through good study, active participation in the life of the group and the college as a whole.

Associating volunteer work among college students with the opportunity to bring benefits to people at home.

The students noted that the volunteer movement is generally developed in Arkhangelsk. At the same time, they are prevented from taking part by the lack of free time. In addition, there is a tendency in the socially active activity of students, which manifests itself in a shift from material interests towards spiritual ones (social activities, the opportunity to benefit people, etc.).

Therefore, for its development of volunteering among SVE students, it is necessary to provide a set of measures to increase the motivation for their participation. To do this, it is necessary to develop cooperation, partnership with other organizations in the field of volunteering.


  1. Azizova, L.V. The essence of the concept of "social activity" / L.V. Azizova // Scientific potential of regions for the service of modernization. - Astrakhan: AISI, 2012. - No. 1 (2). – 235 p.
  2. Chagin A. E., Kuimova M. V. On the role of volunteering in the student environment // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 10. - S. 1327-1329. – URL https://moluch.ru/archive/90/19268/ (date of access: 06/14/2018).

Sections: School administration

Each educational institution is looking for its own unique, individual handwriting in the work, which would contribute to the solution of the most important pedagogical task - the formation of a holistic, harmoniously developed and socially mature personality. Our school is no exception.
Today, we, like many of our colleagues, are in constant search for new ideas, new areas of educational work that would contribute to long-term, positive results in educational activities. Volunteer activity is one of such effective directions in our work.

Because volunteering is not only honorable and attractive, as it allows you to reveal the best human and civic qualities, demonstrates maturity, but also brings real benefits to society.

Volunteering in the college is carried out in four areas:

1. Healthy lifestyle promotion
2. Career guidance
3. Caring for WWII veterans
4. Extracurricular activities

So our students are future medical workers, then the most numerous teams of volunteers work to promote healthy lifestyles.

A good person is not one who knows how to do good, but one who does not know how to do evil...


One of the priority tasks of reforming the education system today is the preservation and strengthening of the health of the younger generation, the formation of a healthy lifestyle for them. Health-saving technologies are firmly included in the educational process. A special place in the formation of a healthy lifestyle is occupied by systematic educational work with young people.

An analysis of the situation in the country showed that the number of alcoholics and drug addicts is increasing every year. The scale and rate of growth of alcoholism and drug addiction testify to the need to involve the general public in this work. In this regard, the development of a youth volunteer movement to promote a healthy lifestyle is a significant area of ​​educational work.

Volunteers These are people who donate their time and energy for the benefit of other people. College Volunteer - Volunteer, Leader and Advocate healthy lifestyle life (HLS).

The main goal of the volunteer movement for the promotion of healthy lifestyle is: formation and approval positive attitude young people to health, confidence in the possibility of its preservation and improvement; mastering healthy lifestyle skills, as well as promoting the choice of behavior, healthy, became a strong motivation in later life.

Tasks to achieve the set goal:

  • to form a culture of health preservation among students, to promote a healthy lifestyle;
  • contain the involvement of students in the use of psychoactive substances (PSA) by promoting a healthy lifestyle;
  • to increase the social activity of young people by involving them in volunteer activities;
  • inform about opportunities useful leisure, physical education and sports, participation in creative associations;
  • Raise awareness through the media of adolescents and young people about leading a healthy lifestyle and avoiding bad habits.

The most effective activities for the implementation of this movement are:

  • Conducting UIRS on healthy lifestyle
  • Conducting preventive classes and trainings
  • Carrying out mass actions, exhibitions, competitions, games.
  • Dissemination of information, creation of posters, brochures.
  • Creative activity.
  • Development of station games, mass actions.
  • Collection (questionnaires, testing, surveys) and data processing.

How to prepare volunteers?

In the college, the need to develop a project (scheme) for the training of volunteers is due to the need to improve information and educational work on disease prevention among adolescents and youth, and increase its effectiveness.

Volunteers include both students directly involved in UIRS, and students who are not involved in UIRS, but who are interested in this movement. The implementation of the volunteer training project is based on the characteristics of the youth subculture. The training is based on the acquisition of the necessary knowledge (special training), the skills to promote a healthy lifestyle, the ability to conduct campaigns, attract new volunteers, plan and analyze the results of one's activities. As well as the development of qualities - sociability, goodwill, public speaking skills, organizational skills in the course of psychological training.

On the basis of educational and research works of students, an electronic data bank is formed, which is actively used by student volunteers.
Volunteers conduct lectures, talks with students of schools in the city and the region, students of primary and secondary specialized educational institutions, campaigns for the prevention of HIV infection, distribute leaflets, booklets, etc.
Practice shows that the effectiveness of activities carried out by volunteers is often very high. The psychological aspect is no less important: during the “peer-teaching-peer” campaign, student volunteers leading a healthy lifestyle act as a representative group, forming a healthy system of values. In addition, information received from peers is more credible.

This work consists of providing illustrative material, an informational message with a multimedia presentation, showing videos on the stated problem, and organizing a discussion. The completion of the work is feedback from the audience of listeners, during which students are invited to ask questions, express their wishes regarding a further meeting. Together with a group of volunteers, a curator, who is a college teacher, works.
The volunteer movement provides invaluable assistance in the formation of personal qualities (competencies) of a future mid-level medical specialist.

Organization of a volunteer movement to promote healthy lifestyles

No. p.p.

Name of the event

Approximate terms

Preparation and implementation of UIRS on healthy lifestyles for college students.

September October

Deputy Director for NMR
manager physical culture
Definition scientific works students for use in volunteer work to promote healthy lifestyles.

September October

Deputy Director for BP
Preparatory work with student volunteers to carry out preventive measures for a healthy lifestyle. Volunteer course

October November

Group curators
Heads of departments
Establishment of social partnership with schools of the city and the region: determination of the schedule for visiting schools by student volunteers Deputy Director for NMR
Carrying out activities to prevent bad habits and promote healthy lifestyles


Group curators
College Student Council
Creation of information material for preventive work


Deputy Director for NMR
Conducting a joint event for first-year college students and students of grade 11 schools: "The Great Five" College Student Council
Physical education teachers
Participation in city and regional actions dedicated to healthy lifestyles

During a year

Administration of the city and region
Conducting a survey among schoolchildren based on the results of the activities

During a year


In the process of implementing the volunteer movement, the college establishes relationships with numerous organizations of the city - social partnership.

Volunteer movement in the system

Raising the next generation

in the conditions of OGBOU SPO "Ryazan College of Culture"

Kudinova E.A. - teacher of special

Disciplines OGBOU SPO "RKK",

G. Shatsk, Ryazan region

Annotation: This article discusses the organization of the volunteer movement in the Ryazan College of Culture

Key words: volunteering, volunteer, social and cultural activities, students.

“People who are willing to devote time toto become part of history" - that's what volunteers are called.

Volunteering or volunteer activities(from voluntarius - voluntary) is a wide range of activities, including traditional forms of mutual assistance and self-help, official provision of services and other forms of civic participation, which is carried out voluntarily for the benefit of the general public.without any monetary reward. Volunteers, from the point of view of the law of the Russian Federation, are individuals who carry outcharitable activities in the form of gratuitous performance of work, provision of services (voluntary activity).

The student volunteer movement is one of the priority areas of educational work of the Ryazan College of Culture.

The development of student volunteer movement in institutions of secondary vocational education is effective way organization of the educational process of future specialists in the socio-cultural sphere.

In the process of participating in volunteer activities, future workers in the social and cultural sphere show themselves as tolerant, responsive, humane, responsible, disinterested individuals. This is the main educational effect of volunteer student work.

Volunteers of the College of Culture take an active part in volunteer city, district, regional actions.

So, for example, student volunteers participated in urban social and cultural events: "Our Park", "Spring Labor Landing", "Vote, otherwise you will lose!", Conducted by the local branch of the "Young Guard of United Russia".

In addition, teachers and students of the College of Culture have been going to the children's recreation camp "Forest Fairy Tale" (Sasovsky district, the village of Cape of Good Hope) for five years, where they give a charity concert for vacationers from boarding schools in the Ryazan region.

Important and significant for the volunteers of the College of Culture is the work to assist the participants of the Great patriotic war. Every year in educational institution the action "Help a Veteran" is organized. Students provide all possible assistance with household chores. Meetings are also held with participants in the war, former employees of the college - Telyaev L.I., Stikin A.V.

As part of the celebration of the day of the elderly, teachers and students constantly go to the temporary residence department for the elderly (House of Veterans) with concerts.

On the eve of 2013, teachers and students of the college actively showed themselves in the Regional charity event " New Year comes to visit!" With a theatrical game program, they visited the Chuchkovsky social rehabilitation center for minors, the Sasovsky social rehabilitation center, the Potminsky boarding school for mentally retarded children. For the fruitful socio-cultural and creative work of teachers and students, the administration of the College of Culture, represented by the director Lezhenkina L.A., received positive feedback, letters of thanks.

This action has become traditional already at the level of the College of Culture. This is the third time teachers and student volunteers visit social rehabilitation centers with gifts, and not only creative ones. Local entrepreneurs, young mothers M.A. Stepkova and Yu.V. Petrakova are actively involved in this work. On the eve of 2014, the participants in the theatrical performance "New Year's Trouble" were not only teachers and students of the college, but also the children of teachers, sponsors with their children.

In addition, students-volunteers under the guidance of coordinating teachers - Kolosheina A.I., Bulgakova M.I. constantly carry out trips to the "Sasovo Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors" with animated folklore entertainment and educational programs and game programs: "Butterfly fun", "Skomorosh fun", etc.

It should be noted that Yevgenia Raikovskaya, a student of the College of Culture, became a diploma winner of the regional competition "Marathon of Good Deeds" (Ryazan) in the "Volunteer of the Year" nomination for her active volunteer work.

Obviously, in the conditions of the Ryazan College of Culture, a lot of work is being done to promote the volunteer movement, both within the city and beyond. But there are a number of weaknesses that will certainly be eliminated in the near future.

In our opinion, it is necessary to create a permanent detachment of volunteers on the basis of the College of Culture under the guidance of a teacher-leader-coordinator. It is also necessary to update the educational and methodological complex, conduct trainings for teachers and students on teamwork, the development of leadership skills, the formation of communication skills, as well as master classes with the participation of representatives of charitable organizations and volunteer movements.

There is no doubt that volunteering is a great professional and life experience! By joining the ranks of volunteers and working on serious problems, people show their independence, creativity, an original approach to solving socially significant problems, which contributes to successful implementation in life and career advancement. After all, success is one of the factors that can improve relationships between people; it is a process that helps a person to believe in himself and his abilities; helps to avoid mistakes; support in case of failure. This is the basis of the concept of pedagogy for the success of students and teachers of the college of culture who carry out volunteer activities.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan believes that "at the heart of volunteerism are the ideals of service and solidarity and the belief that together we can make this world a better place" .

By implementing volunteer activities, teachers and students of the Ryazan College of Culture want to make the world a better place and withbecome part of the history of your country!

List of used literature

  1. Encyclopedia of social work / edited by E.I. Single. - M., 2003. - 346 p.
  2. wikipedia.org
  3. http://www.world4u.ru/volunteer.html